Investing in your Future Fetac Guidelines Tutors for

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Investing in your Future





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BTEI / Community Education / Special Projects – Revised March 09

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Researched & Compiled by Jean Rawson

Edited by the Staff of the Adult & Community Education Section of

Co. Wexford VEC

Proofread by Quality Assurance Co-ordinator Virgo Hynes

For BTEI, Community Education & Special Projects

Co. Wexford VEC

Published November 2008


Some of the examples used have been taken from publications by

Co. Dublin VEC, the Further Education Support Service

(www.fess.ie) & the Further Education and Training Awards

Council (www.fetac.ie)

This document is the work of Co. Wexford VEC Adult and Community

Education Service (BTEI & Community Education Programmes).

1. This document is protected by copyright

2. It can be used for educational purposes by other VEC’s involved in Fetac

Quality Assurance.

3. This document can be copied but recognition and acknowledgement must

be given to Co. Wexford VEC Adult and Community Education Service

(BTEI & Community Education).

4. The wording of such acknowledgement must be as follows

“ We ....................... acknowledge and recognise the original Guidelines for

FETAC Tutors produced by Co. Wexford VEC Adult and Community

Education Service (BTEI & Community Education) which have informed our


Co. Wexford VEC Adult and Community Education Service kindly request

that other education providers inform us if they are using our material.

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CONTENTS .......................................................................................................................... 2

SECTION 1 GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................... 6

QUOTES TO SHARE WITH LEARNERS ............................................................................................... 7

FETAC – GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................. 8

CREDITS ................................................................................................................................. 9

NATIONAL FRAMEWORK OF QUALIFICATIONS .................................................................................10

AWARD EQUIVALENTS ..............................................................................................................11

GLOSSARY OF TERMS FOR FETAC ASSESSMENT ...............................................................................12

GLOSSARY OF TERMS FOR FETAC ASSESSMENT CONT. .......................................................................13

USEFUL WEBSITES ...................................................................................................................14

SECTION 2 LEVEL 3 ............................................................................................................ 15

GENERAL INFORMATION ON LEVELS 1, 2 & 3 .................................................................................16

SCHEME OF WORK / COURSE PLAN AT LEVEL 3...............................................................................17

ASSESSMENT AT LEVEL 3 ...........................................................................................................18

ASSESSMENT AT LEVEL 3 CONT. ..................................................................................................19

ASSESSMENT BRIEFS AT LEVEL 3 ..................................................................................................20

HOW TO WRITE AN ASSESSMENT BRIEF AT LEVEL 3 ..........................................................................21

PROCEDURE FOR DEVISING AN ASSESSMENT BRIEF AT LEVEL 3 ............................................................22

EXAMPLE OF AN ASSESSMENT BRIEF AT LEVEL 3 ..............................................................................23

GUIDELINES FOR PREPARING AN INTEGRATED BRIEF AT LEVEL 3 ..........................................................24

PROCEDURE FOR DEVISING AN INTEGRATED ASSESSMENT BRIEF AT LEVEL 3 ...........................................25


EXAMPLE OF AN INTEGRATED ASSESSMENT BRIEF AT LEVEL 3 .............................................................27

QUOTES TO SHARE WITH LEARNERS ..............................................................................................28


3 .........................................................................................................................................29


3 CONT. ................................................................................................................................30

QUOTES TO SHARE WITH LEARNERS ..............................................................................................31

SECTION 3 LEVELS 4, 5 & 6 ................................................................................................ 32

QUOTES TO SHARE WITH LEARNERS ..............................................................................................33

GENERAL INFORMATION ON LEVELS 4, 5 & 6 .................................................................................34

GENERAL INFORMATION ON LEVELS 4, 5 & 6 CONT. ........................................................................35

SCHEME OF WORK / COURSE PLAN AT LEVELS 4, 5 & 6 ....................................................................36

SCHEME OF WORK / COURSE PLAN AT LEVELS 4, 5 & 6 CONT. ...........................................................37

ASSESSMENT AT LEVELS 4, 5, 6...................................................................................................38

HOW TO WRITE AN ASSESSMENT BRIEF AT LEVELS 4, 5 & 6 ...............................................................39

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PROCEDURE FOR DEVISING AN ASSESSMENT BRIEF AT LEVEL 4, 5 & 6 ..................................................40

PROCEDURE FOR DEVISING AN ASSESSMENT BRIEF AT .......................................................................41

LEVEL 4, 5 & 6 CONT. ..............................................................................................................41

EXAMPLE OF ASSESSMENT BRIEF AT LEVEL 4, 5 & 6.........................................................................42

EXAMPLE OF ASSESSMENT BRIEF AT LEVEL 4, 5 & 6 CONT. ................................................................43

GUIDELINES FOR PREPARING AN INTEGRATED BRIEF AT LEVELS 4, 5 & 6 ...............................................44

GUIDELINES FOR PREPARING AN INTEGRATED BRIEF AT LEVELS 4, 5 & 6 CONT. ......................................45


AND WEIGHTING AT LEVELS 4, 5 & 6 ...........................................................................................46


LEVELS 4, 5 & 6 ......................................................................................................................48


LEVELS 4, 5 & 6 CONT. .............................................................................................................49


BUT DIFFERENT WEIGHTING AT LEVELS 4, 5 & 6 .............................................................................50


WEIGHTING AT .......................................................................................................................51

LEVELS 4, 5 & 6 CONT. .............................................................................................................51


WEIGHTING AT LEVELS 4, 5 & 6 .................................................................................................52


WEIGHTING AT LEVELS 4, 5 & 6 CONT. ........................................................................................53


AND DIFFERENT WEIGHTING AT LEVELS 4, 5 & 6 ............................................................................54


AND DIFFERENT WEIGHTING AT LEVELS 4, 5 & 6 CONT. ....................................................................55


WEIGHTING AT LEVELS 4, 5 & 6 .................................................................................................56


WEIGHTING AT LEVELS 4, 5 & 6 CONT. ........................................................................................57

MARKING SCHEMES AT LEVELS 4, 5 & 6 .......................................................................................58

MARKING SCHEMES AT LEVELS 4, 5 & 6 CONT. ..............................................................................59

MARKING SCHEMES AT LEVELS 4, 5 & 6 CONT ...............................................................................60

EXAMINATIONS AT LEVELS 4, 5, 6 ...............................................................................................62

GUIDELINES FOR EXAMINATIONS AT LEVELS 4, 5, 6 ..........................................................................63

GUIDELINES FOR DEVISING QUESTIONS AT LEVELS 4, 5 & 6................................................................64

GUIDELINES FOR DEVISING QUESTIONS AT LEVELS 4, 5 & 6 CONT. .......................................................65

PROCEDURE FOR DEVISING SHORT ANSWERED QUESTIONS ................................................................66

PROCEDURE FOR DEVISING SHORT ANSWERED QUESTIONS CONT. .......................................................67

PROCEDURE FOR DEVISING STRUCTURED QUESTIONS .......................................................................68

PROCEDURE FOR DEVISING STRUCTURED QUESTIONS CONT ................................................................69

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MARKING & GRADING EVIDENCE AT LEVELS 4, 5 & 6 ......................................................................70

GRADING BANDS AT LEVELS 4,5 & 6 ............................................................................................71


LEVELS 4, 5 & 6 ......................................................................................................................72


4, 5 & 6 CONT. .......................................................................................................................73

QUOTES TO SHARE WITH LEARNERS ..............................................................................................74

SECTION 4 EXAMPLES ....................................................................................................... 75

QUOTES TO SHARE WITH LEARNERS ..............................................................................................76

EXAMPLE 1 OF SCHEME OF WORK / COURSE PLAN AT LEVEL 3 ...........................................................77

EXAMPLE 1 OF SCHEME OF WORK / COURSE PLAN AT LEVEL 3 CONT. ..................................................78

EXAMPLE 2 OF SCHEME OF WORK / COURSE PLAN AT LEVEL 3 ...........................................................79

EXAMPLE 2 OF SCHEME OF WORK / COURSE PLAN AT LEVEL 3 CONT. .................................................80

EXAMPLE OF SCHEME OF WORK / COURSE PLAN AT LEVEL 5 ..............................................................81

EXAMPLE OF SCHEME OF WORK / COURSE PLAN AT LEVEL 5 CONT. .....................................................82

EXAMPLE OF SCHEME OF WORK / COURSE PLAN AT LEVEL 5 CONT. .....................................................83

EXAMPLE OF TIMETABLE OF ASSESSMENT AT LEVELS 4, 5 & 6 ............................................................84

EXAMPLE OF ASSESSMENT BRIEF FORMAT .....................................................................................85

EXAMPLE 1 OF ASSESSMENT BRIEF AT LEVEL 3 ...............................................................................86

EXAMPLE 2 OF ASSESSMENT BRIEF AT LEVEL 3 ...............................................................................87

EXAMPLE OF ASSESSMENT BRIEF FOR A LOG BOOK AT LEVEL 3 ...........................................................88

EXAMPLE OF ASSESSMENT BRIEF FOR AN ASSIGNMENT AT LEVEL 4 ......................................................89

EXAMPLE OF ASSESSMENT BRIEF FOR AN ASSIGNMENT AT .................................................................90

LEVEL 4 CONT. ........................................................................................................................90

EXAMPLE OF ASSESSMENT BRIEF FOR LEARNING JOURNAL AT LEVEL 4 ..................................................91

EXAMPLE OF ASSESSMENT BRIEF FOR LEARNING JOURNAL AT LEVEL 4 CONT. .........................................92

EXAMPLE OF ASSESSMENT BRIEF FOR SHORT REPORT AT LEVEL 4 ........................................................93

EXAMPLE OF ASSESSMENT BRIEF FOR SHORT REPORT AT LEVEL 4 CONT. ...............................................94


EXAMPLE OF AN ASSESSMENT BRIEF FOR A PROJECT AT LEVEL 5..........................................................96

EXAMPLE OF ASSESSMENT BRIEF FOR SKILLS DEMONSTRATION AT LEVEL 5 ............................................97


EXAMPLE 1 OF MARKING SCHEME ...............................................................................................99

EXAMPLE 1 OF MARKING SCHEME CONT. .................................................................................... 100

EXAMPLE 2 OF MARKING SCHEME ............................................................................................. 101

EXAMPLE 2 OF MARKING SCHEME CONT ..................................................................................... 102

EXAMPLE OF EXAM COVER SHEET .............................................................................................. 103

EXAMPLE 1 OF SHORT ANSWER EXAM QUESTIONS ........................................................................ 104

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EXAMPLE 2 OF SHORT ANSWER EXAM QUESTIONS ........................................................................ 105

EXAMPLE 1 & 2 OF STRUCTURED EXAM QUESTIONS ...................................................................... 106


QUOTES TO SHARE WITH LEARNERS ............................................................................................ 108


EXAMPLE 2 OF EXAM MARKING SCHEME & OUTLINE SOLUTIONS CONT. ............................................. 110

EXAMPLE OF LEVEL 3 FETAC INDIVIDUAL CANDIDATE MARKING SHEET ............................................... 111

EXAMPLE OF LEVEL 3 FETAC INDIVIDUAL CANDIDATE MARKING SHEET CONT. ...................................... 112

EXAMPLE OF LEVEL 4 FETAC INDIVIDUAL CANDIDATE MARKING SHEET ............................................... 113

EXAMPLE OF LEVEL 5 FETAC INDIVIDUAL CANDIDATE MARKING SHEET ............................................... 114

EXAMPLE OF LEVEL 5 FETAC INDIVIDUAL CANDIDATE MARKING SHEET CONT. ...................................... 115

EXAMPLE OF FETAC LEVEL 5 RESULTS SHEET ................................................................................ 116

QUOTES TO SHARE WITH LEARNERS ............................................................................................ 117

SECTION 5 TEMPLATES..................................................................................................... 118

OTHER USEFUL WEBSITES ....................................................................................................... 129

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SSeeccttiioonn 11 GGeenneerraall IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn

- Fetac – General Information - Credits - National Framework of Qualifications - Award Equivalents - Glossary of Terms - Useful Websites

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QQuuootteess ttoo sshhaarree wwiitthh LLeeaarrnneerrss

The mediocre teacher tells.

The good teacher explains.

The superior teacher demonstrates.

The great teacher inspires.

- William A. Ward

What we do, if we are successful, is to stir

interest in the matter at hand, awaken

enthusiasm for it, arouse a curiosity, kindle a

feeling, fire up the imagination

- Professor Julius Sumner Miller, 1992

You cannot teach a man anything;

You can only help him find it within himself.

- Galileo

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FFeettaacc –– GGeenneerraall IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn

As the national awarding body for Further Education and Training in Ireland, the Further

Education and Training Awards Council (FETAC) gives people the opportunity to gain

recognition for learning in education or training centres, in the work place and in the


Fetac was set up as a statutory body in June 2001 by the Minister for Education and Science

under the Qualifications (Education & Training) Act 1999.

Fetac has responsibility for making awards previously made by BIM, Fáilte Ireland (Cert), Fás,

NCVA and Teagasc.

The main functions of FETAC are;

• To make & promote awards

• To validate programmes

• To monitor & ensure the quality of programmes

• To determine standards

Courses leading to FETAC awards are made up of modules or components.

For each module/component in which the required standard has been achieved, a

candidate gains credits or a Minor Award.

To obtain a FETAC Major Award (formerly known as a full certificate), certain numbers

and combinations of modules/components must be successfully completed.

Module Descriptors for each module are available from www.fetac.ie

Major Awards

This is the main type of award which represents a significant volume of learning outcomes.

This is a combination of minor awards. Learners may accumulate the minor awards over time

in order to achieve the major award. A Certificate will be awarded to all learners who

successfully complete the major award requirements at Levels 1 – 5.

An Advanced Certificate will be awarded at Level 6.

Minor Awards

Minor awards form part of a major award but are smaller than the major award.

Achievement of the minor award provides recognition of learning that has relevance and

value in its own right.

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In general, each module carries a value of:

For example, a module completed at level 4 (worth one credit at level 4) will have a credit

value of 2 in a level 3 award and a credit value of 0.5 at level 5 award.

A maximum of two credits can be carried forward from one level to the next.

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NNaattiioonnaall FFrraammeewwoorrkk ooff QQuuaalliiffiiccaattiioonnss

This diagram illustrates the National Framework of Qualifications which allows qualifications

to be compared both nationally and internationally.

The framework will, in time include all awards available in the State from the most basic

(Level 1) to the most advanced (Level 10) levels of learning. It will include awards gained in

schools, the workplace, the community, training centres, colleges and universities. The award

types are listed in the outer rings of the diagram and on the NQAI website www.nqai.ie.

Awarding bodies whose awards are included in the framework are shown as coloured bands

extending across the levels of the framework as appropriate.

Fetac Awards are placed at levels 1 to 6 on the National Framework of Qualifications.

