HSK Level 5 1 of 36 Hanzi Pinyin English en interjection of approval shā to kill suǒ actually; place zhèng just (right); straight gǎo to do; to make qīnài darling bǎobèi treasure qiāng gun rúhé how; what nǚshì lady gēn basis; long object (mw) gēnběn fundamental quèdìng definite xiōngdì brothers zhuā to grab; to catch huòxǔ perhaps; maybe jiù to save; to rescue wéiyī only; sole biǎoxiàn to show; to display pāi to clap; to take (photo) dāi stupid juéduì absolute zhěnggè whole; entire chǔlǐ to deal with xíngdòng action; to move shīqù to lose pài group; to dispatch kào to depend on zuòwéi deed; to act as céngjīng once; already zǒngtǒng president shānghài to injure kòngzhì control shǒu head; chief tōu to steal laughter zāogāo too bad

Hanzi Pinyin English - Sensible Chinese · HSK Level 5 2 of 36 Hanzi Pinyin English ǎo ¡ ©í to keep zhèngjù€ evidence shìshí€ fact jiātín family z ©uān to adorn mìmì€

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Page 1: Hanzi Pinyin English - Sensible Chinese · HSK Level 5 2 of 36 Hanzi Pinyin English ǎo ¡ ©í to keep zhèngjù€ evidence shìshí€ fact jiātín family z ©uān to adorn mìmì€

HSK Level 5 1 of 36

Hanzi Pinyin English

en interjection of approval

shā  to kill

suǒ  actually; place

zhèng  just (right); straight

gǎo  to do; to make

qīnài  darling

bǎobèi  treasure

qiāng  gun

rúhé  how; what

nǚshì  lady

gēn  basis; long object (mw)

gēnběn  fundamental

quèdìng  definite

xiōngdì  brothers

zhuā  to grab; to catch

huòxǔ  perhaps; maybe

jiù  to save; to rescue

wéiyī  only; sole

biǎoxiàn  to show; to display

pāi to clap; to take (photo)

dāi  stupid

juéduì  absolute

zhěnggè  whole; entire

chǔlǐ  to deal with

xíngdòng  action; to move

shīqù  to lose

pài  group; to dispatch

kào  to depend on

zuòwéi  deed; to act as

céngjīng  once; already

zǒngtǒng  president

shānghài  to injure

kòngzhì  control

shǒu  head; chief

tōu  to steal

hā laughter

zāogāo  too bad

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HSK Level 5 2 of 36

Hanzi Pinyin English

bǎochí  to keep

zhèngjù  evidence

shìshí  fact

jiātíng  family

zhuāng  to adorn

mìmì  secret

zhí  straight; continuing action

jiǎnzhí  simply

díquè  really; indeed

xuè  blood

fāng  square; direction; side

fāngshì  way (of life); style

qiáo  to look at

fēngkuáng  crazy

piàn  thin slice; CD/DVD (mw)

jìlù  to record

tàitai  wife

fēi  to not be; non

chúfēi  only if

shǎ  foolish

zǔzhǐ  to prevent

xiǎngxiàng  to imagine

wánměi  perfect

kè to overcome; gram

mùbiāo  goal; objective

jīngshén  spirit; vitality

pèng  to touch; to bump

xì to connect; department

xìtǒng  system

gǔn  to boil; to roll

bàogào  to inform; to report

rénlèi  humanity

chōng to infuse; to go straight ahead

zìyóu  freedom

tào  cover; set (mw)

gūniang  young woman

shǒushù  surgery

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Hanzi Pinyin English

bìyào  necessary

tòngkǔ  pain

cúnzài  to exit

zǔ  to organize; group

yǐjí  as well as

gèrén  individual; oneself

dàibiǎo  representative; to represent

yìyì  meaning

chéngrèn  to admit

lǐyóu  reason; justification

xiǎnrán  clear; evident

zhèngfǔ  government

xìngyùn  fortunate

xìnrèn  to trust

wèilái  future

xià to scare

zhìliáo  to treat (illness)

xíngwéi  action; conduct

hūnlǐ  wedding ceremony

zǔzhī  to organize; organization

lǎobǎn  boss

hézuò  to cooperate

zhī  to support; rod (mw)

