Today' - ' Hdurs ; • . . ■■" 'h ' ' '^' ' 'I 1 ' . = yOLUJtB^i; NUMBER 2r>ii. 7~~* ..Congress Has Only Five "" »n f*r^m. ' Iplete fheir Legislation, O l .. • \but Fj ■mBlocs. of Both | | | House ' Hope, to Force Farm .egislation. A . WASJUNI rON. Jnn. ai-W Ilh Ickii U lUsn live oliii boforu ntljoiii'nmciit. r a m blDCB . ’ l)Oih li^imoii of conKrp:iH I toiliiy Jbfd I ins to forco tJie McSury- I ^ -------iriufeon'iffii rfntiniitzntTotrnitt-rtp-far ~ f • tnunodlnto .tnHWcraUon, Chairman Huurcii of tint lioiii.o uk- ricultura cpm ltlcc iiiinotmucil . thnt Frci )in would IV lioforC'tlio linimc niloH ^ commlttoo p hW i U u i*pecliil onlui- Ruarantocfnt con«/*lc'r«tJ«« at ilic tnaosuro nwHnon ' im npiiro|)i liiiloti '' bills nro oujof the wny or bcforu' that Uino If poiiHblc. Chalrmnii McNnry of llm xcniiln "^'1*, riculturo cijiMmlUcc nnnouncril that >10 would 18OVO to inUc up hl» luen- tan In thcl«<Jn/i{c l;cfor<? of lho wook. . f""" Thl» «lunr.»ffor(, with flvn wcokn lofl lo go, nfBurt'il. coniplcto cdniilili'ratlpu ^ or lho m'eu»iiro In hoth Imiisci' bcfoni lodjoum m ont iviiil hflKliioniMl Uiu oi»ll- •miBllc hopon of 4hq »nir« iimiionontn. Aroantinic. Ilciirvicnmhp Dnvcy, I ’onct^ . ilomocrat. phio, mlvocntod u hloi; of farm rdlcf nml trfx rciluctlon lulvo- •cattii. . K®'' " While rorm relief holrl tho at'otllKlil '.In the connroKfilomil iirdKmm. loiulois _-ot-boUiJiQUflcii_bCK«n 'portaat leffifllAtlOR «pon'H'bWJ »ho " mtuaUba now nhapcH up uhoul n».Xol. Navy CrulMM—Tho nnviil iiiiDropr.. ' •nUon blll nutUorlilnp Imincilhiio work ®"‘“ ® iOd tbroe.novr cruliiurs will iiukh thn Thli - ;iH>nato probably toiiny nml ro 10 con- orojyr .. foronco wlth'ucnornl oxprctntlonn or 1‘reo 1 • :rJnally bolnjc nilonloil bylhf'houKo. illl'nrn Fnr lUCA^ . Tl\o ' ilntcroitod'In Miiiclo ShoaU huvo liortnr ' ptanaofKlo rorco ncilon on pcndlnc u mill . blllK ia Uie nonnic. but iilway^t.somc- *I»y n thlnir hnn intorvcncij. TIir Inicn Ih Vixtrcii thnl Chnlrnmn Dcnncn ot the Joint mnilo .M umIo Stionlu commliiclon w»/ sptik « triW> action todny. HcarlnRii nro now on "Wh la the houno and ImlepciulL-nt iicHon nullnni mny bo taken tliero. iilthoiiKli ponnlbll- purcOti « ItlcH o f (llKi)Oiilntc of tillll kIx >mr uh! (juoatlon before i«tJournnicn( mtmi to AI}li:i ' bo rotnote. ' Uoaiie.eroiipa tho JoUniion- .'SwlRR Boulder Cnnyon iluiiT hill ure Di;s .BoeklnK a rule for connhloriillon nf ihu Soniplf .mcBBUro there, but Sonnlor Jnhjwon. RCllnt. ropubllaui». CnllfornlH. Irt RTowlnn Im- Im* of 'patient nnd uhIchh i.onlo action l-t uho iin — noon ai»iurcil..ltt. tliD..houiic,-bi:— w ill .'-In .ni HCck cojliil<lornllon of thn nioaMiru by wiiuId tho BBnato.. profltn Approprlttllonii — Only 'hr>e ap- ' proprlatlon-Mll.n remiiln lonie itaHKcil. ¥ Jl • and thoy wilt ho tinlHliod wlililn two ril iweckB. thu* mnklnR It practically Im- 'poMlblo ror n llllbimtnr lo forcv na ,c*lr'a KOSAlon or conKrmH, • jO Prohlhltlon-Blll« .IcHlKH.d tc iim.i. oa Uio dry Inw cnforcetncnL ar" nin j-- ^las on the Bonntc. ciilrnilnr aad nl- ^ ‘thousb they occupy fourth i>ovltlon on --Ihe-repubHcnn proKr«m;'it-nny -U- - .Bomo time before they nro hroi:fht up. Tho modltied AndrowR re-oi|unlj:n- . (loa bin mar go ihraaeli but tli« mc-i- Buro lo i>ormlt government niiprrvln- .... ion of niodlclnal llijuor wnnnfntiurc Ib nlmoBt certain to fall. Fine Concert Js 1“ « i’ii Held at Methodisi '‘“'‘I Church Last ^|ight The w red conctrt given Sunday IFA evening at" tho Uethodlst B.Jicopnl —’thi' cbitrch b rjb o cburcb choir unliitrd rnrrjl by niemb«r«’5f tbo BaptUt'ihurch '»ork ebair and tbe • MeUiOdlBt onieitra. "a'<( waa attended by a laree a n i appro- *>W. ' claUw aadlcnco. .momi An anlbem. "Come Holy IJplrlt" ‘ rwildviBSrtl-••inr Bolo ra«» by Clll , M n . r. J. Dice and Karold Hit « wait Jnilr* . the. InlUtl number of .Use icert. Mnt L K. Sfaafera.saaR ft t > ^ o •olo. vbieli waa followed by ^ nn- • .«•«* lb«m;-’’M r Soul JUiaceUi'’ ( M aE^; 000 l( BOlolBli Mfm. B alph Sm ith. ^ proTri Other numbera locloded » tnaV Q U rtm * aelecUwi. ‘‘Now the Ivt OXJ IM OT^r** (BarBes)'..compoBed of yJ. Two wla-£arrh.'J<M CiibJu.'Haxold Hi;*A tlif 0 aad L^jrrence Tomer; aaUiem. “Tto Jtefere BUaalast, la U r Sool*’ (Wilea). , . i«ith I Orcheetn eelectloai locloded «a "Orertare from ^'William Ten*\ ( «». B slal): from Rhine D< « h - ter*“ . fWa*ner»: 'Seleclloa •om RlfoJrtto” (VerdJ). Tbe 0 ------r ------------------B or £<» BIO « a BiriuEyD our ^ CHlhAdO. Jan. ai—Dlrectori ot opwiins the SUadartl Oil compaay or IftlatiA bor« If I Xlnlted FrMB AawelatUBi. Lm «£ Wire B>nrlc* Freigrhler Sinlcs^ Ip in Delaware After j Collision in Fog, I’IllLADI*t.l’ilIA. Jnn. ai—Tlm ' Amcrlcnn ritlr.hicr JuvlKuy w:w ___ HUiiU lii'I^Vi^r Dolamiro rivu/ to-' dny whun «hi< rolllOuil In ii f»K with the nrltlHli Htcnmer Valoinitrn •below llrcdy iKhiml.' The JiivlKny nanlc wlihlii Iin mlnuten. Thirty men of Ih^ Jnvl^iiiy wfii' tnlion nff In n nnnll l>nnl to tlx^ Vnlomore'nnd livoi;<hl lien-. Thero wi'ri' uo iNinujilili'K, nc- corillnR'lo niilld f-oin Hk^ Viilc.- inore. EfloiSwiLL ■ ; CALL ANOTHER -PEAC^EARn^ ‘resident Calls ,Upon U. ‘ S. to Lead Way in ntematirtiftl Dis. armiunent anti Harmony; Must Work with.AlicB. WASIIINfiTON. Jan. :il-nc.Hi)llo :irr< ami rumnriof warn, I’roiildcnl mllilKo H'lll liqps for nnothor ------- nnhlni:t(>n aniin (infcronri', »-p Thin wii;i inndi! Jnln In bin TuW/eitii * ** .tur.luy liiRlit nf iho );iivcrnmcul llnc»n mcPllnK |.'hon Mr. Co«l|il;;o lied upon the IllK'd Hlnicii lo Iciid L - way Inwurrl l|(-rnali(iiinj diHariu* lenl and harimi^-. ' 1*0 "All a nnllon ti nrr n.ivocal.,. of nco." llic proH^nl di'ularml. '•.Nnl ly iihoutil Mf»*ofniln from nny net ilcli miRht hc\n»lnu'd an cnIlInK • cnnipeillinii J \irmamont hui r.i- f ?r should wo 1 id our ovory effort mcml ellmlnnio nud Qinpciltlon. •We cnunol nr nlioiitd not divorce r“owTl~lnteroK Hn—thln-dlrccflon —-Tin nn tho Intoreai ot othiir n«tlonn. comp Iber Mhuuld t- view lho mntlcr tholr m Ibv Klandp^t of tho hcHl Inter- lliCHo B of nil nnttnj.'’ curlti nilKj^nlemciillH In line wlih num- funds m r<lm ilar nifrilonH by Mr, Cool- comm :o Hincii Ihn innvn confcrcnco on with nrmninbnt raid lo proRniui. ri\o pfc«ldcnljl)!0.'ntresi'ml Ihv Im- •tnneo ot a’ rievcd public ih-ht n» rtC iillltjiry nKfiii'^n his npeoch Siilut- • nlRht. \/iiie condeinnlnK J>oLh rcino luiclfin nml inllltarlniH. • ho do ptnln |A ponlllon un rnvorlni; nfddJri ctiipe In iirt’tiitmliKw. i^oi Whnt wo K-ocI ihnt w.i need for lonul pro cllon lii ail«<nialo pro- edncim.-' r. CooIMko suhl. ii;K.M<mEif.s(>\ iviii. liiiT ssuJm FHon m : wsi ’,\ it : iw ■i:s .MOKICS. !u.. Jnn. 31—Almee ipio Mcfieriion. l/>» Anxcle» cvnn- , »t. wllltncfilvo ?5ii,0ft0 for a nor- nt mtrihnn'.tcH tor newdpaperH, imnoiiKeil. Tho 1..nddurn,Jh»!_<\viinKrji!aj.»Ut_id^ '" ’ht ltd rni/lvc nlxly per «onl of lho HUftor Itfl frt/i Iho'nnle of llie iierltvi. If. AI I iucmlw ATpltETlS I ___ _ . Trlbut KOir WOilTIf, Toxns, Jnn. 31. an n -U<ii 10 >VII<iiin, .Mnji-ndc lln-.,.. nliiccn m I’UMii^r, wiw ndilird and \ vant I Illlt hy a ynnnK bandit ut board »j3( u. m. Jiidar. thl* .n.hlnT Bpeclnl icil a In u lilffb'powrrfd nntl)* nnd lllll* before the nuntlH-r cimld "Wl ' 0 Inlnrd. Coeur ' papfr uilTE PLAINS. X. y., Jan. cause i —Mtiirne)^ r«r EdnnnI Jlnoui* of ihe ila>! maile a drxp^'mle nUi'mpt anc*' ti j)»vr tlial I'eacbeH nnt ^ow i(lrl Ilf rhildUlt Innnceurt* pn*. Thnt t itni lo lirr marrlaKi* 1o-Bn>«n. tj,e It r.;bul they wrrr baited .ut Journ ery tnni. - of lho --------- Ihat n KA8HI>GT0X, II. Jau. 31 forw„r The naval .appropriallon bill M d to mine | 1.26oM> Ii>r «tartlnB >rk oa tlsrc« nrw Ilfht enilHpnt I^.fafd a«Id(> bf (bo /‘euMtr (t" JH I/ r. bnt wiii l>0 coanlderrtl lo- .|^ J irrow. ClIlCAIiO. ian- SL-iBlcral _H dcp Jomf-ii U. -ITilkentoa to- SU r irratiled ifrt-Ucra of Uw Ckl- -. ti, XnwMokfr k SL Tu] nil- - ] id pemUaioa lo upead >W r J I Immrdlalely on V nera! In* iTrmealk. JAKVatE, ■Woalu Jan. 31^ ro oniaa»kfd ^odlU held np . 0*k»Ulfi, SUitt> hank nborily . •I, i,Srt«U ; .nd ciciiri 11..1M0a___ BOV scfon ^ "'5’"- OPESS TODAT IX 3W -S More seven ,i I Oew conUaued atory on Ibe An*«l« .Soouta opeaa loalght In the Ooat TalU Dally TJmea.. Read the terpi. DR chapter and tel! rour seisb- Free If they mUMd the flrat chaptcr Mrs. 3 TWIN FALLS, I Financial^ Condi t Trust Company i Measure Provides f for Regulations IlOISI':. Jnn. :il.~I{ul<'» nn<l roKn- itlonH tor trimt i-nmpnnli'ti arc pni- Idcd in llip foiirlli of ii !»-rli':i »r anklnff conini(((«'o mpn»iir<'», pn.- inlcd Saliirilay, Y. llltliy. H.'nn- >r from MndlMin. hi i^o domiUTiilli! lemhor of-llm coinmMlce. of whii-h ihn McMurray «>t <;anHla. l;i chali- • '"n*^ .\i •Tbi*-H«w—hill—pr«vIUuii.;Uiat-irutL __ fnipnnftvN miiHl keeii rocordii -of loir trimtH* thnl lhey muHt Invcm icHo funds in certain i<pucirii-d so- irltieK nnd ihnt they nmy doiimli mds nwnllInK InvenlmenlH in tiio immcrcliil dopnrlinentB of llie biinkn Ith whlcli'they nre.conneclcd. - |„, .................. .............. tin iouse Adjourns i-'n in Memory of j:'; Idaho Editor ,ii BOISf':. ■Jnn.’ 31.—HeiipccUnK the aln enii.ry of Alhort II. Alfortl. Lewis, wli n nnwHpnper editor, nnd former 'niher of thn Idalin nliilu ]eKlKlnlur<i liOKu dcnih occurred lunl week, llm tver iiniiiir Snljirdny ndjourneil ter ndoptliiR~u::Knullonn ot coiuloj. ”'il CO. Thv rcBohHlflnii tforo pnw ’nf. " • hy KashurK of Ne?. l*ercc couniy d jieconded hy Murinenu of .CIcnt- itcr. - J"" Tho rcxolutlonn nro mi fotlnwh: . Wheronii. Tho xtiilo Vif Idnho Imn ftoM 'tho InHB-onhn-llnn.-Athert ,7,7 Alfortf of r<ow(iiion.'— n -mrmet*-' :ml>cr nnil speaker of llila liDunr, d . Whereas. Mr. Alford, n.s a prlvnlr Iron, an editor ot tho J..ewliilon h:ui Ibuno alnce Hn foundntlnn In 1S9;:. IIh n student of Idhho atfiitni, n;i n l'<'i' iccro crlllr. nnd lui i« puldic mt- I'fo nt in tfiiii tioUBii and on tbe Mnle i»< trd ot unlviirslty reKents. Imn dime )clnl service for tho fllnte of Idahn. <hri d- , -------: ....................................... ‘Whercns. KRpecinlly during- the c u r tl’Aileno troublcn ln' and hl» ' >er reniloritl vnllnnt norvln- to the ise of Inw nnd order; nnd on mnny Ihe oecnslonn Kiivo llEht .ind KUld- :e to the people of the slnH-. s'ow. Iberetore. bo It renolvetl. nt thill house of represenlnllVeii.of , , Idnho IcRiMlaiiiro dci now ad- --n, rn out of res|)cc( lo tlie memory lho Hon. Alliorl H. Alfonl. nnd •t n copy ot theun resoliirionn be o,,,. wnrdeA to tho berenved fnmlly , i to tbe proas. „n vAmmis i heA^ iniowa i |: BYW llSW g ' left 3ES M01.st:s. Ia.. Jnn. 31.-Sev. e?a hundred per«in» »ub*cr1bed the four aquere £o«pet of Almee Dpie &tcPber«oti during tbe aerie* meelinpi concluded bere Sunday knoi lore than 40.00« pcraon* attended are en.mcetinRa conducted by tbe I»a md f«lM erancellal and beard her aun. at (he derjl In 00 uoccrtaia S2.0« ■I. • • ray Vce wilt collecllona total I1S:13C. I. McPberaon enimaled her' aet f®™ •I. ____I.I w-ifr </%>•! »t_ an 3,..IDAHO, MONDAY,. JA Map Shows P. tions Throughc ^ .'I A n M -r, ' v If s" t J L r ?— -y ^ |T ’F" ^ ^ \ V “~N. » fonditlon* in' every ^^nle tn'tlie Unlo'ti’a* sel ■. iimelnl publtrntion of the Chamber of Com A w i l ^ IS CR IT IZED . INMETALK^ ______ . i'a .Vuleil I.M-lunT lliM-n>v<^ I’oimhir ' ■ — rurnw-iif-JloubU—Vll_l'iiiui;.s.-Jjiuii -i,y^ .Mnrhlnery .Irc .Inrleiit: .tfrfnin (iirN Mu>'i' Juxxi'il for Thnn>nmK of u,, Vear.. ' T. That lh<- aunn:.llr |t< Inidnccn- when nm he :myn lie wants a denionuirnlion ot hlK llie truth of Chrhitlanliy. hecauHO he j-cc declines to cruiiply wllh lho necoHanry bu! condlilons Involved In micIi iloinon- o'd I'trnlinn wnn 0110 of rho ari:umentii set. forth Inst i'tcnInR al ihr- I’ri'shyierlnn , i-hureli by Dr. Jnlin B. Koehn^ In hin si-rii'ii of leeturcs on llio "nenKrin- . alifeiioitH of Clir/f.lliinlty-" Pr. Kiu.-liiiir. rt] wlmmi «peelr<r Kiihj<Tl wmi ‘'I’lipiilnr Nl I'irm.i of Doiilil.'- nl‘;n nlliifknl Ihe V J ni'W fiid tlint 111U..I hnvo a mcnleril itecardllly tho fir!.!, llu- mienliiir £ onid. In Miili:‘ianr<-, •'You il.-monnlrnte Jl jiby«Irjil tiirt from iiliyidoat evi- ilcnco. an imidlocliial fnct frnm inlel- h'OlUal rthlniro. n moral frio-. fioiii moral 'ovIiJom'c, ami n i.plrllinil farl from iipiriimil evI.loiiec-.'Tho inUKiMlc rcrii.'.r:i tins Mir*, of lo:il. i ’oii ;ii;;y I " ' ' Moal wUhoiil your Inlollrei tellliu 'In' ytiirihm v.iti 'aroI'trtui. t.iir -jTmr <i, 0.1111K-|(;nc;f_t.'n« you Ihal you iir^ iln- A n 'l’Hnrliile-. Are (lid. •.Mankind U Mio siiiiio Un it nlwayrt ha-; iM.on an.l every l.ahy Is hum wllh llH mln.l a Manx a.. It ;il«a;s lin.> |...i n, Tlilni;^. oiilsldo of r'.;,r!.|ii-Ty, ‘ 1,ri- 1 .IJ oW. H'.. r-((fite.f;i<rlrk /,</iry. >' .... If Ihr. iirlncl|ilo>. of llhoriy '^.•lO nr-w.‘ Ttii' Hue •rrori.itiii llhrr.y ihrmiKliotii Itio Inn.I.' found i.n -lh.- l.H.ori>:,belI. 'lil a iiuoiailiim frnm .M i’iHos. , ■■■ ■' i:\en Jar.:: riillMe ajid|.r.inc-n nro oM. l"'r'i Tho Klrl.H of Africa hnvo h-on .lam;- lu;: J»x? fur ihnMKamlH of yoai.s. wonf- H'-rn liiK r n r a l Th- lnlolloclli.il Tt. icichlnKa in lho imlversllh's eonie pent rmm lh.' CrijckH. .Mnny ihlnKx m pnsjn hirlKpru.U'nce ami In niiiny e.UirailtJii- iiuro i> llneii wcro known lo the Usypllnns nin 1 venm before .VJitahnui. Tho arl *u Jiftve U .m lnil'.allnn of wtuil wn:- orlns iierfecloil in past nit'-s. Tht- uri of teopn llir mom benutlftil cnlhodriil Is mo<teI- tlnns •d nfler tho work of Mlch.i'-l Anrnlo doles m »l. IVtera In Home. -Onr .Iniihts \rr ol.r Ceslus In the, secon.l century .Olred the same doubts as tho mod- •rn<»{». In that ccntuiy ihwre were fl mnny iloubtera thnt n council wnn :ftlto<I nnd fot n'Vjiie ll sormed im If c<.„ts he doiibtern would conlrol. Some- xxly erleil oiii "tlrlnR lu tho nmrtyrn , in.l ilirse’ men. women ami rhlld^en ektUleil thnt they bnd suffered for leaua Chrlnt. the I.ord. There wcre. i C b loir(itr.ra In the Ume of Christ, nnd >n one occnilon we nre told thnl many efl him anil walked with him no nore. '?\^hen' Peter mado bis Rrea't a»> oDfeMloQ of fatlh. ^ r(» t aahl rnieas- hORrt d art thou beca^;Bej flesh and hloo<i noldi lalh nol revcaletl y lo you but my of fo ^ntber. Wbo Lt-ln/eaven." Thla ira* PJeld ccelvtns splrltw /’knowled«e. Thoee trail rho clou! tbelr/iBldda'to spiritual arrlr :nowlcds« will dot rvreUa It. They dreai ire like a p^mon w2u) lire* In a care tlon ind dtcUne.i in come oul la.-aee the elect, un.or lo believe tbai auch orb axial* '2.0M.000 nllej «»ay. H»* may' M e a I ay of Jlabt but says be iIim Ml :now. and that nobody caa Ifoov: 41e efuaos the demooslratloa. Th»..var4 ^ anoitlc* U of Creek .orlria aad I HiYTI FANUARY 3iri927. Prosperous hout U. S. r \ ^ I ^ ^ (j, _______________ I \ 1°°°^ m s :: . ' ^ Bffl » sel forth in Ihe Fohrunry num. Commerce nf the United St.nin. p ' Kiniberly W. C..T. U. Will Give Home [J' Talent Play Soon KIMIIIClll.V. Jim. ;:l._Th.. Kim. horly W. ,t:. T. V. 1.. iiraolloliu , lila.v. "Tho KI,:hlo..MIIi Aia. iKliiioiil.'' 10 1.0 M v n Tl..l■•^.h,)• ..v rn liu . Koh- l', ruriry ,:i, at tli- hluh :.<;ho,il aiidlio- rliini III conn.'cilrm wlih ih.' r.'Kiilnr .i,', i'aront-Tcachor’:. a:.;..„'iiiti<,ii pro. Tho pnilii In lho pliiy nro tali.iu up -hy—nhoiit-sri—hl5lr-Ki;hooi"rpoy;r‘r<nd ini Klrhi who ar.' IioIiik- coaidiod by Mrn. ilolKhlon. Thoro will bo no ehamc (or iidinlsNloii. O Tho proKram eommlUoo of llii- I*. T. hnn nrransod sevorni muHloal iiumljorH Including iieloctlonn by til.- hlKh 'school orctieiilrn. iindor tho di- rection of Mrs. J, A. HyKori. The < buslnosn meeting -will bcRln nt S o'clock ntuirp und llie count for tli.t on pictiiro will boKin nl S.'Jfi. Kverytmo '’l> ' Is nr^oil to nttend. ^ SENATORPIKE'S 5 BILLS PASSED BY S l it in I'nIIs County St-iuitor'-t lllli He. L lutiriL' In .Majiirlllen In Cities U ilh ^ raminNVrniiTiimi JsTlMiily YiirlJin. eriM.r’s Sltrnulun-: .Six .MeaHure; "l*n>% Thi. IlnincheH, - liOtSi;. Idaho. Jan. 31—THvii tdlls nirodiieo.J hy .^ennlor Pike of Twin j. :vil t f.iiinty woro paiuotl by the house >f lh'- t.I.’iho lo;;HI:iiiiro tliln mornlna md tvlll heoonif Inw.i w ltlrthe Kicnu* nrr of CfW.Tnnr Ihil.lrhlKe. The hill , !ofiii.';i Iho term ;‘niajorlty vote" In •1‘Tilons nf olilert' under commlRHlon orm nt Kovrrnntenl-whlie ttie-ollier —li i.VnillH clllox to hond ihoinHelvcn for von iiirelui!..* or connlrucilon ot public In I lhrnrl.!s,' ehis •IVo Jii.llclnry t'ill* ■Impllfylns ap- leal In crlmlnnl proceduro were ntsi) asjii'd tiy lho houae. Only,one lAe:?. uro of iiiiiMirinnce was Introduced In he lot«er boiiiii! tpUay. neprescnia* Ivc, llarkney and Mcnimey apona- '"'f rlns n hill which would pernifl os- i-opntb:i to i>erform surKleal opern- :onK. ndmlnlhler ntier.thetlcs. nntl- olos nnd narcotics. The sennte _waH .In sesalon only n horl Ume. pausing two bills. No new . lensures wero Introduced. One of tlie , j Ills raises the fee for filing cond/- , Innal snies contrnct* from 25 to, 50 , onl.s ao<l, tbe_olher provides the dis- rlct coiirir 'need Jiol adverth.o spe- ________________ able Chester White Men Meet to Ofrganize and _____ . lal c A»h>K,^50 srowera of cheater while ORK met this afternoon al the Rey- ® oldi hmtber* aolre for the jiurpOBC t forming a permanent orxaaUaUon. «* leld M.inftrer-ChlJtJera. of tbe Cen- ral L*! S. .Swine compony. ot Spokan* rrlved lo<lay ami ia.tleUvertn* au ad- >jr ‘ reaa al the close ot Wblch orjfanixa- ' ton will be perfected aad ofTlcere S flax noCSE BOX.S cwa. ---------- Tt U. B. Na R<—By nackney—PrOTid. U ei ir tee conatracUoa of wagtra bridce than IM ES b«at In th* Werrt Nfia Vnture Bervio* Population of U. S* Estimates Given Out by Census Bureau \V.\Vni.\<lTON. Jali_. :;i - A lo- l.-.l I..il.llliill,.n .'.■.Uliia'.o I,r Ihr: , t'nll-’-t .-<lal.;.'i.ti .Inly T, I'iJV. t’ as ::lt.n' l.y .itt,. I'a'il.'d ............... . . : in; min-iin lo.lav art I .. ..... roMi.ax.l uill, 117,- 1:;.-..'""|’.,1I .Inly I, m,-;.. [ n,i .L.nnait- I. I'O '. . j Th.- n.'^. ..■.iliii.ilo wa,. Im:..,I on .l^'t.i ioi;„r.||iii; hl.llis. .liMltM. im- itil-iallon .............. . ------------------------- , J ttODWAURT OF OH IO ARE R ISING FASTI; ii.Mm.>^iiinii:. in.. j..n, :;i,- n .... d ,,, I'.iii.llll.in:. ftop*. h.M- In tiic nlilij ;,| III.'I' at .^Iiiiwm>i Kiwn a:silUioil nm . ll ,,nn-<‘lVo„:< Uxl.O- K^]U,wl„:; i.lv-liKh ri:..' Ill lho rlv.i- ov.Tnlitlil. Tin- ..lai;.' at Sh;twn.-.lowii wnn c ■•■■p.irl.il I.il-oaily I.i.lay nml rhim ; rar.lrlly. ''' Siliill.ir n.inlllloti" pi.wdl.-d al J'j' fd.r.rlil.ir.' wlu-i.T Inlial.ih^ur; i.r low. ... hmih. tv. I.- laotl.i;: In l|i,. hilh.. lo iiHAS.<l'li:i,|i, All:., Jail. "I - rl.ioil " n-Tiuoi":. iiianv nr iiirin iif'imlli.;.. aiiM iiia.l.'.iualoly rlr.lh.'.l. arrlv.r.L h-r- lo- Il-I.v IJl o i.T JjirrVa.-lii;; miii,t„-r;; „, 111.' I.'t...- iM-lr.w ,M<l'l.'llan.l. Alii.. wav i.inJ lnim.l:il..l liiiii.lr.-.l:. »l a.U ,, illHonal iicrox of ili-li lann hmd. ■ II I'. o..llin;>ir.l -Iw.i iii.ir,' Itiaii ::nil , r.'fiiKo.'H :.io hero, Tlioy wor,. i-inl<..| u|i Iasi illulil In cv.-ry nvailal.lo :do. |>- intr ptnrr. ------------- ------------------------------- Swimmei>- Dies After Operation ______ .j j;' Clllc-AC.O. Jan. ::t--Mlii» Syhlt Bauer, holrlor of mnny vwlmniinc rt-c> ,p onlH. dle.l early ti>rhiy following nn u, opernllrju for Intohllnal .lli‘or<1ers. ||, .She bnil br-on 111 for i.ovornl nionlhs nn.l insl 'KTok pud tii'on reporinl re. (-ovorlnK. Shi! iiuftYio.l i* iclhapk^itor j.% tho ttcoV-'flftil. ' .,.|| Mi;wi llauer tvni. a ih.i'iiUt of :h.’l„f laM Amorlcnn Oljmph- U-nin and (.tar tiai-k i-troke nwlniiiK-r ani.nn:, ilio j tvonion of tlio country. Sin- tiaj. i” ,.,, hnvo I,.'Oil married lhl» I'Piiiii; In i:<l-i..,, ward Sullivan, New York noii>i.apor| __ wira. ' J Agricultural < " for 1 9 ^ Foreign Purchases of Agricultur to Make the Market Stron ■duction is Stronger but W As Favorable As in 1916. a:ix'.Jiin. •Ji-.rA.iu- r.u). voniblo year for-IUoMoeli pmdiic-ors lh of 1 In |.ron>eil for.licr. t.iil wllli nn nv- jtax phiRe soaVon, .i inucinuntlnn tif rein- • O ;lvely low rotiirn« from nln^t cnidi tike :rops I:, prtifiiddo iinlo.ss ncrences nrn Ibe reduce.], accor.llni; lo the nnminl. ns- l'j2( riculiural oiulook fnr 1?2T. Issued to- tcrr lay tiy the t.urr'aii of ncrleiillurnl eco- thei mice of Uie S. .lopurlnienl ot agrl-nmli ruJluro. . ^rSi l)nme>lle donian.l for farm producUt com )f tlie l!t:*-:S »en:on I.t not Ukoly to cmi >e mnterlnlly different from lho prea- U ^nL nt I Some Improvsment, In the purchaa- for nR power of foreign countrlea for ae* to ; Iculiural products of 10S7 may be ex- mat lecte.l, but ll Is probotilo that tatser Iqp orelan prtxluciion ot brcadttufta. IW mils and animal pro<lucU w'tll re* t»it> UCA forelun demand for our'export- catt hio aurpluaca of these products. wha A allghlly larger aupply of tam t ifbo abor wlU probably be available In tbe omi egions adjacent to lacliuttrUl center* nd waRoa may t>c lower.. :No mater> 7 ' ll changes in the price of ta«n taa- ho hlncry aad bulldlne m aterlaU -m ar « cxpected. Wholesale pric^a «r fer- llUer are iowijr than laat yttr. .• Hanl apria* and Durum’ . wheat niwcra can acarcety expect'to f»- eire retn^B for tbe 1937. civp. aln^^ M- to thoee wblcb ban prcntled for be 1926 crop, eepeclally If productMa bonia be materialtr Increaaed. JU x ^ e«d pncea tar 1K7 crap ara naltkelr m i o-be higher thao at pmenc Whuv Ig, lax ia proflUble at preveat, aomA IB* naae la acna«e mar be made. { The aenand for ibe 19« com-ew PS * expected io he Uttle It W r gm tkr han for the Isss crop. Kith proln ^A EG WiSACT^^I^ UDBCttlod, BrobaW y-lft.|iJ3 cni snowa fonigbt oail to^l .’3 j morrow, \ynmier tonl«tAj-;';j oiiD .voiL-xnii ~ IM H li TOR M i ; INCH INA Ni" President Coolidge and ----------piaiiroan-oM ^reign Re- laiions Committee .Dis* affi-ee on Poiicy Towwd China; New British Pol- icy Opposed Here. , WA.siii.\«;Tt).v Jan. . u - T J i e . n>J. 'nliiiMiaii,,,, f..„.,.:i anoihor ntUick on I.ii.'i;;n iinlicy. imhorlo It Jia« , '" '•11 \i.';ii-.i);ua aii.i M.-.'.leo. Now it I - T. IH lir-'ab.^nranrnn------------ :-------:— ^M■|lal<n• Iloryh, chnlrm nn of tho :oiiiii.- r.irokn rolallnnit coniniitteo. " ...... Ifo|.ro;ioniallfo I*oi-t.;r. Lend’’ of . 111.- ii..n;a- forol|:ii foiiiinlltoo, . want .. .|iilol( .lii.lciiiinilo iifilon to incel tho Chinos,.- L, ;uiM. ,i’ro:<liloiii CoolhlKo. after tho cool riiinosv r.-oeiitlon ot Secretnry . ot I .'Jiiilo ICoIUikkh litnlcment'ot poi-' t. y 'haa nrdored llireo of tho beat onili.-'r» In tlio navy to \IiLWnli to join lln- AiiiiTloall iiniiada tif fiC wait voa- H'lll already In or near Chlncno wu- .; Wllh aiill-forolKU rlotn nnd civil II war iin'niielnK lho llveii and proporty , I.: III.- l:',<iiiu Aintiilcann In Uio yellow. ro]iiihllo. tho preiddcnt linn dccldoii < 'lo jirovl.h- proietllon fim •unit '.talk, lllll i^rnaior Dnruh, Chlncuo Mlnlu* * l.-r S-.'.o an.l niisKlonary reprcsenW- , ,• iii<-i iirxii.' llml Inrgo nhow ot foroisn I loii'o l>. i>ro\i)(::iilvo In n highly dan* ' -i rou:i idiimilon which only quick. 1 Irlcndlv illnlouincv.cim meet.___________ Throe iiicWeajs today forced Ibo ! ;; a.imliiliiirnilnn to focua ottenllpn oa- ^ Iho Chlrteso prnldcju. Uppriso Ilrlllsh I'ollc)’. > 1~-Itcnctlnn boro *0 the new BrlUflh pr.lley. e/iuuclmcd by F^rQlsn MinU* ■-.) 'I I.T Chnmhcrluln und aupported h rth e 'T opjxiHlUon londera, MacdouM >asd . ' Moyil (leorpo. The Britlah more ■waa ... ■ Kenemlly tntetin-et(»d m'Ra(RlB«OI*ktr,‘^ ‘ lirlialn a mor« favored poaiUon'ttaas --t lho United SlntCH in'Chino. i ^ Mnr»lini Ennir Kefti*M 'Ilelet«h 3 :’--i{etusni' of MnrBhal 'Sun'C buaa - ''i niiu: nf the NoHhern cooaervttlee ;ciilm'».- fni-tinn to relciiae on demand ,• [of Iho American consul the abducted ‘ o.liioV ot lho Amcrlcnn ShnnRhai Oooi^'* 'j Iior. Kent Weils. dccroftBed-faith here- '■ 'lln i!n\ Nnrlliem faction which holda .--V j I'oliiuA anrl Shnnfthul.: Meanwhile^ J {Continued on Pae« 3) ..... Outlook I is Favorable 5 Itural Products Are Expecley ronger; Trend of Vfuit Pr6-ti W heat Prices Do Not,Lx>okf.^ t I r.EU>vcr>i f>r» fneod with the-proepect of lowor price iintcaa ncreafio ia jtauOally-.ceducwlr- ' -tj '< O.Tts aa<l barley for feed ara-.UBr.'^ likely to be In Rfoatcr dMDBnit^ortiK;^; Ibe coming yeiir, a* compared .' itttk;a 1'j20- The market Tslne .will temiisod larsely 'by- tbe - thene nnd other fe^ R ralu 'tMirementa aro not U k ^ to >tM ^rdaaed beenuso'the conaumins'aaltBala co&tlanesTto'^d*^;^H cmaae. ^ Unleaa lircatock prniTiiiiHiiii nt about the presant for increaiM la PC PttIaU bft-n^>ttrtl^M to year, preeent prio>»^LleMi>ii<Jrtwa|M ituttnUtfhed.'• tqs> >a 1^ u d U>e


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Today' - 'Hdurs ; • . . •

■■"'h ' ' ' ' ' 'I 1 ' ■ . =yO L U JtB ^ i; N UM BER 2r>ii.

