Handling time with gml:TemporalCRSs P.CAMPALANI

Handling time with gml:TemporalCRSs · Dec 2012 Handling time with gml:TemporalCRSs 2 Rationale Time must be integrated in the coverage geometry in a seamless way, just as an other

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Page 1: Handling time with gml:TemporalCRSs · Dec 2012 Handling time with gml:TemporalCRSs 2 Rationale Time must be integrated in the coverage geometry in a seamless way, just as an other

Handling time with



Page 2: Handling time with gml:TemporalCRSs · Dec 2012 Handling time with gml:TemporalCRSs 2 Rationale Time must be integrated in the coverage geometry in a seamless way, just as an other

Dec 2012 Handling time with gml:TemporalCRSs 2


● Time must be integrated in the coverage geometry in a seamless way, just as an other dimension.

● The current GML schema for coverages only allows numerical coordinates in the definition of their topology: timestamps/dates cannot be used as meter for the temporal axis.

● Augmenting the Coordinate Reference System (CRS) of a coverage from the pure spatial to the spatiotemporal domain is the key.

● Temporal reference systems already exist in GML: they descend from the same type as common geospatial CRS (gml:AbstractSingleCRS), and they are called TemporalCRS.

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Dec 2012 Handling time with gml:TemporalCRSs 3

<RectifiedGrid dimension="3" gml:id="MY_REGULAR_TIME_SERIES-grid"> <limits> <GridEnvelope> <low> 66 260 0</low> <high>146 265 1</high> </GridEnvelope> </limits> <axisLabels>Long Lat t</axisLabels> <gml:origin> <gml:Point gml:id="MY_REGULAR_TIME_SERIES-origin" srsName="[...]/crs-compound?1=[...]/EPSG/0/4326&2=[...]/ISO/0/8601"> <gml:pos>4 45 2010-06-19T09:00</gml:pos> </gml:Point> </gml:origin> <gml:offsetVector srsName="[...]/crs-compound?1=[...]/EPSG/0/4326 &2=[...]/ISO/0/8601">0.01 0 0</gml:offsetVector> <gml:offsetVector srsName="[...]/crs-compound?1=[...]/EPSG/0/4326 &2=[...]/ISO/0/8601">0 0.01 0</gml:offsetVector> <gml:offsetVector srsName="[...]/crs-compound?1=[...]/EPSG/0/4326 &2=[...]/ISO/0/8601">0 0 P1H</gml:offsetVector></RectifiedGrid>

pixel space

domain space

invalid GML

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Dec 2012 Handling time with gml:TemporalCRSs 4

Temporal Reference System● A temporal CRS is simply defined as “1D coordinate reference systems used

for the recording of time”.

● It is composed of:

– a temporal Coordinate System (CS), defining one single axis with a specified Unit of Measure (UoM), a label (to be used in W*S subsets), and a direction (future/past);

– a temporal datum, which binds the relative temporal axis to a fixed point in time by means of the origin element, in the form of a date+time concatenation (e.g. “2012-12-21T00:00”).

● The GML definition would be referenced by its URI identifier – specified in the definition itself – and would be usually meant to be compound with an other geospatial CRS URI identifier.

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Dec 2012 Handling time with gml:TemporalCRSs 5

Example 1: ANSI date● The example shows a possible GML representation of

the ANSI date numbers by means of a TemporalCRS element:

– The reference of the CRS is specified in the identifier of the TemporalCRS itself: “{resolver-prefix}/crs/OGC/0.1/ANSI-D ” in this case.

– The (unique) axis of the CRS is labeled as ansi , (see axisAbbrev) and has atomic unit of measure of the day (“d”) set in the uom attribute of the CoordinateSystemAxis.†

– The origin of the axis is set (as in the ANSI date definition) to the 1 s t of January 1601, at 00h00.

– Increasing days count are in line with the passing of time, so future is the positive direction of the axis.

