Guest feedback This page contains the thoughts and experiences of those who have attended the events or undertaken treatment at Yorkshire Centre for Wellbeing in Harrogate. Pilates Coping with chronic pelvic pain - working with Samantha and Anne-Marie Sitting comfortably typing this, I can hardly believe that, not long ago, sitting caused me such agony that my social life was almost at a standstill and I came close to giving up my job. In October 2011 my hormones went berserk, I experienced severe bladder problems and the whole of my pelvic area became engulfed in pain to the extent that the highlight of my day was coming home from work and lying on my right hand side. The medical profession was unable to offer an explanation and I was told by my GP that the best I could ever hope for would be a 50% improvement. Being robbed of hope was the cruellest blow of all and without the prayerful support of some wonderful friends, I don’t know how I would have got through those dark days and months. My attempts to find a cure would fill a book. Suffice it to say, I found a gynaecologist who sorted out some of my problems, but the desperate pain remained. I came across the book “A Headache in the Pelvis.” The authors of this book offered both an explanation (chronic tightening of the pelvic muscles) and treatment consisting of trigger point therapy, “paradoxical” relaxation and pelvic floor exercises. I felt they had the answer only one problem, the treatment appeared to be available at just one clinic in the USA and was extremely expensive. I was truly fortunate in finding Samantha Gillard-a wonderful physio in Harrogate experienced in pelvic floor trigger point therapy. She eased the pain significantly and gave me hope that a complete cure might be achievable. Following several treatment sessions, Samantha recommended Pilates. I was initially sceptical as to how useful this would be but, on my first visit to Anne-Marie, I discovered she had a copy of “A Headache in the Pelvis” which gave me confidence that she had some understanding of my problem and how it might be resolved. Nevertheless, I wondered whether, having dyspraxia, I would be able to cope with the poses and this has put me off attending exercise classes in the past. I need not have worried as there is no competitive element in the classes and I’ve been able to progress at my own pace. If a particular pose is too challenging at the present time, Anne-Marie is always able to offer an alternative. Anne-Marie suggested Restorative Yoga in addition to Pilates. Having tried yoga about 30 years previously, I arrived at the class with little enthusiasm. Within minutes I realised this was a completely different style I left feeling calm and relaxed and looking forward to my next class and have now been attending the classes for over a year. The pelvic floor exercises and the stretches done in both the yoga and Pilates classes have been invaluable in promoting healing and the yoga Nidra is an incredibly powerful tool for reducing stress, a major component in pelvic pain syndrome.

Guest feedback Pilatesthe answer – only one problem, the treatment appeared to be available at just one clinic in the USA and was extremely expensive. I was truly fortunate in finding

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Page 1: Guest feedback Pilatesthe answer – only one problem, the treatment appeared to be available at just one clinic in the USA and was extremely expensive. I was truly fortunate in finding

Guest feedback

This page contains the thoughts and experiences of those who have attended the events or undertaken treatment at Yorkshire Centre for Wellbeing in Harrogate.

Pilates Coping with chronic pelvic pain - working with Samantha and Anne-Marie

Sitting comfortably typing this, I can hardly believe that, not long ago, sitting caused me such agony that my social life was almost at a standstill and I came close to giving up my job.

In October 2011 my hormones went berserk, I experienced severe bladder problems and the whole of my pelvic area became engulfed in pain to the extent that the highlight of my day was coming home from work and lying on my right hand side. The medical profession was unable to offer an explanation and I was told by my GP that the best I could ever hope for would be a 50% improvement. Being robbed of hope was the cruellest blow of all and without the prayerful support of some wonderful friends, I don’t know how I would have got through those dark days and months. My attempts to find a cure would fill a book. Suffice it to say, I found a gynaecologist who sorted out some of my problems, but the desperate pain remained.

I came across the book “A Headache in the Pelvis.” The authors of this book offered both an explanation (chronic tightening of the pelvic muscles) and treatment consisting of trigger point therapy, “paradoxical” relaxation and pelvic floor exercises. I felt they had the answer – only one problem, the treatment appeared to be available at just one clinic in the USA and was extremely expensive.

I was truly fortunate in finding Samantha Gillard-a wonderful physio in Harrogate experienced in pelvic floor trigger point therapy. She eased the pain significantly and gave me hope that a complete cure might be achievable. Following several treatment sessions, Samantha recommended Pilates. I was initially sceptical as to how useful this would be but, on my first visit to Anne-Marie, I discovered she had a copy of “A Headache in the Pelvis” which gave me confidence that she had some understanding of my problem and how it might be resolved. Nevertheless, I wondered whether, having dyspraxia, I would be able to cope with the poses and this has put me off attending exercise classes in the past. I need not have worried as there is no competitive element in the classes and I’ve been able to progress at my own pace. If a particular pose is too challenging at the present time, Anne-Marie is always able to offer an alternative.

Anne-Marie suggested Restorative Yoga in addition to Pilates. Having tried yoga about 30 years previously, I arrived at the class with little enthusiasm. Within minutes I realised this was a completely different style – I left feeling calm and relaxed and looking forward to my next class and have now been attending the classes for over a year. The pelvic floor exercises and the stretches done in both the yoga and Pilates classes have been invaluable in promoting healing and the yoga Nidra is an incredibly powerful tool for reducing stress, a major component in pelvic pain syndrome.

Page 2: Guest feedback Pilatesthe answer – only one problem, the treatment appeared to be available at just one clinic in the USA and was extremely expensive. I was truly fortunate in finding

Sheila in class

On the rare occasions I still experience any discomfort, I do the stretches and breathing exercises and now have the confidence to accept discomfort knowing it will pass.

I know that many women (and some men) have experienced excruciating pelvic pain for many years and I count myself really blessed to have access to Anne-Marie’s expert tuition and support.

Sheila Hirst

Anne-Marie says

Thank you to Sheila for sharing her experiences with us. It's encouraging for us all to know that there are natural ways of coping with pain, the important thing is to believe you will get better and get the right help.

The "Power of Pilates"

I've been doing Pilates with the excellent Yorkshire Centre for Wellbeing once a week for over 2 years after my chiropractor recommended it. I have been doing sport and exercise ever since I can remember and Anne-Marie's classes are some of the best I have attended. She works closely with each class of around 10 to make sure we are all working at our own level, as well as ensuring we use the correct technique, unlike many classes where 1 size fits all. In fact her persistence with correct technique is one of the many strengths and definitely pays dividends as you progress. In every class Anne-Marie will always test us by doing something differently and rewarding. She has also many other innovative pieces of equipment or ideas to bring to the class and you'll not find this sort of added value at any other of the local Pilates classes.

I used to have a weak sacro-iliac which really affected me after I did some sport. Now, I hardly need to see my chiropractor and have just completed the 2500 mile Great Divide Race. I could never have done that 2 years ago and over the 22 days, it took me to complete the race, I never once had a twinge or a complaint from my back. I'm totally amazed and totally converted to the power of Pilates. Pilates allows me to carry out my ambitions but has also given me a greater quality of life. After a big training session or a

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big race, I wake up the next morning with little or no back ache, it's been a revelation and allows me to take on and compete in some of the worlds hardest sports races. Pilates will also make you much more body aware which means you'll start sitting correctly at work or walking correctly. Anne-Marie works on a one to one basis to know your particular reason for doing Pilates and will constantly support you to achieve them.

