1 Adventures on the Far Frontier - The Helios Sector A Setting for Mongoose Traveller A vast, bureaucratic Republic based on T erra once ruled most of the galaxy. Humankind had spread, unchecked, to far star systems by means of the Tr answarp Drive, which reduced traveling lightyears to a matter of weeks. Eventually , the Republic encountered alien races, and humans who did not originate on T erra. Wars were fought, alliances made and broken, and eventually an uneasy peace settled over the galaxy once more. Then the Darkening came. Just o ver half a century past, some galaxy wi de ca tastrophe severed the rules of science for almost a decade, causing sophisticated technology to fail. Governments oundered , starships and system ships ceased to work, atmospheric crafts suddenly found themselves without propulsion or steering systems and returned, abruptly to the surface of the worlds over which they had been ying. Colonies which existed on hostile worlds by dint of technological advancements were suddenly at the mercy of the envir onment they wer e attempting to a void. Billions died in a blink of an eye, a nd for a decade , no one had any tec hnology great er than a simple internal combustion engine . Just as suddenly, on the tenth anniversary of the date of th e Darkening, technology started to work again. Of course, most technology was in disrepair, but there were devices that suddenly, simultaneously powered back up.  The past four dec ades have be en spent rebuild ing and recov ering and star trav el is once again happening, although not to the degree of before the Darkening, although passenger service is available on many ships. Many systems are still being contacted and evaluated, some have been totally lost and many strange things have come to light as people begin traveling between worlds and stars again. Y our characters are from many walks of life and possibly from varied worlds, although some of you may have a connection to one another from your past. Whatever your backg round, things are beginning to look up for you, as you’ve all answered an advertisement to work with a scientic team to explore a recently ‘re-discovered’ system; the Ariades system, a few lightyears from the Gateway Outstation. You’ve all come to Gateway to apply for jobs with the team. Adventure Awaits.

Helios Sector Character Generation

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Adventures on the Far Frontier - The Helios Sector

A Setting for Mongoose Traveller

A vast, bureaucratic Republic based on Terra once ruled most of the galaxy. Humankind had spread,

unchecked, to far star systems by means of the Transwarp Drive, which reduced traveling lightyears

to a matter of weeks.

Eventually, the Republic encountered alien races, and humans who did not originate on Terra. Wars

were fought, alliances made and broken, and eventually an uneasy peace settled over the galaxy

once more. Then the Darkening came. Just over half a century past, some galaxy wide catastrophe

severed the rules of science for almost a decade, causing sophisticated technology to fail.

Governments floundered, starships and system ships ceased to work, atmospheric crafts suddenly

found themselves without propulsion or steering systems and returned, abruptly to the surface of

the worlds over which they had been flying.

Colonies which existed on hostile worlds by dint of technological advancements were suddenly at

the mercy of the environment they were attempting to avoid. Billions died in a blink of an eye, andfor a decade, no one had any technology greater than a simple internal combustion engine. Just as

suddenly, on the tenth anniversary of the date of the Darkening, technology started to work again.

Of course, most technology was in disrepair, but there were devices that suddenly, simultaneously

powered back up.

 The past four decades have been spent rebuilding and recovering and star travel is once again

happening, although not to the degree of before the Darkening, although passenger service is

available on many ships.

Many systems are still being contacted and evaluated, some have been totally lost and many strangethings have come to light as people begin traveling between worlds and stars again.

Your characters are from many walks of life and possibly from varied worlds, although some of

you may have a connection to one another from your past. Whatever your background, things are

beginning to look up for you, as you’ve all answered an advertisement

to work with a scientific team to explore a recently ‘re-discovered’ system;

the Ariades system, a few lightyears from the Gateway Outstation.

You’ve all come to Gateway to apply for jobs with the team.

Adventure Awaits.

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Creating a Traveller character for the Helios Sector Campaign

For the most part, character generation is the same as that provided in the core rule book with only a

few minor changes to account for the setting (additional races mostly), and the homeworlds listed in

this document will be the ones that are available to the characters.

“House Rules”• If you have a skill and your roll comes up with that skill listed as 0 or 1 during career resolution,

rather than lose the ability to learn more about that skill, you may add 1 to the skill you already have,

or take the 1 in a different specialty of that skill if you already have the one listed.

• Starting Languages: All Travellers begin with the Primary language of their homeworld at rank 1

and one other language of their choice at rank 0 (typically the second language of their homeworld).

