n I v (f1 kVAXAMA OA I K 1 'II II Wl ill . I til I II - - w w Oh XL-- NO. 106. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. MONDAT, MAY 5, 1890, PRICE 5 CENTS. l i : . . : : r : , i t laarotss tiara's. THE DAILY Jfe CXbvtrtmmtnts. INTERESTINQ (KILLINGS. HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY, Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. GElSrERAlU, AGENTS, EXPERT AGCOTJNTjaijN"TS AlSTD dOLLEOTORS, INSURANCE AGENTS, CUSTOM REAL ESTATE, FIRE AND LIFE HOUSE, LOAN AND 0 - Departments J, B. CASTLE, , Commission Merchant. Office Cartwright Building, Merchant Street, : Honolulu, H. I. WILLIAM C. icH I Attorney and counsellor at law, Notary Public and Real Estate Broker. Office 30 Merchant Street. 131-3- m J. M. DAVIDSON, Attorney and Counsellor-at-La- w. Office Kaahumanu Street, (In office formerly occupied by Mr. C iw-i- y liogers), GARDNER K. WILDER, -- A.ttoniev"a.t-Ij&"w. Office Honolulu Hale, Merchant Street. 77 1264-l- y PROF, G SAUVLET, Books akd Accounts accurately kept and properly adjusted. CoLLKCTios will receive SDecial attention and returns nromntlv made. - CoNvxYANcraa a Specialty. Records searched likgal documents and Papess of every description carefully drawn and handsomely engrossed. . j :. . , Copyiho and Tbanslating in all languages in general use in this Kingdom. xiKALi xistatje Dougnt ana soldi Taxes paid HOUSES. Cottaeres. Rooms. Offices and Land Fire and Life Insurance effected in first-cla- ss Insurance Companies. Custom House Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch. Loans Negotiated at Favobable Rates. Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers. . Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished. Axy Article Purchased or sold on commission. . Inter-Islan- d Orders will receive particular attention. ALL BUSINESS ENTRUSTED TO OUR CARE WILL RECEIVE PROMPT AND FAITHFUL ATTENTION Having had an extensive business violin and Singing Lessons. New York City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all business of an intricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, and respectfully Boiiutainai, UAWAliAH , UUSlJNri.KS AliHilNt J Y . (BCT Bell Telephone No. 274. CASTLE & COOKE, 1 M P OR TEKS , and Commission Shipping At Residence 195 Nuuanu Ave. : Tele. 599, or will visit pupils at their residence. 84-l- m CASTLE & COOKE, HARDWARE, Shipping and Commission Merchants IHPOBTERS AND DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Plantation Agents, Life, Fire and Marine Insurance Agents. 153 HONOLULU,- - H. I. ly The Liverpool and Lon don and Globe nsrsuR jAistge go f ESTABLISHED 1830. PLANTATION AND DEALERS j ' . Chewed by a Call; ' ; A well known Washijton. xner-eba- nt tells the following story on him- self : He was born clear up in the mountains near the Tennessee line. His mother died when he was two months old and his father and grand- mother "raised" him by hand in their lonely cabin on , a mountain clearing:, miles from the nearest neighbor. He was clad in a sinffle flowing garment on the Mother Hubbard style, made of homespun towcloth, which was lengthened as years added length to He never saw a girl until he was 16. That year a terrible drought struck in and his father had to go ten miles down the 'cove" to tret his corn ground. So ho yoked up the steers and threw several bags of corn in the bottom of the cart. The boy, in his peculiar trarment. climbed in and sat on the bags. He was ging to a new and far off country and every sight was a wonaer. arriving at me mill, he watched with curious interest tho corn making its way from the hopper into the Heart ox the stone and then spurt out in warm white jets into the trough. He went outside and saw the water pour over and turn the huge overshot wheeL and neered with a sensation of fear into the dark, mossy cavern into wmcn ine wneci was forever retreating. On rising at a little distance he spied a log cabin, and shortly wandered over througn the brush m its direc- - Ll A Til a i V! uuu. rau ionce sioppea ins prog ress a couple of rods from tho door-wa- v. and no leaned over and looked. xhere. sitting outside the door on a i t r i- - oencn were two giris. uno was spin- ning wool and the other knitting. They were the most beautiful things he had ever seen and he nearly died right there. They saw him and burst out laughing at his remarkable ap- pearance. He didn't know what to do, but thought it was probably the roper wing 10 siaro at inem ana augh back, which ho did with inter est. This mutual entertainment kept up for some ten minutes, when one of the girls laughed so hard she rolled off the bench. He thoucrht that was queer, but just then he felt something cold on his legs. He turned around. As he did so both girls shrieked with laughter and ran into the house. He found that the cold thing on his legs was tho muzzle of a bull calf that was chewing away vigorously on what was left of the rear of his dress, which had been shockingly mutilated by the animal during the few minutes no was staring at the girls. He has seen more girls since and bears their smiles with creater equa nimity. He is also one of the Best dressed men in Washington, but that experience with the bull calf and the girls will never be effaced from his memory. Washington Post. Starving the Teeth. Teeth are just as easily starved to i death as the stomach. In ono way it is a Diessmg u nave oeen oorn oi poor parents. What food the poor give their children is of the variety that roes to make strong bones and teeth. X is- - the outside ox all the grains, of all the ceceal foods, that contains the carbonate and phosphate of lime and traces ox other earthy salts which nourish the bony tissues and build the frame up. If we do not furnish to the teeth o: the young that pabulum they require they cannot possibly be built up. It is me ouisiae oi corn, oaus, wneai, oar-le- y and the like, or the bran, so called, that we sift away and feed to the swine, that the teeth actually require for then proper nourishment. Tho wisdom of man has proved his folly. shown in every succeeding generation of teeth, which become more fragile and weak. These flouring mills are working destruction upon the teeth of every, man, woman and child who . partake of their fine bolted flour. They sift out the carbonates and the phosphates of lime in order that they may provide that fine white flour which is proving a whitened Eepul-ch- er to teeth.' ' Oatmeal is one of the best foods for supplying the teeth with nourishment. It makes the dentine cementum ana BUILDERS' AND GENERAL HARDWARE, AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, SUtrir&stmenis. Australian Mai! Service FOR SAN FRANCISCO, rh) new and fine Al steel steamship ZBA. LA. 1ST ID I A. " Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be due at .uoneiuiuirom Sydney and Auckland on or about " May 3, 1890, Aud will leave for the abete port with mails and passengers on or about that date. For freight or passage, having STJPEMOB ACCOMMODATIONS, apply to Win. Gr. Irwin & Co., ; - AGENTS. Fop Sydney and Auck land. The new and fine Al steel Bteamshlp C Ta r a nrsT nvn a . , . ,' O the Oceanic Bteamshlp Company, will be due at Honolulu from Ban Francisco or or about May 10, 1890. And will have prompt dlspatcn with malls an assengers for the above ports. For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR AC COMMODATIONS, apply to Wm. GK Irwin & Co., AGENTS Clans Sprockets Wm. G. Irwin. CLAOS SPKECKELS & CO., BANKEES. HONOLULU HAWAIIAN ISLANDS Draw Exchange en the principal parts o the world. Will receive deposits on open account, make collections and conduct a general banking and exchange business. Deposits bearing interest received in their Say lngs Department subject to published rules and regulations. 17oc3tf ANDERSON & LUNDY, Dentists. ARTIFICIAL TEETH from one to an entire set in- serted on gold, silver, allum-inuma- nd rubber bases. Crown and bridge work a specialty. To persons wearing rubber plates which are a constant source of irritation to the mouth and throat, we would recommend our Prophylactic Metal Plate. All oper- ations performed in accordance with the latest improvements in dental science. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of Nitrous Oxide Gas. Hotel street, Tregloan premises. 65-l-y ' H. B. HITCHCOCK. J. MC'QUEEN. HAWAIIAN TRANSFER COMPANY. Office; next door to R. More, King St. Bell Tel. 100; Mutual Tel. 565. - DRAYMEN. All orders ior cartage promptly attended to. iranicoiar anenuoa pwu w wb Storing and Shipping of Goods in Transit . to Other - Islands. '. Also, Black and White Sand, in quanti- ties to suit, at lowest prices. 2--ly OA-ti- L FOE DIAMOND CREAMERY PLANTATION SUPPLIES, Carpenters' Blacksmiths' Machinists' and Plumbers' Tools, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Commercial Advertiser Wing Except Sundays, lXo. 4 J""v BCBSCBIFT10NS : per month 60 Gazette, one year ..... o w U408" foreign (in- - l,.e - 6 W ,e mvribly iu Advance. . i...r;iotiicntDiiiuat VranstifHi HAWAIIAN GAZETTE CO., 46 Merchant st., Honolulu. H. I. 0 ILLIAM C. ACH1, nd Counsellor at taw, and El Estate Broker. Lthe courts of the Kingdom, Merchant St., Honolulu. iu EfERS & COOKE, asors to Lewers & Dickson) and Dealers In Lnmber I Kinds of Building Materials. STREET, Honolulu. 152 T. WATERHOUSE, Exporter and Dealer in AL MERCHANDISE. Ul Queen Street, Honolulu, ltf HACKFELD & CO., Commission Agents ort k Queen Sta., Honolulu, ltf pVER SALOON, h Opposite Wilder & Co.'s, . XOLTE, PROPBIETOB. nncheg Served with Tea. Coffee. inter, Uinger Ale or Milk. rom 3 a. m. till 10 p. m. Baisuesaspecuny. im 3 TT?OM WnPTTS T.n r ffl W AtUM I Engines, KM Mills, Coolers, Brass I M Lead Castlnim. every description made to Pof paid to ships' black executed on the shortest ltf J ROYAL SALOON, n aod Merchant Streets ' the Manageme n t of I. F. Wolter, frtoci a variety of the best Wines, P mu ice cold beers en draught at f!lnd See ITs.'Bl ltf h E. GOMES, IJ of Gomes &Wichman.) Block, No 79 Port Street, mriua: -:- - Jeweler. er3 Droirmrltr offn,ii fi-onolulu- . 48-3-m P- - L. C. PRAY, and Roman Baths, w- - tA E OF RESIDENCE wV&0 FROM wbelloLane.Palama. M 12m., and 6 to 9 p.m. f Mutual 60: l i AKb OFFIR. U V) N . Wished 1710. Ul brnmln. WI I u"r 327.333.7nn cognized. a uo. co., .t ... ' S 40.000.000 Net Income 9,079,000 Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, and General Merchandise. Claim Paid 112.59,000 WEI m3 U Lw-JLJ- uJ TONE a DURADILITV New Yobx, Sept. 25, 1889. Hawaiian News Co., ' Honolulu, Sand- - . wicb is. ; -- . ; ) : Gentlemen : We take nle&sura in ac. knowledging your acceptance of the Sole Agency of the Fischer " Pianos in the Sandwich Islands and we hereby confirm tne same. .... - , We further direct yon to notify the gen- - era! public that you are the Sole Agent for we JP w iSCHER " i'lANOS and that anv ianos bought from any other source will attended bv a great risk to . the rur- - chaser by not . receiving the . Genuine " Fischer " Piano and all guarantees will be withdrawn from the same. . , ' We have no doubt but what you will meet with great success in the sale of these instruments, and wishing you all pros-perit- y, we remain, gentlemen, , Yours very" truly, . - J. & O. Fischer. 9Pre-eminentl- y the best instrument made.. Endorsed by all the leading musi- cians of the age. Will stand hard usage in any climate and guaranteed by the makers for 5 years. (IlPd Catalogues free.) " Sold on Uonfhly installments " AT THE MBSIC DEPARTMENT HAWAIIAN NEWS CO. 35--tf C. B. WELLS, ! Wholesale Grocer and Provision Dealer AND Commission Merchant. 42 Queen Street, Eonolala. j TTelphones MutusJ 620 ; Bell 67) I - : 1305 10-S- m :' 1 - . , BECHSTEIN PIANOS ! rfsPni XTAVING BEEN APPOINTED SOLE --LJ- Agents for the sale of C. Bechstein's celebrated Pianofortes, we bee to solicit orders for either Horizontal or Upright urana. . . , , " u or twenty-eig- nt years tnat 1 nave now used Bechstein's Pianos, they have main- - uunea tneir superiority. ljkzt." " A noble inexhaustible and svmDathetic fulness of tone, together with an exquisite wuuu, wuicu auiuiis oi we utmost variety of shade bears testimony to the fact that the manufacture has attained the utmost degree of perfection in the act of instru- ment making, i BUBIKSTXIN." i 'f CYor further particulars annlv to Prof. G. Sauvlet, Nuuanu Avenue, or to HACKXIBXjTJ &c CO., Sole Agents for the Hawn. Isl. 19 1307-3- m NEW HONOLULU MEAT MARKET v;j 3 hi. ; Locatedt the Fish Market, c M. K. LIVINGSTON, : Prop. (Formerly of Metropolitan Market) Family & Shipping Butcher ' Our Sausages a Specialty.' All orders will receive prompt attention ana aeuvery to any part ox Honolulu. - Gr ME A TMAL! Telepliones--IIutu- al 622, Bell iOO. ' AMES NOTT, JR., rSACTICAL t, I TINSMITH & PLUMBER ' Corner of Kins; smd Alakesv St.t i Honolnla, H. I. . J TELEPHONE Workshop. Mataal 261 ; . j resilience, juutuai, sa. CEstimates furnished on all classes of Plumbing and Tinsmithine work. First class workmanship and material guaran- - ieea in au ue aoove Drancnes ox my dusi- - ness at reasonable rates. - 44-1- ? - - 4 Walker 6 Eedward, Gontx&ctora GBtiilderb firlek, Ctons waA Woodss Ss&ics '" '' 'h-- l rstata ciWa.:v ' :' - &lsa PVC?SJ AUSSCSI Or 73 KINO OTIinST. f. O. CasCS Takes Bisks ae&inst Loss or Damage by Fire on Buildinss. Machinery. Sugar Mills.Dwellingi Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals, Furniture, on the most ravora Die terms. EXCHANGE BROKERS. V r .. of Business: and correct Abstracts of Titles furnished and Property saieiy insured. leased and rented, and rents r nil pMW. AT MODERATE CHARGES. experience for over twentv-fiv- e veara in ; " - - - - 29 1304-- ii Merchants INSURANCE AGENTS. IN Remington Sewing Machines, Dr. Jane & Sons Family Iledicines. l-- y . - TST OT T, and 97 KING STREET. - ; ' o O D O i it- Housekeeping Gooas. and- - Sibeet jlron Wbrii from Soston. - J. King and Bethel Streets. Wilcox & Gibbs. and '"V ' i3o4 JO H 1ST UIMOND BLOCK, 95 .".". '.t:'-- . 'i ' Ji". .", j :j V D CD O 13 If .: :'i I O .. V i o o c Stores, Ranges and Plumbing, Tin, Copper isisnop S5 uo 1188-6- m m CASTLE & COOKE, Life, Fire and Marine Insurance Agents ! AGENTS FOB: New England Mutual Life Ins. Co. ' OF BOSTON. Mna Fire Ins. Cj. of Hartford. UNION" r - Insurance Comp.any FIRE AND MARINE, OF SAN FBANCISCO, CALTFOBNIA. 1304 1-- y SOMETHING- - NEW! To be able to get-you- r, ;, SPRING BEDS PARLOR SETS And-Ever- y Description of Furniture, Restnffed and Covered, At Reasonable Rates and In the Best Manner. ti i n ? x ; Al il.A AaVx mm Tl If nDATTrT THV WAlrif TTnnnlctArflr New Goods, ex Bk. John D. Brew no Klne st.. ne- - Alakea. directly 183 Days enamel strong, flintlike and able to resist all forms of decay. If you have children never allow any white bread upon your table. Bread made of whole wheat ground, not bolted, so that the bran which contains the minute quan- tities of lime is present, is best To : make a good, wholesome, nourishing bread take two bowls of wheat meal and one bowl of white or bolted flour, . . and make the usual process. Noth- ing is superior to brown Dread for bone and tooth building.- - This is made, out of rye meal and com meal. Baked becms, too. have a considerable supply of these lime salts and should boon your table, hot or cold, three times a : week. ; In brushing the teeth always " brush up and down from the gums in-ctc- sd of Bcross. Brush away from the (rata and on the grinding curfsca ct tne teeth. American Analyst v Senator Jones, of Nevada, was ones erocssuvr surprbo ths cincathe ed- - j vWwnites into his state, tho . . opp. Cala. Fruit Store. New Beddine. Louncres. etc., to order. JJesicrns and estimates suDmittea. w - w.--- .- - -- w. 1 1TTT BUTTER UKEWiUlt & UUHTAJX X, Dry: Goods, Hardware, Boots, Shoes, Stationery, Wrapping Pape r HOUSEHOLD SEWING iCHINES. , - j; & C. FISCHEE PIANOS Etc., Etc.,v . Ktc. '. V :: r : - ED. nOFTSCIILAEGER Ci 0. ; (Limited). V GENERAL MERCANTILE COMMISSION AGENTS. OYFIGZE3: Fresld ent and llanager TM.mM. anil Homt.r W. F.Allen'.ir.r.M...... ..Auditor In lib.;' 21b., Sib, and 71b. Tins. ; IPinest Article for "Warm Olimates. ; Wholesale Grocers, r SOLB AGENTS. CUfinila 8 St.. 80 and 2 fe lSb245-l- y 123fi:iOO-l- y Piutolndisns WhasM W hadt , Mil." mmmm- - " - llisriion. "I csn't accssry ., tsid JJr. Jones. "To me," vtr eansttOox. "the explsaitm is The Nevada IJ let besa brcu-- bt eptt civ tlil dfOCAW 10 Hon. The Weekly Gazette and Daily P. C. Advertiser J' v..' tO. A. H.l. P-0.- w 1 DIRECTORS: tut ARB TTTK LEADING PAJPILJRS 0 THE I 10 uon.o.8. Bishop. Hon. H. WaUrhouss 1 .v..-