lǎopó  wife

kěpà  awful; fearful

zhōngxīn  center; core

míngxiǎn  distinct; obvious

xiāoshī  to disappear

wèizhi  position; seat

dāying  to promise; to agree

zhuàng  to hit; to strike

sìhū  apparently; as if

lìliang  power; strength

mìnglìng  command

wēixié  to threaten

rìzi  day; date

xiǎngshòu  to enjoy; pleasure

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Hanzi Pinyin English

zhànzhēng  war

gōngxǐ  congratulations

lìyòng  to exploit; to make use of

hèn  to hate

xùnliàn  to train

jiǔbā  bar

shēnfèn  identity; rank

mótè  (fashion) model

yīdàn  in case; when

zhuī to seek

qún  group; crowd

miànduì  to confront; to face

jūrán  unexpectedly

léi  thunder; terrific

zhēnshí  true; real

rénshēng  life

shòushāng  wounded

yè  night

shǔyú  to be classified as

chūsè  remarkable

mùqián  at the present time

suǒ  to lock; lock

mèngxiǎng  to dream; dream

rényuán  staff

yīngxióng  hero

gǎnshòu  to feel; perception

wěn  kiss

táo  to escape

shǔ to count

gōngyù  apartment building

wénjiàn  document

xúnzhǎo  to look for

làn  soft; to rot; messy

bùrán  not so; otherwise

qiàn  deficient; to lack

fǎnyìng  to respond

yìwài  unexpected; accident

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Hanzi Pinyin English

shíwù  food

yíhàn  regret; to regret

fǎnzhèng  anyway; in any case

shèjì  plan; to design

zuì  intoxicated

sīrén  private; personal

mǒu  some; a certain

wěidà  mighty

chòu stink

zìcóng  ever since

qiān  to sign name; visa

kē  small sphere (mw)

cháo imperial court; government

hūxī  to breathe

míngxīng  star; celebrity

chāojí  super-

pòhuài  destruction; to break

jiǎosè  role; character

dùn  to pause; to arrange

biàn ordinary; convenient

bāokuò  to include

shíkè  moment; constantly

xiāngdāng  equivalent to; appropriate

wén  to hear; news

píng  flat; level; calm

gōngpíng  fair

duī  to pile up

jùlèbù  club

tōngcháng  regular; usual

yǎo  to bite

zàochéng  to bring about; to cause

xìnhào  signal

chōngmǎn  full of; very full

duàn  to break; to abstain

qiǎng  to fight over

xiànshí  reality; real

huīfù  to reinstate

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Hanzi Pinyin English

quèrèn  to confirm

huáiyùn  pregnant

zīliào  resources; data

hūnyīn  wedding; marriage

quān  ring; loop (mw)

nǎodài  skull; brains

fēnshǒu  to split up

xīnlǐ  mental; psychological

xiàng  item; principals, items (mw)

jìyì  to recall; memory

jǐnjí  urgent

jiējìn  to approach

chǎo  to quarrel; noisy

quánlì  power; privilege

guànjūn  champion

jiàoliàn  instructor; coach

suíshí  at any time

duìfāng  counterpart

dírén  enemy

bèi back of object; to hide something

rénwù  person; character

zhū  pig

gǎnjī  to be grateful

jià  to marry

tiǎozhàn  to challenge

zhuàngtài  state of affairs

bàodào  to report (news)

cānyù  to participate

bǐcǐ  each other

dàodá  to arrive

xiǎnshì  to illustrate

lìkè  immediate; prompt

tù  to vomit

qǔxiāo  to cancel; cancellation

děngdài  to wait

líhūn  to divorce

jìnlì  to strive one's hardest

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Hanzi Pinyin English

qìngzhù  to celebrate

jiǎzhuāng  to feign

chuī  to brag; to blow

zàihu  to care about

zhuàngkuàng  condition; situation

xīnzàng  heart

shìde  seems as if

guówáng  king

xiàngmù  item; project

jízhōng  to concentrate; to focus

shíhuà  truth

biǎoqíng  expression; to express

màoxiǎn  to take risks

shènglì  victory

guān  official; government

qīdài  to await; expectation

bǎoxiǎn  insurance; safe

dāndú  alone

zhuānjiā  expert

gǎnkuài  at once

fēnggé  style

jīqì  machine

jǐnkuài as soon as possible

jiàzhí  value; worth

qiē to cut; to slice

qiáng  wall

chèdǐ  thorough

fān  to turn over

bǎi  to arrange

qǐngqiú  request

mìngyùn  fate; destiny

tèshū special; unusual

lǎoshí  honest; naive

niándài  decade; era

shìbīng  soldier

yǐlái  since

wūzi  house; room

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Hanzi Pinyin English

zhìzào  to manufacture

tuì  to retreat; to decline

jiè  to guard against; to give up

jièzhi  (finger) ring

dòng  cave; zero (spoken)

zuòpǐn  work (of art)

zé  in contrast; standard

qùshì  to pass away

guīzé  rule; regulation

shuōfú  to persuade

chǎnshēng  to arise; to produce

bù  cloth; to declare

shídài  age; era

jiēchù  to touch

kǎchē  truck

guīju  established standard

bùmén  department; section

jīběn  basic; elementary

fēnxī  to analyze

dìqū  local; area

dǎozhì  to lead to

duìdài  to treated

zhǔrén  master

xuānbù  to declare; to proclaim

kōngjiān  space

yóuzhá to deep fry

niàn  to read aloud; to study (degree)

xiǎngniàn  to miss (sb.)

