Hay quienes dicen que las mujeres, cuando son amigas, son insoportables... The The The The Bright Red Bright Red Bright Red Bright Red Hat Hat Hat Hat

Hay quienes dicen que las mujeres, cuando son amigas, son insoportables … · At 20 yearsAt 20 yearsyearsof ooffofageageage, ,, , sheshesees seesseesherself herselfherselfas as toottooootoofat

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Hay quienes dicen que las mujeres, cuando son

amigas, son insoportables...

TheTheTheThe Bright Red Bright Red Bright Red Bright Red HatHatHatHat

TheTheTheThe glanceglanceglanceglance ofofofof a a a a femalefemalefemalefemale, , , , intointointointo a a a a mirrormirrormirrormirror........

At 2 she looks into the mirror

and sees a princess.

At 7, At 7, At 7, At 7, sheshesheshe seesseesseessees

herselfherselfherselfherself as as as as thethethethe


CinderellaCinderellaCinderellaCinderella orororor

Sleeping Sleeping Sleeping Sleeping BeautyBeautyBeautyBeauty

At 14, she sees herself

as a young lady, but

fat, with pimples and

thinks she can’t

possibly be seen this

way. “How awful!”

She says..

At 20 At 20 At 20 At 20 yearsyearsyearsyears ofofofof ageageageage, , , ,

sheshesheshe seesseesseessees herselfherselfherselfherself as as as as

tootootootoo fatfatfatfat, , , , tootootootoo skinnyskinnyskinnyskinny, , , ,

tootootootoo short, short, short, short, tootootootoo talltalltalltall, , , ,

hairhairhairhair tootootootoo curlycurlycurlycurly, , , , orororor

tootootootoo straightstraightstraightstraight. . . .

ButButButBut........sheshesheshe goesgoesgoesgoes out out out out


At 30 years of age, she

still sees herself as too

fat, too skinny, too

short, too tall, hair too

curly, or too straight.

But..decides she

doesn’t have time to fix

all this, and goes out


At 40, she still sees

herself as too fat, too

skinny, too short, too

tall, hair too curly, or

too straight.

But she thinks “Hey,

I’m alive! OH WELL!”

and goes out anyhow.

At 50, At 50, At 50, At 50, sheshesheshe seesseesseessees

herselfherselfherselfherself in in in in thethethethe mirrormirrormirrormirror

andandandand thinksthinksthinksthinks ““““finallyfinallyfinallyfinally………… I I I I

amamamam memememe””””. . . . SheSheSheShe goesgoesgoesgoes out out out out

andandandand thinksthinksthinksthinks ““““IIII’’’’mmmm even even even even


At 60, At 60, At 60, At 60, sheshesheshe looks at looks at looks at looks at

herselfherselfherselfherself andandandand thinksthinksthinksthinks

ofofofof allallallall thethethethe womenwomenwomenwomen

thatthatthatthat cannotcannotcannotcannot seemseemseemseem totototo

looklooklooklook at at at at themselvesthemselvesthemselvesthemselves

in in in in thethethethe mirrormirrormirrormirror........

SheSheSheShe goesgoesgoesgoes out out out out andandandand

conquersconquersconquersconquers thethethethe worldworldworldworld!!!!

At 70 At 70 At 70 At 70 yearsyearsyearsyears ofofofof ageageageage, , , ,

sheshesheshe seesseesseessees herselfherselfherselfherself andandandand

her her her her worthworthworthworth, her , her , her , her

wisdomwisdomwisdomwisdom, , , , happinesshappinesshappinesshappiness

andandandand recognizesrecognizesrecognizesrecognizes her her her her

abilityabilityabilityability. . . . SheSheSheShe goesgoesgoesgoes out out out out

andandandand enjoysenjoysenjoysenjoys lifelifelifelife totototo

thethethethe fullestfullestfullestfullest....

At 80At 80At 80At 80…………sheshesheshe doesdoesdoesdoes

notnotnotnot preoccupypreoccupypreoccupypreoccupy

herselfherselfherselfherself withwithwithwith lookinglookinglookinglooking

in in in in thethethethe mirrormirrormirrormirror. . . . SheSheSheShe

simplysimplysimplysimply putsputsputsputs onononon her her her her

bright red bright red bright red bright red hathathathat andandandand

goesgoesgoesgoes andandandand enjoysenjoysenjoysenjoys allallallall

thethethethe funfunfunfun thatthatthatthat lifelifelifelife has has has has

totototo offerofferofferoffer....

Let us share the messsage to all women: Let us

all put on our bright red hats on sooner!

Let us be more mindful of opening our hearts

rather than our appearance.

Let us enjoy each and every moment and share

those with the ones we love.

ToTo allall ofof my my femalefemale friendsfriends I I celebratecelebrate

YOU YOU todaytoday andand sendsend a a bigbig hughug!!

HappyHappy MotherMother’’ss Day!Day!

NowNow forwardforward thisthis toto allall ofof youryour femalefemale

friendsfriends andand shareshare youryour lovelove……