HAWAIIAN Australian WEIand the like, or the bran, so called, that we sift away and feed to the swine, that the teeth actually require for then proper nourishment. Tho wisdom of man

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Page 1: HAWAIIAN Australian WEIand the like, or the bran, so called, that we sift away and feed to the swine, that the teeth actually require for then proper nourishment. Tho wisdom of man





Wl ill . I til I II- - w w

Oh XL--NO. 106. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. MONDAT, MAY 5, 1890, PRICE 5 CENTS.l i : . . : : r :

, i tlaarotss tiara's.THE DAILY Jfe CXbvtrtmmtnts. INTERESTINQ (KILLINGS.

HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGENCY,Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets, Honolulu,

Hawaiian Islands.






Commission Merchant.Office Cartwright Building,

Merchant Street, : Honolulu, H. I.

WILLIAM C. icH IAttorney and counsellor at law,

Notary Public and Real EstateBroker.

Office 30 Merchant Street. 131-3- m


Attorney and Counsellor-at-La- w.

Office Kaahumanu Street,(In office formerly occupied by Mr. C

iw-i- y liogers),



Office Honolulu Hale, Merchant Street.77 1264-l- y


Books akd Accounts accurately kept and properly adjusted.CoLLKCTios will receive SDecial attention and returns nromntlv made. -CoNvxYANcraa a Specialty. Records searchedlikgal documents and Papess of every description carefully drawn and handsomely

engrossed. . j :. . ,Copyiho and Tbanslating in all languages in general use in this Kingdom.xiKALi xistatje Dougnt ana soldi Taxes paidHOUSES. Cottaeres. Rooms. Offices and LandFire and Life Insurance effected in first-cla- ss Insurance Companies.Custom House Business transacted with accuracy and dispatch.Loans Negotiated at Favobable Rates.Advertisements and Subscriptions solicited for Publishers. .Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished.Axy Article Purchased or sold on commission. .

Inter-Islan-d Orders will receive particular attention.


Having had an extensive businessviolin and Singing Lessons.New York City and elsewhere, we feel competent to attend to all business of anintricate and complicated nature, or requiring tact and discretion, and respectfullyBoiiutainai, UAWAliAH , UUSlJNri.KS AliHilNt J Y .

(BCT Bell Telephone No. 274.


and CommissionShipping

At Residence 195 Nuuanu Ave. : Tele.599, or will visit pupils at their residence.

84-l- m


Shipping and Commission Merchants



Plantation Agents,Life, Fire and Marine

Insurance Agents.

153 HONOLULU,-- H. I. ly

The Liverpool and Lon

don and Globe

nsrsuR jAistge gofESTABLISHED 1830.




. Chewed by a Call; '; A well known Washijton. xner-eba- nt

tells the following story on him-self : He was born clear up in themountains near the Tennessee line.His mother died when he was twomonths old and his father and grand-mother "raised" him by hand in theirlonely cabin on , a mountain clearing:,miles from the nearest neighbor. Hewas clad in a sinffle flowing garmenton the Mother Hubbard style, made ofhomespun towcloth, which waslengthened as years added length to

He never saw a girl until he was 16.That year a terrible drought struck inand his father had to go ten milesdown the 'cove" to tret his cornground. So ho yoked up the steersand threw several bags of corn in thebottom of the cart. The boy, in hispeculiar trarment. climbed in and saton the bags. He was ging to a newand far off country and every sightwas a wonaer. arriving at me mill,he watched with curious interest thocorn making its way from the hopperinto the Heart ox the stone and thenspurt out in warm white jets into thetrough. He went outside and saw thewater pour over and turn the hugeovershot wheeL and neered with asensation of fear into the dark, mossycavern into wmcn ine wneci wasforever retreating.

On rising at a little distance he spieda log cabin, and shortly wanderedover througn the brush m its direc--Ll A Til a i V!uuu. rau ionce sioppea ins progress a couple of rods from tho door-wa- v.

and no leaned over and looked.xhere. sitting outside the door on ai t r i--oencn were two giris. uno was spin-ning wool and the other knitting.They were the most beautiful thingshe had ever seen and he nearly diedright there. They saw him and burstout laughing at his remarkable ap-pearance. He didn't know what todo, but thought it was probably the

roper wing 10 siaro at inem anaaugh back, which ho did with inter

est. This mutual entertainment keptup for some ten minutes, when one ofthe girls laughed so hard she rolled offthe bench. He thoucrht that wasqueer, but just then he felt somethingcold on his legs.

He turned around. As he did soboth girls shrieked with laughter andran into the house. He found thatthe cold thing on his legs was thomuzzle of a bull calf that was chewingaway vigorously on what was left ofthe rear of his dress, which had beenshockingly mutilated by the animalduring the few minutes no was staringat the girls.

He has seen more girls since andbears their smiles with creater equanimity. He is also one of the Bestdressed men in Washington, but thatexperience with the bull calf and thegirls will never be effaced from hismemory. Washington Post.

Starving the Teeth.Teeth are just as easily starved to

i death as the stomach. In ono way itis a Diessmg u nave oeen oorn oi poorparents. What food the poor givetheir children is of the variety thatroes to make strong bones and teeth.X is- - the outside ox all the grains, of

all the ceceal foods, that contains thecarbonate and phosphate of lime andtraces ox other earthy salts whichnourish the bony tissues and build theframe up.

If we do not furnish to the teeth o:the young that pabulum they requirethey cannot possibly be built up. It isme ouisiae oi corn, oaus, wneai, oar-le- y

and the like, or the bran, so called,that we sift away and feed to theswine, that the teeth actually requirefor then proper nourishment. Thowisdom of man has proved his folly.shown in every succeeding generationof teeth, which become more fragileand weak. These flouring mills areworking destruction upon the teeth ofevery, man, woman and child who .

partake of their fine bolted flour.They sift out the carbonates and thephosphates of lime in order that theymay provide that fine white flourwhich is proving a whitened Eepul-ch-er

to teeth.' '

Oatmeal is one of the best foods forsupplying the teeth with nourishment.It makes the dentine cementum ana



Australian Mai! Service


rh) new and fine Al steel steamship

ZBA. LA.1ST ID IA. "Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will be due

at .uoneiuiuirom Sydney and Aucklandon or about "

May 3, 1890,Aud will leave for the abete port with mails andpassengers on or about that date.

For freight or passage, having STJPEMOBACCOMMODATIONS, apply to

Win. Gr. Irwin & Co.,; - AGENTS.

Fop Sydney and Auck land.

The new and fine Al steel Bteamshlp

C Ta r a nrsT nvn a. , . ,'

O the Oceanic Bteamshlp Company, will bedue at Honolulu from Ban Francisco

or or about

May 10, 1890.

