Summer & Fall - 2003 T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s HI Hemp Project Closed.................1 HIA vs DEA....................................1 Queen Mother of Hemp...................2 News: June...................................2-3 Events 2004....................................3 News: July...................................4-5 HIA Convention - Pine Ridge........5 News: August.................................6 Sax Art............................................7 News: September ...........................7 Lifetime Achievement Award.........7 News: October.............................8-9 News: November.......................9-10 Pollock Tshirts..............................10 President’s Message......................10 Hemp Industries Association www.theHIA.org H e m p I n d u s t r i e s A s s o c i a t i o n PO Box 1080, Occidental, CA 95465 Tel: 707 874 3648 Fax: 707 874 1104 Email: [email protected] http://www.HempIndustries.org http://www.HempStores.com http://www.TestPledge.com Low Omega-3 Levels Linked to 'Lows' NutraIngredients.com - June 30, 2003 Fatty acids may have a significant impact on mood in the elderly, say researchers in the Netherlands, showing that it is not just new mothers who could benefit from an omega-3 rich diet. Researchers from the Erasmus Medical Centre in Rotterdam compared 264 adults over 60 years old with depressive symptoms to 461 randomly selected reference subjects. In the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition it states that low levels of dietary omega-3 are associated with low levels of a brain chemical called serotonin, which contributes to depression. The team concludes: “ In community-dwelling persons, fatty acid composition is related to depression. Because this relation was not secondary to inflammation, athero- sclerosis, or possible confounders, it suggests a direct effect of fatty acid composition on mood." F e d e r a l C o u r t I n v a l i d a t e s D E A I n t e r p r e t i v e R u l e o n H e m p F o o d s June 30, 2003 CONCLUSION Because the DEA's rule is inconsistent with the THC regulation in effect at the time of its promulgation, it is a procedurally invalid legislative rule, not an interpretive rule. We therefore have jurisdiction under 21 U.S.C. § 877. The petition requesting that we declare the rule to be invalid and unenforceable is GRANTED. March 28, 2003 HIA and the Organic Consumers Assoc. petitioned the Ninth Circuit to once again prevent the DEA from ending the legal sale of hemp seed and oil products in the U.S. through their "Final Rule" and on April 16, 2003 the Ninth Circuit Court again issued a STAY. September 17, 2003 Federal Court Hearing A decision is expected within six months. “Retailers and manufacturers of hemp foods should be confident that we will win this case,” says David Bronner, a board member of both the HIA and Vote Hemp, and Chair of the HIA Food and Oil Committee. “The three judge panel seemed in agreement over our main argument that the DEA’s ‘Final Rule’ ignores Congress’ specific exemption in the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) under the definition of marijuana that excludes hemp seed and stalk from control. Based on the questions posed to the DEA, it appears the court reasonably views trace insignificant amounts of THC in hemp seed in the same way as it sees trace amounts of opiates in poppy seeds,” says Bronner. See Transcript at: www.VoteHemp.com The DEA Closed Down the Hawaii Industrial Hemp Research Project. October 2003 Dr. David West began to grow hemp varieties in Hawaii in 1999. The project obtained $200,000 funding for the first two years from Alterna Applied Research Labs, a California company that uses hemp oil in its hair-care products. West, an applied geneticist, is in the process of developing a root stock that can be used to grow hemp in Hawaii and other semi tropical regions.. The ideal prototype will be able to grow five cycles a year with high productivity. The last license expired in May 2003, and they received no word on whether they had been granted a new one. The same thing happened a year ago, when they went 11 months without a valid license before being approved. “When the DEA put the project on a temporary permit status finding funds and support became difficult, Rep. Cynthia Thielen said. "The disappoint- ing thing is we had hoped that industrial hemp would help Hawai'i's agricultural and small-business companies like it is in other nations where farmers are allowed to grow the crop." ***** Meanwhile, the state of North Dakota passed legislation for a $55,000 industrial hemp study, but has not yet received a permit from the DEA. Dr. Bronner’s & Gertrude Launch ALPSNACK made with hempnuts, with all profits going toward hemp advocacy! HUGE THANKS for your unwavering values and dedication, from all of us in the HIA. http://www.alpsnack.com

Hemp Industries AssociationFall.2003.pdf · Organic Hemp Protein Powder, containing 37% protein, 43% fiber, 0% net carbs, 9% beneficial fats (omega-3,-6, and -9 plus GLA), chlorophyll,

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Page 1: Hemp Industries AssociationFall.2003.pdf · Organic Hemp Protein Powder, containing 37% protein, 43% fiber, 0% net carbs, 9% beneficial fats (omega-3,-6, and -9 plus GLA), chlorophyll,

Summer & Fall - 2003

Table of ContentsHI Hemp Project Closed.................1HIA vs DEA....................................1Queen Mother of Hemp...................2News: June...................................2-3Events 2004....................................3News: July...................................4-5HIA Convention - Pine Ridge........5News: August.................................6Sax Art............................................7News: September ...........................7Lifetime Achievement Award.........7News: October.............................8-9News: November.......................9-10Pollock Tshirts..............................10President’s Message......................10

Hemp Industries Association


Hemp Industries Association PO Box 1080, Occidental, CA 95465 Tel: 707 874 3648 Fax: 707 874 1104 Email: [email protected] http://www.HempIndustries.org http://www.HempStores.com http://www.TestPledge.com

Low Omega-3 LevelsLinked to 'Lows'

NutraIngredients.com - June 30, 2003 Fatty acids may have a significantimpact on mood in the elderly, sayresearchers in the Netherlands, showingthat it is not just new mothers who couldbenefit from an omega-3 rich diet.Researchers from the Erasmus MedicalCentre in Rotterdam compared 264adults over 60 years old with depressivesymptoms to 461 randomly selectedreference subjects. In the AmericanJournal of Clinical Nutrition it states thatlow levels of dietary omega-3 areassociated with low levels of a brainchemical called serotonin, whichcontributes to depression. The teamconcludes: “ In community-dwellingpersons, fatty acid composition is relatedto depression. Because this relation wasnot secondary to inflammation, athero-sclerosis, or possible confounders, itsuggests a direct effect of fatty acidcomposition on mood."

Federal Court InvalidatesDEA Interpretive Rule

on Hemp FoodsJune 30, 2003CONCLUSION

Because the DEA's rule is inconsistentwith the THC regulation in effect at the time of its promulgation,

it is a procedurally invalid legislative rule,not an interpretive rule.

