November 2014 Happy Birthday St. Stephen’s! Downstairs in the basement are two collages of photos and newspaper ar;cles about the beginnings of St. Stephen’s. I was looking at them thinking how to trans fer that informa;on to our new website’s history page when a date caught my eye. October 9, 1949. The day this congrega;on dedicated its first church building. That was, like ah… 65 years and a couple weeks ago. Sixtyfive years ago the congrega ;on of St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church acquired a permanent home in the liPle white block building pictured to the right. Sixty-five years ago St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church acquired a physical place—a geographic location. St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church — 610 31st Street SE — just turned sixty five years old. Happy Birthday St. Stephen’s! As the congrega;on has grown, its home has grown too. That liPle white block building is s;ll standing, tucked inside wood siding, behind a lovely brick porch, hugged on one side by an office and fellowship wing, and by the new sanctuary on the other. What makes this building special, however, is what happens within its walls. Here genera;ons of the faithful have gathered to know, live, and share Christ. Members have gone out from this place to serve as pastors in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, to help start new congrega;ons in the area, to rebuild flooded homes in Cedar Rapids, to undertake mission trips to Appalachia, Hai;, and Africa, and so much more. This place has been a center for Christ’s mission for 65 years. Thanks be to God! In this season of remembrance, thanksgiving, and stewardship, I want to say “Thank You” to all those faithful members, past and present, who have put so much ;me, energy, and money into making St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church what it is today. My prayer in this season is twofold: 1) that all of us will step up in faith to be good stewards of what we have inherited from those who have gone before us — yes, the building needs repairs sooner rather than later. 2) that all of us will step up in faith to commit our ;me, energy, and money to foster Christ’s mission not only within these walls, but beyond these walls, so that we can grow our children’s and youth minis tries, our Stephen Ministry, Senior Support Network, our commitment to Family Promise and to train ing pastors for the ELCA, our rela;onship with our companion parish in Tanzania, and our support to the wider work of the church. May this place continue to flourish as a center for Christ’s mission for another 65 years + ! Blessings, Pastor Ritva

Happy Birthday St. Stephen’s!

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Page 1: Happy Birthday St. Stephen’s!

November  2014

Happy Birthday St. Stephen’s!Downstairs  in  the  basement  are  two  collages  of  photos  and  newspaper  ar;cles  about  the  beginnings  of  St.  Stephen’s.  I  was  looking  at  them  thinking  how  to  trans-­‐fer  that  informa;on  to  our  new  website’s  history  page  when  a  date  caught  my  eye.  October  9,  1949.  The  day  this  congrega;on  dedicated  its  first  church  building.  That  was,  like  ah…  65  years  and  a  couple  weeks  ago.  Sixty-­‐five  years  ago  the  congrega-­‐;on  of  St.  Stephen’s  Lutheran  Church  acquired  a  permanent  home  in  the  liPle  white  block  building  pictured  to  the  right.  

Sixty-five years ago St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church acquired a physical place—a geographic location.St. Stephen’s Lutheran Church — 610 31st Street SE — just turned sixty five years old.

Happy Birthday St. Stephen’s!As  the  congrega;on  has  grown,  its  home  has  grown  too.  That  liPle  white  block  building  is  s;ll  standing,  tucked  inside  wood  siding,  behind  a  lovely  brick  porch,  hugged  on  one  side  by  an  office  and  fellowship  wing,  and  by  the  new  sanctuary  on  the  other.    

What  makes  this  building  special,  however,  is  what  happens  within  its  walls.  Here  genera;ons  of  the  faithful  have  gathered  to  know,  live,  and  share  Christ.  Members  have  gone  out  from  this  place  to  serve  as  pastors  in  the  Evangelical  Lutheran  Church  in  America,  to  help  start  new  congrega;ons  in  the  area,  to  rebuild  flooded  homes  in  Cedar  Rapids,  to  undertake  mission  trips  to  Appalachia,  Hai;,  and  Africa,  and  so  much  more.  