And will have prompt dlspatcn with malls anassengers for the above ports.For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR AC


Wm. GK Irwin & Co.,AGENTS

Clans Sprockets Wm. G. Irwin.



Draw Exchange en the principal parts o theworld.

Will receive deposits on open account, makecollections and conduct a general banking andexchange business.

Deposits bearing interest received in their Saylngs Department subject to published rules andregulations. 17oc3tf



from one to an entire set in-

serted on gold, silver, allum-inuma- nd

rubber bases.Crown and bridge work a specialty. Topersons wearing rubber plates which are aconstant source of irritation to themouth and throat, we would recommendour Prophylactic Metal Plate. All oper-ations performed in accordance with thelatest improvements in dental science.Teeth extracted without pain by the use ofNitrous Oxide Gas.

Hotel street, Tregloan premises.65-l-y '



Office; next door to R. More, King St.

Bell Tel. 100; Mutual Tel. 565. -

DRAYMEN.All orders ior cartage promptly attended

to. iranicoiar anenuoa pwu w wb

Storing and Shipping of Goods inTransit


to Other-

Islands.'.Also, Black and White Sand, in quanti-ties to suit, at lowest prices. 2--ly


PLANTATION SUPPLIES,Carpenters' Blacksmiths' Machinists' and Plumbers' Tools,


Commercial Advertiser

Wing Except Sundays,

lXo. 4 J""v


per month 60

Gazette, one year ..... o wU408" foreign (in- -

l,.e - 6 W

,e mvribly iu Advance.

. i...r;iotiicntDiiiuatVranstifHi


46 Merchant st.,Honolulu. H. I.0


nd Counsellor at taw, andEl Estate Broker.Lthe courts of the Kingdom,

Merchant St., Honolulu.iu


asors to Lewers & Dickson)

and Dealers In LnmberI Kinds of Building Materials.

STREET, Honolulu. 152


Exporter and Dealer in

AL MERCHANDISE.Ul Queen Street, Honolulu, ltf


Commission Agents

ort k Queen Sta., Honolulu, ltf


h Opposite Wilder & Co.'s,. XOLTE, PROPBIETOB.nncheg Served with Tea. Coffee.inter, Uinger Ale or Milk.rom 3 a. m. till 10 p. m.Baisuesaspecuny. im

3 TT?OM WnPTTS T.nr ffl W AtUM I

Engines,KM Mills, Coolers, Brass I

M Lead Castlnim.every description made to

Pof paid to ships' blackexecuted on the shortest


J ROYAL SALOON,n aod Merchant Streets

' the Manageme n t of

I. F. Wolter,frtoci a variety of the best Wines,P mu ice cold beers en draught at

f!lnd See ITs.'Bl ltf

h E. GOMES,IJ of Gomes &Wichman.)

Block, No 79 Port Street,

mriua: -:- - Jeweler.er3 Droirmrltr offn,ii

fi-onolulu- . 48-3-m

P- - L. C. PRAY,and Roman Baths,

w- - tA


wV&0 FROMwbelloLane.Palama.

M 12m., and 6 to 9 p.m.

fMutual 60: li


Wished 1710.

Ul brnmln. WI I



a uo.


.t ... ' S 40.000.000Net Income 9,079,000

Kitchen Utensils, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Lamp Goods, and

General Merchandise.Claim Paid 112.59,000


U Lw-JLJ- uJ

TONE a DURADILITVNew Yobx, Sept. 25, 1889.

Hawaiian News Co., ' Honolulu, Sand- -. wicb is. ; --

. ; ) :

Gentlemen : We take nle&sura in ac.knowledging your acceptance of the SoleAgency of the Fischer " Pianos in theSandwich Islands and we hereby confirmtne same. .... - ,

We further direct yon to notify the gen- -era! public that you are the Sole Agentfor we JP

wiSCHER " i'lANOS and that anv

ianos bought from any other source willattended bv a great risk to . the rur--

chaser by not . receiving the . Genuine" Fischer " Piano and all guarantees willbe withdrawn from the same. . , '

We have no doubt but what you willmeet with great success in the sale of theseinstruments, and wishing you all pros-perit- y,

we remain, gentlemen,, Yours very" truly,

. - J. & O. Fischer.9Pre-eminentl- y the best instrument

made.. Endorsed by all the leading musi-cians of the age. Will stand hard usagein any climate and guaranteed by themakers for 5 years. (IlPd Catalogues free.)

" Sold on Uonfhly installments "





Wholesale Grocer and Provision Dealer


Commission Merchant.

42 Queen Street, Eonolala.

j TTelphones MutusJ 620 ; Bell 67)I - : 1305 10-S- m :'1


rfsPniXTAVING BEEN APPOINTED SOLE--LJ- Agents for the sale of C. Bechstein'scelebrated Pianofortes, we bee to solicitorders for either Horizontal or Uprighturana. .

. ,

, " u or twenty-eig- nt years tnat 1 nave nowused Bechstein's Pianos, they have main- -uunea tneir superiority. ljkzt."

" A noble inexhaustible and svmDatheticfulness of tone, together with an exquisitewuuu, wuicu auiuiis oi we utmost varietyof shade bears testimony to the fact thatthe manufacture has attained the utmostdegree of perfection in the act of instru-ment making, i BUBIKSTXIN."

i 'fCYor further particulars annlv toProf. G. Sauvlet, Nuuanu Avenue, or to

HACKXIBXjTJ &c CO.,Sole Agents for the Hawn. Isl.

19 1307-3- m


Locatedt the Fish Market,


M. K. LIVINGSTON, : Prop.(Formerly of Metropolitan Market)

Family & Shipping Butcher'Our Sausages a Specialty.'

All orders will receive prompt attentionana aeuvery to any part ox Honolulu.

- Gr ME A TMAL!Telepliones--IIutu- al 622, Bell iOO.




Corner of Kins; smd Alakesv St.ti Honolnla, H. I. .

J TELEPHONE Workshop. Mataal 261 ;. j resilience, juutuai, sa.

CEstimates furnished on all classesof Plumbing and Tinsmithine work. Firstclass workmanship and material guaran- -ieea in au ue aoove Drancnes ox my dusi--ness at reasonable rates. - 44-1-?

- - 4

Walker 6 Eedward,

Gontx&ctora GBtiilderbfirlek, Ctons waA Woodss Ss&ics '" ''

'h-- l rstata ciWa.:v ' :' -


f. O. CasCS

Takes Bisks ae&inst Loss or Damage by Fireon Buildinss. Machinery. Sugar Mills.Dwellingi

Blake's Steam Pumps, Weston's Centrifugals,Furniture, on the most ravora Die terms.


r ..

of Business:

and correct Abstracts of Titles furnished

and Property saieiy insured.leased and rented, and rents rnilpMW.


experience for over twentv-fiv- e veara in

; " - - -- 29 1304--ii




Remington Sewing Machines,

Dr. Jane & Sons Family Iledicines.l-- y . -

TST OT T,and 97 KING STREET. - ; '

o O D O



Housekeeping Gooas.

and- - Sibeet jlron Wbrii

from Soston.

- J.

King and Bethel Streets.

Wilcox & Gibbs. and

'"V ' i3o4


.".". '.t:'-- . 'i 'Ji". .", j :j V

D CD O 13 If

.: :'i I O .. V

i o o c

Stores, Ranges and

Plumbing, Tin, Copper

isisnop S5 uo1188-6- m m


Life, Fire and Marine

Insurance Agents !


New England Mutual Life Ins. Co.


Mna Fire Ins. Cj. of Hartford.


Insurance Comp.anyFIRE AND MARINE,


SOMETHING- - NEW!To be able to get-you- r, ;,


And-Ever- y Description of Furniture,

Restnffed and Covered,At Reasonable Rates and In the

Best Manner.ti i n ? x ; Al il.A AaVx mm

Tl If nDATTrT THV WAlrif TTnnnlctArflr New Goods, ex Bk. John D. Brewno Klne st.. ne-- Alakea. directly

183 Days

enamel strong, flintlike and able toresist all forms of decay. If you havechildren never allow any white breadupon your table. Bread made of wholewheat ground, not bolted, so that thebran which contains the minute quan-tities of lime is present, is best To :

make a good, wholesome, nourishingbread take two bowls of wheat mealand one bowl of white or bolted flour, . .

and make the usual process. Noth-ing issuperior to brown Dread for boneand tooth building.- - This is made, outof rye meal and com meal. Bakedbecms, too. have a considerable supplyof these lime salts and should boonyour table, hot or cold, three times a :

week. ; In brushing the teeth always "

brush up and down from the gums in-ctc- sd

of Bcross. Brush away from the(rata and on the grinding curfsca cttne teeth. American Analyst

v Senator Jones, of Nevada, was oneserocssuvr surprbo ths cincathe ed-- jvWwnites into his state, tho .

. opp. Cala. Fruit Store.New Beddine. Louncres. etc., to order.

JJesicrns and estimates suDmittea. w- w.--- .- - --w. 1 1TTT BUTTERUKEWiUlt & UUHTAJX X,

Dry: Goods, Hardware, Boots, Shoes, Stationery, Wrapping Pape r


j; & C. FISCHEE PIANOSEtc., Etc.,v . Ktc. '. V :: r :


; (Limited). V




Fresld ent and llanagerTM.mM. anil Homt.r

W. F.Allen'.ir.r.M...... ..Auditor

In lib.;' 21b., Sib, and 71b. Tins. ;

IPinest Article for"Warm Olimates.

; Wholesale Grocers, rSOLB AGENTS.

CUfinila 8St..80 and 2fe lSb245-l- y

123fi:iOO-l- y

Piutolndisns WhasM Whadt

,Mil." mmmm- - " -

llisriion. "I csn't accssry .,

tsid JJr. Jones. "To me," vtreansttOox. "the explsaitm is

The NevadaIJlet besa brcu-- bt eptt civ

tlil dfOCAW10 Hon. The Weekly Gazette and Daily P. C. Advertiser J' v..'

tO. A.


10 uon.o.8. Bishop. Hon. H. WaUrhouss

1 .v..-

Page 2: HAWAIIAN Australian WEIand the like, or the bran, so called, that we sift away and feed to the swine, that the teeth actually require for then proper nourishment. Tho wisdom of man

ncTfitit of the Baltimore and Ohio,OUR SAN FRANCISCO LETTER.Bg 2luti)or THE ADVERTISER CALENDAR.

Administrator's Sale of

S PACIFIC HARDWARE)B. F. Dillikgham, Pres. J. G. Spekcib, Manager


:o: .,L,N)


Piano Lamps, Banquet Lamps, Libr

Hall Lamps, and ChaiJust Received from the Factory


A NEW LINE OFu" nine oi me Favorite

Eddy's Refrigerators and Ice Chests.


Shelf Hardware, Etc,


PACIFIC HAEDWARE C0M ill-t-d and Merch,M


TAHITI IIThe Only Steam Soda Works M

Hawaiian Islands.


Ginger Ale, Plain, Sweet and taiCHAMPAGNE CIDER, SARSAPAI




--lj. jl iJAllulX, - - Mana

has returned from a three-mont- hs

visit to Honolulu in company withhis wife. Mr. Marchand made theacquaintance of King Kalakauaduring his stay and evidentlylearned something of his likes inview of the present whicn ne naeprepared to De iorwaraea oKing of the island realm. It is atwo-Erall-on demnohn 01 gooustraight whisky with the wicker- -

work gilded and decorated wiwitaIIa-to- - ribbon rfinrfisentinff theroyal colors.

Tho ha.rfe-p.T- i tin ft Discoverv arrived Anril 24th. from Honolulu,after a passage of twenty-on- e days.She brought un a seaman uameiGeorge F. Mousher, who was sentup by the American consul atHonolulu. Mousher shipped fromhere for the islands on the barkentina Ella, which was lost downthere, and he was incapacitated forduty on account of being subject toepileptic fits. He will be sent tothe Marine Hospital .

General Freight Agent B. Camp-

bell of the Union Pacific to-d- ay

received a letter from FrankUnton of Kobe. Japan, stating that the first steamship ofthe Portland-Japa-n line would sailahnnt tho middle of Mav. ThenrosDects for the line doing business here are very good,, as thePortland Flouring Company is nowshipping from 8,000 to 10,000 bar-

rels by every Canadian Pacificsteamer, and the trade is rapidlyincreasing. The manager of thecompany is confident that withinten vears Asia will consume thewhole flour output of the Pacificcoast.

