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Gymkhana Practice

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Gymkhana Practice

Nothing improves an unseasonably warm winter day more than riding a horse. Danielle

Fulsher and Maria Badyk proved the point last Sunday, February 10, by taking part in a

gymkhana at the Millarville, AB racetrack complex. Danielle brought her mare, Aurora

fra Moondance Acres, and Maria her gelding Icecap (Katur fra Fitjamyri). They were the

only Icelandics in a group dominated by Quarter Horses. There was one Appaloosa and a

couple of Thoroughbreds rounding out the field of 22 horses.

Mary Christine and I sat in the stands and cheered on the Icelandic crew. Well, we

cheered almost anyone who did well, but more loudly for Danielle and Maria. It was very

interesting watching a diverse bunch of people taking horses of different training levels

through each of the races. I love being an armchair commentator, something I practice

regularly at the Spruce Meadows jumping competitions. I don’t do these events myself,

but I’ll sure give you my opinion on how it should be done!

The first “event” was pole bending. There was no official timer, and riders were able to

proceed at whatever pace suited their horses at the moment. Some were obviously quite

competitive. Others were giving young horses the experience of working in a new setting

with lots of distractions. One woman was working with a very sensitive gelding that felt

every piece of apparatus was hiding a cougar, even the skinny poles. Danielle and Aurora

showed lots of verve and fine turns, giving the course everything they could. They beat

out most of the other horses in fine style. Aurora was clearly exhilarated by the final

stretch, going flat out with Danielle whooping encouragement.

Next was the stake race. Then the barrel race. By this time, Maria and Icecap had arrived

and they put in a very nice cloverleaf run. Icecap mixed gaits happily as he made his trips

but did some nice tight turns en route. Aurora also completed her runs in style. The poor

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fearful Quarter Horse gelding was walked in wide circles around the terrifying white

barrels but did much better in his second attempt and earned his rider some applause.

By this time, MC and I were fielding questions from other spectators. What kind of

horses are they? Are they all white (Aurora’s winter color; in summer she’s a light

palomino) This was before Icecap showed up. Are they that hairy all year round? How

big are they? It was fun filling in the mainly cowboy onlookers about Icelandics. They

come in any color other than the spotting pattern like Appaloosas. They do look sleeker

in the summer. Most are between 13 and 14 hands, with exceptions on either side. And

they are loads of fun.

Finally, Danielle and Maria paired up to run the keyhole race side by side. There was

much hooting and hollering to cheer them down the arena, around the circle and back

across the finish line. The afternoon was rounded off with some flag race practice. Two

shaggy icys showed the Big Horses just how versatile Icelandics can be.

Cara Moser