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AAwwaarrdd EEqquuiivvaalleennttss


Framework of


Levels Other Awards

Level 1 Level 1 Certificate

Level 2 Level 2 Certificate Primary Certificate

Level 3 Level 3 Certificate Junior Certificate,

Intermediate Certificate,

Group Certificate,

National Foundation Certificate (NCVA)

Level 4 Level 4 Certificate Leaving Certificate,

Leaving Certificate Applied,

National Vocational Certificate Level 1(NCVA)

Level 5 Level 5 Certificate Leaving Certificate,

Post-Leaving Certificate (PLC),

National Vocational Certificate Level 2 (NCVA)

Level 6 Level 6 Certificate Higher Certificate (HETAC/NCEA),

National Vocational Certificate Level 3 (NCVA)

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GGlloossssaarryy ooff TTeerrmmss ffoorr FFeettaacc AAsssseessssmmeenntt


An Assessment Brief is the set of instructions given to the candidate outlining:

• What they are required to do for the assessment of the module

• How the assessment will be marked

• When it must be submitted


An assignment is an exercise carried out over a short period of time. It is based on a brief

given by the assessor which includes specific guidelines and deadlines for Learners. It can

take a number of forms- it can be research based, a practical task or an evaluation of a

particular subject.


This is a cover sheet which is placed on the box of portfolios when being presented for

External Authentication.


An examination is used to assess a learner’s ability to recall & apply skills, knowledge &

understanding within a set period of time and under certain specified conditions. An exam

may be practical, interview style, aural testing or theory based.


This is a record of candidates signatures which are taken by the Internal Assessor / Tutor

when an examination takes place.


The Fetac Individual Candidate Marking Sheet is included with every module descriptor and

must be filled out, signed, and included with the candidate’s portfolio.


A learner record is a learner’s review of their learning experiences, tasks they have completed

and the new skills gained over a specific period of time. There are different types of learner

records, eg. structured logbook, diary, learning journal, science or laboratory notebook,

sketch book.


This is a breakdown of the marks that the Internal Assessor / Tutor has awarded for the

Candidate’s Assessment. It is a more detailed breakdown of the marking than the Fetac

Individual Candidate Marking Sheet.

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GGlloossssaarryy ooff TTeerrmmss ffoorr FFeettaacc AAsssseessssmmeenntt ccoonntt..


A portfolio is a collection of some or all of the work a learner has produced over a period of

time that demonstrates achievement of a range of learning outcomes.


This is a record of candidates signatures which are taken by the Internal Assessor / Tutor

when the candidates submit their portfolios for assessment. It is also used to record when

the portfolios are received into the VEC and collected to be returned to the candidates.


This is a cover sheet which is placed on the outside of each portfolio when being presented

for External Authentication.


A project is a response to a tutors brief and is a substantial piece of work. It may involve

research, investigation of a topic, performance of an activity or organisation of an event. A

number of learners may be involved in an event and each learner must clearly state what they

are responsible for. When learners are undertaking a project they may be required to keep a

personal diary as it will record learning acquired and Specific Learning Outcomes (SLOs)



This is a course plan which is done for each module. It shows how the course will to delivered

and in what time frame.


Skills Demonstration allows the learner demonstrate their ability to perform a broad range of

practical skills. A skills demonstration may be assessed while students are on work placement.

There are different types of skills demonstration: practical, observation and oral.


This is a plan for each individual session or lesson. It is much more detailed than the scheme

of work


This is a list of the candidates overall results and needs to be presented to the External

Authenticator when the portfolios are being assessed.


This is a timetable of what type of assessment is required and when it is required which must

be given to candidates at the beginning of their module.

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UUsseeffuull WWeebbssiitteess


Fetac’s official website where all your module

descriptors can be found and downloaded


Further Education Support Service website where

you can gain access to resources for Fetac modules


This site acts as a forum for tutors wishing to discuss

the delivery of FETAC courses. Tutors may also

upload their notes for sharing to the FETAC

Resources section. Notes belonging to other tutors

are also available to download.

Other useful websites available at the back of this


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SSeeccttiioonn 22 LLeevveell 33

- General Information on Levels 1, 2 & 3 - Scheme of Work / Course Plan - Assessment - Assessment Briefs - How to write an Assessment Brief - Procedure for devising an Assessment Brief - Example of an Assessment Brief - Guidelines for preparing an Integrated Brief - Procedure for devising an Integrated Assessment Brief - Example of an Integrated Assessment Brief - Internal Assessor / Tutors Responsibilities when preparing for

External Authentication

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GGeenneerraall iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn oonn LLeevveellss 11,, 22 && 33

Modules/components at Levels 1, 2 and 3 are classified as Successful where a learner has

achieved all the Specific Learning Outcomes (SLO’s) required.

The Level 1 Certificate (Major Award) is awarded to learners who achieve a minimum

of four of the required certificate components.

The Level 2 Certificate (Major Award) is awarded to learners who achieve a minimum

of six of the required certificate components.

The Level 3 Certificate (Major Award) is awarded to learners who meet the required

standard in a minimum of eight module credits.

This includes three core modules (Communications, Mathematics, and Personal

Effectiveness or Personal and Interpersonal Skills) and any five elective modules,

which may be drawn from the list of approved modules.

Alternatively, it is awarded to a learner who meets the following requirements:

6 FETAC Level 3 module

credits (including core


plus 1 FETAC Level 4

module credit


4 FETAC Level 3 module

credits (including core


plus 2 FETAC Level 4

module credits

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SScchheemmee ooff WWoorrkk // CCoouurrssee PPllaann aatt LLeevveell 33

A Scheme of Work is a plan of what will be covered in session of the learning programme or

course. Under “Best Practice” procedures, a Scheme of Work is now required for every

course. Once it has been finalised, a Scheme of Work can be used to write lesson / session


The Scheme of Work / Course Plan consists of 3 Sections:

Course Details Section – including Group Name, Module Name, Code &

Level, No in Group, Module Start Date, Day & Time and Tutors Name.

Section 11 Requirements Section – The assessments techniques required

by FETAC, which are found in Section 11 of the module descriptor.

Scheme of Work / Course Plan – This gives the breakdown of what is to

be covered in each session of the course.


Download your module descriptor from www.fetac.ie


Fill in the course details of the Scheme of Work / Course Plan – you will need to consult with

the Programme Coordinator/Facilitator for those details.


Consult Section 11 of the Module Descriptor for the assessment criteria and complete

the Section 11 requirements on the Scheme of Work / Course Plan

Consult Section 12 of the Module Descriptor for the Specific Learning Outcomes


All Sections will be explained in more detail at a later stage


Fill in the Scheme of Work / Course Plan Section taking into account the time you have for

each session and how many hours you have in total for the module.

Guidelines for Creating a Scheme of Work

Please Note:

Level 3 involves continuous assessment. Please ensure that learners are informed that

continuous assessment will be done throughout the course.

Examples of Schemes of Work are shown in Section 4 of this publication.

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AAsssseessssmmeenntt aatt LLeevveell 33

Level 3 modules are assessed by means of a Portfolio (collection of work) and are not graded

but are judged either ‘successful’ or ‘refer’.

In order to fulfil the assessment criteria for FETAC, the Tutor must ensure that all the

Performance Criteria of the Specific Learning Outcomes (SLO’s) as laid out in Section 12 of

the module descriptor have been completed in addition to assessment criteria as laid out in

Section 11 of the module descriptor.

It is important to be aware that completing the SLO’s alone does not meet the assessment

criteria. It is also necessary to comply with the assessment criteria as laid out in Section 11

which can be found in the module descriptor (usually placed before the detailed breakdown

of each unit and the SLO list).

Section 11 will clearly dictate how a completed portfolio should be laid out, item by item,

explaining what each section requires. Many new Tutors mistakenly present a portfolio which

follows the SLO listing. This would not be sufficient if marking a candidate as successful.

Section 12 will clearly state if you need to only cover a percentage of the Performance

Criteria. If this is not stated it means that you must cover all of the performance criteria on

the right hand side as shown above.

All of the


Criteria on the

Right Hand

Side must be


and shown in


unless stated

in Section 12

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AAsssseessssmmeenntt aatt LLeevveell 33 ccoonntt..


Module: Level 3 - Personal and Interpersonal skills

SLO’s 1.1 – 3.6 cover a range of learning outcomes which include: creating

a personal profile, developing a plan of action, decision making, aggressive,

assertive and passive behaviour, listening skills.

Section 11 Tells us that the portfolio must contain the following:

Assignment, Log Book and other evidence

It then describes what each of the above is.

Portfolio The finished portfolio should be laid out as follows:

Section 1 Assignment

Section 2 Log Book

Section 3 Other evidence (this being most of the SLO class work)

In this example, if the Tutor had fully completed the SLO’s, but had not taken Section 11 into

account, the work would not be ready for assessment, as there would have been no

assignment or learner log books.

Example for Level 3 Assessment

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AAsssseessssmmeenntt BBrriieeffss aatt LLeevveell 33

Sometimes an Assessment Brief is needed for Level 3 – If this is necessary, the assessment

brief must be available for the External Authenticator, in WRITTEN FORM.

The instructions to the candidate which consists of:

WHAT The candidate is required to do for the assessment of the module:


Collection of Work

Learning Journal


Skills Demonstration(s)

HOW This assessment should be carried out:

Written report

Case study

Production of an artefact

Compilation of a daily diary

Demonstration of a skill

Investigation of a topic

MARKING How the assessment will be marked:

All assessment or performance criteria should be listed

WHEN It should be submitted:

The final date for submission of assessment as set out by the

Centre/ Provider

An Assessment Brief contains:

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HHooww ttoo wwrriittee aann AAsssseessssmmeenntt BBrriieeff aatt LLeevveell 33


Consult Section 11 of the module descriptor, the Portfolio of Assessment. This section


Which assessment technique to use

The percentage weighting for the assessment

On which units of the module the assessment is based (if


Guidelines/ examples/ specific requirements as to topic

How the assessment might be presented


Go to Section 12 of the module descriptor. The Performance Criteria for each Specific

Learning Outcome – ie, the knowledge, skills & competence that learners will achieve on

successful completion of the module, are listed here.

It may be useful to complete a Learning/ Assessment Grid for your module, to identify the

Specific Learning Outcomes most likely to lend themselves to the assessment in question. For

Learning / Assessment Grids, please refer to www.fess.ie.


Write the Assessment Brief according to the Assessment Brief Format. (See Example in

Section 4 of this publication).


At this stage it is good practice to present a draft Assessment Brief to the learners for

clarification, so that

Learners understand exactly what is required

Sources/ research opportunities can be identified

Learners understand that plagiarism is unacceptable

Learners understand how their assessments will be marked

Mode(s) of presentation can be agreed

On completion of this stage, it may be necessary to modify the Assessment Brief before

formally presenting it again to the learners.

NB : learners must be informed of their responsibility to attest in writing that their

assessments are their own original work.

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Step 1: Consult Section 11 (Portfolio of Assessment) of the Module Descriptor

Section 11: Portfolio of Assessment

Three finished pieces of work, each with support materials

STEP 2: Consult Section 12 (Specific Learning Outcomes) of the Module Descriptor

Section 12: Specific Learning Outcomes to be covered

Learners should be able to:

SLO 4: Produce a printed item

SLO 6: Prepare written text for publication

STEP 3: Consult with Section 12 (Performance Criteria) of the Module Descriptor

Section 12: Performance

STEP 4: Write the Assessment Brief, using the Assessment Brief Format

Specific Learning Outcomes

The learner should be able to: Performance Criteria

SLO 4 Produce a printed Item

• Use one or more printing techniques to

produce items which:

o Are appropriate to target audience

and purpose

o Clearly communicate a message or


SLO 6: Prepare a written text for publication

• Use correct punctuation, paragraphs,

sentences and layout as appropriate to

audience and purpose.

• Proof-read and correct spelling,

punctuation and sentence structure

Please Note:

The following is an example of an Assessment brief for Graphic Communications. Other

examples of Assessment Briefs along with the Assessment Brief Format can be found in

Section 4 of this publication.

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Module Titles: Graphic Communication

Module Code: AF0200

Level: Level 3

Assessment Technique: Assignment

Weighting: n/ a

Title: Poster


- Design a poster to advertise the Training Centre

- Use IT or other printing techniques

- The information on the poster should include:

o Information on programme content

o Advantages of attending

o Who may attend

o Contact details

Assessment Criteria:

- Use correct punctuation, paragraphs, sentences and layout

- Use the spell-check facility to correct spelling

- Include all stages of development and rough work, to show progress

The Assignment will cover the following SLO’s: SLO 4, SLO 6

Issue Date: 10 January 2003 Submission Date: 18 February 2003

Candidate Name: _________________________

I hereby acknowledge this is my own original work:

Signed: _____________________________ Date: ________________________

Dates Feedback Received:

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

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GGuuiiddeelliinneess ffoorr pprreeppaarriinngg aann IInntteeggrraatteedd BBrriieeff aatt LLeevveell 33

To write a valid Assessment Brief integrating parts of the assessment requirements for two or

more modules, Internal Assessors should:


READ both (or all) modules in full, to establish areas of similarity and overlap, and

to identify gaps

AGREE how this is to be communicated to learners


Steps 1-2 as above on how to write an assessment brief but include the following:


Your Assessment Brief should be based on the guidelines given in Section 11 of both/all

modules, as well as specific indications regarding content, format and presentation.


Include ALL the Assessment Criteria given on the Individual Candidate Marking

Sheet(s) for both/all) modules

- This will result in a more substantial Assessment Brief than for a single module


The following may be appropriate and/or possible, but great care should be taken not to lose

the essential assessment requirements

To amalgamate some of the guidelines from each module

To amalgamate some of the assessment criteria from each module

To adapt the language used in the module descriptor to plain English


The assessment should be photocopied so that each Internal Assessor may check it

separately, according to the separate Assessment Criteria for each module(s) and it will be

available for the External Authenticator in the Portfolio of Assessment for each module(s).

STEP 3 Write the Assessment Brief according to the Assessment Brief Format. (See Example of

Integrated Assessment Briefs in Section 4 of this publication).

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LLeevveell 33

In this example, Specific Learning Outcome 3.3 of the Level 3 Communications [GF0001]

module was the incentive for an integrated assessment, using the material learned in Level 3

Food and Nutrition [DF0146] and the skills acquired through Personal Effectiveness [GF0033]

Specific Learning Outcome 3.3 Level 3 Communications [GF0001] states that “the learner

should be able to describe events, procedures and processes”

The Performance Criteria for that outcome are that the learner should be able to:

Accurately describe an event or process

Give accurate instructions for a simple task

Communicate with reasonable fluency

Present content in a structured way, with beginning, middle and end

Ensure that content and delivery are suitable for audience and situation

STEP 1: Consider other modules being delivered to this group

STEP 2: Consult Section 11 (Assessment) of the Module Descriptors

Examine Section 11 of each module whose assessment is to be integrated, eg.

