,~m vvr-y. &T- 44.- ..mana* " ""*-* . YAM so1 ~you W? Do am" se bass ar -.eowan oub =0. Tm as esa - -=ad=, Ar ets -Ob OSr a adfs'' ad swit a v sth n anB -i Th Mw vr , aW S Wcbme. -ft a& - m yew, me" NO. 97. in -cOu13t CLOUDY. -." --A*- GZAIPUSIESN IN [OVEL AND. LEMBERG 0RV Rami Anies Tighen ron Ring. Arvmd Gret Stra- S tgic Cuer. jou . Suif I-IThe bre Olutch of Gam BroDoWs nesthern army around KeveL the great fortiSed city in the beast CC Itlhynia. whefe fve A" the moat iaportant assin railroads comverge, has mnnmasly lightened during the last twenty-four hours. The Russlans have crossed the entire stretch of the Stockhod River, between the Koveb. ray and Kovel-sobitchew Railroad sectees. Thus they have over- Got" the lAst natural obstacle In the road to KeestfmB the east. The e- m was announed by the Petrograd war esos teaigt.I NaMtasesy t advance, the Mest important ia Velynt since the fall of Lautb and Dub.o, Drueoe's Ga- DIn army has swept southward Irain Brody. taken last Friday. and moving along the northeastern border of Ga- lica, has reached the rivers Grabrkt and ereth. thus advancing efte Milos further toward Lemberg, the Galifia1 Cepital. for the northernmost point. of the Sereth lies nineteen miles south of Brody and forty-throe miles due east of LAmberg. One of the fiereast battles of the war Is Rew in progress an the front mouth of Brady. The Teutons. realieing that stal further Russian headway in Galicia will spen the fan of Lemberg within a short period of time, and evidently convinced that Kovel Is still safe. are throwing their might end ain Into the defense of the Galician "Wth this atm." ay@ the Russian of- iel night Staement "the amey Is bringing up all available re-enforcements from every sector, even separate bettal- The Teutons have launched a heavy bombarment on Brody, probably with a view to remapturng the town. GERMANS LOSE ALONG SOMME Teutonic Atacks Uniformly Repulsed with Heavy Casu- alties, Paris Reports. (By the.. at.... N.w. e r .r.) .andon. July aL-Oere ghting has continued throughout the day on the French front north of the Sc~e, with the Germans launching strong counter attacks agoinst the positions won yis- terday by Ge. Fauh's corps. The war ofMe at Paris tonight reports that the Germans have been uniformly repulsed I and that heavy losses have been inflicted upon them. The Germans centered their attacks on the small wood north of Hemld. the Mnan- Farm, which the French yester- day reported having captured. The German report claims that the allim0 did not win a foot of ground and asserts that they suftered heavy losees. The British were very active during the night. advanoing their imnem. further across the P1esa. Gen. Haigireports. The majority of these gains ioI north of Basenti. Against the hjdreo prisoners reported yesterday .by t.e French and British. the Gernalme nitar: to have captured twelve ofcers, 'a mm. thirteen machine guns In the mo a- tion. The war ofbe today publish* a a.- uAlty list containing the nam* of 7.(W Coees and 1 maen as the Ud4te. d r- bng the egagement on all frts. A- least four-Afthe of the lanes were ss- tained In Picardy, It is aedmated. AMATEUR SOLOIST SINGS; THREE SHOT, ONE IN JAL (My the bntereatiemal News Sereeo Dat'ame July 3L-Cas-Onwe =o Toy an atrained vocalist. Beiset-Three men shot; fourth in S31. An the result of a song by an ntaAlod singer outside a restaurant three men are being treated tafy for bullet woala Walter alsyl, 2N ast Pratt street. of the victims, Is ia a critical cendstien at Merey HospItaL Seate Man Pene Deqesets in Sina gi. sentenee. Seattle, Wash., July SL-ContahUm: a single sentence, "I wIll nmy peepun' to 1. W. Maalett, 3223 FIrst a the sorteet will on recordi. C Oenty, has been filed In the lupitfor The instrument was drawn by A. J. Ke. who died en June 16. Bul (via Isaefile wireleese, July U1- Ehe Sejsh sepe Poite reports that the mins recently placed in the sound byt im 1sdih sgever.nmmwui make it ~ ~e ie i the. fusere for Britsh ships, .a i 1- terraesisl waise as a EW SECR5TARY FOR IRELAND -POIE my the 3eesnMmttecast Nesse lasvise) LeAden, July 31-Rsmy Edward Duhe . C. has been appointed secretary of 7aan -0009odbg Agin Sis& The appoatment was ann-uned In the einse at eoma this afternmen b semier Asuith. Mr. PUee is a ftnus lawyer and Is =nlemis-t -member of parlinL 29 W Me 'eas appaed abarman at the wet 'mmnlse- eM doense of the haaba leses.- The Preiner said that the effes ef WA lieutenant wofld be maintaine" al- bough there is no urgent neessity 1- Lppointing a uooeme- to Lord WIn. wourn* at preVt, HEIR A'THING SUITS ARE SMILS; MANY GAZE sl 1. 0 s W20Isat a aald. Chicago. JuIly 3,--AU of bhdiana Harbo ociety and a Uberal sprinkling from ad- acent territory was disporting itself in he lake front beach yesterday when here was a sucssion of squeals creams, and a sudden rush for the short a the part of hundreds of women and Meanwhile the beach guards and a Lumber at men were engaged in a lively truggie with four men who had appear- d in the midst at the bather. clad only a glad 1mile. The pollee wrapped them in barrell and took them to the station. C.ERGYMENWOULDMAKE LORD'S PRAYER SHORTER 'esal to Tb. Wadksam EwlSd. New York, July 31.-A movement had een launched in the Protestant Episco al Church to shorten the Lord's Prayer This recommendation Is made by the emnmission on Revising the Book of ommon Prayer. The coninittee will re ort at the triennial general convention f the Protestant Episoopal Church. to held In SL luis, beginning October next. The part of the prayer which the sub ommittee recommends cutting out h 'Por Thine is the kingdom, and the mower and the glory forever." ,ASH FOR MUSTACHE CLIPPED OFF AT BAR Carterville. Mo., July 1.-For the o- of the right side of his asustache which he had cultivated for nearly Ifteen yeers, and which, It i said wes long enough to be wrapped bro=nd his ear. William Mitchell has seen compensated by Sherman Smith n whose' saloon the adornment wal ut off a few days ago. Mitchell had been in the saloon only few minutes when a loiterer clipped if half the mrustache. Mitchell threatened the arrest of th< aloonkeeper, but Smith's counsel oen, tulted Mitchell and learned the mon- tary value at which he hold the lost alt of his mustache, which was $10. lOWS UP GARAGE MAN; SPEEDS OFF WITH AUTO ips"a to T Waften. Herald- Boston, Mam. July 3L--A young man rith a revolver in each hand entered a Vest Rorbury garage early today, back. d the proprietor in a corner and bound im up. He then selected a small fast run. bout from the eas there, tilled it with Iaoline and oils, took a supply of tubes nd ccessories-incidentally some casl rOm the offico-end dashed out In the Machine, The last seen of him he was speeding Jong the Providence road. ARMED WITH KNIFE, HE DUELS WITH DEVILFISl metal to The Waetntn mra1. Seattle. Wash., July 21.