Most people would think that cyclist generate most of their power from their legs. Well, a significant amount of back and core muscles are used to propel you along. The Great Divide race is a solo, self supported mountain bike race, which means you have to carry all your kit and this puts even more pressure on your back and core strength. Most sports training principles do not rely solely on just training in that one sport and advocate that you do additional types of activities to improve your performance. For me Pilates has significantly improved my performance with increases over the past 2 years being greater than the years before I took up Pilates. Bruce Dinsmore Sports Development Officer Cravern District Council

Pilates and sacroiliac pain Suffering from increasingly frequent bouts of sacroiliac and coccyx pain, I tried various methods to alleviate the problem. Physiotherapy and osteopathy provided short-term relief. I also tried Pilates classes at my local gym. However the format of the large group with the teacher standing at the front, meant that I developed poor technique in the exercises.

Since joining the Pilates classes I have been learning how to do the exercises properly and have been improving my posture, abdominal tone and "core strength". As a result, I have not had a recurrence of my low back pain.

Dr. Jo Huxley

Pilates and Recovery after back surgery - a long term solution

Twenty years ago I was crippled with sciatica after numerous treatments, including physiotherapy I was referred by an orthopaedic surgeon for a laminectomy. Twenty years ago this was a more complex operation and the post operative treatment was bed rest for 10 days, 2 weeks in hospital and I was also fitted with a corset. After sometime, I realised that I needed to do some exercise and take matters in to my own hands but I felt a gym was not suitable as I still felt vulnerable and wanted specialist help. Due to the enforced inactivity I felt weak and lacking in confidence. So nineteen years ago I began specialist back care classes with Anne-Marie (now known as Power Pilates). The classes gave me back my strength and confidence. I have found the different exercises, techniques and advice most helpful and beneficial and I believe that without this help my back problems could have reoccured and while there will always be some weakness I feel strong, healthy and able to lead an active life. I was also determined I was not going to return to the pre operative state so I have always maintained regular classes (only missing for holidays or illness) and in fact I dare not stop now! Sue Daley

Anne-Marie says: Sue's experience is testimony to to the importance of taking responsibility and been

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committed to the treatment strategy. After nearly 20 years of attendance Sue has managed her back situation so well due to her determination and commitment. Unfortunately we see all to often, an initial burst of enthusiasm and then a drop off after the first few weeks, or at the first hurdle. Pilates and yoga do work - they are long term lasting solutions. So please do aim to stay on track with daily practice and regular attendance at class so we can supervise you and check you are not picking up poor habits, as poor technique or misalignment can in fact make things worse.

Pilates for PSD ( pelvic instability)

I started Pilates with Anne-Marie in March 2010 from advice given by my physiotherapist. During my first pregnancy I suffered from a condition known as SPD (pelvic instability). I had never heard of it and had been fit, well and active playing a variety of sports before my pregnancy. Soon it became apparent that it was quite frankly awful. My mobility deteriorated throughout the pregnancy and I was in a lot of pain. After the birth the condition did not go away and life with a new born became extremely difficult. I am still unsure how I got through the first year. The physiotherapist -Jenny that I started seeing was very helpful from day one, and it was Jenny who advised me to attend a Pilates class to support my rehabilitation. I was desperate and in a very lonely place, especially as to have the condition as seriously as I had was unusual. I was frightened. And so my life with Pilates began. I had lost my faith in recovery but I knew somehow I had to provide a family life for my husband and daughter that involved a healthy and fit me. I attended lessons weekly, (and still do) I listened to Anne-Marie and followed religiously my exercise regime. 5 times a day for the first year and now 2-3 times set by my physiotherapist and supported by Anne-Marie. How did I do it? I have a support network of knowledgable teachers and a family that keep me going. I am also a bit stubborn, and was determined to get well. I am now a firm believer in Pilates, I can see what dedication and rehabilitation can do if you are prepared to put the work in and follow the advice.

I won’t say its easy but for every heel peel and clam ( Pilates exercises) the rewards have been worth it. I have a better understanding of how my body works and what is needed to get it back on track. Pilates has given me my life and faith back and for that I am truly grateful.

Carolyn Easton February 2011

Pilates ante and postnatal for PSD

Studies show that 80% of pregnant women suffer from back and pelvic pain and 70% suffer with stress incontinence, but only 15% of women do the recommended amount of exercise ante and post natally.

Pubic symphsis disorder (PSD) is a condition that can occur in some pregnancies it is painful and debilitating as in extreme cases the pelvis can separate.

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As the testimonial below illustrates one of the most important things you can do to help yourself is clinical Pilates.

Carolyn had a severe case of PSD in her first pregnancy on the advice of her specialist physiotherapist she attended Pilates classes with us post natally, it was a long haul to full recovery please see the first part of her account in the Pilates section of the website testimonial page the link is at tht top of the page.

Carolyn practising the clam in the studio

Part 2

After two years of physiotherapy and attending weekly Pilates classes with Anne-Marie I felt ready to try for another child. I was extremely anxious, that the PSD I had suffered that had been so debilitating during and after my first pregnancy would flare up.

But I knew it would be a challenge that was worth taking. I felt confident that I was surrounded by a strong team that could support me both mentally and physically. The variety of Pilates exercises and discipline required to keep my core strong was deeply embedded in my mind and so the journey of my second pregnancy began. Throughout the pregnancy I continued to attend Pilates classes on a weekly basis and practised a variety of exercises daily. As I the baby got bigger the exercises were easily adapted to accommodate this fact. All the time I felt at ease being guided by the experts. I was able to lift my first child and continue to work as a teacher up to 36 weeks pregnant. My baby arrived 3 weeks early, I had only just gone on maternity leave! James was born six months ago. After the birth I waited until I was advised by my physiotherapist that it was safe to return to classes, again Anne-Marie was very mindful of adapting the exercises in the post-natal period. I am 100% certain that all the time spent working on my core over the past two years was crucial in the successful management of the PSD during my second pregnancy. I now look forward to the next part of my life, being in control of my body and becoming stronger physically. I am delighted that I have begun to start the sports I played before the PSD began and

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am determined to continue on this path that three years ago I would have thought impossible.

Carolyn Easton July 2013

Anne-Marie says: PSD can be a serious debilitating condition that develops in some pregnancies and can in worse case scenarios result in having to use a wheel chair. Along with specialist input from a Physiotherapist experienced in the condition, Pilates appears to be the best solution. However as is clear from Carolyn's experience it takes commitment and dedication, practising repetitive exercises 5 times a day with a new born is no easy task!

But due to Carolyn's commitment and determination she has now resolved many of the issues and she has done amazingly well, so much so she is now able to participate in class as normal, however it is advisable she keeps up with the practice for life.

Pilates & The Physioacoustic Chair

I have been a member of Anne-Marie Burford's Pilates class both in Harrogate and Bramhope for the last eight years.

The classes have given me enormous benefit in my all over fitness:- I suffer from arthritis and over the last nine years have had a hip and a knee replaced, whilst I also have osteoporosis.

Recently I had a very bad fall while on holiday and suffered hairline fractures to a hip, my pelvis and an elbow. I resumed Pilates some nine weeks after these injuries and this has greatly helped me to regain my mobility. I find that I have much more movement in my joints as I proceed with these classes. All our particular needs are taken into account, while we are encouraged to try most exercises it is stressed that we should not over tax ourselves. Even when tired or off colour making the effort to attend invariably makes it worthwhile.