The Coronado Beach Companyat San Diego is about to build aniron trier out into tee ocean. Itwill run out far enough to accom-modate vessels of light draught,and will afford a splendid place forhshmg. It is JUr. J. v. oprecKeisidea, and he will be here nextmonth to arrange for its construetion. It will probably be built froma noint nearlv onnosite the enginejhouse, and will be a substantialand handsome structure.

Marine News.The White Star Liner Majestic,

arrived on her maiden voyage fromLiverpool on April 10th.' The greatvessel is 582 feet long and nearlyten thousand tons gross, one madethe passage from Queenstown insix days ten hours and tnirty min-utes, the fastest maiden trip enrecord.

A disnatch from the citv of Mexico says: Gesshorn and Weepack,representatives of the companies atSan Francisco, completed arrangements, before leaving here, with theCompany Maritima Asiatica andMexicana. which holds a concessionfrom the Mexican Government fora steam line between Mexico andAsia. The steamers will bringChinese immigrants to Tehuante-pe- c,

to which place a railway willbe built in less than one year.

A dispatch from New York datedthe 21st states that the SpreckelsBros'., Commercial Co. has securedfor the line between that port andSan Diego the ships Frederick Bil-lings, Bern. F. Packard and W. F.Babcock to load at New York forSan Diego.

The schooner Puritan has leftSan Diego for Honolulu with acargo of hay, grain, etc. She is thefirst-vess- el that ever cleared at SanDiego for the Islands.

A $75,000 subsidy has been raisedat xacoma to induce tne PacificMail Company to make that porttne terminus 01 the Northern Paci--

I fic Company's China line.Accoruiug to private advices re

ceived in San Francisco. Can tainMetcalf, formerly commander of thesteamer uceanic, has been selectedto ml the important post of Survevor for Llovda at that.

The New York Commercial Advertiser says: No action yet of thePacific Mail has been taken regarding the change of the terminus toxacoma, as Doth liould and Hunt-ington are absent. It is possiblethat such a change is being held asa club over the heads of the UnionPacific by Gould. A dickering isbelieved to be going on. The lossof the Pacific Mail's San Franciscocustom would undoubtedly be seri-ous to the Union Pacific,r The man-of-w- ar Charleston hasmade a visit to Monterey bay whenher battery was tested again andfound successful She will departfor Honolulu in the coarse of a fewweeks. r

Ntm SUtocrtiarmcnts.

Royal HawaiianOPERA HOUSE

L.J. Lkvky Lessee.Cliff Phillips Manager.


On WetoesdayzErening, May 7th


WUl appear (for the last time) in the favor- -

' the German by Aug. Waldemar, --

,r . entitled


LZSe&ts CAn he aaciitmI in lulvannA athe office of L. J. Levey. : 106-2- t

THE ADVERTISER IS THEdaily paper of the Kingdom

May, 1890.

8u. Mo. Tn. W. Th. Fr. Sft. Moon's Phases.

2 May 4Full Moon.

4 5 6 8 9 10 May 11Laat Quarter.11 12 IS 14 Is 16 17

May 1819 20 21 22 23 24 New Moon.

May 2625 26 27 28 29 30 IT First Quarter.


1. 0. O. F. Harmony Lodge, No. 3 at 7:30

Auction Sales Lots at Kapiolani Park,snares ana government Donas at noon,nyjas. f. Morgan. .

Band Concert By the Royal Hawaiian; auu ai xuumas square ai t :ou r. st.

Honolultt Rifles Meeting of line officers


Facile Commercial Advertiser.

Be Just and fear not:Let all the ends thou aim'st at be

Thy Country's, thy God's, and Truth's.

MONDAY, : MAY 5, 1890


in a late article we made someobservations on the leading characteristics of the English and American constitutions. 'Everyone whofollowed the article with attentionor who has bestowed any reflections upon the subiect at all, wilsee at a glance that our governmentin these islands has followed bothEnglish and American precedents,and that it cannot be pro

. Deri vvunderstood without an understand,ing of the constitutions of boththese countries. It is a mistake tosuppose that our constitution canbe intelligently interpreted withouanv reference to English models.merely because we have a written

.instrument . In finite of this mr--A

Climstance it is possible that it maypresent more stnumg analogies totne Kno-Ha- h framA of trnvornm out.0 o 'than to any other. Nothing can bemore erroneous than to supposethat because a nation is in possession of a written constitution itherefore can have no unwrittenconstitutional law. This is certain-ly not true in any country wherethe English Common Law prevails.To suppose that because any givenproposition does not find litemverbal authority in the written, constitution, it must therefore be un-supported, is to. suppose somethingvery far from the fact. If this hadbeen the view of Chief Justice Marshall, the American governmentwould not bo what it now is. It isbeyond dispute that unwritten constitutions grow as well as unwritten. They must be interpreted inthe light of precedents, and are alsosubject to the Jaws of . developmentand change.

Now, in this country as well asin England we have governmentby a Cabinet. Except in so far astho King retains some few independent prerogatives, there is noexecutive in this country not subject to control by the LegislatureAnd this executive responsibility- -

it should be especially noticed, isnot to the people, but to the Legislature. The King is bound toselect Ministers in harmony withthe majority of that body. He isbound to dismiss all Ministers inwhom it has expressed a want ofconfidence. The Legislaturetherefore the sole accredited agentof the people, and it governsthrough the Ministers whomvirtually appoints. This is theEnglish system pure and simpleIt is borrowed consciously and in-

tentionally from England. To deprive us from looking to Englandfor precedents to , guide us in itsworking, merely because we havea written constitution, is simply toshut us off from the best source ofinstruction and authority. ? Suchan exclusion from the use of Enir--lish precedents is certainly notcommon sense, and neither is itgood law. ;

Our constitution is short. It doesnot contain and was not intendedto contain everything which isnecessary to admit of the government's being properly carried on.Much was left to natural inference,to common sense (which ought notto be denied a voice in these mat.ters) and to the analogy furnishedby the . usage of countries whereinstitutions similar to ours prevail.In looking abroad for analogy, weshould neglect the experience of nocountry where conditions are par-allel to OUrs. Least of all aHnnMwe fail to regard the practice ofthose countries whence., : our lawand our constitutions :are derived.Foremost among these is England.

Fer 8. S. Australia San Francisco,April 25, 1890.

(From Our Special Correspondent.)

- (Concluded.)Tne Sugar Tariff.

The Tariff Bill was reported tothe House of Representatives, April16th, by the committee on Waysand Means. At the last momentthe sugar schedule was changedfrom the advalorum basis to freesugar up to No. 16 D. S. and'4U0c.per lb. above No. 16 D. 5. Homeproducers to receive a bounty of 2c.

per lb. for fifteen years. The greatimportance of this change, and thefar-reachi- ng results of its application can scarcely be comprehended.We believe that the more this sugarschedule is analysed, diseussed andcriticised the stronger and better itwill appear, and it is not unlikely,now that the way has been openedfor free sugar at once, by this action of the Ways and Means com-mittee, that a "furore" will rapidlyspread all over the country for itsaccomplishment. The wedge naving entered, neither political partycan withdraw it and expect to retain a hold on the people. It doesnot require a statesman to see thatboth parties should vie with eachother in securing its succese, ratherthan throw impediments in its way.We presume that the bill excludesfrom its benefits any country thatshould increase its present exportduties.

The bounty is fixed for "fifteenyears at 2c. per lb. To meet theobjections that will be raised tothis clause on the ground that thehome production may possibly, although not probably, increase toan extent to make this tax bur-densome, it is quite likely that itmay be modified somewhat, say toa twenty years bounty, beginningwith 2c. per lb. and reducing 1-l- Oc.

per lb. each year until expirationThis has advantages both for thepeople and the producers, andwould no doubt hold good to maturity, even under a change of administration, as it will be in thenature of a bond given by the Gov-ernment. After analyzing the bill,it appears to us to have within itthe elements of the following effects:It will give the consumer the fullbenefit of the duty taken off, sayabout 2c. per lb. No country canabsorb it by an export tax, , and nocountry can add it to its price forraw sugar without a combinationof all sugar-producin- g countries,which is quite impracticable. Theconstantly increasing productionof sugar in the world will favorcompetition for a market like theUnited States. We will continueto receive our raw sugar at thebare cost of "production, or as nearto it as we do at present. Such atariff will stimulate consumptionlargely, thereby increasing thebusiness of the carrying trade onsea and land, and the business ofimportation !nd distribution. Itwill employ to the fullest extentthe refining capacity of the coun-try, which is now idle to the ex-tent of thirty per cent on the aver-age of the year. The running ofrefineries to fullest capacity meansthe cheapening of cost of refining,which means not only cheap sugarat home, but also large possibili-ties of export trade in refined toEurope, South America andAustralia, making ' more busi--ness lor in carrying trade aswell. The protection to refiners of4-1- 0c. per lb. duty, plus ic cost ofbringing sugar here, or say a pro-tection of c. per lb., would probably rarely if ever admit of foreignrenned importations, for the reasonalready given, that the UnitedStates would probably become largeexporters of refined, and yet thefact that foreign refined could comein at that difference would provethe security of cheap sugar alwaysfor the consumer. Such a tariffwill prove a better restriction tomonopoly than an anti-Tru-st bill.The color limit to No. 16 D. S. willbring in a few old-fashion- ed sugarsfor old-fashione- d people to use, butthe country is educated to the useof refined, and will not take a backtrack readily, even if such sugarscan be imported at a price to com-pete with refined as produced onthe new basis, which is doubtful.The bounty, which should be lookedupon as the fair payment made forthe greater saving of free sugar.should be made sufficiently bindingto satisfy producers of its stability,and if that is done, sugar-raisin- g inthe United States will be at betteradvantage than it would be undera duty constantly subject tochanges. A twenty-yea- r graduatedbounty would demonstrate whethersugar-raisin- g can be made a successin the United States. ' A short, orindefinite period would not attractcapital into it to any extent, andwould not be just or sat;sfactory tothe present sugar producers." Wedon't believe the country wantsfree sugar, unless the sections en-gaged in-- sugar raising, are also tobe benefitted, and not injured thereby. The Sandwich Islands will bethe only sufferers by free sugar, asthey have heretofore been the onlybenehcianes: but we are not legislating just now. for the benefit ofSandwich Islanders, but for Americans. Willettand Gray s circular,April m ---'

;V:. Miscellaneous News.A. Marchand, city passenger


By order of Cecil Brown, Esq., Admin-trator- of

the Estate of E.Preston, deed.,I will sell at Public Auction at my bales-roo-m,

Queen street, '

On Monday, May 5thAt IS o'clook noon,

100 Shares of the Capital Stock of the Ha-

waiian Investment Co.

Par value $25 each.

1 Share of Kapiolani Park Association.

. And at same time I will sell,

$5,000 Government 6 per cent Bonds.

25 Shares of Inter-isla- nd Steam Navigation

Co.'s Stock.



with the 5 per cent dividend on same formonth of Apru. ,


Jas. F. Morgan,104-- 2t AUCTIONEER

Oceanic Steamship Co



Will leave Honolulu for the above port on

Friday, May 9th, 1890,At Noon.

tSTFoT Freight or Passage apply to

W ti. tt. IRWIN & CO.,



Boston Line of Packets.

IMPORTERS WILL PLEASEtake notice that the fine


Will be laid on the berth in Boston to loafor this port during July next.

"For further particulars apply to

74 I316--y C. BREWER & CO

CIGARS AND TOBACCOOf the best quality and cheap.

ICED DBINKS,At 87 King Street, near Fort St, Honolulu

104-l- m H. PETERSEN.

YOUNG NAP,Dealer in Choice Manila and Ha-

vana Cigars, Cigarettes,AREATED WATERS, Etc.

Cor. Bethel ana King Streets.93-3- m



Agent to take Acknowledgments.Office No. 13 Kaahumanu Street. Hodo-67-l-y

lulu, H.I. ;.- - .


82.50 per Bbl.


104-t- f SOLE AGENT8.


ness of J. N. S.,Williams and R. More& Co., and imported the heavy machinerynecessary in order that we may be able todo all classes of work in our line, we arenow prepared to carry on a business asEngineers and Iron Founders, manufac- -

chinery, bteam Engines, etc., etc. WemSKA ft nruwia1f xt nf m n i mac.--Sinn Msphinwn !n all - .u...wv. j u in unuvues, anaguarantee all work to be done on the short-est possible notice. - - -

orders for making or repairing Machinery,And the wrtrV fonn a Aa.M.ut. i , .-- - - " i itoouiiauic rates.

