A ROYAL A Gdde Handbook of ARCH MASONRY For Chapter Officers IEE GAAND CEAI{EB OF BOYAL ARCH MASONS OF THE S1TATE OF IilISCONSIN Ree*eil by Offherl Eond,booh Com,mittee 1962

Handbook of ARCH MASONRY

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Page 1: Handbook of ARCH MASONRY


Handbook of


For Chapter Officers




Ree*eil by Offherl Eond,booh Com,mittee


Page 2: Handbook of ARCH MASONRY

roREwonDTo the men who have labored in the Quarries of Capitular Masonry

and to those who are at present carrying on in their footsteps - thispamphlet is dedicated

If it Iightens the troad 91fl illrrminates the way for Offieers of ourConstituent Chapters, then its purpose will have been accomplished.

Masonry is a Way of Ufe and each braneh is inter-related with theother. The work of the Chapter completes that which precedes it - andis also necessary for a proper understanding of that which follows.Should this material help to insti-il in the minds of our members, theimportance of Capitular MasonrSr, for it is the Capstone of the AncientCraft and occupies a place of high distinction, then our efforts will nothave been in vain.

The rvord Fraternity has truly a significant meaning because we arebound together in a great Brotherhood whose mission is the upgfadingof manhood by searehing for the Truth. If we are united in this purpose,then in unity we shall find our greatest strength.

Offieers: You are entrusted with the responsibility of perpetuatingthe Teachings of Capitular Masonry - grve to it, your very best!

A eomplete knowledge of the subjeet, a sincerity of purpose, a beliefin the tenets and an impelling desire to i,noprove yourself as well as toextend a helping hand to others will result in untold aecomplishments.The success of this depends on you - regardless of gpde or rank.

'Will you do "Good'Work", "True TV'ork" and "Square lMork," suchas is wanted for tle Temple of Masonry? The Choiee is yours!

e. 6]. Balch

Grand lligh Priest - 1953


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PAR.T A'Setting the Craft at Work"

I. Officer Personnel.

II. Convoeations.

1. Stated2. Speeial

Itr. The Procedure in Opening and Closing a Chapter.

1. Clothin$ of the Companions2. Method of Purging a Chapter3. Prayers4. Opening the Bible5. Correct Tiling Practice6. Presentation of the Colors7. Closing Ceremony

fV. Conducting the B,siness Meeting.

1. Reading aud Approving Minutes2. Reading and Referring Petitions3. Report of Investigating Committee

. 4. Balloting on Petitions5. Reading CommunicationS6. Unfinished Business7. New Business8. Sickness and Distress9. Good of the Order

V. Miseellaneous Administration.

1. Reception of Grand High Priest and Grand Offieers2. Seeretaries Section3. Dispensations by Grand High Priest4. Interpretations of Capitular Law5. District Instructors6. Objections7. Exclusions8. Reinstatements9. Demits

10. Annual Convocations and Aucliting Committees11. Do You Know


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Qualified leadership is the first essential to the success of everyRoyal Arch Chapter. It is the solution to almost every problem that con-fronts us. The seleetion of the men who fill the chairs is the most im-portant job of every High Priest, for upon these men, ultimately wiltfall the responsibility of administering the affairs of the chapter. selectthe very best material available and be satisfied with nothing less.

The responsibility that goes with "High Priesthood,, involves theexecutive duties of planning administration and supervision of social,financial and ritual functions.

Read and understand the By-Laws of your Chapter, the Constitution,Rules and Regulations and Edicts of the Grand Chapter of the State ofWisconsin (1952). A knowledge of the Masonie Code of the Grand Lodgeof Free and Accepted Masons of Wisconsin, known generally as ,,TheBlue Book," will also be helpful.

AII the Offieers of the Chapter should be part of the team andshould be called together for business conferences. Matters of finanee,b_udgeting, ritlal and social activities should be discussed, together withthe many problems which confront a Irigh priest. These meetings mustbe planned in advance and an agenda piepared.

This type of management constitutes valuable training for the offi.cers and insures continuity of purpose.


Convoeations of a Chapter are of two kinds - Stated and Special.Both of these Convocations are governed by the By-Laws of the individ-ual Chapter - these By-Laws having been approved, are ln aeeord withthe Constitution of the Grand Chapter.

Stated Convocations - A Stated Convoeation is one which is heldat a fixed time as specified in the By-Laws. Business can be transactedonly at a Stated Convocation. Eaeh Chapter under this Jurisdiction shallhold at least six (6) Stated Convoeations in each year. (See Article VIII,Section 6. Grand Chapter Constitution 1952.)

Special Convoeations - A Special Convocation is any meeting otherthan a Stated. It is ealled for the purpose of conferring deglee work.No business can be transacted at a Special Convoeation.

QUORITM - A Chapter can be opened or closed if nine regularRoyal Arch Masons are present. However, no business other than theopening, closing and conferring of degrees can be conducted. unless nineof its own members are present . (See Edicts, page BE, Grand ChapterConstitution 1952)


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All chapters shal.be opened in regular form according to the ritual.The chapters should be-opened promltty at the rrour sptciried in thechapter Bv-Laws. If an oJfrieer isiate, iiti t i, station i;" ;h; ;p"ning byreguesting a ,companion Jrom the side-lines to assume his duties. Timeyqur work so'that all meetings win be concruded rv ro,oo pm. If thispolicy is followed, hetter interest and attendaree will result. '-

.^__ l:.9f[ng of Cornpanionl 1 The Apron must be worn by all mem-

Ders at alr convocations of the chapter. Aprons are to be worn cverother clothing. "No gng-iq^plonerly ciothed untl fre ,"r"s a smile.', (Art.XIV, sections 1 and 2, lg:5, Constiiution)

2. *4efhod of :Purying a Chrptsr - There are two modes of avouch-ment in a Chapter.

a. By a Courpanion w.ho }as sat in opea Chapter with the visitor.

- b. By a committee acting under the direction of the H.p. - after ithas examined the visitor.

See respective sections of the Ritual for instructions on purging andcommunicating the Pass in eaeh Degree. AIso see special insiruetions inRitual for calling down and up from one Degree to another.

The PS or RAC, or their counterparts in the other Degrees, shouldreport all visitors to their superior officers prior to Opening.

If a visitor presents himselr in the ante.room the sentiner shouldimmediately notify the H.P. who will appoint an examining committee ofthree. The examining committee wilI retire to examine the visitor. Ifmore than one visitor is to be examined, each should have an exapiningcommittee. The committee should request the visitor to:



State his na.me, the name of his Chapter and its location.

Present his receipt for dues, a Demit, or Certificate of Member-ship. (A receipt for dues or demit for not more than two yearsfrom date of issue may be accepted. It must be signed in ink bythe member to whom issued. Verification of signature may b-e


Take the Test Oath. (It should be administered on a Bible.)ul.


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I, -..--.-----.---. do hereby and hereon solemnly andsinoerely swear, that I have been regulariy initiated, passedand raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason, in aregularly constituted Lodge of such, and have been exaltedto the Most Subiime Degree of a Royal Arch Mason in aregularly constituted Chapter of such; that I am not nowunder sentence of suspension or expulsion, and know of nojust reason why I should not hold Masonic intercourse withmy Cornpanions, so help me God.

iv. Each member of the committee should satisfy himself as to thequalifications of the visitor.

v. The committee should escort the visitor to the Altar and salute.The committee Chairman presents the visitor giving his name,the name of his Chapter, i.ts location and his official title, if any.The H.P. should give a word of welcome and extend greetingi.

- 3. Prayers - A prayer should be given at the opening and closingof every Chapter meeting.

4. Opening the Bible - The Capt. of the Host or Senior Deacon9h9qld always reverently kneel at the Altar when opening or closing theBible, and salute the Bible immediately after it is opened.

5'. Correct Tiling Practice - ?he Sentinel or Tiler guards from with-out and the raps at the door alarm him and inform him of the degreewhich is in progress. The Officer will proeeed as follows:

Rap after infonning the Sentinel of the degree being opened andawait his aeknowledgement.

- At other times, alarm him by the proper rap before opening thedoor and await his aeknowledgement that he is on gua.rd and ilt is elear.

\[hen ealling to another degree, alarm him in the degree whieh isbeing elosed and await his aeknowledgement that all is elear. After heis instructed, rap in the degree which is being opened and await hisaeknowledgement.

6. Presentalion of Colors - When eolors are presented. all arise, onorder, plaee right hand o'rer the heart and stand at attention until theEIag is plaeed in its standard on the right hand of the Grand Couneil inthe East. The Pledge of Allegianee shorrld be given after whieh one stan-za ol tbe National Anthem mav be surr.g. The Ftag should never bedipped, brrt earried aloft, left hand at the base of the statf, right hanttnearest the eolors. The Flag of the united states should be presentedafter the chapter is opened and retired before the chanter is elosed.fire Flag is your most distinguished guest.


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^ 7. closing ceremony - All chapters should be crosed in regularform according to the ritual... Note:_ During the ceremonies of opening, elosing, balloting or initi-

ation - the Sentinel should not give in atalm, norlnoutd o.r'e ue act-nowledged.


some designated order is necessary in conducting the businessf:"g!lg.?- of a Chapter. A confenence between the H.p] and SecretaryDefore the opening of the chapter is desirable. The folorvrng is a su!-gested order of business which might be followed:

Reading and Approving MinutesReading Referring of petitionsReports of Investigating Committees on petitionsBalloting on petitionsCommunicationsReports of Other CommitteesUnfinished BusinessNew BusinessSickness and DistressGood.of the Order

suggestions for handring the above items of business together withsome pertinent information_pertaining to each is herewiflipresented.The following is a. suq-gested procedur"e and may re varied- or- enlargedupon as the H.P. sees fit.

l.- Reading and Approving Minutes - Minutes shourd eontain theessential facts of the previous convoeation. After the seereiary has readthe minutes the H.P. will ask the companions if ttrev rrave hoted anyerrors or omissions. If none have been no1ed, he will ap-p"ove the minutesas read, by a statement and one rap of the gavel.

If correetions or additions are neeessar!, they sha[ be made on themargin of the Minute Book. The minutes-sha[ then te ,llrouea .,aseorrected."

After minutes are approved, they cannot be altered.

----2.--Reading and Referring petiiions -

petitions for degrees, or foraffiliatjon or plural m-embership must be presented in wriiint on pre-seribed forms and read by the seeretary. AII items must be cimplelelvanswered by the petitioner, and he must sign the petition wittr tris tullname.

Every petitioner must be reeommended by two members of theChapter, who shall sign his petition in the spiee provided. The pre-scribed fee must aeeompany the petition.

A petition must be reeeived exeept for laek of jurisitiction.

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Petitioners for degrees must reside in the State as prescribedby the Constitution. Rules, Regulations and Edicts of the Grand ChapterR.A.M. of Wisconsin (one year). They must have resided within the Jur'isdiction of the Chapter for the prescribed time (90 days). (See Art. IX,Sections 1 and 2, Constituiion 1952). if more than one petition is pre'sented, time may be saved by- the Secretary stating that he has anotherpetition on same form signed by .-.-----.--- and stating that he is a memberof --.-..--.-,. Lodge, etc. After all are read, there being no objections, thepetitions will be reoeived and referred to the Investigating Committees.All Investigating Committees should be appointed in open Chapter atthe time the petitions ane received. The Secretary should notify themembers of the Investigating Committees of their appointment in writ'ing, or if a member of the Committee is present when petition is re-ceived, an oral appointment by the H.P. is suffieient.

Petitions for affiliation must be accompanied by a demit or a Certifi'cate of Membership in another Chapter, and proof that the petitioner isa member of a Lodge in this or some other recognized jurisdiction.

Petitions for Plural Membershlp in a Chapter can be received fromany F"oyal Arch Maso:r who is in good standing in his own Chapter andin a Lodge in this or some other recognized jurisdiction, and providedthat the Grand Chapter having jurisdiction over the petitioner's ownChapter permits plural membership.

3. Report of lnvestigating Committee - It should be the duty ofthe Investigating Committee to make inquiry as to the petitioner's stand-ing in the Lodge. It is important that the Committee actually eall on thepetitioner. He is entitled to this call and its omission degrades the im-portance of the Chapter degrees in his estimation. The InvestigatingCommittee should promptly report at the next Stated Convocation. Noaction can be taken on a petition unless such report is made. If the In-vestigating Committee fails to report, the E.P. may appoint another Com-mittee or replace any members who do not function.

4. Balloting on Petitions - The P.S. prepares the ballot-box. Heshould see that it is near his station. After the report of the Investigat-ing Committee, the H.P. rvill discharge the Committee and order theballot prepared. The P.S. prepares and passes the ballot-box and carriesit so that the ballot is secret. No member shall enter or retire duringballoting. The P.S. prpsents the ballot-box to the Scribe then to the Kingand then to the H.P. for inspeetion. The H.P. announces that ballot willbe taken, instructs in balloting, then easts the first ballot, followed bythe King, Scribe and the Companions who are entitled to vote. Whenballoting is eompleted, the P.S. stops West of the Altar. The H.P. in-quires of the P.S. if all have voted, and if so declares the ballot elosed.The P.S. then presents the ballot to the Scribe and then to the King" TheH.P. then asks Seribe and King, individuallv, how they find the ballot.After each has reported (clear or not elear), the H.P. examines the ballot,makes the declaration and destroys the ballot, by returning the eontents


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to the usual repository. A ballot for the degrees must be clear for elec-tion.

A ballot for a{filiation or plural membership is handled as aboyeexcept that four-fifths of the ballots cast must be clear for election. Aballot for affiliation (not plurai membership) must be accompanied by ademit. A. demit, expires after two years for all purposes except affilia-tion. Petitions for degrees qay be balloted upon ciueetively and peti-tions for affiliation may be laltote_d upcn coildetively but ttre tw-o typesmust be separated because of the diffelences in the i".*s oi rc.eptance.

a. A Petition Involving Territoriai Jurisdiction - when a waiver ofTerritorial Jurisdictio-n is iequired, the H.p. rvill instruct the Seeretaryto_ request same under the seal of the chapter from the chapter inwhgqe jurisdiction the petitioner resides. u itre waiver is grantbd, ttrepetition may then be received and referred to an Investigatlng commit-tee.

b. A Petitioner who is in Default - If a candidate neglects for oneyear after eleetion, or after taking any degree, to make piogress, he isin default. A candidate_in default, wishing to progress, ,ru!t ,ppty to!!e tt.P. either personaily or in writing. tue n.p] strait report'io'theChapter at a Stated Convocation, and order a ballot to be taken at a sub.sequent stated convocation. A ballot is then prepared which shall besecret and must be elear. If the ballot is not clearf the candidate standsrejected - but he may rener/r his application at the expiration of sixmonths after sueh rejeetion.

c. Request for Courtesy Work - A Chapter may as a matter ofcgurtesy, do work for an-other chapter, both being constituent chaptersof theGrand chapter of wiseonsin Any chaptJr may confer degreesf-or a chapter in another Grand Jurisdieiion, providing request is madethrough the Grand Seeretaries of both Grandiurisdic[ions.

5. Reading of communications - Alt offieial eommunieations fromthe Grand High Priest rnust be read in full at the first convocation afterreeeipt.

6. Unfinished Business - Any business from a previous Convoea-tion eomes under this classifieation.

7. New Business - The payment of usual expenses and other ap-propriate matters eome under this heading. It is suggested that, afterreading the bills, the H.P. announee that these bills will be receivedand referred to the Finanee Comrnittee (H.P.. King and Seribe) and iffound eorreet. orders wrll be drawn for payment unless there is objection.

8. Sickness and Distress - Reports of illness, deaths, requests forrelief, messages and flowers for the sick and matters of this nature areusually eonsidered under this heading.

9. Good of the Order - Planning social functions, announeementsof birthdays, weddings and anniversaries and remarks by visitors areappropriate.


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t. Reception of Grand High Priest and Grand Officers - The manner of officially receiving Grand Officers is set forth in the eurrent rit-ual. The official titles are:

1. Most Exeellent Grand lIigh Priest2. Right Excellent Grand King3. Bight Excellent Grand Scribe4. Right Exeellent Grand Treasurer5. Right Excellent Grand Secretary6. Excellent Grand Chaplain7. Excellent Grand Captain of the Host8. Excellent Grand Principal Sojourner9. Excellent Grand Boyal Arch Captain

10. Excellent Grand Master of Third Veil11. Excellent Grand Master of Second Veil' 12. Exce1lent Grand Master of First Veil13. Excellent Grand Seutinel

In the case of an officer who is a Past Grand High Priest, his titleis Most Excellent.

Grand Chapter Officers, other than the Grand High Priest, may bereceived in a group and are entiUed to reeeive the Grand Honors. TheOfficer who is designated to conduct them should correctly introdue.eeach Officer by his name and title. The Grand High Priest should beintroduced last, given the Grand Honors and invited to preside.

The Grand Honors are the highest mark of respect that can be ex-tended and should nol be followed by applause.

The Grand Honors MAY be accorded to any Companion who hasbeen elected to head a Masonic Body.

2. Secretaries Section

The Seeretary is very important in any successful organization, butmore especially in a Boyal Arch Chapter. The Secretary usually con'tinues in offiee, while the presiding offieer or H.P. changes annually.It is therefore of paramount importanee that he know the Laws andRegulations of the Grand Chapter. In a suecessful Chapter, one invari-ably finds an efficient Secretary. The Secretary's aim should be to aidand assist in the successful operation of the Chapter. Ttrough his helphe can and will do nouch to assist, but never replace the H.P. A success-ful Secretary will be sure:

a. To bring to the meeting all matters whieh are reeeived by him.


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b. To discuss with the H.P. what is to be presented at each Convo-cation.

e. To nead all correspondence, petitions, etc. ,which are to be actedupon.

d. To be ready at all times, to answer any guestion that may beasked, and to aid in keeping the Chapter operating smooihly.

e. To do all in his power to keep Companions from becoming de-linquent and, if they become so, to propose methods Uy wfricnthey may be retained.

f. Application for demit must be submitted to the Chapter on spec-ial form in triplicate. Befone any action can be taken. theGrand Council must investigate circumstanees as to why demitwas requested and every effort made to prevent demission.(see Page 26 - 1989 proceedings).

g. To make an Annual Beport to the Grand Chapter at the end ofeach fiscal year; to read this report in open Chapter, and be-fore sending it to the Grand Secietary, see that it is signed bythe H.P. vrhose year the report covers, attesting to its accur-acy and indicating that it has been reviewed.

3. Dispensations by the Grand High priest - The Grand High priest

may issue Special Dispensations (subject to ratification by Grand Chap-ter) permitting eertain actions to be taken for the benefit of constituentChapters. Dispensations have their plaee, but should not be abused. TheGrand- High Priest may grant a Speeial Dispensation to permit any ofthe following:

a. Election of Officers other than at the regular time.

b. Installation of Offieers other than at the regular time.

e. To eonfer the Capitular degrees in a Masonic Temple other thanthat in which authorized by the Charter.

d. To ballot and confer degrees at the same Stated Convocation.

e. To form a New Chapter.

All necessary information must be sent by the Secretary to theGrand High Priest, under the seal of the Chapter when requesting aSpecial Dispensation. (The address of the Grand High Priest is reeordedon the back cover of the Grand Chapter Proceedings.)


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4. lnierpretation of Capitular Law - AII requests for deeisions onCapitular Law from the Grand High Priest must be addressed to himunder the seal of the Chapter. He is the only one who has authority togive decisions on the Law and these are subject to ratification by theGrand Chapter. Requests for such decisions are usually made when ques-tions of Law arise which are not covered by the Constitution, Rules,Regulations and Edicts of the Grand Chapter.

(Note: Chapters are also governed by the Rules and Regulationsof the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of lVisconsin whenGrand Chapter Law does not cover the subject.)

5. District lnsiructors - A system of Ritual Instruction by DistrictInstructors was authorized and adopted in 1950.

District Instructors are appointed annually by the Grand HighPriest.

They shall be proficient in floor-work and ritual.

Instruetors should visit each Chapter in the State annually.

Ttrey must examine in the degree designated by the Grand llighPriest.

They must make written reports of their visits.

They work under the direction of the Grand High Priest.

They may be removed from office by the Grand High Priest.

They must have the patience of Job and the wisdom of Solomon.(See Art. fV, Seetion 3 and page 44 of the Grand Chapter Con-stitution 1952)

6. Obiections - A member may make objection to the initiation oradvaneement of a candidate at any time before the obligation is admin.istered,

7. Exclusions - A member more than two years in arrears in duesmay be excluded under the Regulations set forth in Article )ilII Section3, Constitution 1952. This should be evoked only after every effort hasbeen made to keep him in good standing. It is almost unbelievable whatcan be done by efficient and diplomatic Seeretaries in the eollection ofdues.

8. Reinstalement - Requests for reinstatement, after exclusion fornon-payment of dues, should be made in writing. The Seeretary shallreport all reinstatements, stating that dues have been paid and that theCompanion is in good standing.

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9. Demifs - A member who is clear on the books and not undercharges, is entitled to a demit upon application in writing. Applicationsfor demits must be investigated by the Grand couneil in an effort todiscourage the practice and retain the member. (See page 10, Item f, Of-ficers Handbook Division of Current Ritual.)

I0. Annual Convocation and Auditing Commitiee - All membersshould be notified in writing of the date,*time and place of the Annualconvocation. The books of the secretary and. Treasurer should be aud-ited by an Auditing committee prior to the Annual convocation. Thesecretary retains possession of ail books and papers, and is responsiblefor them. The Auditing committee should ctrect< att receipts and dis-bursements, the Secretary's Ledger of members, dues accounts, pay-ments to the Treasurer, verifying that all monies have been depositedin the Bank, reconcile Bank statements, verify the fact that the moneyis deposited and check vouchers with the payrnents. The Auditing Coni-mittee should also audit the books and aceounts of the Trustees,-verifythe contents of the safety deposit box, check seeurities and verify thbf,acts on the report of the Ttustees that sueh seeurities are held, Civingthe name, number and maturity dates of all such securities.

Duties of Trustees - Trustees shall serve their respective Chapterswith powers, duties and privileges as provided in the wisconsin stitutesand the Acts amendatory thereof, and such other duties as may be pre-g9-rib9d by the Grand Chapter and their own Chapter By-Laws. Ttre qual-ifications of lawyers, bankers, or insurancne men ihould reeommend themfor the office of rbustee but this is certainty not mandatory. It is theduty of the High Priest to point out the dutiLs of the Trustees.

Plue Lodge Meetings - The High priest should attend Blue IodgeMeetings_and-there, taetfully and diplomatically, and with the approv"alof .!he \4rorshipful Master, announce the eoming chapter meetinfs andactivities. rf the High Priest eannot attend, hJshould appoint anotherofficer to assume this duty for him. It should be the dutyor a[ chapteroffieers to attend as many BIue Lodge funetions as possible.

ll. Do You Know

That a petition which has been received cannot be withdrawn butmust be submitted to ballot?

That if one black cube appears in the ballot for degrees, the H.p.should eall for another ballot, before deelaration, to preclude the possi-bility of error?

That the term of all officers expires rvith the installation of theirsuccessors?

That all committee appointments terminate at the end of the Chap-ter year, unless discharged prior thereto?


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That all vacancies occurring in appointive offices shouid be filled by.lthe H.P.?

That a special election may be held to fill a vacancy in an electiveoffice, a dispensation by the Grand High Priest being required?

That o{ficers cannot be installed by proxy?

That a Chapter may print and distribute a roster of its members butnot for business or political purposes?

That the H.P., King or Scribe must be present when degrees areconferred?

That a Royal Arch Mason is in good standing until he has been sus-pended, expelied or until his demit has expired? (The life of a demit forvisitation is two years.)

That a written ballot is required in the election of officers?

That the H.P. must read, or have read, in open Chapter, certain por-tions of the Annua1 Proceedings relating to changes in the Constitutionof the Grand Chapter, and all Resolutions, Edicts, and Decisions affecting the government of such Chapters, as soon as the Grand Chapter Pro-ceedings are received? (See page 31, Constitution 1952)

That membership in the Chapter is dependent upon and cocxistentwith membership in a Lodge of Master Masons?

That the High Priest's robe cannot be worn except in conferring theR.A. degree?

That the Chapter's seal should be placed on all official communica-tions?

That nothing should be placed upon the Altar except the ThreeGreat Lights?

That plural membership in the Chapter is permitted in Wisconsin?

That certain "Landmarks" were recognized by the Grand Chapterin 1952? (See page 6, Constitution 1952)

That the installation ceremony for Constituent Chapters may befound in the Grand Chapter Monitor which"your Secretary should haveor it may be obtained from the Grand Secretary?

That each Chapter should have a members and visitors Register inthe ante-room?


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That Minute Books, Ledgers, Books of Marks, blanks etc., may beobtained from the Grand Secretary?

That no business can be transacted before the hour stated in the By-Laws of your Chapter?

That an Appointed Offieer, once installed in the Name of the GrandChapter, cannot be removed from office by the H.P.?

That the Charter must be displayed at all Convocations of the Chap-ter to show that it is regularly constituted by the Grand Chapter?

If a Constituent Chapter is not represented at the Grand ChapterConvoeation for three consecutive years, it is subject to suspension?(See Art. )(II, Sect. 2, Constitution 1952)

That a dispensation now allows Chapters to hold meetings and con-fer degrees in iVlasonic Lodges other than the address specified in theCharter?

That a dispensation may allow outdoor conferraL of degrees?

If you do not know the above facts - you should spend some timewith the Constitution, Rules, Regulations and Edicts of the Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of 'Wisconsin (1952). There is a copy in yourChapter.

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E,GMPIJFICATI0N oF RTTUAL - "Exhibiting specimens of Their Skill"

I. Responsibility for Good Work.

1. District Instructor

2. Ritual Director

tr. lbe Purpose of Degree Work

IIL lbe Art of lfe,morizing.

IV. Understanding the Ritual Story,

V. Portrayal of Characters.Costumes and Make'up

VI. Staghg: l

1. Musie

3. Paraphernalia and Scenery

VII. Assigpaent of \[ork.

VIIII. Bejhearsals.': jl: :.i i,:-:j


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L Responsibility for the Supervision of Good Work.

1. District Instruetor.The responsibility for supervision of ritual and floorwork rests witlr

the District Instructor who is appointed by the Grand High priest. Sev-en district instructors serve the State of Wisconsin. They may holdschools of instruction or individual chapter instruction whichever maybest serve the needs of their respective territory, or whichever the GrandHigh Priest may direct. They are eager to serve. call on them for thebest interests of Royal Arch Masonry.

2. Ritual Director.

_ Each Chapter must recommend a Companion to the Grand HighPriest to serve as Ritual Director. The Ritual Director is appointed bythe Grand High Friest. The Ritual Director should have supeivision oveiall equipment, prompt and direet the degree work and have completecharge of rehearsaLs. An assistant is recommended for each of the cle.grees.

IL The Purpose of Degree Work.

Masonry has endured because of the beautiful lessons it teaches.These lessons are important and should therefore be properly exempli-fied in order to convey their greatest signficanee.

The Ritual is the vehicle, by means of whieh, we teach the candidatethe lessons of Masonry. The exemplification must be well presented,flawless in execution, dignified in character, without hesitation in pre-sentation and exact in timing or the work suffers and the candidateloses lessons we would transmit to him.

To accomplish these objectives, rnuch thought and planning mustprecede the presentation. Property must be in place and in good order.Every offieer must know his part, both as to role and as to floor.work.Lighting must be manned and timed and the Ritual Director must be onhand to manage the production and to prompt if necessary.

Each officer must }now something of the charaeter he portrays andshould educate himself in the background of the degfee.

Study must be given to the volume of sound imparted to speech tothe end that it is heard without undue effort on the part of all listeners.Every word must be properly pronouneed. Strive for an impressive anddignified delivery, stressing the important facts you intend to convey.

II. 16

Page 18: Handbook of ARCH MASONRY

III. The Art of Memorizing.

It is not difficult to memorize.1. Learn by association.2. Read over the part to determine the order of ideas.3. I-earn one paragraph at a time and refer to the ritual fre-

quently before you learn that which is not correct.4. There is a differenee in learning the role and in delivering

words aloud under distraction of other influences.5. Polish the part after you have memorized it so that it becomes


IV. IJnderstanding the Ritual Story.

Read the Biblical accounts of the story of the degrees. Read someof the Masonic books written on the subject. Consult the Unabridgedand Bible dictionaries for the meaning and pronounciation of words andphrases you do not understand.

V. Portrayal of Characters.

Study the personality of the character you will represent.You need that information in order to properly present your lines.

When using costur.nes in the portrayal of the work, make certainthey are authentic. Use costumes correctly. Example: use sandals in-stead of shoes; eonceal trousers to best ability in creating proper atmos-phere. Elaborate as much as possible in keeping with the setting of eachdegree.

VI. Staging.

1. Music - good music adds the finishing touch to the degree workand pays big dividends. Music may be organ, piano, record-player orvocal as facilities permit. The musie must be appropriate. Some Chap.ters have purchased records. An entire set of appropriate records whichcover all four degrees of the Chapter may be purchased from AcaciaElectrical Transcription Inc., e/o Masonic Temple, 5th and SycamoreSts., Cincinnati 2, Ohio.

2. Lighting - the effects whieh may be produced by lighting, off-set the necessity in some Chapters, of having expensive scenery. Col-ored lights and spotlights have made it possible for small Chapters toconfer an impressive deglee.

II. 17

Page 19: Handbook of ARCH MASONRY

3. Paraphernalia and Scenery - A number of items are necessaryto confer degrees. Others are desirable and useful. This equipment maybe hand-made. Robes establish, in part, the setting of the degrees andlend color and atmosphere. They should be appropriate to the part.

Interested members can make an acceptable set of costumes if fundsare not available to purchase manufactured articles.

VIL Assignment of \Mork.

Adequate planning requires that the offieers be assigned to char.aeter parts in all four degrees in advance so that proper preparationcan be made for the ritual work. A sample of this planning follows. Takeevery advantage of the individual ability of your officers in laying out aplan of this type.

"Don't cast a square peg in a round hole.,,

Sample of Assignment of Work









In addition to the above, assignments for Properties, Preparation ofCandidates, Prologues, and Slides should be made for each degree.

VIII. Rehearsais.

In order to have a smooth running exemplification, one or morerehearsals should be held. All officers should be present at rehearsals.Tlie Ritual Dinector should not be asked to rehearse those who do notknow their speaking parts. A rehearsal is no plaee to study the Ritual.A final rehearsal is usually necessary before conferring the degree inorder to improve the weak spots. The candidate is entiUed to receive thedegree at the hands of men who are sincere, well trained and who believevrhat they are trying to teach.