Level 3 Food and Nutrition [DF0146]

Section 11 – 3 Assignments

SLO 1: Nutrition

SLO 2: Hygiene and Safety

SLO 3: Kitchen Orientation

Level 3 Personal Effectiveness [GF0033]

Section 11 – Individual Candidate Marking Sheet or Portfolio

STEP 3: Consult Section 12 (Specific Learning Outcomes) of the Module Descriptor

Go back to Section 12 of the modules chosen, and examine the Specific Learning Outcomes of

each, in order to select those most likely to provide you with a coherent assessment.

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STEP 4: Consult with Section 12 (Performance Criteria) of the Module Descriptor

Go to Section 12 of each module and examine the Performance Criteria for each of the

Specific Learning Outcomes chosen.

Choose the Assessment – eg Level 3 Food and Nutrition [DF0146]: Assignment 1


Identify the SLOs of the three modules which will best fit this Assignment – eg:

- Level 3 - Food and Nutrition [DF0146] SLOs 1.1 – 1.5

- Level 3 - Personal Effectiveness [GF0033] SLOs 1 – 5 and 8 – 10

- Level 3 - Communications [GF0001] SLO 3.3

STEP 5: Write the Assessment Brief, using the Assessment Brief Format

Level 3 - Food and Nutrition [DF0146] Level 3 - Personal Effectiveness [GF0033]

The learner should be able to: The learner should be able to:

Outline the key elements of nutrition

Recognise basic food-labelling symbols

Demonstrate basic shopping skills

Outline the key factors in storing food

Store food correctly and safely

Identify good personal hygiene practice

Identify safe work practices in the kitchen

Demonstrate basic First Aid

Safe use and storage – cleaning agents

Kitchen utensils and appliances

Weigh/ measure range of ingredients

Know temperature settings

Draw up a personal learning plan

Gather information needed to carry out tasks

Review and adapt the plan if necessary

Different learning - different situations

Evaluate the quality of work completed

Work as a member of a team

Evaluate the work of the team

Maintain safe, efficient working environment

Observe safe work practices

Observe hygienic work practices

Please Note:

The following is an example of an Integrated Assessment Brief for Level 3. Other

examples of Assessment Briefs along with the Assessment Brief Format can be found in

Section 4 of this publication.

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Module Titles & Codes: Communications GF0001

Food and Nutrition DF0146

Personal Effectiveness GF0033

Level: Level 3

Assessment Technique: Assignment

Weighting: n/ a

Title: Healthy Eating for Families


It is National “Healthy Eating for Families” week and you have been asked to give a talk to

your group, who are parents of small children. You should be able to answer questions from

your audience

Assessment Criteria:

Your talk should include the following:

1: An outline of the key elements of nutrition

2: Examples and explanations of basic food labelling symbols

3: An outline of the key factors involved in storing food

4: How to make a shopping list (planned meals, budget, time)

5: How to store food correctly

6: A sample shopping basket with food correctly distributed between bags – raw/ cooked/


The Assignment will cover the following SLO’s:

Food and Nutrition [DF0146] SLOs 1.1 – 1.5, Personal Effectiveness [GF0033] SLOs 1 – 5 and 8

– 10, Communications [GF0001] SLO 3.3

Issue Date: 10 January 2003 Submission Date: 18 February 2003

Candidate Name: _________________________

I hereby acknowledge this is my own original work:

Signed: _____________________________ Date: ________________________

Dates Feedback Received:

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

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QQuuootteess ttoo sshhaarree wwiitthh LLeeaarrnneerrss

Ability is what you are capable of doing

Motivation determines what you do

Attitude determines how you do it

- Lou Holtz

Put yourself in a state of mind where you

say to yourself “Here is an opportunity

for me to celebrate like never before, my

own power, my own ability, to get myself

to do whatever is necessary”

- Dr. Martin Luther King Junior

I hear and I forget

I see and I remember

I do and I understand

- Confucius

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IInntteerrnnaall AAsssseessssoorr // TTuuttoorrss RReessppoonnssiibbiilliittiieess wwhheenn pprreeppaarriinngg

ffoorr EExxtteerrnnaall AAuutthheennttiiccaattiioonn aatt LLeevveell 33

The following procedures must be implemented by the Internal Assessor / Tutor for each


Download the module descriptor from www.fetac.ie

Create the Scheme of Work following the module descriptor

Collate resources, exercises, worksheets and course notes to be used with the group

Create Assignment Briefs following the module descriptor if relevant

Complete the assessment and apply the assessment / performance criteria as

specified in each module descriptor.

No plastic sheets or poly pockets to be used in presentation of portfolios.

All candidates must have signed the Assessment Submission Record – Template

included in Section 5 of this publication.

All evidence must be marked clearly

- For written evidence you must tick each page with red or green pen to show the data

has been taken into account when correcting

- Each piece of evidence not included in the portfolio must be clearly labelled with the

group name, candidate name, PPS Number, module name and module code

The Learners “Fetac Individual Candidate Marking Sheet” (Fetac Individual Marking

Sheets are available in the relevant module descriptor) must be completed, signed by

the Internal Assessor and Candidate and inserted into the front of each candidate’s


- The candidate’s exam number which is their PPS number must be included on this.

Assessment Briefs must be placed in each candidates portfolios behind the Fetac

Individual Candidate Marking Sheet at the front of the portfolio

Each portfolio must have a cover sheet (See Template section) – attached to the

outside of the portfolio by bulldog clip, stating clearly the following:

~ Learners Name

~ PPS Number

~ Module Title

~ Module Code

~ Tutors Name

~ Tutors Contact Details

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The portfolios for the whole group should be arranged and boxed (in proper storage

boxes only) in alphabetical order of surname

- If there are extra pieces, for example art pieces – please ensure that each candidate’s

evidence is kept together – For example the candidate’s art pieces are in the same box

as the relevant candidate’s art portfolios.

Each box must have the Box Cover Sheet attached to the box (See Template Section)

An Internal Assessors / Tutors pack should be included in the box. This pack should

contain the following:

~ Module Descriptor

~ Completed Module Summary Sheet (Template in Templates Section)

~ Assessment Brief(s) if relevant

~ Completed Assessment Submission Record

~ Completed Checklist


Photocopy the template – Write in the Module Title, Module Code, Tutors Name &

Tutors Contact Details as this information will be the same for all learners – It can then

be photocopied and attached to the portfolios and the individual learner’s name and

PPS number added afterwards.


There is a check list which must be used and included in the tutors pack to ensure that

portfolios are presented for the visit of the External Authenticator correctly – This can

be found in the Template Section

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QQuuootteess ttoo sshhaarree wwiitthh LLeeaarrnneerrss

Logic will get you from A to B

Imagination will take you everywhere

- Albert Einstein

Great minds discuss ideas

Average minds discuss events

Small minds discuss people

Nothing is particularly hard if you

divide it into small jobs

- Henry Ford

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SSeeccttiioonn 33 LLeevveellss 44,, 55 && 66

- General Information on Levels 4, 5 & 6 - Scheme of Work / Course Plan - Assessment at Levels - How to write an Assessment Brief - Procedure for devising an Assessment Brief - Example of an Assessment Brief - Guidelines for devising Integrated Briefs - Procedures for devising Integrated Assessment Briefs - Examples of Integrated Assessment Briefs - Marking Schemes - Examinations - Guidelines for Examinations - Guidelines for devising Exam Questions - Procedure for devising Short Answer Exam Questions - Procedure for devising Structured Exam Questions - Marking & Grading Evidence - Grading Bands - Internal Assessor / Tutors Responsibilities when preparing for

External Authentication

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QQuuootteess ttoo sshhaarree wwiitthh LLeeaarrnneerrss

Always be a first–rate

version of yourself,

instead of a second-rate

version of somebody else

- Judy Garland

Watch your thoughts; they become words

Watch your words; they become actions

Watch your actions; they become habits

Watch your habits; they become character

Watch your character; it becomes your destiny

- Frank Outlaw

I do it because I can

I can because I want to

I want to because you said I couldn’t

- Unknown

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GGeenneerraall IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn oonn LLeevveellss 44,, 55 && 66

Modules/components at Levels 4, 5 and 6 are graded as follows:

The Level 4 Certificate is awarded to learners who achieve the required standards in a

minimum of eight module credits. This includes four core modules (Communications,

Mathematics, Information Technology Skills, and Personal Effectiveness or Personal

and Interpersonal Skills) and four elective modules which may be drawn from the list

of approved modules.

Alternatively, it is awarded to a learner who meets the following requirements:

6 FETAC Level 4 module

credits (including core


plus 1 FETAC Level 5 module



6 FETAC Level 4 module

credits (including core


plus 4 FETAC Level 3 module



4 FETAC Level 4 module

credits (including core


plus 2 FETAC Level 5 module


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The Level 5 Certificate is awarded to learners who reach the required standard in a

minimum of five vocational modules (including mandatory and elective modules), two

General Studies modules (one of which must be Communications) and one Work

Experience module.

Alternatively, it is awarded to a learner who meets the following requirements:

The Level 6 Advanced Certificate is awarded to learners who reach the required

standard as listed in the detailed description for that award. Learning at Level 6

includes advanced vocational/occupational skills. These skills may be linked to a

particular work related subject and/or of a general supervisory nature. They require

detailed understanding of the theories involved. All FETAC Level 6 awards are

currently at the pilot stage, and the requirements for each award differ.

7 FETAC Level 5 module

credits (including core


plus 2 FETAC Level 4 module


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SScchheemmee ooff WWoorrkk // CCoouurrssee PPllaann aatt LLeevveellss 44,, 55 && 66

A scheme of work is a plan of what will be covered in each session of the learning programme

or course. Under “Best Practice” procedures a Scheme of Work is now required for every

course. Once it has been finalised, a scheme of work can be used to write lesson / session


The Scheme of Work / Course plan consists of 3 Sections:

Course Details Section – including Group Name, Module Name, Code &

Level, No in Group, Module Start Date, Day & Time and Tutors Name.

Section 11 Requirements Section – The assessments techniques required

by FETAC, which are found in Section 11 of the module descriptor.

Scheme of Work / Course Plan – This gives the breakdown of what is to

be covered in each session of the course.


Download your module descriptor from www.fetac.ie


Fill in the course details of the Scheme of Work / Course Plan – you will need to consult with

the Programme Coordinator/Facilitator for those details.


Consult Section 10 of the Module Descriptor for the Specific Learning Outcomes


Consult Section 11 of the Module Descriptor for the assessment criteria and complete

the Section 11 requirements for the Scheme of Work / Course Plan

Consult the Fetac Individual Candidate Marking Sheet at the back of the module

descriptor. The Assessment or Performance Criteria are listed here.

All Sections will be explained in more detail in “Assessment Briefs”


Fill in the Scheme of Work / Course Plan Section taking into account the time you have for

each session and how many hours you have in total for the module.

Guidelines for Creating a Scheme of Work

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For Levels 4, 5, 6 you must include a Timetable for Assessment in the Scheme of Work

/ Course Plan. This will show for example that on Lesson No 5 learners will have to

submit a Learner Record or an Assignment and on Lesson No 12 a Project or a Learning

Journal. It will also indicate the final date for feedback to be given to learners on their

draft work.

When this is done you will be able to produce a Timetable for Assessment which can

be given to the learners at the beginning of their programme.

Please Note:

Examples of Schemes of Work and Timetables of Assessment are shown in Section 4 of this


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At levels 4, 5 and 6, the tutor gives learners either an examination or a set of instructions

(known as an Assessment Brief) outlining requirements and assessment criteria for each


The assessment brief or examination must be available to the External Authenticator, in


The instructions to the candidate consists of:

WHAT The candidate is required to do for the assessment of the module:


Collection of Work

Learning Journal


Skills Demonstration(s)

HOW This assessment should be carried out:

Written report

Case study

Production of an artefact

Compilation of a daily diary

Demonstration of a skill

Investigation of a topic

MARKING How the assessment will be marked:

All assessment or performance criteria should be listed

WHEN It should be submitted:

The final date for submission of assessment as set by the Centre/


An Assessment Brief contains:

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Consult Section 11 of the module descriptor, the Portfolio of Assessment. This section


Which assessment technique to use

The percentage weighting for the assessment

On which units of the module the assessment is based (if


Guidelines/ examples/ specific requirements as to topic

How the assessment might be presented


Consult Section 10 of the module descriptor, “Specific Learning Outcomes” – ie, the

knowledge, skills & competence that learners will achieve on successful completion of the


It may be useful to complete a Learning/ Assessment Grid for your module, to identify the

Specific Learning Outcomes most likely to lend themselves to the assessment in question. For

more information on learning grids, please refer to www.fess.ie.


Consult the Fetac Individual Candidate Marking Sheet at the back of the module descriptor.

The Assessment or Performance Criteria are listed here.


Write the Assessment Brief according to the Assessment Brief Format. (See Example in

Section 4 of this publication).


At this stage it is good practice to present a draft Assessment Brief to the learners for

clarification, so that

Learners understand exactly what is required

Sources/ research opportunities can be identified

Learners understand that plagiarism is unacceptable

Learners understand how their assessment will be marked

Mode(s) of presentation can be agreed

On completion of this stage, it may be necessary to modify the Assessment Brief before

formally presenting it again to the learners.

NB : learners must be informed of their responsibility to attest in writing that their

assessments are their own original work

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Project: 50%

STEP 1: Consult Section 11 (Assessment) of the Module Descriptor


The internal assessor will devise an Assessment Brief which requires the candidates to


Use/ selection of relevant research/ survey techniques and sources of

information, referencing/ bibliography

Ability to analyse, evaluate, draw conclusions, make recommendations

Presentation/ display skills

The project Assessment Brief will require that the candidate select a specific topic for

comprehensive investigation. It should demonstrate good principles and practice of historical

research. The research findings should be presented in a manner that can be readily

understood by a member of the general public.

NB Before writing the Project Assessment Brief, the Internal Assessor should take note that:

Section 11.2 - Assignment assesses only Unit 2 of the module (Historical Context)

Section 11.3 - Learner Record should be carried out in conjunction with Section 11.1 - Project.

STEP 2: Consult Section 10 (Specific Learning Outcomes) of the Module Descriptor

When Unit 2 is removed, 27 Specific Learning Outcomes remain, grouped as twelve outcomes

in Unit 1 (Historical Research - Techniques and Approaches) and fifteen outcomes in Unit 3

(History Research Skills).