chéngxù  procedures; order

chǎo  to stir fry

qíngxù  mood; state of mind

chuàngzào  to create

fànwéi  range; scope

chēng to weight

jìnliàng as much as possible

qīnzì  personally

shítou  stone

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Hanzi Pinyin English

dǐng  top; headwear (mw)

xìjié  details

dàoli  reason; argument

yùnqi  luck

hǎn  to shout; to call out

zhìzuò  to make; to manufacture

xiāngchǔ  to be in contact with

dùguò  to pass; to spend (time)

qíjì  miracle

méitǐ  media

gǎnjǐn  at once; hurriedly

pǐ  horses (mw); cloth (mw)

jiànlì  to set up

wúsuǒwèi  not to matter

biǎodá  to voice (opinion)

yībèizi  (for) a lifetime

shénmì  mystery

shíxiàn  to achieve

zhèngzhì  politics

jùdà  immense

duìshǒu  opponent; competitor

cìjī  to provoke

píng  to rely on

fèihuà  nonsense

zhǎngwò  to grasp; to master

bózi  neck

wánjù  toy

mǎnzú  to satisfy

chuántǒng  tradition

chóngfù  to repeat

xīnshǎng  to appreciate

hépíng  peace

zhīpiào  (bank) check

lǐlùn  theory

jiǎodù  angle; point of view

niánjì  age

guānchá  to observe

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Hanzi Pinyin English

lǎoshǔ  rat; mouse

lóng dragon

gài  lid; to cover

yídòng  to move; movement

bùduàn  unceasing

gōngzhǔ  princess

huá  slip; cunning

mō to feel with hand

sīkǎo  to reflect on

guānbì  to close

huànxiǎng  fantasy

shuǎi  to throw

huǒbàn  partner; companion

chā  to insert; to pierce

dádào  to reach; to achieve

zǒngzhī  in a word; in short

liàng  bright; clear

chéngdù  degree (extent); level

suì  to break down

zàiyú  to be in

jiàoxun  lesson; moral

quánlì  power; authority

wěndìng  steady; stability

zūnjìng  to respect

bōli  glass; plastic

shùjù  data; numbers

jiānqiáng  staunch

yǒngqì  courage

yuángōng  staff; employee

hàoqí  curious

liǎobuqǐ  amazing

kǎn  to chop

jiǎshè  suppose that; hypothesis

tǔdì  land; soil

jièkǒu  excuse

bàoyuàn  to complain

chéngshòu  to bear

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Hanzi Pinyin English

shíshàng  fashion

bìngdú  virus

shèbèi  equipment; facilities

yìng  hard; stiff

qǔ  marry (a woman)

guòfèn  excessive

tóuzī  investment

duìxiàng  target; boy/girlfriend

yīzhì  unanimous; identical (views)

mèilì  charm

shíyàn  experiment

liànài  romantic love

huàtí  subject; topic

shìchǎng  marketplace

tuán  round; ball; society

jiànzhù  to construct

wángzǐ  prince

sǔnshī  loss; damage

zìháo  proud

tóurù  to put into; to invest in

chéngshú  mature; to ripen

biǎomíng  to make clear

fú  width; textile/pictures (mw)

gǔtou  bone; bitterness

gōngjù  tool; utensil

cǎi  to tread

jiǎrú  if

hétong  (business) contract

zhēngqǔ  to strive for

xiōng  chest; heart

dāngdì local

wēixiào  smile

chūkǒu  an exit

shé  snake

guāi  well-behaved; shrewd

nèibù  interior

zīshì  posture

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Hanzi Pinyin English

xiā  blind; groundless

wòshì  bedroom

shǒuzhǐ  finger

āi  hey!

zīgé  qualifications

cízhí  to resign

héfǎ  lawful

sōusuǒ  to search; to scour

gōngchǎng  factory

dúlì  independent

juésài  finals (of competition)

wǎngluò  internet; network

máobìng  fault; defect

yūn confused; dizzy

gōngkāi  public; to publish

guāndiǎn  point of view; viewpoint

shuōbudìng  can't say for sure

jiāohuàn  to exchange

yōngbào  to embrace

wànyī  just in case

fāmíng  to invent; invention

zhòngdà  important; significant

zǔhé  to assemble

sīxiǎng  thought; idea

zhēnduì  to be directed against

jùtǐ  concrete; specific

lǐngdǎo  to lead; leadership

zhǔtí  theme

yáchǐ  tooth

rào  to coil; to move around

zhǔrèn  director

xìlǐngdài  to tie a neck time

jiàshǐ  to pilot

yìngfu  to deal with

cáichǎn  property

chǎojià  to quarrel

gāojí  high level

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Hanzi Pinyin English

fúzhuāng  clothing

fēngxiǎn  risk

ōuzhōu  Europe

dǎng to resist; to block

hòuguǒ  consequences

gèxìng  individuality

jiāowǎng  to associate (with); to date

bìmiǎn  to avoid

lìjí  immediately

pī  to criticize

bǎoliú  to reserve

jiǎn  to pick up

chíxù  to continue

hóuzi  monkey

cǎiqǔ  to adopt (measures)

