althy Breakfast Exhibition on School Parent’s Da

Healthy Breakfast Exhibition on School Parent’s Day

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Healthy Breakfast Exhibition on School Parent’s Day

Healthy Breakfast Exhibition Board

EAT BRPlease cut along the lines





1. Breakfast provides us energy after

overnight fasting.

2. Breakfast provides essential

nutrients for our development.

3. Eating breakfast and good

performance go together. If you eat

breakfast, you can concentrate


get higher marks in examinations, and

have a better memory.

4. Students who eat breakfast have less

health problems (e.g. headache, stom


5. People who eat healthy breakfasts oft

en have healthier diets overall.

6. Even old people who live a long life us

ually eat breakfast every day!

Breakfast should provide 30% of daily energy. Follow the Healthy Diet Pyramid to choose the best breakfast:• choose high-fiber grain foods as the main part, such as whole-meal bread or noodles or rice; • eat some vegetables and fruits and maybe some milk or an egg or a slice of cheese; and • avoid high-calorie, high-fat, high-sugar and high-salt foods.

Eat most

Eat less

Eat moderately

Eat more

Meat, egg, bean & diary products

Vegetables & fruits


Oil, sugar & salt

• Whole wheat bread • Low fat cheese

• Oatmeal or congee • Fruits

• Skimmed milk • Pure fruit juice

• Unsweetened soymilk • Noodle soup

with vegetables

• Unsweetened cornflakes

• Boiled egg • Cheung fun

• Hot dog • Fried noodles

• Hamburger • Hash browns

• Chocolate milk • Instant noodles

• Boxed fruit drink • Fried dim sum

• Fried egg • Cream cake




Ingredients: Whole wheat bread, low-fat cheese, tomato, lettuce

Four quick steps:1. Wash tomato and lettuce leaf thoroughly.2. Cut tomato into slices and chop some lettuce.3. Put a slice of low fat cheese, tomato slices and chopped lettuce onto a piece of whole grain bread. 4. Put on another piece of whole grain bread, finished!

Ingredients: Unsweetened cornflakes, skimmed milk, banana and raisins

3 easy steps:1. Cut banana into pieces.2. Pour a cup of milk into a bowl of cornflakes.3. Add banana and raisins. Finished!