-Aged Thomas 'obertson, armed with a knife, fought a ,et with a devilfsh of Orcas Island the schsr day. In a dory trying for rock cod a t canght, as he supposed, in kelp asenly a tangle of waving tentasles 1w9 over the dory. One of the arms Wteaed shout Robertsons shoulders Nt and hand. lobertson freed hbbself and drew his DfU. cut the tentacles clinging to the pawales and rowed for shore. The boa. no to as stop. The octopus, mistaking ha gat hook for a fish, had sesied the itel in Its mouth. Walter Towend and krney Vierich dragged the boat, fishe iman and devilfsh ashore. MCTAGRAPH RECORD MAY SAVE MAN'S L.IFE Isemok ts The W..aia. 3rm. .wYork, July t2.-Mleh Appaeibaun ...mwer ot the Enumanitaian Cull 00?are discuseing plane far the net 4of Charles Stielow, saved by a staj mf sectlon as his family waited out, themig Sbag deth heuse wIth a * soasegaMl new im wehthe trial wm be bsed? amd '%Kr. Appelbauma. -slow-e comasel may thpb~e.es aphene reoord of the best ot a de eattev that Stislows os=mis==io was ab mined bynmeans of prembe. thse yi assenal isim ee FOR SIC .BLASI 1E*oion Probers Likely t Charge High Officials with Criminal Negligence. (. th. t. . ....l . M .sIsa New York, July U-InSt"I--I- 4 th disastrous Blaek Toma epleean expected to result tonesesw i the Ar" of high odidels of the ZIgh Vale sad Jersey Central Ralreads., Offici of the Pennsylvania and Bie reilroad may also be breeh within the net I this far-reaching inquiry. Cr'binal negugence. if not men=sngi tar, will be charged. The New Jersey authoritles expresso their determination tonight to proessou vigorously the men responsible for U disaster which kifl and tajured moi than a hundred people, and aeused property Ions of AMO Three men were .placed under arrs today charged with mnsleughter. The were: Theodore 3. Jobma. pesdient the Johnson pf teag tminaW Alba X. Dickman. Tehieh Va&l agent. ot tiomed at Black Tom; Alexander Davi a, superintendent of the Natlonu Storehouse Company warehouses at Blac TO. A warrant also was Issued tonight to the arrest of dasd 1. Machn-sa pra Ident of the Natima Docks and Ntorai Warehouse Cupeny. * Evidence unearthed by the police at Pqblio Prosecutor Hudspeth, of Jersi City. today revealed the following fach . The fire started In two sealed be oars loaded with nonieti=s an the Blac Ton Island pier ot the Lehigh Vallk Railroad. Its origin was Incendiary, aA cording to the insinuation of Johnso following his arrest. These cars arrive only two hours before the Are. CONTINUD ON PAGE TWO. DRY DISTRICT, SENATE TOP( Senators Hear Those Wh Would Make Capital Pro- hibition Center. Pre&baeu for a. Dietiot ..e p. much time of the Senate yesterday. wit "eytar Jones. of Washingteq, as lead tag man in the discussion. The Washington Senator is very muc opposed to the confirmatin of enry Baker. as Excise, Camm5ssone of t District. to succeed hielfi and is als opposed to the confirmation of Andre F. (Cy) Cummings, until the latter provq certain veiled charges aginst his renm to be unfounded. When he attempted to read into U record an implied reflection on Ce Dennis F. Collins, of Elizabeth, N. J Senator Martino was on his feet wit Vigorous objection. Collins Indorsed Comomiseioner N-- and Senator Jones sought to prove tha he was allied with the brewery .11 terests. Senator Martine admitted the Indorsi was a brewery official, but asserted k was comptroller of the city of Eliabet and a gentleman of unblenstahi character. In support of his defense h cited that Vassar College was fanude by a brewery official and endowed wit brewery profits. Senator Jones announced his intentic of moving for action on a prohibitie law for the District at the present s sion. In this attitude he was suppoet by Senator Sheppard, of Texas. Tl fate of the prohibitory asessdasent pends upon the attitude of the Smeal on the Works amendment, which scheduled to be voted down on an appe from the decision of the VIll Presideg which entitled it to consideration. In the course of his speech, Sat Jones stated that an informal poll A the Senate Cohmmittee by Senator gOWg of Maryland, on the oenfimailota Cummings disclosed saMent votese1 secure a reenmmmdatl." that ha 1 confirmed. 30UTT PUT ON CATS New Jersey Omeial uying A MalIs for viviseetion. Ridgefield Park. N- J., July 31L--1 board of health has offered a beov of 26 cents for each full-sised cat 10 cents for each kitten found at lal In the borough. An official scale has been laid des to mark the point where :a kiltt ceases to be a kitten and .beeos a, eat. - Recently the revelatiott atsting dogs were being sold by .th howaa {officiais for 55 eaelh for vli'eseetia purposes aroused womoen of' tba time and the practice wis'stoped FLO313E DEAD; NO FLUWggg, s.E.se. Requ..t. osetssa New York. July 31.--Joha ppe tO years old, a florist, living enn ,u avenue., near Lakespeed, . .,. taJ.gaoIde.ylestbday by Mpej Oet three.tim The mn left a noteaks g taa flwte be s by 1s me oerm'l be hew ever dy alea requseted that hbyhI, a in Or E.. Awrqph Loadas, Jaly 3--The war. offics -"-osi ]1 "AS a dk ab# number of hostile airshIwi loped be- fore Monday t. BDombs aret dropped off the Thames Wuary. The attack is proceisg. "The raid ap sr to have been carded *4 by a cos. r iderable #inb * of airships. Theraiders &Oear to have a spestsome sr ng over e the coun'ties Linconshire, Norfol, Suffeb Cambridge, t Esse, Kent and Huntingdon." .1 : TIDE TURNED, CLAIMS HAIGC riltishLmfnander Sys Allies Now Have Initiative on All Fronts. 19 NY VRSIDZCK ]PALN3U. (EMernateml Kem servme,) r With the British Armius in the .ia I- July 3L.-At the dome of two years' of a war and of the W mouth of the British offensive. Or Deo ai& commander- d in-clef at the aesp at British amis r in Fiance. speaing at the attuation, laid 1: particular onphasob on the eact that the 9 beginning of the tird year of rar saw a the initiative vsty with the allus i on all fronts, whfn England. for the rat time, was .a g something like the - power worty at her umbers and re-I rd cOlnrs on land. "The tide has toned." he said. "time has been ith the allidl from the first. It is only a qesion of more time tiu we win a declel, victory, which Is the one sure way to bring pem. in this. as in pther, wa, "The probhem of the nrot summer's campaign and ot the second for the allie was to hold the Germans from foring a 4eaislon with thetr ready numbers of man and guas and ahells," continued Sir Douglas. "Whether It was the able generalahip and the herosis of the -french on the Marne, the dogged wetreat of the little " British expedittlmI twinea Mrma. the stubbera redence of the French c and ritush to German etart for the t Channel pasta, the Itussian retreat last t Iaummer, blgium's