Have you ever faced a test, presentation, project, etc., that you felt unprepared for? What kinds of thoughts go through your head in the situation? Have you ever experienced the opposite? What made the difference?

Have you ever faced a test, presentation, What kinds of thoughts … · 2019-07-29 · 2. Perfected Love Banishes Fear •“and the one who fears is not perfected in love” •Contrast

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Page 1: Have you ever faced a test, presentation, What kinds of thoughts … · 2019-07-29 · 2. Perfected Love Banishes Fear •“and the one who fears is not perfected in love” •Contrast



Page 2: Have you ever faced a test, presentation, What kinds of thoughts … · 2019-07-29 · 2. Perfected Love Banishes Fear •“and the one who fears is not perfected in love” •Contrast
Page 3: Have you ever faced a test, presentation, What kinds of thoughts … · 2019-07-29 · 2. Perfected Love Banishes Fear •“and the one who fears is not perfected in love” •Contrast


•Inlove,GodcallsusHischildren•WhenGod’sSonappears,wewillbelikeHim•“everyonewhohasthishopefixedonHimpurifieshimself,justasHeispure”•3:4–5:3– whatbeingachildofGodlookslikeandhowtopurifyourselvesasHeispure•Practicingrighteousness/loving (3:10)

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•“…ifweloveoneanother,Godabidesinus,andHisloveisperfectedinus.”•Godabidesinus– 4:13-16•Hisloveisperfectedinus– 4:17-21

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•PerfectedLove?1. PerfectedLoveBringsConfidence(17)2. PerfectedLoveBanishesFear(18)

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•“Bythis,loveisperfectedwithus”•Ourabidinginlove (4:16b;cf.4:12b)•Obeying->loving(2:5;3:24a)•“IfyoukeepMycommandments,youwillabideinMylove”(John15:10a)•“ThisisMycommandment,thatyouloveoneanother,…”(John15:12-17)

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•“Bythis,loveisperfected withus”•Perfect– mature;reachingitsintendedgoal•God’sgoalislovingintimatefellowshipwithandamongstHischildren(1:3,7)•Godinitiated&demonstratedlove (4:7-10)•Inresponse,weoughttolove,too(4:11)•Aswelove,God’slovereachesit’sgoal

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•“sothatwemayhaveconfidence inthedayofjudgment”•Confidence – boldness (inspeaking)•2:28– abiding->boldnessatHiscoming•3:21-22– obedience->confidenceinprayer•5:14– confidenceinprayer

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•“sothatwemayhaveconfidenceinthedayofjudgment”•Noteternaldestiny(John5:24;1John3:14)•“ForwewillallstandbeforethejudgmentseatofGod.…Sotheneachoneofuswillgiveanaccount ofhimselftoGod.”(Rom.14:10b,12;cf.Matt.25:14-30)

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Page 12: Have you ever faced a test, presentation, What kinds of thoughts … · 2019-07-29 · 2. Perfected Love Banishes Fear •“and the one who fears is not perfected in love” •Contrast


•Bywhatstandard?•“Sospeakandsoactasthosewhoaretobejudgedbythelawofliberty.”(James2:12)•theperfectlaw/theword(James1:22,25)•“If,however,youarefulfilling theroyallawaccordingtotheScripture,‘Youshallloveyourneighborasyourself,’youaredoingwell.”(James2:8)

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Page 14: Have you ever faced a test, presentation, What kinds of thoughts … · 2019-07-29 · 2. Perfected Love Banishes Fear •“and the one who fears is not perfected in love” •Contrast


•“becauseasHeis,soalsoareweinthisworld”•Thereasonforconfidence:beinglikeHim•WhatisHelike?•HeisLight (1:5-7)•Heisrighteous(2:29;cf.2:1)•Heispure(3:3)•Heislove(4:8;cf.3:16)

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•“Thereisnofearinlove”•Fearingeneral?(e.g.– spidersorsnakes)•God’sloveforusvs.ourbeingafraid ofHim?•Emphasisisonhowweoughttolove(4:11)


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•“Thereisnofearinlove”•Fearofjudgment•“…abideinHim,sothatwhenHeappears,wemayhaveconfidence andnotshrinkawayfromHiminshame atHiscoming.”(2:28)

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•“butperfectlovecastsoutfear,becausefearinvolvespunishment”•Perfectlove ->ourlovingasGodintends(11)•Fear ->thejudgment•Fearbringswithitit’sowntorment,asweanticipatetheexpectedoutcome

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•“andtheonewhofearsisnotperfectedinlove”•Contrastwithconfidenceatjudgment (17)•OurfearofjudgmentshowswearenotfullylovingasGodintends•Noneutral:eitherloving orhating (3:14-15)

•GodgivesHislove,andHecallsustoloveHimandourbrothers,inordertoperfect us

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•Godwants:1. Hislovebroughttocompletion infellowship2. Hischildrenbroughttocompletion inlove•E.g.- Eph.4–5;1Cor.13:4-7;Gal.5:6,13-15