H. 18

Page 20: Handbook of ARCH MASONRY



"For the Good of the Craft in General"

1. Masonic Etiquette and Helpful Hints

2. Reconsecration

3. General Grand Chapter

4. Insurance

5. Financial Problems of Chapter - Budgets

6. Chapter Representation in Grand Chapter

7. Order of High Friesthood

B. Inter-Chapter Visitations

9. Jurisdietional Boundaries

10. Masonie Fellowship Assemblies

11. Special Service Awards by General Grand Chapter

12. Interesting New Members in Service

13. Balanced Programs

14. List of Books and Plays

15. Masoaie Calendar

16. Do s and Don'ts

H- 19

Page 21: Handbook of ARCH MASONRY

1. Masonic Etiquette and Helpful Hints.

-No one passes between the Altar and the East except as requiredby the floor-work pertaining to the Ritual.

The first sign given after opening the Bible is a salute to the GreatLight and not to the presiding officer.

In entering or retiring from the Chapter room the salute is to theBible. (That is why it is done in eaeh ease at the Altar)

The presiding officer is covered only while in the East or on duty.'When he retires from his station, he uncovers to place himself on a com-mon level with his Companions or Brethren.

Two men are never covered in a Chapter at the same time. Ttre oneof higher offiee wears the hat.

The Charter must be on display whenever the Chapter is in session.

No visitor has the right to speak unless permitted to do so by thepresiding officer.

The presiding offieer never passes lfest of the Altar except whenrequired to do so by the floor-work pertaining to the Ritual.

Officers on duty, sit erect at their stations, keep both feet on thefloor and do not sit with legs crossed.

Every visitor should be recognized, introduced and, if time permits,invited to speak, by the presiding officer.

A committee, once appointed, should be thanked and dischargedafter completing its duties. '

The signs are never given until after the Great Light is displayed.

Subordinate Officers in a Royal Arch Chapter salute those of higherrank, but no salute is returned.

The term "Regular Dispatch of Business" is used only for a StatedConvocation.

Every Officer has the responsibility of maintaining the dignity ofhis office.


Page 22: Handbook of ARCH MASONRY

2. Reeonsecration.

lfithout question, we all need to neconsecrate ourselves to EoyalArch Masonry.

This is important to all members of the Chapter and affords a splen-did opportunity to promote attendance. It shouid be publicized well inadvance of the event.

Not only is this event required by our Grand Chapter Law (seeEdict, page 37, Constitution 1952) but it provides a refreshing and in-spiring spot in the Calendar of your Chapter in October. PrescribedOath and suggested formation are in the hands of your Secretary.

3. The General Grand Chapter.

The organization of the General Grand Chapter grew out of a con-vention held in Mason's Hall, Boston, Mass., on October 24, \797. Rep-resentatives from three Chapters attended: St. Andrews of Boston;Temple of Albany, N.Y. and King Cyrus of Newburyport, Mass. ThomaslVebb was ehosen as chairman. This convention evidently made no at-tempt to perfect the organization at this time, but recommended a Iargerconvention to be called at Ilartford, Conn., the following January.

On January 21, 1798, nine Chapters met at Hartford and organizedthe Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the Northern States. This title waslater changed to General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Mascns of theSix Northern States of America. It assumed jurisdiction over New Hamp-shirne, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island and New York.

In 1806 the name of General Grand Chapter was ehanged so as toinelude the United States of America. Forty-nine States and the Districtof Columbia of the United States, three provinces of Canada, and thePhilippines are affiliated with this body.

At the T?iennial Convoeation in the City of Winnipeg, Manitoba, in1946, the first held outside of the United States, the name was ehangedto General Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons. It now has subordinateChapters ehartered in Chile, China, Puerto Rieo, I{awaiian Islands, Cuba,Canal Zone, Mexieo, Nlearagua and the Isle of pines. The General GrandChapter of Royal Areh Masons has an unbroken hi-story and representsthe largest single body of Masons in the world und,er one titular head.


Page 23: Handbook of ARCH MASONRY

4. Insuranee.

It is important to protect your investment in property and equip-ment with adequate fire insurance and lvindstorm coverage.

Appoint a qualified committee to study the problem and bring inrecommendations. Valuations should be made in view of present re.placement costs. Do it now. A{ter loss, it is too late.

5. The Financial Problem of the Chapter - Budgets.

Financial planning is as necessary as program planning in the suc-cessful operation of a Chapter. The responsibility of preparing a budgetshould be with the Trustees and the entire Grand Council and not withthe High Priest alone. The Secretary might also be consulted.

6. Chapter Representation in Grand Chapter.

Each Constituent Chapter is represented in the Grand Chapter bythe H.P., King and Scribe. It is the duty of each of these Officers toattend the Grand Chapter Convocation but, if that is impossible, thenthey should eaeh select a member of their Chapter to act as their prory.Every Chapter should be represented by three of its members eventhough they are proxies.

If a delegate attends the Grand Chapter for three years he will bewell qualified to represent his Chapter and participate in the businessof the Grand Chapter as well as having a good knowledge of the func-tioning of Royal Areh Masonry in \Miseonsin.

Many Chapters pay part of the expenses of their King and Seribe forattendance at Grand Chapter Convoeations. The ranking Offieer reeeivesmileage and expenses from the Grand Chapter.

7. Order of High Priesthood.

The Order of High Priesthood is a.n honorary degree conferred uponthose who have been elected to the high offiee of High Priest in a Con-stituent Chapter of Royal Arch Masons.

The Officers of this Order are eleeted by its members.The fee is nominal and there are no dues. A special Masonic Bible

which cannot otherwise be obtained is presented to each eandidate.This honorary degree has been eonferred in Wiseonsin, regularly,

sinee 1864.The Order is eonferred at the Annual Convoeation of the Grand

Chapter but on oeeasion, speeial meetings have been held to eonfer theOrder in various parts of State for the eonvenience of the eandidates.


Page 24: Handbook of ARCH MASONRY

8. Inter-Chapter Visitations.

' One sure way to stimulate interest in your own Chapter is for sev-eral of your Offices and Companions to visit neighboring Chapters.

The Of{icers and Companions of the Chapter visited will welcomeyou and will return your visit iI the invitation is extended.

Do this a few times and you wiil find that a steadily growing numberof Companions will aceompany you and that these Companions will ap-pear regularly at your Convocations. You will find a eomplete list of allChapters with meeting dates and names of High Priests in the GrandChapter Proceedings.

9. Jurisdictional Boundaries.

A change in the limitations of jurisdictional areas was enacted intoCapitular Liw at the 103rd Annuai Convocation of the Grand Chapterin 1953.

Chapters may now receive petitions from any location in Wisconsinoutside the limits of Cities or Villages in which Chapters are locateil, inaddition to the local seryice area.

In many cases ttris change enables Brethren to seek Chapter mem-bership in the location of their choice, rather than to be governed bydistanee.

It is expected that, under this plan, the freedom of choice will re-sult in stimulating activity whieh has been dormant under the formerjurisdictional Iaw. Companions, Make the rnost of it!

10. Masonie Fellowship Assemblies.

ff you are interested in unity in Masonry, you should see that aMasonie Fellowship Assembly is held in your Temple.

Include all of the Masonic Bodies in your immediate community,when you make plans for such on Assembly.

Speakers will be furnished by the Grand Chapter or other York RiteGrand Bodies and your local Masonie Bodies will not have to bear thatextr)€nse.

Masonry is no stronger than its weakest link. Plan now for a Ma-sonie Fellowship Assembly in your section of the State or in your ownCity and thus further the eementing of all Bodies of Masonry into oneoperating unit.


Page 25: Handbook of ARCH MASONRY

11. Speciai Service Award by General Grand Chapter.

' At the 1951 Triennial of the General Grand chapter of Royal ArchMasons, held. in Little Rock, Arkansas, action was taken by the delegatesapproving a plan to recognize zealous Royal Arch Masons. Two medals,one of gold anri one of bronze will be awarded by the General Grandchapter to Royal Arch Masons who have given outstanding service tohumanity or to Capitular Masonry.

The goid medal, to be known as ,,The Royai Arcli Medal,,, will beawarded to three Royal Arch Nlasons at each rriennial convocation ofthe General Grand chapter. The recipients will be selected by the Gen-eral Grand High Priest, King and Scribe.

Tire bronze medal, designated as ,,The General Grand Chapter Dis.tinguished Service Medal," will be arvaided annually to one Royal ArchMason in eaeh Grand chapter Jurisdiction affiliated with the GeneralGrand chapter. The companion rvill be chosen by a committee of threewho shall be appointed by the Grand High Priest for such purpose.

Each of these awards will be hung on a red ribbon, fastened with abar vrith pin attached, carrying the name of the recipient.

12. Interesting New Members in Service.

Every newly exalted Companion should be given duties immediatelywhich will bind him to the Chapter and hold his interest. It is importantthat he be made to feel that he has a part in the functioning of the or.ganization.

He must be afforded time to form friendships in his Chapter whichwill create a desire in him to attend meetings and to bring into the mem-bership. his own warm friends.

Your responsibility to the new member does not cease, but just be-gins, with his exaltation. See that he finds ample employment. Ttris ex-tra effort will pay dividends in full side-lines and in new petitions if itis regularly observed.

13. Balanced Programs.

TV'e have an obligation to that large segment of our membershipwhieh supports financially but does not graee our Chapter rooms. It eanbe reaehed by social programs. Do not fail to provide some entertain.ment of a soeial nature. See that it reeeives publicity in your eommun-ity. It will improve attendance and stimulate nerv business.


Page 26: Handbook of ARCH MASONRY

14. List of Books and Piays.

The following books and plays may be obtained from the GrandSecretary:




"by Gregg


OVEBLOOKED by Recharam Chapter No. 117 and Wm. E. HunterTIIE MASTER'S Idtry by Wm. E. Hunter

Sv'eIy rrefl intorrced Mason sbould have one o] more Masohic'booksin his iibrary.

Special Events which are appropriate are listed below:

1. Anhual Atniversary Pfogram2. Past High Priests' Nigtrt-3. Family Program4. Historical Program"- based on old minute records5. DeMolay Night6. Question and Answer Program7. Joint Program with other Masonie BodiesB. Open Installation Service9. Re0onseciation Night

10. Christmas Party11. Summer Picnic12. Chapter Penny Night - replaee lost pennies13. ;\rvards -_ Certificates14. l\{emorial Services15. Old Timers Night16. Royal Arch'Widows Degree17. Honoring Groups who were exalted together18. Inter-Chapter Visitations

- If you need help in planning your soeial events, eontaet the GrandSeeretary.

There is an Advaneement committee waiting to assist you in thepreparation of special programs.


Page 27: Handbook of ARCH MASONRY


15. Masonic Ca1endar.

ANCIENT CRAFT MASONS commence their era with the creationof the world, calling it "ANNO LUCIS (A.L.)" "in the year of light."

Example: The year 1953 is written 5953 A.L.

ROYAL ARCH MASONS date from the year the second Temple wascommenced by Zerubbabel, calling it ANNO II{\IENTIOMS (A.I.) "irlrthe year of the discovery."

Example: The year 1953 is written 2483 A.I.

ROYAL AND SELECT MASTERS date from the year in which theTemple of Solomon was completed, ANNO DEPOSITIOMS (A.Dep.) "inthe year of the deposit."

Example: The year 1953 is written 2953 A. Dep.

KNIGHTS TEMPLAR date from the organization of the Order, call-ing it ANNO ORDIMS (A.O.) "in the year of the Order."

Example: The year 1953 is written 835 A.O.

ORDER OF HIGH PRIESTHOOD dates from the year of the blessingof Abram by the lligh Priest Melchizedec "ANNO BENEFACIO (A.8.)"in the year of the blessing."

Example: The year 1953 is written 3866 A.B.

SCOTIISH RITE dates from the year of the world the same as An-cient Craft Masonry except that the Jewish chronology is used, ANNOMUNDI (A.M.) "in the year _o{ the world," and 1953 is written 5713 A.M"under this calendar (change eaeh September).


Page 28: Handbook of ARCH MASONRY

16. DO'S and DOI{PS.


Open and close your Chapter on time.

Attend your Iodge meetings regularly. See that you meet everylewly made Master Mason. TelI him who you are - Masonically.

Invite a Brother Master Mason to become a Boyal Arch Mason,

Plan your work and work your plan.

Avoid all unnecessary delays.

Hold frequent meetings with eraery officer present. See that eachofficer carries his share of the load.

Call on the Grand Officers and District Instructors when you needtheir help.

See that everyone faking part in degree work knows his part.

Welcome every visiting Companion personally and see that he isaccommodated.

Govern your Chapter with Justice and Moderation.

PIan well-balanced programs.

See that you know enough about Royal Arch Masonry to be able tospeak intelligently to prospective candidates.


Talk over Masonic matters with the Master of your Lodge frequent'Iy. He will appreciate it and may need your heIp.

Remember "The speed of the boss is the speed of the Crew."

Appoint a committee to work in conjunction with the Grand Councilin coilecting dues.

Appoint as many members, other than officers, as possible to committees for the best interests of an active Chapter.

Become familiar with the Officers' Handbook section. It will pro-vide answers to many questions.


Page 29: Handbook of ARCH MASONRY


Permit long arguments at your meetings or let the meetings drag.

- cgmplain when things are not going as they should * Do somethingabout it.

Try and do everything yourself.

Keep a candidate waiting.

Get into a rut - The only difference between a grave and a rut isthe depth of the cut.

Get sloppy in your appearance.

_ J^il to-read in ogen Chapter, those parts of the Annual Grand Chap.ter Proceedings which pertain to changes in Chapter Law.

Fail to hold a Reeonsecration Night.

Get discouraged - CaIl an officers meeting and put 10 heads atwork.

Fail to get enough new members to off-set losses and have a fewleft over for a gain.

Neglect to try and reinstate delinquent members and keep the pres"ent members from becoming so.


Page 30: Handbook of ARCH MASONRY

We salute t'he follorriag Conrpanions who, in 19b8, had the foresightto originate this rraadbook of Boyal Arch Masonry - A Guide for chieter O$icerE

. Guy J. Barlow - Grard Seribe-1958

. Eoward IY. Morris - Grand Captain of the Host- 1988

glains D. Carlton - Grand High priest-1950

Ward A. Bowbottom - Grand High priest - 1984

C. F. Baleh - Grand High priest- 19b3

.IJat€r EerTed as grs,ad InAt prtostNOIEI: A1l members eacellt t!.e la,st DaBed are now deceaseil.


Page 31: Handbook of ARCH MASONRY
Page 32: Handbook of ARCH MASONRY


Prescribed by




For Consiilueni Chapters.

Mark Master, Pasi Master, Most Exceilent Masler,


Royal Arch Degrees

Revised by

The Ritual Cornmittees

1959, 1960, 1961 and 1962

Page 33: Handbook of ARCH MASONRY
Page 34: Handbook of ARCH MASONRY










The U. S. Flag should always be displayed on the dais to the north of theofficer or officers in the E.

Of ficers' positions are shown on diagrams for each degree by a triangle;the shaded point indicates the direction each Officer faces. The Otfice ofChaplain, where shown, is optional.

Each Officer, when at his station, will stand in front of his chair and facein the same direction his chair faces, except when addressed by or when ad-dressing a Superior Officer, when he wiltr turn and face that Officer.

When ro ed, no one 1111covers for prayer, for dsplyg or scrg Lts; whennot robed, presiding Officer will uncover as in Mstr Msn Dg.

The Officer displaying *re Lts, wili kneel before he dispiays the Lts; afterLts are displayed, he wiil rise and slt the B rryith proper D-G & S. At the Athe slt is always giveo to the B, not to the presiding Officer. Lts are displayedon the right-hand page.

The Officer securing the Lts will alu,ays sit the B before kneeling tosecure the Lts. No D-G & S is given before the Lts are displayed or afterthe Lts are secured.

While Lts are displayed, all slt the ranking Officer with the D-G & Swhen address.d by or addressing him. In a R A M Chapter, all Officers sub-ordinate to coH slt him with D-G & S when addressecl by or addressing him.

HP, CoH, or ranking Officer never returns slt given by a subordinateOf ficer.

Masonic courtesy requires that no one pass between the Altar and theEast except as required in the Degree work.

rn free movemeflts, whenever possibie, the officer should avoid turninghis back to the East.

Cotdrcti,ng a Cnd is ahvays done in a clockrvise direction.Reconducting a Cnd is always counter-ciockwise.

Pedestals and gavels are used in all Degrees.

Page 35: Handbook of ARCH MASONRY

TThe Pledge of Allegiance should airnays be given after the opening is com-

pleted in any Degree and before the Lodge or Chapter is seated. For the Pledgeof Aliegiance all r,vi11 face the U. S. Fiag, place r-ight hand over the heart, whichis the proper civilian flag salute according to Army and Navy literature, repeatthe Pledge of Allegiance in unison, drop hand to side and all face as they werebefore the Pledge of Allegiance.


"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to theRepublic for which it stands, one nation uncler God, indivisibie, with iiberty andjustice for a11."


Candidates appearing for Degree5 should never be le{t aione after arrivingat the Temple. They should be met at the door by a Companion assigned togreet them. He shouid stay with the Cnd or Cnds until he conducts them tothe prprn room.

The intervening time, between the arrival of the Cnds and the Degree theyare to receive, should be devoted to their instruction in th,e preceding De-grees of the Chapter iI any have been conferred. Cover the instruction ques-tions and answers in the Degrees thel' have had. This instruction covers onlythat which a member should knorv to pass an examination to visit ano'rherChapter, The time prior to the Mark Master Degree should.be spent in a gen-erai explanation of the purposes of the Chapter, its Officers and its objectives.

Preparation for this instruction by the "Greeter" lvill require work andstudy and will produce good results. Remember, we are to spread true lVlasonicLight to our less-informed Brethren.

Care should be taken in selecting the "Greeter" s ince it is the "Greeter" orhis Alternate who makes tire first impression on the Cnds. This first impres-sion of the Chapter is important in determining whether the Cnd will becomean active and interested Royal Arch &fason or just another member.


The "Greeter" should condrrct the Cnds to the prprn room and present theCnds to the "Reader" of the Proiogue and then retire.

The "Reader" should be someone other than the "Greeter". Only "Read-er" and Cnds are to be in prprn roofir rvhile Prologue is read. After Prologueis read, "Reader" should renrain with Cnds until JD or PS enters prprn room'rvhen "Reader" r,vill present Cnds to .fD or PS and retire. After Prologue isread and while rvaiting for the JD or PS, the "Reader" may assist by preparingCnds; however, after "Reader" retires, |D or PS should make sure that Cndsare properly prepared before prr:ceeding with the Degree.









Page 36: Handbook of ARCH MASONRY











Whenever possible, all equipment for degree work should be in place be-fore the degree is started. There should he no delays in the degree work.


Appropriate music should be used in all degrees. The Royal Arch Orfh,eus,available from Grand Chapter, provides suitable selections.



(-Ol chairs face inwaril. For position, of chairs, see Fig. 1)(Ds and Os occupy thei,r ckai,rs wlten not otherwise ,rrgogia;

RWM: * Th Brn wl b clthd a i odr fr opng a L o Mk Mstrs.ID: (Witho* order cl,oses doors and ;s siaia ,i.n his cha,ir)RWM: * Bro SW.SW: (Rises)RWM: Ar y stfd tt al prsnt ar Mk Mstrs?SW: (If stfd) I am stfd, RWM, tt al prsnt ar Mk Mstrs. (proceed to @)

(If nt stfd) f am nt stfd, RWM, bt wl inq o m prpr ofcr a rpt.Bro JD.

IPi (Rires, proceeds to and, irz front of SW, faces SW)SW: Y wl asrtn if al prsnt ar Mk Mstrs.JD: (Proceed,s N, then E on N *i,cle, crosses over in E, then W on S

side, stops ia fro* of anyone lre iannot vouch for aicd requests himto r'i.se, then says)RWM, cnfsn.

RWM : Is thr anyone prsat wh cn ych for th Bro ?(.W-hn vckd fr stsfctry to th RWM, JD proceeds)(If nt vchd fr, tk RWM willafpoint a ,i*m to irm tke vis.itor; tkecomtn and ztisi,tor will, ret,i,re to the anteroom at on,ce; tD wilt remabtin front of aisi,tor until, esm cornm starts to cond,u,ct the vi,sitor tothe anteroont. lD will then contimte to pwrge)(tVhen all present hazte been voctcl,red 1oi, lO'witt proceeil to and infront of SIV, face SW md report)

fD, Bro SW, al prsnt ar Mk Mstrs . (Rtns to hs sta a ,i,s std,)iW: RWM, I am nw stfd tt al prsnt ar Mk Mstrs.

@ RWM: Bro SW, fr our btr stsfctn, y wl rcv th ps fm th S and JDs,thy fm th Brn oa th rt alft, a rpt in th E.

SW: Bro S and JDs.Ds: (Rise)SW: Aprch th W.

Page 37: Handbook of ARCH MASONRY










Figure I


















Page 38: Handbook of ARCH MASONRY










Ds: (Moae forwaril to a l,i,ne W of A, turn,inward,, meet W of A, turn, Wand proceed to and, in, front of SW)

SW: Advc a gv m th Ps.(ID tokes a short stef f orward, botlr, Ds face ,inward.; JD gi.aes Ps to SD,hoth Ds moae fonlard one stel) and face W,SD moaes forward, giXtes Psto SI,l/ and stefs backward, into li,ne zuith tD)

SW: Y wl rcv it fm th Brn on th rt a lft a rpt to the RWM in th E.SD: (Tks Ps fm ea Bro on tk S)JD: (Ths Ps fm ea Bro on tke N)

(If a Bro cnt gzt th Ps)D: (Fcs E) RWM, a Bro rvtht th Ps.RWM: Y wl cmc a rcv th Ps.D: (Wl cmc tl,t, Ps and hzt th Bro gzt Ps before proceeding)

(After all, hazte gizten tke Ps, Ds meet in tke E, JD gzs Ps to SD, botkstep forzoard, one ,ste!, face E; SD gvs Ps to tke RIVM, steps backwardinto Litr.e with lD)

RWM: Bro SW, th Ps is rt.Ds: (Turn outzoard and proceed, to s-tatio*s. SD is seated)RWM: (As tD arvs ot hs sto o btr he is std) * Bro JD.SW: (Seated)RWM: Th fst grt cr o Ms whn cnvnd ?

JD: To se tt th L i d1y tld.RWM: Y wl atnd to tt dty a infrm th Tlr tt we ar abt to opn a L o M

Mstrs a drc hm to tl acdly.JD: (To otr d,r, opns dr zatht altn)

Bro Tlr, we ar abt to opn a L o Mk I\llstrs, a y ar drctd to tl acdly.(ID ck dr) *:B:i *

Tlr: {.8+ *ID: (Rtns to sta) R\4rM, th L i tld.RWM: Hw tld?JD: By a Bro of ths dg at th otr dr, armd wth th prpr implmt o hs ofc.RWM: Hs dty?JD: T9 grd ag th aph o cns a evds a se tt rfl ps or rps exc sch as ar dly

qlfd a hv prms fm th RWM.RWNI: * Bro SW.JD: (Seated)SW: (Rises, no res?o se)RWM: Ar y a Mk Mstr?SW: I a; ty m-RWI\{: Hw wl y b trd?SW: B th chsl a Mlt.RWM: Wy b th Chsl a Mlt?SW: Bcs thy ar th prpr Msnc implmts o a Mk Mstr.RWM: Wht mks y a Mk Mstr?SW: M O.RWM: Whr wr y md a Mk Mstr?SW: I a rglrlycnsttd L oMk Mstrs.RWM: Hw mny cast a L o Mk i\fstrs?

Page 39: Handbook of ARCH MASONRY

TSW: 8 or mr.RWM: Whn crnpsd o 8, o whm ds i consist?SW: Th RWM, S a JWs, Sa JDs, M, S a JOs.RWM: Th JO's sta?SW: AthSG.RWM: ** (AlL Officers, ercept tloe RWM, rise)

Bro JO.JO: (Faces tk RWM)RWM: Yr dty?JO: To inspect al mtrl brt u fr th bldg o th T whn prsntd a th S G, a i

aprvd, ps i to th SO fr fthr inspctn.RWM: Th SO's sta?JO: AthWG.RWM: Bro SO.

JO: (Faces N)RWM: Yr dty?SO: To inspct al mtrl brt u fr & bldg o th T wha prsntd a th W G, a i

aprvd, ps i to th MO fr fnl inspctn.RWM: Th NIO's sta?SO: AthEG.RWM: Bro MO.MO: (Faces th Rl,l/M)RWM: Yr dty?MO: To inspct al mtrl brt u fr th bldg o th T whn prsntd a th E G, to rcv

it i aprvd; i nt, to cl a ccl o m Bro Os.RWM: Th JD's sta?MO: At th rt hnd of th S\,V i th W.RWM: Bro JD.MO: (Faces S)RWM: Yrdty?JD : To atnd to al alms a th otr dr; prpr a intdc Cnds; carry msgs fm th SW

in th W t th JW i th S a elsw abt th L a drcd.RWM: Th SD's sta?JD: At th rt hnd of th RWM i th E.RWM: Bro SD.SD: (Faces RWM)RWM: Yr dty?SD: To atnd to al alms a th inr dr; rcv a cndct Cnds; intdc a acmdt vstg

Brn; carry odrs fm th RIVM i th E to th SW ia th W a elswhr as ordrd.RWM: Th JW's sta?SD: I th S, RWM.RWM: Bro JW.SD: (Faces W)JW: (Faces RWM)RWM: Wy i th S a yr dty?JW: As th sn i th S a mrd ht is th buty a glry o th dy, so stnds th JW i th

S, t ci th Crft fm lbr t rfsmt sptnd thm drg th hr thrf and se tt nn cnwtth mns o rfsmt int intmprc o xcs; cl thm t lbr at th ord o th RWM, tth ma hv pls a thy prft thby.

RWM: Th SW's sta?









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JW; I th W, RW&I.RWM: Bro SW.JW: (Faces N)RWM: Yr dty?SW: A th sn is i th W a th cls o th dy, s stnds th SW i th W, t ast th

RWM i opng a clsg hs L, py th Crft thr wgs i ay b du a se tt nn g awy_-_-_{rtfd, hrmny bng th strgh a sprt o al instns, mr espcly o ours.RWM: Th RWM's sta?SW: In th E, RWM.RWM: Wh i th E?SW: A th sn rss i th F to opn a gvn th dn s rss th RWM (RWM rises) in_ {l E to opn a gvn hs t, st th Crft a wrk a gv thm prpr instrctn.RWM: *** (All ri,se)RWI\{: Bro SW it is m ord

bsns. Y wl report th sm tthmslvs acdly.

SW: Bro JW.JW: (Faces SW)

Mstrs b nw' opnd fr th dspch oS, tt th Brn m hv du ntc a gvn

may our labors begin inclosed in peace. Amen.

ttaLoll{kth JW in th

SW: rt i th ord o ttr RwM tt a L o trIk lvlstrs b nw opnd fr th dspch obsns. Y wl cmc th sm t th Brn, tt thy hvg du ntc m gvn thmslvs acdly.

fW: (Faces N)Brn, it i th ord o th RWM tt a L o Mk l\fstrs b nw opnd fr th dspch obsns. Y wl tk du fltc a gvll yrslvs acdly.

RW{-: Brn, (All, -foce RWM) tgthr upn tfr Ss. (Cz Ss ,i,n uni,son. After Ss,

al,l face normoll,y)*** *

Sw: *** *JW: *** *RWM: Bfr ddrng a L opn, lt us hbly invk th blsgs o D.

Chap orf Supreme Arctritect of the lJniverse,RWM: J order, be conducted in harmony aad

AII: Smib.RWM: r nw'dclr ths L o Mk Mstrs dly opnd fr th dsp of bsns und trr usl

Msc rstrns. Bro SD.SD: (Faces RWM)RWM: Y w1 dsply th thr grt Lts.SD: (Foces W, rnoztes W, th,en S to A, faces A,kneel,s, dsptys Lts on pg to rt,

sarne as Mstr Msn Dg, rises, gvs D-G & S to B, rtns io sta and, fiies W)RWM: Bro JD.JD: (D-G e S) RWM.RWM: Infm th Tlr.JD: (To otr dr) *** *Tlr: *1+ *JD:. (Opns dr) Bro Tlr, ths L o Mk Mstrs i nw opn.

(ID ck dr o rtns to_ sta, fcs E, D-G 6 S) RWM, th dty i prfmd.RWM: Brn, unite with me in pledging arlegiance to the Flag of tt e urriteaStates of America.

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All: (Face Flag, repeat Pledge irc rmison, face normally. See General, In-structi,ons)

RWM: )r

A11: (Seated,)







MARK MASTER PROLOGI,jE(See General Instnt.ctions for procednre)

Reader: My Brotler (Bretkren), in the Symbolic Lodge a1l of the iunda-mentals of Ancient Craft Masonry .ffere given to you, and your knowledgeof them was enhanced by the use of symbols.

In the Chapter we will present these same fuodamentals to further yourMasonic education by a dramatization ot Operative Masoary.

The first Degree of Royal Arch Masonry, which you are about to receive,is called the Mark Master. It is a complement of the F. C. Degree and, histori-cally, has far greater antiquity th.an any other Masonic Degree.

This Degree is founded upon a certain Ks, the origin of which will befully explained. In the Degree you will represent one of the F Cs employed atthe building of K S's Temple, actually presenting work for acceptance or re-jection, on the sixth dzLy of the r,veek. Your rvork wili be inspected by threeOs, appointed by K S for that purpose.

From time immemorial, "Marks" of operative workmen have been used inthe erection of edifices; thus every stone in K S's Temple bore the privatemark of the Craftsman who wrought it; and anywork which was rejected washove over among the rubbish. If tle work was accepted, the Craftsman whowrought it was entitled to wages of one penny a day, and the wages were paidat the SW's apartmeot after the Craftsmaa had proven ttrat he was entitledto receive them, thus demoastrating the value of discipline and education andthat the laborer v/as worthy of his hire.

As the bond between Mark Masters should be the strongest possible, neverreject the application of a Brother Mark Master when he offers you his Markas a pledge. Select YOUR OWN MARK with great care as it cannot be

changed after it has been recorded in the Lodge Book of Marks, andwith it you should never want for the immediate necessities of life.

MARK WELL each step in the building of the Temple, and observe the.'many lessons which may be obtained by you in this Degree and applied to your

own daily living.

