HAO PHUONG CO., LTD Company Profile

Hao Phuong Profile

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Company Profile

Page 2: Hao Phuong Profile

Muïc luïc Contents04. Giôùi thieäu 06. Giaûi phaùp cho caùc ngaønh Coâng Nghieäp08. Giaûi phaùp cho tieát kieäm naêng löôïng09. Saûn phaåm10. Quaù trình phaùt trieån12. Ñoäi nguõ nhaân söï14. Nhöõng döï aùn tieâu bieåu

04. Introduction06. Solutions for industries08. Solutions for energy saving09. Products10. Business history12. Staff and human resources14. Project reference

Nhaø phaân phoái caùc saûn phaåm ñieän coâng nghieäp vaø töï ñoäng hoùa cuûa caùc haõng: Fuji Electric, Idec Izumi, Mitsubishi Electric, Kansai Automation, BinMaster… vaø laø moät trong nhöõng nhaø tích hôïp heä thoáng töï ñoäng coâng nghieäp haøng ñaàu taïi Vieät Nam.

Authorized distributor of industry electrical and automation products of Fuji Electric, Idec Izumi, Mitsubishi Electric, Kansai Automation, BinMaster… and is the one of the leading system integrators in Viet Nam.

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Coâng ty traùch nhieäm höõu haïn Haïo Phöông ñöôïc thaønh laäp vaøo naêm 2004, laø nhaø phaân phoái caùc saûn phaåm ñieän coâng nghieäp vaø töï ñoäng hoùa cuûa caùc haõng: Fuji Electric, Idec Izumi, Mitsubishi, Kansai, BinMaster… vaø laø moät trong nhöõng nhaø tích hôïp heä thoáng töï ñoäng coâng nghieäp haøng ñaàu taïi Vieät Nam. Chuùng toâi chaân thaønh göûi ñeán quyù khaùch haøng lôøi chaøo traân troïng nhaát.

Trong moâi tröôøng coâng ngheä, töï ñoäng hoùa naêng ñoäng nhö hieän nay caùc saûn phaåm ñieän vaø töï ñoäng thay ñoåi nhanh choùng vaø coù nhöõng tieán boä vöôït baäc ñem laïi nhöõng tính naêng maïnh meõ vaø linh hoaït, hoã trôï keát noái trong saûn xuaát ngaøy caøng cao. Trong xu theá ñoù, coâng ty chuùng toâi höôùng ñeán muïc tieâu giuùp caùc doanh nghieäp saûn xuaát naâng cao hieäu quaû trong saûn xuaát vaø ñaûm baûo toái öu hoùa chi phí ñeå caïnh tranh vôùi thò tröôøng. Vôùi slogan: “Think Together” cuøng vôùi ñoäi nguõ nhaân vieân treû naêng ñoäng ñaõ ñöôïc ñaïo taøo, huaán luyeän trong vaø ngoaøi nöôùc, chuyeân nghieäp vaø nhieät huyeát vôùi coâng vieäc. Chuùng toâi, coâng ty Haïo Phöông luoân cam keát cung caáp saûn phaåm, dòch vuï chaát löôïng vaø nhöõng giaûi phaùp tieân tieán, tin caäy, toái öu nhaát cho quyù khaùch haøng.

Hao Phuong Limited Company was established in 2004, is distributor of industry electrical and automation products of name-brands: Fuji Electric, Idec Izumi, Mitsubishi Electric, Kansai Automation, BinMaster… and is one of leading system integrators in Viet Nam. We are appreciate your cooperation with Hao PhuongCompany (HPC).

In the nowadays dynamic field of technology and automation, electrical and automation products are speedily changed. There is much progress involved and bring the robust, flexible, supporting connection in manufacturer. With this trend, our company aims our effort to help enterprises improving their productive efficiency and to ensure optimizing their cost for high competition.

With the Slogan: “Think Together” along with a team of dynamic young staff locally and abroad training, professionalism and enthusiasm with work. HPC always commits to provide our products and services with the highest quality and innovative, reliable, optimal solution for customers.

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Tö vaán:Ñeán vôùi chuùng toâi, quyù khaùch haøng seõ ñöôïc tö vaán choïn löïa nhöõng giaûi phaùp, coâng ngheä, thieát bò phuø hôïp nhaát, ñaûm baûo hoaït ñoäng tin caäy vôùi chi phí phuø hôïp nhaát.