or Serbia'.smarites, Italy's stone wallips againet :AUtia's I e offenalve, or France's iurortal defense o of Verdun-h purpose was always to v gain time for the prepaes emm=nece=ary ao take the offenalve away th. e enemy." t - BORDER RAID ADDS TROUBLE Recent Killing of Americans V Will Increase Difficulty in 1 r -Mexican Situation. t h The raid at Senches Ranch. near Fort d flancock, Texas, yesterday merning. in t a which an American private and the Unit. A ed States customs inapwetor' were killed. b increased the difilculties In the way of the proposed commissioned plan for mat- M lng the Mexican problem, high army officers declared yesterday. C y The War Department received the tol- c 4 lowing dispatch from Bell, at Fort Han. cock, transmitted by en. Funston: "Five Mexican bendits resisting arrest killed st 6:0 a. m., one and one-half a miles aouth 6f ganches Ranch. Private Johij J. Toney. Troop F, Eighth.Cavalry it and Robert Wild. austm inapecter. blU- ed. Sending full report by-nesainger on r train leaving here 9:30 a. m." f The fresh raid has pretnadly atirred 3 War Department and army tirolo. 0-.C earn declared that nothing has been done I dince the Columbus "ammsre to prevent a see.b upe the American frontire es cap& the a.embling an the border of t 15.100 ..pamn who have. get been s drsfted into the rmny and who cannot be dent Into Meico. : Theme odicers charge that Carrana -beas plioed upon the United States the kwhe 9 burden of protecting the Amerlan be. r der frem Mexican raid. and that the Scst to this country will be about p.14 a 300 a year. regert 17oman Uteerm Hese age Auto and Ia tUmbant. M eenport, Long Ialand, July 3L--uE.. ina that her runaway horme, nearing Main street, would, in the darkuess, .earry ' eld overboard. Mrs. E.' B. Caertee seeglngfor help, drove the frgte I shmel between an automnobile ad a te@@h pole. - Ml.. Courtney was just ateMiif.Iage her..aen, when the horme becme aigh6 s e d a ahed down Main sea5 ti -ug th'e bealness aection. ~U~qWavenue, Bronxwe.e 4 erhile besping at Rtockawes Deeeh yem. 2r*&s body of a man. S.r uQa *aQ a gapu A el Parh res. s 4 PUARD8UENfALL VIC11MSUF'HEAT orty-five Calapes During Recruiting Paade.-Caes Not Seriou.. y WATSON DAVI. Torty-flve cases of het exhaustin re- sited from the recruiting parade of the Wird Infantry. District Militia. beld on s White Lot yesterday afternoon. After day of. bard drill the long, hot hike r-m Camp Ordway, the standing at at. MUIon en the Ellipse in the beet caused 1irty men to fall out, and Afteen were tricken on the return manrh. None of the came is serious, and ractically every man joined his company fter being given first-aid. Four of tne LseM were sent to the EmergencyNos.- Ital, but the men were back to Camp Tdway last light. One case in the post otiptal at Fort Myer will be discharged )d". The militiamen treated in the city were: yivats Wood, Company D; Private harles P. Beavers. Company B; Private S. Calhoun. Company C; Private John 'van, Company D, and Private Joseph rea.M Company . It was not until after the regiment was n the White Lot that the heat began a tell on the pien. When the command 'a presented to Col. Glendia B. Young y Capt. E. W. Fullam, the men began ) drop in the ranks. The oanitary troops, marching as a unit f the regiment, were called Into service. As soon as the companies had parned a review and the field was left clear, own. rs of automobiles offered their cars to Iaj. LAeO to carry men to the camp and iwoency Hospital. Anxious mothers ished onto the field to see if their sons ,ere stricken. ALIEN BILL TO GO OVER )emocratic Senate Caucus Clears Field for Wilson, De- ferring Immigration Act. Wy ANDUAW s4 IF= iry. By a deciave vote, the DeMe.atie Lucus of t Senate, delaed st night Met President WHOem wMi not be asked D pass Judatmet On the Immigration 01. until the next desion of Congress. bare web thirty-nine Senators present rhen the caucus niet with seventeen beentes. It was at once ordered that no action a taken on the immigration bil until be next session. The vote an the ques- on showed thirty-two in the adirmative nd seven asinet. Senators Bankhasd Fnderwoed. Siumons, Overman, Martin, wanson and Beckham opposed the me- Following this vote, a motion was made bat the resylt of the caucus be binding pon al Senators attending. Before this lotion could be put, Senator Overman ft the caucus. The action bindift Democratic Sena- ars to the vote was then put. with the ntire membership in the affirmatve. The action of the caucus means that he maJority of the Dcnoarata will op. oae the Berah- amendment to -make the nmigration bill a rider to the ebd labor sess. , Befoas the Oaneus adjourned It was greed that the immigration bill will be lased as ,preerred legislation to be onsadered during the irst week of the hort session in Dember. TO AVESE FRYATT DAT. t"ish G9'etmmeat Says Crime Wil Not Go Umaseished. Londn. July 3L-Premier Asquith an- ounced in Commons today, that imme- late action wi be taken by the govern- fent relatioe to -the eeetion of Capt. 'harns Fatt. of the British steamer russes, by the Grman. The- Pryatt eaiAN wRi not go unpun- 6bed." the 'eMMr'eclared. He added Mat wbeeVer the ctiminal were they 'ould be bWgot ft S te.- IDMEM RT MEAD '"ef. Neiner, Utanees Dersastele. sit, feesabs. Be'in. July 3L-Prof.4, Albert Neisser, 9 Brqslau Univ"e"t, died, yesterday. Pvist. Ilehaier wae a igl..1 dermatolo- ha. end for many yearg mnade isnportant Iaoueies about Iacurshie diseases. In I he wept to Noreray to study leprosy. .4 us later sat t af latavia at the ox- mae of the: Geramanoverarnent to pros- mite his .research'work into other malig- ant 4lsaaass. IOLLOWSBAR 48UT WINDOW. Euidaa Wahee U~p When 3. Rita the Paweinent. I'hhaelani *ufly s-Ia the amidst of indreea -t i aegmil. abMiup yrs, a mtan, tead= that'he was ifelow if the 4gum1 mia~qr, and walked aut the "**n'-e*gy win~df his home. Meysgle te ggsamt fier 15 n- tee hotseeeM, .giaesssed- by a-pe- samaa. nieasseI0siii ne serious. Eneat~ii I Mi' sk -mi=. I PERSIA CLAIM (By the m.iewandon News Seresie) Berin. (via farvilme). July SL-Turklm sumocesse In Perma. In the ceeams= and on the Egyptain tront are cwaihed in aZ eficial statement tssed in Cema=amia and received here today. The chief suceses, soordlag to the re. pert. was scored- I Pae. where the Ottoman troop r.e t16 -Rea"ns from Ravandus towards the frontier. ant sub. eequently deteated them, ftadg a deam inating height. whie- another Turkisl force drove Russians from the town el Baking. ONE LOOK IS ENOUGH; WEDDING CALLED OFF spedal to The Wahnts Herad. Hagerstown. N. Dak., July, -BeaUim they resorted to the deception of smdini each other phetographs of- moving-pieturp maNrs. Miss Esther Gulbranso. of Minne apolis, and William Benjamin failed t recognise each other when they met is Hagerstown. according to appointment to be married. "No wonder I did not recognize him. said Miss Gulbranson. She had received. she said. a picture o Maurice Costello, while Mr. Benjamit aid the photograph he got through the mail was that of a screen beauty. famous the world over. POLICE JOB OFFERED TO PARDONED CONVICI luedal to 'Ty WMasoa mid. Macon. Ge., July 31.