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RWM: (King's Robe and, becowes MIYKS in, Degree as ind,icated)SW: (Suibe's Robe)JW: (Ckair l)ocant and d,rolted)MoC: (CoH's Robe, IW takes MoC in, Degree)Ds & Os: (Dresseil same as Cnd)

(Cndis coat retnoaed, sleeztes rolled, dressed as a FC)(O's ch,airs face iwoord. See Fig. 2 for position of Officers)(Ds ond Os occupy their chai.rs when not otlterwise engaged,)

RWM: * Brn, th L hs bn espc cnvd at ths tm fr th prps o cnfrng th I\IkMstr Dg.Bro - -, wh hs bn dly electd t rc th dgs cnfrd i ths Chap, i i wtng tob advncd to th hnry dg o Mk Mstr. If thr i n objtn I wl cnfr th dg upnhm. Is thr objtn? (Pawse) Thr brrg no objtn, I w1 prcd.

(If more th,an one Cnd sttbstitr.tte tke f ollowing -)Bros - -, - -, and - -, wh hv bn dly electd t rc th dgs cnfrd i ths Chap,ar i wtng to b advncd to th hnry dg o Mk Mstr. If thr i a objtn Iwl cnfr ttr dg upn thm- Is thr objm? ( Pause) Thr bng no objtn, Iwl prcd.

* Bro Sec.Sec: (Rises, D-G €r S) RWM.RWM: Y wl rtr a rc th fe.Sec: (If fee has been receiaed in adaance, Sec witl, report frcm hi,s sta)

RWM, th usl fe has bn rec. (Sec seated,)

(If fee hos not been rece,i,ved, Sec will, lroceeit to A, gz.t D-G €t S toB, retire to prprn rm zutht alm, collect fee, return to A wtkt abn, gztD-G & S to B, report frn A)RWM, th usl fe hs bn rec. (Relurns to lcis sta and is seated)

RWM: * Bro JD.JD: (Rises, D-G e S) RWM.RWM: Rtr, prpr, a prsnt th Cnd. (Cnd,s) Bro SD.SD: (Rises, faces RWM, D-G e S) RWM.RWM: Cndct hm (tkm).SD: (Faees W)JD: -(Mzts to A, gzts D-G & S to B, m,ns to prlrut rya wtkt alm)

(As ID l,zts A, SD rnos fwd ani!, proceed,s to dr of entry, rim*i,ns insiiledoor)(If awilfrlc, tse door in SE cormer of room for d,oor of entry; if no d,ooris otnilfrIc i* SE corner, use prprn rm dr fir door of'emry)(As ID las rootn, RWM las sta, and, on hii return and, for-ihe bol,ance oftke ilegree is ddressed as MLVKS)(As lD los rm, S ond. lOs rma A and ptc rubbi.sh, whiclr, should be on acanvas)

JD: (To Cndin prprnrm.) MBro, dy rmbr th D-G & S o a FC?

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Figure 2

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(Inst Cnd if necsry)Cnd: (Ans)JD: Gv i m.Cnd: (Done)JD: D y rrnbr th rspns to "Ar y a F C?,,Cnd: (Ans)JD: Gv i m.Cnd: I am; ty m.JD: D y rmbr th rspns to "IIw wl y b trd?,,Cnd: (Ans)JD: Gv i m.Cnd: (Ans)JD : D y rmbr th fsr 3 stps i l\{sry ?Cnd: (Ans)JD: (Hv Cnd tb tk 3 stps)

M Bro, i th fst sctn o ths dg y wl rpsnt one o th F C emplyd a th bldgo K S's T, r,vho is crvg up hs wk fr inspctn. y wl cry ttrs itn i ths mni.(stw is cryd wth thrnb on, insd, fngrs e.rtnd on otsd, ancl wtlt, nomnol ,nxvtlx tof arm whn mang) O entrg th rm y wl obsrv a Ks o th flr. Ly asd thsstn a pck u th Ks and cry ii ths mnr. Flw m a do as I do.rD' flwd b cnd, efltrs attht alm and stps. ID wl se tt th cnd e.rchngs stn ais ctlwg Ks prpil.y)(Whn rdy, SD leads to IO, stfng about Z srfs E of !O,s sta)(JD flws SD, Cnd flax ID)

SD: (Wth ft) **{< !t<

JO: (Rises) Wlro cms hr?SD: Crftm fm th qrs wth wrk fr inspctn.JO: Prsnt yr wrk.SD: (SD only rnas to JO's sta,fcs JO d frsnts wrh by rsmg rt frann and,

sttt to lzil wth elban, wth bk of rt hnd, rstng in plni of tft k;d)JO: (Tbs stn o uhl i*spctg stn)_ Ths is gd wrk, - tr wrk, - sq wrk, - sch a i wntd fr th bldg. ps o.

JO: Prsnt yr wrkJD: (Mvs to !O's sto, fcs IO a frsnts arb in srn ?nnr as abv)JO: (I'hs stn a wkl, inspctg stn)

Ths is gd wrk, - tr rvrk, - sq wrk, - sch a i wntd fr th bldg. ps o.JD: (Ths stn a ruvs to rear of SD)JO: Prsnt yr wrk.Cnd: (Mas to lO and. ltrsnts wrh)IO: (l\ stn, inspcts stn, d,os not apl,y sq to Cnd s stn) I ths yr wrk?Cnd: (Ans)JO: I ths yr mk?Cnd: (A*s)JO: Th; i- a gurs pc o wrk, - i i nthr oblg nr se, - sQ wrk oly i sch a is

mt_d fr th bldg; nor hs i th mk o ay o th -Crft

upn i; bui o acct o isnglr frm a bty, I a unwlg to rjct i a wi sfr i to ps to th SO a th W G.Ps o.

Cnd: (Tks stn o flws ID)

Page 45: Handbook of ARCH MASONRY




(Lead,s to obor,tt 2 stfs fm SO's sfo)(Wth ft) {<>F,< *

(Ri.ses) Who cms hr?Crftm Im th qrs wth wrk fr inspctn.Prsnt yr wrk.(SD only mvs to SO, lcs SO a prsnts wrh i, sm mnr a bfr)(Tks stn, a whl, ,insttctg stn)

Ths is gd wrk, - tr wrk, - sq wrk, - sch a i wntd fr th bldg. Ps o.(Tks sttr,, fcs and, mvs abt 3 stps toward MO's sta)Prsnt yr wrk.(Mzts to SO, lcs SO a frsnts wrh i sm mnr a bfr)(Tks stn a zuhl insltctg stn)

Ths is gd wrk, - tr wrk, - sq wrk, - sch a i rvntd fr th bldg. Ps o.

JD: (Tks stn a ttuos to rear of SD)SO: Prsnt yr wrkCnd: (Mvs to SO ard prsrrlts utrb)SO: (Tbs stn, inspcts stn, d,os not apl,y sq to Cndis stn) f ths yr rvrk?Cnd: (Ans)SO: I th yr mk?Cnd: (Ans)SO: Ths i a curs pc o wrk, - i i nthr oblg nr se, - se wrk oly i sch a is

wntd fr th bldg'; nor hs i th mk o ay o th Crftupn i; but o acct o i snglrfrmabty, I aunwigto rjctiawl sfr itopstoth MO a th E G. Ps o.

Cnd: (Tks stn a flws ID)SD: (Leod,s to abt 2 stps fm MO's sta)

(Wtk ft) **:t *MO: (Ri*es and faces SD) Who cms hr?SD: Crftm fm th qrs wth wrk fr inspctn.MO: Prsnt yr wrk.SD: (Stas fr.utd to MO o prsnts urk i sm mnr a bfr)MO: (Tbs stn a whl inspctg stn) Ths i g<i wrk, - tr wrk, - sq wrk, -sch a i rvntd fr th bldg. Y ar entld to wgs. (Lays stn asd nr hs sta ond

fcs ID)SD: (Turns rt and mvs W as tkowgh t,o go to SW's sta. Whn abt half-wcy

tkere anil W of Cnd, and, while diol,ogre btwn MO and, ID is going on,wil.|, rtn quietly to one step back of and in line wi,th Cnd's l,ft shoulder)

MO: Prsnt yr wrk.JD: (Stps frud to MO, frsnts wrh i snc mmt a bfr)MO: (Tks stn a whl i.nspctg stn,) Ths i gd wrk, - tr wrk, - sq *,rk, -

sch. a i wntd fr & bldg. Y ar entld to wgs. (Lays stn asd, nr hs sta and,

tcs Cnd)JD: (Turns rt and ?w)s W as thou,gh, to go to SIV's sta. Whn abt kalf-way

tkere anil W of Cud, and wlr,tle dialogue bnt:n MO and Cnd, is goi,ng on,wil,l, rtn quietl,y to one step back of anil in li,ne wi'th Cnd's rt shoulder)

MO: Prsnt yr wrk.Cnd: (Mvs to MO a prsn'ts wk)MO: (Tks Ks a whl, inspctg stn) f ths yr wrk?Cnd: (Ans)MO: I ths yr mk?Cnd: (Ans)



Page 46: Handbook of ARCH MASONRY

1 MO: Ths i acurspco rvrk,-i i nthr oblngnr se,- sgwrk o1y i sch a i2 wntd fr th bldg; nor hs i th mk oay o th Crft upn i. Ar y a F C?3 Cnd: I a; ty m.4 MO: Hw wl y b trd?5 Cnd: B th sq.6 MO: (Rai.ses Ks w,th sq on uppr edg to lol, wtlt Cnd,'s eyes)7 (Angrily) D y ci tt sq? - I hs vry ltl th aprnc o i, I asr y. Stnd asd.8 (MO ?shs Crd back, Ds tle Cnd, by orm anil wheel backward, pivoting on9 SD, and stop fcng S; LIO follows Cnd and, fcs Cnd until, hev ow)10 l\4O: Irvl cl accl o my Bro Os aasctrn i thyknw o ay use fr i. Bro S a11 JOs, aprch th E G. (See Fig. 3 for pos,itions)1Z MO: (Gzts stn to JO) Bro JO, dd ths stn ps yr inspctn?13 JO: It dd. I obsrvd tt i ws nthr oblg nr sq; bt o acct o its snglr frm a bty,14 I ws unwlg to rjct i, a sfrd i to ps to th SO a th W G.15 (JO pss sttr, to SO zuko after srn hesitation, tks stn)16 SO: A I, fr smlr rsns, sfrd i to ps to th MO a th E G.17 (SO atmpts to ?s sttu to MO. MO ds not th stn)18 MO: Bt y se tt i i nthr oblg nr sq. Sq wrk o1y i sch as we hd odrs to rcy,19 nor hs i th mk o ay o th Crft upn it.20 (To JO) Do y knw tt mk?2L JO: Idnr22 MO: (To SO) D y?23 SO: Idnr.24 MO: Nthr d I. Wht shl w d wth i ?25 JO: Lt u hev i ovr amg th rbsh.26 MO, Agrd, fr I cnsdr*i unft fr use i ay part o th blclg.27 S&JO: Hev, - Ifev, - Ife% - Hev Ovr.28 MO: (Tbs. stn a drps it i th rbsh,)29 Os: (Rta to sto a ar seated)3031 (Pa*se)3233 MWKS t (Returns to and, is seateil in th E) * Bro MoC.34 MoC: (Rises, fcs MWKS, F C D-G e S) MWKS.35 MWKS: Wht i th hr?36 MoC: Th 6th hr o th 6th dy o th vvk.37 MWKS: Ths i th dy a th hr whn th Crfaa shld rpr to th SW,s apt to rcv38 thr wgs. Asmbl thm fr tt prps.39 MoC: (Drws Swd, mas to NE cor, fcs W) Crftm ! Fall in !

9 (Brn frm a sngl line on N side, fcng E, ID instrcts Cnd to fl,w km, fcs W4l a mzts to end of l,ine with Cnd ffutng:lD and SD ftzang Cnd)42 MoC: (After l,,ime ,is. fonnedJ Follow me.

11 (MoC turw,moves S,thenW on S s,ide to about the c,enter of room,theny , N to N side, then W, tken S to SW,.s alt)454647481950


Page 47: Handbook of ARCH MASONRY





sD>v;;-'i..i\cnd> (oo 16r.:



VtIrFigure 6

Page 48: Handbook of ARCH MASONRY

1 { The Joltowing sorcg skortld be used datring the procession))-3 Mark &laster Song, Music - America.45 &Iark Masters, all appear6 Before the Chief O'erseer,7 In concert move.8 Let him your work inspect9 For the Chief Architect;10 If there be no defect,11 He will approve.t213 Hiram, the widow's son,14 Sent uato Solomon15 Our great keystone.i6 On it appears &e name17 Which raises high the fame18 Of all to whom the same19 Is truly known.2021 Nolv to the westward move,n Where, full of strength and love,23 Hiram doth stand;24 But, if imposters are25 Mixed with the worthy there,26 Caution them to beware27 Of the right hand.BD (SD t&es fositio* N of oDng. IUIoC tahes posit,i,on S of ofng, with sword30 abo opag; il, incldg Cad put rt hnd into wckt opng to rca wgs as thy ps.

31 SW grsps rt hrrd of Cnd,)32 SW: (While holdiag rt had of Cnd,) An impstr! An impstr!,33 MoC: (Raires Satd ar if to follout by strkng off rt hnd, of Cnd)34 SD: (Reaches across ottd gra-rps wrist of MoC to prvnt Swd f*t. strkng off rt35 hnd of Cnd anil holds zarist of MoC uruti.l S[4/ releases Cnd)36 SD: Spr hm ! Spr hm ! H i at an impstr.37 SW: Bt he hs bn dtctd a sch, a th pnlty mst b inflctd.38 SD: Ihv gd rsn toblv tth i a F C; a i ywlrlshm, IwltkhmbfrKS;a39 i h ds nt prv to b one, f wl rtn hm tt th pnlty may b inflctd.& SW: O those cndtns I wl rls hm.

4 SW: (Rls Cnd)& SD: (Rk urst of MoC)43 MoC: (Carri.es Swd,)44 (SD aail MoC wth Cnil btaw thm, rpr to E. All, ot'hers are seated)45 SD: (F C D-G e S) MWKS, ths yng Crftm ws dtctd a th SW's apt as an46 impstr, elmg wgs whn nn wr hs du.47 MWKS: Wy ws nt t}l pnlty inflctd?,tB SD: IblvhmtobaF C,agvmwdtoth SWtti h dd nt prv to b one, f49 rvld rtrn hm tt th pnlty may b inflctd.50 MWKS: AryaFC?



Page 49: Handbook of ARCH MASONRY





Cnd: I a; ty m.MWKS: GvmthD-G&SoaFC.Cnd: (Done)MWKS: Y apr to b a F C, bt wh cn b th mng o ths? - Cn i b psbl tt y

wid *'1fly atmpt to imps upn th Crft ? - D y knw th pnity o an impstr ?

Cnd: (Ans)MWKS: It i to hv th rt hnd strck off" Hv y evr bn tght hw to rcv wgs?Cnd: (Ans)MWKS: Ths .,rrl i sm dg mtgt yr ofns. Bro SD, tk ths yng Crftm, gv hm a

svr rpmd, hv hm rtrnd to th qrs a prprly instrctd, a i du tm he shail btght hw to rcv wgs,

MoC: (Returns to sta, rtns Swd, ond, is seated,)SD: (Ths Cnd, to near center of room, sto?s, faces Cnd)

Yng Crftm, ths, i aprs, i th scnd tm y hv atmptd to imps upn u, I thfst plc y brt u ra'rk fr inspctn nt yr own, whch .a,s nthr obig nr sq, whny rv1 knw tt sq wrk oly x's sch a is lvntd fr th b1dg, a y crtnly mst becpbl o mkg sq wrk; othws y cld nt hv bn admtd a F C. I

"h scnd plc

y wr dtctd a th SW's apt a an impstr, clmg wgs whn nn wr yr du, a hdi nt bn fr m tmly intfrnc, y mght hv lst yr rt hnd (indi,cate sarue) i nt yrlf. Let ths b a strkg lsn to y. Nvr hrftr atmpt to obtn mny i a frdlntmnr; bt hnstly ern i bfr aplyg fr it, evr rmbrg tt Sci oid adg, "Hnsty ith bst plcy." Cm wth m, (cndcts Cnel toward lD) a it y ar nt cpbl o mkgsq wrk, b instrctd. Bro JD.

JD: (Rises)SD: Tk chrg o ths yng Crftm.JD: (Seats Cnd on side line as nr h.s ste as psbl)Ds: (Both Ds then return to their stas ond. are seoted.)

(Ltzith more than one Cnd, eoclt Cnd is brought to this paint otcd, seated,

before the nefi Cnd is brorght in. After l,ast Cnd is seated,, worb continueson all Cnds)

MWKS: (Rises) *:&!i

Al1 : (Rise; n,o one uncoaers)MWKS : Brn, th 6th dy o th wk hs drwn to a cls; th SW hs pd th fthfi

Crftm thr'wgs, a th prsnt mmnt reprsnts th Jwsh Sbth.(MWKS and SW stp dwn to th flr, all fc E, tk ltr G sloould, b li.ghtedan'd th rm lights d,iru,'meil partiall,y to represent twilight)

MWKS: In six days God created the heaven and the earth, and rested onthe seventh day; the seventh, therefore, our ancient Brethren consecratedas a day of rest from their labors, thereby enjoying frequent opportunitiesto contemplate the glorious works of creation and to, adore their GreatCreator.














Page 50: Handbook of ARCH MASONRY









(The f olLowing a'ill be srntg by a sc.loist, btt tite Craft, or qu.oted bg tke SWor by MWKS)

Music - Old Hundredth

Another six days vrork is done;Another Sabbath is begun;Return my soul! Enjoy thy rest;fmprove the day thy God hath blessed.

In holy duties let the dayIn holy pleasures pass away !

Ifow sweet a Sabbath thus to spendIn hope of one which ne'er shall end.

(Sk,ort pause; LIWKS then rtrns to sto)

MWKS '. * (Rm lts are turned up, all are seated, ltr G may retnai,n tigh,tedor ,i,t may be turned out)

MWKS: * Bro MoC.MoC: (Rises, fcs MWKS, F C D-G e S) MWKS.MWKS: Wht i th hr?MoC: Th fst hr o th fst dy of th wk.MWKS: Ths i th dy a th hr whn th Crftm shld rpr to th qrs to rsm thr

Ibr. Asmbl thm fr tt prprs.MoC: (Dzus Szad, n?:us to NE cor,fcs W) Crftm! (Att rise) Fall in!

(Brntorm a single l,ine on N side of roo,nx,ott, fcng E. SD goes to th Wend of ths ln; lD brngs Cnd or Cuils and pl,cs htn or tkm, in rear of SDotd lalls in ot the rear of Cnd or last Cnd. Two Crftw or tk S and lOszot fub up rbsh, zohich skld b in a cnvs, atuil tlun stp ,int 1,n,. MoC does notmooe line or ga order until all, of this is compteted,)

MoC: Foilow me. (MoC l.ead,s li,ne ol,tt door,in SE corner if that door wasctsed for door of entrt; or if prprn room, door zaas u.sed for d,oor of entry,then MoC leads Liw ott Tlil,ers d,oor, and i,n either case ree ters room byPrprn room dow. Lo rbsh otsd prprn rm ilr and os nr d,r as possi,bl,e. lDo Cnd, or Cnils remain outside room and, in prprn rm. SD sees tt Cnd orCnds rcnn otsd wth ID, ck dr, and, stays in^ line mt,il, kne is d,ismsd byMoC)

MoC: (Wlten ke arrives at NE conur) H1t ! - Dsmsd | (Returns to sta,rtns Swd anil is seated,)(S o IOs rtrn, A to cntr of L, check Lts to b sure th.y ar prprtg arcngd,a or thn std, i.n thr stos)(SD i stit in !D's sta)


(AIl others are seateil)


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(Cnd, or Cnds frprd stn as fr fst sec; coat removed,, shirt sleeves rol.l,eil, up,dressed, o a F C and zuith these atlclitions: d,fuested, of all, money, l,ft brstrpsd, and, c-t 4 tms arnd bdg)

Cnd: (Oortsd,, o% lrprrx rm clr) +** *SD: (Ri.ses, Mk Mstr D-G & 5) I,{WKS.MWKS: Bro SD.SD: Thr is an alm.MWKS: Atnd to th a1m a se who cms thr.SD: (To prpmt, rm dr) *** * (Opn.s d,r) Who cms hr?JD: Bro - -, who hs bn rglrly inttd,

(or Bros - -t - -, a - -, who ha bn rglrl,y ,i,nttd)

psd a rsd to th Sblm Dg of rYstr Ma, a nw sks (s&l fthr prmtn i Msryby bng advncd to th hnry dg o Mk Ilfstr.

SD: Bro - -, (Brn) i ths o yr own fr wl a acrd?Cnd: (Aw)SD: Bro JD, ih (ar thy) wthy a wl q1fd, diy a t1y prprd?JD: Hi (Thy ar).SD: Hs h (Ha tky) wrght i th qrs a xhbtd a spcmn o hs (tkr) skl?JD: }Ihs (Thy kzt).SD: B wht fthr rt o bnft dsh (d,o tk5t) xpct to gn admsn?

JD: B th bnft o th Ps.SD: Hs h (Ha thy) th?s?JD: H hs (Thy kz.t) int. I hv i fr ha (thm).SD: Adv a gv m th Ps.

JD: (Moztes frund, gas Ps to SD, stps bkzad, int line)SD: Y wl wt wth ptnc utl KS i infrmd o yr rqst a hs ans rtrnd"

(SD cls dr, tnzts to A, slts B wth. Mk llIstr D-G (, S)M\1KS: Bro SD, wh cms ihr?SD: Bro - -, who hs bn rglrly inttd,

(or Bros a - -, wloo hzt brz rglr\y inttd)psd a rsd to th Sblm Dg of IVIstr 1\{n, a nrv sks (shJ fthr prmtn in Msryby bng advncd to th hnry dg of Mk Mstr.

MWKS: I ths o hs (thr) own fr wi a acrd?SD: I is.MWKS: Ih (Ar thy) wt)ry a wl qifd, dly a trly prprd?SD: }Ji(Tkyar).MWKS: Hs h (Ha tky) wrght i th qrs a xhbtd a spcmn o hs (tkr) sk1?

SD: H hs (Thy hv).MWKS: B wht fthr rt o bnft dsh (do tky) xpct to gn admsn?SD: B th bntt of th Ps.MWKS: Hs h (Hv tfu) th Ps?SD: IJhs (Tky ko) i nt,I hv i fr hm (th,w).MWKS: Gv m th Ps.SD: J.MWKS: Th Ps i fi. Lt hm (thm) entr a b rcvd i du frm.SD : (To prprn rru d,r, oPns d,r wth,t alw) Lthrn (th?&) entr a b rcvd i du frm.

( SD twrns, tnooes i,wto roonx a skort cl'ista'ttce, faces W. After SD hos facedW, lD cnd,cts Cnd to SD and, retnain,r beside Cnd until SD crnplts rcptn)






















Page 52: Handbook of ARCH MASONRY

| (Witk ruore tkan one Cnd,, SD mor:es,into too.m the distance need,ed to2 form tke Cnds in a singl,e li,ne facing E on I,l sid,e. SD turns o fcs W.'3 After SD has faced, Iy,lD cndcts Cnds into ym, and to SD zaitl,t Cnds in a4 line on N side fcng E, with space btwn ea Cnd, to aUozp SD nn to rca5 thm. lD steps to S si.d.e of last Cud.)6 SD: I rcv y int th5 L o Mk Msrs o the edg o th Engrvr,s Chsl, (ChsL to br7_ ry brst) udr prsr o th Mlq (prs Mtt tu Cksl; do noi strike) whch i to tch y8 6 the mrl prcpts o ths dg shld mk a dp a lstg imprsn o yr ftr lf a cndt.9 (With mr thn one Cnd, rcz.t ea Cnd stpng at ,'udr prsr o tk MLt" and after10 all ha bn rcod, rtrn.s to hd, of line a cntns w.i,th"wltch i to tch ! ............")11 SD: (Circurnam,bu,lation,)12 (Lt/th one Cnd, lD rtns to sta a is stil; wtlt, rnore thn one Cnd, JD cnd,ts13 tast Cnd)14 (Botk Ds are on .itt.sitle zulon, cndlg Cnds)

l! (Wh,en stofp'ing ot stas, Cnds are-ltlaced, in a l,ine fcng sta witlo both Ds19 a skort step back so tl,tat Ds are not ,i.m the tine atitk Cids)17 (SD and Cnd or Cnd,s stolt at !W)''s sta,whick showld, b vacant and d,roped)18 SD: Als! Pr Hm! Sln b 3 rfns. Hs chr i vcnt. (Short ftause)19 (Conli.nue circtmnmbulation arith rops by SW ond, MWKS as SD and, Cnd2A (Cuds) approoch each station)2l (MIVKS quotes or reds the q*otations frm o scroll whi.le SD and, Cnd

4 (Cils) are moving E on N sirle. The quotati.ons are txot to be reod from23 a ritual)24?5 SW: *26 I,IWKS : (1st) The stone which the builders refused is become the head27 stone of the corner. - (Psalrns 118:22)8*D SW: *:r30 MWKS : (Znd) Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the31 builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner....? -32 (Matt.21:12)33 *:8

34 SW: *:8:F

35 MWKS: (3rd,) And have ).e not rearl this scripture; The stone which the

!! builders rejected is become thehead of the corner....? - (Mark 12:10)37 *{.r<

38 SW: *** *39 MWKS: (4th) What is this then that is written, The stone which the4 builders rejected, the same is become the head o{ the corner? -4l (Luke 20:17)4? *{+ *43 (SD atdCnd (Cnds) stop at S[l/'s sta on Stl,r rounil)44 SD: *r**45 SW: (Rises) Who cms hr?y_ SD: Bro - -, who hs bn rglrly inttd,4!- (or Bros , , a - -, wllo ha bn rglily i,nttcl)

f psd, a rsd to th Sblm Dg o Mstr Ms, a nw sls (s&) fthr prmtn i Msry12 b bng advncd to th hnrylg o Mk Mstr.50 SW: B; - -, (Brn) i ths oyr-o fr wl a acrd?


Page 53: Handbook of ARCH MASONRY

Cnd: I i.SW: Bro SD, ih (ar tky) wthy a wl qlfd, dly a tiy prprd?SD: Hi (Tky ar).SW: Ilsh (kzt th,y) wrght i th qrs a xhbtd a spcmn ohs (tkr) skl?SD: H hs (Th.y hzt).SW: B wht fthr rt o bnft dsh (do thy) xpct to gn admsn?SD: B th bnft o th Ps.SW: Hs h (Ho tky) th Ps?SD: H hs (Th,y hv) i nt; I hv i fr hm (thm).SW: Advnc a gv m th Ps.SD: (Mas to SW, gvs Ps, stefs bkwd. i.nt ln wth Cnd)SW: Y wl cndct hm (thm) to IVI\4/KS i th E fr fthr xmntn.SD: (Cndcts Cnd or Cnds to E) *** *MWKS: (May rise or nwy remain seated) \,Vho cms hr?SD: Bro - -, who hs bn rglrly inttd,

(or Bros - -r - -r a - -, who ho bn rglily inttd)psd, a rsd to th S't{m Dg o lVlstr l\fn, a nw sks (s}) fthr prmtn i Msryb bng advncd to th hnry dg o Mk Mstr.