We therefore have jurisdiction under 21 U.S.C. § 877.

The petition requesting that wedeclare the rule to be invalid and

unenforceable is GRANTED.

March 28, 2003HIA and the Organic Consumers Assoc.

petitioned the Ninth Circuit to once againprevent the DEA from ending the legal

sale of hemp seed and oil products in theU.S. through their "Final Rule" and on

April 16, 2003the Ninth Circuit Court

again issued a STAY.

September 17, 2003Federal Court Hearing

A decision is expected within six months.“Retailers and manufacturers of hempfoods should be confident that we willwin this case,” says David Bronner, a

board member of both the HIA and VoteHemp, and Chair of the HIA Food and OilCommittee. “The three judge panel seemedin agreement over our main argument thatthe DEA’s ‘Final Rule’ ignores Congress’

specific exemption in the ControlledSubstances Act (CSA) under the definitionof marijuana that excludes hemp seed andstalk from control. Based on the questions

posed to the DEA, it appears the courtreasonably views trace insignificant

amounts of THC in hemp seed in the sameway as it sees trace amounts of opiates in

poppy seeds,” says Bronner.See Transcript at: www.VoteHemp.com

The DEA Closed Down theHawaii Industrial Hemp

Research Project.October 2003

Dr. David West began to grow hempvarieties in Hawaii in 1999. The projectobtained $200,000 funding for the firsttwo years from Alterna AppliedResearch Labs, a California companythat uses hemp oil in its hair-careproducts. West, an applied geneticist, is in theprocess of developing a root stock thatcan be used to grow hemp in Hawaiiand other semi tropical regions.. Theideal prototype will be able to grow fivecycles a year with high productivity.The last license expired in May 2003,and they received no word on whetherthey had been granted a new one. Thesame thing happened a year ago, whenthey went 11 months without a validlicense before being approved. “When the DEA put the project on atemporary permit status finding fundsand support became difficult, Rep.Cynthia Thielen said. "The disappoint-ing thing is we had hoped that industrialhemp would help Hawai'i's agriculturaland small-business companies like it isin other nations where farmers areallowed to grow the crop."

***** Meanwhile, the state of NorthDakota passed legislation for a $55,000industrial hemp study, but has not yetreceived a permit from the DEA.

Dr. Bronner’s & Gertrude LaunchALPSNACK made with hempnuts,

with all profits going towardhemp advocacy!

HUGE THANKS for your unwavering values and dedication,

from all of us in the HIA.http://www.alpsnack.com

Page 2: Hemp Industries AssociationFall.2003.pdf · Organic Hemp Protein Powder, containing 37% protein, 43% fiber, 0% net carbs, 9% beneficial fats (omega-3,-6, and -9 plus GLA), chlorophyll,


HEMP NEWS - June 2003 DTN Readers Support Hemp By Keesia Wirt, Commodities Editor http://www.dtnnewswire.com Readers are overwhelmingly in favorof legalizing hemp and many said theywould like to grow it. Their views: “Here I am — an educated, conserva-tive Republican beef producer aboutto come across as a complete liberal,”wrote one reader. “Hemp should notbe banned as an agricultural/industrialcrop in this country.” Eric Lineback of VoteHemp said,“The most important thing your readerscan do is educate themselves, educateothers and lobby their legislators at thelocal, state and federal levels.At VoteHemp.com you can sign up for afree newsletter, read about current hemplegislation, send a pre-written fax orletter to members of Congress and evenbuy hemp products. Hemp is one of thefew issues of national interest thatenjoys tremendous bipartisan and cross-cultural support.” During the 2003legislative session, four states tackledthe industrial hemp issue — Iowa,Maine, New Hampshire and Oregon.

Call for Federal Hemp IndustryFunds in Australia

ABC Online - June 11, 2003http://www.abc.net.au/news/australia/qld/ An opportunity to dominate the worldnon-woven textile market could passAustralia by, according to one of theindustry's top companies. Eco-FibreIndustries is currently planningQueensland's second planting of commer-cial industrial hemp at southern Queens-land sites. Managing director PhilipWarner says the one-year-old Australianindustry is already producing quality fibrecheaper than anywhere else in the world.Mr. Warner fears other countries may endup dominating the world market becausethe Australian industry is not eligible forFederal Government funding.

Will Ford last another century? By John Porretto, Associated Press Austin American Statesman http://www.statesman.com/business/June 17, 2003 - DEARBORN, Mich. -- On Monday, the company Ford foundedmarked its 100th anniversary, and with aFord family member still at the wheel.Chairman and chief executive Bill Ford Jr.said quality is up, recalls are down 40%and the company will increase its U.S.market share this year. The company isback in the black after two years of deeplosses. Henry Ford was brilliant andinnovative, but also an irascible, openlyanti-Semitic man who spied on hisworkers. Bill Ford, 46, is low-key andself-effacing, and has held town hall-stylemeetings to hear directly from employees.Rare in the auto industry, he has reachedout to environmental groups with prom-ises to cut emissions and raise gasmileage. His office is decorated withbiodegradable upholstery and hempwallcoverings.


Two million cars on the roadtoday have hemp parts - hempfiber matting replaces fiberglass incomposites for door panels andluggage racks!

Hemp SwimwearDelia Montgomery, Chíc Eco

Designer Peggy Scarborough is thefirst to utilize hemp with a stretch forswimwear — a super alternative toconventional outdoor synthetics.She is the third generation from afamily of experienced swimwearmakers represented in her Californiabusiness, Happy Campers Clothing.http://www.happycampers.biz

Hemp Jewelry in “Hair"Tom & Sandie’s friend Leo Lunser inActon, Maine is the producer of thisshow. The whole tribe was wearing ForMother Earth hemp jewelry! Check outtheir store in Arkansas: 870-297-4201

Clean, Green Organic FibresBy Michelle HancockHealthy Living, Canada “Interest in organic fibres such ascotton and hemp is budding on theinternational scene. According to asurvey by the Organic Trade Assoc.,No. American sales of organic linens,household furnishings and femalehygiene products jumped between 40and 50 % between 1996 and 2000.Organic clothing sales are expected togrow an estimated 58% by 2005.Retailers such as L.L. Bean, NeimanMarcus, Wal-Mart, Bath & Body Worksand Mountain Equipment Co-op areproviding hemp and organic fabrics inresponse to the growing number ofconsumers interested in supportingenvironmentally friendly initiatives.”

