Overview o Industri al Poll ut ion   Management Policies in India and Context o ZLD Hard ik Shah em er ecr e ary Gujarat Pollution Control Board

Gujarat Zld Presentation 4

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Overview of Industrial PollutionManagement Policies in India andContext of ZLD

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  • Overview of Industrial Pollution fManagement Policies in India and

    fContext of ZLD

    Hardik ShahMember SecretarMember Secretary

    Gujarat Pollution Control Board

  • Zero liquid discharge (ZLD)

    An industrial plant without discharge of waste waters


    Broadly defined as the separation of an aqueous waste to its water and solids components

    Wherein the water is reused and solids (usually


    Wherein, the water is reused and solids (usually with some moisture) are disposed as a waste or by-product

  • Zero liquid discharge (ZLD)

    reusereuse recyclingrecycling evaporationevaporation crystallizationcrystallization co-processingco-

    processing IncinerationIncineration

  • Water Conservation

    Water is a finite resource and cannot be replaced/duplicated

    Water resources are theoretically renewable through hydrological cycle, but pollution contamination climate change temporal and seasonal variations have pollution, contamination, climate change, temporal and seasonal variations have affected the water quality and reduced the amount of usable water

    The ground water levels are declining very fastg g y

    Rainfall is unevenly distributed over time and space

  • Need for Water Conservation

    India has more than 18 percent of the worlds population butWater is

    fundamental to life, livelihood,

    India has more than 18 percent of the world s population, but has only 4 percent of worlds renewable water resources with 2.4 percent of worlds land area.

    food security and sustainable


    India With a growing population and rising needs of a fast developing nation as well as the given indicators of the impact of climate change, per capita availability of water is likely to go down

    It is a scarce Also region wise it varies from 10 cm rainfall in Rajasthan to 1000

    from 1545 cubic metre per year in 2011 to 1341 cubic metre per year in 2025.

    It is a scarce resource.

    Also region wise it varies from 10 cm rainfall in Rajasthan to 1000 cm in North Eastern Region.

    There are further limits on utilizable quantities of water owing to uneven distribution over time, as 75 percent of annual rainfall is received in just four months.

    The increasing demand of water for various purposes will further strain with the possibility of deepening water conflicts among different user groups as drinking water need is going to rise by 44different user groups as drinking water need is going to rise by 44 percent, irrigation need by 10 percent, industry need by 81 percent respectively by 2025.

  • Need for ZLD

    Water scarcityy

    Strong enforcement of environmental regulations : Moratorium / g gCEPI, 18 (1) (b) directions under Water Act

    N di l i t il bl l d l k

    Environmental constraints

    No disposal point available or land-lock area

    Highly polluting Industrial activity i e dyes and dyes intermediatesHighly polluting Industrial activity i.e dyes and dyes intermediates, pharmaceuticals, pesticide, etc.

    Industrial effluent having very high TDS and/or Organic matter

    Limited hydraulic capacity of the CETPs

    CETPs are not compliant

  • Benefits of ZLD

    Water Conservation / Generates make up water (reduces demand of fresh water)

    Reduces the wastewater discharge i.e. reduces water pollution

    Preferred option for industry where disposal of effluent is major bottleneck

    Prevents exploitation of hydraulic capacity of disposal systemPrevents exploitation of hydraulic capacity of disposal system

    Reduces cost of disposal at common infrastructure

    Separation of salts / residual solvents improve efficiency of ETP and CETP

    Separated solids valuable by-product which helps in reducing the pay back period

    Mixed solvent separated in stripper can be reused or used as AFR / Co-processingp pp p g

    Ease in getting environmental permissions

    More focus on production/ business rather than tracking after regulatory authorities

  • ZLD Options

    Characterization Salt separation Characterization and segregation

    of effluent through

    centrifuge or ATFD

    Wastewater spray dryer

    Use of a waste t

    Alternate ti C i

    Can use any one or

    combination stream as raw


    process (MVR)Co-processingof


    Conventional P+S+T effluent

    treatment (diluteEvaporative

    thermal process IncinerationDepends on feasibility of treatment (dilute streams)

    p(MEE)feasibility of

    reuse of treated

    wastewaterRecovery of w/w by Membranes,

    ROSolvent Strippers

    wastewater / recovered


  • Segregation of effluents

    S l hi Pl W hi ffl






    : Solvent washingstreamsHigh COD t r




    : Plant Washing effluentUtility waste






    r High CODHigh TDSHigh Hardness






    t Moderate CODModerate TDS






    u High HardnessAmmonical Nitrogen

    L Moderate Hardness






  • The ZLD process: key steps

    Involves a range of advanced water treatmentInvolves a range of advanced water treatment technologies

    Pre-treatment: Waste water is filtered using membranes technologiesWaste water is filtered using membranes technologies such as ultra-filtration. Separated water is reused and a concentrate (polluted stream) is further treated

