guidepost to Evaluation of foreign educational achievements Senator for Labour, Women, Health, Adolescence and Social Welfare Senator for Education and Sciences Senator for Justice and Constitution Chamber of Commerce Bremen Chamber of Crafts Bremen

guidepost to Evaluation of foreign educational achievements€¦ · Evaluation of foreign educational achievements For the application it has to be considered that you have to be

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Page 1: guidepost to Evaluation of foreign educational achievements€¦ · Evaluation of foreign educational achievements For the application it has to be considered that you have to be

guidepost toEvaluation of foreign educational achievements

Senator for Labour, Women, Health, Adolescence and Social Welfare

Senator for Education and Sciences

Senator for Justice and Constitution

Chamber of Commerce Bremen

Chamber of Crafts Bremen

Page 2: guidepost to Evaluation of foreign educational achievements€¦ · Evaluation of foreign educational achievements For the application it has to be considered that you have to be
Page 3: guidepost to Evaluation of foreign educational achievements€¦ · Evaluation of foreign educational achievements For the application it has to be considered that you have to be

We very much welcome female and male citizens with migration background. We appreciate living together with you and we need your talent, your competences and your effort.

In our country nobody shall “sell oneself at less than fair value” because qualifica-tions acquired abroad are not accepted. Our “qualification approval guidepost” shall give you support: It points out who can address to which request and where.

A “qualification approval guidepost” doesn’t abolish all problems of acceptance. There is still a lot to do so that all female and male citizens with migration back-ground obtain a qualified evaluation of their graduation in order that they can develop an employment market perspective appropriate to their qualification. For this purpose I am active at federal level so that we finally achieve a sustainable legal regulation. This “qualification approval guidepost” is a first step.

Greeting of the Senator for Labour, Women, Health, Youth and Social Welfare

Page 4: guidepost to Evaluation of foreign educational achievements€¦ · Evaluation of foreign educational achievements For the application it has to be considered that you have to be

Basic information

Evaluation of foreign educational achievementsFor the application it has to be considered that you have to be registered in Country Bremen.

for the documents that have to be presented• originalcertificatesofthecountryoforiginorcertifiedcopies• thetranslationintotheGermanlanguageofforeign-languagedocuments

for the respective language of a translator licensed and attested by the FederalRepublicofGermany

• notcertifiedcopiesofalldocumentspassedinforthedisposalattheauthority

Page 5: guidepost to Evaluation of foreign educational achievements€¦ · Evaluation of foreign educational achievements For the application it has to be considered that you have to be


Contact personAddress

Consultation hours

The following documents have to be presented

Senator for Labour, Women, Health, Adolescence and Social WelfareNursing professions, midwives, pharmaceutical-technical assistant, other sanitary technical professions (without elderly care)

FrauDemirok Phone 361-9554 Room 4/14.EtageBahnhofsplatz29(Tivoli-Hochhaus) 28195Bremen

Tuesdays 09.00-12.00a.m.

Youfindthecurrentsurveywiththenecessarydocumentsintheinternetat http://www.gesundheit.bremen.de

Pleaseclickthefollowingfields:Gesundheit>AlleswasRechtist>Approbation/ErlaubnisfürHeil-bzw.Gesundheitsfachberufen Thecurrentdatafilecanbefoundat‘’ErlaubnissebeiGesundheitsfachberufe’’

Page 6: guidepost to Evaluation of foreign educational achievements€¦ · Evaluation of foreign educational achievements For the application it has to be considered that you have to be

Altenpflege, Altenpflegehilfe

FrauWegener Phone 361-2886 Room 7/06thfloorBahnhofsplatz29 (Tivoli-Hochhaus) 28195Bremen

on appointment

Please ask for information.


Contact personAddress

Consultation hours

The following documents have to be presented

Page 7: guidepost to Evaluation of foreign educational achievements€¦ · Evaluation of foreign educational achievements For the application it has to be considered that you have to be


Contact personAddress

Consultation hours

The following documents have to be presented

Medical, dentistry, pharmaceutical and psychotherapeutic and veterinarian certificates (exceptdentaltechnician>ChamberofCrafts)

HerrWilhelm Phone 361-9549 Room 5/14thfloorBahnhofsplatz29(Tivoli-Hochhaus),28195Bremen

on appointment

Youfindthecurrentsurveywiththenecessarydocumentsintheinternetat http://www.gesundheit.bremen.de



Page 8: guidepost to Evaluation of foreign educational achievements€¦ · Evaluation of foreign educational achievements For the application it has to be considered that you have to be


Contact personAddress

Consultation hours

The following documents have to be presented

Veterinary medical assistants

Mr.Schaffarczik Phone 361-4036 Room 10/12thfloorBahnhofsplatz29(Tivoli-Hochhaus),28195Bremen

on appointment




Page 9: guidepost to Evaluation of foreign educational achievements€¦ · Evaluation of foreign educational achievements For the application it has to be considered that you have to be


Contact person


Consultation hours

The following documents have to be presented

Social-pedagogical professions(professionalpracticaltrainingsandissuingofthenationalacceptation)and social-pedagogical university degrees