CharacteristicsEvery person and creature in Traveller has several characteristics that describe their base mental and

physical potential. The basic characteristics for humans are shown.

Rolling Characteristics To determine your Traveller’s characteristics, roll 2D one after another, and assign the scores in any

order you wish to the six characteristics, starting with Strength.

Record them on your character sheet.

For each characteristic, determine its Dice Modifier on the Characteristic Modifier table below.

Characteristic Modifiers





0 -3

1-2 -2

3-5 -1

6-8 +0

9-11 +1

12-14 +2

15+ +3

 Throughout your career, you may find your characteristics change.

 The maximum score for a characteristic is 15 for an unaugmented human character. There are

exceptions to this, but they will be covered later for specific rules and circumstances.

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Species The predominant species of the Helios Sector is Humans; however, other species are represented as



 The majority of the inhabitants of the Helios Sector are humans, mostly descended from Terrans.

Characteristics The events of the Darkening have caused a somewhat more hardy generation to come into being.

All Humans get an additional 1d3+2 points to place in any of their starting Characteristic Scores, but

no score may be raised above a 10 in this method. If you were fortunate enough to begin with scores

that most or all exceed 10, take the number you generated, multiply it (or whatever part of it you

cannot use) by 100 and add this to your starting Credits.


• Automatic Skill: Your characters have grown up with tech that was being ‘re-discovered’ and upon

occasion, unreliable, as such every player character has a free rank 0 in Mechanic or Electronics.


 The Lupin have a diverse culture that is deeply rooted in their pack mentality and the desire forcompanionship, charisma and loyalty. Their constant struggle for charisma and leadership results

in a culture fueled by conflict and change. The Lupin are descended from carnivore/chaser stock;

genetically engineered by the Ancients circa –300,000 from the genus Canis. The Lupin bear a close

resemblance to their canine ancestry, as can be seen by their muzzle, tail and fur, though several

anatomical modifications were made by the Ancients to the canine body structure. Lupin adopt a

digitigrade stance (putting their weight on their toes rather than the soles of their feet) and many

have a slight stoop.


Lupin Travellers have the following modifiers applied to their characteristics: DEX+1, END +1


• Bite: All Lupin possess pronounced canines which make for a nasty close combat weapon. This bite

uses the Melee (natural) skill and does 1D+1 damage.

• Heightened Senses: Lupin have better hearing and sense of smell than humans. All Lupin receive

DM+1 to any Recon and Survival checks they have to make. However, their eyesight is worse in

darkness and they suffer DM-1 to any skill check requiring sight in dark conditions.

• Automatic Skills: Melee (natural) 0; all Lupin are taught to use their bite in combat conditions (and

when not to use it), when they are still young.


Short, stout humanoids, the Bagrath are indigenous to the Bagara system in the Helios sector. They

never achieved starflight on their own before encountering Terrans, but had integrated quite wellinto the culture of the Republic prior to the Darkening. Their presence and contributions were vital in

helping many worlds adjust to and survive the sudden loss of technology from the Darkening.


Bagrath Travellers have the following modifiers applied to their characteristics: STR+1, END+1, DEX+1


• Toxin Resistant: Bagrath get a special +2DM to avoid the effects of toxins, including alcohol.

• Automatic Skills: Bagrath Travellers get their choice of Survival 0 or Carouse 0

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Uplifted from the larger Terran Apes, the Grilan bred true after the Uplift programs were banned on

 Terra and have been citizens of the Republic for almost two centuries.


All Grilan Travellers have the following modifiers applied to their characteristics: STR+2, END+2, INT-1


• Natural Armor: Their fur gives a Grilan a natural armor of 1, which will stack with any other armor

they are wearing.


Uplifted from Terran Chimpanzees, much like their cousins the Grilan, the Bonobo bred true after the

Uplift ban and have been citizens of the Republic for almost two centuries.


All Bonobo Travellers have the following modifiers applied to their characteristics: DEX+2, INT+1


• Automatic Skill: All Bonobo receive the skill Athletics (dexterity) 0

FroxAn amphibious alien species resembling Terran frogs, the Frox originated in the Vellasa system.


All Frox Travellers have the following modifiers applied to their characteristics: DEX+2, END+1, STR-1


• Amphibious: All Frox can move at double walking speed under water and can breathe underwater

for a number of minutes equal to 5 times their Endurance score. They have a +2DM to all swimming

rolls they may be required to make.

