Life in the Flatland By Hannah Watson


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Page 1: Hannah

Life in the FlatlandBy Hannah Watson

Page 2: Hannah

constantThe rain beating on the roof was constant.

Page 3: Hannah

consultI consulted my sister about the plan.

Page 4: Hannah

neglectHitting or hurting something is called neglect.

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Page 5: Hannah

patrolThe dog was on patrol for the raccoon.

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Page 6: Hannah

accuseI accused the thief of stealing the stuffed animals.

Page 7: Hannah

distanceThe ocean was in the distance.

Page 8: Hannah

composeI will compose a sentence for class on the computer.

Page 9: Hannah

dozenThere were a dozen of puppies in the house.

Page 10: Hannah

collageThe collage was really strange.

Page 11: Hannah

compassI used the compass to help me find my way home.

Page 12: Hannah

torrentThe torrent was very strong.

Page 13: Hannah

focusI had to focus on the water bottles.

Page 14: Hannah

purchaseThe purchase I made was smart.

Page 15: Hannah

paymentThe payment was overdue.

Page 16: Hannah

possessMy dog will possess her ball when she is grouchy.

Page 17: Hannah

ransomI freed a slave by paying 10 dollars . Here they are now!

Page 18: Hannah

methodThe method is to microscope the cells.

Page 19: Hannah

EmblemI have a emblem of the border collie association on my shirt.

Page 20: Hannah

hammockI love to sleep in my hammock with my puppy.

Page 21: Hannah

supportIt is hard to support my family in hard times.

Page 22: Hannah

dimensionsThe movie was 3D.

Page 23: Hannah


The animal was very distinguished

Page 24: Hannah

landscapeThe landscape was very green and beautiful.

Page 25: Hannah

thicknessThe thickness of the smoke was scary.

Page 26: Hannah

uniqueThe wolf was very unique.

Page 27: Hannah

trifleThere was a trifle amount of ice cream.