    Evaporation: The concentrate then enters a brine concentrator which is a mechanical evaporator using a combination of heat and vapor compression, resulting in a wet sludge

    Crystallization:Converts the sludge to solid waste using high

    A i i i lpressure steam. Any remaining water is cleanenough for reuse

  • The ZLD process: key steps

  • Typical ZLD Scheme

    LowB ilBoilers

    High COD Stream


    Stripper MEE


    Reuse for


    Reuse forUtility


    Low COD ROLow COD Stream


    RO PermeateReuse for UtilityUF &RO

    ETPReuse for Utility

  • Applications of treated waste water

    The potential applications for reuse of treated wastewater

    Industrial cooling R i t iIndustrial cooling especially in large industrial


    Reuse in watering lawns, parks, play grounds and trees

    Flushing toiletsp

    S bbi di i Preparation of lime slurry for ETP

    Mechanic seal of pumps

    Scrubbing media in water scrubbers

    Industrial washing operations & Boiler feed water (particularly foroperations & decontamination of drums/

    barrels / plastic bags etc(particularly for

    generating steam for MEE)

  • Hi hHigh energy consumption -


    Complexity in segregating waste

    streams due to complex

    Regulatory constraints i.e USFDA constrains

    use of recovered water pproduct profiles / solvent in process of

    bulk drugs

    Challenges in ZLD

    Designing ZLD : contamination of waterEvery ZLD system is contamination of water

    (feed chemistry), flow rate and purity demand of

    products are importantD t i

    Every ZLD-system is unique and has to be customized each time

    products are importantDue to varying nature of waste

    streams, it is impossible toimpossible to

    design a general ZLD

  • Other Challenges

    Effluent Segregation

    System Integration

    Inefficient Stripping

    Material Compatibility StrippingCompatibility

    High Scaling & Cleaning

    Worst Scenario Cleaning



  • SolutionsSolutions

    EfficientEffluent Segregation

    Properly Designed Strippers

    Optimum Design of MEE

    MOC Selection as per CompatibilityMOC Selection as per Compatibility

    Effi i t S t I t tiEfficientSystem Integration

  • Initiative by GPCB to achieve ZLD in Pharma (Bulk Drug) & Pesticide industries

    Typical segregation & treatment scheme to achieve ZLD in pharma & Pesticide industries

    Typical matrix guidelines for operation of MEE

  • Few Cases of ZLD

    Following industries have succeeded in achieving ZLDg g

    Textile Bulk Drug (Pharma) Dyes Intermediate

    Arvind Mills Limited, Khatraj

    Tonira PharmaLimited,

    H-Acid plants Vinyl Sulphoneted, at aj

    Century Textiles Ltd, Jhagadia

    Welspun Industries


    Sun Pharmaceutical

    Vinyl Sulphoneplants

    Welspun Industries Limited, Kutch

    S. Kumar Limited, Jhagadia

    Ind. Ltd, Ankleshwar

    Sun gPharmaceutical Ind. Ltd, Panoli

  • Few Cases of ZLD


    Organic Chemical Industries: Other Industries: In-pipeline Units

    Arti Chemical Industries Limited, Jhagadia

    Galaxy Surfactants Ltd, Jhagadia

    Atul Limited, Ankleshwar (Aromatic ChemicalJhagadia (Aromatic Chemical Industry

    United Phosphorous pLimited Unit-2, Ankleshwar (pesticide)

    Asian Paints Limited, Ankleshwar

  • Where are we heading?

    70 MEEs with cumulative installed capacity of 6 MLD

    andand 48 RO Plants with

    cumulative installed capacity of 9 MLD at p y


    under installation C iIncentives to u de sta at o

    Recovery of

    Green Chemistry / Cleaner

    Co-processing industries having ZLD?

    Recovery of valuable products / by-products from waste

    Cleaner processes

    from waste

  • Innovative Instruments of GPCB

    XGN Environmental Management through e-Governance

    Environmental Audit SchemeHelp Desk in all the Regional OfficesHelp Desk in all the Regional Offices

    Environment Clinic for industry

    A role of doctor Diagnosis, Prognosis, Treatment & Therapeutics (Providing Solutions & Advising) than merely as police

    Pollution Control- A Sector of the Employment generation

    Recognised Research Centre of the Gujarat Forensic Science University-ARecognised Research Centre of the Gujarat Forensic Science University A World renowned Forensic Institute.

    Research and Development SchemeResearch and Development Scheme

    Extended Consents for ISO 14001 and Responsible Care

    Auto-renewal of consent through fast-track mode for compliant industries

  • Because Tomorrow Matters.Matters.

  • Thank YouThank You

    Hardik ShahMember Secretary

    Gujarat Pollution Control BoardParyavaran Bhavan Sector 10-A,Paryavaran Bhavan Sector 10 A,

    Gandhinagar, Gujarat, IndiaPhone- 07923232152

    (M) 9978407260(M) 9978407260E-Mail: [email protected]

    Website: gpcb.gov.in