Thieát keá:Caùc baûn veõ thieát keá luoân ñöôïc tính toaùn ñeå ñaûm baûo söû duïng toái öu thieát bò, phuï kieän. Caùc baûn veõ ñieän ñöôïc thieát keá theo chuaån quoác teá raát thuaän tieäc cho vieäc vaän haønh, baûo trì, söûa chöõa, naâng caáp môû roäng, quaûn lyù giaùm saùt nguoàn ñieän. Baûo ñaûm an toaøn vaø tieän lôïi khi söû duïng naêng löôïng.

Laäp trình, thi coâng, trieån khai.Vôùi ñoäi nguõ nhaân vieân coù trình ñoä chuyeân moân vaø tay ngheà cao, ñöôïc ñaøo taïo trong vaø ngoaøi nöôùc, chuùng toâi luoân ñaûm baûo heä thoáng hoaït ñoäng toái öu, thieát bò hoaït ñoäng tin caäy, an toaøn vaø thaåm myõ.

Höôùng daãn vaän haønh.Chuùng toâi luoân saün saøng 24/7 ñeå hoã trôï quyù khaùch haøng vôùi moïi söï coá trong thôøi gian nhanh nhaát.

Huaán luyeän:Chuùng toâi luoân coù nhöõng khoùa huaán luyeän chuyeân moân veà töï ñoäng hoùa vôùi söï hôïp taùc cuûa caùc chuyeân gia nöôùc ngoaøi. Quyù khaùch haøng seõ hoaøn toaøn an taâm veà kyõ thuaät vaø coâng ngheä khi ñeán vôùi chuùng toâi.

Consultant:Come to us, customers will be advise to choice of solutions, technology and equipment best fit to ensure to with the best cost.

Design:The design drawings will be calculated to ensure the optimum use of equipment and accessories. The electrical drawings are designed according to international standards,very convenient to repair, maintain, upgrade, expand and for management, supervision the electric supplies. To ensure safety and convenience when using energy.

Programming, arrangement and execution:With highly skilled, professional, being locally and abroad trained staff, we always ensure the optimum, reliability, safety and aesthetic workingof system.

Operating manuals:We are available 24 / 7 to assist customers with any problems in the fastest time.

Trainning:We have the professional training of automation with foreign experts. Customers will feel secure about engineer and technology when coming to us.


Giaûi phaùp cho caùc ngaønh Coâng Nghieäp

Coâng ty Haïo Phöông cung caáp cho khaùch haøng coâng nghieäp nhöõng söï löïa choïn tieân tieán cho caùc khaâu nhö: saûn xuaát, daây chuyeàn saûn xuaát, dòch vuï haäu maõi cho tôùi khaâu baûo trì. Vôùi caùc saûn phaåm töï ñoäng hoùa vaø khaû naêng cuõng nhö kinh nghieäm trong tích hôïp heä thoáng chuùng toâi ñem ñeán söï linh hoaït toái ña trong saûn xuaát, hieäu quaû hôn trong chi phí vaø ruùt ngaén ñöôïc thôøi gian ñöa saûn phaåm ra thò tröôøng.

Hao Phuong Company provides industrial customers with the choice for advanced stages such as manufacture, production line, after sales service to maintenance. With automation products, capabilities as well as experience in systems integration we offer maximum flexibility in production andmore efficient in cost and shorten time-to-market products.

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Theá naøo laø cung caáp ñieän hieäu quaû?Trong tình hình daân soá ngaøy caøng ñoâng, phöông thöùc cung caáp ñieän laø moät thaùch thöùc ñaët ra cho caùc nhaø cung caáp ñieän ôû Vieät Nam. Ñieàu ñoù coù nghóa laø : Cung caáp nguoàn ñieän ñaùng tin caäy, hieäu quaû nhöng khoâng goùp phaàn laøm thay ñoåi moâi tröôøng, khí haäu.Vôùi nhöõng saûn phaåm chaát löôïng, nhöõng coâng ngheä tieân tieán ñöôïc xaây döïng treân moät giaûi phaùp hoaøn thieän – saùng taïo coâng ty chuùng toâi töï haøo mang ñeán cho quyù khaùch haøng nhöõng giaûi phaùp thaân thieän vôùi moâi tröôøng vaø tieát kieäm naêng löôïng.Giaùm saùt, ñieàu khieån hôïp lyù hoùa caùc thieát bò söû duïng ñieän naêng, tieát kieäm nguyeân vaät lieäu.AÙp duïng coâng ngheä môùi, caùc saûn phaåm tieát kieäm ñieän, giaûi phaùp tieát kieäm cho motor ñieänTieát kieäm nguyeân vaät lieäu tieâu thuï

