EFFoST, September 2011, Berlin Together to the next level Sensory Management George van Aken [email protected] Jennifer Aniston (W Magazine photo shoot)

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This presentation discusses the structural changes that occur during oral processing, and how these determine sensory perception. Tactile perception is discussed theoretically on the basis of the forces exerted onto the tongue surface and the sensitivity of mechanoreceptors. Specific attention is given to the state of lubrication of the tongue surface, introducing a new acoustic real-time in vivo measering technique for the state of lubrication of the human tongue surface.

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  • 1. SensoryManagement Jennifer Aniston (W Magazine photo shoot )George van [email protected], September 2011, BerlinTogether to the next level

2. Introducing NIZO food researchProcessing centreApplication centre Independent, private contract HQ - Ede, The Netherlandsresearch company for the foodindustry Founded in 1948, now leadingEuropean research company Roots in dairy industry Working with customers toachieve their goals HQ in Food Valley in TheNetherlands Offices abroad: Offices in France - Mr. Damien LemaireUK - Dr. Jean Banks France, UK, USA, JapanUSA / Canada - Dr. Ralf Jger 200 professionals Japan - Dr. Maykel Verschueren State-of-the-art facilities & food-grade processing centreResearch centre ISO 9001:2000 certified Technology for your successTogether to the next level 3. Product groups My main involvementsTogether to the next level 4. Sensory managementContents Why important? Sensory perception: multimodality and role oforal processing Tactile perception (acoustic) tribologyTogether to the next level4 5. Why important?TASTE: Motivation to buy Source: the Henley CenterTogether to the next level 5 6. Improves sensoryHigh caloricproperties (9 kcal /g versus 4 kcal/g(aroma release, smooth for sugar and protein,plasticity, lubrication)) Often low satiation) MetabolicOne of theCreamy, syndrome,Rich,Obesitymain FATPleasuredirections Texturizer Main (thickeners, structure breaker, air stabilizer, frying agent)essential ingredientTogether to the next level 6 7. Sensory research for dietaryproducts Dietary products Reduced fat, high fiber, low salt and sugar Enhanced satiety Nevertheless tasty Technology to produce such systems Stable textures Corrected microstructures Fat replacers, controlled flavour release Methods to quantify the sensory functionality Of the original product Of the healthier product Toward understanding and directing technologyTogether to the next level7 8. Sensory perceptionMULTIMODALITY AND ORALPROCESSING Together to the next level 8 9. Sensory response is multimodalPerceptionSensesVisionTouchSoundMouthfeelTasteSmellCCK, PYY,Gastrin,Nutritional Hedonic consumervagus nervestatus response Together to the next level9 10. Cross modal interactions:Viscosity affects flavour intensity perception Nose spaceSensory intensity5 4.5concentration (au) gel 14 gel 1 soft sensory Intensity Nose-space gel 2 3.5 gel 2 gel 33gel 3 gel 4 2.5 gel 4 gel 52gel 5 hard 1.51 0.50 020 4060 80 0 20 40 6080time (s)time (s)Texture-flavour interaction at perception level!(K. Weel, A. Boelrijk et al., published 2002) Together to the next level 10 11. Cross modal interactions:Aroma affects texture perception908070 Equal firmness for each casein concentration perceived firmness6050 Aroma concentration40 varied as30 A0Liquid emulsionSaliva-induceddropletaggregationVingerhoeds et al. Food Hydrocolloids, 23(3) (2009), 773-785.Van Aken et al., Curr. Opin. Colloid Interface Sci. 12 (2007), 251-262. 16. In vitro masticated gels: effects of gel type and fat contentEmulsified oil: = 0, 5, 10, 20 wt% oil Increases the viscosity of the1.4masticated bolus1.2WPI (for gelatin unbound opposite) 1 Friction coefficeint Carrageenan bound decreases the friction of the0.8masticated bolusCarrageenan unbound0.6 (large effect) 0.4 Gelatin bound 0.2 Gelatin unbound 00 0.5 11.52Viscosity (Pa s) at 100 s-1MTM tribometer Chojnicka et al., Food Hydrocolloids (2009), 23, 1038-1046 (rubber versus stainless steel) 17. Effect of fat on aroma releaseFlavour release for low fat quark, full fat cream and vegetable cream in the presence (+) ofFlavour release for low fat quark, full fat cream and vegetable cream in the presence (+)dairy flavour dairy flavour2.0E+051.2E+00 normalised