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STEP 3: Consult the Individual Candidate Marking Sheet for 11.1 Project

The Assessment Criteria for this Project are given as follows:

Research: 15 marks

theme chosen and justified appropriately

research/ survey techniques selected appropriately

range of media/ sources widely explored

theme comprehensively investigated

information systematically compiled

Analysis: 15 marks

evidence examined objectively

emerging themes/ conclusions tested systematically

conclusions and inferences logically drawn

Presentation: 20 marks

findings clearly and attractively explained

visual material attractively presented

language and medium appropriate to general audience

sources acknowledged clearly, bibliography included

STEP 4: Write the Assessment Brief, using the Assessment Brief Format

Please Note:

An Example of the Local History Studies Assessment Brief is shown on the following pages and

other examples of Assessment Briefs along with the Assessment Brief Format are shown in

Section 4 of this publication

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Module Title: Local History Studies

Module Code: E20113

Level: Level 5

Assessment Technique: Project

Weighting: 50%

Title: Lecture


Your Local Heritage Society is holding a meeting with a view to recruiting new members and

they have asked you to give a lecture on a topic of local history.

- Select a topic, and write an essay (1,200 – 1,500 words) as the basis for your


- You should use a wide variety of research techniques and sources of

information (primary and secondary), and document and acknowledge these


- The information should be analysed and evaluated and your essay should draw

conclusions and make recommendations.

- The findings should be illustrated by eg graphics or statistical date

- You should include a full bibliography.

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EExxaammppllee ooff AAsssseessssmmeenntt BBrriieeff aatt LLeevveell 44,, 55 && 66 ccoonntt..

Assessment Criteria:

Assessment Criteria Max Marks


- Theme chosen and justified appropriately

- Research/ survey techniques selected appropriately

- Range of media/ sources widely explored

- Theme comprehensively investigated

- Information systematically compiled



- Evidence examined objectively

- Emerging themes/ conclusions tested systematically

- Conclusions and inferences logically drawn



- Findings clearly and attractively explained

- Visual material attractively presented

- Language and medium appropriate to general audience

- Sources acknowledged clearly, bibliography included


Total Marks 50

Issue Date: 10 January 2003 Submission Date: 18 February 2003

Candidate Name: _________________________

I hereby acknowledge this is my own original work:

Signed: _____________________________ Date: ________________________

Dates Feedback Received:

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

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To write a valid Assessment Brief integrating parts of the assessment requirements for two or

more modules, Internal Assessors should:


READ both (or all) modules in full, to establish areas of similarity and overlap, and

to identify gaps


- Whether the same technique is used in each module (eg, two Learner Records,

or two Assignments)

- Whether different techniques are used in each module (eg – an Assignment in

one module being part of a Collection of Work in another module)

- Whether there are different percentage weightings for each assessment eg –

Learner Record: Level 4 Personal Effectiveness (G10033) - 25%

- Learner Record: Level 4 Plant Care & Maintenance (C10121) - 30%

- Whether there are different award requirements

For Example

TWO weeks placement in Level 5 Work Experience W20008

FOUR weeks placement in a childcare setting: Level 5 Childcare DCHSC

SIX weeks placement in a healthcare setting: Level 5 Healthcare Support


AGREE how this is to be communicated to learners.


Steps 1-3 as before on how to write an assessment brief but include the following:


Your Assessment Brief should be based on the guidelines given in Section 11 of both/all

modules, as well as specific indications regarding content, format and presentation.


Include ALL the Assessment Criteria given on the Individual Candidate Marking

Sheet(s) for both/all) modules

- This will result in a more substantial Assessment Brief than for a single module


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The following may be appropriate and/or possible, but great care should be taken not to lose

the essential assessment requirements

To amalgamate some of the guidelines from each module

To amalgamate some of the assessment criteria from each module

To adapt the language used in the module descriptor to plain English


The assessment should be photocopied so that each Internal Assessor may mark it separately,

according to the separate Assessment Criteria for each module(s) and it will be available for

the External Authenticator in the Portfolio of Assessment for each module(s).

STEP 4 Write the Assessment Brief according to the Assessment Brief Format. (See Example of

Integrated Assessment Briefs in Section 4 of this publication).

Please Note:

An example of an Integrated Assessment Brief is shown on the following page and other

examples of Assessment Briefs along with the Assessment Brief Format are shown in Section 4

of this publication

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In this example, assessment for Level 5 Retail Administration [B20035] and Level 5 Work

Experience [W20008] modules are being integrated:-

The Assessment Technique in each case is Assignment. The percentage weighting in each

case is 20%.

STEP 1: Read the guidelines given in Section 11 of each module descriptor

STEP 2: Consult the Specific Learning Outcomes in Section 10 of each module

In the case of Level 5 Retail Administration [B20035] the assignment is likely to be based on a

range of Specific Learning Outcomes from Unit 1 – Unit 4.

In the case of Level 5 Work Experience [W20008], the assignment will assess a range of

Specific Learning Outcomes from the whole module.

STEP 3: Consult the Assessment Criteria, listed on the Individual Candidate Marking Sheet

for each module

STEP 4: Write the Assessment Brief for this integrated Assignment, using the Assessment

Brief Format

Level 5 - Retail Administration [B20035]

11.2 Assignment 1 20%

Investigate and analyse a specific retail

organisation, with reference to location,

structure (organisational chart), ownership,

quality, human resources, administration,

stock control system, legal issues.

Level 5 - Work Experience [W20008]

11.1 Assignment 20%

Investigate vocational award area. Describe

the sector and range of occupations. Detail

qualifications and experience for one

occupation in the area. Discuss employment

and career opportunities in the area.

Level 5 - Retail Administration [B20035]

Relevant information collected and

appropriately presented. Comprehensive

analysis of a retail organisation. Detailed

description of a range of issues in relation

to the organisation. Findings presented


Level 5 - Work Experience [W20008]

Comprehensive profile of vocational area

with detailed description of occupation

and qualifications.

In-depth understanding and analysis of

employment and career opportunities in

the vocational area.

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QQuuootteess ttoo sshhaarree wwiitthh LLeeaarrnneerrss

“When one door closes, another opens,

but we often look so long and so

regretfully upon the closed door that

we do not see the one which is open”


Accordingly, a “genius

is often merely a

talented person who

has done all of his or

her homework

-Thomas Edison

As strong as my legs

are, it is my mind that

has made me a


- Michael Jackson

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Module Titles & Codes: Retail Administration [B20035]

Work Experience [W20008]

Level: Level 5

Assessment Technique: Assignment

Weighting: 20%

Title: Profile of the Retail Organisation


Investigate and analyse the retail organisation in which you did your work placement, under a

range of the following headings; location(s), structure (organisational chart), ownership,

quality, human resources, administration, stock control system, legal issues.

- Describe the retail sector and its range of occupations

- Detail the various qualifications required in the area

- Discuss employment and career opportunities in the area

The Assignment might be presented as a written report, an oral presentation, or other format

as appropriate

Assessment Criteria:

Assessment Criteria Max Marks

Retail Administration [B20035]

- Relevant information collected and appropriately presented. 5

- Comprehensive analysis of a retail organisation demonstrated 5

- Detailed description of a range of issues in relation to the

organisation provided


- Findings presented appropriately 5

Total Marks For Retail Administration 20

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TTeecchhnniiqquueess aanndd WWeeiigghhttiinngg aatt LLeevveellss 44,, 55 && 66 ccoonntt..

Work Experience[W20008]

- Comprehensive profile of vocational area with detailed description

of occupation and qualifications 10

- In-depth understanding and analysis of employment and career

opportunities in the vocational area 10

Total Marks For Work Experience 20

Issue Date: 10 January 2003

Submission Date: 18 February 2003

Candidate Name: _________________________

I hereby acknowledge this is my own original work:

Signed: _____________________________ Date: ________________________

Please Note:

The Assignment should be photocopied so that it will be available for the External

Authenticator in the Portfolio of Assessment for each module.

Dates Feedback Received:

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

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In this example, assessment of two modules is being integrated. The modules are: Level 4 -

Plant Care and Maintenance [C10121] and Level 4 Personal Effectiveness [G10033].

The Assessment Technique in each case is Learner Record.

The percentage weighting is different:

Level 4 - Plant Care and Maintenance [C10121] - Learner Record = 30%

Level 4 - Personal Effectiveness [G10033] - Learner Record = 25%

STEP 1 : Read the Guidelines given in Section 11 of each module descriptor, ie.

Level 4 - Personal Effectiveness [G10033]

11. Learning Journal 25%

The journal should document the experience

gained while following a programme of study

– to include a brief account of selected

activities, a clear, well-structured action plan,

evaluation, reflection on the learning

experience, strengths and weaknesses,

evidence of time management and

Assessment Brief comment by the tutor.

Level 4 - Plant Care and Maintenance


11.2 Learner Record 30%

A personal record – must include details of

horticultural skills used while maintaining

plants over an extended period, an outline of

the decision making process during the

period and the steps taken to rectify

problems identified.

STEP 2: Consider the Specific Learning Outcomes stated in Section 10,

Consider the Specific Learning Outcomes upon which the content of the Learner Record will

be based.

In the case of Level 4 Personal Effectiveness [G1033], this is Unit 1- Self-managed


In the case of Level 4 Plant Care and Maintenance [C10121] the Learner Record will

assess a range of Specific Learning Outcomes from the whole module.

STEP 3 : Consider the Assessment (Performance) Criteria for each module

In the case of Level 4 Personal Effectiveness [G10033] these are listed in Section 12.

In the case of Level 4 Plant Care and Maintenance [C10121] they are listed on the

Individual Candidate Marking Sheet.

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LLeevveellss 44,, 55 && 66 ccoonntt..

Level 4 - Personal Effectiveness [G10033]

Performance Criteria: page 6

Current skills and abilities are accurately

identified, analysed and recorded.

Details of short/ long-term learning goals

show insight into present situation, with

personal vision for future.

Entries comprehensive, critical reflection,

analysis and evaluation.

Responsibility for own learning and


Level 4 - Plant Care and Maintenance


Individual Candidate Marking Sheet

Comprehensive record of plant maintenance

Detailed description of skills used.

STEP 4: Write the Assessment Brief for this integrated Assignment, using the Assessment

Brief Format

Please Note:

An Example of an Integrated Brief is shown on the following page and other examples of

Assessment Briefs along with the Assessment Brief Format are shown in Section 4 of this


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TTeecchhnniiqquueess,, bbuutt DDiiffffeerreenntt WWeeiigghhttiinngg aatt LLeevveellss 44,, 55 && 66


Module Titles & Codes: Personal Effectiveness [G10033]

Plant Care and Maintenance [C10120]

Level: Level 5

Assessment Technique: Learner Record

Weighting: Personal Effectiveness [G10033] 25%

Plant Care and Maintenance [C10121] 30%

Title: Learning Journal


Keep a journal throughout your Horticulture course, as follows:

The tutor should list all guidelines here, as read in STEP1 – in plain English, including time-

limits (eg three months, six months) as appropriate.

The tutor should also state how s/he would like the journal to be kept – daily, weekly,

monthly, as appropriate.

NB – “The journal may be presented as a written diary, or may include visual support such as

drawings, photographs, paintings or other audio-visual work. Video and audio journals are

also acceptable” Personal Effectiveness page 5.

Assessment Criteria:

Assessment Criteria Max Marks

Plant Care and Maintenance [C10120]

- Comprehensive record of plant maintenance 15

- Detailed description of skills used 15

Total Marks For Plant Care and Maintenance 30

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aatt LLeevveellss 44,, 55 && 66 ccoonntt..

Assessment Criteria Max Marks

Personal Effectiveness [G10033]

Charting learning experiences 15

Identification of significant learning 20

Identification of learning styles 10

Identification of challenges 15

Awareness of progress 15

Reflection on impact of learning 25

Charting learning experiences 15

Total Marks For Personal Effectiveness 100

Weighed Total (Candidate Marks x 0.25) 25%

Issue Date: 10 January 2003 Submission Date: 18 February 2003

Candidate Name: _________________________

I hereby acknowledge this is my own original work:

Signed: _____________________________ Date: ________________________

Please Note:

The Assignment should be photocopied so that it will be available for the External

Authenticator in the Portfolio of Assessment for each module.

Dates Feedback Received:

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

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In this example, assessment from two modules is being integrated.-

Level 5 Caring for Children [D20159] and Level 5 Communications [G20001]

The Assessment Techniques being used are different

The Percentage Weightings are different

Level 5 Caring for Children [D20159] Project 40%

Level 5 Communications [G20001] Collection of Work - Structured Report 25%

STEP 1: Read the Guidelines given in Section 11 of both module descriptors

Level 5 - Caring for Children [D20159]

Project 40%

Candidates will demonstrate their

understanding and application of concepts

in caring for children. Use of relevant

research skills and sources of information.

Ability to analyse, evaluate, draw

conclusions, make recommendations.

May be presented using a variety of media

– written, oral, graphic, audio,

visual or any combination of these.

Audio/ video evidence must be on tape.

Level 5 - Communications [G20002]

Collection of Work - structured report 25%

Short, structured report, based on any topic,

information gathered from a variety of

sources. Could be based on vocational area

or on research done for another module.

May be handwritten or word-processed.

Approximately 500 words..

STEP 2: Consult the Specific Learning Outcomes in Section 10 of each descriptor.

In the case of Level 5 Caring for Children [D20159], this assessment is likely to be based

mostly on Unit 1 (Safety) and Unit 2 (Health) – though other parts of the learning programme

may also be of significance

In the case of Level 5 Communications [G20001], this assessment is likely to be based mostly

on Unit 2 (Reading and Writing) – though other parts of the learning programme may also be

of significance.

STEP 3: Consult the Assessment Criteria listed on the Individual Candidate Marking Sheet

for each module

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Level 5 - Caring for Children [D20159]


Effective planning and research.

Comprehensive exploration of health and

safety issues in Childcare.

Thorough understanding of concepts in

caring for children.

Considered evaluation, conclusions


Level 5 - Communications [G20001]


Well-structured, detailed, balanced. Terms

of reference well interpreted, on time.

Comprehensive, relevant research

references, bibliography.

Key issues discussed – original thinking

critical thinking, analysis.

Fluent, free from minor errors of spelling,

grammar, punctuation.

STEP 4: Write the Assessment Brief for this integrated assessment, using the Assessment

Brief Format

Please Note:

An Example of an Integrated Assessment Brief is shown on the following page. Other examples

of Assessment Briefs along with the Assessment Brief Format are shown in Section 4 of this


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Module Titles & Codes: Caring for Children [D20159]

Communications [G20001]

Level: Level 5

Assessment Technique: Project

Collection of Work (Structured Report)

Weighting: Caring for Children Project 40%

Communications Report 25%

Title: Health & Safety in the Childcare Setting Written Report


Write a report (1,200 – 1,500 words) on at least four of the Health & Safety issues you

observed during your four-week work placement. The report should include an exploration of

health and safety concepts in childcare. This should be substantiated by comprehensive and

relevant research, using both primary and secondary sources. Findings should be clearly

documented and sources should be acknowledged. A full bibliography should be included.

Assessment Criteria:

Assessment Criteria Max Marks

Caring For Children [D20159]

Effective planning and research 10

Comprehensive exploration of health and safety issues in Childcare.


