HAIR INGREDIENT GLOSSARY To search for a specific ingredient press the Ctrl & F keys at the same time. A box will pop-up, type in the name then press the “Enter” key. ABYSSINIAN OIL This oil is fairly new to the market. It is a non-GMO vegetable plant derived oil with a mild, pleasant odor. It is biodegradable and non-toxic . This natural seed oil is ultra-light non-greasy and absorbs very well into skin and hair without leaving an oily tacky feel. Abyssinian Oil has a unique molecular structure not found in any other naturally occurring substance. It contains a high percentage of unsaturated C22 fatty acids, which makes it highly resistant to oxidation and heat degradation. Abyssinian Oil is used in make-up, massage oils, skin and hair products. Benefits: Softens & moisturizes hair and skin. Improves the tone and texture of the skin. Protects hair and skin from drying out. Adds radiant luster to hair. Thickens/Lengthens eyelashes. AFRICAN BLACK SOAP  (raw) Originates from Africa (typically Ghana) and has been used for centuries by African natives. ABS is a handmade soap, whose recipe is passed down from generation to generation. Each family has their own secret recipe but the basic formulation/method consists of roasting several different types of leaves (plantain, banana, palm, plantain peels) then water is filtered through those ashes to produce an organic “lye”. This homemade lye is then added to several different types of luxurious virgin oils and butters (palm oil, Shea butter, cocoa butter, coconut oil, etc.). The mixture is then poured into containers (or large drums) and left to cure in the hot African sun for several weeks. This is a wonderful “all-over” soap, meaning you can use it on your body, face & hair. This organic soap gives a ton of luxurious lather, even on oily/greasy surfaces. African Black Soap has strong cleansing abilities but is very gentle to skin, gentle enough to bathe infants with. This soap is rich in glycerin and high in vitamins like Iron, Vitamin-A and Vitamin-E. Benefits Include: Moisturizing Shampoo, Moisturizing Skin Cleanser, Anti-Ageing, Treats skin Issues/Diseases (acne, eczema, rashes, psoriasis, etc.), Scalp irritations, Softens Skin. The term “Raw” African Black soap has not been processed at all or very little. It sometimes has small chunks of charcoal from the roasted plant matter. This is usually found when bought in bulk (10lbs-20lbs soap blocks). Most people don’t mind because they intend to “process” it themselves. Usually by either chopping off chunks to use with a bath brush OR blended in a food processor with water so it can be poured into small soap molds to make small bars of soap. Or blended with extra water, filtered, and put into bottles for liquid soap or shampoo. :AUTHENTIC AFRICAN BLACK SOAP: If you have no experience with this soap, just know that “authentic” African Black Soap should be imported from parts of Africa (typically Ghana). A reputable supplier will certify that it their ABS comes from parts of Africa (Ghana, Nigeria, etc.) and is of “Fair Trade”. Authentic ABS is kind of soft and a bit crumbly. Some soaps are a bit lighter or darker than others, this is due to whether the producer roasted the plant leaves longer or not. No two bars ever look the same, because this is a handmade soap and they don’t all come from the same batch. Also, small bars are usually cut from a larger block of soap when sold in multiple or specific quantities (i.e. 4oz-20lbs). Authentic ABS also tends to soften even more when it is wet or has been wet for a long while :FAKE AFRICAN BLACK SOAP: Some companies (in the US,UK, Canada.) try to capitalize off the “African Black Soap” craze by reproducing ABS by omitting key ingredients & using cheap oils that don’t even belong in African Black Soap. FAKE African Black Soap is rock hard and very commercial looking. It has that “cookie cutter” appeal to it, as if it was mass produced in a factory, each bar is the same EXACT mold/shape. FAKE ABS is really dark (or black in most cases), smooth and hard as a rock. Colorants/Dyes are used to darken these fake soaps so that it visually or “psychologically” lives up to the name. Because of those colorants, these fake ABS soaps stain wash cloths, clothing and anything it touches. There are many U.S. merchants that import authentic “fair trade” ABS for sale in the U.S., but there are many (big companies) that produce fake ABS here and sell it as authentic ABS. So just be vigilant when shopping on-line or in person. ALOE VERA GEL Is the pulp scraped from aloe vera leaves. It is a healing agent when applied to burns, scrapes and wounds skin abrasions, cuts, sunburns, scalds, blisters, cold sores, rashes, and insect bites to help fight bacteria and avoid infection. It also soothes pain and regenerates skin cells to promote healing with no or little scaring. Other Skin benefits Include: Natural UV inhibitor, Anti-ageing, reduce wrinkles, eczema, acne, sun/age spots, psoriasis, repairs damage, diminishes scar tissue, blemishes, recent skin trauma. Hair Benefits include: Softens & moisturizes hair, treats dandruff, seborrhea (dermatitis), psoriasis and hair loss that has resulted from these conditions. When taken internally Aloe Vera also beautifies the skin, heals trama, anti-ageing, and aides in digestion (cleanses your G.I. Tract). Its anti-inflammatory properties fight against Androgenetic Alopecia. Emollient properties also protect against damage to the scalp and hair. AMLA  (gooseberry tree) Is an Ayurvedic herb used in many Ayurvedic preparations. “Amla”, or Amalaki is an herb found exclusively in India. In Sanskrit, "Amalaki" means “That which is full of rejuvenating properties”. Amla has MANY great benefits including: effective in treating cough, anti-ageing properties, diabetes, anemia, diarrhea, dysentery, high-cholesterol, high blood pressure, reduces intra ocular tension, improves nearsightedness, treats cataract and glaucoma. Hair benefits include: Effective conditioner, promotes hair growth, prevents balding, prevents gray hair, treats oily scalp. ARGAN OIL Argan oil has quickly become very popular. It is referred to as a "miracle ingredient" in skin products and the cosmetics industry in general. Argan oil is light non-greasy oil that is rich in unsaturated fatty acids like (Omega 3 and Omega 9) and has extremely high levels of Vitamin E and 80% fatty acids which make it perfect for healing many skin problems as well as protection against premature aging caused by oxidation. Argan oil contains rare plant sterols (schottenol and spinasterol), not found in other oils. It is believed that these phytosterols are unique in their combination and that there are no other vegetable oils with a comparable phytosterol composition. In general phytosterols reduce inflammation and help block cholesterol absorption from the intestines. They also show anti-cancer properties. Argan oil facilitates digestion by increasing the concentration of pepsin in the gastric juice. It contains flavonoids that act as a natural anti-inflammatory both internally and externally. Highly beneficial for arthritis. It is helpful for lowering cholesterol levels, stimulates circulation which strengthens the body`s natural. It is also used to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy. Traditionally, Argan oil is also reputed to have aphrodisiac and tonic properties. Skin Benefits Include: tissue healing (scars), anti-inflammatory, Soothes skin ailments (chickenpox, acne, psoriasis, and dry eczema), sun-protective, disinfectant properties, anti-ageing, skin softener. Hair