intensity (a.u)low fat Quark (+) 1.0E+00 low fat Qfull fat cream (+)Intensity (a.u) full fat c8.0E-016.0E-014.0E-012.0E-01 ~+50%0.0E+00 0.0E+000 0.25 0.50.750 0.25 0.5 0.75Time (min)Time (min) Difference in intensity ofAdjust aroma concentration Difference in duration of aroma releasereleaseTogether to the next level17 18. What makes emulsions creamy?GEL FRACTURING dependent on gelling agent and droplet interactionACTIVE saliva VISCOUS BOLUS of gel particlesThick INACTIVEand saliva salivaGelled emulsionRich HIGHER VISCOSITY by salivainduced droplet flocculation rubbing,EXTENDED aroma releaseCreamyshearsaliva SmoothshearLUBRICATINGsaliva FATTY COATING LiquidDroplet coating on oral surfacesCoatingemulsion26 refereed journal publications and 8 book chapters (2005-2011) by the TIFN project teamTogether to the next level 18 19. Message: sensory perception of food highly dependent of oral processing palatemucinsTaste budsmechanoreceptors Together to the next level 19 20. Instrumental toolbox at NIZOTexturalCompositional ( e.g. viscosity, elasticity, friction, ( e.g. oral food deposition, aroma release, fracturing, microstructure) taste-receptors interaction)hard, thick, fullmeltingslipperyfatty creamybrittle, creamy palatable smooth sweetlingeringelastic satisfyingchewablecoating coating full of flavourNative systemExpectorateAdhered mucousArtificial Olfactometeranalysisanalysis layer analysisthroatPTR-MS(rheology, tribology, (chemical, rheology,(chemical, tribology, (in vitro aroma(in vivo aromamicroscopy) tribology, microscopy) , microscopy)release) release) Instrumental toolboxTogether to the next level20 21. Toward understandingTACTILE PERCEPTION BY THETONGUE Together to the next level 21 22. What produces the forces sensedby the tongue? Viscous forces of the fluid in palatemotion relative to the tonguesurfacetongue Friction of tongue and palate in palatecontact Particles grinding between tonguetongue and palatepalate tongue 23. Main regimes thickness perceptionCurve from: Shama, F. and P. Sherman (1973). J. Texture Studies 4: 111-118.Viscousforces104 Sensitivity RAperceivedreceptors measured by Trullson and Essick J. Neurophys. 1997(77), 737-748103shear stress (Pa)102Average stressthresshold101Lower stressthresshold100 Thickness not necessarilyg&100 101 102 103104 shear rate (s-1 )related to perceivedviscous forcesVan Aken, G.A., Modelling texture perception by soft epithelial surfaces, Soft Matter, 2010, 6, 826834 24. Tongue surfacemechanoreceptors embedded in papilla filiformis20 mFlaking cells onSource: Freeman,, Bracegirdle , ndAn atlas of hystology 2 ed.the palateHeinemann Educational20 m Papilla filiformis (rabbit) Surface roughness of about 20 m Human filiform papillae 25. Tribological regimes (Stribeck curve)Friction force Hydrodynamic modellingStatic surface bonds Static friction of the soft deformable papilla surface*Transient surface bonds andcorrugationspalate boundaryOnly viscous forcesLiquid starts tointerpenetratehydrodynamic papilla Gap-widthmixed increases with speed viscosityspeed viscosity * Van Aken, G.A., Modelling texture perception by soft epithelial surfaces, Soft Matter, 2010, 6, 826834 26. Free flowing;Slowed free flow;Forced flow;BoundaryViscous shear friction Thinning time friction sensed too small; Boundarysensed; Viscousfriction only if tongueshear friction is pressedsensed RAW TONGUE CREAMY LIQUID THICKminimum gap width (micrometers)1000 Pn (Shama & Sherman) 100 Pa, = 1 100 Pa, = 0 100 140 Pa, = 0 Papilla surfaceMolten chocolateroughnessStirred yoghurtSkimmed milk10Vegetable oilWhole milkCreamHoney 1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Interaction with salivaviscosity (mPas) 27. Tactile perception of a fluidic food bolusgap widthSmoothtongueSandpapertonguehigh fat 28. Solids: breakdown path offracturing an dissolution importantViscousemulsion ofNormal hard cheesecoalesceddroplets Forgeable particles, quickly hydrating 28Slowlyhydratingdense cheeseparticlesLight hard cheese separationThin diluteemulsion ofsmall droplets Technology for your success 28 29. Solids: hard cheese as example Low-fat cheeseMastication pathway (caricature) Full-fatparticle sizegap width ~ detectable cheese 30. Experimental evaluation of tongue roughnessTRIBOLOGY Together to the next level 30 31. How to measure friction? Tribometry Measures the lubricating effect of food materials onartificial surfaces Low frequency In vitro, independent of individuals