<TemporalCRS xmlns=[...] gml:id="ANSI­Date">  <description>    Continuous count of days starting from    Jan 1, 1601 (00h00).  </description>  <identifier   codeSpace="http://www.opengeospatial.org">    {resolver­prefix}/crs/OGC/0.1/ANSI­D  </identifier>  <name>ANSI date number</name>  <timeCS><TimeCS id="days­CS">    <identifier     codeSpace="http://www.opengeospatial.org">      {resolver­prefix}/cs/OGC/0.1/days    </identifier>    <axis>      <CoordinateSystemAxis id="day­axis" uom="d">        <identifier         codeSpace="http://www.opengeospatial.org">          {resolver­prefix}/axis/OGC/0.1/days        </identifier>        <axisAbbrev>ansi</axisAbbrev>        <axisDirection>future</axisDirection>      </CoordinateSystemAxis>    </axis>  </TimeCS></timeCS>    <temporalDatum><TemporalDatumid="ANSI­TD">      <identifier       codeSpace="http://www.opengeospatial.org">        {resolver­prefix}/datum/OGC/0.1/ANSI      </identifier>      <origin>1601­01­01T00:00</origin>    </TemporalDatum></temporalDatum></TemporalCRS>

† Thorough list of ISO UoMs : http://aurora.regenstrief.org/~ucum/ucum.html

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Example 1 (cont.)● Regular (but could as well be irregular) temporal series of 2D

UTM grids over Armenia called ARM-weeks-TS, with weekly resolution: one image is representative of one entire week.

● rasdaman indexes starting from {0,0,0}, nominal spatial resolution of the pixels 1×1 km2, spanning the area (4⋅105,43⋅105)×(5⋅105,46⋅105) m2. The first image is on the 1st of January 2010 and ANSI dates are chosen as temporal reference (t0=149385).

● If the rasdaman axes order is XYT, the CRS to be bound with the overall 3D coverage would be for instance:

<gmlcov:RectifiedGridCoverage xmlns=[...] gml:id="ID">  <boundedBy>    <Envelope srsName="{resolver­prefix}/crs­compound?     1={resolver­prefix}/crs/EPSG/0/32638&     2={resolver­prefix}/crs/OGC/0.1/ANSI­D"     axisLabels="E N ansi" uomLabels="m m d"     srsDimension="3">      <lowerCorner>        415000 4430000 149536      </lowerCorner>      <upperCorner>        500000 4530000 149565      </upperCorner>    </Envelope>  </boundedBy>

  <domainSet>    <RectifiedGrid id="ID" dimension="3"     srsName="{resolver­prefix}/crs­compound?      1={resolver­prefix}/crs/EPSG/0/32638&      2={resolver­prefix}/crs/OGC/0.1/ANSI­D"     srsDimension="3">      <limits>        <GridEnvelope>          <low>15 70 21</low>          <high>100 170 25</high>        </GridEnvelope>      </limits>      <axisLabels>E N ansi</axisLabels>      <origin>        <Point id="ID">          <pos>415000 4430000 149536</pos>        </Point>      </origin>      <offsetVector>1000 0 0</offsetVector>      <offsetVector>0 1000 0</offsetVector>      <offsetVector>0    0 7</offsetVector>    </RectifiedGrid>  </domainSet>

  <rangeSet>    <DataBlock>      <rangeParameters/>      <tupleList>[...]</tupleList>    </DataBlock>  </rangeSet>  <rangeType>[...]</rangeType></gmlcov:RectifiedGridCoverage> 

{resolver− prefix }/def/crs− compound ? 1={resolver− prefix}/def/crs/EPSG/0/32638 & 2={resolver− prefix}/def/crs/OGC/0.1/ANSI− D

http://{petascope}/petascope/wcs2? service=WCS& version=2.0.1& request=GetCoverage& coverageid=ARM− weeks− TS & subset=E(415000,500000)& subset=N(4430000,4530000)& subset=ansi(” 2010− 06− 01” ,” 2010− 06− 30” )& format=application/gml+xml

WCS request

WCS responseOr: ansi(149536,149565)

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Dec 2012 Handling time with gml:TemporalCRSs 7

Example 2: Geologic time‡

● The example shows a possible GML representation of the chronometric geologic time, to express the “millions of years ago”:

– In this case, the reference of the CRS is “{resolver-prefix}/crs/OGC/0.1/Ma-age”;

– The axis of the CRS is labeled as mya, (see axisAbbrev), i.e. million years ago, and has atomic unit of measure of 106 years (“Ma”) set in the uom attribute of the CoordinateSystemAxis.

– The origin of the axis is set but is not relevant in this case: it is to be used when translating ISO timestamps in the request to time coordinates, but at this time scale it is just allowed to use Ma.

– The axis is positive backwards (direction is past) so that we use a positive numbers when referring to this dimension.

