2008-09 Officers District Governor: Ayman El- Dakhakhni President: Rick Price Pres Elect: Ken Uyeno Vice President: Bob Pang Past President: Oran Spotts Treasurer: Bryan Sakai Secretary: Bob Pang Sgt At Arms: Charlie Duncan Board of Directors Bob Hayashi Nancy Barry Linda Sato Rob Reisenwitz Kasey Wilson Jack Smith Frances Wiebenga Geoff Horvath Newsletter Editor: Geoff Horvath Editor at Large: Bob Pang Photographer & Web Maestro: Robert Van Reisenwitz "He Profits Most Who Serves” "Service Above Self" March 12th, 2009 Volume 2, Issue 26 T H E H U L A L I INTERNATIONAL MISSION INTERNATIONAL MISSION INTERNATIONAL MISSION INTERNATIONAL MISSION INTERNATIONAL MISSION INTERNATIONAL MISSION INTERNATIONAL MISSION INTERNATIONAL MISSION POLIO VACCINE, CLEAN WATER & ORPHANAGES POLIO VACCINE, CLEAN WATER & ORPHANAGES POLIO VACCINE, CLEAN WATER & ORPHANAGES POLIO VACCINE, CLEAN WATER & ORPHANAGES POLIO VACCINE, CLEAN WATER & ORPHANAGES POLIO VACCINE, CLEAN WATER & ORPHANAGES POLIO VACCINE, CLEAN WATER & ORPHANAGES POLIO VACCINE, CLEAN WATER & ORPHANAGES Upcoming Events Upcoming Events Upcoming Events Upcoming Events Literacy Month Mar 09 Sherri Yanagida— Blood Bank of Hawaii Mar 26 Dental Mission Mar 20 District Assembly Apr 18 Rotarians at Work Apr 25 District Conference— Turtle Bay May 22-25 RI International Conference Jun 21-24 Rhona Slingerland administering the Polio Vaccine to an Ethiopian Child. Our guest speaker for today, comes from Kapolei RC and has been a member for three years. Rhona Slin- gerland has four wonderful children, all grown up now. Her children grew up in Texas and she was a soccer mom, involved in a lot of her children’s activities. Rhona’s husband is a Lieutenant Commander in the U. S. Navy Reserve, and is presently serving in the Kingdom of Bahrain, Saudi Arabia. Rhona is a bookkeeper, and her first job here, was bookkeeping for the Kapolei RC’s fundraiser, Tasty of Kapolei. She told us that she wanted to go on another NID trip to India this year, but missed going. Rhona told us about Sonya Mendez’s trip to Ethiopia to vaccinate children with the Polio vaccine. They came to a village where the children had to walk one and a half miles, one way, twice a day, to get water for their village. They made these trips before and after school. Sonya Mendez, PDG Roz Cooper, PP Mary Antonio, PP Yolette Nishimura, Mililani Sunrise, and PP Dick Lawton’s wife Jane, started a project called the “Well of Hope” to provide clean drinking water for this village, during their October 2006 trip. They raised over $60K and dug twice before they were successful. They finally reached water at a depth of 1,000! These wells will be permanent, so should last a very long time! The wells will provide clean drinking water for 10,000 people. On their most recent trip, in 2008, they were building a road to get a transformer to the well site. They villagers were very happy with the well and seeing those who made it happen. They welcomed Sonya with open arms, kissing her feet in respect and thankfulness. Rhona showed us a video of the people happily dancing with Sonya. The faces of smiling children filled the occasion with joy, because they don’t have to make those long walks to get water anymore. The Well of Hope Foundation On March 14, 2008 our drilling project in the Samasenbet area of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia became a success after five 10-hour days of drilling, to the depth of 285 meters. With the guidance of our project manager in Ethiopia, Umberto Croce, the Well of Hope will provide clean, clear drinking water for five villages and area residents, which total 10,000 peo- ple. We kept our promise to Tekle Beyene, the village elder of Jilo Ager. We promised him in October 2006 that we would drill a well for his people, and with all of your faith, belief and donations, you helped to make our dreams come true. Fundraising for the Well of Hope must continue to pay for the total completion of the well. Visit the Foundation’s web site at: http://www.thewellofhopefoundation.org/ Uganda