lèixíng  category

shēng  to ascend

jīnshǔ  metal

hélǐ  rational; reasonable

qījiān  period of time

àn  dark; secret

tuìxiū  to retire

jīnglì energy

chǎnpǐn  goods; product

húshuō  to talk nonsense

huī  to wave; to command

zhǐhuī  to conduct; to command

zìdòng  automatic

fǎyuàn  court of law

chǒu  ugly

píngjìng  tranquil

yīrán  still; as before

dūn  to crouch

fābiǎo  to issue; to publish

yǎnjiǎng  lecture

dī  a drop

chéngzhǎng  to mature; to grow

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Hanzi Pinyin English

shēnkè  profound; deep

huáà  to row; to cut

guānglín  to honor with presence

shī  poem

zhàn  to take possession

āi interjection of agreement; to sigh

bèijǐng  background; context

jiùhùchē  ambulance

mófǎng  to imitate

cǎifǎng  to interview

píngjià  to evaluate

qiángliè  intense

zhèng  to make (money)

jiēduàn  stage; section; period

wéifǎn  to violate (a law)

fǒurèn  to deny

táobì  to escape

píndào  frequency; (TV) channel

wùzhì  matter; substance

shíqī  period; phase

chuánshuō  legend; it is said

shèjī  to shoot

shēn  to stretch

yuànwàng  desire

xíngxiàng  image; form

tùzi  rabbit

shìwù  thing; object

shéngzi  cord; rope

fāhuī  to display; to express

jìniàn  to commemorate

dǎoméi  to have bad luck

shǐjìnér  to exert all one's strength

bìjìng  after all; all in all

dàodé  virtue

ānwèi  to comfort

jīròu  muscle

yúlè  entertainment; to amuse

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Hanzi Pinyin English

zhēng  to open (eyes)

jīngdiǎn  the classics; classical

xiǎnde  to seem

zhuīqiú  to pursue stubbornly

jìnbù  progress; to improve

chèn  to avail oneself of

mǐngǎn  sensitive

bówùguǎn  museum

zūnshǒu  to comply with

zhǔ  to cook; to boil

chéngdān  to undertake

chāi  to tear open

tiānkōng sky

zhìyú  as for

mà  to scold

dēngjì  to register (name)

zhǐdǎo  to guide

bùān  non-peaceful

xiāngguān  related; relevant

shēncái  stature; figure

fěngcì  to mock

zhuājǐn  to grasp firmly; to pay attention

yuán  round; tactful

chénmò  taciturn

yánsù  solemn; serious

pèihé  matching; compatible with

chēnghu  to call

dòu  to tease

biāozhì  sign; mark

yáo  to shake; to rock

píngcháng  ordinary; common

wánzhěng  complete

jiānbǎng  shoulder

xuānchuán  to disseminate

tánpàn  negotiation

gébì  next door

zìsī  selfish

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Hanzi Pinyin English

shāngyè  business; trade

shāmò  desert

shǒutào  glove

yì  100 million; many

miànlín  to face sth.

děngyú  to equal

dāngxīn  to take care

kèchéng  course; academic program

jīngyíng  to engage in (business)

chūxí  to attend; to participate

zìmǔ  letter (of alphabet)

xiàngliàn  necklace

zījīn  funds; capital

nǎpà  even if

yuánzé  principle

quàn  to advise; to urge

jìlù  a record; notes

yùmǐ  corn; maize

huī  ash; gray

chǒngwù  house pet

guǎngchǎng  public square

xiànzhì  to restrict

wúshù  countless

tàng  to scald; to heat in how water

shànliáng  good and honest

biǎomiàn  surface; face

zhìhuì  wisdom; intelligence

zhǔxí  chairperson

zhǔdòng  to take initiative

liánhé  to combine; unite

lòu to leak; to leave out

qìfēn  atmosphere; mood

pīzhǔn  to approve

kěkào  reliable

tǐyàn  to experience for oneself

lùyīn  sound recording; to record

huángjīn  gold

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Hanzi Pinyin English

biānjí  editor; to edit

yōushì  dominance; advantage

línshí  at the instant sth happens; ad hoc

wēnróu  gentle and soft

chéngjiù  achievement

fāngàn  plan; proposal

xíngróng  to describe; description

lìyì  benefit

xúnwèn  to inquire

juān  to contribute; tax

jūnshì  military

xiāoshòu  to sell; to market

jiélùn  conclusion

pínghéng  balance

liánghǎo  good; fine

zìyuàn  voluntary

gōngrén  worker

zhùfú  blessings

cuòshī  measure; step

huàxué  chemistry

tiáozhěng  to adjust

wèi  stomach

guòmǐn  to be allergic

bāoguǒ  to wrap up; package

fùnǚ  woman

zǒngsuàn  at long last; finally

dìtǎn  carpet; rug

yànhuì  feast

huáiniàn  to cherish memory of

dàitì  instead; to replace

gāncuì  straightforward; might as well

wēnnuǎn  warm

chūbǎn  to publish

zhǔchí  to manage; to host

liánxù  continuous; in a row

quēfá  to lack; shortage

yìwù  duty; voluntary

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Hanzi Pinyin English

mìfēng  honeybee

kuā  to boat

kuāzhāng  to exaggerate

bǎocún  to conserve; to save (file)