- "j "woe Bbtcuuun in ex--ecuting our orders we wUl soon gain oursharem foundnr work the Kingdom.

J . N. 8. Williams, Manager. "

Office and Wor9rianade. Honolulu.


Al I have this day sold all mymy Present line of business-- Iitr,Bteutk!1 Tailor and Dr7 Good8 Dealei

Kim r? reet, tfonolula. to Goo


GEORGE GRAY,- (Late of th Customs)


""wwne lue collection ofbdls, appraiser work, and making inven-tories ot bankruDt anil fvWriting. BeU iWphonTtfl. w

Board of Health Regulation.Notice is hereby given that all ; roads or

trails to the Leper Settlement from anypart oi the Island of Molokai are forbidden to be traveled, beyond and below thelop or tne pahs. exceDt bv nermissinn ofthe Board of Health or its agents, and anyperson found upon such roads or trailswithout such permission will be prosecuted

By order of the Board of Health.GEO. C. POTTER,

Secretary.nonoiuiu, May 1, 1890. ' 106-3- t

Sale of Government Land In Manoa.On MONDAY, May 19, 1890, at . 12

ociocic noon, at the front entrance ofAlnolani Hale, will be sold at Pnhl ir A no.tion a triangular piece of Kula Land at thejunction of the roads leading into ManoaValley, just mauka of the Punahon Pt.ure, containing an area of M acre,, a littlemore or less.

Upset price $50.00.

L. A. THURSTON.Minister of the Interior.

Interior Office, April 9, 1890.85-- U 1318--2t

Sale of Lease of GoTernmeot Land ofKeabua, Kula, Maui.

r .yjn mukway, May 19, 1890, at 12o clock noon, at the front entrance ofAliiolani Hale, will be sold at Pnhiio. Ann.tion the Lease of the Government Land ofJujanua, Kula, Maui, containing an areaui acres.

Upset price $25.00 per annum, payableauuuaiiy m advance.

L. A. THURSTON.Minister of the Interior.

interior Office, April 9, 1890. .

5--4t 1318-2- t

0 - m -

olt oi JUease Of (invfrnmonl T nn JOmaoplo, Kula, Maul.

On MONDAY, May 19, 1890. at 12 o'clocknoon, at the front entrance of Aliiolaninale, will be sold at Public Anctinn thp

"v uwisjumcui Lianu 01 umao- - 1

pio, Kola, Maui, lying below the Govern. I

!3L?ad frm Maka,wao thTon&han area of 1934 acres. Thelnnri ii atmnt a -- i..--, ..WUi, uc nines in lengtn ; runs to I

a point at the makai end, and is aboutHWM.A9 VL a iuue wiae at tne upper

" tcia a.. 1 AT 1 1 1uiue neiow tne Government Road. Theiana is dry, rocky in places, and is goodgrazing iana in tne rainy season.

A map can be.seen at the Survey Office.

m tiwnis-i,e- ase for 10 years: upset pricexcAcr annum, payable semi-annual- lv in

A 1 TA M AauvautCiL. A. THURSTON,

Minister of the Interior.Interior Office, April 15, 1890.

1319-- 2t 91-- 4t

Sale of GoTernmeni Iotg In Kaupo,Maul. .

On MONDAY, May 19, 1890, at 12o clock noon, at the front entrance oAliiolani Hale, will be sold at Public AuctlOn th. a fnllrknrino tl a rwWnmB uuYcrumeni ixts inliaupo, Maui:

Lot 10 In Kakio, 12 acres; upset price$60.00. .

Lot 12--In Puukaanhuhu, 39. acres;uj.aci. price 1U.DU.

Lot 13 In Puukaauhuhu, 3.5 acres; urset price $10.00.

It I?7In Knlanamoa. iS--S acres ; upset

Lot 15--In Puukaauhuhu, 9.2 acres ; un- -

Lot 21-- 100 acres of rocky Pasture Landadjoining the small Diece on wh.vt. wjSpring is located. This lot will be sold subject to a right of way 30 ft. wide, givingfree access to the spring from the mainroad, such right of way to be located by

nereafter. Upset price$200

Maps can be seen anrf fnii o-;- i-.

obtained of these lands upon application" Auurews, uovernment School

Teacher at Kaupo, Maui, or the Landvmce, Honolulu.L. A. THURSTON,

- Minister of the Interior.Interior Office, April 9, 1890.

85-- U 1318--5t



J. K. Kannamano vs. W. A. Kihaet ai. Uijectment. Tried before aa Hawaiian jury who return ayerdiet for DlaintifT

All other cases on the calendar notjiWru, are continued to the July

AT CHAMBERS BEFORE M'COT.T.v 3In re petition of Chock Kim for a

fnV rianaamus v: v-- AshfordtZ Ptl&?n.G the Attorney-Genera-l

TJ' .

respondt." - ulo'BU t"8118'

R. M. S. Zealandla.The Boyal Mail Steamship Zea-landi- a,

Capt K. van Oterendorp, ar-rived on Saturday afternoon at 1o'clock from the Colonies. : Sailedfrom Sydney April 16th at 4:30 p. m.and arrived at Auckland the 21st at12:53 p. m., after experiencing strongsouth east winds with heavy sea.Left Auckland the same day at 4:28p. m.; the first two days had lightvariable winds and plenty of rainTouched off Tutuila the 25that l6p. m. From the 24th to May 1st ex--

gerienced light easterly winds andthence to Honolulustrong east wind and quantities of

rain. ...

Tho Zealandia brought 4 cabinpassengers and 102 tons cargo forHonolulu and had in transit for SanFrancisco. 100 cabin and 93passengers, and 750 tons of cargo.After taking on 'passengers and do-mestic produce, the Zealandia sailedfor San Francisco Saturday eveningfibout 7:30 o'clock. .


Tlie Daily Advertiser and WeeklyARE THE LEADING PAPERS OF THE

Ex Bark John D. Bmvei



Offer For Sale,

A Variety of Vehicles

Consisting of

Side Bar and Corning Baggiea; 'Extension Top Cabriolet,

Village Caft,

. Ext Top 2-fi-eat Side Ear,

Prom the Celebrated Manufactory of Geo.L. Brownell, New Bedford. "Also, s





0f Ue well-know- n Dole & Osgood make.


101 1321-l- m 31 Queen Street.





Book, News and Sbfc



Spalding's Baseball

lnclnd ing Bats, Masks, W3allsfet. Finew

Croquet, Lawn Tennis, Itj

all weights; ett,


Etc., Efc


Merritt Type jAn Instrument whttTOinemonev-pnw- f" i

warded on application.



PerS.S.Ocean.c..YJi mna -

Chinese aod Japanese Fj


Silk Handkrchi

Flower Pots

Lanterns. BaH

82-l- ' 1


bred Poultry tgffrCkast. AppVGp.gr

Wff 1863

MmPioneer Steam


F. HORN ' Practical Comectioner,Pastry Cook and Baksr. .No. 71 Uotel St - - : Telephone 74.

- 1223 5--tf 1 ' "


1303 34--S- V. XKJX o. 333.

Page 3: HAWAIIAN Australian WEIand the like, or the bran, so called, that we sift away and feed to the swine, that the teeth actually require for then proper nourishment. Tho wisdom of man

p -"


; 1:

Mr. Harold M. Sewall the U. S.I., "r.: ""T - "Tea M Apia, April 25th.if' i new uutciuoouiouvi IS IT SUICIDE?iNine basrs of mnil vara of tt a I WM. Gv FISHER'S

SteelWrought Cooking KangesHot Water Atttchments.



9:w..." 9:4S

11:00" 11:1$

P.1'i 12:30


s s p r Sft? 1 9 - !

p.m.I Ul 5.27 6.27 7.43

5.0" M o!30' 5.2Ci 6.27 8.4310 Ji-- "

1.00! 5.25 6.28 9.51

1.40 5.25 6.28 10.548.001 2.30 5.24 6.28 11.509.00 9.00

4.00 5.24 6.29 a. m.10.20, 3.00!

5.23 6.29 0.420

FM . ' corn-pon-d

runtime- - n8 r1Rra.

With Broiler and

n 0

Consuming one-thi- rd LESS FUEL,


either wood or coal, than any other Stovein existence. No brick work about it, just a clean cut Stove,

whose Baking qualities are unsurpassed.'- -- o

Reversible Q-rate- s.

; This Grate is of a triangular form, having three surfaces which are reversible, so that a separate top surface can besurface in course of use shows anv wearon the other, making it equal in durability


--a 2eToI5"


00 Tlj J

HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO.,93-t- f FORT STREET, (opposite Spreckels Bank), Honolulu.

33.REHLERS& CO.99 Fort Street, Honolulu.



CAll will be Sold at

Our Dressmaking Department under the management of MISSCLARK, will be re-open- ed about May 12th.





fnmfinl-fLAViAv-al a f. Romni mill waa

fVinu v.nv .

sent Saturday from San Francisco,fr TJnvii tv,o f.m.

"P.nrliQV tnnn ain(TQT in Am A

' ti ? iU.i ir m

Rt.nlav nhnrtlv Ha nniv.;fflnvornnr of British East A frfrn


deacon Kinff of Sydney was athronch Dassenerer on the Zealandia.The Bev. H. H. Growen entertainedhim while the vessel was in port.

Mackay, the African explorer, isdead. -

Mr. T. M. Dawson late U.S. Consul at Newcastle, jm. . vv ., was athrough passenger on the Zealandia,as was BishoD Donnelly of theBoinan Catholic Church m Sydney,

Mr. George Blacklock the eminentGosrjel temperance lecturer passedthrough Honolulu on the Zealandia.

CapL-G-. L. Brewer the championpigeon shot who has won many vic-tories in the Colonies, was a throughpassenger on the mail steamer. Hewas shown around town by Mr. Jas.



New Zealand Butter.Messes. Henry Davis & Co. re

ceived by the S. 8. Zealandia,on Saturday; another invoice

of that delicious New Zeauutd FseshTable Butter in 4 Id. pats. . This is ac-

knowledged to be the finest butter offeredin the Hawaiian market. . I06-2-t

On Ice, per S. S. Australia.Frozen Oysters, Celery, Riverside Oranges, Mediterranean

Sweets, Sicily Lemons, Mexican Limes.On hand Waialua Oranges and Grapes.To arrive Der Zealandia New Zealand

Apples, Onions and Potatoes.Corn fed Turkeys and Chickens from our

Kalihi Ranch.Prices Reasonable.

!X7 Mutual Telephone 378.



man wants a position in a store orother employment. Several years exper-- 1ience as salesman. Good recommenda-tions. Address " N. M." P. C. Advertiseroffice. 104-3-t

NOTICE.MON WAR, DURING HIS PRO- -posed absence from Honolulu for two

weeks, hereby appoints Lous Toon to actfor him in relation to entering of goods forthe hrm of Tong On Jan & Co., Nuuanustreet, Honolulu. -

105-- 3t : N. MON WAR.

Co-partners-hip Notice.

TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATJoseph Goo Kim, Goo Yin Fook, Lee

Fong, Lam Kam Chin, Ho Li Shee. LiKong Fee, 1a Uhan Shee, Wong Muk,Chin? Knnn Hppn. and Gnn Chan Samhave this day formed a for I

the purpose of carrying on business as I

Merchant Tailors and Dealers in Dry Goodsand General Merchandise at the old standof Mr. Goo Kim, Nuuanu street, Honolulu,under the hrm name of uoo Kim 'Jo.

Li Kong Fee is manager of the said Co.,and no one but tne said la Kong Fee isautnorizea to sign tne nrm name on busi-ness transactions. GOO KIM fe CO.,

Li Kong Fee, Manager.Honolulu, May 1, 1890. 105-1-2t

Supreme Court of the Hawaiian Isl- -


TN THE MATTER OF LEW SUI ANDI JL LAU HEE FAN, co-partn- ers under the

firm name of QUONG GUEN & CO., bank--runts.

Upon reading and filing the petition ofLew Sui and Lau Hee Fan of Honolulu; Oa- -hu, alleging that more than 6 months haveeiapsea since iney were aajuagea oanK-rup- ts

and praying for a discharge fromtheir debts incurred prior to the adjudication.