-Thomas Edgal Stripling. who for pearly four year while an escaped convict from Georlp "eA as chief of police at Danville under the name of R. . Morrie passed through here today to join hig family at Columbus. GA. He said that news of his pardon Sat. urday by Gov. Harris had been follow. ed by an offer from Danville for hin to resume his position as police chic there. He said he would take a res before deciding what to do. CUTS THROAT IN COURT AFTER 5-YEAR SENTENCE Spedal to The Winstea N60. New York. July 31.-A. moment aftei he had been Sentenced to State's priso for five years for -barglery. Alber Gleason, twenty-seven years old. cn his threat with a Taser this agorain In the county court. Brooklyn. ant was taken to Brooklyn Hospital in a dying condition. Rev. Father Kelly of the Society *I St. Vincent de Paul. who was in the courtroom, administered last rites tc Gleason when the excitement causet by the deed had quieted. SLAIN WHILE TRYING TO PROTECT DAUGHTEI lieial to The Wasistit riuJd. New York. July 3.-In resisting an aft front to his daughter, William Bagdanski a saloon keeper, was shot and kaled Ir front of his place of business. Newnark N. J., early today. A man who described himself as Danie Seratelll. 19 years old. was locked ul Pending an investigation of the tragedy The police may that the prisoner hI been identified by the widow and daugh ter of the murdered man as one of th three men who participated in the at tack an Bagdn-Irl HEARSE AND CORTEGE, BUT CORPSE LACKINC adal to 'M Waat Herad. New York. July 3L-Residents of Elev 0nth avenue, near Forty-eighth street. h the Borough Park secton of Brooklyn were surprised yesterday afternoon t me1 a hearse and half a domen funers coaches stop on the corner. "Who's dead'" they asked. bpt get 3m answer. The drivers do not know yet whethe they got the address wrong or somebed played a joke on them. WITH BABE AT SIDE, SHE DIES OF. HUNGEI Sspu t" 'e WasWta Hmid. fscagoula. Mw.. Julyr. Wuth be 11-methee-si bally mesegth over- bei body em]tn for "maz=" Mrs. Em Coaley. once welthy, was ftamd Ia hes homne today, deed traent starvis. Mrs. Coaster wsas Ia the honne wub hs two chBfdren. ,- eyIserue not lowsn t be in want ani e of the children,. age a. went to a "el hl*m. home maying she was hongry. TI e led to dlsoevery eo the toothes's death. HIS GUL AS FORGEh Brasial to Ibn salt. New York, auty a;-Wwam La .l cann, If, a hWsie~h h ce e ts btoomew, we Was -mrege a chaise ot bm amisaa as h e leaving the ehsha W he fete Magtne caab in he ia cort tesy eis we' b4 et n SAmau fer triaL. The e.msaop. a g gmp hart. as taiSad r e d HUHE SCORES FOREIN POICY IN SPICY WORDS Charges Lusitania Disasr to Wil Aministraion in Acceptance Address. (3r . EuSes=.e..A 6 N .. I m New Tor. July i.-Chaees E. 3 pledged himself tonight to - Pay e t armes and ee9e-teAM"n* dian g WM Mexi if elected to the Pre.sda. Acepting the for'nally-tenaned Rau. ican nombatle. Mr. Hughes chargms Me sinking of the Lusitanis. and the as at Amestan lives in that and abf~ 1 U-boat isaet*r. together with th W of national prestige eroad. to the week. ness and vacillation of the Wessa . ministration. He unqulvocally Inderead the enk- Uon of uftage to wome. He denounced "all plots and 4e0. acies in the interest of any fordg u. tion.'' Declaring the nation to be *-hoMbnle unprepared." he deilated to- 'adequaft national defense and adequate protecnm on both our Western and MEatern coa. In this he included both an aenid navy and a greatly reinforced army. The present national prosperty. 3r. Hughes characteried 'as a fools pa- dise." brought about by the "abnormal conditions of war," and he advocates as a needful safeguard against an *lu. erglaed Europea," which will follow the cloee of the war; "protective upbu.i.ang polcies." which shall be applied *fariy without abuses. In as scientlile a man- ner as possible." He likewise declared for a merchawt marine that will not put the government In competition with privatep capital. Finally. Mr. Hughes made a strang plea for peace. to further which he proposes the formation of an industrial tribunal to disposer of controversies of a justil- able nature. The capacity of Carnegie Hall was taxed by the throng of reunited Re- publican and Bull Mooears. who gathered to participate in the notification pro- ceedings. United States enator Warren G. Hard- COWTt1TfgD PAG3 TWO. U-LINER MAY SAIL TODAY German Submarine Probably Will Leave Port Early This Morning. By DAMON RiUNTYON. (lateruti.al New. Servies.) On Board the Prem Dispatch Boat Valiant. Off Locust Point. Baltimore, July 31.-The German submarine. Deutsb- tand. probab'y will sail tomorrow. The exact time of the departure is Not Known. Most likely It will be early IS the morning. That will give the little U-boat an opoprtenIty to get down around the Virginia capes, where the warbeata of the allies are waiting. under cover of darkness. Up to tonight. the Deutschland had not asked for a pilot. but it was stated at the office of the Pilots' Ainociation thd they were expecting such a requeSt 94 any moment. It will be necessary for the subnartme to have a pilot if she goes out under her own party. which in said to be the paa. If she leaves under tow of the tugheM Thomas F. Timmons she will not require a pilot. 'Te tugboat Timmons this afternee. hauled out the old lighter, celle The George Kays, which has laid alo..de the Deutschland for some time. The sub- marine is concealed by a half dee.a old barges When the Timmons came back from disposing of the Maya this afternoon. it was noted that the tug was down to its water line. Indicating that It had takes on still more coal. HE DANCES HIMSELF TO DEATH AT CHURCH FAIR naa tt T 1, Weiueye BelI. Dabylo.. L. L. July-3L.-The lawns earrounding at. Joeeph's Church were br~iently lighted end scores of per- sene were visiting the several beeh at "the fair being held. A platform. had been erbeted fer dancing and shbrtly before 3 o'eloek the meste stepped end the dencers filed -eft the platterm, among them Wimlm lq==e. Ae Lamle was dheet toestep .off the platfgrm hytanere aar him .nii.n- I i erumbie to the ground, A btar Mdaa was enaemed herijdy and poeseunoed hian dad. Heart feaure. breeght on by over-exesrean wee the ese eg hIs death. ~e vVemael W GB I otenee Poe., I en. July S.-n - gg e herber et the ememan ama s e S InG Cadi 3 espt aSi' as sem 40sk