Mr.Braun Telefon 361-2387 Raum 507Mr.Stock 361-6885 506Mrs.Winkelmann 361-2768 501Faulenstraße23,28195Bremen


• personaldatasheet• assimilationnoticeoftheSenatorforEducationaboutthetrainingqualification• furtherdocumentsonlyonarrangement

Page 10: guidepost to Evaluation of foreign educational achievements€¦ · Evaluation of foreign educational achievements For the application it has to be considered that you have to be

Senator for Education and SciencesField

Contact personAddress

Consultation hours

The following documents have to be presented as far

as available

General qualification for university entrance, A-levels(onlyforthepurposeofstartingaworkrespectivelytheprofessionalformationandfurthereducation.Itisn‘tvalidforapplicationsatcollegesoruniversities,forentrancetostudypleasecontactuniversityorcollegedirectly)

Mrs.Schwobe Phone 361-18379 Room 313 Rembertiring8-12,28195Bremen

Mondays+Wednesdays 09:00–11:00a.m.

• identitycardorconfirmationofannouncement• copyoftheidentitycard• originalofthereport/qualificatiton/leavingcertificateofthelast-attended

schoolofgeneral-education• copyoftheoriginalreport/qualification• translationofthereport/qualificationbyastate-approvedinterpreter• copyofthediplomatranslation

Page 11: guidepost to Evaluation of foreign educational achievements€¦ · Evaluation of foreign educational achievements For the application it has to be considered that you have to be


Contact personAddress

Consultation hours

The following documents have to be presented

University degrees ofentitledpersonsaccordingtotheFederalRefugeesAct,exceptmedical,juridicalandsocial-pedagogicaldegreesaswellasteachingdegreeexams

FrauCzarnecki Phone 218-60366 Room 0370(VWG)UniversitätBremen(Verwaltungsgebäude) Bibliothekstraße1-3,28359Bremen

Mondays+Thursdays 10.00-12.00a.m.Wednesdays 2.00-4.00p.m.

• confirmationofannouncementofCountryBremen(notolderthanthreeyears)• legallyattestedcopyoftheoriginalattestationsofthefinaldegreelegally


• legallyattestedcopyofthesurveyofsubjectsandmarksintheoriginallanguage• proofofpossiblechangeofname• ifnecessarypassofdisplacement


Page 12: guidepost to Evaluation of foreign educational achievements€¦ · Evaluation of foreign educational achievements For the application it has to be considered that you have to be

University degrees allcountries,exceptmedical,juridicalandsocial-pedagogicuniversitydegreesaswellasteachingdegreeexams(regulatedprofessions)

Zentralstellefür Phone 0228501-1 ausländisches Bildungswesen Lennéstr. 6 53113Bonn



Contact personAddress

Consultation hours

The following documents have to be presented

Page 13: guidepost to Evaluation of foreign educational achievements€¦ · Evaluation of foreign educational achievements For the application it has to be considered that you have to be


Contact person


Consultation hours

The following documents have to be presented

Special details

Certificates of Secondary Education

N.N. Phone 361-N.N. Room 316Mrs.Last 361-2829 Room 318Rembertiring8-12,28195Bremen

Mondays+Thursdays 02:00–04:00p.m.(N.N.)Wednesdays+Fridays 09:00–11:00a.m.(Mrs.Last)

• identitycard(orpassportwithconfirmationofannouncement)• copyoftheidentitycard/passport• originalofthediploma/leavingcertificateorotherattestationswith

subjects and marks in the original language of the country of origin of thelast-attendedschoolofgeneral-education

• copiesofthedocumentsmentionedabove• Germantranslation(ofanapproved/attestedtranslatorlicensedinGermany)• copiesofthecertificatetranslation

Altogetheryouhavetobringwithyou3differentoriginaldocuments and 3 attested copies

Page 14: guidepost to Evaluation of foreign educational achievements€¦ · Evaluation of foreign educational achievements For the application it has to be considered that you have to be


Contact personAddress

Consultation hours

The following documents have to be presented

Advanced technical college entrance qualification, technicians (except East-European); children attendants, carers for the elderly, social-pedagogical professions

Mrs.Arfmann Phone 361-2547 Room 321Rembertiring8-12,28195Bremen


AccordingtotheinternetpageoftheSenatorforEducation:www.bildung.bremen.de• vita/curriculumvitae• legallyattestedcopiesofleavingcertificates,diplomasorotherattestationswith


• legallyattestedcopiesofexistingworkattestationsinthelanguageoforiginandasGermantranslation(ofanapproved/attestedtranslatorlicensedinGermany)

• validfederalidentitycardorpassport

Page 15: guidepost to Evaluation of foreign educational achievements€¦ · Evaluation of foreign educational achievements For the application it has to be considered that you have to be


Contact personAddress

Consultation hours

The following documents have to be presented

Teaching degree exams

Mrs.Nordmann Phone 218-69702 Room 0360StaatlichesPrüfungsamtfürLehrerprüfungen,UniversitätBremenSFG; Enrique-Schmidt7,28359Bremen

on appointment

• identitycarddocuments• confirmationofannouncementforBremenandBremerhaven• personaldatasheet• certificatediplomaofthecollegeaswellassurveyofsubjectsand

grades/marksofthegraduatedstudy• incaseofnotcompletedcollegeofhighereducationorcollege,

attestationsofgraduatedstudyperiodswithquotationofsubjects• certificatesofcoursesofformationandfurthereducation• certificatesofperiodsofrelevantworkactivities