During an appointment with my osteopath she remarked on my improved posture, having not seen me for several years. This is entirely due to Pilates and especially the use of the ball and the Physioacoustic chair ( I had 12 sessions on the chair this has helped with pain relief and has also assisted in the healing of the fractures).

I am now over 80!

Toni Trigg, Bramhope, Leeds

Pilates After a Car Accident As a retired senior nurse/operating theatre superintendent and a qualified midwifery sister, I can personally recommend the Yorkshire Exercise Company.

I have attended Anne-Marie's Pilates classes since a car accident some years ago when I sustained injuries to my spine and shoulders. Conventional physiotherapy did not help whereas Pilates continues to be of considerables benefit and has helped me cope with my symptoms and promoted a feeling of well being.

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Anne-Marie's training and experience is well demonstrated in her teaching. I have always found her classes of great help, thorough, safe and most enjoyable. She approaches each class member with understanding whatever their needs, be it general fitness or recuperation after injury.

Ann Archer SRN SCM ONC FPC, Bramhope, Leeds

Pilates and The Fitter Client

I have worked in the leisure industry and worked out regularly I the gym, but still had back problems. I could not believe how hard some of the exercises were, even though I regularly worked out in the gym. Pilates has made a big difference in strengthening my core muscles and my back problems are much better. The classes are challenging at every level and each class always has something new

Paul Hudson, Harrogate

Pilates After a Mountain Bike Accident During my summer holidays in 1999 I had a serious mountain bike accident and incurred a proximal triple fracture of my left Humerus. After intensive physiotherapy at the local hospital I was discharged and advised to exercise using Pilates techniques to achieve maximum range of movement and recovery. I was advised that a full range of movement was unlikely due to the severity of the injury. I attended one of Anne- Marie’s regular group Pilates classes for approximately one year. In addition Anne- Marie recommended specific exercises to address the mobility of the damaged shoulder. I have continued to use these exercises on a daily basis at home. I have supplemented the Pilates exercises with sports injury massage. I have full movement of my previously shattered shoulder

Stephan Matykiewicz (Dr.), Harrogate

Pilates during pregnancy and for post natal recovery and back pain

I was originally referred to Anne-Marie by an osteopath about three or four years ago as I was suffering from a long term upper back problem, possibly due to the way I breathe as I am lifelong asthma sufferer.

I have attended Anne-Marie’s pilates classes regularly since then, save for a brief break to have a baby, and my back

problem has improved greatly due, I believe, to the improvement in my muscle tone and posture and to the breathing technique used.

During this time I have also had a third child and continued to do pilates throughout my pregnancy; indeed I continued beyond my due date as the baby was late despite some vigorous bouncing on my core ball! I found pilates, particularly pilates using a core ball, invaluable during this time both in terms of maintaining muscle strength and in providing relaxation. I even took my core ball into hospital with me and spent my labour doing gentle exercises on it right up until about half an hour before the baby was born. I feel sure that the speed and ease of this labour were a direct result of practising pilates and using the core ball.

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Having practised pilates regularly, an added bonus was that I was able to return to gentle pilates classes when the baby was 12 weeks old, after Anne-Marie had checked to make sure I was physically ready to do so. My baby is now a 17 month old toddler. I recently asked Anne-Marie to check the state of my rectus abdominus (those tummy muscles that split apart during pregnancy to accommodate the baby) and I am delighted to say that she found that mine have almost joined together again, thanks to my continued use of pilates.

I would recommend Anne-Marie generally as a pilates teacher, but particularly for during and after pregnancy. I felt she was always careful to advise me on what exercises it was safe and appropriate for me to do and it was personally very rewarding to be able to continue with pilates throughout that period and to have such a positive experience in labour, as this had not been the case with my first two children.

Michelle Still, Harrogate

Pilates and Back Pain 1 History: Car accident / whiplash / slipped lower disc / knee problem / 2nd slipped disc / sciatica

Client: R J / Born May 1957/ Female

Treatment: Suggested hip replacement before diagnosed as slipped disc. Maximum daily medication for 4 years…anti inflammatory drugs and strong pain killers Traction / hospital / bed rest 6 weeks / physio / acupuncture

Professionals: Osteopath / Chiropractor / GP / Orthopaedic surgeon / Neuro-surgeon / Physiotherapist / Chronic pain team

Pilates: The consultant of the chronic pain team suggested I try Pilates, after 2+ years of chronic pain, which included ‘memory pain’. I completed an introductory Pilates’ course at Harrogate Hospital, run by a physiotherapist. The effects and pain relief were felt within weeks. They recommended 2 Pilates instructors, who were qualified to teach people with back problems. Anne- Marie was one. I joined her intermediates class and felt confused, embarrassed and way behind the rest of the group, who’d had a longer beginners’ course. My husband recognised the benefits and encouraged me to persevere with the classes.

2 years later… I am off all regular painkillers and medication. I haven’t needed to go to the chiropractors in almost 2 years. I’m no longer in constant pain. I sleep much better. Friends have commented that I no longer cringe every time I stand up, that I can move more quickly and that I can sit for longer periods. Recently, on visiting my GP for a minor complaint, he commented that I got up from the chair and walked really well. Amazing, as last time I’d seen him, we’d been talking about managing pain long term!

Present day: I still get occasional back pain but have learnt to breathe through the spasms or use my Pilates ball to ease the pain. My knee has improved, isn’t swollen and no longer ‘locks’ or is constantly painful. I get fewer headaches. I can sit for longer periods before the pain sets in. I can do most things. There’s still the odd Pilates exercise I’m useless at, but I know why and can accept that.

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Best of all, I don’t wake up in the night with my back in painful spasms. I only attend classes once a week, but the benefit is great. I wish Pilates had been suggested when I first had my back problems as it would have saved me years of pain and medication.

Anne-Marie has encouraged, taught me safely and offered practical suggestions when asked. You have to trust the teacher …people with back pain are cautious of doing anything that will set them back!

Pilates and Back Pain 2

I spent much of my mid forties plagued by sciatic pain and bouts of acute lower back pain. Quite apart from the obvious discomfort, this often forced me to sit on the sidelines at dances & other active events.

After a particularly painful episode I was referred to the physios at Harrogate hospital, where traction gave some relief. However I was also invited to attend a course of pilates which I found beneficial. The theory behind the exercises made sense, so when Anne-Marie opened her studio only a few hundred yards from my home I signed up for beginner's pilates.

I have now been attending regularly for 2 years. The longest I have ever stuck at an exercise class. This is thanks to the individual attention, lack of competitiveness and most of all because it is obviously working for me.

I won't say I never have an aching back but I now have strategies for dealing with it which are effective. I am more aware of my posture and the only real problem I've had with my back in the past 2 years was caused by my own stupidity in lifting something badly which was very heavy. Even then I recovered far more rapidly than I would have done in the past.

Charmian Ingram, Duchy Road, Harrogate

Pilates and chronic pain Over the past eight years I have had many major operations on my stomach and colon. With these problems still remaining unresolved you can imagine how awful I felt! So I decided to turn to Pilates as a form of exercise which would suit my body needs. With my consultants approval I started attending a ‘Beginners’ class with Anne-Marie. As Anne-Marie taught Pilates at the hospital I felt at ease and able to let her know my medical history – and so she was able to keep a general eye on me! I repeated the Beginners course several times before I felt able and confident to move ‘up’ to the Intermediate level – where I do as much as I can and in my own good time. Nobody minds and everyone is so friendly too. I know that my progress has been great and that Pilates has been so beneficial improving my overall health too!