This place has been a center for Christ’s mission for 65 years.Thanks be to God!

In  this  season  of  remembrance,  thanksgiving,  and  stewardship,  I  want  to  say  “Thank You”  to  all  those  faithful  members,  past  and  present,  who  have  put  so  much  ;me,  energy,  and  money  into  making  St.  Stephen’s  Lutheran  Church  what  it  is  today.  My  prayer  in  this  season  is  twofold:

1) that  all  of  us  will  step  up  in  faith  to  be  good  stewards  of  what  we  have  inherited  from  those  who  have  gone  before  us  —  yes,  the  building  needs  repairs  sooner  rather  than  later.  

2) that  all  of  us  will  step  up  in  faith  to  commit  our  ;me,  energy,  and  money  to  foster  Christ’s  mission  not  only  within  these  walls,  but  beyond  these  walls,  so  that  we  can  grow  our  children’s  and  youth  minis-­‐tries,  our  Stephen  Ministry,  Senior  Support  Network,  our  commitment  to  Family  Promise  and  to  train-­‐ing  pastors  for  the  ELCA,  our  rela;onship  with  our  companion  parish  in  Tanzania,  and  our  support  to  the  wider  work  of  the  church.  

May this place continue to flourish as a center for Christ’s mission for another 65 years + !

Blessings,    Pastor Ritva

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St. Stephen’s Activities

Confirmation Class at Indian Creek Nature Preserve, Wednesday, September 24

God’s Work Our Hands – Saturday, September 27…

Walk  to  end  Alzheimer’s. Yard  work  at  Bill’s.

Working  at  Habitat  for  Humanity  Restore.Yard  work  at  St.  Stephen’s.

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From Pastoral Intern Aleese BaldwinThe  pumpkins  have  been  at  gro-­‐cery  stores  for  weeks,  and  the  apples  are  nearly  done  for  the  season.  The  beans  and  the  corn  are  being  harvested,  thanks  to  

the  hard  work  of  farmers  and  laborers.  It’s  nearly  ;me  to  give  thanks  for  all  that  has  been  har-­‐vested  and  for  all  that  we  have  received.  The  days  to  prepare  the  turkey,  make  the  stuffing,  buy  the  apple  pie  (from  the  St.  Stephen  youth!),  and  whip  the  potatoes  is  on  its  way.  

As  we  prepare  to  gather  with  our  family  and  friends  for  Thanksgiving,  we  also  gather  together  as  a  family  of  God  here  at  St.  Stephen’s.  Gath-­‐ered  around  the  altar,  each  week  we  receive  the  bread  and  the  wine  –  the  body  and  blood  of  Christ  –  given  for  all.  With  hands  outstretched,  we  come  as  beggars.  Not  as  ones  filled  by  the  turkey,  the  stuffing,  the  potatoes,  and  the  pie;  no,  we  come  as  those  consistently  hungry  and  thirsty  for  heaven’s  bread.  And  by  God’s  abun-­‐dance,  we  receive…  ;me  and  ;me  again.  Receiving  not  what  we  have  earned,  or  har-­‐

vested,  or  cooked  for  the  day…  but  receiving  a  free  gie.  

God’s  grace  to  us  is  a  gie;  it  is  a  blessing.  We  aren’t  “lucky,”  and  we  didn’t  do  something  to  earn  what  we  receive.  Instead,  we  come  with  nothing  but  hands  outstretched.  In  a  world  that  tells  us  to  earn  our  own  way,  we  gather  with  seemingly  nothing  to  offer  but  our  open  hands.  Blessed  by  God,  we  receive  the  living  God,  and  are  claimed  as  God’s  daughters  and  sons.  Blessed  to  be  a  blessing,  we  share  what  God  has  entrusted  to  us:  ul;mately,  God’s  love  for  the  world.  

In  this  season  of  giving  and  stewardship,  it  is  likely  that  we  are  thinking  of  how  we  are  using  what  God  has  entrusted  to  us.  Appropriately  so.    We  have  been  blessed  with  many  good  things.  But  perhaps  we  need  to  add  another  ques;on  to  ponder:  what  is  God  invi;ng  us  to  receive  in  our  lives?  Perhaps  the  greatest  blessings  are  those  s;ll  awai;ng  us.  