Thorough understanding of concepts in caring for children. 10

Considered evaluation, conclusions recommendations. 10

Total Marks For Caring for Children 40

The Report asks for 1,200 – 1,500 words, because the 500 words required by the

Structured Report – Communications [G20001] would not be enough to allow candidates

to achieve all the assessment criteria for the Project – Caring for Children [D20159].

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TTeecchhnniiqquueess aanndd DDiiffffeerreenntt WWeeiigghhttiinngg aatt LLeevveellss 44,, 55 && 66 ccoonntt..

Assessment Criteria Max Marks

Communications [G20001]

Report well structured, detailed, balanced, uses impersonal language,

good interpretation of terms of reference, submitted on time 5

Research is comprehensive, relevant, variety of sources acknowledged

through references and bibliography 5

Key issues discussed and explained with clarity, objectivity, evidence of

original thinking 5

Findings presented clearly and in own words,

recommendations/conclusions show evidence of critical thinking and



Fluent writing, well expressed, extensive vocabulary, freedom from

minor errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation 5

Total Marks For Communications 25

Issue Date: 10 January 2003 Submission Date: 18 February 2003

Candidate Name: _________________________

I hereby acknowledge this is my own original work:

Signed: _____________________________ Date: ________________________

Please Note:

The Assignment should be photocopied so that it will be available for the External

Authenticator in the Portfolio of Assessment for each module.

Dates Feedback Received:

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

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MMaarrkkiinngg SScchheemmeess aatt LLeevveellss 44,, 55 && 66

This is a breakdown of the marks that the Internal Assessor / Tutor has awarded for the

Candidate’s Assessment. It is a more detailed breakdown of the marking than that on the

Fetac Individual Candidate Marking Sheet and shows where every mark has been given .The

marking scheme needs to be completed and inserted into the front of every candidate’s

portfolio behind the Fetac Individual Candidate Marking Sheet.

The Marking Scheme consists of the following:

Details Section – including module name, module code, level, candidate


The breakdown of and total marks for each of the Assessment

techniques – the assessment techniques required can be found in the

module descriptor

The Overall marks for the module – This should show each of the

Assessment Techniques totalled together to get the candidates overall


The Internal Assessor / Tutors Signature and date marked


Fill in the Details Section of the Marking Scheme


Consult the Marking Sheet in the module descriptor


Using the marking sheet – Break the marks down even further to show where every

mark have been given

There is no right or wrong way of devising a Marking Scheme as long as you have

shown where every mark has been given.

Guidelines for Preparing a Marking Scheme

Marking Schemes

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An Example of how a marking scheme has been broken down is shown below


The Internal Assessor / Tutor should Sign and Date the Marking Scheme


The Marking Sheet for Level 5 Teamworking is shown below

As you can see from the above illustration – The maximum mark for Participating in a

Team is 20 marks.

This can be further broken down by giving each of the bullet points provided 5 marks

You must then show how you have broken those marks down further – This can be

done by a marking guide.


Example 1

5 Mark Questions Guide

1 Marks Assignment presented, no evidence presented

2 Marks Evidence unclear

3 Marks Evidence provided minimal

4 Marks Very good evidence provided

5 Marks Excellent evidence provided

Example 2

3 Mark Questions 6 Mark Questions Guide

1 Mark 2 Marks Objective not evident or unclear

2 Marks 4 Marks Objective clear

3 Marks 6 Marks Excellent evidence of thinking through objective

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Example 3

5 Mark Questions 10 Mark Questions Guide

1 Mark 2 Marks Assignment presented, no evidence presented

2 Marks 4 Marks Objective present but unclear

3 Marks 6 Marks Objective somewhat clear

4 Marks 8 Marks Object present and very clear

5 Marks 10 Marks Excellent evidence of thinking through objective

Please Note:

Examples of the marking schemes are shown in Section 4 of this publication.

Please Note:

These marking schemes should not be given to the learners

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QQuuootteess ttoo sshhaarree wwiitthh LLeeaarrnneerrss

If we all did the things we are really capable

of doing, we would literally astound


- Thomas Edison

If you think a thing is impossible, you will

make it impossible

- Bruce Lee

It does not matter how slowly you go, so long

as you do not stop


Knowing others is intelligence; knowing

yourself is true wisdom.

Mastering others is strength; Mastering

yourself is true power

- Lao Tzu

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EExxaammiinnaattiioonnss aatt LLeevveellss 44,, 55,, 66

An examination provides a means of assessing a candidate’s ability to recall and apply skills,

knowledge and understanding within a set period of time and under clearly specified


An examination is an assessment instrument designed by the Tutor/Internal Assessor in

accordance with the instruction given in Section 11: ie. Portfolio of Assessment of the module

descriptor. Section 11 states the required number of sections in the examination, the

duration of the examination and the marks allocated for each section of the examination. The

examination paper assesses a range of Specific Learning Outcomes and can comprise of short

answer and/or structured questions. For each examination paper the Tutor/Internal Assessor

is required to devise a marking scheme and a set of outline solutions.

Examinations may be:

Practical, assessing the mastery of specified practical skills demonstrated in a set

period of time under restricted conditions

Interview-style, assessing learning through verbal questioning, one-to-one or


Aural testing, listening and interpretation skills

Theory-based, assessing the candidate’s ability to recall and apply theory,

requiring responses to a range of question types, for example, short answer,

structured, essay. These questions may be answered in different media for

example, in writing or orally

Where examinations are required as part of the assessment portfolio of the learner, such

examinations should be carried out under examination conditions. A tutor other than the

Internal Assessor should generally supervise these examinations.

Centres are required to keep examination papers and/or confidential assessment material in

safe custody at all times.

Centres should devise an Examination Attendance Roll, which should be signed by each

candidate and the supervisor.

Centres should retain these rolls in case of an appeal of a result by a candidate.

Stationery appropriate for examinations should be used.

In general, an examination centre should accommodate no more than 40 candidates,

supervised by one person.

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GGuuiiddeelliinneess ffoorr EExxaammiinnaattiioonnss aatt LLeevveellss 44,, 55,, 66

When devising an examination, the Internal Assessor should ensure that:

They have consulted Section 11 of the module descriptor

Questions or tasks reflect the Specific Learning Outcomes as identified in the

module descriptor

Where appropriate, examinations have a cover page outlining details for example,

date, duration, choice and number of questions (see Cover page in Section 5 of

this publication)·

Instructions are clear and unambiguous

Confidentiality is maintained during preparation and handling of examination


Groups of candidates being assessed at different times in the same subject area

are provided with a different examination

A second written examination should be available for unforeseen circumstances

eg. a candidate falls ill or breaks a leg the night before

Sufficient opportunity is provided to candidates to enable them to reach the

required standard. Each opportunity requires a different examination to be

presented to candidates

Where specific resources or equipment is required, for example computers or

audio/visual equipment, these must be available and in good working order

An outline solution and marking scheme has been devised (see Example in

Section 4 of this publication)

The allocation of marks is clear to candidates (See Example Exam Questions with

Marks displayed in Section 4 of this publication)

Please Note:

Under no circumstances can the same exam be given to a candidate at a different time to

that of the group

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GGuuiiddeelliinneess ffoorr ddeevviissiinngg QQuueessttiioonnss aatt LLeevveellss 44,, 55 && 66


Short-answer questions seek a direct response

Are easy to set and mark

Use active verbs at the recall and understanding levels of cognitive skill

Refer directly to Specific Learning Outcomes

Marks allocated should match the number of elements required in the answer for

example 2 elements at 1 mark each or 4 elements at 0.5 marks each

All short answer questions should carry the same marks

The marks for each part of the question should be indicated on the paper

The level of cognitive skill to be assessed may be identified through the verbs in the Specific

Learning Outcomes.


Structured question will have 2 or 3 (preferably 3) parts

- The parts will be stepped in difficulty, the first part assessing the lower-order

skills eg recall, through to the higher-level skills eg application, analysis.

- The parts will be related, but will be independent of each other – ie candidates

should not lose marks in part (b) or part (c) because they couldn’t answer part

(a) correctly.

The marks for the whole question should be broken down according to the level

of difficulty of each part, eg, 2 marks for part (a) 3 marks for part (b) and 5 marks

for part (c). (eg. the smallest no of marks for question a and the most number of

marks for question c)

NB - when allocating marks for a part of a question, the marks should be divisible

by the number of items required by the answer – eg. for 2 marks, identify 2 or 4


The marks for each part of the question should be indicated on the paper

A structured question could be based on common information given as trigger

material (eg a scenario)

The level of cognitive skills to be assessed can be identified through the verbs in the Specific

Learning Outcomes. (Practical skills should be assessed through project/ assignment/ skills


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GGuuiiddeelliinneess ffoorr ddeevviissiinngg QQuueessttiioonnss aatt LLeevveellss 44,, 55 && 66 ccoonntt..


The following table identifies a range of the verbs at each level:

Skills Active Verb (examples)

Cognitive – Recall Define, describe, identify, list, name, outline, state

Cognitive – Understanding

Distinguish, discuss, examine, explain, illustrate,

interpret, justify, predict, summarise

Cognitive – Application

Analyse, calculate, compose, evaluate, investigate,

organise, plan, select, solve


Assemble, communicate, construct, manipulate,

measure, perform, use

The verbs in the first box (Recall) are suitable for either short-answer questions, or for the

first part of a structured question.

The verbs in the second box (Understanding) are suitable for the second part of a structured

question, in that they demand more than simple recall of fact; they demand some

demonstration that the candidate understands information.

The verbs in the third box (Application) are the ones most likely to be used in the third part of

the structured question. They demand a more sustained answer than either of the first two

parts; it might take the candidate a number of paragraphs to make his/her points.

The question on each section should be independent of each of the other two sections. eg.

getting section (a) wrong should not impinge on sections (b) or (c).

Please Note:

Examples of the procedure for writing short and structured questions are shown on

following page. Examples of actual questions and outline solutions are shown in the

Section 4 of this publication.

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PPrroocceedduurree ffoorr ddeevviissiinngg SShhoorrtt AAnnsswweerreedd QQuueessttiioonnss

STEP 1 – Consult Section 11

Internal Assessors should consult Section 11 of the module descriptor (Portfolio of

Assessment – Assessment Summary), and the Individual Candidate Marking Sheet, for details

of allocation of marks per question.

STEP 2 – Prepare Learners

Tutors should prepare learners for the strategies associated with written examination papers

– eg, if the question is worth 4 marks, then they should make two or four points in their


STEP 3 – Indicate What Is Required

Where possible, when devising the question, the Internal Assessor should indicate the

number of points/ items/ elements required in the answer.

STEP 4 – Writing Questions

The verb in the Specific Learning Outcome may be used again in the question.

Specific Learning Outcome

Learners should be able to:

Short Answer Questions

Explain the water cycle in terms of

condensation, evaporation, precipitation and

transpiration Level 5 - Everyday Science C10163

Q: Explain the water cycle under the four

headings: condensation, evaporation,

precipitation and transpiration [2 marks]

Identify appropriate examples which have

contributed to the law of Tort Level 5 - Legal Studies B20132

Q: Identify 2 appropriate examples which

have contributed to the law of Tort [2 marks]

List the factors which contribute to safe and

healthy working environments

Level 5 - Safety & Heath at Work D20165

Q: List 4 factors which contribute to safe and

healthy working [2 marks]

Specific Learning Outcomes should yield a number of short-answer questions, eg:

Specific Learning Outcome

Learners should be able to:

Short Answer Questions

Outline the advantages and disadvantages

respectively of coding HTML, and using HTML

editors Level 5 Web Authoring C20148

Q: Outline 2 advantages of using HTML

editors [2 marks]

Or Outline one advantage and one

disadvantage of coding HTML [2 marks]

Or Outline 2 disadvantages of using HTML

editors [2 marks]

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PPrroocceedduurree ffoorr ddeevviissiinngg SShhoorrtt AAnnsswweerreedd QQuueessttiioonnss ccoonntt..

STEP 5 – Create Marking Scheme and Outline Solutions

Q1: Explain the water cycle under the FOUR headings: condensation, evaporation,

precipitation and transpiration [2 marks]


Performance Criteria

Mark Total Mark Outline Solution

ONE statement for each

of the four headings

Any 4 relevant,

correct statements

@ 0.5 mark each

2 marks

Full list of all


information under

each of these four


Q2: Identify TWO appropriate examples which have contributed to the Law of Tort

[2 marks]


Performance Criteria

Mark Total Mark Outline Solution

TWO appropriate

examples correctly


Any 2 relevant/


correct examples

@ 1 mark each

2 marks

Full list all relevant



Q3: List FOUR factors which contribute to safe and healthy working environments

[2 marks]


Performance Criteria

Mark Total Mark Outline Solution

FOUR appropriate factors

correctly stated

Any 4 relevant/


correct factors @

0.5 mark each

2 marks

Full list all relevant

appropriate factors

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PPrroocceedduurree ffoorr ddeevviissiinngg SSttrruuccttuurreedd QQuueessttiioonnss

C20167: Level 5 - Engineering Workshop Theory

This module requires 3 structured questions to be answered (20 marks each).

Questions may be written as follows, using the Specific Learning Outcomes

STEP ONE - Part (a) example

Learners should be able to:

SLO 10.2.18 Describe the construction of drilling machines to include:





The active verb in this Specific Learning Outcome is at the Recall level of cognitive skill,

suitable for a short-answer question or for part (a) of a structured question. In this case,

there is a possible choice of two part (a)-type questions:-

eg, “Describe the construction of radial drilling machines. (2 marks)”

or “Describe the construction of portable drilling machines. (2 marks)” etc

STEP TWO – Part (b) example

Learners should be able to:

SLO 10.2.20 Differentiate between hand and machine reamer

The active verb in this Specific Learning Outcome is at the Understanding level of cognitive

skill, suitable for part (b) of a structured question. In this case, the Specific Learning Outcome

gives the question directly:-

ie “Differentiate between hand and machine reamer. (6 marks)”

STEP THREE – Part (c) example

Learners should be able to:

SLO 10.2.21 Calculate drill speeds and feeds

The active verb in this Specific Learning Outcome is at the Application level of cognitive skill,

and will give you the basis for part (c) of a structured question. In this instance, for example,

an appropriate number of calculation exercises could be set, for a total of 10 marks.

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PPrroocceedduurree ffoorr ddeevviissiinngg SSttrruuccttuurreedd QQuueessttiioonnss ccoonntt

STEP FOUR – Marking Scheme and Outline Solutions example

Question Part Assessment


Mark Total Mark



1 (a) Recall

4 points made

Any 4



4 X 1 marks

4 marks

List of



(b) Understanding

Describe hand


Describe machine


State differences,

giving advantages

and disadvantages

of each

1 mark

1 mark

4 marks

6 marks

List of



(c) Application

(eg) Two

calculations, each

with 5 steps.