rújīn  nowadays

bùrú  not equal to

chízǎo  sooner or later

diàntái  radio station

tuījiàn  to recommend

gǔzhǎng  to applaud

sī  to tear

hútu  muddled; confused

zīxún  to consult; to seek advice

ránshāo  to ignite

háohuá  luxurious

qīng  green/blue; youth

qīngyì  easily

ruǎn  soft; flexible

rénkǒu  population

yín  silver

gōngnéng  function; capability

míngquè  clear-cut; explicit

jīliè  intense; acute

bǎwò  to grasp; certainty

jíhé  to gather

mìshū  secretary

fú  to support with hand

chuǎng  to rush

shìxiān  in advance

fùzhì  to duplicate

shǎndiàn  lightning

shèyǐng  to take a photograph

chēkù  garage

pòchǎn  to go bankrupt

shātān  beach

yímín  immigrant; to immigrate

zháohuǒ  to burn

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Hanzi Pinyin English

zànchéng  to approve

rèài  to adore

rìqī  date

mótuōchē  motorbike

xíngshì  outer appearance; form

jiéhé  to combine; to link

máodùn  contradiction

xiāngsì  to resemble; similar

xiànxiàng  appearance

lǐngyù  domain; field

chōngfèn  ample; sufficient

diànchí  battery

jùshuō  it is said that

píngān  safe and sound

jiāxiāng  hometown

xùnsù  rapid; speedy

qiántú  prospects

xiàndài  modern times

chénglì to establish

ruò  weak; inferior

fángài  to hinder; to obstruct

zhuāngshì  to decorate

zhěnduàn  diagnosis

zīyuán  natural resource; resource

chéngrén  adult

dútè  unique; distinct

tǐhuì  to know from experience

yāo  waist; pocket

shēngchǎn  to produce; to manufacture

bōfàng  to broadcast

guāngmíng  light; radiance

dàikuǎn  a loan

dǎnxiǎoguǐ  coward

diào  to fish

dìzhèn  earthquake

zhuǎnbiàn  to change; to transform

zǔchéng  to form; to make up

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Hanzi Pinyin English

zuìchū  first; primary

zhāi  to pick (fruit, flowers); to select

gèzì  each; respective

zhuānxīn  to concentrate

gàobié  to bid farewell to

gòngxiàn  to dedicate; to devote

shǐzhōng  all along; beginning to end

dìwèi  position; status

dǎjiāodào  to have dealings

zhànghù  bank account

gǔpiào  share certificate

hángyè  industry

xíngchéng  to form; to take shape

xìjù  drama; theater

zhízhào  license; permit

gōutōng  to join; to connect

qìyóu  gasoline

jiànshēn  to exercise; to keep fit

pī  to open; to unroll

jìmò  lonely

dānwèi  unit (of measure)

lùnwén  treatise; thesis

duōkuī  thanks to; luckily

gùdìng  to fix; to fasten

kǒuwèi  personal preferences

cè  book; booklet

zhùcè  to register

yīngjùn  handsome

mùtou  blockhead; log

guǒrán  really; sure enough

gōngbù  to make public

zhìjīn  so far; to this day

lèguān  optimistic; hopeful

zhēnglùn  to debate; argument

mòshēng  strange; unfamiliar

míngpiàn  (business) card

yèyú  spare time; amateur

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Hanzi Pinyin English

réncái  talent

shīyè  unemployment

nánguài  no wonder that

wāi  askew; devious

quánmiàn  all-around; comprehensive

kèfú  to overcome

jìsuàn  to count; to calculate

shōuhuò  to gain; profit

xiē  to rest

yǒulì  advantageous

jǐnshèn  cautious; prudent

jiǎ  first; armor

yóuyù  to hesitate

cóngcǐ  from now on; henceforth

qǐyè  company; firm

xiàzǎi  to download

shīzi lion

qīngshàonián  teenager

zhǎnkāi  to unfold

shuāngfāng  both sides

xiàngzhēng  emblem

kāifàng  to bloom; to open to public

rěnbuzhù  unable to bear

dàxíng  large

dòng  to freeze

shài  to shin on; to dry

wénmíng  civilization

shūshì  cozy

dàxiàng  elephant

yīnsù  element; factor

bùzú  insufficient

yíwèn  question; doubt

cāoxīn  to worry about

wù  fog; mist

cóngqián  previously

yùnyòng  to use; to put to use

tiānzhēn  innocent; naïve

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Hanzi Pinyin English

tǔdòu  potato

ǒurán  incidentally; randomly

chìbǎng  wing

lièchē  train

xiāngcháng  sausage

jíqí  extremely

jiè  to arrive at; event (mw)

juéxīn  resolution

wèiyú  to be located at

chuánbō  to propagate

cóngshì  to undertake

kuān  wide; broad; lenient

yíngjiē  to meet; to greet

húdié  butterfly

fǎnér  instead; on the contrary

zǒngcái  chairman

wěiba  tail

diǎnxin  light refreshments

chōutì  drawer

jiǎndāo  scissors

duǒ flower; earlobe

zhèn  wave; spell; short period (mw)