 Peace,Vicar Aleese Baldwin

With Hands Outstretched

Lay Internship Committee Wants Your FeedbackThis  commiPee  consis;ng  of  Derek  Buckaloo,  Dan  Husmann,  Leslie  Hyland,  Makenzie  Kuhn,  Kevin  Ostmo,  Mary  Tank,  and  Carole  Butz  as  Chair,  has  been  formed  to  support  Vicar  Aleese  through  her  Internship  year  at  St.  Stephen's.  Please  talk  with  members  of  the  commiPee  or  e-­‐mail  Carole  at  [email protected]  with  any  feedback  you  might  have  as  Vicar  Aleese  progresses  through  her  year  with  us.              

Thank  you!    Carole Butz

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I  grew  up  in  Bellevue,  Iowa,  right  next  door  to  St.  John’s  Lutheran  Church  (ELCA).  My  mother  Gloria  was  a  regular  at  church.  Al-­‐though  my  father,  Gary,  at-­‐tended  weddings  and  funerals  only,  he  was  a  close  friend  of  Pastor  EmmeP  Bush.  My  liPle  sister  and  I  used  to  spy  on  them  

drinking  beer  on  the  back  porch.  I  aPended  Sunday  school  and  confirma;on,  and  was  a  member  of  a  fairly  ac;ve,  rowdy  youth  group  with  a  deeply  embedded  criminal  element  en-­‐gaged  in  stealing  communion  wine  occasionally.  

Leaving  home,  going  to  work,  going  to  school,  and  trying  to  earn  a  living  all  “got  in  the  way”  of  prac;cing  whatever  faith  I  had.  I  fell  in  love  with  science.  Hard  core  science.  Organic  chemistry,  physics,  physical  chemistry,  molecular  biology  —  the  kind  of  stuff  that  causes  college  students  to  abuse  alcohol  and  ask  hard  ques;ons  about  God,  faith,  and  religion.  I  never  stopped  believing  in  God,  but  man,  did  I  ques;on  his  ground  game!

Stabiliza;on  came  into  my  life  in  the  form  of  my  incredible  wife,  Laura,  a  gie  from  God,  who  has  delivered  me  from  evil  a  few  hundred  ;mes.  The  blessing  of  our  son,  Ben,  now  a  college  freshman,  really  started  to  change  my  aPendance  and  par-­‐;cipa;on,  but  unfortunately  not  my  perspec;ve  on  what  my  faith  or  St.  Stephen’s  meant  to  me.  

Pastor  Tim  bap;zed  Ben.  For  Ben’s  first  few  years  we  were  regulars,  but  honestly  I  was  not  always  tuning  in.  I  came  to  church,  not  working  on  being  a  bePer  Chris;an,  but  because  it  was  

the  right  thing  to  do.  Growing  up,  we  went  to  church  because  Mom  made  us.  Now  my  wife  made  me  go  to  church.

Like  many  young  couples,  we  fell  away  from  church  as  things  got  hec;c.  Work,  my  educa;on,  school  ac;vi;es  for  Ben,  nearly  every  weekend  at  a  baseball  or  basketball  tournament.  In  the  last  couple  years  some  very  serious  personal  issues  came  up  in  my  life.  Almost  ins;nc;vely,  I  turned  to  St.  Stephen’s.

I  was  welcomed  as  if  I  had  been  here  every  Sunday  forever.  This  family  “took  me  in.”    My  good  friend  Ev  Petersen  knew  something  had  happened  in  my  life.  He  encouraged  me  but  did  not  ask  questions.  Everyone  here  at  St.  Stephen’s  was  so  welcoming.  I  felt  loved.  There  were  no  bouncers  at  the  door  checking  my  ID  or  how  many  church  loyalty  points  I  had  accumulated  –  the  doors  were  open.  I  went  to  men’s  group  on  Monday  mornings,  aPended  worship,  began  the  Beer  and  Bible  Men’s  group,  and  I  accepted  the  opportunity  to  serve  as  Council  VP.  