MWKS: Bro - -, (Brn) i ths o yr own fr wl a acrd?Cnd: I is.MWKS: Bro SD, i h (ar tky) wthy a wl qlfd, diy a t1y prprd?SD: }Ji(Thyar).MWKS: Hs h (Hzt thy) wrght i th qrs a xhbtd a spcrm o hs (thr) skl?SD: H hs (Thy ha).MWKS: B wht fttrr rt o bnfr ds h (do thfl xpct to gn admsn?SD: B th bnft o th Ps.MWKS: Hs h (Hzt thy) th Ps?SD: }Jhs (Tky kzt) ir,rt; I hv it lr hm (thm).MWKS: Adrmc a gv m th Ps.SD: (Mvs to KS, gvs Ps. MWKS if seoted d.oes not rise. SD mzts bkwd,to

one step drctfu bhnd, Cnd)MWKS: Th Ps is rt. Y rvl rcndt hn (thm) to th SW i th W wth m odr tt

he tch hm (thne) to aprch th A i du frm.(SD steps to left, takes Cnd, by left arnt, cndts hm N, thn W to about 4short steps W of A, tlcn S to A, stops, fcs SW)('tl/th w,r tl,tan on,e Cntl, lD says "Fol,low tne",tbs hs Cnd b l.eft arcn and,lead.s Cnds N, thn W to about 4 skort steps W of A, thn S to A, stops,fcs Sl,l,'. SD wi.ll tk hs Cnd, by Left artuL - last Cnd in line - and follow.Wken foc,ing SW i th W, SD steps bkzld, then to the r'i,ght, tken forward,stops N of and a slcort step bach of Cnd,'s li,ne)

SD: Bro SW.S\,V: (Rises)SD: I i th odr o MWKS tty tch Bro - - (Bros - -, - - a- -) toaprchth Ain

du frm.SW: Bro SD, fc th Bro (Brn) tothE.

f,SD rnzts artcd Cnd, to tlte N, pi,ooting on Cnd)(With ruore than one Cnd, SD says, "Brn about face." Ds abou.t face withCnds)

SW: Bro - - (Brn), tk th fst 3 stps in Msry.Cnd: (Done)











Page 54: Handbook of ARCH MASONRY

1 SW: Adv yr rt ft.2 Cnd:. (Done)

- 3 SW: Brng th hl o th lft to th hl o th rt, frmg a rt angl.4 Cnd: (Done)5 SW: (F C D-G e S) MWKS, th Bro (Brn)hs (kv) bn pprly instrtd.6 MWKS : (If seated, rises at ih,is tiru.e)7 My Bro (Brn), y ar agn stndg bfr th scrd A o F M. Fthr y cnnt adv8 wtht tkg upn yrslf a s1m a bndg O aprtg t ths dg. I i one we hv a1 tkn9 bfr y; and i bcms m dty, as, wl as plsr, to infm y tt thr i nthg cntd in10 ths O tt wl cnflct wth any dty y orv t G, yr cntry, yr nbr or yrsif. Wth11 ths asrnc o m prt, do y wsh to prcd?12 Cnd: (Ans)13 MWKS: Bro SD, y wi plc th Cnd (Cnds) atthA i du frm.74 SD: Ywl knlonbthks, (dorue) b& hnds rstg on th H B, Sq a Cs. (Done)15 MWKS, th Bro is (Brn ar) in dt frm.16 MWKS: ***17 (Brn frw prll lns)18 MWKS z (To A,l Bng nrv plcd at th A in du frm, if i st1 b yr rvsh to prcd,i9 Y w1 sy I, prnc yr nm, a rpt aftr m:202l Omofwaa, itpoAGatR\,VLoMkMstrs, et G a d t tp moHA, dhahsaspas, tlrvnotrtsot dgt a b o a p d, n t23 a p i t w e i b w a lgly cnstutd a cl o L o Mk n{strs, o t a b o t d, whom24 I sh f tb sb st, de,o lwfl i.21 Frthmr, f wansaoadsasstarbm f aLoMki\{strs, o g m26 babotd,iwtiomc-t.27 Frthmr, I w rcv t m o a B Mk Nlstr v/ o t m a a p, a w g h rqst i i28 mp; i n, Iw rhmw t p t, w i a J h-s o s, e i v tt f p o Ja.29 Frthmr, Iwnotaitoctmwlshlhraftrslctaftrtsh b r i t LB30 o Mks31 Frthmr, Iwnotlono s m Mk, n pldg iast utl i s h bn rdmd f i f p.32 Frthmr, Iwnotcht, rv o dfrda L o Mk Mstrs, c a B o t d, o ot v o33 a d w,w i o p,norprmtt s t b d b anthr i i m p t p.34 Al ths, I m s a s p a s, w a h, m r, o s e o mine whtever; b m u n I a35 p tt oh m r e smtoamrh stk o, s I vt, m s O aa Mk Mstr. S hm36 Gakms.J/38 Rmv yr hnds, (d,one) a i tkn o yr sncrty, ks th H B.39 (If mr thn one Cnd, use "Rtno yr hnds," (done) "a as y ar tchd, o the,CI shldr, i, tkn, o gr sncrt!, ks th H B)'4l42 MWKS: Bro SD, th Bro (Bru,) brg ow bnd to u by adtnl tq rls hm43 (thrl) fnth c-t.44 SD: (Rmos c-t and gos to ID. tD does not rmzt c-t)45M47484950


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(ti/tk mr tkn one Cnd., insert ths proced,ttre.MWKS says "M Bru., th nrt sclto o ths d,g cn be *tfrd wpru only one Cwila a tm. Bro lD, cmd,ct th Bru, to th, ltlc uthnc tky cm to aut our ftlwplsr." ID soys, " Brn, ars." (Done) "Follow tne." JD Leacts Cnd,s S" thnW on, S sid,e, thn N oru W side, tlon. oxtt prprn ry,t, dr. lD thn adaisesCnds tt, "One Bro wl be rtnd to th L rnx at a tua,wkr y wl, assurne thesante pstn at tk ,4 y ,wr in, bfr retiring and tlt d,g zuill, tlon cntnue ostlt,ottgh y kd. not lef t th, L rua." lD thn brngs in one Cnd and cs hm tohnl, at tk A)

X4WKS: I dsr to cl yr atntn to one of the ts o yr O. Y hv jst simnly prmsdtt y w1d rcv th mk o a Bro Mk I\{str whn ofrd to y a a p1dg, a w1d grnths rqst i i yr pr.vr, i nt, y wld rtn hs mk r,vth th prc thrf, rvhch i a Jl.rshhf-shkl o sivr, eqlivltoth frth prtoa dlr. Inwrqst o y th 1n o............dirs fr dys, fr which I pldg y w rr,L. (MWKS zses o-,sn. mk andPresents it to C d at this iiwe- If Cnd. rfss it, MWKS says, "Y hzt prmsdtt y wld rcz, a Bro's mck; g cnnt rfs to rcv mn." If Cnd, states tt h, i ntabl to rtrn th ynle bec h i dstut, M'tt/KS says, "Brn, g s bfr g a Bra MhMstr w,lro,i, s entrLy d,stu,t tt ke cnmt cru,fl wtlt, lrs O. Wloo wl ost lorn tth ro"tr rcu a, rtq 'fir, ntk?" Cou,tinwes zaitlt ritu,al,)

MWKS: Cn y cn.rplyrvth m rqst? - Y ar thn albrty to rtn m nd<. - Btnt wtht th prc thrf ! Hv y s sn frgtn yr O? IIv y nt jst slmnly prmsd tty rvld rtn a Bro lVIk Mstr's mk rvth th prc thrf. lvhch i a jwsh hf-shki os1vr, eql i vl to th frth prt o a dlr ? Rtn m mk wth th prc thrf. acrdgto yr O.

SD: MWKS, th Bro cnnt cmply wth tt prt o hs O. H i entrly dstut.MWKS: I i psbl, m Bro, ti y ar hr asmg Os rvhich, evn blr lvg ths Scrd A,

y ar cmpld to vlt ? Y sy tt i i nt i yr pwr, yt y hv tkn no pns to ascrtnwhthr it i i yr pwr o nt. Y hv nt evn pt yr hnds into yr pkts. It wld bemr stsfcry i y shwd a dspstn to cmply wth tt part o yr O. Xmn yrslf a s

i y cnnt cmply wth m rqst.Cnd: (Done)MWKS: Brn, y s bfr y a Bro I\{k Mstr who i s entrly dstut as to be unbl

to cmply wth hs O. Who rvl ast hm a enbl hm to rtn m mk?(All say, "I zal!" SD gzs Cnd qtr)(Cnd thn rtus rnk zuth. qtr to IIIVKS)

MWKS: Ths (shws qtr) eabls y to rtn m mk. (S&zus mk) M Bro, ths rqsths bn md o y a ths tm to imprs upn j/r mnd i th mst slmn mnr tt y shldnvr rjct th aplctn o a Bro whn acmpnd b s scrd a pldg as hs mk; bt i i yrpwr, g'rnt hs rqst. I nt, rtn hs mk wth th prc thrf, rvhch i a Jwsh hf-shklo s1vr, eql i v1 to th frth pt of a dlr.(Wtlt mr tkn one Cnd, Mlt/KS rqsts Ctttl to stp into \i.ne wtl,t tk Brw andJD brngs tk nrt Cncl and, plcs fun at th A in tk sm pst,,x he zus i,n bfr kel,ft th A. Th* prt of tk dg wl be gztto to ea Cnil s€paratel!. After last C*d)

SW: *(Ds cause all Cnds to reslr,ilxe tlt,e satne. posi,ti,ons a A, Ds rmt+ a A, M\0/KStks fstn to rpln Stlts a Sns. All oll,rers are seated. T{litk only one Cnd,lD wi,ll rtru to sta a b std,)









Page 56: Handbook of ARCH MASONRY









MWKS : (Tks Stp and gas Sn' each titne tltey are ruentioned as ind,icated)M Bro (Brn), y nw bhld m a MWKS aprchng y {rlr th E (done) undr thD-G (d,one) and Sn (done) o a Mk Mstr. A NIk Nlstr stps off wth his*lt (done), brngg th h1 o th lft to th hl o th rt (done), frmg a rt agl. Ii th frth stp i Msry a th stp b rvhch y aprchd th A.

Ths i th Grnd Hlg Sn o a Mk }lstr. (Gvn wtk a,rw o rt ltnd stndd a

tkglc cryn'g stn up fr inspctn, rttk thnft on insil and fngrs *tnd,d, on otsd,,

wth nortril s1ulr,g or mvmnt of arno) I alds to th mnr i whch ea Crftmi tght to cry hs wk whl advncg to ths dg.

Ths i th Prncpl Sn o ths dg. (Gau, b brg bth knd,s tgthr at lvl ofelbu, bk of rt ltttd, rstng in flnt, of lft, th,n marcg btk hnd,s a arms to lftshldr as thgh thrwg snctkg oztr Lft sltldr. Drop both hnds to side) It aldsto th prncpl wds, rvhch ar IIev Ovr. Thy ald to th rjctn o th Ks b th Os.

Ths i th D-G. (Gztn b brng rt h,nd 'o|ltd flat wth pLm, lrssng agtxst rtcheek and, nech amd lttl, fngr u|!)rmst and, prssng agu,st l,obe of rt er; tkntkrw rt hnd frwrd as tkglc cttng off rt er, and l'rold, rt frarna rtndd hori-zontal,lg to tk frnt, plm u!) I alds to a ctn txt i Scrp: "IIe tthath an ear to hear, let him hear," bt mr ptclry to a part o th pnlty o yrO, tt o hvg th rt er smt o. (Repeat D-G)

Ths i th Sn. (Gztn b rrlrry lft hnd abzt rt hnd, sthng rt 'urst wtk edgof l,ft hrd as thgh strbng off rt Imd, thn drottping bth hnd,s to sid.e) I aldsto th pnlty o an impstr. (Repeat Sn)

Ths i th Tkn. Th Tkn i md i ths mnr. (Gvn wth rt kmd, fst a scnd,

fngrs xtndd a tghtr, thrd a frtk fngrs fldd into plm, thrnb on nodl int ofthrd,frugr) I aldst th mnr o rcvgwgs. Th wg:s o a tr a fthfl F C,whs wrk hs bn aprvd b th Os, is one pny a dy; a in ord tt th SW maynt b impsd upn i pyg wgs to sch a vst nmbr o u,rkmn, i i my ord tt eaCrftmn, applyg fr wgs, shl thrst hs hnd thrg a lttc wndw i th SW's aptwth a cpy o hs Mk i th plm thrf, a a th sm tm gv th Tkn. (Gan) ThTto is also used to dstgsh a tr Crftm fm an impstr. Th pnlty o an impstri t hv th rt hnd sfrk off. (Gzm) O appiyg {r wgs, y wl gv ths Tkn.(Gzn) Wth tss D4 (gun) and Sn (gan) -v rvl slt o entrg or rtrg fm aL o Mk l\fstrs, o o arsg to adrs M\YKS.

I now prsnt y m.rt bnd (mzts arnil A; does not reach oaer B) i tknomfdshpabrothlylv,awthithPs,tkrothPs,Gp a Wd o a Mk Mstr;bt a y ar nt instrtd, I wl ps i s;th yr cndtr who wl ans fr y. Ars. (Ht, Cndrise and, cau,se ki,m to step bach about 2 steps or ewottgh to allow space forOs wrk lt)(liltk more than one Crul, MIVKS moztes arownd, A to S, takes eack Cndby rt knd, symg, "I nzu prsi y m rt hndi tkn, o m fdshp o brothlg b,Arsj' Mas ea Cytil bk into a line about 2 stps W o A ond frm S to N,ttrnisg S Cnd, oz,r to tD and repeati,ng to eack Cnd, "I wo prs t j, ru rthad i tha o m fdsh,p a brothlg lzt. Ars." Tur*s each. succeerli.ng Cnd owto someote to ps th grps zoth, xcpt th,e last Cnd.,whs knd, MWKS retains.Ad, continues wth, "a. zatlo i, tk Ps, tkn o th Ps, Gb a Wd o a Mk Mstr;bt o y ar fi instrtd, I wl lts ,i, wth yr cndctr aiho wl, ans fr y." SD d,oesnt th ory Cnd)



Page 57: Handbook of ARCH MASONRY

(Ps Gp i md zutk rt knds, fngrs hkd, tgth,r, thmbs wpwril o l,yng flat) IMWKS; Wht i ths? 2

- SD: Th Ps Gp o a Mk Mstr. 3MWKS: Hs i a nm? 4SD: I hs. 5MWKS: Wi y gv i m? 6SD: I wl syl i rvth y. 7MWKS: Syl i a bgn. 8SD: Bg, y. 9MWKS: N, y bgn. 10SD:Z. llMWKS: 1. 12SD: 13MWKS: Ths i th Ps Gp o a Mk I\{str, th nm o rvhch i ......... I alds to th 14

anc S pt J, whr most o th mtrl fr th bldg o KS's T, brt fm Mt Lb, b s, 15

in fits, ws lndd; a Msnc tdtn infrms u tt .rh bnks a tt port wr s stp 16it ws dfclt fr th wrkmn to ascnd wtht astnc fm abv, whch ws afrdd thm by 17mns o ths strg Gp gvn b othrs sttnd thr fr tt prps. Snc whch ths Wd hs 18bn adptd a a Ps to gn admsn into al rglr a wl gvnd Ls o Mk Mstrs. Wl y 19b off o frm? 2A

SD: Fm. 2lMWKS: Fm wht a to wht? 22SD: Fm th Ps Gp o a Mk Mstr to th Gp. 23MWKS: Ps. (Gan zatl.r. rt hnils, ltl fngrs interlockd, kttckls o other f*grs 24

rest,i.ng ognst ech othr, thmbs upwrd a tchg, elbzos bnt o cl,s to bdy, fmg 25tk l,tr ....; rt ft sd by sd,l,ft ft bh,lgs fng th tttr ....) 26

MWKS: Wht i ths? 27SD: Th Gp o a Mk Mstr. 8MWKS: Hs i a nm? DSD: I hs. 30MWKS: Wlygvim? 31SD: I wl syl i -wth y. 32MWKS: Syi i a bgn. 33SD: Bgn y. 34MWKS: N, y bgn. 35SD: 2. 36MWKS: 1. 37SD: 38MWKS: Ths i th Gp o a Mk Mstr. th nm of whch i ......... f alds to a crtn 39

txt i Script: Then he brought me back the way of the gate of the outward 40sanctuary which looketh toward the east; and it was shut. And the Lord 4lsaid unto me, Son of man, mark well, and ;behold with thine eyes, and 4?hear with thine ears all that f say unto thee concerning all the ordinances 43of the house of the Lord, and all the laws thereof ; and mark well the en- 44tering in of the house, with every going forth of the sanctuary.- 45(Ezeki"el 44 :1, 5 ) 46Y wl obsrv tt th pstn o our lgs a ams frms th intls o th wds ......... 47(Rtns to E a is std) 48



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-lSaJO: (Ada to nt a Sthwst o A; see Fig. 4)

(Figs.4 and 5 sltow one Cnd; zui,th, nxore tloan one Cnd, JD is at sowth

end, of Cnd's line and, not seated' as shown')

JO: Wy ar w nt a wrk?SO: I d nt knw. Al o m sd o th bldg ar idl.JO: It i sd tt sm pc o th wrk cnnt b fnd.MWKS: * Bro SW.SW: (Rises, Mk Mstr D-G e S) MWKS.MWKS: Wht i th cs o th cnfsn amg th wrkmn?SW: MWKS, th T i nrly cmpltd;bt th Crft ar a a stnd fr th wnt of a crtn

Ks blngg to th prncpl Ach, whch i aprs n one hs rcvd odrs to mk.MWKS: Bro SW, tt pc o wrk ws assgnd to our GMHA; a fm hs wl knwn

fdlty, I hv f1 cnfdnc to b1v tt i ws cmpltd by hm agrbly to th orgnl dsgns,prvs to hs dth.* Bro MO.

SW: (Seated,)MO: (Rises, F C D-G & S) MWKS.MWKS: Aprch th E.MO: (Mvs drctly to a in fnd of MWKS; see Pig. 5)MWKS: Bro MO,hs a stn bn brt.u fr yr inspctn brng ths ptclr frm a mk?

(Uses o sctoll with Ks on it or a sm.all model of Ks; a gzts zahckevr is wsedto th MO)

MO: (After *mng scil or rndl) I wl cl a ccl o m Bro Os a rprt.(Goes to N of a nr A; see Fiq. 5)Bros S a JOs, apprch fr consltn.

SaJO: (Mzt to btzun MO a Cnd.; fc ea otkr, frrng a tri zath bse totyril Cnd andso tjt Cnd or Cnds ca.n see MO; see Fig.5)

MO: Bro JO, hs a stn bn brt u fr yr inspctn, brg ths ptclr frm a mk?JO: I thk sch a stn psd th S G.SO: I am sr sch a stn psd th W G.MO: f nt ths a qpy o th stn whch w rjctd?SaJO: (In anison) I thhk i i.

(M, S a IOs rtt t th E, H b1t MO. MO slts wth F C D-G .& S)MO: MWKS, o cnsltn w fad thr hs, but a w wr odrd to rcv nthg b sq wk,

a i bng nthr oblg aor s{L a ot hvg th mk o ay o th Crft upn i, we, ntknwg th mk tt ws upn i, casdrd i unft fr us i ay prt o th bldg, a hovei ovr amg th rbsh.

MWKS: Ths i trly unfrtnf fr upn tt stn dpnds th cmpltn o th T. Mkstrct srch fr it thght th T a amg th rbsh. Lt i b fnd, i psbl.

Os: (Rtr to prlrru rna, pk up Ks a rtn to a in frnt of Cnd or Cnds, btwn Aoad Cnds; rtIO qstns Cnd, or Cnds to m.k sure all ogree tt th stn zahch,thy no ha is tk srn stn utkck ws rjctd. MO gas stn to SO. Os led. byMO, thn rtn to tk E)

MO: (F C D-G e S) NIWKS, strct srch hs bn md a th stn fnd.MWKS: Prsnt it.SO: (Pro*s stn in sm n4tur as fr inspctn)MWKS: This is the stone which was set at naught by ye builders; it has now

become the head of the cnrner.(Pl,cs stn on flr as nr frnt as possi,ble, ltreferably i,n,front of pedestal)



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}b0 Ghao


tr (lsoaa H--sD ed ,,




Figure 4

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t\?rl./,,t I,,v


4{\ AA\- SD Csd ,'\----+_-_/




Figure 5

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Os: (Rtn. to stas by goiug N, thn W o* N sd, tkr,t, S on W sd,, thn E, wittt Iea O stopping at ks sta, and ar std as thy arzr ot thr stas) z

MWKS: Bro SD. 3SD: (Mk Mstr D-G €r S) IVIWKS. 4MWKS: Cndct otr nwly md Bro (Brn) to th E. sSD : (Cndcts Cnd or Cnds a tD N, th,n E on N sd,, thn S' to a in fn,t of and, 6

fcg Ml4tKS; ha Cd or Cnds slt zutio Mk Mstr D-G & S, thn, SD or Ds 7stp bkwd, tru, N, rua N a rtn to stas a or std as ihy arv at sta) g

I,IWKS: 14 Bro (Brn), ths (d,rcts attn to stn) i a rpsntn o th stn upn whch gths dg ws fndd. I ws wrght b our GNIIIA, a its clr ws rvht. It alds to a 1cctrn txt i Script: To him that overcometh will r give to eat of the hidden limanna, and wiil give him a white stone, and in the stone a new llame lawritten, vrhich no man knorveth saving he that receiveth it. - (Reu.2:12) 13

t4we gt fr tt .w n*r, th wds of whch th ltrs on th Ks ar th int1s. T wds lsar: I{, Tyrn Wd's S, Snt T K S. Ths ws orgnly th pvt mt o our GMHA, bt t6

is nw th gnrl mk o ths dg. Th ltrs on th srfc i.* * "r"1,

i th cntr of whch ea 17Bro plcs hs own pvt mk, to whch hs O alds, 1g

19Y ar nw entld to th wrkg Tls o a Mk Mstr, whch ar th chsl a M1t. The z0

Chisel morally demonstrates the advantages of discipline and education. The zlmind, like the diamond in its original state, is rude and unpolished; but as the zzeffect of the chisel on the external coat soon presents to view the latent 23beauties of the diamond, so education discovers the latent virtues of the mind 24and draws them forth to range the large field of matter aad space, to display zsthe summit of human knowledge, our dut5r to God a:rd to man. The Mallet mor- 26a1ly teaches us to correct irregularities and reduce aaan to a proper level, so that, 27by quiet deportment, he ma3r, in the school of discipline, rearn to be content. 'zgwhat the Mallet is to the workman, enlightened reison is to the passions; it zgcurbs ambition; it depresses en'ry; it moderates anger, and it encourages good 30dispositions. 3l

32(Tke Historical, Lectwre cnay be giaen or ,i,t way be or,nitted,. If i,t is to be 33

gi'aen, MWKS will say, "Yau, tuill n6xs, giue yortr atterfiion io th,e historical 34accoornt oi tlxis degree by ........" cnd or cn,ds taay be seated, for this lecture 35or th4t ,may rema,i,n standing) 3d(If tlistarical Lecture. is nct u,sed., MI7KS zuiL sa3,, ,,yor.t will now giae 3Zyou,r attention to the reading of the Ckarge.',) 38


M Bro (Brn)', ths dg ws fndd upn a crtn Ks blngg to th prncpl ach of 42K S's T. I ws wrght b o GMHA, bt prvs to hs gvg odrs to hv it crd u to th 43T, h ws sln b 3 F Cs, as hs bn rpsntd i th prcdag dg. O bng advncd to ths 44dg,ywr csdto rpsnt one o th F C emplyda thbldg o K S,s T,.lvhs cstm 45i ws, on th evng o th 6th dy o ea wk, to cry u thr wrk fr inspctn; and i so 46hpnd tt o th evng o th 6th dy o a crtn wk, as th Crft wr cryg u thr wrk, a 47yngF Cespydths stn ithqry, a o acct o its snglr frm a bty, h spsdiblngd 48to sm part o th bldg a ld asd hs own wrk a crd i u fr inspctn. Thr r,r,rk vrs 49inspctdb3 Os, apntdbyK S frttprps, a sttndath S,W, a E

": qf,{i.X'$ 50


Page 62: Handbook of ARCH MASONRY


1 O prsntg i to th JO a th S G, h obsrvd tt i ws nthr oblg nr sq, sq wrk only2 bng sch a ws wntd fr th blclg, nthr hd i th mk o ay o th Crft upn i; bt o3 acctoitssngir frmabty,hwsunwlgto rjctiasfrdi to ps to th SO a th4 W G; a h, fr smlr rsns, sfrd i to ps to th MO at th E G, who obsrvd as

5 bfr tt i was nthr obig nr sq, scl rvrk only bng sch a ws wntd fr th bldg, nthr6 hd i th mk o ay o th Crft upn i; a h, nt knwg th mk tt ws upn i, cld a ccl7 ohs Bro Os, nn o u'hm bng I\{k l\{strs; a knwg o n use fr i in o abt th bldg,8 thy hove i ovr amg th rbsh.9 Thr wr emplyd a th bklg o K S's '1, 80,000 F C, a i odr tt th Os mgt nt10 b impsdupni rcvgwrk frn sch a vstnmbr o wrkm, i ws odrd b K S tt ea

li Crftm prsotg wrk shid hv a pvt mk a p1c i thron, i odr tt it mgt b knwn a

12 dstgshd whn brt u fr inspctn; and i aprvd, h rcvd wgs.13 Th wgs o a tr a fthil F C, vths wrk hd bir aprvrl b th Os, ws one pny a14 dy; a i ordr tt th SW mgt nt b impsd upn i pyg rn'gs to sch a vst ntnbr o

15 wrkm, i ws frthr odrd b K S tt ea Crftm aplyg fr wgs shld thrst hs rt hndi6 thrghaittcwndwith S\Vsaptwtha cpyo hs mkith plmthrf, a a th sm

17 tm gv a tkn.18 Th Tkn i md i ths (Gos T'hn) I alds to th mnr o rcvg wgs. Ii9 i usd to dstgsh a tr Crftm fm an impstr. I ws prbbly fr wnt o ths Tkn (gzs20 Tkn) tt y wr dtctdb th SW a an impstr a cm s nrly sfrg th pnlty (gvs S).2l Hrftr, o aplyg fr wgs, y wl gv ths T-fu. (Gvs Tkn)n Y wr rqstd to prfrm a part o yr O whl o yr kns a th Scrd A, to imprs23 upn yr mnd i th mst slmn rnlr tt v shld nvr rjct th aplctn o a Bro l'uhn

24 acmpnd'b s scrda pldg a hs mk; bt i i yr pwr, grnti.rs rqst. I nt, rtn hs

25 mk wth th prc thrf, whch i a Jwsh hf-si:k1 o slvr, eq1 i vl to th frth prt o a dlr.26 A Bro, pldgg hs mk a askg a fw, rpsnts o GMHA, who ws a pr mn, bt27 fr hs grt indstry a skl i th dfrnt arts a scncs ws hgly dstgshd amg th Frty.8 A Bro,rcvgarnkagrntgafvr, rpsnts SK o I, whorvs a rch mn a ntd29 fr hs grt lbrlty.30 Prvs to th cmpltn o th T, infrmtn ws brt to K S tt th Crft wr a a stnd fr31 th wnt o a crtn Ks blngg to th prncpl Ach, whch i aprd n one hd rcvd odrs32 to mk. K S obsrvd tt tt pc o rvrk hd bn asgnd to o GMHA, a h hd fl cnfdnc33 to blv tt i hd bn cmpltd b hm, agrbly to th orgnl dsgns, prvs to hs dth;34 whrupnhcldaccl oth Ostoascrtn ia stn,brgaprtclr frm a mk, a cpy of35 whch h thn prsntd thm, hd bn brt u fr inspctn. I aprd thr hd, bt fr rsns bfr36 gvn i ws hove ovr amg th rbsh. K S thn odrd strct srch to b md fr i thrght37 th T a amg th rbsh. Srch rvs acrdgly md, th stn fnd a apld to i intndd use.

38 Ths dg ws fndd b our ancnt G Ms, t b cnfrd upn al ths rvho hd prvn39 thmslvs wthy a th bldg o th T, nt only a an hnry rwrd fr thr fdlty aq atchmt to th Crft, bt to rndr i impsbl tt a wrthy Bro shld sfr fr th imdt ncsts o4l lf whn th prc o hs mk wld prcr thm.a43 Y wl nw gv yr atntn to th reading o th Charge by .............

44 (Cnd or Cnds sholtld starud for the readin.g of the Ckarge)45

4748 My Brother (Brethren),I congratulate you on having been thought worthy49 of being advaaced to this honorable degree of Masonry. Permit me to impress50 on your mind that your zeal should ever be commensurate with your duties,


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lvirich become rrlore and more extensive as yoll acivance in(The following paragraplo is to be ontitted when the

is given)

F'reemasonry.I{istorical Lecture

Ts dg ws fndd b our ancnt G \{s, t b cnfrd upn ai ths who hd prvnthmslvs rvthy a th bldg o th T, nt only a an hnry nvid fr thr fd1t,v aatchmt to th Crft, bt to rndr i impsbl tt a wthy Bro shld sfr fr th imdtncsts o lf whn th prc o hs mk rvld prcr thm.

The situation to which you are nor.r, aclvanced will drarv uporl you, notonly the scrutinizing eyes of the rvorld atlarge, but also those of your Brethren,on whom this degree of Freemasonry has not been conferred; all will be justi-fied in expecting your conduct and behavior to be such as may be safely imi-tated.

In the honorable character of Mark Master NIason, it is more particulariyyour dllty to endeavor to let your conduct in the wor1d, as well as in the Lodgeand among yonr Brethren, be such as may sLllnd the test of the Grand Overseer'ssquare, that you may not, like the unfinished and imperfect work of the negli-gent and unfaithful of former times, be rejected and thrown aside as unfit forthat spiritual buikling, that house not marle vrith hands, eternal in the heavens.

While such is your conduct, should misfortune assail you, should friendsforsake 1,ou, should envy tradnce your good name and maiice persecute you,yet may you have confidence that among }fark },Iaster X{asons you will findfriends who rvili administer relief to y-our distresses and comfort to your af-flictiolis. Ever bear in mind. as a consolation under all the fror,r,ns of fortuneand as an encouragement to hope for better prospects, that the stone ra,,hichthe builders rejected, possessing merits to them unknorvn, became the chiefstcne of the Temple.

MWKS: * Bro SD.SD: (Rises, Mlt lllstr D-G €r S) I\{WKS.MWKS: Cndct our nu,ly mcl Bro to a st (or nwly tnd Brtr, to sts).SD: (Cndcts Cnd or Cnd,s S, tkn, {.V on, S sd. anil sts hnt or thnr, as nr th, JD

as conditioyts wi,Ll prntt. After all ar std, SD wl ytn to stabJ,tttxg N, thuE on N sd, and, b std. zuhn &rllrxg at hs sta)

MWKS: * Bro MoC.MoC: (Rises, fcs MWKS, Mk Mstr D-G €, S) l{\4rKS.MWKS: Wht i th hr?MoC: Th 6th hr o th 6th d], o th wk.M\VKS: Ths i th dv a th hr whn th Crftm shld rpr to th SW's apt to rcv

thr wgs. Asmbl thm fr tt prps.]r4oC: (Drs Su,d, n4.as to NE cor, fcs W) Crftml (All rise) Fa1l in!Brn: (Frru a snglline on N si.de of roorn, fcng E, SD goes to W end of tkis

line, tD br'ings Cncl or Cnds atttl plc lun. ar tltnt .i,n reor of SD and thenfolls in in rear of last Cnd, MoC does not t,4n ltx ulxtl al.l, ar i,to ln fcg E)

MoC: Follow me. (MoC learls line S /o ,S sd, th.en, W/ on, S sd to iust lV ofa Liwe W of A, tkn N on line W of A to N sd, thn W on N sd toa lin"e jrtst in. fron"t of SW's aft, tir,n S to Sl,l/'s aft. MoC is S of opngwitk Szud abu opng. Ea Bro will insert hs rt hnd into opng at SI|/'s aptand thew mo on)


Page 64: Handbook of ARCH MASONRY






Song - Tune America

Mark Masters, all appearBefore the Chief O'erseer,

In concert move.Let him your work inspectFor the Chief Architect;If there be ao defect,

He will approve.

You who have passed the square,For your reward prepare,

Join heart and hand;Each with his Mark in view,March with the just and true;Wages to you are due

At your command.

Now to the westward move,Wherg full of strmgth and love,

Hiram doth staad;But, if imposters areMixed $/ith the worthy there,Caution them to beware \

Of the right hand.


MWKS: * Bro SW.lWr (R*es, Mk Mstr D-G €r S) MWKS.MIVKS: Wht i th cs o th cnfsn amg ttr wrkm?!W: MWKS, th Crfrm ar dstfd nth thr wgs.MIIIKS: Dd y nt py rhm acrdg to agrmntiSW: Idd,apnyady.MWKS: Thn, Brrr, *y ar y dstfd?Moc: Bcs those who cm ia th lrth hr hvba md eqt unto u who hv brn thbrdn a ht o th dy.MWKS: Is it not the traditional law?MoC: We know of no such traditional law.MWKS: Will y lstn to th law?MoC: We wl nt only lstn bt oby.MWKS: This is the traditional law:

(KS, stnd,g at ks sta i tk E, wr reci.te tk raw or reod it frorn a scroil; itis not to be read from a Bible or a rituat)For tle kingdorn of heaven is like unto a man that is an householder, which

went out early in the morning to hire labourers into his vineyard.And when he had agr{6d with the labourers for a penny a day, he sent

them into his vineyard.And he weflt out about the ttird hour, aad saw others standing idle in the

market place,




Page 65: Handbook of ARCH MASONRY





And said unto them; Go ye also into the vineyard and whatsoever is rightI will give you. And they went their way.Again he \Ment out about the sixth and ninth hour, and did likewise.And about the eleventh hour he went ont, and found others standing idle,

and saith unto them. Why stand ye here all the day idle ?