7~~*..Congress Has Only Five ""

»n f*r^m. 'I plete fheir Legislation, O l

. . • \but Fj ■m Blocs. of Both | | | House ' Hope, to Force Farm .egislation. A

. WASJUNI rON. Jnn . a i-W I lh Ickii U lUsn live oliii boforu ntljoiii'nmciit. r a m blDCB . ’ l)Oih li^imoii of conKrp:iH I toiliiy Jbfd I in s to forco tJie M cSury- I

-------iriufeon 'iffii r fn tin iitzn tT o trn itt-r tp -fa r ~ f• tnunodlnto .tnHWcraUon,

C hairm an H uurcii of tint lioiii.o uk- • r icu l tu ra c p m l t lc c iiiinotmucil . th n t F rc i )in w ould IV lio forC 'tlio linimc niloH ^ com m lttoo p hWiU u i*pecliil onlui-

• R uaran tocfn t con«/*lc'r«tJ«« a t ilic „ tnaosuro nwHnon ' im npiiro|)i liiiloti ' ' b ills n ro o u jo f the wny o r bcforu' tha tUino If poiiHblc.

C halrm nii McNnry of llm xcniiln "^'1*, r icu ltu ro cijiMmlUcc nnnouncril th a t >10 w ould 18OVO to inUc up hl» luen- • t a n In thcl«<Jn/i{c l;cfor<? o f ‘lho wook. . ■ f " " "

Thl» «lunr.»ffor(, w ith flvn wcokn lofl lo go, nfBurt'il. coniplcto cdniilili'ratlpu ^ o r lho m'eu»iiro In hoth Imiisci' bcfoni lodjoum m ont iviiil hflKliioniMl Uiu oi»ll- •miBllc hopon of 4hq »nir« iimiionontn.

Aroantinic. I lc i ir v ic n m h p Dnvcy, I ’onct^ . ilom ocrat. ph io , mlvocntod u hloi; of

farm r d lc f nml trfx rciluctlon lulvo- •cattii. . K®'' "

W hile rorm relief holrl tho at'otllKlil '. I n th e connroKfilomil iirdKmm. loiulois

_-ot-boU iJiQ U flcii_bC K «n'p o r ta a t leffifllAtlOR «pon'H 'bW J »ho " m tuaU ba now nhapcH up uhoul n».Xol.

• N avy CrulM M —T ho nnviil iiiiDropr.. '■ •nUon b lll nu tU orlilnp Imincilhiio w ork ®"‘“ ®

iOd tb roe .nov r cruliiurs w ill iiukh thn Thli- ;iH>nato p robab ly toiiny nml r o 10 con- o rojyr .. foronco w lth 'u cn o rn l oxprctntlonn or 1‘reo 1 • :rJnally bolnjc nilonloil by lh f 'houK o . illl'nrn

F n r lUCA^ . Tl\o' i ln tc ro ito d 'In Miiiclo ShoaU huvo liortnr ' p tanao fK lo rorco ncilon on pcndlnc u mill . blllK ia Uie nonnic. b u t iilway^t.somc- *I»y n

thlnir hnn intorvcncij. TIir In ic n Ih Vixtrcii th n l Chnlrnm n Dcnncn o t th e Joint mnilo

.M u m Io Stionlu commliiclon w » / sptik « triW> ■ action todny. HcarlnRii nro now on "Wh

la th e houno and ImlepciulL-nt iicHon nullnni m ny bo taken tliero. iilthoiiKli ponnlbll- purcOti

« ItlcH o f (llKi)Oiilntc of tillll kIx > m r uh!■ (juoatlon before i«tJournnicn( mtmi to A I}li:i ' bo rotnote. '

U oaiie.eroiipa tho JoUniion-.'SwlRR B oulder Cnnyon iluiiT hill u re D i;s .BoeklnK a ru le fo r connhloriillon nf ihu Soniplf .mcBBUro the re , but Sonnlor Jnhjw on. RCllnt. ropubllaui». CnllfornlH. Irt RTowlnn Im- Im* of

'p a tie n t nnd uhIchh i.onlo action l-t uho iin — noon a i»iurcil..ltt. tliD..houiic,-bi:— w ill . '- In .ni

HCck cojliil<lornllon of thn nioaMiru by wiiuId tho BBnato.. profltn

A pproprlttllonii — Only 'hr>e ap- ' proprlatlon-M ll.n rem iiln lo n ie itaHKcil. ¥ Jl • and thoy w ilt ho tinlHliod w lililn tw o r i l iweckB. thu* mnklnR It prac tically Im- 'poM lblo ror n llllb im tnr lo forcv na ,c*lr'a KOSAlon o r conKrmH, • jO

P ro h lh l tlo n -B lll« .IcHlKH.d tc iim .i. oa Uio d ry Inw cnforcetncnL a r" n in j--

^ las on th e Bonntc. ciilrn iln r aad nl- ‘ thousb they occupy fou rth i>ovltlon on

- -Ihe-repubH cnn p ro K r« m ; 'it-n n y -U - - .Bomo tim e before they nro hroi:fht up.T ho m odltied AndrowR re-o i|un lj:n - .(loa b in m a r g o ih raaeli bu t tli« mc-i- Buro lo i>ormlt governm ent niiprrvln- .... ion of niodlclnal llijuor w nnnfn tiu rc Ib nlmoBt c e rta in to fall.

Fine Concert Js 1“ «i’ii

H eld a t M ethodisi '‘“'‘I Church Last ^|ight

T he w r e d c o n c tr t given Sunday IFAe vening at" tho U ethod lst B .Jicopnl —’th i'cbitrch b r j b o cbu rcb cho ir un liitrd rn rr jlby n iem b«r« ’ 5 f tb o B a p tU t 'ih u rc h '»orke b a ir a n d tb e • MeUiOdlBt o n ie i t r a . " a '< (w aa a ttended by a la re e a n i appro- *>W. 'c laU w aadlcnco. .m om i

An a n lbem . "Come Holy IJplrlt"‘ r w i ld v iB S r t l- • • i n r Bolo ra« » by Clll, M n . r. J . Dice a n d K aro ld H it « wait Jn ilr* . th e . In lU tl num ber o f .Use ic e r t .

M n t L K . S faafera .saaR ft t > ^ o•o lo . v b ie l i w aa follow ed by ^ nn- • .«•«*lb«m;-’’M r Soul JUiaceUi'’ ( M a E ^ ; 000 l(BOlolBli Mfm. B a lph Sm ith. ^ proTri

O ther num bera loc loded » tnaVQ U rtm * aelecUwi. ‘‘Now th e I v t OXJIM OT^r** (BarBes)'..compoBed of y J . Tw ow la -£ a rrh .'J< M C iib Ju .'H a x o ld Hi;*A t l i f 0a ad L ^ jrrence T o m e r; aaUiem. “T to JtefereB U a a la s t, la U r Sool*’ (W ilea). , . i« ith I

O rc h e e tn e e le c tlo a i loc loded «a" O r e r ta r e from ^'William T en*\ ( « » . B s la l ) : from R hine D< « h - te r* “ . fW a*ner» : 'S e le c llo a •omR lfo Jr tto ” (VerdJ). T b e 0

------r ------------------B o r £<»B IO « a B i r i u E y D o u r ^

C H lhA dO . J a n . a i — D lrec to ri o t opw iins the SU ad artl O il com paay o r IftlatiA bor« If I

Xlnlted FrMB AawelatUBi.Lm «£ Wire B>nrlc*

Freigrhler Sinlcs^ Ip in D ela w a re A fte r j

C ollision in Fog,• I’IllLA D I*t.l’ilIA. Jnn . a i—Tlm 'A mcrlcnn ritlr .h ic r JuvlKuy w:w ___HUiiU lii 'I^V i^ r Dolam iro rivu/ to-' dny whun «hi< rolllOuil In ii f»K w ith th e nrltlHli Htcnmer Valoinitrn

•below llrcdy iKhiml.' T he JiivlKny nanlc wlihlii Iin mlnuten.

T h irty m en of Ih^ Jnvl^iiiy w fii' tnlion nff In n nnnll l>nnl to tlx^ V nlom ore'nnd livoi;<hl lien-.

T hero w i'ri' uo iNinujilili'K, nc- co rillnR 'lo niilld f-oin Hk Viilc.- inore. ■

EfloiSwiLL ■;CALL ANOTHER -PEACEARn‘resident Calls ,Upon U. ‘ S. to Lead Way in ntematirtiftl Dis. armiunent anti Harmony; Must Work with.AlicB.

W ASIIINfiTON. Ja n . :il-nc.H i)llo :irr< ami ru m n rio f warn, I’roiildcnlmllilKo H'lll liqps for nnothor -------nnhlni:t(>n an iin (infcronri', »-pThin wii;i inndi! Jnln In bin TuW/eitii * ** .tur.luy liiRlit nf iho );iivcrnmcul llnc»n mcPllnK |.'hon Mr. Co«l|il;;o lied upon th e IllK'd Hlnicii lo Iciid L- way Inwurrl l|(-rnali(iiinj diHariu* lenl and harimi^-. ' 1*0"All a nnllon ti n r r n .ivocal.,. of nco." llic p roH ^nl di'ularml. '•.Nnl ly iihoutil Mf»*ofniln from nny net ilcli miRht h c \n » ln u 'd an cnIlInK• cnnipeillinii J \irm a m o n t hui r.i- f ?r should wo 1 id o u r ovory effort mcml ellm lnnio n u d Qinpciltlon.•We cnunol n r nlioiitd not divorce r “ owTl~lnteroK H n — th ln -d lrcc flon —-Tin nn tho Intoreai o t oth iir n«tlonn. comp Ib er Mhuuld t- view lho m n tlcr tho lr m Ibv K landp^t of tho hcHl In ter- lliCHo B of n il n n ttn j . '’ c u rltinilK j^nlem ciillH In line w lih num- funds m r< lm i la r nifrilonH by Mr, Cool- comm :o Hincii Ihn in n v n confcrcnco on w ith nrm ninbnt r a id lo proRniui. ri\o p fc«ldcnljl)!0 .'ntresi'ml Ihv Im- •tnneo o t a’ r iev c d public ih-ht n» r t C iillltjiry nKfiii'^n his npeoch S iilut-• nlRht. \/iiie condeinnlnK J>oLh rcino lu ic lfin nml inllltarlniH. • ho do p tn ln |A ponlllon un rnvorlni; nfddJri ctiipe In iirt’tii tm liK w . i^oi W hnt wo K-ocI ihn t w.i need forlonul pro c llon lii ail«<nialo pro- edncim.-' r. CooIMko suhl.

ii;K .M <m E if.s(> \ iviii. lii iT ssuJm F H o n m :w s i’, \ i t :iw

■i:s .MOKICS. !u.. Jn n . 31—Almee ipio M cfieriion. l/>» A nxcle» cvnn- ,»t. w llltncfilvo ?5ii,0ft0 for a nor- n t mtrihnn'.tcH to r newdpaperH, imnoiiKeil. Tho

1..nddurn,Jh»!_<\viinKrji!aj.»Ut_id^ '" ’ht ltd rni/lvc n lxly p e r «onl o f lho HUftor Itfl frt/i Iho 'nn le o f llie iierltvi. If. AI

I iucmlw

A T p l t E T l SI ___ _ . T rlbu t

K O ir W O ilT If, Toxns, Jn n . 31. an n -U<ii 10 >VII<iiin, .Mnji-ndc lln-.,.. nliiccn m I’UMii^r, wiw nd ilird and \ v a n t I Illlt hy a ynnnK bandit u t board »j3( u. m . Jiidar. th l* .n.hlnT Bpeclnl ic il a In u lilffb 'p o w rrfd nntl)* nnd lllll* before the nuntlH-r cimld "W l ' 0 Inlnrd. Coeur

' p a p fru i l T E PLAINS. X. y . , J a n . cause i —M tiirne)^ r« r E dnnnI Jlnou i* of ihe ila>! maile a drxp^'m le nU i'm pt anc*' ti

j) » v r tlia l I'eacbeH nn t ^owi(lrl Ilf rhildU lt Innnceurt* pn*. T hn t t itni lo l i r r marrlaKi* 1o -B n>«n. tj,e It r . ; b u l they w r r r b a ite d .ut Journ ery tn n i. - o f lho

--------- I h a t nK A 8H I>G T 0X , II. J a u . 31 forw „r The naval .app rop ria llon b ill M d to m i n e | 1.26oM > Ii>r «tartlnB >rk o a tlsrc« n rw I lf h t enilHpnt I^.fafd a«Id(> b f (bo /‘euMtr ( t" J H I / r . b n t w iii l>0 coan lderrtl lo - . | ^ J irrow.

ClIlCAIiO. ia n - S L - iB lc r a l _ H dcp Jomf-ii U . -ITilkentoa to - S U r irratiled if r t-U c ra of Uw Ckl- - .t i , X n w M o kfr k S L T u ] n i l - - ] id p e m U a io a lo upead > W r JI Im m rdlalely on V n e r a ! In* iTrmealk.

J A K V a tE , ■ W o alu J a n . 3 1 ^ ro on iaa»k fd ^ o d lU held np . 0 *k»U lfi, SUitt> h an k nborily .•I, i ,S r t« U ; .nd ciciiri “1 1 . . 1 M 0 a _ _ _

BOV scfon ^ "'5’"-O PE S S TODAT IX 3 W - S More

seven ,iI Oew conU aued a to ry on I b e An*«l« .Soouta o p eaa lo a lg h t In th e Ooat T a l U D ally T Jm ea.. Read th e t e r p i . DR c h a p te r and te l! r o u r s e isb - F re e If th e y mU M d th e flra t ch ap tc r M rs. 3


I Financial^ Condi t

Trust C om p an y iM easu re P rov id es f

for R egu lation sIlOISI':. Jnn . :il.~I{ul<'» nn<l roKn-

itlonH to r trim t i-nmpnnli'ti a rc pni- Idcd in llip foiirlli o f ii !»-rli':i »r anklnff conini(((«'o mpn»iir<'», pn.- in lcd S a liirilay , Y. lll tliy . H.'nn- >r from MndlMin. hi i^o domiUTiilli! lemhor o f-llm coinmMlce. o f whii-h ihn M cM urray «>t <;anHla. l;i chali- •'" n * ^ .\i•Tbi*-H«w—hill—p r«v IU u ii.;U ia t-iru tL __fnipnnftvN miiHl keeii rocordii -of loir trimtH* th n l lhey muHt Invcm icHo funds in certa in i<pucirii-d so- irltieK nnd ih n t they nmy doiim li m ds nwnllInK InvenlmenlH in tiio imm crcliil dopnrlinentB of llie biinkn Ith w h lc li'th ey nre.connec lcd . - |„,

.................. .............. tin

io u s e A d jo u rn s i-'nin M em ory o f j:';

Id ah o E ditor ,ii

BOISf':. ■Jnn.’ 31.—HeiipccUnK the aln enii.ry o f A lhort II. A lfortl. Lew is, wli n nnwHpnper ed itor, nnd form er 'n ih er o f thn Idalin nliilu ]eKlKlnlur<i liOKu dcn ih occurred lunl w eek, llm tver iiniiiir Snljirdny ndjourneil • te r ndoptliiR~u::Knullonn o t coiuloj. ”'il CO. T h v rcBohHlflnii tforo p n w ’nf. " •

hy KashurK o f Ne?. l*ercc couniy d jieconded hy M urinenu of .CIcnt- itc r . - J""Tho rcxolutlonn nro mi fotlnwh: . Wheronii. T ho xtiilo Vif Idnho Imn f to M 't h o In H B -o n h n -lln n .-A th e rt ,7,7

A lfortf o f r<ow(iiion.'— n -mrmet*-' :ml>cr nnil speaker of llila liDunr, d .W hereas. Mr. A lford, n.s a prlvnlr Iron, an ed ito r o t th o J..ewliilon h:ui Ibuno alnce Hn foundntlnn In 1S9;:. IIh

n stu d e n t of Idhho a tfiitni, n;i n l'<'i' iccro c r l l l r . nnd lui i« puldic m t - I'fo nt in tfiiii tioUBii and on tb e Mnle i»< trd o t unlviirslty reKents. Imn dime )clnl serv ice for tho fllnte of Idahn. <hrid- , -------: .......................................‘ W hercns. KRpecinlly during- the c u r tl’Aileno troublcn ln ' and hl» ' >er ren ilo ritl vnllnnt norvln- to the ise of Inw nnd o rd e r ; nnd on mnny Ihe oecnslonn Kiivo llE ht .ind KUld- :e to th e people of th e slnH-. s'ow. Ibereto re . bo It renolvetl. nt thill house of represenlnllV eii.of , , • Idnho IcRiMlaiiiro dci now ad- --n , rn o u t o f res|)cc( lo tlie memory lho H on. A llio rl H. A lfon l. nnd

•t n copy o t theun resoliirionn be o,,,. wnrdeA to tho berenved fnmlly , i to tb e proas. „n

vA m m is i heA ^ iniowa i| :

B Y W l l S W g' left

3ES M 01.st:s. Ia.. Jnn . 3 1 .-S e v . e?a hund red per« in» »ub*cr1bed th e fo u r a q u ere £o«pet o f Almee Dpie &tcPber«oti du ring tb e aerie* m e elin p i concluded b e re Sunday

knoilo re th a n 40.00« pcraon* attended are en.m cetinR a conducted by tb e I » a m d f« lM e ra n ce lla l and be ard h e r aun. a t (he d e rjl In 00 u occrta ia S2.0« ■ I. • • rayVce w ilt co llecllona to ta l I1S:13C.I. M cPberaon e n im a led h e r ' a e t f®™• I . ____I.I w-ifr </%>•! »t_ a n

3, . .I D A H O , M O N D A Y , . J A

Map Shows P. tions Throughc

^ .'I An M- r , ' v If

s" tJL r?— - y ^ |T

’F " ^ \

V “~N.

» fonditlon* in' every ^^nle tn 'tlie Unlo'ti’a* sel ■. iimelnl publtrntion of the Cham ber of Com


______ . ■ i'a

.Vuleil I.M -lunT lliM-n>v<^ I’oim hir ' ■ — ru rn w -iif -J lo u b U —V ll_l'iiiui;.s.-Jjiuii -i,y

.M nrhlnery .I rc .In rle iit : . tf r fn in (iirN Mu>'i' Juxxi'il fo r Thnn>nmK of u ,, V ear..

' T.T hat lh<- aunn:.llr |t< Inidnccn- when nm

he :myn lie w an ts a den ionuirnlion o t hlK llie tru th o f Chrh itlan liy . hecauHO he j-cc declines to cruiiply w llh lho necoHanry bu! condlilons Involved In micIi iloinon- o 'd I'trnlinn wnn 0110 o f rho ari:um entii set. forth Inst i'tcnInR a l ihr- I’ri'shy ierlnn , i-hureli by Dr. Jn lin B. Koehn^ In hin si-rii'ii o f lee tu rcs on llio "nenKrin- . alifeiioitH o f Clir/f.lliinlty-" P r. Kiu.-liiiir. r t ] wlmmi «peelr<r Kiihj<Tl wmi ‘'I ’lipiilnr N l I 'irm .i o f Doiilil.'- n l‘;n n lli ifk n l Ihe V J ni'W fiid tlin t 111U..I hnvo a mcnleril

itecard llly tho fir!.!, llu- mienliiir £ onid. In Miili:‘ianr<-, •'You il.-monnlrnte Jl jiby«Irjil tiirt from iiliyidoat evi- ilcnco. an im idlocliial fnct frnm inlel- h'OlUal r th ln iro . n m oral frio-. fioiii moral 'ovIiJom'c, ami n i.plrllinil farlfrom iipiriimil evI.loiiec-.'T ho inUKiMlcrcrii.'.r:i tin s Mir*, of lo:il. i ’oii ;ii;;y I " ' 'Moal wUhoiil you r Inlo llrei te llliu 'In' y tii r ih m v.iti 'a r o I ' t r t u i . t.iir - jT m r <i,0.1111K-|(;nc;f_t.'n« you Ihal you iir^ iln-

A n 'l ’H nrliile-. Are (lid.•.Mankind U Mio siiiiio Un it nlwayrt

ha-; iM.on an.l every l.ahy Is hum wllh llH mln.l a M anx a.. It ; i l « a ;s lin.>|...i n , Tlilni;^. o iilsldo of r'.;,r!.|ii-Ty, ‘1,ri- 1.IJ oW. H'.. r-((fite.f;i<rlrk /,</iry . >' .... If Ihr. iirlncl|ilo>. of llhoriy '^.•lO nr-w.‘ Ttii' Hue •rro ri.it iii llh r r .y ihrmiKliotii Itio Inn.I.' found i.n -lh.- l.H.ori>:,belI. 'lil a iiuo iailiim frnm .Mi’iHos. , ■■■ ■'

i:\e n Jar.:: riillMe a jid |.r.inc-n nro oM. l" 'r 'i Tho Klrl.H of A frica hnvo h-on .lam;- lu;: J»x? fur ihnMKamlH of yoai.s. w onf- H'-rn liiK rn ra l T h - lnlolloclli.il Tt.icichlnKa in lho im lversllh 's eonie pent rmm lh .' CrijckH. .Mnny ihlnKx m pnsjn hirlKpru.U'nce ami In niiiny e.UirailtJii- iiuro i> llneii wcro know n lo th e U sypllnns nin 1

venm before .VJitahnui. Tho a rl *u Jiftve U .m lnil'.allnn of wtuil wn:- o rlns iierfecloil in p a st nit'-s. Tht- u r i of teopn llir mom benutlftil cnlhodriil Is mo<teI- tlnns •d n fler tho w ork of Mlch.i'-l A nrnlo doles m » l. IV tera In Home. -Onr .Iniihts \ r r o l .r Ceslus In the, secon.l cen tury .Olred th e sam e doubts a s tho mod- •rn<»{». In th a t c cn tu iy ihwre w ere fl m nny iloubtera th n t n council wnn :ftlto<I nnd fo t n 'V jiie ll sorm ed im If c<.„ts he doiibtern w ould con lro l. Some- xxly erleil oiii " tlr lnR lu tho nm rtyrn ,in.l i li rse ’ m en. w om en ami rh lld^en ektUleil th n t they bnd suffe red for leaua Chrlnt. th e I.ord. T here wcre. i C b loir(itr.ra In th e Ume o f C h ris t, nnd >n one occnilon w e n re to ld th n l many efl him anil w alked w ith h im no ’ nore. '?\^hen' P e te r mado b is Rrea't a»> oDfeMloQ of fa tlh . ^ r ( » t aahl r n ie a s - hORrt d a r t thou beca^;Bej flesh and hloo<i noldi lalh no l revcaletl y lo you b u t m y of fo ^ntber. W bo L t- ln /e a v e n ." T hla ira* PJeld cce lv tn s s p l r l tw / ’ know led«e. Thoee t r a i l rho clou! tb e lr / iB ld d a 'to sp ir itu a l a r r l r :now lcds« w ill do t rv re U a It. T hey drea i ire like a p^m on w 2u) lire * In a c a re tlon ind dtcUne.i in come o u l la .-aee th e elect, u n .o r lo believe tb a i auch o rb axial* '2.0M.000 n l l e j « » a y . H»* m ay' M e a I a y of J la b t b u t says be iI im M l :now. a n d th a t nobody c a a Ifoov : 41e efuaos th e dem ooslratloa. T h » ..v ar4 a n o itlc * U of C reek .o r l r ia a ad I

H iY T IFANUARY 3 iri9 2 7 .

Prosperous hout U. S.

r \ ^I ^ ^ ( j , _______________ I

\ 1 °°°^

m s :: . ' ^ B f f l

» sel forth in Ihe Fohrunry num.Commerce nf the United S t.n in . p '

K in ib er ly W . C ..T . U . W ill G ive H om e [J'

T a le n t P la y SoonKIMIIIClll.V. Jim . ;:l ._ T h .. Kim.

horly W. ,t:. T. V. 1.. iirao llo liu , lila.v. "Tho KI,:hlo..MIIi Aia. iKliiioiil.'' ‘ 10 1.0 M v n Tl..l■•^.h,)• ..v rn liu . Koh- l', ruriry ,:i, a t t li- hluh :.<;ho,il aiidlio- rliini III conn.'cilrm wlih ih .' r.'K iilnr .i,', i'a ron t-T cacho r’:. a:.;..„'iiiti<,ii pro.

Tho pnilii In lho pliiy nro tali.iu up-hy—nhoiit-sri—hl5 lr-Ki;hooi"rpoy;r‘r<nd ini Klrhi who a r. ' IioIiik- coaidiod by Mrn. ilolKhlon. Thoro will bo no e h am c „ (o r iidinlsNloii. O

T ho proKram eommlUoo of llii- I*.T. hnn nrransod sevorni muHloal iiumljorH Including iieloctlonn by til.- hlKh 'school orctieiilrn . iindor tho d i­rec tion of Mrs. J , A. HyKori. The < buslnosn m eeting -will bcRln n t S o 'c lock ntuirp und llie coun t fo r tli.t on p ic tiiro w ill boKin n l S.'Jfi. Kverytmo ' ’l>' Is nr^oil to n ttend . ^


l it in I'n IIs County St-iuitor'-t lll li He. L lutiriL' In .Majiirlllen In Cities U ilh ^ ram inN V rniiT iim i JsTlMiily Y iirlJ in . eriM.r’s S ltrnu lun-: .Six .MeaHure;

"l*n>% T h i. IlnincheH , -

liO tS i;. Idaho . Ja n . 31—THvii td lls nirodiieo.J hy .^ennlor P ik e of T w in j . :v il t f.iiin ty woro paiuotl by th e house >f lh'- t.I.’iho lo;;HI:iiiiro tliln m orn lna md tvlll heoonif Inw.i w lt l r th e Kicnu* n r r of CfW.Tnnr Ihil.lrhlKe. T h e hill , !ofiii.';i Iho te rm ; ‘n ia jo rlty vo te" In •1‘T ilons nf olilert' under commlRHlon orm n t K ovrrnn ten l-w h lie t tie -o llie r —li i.VnillH clllox to hond ihoinHelvcn for von iiirelui!..* o r c onn lruc ilon o t pub lic In I lhrnrl.!s,' ehis

•IVo Jii.llclnry t'ill* ■ Im pllfylns ap- leal In crlm lnnl p roceduro w ere ntsi) asjii'd tiy lho houae. O n ly ,o n e lAe:?. uro of iiiiiMirinnce w as In troduced In he lot«er boiiiii! tpUay. n ep rescn ia*Ivc, lla rk n ey and M cn im ey apona- ' " ' f r ln s n hill w hich w ould p e rn if l os- i-opntb:i to i>erform surK leal opern- :onK. ndm lnlhler ntier.thetlcs. nntl- olos nnd narco tics.The sennte _waH .In sesalon on ly n

horl Ume. pausing tw o bills. No new . lensures w ero Introduced . One of tlie , j Ills ra is es the fee for f ilin g cond/- , Innal snies con trnc t* from 25 to, 50 , onl.s ao<l, tbe_o lher prov ides the dis- rlct co iir ir 'n eed J io l adverth .o spe-

________________ able

C hester W h ite M enM eet to O frganize and

_____ . lal cA»h>K, 50 sro w era o f c h ea te r w hile

ORK met th is afte rnoon a l th e Rey- ® o ld i hm tber* ao lre fo r th e jiurpOBC t form ing a pe rm anen t orxaaU aU on. «* le ld M .inftrer-ChlJtJera. o f tb e Cen- ral L*! S. .Swine com pony. o t S pokan* r rlv e d lo<lay am i ia.tleU vertn* a u ad - > jr ‘ reaa a l the close o t Wblch orjfan ixa- ' ton will be pe rfec ted a ad ofTlcere

S flaxnoCSE BOX.S cw a.

---------- T tU . B. N a R<—B y n a ck n e y —PrOTid. U e i

i r te e conatracU oa of w agtra b rid ce than

I M E Sb«at In th* Werrt

N fia V n tu re Bervio*

■ P op u la tion o f U. S* E stim ates G iven O ut

b y C en su s B ureau\V .\Vni.\<lTON. Jali_. :;i - A lo-

l.-.l I..il.llliill,.n .'.■.Uliia'.o I,r Ihr:, t 'n ll-’-t .-<lal.;.'i.ti .Inly T, I'iJV. t’ as

: :l t .n ' l.y .itt,. I'a 'il.'d ............... .. : in; min-iin lo.lav art I

.. ..... ro M i.a x .l u ill , 117,-1:;.-..'""|’.,1I .Inly I, m,-;.. [

n,i .L .nnait- I. I 'O '. . jTh.- n.'^. ..■.iliii.ilo wa,. Im:..,I on

.l^'t.i io i;„r.||iii; h l.ll is . .liMltM. im-itil-iallon .............. .