Pierre Cardin Hemp Bedding His European stores are featuringsome beautiful hemp bedroom linens ina natural, gray and green woven design.Richard Dash of Dash Hemp had a pieceof the fabric at the Yoga Expo in LA,since he had just returned from a trip tothe mill in China. Wow!

Queen Mother of Hemp This is a photo of Peggy Cooney atthe age of 23 in 1929 - on the right withher aunt. They are both wearing somestylin’ hemp! Peggy became a model atsixteen and worked as a buyer in 1933.She flew to Paris in wicker seats whereshe bought hemp fabrics for outerwear,hats and bags. This is one of her favoritehemp hats. She helps her grandson,Chris with design ideas today. He justopened a store in Yellow Springs, OhioGarden of the Goddess: 937-767-9001

Page 3: Hemp Industries AssociationFall.2003.pdf · Organic Hemp Protein Powder, containing 37% protein, 43% fiber, 0% net carbs, 9% beneficial fats (omega-3,-6, and -9 plus GLA), chlorophyll,


EVENTS - 2004

Hemp News ListsTo subscribe send an email to:

[email protected] Global Hemp News Digest is

available from: [email protected]

Nutiva Introduces CertifiedOrganic Hemp Protein Powder

Nutiva, a Northern California manufac-turer of hemp food products, announcedthe availability of its latest innovation,Organic Hemp Protein Powder, containing37% protein, 43% fiber, 0% net carbs, 9%beneficial fats (omega-3,-6, and -9 plusGLA), chlorophyll, vitamin E and iron.The new entry in protein powders can beenjoyed with juice or fruit for power-packed smoothies or used as a low-carbflour substitute in baking.

Four More Companies EnterHemp Protein Powder Market

Hemp Oil Canada, Hempola,Living Harvest, and Mum’s

This new hemp sector certainly teststhe effectiveness of co-opetition:

cooperating to open a new product linewhile competing for market share.

We wish you all the best!

Create a Conscious Workspace Edited from an article by Lyn Falk Lohas Journal Vol. 3 #21) Improve the quality of light –Energy efficient and full-spectrum bulbs.Natural light.2) Improve air quality –Fresh air. Change filters frequently.Keep live plants. Add aromas.3) Arrange objects for energy flow –Plants, mirror, crystals in corners. Avoidovercrowding. Seat facing entrance.4) Use natural materials – sustainablefibers, wood, brick, stone, fabrics.5) Nurture emotions – Photos of familyand friends. Vacation memorabilia.Artwork. Music/earphones.6) Support spirit –Inspirational saying or symbol.7) Colors – Warm colors are motivatingand exciting. Cool colors are calming.Change with the seasons.8) Cleanliness –Keep clutter to minimum.Use nontoxic cleaning products..9) Change the space – Clean and movethings around seasonally or twice a year.10) Stay positive - Be a role model.Be grateful for your work. Act with pureintentions. Remember love, peace andjoy vibrate at higher frequencies andtransform negativity.

Fields of Fibre SymposiumThe 90th annual meeting - Montreal

January 26 - 29, 2004PAPTAC - Non-Wood Fibre Committee

Alberta Research Council, Canadahttp://www.arc.ab.cahttp://www.paptac.ca

Hemp Company at Royal ShowYorkshire Post - June 21, 2003

http://www.yorkshiretoday.co.ukAmong the key exhibitors in the non foodcrops section of the Royal Show, held inWarwickshire, England, was theSpringdale company, which is working onthe development of dual use hemp forgrowers. "We have over 300 acres of thecrop in the ground this year, sown betweenmid-April and the end of May," said MrMeakin. "It reaches maturity in about 130days, so it is ready to harvest anytimebetween the end of August and mid-Sept."It requires a comparatively low level ofinputs, which should mean it is perfectlysuitable for growing on appropriate soilswithin Nitrate Vulnerable Zones. Like many of the crops Springdale havebrought to market, oil hemp is dualpurpose, with the seeds producing valuableoils such as those being used for theirnutraceutical properties and the stemscontaining valuable fibre. "The biggest current market for the fibreis for making environmentally friendlyinsulation, padding materials, the linersand ropes used in decorative hangingbaskets, and for bio-degradable mats usedto stabilise ground when first establishingsloping landscaped areas."

Organics continue to grow!Food Navigator - June 20, 2003

UK-based Yorkshire Hemp promotedits range of organic products at theNatural & Organics Products trade showin London: Hemp Nibbles Sweet Vanilla& Cinnamon biscuits, Hemp Muesli Fruitand three pastas: OrganicHemp Pasta,Organic Hemp Spaghetti, and HempRasta Pasta.

World Ag Expo - Tulare, CAFebruary 10-12, 2004

The biggest farm show on earth.HIA / VoteHemp will be there

for the third year.US Farmers want to grow hemp!“Absurd” is the word they all use.

http://www.farmshow.orgPlease send products for samplingto the HIA office by February 4th.

Natural Products ExpoAnaheim, CA

March 4 - 7, 2004www.expowest.com

HIA 11th AnnualConvention

San Francisco, CANovember 3 - 5, 2004

Green FestivalSan Francisco, CA

November 6 - 7, 2004

Nirvana Ranch, Los Angeles’Only Hemp Eco Boutique,Celebrates Grand Opening “Nirvana Ranch” already exudesmysterious vibes from the street, withits hand cut metal sign crowned by anunidentifiable animal skull, possibly asasquatch. The concept was hatchedby Minawear Hemp and Natural FiberApparel designer, Mina Hegaard, whenthe growing demand for a local ecoboutique began to clog the phone linesof the Venice beach office, known tolocals as “The Hemp Ranch.”

New Book: A ModernIntroduction To Hemp

By Paul BenhaimA reference guide to everything hemp:

What is hemp?Edible Hemp

NutritionHemp as a HealerNon-edible Hemp

Glossary + Resource Sectionwww.hemp.co.uk

Page 4: Hemp Industries AssociationFall.2003.pdf · Organic Hemp Protein Powder, containing 37% protein, 43% fiber, 0% net carbs, 9% beneficial fats (omega-3,-6, and -9 plus GLA), chlorophyll,



$25 DonationWear your politics on your shirt!

Available in M-L-XL. Includes S&H.This was designed by Jeff Sax of Dagga

for the Washington DC Convention.The resemblance to the US Seal is

meant to invoke an allegianceto the new paradigm emerging -Peace, Ecology and Economy!

