Hazardous Chemical Management Training University of Colorado at Boulder Environmental Health & Safety Http://ehs.colorado.edu 303-492-6025 [email protected]

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Hazardous Chemical Management Training University of Colorado at Boulder Environmental Health & Safety Http://ehs.colorado.edu 303-492-6025 [email protected] Slide 2 Why am I here?! 1) Someone said I had to be here 2) I work with potentially hazardous materials 3) I could potentially generate hazardous waste 4)I live for the University and desperately want to protect its assets and investments Slide 3 Slide 4 Slide 5 R esource C onservation R ecovery A ct Passed by Congress in 1976 Slide 6 Cradle To Grave Slide 7 Oops~!! Slide 8 The Answer If you produce a waste that is hazardous by definition or characteristic you are a generator! If youre a generator you must have ANNUAL training, and so does your supervisor! Slide 9 But What is Hazardous Waste?! By Regulations Corrosive Toxic Ignitable Listed In Reality Buffers, Solvents, Salts, O-My..! If in doubt ask Haz-Waste Management Group Slide 10 CU Hazardous Waste Management Slide 11 Lab Safety Aisle Obstructions & Clutter Electrical cords, Clutter, Backpacks! Food In the Lab?! Secure Gas Cylinders Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Limit Quantity's of Hazardous Waste Slide 12 Examples Slide 13 PPE PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) NO SHORTS OR SANDALS! NO GLOVES OUTSIDE OF LAB! Slide 14 Hazard Communication Product Labels NFPA Signage MSDSs Quick Look at hazards Inside! Slide 15 NFPA Signage What does the white section mean? Slide 16 Material Safety Data Sheets Info on Hazards, Handling & Emergencies Designed For Industry MSDS Sections Chemical Id (Name & synonyms) Toxicity (How the Chemical can harm you) Physical Characteristics (Physical state: Gas, Liquid, Solid) Reactivity (Other chemicals that it may react with) Fire, Spill, First Aid (How to handle chemicals in these situations) Availability Supplier EH&S Data Bases Slide 17 Also helpful Know Location of: Fire Extinguishers Alarm Stations Eyewashes/Showers Exits MSDSs Spill Equipment Slide 18 Spills & Leaks Incidental Spill Vs. Spill Response Slide 19 Incidental Spill S pill is small in nature Q uickly locate spill cleanup materials I solate and clean up the spill incorporating proper protection (PPE) D ispose of waste properly! Slide 20 Emergency Spill Scenario A one gallon container of Phenol broke and has released onto the floor of you lab. Some has splashed on one of your co-workers arms and clothes. What do you do now?! Slide 21 Emergency Spill Response L ife Safety First E vacuate Immediate Area P ull Fire Alarm E xecute 911 call from Safe Location R emain Available for Emergency Personnel Slide 22 Chemistry Building Lab Fire A bottle of flammable liquid broke inside the hood next to a hot plate. Portable fire extinguishers were ineffective. Other improperly stored chemicals ignited, adding more fuel to the fire Slide 23 Fires Is there such a thing as a small (unintentional) fire? Follow Emergency Spill Response Procedure LEPER Attempt to extinguish the fire if youre comfortable doing so AND the Fire Department is on its way Slide 24 Waste Time! We have covered Lab safety Spill Response Fire What do you do with the waste you have generated?! Slide 25 Waste No Hazardous Chemicals down Drains or in the Trash! Slide 26 Now what.!? Slide 27 SAA Summary 1.Waste Containers Labeled AND Written Words Hazardous Waste 2.Container closed and not leaking or bulging 3.Separate to Prevent Incompatibility 4.In Secondary Containment 5.Less than 55 Gal. 6.Not a P-Listed Waste Slide 28 Whats Wrong Here? No Haz-Waste Label Open Containers No Secondary Containment Not In SAA Slide 29 Hazardous Waste Tag Fill Out Completely!! Full Chemical Names in English Percent Total = 100% Includes Solvent (H2O) Submit Top Copy to EH&S (UCB-413) Slide 30 Haz-Waste Crews Wish List: 1. Please write Legible! 2. Keep Mercury Separate! 3. Multiple containers of same waste = one tag! 4. Physical State of Chemical AND pH! Liquid Solid 5. Been waiting 2 weeks? Call 303-492-7845 6. Peace on earth and lots of money NOT LIIKE THIS!! Slide 31 Radioactive Material Contact Health Physics 303-492-6523 Special Training, License Mixed Waste - WATCH OUT! Mixed Chemicals and Rad are VERY!... VERY!. VERY! BAD!!! Slide 32 Bio waste All biologically contaminated materials Must Be Rendered Non-Infections Bleach Autoclave Autoclaved Material Should Be Placed in Bins for Pickup Slide 33 Empty Containers & Broken Glass Is it P-Listed?! No free flowing liquid Rinse toxic containers Must Cross out hazard warnings! Must Write Empty Container may be trash disposed *Lab glass is not allowed in campus recycling* Slide 34 Sharps Bio-Medically Appearing Contaminated Scalpel, Syringe, Needle = Haz Waste Chem Contaminated + Anything = Haz Waste All metal sharps (razor blades) = Haz Waste Not Contaminated Clean = Custodian Safe Container Label Non Haz Slide 35 Things You should know now We have covered Lab safety Spill Response Fire SAA/Waste Glass/Containers/Sharps Slide 36 Generator Responsibilities! Annual Training Collect Waste properly Proper Storage of Waste Emergency Procedures Complete Information on Haz-Waste Tags Up-to-date Chemical Inventory Up-to-date MSDS Catalog Lab Safety & General Housekeeping Slide 37 Questions?