------------------------- ■ , J


ii.M m .>^iiinii:. in .. j..n , : ; i , - n . . . .d ,,,I'.iii.llll.in:. ftop*. h.M- In tiic nlilij ;,|III.'I' at .^Iiiiwm>i Kiwn a:silUioil nm . ll

,,nn-<‘lVo„:< Uxl.O- K^]U,wl„:; i.lv-liKh ri:..' Ill lho rlv.i- ov.Tnlitlil.

Tin- ..lai;.' a t Sh;twn.-.lowii wnn c ■•■■p.irl.il I . i l - o a i l y I.i.lay nmlrh im ; rar.lrlly. '''

Siliill.ir n .inlllloti" p i.w dl.-d al J'j'fd .r.rlil.ir.' wlu-i.T Inlial.ih^ur; i.r low . ...hmih. tv. I.- lao tl.i;: In l|i,. hilh.. lo

iiH A S.< l'li:i,|i, All:., Ja il. " I - rl.io il " n-Tiuoi":. iiianv nr iiirin iif'imlli.;.. aiiM iiia.l.'.iualoly rlr.lh.'.l. arrlv.r.L h -r - lo- Il-I.v IJl o i.T JjirrVa.-lii;; miii,t„-r;; „, 111.' I.'t...- iM-lr.w ,M<l'l.'llan.l. A lii.. wav i.inJ lnim .l:il..l liiiii.lr.-.l:. »l a.U ,, illHonal iicrox of ili-li la n n hmd. ■

II I'. o..llin;>ir.l -Iw.i iii.ir,' Itiaii ::nil , r.'fiiKo.'H :.io hero, Tlioy wor,. i-inl<..| „ u|i Iasi illulil In cv.-ry nvailal.lo :do. |>- in tr p tn rr .------------- -------------------------------

Swimmei>- D iesA fter O p eration

______ .j j;'

Clllc-AC.O. Jan . ::t--M lii» Syhlt B auer, holrlor o f m nny vw lm niinc rt-c> ,p onlH. dle.l early ti>rhiy follow ing nn u, opernllrju fo r Intohllnal .lli‘or<1ers. ||,

.She bnil br-on 111 for i.ovornl n ionlhs nn.l in sl 'KTok pud tii'on rep o r in l re . (-ovorlnK. Shi! iiuftYio.l i* ic lh ap k ^ ito r j.% tho ttcoV-'flftil. ' . , . | |

Mi;wi lla u er tvni. a ih .i'iiU t of :h .’ l„ f laM A morlcnn O ljm ph- U-nin and (.tar tiai-k i-troke nwlniiiK-r ani.nn:, ilio j tvonion of tlio coun try . Sin- tia j. i ” , .,, hnvo I,.'Oil m arried lhl» I'Piiiii; In i:< l-i..,, w ard Sullivan, New Y ork n o ii> i.ap o r |__w ira. ' J

Agricultural < " for 1 9 ^Foreign Purchases of Agricultur

to M ake the M arket Stron ■duction is S tronger b u t W As Favorable As in 1916.

a : i x ' . J i i n . •Ji-.rA .iu - r.u). voniblo year for-IUoMoeli pmdiic-ors lh of 1 In |.ron>eil f o r . l ic r . t.iil w llli nn nv- jtax phiRe soaVon, .i inucinuntlnn tif rein - • O ;lvely low rotiirn« from nln^t cnidi tike :rops I:, prtifiiddo iinlo.ss ncrences nrn Ibe reduce.], accor.llni; lo th e nnminl. n s - l 'j2( riculiura l oiulook fnr 1?2T. Issued to - tc rr lay tiy the t.urr'aii of nc rle iillu rn l eco- thei mice of Uie S. .lopurln ien l o t a g rl-n m li ruJluro. . ^rSi

l)nme>lle donian.l fo r farm producU t com )f tlie l!t:*-:S »en:on I.t no t U koly to cm i >e m nterlnlly d ifferen t from lh o prea- U ^nL n t I

Some Im provsm ent, In the p u rch a a- for nR pow er o f foreign c oun trlea fo r ae* to ; Icu liu ra l p roducts o f 10S7 m ay b e ex- m at lecte.l, bu t ll Is probotilo th a t t a t s e r Iq p orelan prtxluciion o t b rca d ttu f ta . I W m ils and an im al pro<lucU w'tll re* t»it> UCA forelun dem and fo r o u r 'e x p o r t- c a tt h io aurpluaca of these p roducts . wha

A allgh lly la rg e r au pp ly o f t a m t ifbo abor wlU probably be av ailab le In tb e om i egions ad jacen t to lacliuttrU l cen te r* nd waRoa m ay t>c low er.. :No m ater> 7 ' l l changes in the p rice o f t a « n ta a - h o hlnc ry a a d bu lld lne m a te r la U - m a r « cxpected. W holesale pric^a «r fer- llU er a re iowijr th a n la a t y t t r . .•

H an l ap ria * and D u ru m ’ . w heat n iw c ra c an aca rcety e x p e c t ' t o f» - e ire r e tn ^ B fo r tb e 1937. c iv p . aln^^M- to thoee w blcb b a n p r c n t l e d fo r be 1926 c rop , eepecla lly I f p roductM a bonia b e m a te r ia ltr Increaaed . J U x ^ e«d p n c ea ta r 1K 7 c ra p a ra n a ltk e l r m i o -be h ig h e r th a o a t p m e n c W h u v I g , lax ia p roflU ble a t p rev eat, aomA IB* n a a e la a c n a « e m a r b e m ade. {T h e a e n a n d for ibe 1 9 « com-ew P S

* expected i o h e U ttle I t W r g m t k rhan fo r th e Isss crop . K i th p ro ln

^ A E G W iS A C T ^ ^ I^UDBCttlod, B ro b a W y -lft. |iJ3

cni snow a fon igb t oail to ^ l .’3 ■ j m orrow, \ yn m ie r to n l« tA j-; '; j

o i i D . v o i L - x n i i ~

I M H l iTOR M i ; IN CHINA Ni"P r e s i d e n t C o o l i d g e a n d

----------p i a i i r o a n - o M ^ r e i g n R e -l a i i o n s C o m m i t t e e .D is * a f f i - e e o n P o i i c y T o w w d C h i n a ; N e w B r i t i s h P o l - i c y O p p o s e d H e r e .

, W A.siii.\«;Tt).v Jan . .u - T J ie . n>J. 'n liiiM iaii,,,, f..„.,.:i ano iho r ntUick on

I.ii.'i;;n iinlicy. im h o rlo It Jia« ,'" '•11 \i.';ii-.i);ua aii.i M.-.'.leo. Now i t I

- T. IH lir- 'ab .^nranrnn------------ :-------:—^M■|lal<n• Iloryh, chnlrm nn of tho

:oiiiii.- r.irokn rolallnnit coniniitteo." ...... Ifo|.ro;ioniallfo I*oi-t.;r. Lend’’ o f. 111.- ii..n;a- forol|:ii foiiiinlltoo, . w an t .. .|iilol( .lii.lciiiinilo iifilon to incel tho

Chinos,.- L, ;uiM., i ’ro:<liloiii CoolhlKo. a fte r tho cool

riiinosv r.-oeiitlon o t Secre tnry . o tI .'Jiiilo ICoIUikk’h litn lc m e n t'o t p o i - '

t. y 'haa nrdored llireo of th o b eat onili.-'r» In tlio navy to \IiLWnli to jo in lln- AiiiiTloall iin iiada tif fiC w ait voa-

• H'lll a lready In o r n e a r Chlncno w u- .;

W llh aiill-forolKU rlotn nnd civilII w ar iin'niielnK lho llveii and proporty, I.: III.- l:',<iiiu A intiilcann In Uio yellow .

ro]iiihllo. tho preiddcnt linn dccldoii <■ 'lo jirovl.h- p ro ie tllon fim •unit '. t a lk ,

lllll i^rnaior Dnruh, Chlncuo Mlnlu** l.-r S-.'.o an.l niisKlonary reprcsenW - , ,•

iii<-i iirxii.' llm l Inrgo nhow o t foroisnI loii'o l>. i>ro\i)(::iilvo In n h ighly dan*' -i rou:i idiimilon w hich on ly quick.1 Irlcndlv illnlouincv.cim m eet.___________

Throe iiicW eajs today forced Ibo ! ;; a.imliiliiirnilnn to focua o tten llpn o a - ^ Iho Chlrteso prnldcju.

Uppriso Ilrlllsh I'o llc)’.> 1~-Itcnctlnn boro *0 th e new BrlUflh

pr.lley. e/iuuclmcd by F^rQ lsn MinU* ■-.)'I I.T Chnm hcrluln und aupported h r t h e 'T

opjxiHlUon londera, M a cd o u M > a s d .' Moyil (leorpo. The B ritlah m ore ■waa ...■ Kenemlly tntetin-et(»d m 'R a(R lB «O I*ktr,‘‘ lirlialn a mor« favored poaiU on 'ttaas --t

lho United SlntCH in 'C h ino . i Mnr»lini Ennir K efti* M 'Ile le t« h 3

:’--i{e tu sn i' of MnrBhal 'S u n 'C b u a a - ''i n iiu : n f the N oHhern cooae rv ttlee ;ciilm '» .- fni-tinn to relciiae on dem and ,•[o f Iho American consul the abducted

‘ o.liioV o t lho Amcrlcnn ShnnRhai Oooi '* ' j Iior. Kent W eils. dccroftBed-faith here- '■

' l l n i!n\ N nrlliem faction w hich holda .--V j I'oliiuA anrl Shnnfthul.: Meanwhile^

J {Continued on P a e « 3 ) .....

Outlook I is Favorable 5

I t u r a l P r o d u c t s A r e E x p e c l e y r o n g e r ; T r e n d o f V f u i t P r 6 - t i

W h e a t P r i c e s D o N o t ,L x > o k f .^

t — Ir.EU>vcr>i f>r» fneod w ith the -p roep e c t of low or p rice iintcaa ncreafio ia jtau O ally -.ceducw lr- ' - t j'< O.Tts aa<l b a rley fo r feed a ra -.U B r.'^ like ly to be In Rfoatcr dM D Bnit^ortiK ;^;Ibe com ing yeiir, a* com pared .' i t t t k ; a 1'j20- T he m ark e t T slne .w ill tem iiso d la rs e ly 'by- tb e - thene nnd o th e r f e ^ R r a l u

'tM irem enta aro n o t U k ^ to >tM ^rdaaed beenuso 'theco n au m in s 'aa ltB ala c o & tla n e sT to '^ d * ^ ;^ Hcm aae. ^

Unleaa lircatock prniTiiiiHiiii n t about th e p resa n tfor increaiM la P C P t t I a U b f t - n ^ > t t r t l ^ M to year, p reeen t p rio> » ^ L leM i> ii< Jrtw a |M ituttnUtfhed.'• tqs> >a 1^ u d U>e


P h . • " —<1u«» Iliilv rliilii ' -- •Jlu'

r iiliT lu itin l it i f TIi'H 'h . t c Mi' I;'. ctnsK, w ltli n licIlKliiruIlv |iliiiiin'<l <-ii- ‘.’ ■i .(<>rtu^n>niil Krlilny .Mi». M u'J; f ‘DurkiiiiCjn, pr<>ii[ilvr)t.<>f ilii- i;I;ihh. v. .h’

'i n ' oli?trKP o f tli'- n ftn lr nml wn:. »s- ’i v - ' i - D j - Mr«, \V. A. I’ali'lcli, .'h iili- % • ■ nian of tin- iiniKiinu (•iiiiimUt. i’;• X i ■

Krllllk llOWiT, rlilili’tm'iii o f (In- t ‘ -' r - ■ < o r i i l n l U < ' i ' . ' Illlil :\Iii);''.l. K

•’ O re*fl...clmlni'»ii o f <lfvo;;iiilou'!, 'I'h-’•V; -• l>rOKritm. Klymi In 'tln ' rli'uri']r iini lorr.

‘ * . v tllcll Ill'll bpi'ii ilr<’onitPi! for iJic;i ' cjihIou w llli |«iMril iiliiiilfi. frilii ' ;iiii!i.' ■ floor luiiipH. Iiic'lii(l)'il >1 iif■f , hy Mrn. J. A. Dyiii'il. in'compiinli'il tiyf," ■ m Ibb F lo n i Hott-i'r: a ri'iuUnc iiinl <-ii-

fV ■ coro I))' Mrii. Ilcriiiiin S<-liiirK<'r; .1

? r* nnil Mlmi MiUKMrcL Si;lll<-y. aci'oiiiimii- ImI l>y Mm. D ysi'rt; iK’Kro hi'I i t i IoMh

( . b r thi> iift'H' <iiiarli't I'fimiioxed of i;l-J- 'l is ' UJorlliiK. I 'In n iici- AIIm i. I.lov'i

: l*n trlrk 'an il 0 . • 'n rilf ' am i a liiiniur-iV’ otIH rL'aillliu ■>>' .Ml'. <'in'll». I.ali’r ;<li

. ' aU rncllvcly apiiolnti'il n iii 'l'' i'; ame .

' H nooblc r t i r t* — Mr. »nd M n . 11. I- i- ■ I'n w '** ''c rp“ tinRTF"nr nn~iiirornT:ii' iu it" f oclilo iHiriy Sutiinliiy o v c i i i i i -a i llK'li

■ liomc on NfiiHi avpmu' mirili. I’m ir t;i- <’• ' b lm o f ulnyerii .'iijoypil tlio ::aim-:«. mi'l 'V ’ Mr. nm t Mrn, -Mllchi'll Hunt won il i r '

hlRh iicorc iiwiiril. rn llow lii;: i>la)’. j Mm. X’rici! HOrvi-.l a (Iclicliiin twi.. |

•j . coiirnc liinclicon. j

. ~ .i ’hll»:-l‘iillo>. M c r f - I’liilii-l'lillii^ Ik'I'I , t lis lr TCKiilar wwkl)- iii''cihii.* la Hi'-

......c|»\)’TW>»m''rUHrAilny UuvIhv.- dm bnHln'-'i'K iiri'f-lon M ill'vvai-M ill'll in

V linvo a jtm iiii iilciuiv i«I;i'i> for 1I1'' cpyoif!, mill MlauK wi'i-i- iiK iiii'roi n><

' n iollm r-ilm inlitcr liani|iir( 10 T in 'ln -MJ:'-. sopn. Gn^-ii'l.il.vn Ilrailli'V iilid -Ul......

Gnbbiivt prcsi'hlcil an liiH'ri'i.iliii; ino- r r “ " 'K rn n l on M raflli'an il a', tin- <-Iom ' ol f; tfio tirikM .................. . ;iciv<it,

r . . . r iill.v , Clnl' I'lm "''" <>ar;nl 111....... .i.vi'-' or«l c l” l' 'llT 'i"'r :' kIm-ii Ih^i 'm i'I; « i:

■ ,tho lTnll>- d u l l .Miini-r « flli 'vtn, l. ili< fj-;''' moiiibnrB on ln rta iariV 'lo r tln lr liiii.-

bamlii III till' liiiiiir fll ,\lr. ami Mn-. H T . t»iik(> Frliliiv rvi'nliii:. U liii^r w.u

•Ji., Kon'oJ u t ill* ai,. Miii'll la '’ilr» Mririjilv'p j ■ tJoforiiti'ii. Tti'- n liuilnili'r of ......... ve.

nInK njipul \« lili''ionk ami |ilii- I : '. ooIiIr. S ixty Kur|tii* wun- jin 'i-cnt :<!; . llila DiciiKHiiI arf;i'lr.

tV ; ; <'iiint>llini'nllni; Mr. C«i>f --.M r.’• Gc«rst> 111'' -iiiiiL of tionor

^ ; . - ' iC r f t “ «lfllKlilfiilly .arranK .'il ‘ 'i.»Vl.rl^. ; i , . jirfrly tVWiiy uVpnluK m ,IiiM rm iiiir.' T ' " tinmo, tlio <i<Tanloii liriiiK lili> itiirfy-

• - ' . »vvohtli-blrllii!.ny. D inner « a!< n-rii 'ii• cnfoUTlii Htylo. a l nm'-oVloi li aii<l ilir

r * ' ■ rcnm lnder of lli<' iiftriim m i \wim t |irin i w llh convc'r»atl(.n an<l nim.lr. TIul'i

nro***'” * I" n 'l 'll tlo " 1" I'" '- ' aaiM il- '• fnm lty 'viTi- .Mr. nml Mrh. IM r.tanilni'

nml (IniiKlitPr. Mr. ami M f;..i: iI. A .' ki»w, Mr. niKl .Mn-. II, 11. -Siiivr, Mi

nml .MrK. .la rob Ci r irn '. Mr. i.inl .\li - O tio YoiinK. atlll ila iu lili r. ili'V. .ua '

.. Mrr, l , - .y i . ' . Mn.. .-h.iil.v> I.:u-K. \U- I T . . \ i i c - ;:r..v ,;. M'. llinnil.m J

. 1 1 . • • ' v;- ii.nii.ni-..•lo , \li llti ls -M r;.. \V. A .n .i»

iiril wa» lawl'-vs |i> ili .'• ih .'iiil- i 'llio AiiilKim <‘l'it> Kriil.iy ................ . Ai-

L.____ raaKcmiiUUi-\vi:jc..liia!l!;.iiii' I " " . , ati^ 1m ia l lilliniT loi '.Iir fatnlhi-: III I"

•.... llc-1.1 I'V bniai v. IS ;.1 Ilir ..............1 \li ;<.'■ ’ Ernuwt. Piirin:; (In; I'H 'lal imiii i!i j :

llclons rc lrc j.hnn iiU «>i " :< v .n l.

J: ' A n n ou n cem en ts ii ' / ' p . Iv. (X J iliJ irh n i.il «-)ll m .-,' » llh 1i - . M m. WtJlTS SlIlllYl TiK-ila> .M iitirr ..I '

(J;30 ^llllr|l. n inm -r lii.iiniliiK ' I . n - ' i Knnlscr. ' Kacti iii. nili>-r i. .t 1.

_ brJnR ow n r .il^ 'i -.iwi, ii;i|ii.tii. I

r:Mi‘inl)f'r.' or llll- l!llr'li|i->- aiiil I’lo ( fCflHlonal Woiii.iiM n u ll aa<l la- 1

; VlJeit K111'>.(|’ « III in-'"'! Muii'l.iy .'M-. I

h o tn e 'o r -Ml!-.. l-;> ila \I.-i-..y, llll ,1ia T n tjii r norlli. Mi>-. K aiin .iiiu I'lo - j• .v e s t w tll n 'v l ru III,- l-ioli. "H.'I .••ii.a i.

W I(o." r i - t l i r. _ I,

• i'lia iiit... , . "

; K f i p L t t

i~ • Cif teed ; ^ Pure

a ^ o l e s s tl^an o f *p r i w d b r w x l f l I

/ . . . .••CILLJO HS.cirFpU ND S tJSEO

■ V . .

aETY.'1.'"! a t t h e —

T H E A T R E S\Z i iK i.iK r m .K M »K ii m i t i iIII 'j '! t.t( ;i;i iY i-N -n n - ’ p a iia ih

rr .. ---------• Kln« Vlilnr hi a m a s lr r .il . nni.'.

P oil »<0 I an •llam a. mm »l>i< Ii;....... Ililii m ill'd ili r . '. 'i.i i’ii ■'Tin- UI'a riu li''' wlli Kalni'uy lliln. •"I'lii' HI I’lita ili'" i.’l jii.Hi ii!‘ fim iiy an li

ull! ti''’>Kii'l Iiiilmir uml |ia(Iiot> m an llirolij;li It Illlil- liy'!*l<li'.

tiy Vi.U.r is’ r.'iii'iiUiii' i IiIm .'DH . i.ii. Irriilm i'iii In Iiln m-\v iirmliiril'i

.1 j ‘•I lan l.'ljn III.' • M a;:iiHli'"iil,'‘ ' :1

nil* rini; Jo lin ' (llltii-ri. m i»' iiliiyliii; 1iM" till' M alio tlira ln -. i:i- In III.- I'liHl li'';n iL -. laiiiili-iiialii- iv'i Kai'I Dhiii'. Ili.i liiliaccii-.lu 'w lm :. 111 o r- r .n itli Kllin » r "Tli.- Hi;; I’a rad .'." II all liaM Utr -TTTt.- ol Uiiili-iiaicl. lli .-t |» 'i

siiiial a ll . 'n 'ta n l o l Itiinli-I.v:'..lii..- Iii-r. IiliiX'.I hy (lilhiTl.

I.. • • in :u . i io 'r 'r n t i ; s " /n*.'-n r-

til- . "[{l-ll lllll •riri'Ti." M arrliii: M.nit U'l Illm '. rrariU.':* aw ay al a m r n y |>:U' Ilf a t III!' Ijhijljj llii'a lri'. w h .'i.' II ojn-u ly. I'll l.i'li.y lo nn <-ntlim-lai<th' aiii||.:nn•i>' -i'l. h.'Klii w llh, Ci-.'Kory UdR.Ti

:<ii'iislnu iiiivi'i; iiiion wIiI.-Ii th is War iii'r Ilto:i, chi-ii'U- If. hiiM'il. ht oiH- o

,|>t >h<' imiKi iinnuiln;; ciiiiii'illiii < v<'tii. ................I. Il hail a cliainiliiK hi-ro. 1nv. i i v n y . luii'ul;iiv<- lii'roUic. lliri.(' iluu III ;;i'iTTTi>.|y .'i-o.ik.'il lihlnajicrK .'am i

ll.- liiory lUat ii» n a in in .'.l nHh, ill>-ih'ti ]„ llni; Kiiiarhiiiif o l h ra r ln an .l lia lll J.l ri-KUlalionn.

DAttY RADIO‘ :1I»M»AV. .H M '.M IV :il.

I’ , “ K.iim-o i:t .Jiilli'lt<'"0|>c’ra Ii.v C h a r i .K i 'a m i ih i Cmmoil

'< crah i.ih l \.-r;>lon liroaih'ir-l loiil;:lii l ‘. -by.,.\tJ')A l'” «:rami_ Oil.'Ill . iiiiinany

lii ro iu h WICAK, \V.IAli, WUIT, \ v u r \V<-rfll. WCAK. WTA.M. WW.I, M'SAI KSI). WDAI'-).

Jiill.'ll.- .................. • C.'lihi Xl.'limilia(i.-rtriKii- ............... D .'xoni \ii.l»vorm'>lUiiiii'o .............tilniic[>|>o (lllli-nttli'Uc

" ' .Mi-n:ii|in .............................. Carl nollln:-]' Ca|inli!t ............................ S im rU uim•' • CciuiTP Hmtoro couiluflluv:. k-.

K K KX -II.V STI.\<iS .1' r..ir.~ D iiiiii'r miiiih: jiroKraniM.

!i;(i(i -Cimr.-rl p r.i-ram . i„ a m ; i :i ,k s .., 7 :J0 —r>5-i-Hoiir iniiKram.

K tiO -tU K l.A M *.S; no—livni'ii orrh.'M ra.

K I.X ~f»A K I.,\M '., I lii:ii(i — Sim lio inoiiraiiiii.

. iiMllA .\-SK \.-M h.H i : \ a lir.itt'ii i.f

. V.ilrfh-hl ami Mr,'. Tom lllo .li;rll .il r T «vii^ i'*n iir iT n '? r]u i.':'d s-anh .--w i,m --

••ii‘:i Com m im iiy C oun.II ■J'hiii-.«la,' atl'Tm ii-n.

A m im la r o r lh u i;.in l.'lh-^ Ini'.'.h^ .n a ll.'iiilim ; Ih .' . I i i in h . 'o i i ln n n 1 111 Tw in l-a!lh w hlrh wan h' liii: h.'hl'llll;. XV,••I,. ,

K,iy V.imh-r|ii>.i| mnl I 'n i l lltuwn . I.'II Inr C iilllonila Sum lay mornin;:I Mla-M' IJi.y will \h.-U m r ni'V.Tal

Hull .Ml I -111171111 I-. <iiiH.' Ill al .h h hiiiii.- ii.-:ir ll.,ii ..'ll. II.' ri-. '-m ly I.',-

Il>r M- hl.lllh '.ntlll. liVV XVli-l,'. ;,;.,1

• 1'l ia .'IIV 1.1,1 1„. i.iiiiiiM l.I'N ili l.uh l.i. M.hl il.iiul> Imi Ihl

....... -Ill W ni.ail.ill l..tlllll '.ll Illllll' .11;.;:. tiii.iii .,11,1 h.,-. li, , a li.ui-.ri u . il ' (•! .I.'r.-ii<-

Vr. an.! ,M|. l'i..t,U \Vili;lil »li.ihii\.> In .i l tn ll .i i i 'i i i Inr ......... lir.iiaro IraMiu: m r I,,.:- A u -:i! .-. Th. Hii>al .\.l:;hli-il.- ;mil -M.iihin Wi.iiil-

■i'hur.*(!ay m.;lii.Mr.--. i:h :illi :i . . . u n i I-. -IMII.- .1

|i,ir»> lo r h. I . Iillill. ii |-lii|.i> i.l :hl

p o p




' EDWIN WELIHOUS - SCHOLARSHIP Via ^ l E l t S O f J E ONIr In li .n - tli i i : V:-MM t>rliti-ii In Cm

llim iillh Cnimi; J> .|i 'lc Cn - 7 .sli.in . Can- «l,li-li W I.m ut.l.ii '.‘. L tlm »'> rk ill HaiiiKi K in

r a i l s .\irriniH iira l Class.

Ill Ih - l.iH.iwliip.i;!--jiv llihvln ’ ‘ I'ai. ;„ „ .,.n . nl llll- Twin i-lilli'. lil-li m• I’l*-' .via. Wllli Mil' r iih iii I'.iiir;.- ^.•1l' HI" iliiK l.-lls hIx .•xjiirloiii-.. Ill vaIt li' mlnu:.. .\.i..i 'il lm ; lo lLi.‘ animi

iiiiri-l a^lil ii'r I'-or.TTnr .tnliii S J-'.'Mh' U III.' a i;i l(u ll .l ia l .l.-li;irlia.-'i1.

II . lit loiiiii' I'llll i.nitiml iiliiic uml h‘ :n lo n iu)o. O ilii'r omii-Mianii. In ihlr.' Ihr vi'li- Uh haul Vh'k.'Vs. (•||.->1..i' C

i»: III i-h '.llou riiu 'iiiKli'.' 1 .iiii.lsli.'fl ot lam K.'..v. Mal.- i l l r ' . io r n( Mn-.. I . 'i lu iii lln a ; .Ml:>:‘ C tiailatIn I

,„i. -miniy ,.u |n.rim .'i>il.'m ; l(. -i:. I |[ , lllll. .•luiiily a:;i I. n ilu iiil iiK. ni.

b,„,p (liiinii Criiii Ciilliiri'.-Mi- .'.-.ay 1.1 fall i..-:nh.:

■Wh.'U iM' » i ' ic .li.K'iis-lm; lln- V •iv: or onil,11'. Ill nur f.iini i |.i|,r. . •car.. I .............. I V'-iiil.l liy lo i

il’ In Ihr i:t.i«liii; ol luihiiit. ami 11 Inilt. I-'-'".'- 1

.hill I l.-arii.il li.'iri Ih.. ilh.iiiro.lii ,in.„ hi;.;., 'i'lihi >wi.'. .hirlm:, Ih.., la ili 'r

I K.-lilui,Vy; I lalltri! 111.' .-iil.J.’f l . vlili iny |.iiitiil>- anil finally iik

W ar " I III".' l.tai..ll li.,'£<>.i(I I M'l.Tti il n jih't-.. n l Kvoiimt H>

Iiimchi wa!w<li*‘ I'*'"' a ialliiiil..re, 1 '11101111 1)11 1I114. ph.... . I nvlil un .11

. > a i.'lla l.l i" :.i- i | iMiuvi. In .\|.w V I ir Ai'llnw .liinv.'V nm.m .'ai'il. I.nl Illrti 'h ln l haM- any I‘ M, Hy Iho llm

•Il.'i ' .ami-- ha rk iHallm: llml I .'.<r. . 1111, I .Ih.lu't luiv.' niiioli t •II 1.1 m l '..I'l'il iitnl li.'i II Iihii •irlj. so 1 hmi:;hl ......... li.mi.' ;;ri..... In .ia a fariiiri lUiii l-'llor, 11I.lllliu :nai|. ;iii'l>" nil hnnl.’ i;n

Th.. ;:rouliil w a" |.lo^^.•ll .lurlm; il1..r jiiiil ol .Scni'iiil)i.|' rc , '’.. In

nivliiK. 1 liaiM '«|.il |. i |,r..|. Ih m»l in r ilii 'ii iiM'fl it.lh i.il In |. ') |. | It. ' iKlii .r.iiiiul «ai. Mill Miiu..»lii.l ohiihly■ati;___ hii.r..w..il an.l llna i..il ll iiiialn »’UC . m ill. laTli-' Thhi 'iml lln- a.'.-.I ■<AI a Iil.-liy fa ir i>hanir.

............... Inn- i.laiiliiir: I iv-lil .1.U h il VM.i.ih'i' il.' Mil 111.. w.‘...hi I

ii.ka tail all-..ally -.ptiuil.'.l. I [lianli.l I I , u i l o n i i on llu- ih l i i . r n ih an.l. r.

..cn lli.o r M atrli il'. )lii. Iilll- o t Ih11..., .niinihi 1.1 -.111. a.'i..,„{nl .-Ahoiil Ih r lltn.. Ih.i oaloin; u o n . 0.

»'■ had a i;iioil i lin 'vrr n t 1vhli'li lo iiiir.l il ...MIM......I iDtkril;tro .....I .•aiii.iim an li tr.inliu- - l,.|W'oniiKiiI.-il illlil wii|..|. Io M.liiii 111. onnil wlil.'h h..|tiril il liii iii <1

1 |.|iltlVi.l..il w llh il. haml 1 iilllvi' 'hi- rir:il t« i. Iiiiii'i. nnr.. iifl..r Ilri.1 liTlKiiihiii .'iml .111..1- iilior...liCOIlil In lliiillon » h lrh IV.1:1 lilt

i l '. “ H ta fn i ! " N o t a Drop! "

CO X S T IP A T IO N . b ilio i In-;i(i;iclir, s ick .^I(lIllacll

" " rciii!> (i|Hin O r. OiKlu-c>ll’s h rcn ri>iislijial<‘cJ and Iiilioiis sil .siirli an atl.-^k «>f ,M>ur htom.ich

, l., <1111 «tf kimlcfK.ndcn. h wa.s tJ iin|>nivc<l fn jrii tht' first doso .ini

.u', rr'iinr.-’H .it^d hfiiltliiiT llintlji.ciimf.irt to li;i\-c .1 mi'ilicim; for

,l„ iitiplinl confidence." (.Vomc? n nJ.W i n s C o f i H d e n c c o

Olil |i(i)^)Ir ;in’'r 1mnti(‘(l l»y!llu Ilf I>r. ( .ildvvtli's S>TU|i l’«*|i.«ii

■■nHvliinK" of l l n ' I iti.ivrini'nt .m<J tin; fine f<^'lin riirn -’s nny rt-al si.-kn.Ic.irns ii> IIM- .‘ xTjip I’l'psin iit I Innf.ii<-. f(-v«-r. hiliimsm-ss. Ii(-;id.-

,,, iliH- In rnnvtitiiilitin. i{r<-oijiri li'.'nu'>. Sold I'y ;ill <fniKK'i>r'<.

>'.ir .1 f t t r n-ii/ t-U tr tr-f! 11.11., / ’./um S ’j r r f C'-r-r; r,.,i,.. M

i n \ r 7( CcTAwAi

R-R . ^ ' -A- , ■ \ T h a t

m m f i ' i m

■ A _______ __

FALLS D A IL Y r n M iai r C l .Iny:- Inler. May firiil. I Irrlici l l l l l l ** iihoiil tw o I

a l. 'r I ciilllviil..a wltli II bi-!in fi al'or. I Irriciili-.l fo r llic fo iirtlL t

I l l n I >'-t III.' ^ a l . 'r rnrf 21 li<.>IUI' ach Iilll... Hi.|<m- rrrlt:iillii».'