Page 16: guidepost to Evaluation of foreign educational achievements€¦ · Evaluation of foreign educational achievements For the application it has to be considered that you have to be


Contact personAddress

Consultation hours

The following documents have to be presented

Certificates of professional educationforpersonswhodon’thaveanentitlementaccordingtotheFederalRefugeesActandUnificationTreaty(e.g.entriesaccordingtotheforeignlawandaccordingto§8(2)BVFGrelatedfamilymembers)Agricultural- and gardening professions

MrsPapenstein-Ruef Phone 361-15934 Room 310Emil-Waldmann-Straße3,28195Bremen


• identitycarddocuments,attestationsofchangeofname,certification accordingto§15BVFG

• personaldatasheetwithpresentationoftheeducationcourse• diploma/leavingcertificateofthelast-attendedschoolofgeneraleducation• certificatesofprofessionaleducationdiplomaswithsurveysofsubjectandmarks• certificatesofworkactivities


Page 17: guidepost to Evaluation of foreign educational achievements€¦ · Evaluation of foreign educational achievements For the application it has to be considered that you have to be

Senator for Justice and ConstitutionField

Contact personAddress

Consultation hours

The following documents have to be presented

Juridical professions and university degrees

Dr.InesMyschker Phone 361-19585 Room 208Richtweg16/22,28195Bremen

on appointment

• identitycarddocuments• attestationaccordingto§15BVFG• personaldatasheet• graduationofcollegeaswellassurveyofsubjectsand

marks of the graduated study

Page 18: guidepost to Evaluation of foreign educational achievements€¦ · Evaluation of foreign educational achievements For the application it has to be considered that you have to be

Chamber of Commerce BremenField

Contact person


Consultation hours

The following documents have to be presented

Trade- and industry professions(accordingtotheFederalRefugeesActandUnificationTreaty)Acceptanceofforeigneducationalachievementsandexaminationfor themastercraftsman‘scertificateintradeprofessionsandthoseassimilationswith GermanprofessionaleducationalachievementsaccordingtotheFederalRefugeesAct

Mr.Lutz Phone 3637-282 Room 1stfloorDivision: further education HinterdemSchütting8,28195Bremen

Appointment on arrangement by phone

• identitycarddocuments• attestationaccordingto§15BVFG/certifiedcopyoftheattestation

accordingto§15BVFG• personaldatasheet• diploma/leavingcertificateofthelast-attendedschoolofgeneral-education• diploma/leavingcertificateofaprofessionalschool• incaseofincompleteadvancedtechnicalcollegeorcollegestudies,

attestationsofgraduatedstudyperiodswithindicationofsubjects• certificatesofinitialworktrainings• certificatesofformationandfurthereducationcourses• certificatesoftheexaminationforthemastercraftsman‘sdiploma• certificatesofpracticedworkactivities• copiesoftheoriginalcertificates/certificatesofcompetence• translationofthecertificates/certificatesofcompetencebyaGerman

translation company• translationoftheworkbook

Page 19: guidepost to Evaluation of foreign educational achievements€¦ · Evaluation of foreign educational achievements For the application it has to be considered that you have to be


Contact person


Consultation hours

The following documents have to be presented

Chamber of Crafts BremenCraft professions (accordingtotheFederalRefugeesActandUnificationTreaty)Acceptance of foreign educational achievements at craft professions and those assimi-lationswithGermanprofessionaleducationalachievementsandmastercraftman‘sprofessionsaccordingtotheFederalRefugeesAct.Theevaluationcanonlybeeffectedon assistant level.

Mrs.Schierenbeck(consulting)Phone30500131 Room G308Mrs.Behrmann(acceptanceproposal)30500134 G311Ansgaritorstraße24,28195Bremen

Appointment on arrangement py phoneMondays–Thursdays 08:30a.m.–03:30p.m.Fridays 08:30a.m.–12.30a.m.

• identitycarddocuments,attestationaccordingto§15BVFG• personaldatasheet• diploma/leavingcertificateofthelast-attendedschoolofgeneraleducation• diploma/leavingcertificateofaprofessionalschool• incaseofincompleteadvancedtechnicalcollegeorcollegestudies,

attestationsofgraduatedstudyperiodswithindicationofsubjects• certificateofinitialworktrainings• certificatesofformationcoursesandfurthereducationalcourses• certificatesoftheexaminationforthemastercraftsman‘sdiploma• certificatesofworkactivities

Page 20: guidepost to Evaluation of foreign educational achievements€¦ · Evaluation of foreign educational achievements For the application it has to be considered that you have to be


Herausgeberin DieSenatorinfürArbeit,Frauen,Gesundheit,JugendundSozialesAbteilung ArbeitBahnhofsplatz2928195Bremen


[email protected]

[email protected]