As a result of so much surgery I am a Chronic Pain sufferer and on the advice of a pain consultant Pilates has helped me with this too. I have learnt how to breathe properly and - most important of all - to relax!

Tina Chaplin, Hereford Rd. Harrogate

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Yoga and the Chakras

I started Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga classes last year and have increasingly found the Chopra Centre method of teaching to be very beneficial to my health and general well being. I am in my mid 40’s and have lived with chronic illness for over 30 years. I have a gynaecological condition called endometriosis and related problems with my stomach and bowel. I also have other symptoms associated with long-term illness such as severe fatigue and an inner ear imbalance.

Prior to starting yoga my experience of illness had already led me to believe that an holistic approach to treatment is a very effective way of managing symptoms and both acupuncture and good nutrition have helped me to cope over the years. However, the exercise and meditation techniques I am learning in Anne-Marie’s classes have added a new dimension to my healing process.

In particular I have found the type of meditation taught, which uses chakra colours and mantras, especially helpful and I have used chakra meditation and positive visualization to help to heal an ovarian cyst I was recently diagnosed with. I am also experiencing the benefits of introducing Ayurvedic principles into my diet, as after several months of following the dietary suggestions for my body type; I have had a significant improvement in my ongoing stomach symptoms.

The greatest beneficial effect however has been upon my creativity. Formerly I worked as a professional fine artist, but after major surgery when I was 28, I suffered a severe block and found it increasingly difficult to do creative work. When one is trapped in what can seem like a very dark place, in an endless cycle of illness, it is so easy to become disheartened and depressed.

Since beginning yoga and meditation I have noticed a growth in my creativity, which has had a very positive effect on both mind and body. As a pathway to rediscovering colour and light and a renewal of energy, I heartily recommend Anne-Marie’s Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga classes and I feel very fortunate indeed to have found a Chopra Centre trained teacher on my doorstep.

Bringing Back the Colours

You may now have noticed the beautiful original painting in the studio "Bringing Back the Colours" - see photograph -

this was painted by Fiona, I was, as you can imagine, extremely touched and moved to receive such a beautiful and thoughtful gift.

Bringing Back the Colours’ – This is an expression I used to a psychotherapist 2 years ago while I was discussing how it felt not to be able to practice my art regularly, in the

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way I wanted to and in the way I had been doing since childhood until major surgery in 1992. From post surgery onwards my ability to create seemed at first to evaporate, (I experienced a complete block for 2 years), and then to only occur in ‘fits & starts’, I would sit for hours wanting to practice my art and wondering why I seemed unable to. I described to the therapist what this felt like, how I quite often seemed to exist in a dreary black hole, that all the colours had left me. What I wanted to do was bring back the colours, but I didn’t know how, caught as I was in and endless cycle of chronic ill health.

When I started yoga classes with Anne-Marie in 2009, an amazing thing happened. From the very first chakra meditation at the end of the class all the colours I had been looking for and thought I had lost started to wake within me. I saw them and felt them, I seemed to be flooded with colour.

As I have progressed with yoga and my physical strength increases, (I managed 10 rounds of salute to the sun in class last week, this level of exercise would have been impossible for me 18 months ago), so too does my ability to practice my art regularly.

With this painting I wanted to thank Anne-Marie for her gift of yoga and for helping me to bring the colours back, in her classes I feel truly nourished by the universe.

Fiona Pattinson

Yoga and the loss of a child

Over 20 years ago my son Jon took his own life , he was 21 years old. Recovery from this trauma was a slow painful process but after some years I began to feel that I had come to terms with it. However 3 years ago I started to suffer from anxiety which became more and more acute with mounting physical symptoms. In the autumn of last year I suffered what I can only describe as a nervous breakdown. I had a panic attack in the centre of Harrogate, my legs seemed to have stopped functioning. I got back to my car with great difficulty, I'm not sure how I managed to drive home. I was put on antidepressants but these seemed to aggravate the anxiety. I stopped driving, would not go out alone and found it difficult to do anything other than simple tasks. The doctor insisted on my staying on the drugs but I felt worse and worse, I was afraid I might be taken to a mental hospital. By Christmas I had lost a stone in weight.

In the New Year I began to see a counsellor and with her help I slowly started to improve and came off the antidepressants. She arranged for me to go to a relaxation workshop - I felt like a drowning swimmer clinging to a rock. She then suggested to me that I should

try yoga again as I had practised it before my son died.

Some weeks passed, then, with much trepidation, I contacted Anne-Marie and, picking up my will power, I came to a class. Every one was so kind and helpful. I felt so much better after each lesson that I began to believe that recovery was possible. By great good fortune I had found in Anne-Marie a gifted teacher with healing hands.

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I started to meditate regularly and attended the Perfect Health Course where I learnt about helping my condition with Ayurvedic diet, self-massage and aromatherapy.

The Yoga Retreat Day in October was a special day for me. During the practice of Yoga Nidra (a deep form of relaxation used to create healing on all levels) I experienced for the first time a feeling of floating away from my problems.

When I looked into the candle flame I saw a golden path - the road to wellness truly does start here.

Carole Simpson practising Trikonasana (the triangle)

Anne-Marie says:

Over more than 25 years of teaching health related work I have worked with others with challenging life circumstances many of whom have made wonderful progress, but I am sure you would agree, that Caroles' testimonial is exceptional and particularly moving.

Carole has shown great courage in writing about this very personal tragedy and I thank and commend her for it.

The process of journalling helps one to recognise and come to some form of understanding and acceptance of the situation, but it is also so much more than this, as through this sharing we can all appreciate that there is a way forward, even from heartbreaking circumstances.

Carole's husband - Doug, has been awarded an MBE for the work he has done in introducing the Red Kites into the Harewood estate. This is also a wonderful way of taking positive steps to create and connect to nature, which from an Ayurvedic perspective is essential to our wellbeing.

ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and yoga

About five years ago I started to develop a range of symptoms including extreme fatigue, aching and painful joints and muscles, inflamed tendons, irritable bowel syndrome, psoriasis, vertigo, and general debilitation and weakness. The symptoms were eventually diagnosed as ME or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome as it is now called. I had to give up working and was unable to do simple household tasks. Even showering and drying my hair, or just standing or walking was sometimes too difficult for me.

As I started to understand the causes of my illness it became clear that I had caused my illness through my lifestyle and that I could bring about my own recovery by changing the habits of my past. I needed to gradually introduce more activity back into my life whilst learning to relax and take things a little more easily than I had previously. There is a theory that CFS is caused by the body becoming stuck in a fight or flight stress reaction which in turn generates huge amounts of adrenalin and other stress hormones in the body leading to complete overload of all the main body function with toxins and a reduction in the body’s capacity to heal itself. As well as detoxifying the system tt rid of the toxins it is necessary to train the autonomic nervous system to generate and release endorphins and other helpful hormones into the system.

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Developing a peaceful and relaxed lifestyle and increasing enjoyment of life is the key to recovery. I am sure that this is also a good preventative measure for those who have busy lifestyles and Deepak Chopra’s Seven Spiritual Laws of Success are the best guide I had come across to help develop this way of being.

