Havoc Open Beta

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  • 8/14/2019 Havoc Open Beta


    The text of this document is public domain; anyone may make use of this text for

    any purpose. However, all layout and design elements are copyright of Levi

    Kornelsen and Robert Clash Bowley, 2008-2009. All graphic art is copyright2008-2009 Laura Hamilton. The Better Mousetrap logo is copyright of Better

    Mousetrap Games.Open BetaOpen BetaOpen BetaOpen Beta


    Open Beta?The version of Havoc that youre reading is quite playable, but itisnt yet perfected - and its the kind of game where balance can

    only be achieved by having a lot of people reading, and trying a lot

    of different things. Thats where you come in.

    If you come across places where you cant quite sort out what the

    text means, or where you think that theres an issue with balance,

    youre invited to drop the writer a line. Email goes over to[[email protected]], and would be very much appreciated.

    In addition to this document, there are a couple of online

    slideshow tutorials that you might find useful, either forunderstanding the rules, or for showing your friends to let them

    know about the game. These are:

    Tutorial 1: The Overview.


    Tutorial 2: Custom Dragons.http://www.slideshare.net/LeviKornelsen/havoc-tutorial-2

    Further tutorials on the game will be created if they seem to be

    warranted, and will certainly be created for the follow-up games of

    Haven and Hoard (for more on those, skip to the very end of thisdocument).

    Thanks for joining in!

    Laura Henson free product

  • 8/14/2019 Havoc Open Beta


    Welcome.Havoc is a standalone combat game for two or more players, in which each

    player takes the part of a dragon. It is based on the setting of Hoard, 2nd

    Edition. To play this game, you will need: Filled-out dragon sheets: One for each player. Example dragons can be

    found at the end of this document, as well as a blank sheet for creating a

    custom dragon with the rules in the second part of the document. You may

    also find it handy to reference one of the example dragons while reading

    over the rules.

    Dice: When the game rules refer to dice, they always mean regular six-sided

    dice. Each player will need up to a dozen dice, of at least two visibly

    different colors.

    Pencils and an eraser: To track altitude, speed, and reserves, and check off

    boxes on the dragon sheets. Players wanting to preserve sheets for re-use

    may wish to instead employ stacks of pennies or other counters.

    Setting UpEach player places their dragon record in front of them, and (whether through

    tokens, dice, or pencil) puts the starting values for Altitude, Speed, and

    Reserves in the big boxes for those. They grab pencils and dice, and theyre

    ready to go.

    How To WinEach dragon has reserves - this tracks their energy as well as their health.

    At the end of each round, any dragon whose reserves are empty is eliminated.

    The last dragon in the air wins. Note that it is possible for several dragons to

    be defeated in the same round, causing a draw. It is also possible to play in

    two teams of two (or more!) dragons per side, rather than as a free-for all. In

    that case, the team with the last member or members wins.

    1Rules Of Play

    Reserves, Speed, AltitudeDuring the rules, these three terms will come up constantly. Heres what

    they mean:

    Reserves: A number indicating how much energy your dragon has left.

    If your dragon runs out of reserves, your dragon is eliminated at the end

    of that round.

    Speed: A number indicating how hard it is to hurt your dragon, from

    one to six. Dice must match or beat this to hurt your dragon.

    Altitude: A number used to decide if your dragon is able to use many

    attacks; some attacks only work if altitudes are closer together, whileothers require that your dragon have a higher altitude than their target.

    Laura Henson free product

  • 8/14/2019 Havoc Open Beta


  • 8/14/2019 Havoc Open Beta


  • 8/14/2019 Havoc Open Beta


  • 8/14/2019 Havoc Open Beta


    Creating Your Own DragonBuilding a dragon is a fairly simple process. Choose a breed, an elemental

    affinity, an aptitude, and armaments. Then name them, and record all the

    results of your choices on a dragon sheet. Heres what all of these choices


    BreedA dragons breed sets their body type, from slender and fronded to spike-laden

    to heavy plated. Your choice of breed will determine your special maneuver,

    and will set your basic claw, tail, and magic damage. It will also grant you

    some small portion of natural armor, and determine your starting reserves.

    AffinityEach dragon has an elemental affinity, a kinship with one of the five elements

    dragons concern themselves with (fire, electricity, ice, wind, wood). Incombat, this affinity grants them two special abilities known as masteries.

    AptitudeBesides the vast advantages of their birth, dragons also spend time exploring

    their own personal potentials, further developing their abilities and quirks. In

    Havoc, these studies are summed up by giving the dragon an additional

    mastery in combat.