jiǎohuá  crafty

fēngjǐng  scenery

xiězuò  to write

dàshà  large building

zànměi  to admire

qíyú  the rest; the others

jiégòu  structure; composition

sǎ  to sprinkle

zhèngjiàn  certificate; papers

rèliè  enthusiastic; warm

fāyán  to make a speech

biànlùn  debate

néngyuán  power source

shuāidǎo  to fall down

wèikǒu  appetite

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luòhòu  to fall behind

chuánrǎn  to infect

tèzhēng  characteristic

shíxí  to practice; internship

bùyàojǐn  unimportant; doesn't matter

hūshì  to neglect

péicháng  to compensate

luóji  logic

féizào  soap

wùlǐ  physics

shūrù  to import

guǎnzi tube

lán  to obstruct; flag taxi

bǎoguì  precious; to value

qíngjǐng  scene

gàiniàn  concept

zhāodài  to receive (guests)

zhújiàn  gradually

ānzhuāng  to install

xiūgǎi  to amend

fēnbié  to split up

shūcài  vegetables

yǔqì  tone; manner of speaking

shèshī  facilities

zhēnxī  to treasure

wòshǒu  to shake hands

chéngguǒ  result

fèndòu  to strive

péiyǎng  to cultivate

guō  pot; pan

zhìxù  order

xíngzhuàng  form; shape

zhuāngxiū  to decorate

chéngfèn  ingredient

yǐngzi  shadow; reflection

cuī  to urge

líng  bell

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Hanzi Pinyin English

bó/báo  thin; indifferent

shuì  taxes

sùshè  dormitory

yǎng  to itch; to tickle

nóng  concentrated; dense

fǎngfú  to seem; as if

yàobù  otherwise; or else

yèwù  business; professional work

yùnshū  transport; transit

zhìdìng  to formulate

shōujù  receipt

gōngchéngshī  engineer

nìngkě  preferably

shénhuà  legend; myth

táo  peach

dānwu  to delay

wènhòu  to give one's respects

dàiyù  treatment; salary

tíwèn  to question

héxīn  core; nucleus

dǎgōng  to work casual job

kāifā  to develop

wéixiū  maintenance (equipment)

wénzì  character; script

běnzhì  essence; nature

màikèfēng  microphone

tǒngyī  to unite

móhu  vague; fuzzy

bǔchōng  to replenish

huāshēng  peanut

jiābīn  honored guest

fēnpèi  to distribute; to allocate

xíngshì  circumstances

ruǎnjiàn  software

píngděng  equality

qīngchūn  youthfulness

língjiàn  part; component

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Hanzi Pinyin English

qiǎn  shallow; light color

duōyú  superfluous

kuàijì  accountant

fādǒu  to tremble

gōngyè  industry

ěrhuán  earring

rìcháng  daily

tǐtiē  considerate

piāo  to float

bīngjīlíng  ice cream

shànyú  to be good at

qiúmí  fan (of ball sports)

jítǐ  collective; social

gǎijìn  to improve

shímáo  fashionable

shēngzhǎng  to grow

cèyàn  test

xīshōu  to absorb

dānrèn  to assume office

guàibude  no wonder!

suíshēn  to carry on person

péixùn  to cultivate

xiàn  county

gǎishàn  to make better

zǒnggòng  altogether

wénxué  literature

dǎting  to ask about

rìchéng  schedule

cǎihóng  rainbow

píngjūn  average

láojià  excuse me

cǐwài  besides; in addition

zhìdù  system; institution

xiāngduì  relatively; opposite

kuòdà  to expand

dānchún  simple; pure

lùqǔ  to recruit

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yángtái  balcony

niúzǎikù  jeans

jiǎnlì  résumé

hòubèi the back

lìrùn  profits

chuānglián  window curtains

zhòngliàng  weight

sīháo  a bit

shāngpǐn  goods; merchandise

fǎnfù  over and over

táijiē  steps

làjiāo  chili

tūchū  prominent

zhǎng  to rise (of prices, rivers)

chūshì  to show; to display

dìdao authentic; genuine

qiángdiào  to emphasize

zhuǎngào  to pass on

huóyuè  active; lively

zhǎnlǎn  to exhibit

shānchú  to delete

dòufu  tofu

jiùjiu  mother's brother

hūrán suddenly

bāohán  to contain

nóngmín  farmer

zhìyuànzhě  volunteer

wēihài  to endanger

èliè  vile; nasty

zébèi  to blame

zhéxué  philosophy

fǎnyìng  to mirror; to reflect

guìtái  front desk

méimao  eyebrow

chāo  to make a copy; take shortcut

qiāoqiāo  quietly

màoyì  trade

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Hanzi Pinyin English

jiēdài  to receive sb.