Because  of  the  love  and  the  sense  of  belonging  I  feel  here  at  St.  Stephen’s,  I  do  things  differently  now.  I  pray  a  lot.  I  think  more  about  how  I  treat  others.  I  use  my  words  more  wisely,  trying  to  demonstrate  my  respect  and  love  for  others  in  word  and  deed.  I  don’t  ques;on  God’s  grace  or  

Stepping Up in Faith — Temple Talk: Tim Sagers

“We  sing  a  song  here  once  in  a  while  en0tled,  ‘We  are  the  Church.‘    I  agree  with  the  song  –    what  happens  here  is  about  the  people  and  what  we  do  together.  We  love,  support,  and  guide  each  other…  St.  Stephen’s  is  home.  A  home  we  have  to  support  and  take  care  of…”

(Con-nues  on  page  5)

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Life-Long Learning for NovemberLife-Long Learning for NovemberLife-Long Learning for NovemberDate Topic Leader(s)

Nov.  2 Gree;ngs  from  Kisiwani Pr.  Eric  Carlson,  SEIA  Synod

Nov.  9 Report  on  Family  Promise Jonathan  Chambers,  Director  of  Family  Promise,  and  the  Social  Concerns  CommiPee

Nov.  16 New  Children’s  Place  Open  House Children  of  St.  Stephen’s

Nov.  23 ELCA  Social  Statement  on  Health  &  Health  Care:  Part  1

Lyle  Kleman

Nov.  30 ELCA  Social  Statement  on  Health  &  Health  Care:  Part  2

Lyle  Kleman

love  for  me.  I  s;ll  think  he  has  not  seen  a  big  re-­‐turn  on  his  investment  in  me,  BUT  I  am  open  to  whatever  he  throws  upon  me.  I  give  more  –  my  talents  and  my  treasures.

I  give  more  because  I  am  more  acutely  aware  of  what  this  place  means  and  what  it  takes  to  keep  this  place  healthy.  

We  sing  a  song  here  once  in  a  while  en;tled,  “We  are  the  Church.”    I  agree  with  the  song  –    what  happens  here  is  about  the  people  and  what  

we  do  together.  We  love,  support,  and  guide  each  other.  And  we  need  a  PLACE  to  do  that.  We  are  blessed  with  this  beau;ful  space  where  we  grow  our  faith.  St.  Stephen’s  is  home.  A  home  we  have  to  support  and  take  care  of.  A  home  where  the  siding  needs  to  be  replaced,  the  basement  has  a  water  problem  from  ;me  to  ;me,  and  the  garage  needs  to  be  re-­‐wired.  

Sort  of  like  me  when  I  “came  back”  to  St.  Stephen’s.  I  needed  some  maintenance,  some  upgrades.  You  all  helped  to  renovate  me.

God’s  peace,  Tim

Open House for New Children’s Place

Sunday, November 16Our  children  invite  everyone  downstairs  to  visit  their  newly-­‐renovated  Children’s  Place.  Thank  you  Becky  Lahart  and  others  for  your  talented  work  on  this  project!

Advent Begins Sunday, November 30!

Wednesday  Evening  Schedule  for  Advent  (December  3,  10,  and  17)

5:30pm   Soup  Supper6:30pm   Worship  (Holden  Evening  Prayer)  

TEMPLE  TALK:  TIM  SAGERS(Con-nued  from  page  4)

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Mondays  at  12:30  p.m.  –  Join  us  as  we  pray  for  each  other  and  St.  Stephen’s.Wednesdays  at  6:30  p.m.  –  Worship  with  prayer  around  the  cross,  healing  sta;on,  and  more.