How effective is the electricity supply? In the context of growing population, the mode of supply is a challenge for the electricity provider in Vietnam. That means: the electricity supply must be reliable but does not contribute to enviromental and climate change.With quality products, the technology is built on completely solution – innovative, we are proud of offering our customers solutions with environmentally friendly and energy saving.Supervision and control devices to rationalize energy using saving raw materials. Application of new technologies, products, energy saving, economical solutions for electric motor Saving raw material consumption.

Coâng ty Haïo Phöông phaân phoái caùc saûn phaåm ñieän – ñieän töû cho ngaønh coâng nghieäp. Cho pheùp thieát keá vaø saûn xuaát haøng loaït maø vaãn thaân thieän vôùi moâi tröôøng, caùc saûn phaåm tieát kieäm naêng löôïng laøm lôïi cho ngaønh coâng nghieäp vaø xaõ hoäi.

Hao Phuong Company is distributor of electrical products - electronics industry. Allows design and mass production that is environmentally friendly, the energy saving products that be ben-efit the industry and society.


Giaûi phaùp cho tieát kieäm naêng löôïng Saûn phaåm


CP-GROUP HA TAY FACTORY BRANCHClient: CP-Group Ha TayLocation: Xuan Mai, Chuong My, Ha NoiSize: Hammer mill 110KW x 2Date: 2009Service Provided: Energy Saving Hammer Mill 110 KWAudit:

AMATA INZ – WATER SUPPLY PUMP STATIONClient: AMATA INZLocation: Amata, Bien Hoa, Dong NaiSize: Water Pump 37 Kw x 3Date: 2008Service Provided: Energy Saving for Water Supply Pump systemAudit:

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2004 :Coâng ty TNHH Haïo Phöông ñöôïc thaønh laäp, kyù thoûa thuaän ñaïi lyù cho Mitsubishi Electric.Phaùt trieån heä thoáng quaûn lyù ñieàu khieån cho caùc nhaø maùy thöùc aên gia suùc.

2005 :Xaây döïng nhaø xöôûng.Ñöôïc xem laø moät coâng ty lieân doanh.

2006:Kyù thoûa thuaän vôùi IDEC-IZUMI (Nhaät Baûn) trôû thaønh trung taâm phaân phoái .Tham gia trieån laõm coâng nghieäp vaø töï ñoäng hoùa Vieät Nam - 2006.

2007:Kyù thoûa thuaän vôùi FUJI ELECTRIC (Nhaät Baûn) trôû thaønh trung taâm phaân phoái.Thaønh laäp trung taâm tö vaán vaø hoã trôï.Tham gia trieån laõm coâng nghieäp vaø töï ñoäng hoùa Vieät Nam - 2007.

2008:Thieát laäp heä thoáng phaân phoái, heä thoáng lieân doanh taïi Vieät Nam.Phaùt trieån heä thoáng Giaùm saùt (SCADA) cho döï aùn xöû lyù nöôùc thaûi, cheá bieán thuûy haûi saûnPhaùt trieån heä thoáng Giaùm saùt (BMS) cho caùc toøa nhaø, coâng trình.

2009:Kyù thoûa thuaän vôùi ABB (Singapore) veà tích hôïp heä thoáng coù thieát bò ñieàu khieån ñoäng cô DCKyù thoûa thuaän vôùi KANSAI AUTOMATION (Nhaät Baûn) trôû thaønh trung taâm phaân phoái.Cöû ñoäi nguõ kyõ sö sang Singapore vaø Trung Quoác ñeå ñaøo taïo.

2010:Thieát laäp Work Shop vaø xaây döïng phoøng service chuyeân nghieäp phuïc vuï hoã trôï khaùch haøng, söûa chöõa, thieát bò vaø huaán luyeän kyõ thuaät.Phaùt trieån heä thoáng SCADA cho heä thoáng saûn xuaát thöùc aên gia suùc.