Benefits Include: Hydrates & softens hair, prevents frizz, penetrates hair shafts and enhances the elasticity of hair, promotes hair growth, tames uncontrollable/unmanageable hair, adds luster & shine to hair, anti-oxidant, strengthens and repairs damaged cellular membrane of hair, protects from heat styling, treats split ends. ARITHA (shampoo) Is an Ayurvedic herb used as a natural shampoo & cleansing agent. The natural saponins (surfactants) in it gives this herb excellent foaming properties. Benefits Includes: Great skin cleanser, excellent natural shampoo, adds body & bounce to hair. AVOCADO & AVOCADO OIL Fresh avocado and avocado oil as a food source & as a topical application supply the body with nutrients that stimulate hair follicles and promote growth. Avocado is rich in essential fats like oleic acid (omega-9) and linolenic acid (omega-3), which are critical for cell growth. Avocado is a great source of B-complex vitamins (especially B-7 “biotin”). These vitamins are VERY essential when it comes to maintaining or obtaining a healthy head of hair. Benefits Include: Promotes hair growth, strengthens hair shaft. BAMBOO EXTRACT Bamboo extract comes from the leaves and stalks of an edible grass that is eaten by many of the world’s animals. It is a rich source of mineral and organic proteins, mainly silica (70% by weight), which is an essential nutrient for humans, too. In particular, silica plays a great role in keeping the skin and hair healthy. In fact, daily supplements of silica through the use of bamboo extract can improve the condition of hair and skin, even to the point of alleviating eczema and psoriasis. It’s also an anti-aging agent, improves the cardiovascular system, reduces blood fats and cholesterol, and eliminating toxins such as aluminum. Hair Benefits Include: extract strengthens the hair follicle/shaft, retains moisture, and promotes shine. BHRINGRAJ Is an Ayurvedic herb. That penetrates the hair shafts, nourishes the scalp and promotes hair growth. It is useful in alopecia. Benefits Include: Strengthens hair roots, promotes growth, reduces shedding, anti-dandruff properties, prevents premature graying, effectively treats alopecia. BURDOCK ROOT Burdock Root is used as a scalp treatment to improve the strength, sheen and body to hair. Burdock Root is also rich in phytosterols and essential fatty acids (including rare long chain EFAs) required to maintain a healthy scalp and promote hair growth. Benefits Include: Strengthens hair root, prevents shedding, thickens hair, promotes growth, stops scalp irritation, treats alopecia, contains natural mucilage that provide “slip” making it a good detangler, adds nutrients & proteins to the scalp, follicles, and oil glands. CAPSAICIN  (capsicum/pepper extract) Stimulates hair growth by 50% and increases blood flow to the scalp as well as histamine release to stimulate cell division. It is excellent at accelerating new hair growth. CARBOMER Carbomer is an excellent thickening agent, will not support bacterial growth, and is hypo-allergenic. It also has a particularly nice "skin feel," producing solutions and gels that feel rich and luxurious to the touch. As an emulsion stabilizer, carbomer keep oils or creams suspended in water and prevent separation. Carbomer is frequently used in the cosmetics and personal care products industry. Carbomer is used in a variety of skin- and hair-care products, in dentifrices, and in pharmaceutical preparations (oral, topical, ophthalmic). It’s form is a fluffy white powder that readily absorb water to form gels or thick solutions that are non-toxic, stable, and resist spoilage & bacterial growth. CEDARWOOD ESSENTIAL OIL Has many health benefits as well as hair. It’s astringent action is great for acne, oily skin, and itching. Hair Benefits Include: Stimulates hair growth, treats alopecia & male/female pattern baldness, treats dandruff, stops hair shedding, treats oily scalp. COCONUT MILK Coconut products are known to strengthen the hair shaft, but coconut milk in particular is a great conditioner (leave-in or rinse-out) and hair softener. It is a smooth, light & fluffy moisturizer that doesn’t leave a sticky tacky feel to hair. It absorbs deep into hair. It gives hair “slip” and tons of moisture, which makes it a great detangler. COCONUT OIL Coconut oil is extensively used in the Indian sub-continent for hair care because it’s known to nourish and protect hair. It is an excellent conditioner that provides the essential proteins required for nourishing damaged. Research shows that coconut oil has the ability to penetrate the hair shaft and reduce protein loss as compared to other oils. Benefits Include: strengthens hair, thickens hair, gives hair shine, helps re-grow hair, treats & prevents premature graying of hair, treats hair loss, promotes hair growth, treats dandruff. To those that apply: Massaging scalp with coconut oil also keeps scalp free of lice & lice eggs. COLTSFOOT LEAF Coltsfoot contains up to 10% mucilage (plant protein), plus numerous sugars, inulin, flavonoids, rutin, isoquercetin, tannin & pyrrolizidine alkaloids. It has been used medicinally as a cough suppressant for centuries, hence the name "tussilago" or "cough suppressant". Coltsfoot Leaf is very rich in minerals, it contain a high percentage of natural plant Silica and the amino acid Cysteine (14% of skin & hair are made from this). Coltsfoot is also a medicated herb with an abundance of natural plant sulfur. Benefits Include: heal dandruff, strengthen the hair shaft, adds sheen and elasticity, regulate over productive sebaceous (oil) glands, stimulates collagen production. AYURVEDIC HERBAL MIX ~ Brahmi, Bhringa-raja, Amalakl (Amala), Daru-haridra, Shweta Chandana, Kamala (lotus), Ketaki, Ananta-mula, Jata- mamsi, Nilini (indigo), Ratan-jot, Gunja (white variety), Lodhra, Priyangu, , Naga-kesara, Mushta (Nagar-motha), sesame oil, Bala ~ Our very potent & unique mix of Ayurvedic herbs that strengthen hair, stops & prevents hair fall, controls dandruff, cures alopecia, stops premature graying, stops male & female pattern baldness. d-PANTHENOL “Pro-Vitamin B5” creates a protective film & penetrates the skin, the top layer of nails, follicles, and hair. Benefits Include: moisturizes hair, gives hair shine & luster, reduces spilt ends, and repairs damaged hair. FENUGREEK This natural herb has very potent seeds, which help treat balding, thinning of hair and hair fall. This herb also is a natural mucilage that give hair slip, which makes it a great ingredient in detangling-conditioners. FRUIT ACIDS (citric acid) A natural extract derived from citrus fruits, it is a widely accepted organic acid used in the cosmetics and food industries as a preservative and a pH control agent. It has antioxidant properties and is used as a stabilizer, and recently as an agent for hair to loosen/relax curl pattern. GLYCERIN Vegetable glycerin is a humectant, meaning it attracts water from the air/environment. Because of this, it is used in baking/foods and a lot of skin and hair products. Benefits Include: softens hair, keeps hair hydrated & moisturized, and defines natural curls. GOTU KOLA (Brahmi/Asian centella/Indian penny wort) Is an Ayurvedic herb used in natural skin and hair treatments. Skin Benefits include: prevents & treats stretch marks. Hair Benefits Include: Cools the scalp and induces sound sleep, revitalizes hair, controls dandruff, promotes hair growth, makes hair long dark dense and lustrous, strengthens hair roots HEENARA (natural shampoo) Is an Ayurvedic herb that promotes hair growth, controls hair fall, cures scalp