'ourlli llnu- t U'oi'ih'il tlioni. T w o i'IIOi\,I11UI. i;i 1 w....i|ril (lii.in f.ir tlio ;

.ml llm .'. tiuil IvrlKutnl r«r lUo I ( niiiioo ij'iiim;;], tti

UK. JniK' 1 .iim viiloil ihri'i^ 1*” 'V ' !’ i't'- ''. " '''''kH hit.-r I inlK i

I.......... Hiiio, illl.l a riiT Ihl.'i WilIlK I .-ulllvaloit lor llio hmi tl......... .Inly s <in I IrrlKiitoil Ilvu tivi-iy .'iirtil i la y ;-u |i to AuKimt 15

I'-roii. AiiKUHl U lo i; t .. .....lod forloit Ihn.'. Ttm wi'OiIk by llihi I Iilll a lu-oiiy k.iihI Kiiirl iiiiil ni

Ilioillir.:. ||^ |.,| Jj, y,., „ „ r ,^.|„,niil l*lli:Mt.TlK'.i' „ |j„nr. wllh lh..|ii, 1‘ waa bm.y

mitd v.v'l i«'UwTJTTriimoi-. li* iiiti'r I iii,, „ |, s..|iti'n ihoI -l' !, " ’I'h •f'lW'i.n fn iliv a lo r'' hi-.'w ilii'iii Inlo ro>i.ii liv lumil.til

'>‘Miio-n .uiy4i“ir .i.;r ,jiW i« .. m o for.- I »-ii« r.'iiily 1,1 l.ii> ..........

'"'■J, I .1 tioavy n-in.l. ri'oi'zlnc l!ioiii a ll ; luilsliiK '-li.-m worihh-Mi. . ' ,

J ..iiiliiuiioil '.lu- ylol.l ai .m o li '- (r.lll ami flliy t.ai-lin jii-r i.'i'ro.

In rimirim; tin- c.iiil ik t , h o u r ' niii-hlnory.D'.c.I 1 tii.il. t»i-lvi- ji.n-c

' ,( till- aniiiiuii lnv.'ti(..il In ilnr luarlii-hii. „ [ iiiv

0 Ki'o\> incliull'ni; lilli-n-nl,^~ ' i~777tir.i~i-?7iFT.i;inr».‘ 1 .iinrrt^'TX .V ill.' nuiuh.'r lif 'h .iu r;. llu- n'liiiili v,ij. lira.!. • . • .

" I li,'.\.- lotind olil lh a l rali.ini; oi\h Ihii'I Lilc-Ii ii.hin! Jiili ami 1 do.Ji'.'Ifi

* ''’'1 llili I .wonhi tiiivi' imiili!. iicoJli; ilKlr..! f I, („f 111,1. (rout.

,.£o,r... ,\ii1umiili I d ld n j .Rv-tr-ilnvllilil;: i ’ if III.- m.in-.y .'mV;«r.-‘lt. I l.iariio.l

I ' rtliiil.' lol ahoul onlntpi f iioy.-r i(ii ‘ ). i.iv..‘., I .''xiKT.i-i<i.^r«Vio qiiioim iw;i '■ i«vv ! liiKHiaWfffJK!*

riiniilm: I.n' iii>-iu-lf. 'lTft\vivrtv>'irn........ ” rtcirki-il .111 a liirni a ll 1

'iolnc to niiik.' f iirin lii^uf^ jv ;il-iitli I lu..-.' li'ila-ii u)..iiKHn»IliiEi,,«injI. f

ii.iiii..'ii -my,,,I Jin anrriml.Hiiiil; cQupii-^ciprl ;;ro«n j)],,,, | (mvii^bdpn"in iiclio' "f'*''' I oxpo.ri lo .:.mriniii- a m l'tn k i '-n ir 'f Kiottn ll, ,.(iik-Ki. If I i^iii,' |iiniiiU

iiian a ia '.lo x.'t llii'ri'. I h|.lh-vo II ,1 la rin i'r *0 11111k.- Iho hi-nt kiil-(-i.!i:1 hl.i viii-iiilon norihi 10 know a ll iih.

'' Ih.' tliliiKii tliat KO w llli i.nooi':iiil lluii> tiiTiiiiH" nwl viHiUiiw- l» 11

f . '‘'I’.'' lollmv Ihl- ......I im ivllcal wnyn.K invi.v , \vK t-i.iim .'si-;N ,

i_»f.l.i;t- _ ________________________________

' S m o if a« th e M ice1 <>»oi' ■‘ KuiiUk iiri' abmii iiu- slri. n t riiii |,, , 1,.,, wlu-ii I'lirii; Hayn .Vnliiro MasiiZln t'.l Un; fo r nlmi

four- •'"■'•I- 'v.-.’k'. ami nro V«t fiill-cr.iu-n f. Ihl... j ' “ »'' ....... ..

.. o .iiu» ,, . C c r f a iX .y <Vof

' • r y l n ; ...... . «h* .•..iil.lu't iiltor.l lo <11 11 u j 'iv o rru mi. 1—lain.lou Mall.I <ll'al.l -----------------------------------llviiim - i''(‘K SAI.I.;-.M..U'.'. d r. !.s ....... 111r i|i,';O xforthi. tili.irl liiM mil of ri-Ki>t ,. ||„ .,» tn < k . i:onil r.tyi.-,.., valiloi. l.> lll tr i n , ‘-lo 'il1R for J.rS.',, niirlii-r Sliii.. Co.

r f f c r ^I Mother is

Alarmed!io u s n c s s , c o a to f l t o n g u e , f e v e r i s h ic h — L lien is t h e t im e w lu in m o t h e r I’s S y r u p P o j i s in . “ M y s o u h n ^ since b ir th . A t th e n p c of' five lio h a d

ich a n d b a d bre.'itli I Im d lo ta k e h ini ! th e n I K.1VC h im S y ru p Pcp.sin. H e n n d MKin u a s b a c k tn .s»-hiK»l com ph-lely I J i e 'b a d e v e r be en luTorc'. l l i s a K rcat fo r r lii ld re n in w hicii w e c.m h a v e su c hinJ adJre»i m-ii( .>11 rr^otti.) _________

. o f O l t i F o l k sl lu ''f , ''-n l le , k ind ly n n iiin [ ’1|i.«in. N o p.n'n. Kri|M- o r *’; ' i - J K j S

'linK o f r i- 'lfu l i-om forl.

it llm f irs t ^ ipn o f i-.).ni< | i v . ~ c i ; . ; n .-id.ic-lii- iiiul ,sui-h tnmlile.-i I » t | u im ended tn a m illion D r.C jldw tirs

.... - .S Y R U PPEPSIN

. ■. W i l ! G o t S o n

i i

I ■ ' ' ' . '

rsfilLseHoetsi ' - i OPEN NEW TESvo (hiyn ........................ ■ - yi I oni. — :-1 ' ‘1'*'“ m :ill..--T Iu - ■'nrolliiKiil -Wod

(lily of lai't wcok In ih|- arJioplii lie la'p- f„iUiwn: Sonlnr IiIhIi 'ii(‘lfiiiil;U' lil-.;■ " '''■ '''• ib u lliu im .n u i: v : (l. .Hniii Jfmil.

I :!(», miikInK- a t.ilal* ^'rir<ilhi«'nl ' <» till’, to li'I onriillii

' " j ^ r llll- yciir i Iiiik far. Ihc ai- , '" ‘ i i n n h i - r altciidlii;; hi f.iun.'whai -

uml caniint hi- hU'cii null) III.' c 'fo M lK -!" ' «'*'ok a^ 'wt,. will fltl-n iiII iliiinM '”’ I 't l in t l ' niini!«.r il)-oii|n-d pci

n im l.-! '“ '" "> -im lilm :! ‘'" ''o llm .'iii in nl.>^I ..r>.y anii;*='‘'‘' ' ' ” *'* I'l'lainl-i.. \

hiiriivy lllll w iili Mil- r|ili-ndhl nihor o|it-rfttlon iiliown mi lln- iiari or„. ..... 11 toficli'onr. nnit‘ iiii|illH 'vi- look forul,iihn iir‘..’P^*^.-'ifitin!Hior of offlrlcnl work.

w f tiiid ; “ I’Ou't, noriniil o r a li l l le hi'lovy, r a ll Khil I im m b'tr iiii c .mii.ar.'il w lili o • _ , tii'liiWK^pr «i|inil iiiaiidln:; In hHkI. iiini-j hclnjvftffp.'jxvorax.'. ' ...............

* I TIilij'^Mi- (In- la'vm-Ml i-nrollmonl n r ' . o n llio IilAlnry or Ih(. lUilil xotioolg i.-rci-nV Die-or'i'HlMK of a .sorninl xi-m.-.sior. iap!iln(‘j .....'phlii wock 'li. ill.' liii'l w.‘ok fin- laoUlW, klMUvrn Ih lln-' ijvlraury urmlv- lo

: roll, T lic onrullinonl l» lai liirKo t^ T lilirf i-nT r'llnn r-lliiit wc ta 'nnoi ink.. ; iiiiiiakioj ,„ o r .: 'ln tbln Kriulo. n fto r Ihla w.

|A cllllil nuiHl I).- tinnt ilia iilxlli hli iii\hin-il,i„j. „ „ ,-,r iii.ti.i-i-,i.Vbriniry :is l o 'h..|frt-'-j m il „ i 'i i i in llmo. _____> ;kooiI | .T lm iitionihino.- a t the a ll Ii

: uchool iilayii Wiui very .Ki'iiiityi rl;: .oul Ti,o niii iiriK'n-dii won,, l l* . T

innn iy VIII h.. nni.il on. tlu- iiiiroli kni-w priy,. „ f „ pinii,, III,. ,

i .CIrlii* Hoaorvp room. Con..lilor.tlio iirJco of ^iilmlHhlon. 'J,'; iind

m„/ fi«L vh-w of tbo riii-l Ihut 111

«-or.i b u s k i ^ t xanii'H iliirliiii i

d p rln ish '- ''' '^ - ________KOIl S A I.I-;-W on icn 'irin ,........nw

' il l l« lr l« ' |>uiii|iH and oxlnrdii, valiioa fr " ‘" ‘ ''•yiJG 10 j:> In, ,:h ..r t 't.,tii, :.^..»l aivl

'•‘‘''■I"'- f"'' 5-.ilm.ll <’o ,-il.ly .

'I'ilHful I • • V - ' -


' ■ >


.•n for I -

lo ill-

' I'

I I . .

1 - i

V U lI 'V e h ave in sta

pcd to h an d le a l m anship an d rig!


'Omcthiniz:, AU Right

( 1 5 AID L tA V e . ■\ THAT RADIO A W N E { V /

■ DO Yo


k Two.Kind# if Sm artness.* *'0 m» trouble oii'l our 'way.** i

Unci" Kb(-n. -in d a tlir lakpji an Inl l U M illlfmit ItlH'l o ' ;j|nBrlue3ii to gl j l l i r l "iliw ll. tftlcoa

: . Ull do o m c c - e r u d lu W ." ............ -

Vodmfa. . . T y p L r i t c r ,. In‘ t : i l a li.ili'iit dll' Il.l. Ib'sl ty

u iil i- r .Mi~ i-1-i-IIi-.l hy lli-nrv 3la I .n a t ........ u;;im-:.|, (in im-i, \v.Hiirl ............. ll I'o.- IHM Anii-rinin ,

w'lii o t ,.iij|„i . ;ullin.'lil -------^r:raig.g r s y W T .-r- r

ii<i <'o- ^ ■ Aw \ - .ir lb .' J - \

'■ Ji'Ii' l - \ > ^ m /diK t'tiy W V \ \ /lonl In A \ J IIOI&., Ill 2 \ V

M ' ' V - \In l'n . f lH n

ir«o al

f lB jH B : nf l B H M H

lo .III- m g i B

I, IiIkIilityiiiK. Proved saf by millions ai


■ Hcadi.cii coU s i Tootliaclic

I d o e ; n o t a f

1 3^^1 .\»plrifl ll. 'I*.- »■' pnr» «l n i/ff M«


I TlW m T ires anc tubes

th ousan d s <nf extra i W e6 b efore ycu b u y .

LCAl i:ta ile d a vu lca n iz in g depa a ll s ize s a n d m ake? df tin ig h t p rices. W e so lic it yo

F r e d J F o s s C oiTATION.

V 5 0 lttE-m iN & / ■

wksM______________ V-----

• .- 'sroxDAY, .iA-ntt by nv;fit>27.

■— .1 ' 'E a r l i e t t 'a i t r o r M l .• nnirt Mlrroric oftKliwfl H kiLllauJwn'lrf Ol i* it ,(ir^ 1 v.iih'.* ill laiiii. uml J .W n c f*>in Uiom o filt a ‘5' r ''^ 'limn In coatrlvum-i-H i-ntnim nF^H hf llmno ol

_ , iniah'rn milk.-. -TUc ilmii. n tlPm pt lo '•■■l)in'.k lill- klnMS wlibjIlVor- ii* flioilo

' ] l.y Ui;hlK in IftSI. ^

i '"' I- ' ‘ '«l ty|H?. t SAI.K-W onnli'H niik, hojilorvry Mill. I w.r»i, i. an-V CliJffosNtuUblf..

| i'oIiir». niii-clnl. Itfiir'Jl ir. lU li 'r lw ^ fn i'c .> ,.-inlv. • ' ; , ■ ' . ■ ' . .11 " I ;

■ p 5 F

P i i #I S a m i p r e s c r i b e d b y p h y s i c i a n s f o r

N e u r a l g i a L u m b s g o

d i e N e u r i t i s R h e u m a t i s m

e f f e c t t h e H EA R Xr

A c c i . * p t o n l y ‘ ‘ P a v e r ” p a c k a g s v . ' l i i i j l i c o n t a i n s p ' r u v c i i ( j i r c c t i o i i S .;.:inilv ’‘Itiivi'r” ' lio\..|i nf 12 talilcto .Mi,j iKjl'.Irii'of 21 iiml 100~J)fnKgi»l«.

f M«..;.firiiifi. of ili'n.^frilr.rl.t.i.i.r of ^-.llrjlv»el.l

if6iie7.C .....

a n d

UBES28 that are d elivering a m iles . G et our pric

IZINGpartm ent fu lly equip* tires. F irst c la ss work- your patronage.

o m p a n yP H O N E 303 j!- .

— B y T a y lo r

7evEMeJ i , V ;!> w i L u f - . ■ f j — i -

' f

... Jt V

^ . . y / . ____________J

i i i i lI F I p S B

■• «.i . VF o n h « r I l l iu ia g e r o f S t . L o u is

C o rd ittiU s W a y S e c lc a t H im a o li 08 U a n a s e r ^ ’ P re B id e n t o f C lu b

— --------- B « fa M g ..t o - B tty - S to r.k - n;t - t lQBP e r Sbaro.

•*, ST. TX)UIS. Jim . n i—Ownoriililn o r 11C7 iiliiircn o t C nnilnal I'lock by Rok- orit IIomHl)}' liiiH nn conipllculoil hln tm io to Uio_Now Vorlc Olant* tlm l tho ilunl mtiy IiiVTo to lio.cnllcd off. bano- hal! 6ffIdnlN hintnil liuro Inctny. H ornnby, (onnnr m nnncor o r tlm chaniplonHlili) c.'itrdinulii. ban <lL‘min«I-

. l)roo|lon. jiriiKlilciu of llio r lnb , bnn rnfiwpil to imy n i iliid |irloi> imd Jforniitiy . (it Mill onldliMl lo vnto Ii Ih iitock. •

Siookholilcrii mc«t toinnrrow anil W illiam K. rn lil'y . llornBliy'ii n tiornpy “ jinnounccia forlay (hnt Jlornnliy wnidij

liltiiNcIf to th« lioiiril of ill* rt'c lo rn ir poHBlblo. l lu Ih IivIIuvhI trt havo Biirfleluni votliiK power lo «lo li.

ADDMMETS ^- - - ■ .11

I.6 .S ANOEI.KS U Y K STO C K .' , LO S ANOEURS. (^al.,, Ja n . ai.=A •

CaUlo nocPliUH. i m : m arke t:fftlrry ' ncHs'o. ' Htpnity:’ imIk niptfni. "98.2G09; bu lk Kbo-mock tGC>7; bulU calvejt, JOOIO. ■“

Hokii — n«r<!|ptH, 12nti; jiia rk fl: ------ « o » v o : .m p

13.60. ' 'S hoflp — lU-cclpoi. 100; none-W llli * '

n a rly ! Inmbji, JIO-Md?!;;; rwpx,7.C0.

rO R m N lV W J I K A T . P O R T L A N a,-p rc .. J n n . iU.—Wliwit

— H ard so ft w hite. T' $ I .33H ; wes^gra ^thltc. ILSSy^: hnn i *

w in te r. nortlio rn JiiirlnK. J l.a s ; | tfe« tcfn roil, 11.28. "■

• i T.OR AX(5ELK8 J*OT.VT«KS. a t • L O a , ANOELRS. Cai;.' Jnn'. .3 i:— co

ro tn to rii—Snn DI«eo nnd Concholln. W new Blocff, U. S. So . I mnHtly a tv iind 'mi 8e: U. S. No. 3. G\i®Oc; cn rla t xnlcii S a tu rday : Stockton imckeil loo« r r

^ wbltcfl, npcclnl bm ndn p ,2 !i: ordin-nr^ . one c a r J 2.<0. er

O reson «ackc<l .D urbnnks. tl.'ST N ’o.1. onn c a r 12.75.

N evada sacked Burbniikii. II. S. No. lui 1. ono c ar. t2 M . ‘ cJi

Idaho K aekM .m nc tff. U. a . No. 1. H'l ono e ar, |!.C0. ^

r o a n . A y t } j j v k . s t o c k .. PORTLAND,. Ore., Jan . 31.—C altle _

. —Rccelptii, 172S; tone of m arke t: a c tlro ; irteors. Eooil grndn ^S.CS^O; '

tS.SO ^^SM ; co n m o n . J6.7CJII 8 ; caiw cm nnd cu ttom , |6f(>S.7G; belfeni. cood. }7.7S®R; medltim nnd

, com m on, Ji;.76®7.7ri: b eet cown, cood IS.S0e6.7S : inotJluH) Jini) common.

■w .2008.70: cnlvpR. luctllum choice, is o jw u n d a down. IflfiJJ}; 190 to 2fi0 pound*, I 11.&O0 H .

■'*v a iog» ' ~ Ilcei'Jplfl, 2105; m arki-t: ' / . J n o t t l y 2B c .h lc h e r ; tnpdlum. goo<|.

■ chOlCB lCO-2ftO poundn. J12,8&013;200 to 2S0-poUndH. $ll.r>0«?il2.8G:' 2G0

____pounds up Jio.rio0 l 2; jiacklnK.sm ooth, hrnvy, »9.1i0O>10.riQ: pacKlnK. rou«b.-heftvy. $9.M O i0,60; s lu u n h trr ptRS,' 912.7C4M3; fisMlcrn iinil iitoeb* e ra . )13&13.6C.

Sheep — ItoooiptA, 2C&3: m arke t:M e hlR ber; InmbH. 84 poimd* down. Ime<llmn.t0 chnlco ) 10ii>l2 : <uU» und commonn. n il wplRbin, »s.M © li): w ith e r* I'.BOffMO; cwim. cdiiiimm «o choice. |4pC.r;o.

S o l v i n g t h e P r o b U ^TweW frjear-olU ^ J l i o u i y , llnnMy

rea d ied « lia t^ t)> ^ tc D e ii lo l>e lil t lim it o f axiuuiTon.' when d e n e r t wa« ■erred. Jlw m y a ta rn ) but fovod Ihe ■olotloo. t i e m c h e d for bl* bell b tick lt and 00 tlie ttd« of ■ lens- tfrsw n Rich «seU lin«d: “tiuttsa Til Have tn reur« t>ie decimal point two ^laiSa." „ .

^ f l r t s s i B H i A D Y a t i s a m s „

' n iO OXSOALN In S R. houiw>. 10th H ' G ettcn*! R««1 l> u te .

• ■ FOR SA U V -C Tt. ’ a o * f a m wUli baae.^Efll B«h a v fp g ^ g ta t.

rO R ■ SA L R — Women-* BCBUlne Zlppera, Z iD Pet, itattora, -v^luei to55.60, Cloalai: fo r I3.S5. b a rb e r Sbo« Co.—« d r . .


J -

.. • ■ ' ,

/ it;-..

'(m l.• lltid llic 5 t. Lo'uia C ardinnia been

d<-(uuii)d ;iii (Iio l!);!i>. world Bcrl<u, . ' ( ‘lii ik :' .ila rcy w ould bavo bcdn

iliv.kiuut Ida ivork «vas very or- |1 run.. I t now doV('lqpn [ i. ninviwl , ihriiuK lioul lliu Bone# wlillu suf- { i>-i'iiiR rion t a .aein;r« alniia alToc-- , ijf ij Krvuily«lut<)r/cn.-(J >rlili

lliu .vialuB'..'

I •

SENATOR BORAH■ (Contfntird. from p a w l)

tiu 'rn w ore ^^pol•tll of Incijisiwil nti- |llnnallfit nhd iiro-riintoni'iK- iicnilnii-nt ..iiHonff {}ir i?/wnBJinl tind P<'J;ftic poii- ,iilnec. ..MIHlnrr Fi>rc(>ti A jipm nrh Sliaiiitlial. ,3—M llltiiry rehnrtn d.i.n'rllMi.l tlu ' .

radJrnJ Ciintoncm- nnnlr.-i ii.i lirnwlni: clOHcr tn .qhanfilial. w iih n .l.'rb.lvc iJ i tl lc cxiiccinl noon wlililii idi.dlfln' nf th n t IIOM. Ciipiiir*' by lln- Caiiion- cm- o f SliaiiRlini, Irndinu uuil furrijcncnnter of llie O rlcni. iuIkIiI fore,, the ''lln lleil Slaii-ti to deal wUli lliat kov- 'ernm nnt d ln tt lly an ilii- llriilKli »re *now dolne. .KelloKS'ii iirniinnt imMlilon ‘Ih th n l Iio will deal only w iu 'i ''jo in t ^dclcmteH of both factions. «

\ fT* • - - ' \

I - — • ' I

' C Q N G R E S S T O D A Y ^

• • ________________________ _ (

'SfCN’AT/J — Rcmmie* connldcrntfon o tuarn t-npD m prlflttoo jrtlU T -S u tiic tn rr ^ commiiteo coniddoHi ' nom ination of i VVlIllam J . Tllnoni nn Jtiduo of nnw f mWdJc G carKh }iiiUc}al dIflirJct.

IIOUSI'- — HiileB commltleo conitid- ~ e rs ru le fo r McNary-UauKWi fnrm n - llof lllll; m llitnry coimiiltieo ronBlil- er« -Mimelo Sbo.nl«, i

. I - IrO R SA Llv-X Inn’n atul lioyn’ mpil- t

lu m 'w e k h t Nhoeii. va lun i tn |n.r>0, IcJojiJnw for JJ.!).'>. JJnrJjcr'.SbOH (TO.— 1adv. ~ -1

- 1W bon you npo<l a Job ime The T im es '

m in t colum n. '

D ^ i U Y ° : i R' (Coa»lMtrUtiitt41-m>>



"U Bly* MvumUls*'FJiltf br A. D*ektf CeandM

(WtAF n 6 o K -u r j

------ H) N<skl~n-t*^-^V•*^t------ ------- --

(d) 71/ lyu fitl' £aeU>r{^l( ,l U m m , f tw(I) Tilt atmct t f lln Tr*U,

iSiaiiaiM •n>r|R<l «lpi>bnlc*Ur tir cllk*. )-.i>l c.JuiBn UMtni T<n«. m«.«a<l,«>lMnn C<ou>l SUndiid T1b«. M<remljAlcfal ;>»>r ■‘(UIO.}(E .it«n> * C«Btr«l S U » U rd T lp a )

- * . W U , ATLANTA- « a a j—» 0 k. '7:M *:00—SitkMl o( ibc ><r. t:!a r.:Xl—iKueikia brUcc ftm r » :» WKAK.

iiIlioo ia:M—WIIAL. U«Dn OKbntit

^00 } :» —Pn<r»*> <r»m WEAF.T<lk« tn i (front.

l;<M ; .OQ—ttn-cil pnifrsmt.WICC. BMPCEPOKT—T tl.t —1» » k.7 :ti *:M—OrrhniiM ninlc.

-------------w c jL - n j r r n u t s w - w * : ------<-}0 ) ;)>J— OKlwitra.

. a.uo : pa-rrac<«n* in>»i w e a k . .s ,WMAK. AinTAt.o>—n u —in o k .

5-.U-Me*ie tIak. rr.U**.,S;04 >:0«—B««Ho Tb~ir«.

■ a ^ 7:00—Pra«na>« lr«ni V//Z.! l ; « , ! : S = S i s a ' : ' " ' -


;.99 «:*»—Kflwf*. »•»»/«. wimij »')S rtM—PMt'Wn >r«OT WCaF.'.rs.r ,‘s . t s f c f t S ; , ‘S ~. ctftb. _

- . ■ .■ ; . . t r W I N ]



- 'KeHt-itf'dit^-fvnfKm-fur-rue-W ln'-ViiUroliiHs lliipert'H V lrl.iry Ln<.f V dny .NlRht .W nn Dnn Ui I’ua ls lin i in QnluloU (iAmi*H Wun ('In'

Tho T w in P u lls Briilna will mc th e fast H uporl rjiilnlct of ilin <>a end to n ig h t 'n t .’’.raO In tlio Tw. V'allfl Kymniislum aud a l.nrKo cron la oxpucted. Wo are no l jslven i ullhln. bu t the Hnilnii lonl Ihn Ran

.ii^ .lm i . r r ltlnv_<!venlng on fonts i . 0)1 s lra lu h i liaiikelbnll. The camc w: very clone a ll th e way IhrouKh. TJ; ncorx a t tlio end of }lie th ird qimrli' Htood 19 ll*. 20 In favor of Kniioi b u t In tlio hint a n a r te r Um Uii'iiei

, gu ln te t forced ahead la rse ly tm ton ;hrott-s,

T iie I lru ln s had ir. foulii M llejl o them mill lliiiioit w:\h penalized bu five lim «s. Thl» h1iow« (bu t ihn win

----- HlnK -w w»r«.t-wor«-nuido-jac*uily—afroo throw n becauiie th e final »ror wall 2H 10 21 in fnvor o f lUipnrl.

Tbn Urulnii will hnvu iioiiio advnn la p o 'lo u lK lit In tlifil th ey w ill li

_ 'playJnK on tlii 'ir ownJlflQT and C-onel

Il ’lamlno asHiin'H <in iliaiV tho kph ' w in look d ifferent a t llio ' cloiio «> Ihl. cnnieiit.

Caplnln IIctIhcIi will hn In lh< Clime from thn iitnri lonliihl suid wc bellevi! will do tllir iie st' Yrork thn

• lie him dono thin seunon. HoUbi Mar ''* lln, left forw nrd.'lH koIuk Htrt'inK ani

will Imi nt hln hent. K elly, who nl ways plays n^^faiit Rmno w ill bo no- InR the lim it tonlKht and In czpecteil

‘ lo m ake Hoino ii|ii-ctaciilnr plays . Wiird n l enn ier nnd Neliion a l rlclii

~ forw ard will a lso I.o in llio .K n n ie^ J; O lher DeelHlie (Jami-K.

CondinK com es here fo r it «ami' „ Krld.Ty rvenltiK and tliiji in looked nn

an onn flf th e dcclnlvi; nami'H of llie .. week bocnuKe the race on Ihe norih

ttide itcems- to he h lw eo n , Condlnn .„ aiiil Jerom e. > 'iler baa defeateil n Gooillnr In iw o Knmuu bu t on Uin o th­

e r hand Duhl dofoaled tho T ile r WlldcalH no lho dojio Is aomowhiit

_ upacl.T he o ilie r contcnl nf Inleroat Is Uio

Jcrom c-Qoodln(; batllu nex t T u ew a r. Onodinc defeated Jerom e a w ecl^l,jj^ and the T lso rs nro o u t fo r revcnKe.

n I 'l le r w ill have e a iy plcklnea wftli r •K tT nngnyniiin ' r .tmh " »u n m white ‘f n iih l w ill lnko on H asolton nnd llaR-

oniitin. both easy f^amen.

I - ------- • ' • •O w U E n d e d M ic e P la g u e t

I- Or.-ttt ISritaln tliniuichout ti.o cen- lurJca hns »uff/-riil from w nny pcrl- odlc .p lB ^va of mii-e. In l» iO a n d n tln -

I- tm-flU durliin th e n e ji th ree centuries ), liordM <it ihiHk* KMinll rodentii oj>-- |M-nnil In on^ or ani.tiier p a rt o f Kiiu-

-land, suy* Ciw ri^-lr.- • tiTm o m ailt- . tudes of tniee wen.. Invariably foi- „ lowed h£ cri-at fllchis o f owls, \vhlcli

en tirely deviroycd tliemi ■_

R i ^ D l b P RtuT> (a») — '

.WLW. CINCINNATI—4U J —} 10 k.'7:00 k:00—Am<ii<*n inutic Miict.7iiO l»Bca exlioti*. I~~ ll;aO 7i00—Uiciictln uui quitUl.1:00 ■:0O—Sloru Orthnlr*.

WSAI. CtWCINWATI l t» »—H» k.7:0« 6:OO^W.SA1 Sirieii .................... '■ ;0I 7:00—I'lOtKxo InioiVeAF.

'/ 'w T A M l'^ V u IlA K o iS ^ ^ I6:00 S;00-Si«ie Tb»M«. pto«i«ia. I7 m> kiOO— •nocs't OrUM»l»..S;00 7iOO—'roitim* Itoitl WKAK.

’ 'wKK? « £ ^ C u 5 l3 I lw » i^ M *0 k.e V4 O e tlftn .?;jJ“ «:3»-SIiinM: O rtfw im .-----------•!


- . m . «:JI} liJO—nh<if ■•«*: ttuinr).Zr. 13'00 t l;M - U«krr Oithcttu.W w o e DAVtNfOur—a « - t j o k.

liW 7:06-lhi.»ii«* t«ni WKAF.lOiiO »:J0—l.»ciur». II. J, Halmtr., ) '*'®‘’|tOA ^D SJV £i-S*L21i»)8li. I

t:09 tit.” w H o.‘ o E l^ o w 'e l$ L 522^ $ » k-lOf) 7:i0-B«Bd roBctu.» !» «;J0—P«ol Snrr. fK4Bi»*.

IS'Ui II .00—Th>Meiur»'i Oi<1>rttrv >' WWJ. D K T * o rr-a « tj-« ja fc .

J '* ' 7;ooZ % 2 « i '’' ^ w ..

' e ^ t oo *:00>-Mt»ic:’ C>ni«r« »>e(ran.I :J9 Caacm b*>^V-JO •:>0—Mlmlrrli.WHAFi FO»T VfO«TM-4r**-^410 k. t ' lo ;:J0—WiMnrr (!•«<>•>• Tos.

lO'M »:M—CV'i F.RHSiUc. .■- k.

I ' S ' ,

« :a i ID»—v jw tr «n«r»«.

. ’ S v ? i S i S 3 e s c 3 . - = . o t


g iR ic i jL n M r=

t ' (ConttBOoa-tTom P a te

I T he wool m a rk n aniiciir-H'flrin. tviui no ninrlii-d pricu ciiauui'n In itli;ln.'i'he

I f m proscn t slluatlon in Ibe Meimir umt'- H ' l k « dofas no t w nrranl ^trt(ii?r iixima- i l l nlon of producllnn at (li<- ini'Mrni.

