The unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic is tesng the resilience of our people and, in true South African spirit, we are demonstrang through acts of kindness, innovaon, and adaptability. #HereForYou Your safety is our concern. While everything may have changed, some things stay the same, and guests can rest assured that your safety remains our absolute priority. Extensive COVID-19 protocols have been implemented for the safety of both guests and staff alike. We embrace the guidelines and hygiene policies of the World Health Organisaon (WHO), the South African Department of Health (NDoH), and the Naonal Instute for Communicable Diseases (NICD). The following protocol is mandatory according to Government regulaons and will be strictly adhered to at our hotels: Health and Safety Protocols 1 November 2020 Check-in process To protect our guests and staff and to prevent a potenally high-risk person from entering the hotel, guests are required to be screened on arrival, which includes: - Compleng and signing a quesonnaire as specified by the regulaons - Allowing their temperature to be scanned with a thermal scanner - If a guest’s temperature falls within the normal range and they do not show any symptoms they will be required to sanise their hands and proceed to check-in. If a guest’s temperature is high (the actual temperature at screening should not exceed 37.5˚C) and/or they have symptoms of the virus they will not be allowed to check-in Health and safety protocols • All staff have received training on COVID-19 preventave measures and hygiene protocols Educaonal signage is displayed for both staff and guests • Staff are provided with personal protecve equipment (PPE) in line with regulaons, along with addional hygiene resources Biohazard boxes are provided for the safe disposal of PPE as required Increased sanising and disinfecng pracces (over and above our normal stringent cleaning protocols) Public social distancing, demarcated areas, physical barriers where necessary and PPE Sanisaon of high touch points, increased deep cleaning and pest control • Staff member’s temperatures are checked and recorded as they arrive at the workplace and report for duty

Health and Safety Protocols...Health and Safety Protocols 1 November 2020 Check-in process • To protect our guests and staff and to prevent a potenti ally high-risk person from

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Page 1: Health and Safety Protocols...Health and Safety Protocols 1 November 2020 Check-in process • To protect our guests and staff and to prevent a potenti ally high-risk person from

The unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic is testi ng the resilience of our people and, in true South African spirit, we are demonstrati ng through acts of kindness, innovati on, and adaptability. #HereForYou

Your safety is our concern. While everything may have changed, some things stay the same, and guests can rest assured that your safety remains our absolute priority. Extensive COVID-19 protocols have been implemented for the safety of both guests and staff alike.

We embrace the guidelines and hygiene policies of the World Health Organisati on (WHO), the South African Department of Health (NDoH), and the Nati onal Insti tute for Communicable Diseases (NICD).

The following protocol is mandatory according to Government regulati ons and will be strictly adhered to at our hotels:

Health and Safety Protocols


November 2020

Check-in process• To protect our guests and staff and to prevent a potenti ally high-risk person from entering the hotel, guests are required to be screened on arrival, which includes: - Completi ng and signing a questi onnaire as specifi ed by the regulati ons - Allowing their temperature to be scanned with a thermal scanner - If a guest’s temperature falls within the normal range and they do not show any symptoms they will be required to saniti se their hands and proceed to check-in. If a guest’s temperature is high (the actual temperature at screening should not exceed 37.5˚C) and/or they have symptoms of the virus they will not be allowed to check-in

Health and safety protocols• All staff have received training on COVID-19 preventati ve measures and hygiene protocols • Educati onal signage is displayed for both staff and guests• Staff are provided with personal protecti ve equipment (PPE) in line with regulati ons, along with additi onal hygiene resources• Biohazard boxes are provided for the safe disposal of PPE as required• Increased saniti sing and disinfecti ng practi ces (over and above our normal stringent cleaning protocols)• Public social distancing, demarcated areas, physical barriers where necessary and PPE• Saniti sati on of high touch points, increased deep cleaning and pest control• Staff member’s temperatures are checked and recorded as they arrive at the workplace and report for duty

Page 2: Health and Safety Protocols...Health and Safety Protocols 1 November 2020 Check-in process • To protect our guests and staff and to prevent a potenti ally high-risk person from


Food and beverage deliveryTo further ensure the safety of our guests, our food and beverage delivery has been amended in accordance with health protocols to ensure that we adhere to the social distancing requirements and regulati ons relati ng to the Disaster Management Act.

Access controls• Temperatures of guests are recorded, and guests are required to complete screening questi onnaires when entering the hotel• Mandatory use of face masks for all guests, visitors and staff entering the premises

• Children’s care faciliti es in hotels that off er this service remain closed. Babysitti ng services not available at this ti me

Social distancing• Queuing systems are in place to ensure that there is no less than 1.5m between people• No acti vity is allowed that encourages crowd gatherings• Dining faciliti es, are restricted to maximum numbers as outlined in the Government Gazett e, with social distancing measures in place. In-room dining is encouraged wherever possible• There are capacity restricti ons on the number of passengers in elevators to ensure social distancing

Return to conferencing with a diff erence

While our service may be aff ected during this ti me as we comply with the requirements of the Disaster Management Act, you can be assured of the same warmth and hospitality you’ve come to expect from Tsogo Sun Hotels.

We look forward to welcoming you back.

• Delegates will be required to exercise increased saniti sing and disinfecti ng practi ces• Delegates are required to wear masks except when eati ng or drinking• Seati ng will be spread out to ensure that a 1.5 metre social distancing is maintained • The number of delegates in any venue must not exceed 50% of it’s normal capacity• Number of people is limited to 250 persons or less in case of an indoor gathering and 500 persons or less in case of an outdoor gathering

• Menus and service standards have been adjusted and aligned to our health and safety protocols and Government regulati ons• Stati onery would be available on request, pens will be saniti sed prior to use

Please note:• Our off ering is subject to change in line with relevant regulati ons

Kindly follow us on social media for all updates and relevant informati on

Whilst the material set out in this document is prepared with the utmost care and accuracy, Tsogo Sun Hotels Limited and its subsidiaries (“Indemniti es”) shall not be liable for any inaccuracies in any such material or other informati on supplied by the Indemniti es and shall not be liable for any damages arising out of incorrect or inaccurate informati on. The Indemniti es do not make any warranti es or representati ons with respect to such material which is issued for guidance purposes only.