infection, controls premature graying of hair, clears up dandruff. HIBISCUS FLOWERS Seals the hair cuticles, stops hair breakage and repairs split ends. Prevents hair loss, promotes hair growth. Thickens hair. P r e v e n t s premature greying of hair. Gives hair bounce & shine. Strengthens hair. HOPS Hops possesses a nourishing oil that is both an effective hair conditioner and thickener. Re-grow hair and stops hair loss, treats dandruff, strengthen weak and brittle hair. Promotes hair growth. Gives hair body & shine. HORSETAIL Horsetail is rich in amino acids, silica, and phytosterols which condition & strengthen hair as well as reduce buildup of oils in the scalp. IRISH MOSS Irish Moss is a species of seaweed, it is also called carrageenan. Irish Moss is a stabilizing and gelling agent in many foods, including puddings, soups and ice cream. It's a naturally hydrating topical skin & hair food composed of a variety of nutrients like chlorophyll, carotene, potassium, sodium, calcium, manganese, iron, iodine, copper, sulphur, vitamins & protein. It produces a high amount of mucilage when wet, which makes an excellent hair detangler. Irish moss is frequently used cosmetically as a hair gel. JOJOBA PROTEIN Very effective in repairing in damaged hair. Adds luster and shine to hair. Forms hygroscopic film on the hair and retains moisture. JAMAICAN BLACK CASTOR OIL Moisturizes, thickens, strengthens and speeds hair growth. JOJOBA OIL Has many benefits for hair & skin. Jojoba Oil is a non-greasy, colorless, odorless “dry oil” meaning it absorbs completely and doesn’t leave a greasy tacky oily feel or residue. Which make it greats for regulating over active oil (sebaceous) glands. Jojoba oil is also a great carrier oil, it helps other active ingredients penetrate. Moisturizes the scalp. Benefits Include: Develops new hair cell growth. Treats itchy scalp, anti-bacterial properties. Very gentle to skin/scalp & is soothing. Treats dandruff. Helps heal scars. Moisturizes hair & prevents brittleness. Gives hair luster and shine. LUPINE PROTEIN (amino acids) Lupine protein contains a high amount of essential amino acids (35-45%) which makes it a great ingredient in anti-aging & hair products. Lupine protein has great anti-static, regenerating and conditioning properties. MANUKA HONEY  (raw) {Manuka honey is honey produced by bees that have fed off the nectar from the flowers on the Manuka Tree aka “Tea Tree”. This is the same tree in which Tea Tree oil comes from. Because of this, Manuka Honey has very high anti-bacterial properties. Much more than any other monofloral honey}  Honey is a natural humectant. Humectants attract and retain moisture. This property gives great benefits when honey is used on the skin, as it helps reverse the dryness that can occur with aging. Adequate hydration helps keep the skin soft, supple and elastic. Honey is also a natural antiseptic and contains antioxidants. Honey is packed with vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, sulphur, iron, zinc and vitamins B1, B2, B3, which aid in hair growth. Benefits Include: Moisturizes hair, gives hair luster & shine. Natural anti- bacterial. Helps heal wounds. MARSHMELLOW ROOT Is an Ayurvedic herb. It has many uses and is traditionally used all over the world. It’s has many constituents some of them include: Amino acids, coumarins, fats and sugars. One particular constituent is mucilage, which is the main reason people use this herb. Marshmallow root has a high content of thick slippery mucilage that gives hair great “slip” which makes an incredible detangler for hair. This mucilage is rich in proteins and vitamins A & C. Natural detangling conditioners & natural hair gels are made from this mucilage also. MENTHOL Menthol is a clear or white organic compound derived from the peppermint herb. Menthol is an active ingredient that is often included in hair products and other cosmetic preparations for its cooling and scalp-stimulating effects. Mentholated hair shampoos, ointments and creams, like most medicated hair products, are formulated to soothe and treat conditions of the scalp. Benefits Include: Anti-bacterial. Promotes hair growth by increasing blood flow to the scalp. Alleviates itchy scalp, dryness, dandruff and psoriasis. Reduces scalp oiliness, regulates over active oil (sebaceous) glands . NEEM Is an Ayurvedic herb. For centuries the Neem tree has been known as the wonder tree of India. Traditionally used in Ayurvedic remedies as an antiseptic to fight viruses and bacteria, it is also recommended for urinary disorders, diarrhea, fever, skin diseases, burns and inflammatory diseases, worms, fever, loss of appetite, anti-inflammatory, removes toxins from the body, purifies the blood, neutralizes free radicals, treats eczema, ringworm, acne, and much more. Because of its wide variety of applications it is commonly called the "Friend and Protector” of the Indian Villager. Today modern research has verified the remarkable attributes of this tree. Neem is increasingly a key ingredient in modern cosmetics and pharmaceuticals. Hair Benefits Include: Nourishes hair. Strengthens hair and nails. Removes lice and dandruff. Cleanses sclap. Treats many scalp issues. Treats and prevents STD’s. NETTLE Contains silica & many other minerals that promotes shine, hair growth. Cleanses scalp, alleviates itchy skin & scalp. Its high silica and sulfur content, promotes circulation to scalps poorly supplied with blood which in turn stimulates hair growth. Nettle has been shown in clinical studies to inhibit 5-Alpha Reductase. Nettle also possesses stimulating qualities that increase the circulation of the scalp in vitamins A and C, as well as a wide range of minerals, mucilages and amino acids which are required for proper hair growth. Nettle treats benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), which is believed to have the same root cause as hereditary hair loss. Nettle root extract able to inhibit the conversion of testosterone to follicle- harming dihydrotestosterone (DHT). OPTIPHEN Natural preservative FREE of parabens(s) and formaldehyde(s). Increases shelf life of products. Excellent in preventing the growth of yeast, fungi, molds, and bacteria in cosmetics & hair products. PLANTAPON (surfactant) Is a non-sulfate, non-irritating, all-natural surfactant produced from glucose. This is a natural surfactant used in natural products to produce lather in shampoos & liquid cleansers (i.e. body wash, liquid soap, etc.) POLYSORBATE 80 Polysorbate is a derivative of sorbitol and oleic acid, and is manufactured worldwide. It is used primarily as an emulsifier in food products, cosmetics, vitamins, medicines, and vaccines. The use of Polysorbate for hair restoration was pioneered by the Finnish doctor, Dr. Illona Purola. Dr. Purola was a cancer specialist who was conducting research on skin cancer when she discovered that Polysorbate 60, when applied to the scalp, promoted the regrowth of hair. Her research involved first mice and then men, and she obtained good results using Polysorbate on both of them. Although she started with Polysorbate 60, she later switched to Polysorbate 80 because it worked even better. Polysorbate 80 has since been used to regrow hair due to alopecia and male/female-pattern-baldness. Studies showed that an average of 60 percent hair regrowth was seen after just six months of daily use of Polysorbate applied directly to the scalp.Two theories have been proposed by Dr. Purola and others to explain how Polysorbate aids hair regrowth. First, Polysorbate, a known cleanser, emulsifier, and surfactant, helps