_ They say unto him, Because no man hath hired us. rre saith unto tirern,Go ye also into the vineyard; and whatsoever is right, that shall ye recei.,r..

so when even was come, the lord of the vineyard saith unto his steward,call the laibourers, and give them their hire, beginning from ir." r*ri unto thefirst.

. 4"d when they came that were hirecl about the eleventh hour, they re-ceived every man a penny.

But when the first came, they supposed that they should have receivedmore; and they likewise received every man a penny.

. _And when they had received it, they *ur*or"d against the goodrnan ofthe housq

Saying, These last have wrought but one hour, and thou hast made themequal unto us, which have borne the burden and heat of the day.

But he aaswered one of them, a,d said, Friend, I do thee nJ wrong; didstnot thou agree with me for: a penny ?

Take that thine is, and go thy way: I will give unto this las! even asunto thee.

rs it not 1awfu1 for me to do what r will with mine own ? rs thine eyeevil, because I am good?








So the last shall be firsq and the first last:chosen.

tor many be called, but few

(Matt. 20:1-16)

MWKS: Nw, Brn, wht d y sy? Ar y stfd?A11 : We are.

Song - Tune America

Now to the praise of thoseWho triumphed o'er the foes

Of Mason's art;To the praiseworthy threeWho founded this degree;May all their virtues be

Deep in our hearts.

MWKS: * Bro SD.SD: (Mk Mstr D-G e S) MWKS.MWKS: Cndct our nwly md Bro (Brn) to th E,

(SD cndcts Cnil or Cnds to th E fcg MWKS and is thn, std, kt, ks sto; all,otkers are seated)

MWKS: My Bro (Brn),I nw hv th plsr of prncgy a Mk Mstr, md schin ajust a 1gl mnr a in a rgly cnstd L o Mk Mstrs, a as sch entld to al th rtsa bnfts of ths dg. Bfr y cn rcv th R A Dg, it wl b ncsry tt y slct yr mk


Page 66: Handbook of ARCH MASONRY



and record i in th Lodge Book of Marks which wiil be on the Secretary'sdesk for your examination after this Lodge is closed.

That the Ss, Wds, and Gps of this degree may tre more firmly im-pressed upon your mind, you wiil receive instruction from Bro ..,....., withwhom you are to arrange for this instruction.

(It 'is not required that the Cmds be erarnined, in open Lodge. Tkeycan be e.ramined by aruyone appointed, by tke HP for tkat dwty. The pro-fi,ciency of the Cnd skowkl be ztouched for by tlce i,nstructor to the HP)_

(If short ta!,ks by Cnd,s are used in confem,ing tke P M Degree, it ispermissible to inform the Cnd, at this time that d. skort talk wi,ll, be re-q*ired of hfun afuen the nert degree is co*ferred; and, if he zoowld l,ikehelp in select,i.ng a subject or fre?aring a talk, he skould, see the Bro as-si.gned to that duty)


(Officers sa?ne as ,in open'i,ng" See Fig. 1)RWM: Is thr aythng to cm bfr ths L o Mk Mstrs bfr we prcd to cls? (Pawse)

* Bro JD.JD: (Rises, D-G e S) R\ T'I.RWM: Th lst Srt cr of Ms whn covd?JD: To se tt th L i dly tld-RWM: Y wl atd t tt d" a inf th Tlr

Mstrs a drct hm to tl acdly.JD: (To otr d,r) *** ,<

Tlr: *x* *JD: (Ofens d,r) Bro T1r, we ar abt t cls

t tl acdly.(ID ck dr, rt*s to sta, D-G & S)

RWM: * Bro SW.JD: (Seated)S\Y: (Rises, D-G & S) RWM.RIYM: Ar y a Mk Mstr?SW: I a; ty m.RWM: Hw w1 y b trd?SW: B th Chsl a Mlt.RWI,{: Wy b th Chsl a Mlt?

RWM, th dty i prfmd.

SW: Bcs thy ar th Prpr Msnc implmts o a Mk Mstr.RWM: O bng adr" to ths dg, whm wr y csd to rpsnt?SW: One o th F C, emplyd a th bldg o K S's T, rnhs cstm i ws, on th ev o

th 6th dy o ea wk, t cry u thr wrk fr iaspctn.RWM: B whm ws th wrk inspctd?SW: B3Osapntdb K Sfrttprpsastndath S, W a E Gs o th T.RWM: Wt ws th clr o th Ks?


SW: W.RWM: Wt ws gvn t y fr th niv nm?SW: H, Tyrn Wds S, Snt T K S.RWM: 'ht*All: (Rise)RWM: Bro SW'.

tt we ar atrt t cls ths L o Mk

ths L o Mk Mstrs a y ar drctd


Page 67: Handbook of ARCH MASONRY






SW: (D-G e S) RWM.RWM: I i m odr tt ths I, o Mk Mstrs b nw clsd. y wl rpt th sm to th JWin th S tt th Brn m hv du ntc a gvn thmsls acdly.SW: Bro JW.JW: (Faces SW)sw: r i th ordo th RWM ttths L o Mk Mstrs b nw clsd. ywr cmcth

sm to th Brn tt rhy, hvg du ntc, m g"vn thmsls acdly.JW: -(Faces N) ein, ;ii th odi o if, nWivr, tt ths L o Mk Mstrs b nw

clsd. Y wl tk du ntc a gvn yrsls acdly.TYM:_ B1n,_ (qll, face RWM) tghtr upn th Ss.All: (D-G e Ss i.n anison; iltnr is att-face normatly)RWM: *'r{' tSW: *:&:t *JW: :8*+ :r

R.WM: Let us pray.

Chan: 1 Su.preme Architect of the IJniverse, as the Stone rejected by the

-,?:,- >builders became the headstone of the corner; so may we MarkRWM:I Well our contin,ance of well doing, and thus, as living stones,/ become suitable for Thine habitation. Amen.

All: Smib.RWM: I nw dcl ths L o Mk ]vlstrs dly clsd. Bro. SD.SD: (Fcs RWM, D-G e S) RWM.RWM: Y wl scr th thr gt LtsSD: (Fcs W, mas W, thr S to A, fcs E, D-G & S to B, stps flvd, kflls,____j!rs Lts,r.ises,bmts hed"_fcs N,nnts N, thn E to sta ana ibout fis)RWI\I: Bro JD, infrm ti Tlr.JD: -

(To otr dr, opns dr zotht atm) Bro Tlr, ths L o Mk Ms,trs is nw clsd.(Lvs dr opn, rtns to sta) R\ /M, th dty i prfrmd.RWM: *







Ar y a Mk Mstr?Ia;tym.Hwwlybtrd?B th Chsl a Mlt.Wy b th Chsl a Mlt?Bcs thy ar th prpr Msnc imFlmnts o a Mk Mstr.Wht mks y a Mk Mstr?MO.Whr wr y md a Mk Mstr?f a rglrly cnsttd L o Mk Mstrs.O bng adv to ths dg, whm wr y csd to rpsnt ?

91. 9 m F C emplyd a th Bldg o K S;s T, whs cstn i ws, o th ev o t,b6th dy o ea wk, t cry u thr rvrk fr inspctn.B rvhm ws th wrk inspctd?B 3 Osapntdb K S fr tt prps a stnd a th S, W a E Gs o th T.Hv y a Sn?

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A. I hv Sns.

A.GvmaSn.A. (Done)9. Wt i tt?A ThGHSoaMkMstr.A. Gv m anthr Sa.A. (Done)A. wr i tr?A. Th prncpl Sa o ths dg.A. Gv m aothr SaA. (Done)A. Wt i tt?A Th D-G o a Mk Mstr.A. Gv m anthr Sn.A. (Dotw)A. Wt i tt?A. Th Sn o a Mk Mstr.9. Hv y ay frthr Sns as a Mk Mstr?A. f hv nn, bt hv a Tkn-9. Adv yr TkrI.A- (Da*)A. \['t i ths?A. Th Ps Gp o a Mk Mstr.A. Hsianm?A. I hs.

O. \\r1 y gv i m?A. I wl syl i wth y.A. Syliabgn.A- BsIl y.A. N, y bgn-42.a. 1.A.A.Wlyboofrm?A. Frm.A. Frm wht a to wht?A. Frm th Ps Gp o a Mk l[str t tt Gp.O. Ps.A. (Donc)a. wt i ths?A. Th Gp o a Mk Mstr.0- Hsianm?A IhsA.Wygvim?A. I wI syl i wth y.A.SyIiabgn-A. Bgn y.A. N, y bga.A. 2.

a. 1.

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A.0. Wt ws th clr o th Ks?-A.W.A. Wt ws gvn to y fr th nw nm?A. H, Tyrn Wd's S, Snt T K S.


Officers' positions (see Fig. 6) and titles are the same as in a Lodge ofMstr I\[s except that WM is RWM.

The Lesser Ls may be used in this Degree aud if used are drsplayed andsecured the same as in the Mstr Mn Degree,

Nothing may be done in conferring the P M Degree that would aot be

permitted in the actual installation of the Master of a Lodge. Theremust be no embarrassmert to the Cnd in conferring &is Degree


RWM: * The Brnwl b clthd a i odr fr opng a L o P Ms.

JD: (Without order, cl,oses doors and is seated in his chair)RWM: * Bro SW.SW: (Rises)RWM: Ar y stfd tt a1 prsnt ar P Ms?SW: (If stid) I am stfd, RWM, tt aI prsnt ar P M. (Proceed to @)





(If nt stfd) I am nt st{d, RWM, bt wl inq o m prpr ofcr a rpt.Bro JD.

JD: (R'i,ses, proceeils to and in lront of SW, faces SW)SW: Y wl asrtn if al prsnt ar P Ms.

JD: (Proceed,s N, tken E on N side, crosses over in E, theru W on S- side; stops in front of ottyone he cannot ztouck for and reqwests kimto r'ise, then says) RWM, cnfsn.

RWM: Is thr anyone prsnt wh cn vch fr th Bro?(Whn ztchd fr stsfctry to th RWM, lD proceeds)(If nt achd fr, th RWM zaill, apPoin,t a corn rt, to errn tke aisi'tor; the

comrn and zrisitor ztsi,ll retire to tke aruteroorn at once; ID wil'l' remai'n

in front of ztisitor rtntil exnt comrn starts to coniluct tke zti'si'tor

to tke amteroom. lD ztti.l,l, tken, contiruue to pwrge)(14/ken all. present haoe been aotr,cked for, JD wi,ll proceed to attd'

in, front of SW, face SW and refort)JD: Bro SW, al prsnt ar P Ms. (Rtns to his sta a is std)SW: RWM, I am nw stfd tt al Prsnt ar P Ms.

0$EP RWM: Bro SW, fr our btr stsfctn, y wl rcv th Ps frm th S and JDs,thy frm th Brn on th rt a 7tt, a rpt in th E.


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__^(rlrlotr:iott, of Officerl Chairs, see Fig. 15)Il: * Th Cmpnswlbctthdai odr tropnja ihptro RA Ms.RAC: (With.owt order, closes d,oors and, is SeaUa in his ckair)HP: * C CotH.

















9_olH, (Rises, faces Hp)TP, Ar y stfd tt al prsnt ar R A Ms ?cotH: (If stfd) r arn stfd, EHr,-u a1'prsnt ar R A Ms. (proceed, ro L€=)

Q{ nt stfd) I am not stfd, EHp, bt wl inq o m prpr ofcr a rpt. CRAC.

!A_C: (Rises, faces CotH)CotH: Y wl asrtn if all pisat ar R A Ms.MC: (Proceeds S, crossing ozter in E, thn l[/ on S sd, thrc N on W sd,thn E on N sd, stops ,in front of'angoi ke cannot ztouck for ondrequests him to r,ise, then says) C CotH, cnfsn.

'-'- '-' '

CotH:--Is thr anyone prsnt wh cn vch fr th Cmp?(Wkn achd fr, Ctmp is stil and, RAC proceed,i)(-tf ngt vouched for, th, CotH faces itp ana sa3rs) EHp, a visitorfor whom no oae car vouch.. (rn ne w;U oppi;t+t o ,oi* to-u"*the'rtisitor; the comm ond z,i.siior win retire to the anteroom at once.RAC will remain in front of aisitor until enm co?nm starts to cond,uctthe ztisitor to the anteroorn. RAC w,ill tlaen continu,e to p,rrrgrj-

'*(when all present hazte b.een z,ouched for, RAC

"rnt jroi:ia to lr,ts

sta, face CotH and report) C CotH, al prsnt ar R A M.s. (Seated asCotH fcs HP)CotH: (Faces Hp) EIi,p, f am nw stfd tt al prsnt ar R A Ms.

frS-_HP: C CotH, i thr a cnsttnl nmbr prsnt to opn a Chptr o R A Ms?CotH: Thr is; 3 x 3.HP: Th fst grt cr o R A Ms whn cnvnd ?CotH: To cs th otr crt o th Tbrncl to b dty grdd.HP: , Y wl atnd to tt dty a hv th Sent in{rmd tt I "* abt to opn ......., Chptr^ _No. .,......, R A Ms, a drctd to grd acrdgly.CotH: (Faces W) C P*AC.RAC: (Rises, faces CotH)CotH: Y wl infrm th Sent- tt th Hp i abt to opn ........ Chptr No. ........, R A Ms,

a drct hm to grd acrdgly.RAC: _(Io otr-!r. opns d,r wtht alm. See moaement 1, Fig. 16)

C Sent, th HP i abt to opn ........ Chprr No. ........, R I ffti a y ar drctdto grd acrdgly.(RAC cl,s dr)

RAC: :r:{.* **:f *Sent: *,1 * **+ *


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ri1r1 rs-- .,1









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Figurer 16

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RAC: (Rtns to sta and tcs CotH. See rnovem.ent 2, Fig. 16)C CotH, th otr crt o th Tbrncl i dly grdd"

CotH: Hw grdd?RAC: B a Sent, plcd a hs ppr sta wtht th crts o th Tbrncl.

(RAC is seoted as CotH foces HP)CotH: EHP, th otr crt o th Tbrncl i dly grdd.HP: Hw e-rdd?CotH: B a Senf plcd a hs ppr sta wtht th crts o th Tbrncl.HP: Hs dty?CotH: To grd th sm a alw nn to ps xcpt sch a ar dly qlfd a hv prmsn fm th

HP.HP: Hw gnd y adm into a Chptr o R A Ms?CotH: B th bnft o th Ps.HP: Hv y th Ps?CotH: I hv.HP: Advnc a gv i m.CotH: (Mas 'in frnt o HP, fcs HP, mos to HP, gos Ps to HP, stps bkwd to

fl,r and zats fr odr. HP d,oes not rbe)HP: Y wl ascrtn i al prsnt ar i pssn o i.CotH: (Mos to hs sto, fcs W) C PS.PS: (Rises, faces CotH)CotI{: Aad C RAC.RAC: (Rises, foces CotH)CotH: Y wl advnc a gv m th Ps.

(PS and RAC mv frwd i.n frnt of th, HP, RAC gas Ps to PS, RAC mvs,o PSt sta, fcs CotH, PS mvs to CotH, fcs CotH, gas Ps to CotH, stpsbkzad, one steP)

CotH: Y wl ascrtn i aI prsnt ar i pssn o i.(PS ond RAC faee W, mv W, cross otter 'i,n W with PS neorer A. PS tksPs fm ea Cmp ott th S, RAC tks Ps fm ea Cmp on tk N. If a Cmp cnntga th Ps, PS or RAC wl' fc CotH and say) C CotH, a Cmp wtht th Ps.

CotHr Y wl cmc a rcv tb Ps.(PS or RAC gas Ps to Cmp ond k Cn? g Ps before Proceeding)(After aLl, kaae ghten the Ps, PS ond RAC mu to tkr stas arud f c tk CotH)

RAC: C CotH, al o th rt o th G C ar i pssn o th Ps.PS: C CotH, al o th lft o th G C ar i pssn o th Ps.

(CotH fcs HP. As CotH fcs HP, RAC ond PS or std)CotH: EHP, al prsnt ar in pssn o th Ps.HP: CCotH,aryaRAM?CotH: .... .... it .... .....HP: IIw shl I knwytob a R A M?CotII: B 3 x3 a udr a lvng ach.HP: Wy i tt mnr?CdII: Bcs ttr prncpl scrts o ths dg cnnt b gvn i ay othr mnr o frm thn tt

of udr a lvg a{h.Hp: WhtrnksyaRAM?CotH: M XIttD-HP: WhrwrymdaRAM?CotH: I a rSlrly casttd Chptr o RA Ms, asmbld i a plc rpsntg th Tbrncl erctd

b o anc Brn nr ttr rns o K S's ?.


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HP : Hw mn}, cnst a Chptr o R A Ms ?

CotH: 9 o mr.- HF: Whn cmpsd o 9, o whm ds i cnst ?

CotH: Th HP, K a S, CotH, pS, RAC, a thr Mstrs o th Vls.HP: Whm d th frst thr rpsnt ?

CotH: J,Z aIJ, thr o or anc Brn who cmpsd th Grnd Ccl a Jrslm a h1c1 thrmtgs i th Tbrncl.

HP : Whm d th lst thr rpsnt ?

cotH: Ths thr o or anc Brn who dscvrd a brt to lt th prncpl scrts o ths dg,aftr thy hd ln ,brd i drkns fm th dth o or GMHA, utl th eictn o th scncl f,a who wr rwrdd fr thr srvs b bng xltd to th ofcs o Mstrs o th VIs.HP: Th MotlV's sta?

CotH: A th fst VI.HP: **

(Officers rise. HP, K a S remain seated, CotH faces tV)HP: Cmp MotlV.MolV: (Stps frwd one stp,fcs Hp)HP: Yr dty ?

MolV: To grd th fst Vl a admt nn xcpt sch a ar dly ql{d a hv th rglr Ps.HP: Wht i tt?MolV: .... .... tt .... .....HP: Wht i th clr o yr Vl?MolV: B.HP: Wht ds i dnt?MolY: Fdshp, whch i th pdr chrctstc o a Mstr MsaEIP; ,TIr Mot2Y's sta?MolV; A th scnd Vl.'t{P: Cmp Mc 2Y-MoZY: (Stps {wod oae stp, fcs HP)

{.As,Ma.fZY stps fttud, MotlY stps bfuitd to ks sta)ffEn:, s ary.l.Mpfi,1f-r: ? grd th sc'nd Vl a admt aa wtht th Wds, S a Wds o Xplntn o th

' l[{etlY-ruP* ffit arhs Wds?VIo2Ifl; S, EI a J.iIP: .Wht i hs Sn?MoZY: I inrt!4 o tf gvn b th Lrd unto M whn H cmndd hm t cst hs rd upn

th grd-HP: Wht ar hs Wds o Xplnta?Mo2V: Xplntry o th sm, a ar to b fnd rcrdd i th wrtgs o M.HP: Wht i th clr o yr M?MoZV: P.HP: Wht ds i dnt?MozY:. unn, i bng a due mixture o b a s, i i thrfr plcd btrvn th fst a thrd

Ms to dnt th intmt cnctn xstg btwn ths mst Sblm Dg o Anc crft Msnry,a al o its prcdng d,gs.

HP: Th Mot3V's sta ?

Mo2V: At th thrd Vl.HP: Cmp Mot3V.
















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1 Mo3V:. (Stps frzad one st!, fcs HP)2 (As Mot3Vstps frwd, Mot2V stps bkwd to lts sta)3 HP: Yr dty?4 Mo3V: To grd th thrd VI a admt nn wtht th Wds, S a \Mds o Xplntn o th5 Mot2V.6 HP: Wht ar hs Wds?7 Mo3V: M, A a B.B HP: Wht i hs So?9 Mo3V: I imttn o tt g"vn b th Lrd unto M whn H cmdd hm to pt hs hand into10 hs bsm.il HP: Wlrt ar hs Wds o Xplntn?12 Mo3V: Xplntry o th sm, a ar to b fnd rcrdd i th wrtgs o M.13 HP: Wht i th c1r o yr V1?14 Mo3V: S.

15 HP: Wht ds i dnt?16 Mo3V; Tt frvncy a zl whch shld actut ea R A M, a ar th dstngshg chrctrstcs17 o ths Mst Sblm Dg.18 HP: Th RAC's sta?19 Mo3V: A th frth Vl o entrnc to our Scrd Tbrncl.n HP: Cmp RAC.2l RAC: (Stps fnoil o?u sl,f, fcs HP)72 (As RAC stps frzad, Mot3V stps bkwd to hs sta)

n ilt;, "iili th frth vt, a tk espct cr tt nn aprch into th prsnc o th Grnd ccl25 xcpt sch a ar th tr dscndnts o th t2 trbs o fsrl, a hv th Wds, S a Wds o26 Xplntn o th Mot3V, tgthr wth th Sgnt.27 HP: Wht ar hs Wds?Zg RAC: J,Z a}J-n HP: Wht i hs Sn?30 RAC: I imttn o tt gvrl b th Lrd unto M whn H cmndd hm to tk wtr fm tire3l rvr a pr i upn th dr lnd.32 HP: Wht ar hs Wds o Xplntn ?

33 RAC: Xplatry o th sm, a ar to tr fnd rcrdd i th wrtgs o M.34 HP: Wht i th Sgnt?35 RAC: Z's Sgnt, or th Sgnt o Trth.36 HP: Wht i th clr o yr Vl?37 RAC: W.38 HP: Wht ds i dnt?39 RAC: Tt prty o hrt a rcttd o cndct whch shld chrctrz al ths who sk to ps th4 smabcmRAMs.4l HP: To wht d th V1s tgthr ald?42 RAC: To th bnrs brn tr. th fr prncpl trbs o Isrl - Jdh, Ephrm, Rbn a Dn -43 o whch wr dlntd th Ln, th Ox, ttr Mn a th EgL4 HP: Th PS's sta?45 RAC: O th lft a i frnt o th Grnd Ccl. :

46 HP: Crnp PS.17 PS: (Fx HP)4 (Ai PS fcs HP, RAC stps bhzod to hs sta)49 HP: Yr dty?50

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PS:. To brg th blnd b 1y{ tt thy knew nr; to ld thm i prhs tt thy hv ntknown; to mk drkns lt bfr thm a crkd thngs strgt. Ths ihngs wr r d untothm a nt frsk thrn.

HP: Th CotH's sta?PS: 0 th rt a i frnt o th Grnd. Ccl.HP: Cmp CotEI.CotH: (Fcs HP)PS: (Fcs l,{/ as CotH fcs Hp)HP: Yr dty?CotH: To oby th odrs o th Hp: to cs th otr crt o th T,brncl to b dly grdd;___ ^

to tk chrg o th Chptr drg th intdctn o strngrs amg th wrkmn.HP: Th S's sta?corH: On th lft o th HP i Grnd ccl.HP: Hs dty?CotH: To ast th HP i th dschrg o hs dts, a i hs absnc a tt o th K, to prsd

ovr th Chptr.HP: Th K's sta ?

CotH: O th rt o th Hp i Grnd Ccl.HP: Hs dty?cotH: To ast th HP i th dschrg o hs dts, a i hs absnc to prsd ovr th chptr.HP: Th HP's sta?CotH: I th E a i th cntr o Grnd Ccl.HP: Hs dty?CotI{ To prsd i Grnd CcI; opn a gltr th Chptr; rd a xpnd th lw, a gv tlr

Cmps gd a whlsm advc.(HP,KaSri.se)

HP: ***A11: (Ri,se)HP: Cmp CotH, dsply th thr grt Lts, asmbl th Cmps arnd th A, a see tt thyar i du frm fr our dvhrs.CotH: (Mus to A. See rmov-etnmt 3, !;n.76. Knls, dsplys Lts o/t, pg to rt,

,Lses, stfs bkzad one stf , srts B zotl+ D-G e s. Mis tr'iit;t;ii ii, grg oar.See rnozteynent 4, Fig. 16. This fositioa wi.ll vary. W;in , irrgr' group, po_sition anill, be newer tke E; and z*i.th o sm,ar,r, grZwp i,t witt b,e'ieirer tne Athan showm on Fig. 16)

CotH: Cmps, asmbl arnd th A a b i du frm fr our dvtns.41lt (Ercept Grnd Ccl frm circle- See moztetnent 1, Fi.g. lZ)cotH-a (whn cmfs ar iru position) Shldr to shlcli (bo"uj Knr o rt kn.(Done) Frm chn wth-rt_arm ovr lft (Dcne) (Fcs'Hp, D_G e.t) EHp,

th Cmps ar i du frm fr tlr dvtns a awt yr plsr. (Corli knts a ins chn)(HP, K a S descenil from dais, rnote to ,;ritu, nnt, a cmpl chi"'See moz,e-*nent 2, Fig. 17)

HP: Cmps, let us pray.













Chan: ) Supreme High Priest of heaven and earth, enlighten us with a

--j" ) knowledge of rhy Truth, that we may be better enabled to uader-rrH: | {and and explain the mysteries of our Order. fnspire us wil*r' Thy Holy Spirit, that we rnay worthily love Thee aad aagnifyThy Holy Name. Amen.


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,l ,r ,,/2












Figure L7

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IA1l: Smib.ftP_: Cmps, binc by 3 x 3. (Dorue) Ars. (Done) Cmp CotH.CotH: (Fcs HP, D-G €, S) EHP.HP: Y wl frm th Cmps i grps o tlr.CotH: (Fcs inzuard) Cmps, frm i grps o thr.

(Grnd ccl frm a grp. cotH posses aroand inside circle ond indicotes cmpswho zaill,form each_group, rese*uing RAC and Mot3v for his oTrrn group.If the number of Cmps prese t d,oes not div,i.de eaenly into groups, thoierem,aiwi,ng stand during tke ceremony. catH passes back oround hreide ofcircle, checking eack growp for correct position)(!r1s ar frmd by plcg toe o rt ft agnst rt hl, of Cmp on th rt, frrug o trngl,.Wth lft knd, clsp lft wrst o Cucp o th rt; anil wth rt hnd cisp rt wrst oCmp o th lft, zt)tk rt arm ow lft)

CotH:_-(After checking all grps and whett, bk to h,s own grp, fcs Hp, D-G & S)EHP, (cmplts own grf ) th grps ar frmd.

HP: -As

w thr dd agr, i Ps, Lv 4 Unty, th scrd Wd to srch; as w thr dd. agr,i Pc, Lv a Unty, th Scrd Wd to kp; so w thr d nw agr, i-pc, Lv a Uatylors a R A. (Blnc on ea Pc, Lv a Untg)(Grps rs ach axd, cmnct Wd^ Wd is ennctd cl,ockw,ise by sgrl,bs, stofiingwtk Ctnpn oxearest th E)


(Grps drp hnds. CotH and PS stf to s,ide of Grnd Ccl,. After cerenwny'is complcted, Grnil Ccl,, CotH and PS about face and, *ore io tkeir stas ,inum,isom. AIJ others form pil lns. If Crnps do not forrn pill, l,ns. From hi^ssta, CotH will, say, "Cmps, forn pil,l lhts.")

HP: Cmp CotH.CotH: (Fcs HP, D-G & S) EHP.HP: f i m ord tt........ Chptr No. ........, R A Ms, b nw opnd fr th rglr (omit*rgly'' if twt a stated convocat,ion) dspch o bsns. y wl cmnct ths to th Cmps

tt thy hvg du ntc m gvn thmslvs acdly.CotH: (Fcs ltr) Cmps, i i th ord o th Hp tt........ Chptr No. ........, R A Ms,

b nw opnd fr th rglr (omit "rgb;' if not a stated conttocation) dspch o bsns.Y wl tk du ntc a gvn yrslvs acdly.

HP: Cmps, (all. face th HP) tgthr upn th Ss.All: (Ga Ss i.n unison. After Ss,pd,l, lns fc inward. CotH and pS fc W)HP: 'F**' *x* *K: **{< ,F** *S: *** *.k* *HP: I nw dclr ........ Chptr No. ......., R A Ms, dly opnd tr th rylr (omit*rgly'' if not a stated conaocation') dspch o bsns udr & usl Msnc rstrctns.

Cmp CotH.CotH: (Fcs HP, D-G €r.S) EHP.HP: Hv th Sent infrmd.CotH: (Fcs W) Cmp RAC.RAC: (Fcs CotH, D-G €c S) Cmp CotH.CotH: Y wl infrm th Sent tt .....,.. Chptr No. ........, R A Ms, i nw opn, a drct

hm to grd acdly.











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RAC: (Mvs ims'ide N l,n to otr dr) '6{<{< **;

Sent: *** {<*r< *RAC: (Opns dr) Cmp Sent, ...".... Chptr No. .'......, R A Ms, i nw opn a y ar

drctd to grd acdgly. (RAC cts dr, rtns to sta, tnoaing inside prll, lns, fcsCotH, D-G & S)Cmp CotH.

CotH: Cmp RAC.RAC: Th dty i prfrmd. (Fcs S as CotH fcs HP)CotH: (Fcs HP, D-G &.S) EHP.HP: Cmp CotH.Coth: Th dty i prfmd.HP: Cmps, unite with me in pledging allegiance to the Flag of the United

States of America.All: (Face Flog, repeat Pl,edge in uni,son, face normal..l,g)HP: *All: (Seated)

R. A iIT PROLOGUE' (See General Iastructions for procedute)

My Brethren:-In olden times when a star had reached its zenith, it was said to be ex-

alted. This evening you are to be exalted to the Most Sublime Degree of An-cient Craft Masonry, the Royal Arch, and after this Degree you will be hailedas a Companion.

Historically, 470 yearc have elapsed between the time setting of the lastdegree you received and the one you are about to receive. Solomon's Templewas destroyed and the people of fsrael were carried to Babylon in servitudeas captives. The Ark of the Covenant was also carried away. This was oneof the darkest rriods in fsrael's existence.

Our three Anciert Grand Masters, foreseeing the destruction of the Templeand the loss of the sacred treasures, built a hiding place in which these treasureswould be preserved until future ages should discover them.

You will take aote of tle fact that to receive this Most Sublime degree, itis necssary that there be three candidates because of the admonition you re-ceived in your search for Masonic Light: "That for which you have so longsought can be received only in the presence of three."

As the first Temple has been destroyed and the people taken captivq inthis degree you will witness and participate in the captivity of the Children offsrael and their long and tedious journey from Babylon back to their nativeJemsalem, encountering the pitfalls and dangers which every man does as hetravels tle rugged path of 1ife, and finally, you will assist in the work ofbuilding a new Temple and see the secrets of Masonry brought to light and re-stored to your view. This new Temple which you will help to build is Zerub-babel's Temple. or the Temple of your Spiritual Life.

