Memories of By Jenny Harper

Heather Rocks

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A collection of photographs documenting memories of Heather Rocks

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Page 1: Heather Rocks



By Jenny Harper

Page 2: Heather Rocks

With the sale of Heather Rocks due to complete in the not too distant future, I realized

that I may not get many more opportunities to visit this very special property that was

a memorable part of my childhood and was always such a hub of activity for all our

family. I immediately wanted to preserve some of my memories with photographs.

We have numerous photographs of all of us at the house over the years, but I wanted

to have a dedicated collection of images capturing the house as it is now, in a state of

transition from one family to another.

It was an emotional process for me even thinking of all the things I wanted to capture.

I spent a cold, frosty, January morning around the gardens and house taking the pho-

tographs with my head full of memories. There are so many! I’m sure that I haven’t

covered absolutely everything. This was my perception and I wanted to share it with

you. I hope that you enjoy looking through the images.


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The view on the approach to the house from both directions of Moss Hill

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View of the house on entering the drive

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The stables, in dappled sunlight

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The boy, who sits on the rose beds by the driveway

and the view through the passage that leads to the back door

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The lamppost in the driveway

and the path up to the top garden - this is the way you go if you’re cycling

around the garden so you can get to the back without steps

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The view of the back door from the top of the steps

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The back lawn, in the shadow of the house. It used to be planted with fruit trees, bushes

and vegetables. I remember the gooseberry bushes, they were prickly.

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There used to be an old bath around here, at the back of the top garden. My dad would

bring us up to collect food for our fish from it.

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View of the house from the top path by the roof of the games room

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The ‘grotto’ - dark and a bit scary when we were little!

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The air raid shelter, views in and out

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The hidden key for the games room

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The games room and the pool table that my sisters and I learned to play on

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It takes 2 old, bigger 10p coins and when

they’re all gone. you just unlock it and

retrieve the 10p coins. Much better than

at the pub.

I never understood why you would spin

coins over a pool table. Or smoke, for

that matter.

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The bar in the games room, where we came after many a barbecue and played space

invaders. Also Mr Keeling’s space, where he would keep his Fox’s glacier mints.

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I often found grandad in the pump room checking things for the swimming

pool, but I never went in.

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To and fro between the house and the games room on barbecue nights, I’d

always take the path. Unless it was raining, then I’d run across the grass.

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The raised bit in the path that grandma always worried we’d trip on

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The changing room shed by the swimming pool

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The wall by the back door. I used to throw the ball against this wall. You’d

never know which direction it would come back in.

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‘Diana the Huntress’ statue

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The foundation stone

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The sun dial

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The arch

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The summer house and the platform around the monkey puzzle tree, where

the men would play pitching on Sports Day

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The steps up to the narrow path running by the side of the bowling lawn,

with the broken statue.

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The front door and the lion. We may have all had photographs taken on the

lion at some point!

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Built in 1901

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The bell and the front door. My dad always gave the bell a ring when we

arrived at the front door and I followed suit once I could reach.

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The light on the staircase and the door through to the kitchen.

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The hallway tiles entering the dining room.

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The dining room, with the circular area where we sat for Christmas dinners

and the doors through to the conservatory.

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The conservatory. I once fell asleep on a sunny Sunday afternoon lying on

the sofa in this spot after a tiring weekend at camp. It was bliss.

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The fireplace

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The family photos

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The living room sofa and the marble table

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The kitchen table. We made chocolate biscuits and Christmas truffles with

grandma around this table.

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The view outside from the kitchen.

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The view from grandad's seat at the table, next to his pile of newspapers.

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The kitchen, where grandma was normally busy preparing food.

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The kids’ coat pegs by the telephone table

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The view in from the back door porch

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The old kitchen with the clothes dryer.

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The cellar. I hardly went down there. There were probably lots of spiders.

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The wall in the hallway, which normally had the welsh dresser and the wall

clock against it. You could hear the clock chime throughout the house.

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The view from the first flight of stairs - the hallway and the stables.

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The stairs

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The guest room, with the pink carpet and the sink.

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The bedroom where we used to sleep if we stayed over, though the mirrored

wardrobes have already gone.

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The view from Aunty Su’s old bedroom

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The main bathroom, where the side used to be covered with grandma’s

lotions and potions.

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The view of the stables from the top staircase

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The stairs from the top floor

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The snooker room walls

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I remember playing with the snooker balls when I could barely see the top of

the table.

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The score board. I took charge of moving the pointers when I was old enough.

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The table and cues