    ArmamentFor many dragons, the limits on equipment - things like boarders, swarms,

    armor, and bombards - arent based as much on scarcity as they are on carrying

    capacity and on the ability of accompanying creatures to keep up (and survive

    the flight). So, when choosing armaments, equipment selection is limited by

    how much the equipment hinders your dragon, lowering starting and maximum

    speed and altitudes. In the upcomingHaven, equipment will also be limited by

    creation, but that isnt the case here.

    2222Custom Dragons

    First Second Third

    Val- -Ithi- -Var

    Tand- -Uri- -Riss

    Kisk- -Aka- -Sath

    Vakas- -Ala- -Gra

    Rast- -Uta- -Numa

    NameYour dragon will need a name. Most dragons in

    the world are named by stringing together

    common first, second, and third syllables,

    though short form versions of these are often

    created as use names. The most common such

    syllables are shown on the right; you can create

    a use name from a string in any way you like.

    So, the name Tand-Uta-Numa might becomeTanda, Tanuma, Utan, Danma, or any number of

    other constructions.

    Laura Henson free product

  • 8/14/2019 Havoc Open Beta


  • 8/14/2019 Havoc Open Beta


  • 8/14/2019 Havoc Open Beta


    Choose ArmamentsThere are four kinds of armaments - Armor, Boarders, Boulders, and Swarm.

    Each of these is rated in terms of hindrance; this is a measure of how much a

    dragon is slowed and weighted down by carrying that armament. To arm your

    dragon, decide how much of each armament youd like, add them up, and then

    check the table to determine your starting and maximum speed and altitude.

    ArmorMany dragons supplement their inborn armor with

    slim plates, bracer-like guards, and the like. Even so,

    these can encumber a dragon very easily.

    Each added Armor Box is a 4-Point Hindrance.

    Black out all the armor boxes on your sheet except

    those gained as armaments or from breed.

    BoardersTypically human slaves, boarders are carried by many

    dragons as weaponry. While boarders have some

    degree of weight to them, each individual boarder can

    be set and ordered separately, making them the

    armament of choice for fleshing out a set.

    Each Boarder is a 1-Point Hindrance; a dragon is

    limited to carrying eight boarders at most. Black out

    all boarder boxes on your sheet not gained asarmaments or armor.

    BouldersEvery dragon going to fight takes along a pair of

    boulders, one in each rear claw. These are large

    igneous rocks, chosen for their likelihood of shattering

    into painful and hard-to-remove slivers.

    Boulders, when dropped, provide bombardment dice.

    Each boulder grants one bombardment die (this has

    no hindrance cost). You may raise the number ofdice given by both your boulders; each added die is a

    2-Point Hindrance. This change affects not only the

    boulders you start with, but also any gained through

    use of the drake special maneuver.

    SwarmMany dragons use their elemental abilities to

    quicken eggs other than dragon eggs, producing

    creatures with mild affinities. These allies are potent

    weapons, but are also very hindering.

    Each Swarm Die is a 10-Point Hindrance; a dragon

    is limited to three swarm dice at most.






    None-10 3 5 2 3

    11-18 3 5 1 3

    19-24 2 5 1 3

    25-30 2 5 1 2

    31-38 2 4 1 2

    39-48 2 4 0 2

    49+ -Cannot Fly-

    Speed & Altitude ChartFind where your total hindrance lies on the chart below, and copy over the

    starting and maximum speed, and the starting and maximum altitude, onto your

    dragon sheet.

    Laura Henson free product

  • 8/14/2019 Havoc Open Beta


    In T his SectionThis section contains a number of prebuilt dragons, as well as a blank dragon

    sheet for your use. Each of the prebuilt dragons is built to fit a specific style of

    fighting... Kisri: This dragon is all about damage output. Get up to top altitude, and

    then rake or bombard. If your target spends all their time at loweraltitudes blasting at you, bombard them first. Then dive down, raking as

    you go, and pick up a couple more boulders. Raking beats bombarding,

    but matching altitudes can be tricky. Still - never, ever, let up.

    Valasa: This dragon should be played wherever your target is not. If

    theyre above, get low and use clinging strike to build up a boarding pool,

    then add to it a few times. If theyre low, board them and then climb and

    blast. Use your lind ability if youre ever just above your target, so that

    you can maneuver in such a way as to stay above them.

    Turigra: This dragon is all about the long haul. Try to stay within tail-reach of the target - but avoid being on the same altitude as Kisri! Just

    keep hammering away, and youll see results. When someone boards you

    or tries to clinging strike you, relax: Youre radiant for a reason.