I was drawn to the Yoga classes at the Yorkshire Centre for Wellbeing because I had read several of Deepak Chopra’s books and wanted to immerse myself more in Ayurvedic philosophy, not just to aid my recovery but to ensure I stayed healthy afterwards. At first I found the Yoga very physically tiring and the exertion exhausted me. Just getting myself to the Centre was a triumph though and I was happy to take part from a seated position or sit out altogether when I ran out of energy. In particular I found the relaxation, mantras and chakra meditation brought about a good state of mind and helped my body to start to heal itself. I had been advised by a therapist specialising in CFS that my recovery would be quicker if I focussed on activities that I enjoyed and if I did not feel in the mood, not to force myself to do anything. I needed to avoid doing

things because I “should” or “must” but only to do them because I really enjoyed them.

Anne- Marie’s personal attention and flexible approach to attendance was a great help in putting this approach into practice. My attendance was patchy at first but then I was able sometimes to add in an extra class when I had a good week, to make up for time lost. I also tried Pilates which I found easier physically and I swapped some missed lessons for sessions on the Power Plate and Physio-acoustic massage chair which were very helpful. I signed up for regular sessions on the Power Plate in addition to regular Yoga

because I found it really helped to ease my aches and pains and made walking easier. In fact I felt as though I hobbled on to it in pain and leapt off felling as though I was walking on air. I used it twice a week for about three months, tailing off to once a week and then as and when I needed it. I no longer need to use the Power Plate to ease pain but I love using it to energise and tone my whole body.

After about a year of attending the Centre I was able to start swimming regularly and going for walks of up to 5 miles. I was more supple, experienced very little pain in my joints and had lots more energy. Anne –Marie has been very supportive and encouraging and has reinforced my success with her discreet compliments when I manage a little more each time I attend. I felt well enough and confident enough to attend a three-day course in York that I had wanted to attend for a couple of years. The Lightning Process Course (www.lightningprocess.co.uk), was the icing on the cake and my progress has been so good that I have been able to start a part time job in Harrogate and take on regular child care for my granddaughters who live in Darlington- they now nickname me “Super Gran”

I have finished the Perfect Health Course this September and have learnt how to change bad habits and adopt a lifestyle that will enable me to build up my body’s natural healing capacity and continue in good health.

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Where Yoga and climbing meet

At 7am on 16th May 2004 I was privileged to stand on the highest point on earth, the summit of Mount Everest. Only four British women had ever stood there before me since it was first climbed in 1953 and I was the first ever to be leader of an Everest expedition.

The Tibetan name for Mount Everest is Chomolungma, which means Goddess Mother of Earth. As I stood there, with my Sherpa, on the summit, I looked to the east. The sun was just rising over the mountains of Tibet and I could see it’s rays gradually touching the whole world, which lay spread out below my feet. There was an amazing light and energy. It was so beautiful it was hard to take in. Goddess Mother of Earth said it all.

Seeing the world from this viewpoint, was a very powerful, emotional and spiritual experience, a life changing experience. At 29,029 feet, the summit of Everest is at the cruising height of jumbo jets. And I truly did feel nearer to the sun, the moon and the stars, than to the earth. I felt I could almost touch the sky, which was a beautiful deep cobalt blue. And as the earth curved away, far away into infinity, I became aware of the vastness of the universe; of it’s limitless potential; of our potential. For if I could do this, then surely anyone could do anything?

This was truly the most beautiful experience of my life, but it was also the most challenging. Climbing the highest mountain on the planet is one of the great challenges, and the parts of me that I had called upon to get me to that summit were many. But thinking about this in retrospect, I realise that they can be summed up in the words balance, focus, surrender, intention and strength of body and mind.

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Sue on the summit of Everest

View form the summit of Everest

At the time I climbed Everest I did practise yoga, but not on a regular basis. If I had had a regular practise I know I would have been better prepared, because I now realise that yoga is all about balance, focus, surrender, intention and strength of body and mind. And not only those things but many more. These are words that come up regularly in our practise of yoga with Anne-Marie, who bases these wonderful classes on the Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga, as founded by Deepak Chopra M.D and David Simon M.D. and on the Satyananda tradition. If only I had known about these classes in 2004 when I was preparing for Everest!

I feel that I am blessed to have found a style of yoga that is so right for me. There are many schools of yoga, and I have tried several, but the way Anne-Marie teaches it is, well, special, because she truly embodies mind, body and soul yoga. This yoga is not about stretching your body into contorted positions – which is a good thing, as I can’t! – it is about doing the best you can, it is about learning to still the mind, pay attention to your breathing, listening to what your body is telling you, about relaxing. We learn to be the best we can be with what we’ve got. This yoga is for everyone. It is nurturing, but at the same time it is giving us the tools we need to achieve our goals in life, no matter how big or how small they may be. Whether it is losing weight, changing our job, finding a new partner, coping with a serious illness, getting fit. Or changing our life for the better.

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When I stood on the summit of Everest it made me realise that anyone can achieve anything. I am no more special than any of you. Life has not always been easy. In fact the catalyst for this part of my life journey was the tragic death of my husband from cancer. I thought my life was all happily planned out when suddenly I found myself a widow at the age of 38 - my life seemed to be over. This made me realise that we can never be sure where life is going to take us and we can’t be complacent.

If there are things we want to do, then why wait?

The idea of climbing Everest had never entered my mind before this. Even though I was a climber and people sometimes flippantly said to me: “Wouldn’t you like to climb Everest, it never ever occurred to me to try. Because I didn’t believe I could. And I don’t think anyone else did either! But the death of my husband changed everything. It took me a long time to get back on my feet again, but when I did I realized that every opportunity in life has to be seized. Life is here to be lived. I also realized how much I had been living in my husband’s shadow. I had been a wife living his life. Now it was my turn. So when I was given the opportunity of going to the Himalayas, to just have a look at Mount Everest, I jumped at it.

A month later I found myself at Everest Base Camp looking through a telescope at a friend standing on the summit of Mount Everest. And I knew right then that I wanted to be that person, to see what he was seeing and to feel that euphoria that I knew he was feeling. I had no idea how I was going to do it, but right then I set the intention to climb Everest. I made it my goal, I set the intention to achieve it and I stayed focused on it. And as a result, an incredible synchronistic series of events unfolded that allowed me to achieve this seemingly impossible dream.

Having been privileged enough to have done something others only dream about, I now focus on helping others to realize their goals and dreams, so they too can experience that amazing feeling of achievement and success – a feeling that money can’t buy, and something that no one can take away. I now work as a Life Coach, helping people to move forward in their lives, to achieve their dreams and goals and I take groups trekking in the Himalayas, to see the most beautiful mountains in the world for themselves, which in itself is a life changing challenge and experience.

Since I started practising yoga with Anne-Marie I now draw immense inspiration from yoga for my work. I just have to open the Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga and I can, for instance. read about the Law of Intention and Desire, which applies equally to yoga as it does to achieving goals in life. I realize that yoga is preparation for life. For a life moving forward, which means taking on challenges, for that is how we grow. Everyone has their own Everest in life and I am in no doubt that this beautiful nurturing approach to yoga will help you to climb yours.