GZAIPUSIESN EW -POIE PUARD8UENfALL SCORES IN [OVEL AND. … · 2017-12-15 · (My the bntereatiemal News Sereeo Dat'ame July 3L-Cas-Onwe=oToy an atrained vocalist. Beiset-Three men

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Page 1: GZAIPUSIESN EW -POIE PUARD8UENfALL SCORES IN [OVEL AND. … · 2017-12-15 · (My the bntereatiemal News Sereeo Dat'ame July 3L-Cas-Onwe=oToy an atrained vocalist. Beiset-Three men

,~m vvr-y. &T-44.-..mana* """*-*.

YAM so1 ~you W? Do

am" se bass ar -.eowan oub and so dhe eMI=0. Tm as esa - -=ad=, Ar ets -Ob OSr a adfs''ad swit a v sth n anB -i Th Mw vr , aW S Wcbme.

-ft a& - m yew, me" is n emesag.


Rami Anies Tighen ronRing. ArvmdGret Stra-

S tgic Cuer.jou . Suif I-IThe bre Olutch of

Gam BroDoWs nesthern army aroundKeveL the great fortiSed city in thebeast CC Itlhynia. whefe fveA" the moatiaportant assin railroads comverge,has mnnmasly lightened during the lasttwenty-four hours.The Russlans have crossed the entire

stretch of the Stockhod River, betweenthe Koveb. ray and Kovel-sobitchewRailroad sectees. Thus they have over-

Got" the lAst natural obstacle In theroad to KeestfmB the east. The e-m was announed by the Petrogradwar esos teaigt.INaMtasesy t advance, the

Mest important ia Velynt since thefall of Lautb and Dub.o, Drueoe's Ga-DIn army has swept southward IrainBrody. taken last Friday. and movingalong the northeastern border of Ga-lica, has reached the rivers Grabrktand ereth. thus advancing efte Milosfurther toward Lemberg, the Galifia1Cepital. for the northernmost point. ofthe Sereth lies nineteen miles south ofBrody and forty-throe miles due east ofLAmberg.One of the fiereast battles of the war

Is Rew in progress an the front mouth ofBrady.The Teutons. realieing that stal further

Russian headway in Galicia will spen thefan of Lemberg within a short period oftime, and evidently convinced that KovelIs still safe. are throwing their mightend ain Into the defense of the Galician

"Wth this atm." ay@ the Russian of-iel night Staement "the amey Is

bringing up all available re-enforcementsfrom every sector, even separate bettal-

The Teutons have launched a heavybombarment on Brody, probably with aview to remapturng the town.


Teutonic Atacks UniformlyRepulsed with Heavy Casu-

alties, Paris Reports.(By the.. at....N.w.e r .r.)

.andon. July aL-Oere ghting hascontinued throughout the day on theFrench front north of the Sc~e, withthe Germans launching strong counterattacks agoinst the positions won yis-terday by Ge. Fauh's corps. The war

ofMe at Paris tonight reports that theGermans have been uniformly repulsed Iand that heavy losses have been inflictedupon them.The Germans centered their attacks on

the small wood north of Hemld. theMnan- Farm, which the French yester-day reported having captured.The German report claims that the

allim0 did not win a foot of ground andasserts that they suftered heavy losees.The British were very active during

the night. advanoing their imnem. furtheracross the P1esa. Gen. Haigireports.The majority of these gains ioInorth of Basenti. Against the hjdreoprisoners reported yesterday .by t.eFrench and British. the Gernalme nitar:to have captured twelve ofcers, 'a mm.thirteen machine guns In the mo a-

tion.The war ofbe today publish* a a.-

uAlty list containing the nam* of 7.(WCoees and 1 maen as the Ud4te. d r-

bng the egagement on all frts. A-least four-Afthe of the lanes were ss-tained In Picardy, It is aedmated.

AMATEUR SOLOIST SINGS;THREE SHOT, ONE IN JAL(My the bntereatiemal News SereeoDat'ame July 3L-Cas-Onwe=o Toy

an atrained vocalist.Beiset-Three men shot; fourth in S31.An the result of a song by an ntaAlod

singer outside a restaurant three menare being treated tafy for bullet woalaWalter alsyl, 2N ast Pratt street.of the victims, Is ia a critical cendstienat Merey HospItaL

Seate Man Pene Deqesets in Sinagi. sentenee.

Seattle, Wash., July SL-ContahUm:a single sentence, "I wIll nmy peepun'to 1. W. Maalett, 3223 FIrst athe sorteet will on recordi.COenty, has been filed In the lupitforThe instrument was drawn by A. J.

Ke. who died en June 16.

Bul (via Isaefile wireleese, July U1-EheSejsh sepe Poite reports that

the mins recently placed in the soundbytim1sdih sgever.nmmwui make it

~ ~ e ie i the. fusere for Britsh ships,.ai1- terraesisl waise as a


mythe 3eesnMmttecast Nesse lasvise)LeAden, July 31-Rsmy Edward Duhe. C. has been appointed secretary of7aan -0009odbg Agin Sis&The appoatment was ann-uned In theeinse at eoma this afternmen bsemier Asuith.Mr. PUee is a ftnus lawyer and Is=nlemis-t -member of parlinL 29

W Me 'eas appaedabarman at thewet 'mmnlse- eM doense of the

haaba leses.-The Preiner said that the effes efWA lieutenant wofld be maintaine" al-bough there is no urgent neessity 1-Lppointing a uooeme- to Lord WIn.wourn* at preVt,

HEIR A'THING SUITSARE SMILS; MANY GAZEsl 1.0 sW20Isat a aald.Chicago. JuIly 3,--AU of bhdiana Harboociety and a Uberal sprinkling from ad-acent territory was disporting itself inhe lake front beach yesterday whenhere was a sucssion of squealscreams, and a sudden rush for the shorta the part of hundreds of women and

Meanwhile the beach guards and aLumber at men were engaged in a livelytruggie with four men who had appear-d in the midst at the bather. clad onlya glad 1mile.The pollee wrapped them in barrelland took them to the station.

C.ERGYMENWOULDMAKELORD'S PRAYER SHORTER'esal to Tb. Wadksam EwlSd.New York, July 31.-A movement hadeen launched in the Protestant Episcoal Church to shorten the Lord's PrayerThis recommendation Is made by theemnmission on Revising the Book ofommon Prayer. The coninittee will reort at the triennial general conventionf the Protestant Episoopal Church. to

held In SL luis, beginning Octobernext.The part of the prayer which the subommittee recommends cutting out h'Por Thine is the kingdom, and themower and the glory forever."