    Rasthin: This dragon is built for the mid-range. Between tail and swarm,

    you rarely (if ever) want to be on the same altitude - but one away is just

    right, and two steps away is just fine as well. Use your regnant mastery

    far, far more than any other strike; its your main attack, and a powerful


    Solo FlightIf youd like to try out the rules, but you dont have anyone to try the game

    with, try grabbing two dragons from this section. Youll play one of those

    dragons, and roll dice for the other. The other dragon will follow these rules:

    Maneuvers: On turn one, the other dragon will beat. After that point,

    they will climb, then beat, then climb, then beat. If they reach top altitude,

    they will only beat. If theyve reached top speed, they will only climb. If

    both, they will wheel. Strikes: If the auto-piloted dragon is two altitude above you at the start of

    a round, roll a die. On a 4+, they will attempt to use boarders later in the

    round. In all other circumstances, they will always employ their damaging

    mastery (clinging strike or energy blast).

    3333T he Extras

    Laura Henson free product

  • 8/14/2019 Havoc Open Beta


    A Better Mousetrap Joint. Original Art is Copyrightof Laura Hamilton, 2007-2009, and is used with permission.


    Tail:(Up to one altitude away)

    Claws:(Same altitude only)


    DiceSwarm:(Up to two altitude away)

    Bombard:(Attacks lower target only)

    Rake(Same altitude only; add claw dice again.)


    Boarders:(Target one altitude below)

    Remaining Boulders:

    DiceMagic:(Used in Masteries)

    First Mastery

    Second Mastery

    T hird Mastery

    Wheel: Make no changes.

    Beat: +1 Speed, -1 Reserves.Climb: -1 Speed, +1 Altitude.

    Dive: +1 Speed, -1 Altitude.

    Jink: -1 Speed, Speed 6 vs. Attacks.

    Breed Maneuver:

    Breed Affinity Aptitude



    Havoc Dragon Record

    KisriDrake Spark Rampant




    Tail Snare: This maneuver can only be

    performed if you have one or no altitude, andhave used up a boulder. Regain one boulder.

    Jitter: Your sparks suddenly and accelerate.

    Reduce reserves by one; increase speed by one

    (up to maximum) at the end of this round.

    Energy Blast: Your blasts your target. Reduce

    reserves by one and add a number of dice equal to

    your dragons magic damage to your attack pool.

    Mad Assault: Gain claw and tail dice again, ifyou are within reach.









    Starting: 15151515





    Laura Henson free product

  • 8/14/2019 Havoc Open Beta


    A Better Mousetrap Joint. Original Art is Copyrightof Laura Hamilton, 2007-2009, and is used with permission.

    Bombard:(Attacks lower target only)

    Rake(Same altitude only; add claw dice again.)


    Boarders:(Target one altitude below)

    Remaining Boulders:


    Breed Affinity Aptitude


    Havoc Dragon Record

    ValasaLind Flame Concordant


    Tail:(Up to one altitude away)

    Claws:(Same altitude only)


    DiceSwarm:(Up to two altitude away)

    DiceMagic:(Used in Masteries)




    Mystic Scrying: You employ unusual senses.

    Your target must place and reveal their maneuverand strike dice before others do so nextround.

    First Mastery

    Second Mastery

    T hird Mastery

    Clinging Strike: Your unleash clinging energy at

    their target. Reduce reserves by one and set four

    dice aside for the boarding phase.

    Energy Blast: Your blasts your target. Reduce

    reserves by one and add a number of dice equal to

    your dragons magic damage to your attack pool.

    Multiplicity: Reduce reserves by one, and setaside (for boarding) dice equal to the largest

    boarding pool in play, or four, whichever is less.









    Starting: 16161616




    3333Wheel: Make no changes.

    Beat: +1 Speed, -1 Reserves.Climb: -1 Speed, +1 Altitude.

    Dive: +1 Speed, -1 Altitude.

    Jink: -1 Speed, Speed 6 vs. Attacks.

    Breed Maneuver:

    Laura Henson free product

  • 8/14/2019 Havoc Open Beta


    A Better Mousetrap Joint. Original Art is Copyrightof Laura Hamilton, 2007-2009, and is used with permission.

    Bombard:(Attacks lower target only)

    Rake(Same altitude only; add claw dice again.)