It is ordered that MONDAY, the 19thday of May. A. D. 1890, at 10 a. m. of thatday, at the Court room 01 Aiiioiani iiaie,Honolulu, be and is hereby appointed thelime ana piace ior neanng 01 saiureuiionwhen and where- - all creditors who haveproved their claims

.against. said bankrupts

sm At.may appear ana snow cause u any meyhave why. the prayer of said bankruplshould not be granted.

Dated Honolulu, May 2, 1890.A. F. JUDD,

Chief Justice Supreme Court.Attest: Alfred W. Carteb,105-2-w Second Depnty Clerk.

For Yokohama fiHongkong

Tlie Al Steamship

" Yamasliiro Mara "YOUNG, Commander.;

Will leave Honolulu for the above portson or about

MAY S4tb,For freight or passage, having superior

cabin and steerage accommodations , apply" 'to

Wm. G. Irwin & Co.,106 AGENTS.

:W0NGSH . .

IVdercliant Tailor T


Gentlemen's UnderclothingAnd. ITurniskUisr, 3ood.

Woolen and Pongee Coats, Wool, Calico,German and Linen rh1ftw.

Finest Brands cf Havass tnd Uitr.ili Cigirs.

? 89 BApg Street. r f : "

Adverts your wants in tho DultFacuio Cois-zuai- L advestkss.

consulate awaiting the arrival oftne Iroquois. - . ,

OUarrel hfltvonn Qnm. J.. I

MatautU. Savaii. AndaH ; fF I

losing their lives.Mr. ThomftB B. nnsnf1r.RmUl1 V,, humwm WUUIU ITtT 1oeen appointed H "R M a

for the Navigators Islands. .

There are quite a nnmhor nf Qn.plicants for the' few temnorarvoffices m the bestowal, of the three I

consuls for the Dreliminnrvthe new government.

A Samoan named Molia. xuhn hnfigured in the Police Conrf. frnnnont.ly for years, and whose thieving pro- -pensities have been incurable, wasfound guilty, April 8th, of stealing,and sentenced to receive twentv-flv- A

lashes. The prisoner cried out inagony at each blow of the whip. :

King Malietoa signed the newtreaty at 11 a. m., April 16th, in thepresence of the representatives ofthe United States, England and Ger-many. On the 19th a number of


chiefs called on the King and con--

rabuiateu uim warmiy on again D-oing firmly established on the throneof Samoa.

Intelligence has reached Apia fromTahiti via Sydney that the Council-Gener- al

of Papeete has approved ofand will subsidise a regular line ofmail steamers between Tahiti, theSamoan Islands, New Caledonia andAuckland, connecting at the latterport with the service to San Fran-cisco, thus binding together theFrench establishments in Oceania.The project had previously receivedthe support of .the Council-Genera- lof New Caledonia and the Chamberof Commerce in Noumea.



Locality and Ob-server.

Amo'nt Largest Prey.April. 24 hrs. av.

Dole it, Punahou, Gov-ernment


Survey, 19 cL. 5 25 In 1.90 3.10Oabu College, A B Lyons. 5.21 inFiikol and Young street.

O. B. Wilson, 18 d 4.95 in 1.81Electrlo Light Station,

Waterworks 9.79 in 2.81Half-wa-y House, Water-

works. 26 d. 13.06 in 2.98Luakaha,Waterworks,25d 11.60 in 3.34Maklkl Reservoir, 13 d. . S.67 in 2.25Nuoanu ave., W. W. Hall 6.73 in 3.00Beretania Cottage, B.

7.95 in '2.30Kanelaau.W.E.Castle, 18d 4.86 in107 Beretania street, J. E.

Wilder... 4.78 inPauoa, P. Opfergelt, 18 d 6.94 in 2.18Pauoa Bridgets Bishop,

14 d 6.74 Ie 2.70Lihue. Kauai, Q. N. Wil

cox, for mo. of March 14.69 inWaikapu, Maoi, T. Ever

ett, lor March 14.30 inEealia, Kauai, J. D.King,

for March...... 14.22 InElectrlo Light Station, 9th

for March 22.56 in 4.55Kapiolani Park.C.Brown 3.39 in

Ticket of Leave Man.. liie Doisterous weatner naa probably something to do with the at-tendan-ca-

at the Opera House onSaturday evening, when the abovenamed play was presented by theBijou Comedy and Dramatic Co.Both boxes, however, as well as themain part of the house, was filled.Each performer helped to make theplay a great success, which by theway, is one of the strongest yet pro-duced by this deserving company ofladies and gentlemen. There wereseveral local hits exploded duringthe evening, and to "cap the climax"a tombstone in the graveyard scenein the last act, read as follows:"Here lies Jack Thrum, Music andDrama, 5. F., scalped by his (?)

. For Wednesday evening, Fanchonthe Cricket is in preparation. Seatssecured in advance at L. J. Levey's.

mu e cji..day afternoon of Uncle Tom's Cabin,was largely attended and very enjoyable to those present.

PostponedThe Honolulu Arion moonlight


excursion has oeen postponea toThursday evening next May 8th atthe same place. ' It was found yes- -

tWI. fli at. t.hata nrn ftnnnMflrflh A.j - r 7mud at the grove which would nothave time to dry up before thisevening, and then again, the weatheris in an unsettled condition.

Watch? This Fence.

The Hartman Mfg. Co.' of Beaver Falls,"Pa., seem to have captured the publicfancvr with their Steel Picket Fence.... forlawn, field and garden enclosures. :

The extreme beauty,' durability andmoderate cost of their fencing makes itone of, if not the most popular articlesof the kind on the market. The sales ofthe "Steel Picket Fence" are reported asbeing enormous during the past season,and the demand increases.

, The fence is easily put down, is extreme-ly light and graceful what the purchaseralwavs seek lasting.

Th snear-to- D,r stvle is the favorite

with many, and is about as sightly a shapeas could be devised. The company makesa special "close" or "chicken" fence whicncannot fail to meet with approval as abarrier preventing the inroads or outgoings

stock. ; -ggFor sale by the --HAWAIIAN HARDWARE CO.,

106-- lt Fort St., opp Spreckels' Bank.

The Arion ExcursionTHURSDAY, MAY 8, 1890.

mRAINS WILL LEAVE THE DEPOT,I uOnin tnr the Grounds. i at O'OO,

7.Oft. and 100 p. M. J3ve theronnda

There was no baseball game onSaturday owiDg to the inclementweather.

Mr. A. L. Smith will not be readyto open bis new brick store untilThursday or Jbnday.

The Postoffice dispatched on theR. M. S. Zealandia 7,801 letters and1,378 pagages of papers.

There was a most enjoyable partyat the residence of Hon. John A.Cummins, Friday evening.

The Anglican Church Chroniclefor May 3d, is an exceedingly newsynumber. The Chronicle is in ablehands.

The number of death dnrinsr themonth of April was 73. the highestby a long way for the same month inseveral years. :

Annie Laurie makes rather a poordisplay of her trip to Honolulu andthe leper settlement in the SanFrancisco Examiner.

An invoice of delicious New Zealand butter was received on Saturdayby Messrs. Henry Davis & Co. Itcan't be beat anywhere. Call early.

The Board of Health publish aregulation in our "By Authority"column with regard to the roads ortrails leading to the leper settlement.

There was a string band of fivepieces on .the, Zealandm, made upfrom among the passengers. Severalselections were played as the steamerwas being docked.

The Yamashiro Maru is due fromYokohama about the 20th with another batch of Japanese immigrants.She is announced to leave here forYokohama on May 24th.

The male members of the secondcongregation of St. Andrew's Cathe-dral are requested to meet at theSunday school room Wednesdayevening at 8 o'clock to elect church-wardens. ,

The services at Central Unionchurch on Sunday were especiallyfor children. Dr. Beckwith addressedthem in the morning: and 4 severalspeakers in the evening.

John "Williams, son of the lateJudge Williams of Ewa, died Satur-day i at Pauoa. His remains weretaken yesterday to Ewa for interment alongside his father.

On Saturday afternoon a Portusuese bov and two horses were nearly drowned while crossing the Ewastream on the (Government road.They were saved by natives.

Last Friday evening a very pleasant dancing party was giyen atthe residence of Mr. John ilJfaty,in honor of his niece, Miss Caverly,who leaves for the Coast on the

' 'Australia.

The Hawaiian Band will give amoonlight concert at Thomas Squarethis evening, as on Tuesday eveningthe string orchestra. will be... required.at a concert to be given at the Palaceby the King.

H. B. M. S. Acorn will sail fromEsquimault, May 10th, for Honoluluto relieve the Champion. The lattervessel will leave for Esquimaultabout the first week in June andawait the arrival of the flagship Warspite. .


The large double-trac- k scow builtfor the O. R. & L. Co. to transportfruit and produce, direct from trainto steamer, was successfully launched from the ship --yard of the builder,Mr. J. A. Dower, near the FishMarket, on Saturday afternoon. V

Mr. James F. Morgan holds twoimportant sails at noon to-da-y. Thefirst is four lots at Kapiolani Park,and the other a number of shares ofstock and Government six peg cent,bonds. The latter sale will no doubtattract a large number of capitalists.

The many friends of Mr. and Mrs.C. Hedemann ,will sympathize withthem in the loss of their only daugh-ter, Mary, aged 6 Jtears, who died onSaturday and was buried on Sundayafternoon. - One week ago Sundayshe was in her usual place at theCentral Union Sunday, school, andher classmates attended her funeral.

Mr. Edgar Basemann has beenelected City Treasurer of Kalamazoo,Michigan, defeating a man namedHays who was considered invincible.Mr. Basemann is a son of LouisBasemann, an honorable and uprightcitizen of Kalamazoo for thirty-thre- e

years, and a brother of Mr. A. H.tlasemann, bookbinder of this city.A Kalamazoo paper says that the.Republican party has honored itseiiby electing such a popular youngman, one who bears an unblemishedcharacter. '

Honolulu and Tahiti.The New Zealand Herald of late

date has the following: " From Ta--

hitian files to hand, per S. S. Bich- -

mond, we learn that Messrs. J. D.Spreckels and. Brothers,- -; of ' SanFrancisco, have made a tender to theFrench Government for a monthlysteamship service between Honoluluana ifapeete, in connection wimtheir resrular service between SanFrancisco and Honolulu, for a subsidy of $36,000 per annum. The ten-derers ; state that the vessels employed in the DroDosed servicewould be about 800 tons, and a reasonable security for the faithful car-rying out of the contract deposited,though it would not be possible tostart the Bervice for a period of at

Mark Twain tells the itory : that at theinquest held on the body of Book Fanshaw

who during the delirium of a ragingtyphoid fever had taken arsenic, shot him-self through the body, eat his throat, andjumped out of a four-stor-y window, break-ing his neck the jury, after doe delibera-tion, sad and tearful, bat with intelligenceanblinded by its sorrow, brought in a ver-dict of " death bj the visitation of God."

Buck undoubtedly committed snicide, andso does every one who neglects the firstsymptoms of approaching sickness and dis-ease. Nature always gives ample notiee ofany disturbance of physical processes ;sometimes it is neuralgia, sometimes asharp shooting pain in the abdomen or side,or a doll or throbbing headache; no twopersons get the same symptoms. What yonhave to do is to attack the first symptoms,for if consumption, dropsy, cancer orBright's disease onoe gets a start, you can-not stop its headlong course to the grave.These are facts there is no disputing, forall the medical skill in the world cannot domnch for yon when real organic disease has

' ' 'bet in.We emphatically reoommend CxmNTS

Tonio because we know by personal exper-ience and by the evidenoe of influential andreliable people who have used it that it willdo good and prevent disease. Cxjocxnts'Tonio is a medioine that invigorates andstrengthens the entire corporal organism ;it does not only affect certain members bntstrengthens the whole system, thus prevent--

the attacks of disease.he Tnmnt and Adelong Timet says:

"CuaaoiTB Tosio certainly deserves --thepopularity it has acquired, we have had proofpositive, in cases (under our notice) in thisneighbourhood, of its valuable properties.'

Mr. T. Garrett, M.P., says: "I havetaken Clements' Tonic with great advant-age."