He Profits Most Who Serves” THE HULALI Volume 2, Issue 26 · host a special guest from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation: ... Gerry Joering’s and Ken Uyeno’s Guest. Bill

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2008-09 Officers

District Governor: Ayman El-Dakhakhni

President: Rick Price Pres Elect: Ken Uyeno Vice President: Bob Pang Past President: Oran Spotts Treasurer: Bryan Sakai Secretary: Bob Pang Sgt At Arms: Charlie Duncan

Board of Directors

Bob Hayashi Nancy Barry Linda Sato Rob Reisenwitz Kasey Wilson Jack Smith Frances Wiebenga

Geoff Horvath

Newsletter Editor: Geoff Horvath

Editor at Large: Bob Pang

Photographer & Web Maestro: Robert Van Reisenwitz

• "He Profits Most Who Serves”

• "Service Above Self" March 12th, 2009

Volume 2, Issue 26




Upcoming EventsUpcoming EventsUpcoming EventsUpcoming Events

Literacy Month Mar 09

Sherri Yanagida—

Blood Bank of Hawaii

Mar 26

Dental Mission Mar 20

District Assembly Apr 18

Rotarians at Work Apr 25

District Conference—Turtle Bay

May 22-25

RI International Conference

Jun 21-24

Rhona Slingerland administering the Polio Vaccine to an Ethiopian Child.

Our guest speaker for today, comes from Kapolei RC and has been a member for three years. Rhona Slin-gerland has four wonderful children, all grown up now. Her children grew up in Texas and she was a soccer mom, involved in a lot of her children’s activities. Rhona’s husband is a Lieutenant Commander in the U. S. Navy Reserve, and is presently serving in the Kingdom of Bahrain, Saudi Arabia. Rhona is a bookkeeper, and her first job here, was bookkeeping for the Kapolei RC’s fundraiser, Tasty of Kapolei. She told us that she wanted to go on another NID trip to India this year, but missed going.

Rhona told us about Sonya Mendez’s trip to Ethiopia to vaccinate children with the Polio vaccine. They came to a village where the children had to walk one and a half miles, one way, twice a day, to get water for their village. They made these trips before and after school. Sonya Mendez, PDG Roz Cooper, PP Mary Antonio,

PP Yolette Nishimura, Mililani Sunrise, and PP Dick Lawton’s wife Jane, started a project called the “Well of Hope” to provide clean drinking water for this village, during their October 2006 trip. They raised over $60K and dug twice before they were successful. They finally reached water at a depth of 1,000! These wells will be permanent, so should last a very long time! The wells will provide clean drinking water for 10,000 people. On their most recent trip, in 2008, they were building a road to get a transformer to the well site. They villagers were very happy with the well and seeing those who made it happen. They welcomed Sonya with open arms, kissing her feet in respect and thankfulness. Rhona showed us a video of the people happily dancing with Sonya. The faces of smiling children filled the occasion with joy, because they don’t have to make those long walks to get water anymore.

The Well of Hope


On March 14, 2008 our drilling project in the Samasenbet area of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia became a success after five 10-hour days of drilling, to the depth of 285 meters. With the guidance of our project manager in Ethiopia, Umberto Croce, the Well of Hope will provide clean, clear drinking water for five villages and area residents, which total 10,000 peo-ple. We kept our promise to Tekle Beyene, the village elder of Jilo Ager. We promised him in October 2006 that we would drill a well for his people, and with all of your faith, belief and donations, you helped to make our dreams come true. Fundraising for the Well of Hope must continue to pay for the total completion of the well. Visit the Foundation’s web site at: http://www.thewellofhopefoundation.org/


Page 2 Volume 2, Issue 26

Mar 9, 1995 – Doc Carver Wilcox

Mar 11, 2004 – Pastor Jack Smith

Linda Sato gave a HI$5 for all the Rotarians who participated the Literacy Month. PP Cal Wakai and Dr Dick Lawton read to Kindergar-ten, 1st, 2nd and 3rd graders at Calvary Lu-theran School, Wed, Mar 11th.