<TemporalCRS xmlns=[...] gml:id="MYA">  <description>    Millions of years, backwards in time.  </description>  <identifier   codeSpace="http://www.opengeospatial.org">    {resolver­prefix}/crs/OGC/0.1/Ma­age  </identifier>  <name>Geologic chronometric time.</name>  <timeCS><TimeCS id="Ma­CS">    <identifier     codeSpace="http://www.opengeospatial.org">      {resolver­prefix}/cs/OGC/0.1/megaannum    </identifier>    <axis>      <CoordinateSystemAxis id="ma­axis" uom="Ma">        <identifier         codeSpace="http://www.opengeospatial.org">          {resolver­prefix}/axis/OGC/0.1/megaannum        </identifier>        <axisAbbrev>mya</axisAbbrev>        <axisDirection>past</axisDirection>      </CoordinateSystemAxis>    </axis>  </TimeCS></timeCS>    <temporalDatum><TemporalDatumid="MYA­TD">      <identifier       codeSpace="http://www.opengeospatial.org">        {resolver­prefix}/datum/OGC/0.1/MA­age      </identifier>      <origin>0001­01­01T00:00</origin>    </TemporalDatum></temporalDatum></TemporalCRS>

‡ The proposed example won't probably make much sense; more insights from e.g. BGS are appreciated.

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Example 2 (cont.)● Regular (but, again, could be irregular as well) temporal

series of 2D lat/lon images called Rock-Units-TS, with resolution of 10 millions of years.

● rasdaman indexes starting from {0,0,0}, nominal spatial resolution of the pixels 0.01°×0.01°, spanning the area (9°E,43°N)×(10°E,46°N). Suppose the first image is 34 mya (~end of Eocene).

● If the rasdaman axes order is TXY, the CRS to be bound with the overall 3D coverage would be for instance:

<gmlcov:RectifiedGridCoverage xmlns=[...] gml:id="ID">  <boundedBy>    <Envelope srsName="{resolver­prefix}/crs­compound?     1={resolver­prefix}/crs/OGC/0.1/Ma­age&     2={resolver­prefix}/crs/EPSG/0/4326"     axisLabels="mya Long Lat"      uomLabels="Ma degree degree" srsDimension="3">      <lowerCorner>        57 9 45      </lowerCorner>      <upperCorner>        65 10 46      </upperCorner>    </Envelope>  </boundedBy>

  <domainSet>    <RectifiedGrid id="ID" dimension="3"     srsName="{resolver­prefix}/crs­compound?     1={resolver­prefix}/crs/OGC/0.1/Ma­age&     2={resolver­prefix}/crs/EPSG/0/4326"     srsDimension="3">      <limits>        <GridEnvelope>          <low>22 0 0</low>          <high>30 99 99</high>        </GridEnvelope>      </limits>      <axisLabels>mya Long Lat</axisLabels>      <origin>        <Point id="ID">          <pos>57 9 45</pos>        </Point>      </origin>      <offsetVector>1 0    0</offsetVector>      <offsetVector>0 0.01 0</offsetVector>      <offsetVector>0 0 0.01</offsetVector>    </RectifiedGrid>  </domainSet>

  <rangeSet>    <DataBlock>      <rangeParameters/>      <tupleList>[...]</tupleList>    </DataBlock>  </rangeSet>  <rangeType>[...]</rangeType></gmlcov:RectifiedGridCoverage> 

{resolver− prefix }/def/crs− compound ? 1={resolver− prefix}/def/crs/OGC/0.1/Ma-age & 2={resolver− prefix}/def/crs/EPSG/0/4326

http://{petascope}/petascope/wcs2? service=WCS& version=2.0.1& request=GetCoverage& coverageid=Rocks− Units− TS & subset=Long(9,10)& subset=Lat(45,46)& subset=mya(57.8,65)& // Paleocene format=application/gml+xml

WCS request

WCS response

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Dec 2012 Handling time with gml:TemporalCRSs 9


● OpenGIS GML Encoding Standard 3.2.1http://portal.opengeospatial.org/files/?artifact_id=20509

● ISO:19108, Geographic Information – Temporal schemahttp://im.eurocontrol.int/wiki/index.php/ISO_19108,_Geographic_information_%E2%80%94_Temporal_schema

● OGC standard issues for temporal coordinateshttp://www.earthserver.eu/trac/wiki/OgcStandardsIssues/Temporal

● CRS GML definition candidates for SECOREhttp://rasdaman.eecs.jacobs-university.de/trac/rasdaman/wiki/GmlDefinitions#TemporalCRSs