Children:   Sundays  9:15  a.m.Sunday  SchoolMusic  second  Sunday  of  each  month

Life-­‐Long  Learning:  Sundays  9:15  a.m.  Men’s  Group:  Mondays  8  a.m.  At  Mr.  Beans-­‐Marion

Women’s  Bible  Study  –  RevelaKon:  Tuesdays  10  a.m.In  the  Fellowship  Hall;  facilitated  by  Pr.  Ritva

ConfirmaKon  for  Middle  School  Youth:Wednesdays  at  7:15  p.m.,  Room  9

Immersed  in  the  Word  Bible  Study,  Sunday,  November  9  and  23,  7:00  p.m.Join  us  as  we  explore  the  lec;onary  readings  for  the  following  week.  We  meet  twice  a  month  at  7:00  p.m.  at  Pastor  Ritva  &  John’s  house  (3725  Pioneer  Ave  SE).  For  direc;ons  call/text  Pastor  Ritva  319-­‐693-­‐2087.


Stewardship  AppealWe  thank  you  for  your  generous  acceptance  of  Chris;an  stewardship  and  pray  you  find  the  level  of  giving  right  for  you  as  you  progress  in  your  journey  of  faith  and  commitment.  Your  pledges  and  contribu;ons  are  a  cri;cal  part  of  how  we  can  make  a  difference  in  our  church,  our  com-­‐munity,  and  our  world.  Please  complete  your  

commitment  card  and  bring  it  to  worship  by  Sunday,  November  9.  If  you  are  unable  to  aPend  worship,  you  may  bring  it  the  following  Sunday  or  mail  it  to  the  church.

Waypoint  Services  is  in  immediate  need  for  personal  hygiene  items  (including  but  not  lim-­‐ited  to):  body  wash,  deodorant,  shaving  cream,  razors,  shampoo,  condi;oner,  toothbrushes,  and  toothpaste.  You  may  bring  your  dona;ons  to  church;  Jackie  Lee  is  coordina;ng  the  collec;on  (319-­‐241-­‐5399;  [email protected]).  


Women,  Wine,  Wisdom  Fellowship  Group  –Meets  Thursday,  November  6,  6  p.m.,  at  Leon-­‐ardo’s  on  16th  Ave.  SW.  Please  RSVP  Amy  at  [email protected]  or  call/text  319-­‐270-­‐6365.

Coffee  on  Thursdays  –  November  13,  3  p.m.  Book  study  of  The  (Un)Common  Good:  How  the  Gospel  Brings  Hope  to  a  World  Divided  by  Jim  Wallis.  The  study  normally  meets  the  second  and  fourth  Thursdays  each  month  at  3:00  at  Mr.  Bean's  Coffee  Shop-­‐Marion.  All  are  welcome.

It’s  Annual  Dutch  Apple  Pie  Time  ($13  each)!Order  yours  today  (forms  are  in  the  Narthex  or  contact  [email protected]).  Pies  can  be  picked  up  either  Saturday,  November  15  be-­‐tween  noon  and  3  p.m.  or  Sunday,  Novem-­‐ber  16.  All  profits  benefit  our  youth  aPending  the  July  2015  Youth  Gathering  in  Detroit.  Inter-­‐ested  in  volunteering?  Help  us  with  set  up  Friday,  November  14,  7  p.m.,  or  make  the  pies  Saturday,  November  15,  beginning  at  8  a.m.

Practice Discipleship in Daily LifeJoin us as we explore the seven faith practices that are the foundation for

following Jesus in daily life: Worship, Prayer, Encourage, Study, Give, Invite, Serve.