1 mark per


10 marks


worked out



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MMaarrkkiinngg && GGrraaddiinngg EEvviiddeennccee aatt LLeevveellss 44,, 55 && 66

Mark the candidate’s evidence according to the assessment criteria outlined in

the module

Mark the candidate’s work clearly (there should be marks, comments, etc on the

actual evidence, or a note showing where candidates gained/lost marks if

evidence is not paper-based eg. art piece, photograph or science experiment

Mark skills demonstrations using assessment criteria and, where appropriate,

supporting evidence as outlined in the module descriptor

Ensure that marking calculations are accurate

Internal assessors assign marks based on the evidence and the assessment criteria outlined

on the Individual Candidate Marking Sheet. The sum of the marks outline the candidate’s

grade. A candidate is awarded a Pass grade if they achieve greater than or equal to 50%, a

Merit if they achieve greater than or equal to 65%, a Distinction if they achieve greater than

or equal to 80%.

Internal assessors use their judgement and experience to grade evidence according to the

standards outlined in the module descriptor. The final grade should represent a true

statement of the candidate’s achievement.

The final grade is the sum of the marks of all the techniques.

Guidelines for Marking Evidence


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GGrraaddiinngg BBaannddss aatt LLeevveellss 44,,55 && 66

In general, the following statements indicate broadly what candidates have achieved at each



This indicates that the candidate has:

Reached the standard as outlined by the assessment criteria in the module

descriptor – a pass is the minimum acceptable standard

Used the language of the vocational area competently

Attempted to apply the theory and concepts appropriately

Provided sufficient evidence which has relevance and clarity


This indicates that the candidate has:

Reached the standard as outlined by the assessment criteria in the module

descriptor – a merit implies a good standard has been achieved

Used the language of the vocational area with a degree of fluency

Expressed and developed ideas clearly

Demonstrated initiative, evaluation and analytical skills

Presented coherent and comprehensive evidence


This indicates that the candidate has:

Reached the standard as outlined by the assessment criteria in the module

descriptor - a distinction implies that an excellent standard has been achieved.

Used the language of the vocational area fluently and confidently

Demonstrated in-depth understanding of the subject matter

Demonstrated a high level of initiative and evaluation skills

Demonstrated analytical and reflective thinking

Expressed and developed ideas clearly, systematically and comprehensively

Presented coherent, detailed and focused evidence

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IInntteerrnnaall AAsssseessssoorr // TTuuttoorrss RReessppoonnssiibbiilliittiieess wwhheenn pprreeppaarriinngg ffoorr tthhee EExxtteerrnnaall AAuutthheennttiiccaattiioonn aatt LLeevveellss 44,, 55 && 66

The following procedures must be implemented by the Internal Assessor / Tutor for each


Download the module descriptor from www.fetac.ie

Create the Scheme of Work following the module descriptor

Create Timetable of Assessment (This must be included in candidates portfolios)

Collate resources, exercises, worksheets and course notes to be used with the group

Create the Assignment Briefs / Examinations and Marking Schemes / Outline Solutions

following the module descriptor

Complete the assessment and apply the assessment / performance criteria as

specified in each module descriptor

No plastic sheets or poly pockets to be used in presentation of portfolios.

For examinations all candidates must sign an Examination Attendance Record (See

Template section)

In examinations, the internal assessor / tutor should mark all evidence present, and

then include the best answer for the final mark (in keeping with the choices offered, if


Any work handed up to tutor for feedback must be documented on the Work Handup


All candidates must have signed the Assessment Submission Record – Template

included in template section

All evidence must be marked clearly

- For written evidence you must tick each page with red or green pen to show the data

has been taken into account when correcting

- For oral/aural/visual etc, the Fetac Individual Candidate Marking Sheet and marking

scheme should include a clear breakdown showing how marks were awarded

- Each piece of evidence not included in the portfolio must be clearly labelled with the

group name, candidate name, PPS Number module name and module code

The Learners “Fetac Individual Candidate Marking Sheet” (Fetac Individual Marking

Sheets are available in the relevant module descriptor) must be completed, signed by

the Internal Assessor and inserted in the front of each candidate’s portfolio.

- The candidate’s exam number which is their PPS number must be included on this.

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IInntteerrnnaall AAsssseessssoorr // TTuuttoorrss RReessppoonnssiibbiilliittiieess wwhheenn pprreeppaarriinngg ffoorr EExxtteerrnnaall AAuutthheennttiiccaattiioonn aatt LLeevveellss 44,, 55 && 66 ccoonntt..

Assessment Briefs / Examinations with the Marking Scheme / Outline Solutions must

be placed in each candidate’s portfolio behind the Fetac Individual Candidate Marking

Sheet at the front of the portfolio

Each portfolio must have a cover sheet (See Template section) – attached to the

outside of the portfolio by bulldog clip, stating clearly the following:

~ Learners Name

~ PPS Number

~ Module Title

~ Module Code

~ Tutors Name

~ Tutors Contact Details

The portfolios for a whole group should be arranged and boxed (in proper storage

boxes only) in alphabetical order of surname

- If there are extra pieces, for example art pieces – please ensure that each candidate’s

evidence is kept together – For example the candidate’s art pieces are in the same box

as their art portfolios.

Each box must have the box cover sheet attached to the box (See Template Section)

An Internal Assessors / Tutors pack should be included in the box. This pack should

contain the following:

~ Module Descriptor

~ Completed Module Summary Sheet (Template in Templates Section)

~ Completed Fetac Summary Sheet (Results Sheet) if relevant (Can be

found in the relevant module descriptor)

~ Assessment Brief(s) if relevant

~ Marking Scheme(s) if relevant

~ Examination(s) if relevant

~ Outline Solution(s) if relevant

~ Work Hand up Sheet (Template in Template Section)

~ Timetable of Assessment

~ Completed Examination Attendance Record if relevant

~ Completed Assessment Submission Record (See Template Section)

~ Completed Checklist (Template in Template Section)


Photocopy the template – Write in the Module Title, Module Code, Tutors Name & Tutors

Contact Details as this information will be the same for all learners – It can then be photocopied

and attached to the portfolios and the individual learner’s name and PPS number added.

There is a check list which must be used and included in tutors pack to ensure that portfolios are presented

correctly for the visit of the External Authenticator. – This can be found in the Template Section

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QQuuootteess ttoo sshhaarree wwiitthh LLeeaarrnneerrss

If we always do what we have

always done, then we will get

what we have always got

- Adam Urbanski

Man’s mind stretched to a new idea never goes back to its original


- Oliver Wendell Holmes Junion

Shoot for the moon even if you miss

it you will land amount the stars

- Les Brown

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SSeeccttiioonn 44 EExxaammpplleess

- Example 1 of Scheme of Work at Level 3 - Example 2 of Scheme of Work at Level 3 - Example of Scheme of Work at Level 5 - Example of Timetable of Assessment at Levels 4, 5 & 6 - Example of Assessment Brief Format - Example 1 of Assessment Brief at Level 3 - Example 2 of Assessment Brief at Level 3 - Example of Assessment Brief for a Log Book at Level 3 - Example of Assessment Brief for Assignment at Level 4 - Example of Learning Journal Brief at Level 4 - Example of Short Report Brief at Level 4 - Example of Oral Presentation and Book Review Brief at Level 4 - Example of Project Brief at Level 5 - Example of Brief for Skills Demonstration at Level 5 - Example 1 of Marking Scheme - Example 2 of Marking Scheme - Example of Exam Cover Sheet - Example 1 of Short Answer Exam Questions - Example 2 of Short Answer Exam Questions - Example 1 & 2 of Structured Exam Questions - Example 1 of Exam Marking Scheme & Outline Solution - Example 2 of Exam Marking Scheme & Outline Solution - Example of Fetac Individual Candidate Marking Sheet – Level 3 - Example of Fetac Individual Candidate Marking Sheet – Level 4 - Example of Fetac Individual Candidate Marking Sheet – Level 5 - Example of Fetac Results Sheet

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QQuuootteess ttoo sshhaarree wwiitthh LLeeaarrnneerrss

What we thought was the horizon of our

potential turns out to be only the


- Tom Roberts Educator

Don’t wish it were easier, wish you were


- Jim Rohn

Strength and growth come only through

continuous effort and struggle

- Napoleon Hill

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EExxaammppllee 11 ooff SScchheemmee ooff WWoorrkk // CCoouurrssee PPllaann aatt LLeevveell 33

Section 1 - Course Details

Group Name: Pixels

Module Name: Computer Literacy

Module Code: BF0133

Module Level: 3

Number in Group: 8

Module Start Date: 04th

September 2008

Module Day: Tuesday Morning

Module Time: 10.00 am to 13.00 pm

Module Duration: 15 Weeks – 45 Hours

Tutor: Joe Bloggs

Section 2 - Section 11 Requirements

Candidates present a portfolio of coursework which shows that they have achieved all of the

Specific Learning Outcomes.

The portfolio must contain the following: Three individual assignments

These should be designed by the centre to allow the candidate to show that s/he has

achieved all of the Specific Learning Outcomes.

Assignment 1 should show that the learner can carry out basic work processing, including the

loading of software, entering new text from typewritten copy and printing out documents.

Text should be entered to the following specifications:

• 90% accuracy or fewer than 6 errors

• Minimum 2 paragraphs, 50 – 60 words

• Alphanumeric text, upper and lower case characters

• Basic punctuation (. and ,)

• Be relevant to the candidate’s needs, interest or current circumstances.

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Assignment 2 & 3 should show that the candidates can operate two of the following

applications; Database, Spreadsheet, Graphics, Logo. S/he should be able to load software,

operate the menu, carry out two operations and print out a sample of the completed

operations. Examples of operations may include the following:

• Database Carry out 2 visual searches on field contents

• Spreadsheet Sum a column and / or row of numbers using the summation function

• Graphics Draw and fill in a box or other shape

• Logo Use 2 commands, forward and right

• Email Send and Receive an email

• Internet Open a URL and navigate through three pages.

Section 3 - Scheme of Work / Course Plan

Session /

Lesson Number

Content / SLO’s Covered

1 Introduction – Tutor Introduction / Candidate Introduction / Course

Content etc.

2 Icebreakers & Games

3 SLO 1.1 a – Main components of a computer system (Theory)

SLO 1.1 b & c – Input & output devices (Theory)

SLO 1.1 d – Hardware & Software (Theory)

SLO 1.4 – Operate computer with attention to safety procedures (Theory)

SLO 2.1 – Load a word processing system

SLO 2.2 – Keyboard Keys

SLO 2.6 – Exit from Software

4 SLO 1.2 – Computers in Everyday Life (Theory)

SLO 1.3 – Common Software Applications (Theory)

Typing Practice

5 SLO 2.3 – 2.5 – Word Processing

6 SLO 2.3 – 2.5 Word Processing

7 SLO 2.3 – 2.5 Word Processing

8 SLO 3.1 to 3.3 – Desktop Publishing

9 SLO 3.1 to 3.3 – Desktop Publishing

10 SLO 3.1 to 3.3 – Desktop Publishing

11 SLO 4.1 to 4.3 – Internet & E-mail

12 SLO 4.1 to 4.3 – Internet & E-mail

13 SLO 4.1 to 4.3 – Internet & E-mail

14 Preparing Portfolios

15 Preparing Portfolios / Games

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EExxaammppllee 22 ooff SScchheemmee ooff WWoorrkk // CCoouurrssee PPllaann aatt LLeevveell 33

Section 1 - Course Details

Group Name: Artistic Development

Module Name: Drama

Module Code: EF0017

Module Level: 3

Number in Group: 10

Module Start Date: 04th

September 2008

Module Day: Thursday Morning

Module Time: 10.00 am to 1.00 pm

Module Duration: 20 Weeks – 60 Hours

Tutor: Joe Bloggs

Section 2 - Section 11 Requirements

Candidates present a portfolio of coursework which shows that they have achieved all of the

Specific Learning Outcomes.

The portfolio must contain the following:

• Evidence of Dramatic Presentation

• Other Evidence

Evidence of Dramatic Presentation; this may include a wide range of material, audio and

video, Presentation, tapes, photographs, reviews, written notes.

Other Evidence: candidates present other evidence which shows that all of the Specific

Learning Outcomes which are not covered by the Evidence of Dramatic Presentation have

been completed successfully.

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EExxaammppllee 22 ooff SScchheemmee ooff WWoorrkk // CCoouurrssee PPllaann aatt

LLeevveell 33 ccoonntt..

Section 3 - Scheme of Work / Course Plan

Session / Lesson


Content / SLO’s Covered

1 Introduction – Tutor Introduction / Candidate Introduction / Course

Content etc.

2 Icebreakers & Games

3 SLO 16.1 - Elements of Theatrical Production, eg sets, props, lighting,

costume, make-up


















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EExxaammppllee ooff SScchheemmee ooff WWoorrkk // CCoouurrssee PPllaann aatt LLeevveell 55

Section 1 - Course Details

Group Name: Childcare Enniscorthy

Module Name: Child Development

Module Code: D2005

Module Level: 5

Number in Group: 10

Module Start Date: 15th

January 2009

Module Day: Thursday Evening

Module Time: 7 pm to 10 pm

Module Duration: 15 Weeks – 45 Hours

Tutor: Joe Bloggs

Section 2 - Section 11 Requirements

Collection of Work 40%

Assignment 30%

Examination 30%

The Collection of work will include 5 child observations. Each observation will address one of

the five areas of development: physical; social; emotional; language; cognitive.

Each of the following age ranges will be represented in at least one observation: 0 to 1 years;

1 to 3 years and 3 to 6 years.

Candidates will be required to present written documentation in support of each observation.

The written documentation will consist of the following: Aim, background details,

observation record, evaluation & personal learning.

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The Assignment will require the candidate to produce an integrated study of one child. They

will present a snapshot of the physical, social, emotional, language and cognitive aspects of

the child’s development at a particular point in time.

Each candidate will submit a proposal of the study outlining background reading, links to

theory and the proposed means of gathering information about the child. A number of

observations of the child will be submitted as part of the study.

The observations will incorporate aspects of physical, social, emotional, language and

cognitive development for the child. They will be accompanied by background details and a

brief evaluation for each observation.

The candidate will develop an overall evaluation of the observations and integrate this with

their own learning and experience. Aspects of similarity and difference across the

observations will be outlined.

The candidate will also demonstrate an awareness of the following issues: objectivity,

individual variation, and influence of the environment on the child, influence of the observer

on the child, limitations of normative measurement, importance of research, sensitivity.

The Examination is a theory based examination that assesses the candidate’s ability to recall

and apply theory and understanding, requiring responses to a range of question types, short

answer and structured. These questions may be answered in different media such as in

writing or orally.

The examination will be based on the full range of specific learning outcomes and will be 1

hour 30 minutes in duration.