• Enhanced vision: Frox receive a +1DM to all vision related checks in the darkness and underwater.

After rolling and placing your Characteristics and choosing your species, you will

choose your Background Skills.Before embarking on your careers, you receive a number of background skills equal to your

Education DM +3 (so, 0 to 6, depending on your Education score), chosen from the list below. This

represents the knowledge you have picked up during adolescence and will allow you to function at

a basic level in a technological society. The total number of skills gained here is not affected by any

automatic skills gained by your choice of species. None of these skills may be taken more than once,

nor may it be used to improve any automatic skills from species choice.

Admin 0 Drive 0 Medic 0 Science 0

Animals 0 Electronics 0 Melee 0 Seafarer 0

Art 0 Flyer 0 Persuade 0 Streetwise 0

Athletics 0 Language 0 Profession 0 Survival 0

Carouse 0 Mechanic 0 Recon 0 Vacc Suit 0

 At this point, you are eighteen years old and ready to take on the universe! 

 The next step is to choose your homeworld and pursue your careers prior to becoming a Traveller.

Career resolution will be done with the referee and the group. Available homeworlds are listed on

the following pages:

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Available Homeworlds Travellers may choose which of the following homeworlds they wish to originate from

Konishiwara System Yellow Star1 planet, 1 asteroid belt, 2 gas giants (12 moons), 1 permanent outstation in system

Konishiwara Prime - Konishiwara II - Temperate World - Breathable Atmosphere. Planetwide CorporateBureaucracyWorld ruled by cooperative of 13 Corporations - Tech Level - Very HighLanguages: Japanese / English Population: 2.5 Billion

Onogoro - Konishiwara VSmall Gas Giant with 12 Moons - 2 (Aikida and Gorosa) Inhabited with Colonies and have breatheable atmospheresLanguages: Japanese / English Population: 450 million

Konishiwara System Common KnowledgeKonishiwara prime is home to over 2 billion people. A huge city complex covers most of the smaller continent ofthe planet, while the largest continent is devoted exclusively to agriculture and animal husbandry. The GeneticSciences of Konishiwara are well known throughout the Consortium, as they have developed many strains of plants

and animals that are not only superior in taste and endurance, but able to survive in less than ideal conditions. Theplanet is ruled by a Board of representatives chosen by the 13 major corporations that own the system. Konishiwaramanaged to survive during the Darkening due to the temperate nature of the mainworld and the fact that the majorityof their tech and science was dedicated to the business of growing food and animals, both of which were able to bedone without technology. Two of the moons of Onogoro, Aikida and Gorosa, also have breathable atmospheres andbiospheres that enabled a portion of the populations to survive. Only one of the oating gas mining facilities in theupper atmosphere of Mikoto was still viable when the corporations of Konishiwara reactivated their space programve years ago and began reclaiming the system.


Khazaka  Yellow Star Dominant Language(s): Arabic Government: Hereditary Monarchy

Khazak (System Capital) Breathable Atmosphere 25% Hydrosphere 1.15 G gravityVery Mountainous, High Vulcanism Population: 500 million 1 Natural Satellite - Agashi / 1 Orbital Stations

Meadari Breathable Atmosphere 82% Hydrosphere 1.0 G gravity Population 125 Million1 Natural Satellite - Gaesa

Common Knowledge for Khazaka SystemKhazak is a highly mountainous world with a large number of active and dormant volcanoes. Ruled by the ShahImael Pavaela, the Khazak are noted for the level of hospitality they display to visitors and each other. Even warringgroups honor the codes and rules of Hospitality. The main export of Khazak are ne wools and natural silks and

cottons that are grown on the planet, with quality that rivals the most advanced synthetic bers available elsewhere.

The other primary exports of the system are the spice Kaveka, which is only found in the oceans of the planetMeadari and their Jannisaries, government sponsored mercenary troops known for their ghting skills.

The planet Luraz has only been being resettled over the past three years.

Khazas’ moon Auran has a breathable atmosphere and a mostly temperate climate, but 90% of the population diedduring the Darkening, as the moon was heavily dependent upon technology. The remaining 10% of the populationdied during the following decades of difculty. To date, the government of the Shah has not repopulated the moons.

