have a headache have a stomachache 头头 头头 头头头

Have a headache have a stomachache 头痛 胃痛;肚子疼. have a cough have a sore throat 咳嗽 喉咙痛

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have a headache

have a stomachache



have a cough

have a sore throat



have a toothache

have a broken arm



have a cold

have a fever



1.A:What’s the matter with you, Miss Ho?B: I have a stomachache.

2.A:What’s the matter with you, Jenny?B:I have a cough.

3.A:What’s the matter with you, Mrs Fung?B: I have a cold.

4.A: What’s the matter with you, Danny?B: I have a broken arm.

5.A: What’s the matter with you, Mr Lam?B: I have a toothache.

6.A: What’s the matter with you, Eric?B: I have a sore throat.

7.A: What’s the matter with you, Sam?B: I have a fever.

8.A: What’s the matter with you, Amy?B: I have a headache.

Talk about the pictures with the third person.

1. Miss Ho has a stomachache.


2. Jenny has a cough.

3. Mrs Fung has a cold.4. Danny has a broken arm.

5. Mr Lam has a toothache.6. Eric has a sore throat.

7. Sam has a fever.

8. Amy has a headache.

Part D. Read and tick or cross.

1. Mr and Mrs Cheng visited Dr Fung every week. ( )

2. Dr Fung was never happy. ( )

3. Dr Fung told the Chengs a joke every time ( 每次 ) they came to see him. ( )

4. Mr and Mrs Cheng did not understand the jokes. ( )

5. Laughing( 笑 ) made Mr and Mrs Cheng feel better. ( )




get an X-ray of my hands

给我的手做 X 光检查

rest in bed


drink more water


eat more fruit


take some medicine


Part E:Jim: Hello. May I speak to Gary, please?Gary: Speaking.

Jim: Hi, Gary. This is Jim. You didn’t come to school today. What’s the matter with you?Gary: I have a cough. The doctor told me to take some medicine.

Jim: Oh, dear. I’m sorry to hear that. Get well soon.

Gary: Thank you.

Jim: Take care. Goodbye.

Gary: Bye.



Picture 2:

Jim: Hello. May I speak to Julie, please?

Julie: Speaking.

Jim: Hi,Julie. This is Jim. You didn’t come to school today. What’s the matter with you?

Julie: I have a cough. The doctor told me to take some medicine.

Jim: Oh, dear. I’m sorry to hear that. Get well soon.

Julie: Thank you.

Jim: Take care. Goodbye.

Julie: Bye.

Picture 3:

Jim: Hello. May I speak to Jason, please?

Julie: Speaking.

Jim: Hi, Jason. This is Jim. You didn’t come to school today. What’s the matter with you?

Julie: I have a headache. The doctor told me to rest in bed.

Jim: Oh, dear. I’m sorry to hear that. Get well soon.

Julie: Thank you.

Jim: Take care. Goodbye.

Julie: Bye.

Picture 4:

Jim: Hello. May I speak to Nick, please?

Julie: Speaking.

Jim: Hi, Nick. This is Jim. You didn’t come to school today. What’s the matter with you?

Julie: I have a cold. The doctor told me to eat more fruit.

Jim: Oh, dear. I’m sorry to hear that. Get well soon.

Julie: Thank you.

Jim: Take care. Goodbye.

Julie: Bye.

Picture 5:

Jim: Hello. May I speak to Sue, please?

Julie: Speaking.

Jim: Hi,Sue. This is Jim. You didn’t come to school today. What’s the matter with you?

Julie: I have a fever. The doctor told me to drink more water.

Jim: Oh, dear. I’m sorry to hear that. Get well soon.

Julie: Thank you.

Jim: Take care. Goodbye.

Julie: Bye.

How healthy are you? 你有多健康?1. How often do you exercise?

你多久锻炼一次身体?a. Seldom or neverb. Once or twice a monthc. Every week


2. Try to touch your toes. How far can you reach?试着触摸你的脚趾。你能触摸到多远?

a.Only as far as my kneesb. As far as my anklesc. To my toes easily


3. How often do you catch a cold?你多久感冒一次?

a. Oftenb. Sometimesc. Seldom or never


4. How often do you eat snacks?你多久吃一次零食?

a. Three or more times a weekb. Once or twice a weekc. Seldom or never


5. How often do you feel angry?你多久生一次气?

a. Oftenb. Sometimesc. Seldom

经常有时几乎不 , 很少





1. Cheer up!

2. Hope you will be better soon.

3. Get well soon.

4. Have a good rest.

5. Look after yourself.


We give Get Well cards to people who are sick.