The format of the examination will be as follows:

Section A

12 short answer questions

Candidates are required to answer 10 (2 marks each)

Section B

3 Structured Questions

Candidates are required to answer 2 (20 marks each)

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Section 3 - Scheme of Work / Course Plan

Session / Lesson


Content / SLO’s Covered

1 Introduction – Tutor Introduction / Candidate Introduction / Course

Content etc – Ice Breakers / Games


Unit 1 – Overview of Child Development










12 Deadline for Feedback (Final Draft to be handed in)

13 Examination

14 Assignment Deadline

15 Collection of Work Deadline - Preparation of Portfolios

Timetable of Assessment has been included

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Group Name: Childcare Enniscorthy

Module Name: Child Development

Module Code: D2005

Module Level: 5

Module Start Date: 15th

January 2009

Module Finish Date: 23rd

March 2009

Module Day: Thursday Evening

Module Time: 7 pm to 10 pm

Module Duration: 15 Weeks – 45 Hours

Tutor: Joe Bloggs

Date Session /



Assessment Required


Feb 09

12 Deadline for Feedback (Final Draft to be handed in)


March 09 13 Examination


March 09 14 Assignment to be handed in


March 09 15 Collection of Work to be handed in

Candidate Signature: ____________________________________

Tutors: Signature: ____________________________________

Date: ____________________________________

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Module Title: _________________________________

Module Code: ________________________________

Level: _______________________________________

Assessment Technique: ________________________________________________

Weighting: __________________________________________________________

Title: _______________________________________________________________







Assessment Criteria:






Date Brief issued: ___________________ Submission Date: ____________________

Candidate Name: ______________________________

I hereby acknowledge this is my own original work:

Signed: _____________________________ Date: ________________________

Dates Feedback Received:

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

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Module Title: Consumer Awareness

Module Code: BF0134

Level: Level 3

Assessment Technique: Assignment

Title: Making a Complaint


In completing this assignment, you should ensure that you show that you are familiar with

consumer rights, responsibilities, redress and the procedures for making an effective

complaint. You may use the attached scenario to base you assignment on or if you are

currently involved in pursuing a consumer complaint, you may use that as the basic for your

assignment. You should include the following:

• A description of the problem, including a definition of consumer and consumer

contract and how it applies to your situation

• The basis on which redress is sought, including consumer rights and responsibilities,

reference to the terms used in consumer legislation and relate these to your

complaint, list the options open to you such as refund, repair etc.

• Plan of action for making your complaint including the following steps: specify cause

for complaint, specify the time-scale (how long since purchase), gather proof of

purchase, identify where responsibility lies, identify the person who should, receive

the complaint, specify redress sought and outline a plan of action.

• Write a letter of complaint – clearly state the nature of the complaint, include suitable

proof of purchase, direct letter to appropriate person, request suitable redress, follow

correct format, greetings, etc. and keep personal copy.

• Description of outcome – having planned the action that you are going to undertake,

consider the response (either real or one provided by the tutor based on the case) and

consider your options and plan what you will do if you have received an outcome that

is unacceptable to you, such as application to the small claims court

Assessment Criteria:

This assignment will cover the following SLO’s: 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.8

Date Brief issued: ___________________ Submission Date: ____________________

Candidate Name: ______________________________

I hereby acknowledge this is my own original work:

Signed: _____________________________ Date: ________________________

Dates Feedback Received:

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

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Module Title: Self Advocacy

Module Code: GF0034

Level: Level 3

Assessment Technique: Assignment

Title: Information Leaflet on rights for people with disabilities

Guidelines and Performance Criteria:

You will design an information leaflet for new members informing them about rights for

people with disabilities. The following should be contained in the leaflet:

• An explanation of the term “rights

• An explanation of why rights are important to everyone

• An explanation of why people with disabilities need rights to protect them from


• A list of three rights that people with disabilities already have by Irish law

• A list of two rights that people with disabilities do not have by Irish law and explain how

this affects a person with disabilities

• A proposal for two rights that people with disabilities should have, in the following areas:

� Relationships, transport and mobility, sports, leisure and recreation, two other

rights that you consider important

• For each of the areas above, explain how the implementation of these rights would affect

a person with disabilities

Date Brief issued: ___________________ Submission Date: ____________________

Candidate Name: _________________________

I hereby acknowledge this is my own original work:

Signed: _____________________________ Date: ________________________

Dates Feedback Received:

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

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Module Title: Self Advocacy

Module Code: GF0034

Level: Level 3

Assessment Technique: Log Book

Title: Log Book

Guidelines and Performance Criteria:

You will produce an account of your learning during the programme, including personal

reflections on any learning or insights that occurred as a result of your experiences. You may

present your work in a variety of media including written, graphic, audio, audio-visual or a

combination of these.

The following should be included in your log book account:

• A report of a meeting you attended, giving details of who attended, what the meeting was

about, why the meeting was important to you and what you wanted to get out of it.

Explain whether the meeting was successful to you and why. Outline what you will do

next, as a result of the meeting.

• A record of a complaint you made, stating what the complaint was about, what you hope

to achieve by making the complaint and showing that you identified how the complaint

should be made (verbally or in writing) and to whom. Evidence of the complaint should be

provided (letter, e-mail, record of phone call or interview). The record should state

whether the complaint was successful (and why) and should indicate future action

required, if any.

Issue Date: 10 January 2008 Submission Date: 18 February 2008

Candidate Name: _________________________

I hereby acknowledge this is my own original work:

Signed: _____________________________ Date: ________________________

Dates Feedback Received:

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

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Module Title: Caring For Children

Module Code: D10124

Level: Level 4

Assessment Technique: 2 Assignments

Weighting: 60% (2 Assignments x 30% per Assignment)

Title: Assignment 1 – Diet and Nutrition for a Child 0-6 years

Assignment 2 – Health & Safety in a Childcare Setting



- Learners must demonstrate their understanding of the advantages of a balanced diet.

- Learners must design a menu for seven days that is suitable for children 0-6 years.

- Learners should give reasons why mealtimes are an important part of family life.


- Learners should identify health and safety issues in a childcare setting and in a home


- Learners should list a good hygienic routine for a childcare setting to include personal

hygiene and cleaning routines which should be in place.

- Learners should demonstrate their knowledge of how to evacuate in the event of a fire

and how to report an accident. It is essential that learners fill out an accident report card

to support their understanding of how it should be done.

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LLeevveell 44 ccoonntt..

Assessment Criteria:

Assessment Criteria Max Marks

Assignment 1

Evidence of planning 10

Aim / introduction 5

Content – development of subject/theme 20

Initiative/originality 5

Evaluation / conclusion 10

References / bibliography 5

Presentation 5

Assignment 2

Evidence of planning 10

Aim / introduction 5

Content – development of subject/theme 20

Initiative/originality 5

Evaluation / conclusion 10

References / bibliography 5

Presentation 5

Total Marks 120

Weighed Total (Candidate Marks x 0.6) 60%

Issue Date: 10 January 2008 Submission Date: 18 February 2008

Candidate Name: _________________________

I hereby acknowledge this is my own original work:

Signed: _____________________________ Date: ________________________

Dates Feedback Received:

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

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Module Title: Communications

Module Code: G10001

Level: Level 4

Assessment Technique: Learning Journal – Portfolio of Coursework

Weighting: 10%

Title: Developing a Learning Journal



During the course you will find it useful to keep a record of the subjects and topics that you

cover in class. This record is known as a Learning Journal.

In it you should record the hopes and concerns you have at the start of the programme. Once

a month you should enter how you consider your learning is progressing, items you have

found particularly interesting and/or challenging. You may also use it to make a note of pieces

of useful information that you have gathered from whatever source, newspapers, books,

magazines, T.V. and radio, internet etc.

Your finished journal should contain two different pieces of work:

- Details of activities, tasks, or work you have undertaken

- Your thoughts about what you have learned during the course

You may use the following headings as a guide to record your thoughts and insights:

- What I learned

- How I learned it

- How this learning challenged me

- What differences this learning has made to me

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Assessment Criteria:

Assessment Criteria Max Marks

Charting learning experiences


Identification of significant learning


Identification of learning styles


Identification of challenges


Awareness of progress


Reflection on impact of learning


Charting learning experiences


Total Marks 100

Weighed Total (Candidate Marks x 0.1) 10%

Issue Date: 10 January 2008 Submission Date: 18 February 2008

Candidate Name: _________________________

I hereby acknowledge this is my own original work:

Signed: _____________________________ Date: ________________________

Dates Feedback Received:

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

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Module Title: Communications

Module Code: G10001

Level: Level 4

Assessment Technique: Short Report – Portfolio of Coursework

Weighting: 10%

Title: Short Report on a Survey of a Local Service


Investigate a local service using research methods.

The report should contain:

- Title,

- Introduction

- Aims

- Evidence of research

- Your own conclusions/recommendations

- A bibliography/list of source

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Assessment Criteria:

Assessment Criteria Max Marks

Clear and written in impersonal language. 15

Document facts not opinions. 20

Presented in sections as per guidelines above. 20

Evidence of research included e.g. questionnaires or list of

references 30

Conclusions/recommendations 15

Total Marks 100

Weighed Total (Candidate Marks x 0.1) 10%

Issue Date: 10 January 2008

Submission Date: 18 February 2008

Candidate Name: _________________________

I hereby acknowledge this is my own original work:

Signed: _____________________________ Date: ________________________

Dates Feedback Received:

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

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Module Title: Communications

Module Code: G10001

Level: Level 4

Assessment Technique: Oral Presentation and Book Review – Portfolio of Coursework

Weighting: 10%

Title: Oral Presentation and Book Review


- Prepare an oral presentation (3-5 mins) on a book that you have read for the course.

- The oral presentation should deal with your personal response to the theme of the book.

- Only a very brief outline of the story and main characters should be given.

Assessment Criteria:

Assessment Criteria Max Marks

Evidence of planning and rehearsal obvious. 20

Cue cards used 10

Good eye contact and approach to holding interest of audience

essential. 10

A good introduction, main body and conclusion obvious. 20

Tone, stance and gesture positive and engaging. 20

Review well structured showing understanding of the plot and

characterisation. 20

Total Marks 100

Weighed Total (Candidate Marks x 0.1) 10%

Issue Date: 10 January 2008 Submission Date: 18 February 2008

Candidate Name: _________________________

I hereby acknowledge this is my own original work:

Signed: _____________________________ Date: ________________________

Dates Feedback Received:

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

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Module Title: Caring for Children (0 – 6 years)

Module Code: D20159

Level: Level 5

Assessment Technique: Project

Weighting: 40%

Title: Project


Learners will present a project on an issue relevant to the childcare environment. They will

identify issues in one of the following:

- Health, Safety & Hygiene in a Childcare Setting.

- The Importance of Teamwork in Childcare.

- The Importance of Play in a Child’s Development.

Assessment Criteria:

Assessment Criteria Max Marks

Effective planning and research. 10

Comprehensive exploration of health & safety issues in childcare. 10

Thorough understanding of concepts in caring for children. 10

Considered evaluation, conclusions and recommendations. 10

Total Marks 40

Issue Date: 10 January 2008 Submission Date: 18 February 2008

Candidate Name: _________________________

I hereby acknowledge this is my own original work:

Signed: _____________________________ Date: ________________________

Dates Feedback Received:

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

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LLeevveell 55


Module Title: Early Childhood Education

Module Code: D20007

Level: Level 5

Assessment Technique: Skills Demonstration

Weighting: 40%

Title: Plan, Organise, Perform and Evaluate either a Poetry Reading,

Reading or Story Telling Session with a group of Children


- Select a technique, either poetry reading, reading or storytelling, which would be

beneficial and age/developmentally appropriate to the chosen group of children.

- The selected technique should be performed for the children, using appropriate visual

aids or other resources to support the presentation.

- This performance will be audio or video taped as evidence for the portfolio of


- The presentation must be evaluated under the following headings:

- technique chosen

- Visual aids/resources used

- Value to the children

- Personal learning

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LLeevveell 55 ccoonntt..

Assessment Criteria:

Assessment Criteria Max Marks

Selection of an appropriate technique 5

Effective performance including:

- Competent responses to verbal and non-verbal cues

- Effective interaction with the children

- Successful use of voice

- Appropriate use of visual aids/resources


Comprehensive evaluation of:

- The technique and visual aids/resources used

- The value of the performance for the children

- The candidate’s personal role in the performance


Total Marks 40

Issue Date: 10 January 2008

Submission Date: 18 February 2008

Candidate Name: _________________________

I hereby acknowledge this is my own original work:

Signed: _____________________________ Date: ________________________

Dates Feedback Received:

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

Date: __________________ Tutor’s Initials: _________ Candidate’s Initials: ________

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Module Title: Teamworking

Module Code: G20034

Level: Level 5

Candidate Name: ___________________________

Tutor Name: ___________________________

Marking Guide

5 Mark Questions 10 Mark Questions Guide

1 Mark 2 Marks Objectives not evident

2 Marks 4 Marks Objectives present but unclear

3 Marks 6 Marks Objectives somewhat clear

4 Marks 8 Marks Objectives present and very clear

5 Marks 10 Marks Excellent evidence of thinking through objectives

Assessment Technique: Skills Demonstration Weighing: 60%

Assessment Criteria Max Marks Candidate


Participating in a Team

Positive contribution to discussions 5

Full participation in team activities 5

Excellent group skills - including others, accepting criticism 5

Effective communication with team members and team leader 5

Problem Solving in a Team Context

Clear setting of objective goals 5

Accurate and timely identification of problems 5

Accurate identification of possible solutions 5

Use of realistic implantation process 5

Leading a Team

Appropriate roles assigned to team members 5

Effective negotiation of decisions 5

Successful resolution of conflicts 5

Successful outcome, task completed 5

Total Marks 60

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Assessment Technique: Learning Journal Weighing 40%

Assessment Criteria Max Mark Candidate


Comprehensive description of activities, challenges and

positive experiences


Critical reflection and evaluation of experiences 5

Clear understanding of group processes 5

Effective use of insight in analysing own process 5

Realistic evaluation of strengths and weaknesses 5

Comprehensive description of skills acquired 10

Total Marks 40

Overall Marks

Assessment Technique Max Mark Candidate


Skills Demonstration 60

Learning Journal 40

Total Marks 100

Tutor Signature: _____________________________

Date: _____________________________

Please Note:

These Marking Schemes should not be returned to the learner

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Module Title: Local History Studies

Module Code: E20113

Level: Level 5

Candidate Name: ___________________________

Tutor Name: ___________________________

Marking Guide

3 Mark Questions 6 Mark Questions Guide

1 Mark 2 Marks Objectives not evident or unclear

2 Marks 4 Marks Objective clear

3 Marks 6 Marks Excellent evidence of thinking through objectives

5 Mark Questions 10 Mark Questions Guide

1 Mark 2 Marks Objective not evident

2 Marks 4 Marks Objective present but unclear

3 Marks 6 Marks Objective somewhat clear

4 Marks 8 Marks Object present and very clear

5 Marks 10 Marks Excellent evidence of thinking through objective

Assessment Technique: Project Weighing: 50%

Assessment Criteria Max Marks Candidate



Theme chosen and justified appropriately 3

Research survey techniques selected appropriately 3

Range of media/sources widely explored 3

Theme comprehensively investigated 3

Information systematically compiled 3


Evidence examined objectively 5

Emerging themes/conclusions tested systemically 5

Conclusions and inferences logically drawn 5

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Findings clearly and attractively explained 5

Visual material attractively presented 5

Language and medium appropriate to general audience 5

Sources acknowledged clearly, bibliography included 5

Total Marks 50

Assessment Technique: Assignment Weighing 30%

Assessment Criteria Max Mark Candidate


Theme placed chronologically 6

Theme broadly contextualised economically, socially



Information factual and accurate 6

Evidence examined objectively 6

Emerging themes/conclusions identified and logically



Total Marks 30

Assessment Technique: Learner Record Weighing 20%

Assessment Criteria Max Mark Candidate


Activities and research process comprehensively described 10

Research method underpinned by evidence of planning,

persistence and systematic investigation


Total Marks 20

Overall Marks

Assessment Technique Max Mark Candidate


Project 50

Assignment 30

Learner Record 20

Total Marks 100

Tutor Signature: ______________________ Date: ________________________

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EExxaammppllee ooff EExxaamm CCoovveerr SShheeeett

MODULE TITLE: [Enter Module Title]

MODULE CODE: [Enter Module Code]

CENTRE NAME: [Enter Centre Name]

Eg. BTEI – Artistic Development Group or SkillsVec.