Historically, the Temple of Solomon, representing the Temple of yourpresent life, was destroyed, while the Temple of Zerubbabel, representingthe Temple of your Spiritual Life, was never finished, this proves beyond theshadow of a doubt that our Spiritual Temple, which we are continually buildinq


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while on earth, will not be finished here; but we trust and. hope it may be com-pleted in the life which is to come. The rlegree of Royal Arch is the MostSublime Degree of Ancient craft Masonry because every reference duringthe presentation of the degree is to Deity. The degree is intended to impresiupon your mind a firm belief in the existence and attributes of a SupremeBeing and teaches a due reverence for His Great and Holy Name.

May you be so impressed with the soiemnify of this dlgree and the im-pressive lessons taught by it, that you will become a devoted student of Ancientcraft Masonry and be better prepared to dispense Light and rruth to yourless informed Brethren.

Remember, on being exalted to this Most Sublime Degree of Royar ArchMason you have reached the Zesith of Ancient Craft Masonry.


HP: * Cmps, the Chptr hs bn espc cnvd at ths hn fr th prps o cafrng th R ADg. Bros - -t - -t and - -, wh !v ba d1y electd t rcv th dgs cafrd i ths Chptr,awh hv rcvd th dg o M E M, ar i wtngto bxitdtoth dgof RA M. Ifthr i n objtn I wl cnfr th dg upn thm. Is thr objtn? (paure) Thr bng noobjtn, I wl prcd. * Cmp Sec.

Sec: (Rises, faces HP, D-G &,S) EHP.HP: Hv thy fld thr Mks fr rcrd ?

Sec: (Ans)HP: Hv th usl fes bn rcvd ?

Sec: (Ans) (If fe los nt bn rcud, proceeil same as fu M E M dg to collect fe)HP,: Th Cnds hvg cmpld wth th rgltns of th iw., * C-p Cotll.Sec: ( Seated.)CotH: (Rises, faces HP, D G e.S,) EHP.HP: Y wl tk chrg o th Chptr a se to th intdctn o these strgrs amg th wrkra.CotI{: (Foces W) Cmp PS.PS: (Rises, faces CotH, D-G & SJ Cmp CotH.CotH: Y wl se tt th Cnds ar prprd a prsntd-PS: (Fcs l,V, mvs to A, D-G & S to B, mvs to and out prprtn rrn dr)

(As PS l-us nn, Grnd, Ccl, retire frrn E. CotH mas to NE cor. RAC aMot3V ,tnzt A to NE cor. Motlv a MotZT/ !l,c Vls if tky kzt nt bn. plcd bfr.Bnnrs shld, be plcd in Vls. Incense near but not on A of Obligoti,on, Wken,arranged, RAC and. Vktnn ar std in tkr chrs, srn as in opng)(Cnds prprd wtk h-wk, c-t sa,fl tms arnd bdy, cltkd as a M E M)

PS: (At otr dr) *** *** *RAC: (Rises, fcs CotH, D-G & S,) Cmp CotH.CotH: Cmp RAC.RAC: Thr i an alm.CotH: Y wl atnd to th alm a se who cms thr.RAC: (To otr ilr in a direct line) *** 'i'x* * (RAC opns dr) Wh cms hr?PS: Bros - -, - -, d - -, who hv bn rglrly inttd, psd a rsd to th Sblm Dg of

lVlstr Msn, advncd to th hnry dg of Mk Mstr, eictd a prsdd as Mstrs i thchr, rcvd a aknldgd M E Ms, a nw sk fthr prmtn i Msry b bng xltd to thMst Sblm Dg o R A M, shld thr rqst mt th aprbtn o th CotH.

RAC: Brn, i ths o yr own fr wl a acrd?Cnds: (Ans)


















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RAC: Cmp PS, ar thy wthy a wl qtfd dly a tly prprd?PS: Thy ar.RAC: Hv thy md stbl prfcncy i th prcdg dg?PS: Thy hv.RAC: B wht fthr rt o baft do thy xpct to gn admsn?

PS: By th bnft o th Ps.RAC: Hv thy th Ps?PS: Thy hv.RAC: Brn, gv m th Ps.Cnds: (Do*e)RAC: Wht ds i dnt?Cnds: M E M, th chrctrs w nw sstn.RAC: Y wl wt wth ptnc utl th CotH i infrmd o yr rqst a hs ansr rtrnd.

(RAC cls d,r, tnos to hs sta in a ilirect l,i,ne, fcs CotH, D-G & S)CotH: Cmp RAC, who cms thr?RAC: Broi - -, - -, and - -, who hv bn rglrly intd, psd a rsd to th Sblm Dg of

Mstr Msn, advncd to th hnry dg of Mk Mstr, elctd a prsdd as Mstrs'i thchr, rvcd a aknldgd M E Ms, a aw sk fthr prmtn i Msry b bng xltd to thmst Sblm Dg o R A M, shld thr rqst mt yr aprbtn.

CotH: I ths o thr own fr wl a acrd?RAC: I i.CotH: Ar thy wthy a wl qlfd dly a tly prprd?RAC: Thy

"r.CotHr Hv thy md stbl prfcncy i th prcdg dg?RAC: Thy hv.CotH: B wht fthr rt o:bnft do thy xpct to gn admsn?RAC: By th bnft o th Ps.CotH: Hv thy th Ps?RAC: Thy hv.CotII: Gv m th Ps.RAC:cotH: wht ds i drtrt?RAC: M E Ms, th chrctr thy nw sstnCotH: Th Ps i rL Lt d m entr a b rcvd i du frrn"RAC: (Fcs W) Cmp Mstrs o t Yls.MotVs z (Rise,l,ft fc)RAC: Frm th Lvg Ach-

(RAC mzts S, thn W o* S sd to nr th otr d,r. Mo3V folws RAC, Mo2Vfol,ws Mo3V, a MoTV fol,ws MoZV, all, in single file. Halt nr otr dr, RAAabowt faces, MotVs lft fc. MoZV st|s ot4e stp forwrd, about faces. Vlstn' should not rnove feet after they are i,n this posit'ion. Ea Vlsvn wl, ckp ks l,ftwrst zath hs rt knd, thn afih hs lft hnd ckp rt wrst of Cm! to ks lft. Vlsunor to kp thr bodies erect)

RAC: (After group is propefiy formed, mvs to ot'r dr, opns ilr wtht alm)ft +hm entr and b rcvd i du frm. (RAC stfs to side of Mo3V)

PS: Brn, y ar nw atrt to entr ths Chptr o R A Ms fr th fst tm, a y mst rmbrtt whoso hmblth hmslf shl b x1td. Stoop lw, Brn, stoop lw; whoso hmblthhmslf shl b xltd.(VLtm ilrop hrds, bt do nt mo ft)


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cotH: Brn, y ar rcvd into ths chptr o R A Ms udr a Lvg Ach, to imprs uponyr mnds i th mst slmn mnr tt th prncpl scrts o ths dglnnt b gvn i uy oih,mnr o frm thn tt o udr a Lvg Ach.

PS: I hs bn th cstm o_Msns i ai ags o Msnry, bfr entrg upon ay grt o imprtnturirtkg to ask th bisg o Dty. I ws th fst lsn tght u o entrg. i1, ar o " r;a nw, as a mnfstn o _our rrnc upon tt Grt a Gd. Bng, fm whm al sd thflssd cm, lt u knl a hmbty ask Hs ;blsg o our prnst ud*ig.(PS and Cnd,s knl)Supreme Architect of the universe, we humbry adore and worship Thineunspeakable perfection. we thank rhee trat amidst the pains and calami-ties of our present state so many means of refreshmeni and satisfactionare reserved to us, whiie_traveiing the rugged. path of life; especially wouldwe at this time render Thee our thanksgiving ind praise for the institution,as members of which we are at this time assembled, and for all &e pleasureswe have derived from it. Teach us, we pray Thee, the true reverence ofThy Great and Holy Name. May the solemnity of the ceremonies oI osrinstitution be duly impressed on our minds and have a happy and rastingeffect on o,r lives. o rhou, who didst aforetime appear

""to rr,y seryant

Moses in a flame of fire out of the midst of a busta enkindre, we beseechThee, in each of our hearts a flame of devotion to Thee, of iove to eachother, and of charity to a1r mankind. May Thy goodness i*press us with alo'e oI Thy Holy Name. May Horiness io the Lord e engraven upon allour thoughts, words and actions. May the incense of pietf ascend contin-uallv unto Thee, from the altar of our hearts, and burn dly and night, asa sacrifice of sweet-smeiiing savor, wel1 pleasing unto Thee. And sincesin has destroyed rvithirr us tle first tempre of purity and innocenc e, mayThy heavenil, grace guide and assist us in rebuilding a second temple ofreformation, and may the glory of this latter housJbe greater than theglory of the former. Amea.

PS: Ars Brn' (cnds a PS r'ise. Mozv stps frrtrd into tn zaith vrsrn;_ _ n!* f c W antl fol,low RAC to stas a ar std,, iru, as in opng)PS: Lt u prcd o our udrtkg. r wilr bring the blind lry a *ui'tnat they knew

not; r will lead them in paths that they have not known; r will make dark-ness light before them and crool<ed things straight. These things will I dounto them and not forsake them.(PS and Cnds stof , faciw th A)

PS: ,k'k* *;&* *Cr:tH: Who cms hr, a wht ar y intntns ?PS: Bros - -, - -, and - -, who hv bn rglrly iattd, psd a rsd to th Sblm Dg of

Mstr Msn, advncd to th hnry dg of Mk Mstr, elctd a prsclcl as Mstrs I thchr, rcvd a acknldqd M E I\.4s, a nw sk fthr prmtn i Msry b hng xltd to thMst Sblrn Dg o R A 1r.{, shld thr rqst mt yr aprbtn

CotT{: Brn, iths c} vr olvn fr wl a acrd?Cnds: (Ans)CotH: Cmn PS. a.r: thy wthv a rrl qlfd, dly a tly prprd?PS: Thy ar.CctH: Hv thy nrd stbl prfcncy i th prcdg dg?PS: Thv hv.CotI{: B wht fthr rt o bnft do thy xpct to gn admsn?PS: Bv th bnft o th Ps.





















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CotH: Hv thy th Ps?PS: Thy hv.CotH: Brn, gv m th Ps.Cnds: (Done)CotH: Wht ds i dnt?Cnds: M E, Ms, th chrctr w nw sstn.CotH: I'h Ps i rt. I bcms mdty to infrmy tti prsungyr intntns y wlb udr

th ncsty o trvlg those rgh a dfcit pths whch R A Ms hv dn i al ags bfr y;a if prchnc y shld fl into th hnis o yr erms, a thy shld iltrt a prsct y wthtmrcy, yt udr al th frns o frtn, lt ths b yr cnsltn. Tt whoso hrnblth hmsl{shl be xltd. Ar y rdy a rvlng to cnfrm to al th ancnt usgs a cstms as

R A lvls hv dn b{r y?Cnds: (Ans)CotH: Advnc b 7 upfi rglr stps a kol a th A. (Done)

(PS zuill h,zt Cnds grsp stf , tk wru stps and hnl at A, sm as M M dg)PS : Tk svn short stps. (Done) Knl on bth kns, (Done) bth hnds rstng o th

HB,SqaCs.CotH: Bng nw plcd at t A i du frra, if i sfl b yr wsh to prcd, y wl sy f, prnc

yr nm, a rpt aftr m:

O m o fw aa,i tp oAGa tCoRAIVIs, etGadttm oZ,dhah m sa sp a st f w not r t s ot d t a b o a p d, n t a p i t w,e ibwal cado C o RA Ms, ota C o t dw I s hf tb sb stde,o1i.Frthmr, f w a a o a d s a s s t a r bmf aCoRAMs, ogmbaCr>td,iwtlomc-t.Frthmr, I w s t a ab tB-Ls o t o a o Co RA Ms o w Imb am,atEaRotGCu w a t s m w;a t C R a R o tM EGGCoRAMs,sfatssctmk.Frthmr, f w h, a a a a q,, d C R A Ms, t w, w a o, !\r I m f t, s f a t nmramap,witmothpcum.Frthmr, IwetcoaCRAMwip,sf atehf i d.Frthmr, I w k t s o a C R A M, w S t, a r b ma s, s a i.Frthmr, f w n b p a t o o c o aCoRAMsu t sbpalnr RA Ms.Frthmr, I w n b p a t e t t d o a go I nt3 ao at s t.Frthmr, I w n u s t b o a C R A M.Frthmr, I w n u r t k t t c b t t d; a w t s s h s i p, I w i d i.Frthmr, f w n c tGRAWi a o m t t i w f mh ri, nw I itGa S

Nsitrpiwtsmbhctm.Althslmsaspas,w a h,m r o s e ominew;b m u n I a p ttohm s s o a m lbrn e t t s r otn-d s, s f vt, m s O a a RA M. Sh mGakms.

Rmv yr hnds, (done) a as y ar tchd o th shldr, i tkn o yr sncrty, ks th H B.PS: Ars. Brn, 1t u prcd o our udrtkg.

Now Moses kept the flock of .Jethro, his father-in-1aw, the priest of Midian;and he led the flock to the lack side of the desert and came to the mountain ofGoc1, even to Horeb. And the Angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a flameof fire out of ttre midst of a bush; and he looked, and behold the bush burnedwith fire, and the bush was not consumed, And Moses said, "f will now turn


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aside and see this great sight, why the bush is ttot burnt." And wlien the Lordsaw that he turned aside to see, God cailed unto him out of the midst of thebush and said, "Moses ! Moses !" And he said, "Here am I." And He said,"Draw not nigh hither; put off thy shoes from off thy feet, for the placewhereon thou standest is holy ground." (Cnds rmv skoes) Moreover IIe said,"I am the God of thy fatJrer, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and theGod of Jacob." And Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look upon God.

(EXODUS 3:14)CotH: Th symbl o th Brng Bsh i dsplyd to y a ths tnn o yr xltn to rmnd y tt

th Ss a Wds whch {lw ar o Dvn instn, a wr, b th Chldr o Isrl, hld scrd asch, a b thm trnsmtd to thr pstrty a a mns b whch to mk thmslvs knwn ato dstngsh ech otr evr aftr.(During this lectwre by the CotH, tke RAC and, Vkynn will mozte qu'ietlyand, stat'ion theynsel,ztes in the Vls)Zedekiah was one and twent;i years old when he began to reign, and

rbigned eleven years in Jerusalem- And he did that which was evil in the sightof the Lord his God, and humbled not himself before Jeremiah, the prophet,speaking from the mouth of tJre Lord.

And he also rebelled against King Nebuchadnezzar, and stiffened his neck,and hardened his heart from turning unto the Lord God of Israel. Moreover,all the chief of the priests, and the people, transgressed very much after all theabominations of the heathen, and polluted the house of the Lord, which he hadhallowed in Jerusalem. And the Lord God of their fathers sent to them by hismessengers, rising up betimes and sending because he had compassion onhis people and on his dwelling-place. But they mocked the messengers of God,and despised his words and misused his prophets, until the wrath of the Lordarose against his peopie, till there was no remedy.

Therefore, he brought upoa them &e King of the Chaldeans, who slewtheir young men with the sword in the house of their sanctuary, and had nocompassion upon youog rnafl or maidea, old man, or him that stooped for age;he gave them ali into his hand. And ail the vessels of the house of God, greatand small, and the treasures of the house of the Lord, and the treasures of theking, and of his princes, all tirese he brought to Babylon. A:rd they burnt thehouse of God, and brake down the wall of Jerusalem, and burnt ail the palacesthereof with fire, and destroyed all the goodly l'essels thereof. And them thathad escaped from the sword, carried he away to Babylon, where they wereservants to him and his sons, until the reign of the kingdom of Persia.

(2 &ron.36:11-2A)(Clshg o swd,s by MolV and Mo2V in Vls)

PS: Brn! I hr th clshg o ams! Th Chaldeans ar upn u! Lt u eridvr to mkour escp ! Hstn, Brn, hstn ! '

CotH: Brn, thus fr i ths crmns y hv rprsntd thr M E Ms, who wr prsnt ath dstrctn o K S T b Nbzrda, Capt o th grd o Kg Nbcdzr, a wr tkn cptvto Byln, whr thy rmnd srvnts utl th rgn o Cyrs, K o Prs, who i th fst yr o

hs rgn isd hs fms prclmtn, syg:The Lord God of Heaven hath given me all the kingdoms of the earth,and He hath charged me to build Him an house at Jerusalem, which is inJudah. Who is there among you of a1l his people ? His God be with him;and let him go up to Jerusalem, which is in Judah, and build the house ofthe Lord God of Israel, which is in Jerusalem.


































5C(Ezra 1:2-3)

Page 124: Handbook of ARCH MASONRY

l l rpsns to ths prclmtn o th Kg, mny o oi'tr aucnt Brn, Chidrn o tir Cptvty'

2 inv-a1rdy dprtd {r Jrslm to blJagn th Cty a llse o th Lrd' Y wl nw rpsnt

3 ti,r o those Hbrw -cptvs

who r'rlft bhna i By1u, a i tt cpcty, wht ansr d y

4 mk to th ofr o th Kg a cntnd i th pclmtn?

5 PS: Brn, w ar nw fr- iVtt ty y; shl w g u to Jrlsrr? 1a {r gng u imdtly a

6 spndg th rmnt o my dys i tt otrc hpy hm.

i ko"CotH) W ar ray, *lng to g, Li I a dbtfl wht rcptn w shi mt wth a th

6 hnds o o ancnt Brn. Btrrld, whn w cm unto th chidn o Isrl, a shl sy u thm'

9 "Th G of yr fhrs hth snt u uilto li'athy shl sy to us, "\Mht i IIs nm?"

10 Wtrat shl w sy unto &m?11 Cotll: - - tt - -. Ths shtrt thou sy unt th Chldn o Isrl, - -, hth snt u unt y'

12 PS: Y nw rpsnt thr o our ancnt Brn rtrng fm Bylnn cptvty' Our Ps, y rmbr'

13 i--tt--.li (PS wil,l, hale cnds pat on sandals. If sandals are not artailable, have cnds

15 ?ut o% their oze.yn sioes. If saytd,als are used, RAC tahes Cndd skoes to

16 PrPrtn rm)17 '(RAC

and, Vkmn wl, plc hads as quietlu as fossible; RAC and vlsmn d'o

18 mot touck C*ils ercept to prevent an accident)19 'We are now returniag to Jerusalem from Babylon, where we have been

fi held in captivity these rnany loag years. Thanks be given to King Cyrus, by

n whose proclamation we have beea liberated and permitted to return to our fla-

n tive couatry, to aid a:rd assist in tebuildiag the house of the Lord.23 We have left the domes and spires of Babylon behind us. I can now just24 see them in the distance, glittering in the sunlight over the hills and plains of25 Chaldea.x our trust is i th G I A; and although our joufney may be long, tedious

27 and tlreary, our pathway rough, rugged and dangerous, Yet we will endeavor to

* oyercome every obstacle, endure every hardship, aad brave every danger to pro-

D mote the great aad glorious work upon which we have entered.

30 we ane oo* oo th" plains of shinar. This is the land where the posterity

31 of Noah first assembled to build a city. After the waters of the deluge had

n subsid.ed, aad the Ark rested oa Mouat Ararat, Noah and his family went forth33 and offered a sacrifice of every clean beast and fowl, which the Lord accepted.

34 For the first one hundred years their empioyment was chiefly tilling the grotlnd

35 and cultivatiag the grape. rn tle year o{ the flood 101, the posterity of Noah

36 having becomi numerous, they were ordered by him to disperse and take pos-

37 s"ssion of the different divisions of the earth, according to a partition made by

38 him.39 As they journeyed from the east towards the west, they found a place in,10 the land of- Shinar where they resolved to build a city. in order to avoid what

4l they considered the disastrous consequences of a separation. They also de-

42 termiaed to efect a tower so high that on its top they would be out of reach of

43 another deluge. They accordingly built this abominable city of Babylon and the

# Tower of Babel; but as this was only to make for themselves a t:E'rne and pre-

45 vent their separation, the Lord, to punish them for their vanity, confoirnded

46 their speech. and thereb;; caused their dispersion.47 We have now arrived at a place where we can have a choice of two routes48 to Jerusalem: one leading in a direct line through the desert of Arabia, the49 other up the banks of the river Euphrates and around bv wal' of Tadmor and

50 Damascus-


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The desert route is much the shorter, ttrough by far the more difficult anddangerous' It is less frequented by travelers, o*irrg to its intense heat and greatscarcity of water.

The other is much pleasanter, though ionger and mountainous. on it wecan aiways find pienty of fresh u'ater, fruit and-provisionr. xow, my Bre&ren,what say you; which route shall we take? - There ur" tarartips-"',.a ouog.r,upon each; yet I think there is.no difficulty in determining; ,"d iiyo, f,u""no objections, we wiil take the river route. Let us be goingl- . Before reaching the river, we shail come to a rough and dangerous prace.It is just belore us. Stop, Brethren ! Before undertakiig t&;;;?; let us doas ali good Ms shouid before entering upon any .great aad important under-taking - kneei and invoke the biessing- of O"lty.













oh Great God of our fathers, give ear unto us who so humbry bow beforeThee. Guide us over the pitfalls urrd d"ngerors passes of our *rttty rife, sowe may return to Zion; rebalrd the Temple to Thy giory, and make iurservesworthy of Thy great love. Amen,

- Lord, r crv uato Thee; make n"r[3t]rr" me.Give ear unto my voice whenI cry unto Thee' Let my prayer be set forth before Thee as'incense, and

the lifting up of ,ry hands as the evening sacrifice. Set a watch, o Lord, be-lo.re mr mouth; keep the door of my 1ips. Inctine not my herrt to any evirthing, to practice wicked works with men that work iniquity. Let the righteoussmite me; it shal1 be a kindaess. And 1et him repro'e me; it shali be an excel-lent oil. Mine eyes are unto Thee, o God tl,e Lord. rn Thee is *y tirr.t; l"u.r"not my soul destitute. K""p me from tfre snares which they have laid for me,.and the gins of the workers of inquity. Let the wicked iar into their ownnets, whiist that I withal escape. Amen. (PSALM 141)

Arise, let us proceed on our journey. Be careful, Brethren, be carefur;we shall soon be over. Remember in whom you put your trust.

I wl brg th blnd by a wy tt thy knew nt; i wi ld thm i pths tt rhy hvnt known; r wl mk drkns lt bfr thm a crkd thgs strght. Ths thgs wr r d untothm a nt frsk thm.

We are now safeiy over.we are now on the green banks of the ever-running waters of the Eu-

phrates. How beautiful the scenery. we will tarry here-awhile and rest andrefresh ourselves. This famous river rises in the iable-lands of Armenia, andruns through a lovely country until it empties into the persian Gulf. The citvyou see on the other side is Achad.

\Me are now one hundred and twenty miles on our journey, and nearly half-way to the big bend of the river, where we shall rea,e it and take our courseacross the country.

\Me are flow approaching the big bend. The country on the opposite sideis Mesopotamia; it was the birthplace of our Father Abraham, rts inhabitantsare a quiet, peaceful people, engaged in tending their flocks and in the cultureof the grape.


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We have now arrived at the big bend, and are more than half way on ourjourney. At this point we shall leave the river and travel tirrough Syria towardsDamascus. On our route we shail meet with many objects of interest; weshall pass the ancient city of Tadmor, or Palmyra of the Deseri, and throughraany beautiful groves and vineyards.

We are now approaching the city. There you can see it. It is situated onthe plains just north of the desert; it is one of those cities conquered by K Safter the compietioa and cledication of the ll'emp1e, and which he rebuilt, beau-tified and adorned. It is a noted stopping place for caravans on their long andtoilsome journeys.

How beautiful the country ! How magnificeat the view !'We can hardly imagine that the time will ever come when this city, which

we now see in all its splendor, will be a heap of miserable ruins and the sur-rounding country barren, desolate and forsaken; but such, no doubt, will someday be its fate, for so it is wri,tten.

We must be going. Before reaching Damascus, we sha11 have to cross altold bridge over a deep ravine. It is just before us. Let me go forward andexamine it.

It is a dangerous place; the bridge is old and rotten; its foundations arecrumbling, and some of its covering is gone; but with proper caution I thiokwe can get safely over. Before attempting its passage, let us again kneel andptay.

Almighty and everliviag God guide Thy servants so they may see Thygrea,t works and glorify Thy Holy Name forever.

Lift the veil from our eyes tiat we may enter into Thy Holy House and,as trusting servants to ?hee, reflect forever Thy goodness and mercy. Amen.

(or)I cried unto the Lord with my voice; with my voice unto the Lord did I

make my supplication. I poured out my complaint before Him; I shewed beforeHim my trouble. When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, then Thoulorewest my path. Io the way wherein I walked have they privily laid a snarefor me. I looked ofl my right hand and treheld, but there was no man thatwould know me; refuge failed me; no man cared for my soul. I cried untoThee, O Lord. I said, "Thou art my refuge and my portiofl in the land of theliving. Attend unto my cry; for f am brought very low; deliver me from mypersecutors; for they are strong'er than I. Bring my soul out of prison. that Imay praise Thy name." Amen. (PSALM 142)

Arise, let us proceed on our journey. Be careful, Brethren, we shall soonbe over

- be careful. Tt seems to be about ready to fall. H, B. h ! We are

safelv over. Let us move on.'We have now arrived at Damascus. This is a famous resting place for

travelers. and here we will sit down and rest and refresh ourselves.(PS atill retnain with Cnds. RAC brings refreshments ro PS. PS gives re-freskme*ts to Cnds, PS and Cnds partahe. Suitable refresl+nt,ents aregra|es, figs, or dates, anil clear water)


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3***t>8IK il


We are surrounded by vineyards and cool fountains, while just before uslies the beautifui city. It is one of the oldest in the world, and has long beennoied for its wealth and magnificence, and famous for its manuJacture oI fineand costly {abrics, particulariy for its unrivaled sword blades of finest steeland keenest temper.

Arise, Brethren, let us be going. We must not tarry ionger, for we haveyet quite a distance to travel before reaching Jerusalem.

Off to the right you see the forests of Lebanon, where our fathers felledand prepared the ,timbers for K S's T.

We shall soon come to another difficult passage, more dangerous than theothers. Here it is, We remember in whom we put our trust; let us once morekneel and pray.

Supreme Architect of the Uaiversq whose guiding haad is always readyto lead us in the path of righteousness, endow us with a love for Thy HolyName.

Inspire us with Thy great love, that we may build a spiritual Temple, ac-ceptable unto Thee. Amen.

(or)Hear my prayer, O Lord; give ear to my supplications. In Thy faithfui-

ness answer me and in Thy righteousness. And enter not into judg.ment withThy servant; for in Thy sight shall flo man living be justified. For the enemyhath persecuted my soul; he hath smitten my life dot'a to the ground; he hathmade me to dwel1 in darkness. Therefore is my spirit overvrhelmed within me;my heart within me is desolate. Hear me speedily, O Lord; my spirit faileth.Hide not Thy face from me, lest I be like unto them that go down into the pit.Cause me to hear Thy loving kindness in the morning, for in Thee do I trust.Cause me to know the way wherein I should walk, for I lift up my soul untoThee. Teach me to do Thy will, for Thou a*- ffry God. Bring my soul out oftrouble; and of Thy mercy cut off mine enemies, for tr am Thy servant. Amer.

(PSALM 143)

Arise, let us proceed on our jouraey. Be careful, Brethren, be careful; weshall soon be over.

There, my Brethren, we are now safely over a1l our troubles. Let us moveon.

\Me are ncw on the plains of Jordan between Succoth and Zetedatha, whereour ancient G M H A wrought so faithfully in casting the hoiy vessels for theTemple. Here those two famous pillars, J and B, were cast.

Cheer up, my Brethren, our journey is almost at an enC. Soon we sirall'be in sight of the ruins of our ancient city and the tents of our Brethren tvhohave gone up trefore us. Soon we sha1l be r,rrith them and engaged in the greatand glorious work of rebuilding our city and Temple.

Roueh and rugged has been the roa.ci, long and toilsorne has been Lhemarch; but sustained by a firm trust i th G T A we have at last arrived at ourjouroey's end. f can see the Tabernacle just tefore us.













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(PS oud Cnds retire by outer d,oor, h'w'ks ore removed, sondol's are repl'oceil

later.There should be no del,oy in the work ot this point.Grnd Ccl, tahe stat'iorus as PS ond Cnds retire by owter door.RAC and Vlsrnn ilrow swords and are stotioned in the Vl,s. Fst Vl, isclosed. I{o chairs in Vl,s. Light imcense bwrner now)

PS: Look, Brethren, look ! There is probably a guard stationed here, but weare M E Ms. L u gv a alm a s i w cn gn admsn. :B** *'i{'

IVIoIV: Who drs aprch ths fst Vl o our Scrd Tbrncl? Grds, Asmbl! A enmyaprchs !

(Anfu Zad, a 3rd Vlsmn' rusk to fstcurtoin in tiew of Cnds)

MolV: lVho cms hr ?

PS; Thr wry sjrns fm Bbln.MolV: Who ar y a wht a yr intntns ?

Vl, and thrust point of swords outside

PS: War oyr own Brnakndrd, sprulgfmyro trbs a fnrls, a hv nw cmu toJrshn to ad a ast i rbldg th Hse o th Lrd.

MolV: Grds, y m rtr.(Znd, and 3rd, Ylsm.* retract stttords, retu,rn to their stations in Vls, close

Vls, arud, stand ot carry naotds)MolV: B a odr o th Grnd Ccl, md i cnsqnc o dfclts hvg arsn b th intdctn o

strngrs amg th wrkn, nn ar prmtd to eagg i ths grt a glrs udr&g xpt sch

a ar th tr dscndts o th twl trbs o Isrl. It i thrfr ncsry tt y shld b mr ptclri trcg yr gnlsy; othwrs y cnnt b admtd. Who ar y ?

PS: W ar Chldn o th Cptvty, sprung fm ths nbl fmls o Gblmts who wrght s

fthfly a th bldg o th frst T. Thy wr rgdy inttd, psd a rsd to th Sblm Dg ofM M; advncd to th hnry dg o Mk M; wr elctd a prsdd a Ms i th chr; a ath copltn a ddcta o th T, wr rcvd a aknldgd M E Ms. But w, who ar aisM E Ms, wr prsot a i dstrctn b Nbzrdn, b whm w wr crd cptv to Byln, whrsv rmnd synts to Nbcdzr a hs scsrs utl th rgn o Cys, K o Prs, b whs prclmtnw wr lbrtd a hv aw rtnd to our ntv cntry to ad a ast i th grt a glrs udrtkgo rbldg th Hse o th Lrd, wtht th hp o fe o rwrd.