Tho dairy induxiry is on n iilrniii;er ,1 baals than , a yi«ir aun. Datrviiion are

, I I I tc J r 'tin ra f i^ n /ip rn fp Jr- r rn T T jrn iiP ! ^ spread botwecn the p rice nf frcil :n,d "‘i tho Tirlco of dnlry prmliicls. l liive. jKHiIti-y prnducers t h mont

fiK lhinn o f Ihu rm in lry nw y '<•*!>< rl ji fairly aatlafaclory y«-ar. nliliouKh i» t- hiipa no t u s pro'fliabln as lliifi. a

T"'*'* m oderuto Increnm' In e sc iirodnciinii roivd nnd no decrcawt in jiou ltry innrkeiliiB n to Ih exnectcil.?aniii_ , Potntrj Kro.wera nhnnld uuaid 1 nnl j ;ii.-nlnsl tlie (lunnirr <»t overtilniitlna. w as and knep cloi'i' wnlcli on nereuKi'ii lie- The ini; planied In ttinilielini; »talnn.

ir le r Swuet potato ncnm ae nlioitlil hir Jn- iperl c reaaed only by Kroweni whii neeiLUio ipe rl Increnat'd nupply for tb i'lr own iisi-. foul w bo.ean dlRiimie nf ilii'lr ci-np In the ir

local liiurldaK nr whn ran iilfonl lo 1 on prodiico u crop n( J<nt- rum.

but Any Inerentie In rnbliaKe ncience win- over 1U20 In likely to reioili In in.

nil erenspil pm'liiciliMi wlili iierrHnp-iiiy- r„r ,. Ini: lower jirlcoM,

Onion m;re:iK?' nluiDld lit* reiluped I’jin- nharply (o prnvcm an exrex.ilve m ar-

1,^ ket iinppiy. Tlio nnl look for Ihe ISer- ineli ninda type appcnfti falrl>*-Rnod. c,,.,. I 'ean arreaKU should he reduci'd im- I (fer taht year's nrr<'iin<' lo iiiwcnC iiii

••xeesalve supply, varyini: with type ;if

w,'! ^ of. I’riilt I’riMhii tliiii.Ihnt tuniliu'tloii III lip '. ward mill expannlim-tif niToiiKe would ' nol be Jtiitilfleil excepi innlcr uniisuiil.

ly tavorable comlUlon-i. H ow cw ?, u " crop of fru ll a s ln n :e ’ti* Ibal of lant

. f " i year, which whn due lo tho uniform ly fnvorable w eather. In nn t likely-lo-oc- cn r very often,

ii.iii Tiip apple IndiiBlry In npproacblns a mnre htnhlUzt'd rondllloti', bu f wllb

N averaKP crop, p rirea will nudonblediy be hlchor iioxt, aeaiton. fom m erolnl

" " ^ihiullnsH am hardly Jncliried a t lho 1 1'* preiii'iil uxoiipt wbiTr' local'production 'r lh o r iiuir'kvl ponillllnna a re ununiially llni: favnrnbli!.ileil S traw hnrry rctiirnii pnr aero, wllh Ith- nve rase ylubts. In l!i27, prohably will Her bn cnnalderably leii^ than Iho nvorace ha t fo r the punt tw o yearn. Acrongo has

increased eonsldet-ably nnd cuiillon lho aboillif bo exerctseil by H'row«rB wlio la r . coniom plalo Incn-aHini: arreaKe lhis

aprlnK.iKo. Red and a lslke clover aced produe- ■flh; .tlon.. xliould h/i iacraa ij^ _ b^noKO of

nn- p rices next fall. The area of nlfnlf.i nnd, aweei clover for seed ahould no | ho Jiicrenncd. /i« prexenl proiliiclJon Jji m ore than am plo lo lake «'iir« o f rc- Qufrements.

en* SuKtir prlcea aeem tn bo trcndinR !rl- towffrd bljjher Irvels. w ith world pro- In- dnctlon below tliaa t-o f laat year nnd Ics Incroniitnc couBumpilon. Crow era In ai>- well oatabllsheil augur beet dlstrlcU , iiB- w here nildqualo yleWa can ho oxpccl- 111- ed w ill probably find ll advnnU ceous roi* to Incrcaso acreaKO up to factory ca­tch (Kiclty If aatlsfactory .con tracta can

lifi Hocui-cd.

K Q G R A M( iir) (CM), .» IW ^O ^.M U ^ BBACH—M4-4->«0k.

I f “WCCO,*MrU.-»T!'rAUlIr^f».4—»J# k.

I m ’ WCAV.

* wsh] ‘rZ w y iL cfc ljU sa^-y etc k.♦ ..[to *:0IV—l*fofT»Bi ,lro«ii WEA..

i r i i i ; l^» in B « i »n>«T*n>• :00 7;0a^SludJo pror»m. '_____

?:!S : S 3 S S S ' r S S f i « . , ■! ; J Sa:M 7 l>o»tcl.

t s i i i S S S ' s v r ^ . - . i .

I, »:?*•■ ? tl t~ttoiif.'» lT!!iX r^ C > S .

smm .. . ? ? 3 . I S ! ? S 2 r S S i r " ‘^

i:s ; ; s t s !u = « - ,a } ., ______________ S ja _________

L ” ! g L i ' V —Y o u r O n e Z / ^ v

O p p o r - ' ^ ( ( l

. t u n i t y o f ; . J : V i i

1 ■ . a - -iviii, • ■ ' L i f e t i m e '

1 GOINGOl:nilp- —--------^—---------- :-------------,™ ' D r a s t i c R e d u

' l i W e l l C u t V

iiiiK ' . G i n g h a m

E . House Frocksl ie - — —

j „ . F o r m e r l y 6 9 cXlio Now ill llie n]i|>nrtuiii‘ timeiiNf. lo imrriijitiu three nr fourleir hniiiii' fi'ocka while rhln value

lo III nhlailiiiblo anil ihe nii»nrl-r»Kf. iiii'iJl J.-i'rom;ilr'le. iii:e Cnuiptnii- run nf. alzi'ii. AllIII- alzeii ave lie re; al/.ea ;n ex trany- hirm '.'iiiaU inr. It jawsllde fnr

every <im- lit In iiiin iJ .y ilW-—f i'd inwii otfurcd li'i ilrfS Kreaieni.a r- of aalea.'cr- lUIJ .HAI.i:

SJ’K nA L ,,'............ ' 4 / C

' m m m m m r n m m m m m t m m

I v a n h o e U n i o n s

lid* Prirninr .litii; valui-n In 1ndl>'a‘inedtiim v.'t'lKlit rollon un- Iona: Ihitcli . n tck . elbow

. . . alcnve.'ank le leiiijtb o r knee •,lv IflHKtb: \al*ea :iG to 4 4 -« . 1»U n a l k

Hl'ECIAL ................


2 C o l o r e d S a t i n e t t e sOli Viiliii'H form erly 49c: In a llIly llie wnnled idiadea—

111(1 SALIi 9 7 i * llh SrK C IA L...... ................


Iio h i n t z P r i n t s , |'■a A coniplctl* lino of pa llern s;

a .v a lu e form erly 49c a y a r i l ' lll l i S.U.K • Q 7 r t

“I .H n u 'iA L .......

S p o r t O x f o r d s

Up i''n rm cr J4.0.’; valuca In tnnc . and b lack ; aonie w llh IW-„ j trae ilve llr.ard trim m ed isf-In feels: an exeeinlonal oppor-.la. ;un lty—It- ilKi SALK C Q 9 Q,is Sl'ECIAJ................

Men’s All-F o r m e r $ 1 7 . 5 0 I

Now is tb e tim e to toko ac a ll wool, woU tailo red suit sty les and othcn> arc belted

: v . . R e g a r d l e s s b f F o i

S u i t W‘A n o pportun ity like th is c(

' — >'on w ill be 'w ise to stippl ea rly whiJc t t e f l«st.

S a le P rice -r " i 1 n i l / - • I i f i l

W o o l e n . ^ h i r t e ‘

.O ut tnuAt fio tbpne: fan ry . nil wool p lald ab lrls ; f o m e r .

w lU M ti> »8.9S—n i( ] KAI,E O O 0 7 W B C U L __

: M e n V E > r « i » H a t *. f : .n s f t I2.4G vatuca I n 'u . aa-

> fo rtm en i o f a h n d n and a trln in i f l HALR C l 9 0

. I S P E C U l ,----- - -

M e n ’i B a jm * B d t s• 'F B n a e r t9 e valoea;, fa vM er u d na rro fr Myle»— . '

i - w a RALE « 4 a; - S r E C I A L .-----------------

' I ; . S e l z ' » I X - . ;

j 8bM Md oxlartU; ' tkIum i • form *rl> n M i n a y b« ^ a d

?la blwHc « r BMT taa-^ dw j j t i iL E .. S l j i 7

tS P S C U L

b)M©e ®MERCANTILE I l S i ' C

T W I N F A L L S , I D A H O

UTotBUSlNu q t i o n s i n E v e r

V C h i l d r e n ’s Sn

COATS FO^ __________ F o r m e r l y V a

T here a r c jMSt 3U coa ls u) (lrnstii;ally .cut fe r qu ick dia

- E v e r y o n e M l

e R e g a r d l e s s o^ 8 0 these coats nro o ffered I

f irs t tim e durin.-' Ibis sale." MnterialB ore kr-nhaa, novelt;

f sciisoii's m ost desired shndi- --------------^ - X y p i c a l - G o l d e i


• SPE C IA L .......................................

Silks Must Go! !1' lti'i:aidl-:;!; of fiirlner p rin -

IIU'‘ .' fin., j.ill;;: t|ii|.,( a ll l.e aold In Hilii Ui'.i'a iid fnrmnl

0 • (laile—tl.C;i e t'.pe lie i Ii Iiu'k' .. SLI!)

k J2.4S hil.-dr e r i 'p e s ........ #1.117' }2.4fi satin fared rri'iii 's $1.37

s Non-K ling Kloth1 f'’o rm i'rly .irie a ya rd v;iliii'n;.

In n il Hie iieedi-d iiliudi'ii~>, n ic .SALE 9 7 i »

K PEM AL ....................A I V

L ingerie FabricsIn novelty woave and flK- . iirod i'ffcclH; form i rly 49e—m o /SALE • Q Q n

_ C o m f o r t S l i p p e r s

Tboae n llp iirra I'ormiTly wild a t J3.4r.; m ade of lo f t Idarl; k id .te n ib c r ic you will fdi.I Ibom coiiiro itab ii' »» well ns dn rab le—liH i SALK C i o e N fE C I.lL ............

1 - W o o l Suits9 to $24.50 Values

advan tage o f a rea l savinff in juits. Somo a ro in p lain bacK Led o r sem i-bolted styles:------

' o r m e r P r i c e s E v e r y

M u s t G oI come* only once in a lifetim e pply yo tir needs now and shop

r 7T~:~r:$4^7B o y s / O v e r c o a t s

Form er J7.4S to J 9J1S va lu fa * hi alri'K C to IC year*; now

U Uie Hnie in buy—

...u.s^K i d d i e * . P U r S u i t

■SSc oae-nlece kbak l- « u J U ;,,* 1*M 6 to Jl yr>at»—W« SALE A 7 l » '

■ R P t r i j a __________ w i V

P la id ‘Dress H ose. Tr a n e y colored a o v a ltr lw **s- W f o r a w S7c v a lu t t— ‘I .u a SAIB • 7 | » 1

; . ; v s c h o o i : s ^ ; E

' U.45 rklnef la b07«* .rtitn ir . tW, .aeboot ■hoM.abown t a b U « - ; K

u d u n bay bot^ ! H ,' sn > H A U m m H( .; sP K C i i i . '‘r —

Y T I - n l l / W A n E v e iPJ J 1-1 fP J AlwayiV ' C a J ! i i - t o - B e - ^

VCOMPANYiO. bered ,

NESS SALEi r y ~ D e p a r t m e i i t .

S m a r t l y S t y l e d

OR SPRING/a la e s to $9.98Ul wijft sn o w ^ jf u jjd iJ ie y ^ n n r” d isp o sa l.

Must Go! ! ! ! i o f Cost! ! ! !ed foj; y o t tr in s p e c t io n f o r Uid

i^elty tw e e d s a n d tw il l s i n th e liades.

d e n J E l u l e - V a l u e s _

^ . L F A N D L E S S

- ■.... $ 4 .6 7C o r s e i S ' B r a s s i e r e t ;;

AH miiHt KO In th la d ruaticprli;it ou ltln it siilo— '4!)r rayon brnsalrruii........93e.' 'f*S/! Hli'lpei) J>rtt*a3orwi....07c$2.a!l onfiicleltea n o w ....fU 7 ‘ '$2,311 Kulio coraeta........•IJW ' ,

. 1

J I . [P l i s s e C r e p e s ^

AJJ I'o liirs nri> liero: n vnJtio ' fortiii I'ly 2rm il yard— • ' C liU: SALE I'Ta-;

^ E l ' l A L .............. i V . ]

A c m e O u t i n s r .19c qunllty In alr1|>oa, p la ids !and checks— '' S<llld SAl.E • \.SI'ECI.IL ______

L —. M i s s e d S h o e s -

IJim ihle .calfaliln a b oes, In '■ jilnck o r i« jj; fo rm er fS.08 ( viiIupk; a ll jia is t ko— ".

kh; .s.u.e o<| 190 *n n : c m . ............ <’■


C o t t o n , a n d ' W o o f

B L A N K E T S : SOoM B lo o k e ts ' ^

..............- 6 S r : 6 4 £ 7 6 ■-------(A Kood aizo co tton b lanket, fo rm erly aelllnR.Rl 11.98, o t . . fOred now a t n p rice rem ark* nbly low—

Sale P r i c e $1.37 1 ^' To « iiiMi to LM t ? ^ P K .''‘j W ^ B B

A ll W oolF o rm er $6.98 V aloM .' '

All wool d a rk s r e r f l o u i U e ' V ^ | 3 b lnnkcui; al«o <0z7«:

' • i n n n t - r o i i --------- •

S a le P r i ^ 3 . 8 7 * ^ ^

IS.9S valiies: -In «ai ,fereo t «reave« aQ^d,’c 6 1 o r i i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Ball r h o l n wool p a tli | i i t fB lfi N ia B •. • s ^ g e e ^ HKPECUL

. F u a o u i ' 1T i i i i f l w y n ^ \ t i i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ B ro rn c r '« s c

, ■ bocB a n d xmakA


y- -rovn .

J TWIN FAlLsl- ' ToDUshed E r e r r E fe p ln g E zc cp t i

CompoDT. Tw in I. -H. M ASTERS. B<J

■ ,itoW f*tf « t Uie l y i a ffa lW Posto lll ' D ally PubUcnUoa,

: ' . F A IT H IN

] ■ * >, . (Ily J . A. llll

; Faith in Idaho, the bra^f! pie of the state into one force ' ho, was the spirit that permea

Tflnhn State Chamber• recently under the name.

Representation w as state• south and the east delegates

gave the business, of the congi a lH G l delegates re'gistered re over the state.

R. E. Sliepiierd of Jerome congress, sa id early in the cr m eeting it was .ih'c intentioirrr behind the scenes of Idaho,” 1

. joum ed they realized lhat the} good look.”

• Idaho’s nineteenth legislal gress and held up its sessions hear what experts on taxation

.Legislative committees on Imn touch with the congress worlci pubh'city which was adopted b subjects wero pai-iunount in convention.

Probably-never before in• euch a vast store o f inforinatii

place and so freely and alily |ii ere. Figuratively, Idalio unde and every phase of life in Idah( ed ab ou t Beautiful Idaho, int

■;hO— all expenenced the touch delegates the benefit of their 1< 1 A s a result of its two days

eji- resolutions acce|)ting and e Baldridge’s* suggestion for ad\ I d ^ o and recommending an £ plow, recommending an appro aflce of a state tax department

- school tax, favoring serial bon< litical subdivisions, urging adoi

■ tem -for a ll political subdivisior a ^ in s t the adoption o f a n y ^

• ‘mg-i -urging the legislature to :ui for all subdivisions so that 50 voteis of anj subdivision shall

‘the election is valid, opposing .which tfiight hast^m the cutTinji jeopardize the walereheds and tive memorial asking congress t

•meadow from Yellowstone pari- a, reservoir 9ite.

’The bo£M*d also vniod to c .yitation of the Nortli Idaho Chai a summer m eeting o f the

Idaho next summer. Th by Senator Donald Callab.'un, p ho Chamber. '

-------- -President.Sliepherd calledThursday morning :md inlrodiu

-ridge who declared Die need fo . a state chamber of commorco.' 1

in Idaho hy Idaiioans and advm ' at home bet'ore il could bo sold

the idea of a Pacific'Cnnsl cliai ----- Idaho’s connection v th il. Pn

• • dh ability to g e l crops to ni;\rlu*L salvation o f the I'nlorniouiUnin c and Idaho should palmnizo iliiii encouraged to coiuo to li the advantage ia iinitual. Gum warned. Keep it line. :in<I uitli urged. H e advocaied incivasi by ciittjng down acrea.irc.' . Id second to" none in lhe ciiuinry. where are in a boiler j)osiuon i section of Idalio.

President Sh^jjherd’s nddiv year’s work and tne stnde.^i ihai 1 ing the general thought o f the

• doubt,” he said, “whellu’r there historj’ o f this sUite when ibero fidence in Idaho as exisLs at tho

J»e_rd'gave considerable tim e toproblem. H e estim ated the

dollar w as less tlian'50 cenu^. “ bits-and.it Is not !>eyond possihi

, , ' ”V • Mr. Shepherd .‘iaid that do

• •nRocky TOountains never came Iv > ^ Qfr ttiem and that as far as• Big^ijst-thihg that ever happens

• ! A n geles and the resultant markc• ; TRe plan o f publicity as out! tem plates advertising in eastei-n

_ ITie answering o f these advorti ' pfospect" for the chamber to cor

' benefits accruing from thestate and Ujat therefore-htT felt

. fm anclai resDonsibilitv.

)t Sunday by Tbo Time# Vubllnbln» irln Kalla, Idabo.Editor aod Publlaker.

ortlco na Second CIo m MnHor a> a loa, A pril 11. 1918.


Ili.r;ia.'rfldof faith tluit Kinds the peo- le working for the good of Ida- eated the fiJ'st annual m eeting >r of Commerce held in Boisei h e A!l~lTtgii7rc o n g rc s s -----------,tc-wide.' From the north, the !S came and for'two. full days igress their . c l ^ atlention. In re))resenting'1o-organisations

lie . r e -e le c te d p re s id e n t o f th o c o n v e n tio n t h a t fo r th e fii-st

t r rg iv e - th c -d e le g a le s T a —” liiiL before the congress ad- Kjy had been given “a darned

;la^UBi_i(U)k n o tic e o f th e c o n ­n s f o r i ia l f a d a y in n r d e r lo Dn h a d to s a y on th is su b je c t , n n i ig ra t io n w e re in ' c o n s ta n t ■king o u t d e ta ils o f a p la n of i by ih c c o n g re ss . T h e s e 'tw o ■ m th e d isc u ss io n s b e fo re th e •,

in the liiatory of Idalu) was tion bniught'l'ogether at ono presented to attenlivo listen- denvent a major operation, iho was looked into and talk- ndustj-ial Idaho, official Ida- ch of experts w ho'gave tho I* knowledge.vs o f work the congiuss pass- i endoising. Governor H. C.‘ - dvertising the ivsources ofI a p j i ro p r ia t lo n f o r th is p u r- iro p r ia tio n f o r th e m a in to n - »nt, r e s p e c t in g a s ta te -w id e m ds f o r th e s t a t e a n d a l l po* [o p tio n o f th e b u d g e ta ry sys- ions o f th e s ta te . . w a i’nin.fr 'n n t r ie d th e o ry o f m in e ta x - ju n e n d th e b o n d 'e le c tio n lav ; jO p e r c e n t o f th e q u a l i f ie dII bo required to vote hefon; g svstem s of forest laxation iig o f forests wind llieroby id approving a joint legislii-s to segregate llie Falls rivei- . u-k so that it may be-used au

) consider favorably Mic in- lainber of Commerce to hold Ue Chamber somewhere in rho invitation w;us exlendet!

pre.sldent o f the North Ida-

.m1 the m eeting lo order on liiced Governor H. C. Uald- for such an organization as

H e encouraged more faiili vnoated the .selling of Idaho >U1 olsj'wliore. He suggested lanilier of commerce and •*r«*: periiy, he siu'd. -depends u*L at a piyfilal)le ))asis.-Th.'I coiintrv Is the P^ ci.fic coast ill markot. Capitaljiiust lie 1 but it imist he shfiwn tljat lard pul)licilv. Ihi' .u{>vernov itliin rc;is'>n;jh!<‘ hoiin<I.s, lie ising tlie number of faniis Idaiift s .iiri.uati’d section is y. lie .said, and farmers no-I than tliose in tlie irrigated

liess oovi'i'od a review of tlu'II liave lK*en m ade in ehang- 10 pCMiple of the stale. “ I [‘ro has Iieon a lim e in the ’ re w as as miicli sound con- ho present lin ie .” .Mr. Shep- lo a rbscussion o f Id ah o ’s ho -ivtiirn on :!io l.dahn tav“I IbinU wo should got six

ihilitios lo got .on’ oohis,” ho .

dollni-s .coiny east of the liaek unless we paid intor-

is Idaho was coiice;iiod llio led was tho creation o f Los •ket for Idaho products, utlined by Mr..Veaiiian con- i-n and mid-western papers. nisemenLs makes a “ live loniact. Mr. YeamaiKirgiiod he idan would touie to ifio It the sUUo sliouldTnVe the

Puhll«hed by eo«rte*y of Film Bi From tl)e p ic tu re "A RsquI

. / - CH A PTER I

TU B MADT3RAS nODEO I Tho old-tim er romfived h i i I

v lll i ft Inritu band aud proeoodud ^ tan blmsolt.

••JobiiDy.** ASld lhe old-ilmor, ” >0 - deon Kln't w hat tboy uiud to b , Johnny , ft BUantfc oow-nma. t |l a - j ftnii'inntlvQiy, b u ie o ld no U iln £ " l

Johiiny," coollnued ibo old-tlm . ^ d u s tiac (tio ahloy (0{i o f b(q he ISe w ildly w ith hln ba t. “Ibo old aui________ipiH !>n hot, fth' th e Hcencry el, ciiaaKca n nitto. oz cfp llo ' wbine . tbcin dliicod diide-rnnchot r 'a r thi VC ornory bead* on tho rftORe. on*

in Ml thu ihluRs au ,?d pill Inio t in olil W est Ji-Mt nbout muddlQ uio

Mino nn Iboy uiutii. T bnt la, Jo l iiy." nnld (bo old.tlm or, drawl blinncif un com rortahly on a 'co rr

, rail oud ux(ractini: (bu "mttklns 110 froiii a hiiRo vcm.nockot. "Ibnt v f i7o}jrinj:. «II ^ ico p t Oi<i Tl

rodcon. Johiioy. nro Koln' plumh

nillilly Icrrlblo look npjiKared !□ h Ml Biin-bloacbuil kvi' s aa ,bo blow ll

■uiotii, bi^ttvenward.Jotiiiny Irelil ud a capable-Iooklt

n - bniid., “ Now. Oftddy. I ftln’t a im in '

bw ir no hcd-tlmo etorlos. Hold yot ;l . bosn«t. Cluck to 'om . T brow yoi

, bRu<l hone* on 'fm . bu l ntup ‘ot 'causo K 'a yuh don’t Jofjoay'ii w l

) [ t« do som e ta ll b ik lu '. Jo«t n

le •. '■ ^ /2 S ^ P r ^ \IS


- 1

' •^Jnter'.uct .Wft. Johnnv." ' to iiv* a n n ertr .

quie t nn- wntcb, daddy. Wild lllir; I bccu dua4 r i 'In ' nu n irh a Uiuu^unc

years . 1 rockou. Wh<ml"! T he old-llm er Rrlnai-d. “ Hu ain'i. M duad tlinc nic iidan uv hln * don 't gu t ft pinch o' (luloi 111 tlii'K.

parlB. Johnny." Ii.i lohiili-tl 0.'ii|> )y. un>) Jobany looked u t blm db guaii'd ly.

I- " liaddy .” bo drnw lcd. •'<iomctlmef. ■ 1 tb ink yim'v« Koakrd III >ici ............

-Btucli-»uii»bliio ih a i-y n n ; tK.iilLJi'!*p liunh ►otU-jiPd. Now. w ild urnih rrw n m tddlln' <{un. . .

“W.'H. w o U f Buld Clio old.{Im<-i ] oortly.

- . . . threw n« mlddlln' KOii.' I porst»fe<I Johiiiiy. IronnUtr. nt ibi I in l-rriip ilon . “b u t I Uiiow n ri-lli-; ' could •«' Rlt.'U Uill u .M'lU

OB’ birat blm to till-<lf;iw!"Thy old-tlmi.r cb'iirkl.;d dppl.ilT.-

ly. " llaw .haw ! TulUIn' aboiil 1 ekulh. aofiviiln'. . , . Why. umii

dn you linow ihiit tn . . . "Johnny cm hlin off. “Yon'll tftl

i mo Ibu t In.'TT Wild Hill dhl ao a:i.l Bcr. a n ' .III ■TH h" rllfj tbl-i uu- Hi:,I

' bn t I icll you. dujily . you're off yor- , .lu m p in ' cruun .l-,:. Thia follcr Tn. , faJJtlJi' nl'oiil in IhP nl1ck.-->t ruu

flKhti-r Ibi-^c lu r l - -v r r H.-m, I'vi w alcbcd F rrd llluk.' UuIck Iht pan i* n r a rnnuin ' ni.in a t ntl> yard« an '.hK -Iilni fonr.Umcu In Uk-

Tho o lrl.tim rr n rn iirh .'d hln /ihln? tp a d . "In l!ic lilncc. a o ' !h'runm -r Kooplh' nn riiniilu '?"

“ You bi-.lrd tthiit 1 9;kld.“-.U)* rfWn'l b ru l»f thu akin u '

tlK lalrT"“ N ary a w'rralcb.”“ W hal'd ho do l l f o r r T u n ."Tho o id-(lm rr piifffd aw ar

- \V rii.“ bu d m w W nnullr. fy*.-"- can u "that 'n nhooCla* nome." H«

(Srrw hU lcK» nti to ft h lshor rati "Whi-ro'# thin f rllo r ha ll tro m T

' “ Down A rliony -way Upon nin ■<>j:lo' round oboul h rrn for th '' p ast few monUm. pickin ' ii[>Johnny chiickl.-d a t.n o m o n.-cro! OiouKhL T he old t l * ' r hIm m S at Mm iiuaplclounly. thvn lupsed Into tll fn c n Jo b n n ^ fo n ila u fd ! -

-n id I boaf TOO *ay •ora.-thfn' a(>oul ro d m i a •h l lo h^ck. d:iildyT" Tbfl old-llm or srun tert. -W ell. It Frnd MJak'- 1* wJibJn Ih rr r huodrrtl m il - , o' l.tudw *— y.>n'll «.■■■. itum-- t r l f k r ld ln ' th a t'l l almut nci yuh cro an ln ' «»i*r W ild lUll'n cruTp.-

Dut tbo o ld-tlnier w.-,, not to b r »a i:ed . H^ ir l t l i d tiArU on h ii rail' tmoklnK. ' and 'Palv'hrd th-- bti»i

- fi"ld .bfforn fttfii. Si Jfli n n : dny of th r annual Murtura'. Ilodeo, ■od a lo r r r bc»y of porm lrln - ear.-

ftad l!Jr.-5r.l ool in full r - call# fnr th r T!i«w n rt crowd.'A w ith hor»c«. nnd In i\ ip o ; or honor thp "bad oa'-s." taut. rcd-«-yrd born.'n w llh »lim. nfrm u-i U«». m o rtd rr* tle»« lr mlxiul ih rlr Inrtlrldual «tal!s ..■Hi.. MlilaniK field w st • ' upaclou* one, hut <« rwleo day «Trn lu« bmail rrouoil'i eould ha frly acrom m o.lati' ll;r

wlw camo from all o » .r thp S '.a tr. 'a a a ppcta lo ri o r p ^ I c l - pact* , to w atch thp rx c lt ln t pr:v e<»dlaia. K orm ldable st.*fr« w rrr

I t r la * Ird oul Itl pi.*pjiraitan for p rrllm la a ry rop ln s a a J iip^ r-ilirow la s c o a i r tu . At o a r rtid of tb r

TW IN FA T il^ p a a i/Y

**•. ty P le to r^ Corp. Booking Ofricea of A rnsrlca.' Ino. (F . B. O.)

igular 8cout‘> lu r r ln s Fred ThomM n.

I about, dolDc baed-aU nds. raaltlDK from one nlde o t Uielr m ountj to

0 (ano the r B(andlni; In tbo Buddlo. A ' I lltllo b u rft o f applauRO camo from

'■ th e a lready crowded alandn. Tho nun ir<u tilarioc r l tJ t <t will, oad

, . - m en tn cb arso o t tho Held auunter.^ Cd about m uiterlnit. "If wo don 't

* ffot a u r te d ot> Uio Jump them yoar- ’ Iln'H from Now Mnzlco ‘U Jost about

drop from (inn.«irol!o," Tbo nicy >'lto Mun iw ttery.

IJ ttlo pufiB of duut noBli-d ovur Uie " , ,V Held, rfllHod hy llio hoofn of anl-

- I I.. ‘‘Igb-bMlod boota o twuow f oion and women. ^

I ' Tho old-Umer entiled audibly. 1 '» " ‘ a in 't ink in ' hack w bai I unld ftbout 10 the rodeo*. JobHny. b » t I'H bo diw»cd “ '0"*' If tbo gmoH of a borso-nti'-man ea th .Jo in- ^ r l n ’ don 't oori o' choke mo up.“ tw in c jH o pcurod ahoul w llb oaRer old

I I'ycH, "S o rt o' forBOl lo chock up •‘"S" j„ „ 11,0 youns :nnii la a l.fo w yeara,

VJ, llrfbnny. Wont a in 't n» nmall M she / [ uHPtn bo. A n' m y m om 'ry a in’t Uko

'.'Ll!' ’ “ ?<'“ « “KW niiltbor." Honmn, ,1, riL.nr(..n„ and aald aly-■ , .A }y. you kny —“ ‘' ' ’‘ 'n a m n wa« tbu t you nald did (tick*' w ilh Kun a n ' b o r a . t r '

I .loUnny Brlnno.l, ''ThouKbt you ••'‘'O R .w ann't Int'roBtud. dnddy. Name o'

iK n-d aiirko, lllR jiort o '—•• He n' to,8topl>od Hhort. oiarod Into a larito your cloud ot dual Juat rained tiy o liuek. yore Inn atoer, and then roared a t tbo •om, top of hln volco: " F r fd t Huy.

KOln'j PredJ Vuli bojj ur two .1 0u( Moxlcau ladpolca ,' huw dyl" ,Uo'

mU “A tn 'l poK pot no

llll'.-1 hroko Into a luiiiborlUB run . hla blR :tind|f;u;« cruaaod III u wido amlto o f .

nn 'l - Tho o ld-tim er perched on bln rati i;ir:il rccnr«li-(J Ihv ob]r:cl ot'JoU oay'e

ii'Ht' nti.-utlon w ilh curloulljr. Ho saw i'U|i- n mil. rantty yount; man. slendtir of d b w alsl and Eollutb o t abouldur, .

w;ilkitii; vanlly (ovrard Johnuy. mu< dniKRlni; a hiKbly-ornato naddlc In iM'itlouu Uuud nnd boldlUB Uio oUinr ' ji» . (ca-il!y n t hlH iildo. Ho had th ia .UUI I I.li':i:uni f.-aturou. and hla i-yc«, ro-

lli'cllni; Iho iiun. scorned (o boro m<T Ifito tiirt .iIiMitKi'r'a face. Tiio old-

tlin.-r hlliiUci! and looked awny.Jn." ''lio liy .'' h.t m utt-red . "Ihem a in 't Ibl- thcy 'ro roI-hJhu^ cO liimpa!'*l l . ' t ; I I u lookrd uRnlR. cauttoiinly, nnd oi.ll-, notm i.ttllh RroulnK i-ntliuslanm tho

' IcioTic, buslnMB.llko h r it c lrc llnx tho It.- u -w cim .T '.. w.il-,l. nnd (ho bnndf.is loni of two tvory-crlji n-volvorn pro(jtid- laii. lur: from a .louhl.,. holntor. "Ain’t

( luun r men f.jtm kkbs iiko Chat fiow. trti ;«diiyii,'- UioiiKbt ih.! old-tlm er..And . a:i.l ' t* new rvnpvrt waii bom In his uyon.!i;ii I Hn Jijmp-il clnc.-rly f ro m .h la or. |i ..T .h mill w..dillod ovor lo whore ft-. Johnny W.1S iiunipinK Iho arm o t :i.ii I F rrd lllnk r wiiU t.'n rfu l eniTsy.I'VI Thn o!d-tItu.-r plucked Johniry'#Iht nlroviv Irritably, "tnli.rducu, nm,Ifl) Johnny. A lu 'l you c o t uu man. til.- n.-r*iT"----- n r d Blakn lookrd down At thaIn5 .iliMlincr and i:rtiin.-d. Dropplnc !h' b it NOddlr, bo piU n i;t’bl« baud aod

Mill: ''Voii'ro • Dadily I'rcscoil. :.ri.n 't yuh? . Hunrd loads o' %nib

u\ « li.’n 1 wnn a kid. I'm ilKht Rlad to know yuh!" Johnny roared.

