Handwashing Unit 13.2


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Handwashing. Unit 13.2. Typical day at the Hospital. Questions to ask yourself. Why wash your hands? What’s the purpose? When should I wash? What are steps I should remember when washing? How hot should the water be? What kind of soap should I use?. Handwashing. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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HandwashingUnit 13.2

Typical day at the Hospital

Questions to ask yourself Why wash your hands? What’s the

purpose? When should I wash? What are steps I should remember when

washing? How hot should the water be? What kind of soap should I use?

Handwashing Is a basic task required in ANY health


An ASEPTIC technique- most important method to control spread of pathogens

2 Purposes of Handwashing Prevent and control the

spread of pathogens from person to person

Protect the health care worker from disease and illness

Appropriate times to wash Arrival and Exit of facility Before and After each patient When hands are contaminated during a procedure Before and after wearing gloves Before and after handling specimens After contact with ANY soiled item After picking up items from the floor After use of the bathroom After cough, sneeze, or use of a tissue Before/After any contact with your mouth/mucous

membrane- ex: eating, smoking, drinking, applying lip balm, contact lenses

Principles of Proper Handwashing- Soap Use soap as a cleansing agent

Aids in removal of pathogens – sudsy action and alkali content

Pathogens get trapped in soap and rinsed away

Use liquid soap from dispenser over bar soap

Principles of Proper Handwashing- Water Less damaging to skin than hot water

Creates a better lather with the soap than cold water

Principles of Proper Handwashing Use friction to help rub off pathogens

from skin surface

Clean all surfaces on hands

Point fingers downward Prevents water on forearm

Water on forearm can run down and contaminate clean hands

Principles of Proper Handwashing Use dry paper towels to turn faucet


Prevents contamination of hands from pathogens on the faucet

Pathogens travel quickly through a wet towel

Principles of Proper Handwashing- Nails Nails harbor dirt and pathogens

Clean with blunt end of cuticle stick

Scrub with a brush to remove dirt/pathogens

If brush/stick not available, rub nails against palm of opposite hand