MolV: Y apr to trc yr gnlgy wl, bt hw d y xpct to gn admsn?PS:' By th Wd of Hm who hs snt us.MolV: Vy'ho hs snt y?PS: Th G o yr fthrs.MotlV: Wht i Hs nm?PS: - - tt - -.

(Each Vlsm.n wi,lJ recite his lines without demonstrati,on, of tke Ss, anr! re-ma'i,n, standin'g ot corrg staords)(When ailmtng PS a Cnds, ea Vlsrn wl opn Vl wth poittt of sword, stp asd.

and stand ot ca*y swords)MolV: Entr ths fst Vl o o Scrd Tbnrcl. 1VI E Ms y ctnly ar, thus fr to hv

ca;bt frthrycnntgwthtmWds, S a Wds o Xp1n. M Wdsar S, H a J.M S i i imttn o tt gvn tr th Lrd u M whn H cmdd hm to cst hs rd u thg'rnd. M Wds o Xpln ar xplntry o th sm, a ar to be fnd rcdd i th wrtgs oM i th flwg wds:And tl-re Lord said unto hirn. "What is that in thine hand?" And he said,qA rod." And I{e said, t'Cast it on the groufld." And he cast it on theground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from before it. And the


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,Lord said unto Moses, "Put forth thine hand, and take it by the tail." Andhe put forth his hand and caught it, and it became a rod i, his hand.

Hrftr y mst b mr ptctr i gvg th alm. Th arm, y r, *" {r'r{o^'"y^tr:t33"|9.be.1mbid, thy spsng an enmy aprchd. The rgir alm iJsvn kncks, thus.*** t,i* :t

Ps o.PS: ,'*:t< 'k** *Mo2Y : Who drs aprch ths scnd Vl o o Scrd Tbrnci ? Who cms hr ?PS: Thr wry sjrnrs fm Bbln, who hv rtnd to thr ,tv cntry to ad a ast i th- _ g_rt a glrs udrtkg o r,bdigth Hse o th trd wtht th hp o fJo rwrd.Mo2Y : Hw d y xpct to gn admsn ?

PS: B th Wds, S a Wds o Xpln o th Mstr o th fst Vl.MoZY : Wht ar hs Wds ?

PS: S,HaJ.MoZY: Wht i hs S ?

lF:__I ilttn o tt gvn b th Lrd u M whn H cmdd. hm to cst hs rd u th grnd.MoZY: Wht ar hs Wds o Xpln?PS:_-Xplntry o th sm a ar to b fnd rcdd i th wrtgs o M.Mo2Y: Entr ths scnd Vl o o Scrd Tbnrcl. ttt B Us y ctnly ar, thus fr to hv

9m1 bt frthr y cnnt g wtht m Wds, S a Wds o Xpln. M Wds ar M, A a B.M s i i imttn o tt gvn b th Lrd u M whn H cmdd hm to pt hs hnd into hsbsm. My wds o Xpln ar xplntry o th sm a ar to be fnd rcrd i th wrtgs oM i th flwg wds.And the Lord said furthermore unto hirn, "put now &ine hand into thylo.roT_."- -A1d he put his haad into his bosom; and when he took it out,behold, his hand was leprous as sno$/. And He said, "put thine hand intothy bosom agaia." And he put his hand into his bosom again; and pluckedit out of his bosorn aad behold it was turned again as his other flesh.





(EXODUS 4:6-7)Ps o.

PS: *** *** *M-o3V: Who drs aprch ths thrd Vl o o Scrd Tbrncl? Who cms hr?PS: Thr wry sjrnrs fm Bbln, wh hv rtnd to thr ntv cfltry to ad a ast i th-_ -_g_rt

a_glrs udrtkg o rb{dg th Hse o th Lrd, wtht th hp oie o rwrd.Mo3V: Hw d y xpc to gn admsn?PS: B th Wds, S a Wds o Xpln o th Mstr o th scnd Vl.Mo3V: Wht ar hs Wds?PS: M,AaB.I\Io3V: Wht i hs S ?

_Pf i__t imttn o tt gvn b th Lrd u M whn H cmdd hm to pt hs hnd into hs bsm.Mo3V: Wht ar hs Wds o Xpln?l! i Xplntry o th sm a ar to b fnd rcdd i th wrtgs o M.I\{o3v: Entr ths thrd vt o o scrd rbnrcl. lt a;ms v ctnly ar, thus fr to hv

9m; bt frthr y cnnt gwtht m Wds, S a Wds o Xpin. I[Wds ar J,Z aits..M s i i imttn o tt g'n b th Lrd u M whn H cmdd hm to tk wtr im th rvra pr i u th dy Id. M wds o Xpln ar xprntry o th sm a ar to b fnd rcrd ith wrtgs o M i th flwg wds:


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And ii shall come to pass, if they will not believe also these two signs,

neither hearken to thy voice, that thou shail take of the water of the riveralld pour it upon the &y land; and the water which thou takest out of the

rivei shall become blood. upon the dry land. (EXODUS 4:9)Th sgnt i Z's Sgnt, o th Sgnt o Trth. (Gvs Sgn't /o PS) Ps o.

PS: *** *,f ,k *RAC: \,Vh drs aprch ths Irth vl o o Scrd Tbnrcl, whr incs brns upn our Hly

A bth dy a nt? Who cms hr?PS: Thr wry sjrnrs fm Bbln, who hv rtnd to thr ntv cntry to ad a ast i th

grt a glrs udr&g o rbldg th Hse o th Lrd, wtht th hp o fe o rwrd, a hv bn

rcvdaaladdgdMElls.RAC: Hw d y xpct to gn admsn?PS: B th Wds, S a Wcis o Xpln o th Mstr o th thrd Vl, tghtr wth th Sgnt'RAC: Wht ar hs wds?PS: J,Z a}J.RAC: \,Vht i hs S ?

PS: I imttn o ttgvnbth Lrdu M whn H cmddhmto tkwtr fmth rvr a priuthdyld.

RAC: Wht ar hs lVds o Xpln?PS: Xplotry o ttr sm a ar to b fad rcdd i th wrtgs o M.RAC: Wht i th Sngt?PS: Z's Sgnt, o th Sg:nt o Trth.RAC: Prsnt i. (Done) Wt wth ptnc utl th CotH i infrmd o yr rqst a hs ans

rtnd.(Faces CotH, slts by ertending rt anm forzaard wi,tk sword keld, verticolly,pointing upward, and, then, returns to carr! sword) Cmp CotH.

CotHi Cmp RAC.RAC: Thr wry sjrnrs fm Bbln, who hv cm u to ad a ast i rbldg th Hse o th

Lrd, wthtthhp o fe o rwrd, a clm to b M E Ms. Thy hv psd th Vls a nrv

ask prosn to elrtr into th prsnc o th Grnd Ccl.CotH: B wht frthr rt o bnft d thy xpect to gn admsn?RAC: B th bnft o th Sgat.CotH: Wht i tt?RAC: Z's Sngt, o th Spt o Trth.CotH: Prsnt i.RAC: (Mas to CotH, gos Sngt to CotH onil wts fr ord)CotH: Admt thm.RAC: (Rtrns to sta a Vt) Ps o.

(When PS and, Cnds fut psil th Vls, PS wl cndct th Cnd.s S to nr ctr o rm.,

thn E to th E and, fcng E in a ln frm N to S. Whn rtng wtk iliscoveries,Ctds ar cndctil, in srn mnr)(As PS and Cnds enter, Scilbe will, quote or reail fronr, a scroll. It is notto be reail from a ritual)

S: In &at day, saith the Lord of lfosts, will I take thee. O Zerubbabel, myservang the son of Sheatiel, saith the Lord, and rryill make thee as a signet;for f have chosen thee. (HAG. 2 23)

CotH: (MEM D-G & S) EHP, K a S, thr wry sjnrs fm Bbln, who hv cm uto ad a asti rbldgth Hse o th Lrd. Thy clm tb M E Ms. Thy hv psd thVls a prsntd ths Sgnt. (Mvs to in front of Grnd Ccl, prsnts Sgnt to HP onrlrtns to hs sta)


Page 131: Handbook of ARCH MASONRY

(Grnd, Ccl, rmn, Sgnt clsly)HP: Ths i th Sgnt o z, a th Grnd ccl ar stfd tt i wld nt hv bn entrstd to

anyone unwrty o our prsnc. y clm to b M E Ms. Wht evdnc cn y frnsh*_ th _Grnd Ccl tt y ar M-E Ms, a o yr ablty to engg i ths grt a glrs wrk?PS: W cn gv th Wds a Ss o th svrl dgs thigh whcl w hv-psrl. "

(Grnd Ccl cnfr)HP: Y my omt th Wds; b gv th Ss.

___- (P.t and Cnds ga Ss fm E A through M E M)

5I , _y E Ms y ctnly ar, b wht part otlle wrk ai y wlg to udrtk?l!, W ar w1g to udrtk ay prtn, b i evr so srv1, t pimt s"grt a girs a udrtkg.HP: Yr mdsty bspks yr r*rt; a fm th spcmn y'hv xhbta"o yr r"tt, th Grnd ccl

entrtn n dbt tty ar cpbr o prfrmngth mst dfcit pr o th wrk; bt a i i ncsrytt th rbsh shld b rmvd fm th old rns, i odr to ly i fndtn fr th nw T, y wl, orcvg ppr wrkg tls, rpr to th rns a cmnc yr lbi, tvth strct injctn to obsrv aprw evrythg y my fd wthy o ntc a rpt th sm to th Grnd ctt; tr v/ entrtnn dbt tt thr ly brd mny r.ncils o xclnc, whch i dscvrd a brt to rght, wi b osvc to th Crft. Cmp CotH.

CotH: (Rises, faces HP, MEM D-G & S) Bffp.HP: Invst thm wth th wrkg tls a drct thm to th rns.cotH: The working Tools of a Royal Arch Mason are the crow, pickax aad

Spade.(Gas one to eaclo cnd) The cro.v is used by operative Masons to raisethings of weight and bulk, the pickax to roosen the soil and prepare it fordigging and the Spade to remove rubbish. But the Royal Arch Mason isernblematically taught to use them for more noble purposes. By them he isreminded that it is his sacred duty to lift from hii mind the heavy weight-of

passions and prejdices which encumber his progress towards viriue,loosening the hold which loag habits of sin and iotty have had upon hisdisposition, and removing the rubbish of vice and ignorance, which pre-vents him from beholding that eternal foundation of truth and wisdomupon which he is to erect the spiritual and moral temple of his secondIife. Cmp PS.

PS: (MEM D-G & S) Cmp CotH.CotH: Conduct thm to th scn o thr 1br.PS: (cndcts cnds throttgh tk vts to ?rprn *rn. vlsna wi,ll not slt or prese t

swords but stanrl at carr! swords as ps and cnils retire. [/ls are ctised. of-ter PS and. cnds ret'ire. on, first trip, Tools are teft at tke ruins and, not re-turned with the discozteri,es. sandak are replaced, by slt,oes. c-ts are re-tnoaed)(For safety reasons the use of a pit or vault should be di,scon,tiroued.. Ifttsed,it.is the responsibi,li.ty of the chapter to see that no acc,i.d,ent or injwrlsoccurs)











(If pif or vault is not used,) You now represent three rvorkmen atthe ruins of K S's T with orders to remove the rubbish and to obsrva prsv evrythg y m fd wthy o ntc a to rpt th sm to th Grnd Ccl. Theywrought for several days among broken columns and ruined archesrvithout discovering anything of importance. At iength one of themstruck his Croiv against what seemed to be an impenetrable rock,which gave forth a hollow sound. Whereupon all three redoubled


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their efforts and presently discovered an arch. In its apex was aKeystone which they removed and carried up for inspection by theGrand Council. In imitation of our ancient Brn, let us take this Key-stone up for inspection by the Grnd Ccl, (Ks is carried, by one of tke

Cnds)(If Pit or znwlt is wsed) You now represent three workmen at the

ruins of K S's T with orders to remove the rubbish and to obsrv a

prsv evrythg y m fd wthy o ntc a to rpt th sm to th Grnd Ccl. Let usbegin our labors. (Cnds rernove rubbisk and find Keystone) Thismay be of importance in the retruilding of the Temple. Let us take itup for inspection by the Grnd Ccl. (Ks is carried, by one of tke Cnds)

PS: (Cndcts Cnd,s to en'tra&ce of l/ls) *** *

MolV: Who cms hr ?

PS: Wrkm fm th rns wth thr dscvrs fr inspctn.MolV: Gv m th Ps.PS: - - tt - -.MolV: (Opns Vl) Ps o.PS: +** *** *Mo2V: Who cms hr?PS: Wrkm fm th rns wth thr dscvrs fr inspctn.MoZV: Gv m th Ps.PS: S,HaJ.Mo2V: (Opns Vl,) Ps o.PS: *** *** *Mo3Y: Who cms hr ?

PS: Wrkm fm th rns wth thr dscvrs fr inspctn.Mo3V: Gv m th Ps.PS: M,AaB.Mo3V: (Opns Vl) Ps o.PS: *+* **+ *RAC: Who cms hr?PS: Wrkm fm th rns wth thr dscvrs fr inspctn.RAC: Gv m th Ps.PS: J,ZaH.RAC: Wt wth ptnc utl th CotII i infrmd o yr rqst a hs ans rtnd.

(Sm slt wth nud as bfr) Cmp CotH.CotH: (Rises) Cmp RAC.RAC: Wrkm fm th rns wth thr dscvrs fr inspctn.CotII: Admt thm.RAC: (Opns Vl) Ps o.

(As PS anil Cnds enter K uill quote, or read, from a scroll. It is not tobe red from o rituol,)

K: This is the word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel. saying, "Not by might norby power, but by my spirit", saith the Lord of Hosfs. "!['fi6 art thou, Ogreat mourtain? Before Zerabbabel thou shalt become a plain, and heshall bring forth the head-stone thereof with shoutiflgs, crying, 'Grace, graceunto it."' Moreover, the word of the Lord came unto me saying: "Thehands of Zerubbabel have laid the foundation of this house; his hands shall


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7also finish it; and thou shalt know that the Lord of Ifosts hath sent meunto you. For who hath despised the day of small things ? For tJiey shallrejoice and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zeribbabel with thoseseven."

CotH: (MEM D-G &.t, EHp, K a S, wrkm fm ,n rr",{frfr{f;!.f;!'linspctn. (Std)

HP: Brn, wht rprt hv y to mk?PS: (MEM D-G & "t) EHp, Ka S,wrprdtothrnsadrctdaprsdolbrs

for fr dys wtht mtg aythg wthy o ntc, xcpt psg th ,rm o ,uii clmns aplstrs. Bt o th ffth, a w prsd o lbrs, w.*io *i,It w a fst spsd to b a sldrck; bt o strkg i wth th crw i rtrnd a hlw snd, whch csd u t rabr our xrtns;a o rmvg th rbsh, w cm to a Ach, i th vtx o whch ws a stn o snglr frm aaprnc, whch wth mch dfclty w rmvd; a o xsmtn, fnd o one o i sds, sr,chrctrs nriy efcd b tm. Nght tha drwg ngh, w rtrntl to th Grnd ccl wth odscvrs fr inspctn.

HP: Prsnt yr dscvrs.

___ (Cnd prsnts Ks to tk Hp. Grnd Cct rm otod con{er)HP: Tirs i a vlbl dscvry, bng n ls thn th Ks blgng to th prncpl Ach o K S,s T.Th chrctrs upn i ar ths o a Mk Mstr, a fm th sttni whch i ws fnd, i wlundbtly ld to mr imprtnt dscvrs. Ar y wlg to atmpt to dscnd th Ach o th

_ _ mI* ? I s, th Grnd Ccl asrs y tt yr lbrs shl nt g unrwrd.PS:

- w ar wlg to atmpt i, evn a thhirdo o rvs, to prmt s grt a glrs a r-rnrlrtkg.

(Grnd Ccl rises. HP raises rt ltnd or scepier)HP:

. -Thn go, Brn, a my th G o yr fthrs go wth y.

(Grnd, Ccl std. PS a Cnds rtr thrgh tl, yt, to th rns. Vk ar ckd)

(If ?it or vault is not used,) Brn, th wrkm whm y rprsnt rprd toth scne of thr lbrs, and one of thr nmbr vintrd to dscnd int th vlt,thy wdnd th aprtr aad lt hm dwn, fst tkng th prcutn of plcng a c-tsvn tms abt hs bdy. H hldng a rope in ea hnd ws lt dwn, wttr in-strchls tt shld h wsh to dscnd, to sgnl wth hs lft hnd; t ascnd, to sgnlwth hs rt hnd. H gv th sgnl to ascnd, and thy drw hm frth, h brnggwth hm thr ancnt sqs, and, mndfl o th ijnctn, thy took thm u fr in-spctn. Imitating thm, lt us tk ths sqs up fr inspctn by th Grnd Ccl.(Cnd. carrys sqs)

(If pit or ztault is used,) Brn, lt us rsum our ibrs. Lt us wdn thaprtr. W y vlntr to dscnd? (Cnd consents and a c-t is ptcd san tmsarnd ks bd,y) Take ths rope in yr rt hnd and ths rope ifl yr lft. Shldy wsh to dscnd, sgnl wth th lft hnd; to ascnd, sgnl wth th rt. Shldy fnd aythng of imprtnc, sgnl to ascnd, and w wl drw y up. (14/knCnd. is drwn u, h, brngs tk tkr sqs wth htn, c-t is rrnvd)

These ar thr ancnt sqs. Thy my b of imprtnc in rbldg th T; lt ustk thm u fr inspctn by th Grnd CcL. (Cnd carrys sqs)






PS: (Cnd.cts Cncls to entrance of thl/ls) *+* **{< *MolV: Who cms hr?PS: Wrkm fm th rns wth thr dscvrs fr inspctn.MolV: Gv m th Ps.PS: - - tt - -.

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1 MolV: (Opns Vl) Ps o.2 PS I :8*:B *** *3 Mo2V: Who cms hr?4 PS: Wrkm fm th rns wth thr dscvrs fr inspctn.5 Mo2V: Gv m th Ps.6 PS: S,HaJ.7 Mo2Y: (OPns 14) Ps o.8 PS; *** *** *9 Mo3V: Who cms hr?10 PS: Wrkrn fm th rns wth thr dscvrs fr inspctn.11 Mo3V: Gv m th Ps.tZ PS: M,AaB.13 Mo3V: (Opns Vl,) Ps o.L4 PS: **:t **x ,6

15 RAC: Who cms hr?16 PS: Wrkm fm th rns wth thr dscvrs fr inspctn.L7 RAC: Gv m th Ps.18 PS: J,ZaH.19 RAC: Wt wth ptnc utl th CotH i infrmd o yr rqst a hs ans rtnd.20 (Sm slt wth stad as bfr) Cmp CotH.21 CotH: (Rites) Cmp RAC.22 RAC: Wrkn fm th rns wth thr dscvrs fr inspctn.23 CotH: Admt thm.24 RAC: (Opns VL) Ps o.25 (As PS anil Cnds enter, S will quote, or read, from, o scroll,. Do not read26 from a ritual)27 S: In that day will I raise up the tabernacle of David that is fallen and close28 up the breaches thereof ; and I will raise up his ruins, and I will build it as29 in tle days of old. (AMOS 9:11)30 CotI{: (MEM D-G &.S) EHP, K a S, wrkm fm th rns wth thr dscvrs fr31 inspctn. (Std,)32 HP: Brn, wht rprt hv y to mk?33 PS: (MEM D-G &.S) EHP, K a S, agrbly to yr odrs \M rprd to th Ach, whr,34 after rmvg svrl stns to wdn th aprtr, i ws agrd tt h shld dscnd i. Whrpn35 w psd a c-t svntmsarndhs Mywth a prtnthrl i thplm o ea hnd; a i w36 agrd, tt i i dscndg h shld mt wth aythg ofnsv to hlth o sght, h shld shk37 th c-t wth hs rt hnd as a sgnl fr ascndg; bt i h wshd to dscnd frthr, h38 shld shk i wth th lfr I ths mnr h dscndd and o xmntn fnd ths sqrs. Th39 plc thn bcmg ofnsv by rsn o th nxs atmsphr, whch hd bn so 1g crifd, hq gv th sgnl fr ascndg; aad w hv agn rtrnd to the Grnd Ccl wth our dscvrs4l fr iaspctn.42 HP: Prsnt yr dscvrs.43 (Cnd. prsnts sqrs to HP. Grnd CcL rm and, conf er)44 HP: The sqrs y hv fnd ar th jwls o o thr ancnt Grnd Mstrs; S, K o I; H,45 K o T; a H A. Thy wr dpstd by our ancnt Brn, a a vlbl dscvry thy ar.M Th Grnd Ccl ar o th opnn tt th vlt cntns smthg o grtr imprtnc, whch, i47 dscrvd a brt to lght, wl b o mr esntl srvc to th Crft. Ar y wlg to dscnd i,18 a$n ?

49 PS: W ar, evn a th rsk of our lvs, to prmt s grt a glrs an udrtkg.50


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HP:--Yr z1 'bspks yr mrt, a th G'nd ccr ag, asrs y tt yr lbrs shl nt g unrwrd.Y wl agn rpr to th scn o yr rbr; a th Grnd icl wld rcmncl tt fclscnd thvlt abt th tm th sn hs gnd i mrdn l.rght, whn i ptnt rys wl tnrt to dspl thosenxs vprs o whch y spk.(!t . 9*!t rtr thrgh. th Vls to th rns. Vls ar clsd. CotH plcs pdstl abt fvft fru. th E)

(If Pif or vault is not used) Brn, th wrkm whm y rprsnt agn rprdto th scn of thr lbrs, and anthr of thr nmbr vlntrd to dscnd ini thvlt. Thy It hm dn, tkng th sm prcutrs as bfr. H gv th sgni to ascnd;and thy drw hm frth, h brngg wth hm a curiously rvrought box; and,mndfl o th ijnctn, thy took i u fr inspctn. Imilating thm, lt us tkths bx u fr inspctn by th Grnd Ccl.

(If pit or aawlt is wsed.) Brn, it us agn rsum our 1brs. Wl y vlntrto dscnd? (Cnd consents and, a c-t is ptcd san tws arnd. h.s bd.yj Takeths rope in yr rt hnd and ths rope in yr lft. Shld y rvsh to dscnd,sgnl wth th lft hnd; to ascnd, sgnl vrth th rt. Shld y find aythng ofimprtnc, sgnl to ascnd, and w wl drw y up.(lltkn Cnd is drwn w, k brngs a cu,riowsly wrought bos utitlc hm, c-tis rmad,)











Ths my b of imprtncby th Grnd Ccl.

th rbldg of th tkifr

(PS precedes Cnds utho carry curiously wrought bor, tz,o ,in fron,t ond, onebehind,, to eil.tratuce of th Vk)

PS: **,t xr<* *MolV: Who cms hr?PS: Wrkm fm th rns wth thr dscvrs fr inspctn.MolV: Gv m th Ps.PS: --tt--.MolV: (Opns 14) Ps o.PS: 4<d<,t rk** x

Mo2V: Who cms hr?PS: Wrkm fm th rns wth thr dscvrs fr inspctn.Mo2V: Gv m th Ps.PS: S,HaJ.Mo2Y: (Ofus Vl) Ps o.PS: ,*,k:* *** ,8

Mo3V: Who cms hr ?

PS: Wrkm fm th rns wth thr dscvrs fr inspctr.Mo3V: Gv m th Ps.PS: M,AaB.Mo3V: (Opns Vl) Ps o.

PS: **'F **,r *RAC: Who cms hr?PS: Wrkm fm th rns wth thr dscvrs fr inspctn.RAC: Gv m th Ps.PS: J,ZaH,


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RAC: Wt wth ptnc utl th CotH i infrmd o yr rqst a hs ans rtnd.(Sm, slt wtk swd as bfr) Cmp CotH.

CotH: (Rises) Cmp RAC.RAC: Wrkm fm th rns wth thr dscvrs fr inspctn.CotH: Admt thm. (Rrnns at hs pl,c a tk A r,ttl, ord,d, to bk br opm)

RAC: (OPns Vl) Ps o.(As PS avd Cnds enter, no lesson to be qwoted, ot read. Cnds do not plcb.r on, pdstl utl HP sags, "Present it." PS is 'S o tk Cnd,s; ol,l, f c E- Prpntrru tlr is clsd,. Vk Lft opw. RAC ond Vlsm rtn to stas wkil,e wrk con't'inues)

CotH: (MEM D-G & 't) EHP, K a S, wrkm fm th rns wth thr dscvrs friaspctn.

HP: Brn, wht rprt hv y to mk?PS: (M E M D-G €r.t) EHP, K a S, w agn rprd to th Ach whr h dscndd as

bfr. Th sn hvg gnd i mrdn hght, darted i rys into th inrmst rcss o th vlt,b mns o whch h dscvrd, i th NE part, o a cbcl stn, a bx o an oblg frm, ovrldwth pr gld, hvg o i tp a sds svrl mstrs chrctrs. Hvg scrd th trsr, h gv thsgnl fr ascndg; a o ascndg th sn dartng i vrtcl rys fl i hs fc, h fnd hs hndinvltry plcd i ths pstr, (gzt S,) to prtct hs eys fm th intns ht a lght thrf ; aw hv agn rtrnd to th Grnd Cc1 wth our dscvrs fr inspctn.

HP: Prsnt yr dscvrs.(PS has Crlds Plc b* o* pdstl wth 3000 fcg W. Cnd,s ar frmd i a ln fru Sto N, fcg E, obout 4 ft W of pdstl, to allow room for gr?s to b frmd' Wside of pdst|,. Grnd, Ccl, d,scnd fm d.ais to.rmnbr,remain E of br,fcS W)

HP: Th Grnd Ccl ar eqly ignrnt as yrslvs as to ths bx a th mystrs chrctrs oi tp a sds. W wl, thrfr, sfr i t b brkn opn to ascrtn wht i cntns. Cmp CotH.

CotH: (MEM D-G €i S) EHP.FIP: Brk i opn.CotH: (Drws swd, rnzts to N sd, o br, uses swd to opn br; a rtns swd)HP: (Rmas Pf) I cntns an ancnt Pt, (gzts Pt to K,rmus Rd,) aRd, (gzts Rtl

to S, rmas Scrtr) a aBk. (HP opns Scil, rtnas hy i zrut o Cnd,s, a reads)In the begianiag God created the heaven and tle earth. And the earth

was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep.Aad &e Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said,"Let there be lighg" and there was light. (GENESIS 1:1-3)

And it came to pass, when Moses had made an end of writing thewords of this law ia a book, until they were finished, That Moses command-ed the Levites, which bare the Ark of the Covenant of the Lord, saying,"Take this book of ttre law, and put it in the side of the Ark of the Coven-ant of the Lord your God, t.hat it may be there for a witness against thee."

( DEUTERON OMY 31 :24-26 )"And thou shalt put the mercy seat upon the Ark; and in the Ark thou

shalt put the Testimony that I shal1 give thee." (EXODUS 25:21)Ths is indd a mst vlb1 dscvry, infntly mr imprtnt thn al whch hv

prcdd i, bng n ls thn a cpy o th Ark o th Cvnt, whch ws dpstd by our ancntBrn b Dva cmnd.

Arrd Moses said: "This is the thing which the Lord commandeth. Fiilan omer of it to be kept for your generations; that they may see the breadwherewittr f have fed you in the wildnerness, when I brought you forthfrom the land of Egypt." And Moses said unto Aaron, "Take a pot, andput an omer full of manna therein, and lay it up before the Lord, to be


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I kept for your generations." As the Lord commancled Moses, so Aaron raidit up before the Testimony, to be kept. (EXObUS ft:32_34)K: Ths i an imttn o th pt o Mn, whchii, t_ra cmdd. M to ly u i th Ark o tlrcvnt as a mmrl o th mrcrs mnr i whch th chrdn o rsrl wr ipra .,tr, tt artcl ofd whl i th Wldrns.HP: And the Lord said unto Moses, "Bring Aaron's Rod again before the_ Testimony, to be kept for a token . . . (NUMBERS 1Z:10)S: Ths i an imtn o Arn,s Rd, whch bdd, blsmd a brt fittr frt il dy, a ws

cmdd to b ld u i th Ark o th cvnt as a Tstmny o th apntmnt o th Lvts toth Prsthd.HP: Ths is a tr cpy o_th Bt o th Lw, lng 1st, b nw fnd. Hlns to thLrd. (Hp

gvs Snwil,t, Scil) I th Bk o th Lw i is also wrtn:"I am the Lord; and I appeared unto Abraham, unto fsaac, and unto

Jacob, by the name of God Almighty; but by my name JEHOVAH was Inot kaown to them.,, i\XOOUS O,Z_SSBrn, th Scrd Ark o th fst T i indd 1st. Th Shekinah a Batrrkol hv dprtdfm. Judah, w fr, frvr. Bt 'b th ws prcutfl o o ancnt Grnd Mstrs, ths imttno th Ark o th cvnt hs bn prsvd amd th rns a dsrtn o Jrslm. A th Ark ws asymbl o Dvn prsnc wth, a prtctn o our fthrs, a a pldg o tir stblty o th ntns lng a thy adhrd to th Artcls o th Cvnt cntnd i th*Ark; so i ths cpy asymbl o Gs prsnc with u i th grt a glrs wrk o rbldg th Hse o th Lrd, a apldg tt whl w cnfrm to th Dvn prcpti cntnd i this B-k o th Lw, w shl b Hsppl and H wl b o G i trth a rghtsns.

(S gzs Rd, to HP who replaces Rd. in Arb. K gas pt to Hp uho re_pla,ces Pt ht' Ark. HP retains kg and replares scil, in Ark. cotH cts Ark.

___ GrP Ccl, cmprs by wth Ark in zw of Cnds. Gr*d Cct rtns to E)HP: I i our ord tt ths Ark, wth its prcs cntnts, rmn hr wthn th 3nctry utlth cmpltn a ddctn o th nw T; a, m Brn, w wl xlt y to b Mstrs o th Vis, tty my hv th hgh hnr o grdg these mst vlbl trsrs, whch hv bn rstrd to uthrgh yr indstry, fdlty a sH.

