Help Insects!!! By :Caitlyn Smith

Help Insects!!!

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Help Insects!!!. By :Caitlyn Smith . HABITAT. Insect habitat is crucial to their lives. People are cutting down the trees they live in. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Help Insects!!!

Help Insects!!!By :Caitlyn Smith

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HABITATInsect habitat is crucial to their lives.

People are cutting down the trees they live in.

Let me ask you, have you ever gone over and thrown a rock at an ant bed, or ridden your bike through one? Then you go in your house a few days later and see ants? That is your fault.

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HABITAT Do you remember 9/11? When the

terrorists attacked ,we were all so devastated and still are. That is how insects feel when you cut down their trees .!.

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SICKNESS Mosquitoes can be bad bringing around

West Nile viruses that can harm humans. But, it harms the mosquitoes too. That is the only time it is ok to kill insects.

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SICKNESS Poison Kills!!! Do you know ,that truck that comes

around the neighborhood spraying some mysterious thing out ? That is poison. Let me tell you for your own good that is not only harmful to insects that is harmful to you so when you go and hire the sprayer ,you are hurting yourself as well as the bugs.

DOUBLE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!

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GONE Just for a minute I wont you to imagine

your in the year 2020. We keep on with our horrible ways and we no longer have any insects.

Without insects we don’t have nature. Without nature we don’t have trees. Without trees we don’t have oxygen Without oxygen we don’t have LIFE!!!


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YES Soo the answer to my question is YES. If we had more habitat for insects they

would not be a big pest. :]

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Summary This summary is pretty much

summarizing up an article I read. Insects are the most scary things to

human beings. But what these humans don’t know is that they are scared of us too. Sure we have a reason to be scared about maybe a sting or two can be pretty scary. But which would be scarier . A big foot coming down at you or a sting.

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Summary This is summarizing up a video I

watched. This video was talking about

butterflies, how they eat , how they rest and mainly how they live.

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Summary Then I read an article about blood

sucking insects. It was asking questions about blood

sucking insects or humans? Are insects the bad ones or humans ? You think about that . Were the ones killing them only rare insects kill us. Except mosquitoes carrying around West Nile viruse. SOOOOO think about it!

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Credits I would like to thank…….. Alabama virtual library. S.I.R.S discoverer . CNN for making such a good video. From

the Cincinnati zoo. I would like to thank Peter Fermite for

writing Weed Killers. I would also like to thank Jackson Bill for

writing Enviromentilist try to Save Insects.