Reproducible, established Acoustic measurement (NEW) Measures the sound generated by scraping surfaces High frequency (more similar to the sensitivity of thetongue mechanoreceptors) In vivo, in mouth Includes the effects of the interaction between food and themucosa (e.g. acidic and astringent food) Includes the effect of oral processing Includes the effects of pre-meals and individual differencesTogether to the next level 31 32. Liquid and soft semi solids: tribological studies Silicon Rubber Load: 5N Temp.: 21C 0.6 0.5 - Which speed?? water skim milkTraction Coefficient (-) whole milk MTM tribometeryoghurt 3% fat 0.4 - Which load?yoghurt 0% fat 0.3 - What about the interaction with saliva?yoghurt 3% fat - What about the actual oral surfaces?quark 0% fat 0.2 - Papillae quark 10% fat 0.1 - Mucous epithelial layer 0.0 - Variability (individuals, pre-meals, ) 510 100 800Speed (mm/s) 33. Mouth-mimicking friction measurementPig tongue Fat content In-mouth frictionOptical Tribological Tongue roughnessConfiguration (OTC) Creaminess Diane Dresselhuis 34. (NEW) Analysis of the in vivoscraping sound of the tongue For a good analysis, many additional sounds must be removed(breathing, clicks, air flow by tongue manipulations) Most relevant seems to be the frequency ranges 100-1000 Hz and 4-12 kHz 1,E+00 watercoffee with creamwater (saliva) 1,E-01 coffee with (whipping) cream Log scale! 1,E-02Effect is afactor 10 amplitude (V) 1,E-03(1 order of 1,E-04 magnitude) 1,E-05 1,E-06Line voltage as a function of time 1,E-071 10 100 1000 10000100000 frequency (Hz) Corresponding frequency spectrum of the cleaned signalExample: Water - coffee with (whipping) cream 35. WATER-SKIMMED MILK-FULL MILK-CREAM milk rangemilk range, standardized on water 3,5 1,E-02skim milkwater 3full fat milkskim milk 1,E-03full fat milk2,5creamcream Amplitude (V) Amplitude (V) 1,E-04 2 1,5 1,E-051 1,E-06 water 0,5 1,E-07 01 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1 10100 1000 10000100000Frequency (Hz)Frequency (Hz) Interpretation: tongue friction increases by protein (not observed by conventional tribology), but is reduced in the presence of emulsified fat translates to: skimmed milk more rough/dry/astringent than water, but milk fat makes it more smooth Together to the next level 35 36. Effect of half-fat creamer on coffee1,E-01 45 401,E-02 35 saliva/background background saliva30 black coffee/background1,E-03 coffee blackAmplitude (V) Amplitude (V) coffee with creamer 25 coffee withcreamer/background creamer 20 creamer/background1,E-04 creamer later 15creamer later/background 101,E-05 51,E-06 0 110100 1000 10000 100000 1 10 1001000 10000 100000 Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)Although the spectra are rather noisy, a clear trend is observed:Coffee blackCoffee with creamer Less friction soundSalivaPure creamerLater use of creamer again leads to a slightly larger signal. This may bebecause the grinding with black coffee had temporarily smoothened thetongue surface. 37. Kineticssystem: clean mouth with saliva1.E-01No clear time1.E-02 saliva 1st seconddependence is saliva 1,5-2 s saliva 3-3,5 sobserved for1.E-03saliva.amplitude (V) saliva 4,3-4,7 s1.E-041.E-051.E-061.E-07 10 100 100010000100000frequency (Hz) 38. Kineticssystem: half-fat coffee creamer1.E-01 2sObserved is a gradual1.E-02 2,3 sdecrease in sound 2,7 samplitude1.E-03 2,9amplitude (V) s1.E-04 3,1 sThis suggests that atthe tongue surface, the1.E-05native mucosal layer is1.E-06slowly replaced by theingredients of coffee1.E-07creamer (fat, proteins?) 10 100 1000 10000 100000frequency (Hz) 39. Kineticssequence of systems in one run:half fat creamer non carbonized soft drink half fat creamerFrequency spectrum slightly smoothedClearly, the acidic softdrink gives a highersignal than the half fatcreamer.The signal of the halffat creamer is lower ifit is preceded by theacidic soft drink.Possibly the grindingof the acidic soft drinksmoothens the tonguesurface 40. Applications acoustic tribology Measurement tool for rough/dry mouthfeel (sandpaper tongue) o Low fat products o Astrigent products o High protein products Measurement tool for surface textures o Fabrics, wood, etc. o Good-grip surfaces Measurement tool hair care/skin care application(smoothness, silkiness) Measurement tool for other applications (ballbearings, abbrasion, etc.) 41. Creating the future togetherTogether to the next levelTechnology for your success 41