rid the hair follicles of the hormone, dihydrotestosterone or DHT. DHT is the testosterone fraction that is believed to trigger male pattern baldness in men. Second, Polysorbate is known to trigger histamine release, which increases blood flow and nutrition to the hair follicles. Although histamine is usually considered the culprit behind seasonal allergies, in actuality this substance is essential for cell growth and reproduction. In fact, since histamine is a growth factor, applying to the scalp a substance that triggers histamine release may also promote hair growth. In animals, administration of Polysorbate 80 triggers the production of histamine in mast cells and plasma histamine concentrations rise after administration of Polysorbate 80. In humans, the administration of Polysorbate 80 causes effects in the body similar to the body’s response after histamine administration. One way Polysorbate 80 may result in hair regrowth may be through its ability to trigger histamine release in the scalp, stimulating cell growth. RICE QUAT Is derived from rice. It contains 2% cysteine which makes it very compatible with hair. Rice Quat is an excellent conditioner, imparts superior abrasion resistance when dry or wet comb combing. Other benefits Include: Strengthens the hair. Repairs weak & damaged hair, well absorbed by damaged areas on hair strands. Excellent film-forming & moisturizing properties. ROSEMARY Rosemary (infusion) has been shown to promote increased circulation as well as help remove dandruff and sebum accumulations on the scalp. Promotes circulation to scalp. Rosemary renews activity in dormant hair follicles and promote hairs growth. Benefits Include: Promotes hair growth. Treats dandruff & itchy dry scalp. Darkens gray hair & prevents gray hair. Prevents thinning hair & hair loss. Removes product build-up, cleanses scalp ROSEMARY ESSENTIAL OIL Basically the same benefits as the plain herb but MUCH more potent. Other Benefits Include: Treats dry, itchy, flaky scalps, and dandruff. Stimulates hair follicles & promotes hair growth. Prevents thinning hair & hair loss. SAGE Sage’s potent antiseptic and astringent components makes it a useful conditioner for the hair. Additionally, it thickens and strengthens compromised hair shafts. Sage contains vitamins A and C, vitamin B-complex. It has a lot of calcium and potassium. It also contains sulphur, silicon, phosphorus and sodium. Other Benefits Include: Stimulates hair growth. Cleanses scalp. Treats Oily scalp. Treats dandruff. Prevents gray hairs. SAGE ESSENTIAL OIL Basically the same benefits as the plain herb but MUCH more potent. Other Benefits Include: Nourishes the scalp and hair follicles. Supports healthy blood flow to the scalp SHEA BUTTER Evens skin tone and returns luster to skin and hair. Absorbs quickly without leaving greasy residue. Shea Butter moisturizes and protects skin and scalp. Repairs over processed and heat damaged hair. Shea Butter doesn't clog pores or block hair shaft. Shea butter revitalizes and softens skin. It also moisturizes & retains moisture. Shea butter is rich in Vitamins A, E & F which are some essential vitamins needed for great skin and hair. Shea Butter penetrates deep into skin to help restore elasticity. Shea Butter keep your skin clear & smooth. Shea butter also soothes scalp & skin irritations. NOTE: Authentic Shea Butter IS ODERLESS. If you’ve bought some Shea butter and it has a pungent or funny smell, it is either unauthentic or has been processed with other ingredients or chemicals. Buy only pureunrefined Shea butter from a reputable seller. Also, Shea Butter doesn’t look, smell, or feel like Cocoa Butter. Shea butter & cocoa butter are two different substances and DO NOT come from the same tree. SHIKAKAI (cleanser) Is an Ayurvedic herb and is a natural cleansing agent for hair and scalp. It contains high levels of saponins which are natural foaming agents (found in several species of plants) used as shampoos or soaps. It is also a good conditioner. Benefits Include: strengthens hair roots and promotes luxuriant growth . Natural astringent for hair enhancing its binding properties. Removes dandruff. Stimulates hair growth. Cools the scalp. Reduces scalp oiliness. Makes hair shine. SILICA GEL  (high grade) Silica can be taken as a daily supplement & applied topically. Silica is a non-metallic element second only to oxygen in its abundance on Earth. It's also the second-most common element that comprises nearly 28 percent of the Earth's crust and occurs naturally as silicon dioxide, or flint. Silica also resides in certain plants and whole grains. Silica is used extensively in various industries. Manufacturing foods and beverages, commonly added to beer as a de-foaming agent. Silica-derived orthosilicic acid is a component of glycosaminoglycans (hyaluronic acids, chrondrotin sulfates and complex keratin proteins that stimulate the manufacture of collagen and connective tissue function and repair). Aging skin is typically characterized by a fall off of silica and hyaluronic acid levels in connective tissue, due to a decline in the stomach's ability to synthesize these acids. The result is a loss of moisture and suppleness in the skin. The youthful appearance of hair and nails can also be affected since they are basically composed of keratin proteins. Silica is also critical to bone mineralization and calcification. Therefore silica prevents diseases such as osteoporosis. Hair/Skin Benefits : Anti-Ageing, strengthens hair. One of the building blocks of hair & is necessary to create new hair. When taken with calcium and iron, reduces or prevents hair loss. Silica builds vascular walls, which helps the blood flow to the hair bulb. Gives hair elasticity. SILK AMINO ACIDS Penetrate and moisturize skin and hair. Silk amino acids have excellent water-binding properties which give the skin & hair a very soft and velvety feel. Silk amino acids (silk proteins) also have a certain amount of antioxidant action. Silk Amino Acids contain all essential & non-essential amino acids including Cysteine & Methionine, which are essential for hair production. Human hair is approximately 14% Cysteine. VITAMIN E OIL Vitamin E is an effective antioxidant that prevents cells and tissue from oxidation, which can cause premature aging. It is a scavenger of antioxidants to protect cells from apotosis (cell death). Vitamin-E Oil is often used as a natural preservative in cosmetics & hair products. Benefits Include: Repairs split ends & damaged hair. Deep conditions hair. Anti-Ageing properties. Heals sun-burn. Promotes hair growth. WHEAT PROTEIN Contains wheat oligosaccharides (carbohydrates) and constitutes a unique hydrating complex offering a combination of moisture-balancing and film-forming properties that work synergistically to give hair better body control, and skin, a smoother softer feel. Other Benefits Include: Increases firmness of the skin, nourishes and smoothes skin & hair. Protects skin & hair from drying out, decreases number and depth of wrinkles. Gives hair volume. WILD CHERRY BARK Wild cherry bark contains agents that condition the hair to be smooth and silky. XANTHAN GUM Is composed of pure natural polysaccharides (sugars) used in food, cosmetics and hair products as a thickener & emulsifier. YUCCA ROOT Yucca roots have been used by Native American tribes for years to prevent hair loss and dandruff while making hair shiny and beautiful. Yucca root makes a great shampoo and soap because it contains natural saponins which is an all-natural detergent that softly lathers when agitated with water.