Carterville. Mo., July 1.-For theo- of the right side of his asustachewhich he had cultivated for nearlyIfteen yeers, and which, It i saidwes long enough to be wrappedbro=nd his ear. William Mitchell hasseen compensated by Sherman Smithn whose' saloon the adornment walut off a few days ago.Mitchell had been in the saloon onlyfew minutes when a loiterer clipped

if half the mrustache.Mitchell threatened the arrest of th<

aloonkeeper, but Smith's counsel oen,tulted Mitchell and learned the mon-tary value at which he hold the lostalt of his mustache, which was $10.


ips"a to T Waften. Herald-Boston, Mam. July 3L--A young manrith a revolver in each hand entered aVest Rorbury garage early today, back.d the proprietor in a corner and boundim up.He then selected a small fast run.bout from the eas there, tilled it withIaoline and oils, took a supply of tubesnd ccessories-incidentally some caslrOm the offico-end dashed out In theMachine,The last seen of him he was speedingJong the Providence road.


metal to The Waetntn mra1.Seattle. Wash., July 21.-Aged Thomas'obertson, armed with a knife, fought a,et with a devilfsh of Orcas Island the

schsr day. In a dory trying for rock coda t canght, as he supposed, in kelpasenly a tangle of waving tentasles1w9 over the dory. One of the arms

Wteaed shout Robertsons shouldersNt and hand.

lobertson freed hbbself and drew hisDfU. cut the tentacles clinging to thepawales and rowed for shore. The boa.no to as stop. The octopus, mistakingha gat hook for a fish, had sesied theitel in Its mouth. Walter Towend andkrney Vierich dragged the boat, fisheiman and devilfsh ashore.


Isemok ts The W..aia. 3rm..wYork, July t2.-Mleh Appaeibaun...mwer ot the Enumanitaian Cull00?are discuseing plane far the net

4of Charles Stielow, saved by a stajmf sectlon as his family waited out,

themig Sbag deth heuse wIth a

* soasegaMl new imwehthe trial wm be bsed?

amd '%Kr. Appelbauma.-slow-e comasel may thpb~e.es

aphene reoord of the best ot a deeattev that Stislows os=mis==io was abmined bynmeans of prembe. thse yi

assenal isim ee

FOR SIC .BLASI1E*oion Probers Likely tCharge High Officials with

Criminal Negligence.(. th.t. . ....l. M .sIsaNew York, July U-InSt"I--I- 4

th disastrous Blaek Toma epleeanexpected to result tonesesw i the Ar"of high odidels of the ZIgh Valesad Jersey Central Ralreads., Officiof the Pennsylvania and Bie reilroadmay also bebreeh within the net Ithis far-reaching inquiry.Cr'binal negugence. if not men=sngi

tar, will be charged.The New Jersey authoritles expresso

their determination tonight to proessouvigorously the men responsible for Udisaster which kifl and tajured moithan a hundred people, and aeusedproperty Ions of AMOThree men were .placed under arrs

today charged with mnsleughter. Thewere: Theodore 3. Jobma. pesdientthe Johnson pf teag tminaW AlbaX. Dickman. Tehieh Va&l agent. ottiomed at Black Tom; Alexander Davia, superintendent of the NatlonuStorehouse Company warehouses at BlacTO.A warrant also was Issued tonight to

the arrest of dasd 1. Machn-sa praIdent of the Natima Docks and NtoraiWarehouse Cupeny. *

Evidence unearthed by the police atPqblio Prosecutor Hudspeth, of JersiCity. today revealed the following fach

. The fire started In two sealed beoars loaded with nonieti=s an the BlacTon Island pier ot the Lehigh VallkRailroad. Its origin was Incendiary, aA

cording to the insinuation of Johnsofollowing his arrest. These cars arriveonly two hours before the Are.



Senators Hear Those WhWould Make Capital Pro-

hibition Center.Pre&baeu for a. Dietiot ..e p.

much time of the Senate yesterday. wit

"eytar Jones. of Washingteq, as leadtag man in the discussion.The Washington Senator is very muc

opposed to the confirmatin of enryBaker. as Excise, Camm5ssone of tDistrict. to succeed hielfi and is alsopposed to the confirmation of AndreF. (Cy) Cummings, until the latter provqcertain veiled charges aginst his renmto be unfounded.When he attempted to read into U

record an implied reflection on CeDennis F. Collins, of Elizabeth, N. JSenator Martino was on his feet witVigorous objection.Collins Indorsed Comomiseioner N--

and Senator Jones sought to prove thahe was allied with the brewery .11terests.Senator Martine admitted the Indorsi

was a brewery official, but asserted kwas comptroller of the city of Eliabetand a gentleman of unblenstahicharacter. In support of his defense hcited that Vassar College was fanudeby a brewery official and endowed witbrewery profits.Senator Jones announced his intentic

of moving for action on a prohibitielaw for the District at the present ssion. In this attitude he was suppoetby Senator Sheppard, of Texas. Tlfate of the prohibitory asessdasentpends upon the attitude of the Smealon the Works amendment, whichscheduled to be voted down on an appefrom the decision of the VIll Presidegwhich entitled it to consideration.In the course of his speech, Sat

Jones stated that an informal poll Athe Senate Cohmmittee by Senator gOWgof Maryland, on the oenfimailotaCummings disclosed saMent votese1secure a reenmmmdatl." that ha 1confirmed.

30UTT PUT ON CATSNew Jersey Omeial uying A

MalIs for viviseetion.Ridgefield Park. N- J., July 31L--1

board of health has offered a beovof 26 cents for each full-sised cat10 cents for each kitten found at lalIn the borough.An official scale has been laid des

to mark the point where :a kilttceases to be a kitten and .beeosa, eat. -

Recently the revelatiott atstingdogs were being sold by .th howaa{officiais for 55 eaelh for vli'eseetiapurposes aroused womoen of' tba timeand the practice wis'stopedFLO313E DEAD; NO FLUWggg,

s.E.se. Requ..t. osetssa

New York. July 31.--Joha ppetO years old, a florist, living enn ,uavenue., near Lakespeed, . .,.taJ.gaoIde.ylestbday by MpejOet three.timThe mn left a noteaks g taa

flwte bes by 1sme oerm'l be hew ever dyalea requseted that hbyhI, a


OrE.. Awrqph

Loadas, Jaly 3--The war.offics -"-osi ]1"AS a dk ab#number of

hostile airshIwi loped be-fore Monday t.

BDombs aret droppedoff the Thames Wuary. Theattack is proceisg."The raid ap sr to have

been carded *4 by a cos.r iderable #inb * of airships.

Theraiders &Oear to haveaspestsome sr ng over

e the coun'ties Linconshire,

Norfol, Suffeb Cambridge, tEsse, Kent and Huntingdon." .1


riltishLmfnanderSys AlliesNow Have Initiative on

All Fronts.19 NY VRSIDZCK ]PALN3U.