Sue Harper Todd March 2011

Anne-Marie says: Yoga means "oneness" or union of body, mind and spirit. Once we begin to feel this sense of union and balance within ourselves, which comes gradually as we do our yoga practices whether they be asana (the physical poses), pranayama (breathing exercises) meditation or other purifying practices we not only begin to feel a sense of self worth,

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peace and wellbeing but we then also gradually begin to feel a sense of unity with everything and everyone.

As we move from an ego based approach to life, we find our connection to others deepens, and as it does we are more able to experience all humans as our family and more able to love, help and care for others - so well illustrated in Sue's piece. Of course there are other ways to achieve this, but the wonderful thing about yoga is there are so many practical tools to help us.

You can live an everyday life, or you can choose to have a life that's so much better.

The healing power of Ayurveda and yoga

You may have seen some information in the press about the overuse of prescription medicine, this was the headline on the front page of the Sunday Times on September 8 "Deaths soar as Britain turns into a nation of prescription drug addicts" . The article went on to explain that prescription drug addiction is now so widespread that more people are dying from overdoses of strong painkillers and tranquillisers than from the misuse of heroin and cocaine.

But there is another way to prescription medicine as the following piece illustrates;-

In 2011 and after suffering from poor health for 18 months I had reluctantly gone to the Doctors because I was feeling a little low and run down - within a week- I had been diagnosed with High Blood Pressure (very high), High Cholesterol and Chronic Kidney Disease stage 3. One week further on I was taking 4 different types of medications, having never taken any medication previously and was continually being called in for blood tests.

After a couple of months I was in a bad state. It became clear to me the Doctors were guessing at my symptoms as the medication changed frequently and I was eventually told that my conditions were something I would 'just have to learn to live with' and that I was 'a heart attack waiting to happen'. At this stage I could hardly walk and was basically getting through my day by taking 2200mg of anti-inflammatory/pain killers.

I was running my own business, working 10 to 14 hours per day, seven days per week. Interestingly or alarmingly, never at one stage did the Doctors ask a single question regarding my life style. The whole situation was heightened by the fact that I was being told that I was not a well man. Unsurprisingly, I began to live up to that belief.

I felt that it was time to do something different and take matters into my own hands - I decided to come away from the traditional Doctor/prescription drug route. I started by taking a serious look at the food I was actually putting into my body. In the course of my research, I became aware of the Ayurvedic way of eating/living. Keen to speak with someone in this country who could explain exactly what was involved and how it might be able to help me - I Googled 'Ayurveda'. In short that led me to the door of Anne-Marie Burford, based in Harrogate, Yorkshire. At the time Anne-Marie was packing her bags for teaching on an Ayurvedic/yoga retreat to Sri Lanka but thankfully for me, made the time to see me for an hour the following day.

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The one hour turned into almost three. Her help and understanding of my conditions were such a relief to me. I was able to put some of A.M.'s advise to work immediately, with a plan to follow up on her return from Sri Lanka. What has happened since has quite simply changed my life in so many ways. Through attending a number of day and weekend sessions on retreat in Harrogate, I have not only met and become friends with some wonderful people, I have been able to throw away the prescription drugs and re-discover the type of health I enjoyed in my 30's ( I am now 56). I truly believe that the work, help and support that Anne-Marie and James provide at the Retreat (which is also their home) is second to none. May they continue to effect peoples life for the good - for many years to come.

Lee with James

Update... 18 months down the line, my life and health is changing dramatically. I don't take any medication, my diet is non meat and I do try to meditate every day and Yoga Nidra once or twice per week. I go to the gym with a personal trainer three times per week, I have just bought a Mountain Bike, and try to squeeze in a long walk in the countryside now and again. My weight has dropped from 15 stone to 13.5 with energy levels very high and growing.

Most excitingly for me, I have made a huge decision to follow my heart and passion (for probably the first time in my life). I have given notice to quit my business and at the end of October I will commence a long study period taking in NLP, Nutrition and EFT. I still need to work and bring an income in, so I have taken a position at a friends company, working 3 to 4 days per week. This will allow me time and flexibility to complete my studies and then I guess we will see where life leads me.

It's never too late to change direction....

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Yoga Retreat May 2010

I attended the first Yoga Retreat Day and found it a hugely enjoyable and relaxing day. The day was well balanced with asana, meditation and Ayurvedic advice. I slept more soundly that night than I had for ages. Years ago I hated my first experience of yoga. This was primarily because the focus was purely on the asana and it felt very competitive I compared myself to everyone else and thought I was useless! Having experienced The Seven Spiritual Laws of Yoga I now appreciate that yoga is so much more than the physical poses. I don’t think any more about what everyone else is doing – I focus on myself and seek to learn and improve within the limits of my own body.

I would heartily recommend the day if you want to take time out for yourself and learn more with like-minded people. I guarantee that you will definitely leave feeling more calm, centred and relaxed than when you arrive.

Melanie Richardson

Yoga Retreat November 2010

I could really see the depth of your own learning coming through in your teaching. It is clear you have undergone a lot of personal spiritual growth these last few years and this was very apparent in the sessions at the retreat.

You held the space wonderfully, allowing just the right balance for people to know they are in a safe environment, with a supportive teacher, and yet also to know they have the freedom to come and go as they please, and to do as much or as little of the yoga and meditation as they pleased. I think you got the balance just right.

As we both know, this work can go deep and works on many different levels - physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual. For those others on the retreat who were perhaps not quite ready for the depth of emotions and feelings that such a weekend can bring up, I think again you held the space beautifully, offering just the right levels of support and encouragement, but ultimately never forcing anyone to go further than they were prepared to go. It can be a difficult line to tread and I acknowledge you for your sensitivity and compassion.

I really enjoyed the yoga. I thought the standard was just right to cater to all levels - enough to get everyone moving and into their bodies, and not too much to make people feel overwhelmed. It's so important when so much is happening on a deeper energetic level. I felt myself very heavy with all the processing that was going on and so really appreciated your gentle yet firm encouragement and push to get moving!

I just loved the yoga nidra! I have never done this practice before, and it was deep! I really slipped into another realm at one point! The meditation was great too - it is such a blessing to be able to have this time to put

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aside to really focus on these practices that rejuvenate and regenerate on so many levels. And here too, I could see how your own training and evolvement came to the fore. You led the meditation sessions with steadiness and experience, and I felt safe and supported throughout.

You are a gifted teacher, Anne-Marie, with a lot of wisdom and experience to share. You impart your knowledge with clarity and humour, and also with great humility. You offer a clear insight into many aspects of Ayurveda, of yogic practices and the work of Consciousness, without it being overwhelming or seeming inaccessible - Well done!

Now as for the food, what can I say? DIVINE! Just delicious! Perfect, perfect, perfect!

I would have liked to have spent a bit more time outside, but of course this is limited during a winter, and is hopefully something you will incorporate more into your summer weekends.

So on the whole, an incredible weekend! The work was profound and transformative and I left feeling recharged and refreshed. Your home is a sanctuary! What a gift to be able to spend time relaxing deeply, being cared for, nourished physically and spiritually! Thank you thank you thank you!

