Gulfwatch Presentation at the GOMC WG Meeting, Halifax, March 5 th , 2013 @pgw.

Gulfwatch Presentation at the GOMC WG Meeting, Halifax, March 5 th, 2013 @pgw

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Page 1: Gulfwatch Presentation at the GOMC WG Meeting, Halifax, March 5 th, 2013 @pgw

Gulfwatch Presentation at the GOMC WG Meeting, Halifax, March 5th, 2013 @pgw.

Page 2: Gulfwatch Presentation at the GOMC WG Meeting, Halifax, March 5 th, 2013 @pgw

Recent Gulfwatch talks

• 2011• WG Meeting, Saint

John, Sept.. • WG and Council,

Meetings, Saint John, Dec.

• 2012• WG Meeting, Boston

Mar.• WG Meeting,

Portsmouth NH, Oct.• WG Meeting, Boston


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This talk

Summary• Background on Gulfwatch

– Goal 2!– Accomplishments to date, including

publications and applications of the data and information.

– Current activities• The two contracts funded by EC• Contributions to GOM theme paper on

contaminants• Meeting of the Canadian team members• Review of most recent data report (2010)

• Possible Activities and Next Steps– Review of the contractor reports– Sampling for 2013

• Actions or Outcomes Requested– Continued support for the program – for sample

analyses and reports up to 2013.

Sampling at Digby, NS

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The GOMC Action Plan 2012-17 – where Gulfwatch contributes.

• Goal 2 Environmental and Human Health• Outcome 2.1 Environmental Monitoring– Implement Gulfwatch/integrate with other programs.– Facilitate monitoring data sharing and use in

management.– Foster communication about monitoring and create

partnerships.• Outcome 2.2 Environmental Indicators/Reporting– Ecosystem indicators products.– Identify and assess emerging issues.– Communicate about GOM environmental conditions.

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Some Key Action Items for the Gulfwatch team, from the Boston meeting, March 2102(1).

• Make accurate estimate of IN-KIND support that Gulfwatch obtains from the jurisdictions and volunteers – it is substantial. In progress.

• Prepare the EC proposal FY12-13 taking into account contributions to action plan.– Prepare GOM Gulfwatch contaminants summary paper, complementary to

the SOE theme paper in prep (GCH) and using the ESIP mapping tool. DONE

– Outline new fact sheet on applications of Gulfwatch program . In progress.

• Recruitment - increase NB participation. In progress.

• Tissue archives – check inventory and reassess operational needs (i.e. freezers, custodian). Emphasize value of this archive. DONE

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Some Key Action Items for the Gulfwatch team, from Boston mtg, March 2012(2).

• Update Gulfwatch data reports and raw data EXCEL files on the GOMC website. In progress.

• Continue dialogue and collaboration with NOAA Mussel Watch and EPA, re sampling programs in GOM, choice of indicators, interpretation of data and reporting, possible joint paper e.g. shared labs for analyses; assist EPA re access to current Gulfwatch data. DONE

• Utilize the 2005 Sampling Design to guide continued sampling at core sites and selected others (22 sites for FY 12-13). DONE

• Revise Gulfwatch Business plan for 2012-17 reflecting the above, and the associated resource needs. DONE

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Applications of Gulfwatch Data

• Many uses of Gulfwatch data and information over the years: – by the jurisdictions (see next slides).

– by ESIP and GOMC SOE reporting.

– by the fishing industry.• For assuring shellfish safety, the data are essential.

• To demonstrate water quality applications by jurisdictions, examples follow:

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Gulfwatch Boston Harbor Monitoring Stations

Note: In 2000, Boston’s municipal wastewater treatment facility outfall was moved from Boston Harbor out into Mass. Bay

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Gulfwatch: Detection of oil spillsPAH concentrations at Dover Point, NH









1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008





n (p




Diesel spill

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Recent Progress

• Funding was acquired and work completed.

- 2011 organic analyses; metal inter-calibration exercise.

• Publications and applications of the data and information.

- The GOM theme papers on contaminants; mercury paper.

- Input to the ESIP fact sheet on contaminants.

• Current activities

- The two contracts funded by EC.

- Meeting of the Canadian team members

- Review of most recent data report (2010)

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The Two Contracts (funded by EC)

• S. H.Jones, UNH, NH. - The Gulfwatch Program and its business plan – Phase 1 (completed)

• Existing program design – assumptions; analysis.• New design – the design; cost estimates; partnerships;

reports and papers.

• BRI, Portland ME. (underway) – two parts– Evaluating strategies for expanded contaminant

monitoring (long term, including synthesis).– Taking a comprehensive ecosystem assessment

approach, including outreach/communications.

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Canadian Gulfwatch Meeting, Feb 27th• Eight members of nine

met Feb 27th in Halifax .• We covered:

• Review of progress.• Challenges for the

program.• Recommendations to

the WG:• Keep the program

going with the revised program design.

• Help us find recruits.• Help us get

publications out.

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Next steps and actions requested

• Possible Activities and Next Steps

– Review of contractor reports.

– Sampling for 2013.

• Actions or Outcomes Requested

– Continued support for the program – for sample analyses and reports up to 2013.

– Action on the recommendations of the contractor reports when they are both available.

– Recognize in-kind contributions of the team members, e.g. Gareth Harding (Emeritus, DFO-BIO).

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Resource Needs.

• Funding needed

– To complete up to 2012, approx. 55 K :

• 2012 analyses (all samples processed and archived) -

• 2011-12 data reports -

• New fact sheet on applications (EC proposal) -

– For 2012-13 FY:

• 2013 coordination – need ?K.

• 2013 analyses – need ?K.

• 2013 report – no funds yet – need 6K.

• Overall funds needed: ?K

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Questions and Discussion