HAIR INGREDIENT GLOSSARY - Shopify · HAIR INGREDIENT GLOSSARY To search for a specific ingredient press the Ctrl & F keys at the same time. A box will pop-up, type in the name then

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A box will pop-up, type in the name then press the “Enter” key.

ABYSSINIAN OILThis oil is fairly new to the market. It is a non-GMO vegetable plant derived oil with a mild, pleasant odor. It isbiodegradable and non-toxic . This natural seed oil is ultra-light non-greasy and absorbs very well into skin and hair withoutleaving an oily tacky feel. Abyssinian Oil has a unique molecular structure not found in any other naturally occurringsubstance. It contains a high percentage of unsaturated C22 fatty acids, which makes it highly resistant to oxidation andheat degradation. Abyssinian Oil is used in make-up, massage oils, skin and hair products. Benefits: Softens & moisturizeshair and skin. Improves the tone and texture of the skin. Protects hair and skin from drying out. Adds radiant luster to hair.Thickens/Lengthens eyelashes.AFRICAN BLACK SOAP

 (raw)Originates from Africa (typically Ghana) and has been used for centuries by African natives. ABS is a handmade soap,whose recipe is passed down from generation to generation. Each family has their own secret recipe but the basicformulation/method consists of roasting several different types of leaves (plantain, banana, palm, plantain peels) thenwater is filtered through those ashes to produce an organic  “lye”. This homemade lye is then added to several differenttypes of luxurious virgin oils and butters (palm oil, Shea butter, cocoa butter, coconut oil, etc.). The mixture is then pouredinto containers (or large drums) and left to cure in the hot African sun for several weeks. This is a wonderful “all-over” soap,meaning you can use it on your body, face & hair.  This organic soap gives a ton of luxurious lather, even on oily/greasysurfaces. African Black Soap has strong cleansing abilities but is very gentle to skin, gentle enough to bathe infants with.This soap is rich in glycerin and high in vitamins like Iron, Vitamin-A and Vitamin-E. Benefits Include: MoisturizingShampoo, Moisturizing Skin Cleanser, Anti-Ageing, Treats skin Issues/Diseases (acne, eczema, rashes, psoriasis, etc.),Scalp irritations, Softens Skin. The term “Raw” African Black soap has not been processed at all or very little. It sometimeshas small chunks of charcoal  from the roasted plant matter. This is usually found when bought in bulk (10lbs-20lbs soapblocks). Most people don’t mind because they intend to “process” it themselves. Usually by either chopping off chunks touse with a bath brush OR blended in a food processor with water so it can be poured into small soap molds to make smallbars of soap. Or blended with extra water, filtered, and put into bottles for liquid soap or shampoo. :AUTHENTIC AFRICANBLACK SOAP: If you have no experience with this soap, just know that “authentic” African Black Soap should be importedfrom parts of Africa (typically Ghana). A reputable supplier will certify that it their ABS comes from parts of Africa (Ghana,Nigeria, etc.) and is of “Fair Trade”. Authentic ABS is kind of soft and a bit crumbly. Some soaps are a bit lighter or darkerthan others, this is due to whether the producer roasted the plant leaves longer or not. No two bars ever look the same,because this is a handmade soap and they don’t all come from the same batch. Also, small bars are usually cut from alarger block of soap when sold in multiple or specific quantities (i.e. 4oz-20lbs). Authentic ABS also tends to soften evenmore when it is wet or has been wet for a long while :FAKE AFRICAN BLACK SOAP: Some companies (in the US,UK,Canada.) try to capitalize off the “African Black Soap” craze by reproducing ABS by omitting key ingredients & using cheapoils  that don’t even belong in African Black Soap. FAKE African Black Soap is rock hard and very commercial looking. Ithas that “cookie cutter” appeal to it, as if it was mass produced in a factory, each bar is the same EXACT mold/shape.FAKE ABS is really dark (or black in most cases), smooth  and hard as a rock. Colorants/Dyes are used to darken thesefake soaps so that it visually or “psychologically” lives up to the name. Because of those colorants, these fake ABS soapsstain wash cloths, clothing and anything it touches. There are many U.S. merchants that import authentic “fair trade” ABSfor sale in the U.S., but there are many (big companies) that produce fake ABS here and sell it as authentic ABS. So justbe vigilant when shopping on-line or in person.

ALOE VERA GELIs the pulp scraped from aloe vera leaves. It is a healing agent when applied to burns, scrapes and wounds skin abrasions,cuts, sunburns, scalds, blisters, cold sores, rashes, and insect bites to help fight bacteria and avoid infection. It alsosoothes pain and regenerates skin cells to promote healing with no or little scaring. Other Skin benefits Include: NaturalUV inhibitor, Anti-ageing, reduce wrinkles, eczema, acne, sun/age spots, psoriasis, repairs damage, diminishes scartissue, blemishes, recent skin trauma. Hair Benefits include: Softens & moisturizes hair, treats dandruff, seborrhea(dermatitis), psoriasis and hair loss that has resulted from these conditions. When taken internally Aloe Vera alsobeautifies the skin, heals trama, anti-ageing, and aides in digestion (cleanses your G.I. Tract). Its anti-inflammatory

properties fight against Androgenetic Alopecia.  Emollient properties also protect against damage to the scalp and hair.

AMLA  (gooseberry tree)Is an Ayurvedic herb used in many Ayurvedic preparations. “Amla”, or Amalaki is an herb found exclusively in India. In

Sanskrit, "Amalaki" means “That which is full of rejuvenating properties”. Amla has MANY great benefits including: effectivein treating cough, anti-ageing properties, diabetes, anemia, diarrhea, dysentery, high-cholesterol, high blood pressure,reduces intra ocular tension, improves nearsightedness, treats cataract and glaucoma. Hair benefits include: Effective

conditioner, promotes hair growth, prevents balding, prevents gray hair, treats oily scalp.

ARGAN OILArgan oil has quickly become very popular. It is referred to as a "miracle ingredient" in skin products and the cosmeticsindustry in general. Argan oil is light non-greasy oil that is rich in unsaturated fatty acids like (Omega 3 and Omega 9) andhas extremely high levels of Vitamin E and 80% fatty acids which make it perfect for healing many skin problems as wellas protection against premature aging caused by oxidation. Argan oil contains rare plant sterols (schottenol andspinasterol), not found in other oils. It is believed that these phytosterols are unique in their combination and that there areno other vegetable oils with a comparable phytosterol composition. In general phytosterols reduce inflammation and helpblock cholesterol absorption from the intestines. They also show anti-cancer properties. Argan oil facilitates digestion byincreasing the concentration of pepsin in the gastric juice. It contains flavonoids that act as a natural anti-inflammatory bothinternally and externally. Highly beneficial for arthritis. It is helpful for lowering cholesterol levels, stimulates circulationwhich strengthens the body`s natural. It is also used to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy. Traditionally, Argan oil isalso reputed to have aphrodisiac and tonic properties. Skin Benefits Include: tissue healing (scars), anti-inflammatory,Soothes skin ailments (chickenpox, acne, psoriasis, and dry eczema), sun-protective, disinfectant properties, anti-ageing,skin softener. Hair Benefits Include: Hydrates & softens hair, prevents frizz, penetrates hair shafts and enhances theelasticity of hair, promotes hair growth, tames uncontrollable/unmanageable hair, adds luster & shine to hair, anti-oxidant,

strengthens and repairs damaged cellular membrane of hair, protects from heat styling, treats split ends.

