“He that heareth you, - Philomena · and tender Delight of your life! ... me, guide me, console me and strengthen me! Tell me what I ought to do and give me the grace ... unchanging

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Dear Apostles of the Living Rosary,

With great enthusiasm and warm affection, I greet you and give thanks to God for your united zeal in wielding well the armament of the Immaculate Conception over the enemies of Holy Mother the Church, and over souls. Your love, sacrifice and zeal, in these days of darkness and terror, are truly a beacon of light!

May the Holy Ghost be the very breath of your soul, its invincible Fortitude, essential Purity, supreme Consolation, and the most sweet and tender Delight of your life! May He impart to you that holiness of which He is the Fount! May He give you valiant courage in the face of persecution, strengthen and sustain you in your weakness, and fill you with Sanctifying Grace to lift you above the things of this earth! And, may all these Gifts from His Divine Treasury flow with abundance into your soul through the Immaculate Heart of Mary ... for this is the Will of God!

The power of the Living Rosary Association is based upon two concrete principles of the spiritual life: charity and unity. These essential Pillars of Fire are without equal. They are gifts of God the Holy Ghost and are His essence. He is the principle of unity of the Church, of Her organization, and of all the gifts conferred upon Her members. God the Holy Ghost is the source and the secret of that unity of spirit in the bond of peace within the Church. The teaching and pronouncements made by Holy Mother the Church are to be received as sacred and canonical, whole and without question, when presented by the Vicar of Christ to the Universal Church for Her edification, Her instruction and Her sanctification.

O Holy Spirit, Soul of my soul, I adore Thee. Enlighten me, guide me, console me and strengthen me! Tell me what I ought to do and give me the grace, wisdom and humility to do it without question. Thou, O Holy Ghost, are the infallible Guide of the Catholic Church, unchanging and faithful, to the end of time!

Holy Mother the Church is not an individual but, rather, a Mystical Trinity and Her endowments are derived from the Divine Person of Her Head, Jesus Christ, and that Divine Person, God the Holy Ghost, Who is Her Life. She is imperishable, indivisibly One and infallible - both in Her belief and in Her teaching because the Voice of the Holy Ghost and His Illumination are immutable. Holy Mother the Church is never on trial or probation; She is never subject to science or reason, nor is She subject to the Age or to the Times. She can never be affected by the frailty or sins of the human will. What the Church was in the beginning, the Church is now, and ever shall be, in all the plentitude of Her Divine endowments, for all the operations of the Holy Spirit are perpetual and absolute.

The Voice of the Living Church, in the hour in which She declares what God has revealed, is no other than the Voice of the God the Holy Ghost and She, therefore, generates Divine Faith in those who believe. Our Lord has said, “He that heareth you, heareth Me!” The Definitions and Decrees of the Pontiffs, speaking ex-cathedra or as head of the Church

and to the whole Church whether by Bull or Apostolic Letter or Encyclical, or Brief to many or to one person, undoubtedly emanate from a Divine Assistance and are infallible.

Whether the final words of science, speculation or reason ever solve the riddle of the material universe or historical evidence makes no difference to Catholic doctrine. The Judgments of the Lord are true, and are justified in and of themselves: They stand for

all time. A Saint is indeed a glorious and sublime being, but Who makes him so? THE HOLY GHOST! To Him, the Saint owes everything. God the Holy Ghost infuses Sanctifying Grace into his soul at Baptism, inundating him with wondrous light, docility, constant self-restraint and courage, distinguishing him as a creature of rare and singular nobility. He communicates strength and fervor to the will of the Saint, and lavishes him/her with the treasures of heroic virtue, miracles and mystic manifestations. The Holy Ghost moves the Church to pronounce Her beatification or solemn canonization upon the Saint in order that He may place His seal upon the glory of His servant. From the Holy Ghost comes the sudden, inexplicable and impulsive movement among the faithful to venerate the Saint, which is a remote cause in the determination of the Church to raise that Saint to the Altar. From God the Holy Ghost, likewise, proceeds the solemn judgment of the Church, which pronounces officially upon the virtues and merits of the Saint. The judicial decision that the virtues and miracles of this Saint are authentic, and that he is worthy of public veneration, is an infallible