Aashka Cartwright (AnusaraYoga teacher)

Aashka working with the accupressure mat

Christmas Pamper Day the Ayurvedic way December 2011

"A wonderful relaxing, informative and enjoyable day, it seemed to fly by. Starting off with a much needed Yoga session to get away from the madness of Christmas preparations, an oasis was created at the centre by Anne-Marie. It was exciting to learn some new cooking skills cooking the Ayurvedic way with Gita, even joining in to help prepare lunch with good company. My daughter who is 9 especially loved the Henna painting and making mandelas with new found friends. The day ended with not only the children dressing up but the adults as well! I can't wait for the next one it really makes you take a step back to take part and appreciate another culture where friendship, empathy, the sharing of stories and new found knowledge, is valued. Thankyou Anne-Marie and Gita".

Sam Joseph

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Yoga retreat May 2012

From the moment I arrived on the retreat weekend I was made to feel welcome and at home. Meeting Anne-Marie and Chris, I found them both very warm and friendly and made me feel very comfortable and at ease, any anxious feeling I may have had soon went, it was an absolute delight to spend the weekend with them and one that will stay with me. I made many new friends from my stay as everyone on the retreat was so kind and friendly. My room was spacious, clean and very comfortable and I slept really well the two nights I stayed. The food was delicious and there was always a variety, so something for everyone to enjoy. The retreat for me was so beneficial, I enjoyed all of the sessions Anne-Marie, who has so much knowledge and experience to share, put together for us from the asanas (yoga exercises), pranayama (breathing) and the meditation to name but a few. There was so much for us to learn and included many areas with Ayurveda living, Crystals, Chakras and much more. My favourite was the asanas in the beautiful morning sun in the garden, everyone on the retreat enjoyed this session so much and we feel very blessed to have had the opportunity to experience this. I would definitely recommend this retreat to everyone, as I know there will be something you will also take with you from your weekend and continue on your path. I look forward to my next stay at the retreat centre soon.

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Zita Soanes (Sivananda yoga teacher)

Zita on left

Ulpotha Sri Lanka July 2012

I couldn’t have been happier with the teachings of Anne-Marie she has a broad knowledge of different styles of yoga practice and caters for each person in the class depending on their physical and emotional needs. Anne-Marie embodies the notion of yoga being holistic and in each session she provided a deeply spiritual and well planned class that left me blissfully floating. In fact I would go so far to say that I have not met a Western yoga teacher who has such an extensive understanding of the 8 limbs of yoga, delivered in such a compassionate and gentle style. I am hoping to meet up again with Anne-Marie at one of her other global retreats as I learnt so much in just one week with her.

Jo Lockhart Australia ( Jo in the white yoga pants)

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Summer Harrogate 2012

Immensely relaxing, spiritual, great company & you really made everyone feel very welcome in your home. The food was amazing and I am now a pukka teas convert. I've really felt the benefit of not drinking caffeine. The yoga was skilfully tailored to try to meet the needs of everyone, and you were so thoughtful in making sure we were all OK with the level. I loved the yoga nidra, and honestly I didn't fall asleep! Lucy Walker "I would like to thank you all for such a terrific weekend end, I can honestly say that I enjoyed every minute of it and was sorry to leave on Sunday. James, that was the best massage I have ever had in my life

"The massage by James was AMAZING! So relaxing - really felt spoilt!"" Lee Kearsley

How regular retreat attendance has changed my life for the better

& James Tantra retreat March 2013

Over the last two and a half years I have become a regular at the Yorkshire Centre for Wellbeing weekend retreats. I originally joined a weekly Pilates class but quickly found myself drawn towards many of the workshops, Yoga classes and seminars on a journey that has opened my mind and expanded my knowledge to all manner of topics. I have learned to eat for my dosha, balance my chakras and reflect on my aura. A journey that three years ago I would have considered too alternative for me. Along the way I have learned how important it is to take time out for me, to slow down. Through practicing Yoga and learning to meditate I have managed to reduce my anxiety, my stress levels and increase the energy I have to pursue the things I want to do. Yoga has given me strength and flexibility and whilst I cannot stand on my head and nor do I want to at this point, I don’t need to.

I no longer need to see the physio on a weekly basis to ease out the pain of a job that requires a lot of travel. At last I feel well, really well.

What I really enjoy about the weekend retreats is that I feel I am amongst friends. Anne-Marie, James and Chris share their lovely home and provide wonderful home cooked Ayurvedic food in the heart of Harrogate. Your weekend is spent in comfy socks and thick woollies opening your mind to new thoughts and ideas as you gently relax and rebalance. I have met some fascinating people and participated in conversations on topics I had never even heard of in an environment that is gentle, supportive and full of laughter. I was excited to join James’ Tantric retreat. I had no idea what I was letting myself in for. I need not have worried for this weekend all I needed was a notebook and pen for the philosophy (of which there is quite a lot) a cushion and a blanket for the Yoga. I learned that Tantra is a very beautiful form of Yoga that is deeply spiritual. You hold the poses for longer but each one is aligned to one of the Chakras, the goal being to tune the body and the Chakras to the energies of the Universe. At the end of the session, there is a stillness and an elegance in the room, no one wants to speak – not even me! I very much enjoyed James lectures, he is very passionate about his subject which made his delivery very compelling. Jackie Hill

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Jackie in the purple top

James's Tantra retreat

James led our first Tantra/yoga retreat at the beginning of the month. This is a vey unique style of yoga and will take your practice far deeper than before.

Here are further comments we received about the retreat

‘ James is a The Tantra Yoga retreat was the perfect way to take our understanding and practise of Yoga to the next level. The lectures on yoga philosophy were so interesting and James delivered some very complicated material in an articulate, relevant and easy to understand way. The background of Yoga really resonated in our Tantra practise and I found the energy yoga really meditative and powerful and I look forwards to continuing the practise in James Thursday night class. James is a truly gifted teacher I feel very lucky he has come to the centre.’ Jenny

James is repeating the weekend retreat in Harrogate in November and for those of you wishing to go deeper

Rise of the Phoenix workshop August 2013

We had a wonderful day with Onkar Kaur at the Rise of the Phoenix workshop Onkar has been through some very challenging life experiences, not only having had two nervous break downs by the age of 28, but also managing a major illness all through natural methods with Kundalini yoga. One point she was very clear on during the workshop was in order to create healing and wellbeing we do need to commit to the discipline of daily practice and not give up, as so many people start enthusiastically and then after the first setback give up, self discipline is essential if we really want to create a change for the better in our lives.

At the end of the day (you can see from the photos below) an amazing cloud formation occurred - just like the Phoenix rising in the sky. Looking at the poster you can see the similarities are striking.

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Here is Onkars' quote "The Phoenix rose from our hearts, and flew across the heavens, to light our way, to guide our steps, to reach our own inner truth. Sat Nam" xx

August Bank Holiday retreat 2013

Retreat participants

I came away refreshed and energized with many facts learned there to help me in my yoga and health issues, a wonderful place to immerse yourself in tranquil surroundings and some new skills to try out. James and Anne-Marie afforded me a lovely welcome and I stayed in their beautiful dwelling, enjoyed delicious food made by them both and had lovely lively chats over dinner! I can heartily recommend a retreat with them in Harrogate. Heather Hyman Reiki Master I loved the retreat. For me it was the perfect combination between physical workout and

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getting grounded again with spirituality. The only thing you might want to add is maybe a cooking lesson, as when we came home last night, we got back into our own cooking, while discussing the wonderful foods we enjoyed during the retreat. As we have been in the wellness business for so long, we even have some Ayurvedic cookbooks at home, it will be easy for us to pick up the knowledge you shared with us and put this in practice. However I can imagine that the average guest of your retreat would fall back in their old habits, but when physically helping with the cooking process, you could help to remind what we ate, even without cookbooks. I personally see a retreat as a time to stand still and evaluate your life, learning new and old things. And meet other people. Reminding yourself of your purpose and goals in life and refocus. Last weekend we made our inner journey with you and got reminded of our purpose. The Energy has shifted and we will put in practice what ever is needed to reach our goals. We are refocused. Thank you so much for the time and energy you spent with us. Reggie Rompies I want to thank you for your hospitality and your great retreat. We are in a business when we are mostly helping others to succeed and as time goes by we forget about our own dreams and desires. As Reggie says it was awaking time for both of us. Leona Slapanska (Both Reggie and Leona are spa managers on cruise ships and look at quality control on their cruise ships so we were delighted to have their comments).