(EMernateml Kem servme,)r With the British Armius in the .iaI- July 3L.-At the dome of two years' ofa war and of the W mouth of the British

offensive. Or Deo ai& commander-d in-clef at the aesp at British amisr in Fiance. speaing at the attuation, laid1: particular onphasob on the eact that the9 beginning of the tird year of rar sawa the initiative vsty with the allus i

on all fronts, whfn England. for the rat

time, was .a g something like the- power worty at her umbers and re-I

rdcOlnrs on land."The tide has toned." he said. "time

has been ith the allidl from the first.It is only a qesion of more time tiuwe win a declel, victory, which Is theone sure way to bring pem. in this. asin pther, wa,"The probhem of the nrot summer's

campaign and ot the second for the alliewas to hold the Germans from foringa 4eaislon with thetr ready numbers ofman and guas and ahells," continued SirDouglas."Whether It was the able generalahip

and the herosis of the -french on theMarne, the dogged wetreat of the little

" British expedittlmI twineaMrma.the stubbera redence of the French c

and ritush to German etart for the t

Channel pasta, the Itussian retreat last t

Iaummer, blgium's or Serbia'.smarites,Italy's stone wallips againet :AUtia's I

e offenalve, or France's iurortal defenseo of Verdun-h purpose was always tov gain time for the prepaes emm=nece=aryao take the offenalve away th.

eenemy."t-BORDER RAID

ADDS TROUBLERecent Killing of Americans V

Will Increase Difficulty in 1r -Mexican Situation. t

h The raid at Senches Ranch. near Fortd flancock, Texas, yesterday merning. in ta which an American private and the Unit.A ed States customs inapwetor' were killed.b increased the difilculties In the way of

the proposed commissioned plan for mat-M lng the Mexican problem, high army

officers declared yesterday. Cy The War Department received the tol- c

4 lowing dispatch from Bell, at Fort Han.cock, transmitted by en. Funston:"Five Mexican bendits resisting arrest

killed st 6:0 a. m., one and one-halfa miles aouth 6f ganches Ranch. PrivateJohij J. Toney. Troop F, Eighth.Cavalry

it and Robert Wild. austm inapecter. blU-ed. Sending full report by-nesainger on

r train leaving here 9:30 a. m."f The fresh raid has pretnadly atirred 3War Department and army tirolo. 0-.Cearn declared that nothing has been done Idince the Columbus "ammsre to prevent

a see.b upe the American frontire escap& the a.embling an the border of t15.100 ..pamn who have. get beensdrsfted into the rmny and who cannot bedent Into Meico.: Theme odicers charge that Carrana -beasplioed upon the United States the kwhe

9 burden of protecting the Amerlan be.r der frem Mexican raid. and that theScst to this country will be about p.14

a 300 a year.

regert 17oman Uteerm Heseage Auto and Ia tUmbant.

Meenport, Long Ialand, July 3L--uE..ina that her runaway horme, nearing Mainstreet, would, in the darkuess, .earry

' eld overboard. Mrs. E.' B. Caerteeseeglngfor help, drove the frgte Ishmel between an automnobile ad ate@@h pole.

- Ml.. Courtney was just ateMiif.Iageher..aen, when the horme becme aigh6se da ahed down Main sea5ti -ug th'e bealness aection.

~U~qWavenue, Bronxwe.e4 erhile besping at Rtockawes Deeeh yem.

2r*&s body of a man. S.r uQa *aQagapuA el Parh res.s 4


orty-five Calapes DuringRecruitingPaade.-Caes

Not Seriou..y WATSON DAVI.Torty-flve cases of het exhaustin re-

sited from the recruiting parade of theWird Infantry. District Militia. beld ons White Lot yesterday afternoon. Afterday of. bard drill the long, hot hike

r-m Camp Ordway, the standing at at.MUIon en the Ellipse in the beet caused1irty men to fall out, and Afteen weretricken on the return manrh.None of the came is serious, andractically every man joined his companyfter being given first-aid. Four of tneLseM were sent to the EmergencyNos.-Ital, but the men were back to CampTdway last light. One case in the postotiptal at Fort Myer will be discharged)d".The militiamen treated in the city were:yivats Wood, Company D; Privateharles P. Beavers. Company B; PrivateS. Calhoun. Company C; Private John

'van, Company D, and Private Josephrea.M Company .

It was not until after the regiment wasn the White Lot that the heat begana tell on the pien. When the command'a presented to Col. Glendia B. Youngy Capt. E. W. Fullam, the men began)drop in the ranks.The oanitary troops, marching as a unitf the regiment, were called Into service.As soon as the companies had parneda review and the field was left clear, own.rs of automobiles offered their cars toIaj. LAeO to carry men to the camp and

iwoency Hospital. Anxious mothersished onto the field to see if their sons,ere stricken.


)emocratic Senate CaucusClears Field for Wilson, De-ferring Immigration Act.

Wy ANDUAW s4 IF= iry.By a deciave vote, the DeMe.atieLucus of t Senate, delaed st nightMet President WHOem wMi not be askedD pass Judatmet On the Immigration01. until the next desion of Congress.bare web thirty-nine Senators present

rhenthe caucus niet with seventeenbeentes.

It was at once ordered that no actiona taken on the immigration bil untilbe next session. The vote an the ques-on showed thirty-two in the adirmativend seven asinet. Senators BankhasdFnderwoed. Siumons, Overman, Martin,wanson and Beckham opposed the me-

Following this vote, a motion was madebat the resylt of the caucus be bindingpon al Senators attending. Before thislotion could be put, Senator Overmanft the caucus.The action bindift Democratic Sena-ars to the vote was then put. with thentire membership in the affirmatve.The action of the caucus means thathe maJority of the Dcnoarata will op.oae the Berah- amendment to -make thenmigration bill a rider to the ebd laborsess. ,

Befoas the Oaneus adjourned It wasgreed that the immigration bill will belased as ,preerred legislation to beonsadered during the irst week of thehort session in Dember.

TO AVESE FRYATT DAT.t"ish G9'etmmeat Says Crime Wil

Not Go Umaseished.Londn. July 3L-Premier Asquith an-ounced in Commons today, that imme-late action wi be taken by the govern-fent relatioe to -the eeetion of Capt.'harns Fatt. of the British steamerrusses, by the Grman.The- Pryatt eaiAN wRi not go unpun-

6bed." the 'eMMr'eclared. He addedMat wbeeVer the ctiminal were they'ould be bWgot ft S te.-

IDMEM RT MEAD'"ef. Neiner, Utanees Dersastele.

sit, feesabs.Be'in. July 3L-Prof.4, Albert Neisser,9 Brqslau Univ"e"t, died, yesterday.Pvist. Ilehaier wae a igl..1 dermatolo-ha. end for many yearg mnade isnportantIaoueies about Iacurshie diseases. In

I he wept to Noreray to study leprosy..4 us later sat taf latavia at the ox-mae of the: Geramanoverarnent to pros-mite his .research'work into other malig-ant 4lsaaass.

IOLLOWSBAR48UT WINDOW.Euidaa Wahee U~p When 3. Rita

the Paweinent.I'hhaelani *ufly s-Ia the amidst ofindreea -t i aegmil. abMiup yrs, a

mtan, tead= that'he was ifelowif the 4gum1 mia~qr, and walked aut the"**n'-e*gy win~df his home.

Meysgle te ggsamt fier15 n-

tee hotseeeM, .giaesssed- by a-pe-samaa. nieasseI0s iii ne serious.

Eneat~iiI Mi' sk -mi=.