Mr. John Plummer, (Fort-stre- et PublicSchool) says: Mrs. Plummer has free-quent- ly

derived great benefit from the useof Clements7 Tonic." -

Mr. 8. D. Wood (verger of All SaintsCathedral, Bathurst), writes : " That hefound Clements tonic a grand piek-me-u-d

and it completely cured him of lowspirits indigestion, giddiness and hummingnoises in the ears."' Mr. G. Swan, Junee Junction, who suffered from debility, cardiac weakness and ner-vousness, following on typhoid, took Clem-ents' Tonic and says, M That after taking6 or 7 bottles his health was fully restored,and that he can now eat anything and doany reasonable amount of work, whereasbefore taking Clements Tonio he could donone at aU." -

Clements' Tonio can be obtained fromall medioine dealers or from

HOLLISTEB & CO., 109 Fort St1320 102-l- m

For Freight or Passage.

THE FA8T SAILING SCHR.Olga, will leave for San Fran-cisco on or about WEDNES-DAY, May 7th. Good passen-ger accomodations. Apply to

the Master or to the Agents.104.3t THEU. 11. DAV11SS & JU.

Notice of Eemoval.

AL. SMITH HAVING REMOVEDthe new brick store on Fort street,

next to Mrs. Lack's, the store will be closedfrom April 30th to on or about May 5th, inorder to re-arran- ge the stock. Due noticewill be given in Monday's paper of theopening day. 102-l- w



Drawing and Painting in Oils and WaterColors Light and shade. Still Life and

Sure ?amiPf:luesaay, Friday, and Saturday after

noons, from z to o . o ciock. etuaio,Spreckels' Block, Fort street, t 100-Z-w

Masquerade Ball.

A GRAND MASQUERADE BALLa. will take place on WEDNESDAY,May 14. 1890. at the Honolulu ttiflesArmory,

.Beretania street, the pro--

j a j A. W Jceeas u oe given u me jronugueae ijauiesCharitable Association. Tickets of admission 1.00, and can be had of HawaiianNews Co., HoUister & Co., Benson, smith& Co., T. G. Thrum, C. J. McCarthy, andH. J.Nolte. - :.: ' - - OG-t-d

Pianos For Rent.


COMPANY. 123-- tf

Hawaiian Commercial Salesrooms,

Cor. Queen and Nuuana 8ts.

of all "descriptions sold oncommission.

Mutual Telephone 63L 31-l- y

NOTICE;TTAVING BOUGHT OUT MR. W. H.XL Pacre in the Honolulu Carriage Manufactory, at 128 Fort Street, I am preparedto continue the above business under theold name of Honolulu Carriage Manufaotory. and being an old experienced carriagebuilder I solicit the patronage of my oldfriends and the public in general, and withmy thorough knowledge of the businessand with experienced workmen and usingonly the best material I guarantee generalsatisfaction. Please call and see me beforegoing elsewhere.

Honolulu, Oct. 28, 1889. 103-t- f

Notice to Shippers.

THE MORE SATISFACTORY-- . accommodation of our patrons we beg

to suesest to them that in cases wheredrays are required for shipping goods toout going steamers and coasters, or in anycase where required, at 1 o'clock sharp ofthe day, they will find that by ringing upMutual Telephone 000 or Jbeu Telephone160 between the hours of 7 a. m. and 6 tm.their wants will be promptly attended to.which will thereby greatly facilitate business to the better satisfaction 01 all concerned. -21-3- m HAWAIIAN TRANSFER CO.


or to allow fowls or cattle onthe land of Kawelo. WaikOd. All partiesfound on the lands after 8 o'clock at nightwill be prosecuted to the full extent of thelaw. 1SUW DIflU MAI

Per Lam Chung Wa.Honolulu, April 4. 1830. fiO-l- m

used on alternate days : or if the on ethen the other can be turned ud. and so

to three distinct Grates.


Reasonable Prices.

Dress 111! ena s



lOOort Street.

Wash Materials, and Silk EmbroideredMaterials.


MedicinesToilet .rtibleo,





in Stripes and riaids.


Victoria Lawns, Nansooks in .plain and checks, Batistes, Confection, plain anddotted Swiss, Fancy Open Work Materials, etc., etc.



(.99. telO.00; 71

a o otv 80 3 N E76! 3 SE79 0.03

O.to! 10i HI7'.

750.08 87 lO'i X ELiftE.W: 7V0.48I 92i 10KtOS


iBKlVALS.CiTrtniT M flV .1.

Lndia from Auckland and

LVcbaney.from Hamakua.in eir, nuiu

Morris from Koolau.E Foster from aianae.

. - r a

hsla, Freeman, from Kauai.M am.:e. iinitd,

uucier,-c- uajo uwui

bEPABTUKES.Satckday, May 6.

dtv, Martin, for Hongkong,alandia for San Frdncisco.


ea Hon, Nye, for Hamakua

iCnmmms, Neilson, for Koo--

;olii, McGregor, for Molokai

ft'ahine for Koholalele.t Morris for Kauai.land Eliza for Koolau.



Colonies per R M 8 Zealandia,Green and three cnuaren, ana

It.lai per strur Mikahala, May 4tenberc.J Willcock and daugh- -

lritz, lora liomke, 1 Wamp,vhee.Enoka. Chin Utiow and

pi.perstmr Likelike, May 4?r. J K llanuna. u K Kaicam,

tile, Father Leonore. VV Kobin- -

htchinson. Mrs Lvons, D MorCiRMacfarlane, H R Macfar- -U ukinson and 4G deck.

UIPl'ING JfOTES.per Moi Wahine arrived Satur- -xirom Koholalele wun.iiuer Mikahala arrived Sundaym Kauai with 2.918 bass Of

iv uags of rice.aer Marv E. Foster, which ar--Waianae on Saturday morning

oags ot sugar.hbark Velncitv. fiant. Martin.Hongkong, Saturday, with 33

age passengers.f Lady Lamnson and C. D. Brv--pe for San Francisco to-morr-ow

goes of domestic produce.P-a- . Zealandia sailed for SanSaturday evening, with about

sugar and 1,500 bunches of

kike broil rrhf An Cnnrlnif -vn uuimaj unci"If?s sugar, 135 hides, 3 horses,VTifl' 6 baS3 corn, 81 pkgs.

i'j uogs.pcan bark Benj. F. Hunt. Cant.I wuw from Kahului, Maui,tin ,F"incKCo, with 28,083 bags

feA.C. AUen, Capt.fc,l,r..i?r 6an Francisco ontit, ' 6 of suear' weigh--p

Pounds, and valued atper Iwalani brought 5,222 bagspa 13( green hides from Hama--

"um me same place, on

with aRS?hS.rchandi8e valued at.

Panie v ai.aiiernoon, 48 daysW;rith 850 tons of

fv." ..?k? the mail wharf.fcre th v ,V a'e about threelnf. v- - . ant.

from afc1' April 28th, seven- -ran9,sco. with a

le saLn Sha"dlse, valued atth?Uh0lt?a5i fr San

.i eri.rPlay this ! i

roW; :im.?CinS --t 7:30en 7s 13 l"e proirrammo.


Kienzi.. teze-- Meister.

n ii.j Wo




, lar8e corZ mu otar ad-urc- a

Sunday even- -


Embroideries, Embroideries.immense assortment at very low prices.

EMBROIDERY FLOUNCES, latest hemmedsiitched designs, entire new pat-terns at exceptional low prices, at the



Dra andFine Chemicals,


CAMERASThe A Geed and

eoLB mrosTEss

STRAITOW & STORM SEGARSu v - And KimbsOl'o Vanity Fair "


the Carbutt Irjr Plate.,2-- 1

or the czlszutsd



Ci arettes109 Fort St,

least six months- - Y -




v. -j,--


Page 4: HAWAIIAN Australian WEIand the like, or the bran, so called, that we sift away and feed to the swine, that the teeth actually require for then proper nourishment. Tho wisdom of man

Uv ASt t

rjEROIAL3Ttm 2ll!ertiscmtntB.,f i.

General IDoertiscmcnts. cm bvtvtistmtma.Honolulu and San Francisco AlaU Service

E. E. Hekdby, President and Manager. THE RISDONJohn Ejta, Vice-Preside- nt.

x.i Beown, Auditor. ,r " i orur cwiry k j. reasurer. messes; KING BEOS....... 1 rrtrw 1Hawaiian UAkDVVARE CO ; Iron and Locomotive Works,; '

,, a i . - T - -

Oornei of Beal and Howard 8treet4 .5 Invite the inspection of their Large Stock of SHEET PICTURES(LIMITED). II. IIupp. 6pr6cKoi3- - auk, . ; . : . Fort Strt Hwololn,- Importers and ZealAT in RAno.ai .


Oceanic Steamship Co.From San Francisco, 12 O'clock Noon.

Leave Dae at,r . 8.F. Honolulu

Franelieo. ................... CallforniW. H. TATLOB. . .... . ...... ....... ; . . . .Presidentn a unnw


vwi .................... super uteuueutHARDWARE, GLASSWARE, CROCKERY


PHOTOGRAPHS, Etc.,Builders of Steam Machinery Etc. OALSO, THEIR FINE STOCK OF

Genuine HaviUBd China,pUin and decorated; WedgiwoodWare; Piano, Library and Stand Lamps,

Chandeliers and Electoliers.f .1 v ill

; C t : .In all ita branches..8teamboat,8team8h!p. Land' Engines & Boilers, TV V-3- "I 1 . - I 'VivJLOii nm o1s5M A4VOSIUO VI VVMiyVUMMi

Lamp Fixtures of all kinds ; a complete assortment of Drills and Files ; STEAM" VESSELS of all kinds built complete, .. . ' :

i with nails ot wood, iron or composite. .Lately imported, of the latest designs in great variety, personally selected fnr tmowinaby engines compounded when ad-- market, from which they are prepared to make FramesPLANTATION SUPPLIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION . . 1 . . as me verv iiowest m.Stjsajii ijAUNCBE8,sarges and Steam Tugs con-- I . ;

Zealandia.. Saturday... May 31.... Jane 7Alaineda . . . Saturday, . .Jane 28. . . .July 5Manposa. ..Saturday . .July 26. . . . Aue. 2Zealandia . .Saturday. .Aug. 23. . . .Aug. 30Alameda. ..Saturday.. Sept. 20... Sept 27Manposa.. Saturday.. Oct. 18... ..Oct. 25Zealandia . .Saturday . .Nov. 15. . . .Nov 22Alameda.. .Saturday.. Dec. 13.... Dec. 20

To San Pranrtico.Leave Dueat

Alameda.. .Wednesday.. May 14...May 31Mariposa . . Wednesday.rune 11 . .June 28Zealandia.. Wednesday;. July 9... July 26Alameda. . .WednesdayAug 6. ; .Aug 23yJLV0 Se3nesay 'Bem. . -- Sept 20Zealandia..Wednesday.;.Oct 1....0bt 18Alameda. . .Wednesday. .Oct 29. . .Nov 15Manposa. . Wednesday..Nov 26. ...Dec 13 .Zealandia. .Wednesday. .Dec 24. . .Jan 10

tTtoTaepioVei. sngl.nd tictuTes Kenovated and Made Look Like New at Very Small Costsugar mills and Sugar Making' Machinery They are prepared to famish WINDOW POLE CORNIfTPS fnafter the most approved plans. Also, ail California 7T Ebony

Boiler Iron Work connected therewith. ri wainui, WltD Urass fitUngS at per Set: and 10h,

PnlAfl of

uwio u aiuubuio ivuEuii 1 or oonnflnnno j w m. immj iui waLiixicii ruuim. xiwavg rkn nann ...,hum vjwuocucu&cU X1068.

OILS : Lard, Cylinder, Kerosene, Linseed.PAINTS, SISAL R0PEi

HOSE: Rubber, Wire-bou- nd of superior quality, and. Steam.

toarthi. oi l

ready to be rlreted on the . V ' 7




for shipment,ground.