ARITHA (shampoo)Is an Ayurvedic herb used as a natural shampoo & cleansing agent. The natural saponins (surfactants) in it gives this herbexcellent foaming properties. Benefits Includes: Great skin cleanser, excellent natural shampoo, adds body & bounce tohair.

AVOCADO & AVOCADO OILFresh avocado and avocado oil as a food source & as a topical application supply the body with nutrients that stimulatehair follicles and promote growth. Avocado is rich in essential fats like oleic acid (omega-9) and linolenic acid (omega-3),which are critical for cell growth. Avocado is a great source of B-complex vitamins (especially B-7 “biotin”). These vitaminsare VERY essential when it comes to maintaining or obtaining a healthy head of hair. Benefits Include: Promotes hairgrowth, strengthens hair shaft.

BAMBOO EXTRACTBamboo extract comes from the leaves and stalks of an edible grass that is eaten by many of the world’s animals. It is arich source of mineral and organic proteins, mainly silica (70% by weight), which is an essential nutrient for humans, too. Inparticular, silica plays a great role in keeping the skin and hair healthy. In fact, daily supplements of silica through the useof bamboo extract can improve the condition of hair and skin, even to the point of alleviating eczema and psoriasis. It’salso an anti-aging agent, improves the cardiovascular system, reduces blood fats and cholesterol, and eliminating toxins

such as aluminum. Hair Benefits Include: extract strengthens the hair follicle/shaft, retains moisture, and promotes shine.BHRINGRAJ

Is an Ayurvedic herb. That penetrates the hair shafts, nourishes the scalp and promotes hair growth. It is useful inalopecia. Benefits Include: Strengthens hair roots, promotes growth, reduces shedding, anti-dandruff properties, preventspremature graying, effectively treats alopecia.

BURDOCK ROOTBurdock Root is used as a scalp treatment to improve the strength, sheen and body to hair. Burdock Root is also rich inphytosterols and essential fatty acids (including rare long chain EFAs) required to maintain a healthy scalp and promotehair growth. Benefits Include: Strengthens hair root, prevents shedding, thickens hair, promotes growth, stops scalpirritation, treats alopecia, contains natural mucilage that provide “slip” making it a good detangler, adds nutrients & proteinsto the scalp, follicles, and oil glands.

CAPSAICIN  (capsicum/pepper extract)Stimulates hair growth by 50% and  increases blood flow to the scalp as well as histamine release to stimulate celldivision. It is excellent at accelerating new hair growth.

CARBOMERCarbomer is an excellent thickening agent, will not support bacterial growth, and is hypo-allergenic. It also has aparticularly nice "skin feel," producing solutions and gels that feel rich and luxurious to the touch. As an emulsion stabilizer,carbomer keep oils or creams suspended in water and prevent separation. Carbomer is frequently used in the cosmeticsand personal care products industry. Carbomer is used in a variety of skin- and hair-care products, in dentifrices, and inpharmaceutical preparations (oral, topical, ophthalmic). It’s form is a fluffy white powder that readily absorb water to formgels or thick solutions that are non-toxic, stable, and resist spoilage & bacterial growth.

CEDARWOOD ESSENTIAL OILHas many health benefits as well as hair. It’s astringent action is great for acne, oily skin, and itching. Hair Benefits Include:Stimulates hair growth, treats alopecia & male/female pattern baldness, treats dandruff, stops hair shedding, treats oilyscalp.

COCONUT MILKCoconut products are known to strengthen the hair shaft, but coconut milk in particular is a great conditioner (leave-in orrinse-out) and hair softener. It is a smooth, light & fluffy moisturizer that doesn’t leave a sticky tacky feel to hair. It absorbs

deep into hair. It gives hair “slip” and tons of moisture, which makes it a great detangler.COCONUT OIL

Coconut oil is extensively used in the Indian sub-continent for hair care because it’s known to nourish and protect hair. It isan excellent conditioner that provides the essential proteins required for nourishing damaged. Research shows thatcoconut oil has the ability to penetrate the hair shaft and reduce protein loss as compared to other oils. Benefits Include:strengthens hair, thickens hair, gives hair shine, helps re-grow hair, treats & prevents premature graying of hair, treats hairloss, promotes hair growth, treats dandruff. To those that apply:  Massaging scalp with coconut oil also keeps scalp free oflice & lice eggs.

COLTSFOOT LEAFColtsfoot contains up to 10% mucilage (plant protein), plus numerous sugars, inulin, flavonoids, rutin, isoquercetin, tannin& pyrrolizidine alkaloids. It has been used medicinally as a cough suppressant for centuries, hence the name "tussilago" or"cough suppressant". Coltsfoot Leaf is very rich in minerals, it contain a high percentage of natural plant Silica and theamino acid Cysteine (14% of skin & hair are made from this). Coltsfoot is also a medicated herb with an abundance ofnatural plant sulfur. Benefits Include: heal dandruff, strengthen the hair shaft, adds sheen and elasticity, regulate overproductive sebaceous (oil) glands, stimulates collagen production.

AYURVEDIC HERBAL MIX~ Brahmi, Bhringa-raja, Amalakl (Amala), Daru-haridra, Shweta Chandana, Kamala (lotus), Ketaki,  Ananta-mula, Jata-

mamsi, Nilini (indigo), Ratan-jot, Gunja (white variety), Lodhra, Priyangu, , Naga-kesara, Mushta (Nagar-motha), sesameoil, Bala ~ Our very potent & unique mix of Ayurvedic herbs that strengthen hair, stops & prevents hair fall, controls

dandruff, cures alopecia, stops premature graying, stops male & female pattern baldness.d-PANTHENOL

“Pro-Vitamin B5” creates a protective film & penetrates the skin, the top layer of nails, follicles, and hair. Benefits Include:moisturizes hair, gives hair

shine & luster, reduces spilt ends, and repairs damaged hair.FENUGREEK

This natural herb has very potent seeds, which help treat balding, thinning of hair and hair fall. This herb also is a naturalmucilage that give hair slip, which makes it a great ingredient in detangling-conditioners.

FRUIT ACIDS (citric acid)A natural extract derived from citrus fruits, it is a widely accepted organic acid used in the cosmetics and food industries asa preservative and a pH control agent. It has antioxidant properties and is used as a stabilizer, and recently as an agent forhair to loosen/relax curl pattern.

GLYCERINVegetable glycerin is a humectant, meaning it attracts water from the air/environment. Because of this, it is used inbaking/foods and a lot of skin and hair products.  Benefits Include: softens hair, keeps hair hydrated & moisturized, anddefines natural curls.

GOTU KOLA (Brahmi/Asian centella/Indian penny wort)Is an Ayurvedic herb used in natural skin and hair treatments. Skin Benefits include: prevents & treats stretch marks. HairBenefits Include: Cools the scalp and induces sound sleep, revitalizes hair, controls dandruff, promotes hair growth, makeshair long dark dense and lustrous, strengthens hair roots

HEENARA (natural shampoo)Is an Ayurvedic herb that promotes hair growth, controls hair fall, cures scalp infection, controls premature graying of hair,clears up dandruff.