YOU are the HIA...a group of dedicated entrepreneurs

networking and outreachingto expand the hemp market!

It takes energy to run the HIA..Please pay your

membership renewal fees.

Keep the HIAalive and well!

HEMP NEWS - July 2003


World’s First Hemp PlasticCD Project!

Paul Benhaim - www.hempmusic.com Relaxing sounds from the harp, flute,guitar and angelic voices complement theancient drone of the didgeridoo made ofHempstone. And the CD tray is made ofhemp plastic!

Fabric of the FutureGrows Wild in Nepal

IANS - July 14, 2003 Fifty-year-old American Mark Rose istrying to show Nepal how money growson its trees. At Wild Fibers, his studio inThamel, tourist hub in Kathmandu, Roseis making fabrics from things growing inthe wild.

Rolling Rock Town Fair IVMark Houser, The Valley Independent

Mike Weaver, owner of HempfieldCandy near Lancaster, PA, said he uses a100-year-old Amish candy recipe, thenadds non-intoxicating oil from hempplants to give his lollipops the taste ofcannabis. But it’s not about pot smoking,Weaver insists. The goal of his company,which also sells hemp pretzels, hempsoda and hemp granola, is to get thepublic to support letting Americanfarmers grow for industrial purposes.

Hemp Project May GiveFarms a New Crop

Daily Post, UK The Hemp and Flax Project - run bythe University of Wales, Bangor - hopesto encourage farmers to grow and marketthe crop successfully.

Hemptown Sales Smoking Hot,and It’s Not About PotGerry Bellett, Vancouver Sun

Monday, July 7, 2003In 2001 their sales from hemp clothingwas $195,000, but that jumped to$782,000 last year, Jason Finnis said,adding, “This year we expect to doabout $2.9 million. Sales are justrocketing upwards.” Hemptown islooking to raise $25 million so it canbuild mills in Canada and a marketfor fabric-grade hemp.

Eastown Stores Sell Reusable Hemp Shopping BagsMorgan Jarema, The Grand Rapids Press Eastown merchants are not just hopinga new promotion will bring shoppers to theSoutheast Side neighborhood. They wantpeople to think about how they spend theirmoney. The Eastown Business Associationand several merchants are selling reusablehemp shopping bags printed with theneighborhood’s new logo.

European Grant forRenewable Insulation

Environmental Data Interactive The European Commission has agreedto subsidise a German scheme to promotethe use of insulation made from renewablematerials. Insulation made from sourcessuch as flax and hemp could now be soldat a reduced price, aiming to encouragethe consumer to purchase these materialsabove cheaper insulation materials fromtraditional fossil sources.

Event Aims to PlantNew Notion of Hemp

Rebecca Nolan, The Register-Guard It was a peaceful Saturday afternoon atthe Emerald Empire Hempfest. All kindsof people stopped by the free event toshop for hemp products, to listen to musicabout the political plight of cannabis, tosign medical marijuana petitions and todine on hemp-based food. There were oldpeople, young people, big people, littlepeople, people wearing lots of clothes andpeople wearing almost nothing at all.

The 5th AnnualSanta Barbara Hemp Festivalwas produced by the Hemp Industries

Association, Hempwise, and theSanta Barbara Hemp Company.

Along with hemp vendors and live musicthere was a Hemp Fashion Show

and speakers includedSanta Barbara Mayor Marty Blum.

The six display boards in each HempShowcase offer hemp education.

Twelve units are circulating to colleges,libraries, legislatures, and events.

Host pays shipping cost.If you would like to schedule onefor your area, call the HIA office.

Page 5: Hemp Industries AssociationFall.2003.pdf · Organic Hemp Protein Powder, containing 37% protein, 43% fiber, 0% net carbs, 9% beneficial fats (omega-3,-6, and -9 plus GLA), chlorophyll,


The 10th HIA CONVENTIONwas held August 20-23, 2003 on the

Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota.What a Blast! We camped out in tipis on

Wounded Knee Creek, witnessed theLakota Sioux Hemp Projects, rodehorses, honored the buffalo, and

presented a Hemp Education Seminar,with Joe American Horse and the tribal

president John Yellowbird Steele.The Hemp Auction raised funds for the

Alex White Plume Defense Fund, and we were blessed by the native spirit

and Lakota cultural wisdom.For a full report, contact the HIA office.

Kiza Park

Afraid of Bear Family Hemp House

Wild Hemp

Debra White Plume

Hemp Apparel a Big Hitat the Yoga Expo and

Green Festivals in TX & CA HIA members Awear, Dash Hemp,Ecolution, Island Hempwear, Minawear,Natural High, Smith Center, SplaffFlopps, Swirlspace, The Emperor’sClothes, Two Jupiters and PickeringInternational had beautiful booths withcrowds visting all day long!Other hemp companies exhibiting wereDragonfly, Ecorganic, Evergreen,Sweetgrass, and Vulcana Bags.We hope they will join the HIA soon!

Pretzels With a TwistIntelligencer Journal - Lancaster, PA

By Mark Hoffman - July 28, 2003The many varieties of Hempzels --original, sesame, jalapeno and garlic, aswell as soft hempzels -- are the flagshipproducts for the tiny upstart one-mancompany that makes and distributeshemp-based foods. Owner, Shawn Houseexplained that the nutritious meat of theshelled hemp seed is blended with atraditional Pennsylvania pretzel mix tocreate the hemp pretzel. The result is asmooth, crunchy pretzel that tastes great.In fact, the sesame Hempzels underwenta blind taste test sponsored by FoodDistribution magazine. The hempzels didnot come out on top in the annual tastetest, but they were awarded second placein the best-tasting pretzel category.Hempzels were beat out by a chocolate-covered pretzel rod. According tonutritionists, hemp seed is high inprotein, fiber, potassium, vitamin E,vitamin C, many vitamin Bs, phosphorus,magnesium, iron, zinc and copper. It alsois high in the "good" fat - Omega 3 - anessential fatty acid, which has beenlinked to a reduction in a wide variety ofhealth-related disorders.

Teacher Fired For PromotionOf Hemp Gets $70,000WAVE TV 3 - July 31, 2003

Frankfort, KY - Donna Cockrel, a formerteacher will receive $70,000 from theShelby County School District to settle alawsuit she filed in 1997 claiming shewas wrongfully fired for promoting thelegalization of hemp. She had invitedactor Woody Harrelson, an industrialhemp advocate, to talk to her fifth gradestudents. She is now teaching in Detroit.

