Half-Moku Two Line Coxcomb

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  • 8/13/2019 Half-Moku Two Line Coxcomb


    frayedknotarts.com http://www.frayedknotarts.com/tutorials/coxcombing/halfmok.ht

    Half- Moku Coxcomb (and Full Moku Instructions)

    The "Half Moku" coxcomb has bee n used for years on handrails

    and on the rims of yachts because it gives an excellent grip for

    the hand, while providing a smooth under-wrap for the fingers to


    Here's an example aboard t he USS Z uni (ATF 95) [USCGC TAMAROA

    WMEC-166] which probably dates from the mid-sixties. This rail is in

    forward twartships companionway and the ladder leads up to the 01

    level (Radio and Captain's quarters) and down to Officer Country.

    The ship (at the time of the picture) had been decommissioned for over

    18 years and so there is a LOT of dust buildup on the rails, as well as

    a fair amount of damage f rom sliding equipment across the rails as

    she was "stripped out".

    Start by stropping two lines to the rail/wheel to be covered.

    For this coxcomb, use t he tightest- laid line you can obtain...

    it pays off in the finished appearance.

    If you can't get a really tight-laid cotton line, consider using

    (on a standard 1.75" piperail) some 3mm polyester-covered

    nylon-cored line. It will give an excellent result.

    Take the RIGHT hand side line and make a half-hitch

    going to your LEFT. Get this as tight as you can withoutpulling the line out of it 's stropping..

    (WEAR YOUR GLOVES! This coxcomb is truly [turly???]

    tough on your hands!)

    ("Don't spell like my brother!")

    Now take t he f ree line (the LEFT hand line) and half- hitch

    over the first and to your RIGHT. (Don't forget t o "roll" the

    line in your fingers to tighten up the lay!) then take the first

    line and make another half-hitch to the lef tand then tighten the

    livin' crapdoodle out of t he hitching. You want these and the

    hitches to be as t ight as possible and all about the same size .

    (It's important... really.)

    Fair up back and sides as you go... when pulling this tight you

    won't get that much of a chance to do correct ions later.

    Keep on doing alternate- side hitching until you reach the SIXTH

    from the apex... tighten everything up hard as you go!

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    (Keep rolling that line betwee n your fingers, but ONLY when

    you're hitching to the right, or against the lay. )

    Tricky part: you should have SIX hitches on each side, including the

    one forming the apex of t he pyramid.

    Your SIXTH half -hitch on both sides is where you' ll re verse dire ct ions,

    and it needs to be as tight as the rest of them, just heading in

    the opposite direct ion.

    Continue doing alternate sides, rolling the line going RIGHT!

    (Just showing you how it looks when you've reversed

    and tightened up.)

    Now you should be looking at something like this. It will NOT be

    a tot ally symmet rical "diamond" shape as you have a large body

    being covered and using large line, but your edge points should

    be a just about the sidelines and your crossing point should be

    approximately at the cent reline of the work.

    Since our initial crossing was from LEFT to RIGHT, we'll do that

    again, so half-hitch to the right and OVER the series heading in

    the other direction and then just snug it down...

    Now take the line you just crossed over, hitch to the LEFT and

    then tighte n them both down as much as possible.

    Consider t his to be t he f irst hitches in the next series and

    once again do six hitches, make the reverses, com back to

    cente r, cross and continue until you're finished.

    (Sorry about the colour... never le t a Boatswain's Mate loose around

    anything more complex t han a chipping hammer!)

    As I'd said, using large line on a large pipe rail will te nd to

    exaggerate the slight skewing of the diamond pattern ...

    not to worry: "It'll never be noticed from a galloping horse!"

    The main worry points for t his one are to keep your side points

    in as lose to a straight line as possible and the apices of the

    diamonds on the centre -line,

    Tightening everything up as you go and fairing will also contribute

    to the neatness of the job.

    The diamonds ALWAYS go UP on the rail or the wheel's rim.

    They are there to improve your grip and that is best done when

    the pattern faces up.

    Some people will want t o paint this instead of varnishing, but varnish is (IMO) a bet te r tre atment as i

    will not

    "fill in" the project ions of the hitching as much as paint will and will thus produce a more "grippable"


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    Last pic just shows the side points in a straight line... Gives the

    work a lot more visual impact!

    NOTE: To convert this to a

    "full Moku" wrap, just

    don't reverse at the side points.

    Continue each line around in a

    "French" coxcomb, hitching

    alternating sides and you'll meet in the back, at "180


    Do the crossover as described and continue

    in the same direction and your next crossover

    will be in the front again at "0 degrees"...

    Keep it straight!

    If you have comments, suggestions, questions or want to do a tutorial for t he site , please EMAIL ME

    and let

    me know!

    Love to see pictures of your projects, both under construction as well as finished!

    Fair Winds!

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    "Half-Moku" Coxcomb(with inst. for "Full")


    Last updated Nov 02 2010

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  • 8/13/2019 Half-Moku Two Line Coxcomb


  • 8/13/2019 Half-Moku Two Line Coxcomb


  • 8/13/2019 Half-Moku Two Line Coxcomb