HTDBAUL10 RIVETING, Boiler Work and W&ter .Bta, Book Shelves, testis, Hat Racks, Boquet Stands, llirrors, Etc.Pinoa muf. Viw thin ..hKl.v.t . I . ' - '' ; ; ; -.uho-- b. a. Australia, 12 M.Leave San Vm Agate iron Ware' Silver Plated Ware, Table and Pocket Cutlery,Powder, Shot .nd Ca. The

Leave Honolulu.Fridav ...Mv o

: hydraulic riveting machinery, that .fu xnyuyva tney can- - show the best lines of0, Carres. si tttt'aM TSIZiJay Apr. 25Friday... May 23XTldav Inno on

Friday....... June 6rriaay July 4

t," xor riaay Aug. 1gljay Aug. IHlVririaxr An if 9Q New Process" Rnno Nrr T t, m a. m . bvub Agents ana manufacturers for the Pacific -- wv. Vx n--x iXL XVAUteriaiSFriday Sept. 12 Friday Sept. 26

Friday....... .Oct. 24Fridav. Krv oi

Gate City Stone Filters, Neal's Carriage Painte,Hartmans Steel-wir-e Fence and Steel-wir-e Mats, '

Wm. G . Fisher's Wrought Steel Ranges. V i

"uy vci. iuFriday Nov. 7 vih jhuiamsi, uiutt wiiii sue ceieoraceu : r.-rwtv- wii. vauao uviu u cents Her vara nnDavy Valve Motion, superior to anv other tt i. . :IFriday ...Dec. 18iiumj ....... .XCU. U pnp. waiuui scenes in vvater and Oil Golom in nrAf. tti4a..

- frtl Pina "Dtj. rril !' I miTV nirnnouu xjuii xurKaumg. i "jdia.... Honoluluvotv VCMAOVJTf, ,

HmfLlf?Sit fjtist- - Scenes by their special Artist, at alfor Menu Cards. .Small Sketches smtaWe fomauffgTGrand Opening of Summer Goods. 13m Boom No. 8. upstairs. Spreckels Block

IsTE"W GOODS SodaM Fntming, Artists'their line. ivo uiem a can wnen yon want anything inlatest styles of I fTTHE WKTL.TTwnww tjttittt , Ili" r f

1A Fine Assortment. Arrival of "I: I i : -- wm wAjjux.n,, ao DiiiiLi 1 XllK FIELD AS A! rmT.

HATS BONNETS "tur ciass 01 worjc toKING; BROS. ART STORE, Hotel St. near Fort. Ctha aott 2Li. tr belonmne his trade, in L

rr4"111?1116 manner asberetof ore ! "ying curtailed my shop We have just received per BkTillie Baker.exDenses, . ""j w wm lo any and all kinds of work anDertain-- a nne selection of New Goods,ine IO tile DUlldinC t.rad that moo U i.l (.nmnriom.Latest Fashions in Ladies' Broad RimLace Hats, Bonnets and Toques.

Fine Assortment of Children's Hats.

thesame at verv fowwtes7t eTeant'bearing in mmdthat what'is worth doineTill?8To racific Hardware On 171 131 Davs t..

w nanu-paini- ea rorceiain winner Set.Tnankinc the mililin fnr-- noat I

A few of those fine hand-embroider- ed

SILK and SATIN SCREENS, FOKT STREET.65. I remaui respectfallyryoxirs, J : V:- -,-

E. O. HALL c SOiN--,



Latest Novelties in


Arrival of Bk. John. D. Brewer ARQE CABgoi0.! co,lors and Patterns of Crepe. Silk Shawls. Elegant Tete--a te Cups

and Saucers. A fine lot ofFDI


, A few of those handy Mosquito Urns.Also, an assortment of new styles of

N. B. Bv theREMOVE my Millinery Parlors to the N"ewG(j

wre nexi aoor to Wenner & Co., onFort street.

Plantation Supplies,

General Merchandise.

Rattan Cnairs and TablesCOSTUMESma11 selection of JAPANESE

rll oorWon I it..j uu cAauiiuti una nnMRS. B. C. GOOD, : Fort Street95-i- m .



No. 22 Nuuanu Street,Anchors, Chains,

; Cocoa Mats. Kettles.Eddy Refrigerator's &r. T nK Sauce Pane, FiylJ. Of San Francisco. Bedsteads,

Fence fanIjipAails.. Cntl 'IfiHii Locomotives!


''. : 3

Vii .1?

O.Vt ...

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: .

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H ...

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hi n



Just Beceived. ,Practical Piano, Pipe and Red Organ

. I 8Have on hanrl a T oTDNER AND EBPAIEBR. Reliable GoodsThe undersigned having been ap-pointed Agents for the Hawaiian Islands

renv jlaa tOeLr--o inreadRori t,L al ySE.wdFleble STEEL BOPE, all sizes: Boltoeizing otutt, Wire Seiziner. Whnlplino Oatnm t?h tkk

at Beasonable PricesHaving wnrtml in

J Stockholm Tar, Pitch Mops, and Tar BrushesBLO CKS Common and Patent, all sizes and styles ;

SHEAVES Common, Patent and Metaline bashed :. .A T a m

" oumc ui me lareresclanO and nrmn fofn'.. lL. ,t , PACIFIC HAEDWAEE CO., L'd.States of Am T om Vnii .v.1. . u im.eu


Baldwin LocomotivesFrom the Works of


White Lead, Bed Led,

, Boiled Linseed Oil,

i Castor OH, Belting,

; Coal Tar, Water Tana.

Fire Brick, Atom,I Bed Ochre, Fire Clay,

Bags, Twine,t Filter Cloth,

Fort and Merchant Streete.-.- w.uvvuijr luaiiuer. a ttrgo .ajsgoriment oi

Galvanized and Brass Ship Hardware,Hubbucks White LkeJad. Zinc. Black -

Hi c(JSM 1 8 I"? WonSon'B Copper Paint, GalvSdBurnliam, Parry, Williams & Co.man's Jewelnr store, Fort

nhoVniKr&fCe'0rthronShMutukl TeK WAIA1AE BREEDING RAICHj rhiladelpHia, Penn., Soap, Groceries,Are now urepared to give estimates andreceive ordern fni. rnaaM ,

u-i- na

LOVE'S BAKERYHo. 78 BTnnanu Street.

Sif Drill--r --Tl

CF?? ,fnd FIAXvxttivamzeuCANVAS-No- s.jDoai

0 to ioTlBoStanS ck, and in fact that shouldbeS?tLOWFip Resell PIBOTLA

Call and see for yourselves at

Boots and Shoes,

Perfumery, Hags,

j Rope Brashes,size and fvTo oi any Pedigrees of all orses Kept

MB8.BOBT.LOVB. . . . Pprfe i. C i IU.JThe : BAT,rwnsrnnar IS WOBKS 8X6


: 12. O. T-rA-it, & SCXNB,orner of FortandingStreets.

H. E; Molntyre fe Bro.IMF0BTER8 AND PSALBKS IN

Every Description of Plsj n and Fsnoji

Bread and Crackers,FBESE

For Kaktation beeedingPurposes, depaetment i sale defabtment. Bridles, Feit8,Wbif,

tter Of which have recently beeniha i

Blankets, Sheeting,

I17 Goods, Merinos.

Shawls, Handkercbieb,

Victoria Lawns,Soda Crackers " revisions and Feed, SALE:Stallions of Various Breeds.Mares with orwithout Boal

Corses for any Purpose.A N xuosqtiito iMetung, ust

Laces, Ribbons, Hsto, I

VaIvaIhi. Embroideredwostbbkts. - ' The superiority of these ibBamiil' h:--i

' : ;ltollo-i--i BMtem stMMud I. 22 1' ?' oly known 'CA OROWL- .-

. - rilllM, AU DIQBTI lUUinill H.iilul A. . - -- " UUUDIDH I BIH,&UUWlHIIDn rrtWnnn.ko.-J- . A.t - . ? ; BREAKING DEPARTMENTT.7.PTot,.0'Nrg'- - iS5. "SJSSif fj United States.. r.-TTT- "n .MnWiQHT.. - tent

Saloon BreadAlways on Hand.


TWO Native Stallinno " A Rlrilfnl nuw a vvy i . '

Flannel,c is emolov n;XVna TliAINERPILIAOAO" and BTRArTr Basket Trunks,Pitntn TTamnerS.

WM. G. IRWIN & CO.,; iAKentsforEhwaiian IsUnds.

--A. Well-bre- d Kentuoky JACK.U rfaland Orders Promptly Attended to.

Rogs, Mats, toClothing, K



JLfJ Embroidered Suits, inLadies Colored Parasols fl 25 each.

eaih SSJ6?11 fine Stockings embry. Aua.trside a pair.x3 ! : , : ' Hawah. March , 1888 ILadled Rfllhrir.n Ot . Bildbn Tmn ..4 r ...i18 Bariggan Onder Vests, 50c. eafebrlmni,',formeriy . now 75c7

all wo6l, 50c. yer yard each side 2.a j - emDry- - cl"o" "we work.. 8n Fran--

wiw ' uiuunTOnn ; Tin a n I . ! ;King St, opp. Oahu Railway Depot, SiWand short. 50lnd75c colvlc!n 7 Window CnffKmTS'r-ff- .: L'i . no lmi)rml ""V"011- - I cn recommendrnc, - pair oeiow IBilliards, Bowling Alley :.t. j i

Underwear, Braces, -

1SofaPiUows. .

! Gloves, Flooncingv

Embroidery. Cartaias,

Table Napkins,

Table Cloths,Water-pro- of Coats,

Artificial Flowers.

Dost Cloaks,Pajama Suits,

SSSWSKvuK. as1td.cheap. k6 Cotowd Shirts 35c.to 50c,w xwpectrniiT yours.

i. (igned) A.Uooaa.Kn W .J.L:j 'v ' .HttlWM.. wwi merinos, so to 60c yard IndiesSpanish Lace. Si vi

uMtfi, mpnetor. - NO. d4 KING STREET.



90in. Mosq. Netting 15 yds. at $1 50

fJfepoWon 16 yds. 1.

AU kinds of Woolen 8hawls Siso m 5

Large Size Col. Doable BUnketsWto Urn. loraDm' . ? w' 18-?1r-se

assort. Embry. OlkHnMto ! Work..Larpeflst u.-- --t n. .. ; JB?!1?1. Mease shin tw one'of A. o

r4?r 60c. to 75c. " m tr 5I5?Coloredof Kew Prints 16vds $1 up to 18Cold Lnoches! Cold Drink' ChIn.8iIkCrei)e(black&rfeUnw aXT P-l- to V-- VrnnZ Dinner Sets,Brown Linen 6 yds. H. , Jr? i ' ::" Xonrs traMLadies Colored Mitte idl kinrK-- - u L -- ; geo?VVnitP. HMinr MnluVi -- i. en-- . SARSAPAEMAnn: j wwui at ouc. a yara. Tea Sets,IVkcutrf Sa(S. "AND IKON WATER!Uuager Hoela Agricaltrual do.

All tSS0 ()sMikWh!te LIn Handkeroliiefsi r iiutbcf iauuei zoc.a varaS5 atep ngee Sa yeow and FancyCrock1

The offee Te d GhocoUte.finest Brands of ,


Clohcrdhite Figare TaWe

$2mite Figure Linen Table Cloth

7iiJXi?LteFiire ncn Table Clothpiece.itinar "f?1?; diagonal, Blue Serge nmlSMn n,lvi 01&Lmet msaTe Linen Table ClothKl 'i 50 tapHrilla. Won. nra PlaloColored MAv.n;A -r ' . I rSne S0!0'! Satin at SOc a yard. i 10 yds. a DieceT1 at ooc. pc. W

t E. M. SNIFFEN, Ladies' & ChUdren Straw Hats all k. vu.impaguc Cidei Etc,: fit.tinlvM.Gen t. ' ffA?V IT a yard.Boyttfk?p

Umbrella StanJi

Decanters,.Salad Bowls,

Mesh Sets,Flower Pots,

Filtsrs,Ete., Etc, Etc

fft'm'l 1 fifif Ml!! II ii CaMala (sal satisfaction In theI care of Gonorrhro mr.c TO ft DATS.

Gleet. I prescribe tigrey and Merino gbckTSS aSSr P

India GaDndertP6 pieceAIX AREATED WATERS. GUARANTEED PURE.MeaJrlvfia r 'f recommend--hJT H?op or sSd

nsjXSaCi. unerera. -

aataaatT "TJ1 ST01EB, nja yrocaery, J5tc.f Etc., Etc. TELiilPlTftmrnc

& oSiStfRZ Sjjraaeato Street. BeU 298.aoo kim NutrANfrTstoeet: immmmWv..

XP ISLAND OIID2RS. Proiiptt v ' aK Theo. H.

...VI..... '

Si'."' '.

.i 0