HELLO FROM TÜRKİYE Now I am going to tell you the story of my school from which I also was graduated a long time ago.

HELLO FROM TÜRKİYE Now I am going to tell you the story of my school from which I also was graduated a long time ago

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Page 1: HELLO FROM TÜRKİYE Now I am going to tell you the story of my school from which I also was graduated a long time ago


Now I am going to tell you the story of my school from which I also was graduated a long time ago.

Page 2: HELLO FROM TÜRKİYE Now I am going to tell you the story of my school from which I also was graduated a long time ago

Resim eklemek için simgeyi tıklatın Before it turned into a beatiful swan there was a school called Maltepe Highschool.

It was opened in 1962 as secondary school in Maltepe.

Page 3: HELLO FROM TÜRKİYE Now I am going to tell you the story of my school from which I also was graduated a long time ago

Then in 2007 E.C.A.Foundation rebuilt the whole school again.And of course the name also changed to E.C.A.Elginkan Anatolian highschool.

Page 4: HELLO FROM TÜRKİYE Now I am going to tell you the story of my school from which I also was graduated a long time ago

After the construction was finished ,the new school with a new name called E.C.A.Elginkan Anatolian Highschool opened its doors to the newcommers who had to pass a difficult exam to come to these type of schools.

Page 5: HELLO FROM TÜRKİYE Now I am going to tell you the story of my school from which I also was graduated a long time ago

He is our director Selami Aksakal and he has been the director for over 14 years now in this school.

Page 6: HELLO FROM TÜRKİYE Now I am going to tell you the story of my school from which I also was graduated a long time ago

Hıdır Koşar is the vice principal of the school for over then 14 years ,too.

Page 7: HELLO FROM TÜRKİYE Now I am going to tell you the story of my school from which I also was graduated a long time ago

You can see the block A from this picture.The school is very big and has 3 blocks or parts .

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This is the front part where all the students come together before they go inside.

Page 9: HELLO FROM TÜRKİYE Now I am going to tell you the story of my school from which I also was graduated a long time ago

This is the garden of the school where students can use there breaks.

Page 10: HELLO FROM TÜRKİYE Now I am going to tell you the story of my school from which I also was graduated a long time ago

We have got nearly 900 students and 50 teachers in E.C.A.Elginkan Anatolian Highschool.There are 14 different laboratories and 40 classes,one dinning-room,two canteens,a small conference hall and a little place where students can play table tennis and do sportive activities.We still don’t have a gymnasium but in the following years it is going to be built.

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This is the technology class where students learn how to use computer and also where they can surf and search for information during the long lunch break.

Page 12: HELLO FROM TÜRKİYE Now I am going to tell you the story of my school from which I also was graduated a long time ago

This is our Biology laboratory.

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This is the interactive class with the clever board on which you write and the students can look afterwards from the net what has been done during the lesson.

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This is our chemistry lab.

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This is our library.

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This is the conference hall.

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We sometimes have activities such as this music activity in the conference hall.The lady in the middle is our Music teacher and the lady on the left is her teacher.

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This is our diningroom where students and teachers can have their lunch.

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This is one of the canteens where both students and teachers can have fastfood type food if they don’t want to eat lunch in the diningroom.

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This is the boy’s basketball team.

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This is the girls volleyball team.

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We don’t have a swimmingpool at school but we have swimming team.

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Girls basket team.

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We have also a school band.

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Every 19.May students have a mise-en-scane as Atatürk first visited Samsun on the 19th.of May 1919 and he went there with a ship called Bandırma.And this was the date when the Turkish people started to fight for their freedom.And every May on the 19th there are feasts for the youth all aroun Türkiye to celebrate Sportive activities and remember our Leader ATATÜRk

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prepared by Hülya Yıldırım