Thu old-tlmc-r nhook th r prorfored h.md a trillii daii-dty, "W i'll. wclH’* he mimihlcd. “So j-.ia'ro heard o r

.-\v niM. Imr.. you* Heard te ll bow I 1 ra .i^'-U to bo a B'm-tlijhter. I r.'Ckon.}lr W.-JJ. w rtl?" H e r rln n rd a Joulb- all l''"» Rrin and nbook Fr.Hj n iake'a

hand wtUi cn.-rsy. “ D ancrd If I Tin a in 't clad to know y uh !" he ihout- Ihl’ .'it. "TTili ornery c ritte r h’r r r wan >f<.' tr llln ' m r 'a b n u t a ( 'red Dlakr. a n ' rfl! now 1 rem rm ber! Yuh won tho a t huckCn' cnn iest faat year a t tho

nt«> C ..)otr ITaln Rodeo, d idn 't m h ?T houtlrt I knew yuhl P u t ‘a r

ifn' Ujerr. so sJ" >Yed jiniHrd warmly. rT" Johnny a a ld . ' 'A im in 'to en ter tho

tt fletil today. l''rod7“ rrd Krrd a m lW a sa ln and draw ird : m.- '' I prt)mt*rd my m atho r r d brine 'uh homn a n o th rr cup. C an 't co back I

on yoro aoU ier. Johnny ." , i b r Tfio o ld 'tlm rr cm afetJ. - f 'll V t •

a ir »wnsrRird'“ and ey rd th e in io i -a t i»I f*rrd'i wiiMl eorlnutly . W llh a ni: "Hop* yob . wlo, tu o !" h e an b led eo. hack to h ti cnrral-rall ana aat a:>- w atchlne Pred B lake f tn d e off w ith r - Johnny thn row-man. boldlae h t i n '^ naildlr blR h:iil» o th e r hand aw iat- n ft l:ic rM lly n l hln side..ut.l Johnny hm nched otr r e a r a crtJnp •U-. o f iirr tiy Texa« cow-clrla. and Frr<f clr .-or'ilniir.M ow ard the JudKB'a atand . ' niK T h r p -o w d ln R * w rre well Under < fl Wjiy l/y till* .•ifti'*. * a d a e r r ra l ill, rv rn :* had h r rn h iid . T h e Jode*^ : l ; r i » , - t r bu*r ifviklnc oTer en trlf* . f r r lc h e r k ln c np th r flrM . a a V ^ e ld o r - Id- Ih.- tlm r-llm lin. Old Rea HalHday. . r:v a r n - r a n of th r rodroa . gU aced up . • r r and ..plod Vrrd.for “ Uvali. f 'r rd ? '' b«t iboutr<{.>W "Whi*.'* yore ttira i tbla tln«-Cawd*ab r d.*>-‘


.Y g 'IM E S '

I -

I1.) PnblUhed by courteay e f Film Be<

Front tfre p ic tu re *’A Regul:

IB I • TTIB B T 0H 7 BO f 'A l tto Jo h n n y Ihe co tnnan , talk ingA t i e tk ep /lca l oH-Hmer, praltesm certain >Ved m a ke , cham pion bucnr inft-horte r ider 0/ SO^S .Cctyoid ' J 'la in t roilfo, ar the CQuat o f oiT. "oW-flme" WcMlem Arro. A t th,,'t ta lk J o h n n v explcf \yreil hlm ie.r. an<t tn(roduce« the oU -lim cr.to hliII The Otfcct W r.slcm tr Im icon » t r r I ■J h'rtO'* in lfK liou t jm llc und pm J. m o fm w . t'r rd ta y t Ae tol/J rfc/er e h it rodeo laurels ond se r i f he ca I- no t w in onoJ/i«r cup fi>r h it mothc )t 3’ftd r,fto m e in Arlsotui, o i/oi.

'I dov. rodeo official.It ________

C H A PT E n I—Continued ' ‘'Goom r i t ' en ter th e huckh

, e'Tpni ojcnln. Ben. A chnmi.i.“ o u sh t to defend hla tit le ,” lie Krt.K nod. "Hottr yuh co t oomo mluU'.’• good boya o u t today. How 'a lb® com petlilon lo o U r“ H alllday Bnlffed. “Aw, tbe

* win f l o a a y * * S o u ^ ^ A n ^ ^ ? c ^lU auulo a row m arku In hln uoK book.

F n i- tb T v w down h/« ftflddji . lookod o»ur <ti ibu horue.miindii u

’ tha f a r end Of Ihu (lold. Thoru w erBoona o t hom es lo f i ihcro hy Uiel ownora, b a t h la keen oyea pickei oa t a la reo w hllo jnounl wlamllni

; quie tly whoro ho had bci-n left. Eni„ ' I InB a t hla fellows w ith i» nllRUtI] ’ I ludulEonl ro ll of hla lutelllReii

I la rso cyea. F red .lurnod back, ro •aaurod, and a a /d ; »

“Oftu m ore. Bon. I w au l to lak< a w hack a t th e Wi)<| H orse iilunt T ra boen a o rt o f prac lJc li,' on nonii broncooa th e boya Juhi koi down ui the locnl ranch , imd I Kneas I onchi lo bo ab lo to keup my aval in ihli Bhow."

-Clucaa yuh o u c b tt'’ aald llulj^


' B ao4etili/ leaping up <nto Cfue t

flay. w «rm ly. "Sliow 'nm Rome- lliln'. I ’m wltli ru h . IIow 'm

■ S l lv e r rTba qutot eyes o f - Prod llluk...

u sually p lacid and non'Comniittiil, BOW grow w arm and brlcU l n l mrn-

• Uon o f th e tiame. Ho Ihrunt UU nniter under hlH holt ond laughed

-SIlTer. Ben H alllday .- hn nald. “ la tho uno horuo In f.he world who's alwayii a ll r ish t. t w uuian'i trade (b a t w onderful pleco of liod'a home-

. d rsb for four wlven aud a tiutniilon 00 Kirtii a renup . N ew York. Uoxht

alm oat tinm an! W hy. ih m th - i r day I 'w tu i (cBchiir him a ni''w trick , and w hen I showed him whnt to do b lam ed It tho old tox didn't hp and Improve on niy Ii'Mou! He’a a w onder, lh a t horno-” He waa flu thed and excited, and Haiti- day sm iled.

"Yuli co t l l bad. Kred." ho natd . aufflUy. '•/ ODce ha,I a hoM IJkif

th a t, to a .D ied o a m e—roadtason.t pu t him oul o ' commission with' a h iillet Intnnded for my carcsm . lilM t h u aonll I t I o re r mi-ot that drvncrd th ie f In Itadoa I'll mokr him wi.ih bo'd EOt m e th a t llin.-l

■ Vrp, I loiow how yuh fe d about K llrrr. I/ook a l him now !"

. l-Yod w hirled a round. • The ra il nt w hleh fho iKirsc* wero (l<-d

I clulten^d w ilh s ro rrn o t rrina, d raped srco rc ly . T h r U rse w hltr Jjorac M ckrd a t tbo retn th a t h.-ld him un til ho hod looaenrd iu where- tipoa w ith almoni a pay til t o f the head hn «w-unc. hack, punbi'd a Kray a o rrrl contem ptuously n«lde. and headed a t nn eaay lop« ton-nrd tb e Jmlce'E ntaud. a l which Frod and HaflfUay wem talklnir. ffo edced up to l-'rid. *tiick h is whito W Btllo d e llb rra le ly on hla ch e« . and Jnado a J ln i" so ft horarnoU e, P rrd 'a pyra w rro Bhtnlac. bat he aald sm ra y :

'•D idn't I te ll yiih tn flUT there till I called yuh? D ldn 'i i r An-

[ iw r r m r. S l lr r r ! "I S l l w «book hl.v head In a Tto-

teirt necftCirp nnd u n u rc W c!o»cr.H alllday throw hark hl» he .niand

roared . Fred palled Sll*cr-« head a s d aaJdi

“G<y on back ofiw. SlW rr. A'nd aUT there , ru b darned a n je i? -

S l lr e r dropped hln flne wlilte face lo F lo a h am r, touched hU Ilp i to P r rd 's sbouM rr. aad tro ttrd obedi­en tly back to the horfie-rafV-s. Frod w atebed bftn go with a c u r lo u f Ilch! . lo hla. fwcr. .

ThP rddoo by now w m In full ; aeU »Ity. T h r f lr» l.o f tb*. bocklac ■ w nteav*” ** » • » a lrra d y bobbioK Tlolenlly op and dow^j on the back , ,«jt a »lcIon» looklnE man*, holdinc ' ta a t to th e ' abort n re ls re la a rd i

• w tjooplnc wildly, r r e d tam eil lo • took, and H alllday wax ratted i away. A t tb a t mnmeof a bSHUjBC ■ a « l« tJian 'hurried t>p and 'i s ld : 1 • “Tou Fred B l a k e r ' '

Booking Otfleei of A m erica, Jnc. (F . B. O.); Ouiar Scout” s ta rring Fred Thom aon.

nnd iRrodo (ow nnl tho •'bnckon .'' ng to An aniiouncer w ith a rod face raa M a up totvard ilio sU nda a s d jrelli-d bucX;- throuBh uupped hands:'oyote "T lie uoxt oveni, lad-«'e« a a ’ rcn». ' ony th-men, Jn so la ' tb-bo ao exhibition

th fv . o ' biickln'.horao rid ln ’ by the fi'Uor ’’‘•ell. th a t liohlA thu- 19^5 chnmpoontililp ’ hlift. Of th e Cnyoto P lain tr a c iu l W atch fr .b y him w h o o p 'e r up! l-'Vod D lake!" ' Oiioil T here wns a deafonlnic ronr of

ejena npplauSc. und Trod, a iitrlde tho top '/ a n - o f 'Ihu horso 'a htuUly-lmpro. Jtficr. vised cprrnl. w avod hla h a t In r ^ uoiiil apoHKo. Thu an im al d lro e ilr bolnw

10dm.‘il liarm tuiii iiuuugh. ‘ H » - . witH flinail. nhlndiy-lcEBOd. aod ap-

Prtroutly mild o f dlHpoAlDon. Ula «* Uvai huoK U iv SB n-lth ooo e r» :lih e half-cocked hu w atched tho tnaa ip liu abovu him. Suddenly, w ith « Kri.t- aw lfi. BincKith m ovem ent. T rod ^waa IkUU In h is Buddlu and UchlonlnB the I the filnhH. Tliu borao thow od tbo aur-

prln.i ho fi'K, and for a /m o m o n t they nioi'd iitoch s lit], tw lndni; hia nock oiiKli comically to Aeo w b at had dared ta Uihlll d rop upon hlm^ao unccrem w joualT.

uulo- l-'rud nodded h is 'h ead . tiKblonInc hl..| B^lp on tho ruins. The horaa

'oml ^u lrorcd . nm ill rliiKds o t ills black la III hldu n»clllatcHl w iih ' a ou rrooa were m orum vut. nnd Fred fo lt tho tr»- Uictr >nnr run ih roush h is sloudor body, eked Thu h a rr ie r nhot up, and for a a 'ln - illnf; Hinnt Krod llioUBhl tho world had En*- Ronu lopay-tiirvy. Ho baroly n -

lUtly iillzed tlm l thu m ^ d o n e d bnnst bad Rent l>oundc\i rubhli-llko Into tho duiit o t , ro- the pinln when n pow erful tw ist of

tho nulninl's hoily Itnlf lifted Wm take ou t of Uiu saddle. “Yuh will, will :unt. yuh?" hu ftruntinl, and clamped hta ow e l<«/» wllh Ibo Ijrninex* ef atoeJ g rip t n u t urounii iho hor.-'u's bolly. Ho onap. inh t p.'d hla lia i I r r lu tln c iy a t te n d er this piirtions of ihir be u sfs bead and

UL'ck. nud w ith wild plunRoa nnd ul^- upw ard undulutluns Iho black IMIM

ue a fr oiid Ao/AtomerjauW nff . , ,

Tie- tried to n n n w i thi# leech e ltn c tn s w'» U, h i t back aftd «Mci. The

tho Rlandii,' thn .IlKuroa o t th e otu* . k«, ul.itn runnlnr; iibuni m a r him . whirl- m l, ed und droppfd beforo Krod'a eyea, rn- hut 111) ii.'iil twltehliiR the h o n e hU wllli h!.| ha l nnd hounillne llBblly led np .md down w llh cv.Ty Infuria ted

Ieai>. The ncrld duni m ised by tho lid. iiurno's houCH blinded a ad choked o's him . hnl for ihn ni6h\eu t ho tbouirtit idc o f (lolhlni; hut tho ltrf;e*H y o f «fl- ■»e- tlclpntlni; i-rrry devliiah tr ic k In Ion il^c hb ck b e as t's bai;. And th o j ■hi u’er.) mnny. I'Vod w;i» nw nafflnj: te- th- k r rp bla nent on Jll.-xck S a to a S a .I'w iQueh rcdi'o lmrdened-Tinlmal w ith in l i> n-i'ard nf four k llllnca (o hla n 'l crc-dlt. nnd moro nialtulnga than >u! -»-er.' Btx'd fo r compmltlon In tho He hucklnB-eiinirnt Held. Up and down,III- tfiunderluK atonir th r Btroteh. and.

d.-nly Ie,»i.1nc up Inin I,luo a ir « sd lid .hai:-som ersaullinc. Krod atuck w lih

mrj-cular c«nnln« lo th o squ Jrtn lh j ;n.t buek of iho kilter.

n Suddr.^y l i 'w a s o re r . TTjo offl*-<n. cial raifTn h is hnnd. h is r y n on hla lat u Aich. and Uie th ree h o rte tnen who k r had been c lrc llnc tb4 buck«r cloaod K-! In wltli adm iration o a tb e lr b row s- ''Ut ed faci's. FTcd drospod .w.wirlly off

Black Saian'R back and r ra a p e d th a n t pr«»(Tered hnnd of tho olBcIaJ. a.t -Th ill wajt m lrlity neat rldJa* n , F red ," he aald h ra r tlly j "Oaeaa Itr yah w oa't ha»«\po troub le -keep ln '‘Id yore tup . T h a t .laoRed hoaa mot re- bla r :n ilc r . 1 reckim." he T r i .l sm iled thr.'uKh tho dotrt a»d A peini.lratlou on hi i facn. and looknd

le. nnxli'unly tow ard Uio hor.io-rack. rd E ren a t lha t d isianco he sensod ro- ' od proach In the ry r^ of S ilver, who fo «{o»d flbodlenUy where ho bad b*c* to toM to.«t. ‘ C ue is r i i h.ive to. plnraCo Sll. le, »iiT," hfl said. “ r.f>ok»~mlshty h a r t no to m r. Th••^^•1• o n r b o n e i'*o «o t

to keep on Rood term s w ith." re W aTlnc hln hnnd. h" w:i|ked otf. n- S -re rn l nlapn r . lhe ba rk KT««ted

h m Ul he n. .ired llm H alllday. lo- h u y check lnr up ft ignc Hat o t

efrri(«. Me nulle il and aald.*Id • "T ake my nam e off th a t W ild id Hor»c r-jfkii-, will you. B«n7 811-

» rf lookn nln n -t peeved a t Tno. and id I e.ie<5 I m r ' . ’.n 't . . h it I t fo r home.

r r r def..nd.'d rny rlE bt to th a t cup, ce .tnd (he iKiys o u sh t te be aatlafled.(o S^oaf ." .1|. H e lUrr-ed: ih d 'h rf td e d fo r the ?d horn-raeV I lilt ld ay sta rod a t ta r (i! him. The o l! tim er, a tlll perchad •

on hl« r»H. i'-,iffe(l a t a c tc a re tta ill and reniaiked drily tb JohnD y tha 1C c(i«-.!raa:IK “T here corn * -dtnced cood matu ;k Johnny.' . H e im oked itw h lla . i 1C "I take II McV. sott. T h a t w aa to ­ld deo-rlditi'!" . ••• i lo .' Fred rlBCked lo S t lra r , a s d tb * I •d h ie whItA horae tro tted -M cerly to • I ic ht< «Ide. Sw IoclBf ae a tr lO aw earf. '

ly .-Fred la a a e j iSown ahd w f i l i p ^ e d -ln SllTi-j-'a c a r ; “Got a baBcl^

j r O N B A T i^ N U A l lT O l i '3327

I EDEN NEWSB ~ -:EOB.N'r- .M Ia? tC in lt^ n ffay r :." I> e i

lhe 'w och -i'iid ul M urluoJrtPw infrTn ■ liro thrr.g Mr. uml MrH. A. Kl. H lr s c b le r w ei

xlmppInK III Tw in Fnlln on SntuiHnr. • \ ___________ •

O.); , 'n ic iitudcnlH o t EiTfin" hlg nchool w ill eIv« a n ovenlnR'H ontoi

'» luiiunent n t ilio h li; i i . Kchnol We<j ' iii'Hiliiy ovcnlnK F e h r n n ry '2r '

i|i-d Thn IiIkIi Hchnul chorijii will Kiv n ono-ncl op c re tla ' nntJllQi] “ Cyr

:cn». ihiii'ji S traicEy.” 'r iio BnKllsh.clnBsp Ion r>reAc/i( fuv»-onc ncl plny», ' 'P ll tie

Mouso'' nnd "H Ih DIiip Surco Siill. , ■1, Tho public nponkinc clnan will Klv •• ■ (ho pinyo i>nilIloil. •'The.-Plrnt Kliis. o t A nna llco in r vliilteil will) lie

top . p n r o n ls .n t C u r r y • ovor the week m il.

^ A. J . WllRon in 111, uml iin n lile 'ti

Bp- Ihe ^ iIrIi flclinol.Ila CiimiiiK, “The Old Mnld'n Convon^ tu rn .'' Given hy (lie. U dJe.s’ Aid. P a t,“ lo ho annoiiuce.l luler.'M Th.i Rtlen I. 0 , O. F. lodKo on le rh e in liu -il\u l th e ir rnKulIir iiieiitlnj; orIIT- M ondii)\i>veiilnK. inemhcrii of ihi2* Iltirluy- n r f l K l l u / e l l ^ ItMlKes. Tinjg ili-Krci- l.-nin TtiQni J j M r y r.avo thi

iK'cond ile^ri'u to nno Kder

ne lliirli'y . Afi<;£ Iod;^^ilitV )ly re'frenh- nientii w.-ro iier^.'dy , John Kiiluo n ri'lrc il MonilKy from

^ Si'Wiird. AluNka. m f ii viHit whih Ills iy. hro llie r 0 . 0 . Ilnlco. S r.. nnd nsji-



* n . Sll. . n —liy r .u rd n e r—Anion.l**• luK KcKlInn :iM!) o f lhe cnniiilleii nta l- ? I me.-, to >:lv.' vel.-ranii o f tho SpanlHh- id Amc-vlMJi .« « f / i r » l tho riiJUPpJnn Jn- w :mrr<n;lliin iind I'Xempllon of *1000 ou

|I m« inn iierly tnx . Iteforred to nint.i nflnlrft enninilKei!,

S. II. N’O, :r:—Ily Inniiranco enmmU-I.'c—IleKiiliitlnc reciiirncnl nn.l InlCT.-

- lii;iiir<'ra^iHi'Oi:liitlon« by niiiondln*.'..iTllorfirr.Oi;i. r .l2R. r.133 and D134 of lhe ciniiplleir Mntiilofi nnil repenllnc Keclion r.inf., KeforrPd to p rin lln ’K

. , eommltlee.S . 11. Nn. 33— Pcr ml uI nK

rCHldentt* of th e K priiicfleld and Abor- I f in Hurtlonii of UlMKbam county lo vol.. (II liJi’S. on thn proposal to Join i'ow or eonnty. Ueforre.i to th e coiu-

' uiiKc.i nn r.uintlofl nnd county lioun- ihirloH. " • • -

S. II. No. 3r.—D y: coipiniHoo, on , i,aiiKs''«iid ImnklnK—IleKUluUnic the

. iieUi nf truHca' i in d 'l r t ts t canit/aolcH. K .'ferr.cl U> Ihe iirintln'K commUTee.

Illll« i'ux-<nl liy llh> Seiiatiu S. II. No, 111—Hy fir.ilie—Anicnrtlnc

till- lawn KiivcriiliiK the w ile Of land hy Irrlsu tlon dl»(rlels .

BIIIk i’iiHsrii hy .Seiint^.S. H. N.l. -I—lly Hunnon: K xtendlns

the tinii- flir lilInK applica tion for tfaiuiliui- tax r.-fundii from CO lo .120 dayit. .

■S’. II. S\>. Ill—Uy C orporntiona Comm'iMee; Kxieii.linK to cltlen o f ibo iiecon.l I'liii'ti III)- provlHiooH o f tl)o wmlnc act, '

HOUSE BILLS I . i n .t r o d u c e d |

il- 'It. No. sn—-By approprlntlonB .nm n ilti.'i'- .A pp rop iln tlnK $S1I.I3(> for iM.ymt'iii of i'oiiipeniiaUon.-._cltiliii" :ll^llh^I Ul.- ninl.'.- J l . JL Nu. K l- lljL jiuU clnry com m li-

h .— Am. nillii); u.-ctlon COSl. o f _ the .o iiijiili-l Kiniiii.'j. o f in io . and. prlvl.l- lilt; for forticloHiir.- of inatn llm ent :norl>;aK.'.'' i.nil fo r Ih.- luile o f prop* '• tiy Jn fDirrlor'Iiig.. J i . . H. _N o. j< i'-liy_ KaMHirs—To -im.'n.l to-r'ihin i.viii o fT iie eom plled

■ ..t;.fiife.i a« ntiu’n .lc l hy tecll'on 1 o t ■-liaiHc-r r.T, Ilf (il.- JH-5 aesa lana inwii .'.'Inilui: to Ih r nppoln tm cnt. te rm o t o fru e nnct i,rI<-e(loD of commln.sloner^i for hli-.hvv.iy .ils trjctfc

II. II ,\ii. R3—By K n sb ers—T o' ..ircnil section 283:i o f Uie .c o m p l i r i • i.iiiileti refurrlOK to th e iHJunrtnrles o t lhe U 'u i* ion o rch a rd s Baine pri­

ll. II. No. Rl— Uy rd tieatlon coni-iulite<>^To am end nrciion 16C8 of f.hnpirr TO of th e ronipllcd n ta tu te s reiatlHK to s a n ita ry coniHilona o tpub* 111- hiilldinxn nnd nrhdola^ nnd school d i in k ln tr w nter. ‘

Relieves IndigestionVery Quickly .

Men and wometi aU o r e r tba world have b«eo tak toc a a&alL M sy la gwallow. pu t« ly r tf tU t- ble pill. * rte r meala. to p ra ren t and relieve a t ia c k a .o f lodlcM - (Ion and alek hradacbe. -

Mlllloas alao recom m end 0M B aa a mild. *rnU e InzailTe. n o t"Inc tb e bow els tree -from pain and le a f ia c a p leasan t a t l f r f«el- lac- *

T hese little pills a re t^ 'dodor's ppMcrlpiJon J io j b a r* been to U . by a ll drvc- '■

CMTtrs umiT hey do no t

c a r r . CaiomaJ . ' o r hab it to rm la c d n g f .

T r r them to .B lfh t and fee l » • frrshad to.ioo»T«w.

A ll d n i t tU U reosm m endeOTtrs untE lABI n u

M O J^A T , JA W iV RT 31,’ 1D27.- ~g' ',t ' •.-S S = = S S = S ^ = - l

■ 'B n i i n e f ^ P . i r e c t b r ; .

------------ - T rjm sferc n o z i B i i T iiA N SF iiii 'c OMPAn y -

P boae 348. Storntso und CrittlbK.

M cNICHOLS T llA N SriS R & STOR* AOl? CO.—G arbogo' n a u l« I DaJly.

--------- rnonFsw rr— ., .WAUBBRO T IlA N 8F E !l & STOlUVGU

C O ^ B to fae o uuil apcclnl cnrloii'I ahlpm onla to Ciilirorntu, Phono U 'i

SurveyorH . vr. JIE K IU T T —U ccnned EHkIuuci'

f t Surveyor.' lOvcr B unk £ T rust.

Shoe R epairing, nO T A U 8HOI3 JU I^ U IIN O . 7.

Mcyora..l>rop. 130 2nd St: Enut.

• W E USB PANCO S0L.K3 AND HKKLS.________ nlao OooUycar tiuein. K. Ii. urlmo

IcMJior? AYork st'ftmnlcccl. T w i i r l^ l ln &liO(i llc'tialr. 332 StiOAlsuiiu .^ e a t . 'P h o n o 3U8., . ,

IDAHO SI10J-: JIEJ’AJIUNO, Jo i ' W««- nor. p ro p rlp lo r. 218 Main N orth.

C hiropractorD R. 8 . C. ^VYATT, C hlroprnctor ami

E leclrlo T lio rupr. Over \VoolworHi

A ttorneys0 . 0 . HALI./—Ovor Clou Book Store.

Jom ea R. Botliw cU -IV . O rr Clwpm.in BO TIIW ELL & CHAP.MiVN

W oods Blilc. Rootua 0. C, 7, 8, 0 ,.l0

, SW EBLBY f t SWEELICY-Altqrur>)H Idabo F o w o r . DullcllnK'

. ^ W . L. DUNN—Law OfficcH, RooJnH S aud i , Sm ltb-Rlco J3uilLllu{;

M iscellaneousUNDERWOOD T Y P B \7m T E lT s-C .< t

tljc buflt. w rlto o r phono Xor ro- pttlra.i re n ta ls o r piircbnno noU torniH.' ImmL<<llnt(i Rorvlco. II.

,K . f c r k ln u , local rcprcKcntiitlvi-. P io n o 877.

LOANS— Purm nnil C ity Lonnu—Tvfln , KnllB TIllo & A ljotract Co.

CASH PA ID fo r a ll klnUo of poull'ryT 163 « h Avo. WML • J'liono C80.

13YR 8 PECtAI..!ST—D r. Wm. D. n c i’- nolds. 209. Main. N ext door toO pldcn R ule. ;__________

T W IN FA LLS JONK IIO U S B -M cl- alg, Rubirar, IIW m. P clta nad, i'"urj.

. PiSSW T uningR. T .'L O Q AN -^A utliorlM d Amplco lu -

flpoctor fo r Iil.iho. WlfU snnipsoii M usic Co.' PhouD 108.

_______ s. Q. .• UULLcrSO yonr^’ cxperluncoPhono OfiR. P . ‘d . Box 803.

Livestock and Poultryr o w »X>K SAl.t::—1‘lioue 13!jW‘.

W A N T B l^ T o buy ■ . KOOd cow. Pboae I M J . _______________________

WANTBD—Fceilor o r ta t Iiokh, Tcl- >phono 'ISti. l/cw T hiiikt .

KOU SA l-i:—:00 whUv IfKhixn ii'iis. 2 yoani ohi. (Tall r..'.0J3.

tX in .SA (.K -0)W , rrrMtn'iiii soon, /h o n e 220J, CO Illuo IJiIU’ti JJlvtl.

- To tu y alJ Wndn of cat-■ tic . Phone 602J4. J . A. F lynn .

W ANTED— PouU rr o l a ll kloila. 3.A Flypp. P bone C02J4._______________

W A N T H D -P oiitlry . H . C. H unter,_P6qn5_30S<V.

W ANTED—HoEd and ahecp. Tw in FnllB J u n k Mouro. PhOQo 79S.

VX)R SX i.r,— U m 11 nml ioTorchiT-______ la ra ^ tm c r y p .- I - H ll l l l tio rth Cmial.y

Ifoxtilrnf, n n y from (hi> ow ner. A. Cravou. lloU iitler. Id.-vho.

CUSTOM HATCHING. 12,60fl capnc- liy. Wc cnn hnlch thorn If balchnblc. Ixinif pxporitmco. lilKKcris' Qumiiy H atchery , rh o n o CI2J 2 cvcnlnRn,

FOR SA LE—Q uality chlckit tha l lh o nnd lay. O riler now. R lcsi'r tn ' QiiaU Ily Hiilchcr>-. Phone (H2J2 ivcnliiR".

B. K . ta th e m ost pow erful remedy e v t f mailtf to r cu re and prc\-cntlon of

' pou ltry dbeaaeii. D arrow Bros. Seed& Supply Co.. T w in Falls .

T ^3 R SA lJv-^PodlKrecd Geftnnn po- Hee puppies. 1326 Addison avcnuv, T w ia F a llt . Pbone 677.

Llec on bona* c u t down c c s produc-. tlon—R oveace Bcla them aure^ ami quick—£QOil oo hojm too. F ree sar.i- pU. D arrow Bros. So«d f t Supply C a . T w in F a lls . X *______________

<' - ; Situation Wantedt s iT U A -n o N W A rrrE D — 7 c * c tic u i a i ^ l n s o r bbtaseirork^ P hone ' 1041.

M A im iR P MAN WANTS steady J a i o a m a eh . A'liJrf.ia C. D. Sic-. Do* UW*.: -

incrt:R tti.N C K D «lr«s»roaker ' w in la sewloK hy UI« dny. | ^ 0 ) p e r. day. 341

Saiesmafr W anted '•U you th in k in te n n a o f MOOO thla

• y*»r w rit* in e perimnatty. S tro n c Knn for r e ta il n to rea .; N ationally ' adTpr- t(s«0. E aU bllah^d concern . B « t sea-

. aon so w M H lB g . 'tJ h f f* } w rtk Jy *d- ' v a ace to p rodocer. Ge<t. R. W Itlluna,

Miff.. SIS U b e r t r A r r .

I- TIME!_______

»'t»t ^ O U R .V .j'C C.S ~—. I .Ca n t C IT T O V O '3B _ & A M O U CT TO-NIGI-

B U T IL I_ L IS T E N I ^ 1 O M T H e n A D l O '

; ' A

™ ___________ / / - - r /» / '/ f § / / g

ml, F o r R e n t

“ PO R R B N T ^ u n lu rn lshcd rw m a G35 2nd aveaue onnt.

FO IM IK N T—FiiniHce licali'cl roiim,— nino irnranc. I’hone in;!3,----------------------------------------------------------------

FO lt i{KNT--Sm:ill honn.' inirlly .10 fiinijiiliv'l. 12:[R Klh avenue < m»1.

}7i I'U ll UKNT— From fj.'ilroom o r »Khf hot?'ii'l(>'i-|>tnK aiiiirtiii''n(!i. I'li'ini' 1110.

~ l-'on U h:sr— }l')iiHrkiri‘i>ln - lOoiiiK, very rrai'iiimihlo, 215 Slid avc. mirili.

~ ' l u ) ^ M i ~ \ m i i noA U i). I'liisu In. _ 313.2nd iiveiiuu notlh .

'*1100MS AND BOARD- 121,7lti live, nor((i. Phono 591.

l l . ~F{^U RK N T - ?umltih7.l idi .-iilni;riKnii. ';1H ;ird avenue norih . I’hnnc

_ 1072.

In r o u R1;NT—l-;irKe from room for ' IlKhl houxrkeetilu!:, -iVli l'n<{ avcnite

vT ----------------------ru n iW jc d Bloi'iiJne nioniH. ('.••ulle.

niim urulerrut). 253 3n l no rth . Plm»<!

- ■ ' __r o u RENT—LlKht houoekcoplnn

rooms. 222 5 J i nvc. cach. Phono 029W.

•J- r o l l RK.VT-^nouaa JcceplDtf roonm. 401 Mnln avomie w est,

r o a RUNT—Ftim labod housekeop- “ • iD R-room. M odora--C02 Maln .M ouuo

north ._______________________ I_______

— IX jrt ie i:.\T — ncn-« kno<t I m iles nnnlh pi^lluU h Ilem er inimi l»' ahlu lo flnut'ici! hitiiw 'lf, E , C,'DavI«,

hlnho. r iw iiv

£ ^ i^O u ltT fN 'T ^ lH ir2 5 x O r. w llh llKht hou»ekei'iilni{ room s In ri'iir. Ov>-t YounK llarilwni-e ijlo re . J . (5 Jcihnii-

*• lorn_____FOR RENT—Furn ished rooma. cv-

i-rythlnK nou and m odern. M onty of hoat and h o t w nter. I f you* apprccl-

!!,, nto c lonnllness and com torta o t homo. Mnudo Mny O nut H un t. UlaUo Hotel.over llln lto Thoiitro .--------------- - '

FO R REN T — H ounekeopm s opart- _ mcDta, com pletely fura lsbod to r light ,t- housok o c p io g .'o n e r tw o" and th ree

room s, close In. and 4ow ratea. by— week o r m onth. The O xtord. 42 i

M ain N __________ ____________ ______

-r, .FO R REN T—Fum U hed light

:• bonaeiteeplng apartm eat* . P io n #° 456. Ju s ta in e r* l in -

a- ---------------------------------------------------------ly . . . — ---------------------------------- ----------

Fum labfrd a^a rtm en ta for re st. “ * Oaala Bom o. Pbono 971.C. .ill.

'> For Saie-A uioinolailesSPECIA L Ford coupe fo r sa le cheap.

lU S lcpkrn . IGl Ind nvc. no rth .