tèsè  characteristic

fǔdǎo  to tutor

jùbèi  to possess

hékuàng  let alone

jìlǜ  discipline

duìbǐ  to contract

sècǎi  tint; coloring

gòuchéng  to constitute

chēxiāng  carriage

xiāohuà  digestion

gūgu  paternal aunt

wéijīn  scarf

tǐxiàn  to embody

guīlǜ  rule; law

yuèqì  musical instrument

mìqiè  close; familiar

bùdéliǎo  extremely

wàijiāo  diplomacy

guānniàn  notion; concept

fǒudìng  to negate

gǔwǔ  heartening news

dì  to hand over; progressively

jiāo  to water (plant)

guīmó  scale; scope

jiānkǔ  difficult; arduous

sǎngzi  throat; voice

zhàokāi  to convene

pèifú  to admire

zhěngtǐ  as a whole; global

yíngyǎng  nutrition

bàoshè  newspaper office

bàodào  to check in

shǒugōng  manual work

yòuéryuán  kindergarten

qǐfā  to enlighten

dūn  ton

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Hanzi Pinyin English

pén  flower pot

cōngmáng  hasty; hurried

xīqǔ  to absorb

jígé  to pass a test

cóngér  thus; thereby

hébì  there is no need

huǒchái  match (for fire)

mùlù  catalog; table of contents

dàn  diluted

nèn  tender; soft

jiēshi rugged; sturdy

tòngkuai delighted

zōnghé  comprehensive

shǒuxù  procedure

yōuměi  graceful

gǔdài  ancient times

dǎoyǎn  to direct; director (film)

hú  pot; bottled liquid (mw)

wéirào  to revolve around

yáncháng  to prolong

wàigōng  mother's father

jiānzhí  concurrent job

yíngyè  do business

lìxī  interest (on loan)

tímù  subject; topic

xiāofèi  to consume

àn  bank; shore

yùdìng  to place order

xiàolǜ  efficiency

yùfáng  to prevent

huǎnjiě  to blunt; to ease

xiūxián  leisure

qiānxū  modest

kūnchóng  insect

kèguān  objective

jiānjué  firm; resolute

liúlèi  to shed tears

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gǎnxiǎng  impressions

qīnqiè  amiable

bǐlì  proportion; scale

bìrán  inevitable

àixīn  compassion

guòqī  to be overdue

hǎiguān  (border) customs

xiāojí  negative; passive

xiàlìngyíng  summer camp

rìlì  calendar

wù  not; do not

táoqì  naughty

yōngjǐ  crowded

tòumíng  transparent

jiéshěng to save

kànwàng  to visit

lí  pear

jiànshè  to build; construction

rèxīn  enthusiasm

láodòng  work; toil

línghuó  flexible

liúchuán  to spread

jiāwù  housework

chēngzàn  to praise

cānkǎo  consultation; reference

duǒcáng  to hide oneself

gǔdiǎn  classical

gǎigé  reform

zhōudao  thoughtful

gāodàng  superior quality

míngpái  famous brand

tǎojiàhuánjià  to haggle

shùmǎ  number; amount

shíjiàn  to practice

língshí  snack

huīchén  dust; dirt

zǒnglǐ  premier; prime minister

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Hanzi Pinyin English

dàfāng  expert; scholar

fādá  developed (country etc.)