I PERSIA CLAIM(By the m.iewandon News Seresie)Berin. (via farvilme). July SL-Turklm

sumocesse In Perma. In the ceeams= andon the Egyptain tront are cwaihed in aZeficial statement tssed in Cema=amiaand received here today.The chief suceses, soordlag to the re.

pert. was scored- I Pae. where theOttoman troop r.e t16 -Rea"ns fromRavandus towards the frontier. ant sub.eequently deteated them, ftadg a deaminating height. whie- another Turkislforce drove Russians from the town elBaking.


spedal to The Wahnts Herad.Hagerstown. N. Dak., July, -BeaUim

they resorted to the deception of smdinieach other phetographs of- moving-pieturpmaNrs. Miss Esther Gulbranso. of Minne

apolis, and William Benjamin failed trecognise each other when they met isHagerstown. according to appointmentto be married."No wonder I did not recognize him.

said Miss Gulbranson.She had received. she said. a picture o

Maurice Costello, while Mr. Benjamitaid the photograph he got through the

mail was that of a screen beauty. famousthe world over.


luedal to 'Ty WMasoa mid.Macon. Ge., July 31.-Thomas Edgal

Stripling. who for pearly four yearwhile an escaped convict from Georlp"eA as chief of police at Danvilleunder the name of R. . Morriepassed through here today to join higfamily at Columbus. GA.He said that news of his pardon Sat.

urday by Gov. Harris had been follow.ed by an offer from Danville for hinto resume his position as police chicthere. He said he would take a resbefore deciding what to do.


Spedal to The Winstea N60.New York. July 31.-A. moment aftei

he had been Sentenced to State's prisofor five years for -barglery. AlberGleason, twenty-seven years old. cnhis threat with a Taser this agorainIn the county court. Brooklyn. antwas taken to Brooklyn Hospital in a

dying condition.Rev. Father Kelly of the Society *I

St. Vincent de Paul. who was in thecourtroom, administered last rites tcGleason when the excitement causetby the deed had quieted.


lieial to The Wasistit riuJd.New York. July 3.-In resisting an aft

front to his daughter, William Bagdanskia saloon keeper, was shot and kaled Irfront of his place of business. NewnarkN. J., early today.A man who described himself as Danie

Seratelll. 19 years old. was locked ulPending an investigation of the tragedyThe police may that the prisoner hI

been identified by the widow and daughter of the murdered man as one of ththree men who participated in the attack an Bagdn-Irl


adal to 'M Waat Herad.New York. July 3L-Residents of Elev

0nth avenue, near Forty-eighth street. hthe Borough Park secton of Brooklynwere surprised yesterday afternoon tme1 a hearse and half a domen funerscoaches stop on the corner."Who's dead'" they asked. bpt get 3m

answer.The drivers do not know yet whethe

they got the address wrong or somebedplayed a joke on them.


Sspu t" 'e WasWta Hmid.fscagoula. Mw.. Julyr. Wuth be

11-methee-si bally mesegth over- beibody em]tn for "maz=" Mrs. EmCoaley. once welthy, was ftamd Ia heshomne today, deed traent starvis.Mrs. Coaster wsas Ia the honne wub hs

two chBfdren. ,- eyIserue not lowsn tbe in want ani e of the children,. agea. went to a "el hl*m. home maying shewas hongry. TI e led to dlsoevery eothe toothes's death.

HIS GUL AS FORGEhBrasial to Ibn salt.New York, auty a;-WwamLa .l

cann, If,a hWsie~h h cee tsbtoomew, we Was -mrege a

chaise ot bm amisaa as h eleaving the ehsha W hefete Magtne caab inhe iacort tesy eis we' b4et n SAmaufer triaL.The e.msaop. a g gmp

hart. as taiSad r e d


Charges Lusitania Disasr toWil Aministraion inAcceptance Address.

(3r . EuSes=.e..A 6N .. I mNew Tor. July i.-Chaees E.3

pledged himself tonight to - Paye tarmes and ee9e-teAM"n* dian g WMMexi if elected to the Pre.sda.Acepting the for'nally-tenaned Rau.ican nombatle. Mr. Hughes chargms Mesinking of the Lusitanis. and the as atAmestan lives in that and abf~ 1

U-boat isaet*r. together with th Wof national prestige eroad. to the week.ness and vacillation of the Wessa .

ministration.He unqulvocally Inderead the enk-

Uon of uftage to wome.He denounced "all plots and 4e0.

acies in the interest of any fordg u.tion.''

Declaring the nation to be *-hoMbnleunprepared." he deilated to- 'adequaftnational defense and adequate protecnmon both our Western and MEatern coa.In this he included both an aenidnavy and a greatly reinforced army.The present national prosperty. 3r.

Hughes characteried 'as a fools pa-dise." brought about by the "abnormalconditions of war," and he advocatesas a needful safeguard against an *lu.erglaed Europea," which will follow thecloee of the war; "protective upbu.i.angpolcies." which shall be applied *fariywithout abuses. In as scientlile a man-ner as possible."He likewise declared for a merchawt

marine that will not put the governmentIn competition with privatep capital.Finally. Mr. Hughes made a strang plea

for peace. to further which he proposesthe formation of an industrial tribunalto disposer of controversies of a justil-able nature.The capacity of Carnegie Hall was

taxed by the throng of reunited Re-publican and Bull Mooears. who gatheredto participate in the notification pro-ceedings.United States enator Warren G. Hard-



German Submarine ProbablyWill Leave Port Early

This Morning.By DAMON RiUNTYON.

(lateruti.al New. Servies.)On Board the Prem Dispatch Boat

Valiant. Off Locust Point. Baltimore,July 31.-The German submarine. Deutsb-tand. probab'y will sail tomorrow.The exact time of the departure is Not

Known. Most likely It will be early ISthe morning. That will give the littleU-boat an opoprtenIty to get down aroundthe Virginia capes, where the warbeataof the allies are waiting. under cover ofdarkness.Up to tonight. the Deutschland had not

asked for a pilot. but it was stated atthe office of the Pilots' Ainociation thdthey were expecting such a requeSt 94any moment.

It will be necessary for the subnartmeto have a pilot if she goes out under herown party. which in said to be the paa.If she leaves under tow of the tugheMThomas F. Timmons she will not requirea pilot.

'Te tugboat Timmons this afternee.hauled out the old lighter, celle TheGeorge Kays, which has laid alo..dethe Deutschland for some time. The sub-marine is concealed by a half dee.a oldbargesWhen the Timmons came back from

disposing of the Maya this afternoon. itwas noted that the tug was down to itswater line. Indicating that It had takeson still more coal.

HE DANCES HIMSELF TODEATH AT CHURCH FAIRnaa ttT 1,WeiueyeBelI.Dabylo.. L. L. July-3L.-The lawns

earrounding at. Joeeph's Church werebr~iently lighted end scores of per-sene were visiting the several beehat "the fair being held. A platform.had been erbeted fer dancing andshbrtly before 3 o'eloek the mestestepped end the dencers filed -eft theplatterm, among them Wimlm lq==e.Ae Lamle was dheet toestep .off the

platfgrm hytanere aar him .nii.n-Ii erumbie to the ground, A btarMdaa was enaemed herijdy andpoeseunoed hian dad. Heart feaure.breeght on by over-exesrean wee theese

eg hIs death.

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