•Money to L.oandy ______________________________ _____ _of MONRY TO I/5AN—On farm an>l cd c ity properly . Com pnuy nnd prlvalo

money. C. 1> Po iter . Real ICstato, T w in I'nIIs.

o - __________ ___________________________li', MONEY TO LOAN—D on't renew

tb n t nfOrtsaKO. G et a Fede ra l Farm “ Lqgft f"0 r fu rth e r particular!) ta l) or

w rlie J . \V. McDowelL T w la Fall*. Phone S77J1.

^ Lost and FoundIXtST—ItM w ien H nrxry I». Camp-

ticll jnoch .^ml TV»n J-'aHi*.— brow n envelope purm’ coninlnlng Kpnfs open tie pin «n<l f 2 In c urrrncy .

n t Tlm en office ai)il r«‘c rlve r«^. w .inl.I y ------------------ --------------- : -------------------- -

- C o m b o t in g P o u o n l o yThoraueh washtDC soon a fte r axpoa-

. nre to polaon i r y rcdaccs tbe d a n crr . . o f Injury. B roo a f le r Inflamtsallon

boa derelopcd. thoroogb washing _ should be tr ie d lo order lo r«»oTe— from exposed ra r ta ce a o t tho akin all

tracos o f th e polaon th a t ean atlll be“ reachedin »-«;

P o p e S t a r t e d a F a s h ia n "* Pop« Ju liu s n Is sAld to h a re been

Ihe fir«t p o p ^ to te t b la beard grow, and tW fashion w t by htm w*« w oo

r . rnilAo<wI C n tv ra r CLarlM V

....... .. *

- ■ ' m


5 - THAT i f &Y G ^ LV- I m I VO UR r “ h S j e Vo l e a ^ e ' “ ■ilG H T - V O U -O L D P A L '

|For Sale-M iseellaneo

jom.l rOK Iiih r frojil.-y r« 7lli ;iM-»m--l^uM,

r ily ! G ir r YOUlt W INTKU npploa 3 ml jaoull) nnd ^ P(iat. Phooft 512R12.

iKhf! FOR SAI-i:—A lfaffa finj-, Iirt, ; lliK 'u iid n id cutllliK, Phone 517R"; I'

----- (rink NVynu,iiiiii.L;______ I,_________h. I''OR SAl.i;~Iliil>y i-:inlai;eii h im ~ ~ rondllloti, . Chcait If laU rn a t on

i;n « I.'niirlh uvc’tiue .•n>i.

“ 7, FOR SAI.IC-Ncv.- IV ifecllon lu-aleni rcKUlnrly ih'IUiik fot> |fl. "'1

___ lhey hint lli. K inm 'y a tV;<iWuiii»e.

I'I"'! S A I.t:- ( ;iim i Mammr.ili lln .tiirhi-y im m . Ji; I)- .Miiloiif, Fl

___ Idaho. It. 1.

FOR SA M I—220 Ijuorn InctihiH no cj!K eloclric Incuhator. Inuuiro

_ _ _ Clly P a rk (inu-ery.

r,na (.{<■<•/ inimlitnH'cr Piimiiifmlli»:iO i-iich. lIorK.-l'Owrr. $75. Av

__ nm llc KiiK's, hand wi'll-bi>r<TH: waiping wficcM. Dticrpjil .Vftf. Co„ J31 : ;9W. Renton. Waidi,

r o i l s<VLIwlli>inn Com fort n ir KlnsH cuphonrd. ch lld ’a foldlus <•;

----- nud Intn pluyer piiinu, rollii chcap.eop* 7iu nvenuo cniti.lUUO - il i I I I ■ • .

FOR SA L n^SplO bdid 'w ottkcep----- BurroUKhs adding tnacblno In g'i. S condRiOQ. Unod on ly a tow a o a i I l»< Inqulro n t Tlmoa office o r pl'oco 31iVlH, ---- — --------------

I'V.r Sale-K ea! EstatFOR SALE-HO a cres best dn

furii) OH irac l, :! mlk-ii froin T' Falh i. phono 5l7H:i. I 'a lrick Wy

— 7 -TOR SALE OR RENT—40 urnnch. Immi'ilalte poanesHinn. Tot

ciinh. V j'now . luiliinco Oclobcc L . t ut 331 2nd aveuno west.

>nic. ___________________________ ■ I . , . I3tcl. BARGAIN rm C K S ft K A Sr TBR

On cbolco IrrlKalod farm a-tiad a*.< - - ranchcs la South Idaho and E a s l

OrogoD acquired th ro u g h - mortgi to reclonuro. Call Or w rite . Idi St»to Llfo, E m plro Block. Boise. Ida

by ' -----------------------------------------------------421 n i n t i r s y o i ' r c iia n c ic t o s e

—I havo n cuHlomor to r a anuK 3— 1 room housp. w ith fu ll I « . Tcr

mll^l hc cany. Sec me n t once..:•ijt 2nd nvenuo norilj. H. E . I’owera,

n# __ ■ ' - ', FOR SA l.i;—Al il liitrr.nlii. th;

— )»'!riltlfl>I Iwnii' niliiiili'd nf 2)1----- nvi-nitc ni>iih. T w in i'\itlH. 'I'h----- pri>iH'rly lia» nim- roomH,'h:ird\v<«---- -/lm5rf.--i)»-llkJi>K-»iiom_ana_dlUil:

N'oiii, S liillnuarv lul»i In Iki.'-imu'II ■douhlo Kariii;f nud Ih cxcclitl'iniil:

* I wri) biiill. L 'u lo iit icrm a lo ilcllia'ri.v. I'Vir fu rth iT iiiirllpularn i-a

I t iS le lrjilione imnilicr 3 o r 4.'

For Sale or TradeI'OR SA Li: OR T IlA P lj- i’F o r Bhf

good house und hlg h.irn . r iione : T w in F alla Shoc-H«*iwlr.

valfl SA l.i; OR T llA D i:—For llstock o r iK>iillry. HurKevo 2ri'i cKit culialo r. S ta r I’acklnK r ia n t . Pin

^ _________________t r a r lc ir,_ i :- :i i . A cood o

) o r trM f. }}. J . KuiH azelton. Idsho. ^ ______

— FOR SAI.I; OR T R A D E - 173 nc lrrlKale<l land I'liH.ihle for Krowl

^ jsoril iMitaloCH. lio^ ncrns Ju>t oot a lfalfft In b e rts ln»t yr,nr. 55 nc s till it» a lfa ltn . m iles from 1

n-v ce lla r on t r a r t . Idaho ^•allll count ^ W rlto Box 5f.6. Tw in F a lls . Idaho.

To~ TradeWANT TO TRADE—Cood cflr

^ good COW. Phode 657R.i C r r ____________________________________ih.n WANTED—To exchanite elect ling r a tg e and tw o good cook f to rea ; oTe any th ing o t tb o lr va lue . L ist yt all p roperty for a a l e > t tb n s o r w c n be «atll a n d buy It. H ollenbeck f t Su

ra n . Pbona ’

Com pelleilsto D o PenanceAs Ibe ra ro lt\r a Oght with 0

ford attsdenta m tb* ftstt of »w. S c tw tu tlc* . r a b m a ry I t t J35< (ft t M>o relcn ot Bdvard Ot, tb* d tlstu

V trtm^ #>r rVcfAnl W*P*




- H A R O t-UCK‘ ' v . .

> m J dr Ji,i I Ft*nn<r I-,cC.i>.l llr.Kin

—7---------------------------------------------- ’

20U3 M iscellaneousi>hwtt----- S,Mni>K riTtrl SALT vixir m eat ih

raitie llni<- wlili Ohi IIIHcory Siiiidii.— :— .sVi|{. O-’in /n v ISriyi. / i Shiij>1

riiillo Co., Twill TallK, ,

--------- i’.<\ f a ’y i : iiA iiiii: i( s i i o i ’; ai«Im ilcs in'auiy liarlor. M an'illliiK ,'.oc, r< ^ seiii 25i-. O illiirru 'a Iralv ciitilni: 25<

, i;:7 Slinrlinm- noiltli, I'lnine SIlW . tp "li'l ...; I 'a l- VDI'ATIONAI. tir ilU N C I- : — 'T h

man who In .ri'jdy liidny- i;ut n a il — ;— , }-<-«ter</.iy. F « r .•/•h'liflDr KijJilnue. lUiood y,n.,ii|(,„;ii (I'idned i;radii;itc

Mr, Allen, a t I’eiTliie holel. Iiileriii ____flomil (■»jT<'fi><>niJi'))''e SrlHuH,

'.■..So W anted-M isceBaneouW A N T i:0 -T o • ity fvoiili eiiw iiti

Iriinw »iirltiner«. C. R, Flinverdeiv. I’luniFlier, 505R I2, ____________________

WANTEU—W ork hy Itie hour n ihiitor, ilay, hy iiilihlle aced wonmn. j : i l2 Hi ,iro a t iivrniie cnM o r phone l.’ilKi.

____ WANTl-ilJ-flOOO 'k»0(I »uHlnp ci:s;Mi-rii. I n m l;ir{;o hn^nls, every Wrdncwihi; Aulo- Whnl huvo yim7 Hii«ky chicks. II

w aler- per 100. 217 2inl iivi-nui! soutlt. .N 1 :inl, C. Cauiida.

------ A ncient Doll Thea tertniuRi!. iiinrlonette''. IlUc ihoso o' ‘’‘I” ; Kcj'l’l. n-erc mudo of te rra cottn Ivorj ip- ,,f „,o,„| nn,i i„ath.T . E r rn iragcdle_____ w rrc prostintcd at. the doll .thenionecplng and there fn nnitie reason lo bulluv

good Ihnt farce, as a d is tinct typo of dm joaths, m 'ntlc eu icrtnlnm ent. grow out o f th0 38. unskilled efToris o f um ntcur shnv--------- men to m a lfo .th e i r , m iniature actor^ t f c tragedies.—Ccnlur _____ilngar.lne.

dairy 'T«lii K m l w y Run b r D ost

^ •*'“ ‘’•1 Till' only rn lhvay -o i'eh iled enilrel;u c ro 'l ’'' d'lg-power runs norihw nrd fron

r „ r , „ « / . A i n a l l f l , for l»0 mile*. It I1 kaimti as the Dogmohlle roiid. Elgh

cat. haul n cjnnrter o f 0 w n .. — I frrlvhl from 40* tn f>0 mlica a day. •

BRMn! ______ ______ _aalcrn Draining Di$mal Sw am prtgaiie T h - rr Iir* n.»r less tIinn "W -Jnnsr'Idaho nillet in iiie i>i!<mnt swnmp, nhlHIdalio. orlslnnll.v ifnere il s-lUhre mJle*-------- it (le« (11 HoiitlieiiNieni Virgliiln nm■SELL Iiiirrhem Nnrrli I’nr.itlim. <irKlnnl1:« 3 o r thl> irn r i wii« rnvere.l wllh hamluKTcrm^ hrfern, rvjire..!. w hite . eednr. r rM0. 252 nnil jilne. The jmrf lluit liaa heei■ra, e1r>iir«'<l rftid <lr:ilnnl In iioiv i|i>Tnlri~ (n nifrii-iiKiire,

that --------uI Ml, ■ OUI'rills .

mZ'. ' __ i!i!

' ' i I 11Hdic I , 1 ^

f ' f V 'S o '

l e - ' . I'/i'-Bhein. ■

• live-

Si..“ -

K uull, . ,1

ncrrri 1 I ^ S r S u i s J ^ i i ^

oot l.f \ I

IU bfs / ------un try . J .•’ /

N for — ^ sw i'rO

c will i : - > - F ' E T Sum - I f

^ f J S ............ 3 4u ct OKI H IS u P fIftd la - . - ~ . . . . i ■'

m u s s


/ • G E N T u e M E t> 4 - IT l‘i VJITMI --------------PlEA«6U RE t h a t V iE_AHE_J T O M 'C H T T O H O M O R A'

A V O E R M ^ .W H O i~1 V/i: . l o v e - A l^ A M Of=' IMTE

^ . l N T t l , U G E ^


W heal. No. 2 or h e l te r , ............. r . JI,'lSdCiir. ................................ f7-’:

‘ .^UKai', i-aiie ........................................ f '. 'i,-T- PROUIJCE

l lu U e lh t ............................. - ............15, Mjj.- Uutlor ............ .....---------------------------4'J!•* ' Potatoes .....................„_.__-.?1.755i'- ___r.UK... ............................................... 2:'T he liKKK, uuderh lic, trad e .....................2f

ready Er.iln, ca;di ........................................... 2nnueo, A lM Jffl____________________ ______l jIn.'ite. G rimm nUaU.i ............. - 22(3 2iieriiii- Red clovr.r ..............................-...2S

W hilu c lo v e r ------------------------1------3C------- lleana .....................,..............H .2r.'if4.;:O U S Ouloun, per luindrnil ........ ...............5C.- ' CH'.CKV.N8 ANI) FOWLS

l.'iiiinii. No, 1. iillve ............................ 2tiCapiin, No, 2, alive .............................. :iU

____ Capon. No. 1, ilr tn n e d -------------------3(. „ r I Capon. No. 2, droitncd ------------------SCmHtli :H ‘’'" 'y h c o u _____________________ 1C

LlKhl h e n o ----------------------------- —.11— — LcKhorn l i c n a ----------------------- , - — 8ci:si'. C o c k a ____________________________ E■whiy. Urollorii. colored. 1% lo 2 Iba— 10. 117 j SiulnnM. colored ..... ............................15• .'l .M .cK h o ia an slsso rs ' •. :,.w- ^ - . .1 0

l^ g b o ra Dtilgs' .:-----.....................H— Ttiflieyn, No. 1, dresBcd t o m s ------40

Turkcyu, No- 1, dressed honn ------38n of Turkeys. No. 2, dressed b c la ____26v.try. Turlicyn. old tom s --------- --— ----- 33cdles T iiikeys. No. I. ulivu tom s —...........27tie rs . Turkeys, No. 2, nllvo tom s _ 20illove Turkeys, No. L ftilvo bens

drn- Turkeys. No. 2, n llve b e n s -----------16f tlm Turkeya, old loins .............................. 2Jihnw- fiee.HC .......................................- ............ I i,ctor* I'uckii ..................................... - ........... l»nlury '• I.ITKSTOCK

J{(ii:>.', l.fKcfier. «.K'f...........................#11.1lllli;!!, he;ivy ................... ............. ...KfirV

. , UoTfcra ‘ ...............— — >«T>Cowa __________________________ 130

/ r " '; ’ M utton --------------------------- ............. .....»

! „ ........ ..................................“,n " f 8 ELLW G PHICESCrlery .................................... - . 2 for 2:I .efd ite .......................... - ............3 o rf 2.'Tij^nlps, new -I .............. ........ ........... .... i

0 S irloin s teak —----------------------------2(insre 5 ®.“” ----------------------------------th lrh T-bone s t e a k ------------ ------.3Cnfj,.,. Cream c U c e so ----------- -------------------.f

<inii «»"> ........................................................ ][Bncon, sliced ---------------------- ;------4i1,1 ' Peppers. Ib. - — .- I t

U o b chop.i — --------------------- 2 5 0 3 tl,„ ,„ CUdlshes. bunch ----------------------------C


U T O U R W A Y — B Y W I L

F o r 7 v o o 'v je i w e w g c

S O X v A t t W ? ,—V O O R D R A W E R J • O O V, -TVA O Se- O V E R «vV I ^ O U L O F l T W O L E .S >

- T w i c e ! / M V lo W <-------CHANGE

I j \P t»-\' nio: ■ ^ -----------X \ B»<S<5ER*. V

______ I DOV

J :

S GET GRAW - 'i p p E f ^ r • ^

THE BUi ~ B i

6PILAK- ■ 'i : A t.i_ ' Q I T E C .R . I T V . - Nca'. r------ '

5m T mC H I C A G O C L O S I N G

G R A I N R E V I E V..4 'K ■ --------:.15l'2 ( 'll ir .M lii, .1,111. ;;l. llh- r . '.r iv i

..,2fie (lie I.ll Ihv in;i:U .t, uh le li <',ii|i.e

- l i e S a l.tid a j ili.' CIiI .mvi. llL.itd - S2*if 'I'l.jidi, unlay. 'I'ht^ llli; inn mllUal-- •••2SC iu:almit lln- Imll.., Inll lj>.' :.lrad

iiiih'l and .tle r th '.- Mil.iKirl, .V ud itn lo ii or ..............* hiiih .ds in ihvlhllde laiJ.J.ly K.K.'thel- « h h s1l;-.hll

,..2Ke iiiKh.T l,lviT|>iii.l in le i;. in.iii.- su| -" 'J '- jiorl, 'i 'he canh niHrln'l «a:i in . -38r , ,.],„iiKed. Kxj.ort hii:dtH'!.v. nv -r tl ...30c J.liie. d 2rill,i.iiii hil^l_.lCc ,,1.,,“ n ( *" 'ii'imiml an— ''^ iO r lc e s lieltled hael; idl.:htly. Hi - r ® ' eellils wero ;i‘.i5 l-iirn. The eai.h mai

J(H wan '?<■ lower. I/ica l li.’iir:. em linu<-<l'l<» Nell fin every lm l« e ,. Tl;

“ if t . nhlmilpK.Jrii(lu..jH ntuw.' • __“ .Q O.ilM -were f r.n flh inu lly 111 i*>ni|ii

lliy w llh o th e r crnltts. lt<-eel|.iM « e i 102 cnrs. TJij: <:iii*h inavkel w;is

_33c Jo"’*''’-...27c Prov isions cloned lower," 20c ------

"'28c O pen.. HIkIi. 1,ow, l■ll.^Z l8 c W14K.\T—.,.23r Mny ....... 142 142'1 141'^; 141„.i:v July ...... 133'i 1:12 ' 1:12'...12e Sept , ... 12y% VlU'.ii 1211

CORN- _11.2;. May - S I? ; M'L- . ' i ' ’ - J'l''« r : 'i Ju ly ....... SiVj S4S sO1 6 0 ; Sent ... .. hfi'Si SO''; S r.', Ki;lMff>- Oa t . S - ' '130 May . ., . 4S‘ii is \ x IT'- ; i July ...... 4« •- i f . .. 4 i;'i ICI, I.-,^ i:.;

U \R D —■ 2: . Jan , .. , U.M) 12M. 12;;: 12; f 2. JtliI.S—— S Ja n . . . Niiiiiliial 171 _2(i U V E--— >J;|J- . . . Jy.S’, |ii7 '., |ii7^“ 30 .iiiij. •. |i.<.>. i . n \ icC.i.- liC.’

...... ”- J i ) ' (•iiic .V iiii I '.vsii i;i i.tiN ." I ' i i:Hl(-A<:0. Jan . ,;i.- W h ea t-N c ,

nx l JJ,.-!!): .Vo. J Jwrd, f l,< » ’i'i i 1.4H — No. 2 h a n l. J l.I2< rl.M : Nc. :i har<

JI.37«'1.41.. c « r« —.N'w. 2 .V.IJI'W, 7 ;i'.?i7 ;i'i< '


7 ~ - < : *=6 0 T '* r “ |' .....

S c r W VO LES IM T k ' \ ^ ' t — • 5 0 ! • 3 6 ^ P u L U - r — r

o v m n I A n l a P £ m !_____M v " T b £ S . s o ' t u ' i

=• ><NOMr S H O W A 9 C w £ [ - 7 ' N ■ W C O f e . I ' u . H A F T A ^ .£. ‘E tv l P o R T V S O O t ^ t - J1o l £ % G c r M O C M ■■■ t l - .* s w G A R ie J f S 'J^O K 'T /OV'JM N O M O R E .! y / ■ •

y| . v

m K:

JYteRS ■IY McMANUdO lM T 'i- V y.ltK . U i f j ' I OU'O T l^RO oCH - 1 LU \

K --rw K N A u i. tsr. c jv n < li>e.ll-'YOU A C iM ' r — " iI .

^ ‘5^' ^ ^

. r . ' . .....

ARKET REPORTS- _____________ _

J G S v l 1o»-. ilTI/'l:-!’ ; Xo^^r. yellow! fiSff '■-2',-i^i.Me: No.

{2 7.M-; No. ;; jjjix.'d . 7i'iifi'7r.o:' .Vu. i mixed, lifiiic: Ni., ll in ljed.

I!.”., I.:',,;; Nn, w hile. «4tfi'72ir; No.

I D.iii Sc. J Ml.lt.., 47',-Hi-'’'J r : No->.iiii.. ll '- ,.''.* :;-; .No. 4 white. 37fi)

ll;il."l J

■ ''''" ''i ; l;.i:lr.v i;><l.;.-;,sle........... J ' I ' H , i : , .

I III-' '\. ‘ _____

' ( ’• i 'j iH ',w ;o p j i i m r o : .1 r i i i v . u i o , .1.111. : i i ,~ ili ti t ..r : Ro- i r i i .1,'1, ii-,;i:!;; en-am ery 4*C49c;

' " fli,sM, 46 '4J?47H c; .M'<-.iiid». 4<'it ir i 'ii;; ex tra s 50c. '•

: iCcKii! lle.-eliiiH, i ;!,022 cases; o r- llJ. -Hilary' .'IJ 'i'-; nr.-<l!{;_^J3H033c;

; rhee.'ie; T «lli» 2riffi25^c:’ Atneri-

‘ 'T b . ' . " '" -I’i.iilirv, itieeii.tH, :i c n rs: (owls, heavy 20c ; sm all 23r. sp rings 27c;

snip.i^ . :;jc; h<>nvy 31c; lu r -s '* ile ' • ' * " • ’ • roosters. 13c.

I'O rATO KS. riilC.VOO. Jan . . 21.—Receipts. Ar-

\ r ivals IH c am ; ou truck 246; In ' jn insH 'lC ’Sr wl».coK»«’JwcKW»'«>uniJ'

w hiles, | 2 0 '2.2a : m ostly ( : ;10; ldaba>> sacked rttsHcIs, 2,70©2.flC, n io sllr.

‘ j : ’,7c«i;-.K(/r s«'cTf». ti-oofP2.:s.

i C IIK ’AtJO MVK8T0<;K.ClflCAOO. Jrtn. 31.—CbHJ« — U«-

eel|iiN.. 24.0(10; fed s teers a io a d y to 25r low er: Hhe tiiock shuring dcclino: i.loehcni ,nn tl foeticrw. w eak; bu lii . u eait to ir .e / lo w er : vealcm C0O76c

' low er; early top lienvy hiillock*. ' J I 2.2.';; I.ulk fe.f Btrcrs, »tf.76©W,iW>;

Hliieliera and feeders'IC.7SO7.&0: fa t eows. »5,5oftC.75; m edium / bulls.

,-,„i few W.Ctf: venlers, a t' arontul tl*.: lo big k ille rs ; sh ippers.

114 niimtly., ,1,'.;.': Shi-ri> —. K.'cWrita,; 2u,0(JC: m arke t , slow, fui iniutis opening iCOSuc low*

' e r : hulk Woolcd offeH ugs J 12.M,© 'M ; hoicdnu choice b a d d j'« r ig h t« a t

^ . iiriiiii.d »13.35; heavy woolwl lamb*.' ' } 12.5i ) a i 2.7S; cxtrm ne welgbtM |ILCO

I tf/tl.S5: c u lls , sleady lo v e n k . '1 1 9 0 ' lii..'iO; sheep, s tro n g ; le t ewe*. IS.SO

, 7.75: hoh llne choice a l« v e »CW ;~ •' ' f .il iunil.s. s te ad y ; , desirab le f e ^ e r *

' t l2 .c o ( r l3 .l0 : inetllum llj^ tw e lg ta ti ,a iid uood heavieii. t l 2 0 t 2.SI>.' ' i Hogs — iioeeip ti, CS.OM; auu1c«• sU.w. im cven; en rly aalea H gbl: bogs

Kenernlly lUc off to 10c blgb0t ' : ‘ a a*.........incrou».,»ale» iC iM o _ ^ 0'p o u o d .a r e r -

I a te s a t th n t p rice ; rooal'^ lirtb 'T S O * pound ■ bu lehem $12,0Sf^l2.1S: b u lk (leKlrahle luicfcinE sow s t l l .V ! 9 l i : S 0 i Irw stronK w eights s la u g h te r pls«t

;»12{M M 5.

Id ah o P o ta to M ark e tIDAHO POTA MKT (Ily U. 6 . A g ricu ltu ra l D a ^ r t i s o i t )

IDAHO FALLS. J«p .' S9.—O fferings m th e r lig h t;, detBU S i s d . tradlDC ligh t; m arke t .dalL,‘C a i l o ^ f. a b. cash tr a c k ; aadcfd. f f m t t ' w arehouse, ro a rad e d ,- 'aa w o r \ r ^ .

’ de n n ed b a g s : U. S.'j .M .- 'f c w best 1130; tr .Sl.2501.3<>. W agonloadfccaabi t b m i y v

, e rir .. ' h a n ltnK S-tlR tt;- rusaeta . V . S. Ifo. | ..l!|l<> l i f t j m l O ll.C S9 i .tS . e a ttt rd a y m and a n d t n i d l M r l l ^ : ' i & m M | a ^

, few kaJ«« r * p o t t * 4 ; « ( f c « . n n i M from n W a r .- • 'f .

; r o R T W ORTH: 'A n t M ' w B S S No4l b D a k o u 1, t ; . ' « u S K11: anppllea trad in g U kU ;a ale t. FO rt W BrtIt l w i 1 * t i l B i a « ^

V u a a d n r ^ ' . . O r' '3 .W ; m e c tlr n ! U ; ' l i t lS a M f B M l f i a

ington r\taact% P M tlr \« l» a ^ ? CTflpa 02.M. , .


t e e d i w e e ■ i i l e l 4 ( e | t f l i | a | H l

• . lat*

i u t u mPOIRUNE

TAKATIONA ssessor S. Clnudo' S tcw n rl Sends

■ . C op^ o f B ill W h ich W ould I n ­crease Sums- R eceived from le v ie s in T his C o u n ty ; ' P u ts P ow er O onjpany on P a t w ith

__________ R n i lro o d g anti Tglpgrn p h s ________ I

; P n i l t of •im (iinoni.lmpiit tn ilU'' t'PHsmcnl Iivw.i.pwDoiJiiB 'lto '•tb n liiw Itu th u t I 'lp c trlciil. liiK‘ii In tlic a lnlo w in hn iiimoHiK'tl an r»ll- roailx, tn)pKr:iiihii unit o ilie r t’liMU: utllllIrK WIIH mallcil to nol>« in|hiy h liy R Cfmnlii S lcw nrt. coiim > n»iii'MKtr i, fo r In lroductlon itt ihu low ur hiiui.>'.

InrR cr Kharo o f jinw or ciiinii;niy vtaxe« thnn It olitiiliiti lit lhe iin-rciit ki

- lltn c . wliim th e plimln :iri’ la x n l lu S th o countlcii w licro Inciiloil! Th<-nmcndcil I tw woiild rfa it: •'Tho niiilc ilb o a w o C (iq iiitllm lnii iilinl! iinci'rtiiln Unnd dotnrm inc tJi« fu ll n inh viiDir nr na ll proporly In tho litnti*. . . . iiml r.

" a h n ll dotcrm lnn the tn tn l viiluo, tlip •<n ttibber o f in llun ijim r'T v lu p 'p o r I'

• - 'o r -« n c h rallrontf.iibloBrftpli.‘nn<l iPli!- «pbone lino In t | i e lr t ta te ;‘ thp v«!iip. ‘'i num bitr o f inllon por mlli' o t 'micii lino In nny count')- Into » r tlirotiKh nthleh th e nald lino «'xi< nU!i,ftflil Iho vnhic. num ber o f m lk :i and | ' vuluo por nillc. o f jiuch lltii' In any i ‘' ' In'eorporntcd low n, c lly . '■■l.-'H.'i !!', nchool d im rle t o r o th e r iiixln;: liltt- '!’t r lc t I j to o r throuEli w hich tin ' ;<:ild '' lino cxtenilH. ■‘I'liiT Vftlur' jit -r 'm iloo f 'i in y lino . . . Is' to ho (Irli’riniin-d _by dlvldlnif thu tnlnl valuo o l laioli 1lino w ith in Hut nluto by iho nnm l.or. i o f Jnllcs of Huch line tv lililn ihc m ate. . ~

£ d e n L a d ies’ A id W ill p r e se n t H om e

T a le n t P la y Soon

~ ■ ' . I*'KDKN. Jun . n l—A ono iiol p1:iy on- i|li

tit led "Tlic! O hi .MnlO"' (^invonlloii."w tll be pre'Bcntt'd hero Woclni-Mlny ihi

• e w n ln c a t th e I loko tlicn tri' hy ilio im• Bden l-nillnH" Aid. A hirK.t ami o t lUi

^ c h n rn c io r i a ro rrtitilrcd In t!»' >tiii:- :*li/ Inp of llio coiiioily. ' Ml/ Thn cnnt of char.-irliT» nrc an fnl- linf loa-H: «"■

.Miirltmh Ixivojny. prct-Mr-fU f f th r convrn tlon . .Mr«. A. l*. K riim ; A inai- ^

• lllll noywooil. j ic c n ia ry : Mr:.. IV S m llh ; rriM cllla Hnpo. iroaittinT . Mr *. F n iiik IlciKHo: A nxiriy Diiliorly.K runk F iilton ; AiiKUfUi I’riiii. .Mr:;, nilllilti G o rdon : ra l th fn l IllouM.m,

Atidrr.wJi; JY c.Iw u Ui«.l)(lit,Mm. a . I'. M nK ti^ HUr.dn I.ar^liii^, , Mr*. I-. \v . lloclxm i: S.'lnm Iltwt■■^ ; KJorcnro l / 'v lii ; Snr.aiiinili Sn ilih . .Mr.<. : K nrl KlHon: M lran'l« 1‘rln-, Mrn. A, .1-

.W ilH on; .Mary Ann Hari.o», Mr;., Cafl . S m ith : s .ira h Jan-- SpiliiK'-l-'i-. .'1r.'>. • rho.M rr I'^oh'c; i;i lfa MixiUor, M ... •• >•^0.1 riin loy : l> lli.T Snv.l.T, M.v>, .1. i:. Spoar; .Marlnn r.TkIn!*, .Mi- i:inon;' A^c■nttla lla k rr, Mr;.. .luliu •

I CrulK: 'Sophia I’ntlc’V. Mr;., ll.I>aJ>lnlor: l'rnfo.ih-ir I 'li ilo r lo n . Ilrv ( *

■ ' G lon M orinn; fa■■.l1l^ lIo « ,in lJloslilon the prlni ll>;il iti:ir.irtoi.'; Iii.iir l >tllim a ilnri ii o \li . is ,ir<- rc iin lii'I.

________________ 1

---------Y or> '<«-.Hj:> 'K n u n t . u . -n . l ii T l { :sn .\v M t.i iT i I

Tho YoiinK M.'Il'r Clinral -Inl. ' m II j =' bo ld an op'-n rn o .iliu T in”.rl.iy

' " n ln jr . F o l.n iary l In ih r li.n .itii I m n - ; ' ' 'gnlow to w htrll .nil hil iliO' . 111.11 i ••

/ w o m t n nro InOltr.i, Tho ininu,.,.. . . r j ' ' '* tb ln m<Vtlnp. I'l lo ;rii-i'rlaln ith o H rntlliirnl Ih.'' <-itl:-.'n.. of T u ,n ]

* r*U »- In tow ard ori:aiiU ;iil..n • th ix k ind . An liiiiTr^iiii;: prOBrnm h;*it l.rc n arr;4iii:'<1 ic r .m '

______ I IH o w o 'fn -m Cnllfu ru la—Mr. A.

HoUKhtPtln l:i boino f ri iiii-a 1U|. C a lifo rn ia . j i 'n '

W hen you noinl a job h.m- Th. TIni'": i 1; w a n t co lain a . , ji'fx-

f F R E E -.?

I n o r d e r to m o w c u r la r g e s : ^ - Avipdshields. W c h a V d tc id cd • S' - c h a r g e s o a t t U i n g g lr .V W c h.i'

p o l i t h in g m a c h in e u^ c ' to g r im £ ta i:« d .

■ W c T i l T n i la r ^ p ' s to c k o f \v . I ro n b lc a b o u t s i t e s . . .