DATE: [Enter Date of Exam]

TIME ALLOWED: [Enter Time Allowed for Exam]

Instructions to Candidates

Insert specific requirements and details eg, the format of the examination (eg

number of sections where applicable and question types used.

Eg. There are two sections in this exam. Section A – Short Answer Questions –

12 Questions – Answer any 10. All questions carry equal marks (2 marks each)

Section B – Structured Questions – 3 Questions – Answer Any 2 – All questions

carry equal marks (20 marks each)

Please Note

There is a template which can be photocopied in Section 5 of this publication

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EExxaammppllee 11 ooff SShhoorrtt AAnnsswweerr EExxaamm QQuueessttiioonnss

Organic Production Principles (C20195)

Question 1 (2 marks)

List two fertilisers acceptable in the organic system






Question 2 (2 marks)

List four common pests encountered in organic production






Question 3 (2 marks)

Identify four factors in consumer demand that influence the organic market






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EExxaammppllee 22 ooff SShhoorrtt AAnnsswweerr EExxaamm QQuueessttiioonnss

Safety and Health at Work (D20165)

Question 1 (2 marks)

Outline two specific hazards when working with electrical equipment






Question 2 (2 marks)

Outline four ways in which personal protective equipment is used in the workplace






Question 3 (2 marks)

State 2 of the main the reporting procedures for absence in the workplace






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EExxaammppllee 11 && 22 ooff SSttrruuccttuurreedd EExxaamm QQuueessttiioonnss

Example 1

Organic Production Principles (C20195)

Question 1 (10 marks)

(a) List two common diseases encountered in organic production

[2 marks]

(b) Outline three reasons why some pesticides are acceptable to the organic system

[3 marks]

(c) Examine the effects of three conventional pesticides on the food chain

[5 Marks]

Example 2

Safety and Health at Work (D20165)

Question 1 (10 marks)

(a) Outline two roles of the Health and Safety Authority

(2 marks)

(b) Describe three duties of employers as specified in Sections 6, 9, 12 and 13 of the

Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act, 1989

(3 marks)

(c) Illustrate how you would promote safe working practices in relation to:

• Oneself

• Others

• The workplace

(5 marks)

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EExxaammppllee 11 ooff EExxaamm MMaarrkkiinngg SScchheemmee && OOuuttlliinnee SSoolluuttiioonnss ffoorr

SSttrruuccttuurreedd QQuueessttiioonnss

Organic Production Principles (C20195)

Question 1 (10 marks)

(a) List two common diseases encountered in organic production [2 marks]

(b) Outline three reasons why some pesticides are acceptable to the organic system [3 marks]

(c) Examine the effects of three conventional pesticides on the food chain [5 Marks]

Question Part Assessment


Mark Total


Outline Solutions

1 (a) Recall

List two



two diseases *

1 mark each



• Sooty blotch

• Fly speck

• Downy Mildew

• Gray Mould

• Lettuce Drop

1 (b) Understanding

Outline three

reasons why


pesticides are

acceptable to

the organic


three reasons *

1 mark each



• No long term damage

• No harmful effects on the


• Safe for humans to be in

contact with them

1 (c) Application

Examine the

effects of



pesticides on

the food chain

Naming of



pesticides * 0.5

marks each

Effects of this

pesticide on

the food chain

3 * 1 mark



answer given







• Strong smell or taste

• Withers leaves on the


• Changes the colour of the


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QQuuootteess ttoo sshhaarree wwiitthh LLeeaarrnneerrss

The world is full of willing people, some

willing to work, the rest willing to let them

- Robert Frost

The trouble with the world is that

the stupid are cock sure and the

intelligent full of doubt

- Bert Randrussell

There are two kinds of people, those who do the

work and those who take the credit.

Try to be in the first group; there is less

competition there

- Indira Gandhi

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EExxaammppllee 22 ooff EExxaamm MMaarrkkiinngg SScchheemmee && OOuuttlliinnee SSoolluuttiioonnss ffoorr

SSttrruuccttuurreedd QQuueessttiioonnss

Safety and Health at Work

Question 1 (10 marks)

(a) Outline two roles of the Health and Safety Authority (2 marks)

(b) Describe three duties of employers as specified in Sections 6, 9, 12 and 13 of the

Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act, 1989 (3 marks)

(c) Illustrate how you would promote safe working practices in relation to:

Oneself, Others, The workplace (5 marks)

Part Performance


Mark Total


Outline Solutions

(a) Recall

two roles


Any two



2 * 1 mark

2 • Secure health and safety at work

• Publish research on work place hazards

• Provide information and expert advice

• Promote workplace safety, health,

welfare, education

• Propose new legislation

(b) Understandin

g of duties

Any three



3 * 1 mark

3 • To ensure, so far as is reasonably

practicable, the safety, health and

welfare at work of all his employees

• To prepare a statement in writing to be

known as a "safety statement" and what

this statement should deal with

• To consult his employees for the

purpose of the making and maintenance

of arrangements which will enable him

and his employees to co-operate

effectively in promoting and developing

measures to ensure their safety, health

and welfare at work and in ascertaining

the effectiveness of such measures

• No person shall intentionally or

recklessly interfere with or misuse any

appliance, protective clothing,

convenience, equipment or other means

or thing provided in pursuance of any of

the relevant statutory provisions or

otherwise, for securing the safety, health

or welfare of persons arising out of work


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EExxaammppllee 22 ooff EExxaamm MMaarrkkiinngg SScchheemmee && OOuuttlliinnee SSoolluuttiioonnss ccoonntt..

(c) Application:

- practices


according to:





ess of



1.5 marks

1.5 marks


0.5 marks

5 • Draw up a safety policy

• Identify the hazards

• Carry out a risk assessment – decide who

might be harmed and how

• Decide what precautions are needed

• Record findings including who is

responsible for ensuring safety

• Review the programme and update as


• Identify safe working practices in areas

such as: dust and fumes, transport,

electricity, manual handling, noise and

vibration, preventing falls etc

• Provide protective clothing and


• Identify a system of dealing with accidents

and emergencies

• Have a criteria for selection and training

of personnel

• Provide education and training

• Mutual respect for others

• Know the law

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EExxaammppllee ooff LLeevveell 33 FFeettaacc IInnddiivviidduuaall CCaannddiiddaattee MMaarrkkiinngg SShheeeett


That all SLO’s are completed and ticked and that any evidence which is not in the portfolio is

documented in the evidence Section


All Fetac Individual Candidate Marking Sheets can be found in the back of the relevant module


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EExxaammppllee ooff LLeevveell 33 FFeettaacc IInnddiivviidduuaall CCaannddiiddaattee MMaarrkkiinngg SShheeeett



For Fetac Level 3 – Please ensure that both the Candidate and Tutor sign the Fetac Individual

Candidate Marking Sheet

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EExxaammppllee ooff LLeevveell 44 FFeettaacc IInnddiivviidduuaall CCaannddiiddaattee MMaarrkkiinngg SShheeeett


That candidate marks are totalled correctly

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EExxaammppllee ooff LLeevveell 55 FFeettaacc IInnddiivviidduuaall CCaannddiiddaattee MMaarrkkiinngg SShheeeett

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EExxaammppllee ooff LLeevveell 55 FFeettaacc IInnddiivviidduuaall CCaannddiiddaattee MMaarrkkiinngg SShheeeett ccoonntt..

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EExxaammppllee ooff FFeettaacc LLeevveell 55 RReessuullttss SShheeeett


That Candidate marks are totalled correctly on each marking sheet and transferred correctly to

the results sheet


All Fetac Module Results Summary Sheets can be found in the relevant module descriptor


All Fetac Individual Candidate Marking Sheets, Fetac Summary Sheets along with the

Marking Scheme are taken out of the portfolios before they are given back to the Candidates

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QQuuootteess ttoo sshhaarree wwiitthh LLeeaarrnneerrss

God grant me the serenity to accept the

things I cannot change,

Courage to change the things I can,

And the Wisdom to know the difference

- Reinhold Niebuhr

An impressive proportion of great

original thinkers were educated at home,

stimulated and brought up by high


-Aquarian Conspiracy

Knowledge Speaks, but wisdom listens

- Jimmy Hendrix

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SSeeccttiioonn 55 TTeemmppllaatteess



- Tutor Learner Meeting Record - Examination Cover Sheet - Examination Attendance Record - Work Handup Sheet - Assessment Submission Record - Portfolio Cover Sheet - Summary Sheet - Box Cover Sheet - Checklist

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Co Wexford VEC

Tutor/Learner Meeting Record

This form is used to record details of meetings with your tutor and to provide feedback on

your work and progress on the course/module. It will also record details of any issues or

concerns you may have and any action agreed to address same.

Learner Name

Tutor Name


Date of Meeting

Matters Discussed

Agreed Actions

Tutor Signature: _________________ Learner Signature: __________________

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MODULE TITLE: _______________________

MODULE CODE: _______________________

CENTRE NAME: _______________________

DATE: _______________________

TIME ALLOWED: _______________________

Instructions to Candidates







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Group Name: __________________________

Module Title: __________________________

Module Code: __________________________

Tutor Name: __________________________

Date of Exam: __________________ Time of Exam: ______________________


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Tutor Name _______________________________

Module Name _______________________________











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Head office use only:-

Received date ________________________ Received by ________________________

Collected date ________________________ Collected by ________________________

Group Module Name

Assessment Period Module Code

Tutors Name Tutors Contact No

Facilitators Name Facilitator Contact No


(Alphabetical Order)







Any other comments

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BTEI – Community Education, Special Projects

Co. Wexford VEC

Centre No. 38145 O

Learners Name: _____________________________________________

Learners PPS No.: _____________________________________________

Module Title: _____________________________________________

Module Code: _____________________________________________

Tutors Name: _____________________________________________

Tutors Contact No.: _____________________________________________

Facilitators Name: _____________________________________________

Facilitators Contact

Details: _____________________________________________

I hereby acknowledge this is my own original work:

Signed: ______________________________ Date: ____________________

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Group Name: ____________________________________________

Module Title: ____________________________________________

Module Code: ____________________________________________

Internal Assessor: ____________________________________________ Date: _____________________












Grade Title of Full


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Centre Code: BTEI, Community Education, Special Projects

38145 O

External Authenticator: ___________________________________________

Date: ___________________________________________

Roll Class Code:- ___________________________________________

MODULE TITLE: ___________________________________________________________________

MODULE CODE: ___________________________________________________________________

NO. OF PORTFOLIOS: __________________________NO OF PIECES:___________________________

TUTOR NAME: ___________________________________________________________________

TUTOR CONTACT DETAILS: ___________________________________________________________________

FACILITATORS NAME: ___________________________________________________________________

FACILITATORS CONTACT DETAILS: ___________________________________________________________________

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Group Name: ________________________________

Tutor Name: ________________________________

Facilitator Name: ________________________________

Level 3 marking sheet Level 4 and Level 5 and marking Sheet(s)

All Specific


Outcomes clearly


Candidate’s marks


Tutor’s signature &


Internal assessor’s/tutor’s

signature & date


signature & date

Marks totalled correctly

Grades awarded correctly


Tick to





Each portfolio must be presented with the portfolio cover

sheet secured on the front by a bulldog clip with all

information completed

FETAC Individual Candidate Marking Sheet as the first page of


Exam number is candidate’s PPS No

NO plastic sheets or poly pockets to be used in presentation

of portfolios

For written evidence you much tick each page with red or

green pen to show the data has been taken into account

when correcting

For any oral/aural/visual etc. the Fetac Individual Candidate

Marking Sheet and marking scheme must include a clear

breakdown showing how marks were awarded

Each piece of extra evidence must be clearly labelled with:

The Learners Name and PPS No

Module Name & Module Code

Group Name

Timetable of Assessment if relevant

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Tick to






For Office Use Only:-

Internally verified and checked again by:

Name: ___________________________________ Date: __________________________________


Tick to





Portfolios to be stored in recommended cardboard

storage box(es) with handles

2 portfolio box cover sheet completed per box

1 completed sheet attached to the left side of box

1 completed sheet attached to right side of box




Tick to





Completed Module Summary sheet must be included

for each module detailing learners names and results

Completed Fetac Summary Sheet (Results Sheet) if


A module descriptor

Assessment brief if relevant

Written examination papers if relevant

Completed Examination Attendance Record if relevant

Marking Scheme if relevant

Outline Solutions if relevant

Work Hand Up Sheet if relevant

Completed Assessment Submission Record

The portfolios for the whole group should then be

arranged and boxed in alphabetical order of surname

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OOtthheerr UUsseeffuull WWeebbssiitteess

www.careersportal.ie Careers Information

www.careerdirection.ie Information on Careers

www.cao.ie Central Applications Office

www.daycourses.ie Day Courses Directory

www.egsa.ie Education Guidance Service for Adults

www.education.ie Department of Education and Science

www.aontas.ie Irish National Association of Adult Education

www.nala.ie National Adult Literacy Agency

www.nqai.ie National Qualifications Authority of Ireland

www.nfq.ie Information on the National Qualifications Framework

www.ncge.ie National Council for Guidance in Education

www.careerdirections.ie Information on Careers

www.literacytools.ie Tools for Improving Spelling Reading & Numeracy

www.rehab.ie Information on Programmes & Services for People with


www.qualifax.ie National Information Database on Full-time and Part-

time Courses & Guidance Events etc.