Healthy Skin Tips for Men Guys, if you think skincare is just for women, you are wrong! If you are one of those guys that wakes up in the morning and washes their face with a bar of soap and then runs out the door, it might be time to start thinking about a new regimen. This doesn't mean that you have to get all foo-foo and have to fill your medicine cabinet up with all these perfume smelling hard to pronounce products either, but what it does mean is that you will have to take care of your skin a little more than you might be used to, but for good reason. There are a few steps to consider if you really want to change your skin care regimen and have your skin looking and feeling nice. Guys, if you are truly serious about skin health and want to learn more about your skin you should visit a New Jersey dermatologist for a consultation . Top NJ dermatologists can walk you through the proper skincare regiment and can tell you how to keep your skin looking healthy no matter how old you are. Use a Good Cleanser Soap can actually clog your pores and essentially has no real benefit for the face. The body is one thing because it cleans your body, but for your face you need to consider another option. A good cleanser should be a no brainer and yet so many men use regular soap to get the job done. Make sure that you use a good face cleanser meant specifically for the face, that you are using warm water not hot, and that you are using a soft cloth, not a washcloth to wash it off. Doing the opposite will cause your skin to become dry and break out plus when you get older you are probably going to have more pronounced wrinkles and crow’s feet than the other guy that did all the good things to keep his skin looking great.

Healthy skin tips for men

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Soap can actually clog your pores and essentially has no real benefit for the face. The body is one thing because it cleans your body, but for your face you need to consider another option. A good cleanser should be a no brainer and yet so many men use regular soap to get the job done

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Healthy Skin Tips for Men

Guys, if you think skincare is just for women, you are wrong!  If you are one of those guys that wakes up in the morning and washes their face with a bar of soap and then runs out the door, it might be time to start thinking about a new regimen.  This doesn't mean that you have to get all foo-foo and have to fill your medicine cabinet up with all these perfume smelling hard to pronounce products either, but what it does mean is that you will have to take care of your skin a little more than you might be used to, but for good reason.  There are a few steps to consider if you really want to change your skin care regimen and have your skin looking and feeling nice. Guys, if you are truly serious about skin health and want to learn more about your skin you should visit a New Jersey dermatologist for a consultation. Top NJ dermatologists can walk you through the proper skincare regiment and can tell you how to keep your skin looking healthy no matter how old you are.

Use a Good Cleanser

Soap can actually clog your pores and essentially has no real benefit for the face.  The body is one thing because it cleans your body, but for your face you need to consider another option.  A good cleanser should be a no brainer and yet so many men use regular soap to get the job done.  Make sure that you use a good face cleanser meant specifically for the face, that you are using warm water not hot, and that you are using a soft cloth, not a washcloth to wash it off.  Doing the opposite will cause your skin to become dry and break out plus when you get older you are probably going to have more pronounced wrinkles and crow’s feet than the other guy that did all the good things to keep his skin looking great.  

Cheap Razors Are Bad

Buying cheap razors might save you a few bucks, but is it really worth it in the end?  No.  Instead, find a razor that you can invest in.  It’s going to cost more, but it’s also going to be a quality razor that you can use again and again and one that will keep your face from breaking out, giving your scars from cutting yourself and, of course, ingrown hairs.  Most men shave their face 4-5 times a week, so if you are using a crappy cheap razor to do the job you have a lot of chances for this to go awry and turn out bad.  Instead, choose a better razor and save yourself some razor burn, blemishes and ingrown hairs - which can become painful over time!  Also, don't think that just because a razor has multiple blades that this automatically means it’s a great razor, because it’s not.

Use After Shave

Some people don't understand the benefits of aftershave, and that's okay, but once you understand the benefits of it you will probably want to use it more often than not.  First off, after shave hydrates the skin.  Second off, it soothes your skin after you shave, which may be really important to some of you guys if your skin feels irritated after shaving.  Thirdly the aftershave also acts as a sealant and seals the skin closed or rather the pores closed.  Aftershave that you use should be alcohol-free - alcohol actually dries your skin out, which will make your skin feel even more irritated.

Always Wear Sunscreen - Even When It’s Cold Out

Not only will sunscreen keep your skin from getting sun spots, saggy and wrinkly, but sunscreen will also help with things like redness, irritation, skin cancer and other issues that deal with the skin.  Make sure that every single time you leave the house, even in the winter that you have sunscreen on.  If you use a moisturizer for your face - which you should!  You can also find moisturizers with SPF in them; look for something that offers level 15 to 30 when possible because this is going to protect your skin the most.

Hopefully, this has given you a new outlook on your skin guys, and you can see that this isn't just a girly routine, it’s for anyone that truly cares about their skin, wants to look and feel good, and wants to stay young looking as much and for as long as possible!