'Enviroshake' ArrivesBy David Burke

Whistler Question - July 31, 2003 Officials with a B.C.-based companyare hoping a new roofing material madeof 95 per cent recycled material will helpthem catch a ride on B.C.'s "sustain-ability" wave. On a recent visit toWhistler, Richard Curtis and GaryAnderson of Envirosafe BuildingProducts Ltd. said the product - calledEnviroshake - is environmentallysensitive, attractive and built to withstandwhatever elements B.C.'s climate canthrow at them, for the long haul. "Not only is it beautiful, long-lastingand competitive, but it will withstandDade City, Florida's 110 mph horizontalhurricane-force wind and rain," saidCurtis, the company president. The Enviroshake, developed in theearly 1990s by a Canadian living innorthern Ontario, was introduced backeast in 1997 and recently in B.C. Theshakes are made with a blend of recycledtires, post-industrial plastic, hemp, flaxand zinc, Curtis said. From afar, theylook like slightly weathered cedar - butare far more durable."They come with a50-year non-prorated warranty which istransferable to a new owner," Curtis said."The accelerated weather tests haveshown that it actually lasts twice as longas the warranty before it starts to showsigns of degradation." The shakes, whichcost 10 to 20 per cent more than aninstalled cedar roof, also contain no dyesor colouration other than what's in thetires and hemp material.

Swirlspace Eco-Shop Rockin’ SF Green Business Alliance

Fresh inventory, a comfy hangoutspace, and garden all make this retailerhot. They are currently forming a net-work of Green and Responsible Busi-nesses within SF to create a largerpresence within the local community.There's many innovative shops, restau-rants, and services that offer alternativesolutions to business-as-usual. We aregathering these resources to pump up thehype. The Green Movement is not a fad,it is a Reality of the future and we arefortunate to have many local sproutsspearheading various efforts in this NewEconomy. http://www.swirlspace.com

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HEMP NEWSAugust 2003

Soap and Enlightenment:Clean Body, Home, Mind

By Deanna LarsonNashville City Paper - July 22, 2003

Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap, legendaryamong campers and simplicity fans, alsodispenses philosophy and spiritualityalong with the suds. The pure castileliquid and bar soaps only containpotassium solution, coconut, hemp, andolive oils, and 100 percent pure high-quality essential oils, including rose,almond, lavender and peppermint. Theyclean everything from skin, hair, pets andteeth, to dishes, sinks, floors, clothes,furniture, decks and siding. Dr. Bronner saw his soap as a vehiclefor the label, crammed with messagessupporting his vision of global unity andpeace. His aim was to "unite SpaceshipEarth in a deep spiritual love and respectfor God, Earth and each other." Thealmond soap features Dr. Bronner'secstatic love poetry. For these ideas, Bronner was brandedan eccentric and worse, and was evencommitted to an insane asylum. Hemanaged to escape to California, wherehe began making Magic Soap as a third-generation master-soapmaker (His soap-making roots originated in mid-19thcentury Germany, where the family soapfactory was located). Three workers still fill and labelone-and-a-half million bottles of Dr.Bronner's Magic Soap by hand each yearin a one-story, converted candy factory inEscondido, Calif. following Dr.Bronner's original environmentalistideas. "Everything was rather precious tohim. He loved the Earth and hated towaste anything."

Dr. Bronner can really be proud ofhis grandsons, David and Michael.They have added a line of organic

soaps and have partnered withGertrude to make the Alpsnackwhich will fund hemp advocacy.

Co-op America awarded them the firstGreen Business Leadership Award

in November in San Francisco.Congratulations to a wonderful familywho provides an example of a just and

sustainable business paradigm.

Shouldn't Your Supplements TASTE Good?!? Hemp oil is the richest source ofEssential Fatty Acids, Omega 6 andOmega 3, and contains rare fatty acidsas well such as gammalinolenic acidand stereadonic acid. This means energy,mental alertness, reduced cholesterol,and enhanced well-being.The good newsis that more and more people know howbeneficial hemp oil is, and make it partof their daily diets. You need about 1 tablespoon of hempoil in your daily diet. To get your dailysupplement of hemp oil, you'd have totake a whopping 12 capsules daily. And why bother? Hemp oil is deli-cious. Make salad dressing with it, put itin your smoothie, pour over rice or pasta.Enjoy the rich, nutty taste of hemp oil.But please don't fry with it - high heatwill destroy the beneficial fatty acids. http://www.RuthsHempFoods.com

Where’s the beef?Amy Cameron, Maclean's

First came soy. Then came flax. Nowthe latest “out there” health food crazesare cooking with hemp seed and eatingonly raw food."When I learned howhealthy hemp seed was," says RuthShamai, "I thought, 'I've found mycalling.' " A long-time, leading proponentof legalizing hemp production in Canada(which was realized in 1998), Shamaidecided that the best bits -- seeds chockfull of essential fatty acids and highquality protein -- should be incorporatedinto yummy, nutritious meals. Shamainow owns Ruth's Hemp Foods, a Toronto-based company that markets raw shelledhemp seeds as well as hemp bars, chips,oil, salsa, milk, salad dressing andburgers. Shamai will be at the TorontoInternational Film Festival premiere --cooking up hemp omegaburgers forviewers of the new Ron Mann documen-tary, Go Further, featuring WoodyHarrelson and friends as they bike thelength of the Pacific coast and talk atcolleges about environmental issues.

Waterford Heritage DaysCapital News 9 - August 10, 2003

Residents gathered at the town’s Civicand Visitor Center to learn about the rolerope played in the Civil War. One localropemaker said hemp was the onlymaterial used to make commercial rope.Mike Speranza said, "One of the reasonsthat this country was developed wasbecause of the national hemp growinghere. Hemp powered the ships andeverything revolved around it."Farming Innovator’s Estate Sold

By Steve MeyerThe Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier

During World War II, Japan stopped thesupply of hemp, which was used to makerope. The United States government putout a call for inventors to make a machinethat could turn the hemp after it was cut.Joe Kucera’s design was the only onechosen and manufactured. (Iowa)