I th Bk o th Lw w found a ky to th chrctrs o th tp a sds o th Ark oth Cvnt. O aplygth ky, w fnd o thr o i sds th nms o othr ancnt GrndMstrs. O th frth, th tm whn, a fr wht prps dpstd. It ws dpstd i th yr oth world 3000, b S, K o I; H, K o T; a H A, fr th bnft o th Crft i gnrl,bt fr th Jwsh Ntn i prtclr. O th tp w fnd th nm o Dty i thr lnggs-, -Hbrw, Cldn a Egyptn, - plcd o th sds o an eqltrl tri, i th cntr o wlrch arfr Hbrw chrctrs, cmpsg th Grt a Scrd Nm, or lng lst M Ms Wd.

V/ wl nw, i flflmt o our prms tt yr lb shd nt g unrwrdd, dscnd fm ourthrn, a wth th astnc o th CotH, PS and RAC, invst y wth these vlbl scrts.(Grnd, Ccl,, CotH, RAC, PS a Cnd,s nru to positions. Grps ar frmd, as in-strctd. See Fig 18)

HP: _

Y rmbrtt y prmsd i yr O tt y wld nt cmct th Grnd R A W i ay othr mnrthn tt i whch y mght thrftr rcv i. Th Wd i alwys crnctd in lw brth, bysylbls and ovr a tri frmd wth yr rt feet by ea plcng yr rt toe to th rt hlof th Cmp on yr rt (done), wth lft hnd clsp lft wrst o Crnp o th rt (done),and wth rt hnd clsp rt wrst o Cmp o th 1ft, rt arm ovr lft (done). Rs archa cmct. (Sr Off in ea grp wl, ctnct l,Vd, to Cnd ond, ka Cnil ctnct lst sylb.Wd. is cmctd frm l,ft to rt.



















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I --lHP






Figure 18

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Sr OffJr Off

Sr ofl Jr AffJr Off CndCnd Sr Off


Lutr arch bt retuin posit,ion of feet and, hnds)HP:_-Ths m Brn, i th nm_o Dty ithr inggs aitt C R A W alddto i yr O.

Y.*-1."y cmct to yth Grt a Scrd N*, o tng lst M M,s Wd, i ttrvrntl pstri whch a1n i i prmtdto b gvn. Rtng sm psln o hnds artii, y *t trt o tttkn (d.one), rs arch (do?r),a cmct. lCr*it i sm mnr as G R2 W1 .t i"r.(dorue) (Grnd, Cct .and, Cnds mv to posit,i,ons skoz,n, on Fig. 19. CotH andRAC are seaied. pS rem.a,ins zaitlo Cnds)HP: Xt[ Brn, th Grt a Scld Nm o Dty i th ancnt ]\{ M,s Wd, whch ws cmctd

b th Lrd unto M. q p-B_aa ws i us ut1 jst bfr th cmpltn'o K S,s T, whniwslstbth dth o o G M H A. Th Wd i cmpsdo fr Hlbrw chrctrs, crspndgi o lngg to J H V H, whch, y prcv, cnnt b prncd wtht th adtn o othr ltriwhch ar spld b th ky wds o th sds o th trngl.

This word or Name, expressive of self-existence a,d eternity, is ap-plicable only to that Great Being who was, is, and shalr be - to Him aronewho is the source of every Maion's hope. It is the perfection of DivineTruth, which every good Mason is seeking to advanie; whether it be bythe aid of the theological ladder; or passinf between the pillars of strengthand establishment; or. wandering in darkness in the unfinished S S, be-setor1 every side with_dangers; or traveling over rough and rngged roads,weary and worn. Whatever be the direction of oui journey, oi ho* u"_complished, Light and rruth are the ultimate objecti of o"r search andour labor.

Msnc lbr i th srch .fr th Wd, th srch aftr Dvn Trth; ths, a ths only,i th M's wrk, a th Wd i th M,s rwrd.I wl nw invst y wth th Ss o a R A M.Ths i th D-G. (Gvn b ptcg th rt hnd., opnd, ftat zeth tkonb a fngrs tgtkr,

plrn dnwrd, tkenb a fst fngr agnst frhd.) I alds to th pstn i *h;i, th Broinvlntrly plcd hs hnd to prtct hs eys fm th intns ht a lght o th vrtcl sn.

Ths i th S. (Gvn b drzug hnd, qc,hly to tk rt fru psti of D-G as thghstntng

_skl off , drp kncl to sd) I alds to tt part o th pnlty o yr O, whrn y swrtt y wld snr hv yr skl stk o thn vlt yr O.

Wth ths D-G (gzln) a S (gun) y wl slt o entrg o rtrg fm a Chptr oR A Ms o o arsg.to adrs th Hp.

The Grnd Hlg S, or S o Dstrs, i md i ths mnr. (Gztn b intilcg fngrso btk hnd,s, rs hnd.s aba hd zath plw wp, drf hnds to sd Etietty) I alds to thadtnl part o th pnlfy o yr O, tt o hvg yi brn xpsd to th s.i"tg rys o thn-d sn.

(If R A bauner b-*!(, ,i,t skould be d,isptayed, to the sontk of the Offi_cers in th E ancJ tke Cnds' attentioro skoul^d, bi d,irected to it)

The Motto of Royal Arch Masonry, emblazoned on its 6anner, is"Ifoliness to the Lord.,'

I wl nw xpln to.v !h ky to th chrctrs blngg to ths dg, a whch y prmsdi yr O y wld nvr unlwfly rvl.

(For correct lettering on R A Ark, see Fi.gs. 20 and, 21. Key shall hazteno letters on it wken f ou,nd.. This'key was foind long bef ore t-here u)as d,|,t,

English alphabet and therefore otr letters could not kaae been in the key.





















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Flgure 19

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-7'()P oF EOK.

Figure 2,O

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.\(?o{.[\ -/,m,\>{!



L q?




EJEFigure 2L




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I In erploining hey to-Cnds, kt Cnds p,icb out the ongles in key wkickcorrespond to those oru the triangle, read,ing frorn teft ti rigtxt. fhun ,oyto-tketn) _It appears that this key was intenclid for use with"the charactersof an alphabet. Let us insert thi letters of our own arphabet and ascertainif it spells anlthing in our language.

(Insert the letters im th.e iey and, ret the cnds pick out the retters inthe angles they had,-prez.tiowsly silected, wri.ti,ng at thi side oy tii ney or ona separate piece of

_paper -the letters they find,, so that tkiy may see thewords spelled out. Haue tkern pronou"nce the zuord,s

The LLMMW_being Hebrew, it is read, from right to left; therefore,the first aowel to be otsed is f ound on tl,te right sid.i of tke iriwgte.'Tkiotkels gr9 fownd by

-reading frano tke right, where yirit z,owel, wis fownd,to the left, counterclockwise around, tkelriingte.when all words ha,c been fownd and cnds uttderstand hozu tkey were

found, the Officer e1?kininO the key wi,H tear ,i,t ,into three p,ieces, iand,ingone piece to eack cnd, and reeytesting each to tear th,e pieies inio b,its tocomply zaith their O)

HP: And now as a reward for your fidelity, industry and skill, we will investy rt! th clthg a crwn y wth th crwn o a R A M, o whch i inscrbd "Hlnst th Lrd."(RAC brngs crwns a aprons ond, gvs a crwn a aprn to th Hp, K a S. Hp,K a S plc crwns o% Cnds) Ths i1o rmnd y o th rvrnc du to tt Grt, Hly aMty_Nm, a Bng wtht bgng o dys o endg o yrs.

f norv present you with the apron oia doyal Arch Mason. (Hp, K as kaae cnds remove white aprons and, giae R A aprons to cnds a*d haztethetn put on the R A apron)

HP: fts color is white, embroidered with red, symbolizing the purity of yourintentions and the fervency and za.l that shouid actuate"yor,i, performingyour every duty, in promotiagthe noble and glorious work'of building theTemple of your future life, aad ir your laboi for all mankind.

The Triple Tau in the triangle, r.vithin the circle. is the emblem ofemblems of a Royal Arch Mason, typifying the Sacrej Name, the authorof Eternal Life.

rt is worn as a mark of distinction separating us, who know and wor-ship the True Name, from those who are ig.rorrit oi tt ir august mystery._ May you wear it as one, who, knowing and believing, wlll find in it

the highest hopes and faith given to man.

(Tke Historical Lectutre mag be giaen or it m,g be o*itted. If it is to begiaen, the HP witl sag) Yiu will now give your attention to tie historicalaccount of this degree by - -. (Cnds onay be seated for this lecture or theymay remain standing. If Historicol Lecture is not used, the Hp witt sag,)You will now give your attention to the reading of the Charge.









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The working Tools of a Royal Arch Mason have already been_expiained

to yor1. They aie the Crow, piclax and Spade. The Square and Compasses

have been presented to your view in every degree of Masonry, ancl their symbol-

ical teachings fu11y ex1:1ained.

The Eq-uilateia1, or Perfect Triangle, o whch th Wd r'vs fnd, is emblemati-

cal of the ihree essential attributes of Di"ty, Omnipotence, Omniscience and

o*rripr"r"rr.e; these three equal attributes constituting but one God, whs Scrd

Nrn i thr lnggs frms th G R A W'Hen.e ihe number three and. its allusions are held in high veneration

among Masons, and may be found in all our principai ceremonies' - -

Tie Breastplate, worn by the High Priest, is in imitation of- that worn

by the High Priest it is.aeti and is to teach us, as Royal Ar,ch Masons, that

ii we expect to secure the assistance and protection of the Great I Am, we

must ,,app1y our hearts unto wisdom ," artd. forsake not the landmarks of our

Iathers.The Ark of the Covenant rvas constructeC by lVloses, Aholiab and Bezaleel.

In it were placed. the pot of &Ianna, Aaron's l{od, and the tsook oJ the Law.

It was first placed in the sanctuary of the Tabernacle and afterwards deposited

by King Solomcn in the S S of the Temple. When the Ternple was destroyed by

the Childeans, the Ark was also clestroyed; bilt Masonic tradition informs us

that before the compietion of the Temple our three Ancient Grand Masters, for-seeing its destruction and loss of these sacred treasures, blt a scrt vlt udr thUiy o lt1s, i whch thy dpstd a tr cpy o ai th trsrs cntnd i th S S abv'

" The Ark *as pla.ed on a Masonic sione, of pedestal, u,'hich was a perfect

cube of white porphry, and there it remained buried until the rebuikling of the

Temple by zerrtibabel; when it was discovered by three zealous sojourners,

and its sacred treasures restored to the Craft.This should remind us that our owlr breasts should afford a safe repository

for the mysteries of Masonry, that they may be handed down, pure and un-

in.rpaired, to the latest posterity.The motto of Royal Arch 1\4asonry, emblazoned on its banner, is the same

,uvhich you observe oa the forefront of the High Priest's mitre: "Holiness tothe Lord."

Previous to this time y-ou have been addressed and have addressed each

other by the title of Brother or Brethren. You will now be hailed as Compan-ions. And I trust that it has not been a vain or idle curiosity, which grasps at

novelty, that has induced you to be exaltecl to this }4ost Sublime Degree ofllfasonry, infinitely more important than all which have preceded it. It is cal-culated to impress upon the mind a firm belief in the e:ristence and attributesof a Supreme Being and teaches a due reverence for His Great and HolyName. It also brings to light many valuable treasures belonging to the Craft,after they had lain buried in darkness for the space of 470 years, and withouta knowledge of which Masonry would not be complete.

The Great and Sacred Name of Deity was communicated to l\foses at theB B, whn th Lrd sd u hm: "Thus shit thu sy u th Chldn o Isrl, Jhvh, th G oyrfthrs, th GoAbrhm, o Isc a o Jcb, hs sntm u y. Ths imNm frvr, a thsi m mmrl u al gnrtns."


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Being thus solenrnly promulgated to the lawgiver of Israei, this Name washeid by them in most profound veneration; so much so, that they never pre-sumed to pronounce it, except in a particular manner. Hence, in the course oftime, its true pronounciation becarne lost, except by the High i)riests, who, oncein each year, on the day of atonement, pronounced it threi times in the Sanc-tuary of the Tabernacle.

Ths Scrd Nm, a a sbsqnt prd, whn th fndtns o th T wr bug ld, cm into thpssn o K S, a ws,b hm cmnctd t H, K o T; a H A, a th Mstrs Wd, to b cnfrdo al ths who shld b fnd wrthy o tt Sblm Dg; a Msnc tdtrl infms u tt thyentrd i a slmn lgue nt to gv th wd utl th r ws cmpltd, a thn oly i th prsnc awth th cnsnt o th thr. Ydbtls rmbr, i a prvs dg,a rprsntn oth trgc dth o oG M H A, a b wht mns th ancnt M Ms Wd ws ist, th rsns fr whch ar nw mdpln to y. Th wd cld nt b gvn xcpt i th wy a mnr prscbd i th agrmnt. prvs toth dth o o G M H A, i ws plcd b hm o th imttn o th Ark o th Cvnt, whch hdbn dpstd a hrtfr xplnd. upn hs dth th scrt vlt ws clsd, wth al th scrd trsrs icntnd. K S thn fnd i ncsry to sbstt anw dg aa nwwd i plc ottwhch ws lst,trstg tt ftr ags mght fnd out th rt. Ths h dd, fndg i upn th trgcl dth o o G MHA.

And from that time for a space of 470 years a series oI interesting eventstranspired, an account of which you will find recorded in the history of theKings of Judah and Israel; for there you will find that those who escaped thesword were carried to Babylon, where they remaiaed servants to Nebuchadnez-zar and his successors urtil the first year of the reign of cyrus, King of per-sia, by whose proclamation they were liberated, and permitted to return to theirnative country, to aid aad assist in rebuilding the house of the Lord.

_ Accordingl} the principal people of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin, to-

gether with the Priests and Levites, immediately departed for Jerusaiem fheytraveled over rough and rugged roads - over river and mountain - until atIength, after a toilsome and dreary merch of more than four months, they ar-rived at that city, where they erected a tabernacle near the ruins of the oldtemple. This tabernacle, like that truilt by Moses, was an oblong, situated dueeast and west, inclosed and divided iato apartments by four cross veils, thecolors of which were blue, purple, scarlet and white, and alruded to the fourprincipal tribes of rsrael, who bore tleir banners through the wilderness.Guards were stationed at those veils to see that nore puss"d but such as wereduly qualified - none being admitted into the oresence of the Grand councilbut the true descendants of the twelve tribes of rsrael, who made themselvesknown by the same signs given by the Lord unto Moses when He commandedhim to conduct the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt, and from thehouse of bondage.

In the tabernacle they set up the altar, and burned incense thereon day andnight.

fn the sanctuary, the Grand Council, consisting of Jeshua, the High priest;zerubbabel, the King; and Haggai, the Scribe; held their sessions and formedtheir plans.

Among those who returned were three of our ancient Brethren, who wereIeft behind in Babylon by the main body under zerubbabel, and who afterwardswent up to Jerusalem, to aid and assist in the great aad glorious work of re-building the house of the Lord. These three sojourners diiovered and broughtto light, as you have seen represented, th prncpl scrts o ths dg, aftr thy hdln








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brd i drkns 470 yrs, and as a reward for their services r'vere eralted to the

offices of Grand Masters of the Veils. These three worthy Brothers you have

had the honor this evening to represent'

(Wken the Historical, Lecture is giaen tke lohowing parogrophs are oP'

tional, and ww4 be ornitted)Companions, you havJnow passed through all the degrees of Ancient Craft

Muronry, tir" syrniols of each have been represented and explained to you; and

;;; ;;; ,..o.d"d by regular graciations io the surumit of onr Sublime and

Royal Art.Youhavebeenconducterlaroundtheoutercourtoltheteniple,viewedits

beautiful proportions, its massive pillars, its starry decked canopy' its Mosaic

pavements, its lights, jewels and furniture.You have been introduced into the Middle chamber and learned by the

example o{ our ancient Brethren to revereflce the Sabbath day and keep itholy.

You have entererl the unfinished S S and there, in the integrity and in-

flexible fidelity of the iilustrious Tyrian, witnessed an example of firmness

and fortitude never surpassed ia the history of man'you have wrought in the quarries and exhibited suita'ble specimens of your

skill and have been taught hol to receive, in a proper manner' your Masonic

wages."-'yoo have regularly passed the chair and learned its important duties ..:

a knowledge of *-hich .un alo.,e qualify you to preside over the Sons of Light'you have been present and

-assisied at the completion and dedication of

our mystic temple; ".,d

fo, your zeal and ficlelity to the craft have received the

congratulatory title of Most Excellent Master.-You now have witnessed the mournful desolation of Zion, the sack and

destruction of the city and temple of our God, and the utter loss, as the world

supposed, o{ all those articles contained in the Holy of Holies' -you have se<s the chosen people of God forced by a foreign despot from

the pleasant groves and peaceful vlneyards of their native Israel and dragged

into captivity on the banks of far-off Euphrates'Bui you have seen those afflicted sons of Zion visited in the darkest night

of their adversity by a peaceful light from heaven, which guided them over

rough and rugged. roads to the scene of their former glory'"you havlleen them, enabied by the signet o{ Eternal Truth, to pass the

veils that interposed between them and their fondest hopes.

You have seen them successfully engaged in the great and glorious work

of rebuilding the House o{ the Lord.And firially, you have seen the sacred treasures of the first temple brought

to light and the -Blessed

Book restored to the longing eyes of the devout Is-

raefiL, to be tl-te rule and guide, the comfort and support, of the people ofGod throughout all future time.

And, my Companions, if in all these things you have seen only a series ofunmeaning iit". - if the spirit of truth has not applied to youf. hearts the

morals oith"s" ceremonies - then, indeed, have we labored in vain, and you

have spent your strength for naught.


Page 147: Handbook of ARCH MASONRY

(But r am persuaded tc believe better things of ycu. tr trusi that yorr have

entered into the spirit of these solemn ceremonies and understand the full im_port of these interesting symbols; that all the forms and ceremonies throughwhich you have passed, from the moment you first trod the outer court of thetemple until your final reception within the veils, have impressed rieeply onyour minds the great and fundalmental principles of our time-honored injtitu-tion, for then, and only then, can you justry claim the noble name of Mason;then, and only then, can you feel thaf friendship, that union, that zear, anithat purity of heart, which should actuate every one who wourd appropriateunto himseif the proud title of a workman that needeth not to be ashamed.

You will now give your attention to the reading of the Charge.(cnd's should stond, before the E for the rea.d,{ng of the cho}ge in the E)


companions, by the consent and assistance of the members of this chapter,you are now exalted to the Most Sublime Degree of Royal Arch Mason. Therights and mysteries developed in this degree have been handed down, througha chosen few, unchanged by time and uncontrolled by prejudice; and we expectand trust they will be regarded by you with the same veneration and trans-mitted with the same scrupuious purity to your sucessors.

No one can reflect on the ceremonies of gaining admission into this sanc-tuary without being forcibly struck with the important lessons which they teach.rlere we are necessarill led to contemplate, with gratitude and admiratlon, thesacred Source from which aii earthly comforts flow. Here, we find additionalinducements to continue steadfast and immovable in the airrrurg" or our res-pective duties; and here we are bound, by the most solemn ties, tJ promote eachother's welfare and correct each other's failings, by advice, admonition andreproof.

As it is our earnest desire, and a duty we owe to our companions, thatthe admission_of every candidate into this Chapter should be attended by theapprobation of the most scrutinizing eye, we hope always to possess the satis-faction of finding r,one among us 6ut such as will promote, io the utmost oftheir power, the great end of our institution.

By paying due attention to this determination, we expect you will neverrecommend to this Chapter any candidate whose abilities and knowleclge of thepreceding degrees you cannot freely vouch for, ancl whom you d.o not firn.rlyand confidentiy believe wilt fully conform to our principles and fulfill the ob-ligations of a Royai Arch Mason.

while such are our members, we may expect to be united into one object,witlrout lukewarmness, inattention, or neglect; but with zeal, f.idelity and affec-tion, the distinguishing characteristics of our society; and with that satisfac-tion, harmony and peace at our meetings ,vhich no other societv can afford.












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HP:i My Cmps, I nw hv & plsr o prncg y a R A M, md sch in a just a lgl

*"i'" in a rgly cnstd Chptr of n A Ms a as sch entld to al th rts a bnfts

of ths dg.Thai the Ss, wds and Gps of ths dg may be rnore firmiy impressed

upon your mind, you will receive instruction from Cmp - -, rvith whom you

are to arrange for this instruction.(It is nA required tkat the Cnds be e,ram'itted in open Chafter' Tkey

can ie e.ramined,by anyone appointed by the HP for tkat d'wty' Tlte profi-c.i.ency of tke Cndt skoutd, be aouched, for bg th.e instructor or etanciner

to the HP)HP: You are now members of ----'... Chapter No""'."', R A Ms' Cmp PS'

HP: Y wl cndct our nw cmps to th Sec',s desk and have them sign the By-

Laws of this Chapter after which you will seat them in the stations of the

Mstrs of th Vls.(PS cnd,cts Cnds to Sec's desk; after they kooe sdgned, the ByLaws, cnd'cts

Cnd,s W on S sd, to W of A, thn N to N sil, th,n E on N sd to Vlsw"s stas

ond, seots Cnds 'in Vkm's stas. Retttrw to his sta atoil is std'

While Cnds are si.gning the By-Lo,z*s, RAC and Mo3V rewo'de Ark anilpedestaL MolV ottd MoZV return A to center of roorn and ckeck lights to

see tlnt they are property disptnyed. RAC returns to his sta and is std.

Vlsm tahe seats near but not in tkeir stas)


(Offi,cers sdhte ds 'itt, opening. See Fig. 15)HP: Ii thr aythng to cm bfr ths Chptr o R A Ms bfr we prcd to cls (Pause)

* Cmp CotH.CotH: (Rites, foces HP, D-G &.S) EHP.HP: Hv th Sent inlrmd tt I a abt to cls ....'.'. Chptr No. ..'., R A Ms, a drctd

to grd acrdgly.CotII: (Faces lil) Cmp RAC.RAC: (Rises, faces CotH, D-G & S) Cmp CotH.CotH: Infrm th Sent tt th HP i abt to cls ........ Chptr No.

Crct hm to grd acrdgly.RAC: (To otr ilr. See moztement 1, Fig. 76) *** *x* *Sent: *** '*** *RAC: (OPns dr) Cmp Sent, th HP i abt to c1s ........ Chptr No. ...., R A Ms,

a y ar drctd to grd acrdgly. (RAC ck ilr anil rtms to sta. See tnovern'ent2, Fig. 76. Faces CotH, D-G & S) Cmp CotH,

CotH: Cmp RAC.RAC: Th dty i prfrmd. (RAC is seated as CotH faces HP)CotII: (Faces HP, D-G & .S) EHP.HP: Cmp CotH.CotH: Th dty i prfrmd.

(HP,KaSrise)HP: ***A11: (Rise'lHP: Cmp CotH.



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CotH: (D-G e -t) EHP.HP: Asmbl th Cmps arnd th A a se tt thy ar i du frm {r our dvtns.

(CotH ?nas to sm pstn to frrn crcl as iru opng bfr gztg odr)CotH: Cmps asmbl arnd th A a b i du frm fr our dvtns.

_ (AU etcept HP, K a S fnn crcl. See lmove??Le t 1, Fig. 1Z)CotH: Shldr to shldr. (Done) Knl on lttkn. (Done) Frm chn wth lft arm

ovr rt. (Done)(Fcs IIP, D-G & S) EHP, th Cmps ar i du frm fr thr dvtns a awt yrplsr. (CotH knls a jns chn)(HP, K a S descend, from dais,,move to circle, knl o ctnltl ckn. See woae-rnent 2, Fig. 17)

HP: Cmps, let us pray.

_ChaP or L g, the Wisdom of the Supreme High priest may we be

HP: f directed; by his strength *uy -" be inabied, and by thebeauty of virtue may we be incited to perform the obligationshere enjoined on us; to keep inviolate the mysteries here un-folded to us, and invariably to practice all those duties outof the Chapter which are inculcated in it. Amen.























AII: Smib.HP: Cmps, blnc by 3 x 3. (Don,e) Ars. (Done) Cmp CotH.CotH: (D-G '€r S) EHP.HP: Frm th Cmps i grps of thr fr th prps o clsg.CotH: Cmps, frm i grps of thr.

(Grnd Ccl, frm a grp. CotH passes arou.nd ins,ide circle and indicates Crnpswho will form eock groil.p, RAC ond Mo3V for kis owtu growp.With Cnd.s, CatH wi.ll see that only one Cnd is i.n a growp. If tke nutnberof Ctnps preserrt does not diaide eztenly .i,nto groups, those remaining stondd,uring tloe ceremony, CotH lasses back around inside of circle, ckeckingeach grouf for correct position)(Grps ar frmd, by fl,cg toe o l,ft ft agnst !.ft hl, of Crnp on tk l,ft, frrng atrngl,. l,{/tk rt hnd' cl,sp ownlft wrst; wth lft hnd,, clsp rt wrst of Cm! onth tft)

CotH: (After checking all, groups and bk t hs own grf, fcs HP, D-G & S)EHP. (Cmflts owt grp) th grps ar frmd.

HP: As w thr dd agr i Pc, Lv a Unty th Scrd Wd to srch; so w thr d nwagr i Pc, Lv a Unty th Scrd Wd to kp; untl w thr, or thr sch a w, shl wthone acrd, rs a R A.

All: (Drop hnds, do nt rs arch)(After cerelnong is completed, CotH and, PS stp to sd of Grnd Ccl,. Grnd,Ccl, CotH, a PS abt fc and ruv to thr stas in unison. All, others frm prtt,lns. If Cmps d,o not frrn pill l,ns, CotH will, from his sta sd,y "Cmfs, frmpill l,ns.")

HP: Cmp CotH.CotH: (Fcs HP, D-G & S) EHP.HP: I is m ord tt ........ Chptr No. ...., R A Ms, b nw clsd. Y wl cmnct ths

to th Cmps tt thy hvg du ntc m gvn thmslvs acdly.CotH: (Fcs W) Cmps, i i th odr of th HP tt........ Chptr No....., R. A. Ms,

b nw clsd. Y wl tk du ntc a gvn yrslvs acdly.


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IlP: Cmps, (Al,l face HP) tgthr upn th Ss.

ati, (Gi Ss ln wn;ison. .qtni St, PrU tns fc inwrd. CotH o PS fc W)HP: *+*

'<** *

K: :B*{' **'r x

S: **:l {<+{< 'F

HP: I nw dcir ........ Chptr No. ..., R A Ms, clsd. Cmp CotH'CotH: (Fcs HP, D-G & S) EHP.HP Y w1 scr th thr grt Lts a hv th Sent infrmd.CotH: (Fcs Vt/, ttuz)s to A, D-G & S to B, knls, scrs Lts, rss, bows kd, tnt'ts

to hs sta) Cmp RAC.RAC: (Fcs CotH)CotH: Infrm th Sent tt ........ Chptr No' ...', R A Ms, is nw clsd'

RAC: (Mzts to otr dr, opns d,r wtkt alm) Crnp Sent, ths Chptr of R A Ms

is nw clsd,(Lvs dr opn,rt s to ks sta,fcs CotH) Cmp CotH, th dty i prfrmd'

CotH: (Fcs HP) EHP, th dty i Prfrmd.HP: *


AryaRAM?--tt--.HwshlIknwytobaRAM?By thr tms thr a udr a lvg ach.

Wh i'tt mnr?Bcs th prncpl scrts o ths dg cnnt b gvn i ay othr mnr o frm thn tt o udr

a lvg ach.

A. Hw mny .Ws wr thr?

A. Fr.9. \4trt ws thr clr?A. Th 1b, th2p, th 3 s, a th 4 w.A. Wht dos tl Vl o b dnt?A. Fdshp, whch i th pclr chrctstc o a Mstr Msn"

A. lVht dos th M o p dat?A. Unm, i bngaduemixture c b a s, i i thrfr plcd btwn th fstathrdVls

to dnt th intrnt cnctn xstg betwn ths Mst Sblm Dg o Anc Crft Msnry, a alo its prcdng dgs.Wht dos th Vl o s dst?Tt frvncy a zl whch shld actut ea R A M, a ar th dstngshg chrctrstcs o thsMst Sblm Dg.Wht dos th Vl o w dnt?Tt prty o hrt a rcttd o cndct whch shld chrctrz al ths who sk to ps th sm

abcmRAMs.To wht do the Vls tgthr ald?To th bnrs brn b th fr prncpl trbs o Isrl - Jdh, Ephrm, Rbn, a Dn - o

whch wr dlntd th Ln, th Ox, th Mn, a th EgLWhr wr th Vls plcd?I th otr crt o th Tbrncl.Wh wr Vls plcd thr ?






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i A.a.A.


To srv as a cvr fr th entrnc to th Snctry and a sta fr grds.Wh wr grds stad thr ?

To prvnt ayon fm aprchg into th prsnc o th Grnd Ccl, xcpt sch a ar th trdscndnts o th 12 trbs o Isrl and hv prmsn.Hw gnd y admsn?












B th svrl Ss a Wds gvn b th Lrd unto M,cidrn o Isri out o th lnd o Egt and out o th

whn H cmmndd hm to ld thhs o bndg.


A.WhrwrymdaRAM?A. I a rglrlycnsttd Chptr o RA Ms.9.WhtmksyaRAM?A. M xltatn.A. Fh, y ay Ss blng to ths dg?A. I hv Ss.

A.GvmaS.A. (Done)A. Wht i tt?A. ThD-Gof aRAM.9. Hs it an alsn ?

A. I hs, to th pstn i whch th Bro invintrlyth intns ht a lght o th vrtcl sn.

plcd hs hnd to prtct hs eys frnl

A. Gv m anthr S.A. (Done)0. Wht i tt?A. ThSoaRAM.9. Hs it an alsn?A. I hs, to tt part of th palty o m O, whrn f swr tt f wld snr hv m skl stk off

thn vlt m O.A. Gv m anthr S.A. (Done)0. Wht i tt?A. Th Grnd Hlg S or S o Dstrs.9. Hs it an alsn ?

A. r hs, to th adtnl part of th pnlty o m o, tt o hvg m brn xpsd to th scrchgrys o th n-d sn.

A. WhtithmottooRAMsy?A. Holiness to the Lord.


HP: _rs

thr aythng to cm bfr ths chptr o R A Ms bfr w prcl to cls and openaLo--Ms? (Pause)

(Oruitta opeil,d,L o Mk Mstrs. (Jse to olenaLo M E Ms orp Ms)HP: * Cmp CotH.CotII: (Rises, faces HP, RAM D-G & S) EHp.HP: Ar y stfd tt al prsnt ar - - Ms ?

CotH: (If stfd) I am stfd, EHP, tt al prsnt ar - - Ms.(If not stfd, follow some brocedure as in opening. It is not required.to take tke Ps. After all haoe been vowched for, proceed)


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