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 AmazoniaBlue/White Star Language(s): English / Greek Government: Representative Matriarchal Democracy

Amazonia (System Capital) Breathable Atmosphere 55% Hydrosphere ‘Earthlike’ World Population: 3 Billion1.0 G gravity 4 Natural Satellites Colondo / Deagald / Garamald / Tauber 1 Orbital Station

General Knowledge Synopsis

Amazonia is ruled by the “High Matriarch”, a woman chosen by the elected Council of Eleven, eleven ofcialselected to serve a single eight year term by citizens of each planetary region.

The Men of Amazonia are not allowed to own property or serve in politics. They are only allowed to hold enlistedranks in the Amazonian military services.


Dubblan Binary System Red/Orange Native Language: English / Gaelic Government: Hereditary Monarchy

Eire (Dubblan Prime) (System Capital) Breathable Atmosphere 50% Hydrosphere 1.0 G gravity

Population 1.25 Billion 1 Natural Satellite Kaenar / 1 Orbital Station (5k)

Fronar Breathable Atmosphere 60% Hydrosphere 0.84 G gravity Population 89 Million  2 Natural Satellites Karg / Lucia / 1 Orbital Station (2.5k)

Common Player Knowledge DubblanThe Dubblan System is ruled by High Queen Maeve and her Royal Consort, Princess Deidre. The Dubblan Systemproduces some of the highest quality starship fuel in their Andrashi reneries, and supply many other systems in theConsortium with their fuel.

The people of Dubblan enjoy a rather unprecedented degree of freedom of expression not found in manyplanetary monarchies and as such, the artistic and scientic achievements of Dubblan are among the highest in the


Dubblan lost a large portion of it’s population to some massive explosions and failures at reneries when theDarkening occurred, including over a billion people who worked and lived on the 50+ orbital stations aroundAndrashi at the time. Fortunately, starship fuel does not lose viability over the period of a decade (it usually takesover a century for high quality starship fuel to begin to break down when stored improperly), so when technologystarted working again, the storage facilities on Eire and Fronar were in possession of a vast reserve of processed fueland a number of tankers and a few starships that happened to be grounded at the time of the Darkening.


Hanover   Blue Star Dominant Language(s): German / English Government: Charismatic Dictator

Hanover (System Capital) - Breathable Atmosphere 45% Hydrosphere 1.0 G gravity Population: 575 Million  1 Natural Satellite Friestaag (120k) 3 Orbital Stations (85k)

Common Knowledge - Hanover The planet of Hanover has one large ocean, with the rest of the world being covered by a massive landmass, dottedwith the occasional large lake and small sea. The system is ruled over by Chancellor Gustav Fredrickson, who waselected to ofce 60 years ago and who, 5 years later, was declared, Chancellor for Life by the General Council of thesystem. The economy of the system seems to be quite good, with the surviving population thriving even during theaftermath of The Darkening, and although some of the laws are a bit restrictive, everyone realizes that they are for thegood of the citizenry.

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Criminals are sentenced to the Penal colony mines on the planet of New Bremen, for those who are considered tobe capable of nding redemption and returning to society. The Chancellor has crews working on cleaning up theHaashfel prison planet for Maximum Security prisoners. One of the things that the government of Hanover has donesince the Darkening has ended is to go into the prison business, making space on New Bremen (and eventually,Haashfel) available to other governments for a price.


New Afrik Yellow Star Dominant Language(s): English / Bantu Government: Hereditary Monarchy

New Afrik (System Capital) - Breathable Atmosphere ‘Earthlike’ World 68% Hydrosphere 1.0 G gravityPopulation: 1.1 Billion 2 Natural Satellites Savanna / Eden 1 Orbital Station

New Sahara - Thin, Breathable Atmosphere - 10% Hydrosphere ‘Desert’ World 1.1 G gravityPopulation 50 Million 2 Natural Satellites Berber / Bedou

Shaka - Thin, Breathable Atmosphere ‘arctic’ world 30% unfrozen HydrospherePopulation: 2.4 Million 1.0 G gravity  1 Natural Satellite - Kalini / 1 Orbital Station

Common Knowledge about New AfrikNew Afrik is a very beautiful and gardenlike world, perhaps the most perfect world for the human race in the FringeSector. The Oba (high chief) of New Afrik and the council of Chiefs work to maintain the natural balance of theworld, while maintaining a high technological and industrial level as well (or restoring that level since the Darkeninghas ended). The world is very popular as a resort and vacation spot, and hunting by visitors is allowed butregulated. Poaching is a capital crime on New Afrik. The mines of New Sahara are a prime resource for industrialand jewelry quality diamonds, and the asteroids of the New Afrik Belt contain several caches of extremely pureTrandonium (an ingredient that is essential in the manufacture of TransWarp Drives)


Pacifca  White Star Language(s): English / Maori

Wakini Breathable Atmosphere 55% Hydropshere ‘Earthlike’ World Population: 340 Million 1.0 G gravity  4 Natural Satellites Habula / Manini / Yval / Fretai / 2 Orbital Stations

Pacifca (System Capital) Breathable Atmosphere 88% Hydrosphere ‘Water’ World 1.0 G gravityPopulation: 750 Million 1 Natural Satellite Triton / 3 Orbital Stations

Common KnowledgePacicia is a world covered with mostly water. Prior to The Darkening, most of the inhabitants live in pressurized,domed habitats beneath the vast oceans of the world, but all of these failed with the onset of The Darkening. Many

were designed with emergency systems that would allow the domes to mechanically release from the seabed andoat to the surface, which minimized the number of deaths due to drowning and suffocation, although severalmillion people died when the orbital stations around the planet crashed into the surface of the planet. Most of theformerly submerged habitats now ride on sea anchors upon the surface of the oceans, and any deep-sea work is doneusing large submersibles.

There is also a culture of ‘nomads’, called the Sailors, who live aboard boats and ships of varying size and who oftentravel in eets, shing, trading and occasionally, raiding. What little surface land is available is mostly uninhabited.

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Olivia Red Star Dominant Language(s): English / French Government: Corporate Bureaucracy

Klement (System Capital) Breathable Atmosphere 66% Hydrosphere 1.0 G gravityHeavy Forestation Population: 750 Million 0 Natural Satellites / 3 Orbital Stations

Sangarma  Breathable Atmosphere 20% Hydrosphere Dry, Hot world Population: 60 Million3 Natural Satellites Evais / Larieda / Jaivai 1 Orbital Stations

Common Knowledge OliviaThe system of Olivia is owned by Klemcorp, CEO of which is Mme Claudette Dugerre, a direct descendant of theoriginal CEO and founder of the Corporation. Klemcorp has a great many subsidiaries, including WellCorp, whichspecializes in Medical technology and pharmacology. The Physicians from Olivia are considered the best in theConsortium and Medical students vie for a chance to study at the Ragoczy University of Medicine, the premieremedical research and teaching institution in the Consortium.

Due to the temperate nature of both Klement and Sangarma and the breathable atmospheres of the planets, mostof the fatalities in the Olivia system were caused by crashing atmospheric and failure of medical technology. Theresearch labs on Julian were where all research into dangerous biological and pharmacological topics wereconducted and Mme Dugerre has calculated that even with no normal atmosphere on the planet, that there should

be no biological landings permitted on Julian for at least another four to ve years.


Dorman  Red Star - 4 planets, 2 asteroid belts Language(s): See planet descriptions

Herek - Mostly Desert, Temperate World, breathable atmosphere. Mostly nomadic to semi-nomadic tribal groups, 4established city states in mostly in ‘green’ areas. Population: 550 millionLanguage: Archaic pidgen of German/English, called Odrtong

Asgard - Temperate World, breathable atmosphere. Governments - Balkanized

Languages: English / German Population: 210 Million

Herek General KnowledgeHerek is mostly populated by nomadic and semi-nomadic groups who rely on a mixture of solar poweredmechanical vehicles (developed in the last 10 to 15 years) and the indigenous Trok, a large, mostly docile reptilianquadruped animal used as both a beast of burden and a source of food and leather. There are 4 extremely largeand heavily populated city states on the planet. Two of them, Grazendorf and Paustholt are industrial based and thesource of the solar technology that is thriving on Herek, while Rebec is mostly agricultural, being settled in one of the‘green’ areas of the planet, and the nal one, Wistlenhof is a mixture of agriculture, industrial, and marine resourceexploitation, as Wistlenhof is located on the shore of the largest single body of water on the planet. There was oneother city state, Klestarn, but the population mysteriously vanished over 60 years ago and the city has fallen into ruin.

 Asgard General KnowledgeOnce dominated by the Coryllian Empire, Asgard is now broken into a number of small, independent city states,most built near the wreckage of the ying cities. The planet was famous for it’s ying cities, powered by contra-gravity generators, all of which failed dramatically with The Darkening, and infamous for it’s spies. It is jokedthat every fourth person you meet on Asgard is a spy and at least three of the others are either double agents orinformants. Since the return of working technology, the City State of Coryll are the only group to have raised aoating city, referring to it as Coryl Imperian.

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Fortuna  Red Star Dominant Language(s): English / Italian Government: Corporate Oligarchy

Tyche (System Capital) Breathable Atmosphere 55% Hydropshere ‘Earthlike’ World Population: 1.2Billion 1.0 G gravity 4 Natural Satellites Colondo Deagald Garamald Tauber

Oceanus  Breathable Atmosphere 98% Hydrosphere ‘Water’ World 1.1 G gravityPopulation: 700k 1 Natural Satellite: Triton 3 Orbital Stations

Fortuna General KnowledgeFortuna system was founded by a group with a penchant for gambling and providing the gambling public with aplace to irt with Lady Luck. The system is owned and controlled by the Fortuna Gambling Commission, which isrun by a group of 15 “Bosses” and 1 “Kingpin”, who is chosen to serve for 10 years at a time and may serve multipleterms.

The current Kingpin of Fortuna is Emily ‘Black Queen” Quincinero, who has served as Kingpin for 35 of the past 50years, having been voted out for one term 20 years ago. She is in the fth year of her current term.


Helios (Sector Capital) Yellow Star Dominant Language(s): English Government: Representative Republic

Hyperion (System Capital)  55% Hydrosphere “Terran Standard” Atmosphere Population: 7 Billion2 Natural Satellites: Athene (1.2 Billion) Thrace (5.7 Million) 15 Orbital Stations (850 million)

Selene  - Breathable Atmosphere Cold, Temperate world Gravity: 0.8 G Hydrosphere: 80%Population: 600 Million 1 Natural Satellite (70k) 4 Orbital Stations

Phaeton - Thin, Breathable Atmosphere, Arctic World Gravity: 0.7G Hydrosphere: 35%Helios Military Headquarters Population: 500 million 0 Natural Satellites 20 Orbital Stations

Helios Common InformationHelios was the most populated and among the most technologically advanced system prior to The Darkening. Ascivilizations return from the disaster of The Darkening, Helios is still has the highest population and has brought backtheir technological legacy and spearheaded the formation of the Consortium to help safeguard this sector of space.


Vesalla  Red Star Dominant Language: Frox Government: Hereditary Monarchy

Grommar  Greenhouse World (Frox Homeworld) Breathable, but Thick Atmosphere Gravity: 1.2G80% Hydrosphere Language(s): Frox Population: 2.5 Billion 1 Natural Satellite (Gro)

Ferellad  Arid, Dusty World Atmosphere: Breathable Population: 200 Million 10% HydrosphereLanguage(s): Frox Gravity: 0.8G 3 Natural Satellites (Drish, Utat, Pollox) 2 Orbital Stations

Commonly Available Information Regarding the Vesalla SystemVesalla is the home system of the Frox. The Frox developed cutting edge biomechanics during the aftermath ofThe Darkening, replacing many traditional technological items with items that have been especially grown to theirpurposes. The best Bio-Regeneration units come from factories on Grommar and are very popular with ConsortiumMilitary forces. Plouxtar is restricted and under quarantine due to the release of biological agents during TheDarkening and maintains two orbital stations staffed with the Vesalla Department of Public Safety agents andscientists, who monitor the situation on the planet.

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Bagara Blue Star Government: Hereditary Monarchy with Parliamentary SystemLanguage(s): Bagari / English

Stygia  Dark World, Heavy Cloud Cover Thick, Breathable Atmosphere Gravity: 1.6G58% Hydrosphere Population: 575 Million 2 Natural Satellites (Virgius, Dante) 4 Orbital Stations

Bagar (System Capital)  Mountainous, Cold Temperate World Breathable Atmosphere

Gravity: 2G 50% Hydrosphere Population: 850 Million 0 Natural Satellites 12 Orbital Stations

 Asphode  Cold Temperate ‘Earthlike’ world Breathable Atmosphere Gravity: 1.25G65% Hydrosphere Population: 250 Million 2 Natural Satellites (Launcel, Gwenna) 6 Orbital Stations