utterance of the Vicar of Jesus Christ in prescribing the veneration of the Saint throughout the whole world, He Cannot Err! Hence, it is God the Holy Ghost Himself Who moves the Pope to pronounce this binding judgment, and it is God the Holy Ghost Who guides his action. The Vicar of Jesus Christ solemnly raised St. Philomena to the Altar, bequeathed upon her a proper Office and crowned her with two jewels of infinite glory: her titles

Patroness of the Living Rosary

Patroness of the Children of Mary

Saint Philomena reigns in power before the throne of God today and forever. The glorious Patron of Priests, that inde-fatigable Confessor Who could read both heart and soul, St. Jean-Marie Vianney, tells us clearly: “To St. Philomena, God will never refuse anything, for she gave herself entirely to Christ by her virginity and her embrace of a most heroic martyrdom.” The Curé of Ars had no hesitation to admit that St. Philomena submitted to his wishes, for God Himself obeyed him every day at the Holy Altar. We imitate the Saints and obey the directives of the Vicar of Jesus Christ, in our devotion to this glorious Saint of the catacombs. As members of the Living Rosary, we are bound by a special duty to love Saint Philomena, who is our Patroness and Protectress. While blessing Ven. Pauline- Marie Jaricot, Foundress of the Living Rosary and Propagation of the Faith, Pope Gregory XVI, spoke these binding words: “O Powerful Saint Philomena, you are the Guardian

Angel of the Association, obtain for us the Gifts of the Holy Ghost in order that we will be given the light to know the Will of God, the science of loving Him, the wisdom of discerning what pleases or displeases Him, the fear of saddening Him, and the strength to obey Him. Now, all the Living Rosary is under the patronage of Saint Philomena. Pray to this great Saint, whatever you ask of her, she will obtain for you.” These are not my words, dear Associates, but the words of the Vicar of Jesus Christ, the voice of the Holy Ghost in our regard! Our Daily Decade, offered fervently and in union with all the members throughout the whole world, will make in our hearts a nest for the Holy Ghost. They will burn like lamps, of which God Himself is the Divine Oil that will never be extinguished. Olive oil is a symbol of intimate union with God, and the peace and charity that should ever possess us. This Divine Oil, with which our souls must be aflame, is to be bought only with the currency of humility and sacrifice; it will never spoil and will burn always for the Glory of God and for our own welfare. Oh, let us enlarge our hearts that the Holy Ghost may fill our entire being, thereby setting it afire and consuming it in His Honor! May we never dim or sully the lamp of our hearts by unnecessary contact with the world, through pride or self-will! We must ever burn with a longing for Heaven and must be consumed by pure love to sacrifice ourselves for poor sinners!

The very life and death of our holy Foundress, Ven. Pauline-Marie Jaricot, was centered in the Cross. Assailed by creditors, by rebuffs, blame and betrayal, by calumny and scorn, her faith was tested and her virtue refined to purest gold. By her confidence, her spiritual vigor, her gentleness, patience and serene acceptance of all these crosses, she climbed to the center of the Cross, there to descend into the very depths of that Divine Heart which was pierced for our salvation. Today, united in charity, prayer and intention, the Universal Living Rosary fulfills its mission, all our hearts forming but one heart in the Heart of Jesus through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, thus constituting the Garden of Delight of God the Holy Ghost: His Paradise on earth, filled with purity and love, where all virtues blossom fresh and beautiful, sweetly perfumed and worthy of Him! Lilies of purity, violets of humility and roses of love must delight the Holy Ghost in this Garden.