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Through the Week at St. Stephen’sWhat’s usually happening on a given day

Sundays   November  9–Consecration  Sunday     Completed  commitment  cards  due  8:00am     Worship9:05am   Fellowship9:15am   Educa;on  Hour10:30am     Worship11:45am   Choir  Rehearsal

Mondays9  to  1:00     Church  office  open8:00am   Men’s  Fellowship  at  Mr.  Beans12:00pm   eNews  deadline12:30pm     Prayer  Team6:30pm   Stephen  Ministry  Supervision        (11/3  &  17)7:00pm   Boy  Scouts  (11/3,  10,  17)

Tuesdays9  to  1:00     Church  office  open10:00am   Women’s  Bible  Study6:30am   Ministry  Teams  Mee;ngs  (11/11)6:30am   Mutual  Ministry  (11/25)

Wednesdays9  to  1:00     Church  office  open6:30pm     Worship6:30pm   Thanksgiving  Eve  Worship  (11/26)7:15pm   Cantors’  Rehearsal7:15pm   Confirma;on  Class

Thursdays9  to  1:00     Church  office  open3:00pm     Women’s  Coffee  on  Thursdays  at     Mr.  Beans  (2nd  &  4th  weeks)6:00pm   Women,  Wine,  Wisdom  (11/6)      (at  Leonardo’s  on  16th  Ave  SW)

Fridays   Pastor’s  Sabbath   Church  office  open  by  appointment7:00pm   Setting  up  for  Saturday’s  Apple  Pies  

Saturdays8:00am   Apple  Pie  Making  (11/15)9:00am     Tai  Chi  (1st,  2nd,  &  3rd  Saturdays)

Please  visit  our  website  at  ssluth.com  for  the  most  up-­‐to-­‐date  schedule.

On the Prayer List

Please  contact  the  office  or  use  a  Prayer  Re-­‐quest  card  (in  your  pew  rack)  to  place  your  loved  one’s  name  on  this  list  for  two  weeks  and/or  request  prayer  of  the  Monday  Prayer  Team.  If    your  loved  one  desires  a  pastoral  visit,  please  contact  Pastor  Ritva.

MembersBev  ReinertsonSteve  ThomasMick  ButzSuzanne  SchmidtLee  TramutoloPete  HansenKen  KaiserJoan  PetersenJada  FlowersBob  WestercampElaine  Peters

Rela-vesTerry  Swalve

Andrew  MerrellGary  CoatesDiane  TankJames  WilliamsJessica  HamalainenTrent  Rosberg

FriendsPr.  Rob  Dotzel  (Gloria  Dei,  IC)

Serving  in  the  military  and/or  overseasKate  Munro    (Malawi)  

We  welcomeWe  welcome  Lee  and  Kimberly  Paulsen,  and  their  children,  Isabelle  and  Claire,  who  recently  transferred  to  St.  Stephen’s!

Our  condolences  to  the  family  and  friends  of:David  Hahn  (Mary  Flecksing’s  brother),  who  passed  October  5.Velma  Easterly  (Aus;n  Towell’s  grand-­‐mother),  who  passed  October  9.Jean  Adams  (Debbie  Ackerman’s  grand-­‐mother),  who  passed  October  10.Robert  Merrell,  who  passed  October  18.Ron  Johnson  (Lynda  Stokke’s  father),  who  passed  October  20.

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November is National Adoption MonthNovember  is  Na;onal  Adop;on  Month,  a  ;me  to  celebrate  the  power  of  adop;on  and  to  raise  awareness  about  children  wai;ng  to  be  adopted  into  a  forever  family.

Na;onally,  there  are  more  than  101,000  children  wai;ng  to  be  adopted  from  the  U.S.  foster  care  system.  LSI  is  a  partner  agency  in  Iowa  KidsNet,  the  statewide  collabora;on  of  agencies  that  helps  find  safe  homes  for  foster  children.  LSI  fos-­‐ter  care  and  post-­‐adop;on  support  staff  are  helping  families  every  day  to  care  for  children  in  the  foster  care  system,  whether  for  a  few  days  or  for  a  life;me  through  adop;on.

Thank  you  for  being  a  partner  in  helping  Iowa  children  feel  safe,  secure,  and  loved  during  diffi-­‐cult  ;mes!

LSI  is  proud  to  be  an  affiliated  social  ministry  or-­‐ganiza-on  of  the  Evangelical  Lutheran  Church  in  America  (ELCA).  Learn  more  at  www.LSIowa.org  and  Facebook  at  www.facebook.com/LSI.iowa.  