PE Ken Uyeno gave a HI $5 in recognition of D5000 Rotarians who participated in PETDS last week, and also donated $20 to RF

PDG Claude Thompson gave a HI $5 in recog-nition of Rhona Slingerland, from the Kapolei RC. PDG Claude gave an additional HI $5 for enjoying his 24 years of service to Rotary.

PP Cal Wakai gave a HI $5 in recognition of Linda Sato’s dedication to the Literacy Month activities and the enjoyment he had reading to the children. He explained that it took so long because the bood he read, “101 Dalmatians”, had 101 puppies and the children were count-ing them to make sure they were all there!

Pres Rick gave a HI $10 in honor of his lovely wife, Teresa, becoming a Rotarian today, in the Texas club where they will be residing later on this year.

RI President’s March2009 Message

US200 Million Challenge

At the International Assembly in January, we were privileged to host a special guest from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation: Microsoft founder Bill Gates Jr., who had come to speak to the incoming Rotary officers on the Gates Founda-tion’s involvement in PolioPlus. A few moments into his remarks, the room erupted in cheers at the announcement that Rotary’s US$100 Million Challenge had become Rotary’s US$200 Million Challenge: The Gates Foundation would commit an additional $250 million of funding, over and above its initial $100 million contribution, and Rotary would agree to raise an additional $100 million match by 30 June 2012.

Sonya, Rhona, Lisa and Rotarians from Oregon and Washington state visited Ethiopia, then Uganda. While in Uganda, these Rotarians visited an orphanage with children affected with AIDS. They handed out school supplies and gave Polio vaccinations to the children. Infected chil-dren, with polio, were happy, even though they had polio, because they have a place to stay and food to eat. Danny, a Rotarian form Wash-ington state, who has polio, donated a therapy pool to the clinic. While there, they also saw children with a leprosy-type disease that at-tacked the lips, nose, and cheeks, causing disfig-urement. Dr. Hamlin, at the polio clinic, said the country has 10,000 cases a year, unlike the United States, where the disease last occurred one and a half centuries ago!

A major problem with young girls, ages 12 to 14, is pregnancy. A lot of girls in this age group have a high rate of birth. Because of the girl’s young age, and the underdeveloped pelvis, the deliveries threaten the mother’s lives because of tearing during birth, which causes deadly infec-tions.

The young girls are often cast out of their homes and villages, if they survive. The doctor at the clinic said a simple surgery could be performed to prevent this, if adequate medical help and resources were available Ben Abe, Another Rotarian from Washington state, and an Ugan-dan visited Gulu town in Uganda. They learned of a very shocking situation occurring in this town. Rebels and bandits kidnap children to become child soldiers for Joseph Kony, a rebel leader, who is fighting a vicious war with the Ugandan Army. Ben Abe has been actively helping with the rehabilitation of these kidnapped children soldiers. The Gulu area is located in northern Uganda, near the Sudan boarder. This area also has Ebola, a disease so contagious that a lot of people have died. Courageous doctors have saved many lives and are working with the help of the United Nations, Rotary International, and many other world organizations. Jan, a Rotarian on this trip adopted two children from an orphanage. A video, showing Rotarians be-ing honored with a village celebration filled with dancing, singing, and drum beating music, was shown. In closing, Rhona told us that her dream is to help others came true and she looks for-ward to future humanitarian projects abroad.

Outside the District

Walt Gislason – Willmar RC, MN, chartered in 1979, located in District 5950. Pres Rick met Walt at a conference and found out that they were in the same business!

In District 5000

PDG Claude Thompson – Honolulu RC

Bill Stone – Windward Oahu Sunrise RC

Rhona Slingerland – Kapolei RC

Bill Martin - Gerry Joering’s and Ken Uyeno’s Guest. Bill will be inducted into our Club next week!