Crop Residue Yields CompositesDan Eshelman, Daily Nonpareil

An Iowa company is currently devel-oping and implementing technology toconvert leftover portions of plants into thecomponents of what are called naturalfiber reinforced plastics - which, in turn,are now seen as a viable alternative tosteel and fiberglass in many applications. The company currently utilizes three“thermoformers” to make fiber-reinforcedplastic products in sheet sizes from 2-by-3feet to 6-by-10 feet. Depending on howthe items are shaped and molded, theycould end up as chairs or desks in offices,as poles holding power lines, trash cans,as control panels in mechanical or elec-trical equipment, or as display panels inautos and large machinery. The material has high tensile strength,meaning it is less likely to dent or bow.It also has high impact strength, reducingthe likelihood that it will shatter. Fiber-glass, by contrast, shatters and leavessharp edges. Since the matte materialdoes not rust or corrode, it has excellentdurability, and its acoustical propertieseffectively dampen sound. From an environmental standpoint,the material has benefits. Because it is notheavy, it reduces the weight of vehicles,farm implements and constructionequipment in which it is used, therebyincreasing fuel efficiency. http://www.creativecomposites.net

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Jeff Sax is a renowned artist who has developed some great hempy characters with unique personalities, favorite hempproducts and passions for the planet. Contact Jeff if you are interested in seeing his art, buying some incredible pieces, or adopting a character for a product mascot. Jeff also designed and produced a silver coin that he hopes will be used in this

new era of monetary accountablity. Jeff can be reached at his studio in Monterrey, California.800 Dagga 4U or go to: http://www.saxgallery.com or http://www.dagga.org

Nutiva Wins Best New ProductAward at Top Natural ProductIndustry Trade ShowSebastopol, CA – September 7, 2003 New Hope Media announced thatNutiva Organic Hemp Protein Powder isthe winner of the New Product ShowcaseAward in the supplements category. Theindustry’s largest trade event with morethan 4,000 booths, Natural Product ExpoEast was hosted by New Hope Media inWashington DC on September 5-7, 2003.Nutiva’s New Product Showcase Awardis based on voting by the many naturalproduct retailers attending the show andoutperformed more than 300 otherproducts vying for the prize.

HEMP NEWS - September 2003 HIA AnnouncesHonorary Lifetime

Achievement Award The Hemp Industries Association ispleased to give an Honorary LifetimeAchievement Award to Larry Duprey,

The Hemp Club. He is a founding fatherof the modern hemp movement and we

want to thank him for his dedication anddevotion to making hemp a householdword. We love you Larry! THANKS!!!

Hemp Could BeCrop of the Future

September 18, 2003 David Melmer, Indian Country Today The legal battle to allow families on thePine Ridge Reservation to grow industrialhemp as a cash crop and help relievepoverty has shifted focus to include theissues of jurisdiction, sovereignty andfreedom.

Convert to Hemp Chase Nielson, The Salt Lake Tribune I have been researching different waysAmerica could reduce pollution and savethe environment. I found a Web siteclaiming that a single plant could replacepolluting fossil fuels, stop deforestationand improve the environment. I wassurprised to find out that this plant washemp. It is ridiculous that this plant isoutlawed, and it is time we convert tohemp.

Toowoomba to Play Rolein Hemp Industry

Australian Broadcasting CorporationThe emerging crop of hemp in Queenslandis growing in popularity and Toowoombais identified as one of the key locations forfuture growers.

HEMPhasisMagazine Debut

Bob Newland and Jeremy Briggs(SD) plan to print up-to-date news onstate legislation, what's hempening inother countries, and connect consumersto a showcase of hemp products andinformation on hemp events - including"Hemp Aid", a benefit for Alex WhitePlume with Willie Nelson. Organizingcontent into a Problem / Solution format,they will introduce a modern challenge,then show how industrial hemp farminghas application in alleviating it. Ads willbe grouped by location. Look for theHemphasis College Tour, January toApril, 2004, where the publication willbe distributed: 605-255-4032 http://www.hemphasis.net

Hip Hemp Flows South Business In Vancouver - September 25 Texas companies looking to up the hipquotient in their corporate wear can turnto Vancouver-based Hemptown, currentlyinvading the Texas market with its line ofhemp-based clothing. Lest the authoritiesconfuse Hemptown's hemp with its"colorful cousin marijuana," as Hemptownnotes, remember that George Washingtongrew hemp. By the same toke, currentusers of Hemptown's clothing include theCanadian Football League's BC Lions,Hyundai, Toyota and the Vermont jamband Phish.

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NEWSLETTERSGreat Way to Reach Consumers

Frank Angiuli says in his new NaturalHigh Lifestyle Evolving Times monthlyE-Newsletter, “Here you will find aneclectic mix of content designed to shape aprogressive, conscious lifestyle.We areproud to provide you with a unique blendof music, news, and information fromsome of the most progressive artists,teachers, and business people in ourcommunity.”www.naturalhighlifestyle.com Gustavo Alcantar of SwirlspaceConscious Hempwear offers a great emailnewsletter highlighting events in SanFrancisco, CA. www.swirlspace.com Featured in the September newsletterfrom OrganicConsumers.org is this byteon the battle in the organic body careindustry: HOLD THE WATERThe OCA spearheaded a major press eventin Washington DC last week as membersof the natural products industry gatheredat a national trade show called Expo East.OCA's press conference focused on thefraudulent practice of a number of leadingbody care corporations who are advertis-ing their products as "organic" by includ-ing water as an organic ingredient.Covered by a variety of media, includingthe Washington Post, Indy Media, andMothering Magazine, the press eventpreceded a meeting of the Personal CareTask Force (PCTF), a committee ofindustry leaders that are slowly hammer-ing out organic body care standards forrecommendation to the USDA. OCA wasalso in attendance at the PCTF meeting,announcing that it is currently workingwith Rutgers University on a scientificanalysis of diluted hydrosols. The resultsof the study will finally reveal specificallyhow much added water is being includedas a so-called "organic" ingredient in theseproducts. Stay tuned.

HEMP NEWS - October 2003Science and Art Combine to

Make New Perfume FragrancesBy Samantha Critchell, The Ledger

The season brings a handful of newfragrances for men. French ConnectionUK creates a Sangria top note with port,blood orange and citron that is comple-mented by basil, rosemary and lavender.The middle notes include hemp and NewMexican black sage, and the base featuressuede, vanilla and ebony wood.