“Our  three  special  children”

With  their  oldest  children  grown,  Shirley  and  her  husband  Ed  decided  the  ;me  was  right  to  fill  up  their  home  again.  They  began  taking  foster  par-­‐ent  classes  in  Mason  City,  never  imagining  they  would  later  adopt  three  young  children.  First,  Shirley  and  Ed  worked  to  help  those  children  reunify  with  their  birth  mother.  When  it  became  clear  that  children  would  need  an  adop;ve  home,  Shirley  and  Ed  stepped  up.

“When  we  got  into  foster  care  we  never  imag-­‐ined  we  would  adopt,”  Shirley  said.  “The  birth  mother  was  very  apprecia-ve  that  we  would  do  that  for  the  kids.  We  talked  to  our  biological  kids  to  see  if  they  were  on  board  with  us,  and  we  did  a  lot  of  praying.”

It’s  a  story  that  shows  how  foster  parents  not  only  can  help  kids,  but  birth  parents,  too.  The  siblings’  birth  mother  con;nues  to  visit  them  weekly.  

“This  family  was  truly  champions  at  birth  family  interac-on,”  said  Josh,  an  LSI  foster  care  staff.  “Adop-on  was  never  their  intent,  but  these  chil-­‐dren  touched  their  lives,  and  they  made  great  decisions.  They  did  things  the  right  way  without  ever  losing  sight  of  their  role  in  ac-vely  working  towards  permanency  for  these  children.”

 “I  think  their  mother  said  it  perfectly,”  Shirley  recalled.  “She  said,  ‘This  isn’t  the  perfect  solu-­‐-on,  but  you  will  only  have  that  many  more  peo-­‐ple  to  love  you.  Shirley  and  Ed  will  take  good  care  of  you.’  And  she  is  so  right.  If  we  can  keep  work-­‐ing  together,  they  will  have  a  whole  tribe  of  peo-­‐ple  to  love  and  care  for  them.  The  ul-mate  goal  for  my  whole  family  is  to  make  a  difference  in  the  life  of  a  child,  and  in  this  case,  the  lives  of  our  three  special  children.”

See  more  stories,  past  and  present,  at  LSI’s  anni-­‐versary  website:  www.LSIowa.org/150.

For  informa;on  on  Lutheran  Services  in  Iowa,  visit  www.LSIowa.org.  Join  us  on  Facebook  at  www.facebook.com/LSI.iowa.

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With  our  confirmands  and  Vicar  Aleese  Baldwin  leading  All  Hallows'  Eve  worship.

All Hallows’ Eve, Wednesday, October 29

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St.  Stephen’s  Lutheran  Church,  ELCA610  31st  St.  S.E.Cedar  Rapids,  IA    52403-­‐3021


Non-­‐Profit  Org.US  POSTAGE

PAIDCedar  Rapids,  IowaPermit  No.  140

Staff  DirectoryPastor   Rev.  Dr.  Ritva  Williams   [email protected]  Intern   Aleese  Baldwin   [email protected]  Manager   Susan  Hallock   [email protected]  Director   David  Haas   [email protected]  Accompanist   Leslie  Hyland   [email protected]  Keeper   Debbie  Polk   (319)  329-­‐7655Council  President   Diane  Daubenmier   [email protected]  Editor   Marilyn  Loan   [email protected]

Sunday  Morning  Schedule8:00  a.m.   Worship9:05  a.m.   Coffee  &  Fellowship9:15  a.m.   Life-­‐Long  Learning10:30  a.m.  Worship

Please  join  us  Wednesdays:  6:30  p.m.     Worship

St.  Stephen’s  Lutheran  Church  (ELCA)  is  a  Reconciling  in  Christ  congrega;on  that  welcomes  diver-­‐sity,  which  enriches,  nurtures,  and  challenges  our  life  and  ministry.  

Come  and  join  us  as  we  know,  live,  and  share  Christ  together  in  love.  

St. Stephen’sLutheran Church, ELCA

To Know, Live, and Share Christ. ssluth.com • 319-364-2637