Do not let your weapons fall into disuse. Do not allow yourself to be lulled into the false sleep of death. In spite of your weakness and your littleness, you must hope against all hope, and never cease to work and pray. Your most generous and persevering efforts to procure the Glory of God will have their effect in time and eternity! Your own burden will become lighter because of our union. According to our faith, we will be given our desire for the conversion of sinners, that the light of faith may penetrate every nation and every soul. O Mary! Most humble Daughter of the Father, most pure Mother of the Son, most faithful Spouse of the Holy Ghost, Sweet Advocate of Sinners, we bend low before thy Immaculate Heart, Tabernacle of the Most Holy Trinity, Seat of Power, Wisdom and Goodness and, by thy hands, offer our hearts to the Holy Ghost, imploring thy help to spread His Kingdom to the whole world! The hour is late! Make haste to do everything possible to bring about the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary through the Most Holy Rosary, consecrating yourself totally to Her pure and humble Heart, that God’s Will may be done, on earth as it is done in Heaven! Please know that each and every one of you is remembered daily in my prayers and, in your charity, I beg you to remember me in yours.

PATTI MELVIN, Universal Director

It is God’s wish that we should clearly see the conversion of Russia as a result of the merits and intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Think of it, dear family, the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary will produce the fruit of the conversion of Russia. What a magnificent importance, then, does our prayer take in bringing this about with greater haste! Many have written in to request prayers that Russia be consecrated to the Immaculate Heart, but it is the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart which will bear the fruit of the consecration and conversion of Russia. “I want My whole Church to acknowledge this Consecration as a Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary!” Our Lord’s words to Sister Lucia In 1948, Pope Pius XII issued an Encyclical to the whole world calling upon every family and every diocese to make the Consecration. In 1952, this same Pontiff consecrated Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in union with the whole Church and had a Medal struck to commemorate this monumental dedication. Still, Sr. Lucia wrote that, although God was pleased with this act, it was incomplete: “But, it cannot be complete until every individual, every home,

every diocese and every country consecrates itself, after the example of the Holy Father, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.”


The principal Dogmas of our Faith are from Mary, in Mary, with Mary and through Mary. Looking at Mary, these Dogmas are read, embraced, loved and believed. She contained and contains the Gospel, which She offers to us all through

the Mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary. There is not one single act we cannot accomplish with the help of the Immaculate. Mary is the direct way to Christ, the weapon of conquest with which to establish the reign of Jesus Christ, universally, from one end of the earth to the other! The Almighty, All-Wise and All-Powerful Redeemer, Jesus Christ, has commanded us: “Behold, Thy Mother!”

Let us make haste to obey Him. Armed with the Sacred Mysteries under the guidance of Our Rosary Queen, the LIVING ROSARY is the battalion which will fight the battle of Christ. It is our solemn duty to pray faithfully our DECADE and recruit as many souls as possible to practice this devotion for the defense of Holy Mother the Church. We carry with us the treasure of Heaven. God is willing to give us all! Now, all depends upon us!

The Universal Living Rosary Association of Saint Philomena UNIVERSAL CENTER, P.O. BOX 1303, DICKINSON, TEXAS 77539, USA

FAX: 281-337-3722 / 281-309-9821

E-MAIL: [email protected] WEB: WWW.PHILOMENA.ORG



The individual devotion of isolated souls is often a spark in the middle of darkness without the influence of a flame. Through our union of charity in praying the Living Rosary, we inject this spiritual remedy into the souls of others as Spiritual Medicine. In this way, those who are strong uphold the weak; those who are fervent inspire the lukewarm; the spiritually rich enrich the poor: Bring them ALL together and You have a FURNACE! One who prays the Rosary alone receives the graces and merits of one Rosary but, if he is united with SIXTEEN Million others, he gains the graces and merits of the whole!

Write and send us your name. We will build a list of 15 and send you the Mystery you are assigned to pray daily. Your Decade may be offered at any time of the day or night, and in any place. Our common intention remains: