Heart Disease Notes Did you know… In one day blood travels 12,000 miles in your body!! MMMMMMMMMMM MM

Heart Disease Notes Did you know… In one day blood travels 12,000 miles in your body!! MMMMMMM MMMMMM

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Heart Disease NotesDid you know…

In one day blood travels 12,000 miles in your body!!


Cardiovascular Disease- Group of Diseases of the heart and blood


** The Leading cause of death in the United States **Risk Factors – You Control

-Smoking -Hypertension

-Lack of Exercise -Poor Diet

-Obesity -High Cholesterol

2. Gender

3. Race

4. Age

Abdominal Fat

- Two Traditional Body shapes the “apple” (store additional wt. around waist/abdominal fat)

- And the “pear” (store additional wt. around hips and thighs)

- Men and women with the “apple” shape are more likely for HD, high blood pressure, and type II diabetes

Risk Factors – With No Control

1. Heredity **Premature Heart Attack Age**

Males: Before 55 Females: Before 65

Types of Heart Disease

1. Arteriosclerosis – General term for describing a hardening and thickening of the arteries.

2. Atherosclerosis – Fatty substances are deposited in the artery walls.

3. Angina Pectoris – Chest pain from a narrowing of the blood vessels in the heart.

4. Myocardial Infarction – Heart Attack, interruption of blood flow to the heart.

5. Arrhythmia – Irregular heart beat.

6. Hypertension – High Blood Pressure. (anything over 120/80)


- Each year there are about 1.3 million heart attacks

- about 632,000 will die

- about ½ wait over 2 hours before getting help

Signs of a Heart Attack

- Pressure, squeezing in chest

-Spread to shoulders, arms

neck, jaw

- Shortness of breath, sweating

- Nausea

Heart Attack


Beta Blockers – slow heart rate, BP

Coronary Bypass Surgery

-A vein from another part of the body, often the leg, is grafted into a coronary artery so blood

flow is detoured around a blockage.

Balloon Angioplasty

-A balloon tipped catheter is inserted into the site of a blockage and inflated

-This pushes plaque against the artery wall = opening the blood flow

These small metal tubes prop open the heart's blood vessels


- blood vessel in or around the brain bursts or becomes blocked.

- may be conscious or unconscious – Partial or total paralysis

- Pupils may be unequal

- breathing is slowed

-slurred speech


What to do?

- Lie down

- Head and shoulders slightly raised

- Relieve the force of blood on the brain

- CALL 911

Diabetes – Over 25 million Cases

- blood glucose levels are above normal

- most of the food we eat is turned into glucose, or sugar, and burned for energy

- pancreas makes insulin to help get glucose into the cells of our body

- with diabetes your body either can’t make enough or can’t use the insulin that it has.

* This causes sugar build up


- Frequent urination - Extreme hunger

- Excessive thirst - sudden vision change

- Unexplained wt. Loss - Very dry skin

More Symptoms

- Tingling or numbness in hands or feet

- feeling tired

- sores that are slow to heal

- more infections than usual


Type 1 Diabetes – juvenile-onset or insulin dependant. Accounts for 5-10% of


Type 2 Diabetes – adult-onset or non-insulin dependant. Accounts for 90-95% of cases. Body ignores.

Gestational Diabetes – Only pregnant women get. Occurs in 2-5% of pregnancy – Usually disappears after pregnancy.

Risk Factors for Diabetes

- older age - prior gestational diabetes

- obesity - physical inactivity

- Family history - Race


- Healthy Eating

- physical activity

- insulin shots or


- must have constant

blood/glucose monitoring