2011:Kyù thoûa thuaän vôùi BIN MASTER ( USA) trôø thaønh nhaø phaân phoái .Thieát laäp vaên phoøng ñaïi dieän taïi Haø Noäi

2004 : Hao Phuong Co.,Ltd was established, agency agreement was signed with Mitsubishi Electric . Developed Process control system for livestock feed mill.

2005:Set up Workshop.Selected as a venture business company.

2006: Signed authorized distibutior center agreement with IDEC-IZUMI (Japan).Join the Industrial & Automation Viet Nam exhibition 2006

2007:Signed authorized distibutior center agreement with FUJI ELECTRIC (Japan).Set up Consultant & Support center.Join the Industrial & Automation Viet Nam exhibition 2007.

2008: Set up distribution system, acengy system in Viet Nam .Developing supervision system (SCADA) for Waste water treatment plan, seafood processing.Developing Building Management System (BMS).

2009: Signed system intergrade for DC drive with ABB (Singapore).Signed authorized distribution center agreement with KANSAI AUTOMATION (Japan) .Send engineer staff to Singapore & China for training.

2010:Setting Work Shop and room service building professional customer support service, repair, equipment and technical training.Development of SCADA system for the production system feed.

2011:Agreement with BIN MASTER (USA) became a distributor.Setting up a representative office in Hanoi.

Quaù trình phaùt trieån BUSINeSS HISTORY

“HPC Think together”

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Ñoäi nguõ nhaân söï chính laø chìa khoùa thaønh coâng cuûa chuùng toâi.Nhaân söï laø khoái taäp theå ñoaøn keát vaø laø neàn taûng laâu daøi cho Coâng ty, laø thaønh vieân cuûa coâng ty phaûi hieåu vaø toân troïng khaùch haøng, ñaët chöõ tín laøm ñaàu, ñöôïc khaùch haøng tín nhieäm laø muïc tieâu vaø laø giaù trò lôùn nhaát cuûa coâng ty.Coù nhieàu nhaân toá taïo neân söï thaønh coâng cuûa Haïo Phöông bao goàm kinh nghieäm laøm vieäc, kieán thöùc, uy tính, söï toång quan veà naêng löïc thöïc tieãn vaø söï treû trung vaø nhieät huyeát cuûa ñoäi nguõ nhaân söï cuûa chuùng toâi.Chuùng toâi luoân phaán ñaáu cuõng nhau ñeå thieát laäp maïng löôùi kieán thöùc vaø giaøu kinh nghieäm trong laõnh vöïc hoaït ñoäng cuûa coâng ty.

Staff is key to our success.Human solidarity is the collective mass and long-term foundation for the company. A member of our company must understand and respect the customer, firstly set the prestige, customer confidence is the goal and the largest worth of our company.There are many factors that make the success of HPC including work experience, knowledge, prestige. We will do our best to establish a network of knowledge and experience I the fields of company operation pratical capability and the youthful enthusiasm of our staff.

Tinh thaàn traùch nhieäm:Cam keát thöïc hieän haønh ñoäng moät caùch ñaïo ñöùc vaø traùch nhieämUy tính:Chuùng toâi luoân ñaët uy tính leân haøng ñaàu .Saùng taïo:Chuùng toâi khoâng ngöøng töï ñoåi môùi ñeå taïo ra nhöõng giaù trò beàn vöõng . Vôùi slogan: “Think Together” Chuùng toâi luoân phaán ñaáu ñeå trôû thaønh nhaø cung caáp saûn phaåm vaø dòch vuï coâng nghieäp vaø laø nhaø tích hôïp heä thoáng töï ñoäng hoùa haøng ñaàu taïi Vieät Nam. Chuùng toâi luoân cam keát tieán haønh caùc hoaït ñoäng kinh doanh tuaân thuû thoe ñuùng phaùp luaät vaø nguyeân taéc kinh doanh.Tuyeät ñoái uy tín vôùi nhöõng hoaït ñoäng cuûa coâng ty vaø khoâng nhaân nhöôïng vôùi nhöõng tröôøng hôïp vi phaïm phaùp luaät vaø traùi vôùi nguyeân taéc.Coâng ty Haïo Phöông luoân tìm nhöõng giaûi phaùp coù ñònh höôùng thaân thieän vôùi moâi tröôøng.