    Boarders:(Target one altitude below)

    Remaining Boulders:


    Breed Affinity Aptitude


    Havoc Dragon Record

    TurigraWyrm Frost Radiant


    Tail:(Up to one altitude away)

    Claws:(Same altitude only)


    DiceSwarm:(Up to two altitude away)

    DiceMagic:(Used in Masteries)




    Plate Shrug: You shrug your heavy natural armor

    back into place. Lose one speed, but regain twoof armor boxes, up to starting armor at most.

    First Mastery

    Second Mastery

    T hird Mastery

    Clinging Strike: Your unleash clinging energy at

    their target. Reduce reserves by one and set two

    dice aside for the boarding phase.

    Icy Armor: You create armor of ice. Reduce

    reserves by one; you gain two bonus ice armor

    at the end of round. These armor are lost first.

    Essential Purity: During the boarding, at normalshrinking, your boarding pool dice are removed

    if they rolled two or less.









    Starting: 17171717




    2222Wheel: Make no changes.

    Beat: +1 Speed, -1 Reserves.Climb: -1 Speed, +1 Altitude.

    Dive: +1 Speed, -1 Altitude.

    Jink: -1 Speed, Speed 6 vs. Attacks.

    Breed Maneuver:

    Laura Henson free product

  • 8/14/2019 Havoc Open Beta


    A Better Mousetrap Joint. Original Art is Copyrightof Laura Hamilton, 2007-2009, and is used with permission.

    Bombard:(Attacks lower target only)

    Rake(Same altitude only; add claw dice again.)


    Boarders:(Target one altitude below)

    Remaining Boulders:


    Breed Affinity Aptitude


    Havoc Dragon Record

    RasthinWyrm Spark Regnant


    Tail:(Up to one altitude away)

    Claws:(Same altitude only)


    DiceSwarm:(Up to two altitude away)

    DiceMagic:(Used in Masteries)





    Plate Shrug: You shrug your heavy natural armor

    back into place. Lose one speed, but regain twoof armor boxes, up to starting armor at most.

    First Mastery

    Second Mastery

    T hird Mastery

    Jitter: Your sparks suddenly and accelerate.

    Reduce reserves by one; increase speed by one

    (up to maximum) at the end of this round.

    Energy Blast: Your blasts your target. Reduce

    reserves by one and add a number of dice equal to

    your dragons magic damage to your attack pool.

    Coordinated Strike: Gain swarm dice again, ifyou are within reach.









    Starting: 17171717




    2222Wheel: Make no changes.

    Beat:+1 Speed, -1 Reserves.

    Climb: -1 Speed, +1 Altitude.

    Dive: +1 Speed, -1 Altitude.

    Jink: -1 Speed, Speed 6 vs. Attacks.

    Breed Maneuver:

    Laura Henson free product

  • 8/14/2019 Havoc Open Beta










    A Better Mousetrap Joint. Original Art is Copyrightof Laura Hamilton, 2007-2009, and is used with permission.


    Tail:(Up to one altitude away)

    Claws:(Same altitude only)


    DiceSwarm:(Up to two altitude away)

    Bombard:(Attacks lower target only)

    Rake(Same altitude only; add claw dice again.)


    Boarders:(Target one altitude below)

    Remaining Boulders:

    DiceMagic:(Used in Masteries)

    First Mastery

    Second Mastery

    T hird Mastery

    Breed Affinity Aptitude



    Havoc Dragon Record


    Wheel: Make no changes.

    Beat:+1 Speed, -1 Reserves.

    Climb: -1 Speed, +1 Altitude.

    Dive: +1 Speed, -1 Altitude.

    Jink: -1 Speed, Speed 6 vs. Attacks.

    Breed Maneuver:

    Laura Henson free product

  • 8/14/2019 Havoc Open Beta


    Coming Soon:

    HavenHaven, the follow-up game to Havoc will fullyincorporate and expand on the Havoc rules as the

    combat system for a much wider campaign and island

    management game. This larger game will be

    cooperative on the whole, with one or more players

    taking on the role of adversary for given conflicts.

    Haven will be playable as both a limited-run scoring

    game and as an open-ended campaign system. Haven

    will also introduce a wide variety of combat scenarios

    usable with Havoc.

    HoardBoth Havoc and Haven are games that will become part

    of a new edition of Hoard, a role-playing game of

    dragons. Hoard will incorporate both of these games,

    while giving significantly more weight to the dragons ascharacters that can be personalized, created, and played.

    A group playing Hoard might play their dragons from

    hatching into incredible levels of size and power; they

    will be able to trade, raid, and interact with the culture

    of the islands that they live on, playing from the

    perspectives of their characters.

    Laura Henson free product