límǐ  centimeter

gèbié  individual; specific

yùbào  forecast

zǐ  purple

pànwàng  to hope for

dìlǐ  geography

lùdì  dry land

cánkuì  ashamed

liúlǎn  to skim over

xìngzhì  nature; characteristic

dònghuàpiàn  animated film

cù  vinegar; jealousy

chángshí  common sense

yìnshuā  to print

jiāoshuǐ  glue

jìnkǒu  to import; imported

zhǒnglèi  kind; category

chítáng  pool; pond

zhǔzhāng  to advocate; position

shēngdòng  vivid

cāochǎng  playground

tǎnshuài  blunt; open

shàngdàng  to be fooled

gāngtiě  steel

píláo  fatigue

yòngtú  use; application

zhěngqí  orderly; tidy

shīmián  to suffer from insomnia

lúnliú  to alternate

fákuǎn  fine; penalty

shāngwù  commercial affairs

cūcāo  crude; rough

jiànpán  keyboard

chāzi  fork

qiǎomiào  ingenious

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Hanzi Pinyin English

pòqiè  urgent

dānyuán  unit; entrance number

miáotiáo  slim; slender

wèibì  not necessarily

áoyè  to stay up late

miáoxiě  to describe

sīchóu  silk

xìngkuī  fortunately

yuánliào  raw material

cíhuì  vocabulary

bèizi  quilt

zhēngqiú  to seek; to request

yìngyòng  to apply; application

hǎixiān  seafood

wánshàn  perfect

bùzhòu  procedure

wǔshù  military skill

píngfāng  squared

cháoshī  damp; moist

xuéshù  learning; academic

bēiguān  pessimistic

chājù  disparity; gap

liángshi  foodstuff

tuīguǎng  to popularize

cùshǐ  to promote

kòngxián  idle; free time

nánmiǎn  hard to avoid

xiǎoqì  stingy; petty

xùshù  to tell; narrative

gānzào  to dry

yìlùn  to comment; to discuss

gǎizhèng  to correct

rénshì  personnel

chūjí  junior

chángtú  long distance

jízhěn  emergency call

yōuhuì  preferential

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Hanzi Pinyin English

měishù  art; painting

guǎngfàn  extensive; wide range

tiáopí  naughty; unruly

jiǎngzuò  course of lectures

zhǎi  narrow

xié  inclined; slanting

guānghua  glossy; smooth

chéngkěn  sincere; honest

shúliàn practiced; skilled

lěngdàn  cold; indifferent

yǐ second

miànjī  surface area

bànlǐ  to handle

nóngyè  agriculture

héyǐng  group photo

shěbude  to hate to do sth

qūshì  trend; tendency

jiāojì  communication

fánróng  prosperous

géwài  especially

zhǔguān  subjective

xiǎomài  wheat

huāngzhāng  confused

běnlǐng  skill; capability

shūzi  comb

fēnbù  distributed

lǎobǎixìng  ordinary people

cùjìn  to advance (idea)

júzi  tangerine

lǎolao  mother's mother

zhōngjiè  agent; to link

àihù  to cherish

kāimùshì  opening ceremony

qínfèn  hardworking

zìmù  caption; subtitle

zìjué  conscious; aware

shíyòng  practical; functional

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Hanzi Pinyin English

xiàngqí  Chinese chess

duìhuàn  to convert

zhàocháng  as usual; normal

bàngwǎn  in the evening

jiāzi  clip; folder

jiǎngjiu  to pay attention to

yònggōng  diligent; study hard

suōduǎn  to curtail

zhèndòng  vibration

bùnàifán  impatience

dāndiào  monotonous

qīngshì  contempt

fāpiào  invoice

xuélì  educational background

shíchā time difference

dǎoyǔ  island

jiānjù  arduous

fēnfēn  one by one

zhǎngbèi  older generation

zhúzi  bamboo

lǎngdú  read aloud

dǎpēntì  to sneeze

yīzài  repeatedly

xíngrén  pedestrian

kějiàn  it can clearly be seen

zàisān  over and over

jiàngyóu  soy sauce

huīxīn  to lose heart

yàngshì  type; style

kèkǔ  hardworking

yōujiǔ  long (tradition)

zuòwén  to write an essay

wúnài  helpless

jiézhàng  to pay bills

shòumìng  life span

yīnér  therefore; thus

yìngjiàn  hardware

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Hanzi Pinyin English

téngài  to love dearly

yóulǎn  to tour

suíshǒu  conveniently

chōuxiàng  abstract

zhúbù  step by step

shìjuàn  test paper

wěiqu  to feel wronged

shūjià  bookshelf

nóngcūn  rural area

chúxī  lunar New Year's Eve

yājīn  deposit

gōngyuán  AD (Anno Domini)

chōngdiànqì  battery charger

tuìbù  backward step

fēngsú  social custom

gàikuò  to summarize

guǒshí  fruit; gains

cìyào  secondary

wǎngfǎn  to go back and forth

hàokè  hospitality

zháoliáng  catch a cold

tíchàng  to promote

guǎiwān  to turn a corner

fāchóu  to worry

nénggàn  capable

kànbuqǐ  to look down upon

guǎngdà  vast

shěnglüè  to leave out

jūnyún  even; well-distributed

shīrùn  moist

chīkuī  to suffer loses

xuéwèn  knowledge

xiānyàn  bright-colored

nèikē  internal medicine

bùjiànde  not necessarily

xiàoshùn  filial piety

guāngpán  CD or DVD

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Hanzi Pinyin English

shēngdiào  tone; note

zāihài  disastrous damage

lùxù  in turn; successively

àixī  to cherish

guóqìngjié  National Day

yīlǜ  same; all

piànmiàn  one sided

biānpào  firecracker

qīngdàn  light (flavor)

kāishuǐ  boiled water

mántou  steamed roll

jīngshāng  to trade

shānzi  fan

yǔqí  rather than…

rìyòngpǐn  articles for daily use

hútòng  lane; alley

gànhuór  to work; manual labor

zhōngxún  middle third of a month

jiàocái  teaching material

shǔbiāo  mouse (computer)

běnkē  undergraduate course

wénjù  stationary

méitàn  coal

tuīcí  to decline

jímáng  hastily

tígāng  outline; synopsis

chéngyǔ  idiom; proverb

yuándàn  New Year's Day

jìndài  not-distant past

huìlǜ  exchange rate

huáyì  ethnic Chinese

zhāntiē  to stick

pīnyīn  phonetic writing

xūxīn  modest

guàhào to register (letter)

chǐzi  ruler (for measuring)

biāodiǎn  punctuation

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Hanzi Pinyin English

guīnà  to sum up

tàijíquán  Tai Chi

rénmínbì  RMB; Chinese Yuan

míngshènggǔjì  historical sites

liánmáng promptly