Hot, Hot HempBy Michael Kissinger

Vancouver Courier - October 2, 2003 It's customer appreciation day atHemptown Clothing and a half dozenpeople are perusing the latest in hempproducts, from golf shirts and energy barsto something called "personal lube" byCanolio Cosmetiques. Recently, Hempolahemp soap and lip balm found their wayinto celebrity gift bags given to presentersat the American Music Awards, as well asat a fundraiser co-hosted by Elton Johnand the Osbourne family. Even Italiandesigner Giorgio Armani is reported tohave invested in a hemp-growing opera-tion in Italy. From the yoga dens of Hollywood tothe boardrooms of corporate America, forthe first time in over 60 years, hemp is hotagain. Hemptown's promotional T-shirtfocus has paid off. Two years ago,Hemptown's annual revenues stood at$180,000. Last year, they were at$800,000. This year it's expecting $3million in revenue, producing up to70,000 garments a month. Nature's Path, another BC based hempcompany produces two products thatcontain hulled hemp seed-Hemp PlusGranola and Hemp Plus Frozen ToasterWaffles. V.P. David Neuman attributeshemp's current hip status to a number offactors. "It's a catchy product. It's still kindof trendy. But it's also very nutritious.”Neuman states, "We're not getting out ofthe hemp business unless we're forced outof it. And even then we'll go downfighting." (Nature’s Path is a plaintiff inthe HIA vs DEA case.)

Recycle for HempCycleand the Environment

HempCycle will be collecting emptylaser and inkjet printer cartridges and usedcell phones from the community andsending the waste products to FundingFactory Recycling Programin exchangefor cash. By donating to HempCycle,businesses help educate the public aboutthe ecological, industrial and geopoliticaladvantages to biomass fuel as an alterna-tive to fossil fuels. www.hempcycle.orgwww.FundingFactory.com 888-883-8237

Hemp Ad Banned The high school principal of MartaSwain’s alma mater told her that due tothe fact that students say they think ofmarijuana when they hear the word hemp,that their ad, which was put together withthe help of students, would not be allowedto be in the yearbook. The ad read:

Know What You're WearingBe Part of the Solution

Avoid use of chemicals, pesticides,formaldehyde, heavy metal dyes,and unfair working conditions.


Barrie Hemp CompanyTaking Root

Sales Projected at $1 MillionBy Roberta Avery

Toronto Star - October 14, 2003 Hemp grower Greg Herriott and wifeKelly Smith started Hempola ValleyFarms in 1995 and it is growing at arate of 50% annually. One popular newproduct is "West a Nile-ate," a deet-freenatural insect repellant. Their HealthyBrownies received the "Best BakedGood-People's Pick" award at Toronto'sGood Food Festival. Another of their 30product lines is a hemp oil wood finish. Arthur Hanks, the Executive Directorof the recently formed Canadian HempTrade Alliance, estimates that sales ofCanadian-produced hemp products willtop $33 million this year. Recently retired National HockeyLeague star Bernie Nicholls has become aspokesperson for Hempola, and attendedthe CHFA show in Toronto to signautographs and create some excitement..


8th Intl. CannaBusiness This German event featured 142 exhibi-tors from 17 nations and trade visitorsfrom more than 30 nations. TV and newsmedia reported on the event and heraldedthe new Cannabusiness Magazine launch.The winners of the Hemp Product Awardwere Pure Hemp Essential Oil (Chanvree -Diffusion) and Hemp Jeans (HemproInternational). www.cannabusiness.com

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Green Light for Hemp FarmingSimon Collins - New Zealand Herald

October 22, 2003 Officials have found that regulationspermitting temporary trials of industrialhemp in the past two years have workedwell and could become permanent fromJuly next year. Hemp expert Dr MikeNichols, a retired horticulture lecturer atMassey University, said the move wouldallow farmers and councils to plant hempto extract excess nitrogen and otherorganic "nasties" from the soil in sensitiveareas such as around Lake Taupo. "There are problems throughout NewZealand in terms of eutrophication of thelakes due to dairy runoff," he said."I thinkthere is potential for using cannabis downthe sides of streams to soak up thenutrients and not to waste the nutrients,but to feed them back to the cows." A study by AgResearch scientistDr. Han Eerens in the latest issue ofthe NZ Journal of Crop and HorticulturalScience has found that industrial hempappears to be more profitable than theexisting hay-silage operation. New Wool Products owner LindsayNewton said hemp and wool insulationcould be made with far less energy thanfibreglass batts, absorbed sound better andabsorbed water from the air in humidperiods, releasing it again when thehumidity dropped without formingcondensation. "Hemp comes out totallyfireproof. Its acoustic properties arehigher than wool and their thermalproperties are about equal," he said.


HEMP NEWS - November 2003

Travel Story - United Kingdom:Coastal Cornwall

By Max Pudney - The PressThe world's biggest conservatories, theEden Project biomes, are home tothousands of plants from around theworld. Tea is being grown, beer is beingbrewed and hemp grown for rope, fortough clothing and even for bank notes.The average attendance is 1.8 million ayear. www.edenproject.com

New Store Hopes to RaiseEnvironmental, Social Awareness

By Dwana Simone Bain San Francisco Examiner - November 19

Fabrice and Debra Hubert thinkBurlingame is the perfect place for astore like Ecolibrium. It offers a selectionof hemp goods, from shirts to shoes."Hemp is huge," Debra said.

From Cannabis to Carburetor U of T Prof Makes

Autoparts from HempBy Zoe Cormier

The Varsity (University of Toronto)Amid the clutter of textbooks, journals,papers and reams of notes in the office ofDr. Mohini Sain sit a car door, a bus seat,an instrument panel, a deck plank, and acar bumper-all of them made from hemp.And hopefully, in the very near future, wewill be able to make biomedical supplies,like bloodbags, and even airplane partsfrom hemp."Our direction is to moveaway from fossil fuel based synthetics tomore natural alternatives," said Dr. Sain.

Food Industry Unpreparedfor New FDA Rules

FoodNavigator.com - November 4, 2003 The new rules require all food producers,processors, packers and shippers toregister with the FDA, and require non-UScompanies to designate a registered agentin the US. In addition, a further, and rathercontroversial, provision requires priornotice of all food shipments entering theUS. Non-compliance could mean thou-sands of food shipments being held at theUS border, a potentially disastroussituation, especially for importers ofperishables. www.fda.gov/oc/bioterrorism/

Southern Humboldt HempfestBy Daniel Mendez

Humboldt State LumberjackNovember 5, 2003

This Saturday, "hempsters" from allover Northern California will cometogether at the Mateel Community Centerin Redway. Lenda Hand belongs to theHemp Awareness Group, a coalition ofpro-hemp activists who have put on theevent for 13 years."Its the most nutritionalseed on the planet," said Hand. "It has aperfect ratio of omega threes and sixes...I do organic blue corn hemp chips andhempseed coffee with whole roastedhempseed from Canada in it." Elvy Musika, one of the few federalrecipients of medical marijuana,will beone of the speakers. There will also besome venders present such as the MerryHempsters from Oregon with theirline of hemp-based body care products.