Ruth Wakai – Lovely wife of PP Cal Wakai

PP Charlie Duncan informed us that the Foundation is doing well. PP Charlie noted that this year’s goal of $10,500 will likely be surpassed. PE Dave Bramlett’s and PP Cal Wakai’s donations were matched, and thanked Rev. Fran Wiebenga for her generous donation to the Foundation. PP Charlie rang the “Bell” thanking all our members for4 their generous donations. He called on PDG Claude Thompson to present PP Cal Wakai with a pin for being a Foundation Double Sustainer. Doc Manny Abundo was also received this award. In clos-ing, PDG Claude thanked and commended our Club for all of our Donations to the Foundation. For the twenty-four years PDG Claude has been a Rotarian, he noted that the RCWW has been very generous to the Foundation in our giving.

PP Cal Wakai recognized PP Dave Bramlett and Rev Fran for their generous donations to HRYF

Mar 10th - Gary Sato – Linda Sato’s hubby. Linda gave contributions to TRF and HRYF in celebration as well as taking Gary out on the links and letting him win!!

Club BusinessClub Business

Visiting RotariansVisiting Rotarians

Guests of RotariansGuests of RotariansGuests of Rotarians

Visiting RotariansVisiting RotariansVisiting Rotarians

Rotary FoundationRotary Foundation

Hawaii Rotary Hawaii Rotary Youth FoundationYouth Foundation



$$$$ HI Fives$$$$ HI Fives $$$$$$$$



Volume 2, Issue 26 Page 3 Volume 2, Issue 26

This is a tremendous vote of confidence in our work, and its implications are spectacular. When we succeed in meeting this challenge, Rotary and the Gates Foundation will have brought an addi-tional $555 million of new funding to the polio eradication effort, at the time when it is most needed. Only four countries are still polio en-demic, but those four present the greatest practi-cal and epidemiological challenges. We are close to the final hurdle of this race – but the final hurdle is also the highest and will require the greatest effort from us all.

This money will be used for operational support, surveillance, and social mobilization – vital as-pects for the success of the campaign. In order to make the world polio-free, we must be vigilant for signs of new cases, we must coordinate well-planned and well-executed immunization days, and we must keep all our efforts organized for maximum efficiency and effectiveness. The hiring of town criers, the purchase of megaphones, the transportation of lab samples and vaccines, the mapping of villages to be sure not one child is missed – all of these needs are being met with the support of this challenge grant.

We are already close to halfway to raising our first $100 million; in the three years ahead, we must, and will, raise a full $200 million. We ask every Rotary club to carry out at least one fund-raising event for polio eradication in each of these three years, and we especially ask newer Rotarians, and newer clubs, to be a strong part of this effort. We are so close to eradicating polio. We are so close to making this Rotary dream real. We should all be part of this incredi-ble effort and this page in Rotary history. Dong Kurn (D.K.) Lee




(L—R) DGE Lisa Foster, PDG Roz Cooper, Rhona Slingerland & Sonya Mendez arriving in Ethiopia

Koro Woman

Ethiopian Man (courtesy of Jodi Cobb)

Ethiopian Children

Ethiopian Family and hut

Ethiopian Girl

(L—R) Sonya Mendez, PDG Roz Cooper & Rhona Slingerland ready work

DGE Lisa Foster administering the polio vaccine

PDG Roz Cooper administering the polio vaccine

Aloha to Jima Rotarians and residents

Ethiopian Children gong for water

Ethiopian woman carrying water

Ethiopian Village

Page 4 Volume 2, Issue 26


Water comes to a village!

Enjoying fresh, clean water


Gulu, Uganda

Well drilling truck

Modern Drilling truck

Drilling for water

Successful Drill

Page 5 Volume 2, Issue 26

Gulu, Uganda an area of concernGulu, Uganda an area of concernGulu, Uganda an area of concern

St Jude Orphanage, Gulu, Uganda

House of Love orphanage

Gulu Village

Gulu Refugee camp after a fire

Joseph Kony Rebel Leader & kidnaper of children

Children Soldiers

Poster bringing attention to children soldiers

Young Recruits

Child recruit in boot camp!

Child Soldier ready for battle!

Pineapples byPineapples by