Commonly Available Information Regarding Bagara SystemBagar is the homeworld of the Bagrath race. They were discovered and integrated into the Republic around 100years before The Darkening, and had a primarily steam-powered technology when encountered. They had yet toachieve staright, but were in the process of sending unmanned probes to other worlds in their system. The Bagrathtook to the new technological advances they were shown quite readily and prior to The Darkening, had not onlycolonized most of the worlds of their system, but had integrated themselves throughout the galaxy. When TheDarkening occurred, many of the old, steam and water powered technologies the Bagrath had used, and in some

cases, still used, continued to function, and the Bagrath were instrumental in helping many Tech-dependent worlds toadjust to the changes necessitated by The Darkening.


Instations, Orbital Stations and Outstations - What’s the Difference?

Many spacefarers, especially those who were not traveling the spaceways before The Darkening, nd thedesignations confusing. The truth, however, is quite simple.

An Instation is a space station that exists within the gravity well of a stellar body. Technically, Orbital Stations are alsoInstations, but are those specically in orbit around a planetary body or the satellite of a planetary body.

An Outstation exists outside of the gravity well of a stellar body, sometimes even existing at a xed position in deepspace, where they act as a waystation for those traveling the vast darkness between star systems.

Outstations are typically larger, but this is not always the case, as it depends upon the purpose and resourcesavailable to those who built and administer the station.

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Creating a


Roll 2D for everycharacteristic. Calculate

dice modifier (DM)

P8 P8














Choose EDU DM+3background skills









Choose University orMilitary Academy and

roll for entry


Gain skills.Roll for Event.

roll for graduation.


Roll for Qualification ifthis is a new career












If this is first term of

Career, go through Basic

Training, Otherwise, choose

a skill table and roll



Connect to other Traveller?

Roll for mishap and leave

career unless otherwise stated,

in which case Start New Term*

Do not leave Career

leave Career

If commission is possible and

you wish to try

Army, Navy, or Marines,

for commission is first

term or SOC 9+

ROLL FOR ADVANCEMENTChoose whether to continue

Traveller creation

Choose whether to continue

Traveller creation.

Increase age by +4

years. If 34 or older

roll for aging



Seek aDventureamong the StarS!

(order #8232136)

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Career Summary TableCareer Assignment Qualification Survival Advancement Page

Agent INT 6+ 20

Law Enforcement END 6+ INT 6+

Intelligence INT 7+ INT 5+

Corporate INT 5+ INT 7+

Army END 5+ 22

Support END 5+ EDU 7+Infantry STR 6+ EDU 6+

Cavalry DEX 7+ INT 5+

Citizen EDU 5+ 24

Corporate SOC 6+ INT 6+

Worker END 4+ EDU 8+

Colonist INT 7+ END 5+

Drifter AUTOMATIC 26

Barbarian END 7+ STR 7+

Wanderer END 7+ INT 7+

Scavenger DEX 7+ END 7+

Entertainer DEX or INT 5+ 28

Artist SOC 6+ INT 6+

Journalist EDU 7+ INT 5+

Performer INT 5+ DEX 7+

Marine END 6+ 30

Support END 5+ EDU 7+

Star Marine END 6+ EDU 6+

Ground Assault END 7+ EDU 5+

Merchant INT 4+ 32

Merchant Marine EDU 5+ INT 7+

Free Trader DEX 6+ INT 6+

Broker EDU 5+ INT 7+

Navy INT 6+ 34

Line/Crew INT 5+ EDU 7+

Engineer/Gunner INT 6+ EDU 6+Flight DEX 7+ EDU 5+

Noble SOC 10+ 36

Administrator INT 4+ EDU 6+

Diplomat INT 5+ SOC 7+

Dilettante SOC 3+ INT 8+

Rogue DEX 6+ 38

Thief INT 6+ DEX 6+

Enforcer END 6+ STR 6+

Pirate DEX 6+ INT 6+

Scholar INT 6+ 40

Field Researcher END 6+ INT 6+

Scientist EDU 4+ INT 8+Physician EDU 4+ EDU 8+

Scout INT 5+ 42

Courier END 5+ EDU 9+

Surveyor END 6+ INT 8+

Explorer END 7+ EDU 7+

(order #8232136)

Psion PSI 6+ 204

Wild Adept SOC 6+ INT 8+

Adept EDU 4+ EDU 8+

Psi-Warrior END 6+ End 6+