J^ebn^s Pai

W alters ttf B road cast o n R otary P ea ce

JinJiro i;. A. ll'»lfofs-.]iro«ldoiil ..f il.tiiirliiiiN has horn

- — IriTllod - Jtj- i lif H n tr ir j-n u l l <•!• . lh a l «'ify to >|ii‘iiK on tin- Mih-

.h'ot. “ liito rn lainnal l’r i :n ‘ m id, CoinU nill Thronvli llnlnr).* ' Tin-

|inldri'*s. «lili-h » n i hi- doli>on-il fll llio provoiico Ol' i-’ti inofiilHT. of till- chilt IhiTo an.l v i l l h.-

.......... o \o r KSI. 1,,-liioi-n snnd i>. in. Tni'Mlii) n iuhl.


l]iiiirlorly M nko ('>iniVri-iio.- niol r rM liM ix l |-onH-n‘.li>n .\n - IM tt In

- I.'il) : Sniil.iitli OhM-niiiH'i- nml IT ik-- '• tit’. - A r o I^rfsid. ' ■

A lan-.. ;':ion.!iinr.' wa,. i.ro.:ini HiiliM.lay allonirxni and Kun.lay al all........ :ii fho 1 I). ohnroli In ilihicliy, on tho nc-caaioii o f Mi- .|ila rlo rly

- M^h>-o.t■lr^H•n1••.-•■nd-|•^K■^Il...<>.l-.>ou.vcniliin. Chnrl.':. II. . ...... o : ihoKov.'ii pv.MliI.'iihi o f llu- o 'iniii'll or Sov.'iiiy w.vi i.r.':'< ni nml niniU.'.

Saliir.liiy afd-rnooii. tho mon mot In llio 1.. 0 . .‘5. riiaix-I. wh.'i'o roimrfi; of llu- p rl.’Nilioci.l!i. fiom vai kiini r|iior- linri. Afl.T fho r.'iioilH had Ih'oii ro- rolvo.1 lVci.i<l.'nt lla ri inado an In- loreiillnu' and Initlrnoilvi' inllt on Ihcliniir..voni.:nt worli. W'lilh- ............ ...won- mi'olhiK In llu- rhiipol. ihi' wont- on >v<-rv Imldliii; a ’lu'MloiT'in iho M’oai- cnX lonin.

sum lay m.irnliii; Itu- .a ii.j.'ci; of ki-uftlni: Iho Sahhiiili lioly tVan V«nnld- iT.'il. am i .‘Jiitul.-.y fjh^crt-KHcc.

jnr.'u i-.llm : lo Iho Ijiw.iif Coil u'ail iirK- |i'.I l.y a minih.rr of ;;|). ali.'r». Snndiiy

•lariornnon, i.o io ra l .•-[..■akfi;. uxhiirUHl ;iiii- pr.iplo !o 'f . ta t ll i 'o In Ih r l r Ilvo-i

lh.-.|irlnolp|L-!i o f Ih.; »:oitin,-l o t Chrl:'I.


:itlii>i (jc'i>r(;lii Muvwcll. now mifior- Iiitc-ndoni (if th e T w in Fall:, ro iin ty K.'noral liOHplliil, aTriv.'d inday fioin . Phlliiilvlphia iicoiiniiiank'd hy lu-r nii- a lhlalll, MIhh M(Cli-lhiil. ' '

MliiK Maxwoll will lalio ohari;.- nf ■ Iho Hii|a-rlii(oiKtoiiL-y (itm orniw in.irn- i InK. Sho .fonnorly oornpli-il ilio po. Hliliin wlil.'h i.1u' now toMim.-i., Sho ' :.liiio.l t...I,iy‘ilMi .tiii'J^ t.l nothin:: to i

■SS !oviT llu- !.liii;\t1on. ' ^ .v . ' "■■■'" ' I

C ast o f “ O.'jcc in ;a B lu e iMoon” O u t i

Th.- follow ing l:> M - .-.M or :ii.' I lirlni-ipal.i lu On. <• m llliu-wfifcfi r» Jtfv.li (loio I-ri.(iiv .••rfilr-.- I

Moon l.ady. lady of Ilio U lnr M.ioli ^- Marrollc- W ynn. '

Mr:<. Monl;;.ii;i.'ry, Ih .' hoNi. :,. - tUiilh D arlliu;. '

S lyvla Monli:i.n|i i J . h .'r .lati;;hi. r ' S^irah M.ilinltoti. • • '

C ..'a tilc ' .M ..n(;;onui5, f i .r joiu kkt . laiii:hlor .Mahlo I'.iil.-rll-'lil.

Mr. f;:itildl M.trL.it, a horn.- l..« n l.ooi.lcr l\o iino lh l»oin;1as!

Ili liy M orion, Sylvla'n h. ;.i f il. ii.l .- ‘ I 'la lin a Klrliinnn.

Mr::, i.ila l.avom hT. ;.llll in inou in .In - fKiia Saxon.

llllly -Maxxv.'ll. i. ^ I .I ili i of r l i i iini- Kl.in..- l-:.Uvhi Tni.-.

i:.-om;.' T ay lo r. ;.li-i;> llol. ir.uiinK - ' lou 'f h a r h - i ItaK llli.'. ' ‘

: 11- r . ri'iv.il <:ii.i\wi«il- i ' t . . | Sani:- .•i ; M, i:ono 1.0 Mun, Mhno Farar,.........f.i I'loi.lpofoiiflarlor', "

Su.Miim-. llu- l-T.-lu-ti iii.il.l - ll.-l‘-li "

ll..I<tk;iiii; HI, 111.- hiinri.- i i ia n - l-;n'

Sl;yl..il: lloan;-;. a .|.-I. < lU r-- )i c iM rli-: Aa.U-r.-o». ,i

.\r.M,o.-s a i,.i(irrt.i,.fi - KUifi U r,nr

f . i l t S ,\ I.i :-n i iiM -- ami M is-1'. ' l.nin,. ., oM oi.l,. alM vIum s. M.-.-:;. S '- = .o I I ; I P , to vain.-', lo JTMi. r io :- n la : : . lo r J l n i an.l ? 1.'.'.V I’.-irlior Slioi-

U VOU ilon't iiroil II ronu-OT- ol.ic i1f>.-r.- T n-^a w.ml ad. w.

-F R E E: S to ck o f .ivito d o o r g la s s .in d d t o c u l o u t lh e i n s t a l l a t i o n li.iv c an c lc c tr ic g r in d in g a n d • in d th e e d g e s o f Ml g la s s in -

w in d o w a r . J 'p K i t c g la s s — no

lint Store

■ ■■■ ^ ,

ID.VllO Fim pH T K Y ” ---------------- ^.MAN'S I'UllCIIASK OF


. WASill.NCiTON. D, V... Ja n . :il ' Tlio iii-nali' toilny htilhnrlzo.l Invoii , :;atl(m hy Ilio -puhU o-liuidh.toiiinm i

.ll li .-oiilract liotwccn t'n lic rt Htnt 'j f.iri-:.try o tflclnl«, nnd Krod H orrI ' ' of SI, M ary’ii. Idnho. for piirchii . ol MKi.fion.niMi firel n t tlinhor In lira

iiiiiniy. OroKon. Tho Invoi.llcall r.-Moliiilon’ hy ‘ S eniiio r Stanflohl. i

J. piihlloaii. OrcKon, WUH ml(t|>ti-<l.


Thr li.vw-'conllnurd Moiy '>» I ll„v SroiilH oiionu loillithl 111 1 Twin F.illt- l>iilly Tliiu‘i'.. Kcail 1 op.-nlii;: oliaiH.-r an.l toll yonr noli:

‘ ' hnn< If Ihoy niliau-d tho Ilrtu <-hin.n f p l<i ocnm- In ami wo will tivo llu l l \ nn .-iii'iv lo p y of lh<- opoiihiK 1

(itallnicnt. Soo nioryMin pano.-t,-

_______1MIH.-V u -T ii viTTi.n » n : s .Ill') llfHSI-:. .Ian, III.—Slihiry A, Won

III :i,*, vf Malli-y, i.noi-iiiiil.0.1 oaily Mo HO; U ny 'iilon ilnc tn liijurh'ii lo lilii ha [• ' and nook Hu-iirrod w h.'nsJiln nni

mol.llo. rontuinliii: fou r, .ilhor.-i > i.|ili-n h1iii:ioir. oriuihrd Into a r.

■Ml i,r irorti a t llu- >;oiilh ond 'o t H an a ll nun liniiloviinl oarly_ Sum lay .m ur I'l!' hiK. .Vono of ih<- oihor ooonpan '■>y w,ui liorlouHly h u n . and MIm» llarhalu - -(5r;,-r;-„hn--witt*-\Vi.n } i4-x:ouiii;inlou_I"' Ih o ’lrimt aoal, wh. ii Iho nmoliln.'- w:

w r.rkod. 'u-ft tlu- lio;,|illal Siiiul!


lllll A t|o rii( ')s fo r llo lrs S1n-«-s Tli „ry T lm l Kn-ij U Siino JJo' Wi

■■ V nilnly liifliionc-od: .Mrl'lnsl.i Suy« Infiiiitllo ri:nil}>is Cnn>o

^ Ih-nth. -s

1 T hai l-Vanlf- Trlcnolr'o wa» rtnlfoi Inu from Infiinlllo paralyHiM a you liulnhi llin ilviiih: ihaf iho di/ioano 1

r- n f n proKroimlvo irliar.nclor. w_hlr ly nfti’clH only tho ninior iiorvon. )ivi III KiX'»"OH nlnndlly u n til ih-alti. hu t do.' !t. no t a lfc i- t- th i’ m ind, wan llio «m

itliifjoo o f till- loallinony of Dr. .' , f .W, Mc(UiiHkoy nr llnhl. 'whi) oi-n 1. p l« J lJi« wllHt-M jitajjij JiJl (. I lo Kulrl Mnyo’H iinidalno.l lil» di.ij; I,. nnslK. Or, .MrCliinlioy Jialil lha t h0 talUoil w ltli:' Tri«,n(.li,(ii l l ........w hu ;.u; hoforo iio wi-nt lo il»! -4it.iipilal aiv

hill mind 'wim r lo a r ,' i ' . ’W 'S tm . . . ' tom rr'lo iian ’l losUfIrd lIMi Trlnn.lr.

. Vliiii^Aiii' ’ oivMi-oxaiiilaailun -.iit <liuiW l-y A lioni.;y J, \V, •fayhir 1..I

it 1<»soil. Th.t lino .,t .|.u-Mionln;; in dli-iil.d thar llu- llu'ory of III" .1.'f.-ii^r ill lhal In.....lily In 11..1 n<V.

I, :.irllv ........ . of llu- ran,- „I• liM 'dpd 1,1 IJ. TJu- «l--|..„.. I, M-, ui.. •.iri-r.:.(ii.: tho llll.- Ihal a ,;i.ii

m ay li - .iiululy inlliu hn .1 an.l .<- tin r..,iiu- lltu'- Im. r.ano. and l!i,.l ;li-

'condllluiu. an.l . h-.-um:.l:inr. -i v>. 1. viii'h lhat a |u .-.Miitiiillon »l Dial ' iiir

. ixi-i.-.l in l ll l. lriM:,n..-.

' iM »>(ii(i;ii n I i t \v i ; \T H i\" An Illl.-I.rllu:: lall, a'|.|..-ar!i lu ,li,

copy of tlu- pro.-. .illiiKii .>t M - ,11- liii:il . .I in . nllon ..f iho NalluiK.I ,V- . liorlallnn of Ma-l.-r riiim hr r ' ;,i

• I.Oul:ivHlo. ni:i.l.- In- Alfi.-.l I.m......Ih.- nali.uuil lt.„-„u.-r, iv;-.a:diii Al,,\ W. M iitia> .,on .- ..1 Ih.i ............. ..1-

i.i .the- nalllUl :!.-lallon.- Il.'v h.- h.-lpod tl,.::.. itu

■ hi Mlilrii Mr. M iirrar 'irivo ili .l:.,i i. : lu;; Ml.- I...-.I l.y-huM, u;.:, I.iith,1 \..-ii- I.;,.1,111 llu- c.iin.-lili'.i

VsI.s !-la.-r nn ll.«ir.l - ................. ..i . ,\tl,llj-. uf Itu- Txvin F..II- I r.llIJ,

- l ‘..riu.iia i;i,iim.- was III thl>. .ity Ila.' .ll„i il:.r.lllK llu- manor of r r,.l|-.;<- l.M .-M nlall.in on Uu- fair hnn..I xmU. w lili Iho o.uiniy <-ommlM,l..tu-r«

PUBI.BC,\s I lii:«o M.hl my |.hu-.- I <t||| n r ' l ..f (ho Sonlh I’lirk tJ r - .ro r j.

T H U R S D A Y ,S rIo lloKhinlnu' n

f l'if j . lf* <»F spnn of tspan .'f m nlrs. sni...ith. muiith.S jr s . ..hi. w l. :!li>n li.s.C (n V s-Jor 'o ) f . .« , r. jrv. Oul,

) r s . old. U*i>lni; -I k'lil. milk.If) m i l iS -T r.-i:Moro.l S p .i|t.d trn-il I'.dan.l I liinu k’liu . '..rrd;

. Innd th lu n i:lll>: s .-IL-il.lo I., bfiors..U 'T O S -F .in l. iM t iriirl.. « lfh OifVlaml l!»^ toiirhik' ri:r: t.-rm v .tjtM .M .\n i iM :iiY - - i i m 's r i

S.-I. o f ■«.lini; m lnoral: d»7on p n ll . l s «■ T r r m s- la s li .

b ; M . D A N lM fU A urlion rrr.

. T W I N E A L L S . D A I L Y T


'' '' 'I " ' ' «;..os to n io r —.\!r«. Wcirlhlnm.inlUoc paiiLonsor in I-1lor. tixlny.itiiton , ‘ ....................................

Hwrnli ........ I 'l '-K '^ -I 'ian h !,, , l.vhoh ir l nnu-d in.hiy Irom a hiuiln. '

S™ ....... ________'■ (in lu ni-llv.-.M n:, Fnlliii.-r-xu-iii 1

Wolhi lhl-;..nf)ornoon f.u- a vlsjl, .Mh Vnllnii-i- (I’f Hnl1l;;li-i- ro lm ii.il to lu:

'i,>ii:s J" ’...... , ________________■■ ■• •

, ‘ Sol.....I SI(-oJInu' l-Msl|ionod Thiirhooi l.nan i ntiM-dn;: onUrd f<ir S--!

1 n,(i tiiiliiy n ish t wail iMii-UiDm-il iinillOlllh-nylr-l' ~ Z "Ih rn i ..lohnsiiii In Itolso' i:. It, .I..I111-011

In- ai.Hiidaiil h.-or..lary of Hu- Anu-ri.-aiFalli. .Ilslrlc l. In ill Hoh'o on ..............for 111.- hoar.l,

'o rry , l ii Ho(Iri:o l|i-<-fin-r~—i-;.i ........Mon- u'lio illlil .. ............. I Iioiii Uu- lion|>liaharl! 1.1 hi:; hoim^ a lio r an f .p riatio ii tonnlo . Koili-0,1 l.r-rriunt.Ml i.-c.iv.-ro.l al hiI h - homr,

la i i l - ihu-li fr..ni l l . i l - o - l t . V. I’arl-y of ihl Iiiirii- furiii n f W'itllrr.-: i ” .irry . («I.anlii rrom a irlfi to Iloho wln-ro 1k al rhara l.-n.h-d lo imi-.Io.r;; ill oonrl lor Ilo UUjlL firn t . ___________ '

inday Spiiil Ciiso Tiios<lii>—Tlu- ncllui ri.-;;anllnK ]i.)ial.> riillncH. whioli .1. I' M andiall and o lhom onjoliii'.l Ihoi.Ml.

_ nKrIt-nllural .Irpa rln irn i from inillliii A p Inio offoct, will he Trlod nni T tiniaIII day. llothw ell & ('Inipmiin i-oproi,--.ii

Itio id iilntlff nml A llornoy C.onrrap i n Frailli I.. S lophnn hi oxpcctt'd In ap-

Sl3 ' ,Mnny .......... ... :!(t u.-m

IV 'noftilim 10 Iliirloy lo iiiien.l tlir 'I I first mrotliiK of rho loadoridilp wo.-k

work cnndiK-ird iiiuior tho am'iiil.-o.. i r n o f Iho I., I). S'.,-Illlt of.on to a ll ro-

r \ Kardloioi nf rolli;ioim affUlalloii. Thi' * L J ,,rh« iam oow-r.r a ll imrM of acrlcu l-

liinil a ttlv lilrji. w llh amniu-moniM for ' »i:tli(int 111 ilio .-.i-iiliii:. Al loitid -im

ri-.iin nuu ldo ot Ihirli-y a jo i-xii.'oU-.l

'v n 's llo

' ' ’'■■•M Fi-li.iij U Clml-o-d—i-'ornial chaiso " fjo f a:.Mi;ili w ilh :t d iad ly w.-apoii wan

!fll(-d thh. nneriiooii ai^alnnl Ulohiii.l .\larlln ,.,(ir.r{ lclntril llalfk-Id. 11 o n -

ff''*"- arnioil Kou'uurUhin. wliii hi iilloROd lo year ,,.](.(! lo ,;tmo' r lif fo rd T lplon.“• h- iiiinthrr oiu '-nn iu;) w.'iii ;il Iho D rlflln lilrh i ;<:iiiiriliiy niKht. -Tin- nion wero pah*, ']iro--!|,iit (inarrolod In jiill, ami T lp lon Ih do.-s|~;il.l 10 havo whlpp.-.l M nrlln. wlin jfot Kill.- :i ;;im ihere iifto r lo i;ot IiIk num.

icc'i,! Kiish fur M ,-.'ii..ov-A fl.T .dooiilir: Ij;; i, on Ih" Juh unlll tlu; Iimt .hty of i;n .ro li.ij;. own.-r:, of nnloti a ro crowilln:: th<- a :- I 1,0 >-. ;i«oi'» o ffu .-fo ih iy . Up to tanl S a l­ma:; "nl-'' ha.l 1..-..ti l«Mioil, a ii.l'i''^- '* '’’' ' '**" 1''-^ y - " '- alUuiiiuh Ih.-r.-

^ in - moi.- oar:. In tluv counly nnw;tHiin I III.-ro ui-ro l;t;i.,y(iar. „ ’I'hojioiTtftn.l lo- ’ il.i) ■ 1 ./Ml lI jjiL ^ I appoal in I..- llli; 111:1.1.- for lilal.-ii, Io Ilohu-. :n lli..

1' ' , ' .-uiiiily iii,iy run out lirfor.t iiU hi, in ' iililch ca:.- Ilnal pi.ymoni may I..- .I.--

' l.i>oil ll- day .u- 1.0 iinlll l>hil.-!i com.-,

" ; k itxniilans Itc tiirn—IH i.irk l T in ; - I 1.-0 (:.-on;v Sandliollr. r.-tiii-ncd Irom

I’ay.-ito yciii.^HWJ- whoro h<- a tliuu l.it •'•■‘" ' i h o dii.iHct Jiiiiiii-:.’ oniiforiioo SaUir-

' .I:iy, T h r Im.i n lal. K o t Fl'ah ami ' ' '" i.tihiho « . r.-.|.rir.-M -nlcd hy rl(-h-;tion

' " ' ' i t o n i III.- vavloiiK olnlv, ami iihiiit. " ‘'! |v . . r>- laid lo r llu- worl; of Itu' pr.-i .-nl

' \ . ; . r , Mr. S:uidh-ill): r.-pi .■;i..iilo.l Ilu- - Twill r,.ll.-; rliilt. f. fi. ,M!” .f.-rr. w .v-,

; ,11. Ill ;.|1.| r :-v.- ;i i h 'irl ;ultlr.-:i» .m jI ‘ 'T h - Iii1.-r-''hil. U . h.lioli!«." I

• I.Iptun T.-n Man ll .- ro -\V , 'I'. I'.iii-! I . rr.iin, r.-i.n-,‘i' nltnK tlu- Tlw.m.i-, L\ il.iu -on l.-a .Minii.iny l.'i hoii- lod(> j

• ‘ .oi»/.-itlii:: wifli ffu- w lin lrr.ilrn i uul l . l : i l | . r ; : In |ihiolln; l lu i r iiio .luil

■ 1.1 f .u .' Iho |.)c ;il lr;uh-, ll«~v i.lal. ,''^;:fti:.i fho i-onsumpllon of io:< i: ')n m t-

t.-i.-i ihiin oofl.-.- cnmninipilriii. T l i ' | 'i 'i' p.-r o:iplIn of fra .•oiiMini|il li'ui In lli

" ll, • - •

\ D A N G E R

l ln r .Mrki-I M.-ol Ih-iim An- tiiia r .' oiilocd lo Ito llio ll .s l' “ I'hoiio M s T K r- ia ;> r iiu n r

C SALE!t l i l sell ill I'lihtio A nrlhm I ' j nillos r ; . T n ill F a l l s

f , F E B R U A R Y 3: nl 12 oT lock Sharp f uiiilf-i. « nnd 10 jr v . old.II. n t . 2IHNI ills.; spiin of miiios, ; ]|iu|

d . d U n tf 2 'i cul. mllCi Ui.M .-i.i r . .« ,

od r>ilnii}| r ii in n Miits. I.n-.l; » rrc is* r d ; SO o ilrijilo n-Klst.-r Sp..Uo.l I’...I . , r r f i s l r r SiH.lt.d r.ilnnd (h liin

th t*n.fa l- .x ; S tnti.lard s tonrln ir r n r : r in s tti ll l«> c h r n ..n Ih r .ihox- rar> . 'F H d l.H F l 'U M T l'R i:' « . . r t h a rn r s s ; 3 %acl.s (.1 MiHiriiinn , o ir.r n r l . .- t r s l.n n rh « n ? .-n on Ur-iDii.N

NIELS, Owner1 . .V. W AUNLi:, ( I r r k . I


F ’ Uniti^l Sl’atOH hr on ly H tinncon an fho por caiilta nf cnffcu ^:oniiunipllo Ih ir> jKiund:i._

A dvorllso llrlil^'o Ilonds—Tint onlli ■mioii i::i.iir o f Ixinilu for liio coniilriictro

o f - i l io .riin-lo-rln> hridno wore ni ■ .v('riliTi(| In Soiitllo paporH liy '" tl

; !„ Twin i-‘;iil!i.Jtrom t‘ cojnpnny Salui ,ln,-;;i dya. iirron llm ; to T. K, llacknin<

v.lio li:i:> i-oo'lvod piiporii from liy r .

Ill 10 ' f'lniin:o<-' H i t r ii-n —Mm. UtW ,MI;.n Sl0V(-li:i. wlfo <iC lloHH Slcv<-liH. Wh

I her oiilcrod a plcfi o f •Kiillly Halnrdii niorniniv In tli(' <listrict co iirl. tnda wiHidn-w—Ihu pk‘a tlii-niii;li hor ai

Tliir tornoy W. h . n ilnn , v,-lm oxidaino K ‘‘- lUiil Uhi o riR ia fl p lf i t u-fui . cwfi.-rc until llii-ou«h.mlHund(irHtun(llnK. Mr. Dun

ni'Uod loavo to' liuvo nn tll WodnoKihi Hi ph':id. and Iblii wnn Ki;inl.-.l, It

II-.Ill, iilalod i.lial the ld.>a th a l iilie hii ri(-aii pload.'d f:nllly In tin- p rohato 01.ni liu '.ti w'aii orronoouii nud uioko from .li

liK t tlm l ho liiiil nJnijiIy nvilvod |>ri: iliitliuiry wlthonl onKTinK. n forma

pi'ial oiitorod. ilirouBli niliitnki- in tlu.' din

Z A c m m i i sIII- (C.mllnuod from I ’aRo One)

Into Lailn ll nloaiiii. •l,-:iiorannu.,‘ • ;

1-hhK)jhii'«1 111 .Noxt l.i/i--D rfrmlhtK Iho ihu-lrliu ' o f im ni.h

monl a fio r iloiiih in< In lino wllh on ox|.orl. ni:0R mi -jarili. Or, . Konhin (-Io:;od w llh a p ray o r for tho convor

‘" i ' ' ’ idon of'donh ion i., AI llio nponliiu «.f iho ino(-IIHK ito\

A. IVanion ii!*l(od a ll to pn iy f<i llioiu' ynunK iiion un.l women who li OUI- oolloKCii and iinlvoridlli'i', iiwa: fnm i homo Inflnoiiooh, ;irc I.iniiitr.l i<

‘' ‘■'1' f.ill iin-y In dniihl;.,• !'ro)m iiii fu r Hoi-Ii.

T.inlKlit Ilr. Kooliiio pront-lio« im llu....... iiiiI.j,Tl. "Ill Uonlh Iho i:yd ," Tiiriiihi:

.-vrnlii;; ■•t:hrhiil,inliy'H Firm I la tilo :'

...............lay ovrn lnc. •;SI;ojiIioal Tlu-()rl.-.-. of C h rh d :" T hnnaliiy . .'vonin;;

f '" ' "Till- liron l .Mlraolc IT oldom :" Frlthi; *‘>'"’‘11'"- "■|lin-:„i .If th r l*rop:i

s M A R ^ W SMAICt)i,'^.'-^'»“ ltai-rlt« jind . Hi.r..l(l

.um. ^’ro'vn iir.' nnt of nchool UiI'h wi-ok Ifllii' f***’ lhe moanloH.

'A i'ii/tiiljuO 'rn w fo rd and Owon Cniw.. Ih for.l uro hark from an oxtondril vi»It

j.(,l In llllnolH. A hrn ilu ir nnd ti friond ii(-i.>nipanli.'.l Ihem homo,

Tlio Ihro.. Saw yor hoyit. unnh of llir: M r.. K, J , Malone, c n to m l kcIiooI on ri.ro Mondnj*. , ■

A, mi-rry !tnd nolay rrow-rt of n rlch- ■;;il-- hon. and frl-mly moi n l iho homo nod, or Mr, niid Mr>.. I-:, J ., MiO.on'o >lon- lori- d. y ,.voiil'iir ^ipil iuw4t*Jii<I- In' KlvoI^ n ..... tn no oh: -faSmnnod " charlv^i'l!lo- TifivV* ilr-t.-iiln;: ilu- fniiidc a wliilo..... ti,.-y >v.-r.i",inltt'fd Inio tho lu.mKIII., v l , i h T y xM-r.; ti-r;ili(l Io n-ll.:ih;. In -,11.-111:1.'I' - M r. ;iiul, Mr;i. S, (!. DIolil .iil .-r . >'•- i.d im i w llh ;i plno. hli’ p a r ty S;ilnr-

.l:iy .-voiiln;: romplinu'iiIliiK Mr. and ■■‘I ■ Mni, 11.-11 liU uiiilnc -r'w ho a io mov-

111:: noa r l-'ilor. ■ U olU hlfiil rofrcnh- motUfi woro lu-rvod.. Tllll M ania M.-iitor d:inoi- ciilih hold

" “ ' I . l v.-ry d.-ll::htful .Umo.- a l ih r I, I).F. Imll a l l-‘tl<-r Frh lay .-vriiltiK.

'‘n '-: rhi.n .wu.-i an ui.tnii nnd n ior;ill '.la iir.- ,. n .tiu lf;; fiiriilr-li.d llu- miir.Ir.

Dr, an .l Mr;., A.' .\ .N.-whony an.l [r..in U'llmi r. .Mr. and Mr.i. J;.m.-s I ir- ]iii;ilt an.l daili;lil.-r . ;iTid .Mr, aii'l

I Mr«. II. .1. I'h lhl.. ;iii.l Mill wi-t.- I -;.l.-..ls al Ihl- hoiiu- ... .Mr. :iiifl Mr:.,

• " ' l l . , il. 111. iwn S:ilu ,.|:.y ovonili;;,> 1 Mr. ami Mrs. J . - S . Hhikolry h;ul

'C >i:i:! dhin.-i- ;:iu-nlH :.,in.|;iy .Mr, :md Mr:;. Ki.y S iuall.y lluhl ;iiul .Mt

' ' ;m.l Mr;.. T.nu .M<ii.-|,.-...| and t..oul)' ' of TWln l-'.il!:.

Tho Man.;i Craii;;. will ini.-t ;,l

Jo e K. says?: —„ ! Tiu- 01.0 ni:.-(i.-y lliai ,

sl.rii-s. Ivh. w l ia t :

1 ____

t ' ^

D IL L ” ■—

and Iho nchool hoimo Tiicml.ny cvenln [illon Ah tburo In- now only ono moetlr

n inbnlU everyone l.i urged lo jilend. , ___ .

■nllro — ' -

“ I™. A n n p u n c e m e n t s‘"‘tho — :— 'altir^ Tlm inoolliiR of llio Salm on Snoln ii/i, (-Inh han hoon poiilponed u n til Fol)/re. ruary 17 on jicoonni of rond cortil

* wTn Tlio Illckol P. r . A. wltl hohi ll ird->y regu la r inoeilnir Tii'-:'day. I-Ndirunry

at u. III. In ih r lllrli.-i nchool nm . liorlnm . A larKO alK-ndiinco hi .letd linod '-'I- _ < ______

)'nm! I’l'l'n™ ’*'' Uol»Iiall l0d|:it Wl1 IV i!"'ol Tlioiiihiy ovoiiliij; al oIkIiI o'oloc

In I. O. (). F. Illlil. 'I'hoii; will ijo ii

ha.l - , ' . .......................- I ''c.nrl . .

, ; rnna l

' D id You ES

a c l i r o n i c k n o c l -

— ' te d h im p e rfe c tl

^— - . OPTOMKTiri.ST .'•■, 1:11 .llnin A‘ ". 1: J )

vu n m A y r /

itov, j____ ^ _________

0 In - -----------w:iy. =■■, , ' ' ' 4<) 10 ...................—

If It’S BLB ■ ■ - . cc'iljlryi ' T w o W ays D steri"I’:'- J. iV n u iin l i

V . : r . f :

WE KNC• Dill- Jlofii-.v-iJiiok' n i 'A R A



J "Sy stem Qja.mo O peratincr'tho In tIon- PH O N E 28C.S - - - - - . ■ ■ . 'liiio


1 “RED HGr.ir. • _ v

m o n t :1 ___, P A T S Y R U

Irn .! , ~ TW O COM EDIES

' ^ ! COMING THURSDAY—r i n -t

i “ C lash o f 1

I I>|-l.|ll|sfS I .. .101,111 thr- liio lli ;tli.l ll

S E H x E K M B H H I r

— N O W S H O W IN G —

, / k i n g

V JOh S v ^

— - A Ni}AL . B U ^ , COMEDO

]SIDNDAT.. 30 ^ ,

cninir. Itlnllon and * retrcBlimontB w I l F ^ c i-etlnK served . .................. ” '0 jit- . , 1 -•

. T lio M m m tnln V je w c liih w ill inoot with M re. llonc ll ■W ednebdny.^obni. nry 2.

Tlio FxcolM or SQcln'r d u l l w llJnicet Social W odnotKhy j.t 'J t,. n.! „ i n , u bomo ol

l''oh- Mru. .1. I-:. I ^ ii ry . ' ijo lt ciill lo be cortdl- answ ered w ith Vnlontbio'.voraea.

.1 llKi . O l d J e iu io h 'J S U t o r i innry 1. FhivliiH -.T«Hei)'h''n(i;r,'w)iMe‘'.To^la'h1 nnd- nnnu- wm. •Tofn'pliiw-'Uph'-aioilihlnn. .letdr- wfiK horn in .17 A. M.^:‘'3 liV 'n i« o ry ’of

tlio .lewlfih Wnr,;-- '■.7(iWriili.'''Anil(jui........... o f (li« JfWK Aifalhm

I w ill Apion" nnd nn notoblf^u^‘f)lijr- jTpoTi»'io •olock hnyi- noruplod him • ■frnih-'libout tho ijfl in- y e a r 7o miiil tho tim e (|f hln iloiitli.

E ver K iiow -^ J 1— a U lo r o u g - h p e s s i m i s e —

o e k c r— w h o so -^ jlasse s f i t - S >


LACK It OAL?erm in e F u e l E con om ynl i i iv o s tij;u tio u inc ril.s \ u r i o i t s 'co iils O IIH fit'ol.otn-i; ill xvftir (iwilcr'K /( le J jlKlfe'-

lo w COALkU A N T K K iisHiires y o u l l i u t .A v e . ic rv c .y o iii -— •


! a s hIn tc rm o u n ta in -C o a l Co.

22B I T K A V E . 'WB8 T.

A T R F M a U n e t f . . . . : ' |^ ^ a n d 2 0 bn I I I I U N ig b ta ........ I 6 b -M id 30c


OT TIRES”— w iU t— • .


I-T IN -T IN— in —

►f th e W o lv e s”

-I llu - lv>ll w i'i 'v il is l l i r Iro i id o t

—AD M ISSIO N S—CUlldron (n n d rr 12) ____10*

A dulls ..................... ............aOc '

H o ars : 2- 3 :3 0 , 7 -H m d -8

i D Y y 5 9 ^ ^ B | ^ ^ E ^