The spirit of responsibility: Commitment to fulfill acting morality and responsibility- Reputation: We always put prestige in the first highly - Creativity: We are constantly renewing ourselves to create sustainable value. With the slogan: “Think Together”. We always strive for becoming the leading industrial products suppliers and services, automation system integrator in Vietnam We commit ourselves to conducting business activities in compliance with law and business principles.Absolute prestige with the operation of the company and uncompromising for violations of the law and unprincipledness. Hao Phuong Company always find solutions-oriented environment-friendly.

Ñoäi nguõ nhaân söïSTAFF AND HUmAN ReSOURCeS

Giaù trò

Taàm nhìn

Cam keát



“HPCThink Together”


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Nhöõng döï aùn tieâu bieåu PROJeCT ReFeReNCe

VINA KYOEI STEEL VNClient: Vina Kyoei Steel Location: Phu My, Ba ria, Vung TauDate: 2009Service Prodived: Supply Automation Control & Drive System, Programming, Commissioning control system

HONG HA FEED MILL - HA NAMLocation: Dong Van Industrial Park, Ha Nam, Viet NamDate: 2011Service Prodived: Supply Control Panel, Automation control, PLC Programming and SCADA Programming, Commissioning.

PURE WATER TREAMENT PLANClient: Vsip Bac NinhLocation: Bac NinhDate: 2010Service Prodived: Supply electrical systems, automation control systems, programming, commissioning control system


CP-GROUP VIET NAM - BINH DUONG FACTORYClient: CP-Group Binh Duong Location: My Phuoc II, Binh Duong, VNDate: 2009Service Prodived: Supply Electrical Panel, Automation control, Programming, Commissioning control system

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SORBITAL LINE PRODUCING - CONTROL SYSTEMClient: Unilever Viet NamLocation: Tay Bac INZ, Cu Chi, Viet NamDate: 2011Service Prodived: Supply Electrical & Automation Control Systems, Programming, Commissioning control system

MIXER 10TON - S7 CONTROL SYSTEMClient: Unilever Viet NamLocation: Tay Bac INZ, Cu Chi, Viet NamDate: 2010Service Prodived: Supply S7 control & SCADA systems, Programming, Commissioning control system

MOTION CONTROL SYSTEMClient: Unilever Viet NamLocation: Tay Bac INZ, Cu Chi, Viet NamDate: 2006 & 2007 & 2011 & 2012Service Prodived: Design, Fabrication mechanical systems & Motion Control Systems, Programming, Commissioning control system

SAF-VIET FACTORY - WWTPLocation: Long An, Viet NamDate: 2006Service Prodived: Design, Fabrication electrical panel, Automation control system Programming, Commissioning control system

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QC & RTG CONTAINER CRANELocation: Lotus Port, District 7, HCMC, Viet NamDate: 2010Service Prodived: Supply Electrical systems, Automation control & Driver Systems, Programming, Commissioning control system

AIR LIQUIDELocation: High Tech Park, District 9, HCM City, Viet NamDate: 2011Service: Supply and installation electrical system, oxygen gas generator.

JAPFA COMFEED BINH THUAN FACTORYClient: Japfa Comfeed CompanyLocation: Duc Linh, Binh Thuan, Viet NamDate: 2010Service Prodived: Supply Electrical systems, Automation control Systems, Programming, Commissioning control system

PHU HUU PORTLocation: Phu Huu Port, District 9, HCMC, Viet NamDate: 2011 & 2012Service Prodived: Supply Electrical systems, Automation control & Driver Systems, Programming, Commissioning control system

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COâNG TY TRAùCH NHIEäM HöõU HAïN HAïO PHöôNG.Vaên phoøng chính:7/31 Khu daân cö thöông maïi Soùng Thaàn, Khu phoá Nhò Ñoàng 1, Dó An, Bình Döông, Vieät Nam.Ñieän thoaïi: (84 650) 37 37 619 Fax: (84 650) 37 37 620Vaên phoøng Haø Noäi:11/86 Toâ Vónh Dieän, Khöông Trung, Thanh Xuaân, Haø Noäi, Vieät Nam.Ñieän thoaïi: (84 43) 56 83 740 Fax: (84 43) 56 83 741www.haophuong.com