HIBISCUS FLOWERSSeals the hair cuticles, stops hair breakage and repairs split ends. Prevents hair loss, promotes hair growth. Thickens hair.

P r e v e n t s premature greying of hair. Gives hair bounce & shine. Strengthens hair.HOPS

Hops possesses a nourishing oil that is both an effective hair conditioner and thickener. Re-grow hair and stops hair loss,treats dandruff, strengthen weak

and brittle hair. Promotes hair growth. Gives hair body & shine.HORSETAIL

Horsetail is rich in amino acids, silica, and phytosterols which condition & strengthen hair as well as reduce buildup of oilsin the scalp.

IRISH MOSS Irish Moss is a species of seaweed, it is also called carrageenan. Irish Moss is a stabilizing and gelling agent in manyfoods, including puddings, soups and ice cream. It's a naturally hydrating topical skin & hair food composed of a variety ofnutrients like chlorophyll, carotene, potassium, sodium, calcium, manganese, iron, iodine, copper, sulphur, vitamins &protein. It produces a high amount of mucilage when wet, which makes an excellent hair detangler. Irish moss is frequentlyused cosmetically as a hair gel.

JOJOBA PROTEINVery effective in repairing in damaged hair. Adds luster and shine to hair. Forms hygroscopic film on the hair and retainsmoisture.

JAMAICAN BLACK CASTOR OILMoisturizes, thickens, strengthens and

speeds hair growth.JOJOBA OILHas many benefits for hair & skin. Jojoba Oil is a non-greasy, colorless, odorless “dry oil” meaning it absorbs completely

and doesn’t leave a greasy tacky oily feel or residue. Which make it greats for regulating over active oil (sebaceous)glands. Jojoba oil is also a great carrier oil, it helps other active ingredients penetrate. Moisturizes the scalp.  BenefitsInclude: Develops new hair cell growth. Treats itchy scalp, anti-bacterial properties. Very gentle to skin/scalp & is soothing.

Treats dandruff. Helps heal scars.  Moisturizes hair & prevents brittleness. Gives hair luster and shine.LUPINE PROTEIN (amino acids)

Lupine protein contains a high amount of essential amino acids (35-45%) which makes it a great ingredient in anti-aging &hair products. Lupine protein has great anti-static, regenerating and conditioning properties.

MANUKA HONEY (raw){Manuka honey is honey produced by bees that have fed off the nectar from the flowers on the Manuka Tree aka “Tea

Tree”. This is the same tree in which Tea Tree oil comes from. Because of this, Manuka Honey has very high anti-bacterialproperties. Much more than any other monofloral honey}  Honey is a natural humectant. Humectants attract and retainmoisture. This property gives great benefits when honey is used on the skin, as it helps reverse the dryness that can occurwith aging. Adequate hydration helps keep the skin soft, supple and elastic. Honey is also a natural antiseptic and containsantioxidants. Honey is packed with vitamins and minerals such as magnesium, potassium, calcium, sulphur, iron, zinc and

vitamins B1, B2, B3, which aid in hair growth. Benefits Include: Moisturizes hair, gives hair luster & shine. Natural anti-bacterial. Helps heal wounds.

MARSHMELLOW ROOTIs an Ayurvedic herb. It has many uses and is traditionally used all over the world. It’s has many constituents some of theminclude: Amino acids, coumarins, fats and sugars. One particular constituent is mucilage, which is the main reason peopleuse this herb. Marshmallow root has a high content of thick slippery mucilage that gives hair great “slip” which makes anincredible detangler for hair. This mucilage is rich in proteins and vitamins A & C. Natural detangling conditioners & naturalhair gels are made from this mucilage also.

MENTHOLMenthol is a clear or white organic compound derived from the peppermint herb. Menthol is an active ingredient that isoften included in hair products and other cosmetic preparations for its cooling and scalp-stimulating effects. Mentholatedhair shampoos, ointments and creams, like most medicated hair products, are formulated to soothe and treat conditions ofthe scalp. Benefits Include: Anti-bacterial. Promotes hair growth by increasing blood flow to the scalp. Alleviates itchy

scalp, dryness, dandruff and psoriasis. Reduces scalp oiliness, regulates over active oil (sebaceous) glands .NEEM

Is an Ayurvedic herb. For centuries the Neem tree has been known as the wonder tree of India. Traditionally used inAyurvedic remedies as an antiseptic to fight viruses and bacteria, it is also recommended for urinary disorders, diarrhea,fever, skin diseases, burns and inflammatory diseases, worms, fever, loss of appetite, anti-inflammatory, removes toxinsfrom the body, purifies the blood, neutralizes free radicals, treats eczema, ringworm, acne, and much more. Because of itswide variety of applications it is commonly called the "Friend and Protector” of the Indian Villager. Today modern researchhas verified the remarkable attributes of this tree. Neem is increasingly a key ingredient in modern cosmetics andpharmaceuticals. Hair Benefits Include: Nourishes hair. Strengthens hair and nails. Removes lice and dandruff. Cleansessclap. Treats many scalp issues. Treats and prevents STD’s.

NETTLEContains silica & many other minerals that promotes shine, hair growth. Cleanses scalp, alleviates itchy skin & scalp. Itshigh silica and sulfur content, promotes circulation to scalps poorly supplied with blood which in turn stimulates hairgrowth. Nettle has been shown in clinical studies to inhibit 5-Alpha Reductase.  Nettle also possesses stimulating qualitiesthat increase the circulation of the scalp in vitamins A and C, as well as a wide range of minerals, mucilages and aminoacids which are required for proper hair growth. Nettle treats benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), which is believed to have

the same root cause as hereditary hair loss. Nettle root extract able to inhibit the conversion of testosterone to follicle-harming dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

OPTIPHENNatural preservative FREE of parabens(s) and formaldehyde(s). Increases shelf life of products. Excellent in preventing

the growth of yeast, fungi, molds, and bacteria in cosmetics & hair products.

PLANTAPON (surfactant)Is a non-sulfate, non-irritating, all-natural surfactant produced from glucose. This is a natural surfactant used in natural

products to produce lather in shampoos & liquid cleansers (i.e. body wash, liquid soap, etc.)POLYSORBATE 80