New Book: Hemp ConspiracyDetails the creation of a legal industrialhemp venture in Nicaragua in 1997/98.A successful 80 ha research crop survivedHurricane Mitch to be destroyed by theDEA. Canadian national and Hemp-AgroSA technical director, Paul Wylie wasarrested and sentenced for an indefiniteperiod in "La Modela" prison - withoutany legal defense. Literally kept alive byhis girlfriend's selflessness and courage,his own faith and mental strength testedto the limit, Wylie rides an emotionalroller coaster of false hopes and brokenpromises. The appeal court orders hisrelease after 12 months incarceration, buthe has to flee the country - leaving behindhis love and the woman that saved him. www.hempconspiracy.com

Environmental SummitPromotes Forest Protection

By Angela RicciDaily Princetonian - November 6, 2003

Members of the Princeton EnvironmentalNetwork joined about 60 students from 12other northeast colleges and universitiesfor the Northeast Environmental Confer-ence at Brown University during FallBreak. Workshop topics included windenergy, national parks, forest protection,food distribution, hemp uses, the WorldBank and campus organizing.

HIA Radio Show Moving "HEMP: Lifeline to the Future" aone-hour radio talk show about Hemp,produced by the Hemp Industries Associa-tion, broadcast it's last show on KMUD,the Pacifica Network Affiliate, in Southern Humboldt County. HostSteve Levine, from the Santa BarbaraHemp Company will be moving the showto a radio station in the Los Angeles orSan Francisco area soon, probably nextspring. After 3 years on the air, the lastyear and a half at KMUD, Steve and theHIA have decided to try and reach a largermarket while continuing to spread thenews about our favorite plant.

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Health Advice from ManitobaHarvest Hemp Foods and Oils

Is it possible to get rid of trans fats inthe body that you have eaten? Researchersin Denmark suggest that if you were tostop eating all trans fat, it would takeseveral months to a year for it to leaveyour blood and body fat. Eating oils rich in Omega-6 andOmega-3 Essential Fatty Acids(EFAs)like cold pressed Hemp Seed Oil help todisplace trans fats in the blood. The EFAsalso have the opposite effect of trans fatsas EFAs help to raise the HDL (good)cholesterol and lower the LDL (bad)cholesterol. The U.S. Food and Drug Administra-tion (“FDA”) and Health Canada haverecently made changes to the labelinglaws so that Trans Fats have to be listedon all food product labels. These changeswill not take affect until Dec, 2005. Dr. Walter Willett, Chairman of theDepartment of Nutrition at the HarvardSchool of Public Health calls partialhydrogenation of oils the “biggest food-processing disaster in world history.” www.manitobaharvest.com

Living Tree Paper CompanyLaunches New Venture

HipHempPosters.com offers limitededition concert/event posters and politicaland social conscience works of art. The three very special pieces are thefirst in an enviro-poster series by themost provocative concert poster artists ontoday's poster scene: Emek, Jeff Woodand Gary Houston. “The initial idea was to bring togetherthree very distinct artists, throw a conceptout there - “Earth, Air, Water, Mind... andsee what happens. What came back to us,to our delight, were these three images soindividual in nature, bound together by aloose thread. We hope you enjoy them.”Bob Frankel, Living Tree Paper Co. The prints are a limited edition setof 500 silk-screened posters printed onVanguard Eco Blend, comprised of 25%hemp and 75% post-consumer waste.Each is signed and numbered by theartist. [email protected]

Jim Pollock’s “Grow A Field of Paper”

print is available on aHemp-rich T-shirt.

$30 - Includes ShippingOrder from the HIA

www.hempindustries.org707 874 3648

CannaTrade 2004International Hemp Fair

March 19-21Bern, Switzerland

HIA and VoteHemp will once againhave a presence at this 4th annualevent. Last year there were over 150vendors and 10,000 people in attendance.This year HIA will also be showcasing afew North American Hemp Companiesas well as providing information fromour two industrial hemp organizations.To send products, email: Steve [email protected] Event Info: www.cannatrade.ch


President’s Message As I begin my fifth year on the HIABoard and eighth in the Hemp Industry,I have never been more confident andoptimistic about our future. From myviewpoint, 2003 was the best year yet.From the legal victories against theDEA as we continue to fight for ourvery survival, to the last HIA Conven-tion in Pine Ridge where we wereemotionally and spiritually rejuvenated,this organization and this industry as awhole is grow-ing up fast and has re-gained it's momentum. From the FarmShow in Tulare, CA in February to theGreen Festival in San Francisco inNovember it was quite apparent. Thepublic, including farmers and politi-cians who understand our issue, havenever been more supportive. And mostexciting of all are some of the in-credible new products that have beenin-troduced to the marketplace,especially in the Food & Oil sector.Thanks to all of you for your contribu-tions. So I wish you a wonderfulHoliday Season. May you find health,prosperity and joy this special time ofyear as well as in the New Year tocome. 2004 promises to be a break-through year for us! PEACE, Steve

News Video Press ReleaseProposal

Mintwood Media is coordinating avideo news release to put out via satellitewhen the final court ruling comes downfor HIA vs DEA. French Meadow, Dr.Bronner's, Hemp Oil Canada and Nutivahave signed on so far. We need to raiseabout $12K and the minimum to get in is$1,000. For more info and a copy of theproposal, contact Adam Eidinger at:[email protected]

Snuffed Out! After three years of successful business,The Wyoming Snuff Company has beenforced to temporarily close it's doors. "Kenex, the supplier of the hemp hurdin our Hempdip, decided to get out of thehemp business and go back to fruits andvegetables" said Mark Daly, President ofthe Wyoming Snuff Company. "We havebeen looking for an alternative supplierfor over three months, but it appears thatthe DEA has convinced the CanadianHemp Industry that hemp being "in-gested" is a bad thing. They just won't sellit to us anymore.” Hempdip helped manypeople quit tobacco. So, The WyomingSnuff Company will continue to look foranother supplier and fight for the right togrow hemp in the United States. You canstill visit the website: www.hempdip.com