Polysorbate is a derivative of sorbitol and oleic acid, and is manufactured worldwide.  It is used primarily as an emulsifier infood products, cosmetics, vitamins, medicines, and vaccines. The use of Polysorbate for hair restoration was pioneered bythe Finnish doctor, Dr. Illona Purola. Dr. Purola was a cancer specialist who was conducting research on skin cancer whenshe discovered that Polysorbate 60, when applied to the scalp, promoted the regrowth of hair. Her research involved firstmice and then men, and she obtained good results using Polysorbate on both of them. Although she started withPolysorbate 60, she later switched to Polysorbate 80 because it worked even better. Polysorbate 80 has since been usedto regrow hair due to alopecia and male/female-pattern-baldness. Studies showed that an average of 60 percent hairregrowth was seen after just six months of daily use of Polysorbate applied directly to the scalp.Two theories have beenproposed by Dr. Purola and others to explain how Polysorbate aids hair regrowth. First, Polysorbate, a known cleanser,emulsifier, and surfactant, helps rid the hair follicles of the hormone, dihydrotestosterone or DHT. DHT is the testosteronefraction that is believed to trigger male pattern baldness in men. Second, Polysorbate is known to trigger histaminerelease, which increases blood flow and nutrition to the hair follicles. Although histamine is usually considered the culpritbehind seasonal allergies, in actuality this substance is essential for cell growth and reproduction. In fact, since histamineis a growth factor, applying to the scalp a substance that triggers histamine release may also promote hair growth. Inanimals, administration of Polysorbate 80 triggers the production of histamine in mast cells and plasma histamineconcentrations rise after administration of Polysorbate 80. In humans, the administration of Polysorbate 80 causes effectsin the body similar to the body’s response after histamine administration. One way Polysorbate 80 may result in hair

regrowth may be through its ability to trigger histamine release in the scalp, stimulating cell growth.RICE QUAT

Is derived from rice. It contains 2% cysteine which makes it very compatible with hair. Rice Quat is an excellentconditioner, imparts superior abrasion resistance when dry or wet comb combing. Other benefits Include: Strengthens thehair. Repairs weak & damaged hair, well absorbed by damaged areas on hair strands. Excellent film-forming &moisturizing properties.ROSEMARY

Rosemary (infusion) has been shown to promote increased circulation as well as help remove dandruff and sebumaccumulations on the scalp. Promotes circulation to scalp. Rosemary renews activity in dormant hair follicles and promotehairs growth. Benefits Include: Promotes hair growth. Treats dandruff & itchy dry scalp. Darkens gray hair & prevents gray

hair. Prevents thinning hair & hair loss. Removes product build-up, cleanses scalpROSEMARY ESSENTIAL OIL

Basically the same benefits as the plain herb but MUCH more potent. Other Benefits Include: Treats dry, itchy, flaky scalps,and dandruff. Stimulates hair

follicles & promotes hair growth. Prevents thinning hair & hair loss.SAGE

Sage’s potent antiseptic and astringent components makes it a useful conditioner for the hair.  Additionally, it thickens andstrengthens compromised hair shafts. Sage contains vitamins A and C, vitamin B-complex. It has a lot of calcium andpotassium. It also contains sulphur, silicon, phosphorus and sodium. Other Benefits Include: Stimulates hair growth.

Cleanses scalp. Treats Oily scalp. Treats dandruff. Prevents gray hairs.SAGE ESSENTIAL OIL

Basically the same benefits as the plain herb but MUCH more potent. Other Benefits Include: Nourishes the scalp and hairfollicles. Supports healthy blood flow to the scalp

SHEA BUTTEREvens skin tone and returns luster to skin and hair. Absorbs quickly without leaving greasy residue. Shea Buttermoisturizes and protects skin and scalp. Repairs over processed and heat damaged hair. Shea Butter doesn't clog poresor block hair shaft. Shea butter revitalizes and softens skin. It also moisturizes & retains moisture. Shea butter is rich inVitamins A, E & F which are some essential vitamins needed for great skin and hair. Shea Butter penetrates deep into skinto help restore elasticity. Shea Butter keep your skin clear & smooth. Shea butter also soothes scalp & skin irritations.NOTE: Authentic Shea Butter  IS ODERLESS. If you’ve bought  some Shea butter and it has a  pungent or funny smell, itis either unauthentic or has been processed with other ingredients or chemicals. Buy only pureunrefined Shea butter froma reputable seller. Also, Shea Butter doesn’t look, smell, or feel like Cocoa Butter. Shea butter & cocoa butter are twodifferent substances and DO NOT come from the same tree.

SHIKAKAI (cleanser)Is an Ayurvedic herb and is a natural cleansing agent for hair and scalp. It contains high levels of saponins which arenatural foaming agents (found in several species of plants) used as shampoos or soaps. It is also a good conditioner.Benefits Include:  strengthens hair roots and promotes luxuriant growth . Natural astringent for hair enhancing its binding

properties. Removes dandruff. Stimulates hair growth. Cools the scalp. Reduces scalp oiliness. Makes hair shine.

SILICA GEL   ( h i gh grade)Silica can be taken as a daily supplement & applied topically. Silica is a non-metallic element second only to oxygen in its

abundance on Earth. It's also the second-most common element that comprises nearly 28 percent of the Earth's crust andoccurs naturally as silicon dioxide, or flint. Silica also resides in certain plants and whole grains. Silica is used extensivelyin various industries. Manufacturing foods and beverages, commonly added to beer as a de-foaming agent. Silica-derivedorthosilicic acid is a component of glycosaminoglycans (hyaluronic acids, chrondrotin sulfates and complex keratinproteins that stimulate the manufacture of collagen and connective tissue function and repair). Aging skin is typicallycharacterized by a fall off of silica and hyaluronic acid levels in connective tissue, due to a decline in the stomach's abilityto synthesize these acids. The result is a loss of moisture and suppleness in the skin. The youthful appearance of hair andnails can also be affected since they are basically composed of keratin proteins. Silica is also critical to bone mineralizationand calcification. Therefore silica prevents diseases such as osteoporosis. Hair/Skin Benefits : Anti-Ageing, strengthenshair. One of the building blocks of hair & is necessary to create new hair. When taken with calcium and iron, reduces or

prevents hair loss. Silica builds vascular walls, which helps the blood flow to the hair bulb. Gives hair elasticity.SILK AMINO ACIDS

Penetrate and moisturize skin and hair. Silk amino acids have excellent water-binding properties which give the skin & haira very soft and velvety feel. Silk amino acids (silk proteins) also have a certain amount of antioxidant action. Silk AminoAcids contain all essential & non-essential amino acids including Cysteine & Methionine, which are essential for hairproduction. Human hair is approximately 14% Cysteine.

VITAMIN E OILVitamin E is an effective antioxidant that prevents cells and tissue from oxidation, which can cause premature aging. It is ascavenger of antioxidants to protect cells from apotosis (cell death). Vitamin-E Oil is often used as a natural preservative incosmetics & hair products. Benefits Include: Repairs split ends & damaged hair. Deep conditions hair. Anti-Ageingproperties. Heals sun-burn. Promotes hair growth.

WHEAT PROTEINContains wheat oligosaccharides (carbohydrates) and constitutes a unique hydrating complex offering a combination ofmoisture-balancing and film-forming properties that work synergistically to give hair better body control, and skin, asmoother softer feel. Other Benefits Include: Increases firmness of the skin, nourishes and smoothes skin & hair. Protects

skin & hair from drying out, decreases number and depth of wrinkles. Gives hair volume.WILD CHERRY BARK

Wild cherry bark contains agents that condition the hair to be smooth and silky.

XANTHAN GUMIs composed of pure natural polysaccharides (sugars) used in food, cosmetics and hair products as a thickener &emulsifier.

YUCCA ROOTYucca roots have been used by Native American tribes for years to prevent hair loss and dandruff while making hair shinyand beautiful. Yucca root makes a great shampoo and soap because it contains natural saponins which is an all-naturaldetergent that softly lathers when agitated with water.