Silver island Greece 2014

Here are some of the comments from the retreat members:-

I loved my time on Silver Island, it was peaceful and restorative with wonderful hosts and fantastic food. I couldn't think of a better way to do a yoga retreat as there is no outside disturbance, you are left to totally concentrate on yourself and what you want out of the week. Anne-Marie recognised all our strengths and limitations and worked with us all tirelessly to achieve the best we could from our practice. She really cares about each individual student not just during the retreat but after and this really comes out during the week. I feel very blessed to have had a week with her. Nicola Philp

A paradise that has been lovingly crafted, with creative touches dotted around to make you smile. A varied and wonderful daily yoga & mediation practice, with good food & company that feeds the body and mind. Anne-Marie has a genuine interest and care for her students she is very intuitive and responsive to individual needs and offered a wide range of yoga, meditation and Pilates teaching and appreciation of the various. She listens, learns and cares deeply about you, ensuring that she gives you the right tools to help you maintain a healthy practice beyond the retreat. Cat Fraser

Wonderful hosts, great yoga teacher, beautiful island, amazing food and lovely weather. I feel fantastic in mind body and spirit. I firmly believe that the relaxed atmosphere on the

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island and the holistic approach to yoga which Anne-Marie, is so good at teaching has everything to do with this feeling of wellbeing. Christine Sproule

Bali December 2013

My time here was phenomenal. I enjoyed every second. Everyone was so friendly & welcoming & I look forward to coming back with Anne-Marie & James next year! Everyone must do this at least once in their lifetime. Such an amazing, life-changing experience. I honestly can say I never want to leave, missing everyone so much already. Thank You... Thank You...Thank You. Katie The resort itself is beautiful, peaceful & immaculate. The food was varied and delicious and beautifully presented. The treatments in the spa were truly life changing! What a grand treat to spend time in the spa! The town of Ubud is fun and the resort makes it easily accessible. Our yoga instructors were simply wonderful I will be sure to book another retreat with them! Thank you! Erica

The yoga teachers were excellent in demonstrating the technique + paced the work perfectly. The purification + Batur excursions were a wonderful way of emphasising the spiritual nature of Yoga - both teachers were very spiritual in their approach. The group was made up of very different people but the experience enabled a very quick + lasting bonding which was very meaningful for everyone. I lost weight + feel much fitter Belinda Anne-Marie & James were the absolute highlight of the retreat. Gemma

Anne-Marie & James are beautiful souls who took us on a journey of Ayurveda Yoga. The knowledge & wisdom they both possess is incredibly enlightening. Not having such an interest in the spiritual side of yoga Anne-Marie taught us to be open even if we are not willing to accept. By the end of the trip I think everyone had gained some insight into their spiritual side & by the guidance of the teacher have learnt to love the whole of oneself & everything about them. This has been an amazing trip where everyone grew. I

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would come back every year if they were here. Jaclyn

Maldives Retreat 2016

"The location couldn't have been more perfect, and it was a beautiful environment to wake

up in everyday and practice yoga. For me, the whole retreat experience was a very welcome

pause from the crazy pace of modern day life, leaving me renewed and inspired, and able to

reconnect with myself.

The joint expertise of Anne-Marie and James meant that the twice daily sessions were

wonderfully varied and balanced."

Amanda Fakeerah

I have just returned from the Yorkshire Centre for Wellbeing's yoga retreat in the Maldives.

There could not have been a more idyllic environment in which to practise yoga and

meditation looking out over the white sandy beach and the turquoise sea! As ever, Anne-

Marie and James were excellent hosts and teachers providing a more energising meditation

and yoga practice in the morning and a more restorative class in the evening.

I really experienced the benefit of twice daily classes and meditation and although I am not

the most flexible person I definitely felt a marked improvement in my asanas. I took the

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opportunity to enjoy the beautiful facilities at the Barefoot Resort for an extra few days after

the retreat and can honestly say that I can’t remember the last time I felt so relaxed and

refreshed after a holiday. Thank you Anne-Marie and James for a wonderful retreat and if

you want to give yourself some well deserved time to restore mind, body and spirit then I can

wholeheartedly recommend this retreat.

The retreat was wonderful- in a beautiful location, blue seas, white sands and the balance of

James and Anne-Marie's yoga classes was perfect and while I found James classes quite

challenging they really helped me progress. I loved it!

Christine Sproule

Amanda white top, Melanie purple top, Christine black top


The healing power of meditation / managing pain

" I have been a regular attendee at Yoga classes with Anne-Marie for nearly 3 years. In March 2010 I attended an Ayurvedic seminar with her that fundamentally changed the way I thought about food. It helped me to balance my body and a brilliant side effect was that I also lost 2 1/2 stone. Since then I have become a vegetarian and am practising

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‘meditation’ on a daily basis. I say practising in the real sense as I strongly believe that every day is a like a trial run, sometimes it works better than others.. What is important is the impact that practising on a daily basis has had on my life and my mental and physical health. You never know when this will be tested..............

Having had 3 ‘dodgy’ results from routine smear tests over 2 years and some pretty nasty laser treatment, I was advised by my specialist that a hysterectomy was the most appropriate way of dealing with the matter. I was told that it would mean at least 6 to 8 weeks off work, no lifting at all for 12 weeks and nothing too strenuous for about 4 months. For someone as active as me, with a full time job, a big garden and regular yoga sessions, this was a daunting prospect. I knew that it would be a strain mentally to shut off from work for such a long time (I take my blackberry on holiday), not to mention cutting out my life saving yoga classes and running 2 or 3 times a week. But with Anne-Marie’s voice in my head I set about preparing myself for this new experience, focused on being a ‘witness’ and ‘mindful’ of pushing myself too far too fast, aligning my diet, exercise and meditation over the month or so leading up to my operation, supplementing it with Ayurvedic herbs and tonics to aid healing and boost my immune system. For me this would be the biggest test so far of everything that I had learnt.

My operation was set for 4pm, I sent my anxious husband home at noon and spent a very happy couple of hours meditating. I don’t usually manage more than half an hour at a time, so the bliss of extra ‘me time’ was pure joy. When they came to take me down for the operation I was very relaxed and calm. The operation went without a hitch, by the next afternoon they were talking about letting me go home and I had no need for pain killers. I used my breathing and mediation to remain calm and pain free, going with the flow. At one point they were worried that my blood pressure low until I told them that I had been meditating. The nurse nodded wisely “ I wish all of our patients did” , she said.

I was home the next morning, taking it easy, relaxed and content. Every day I walked a little bit further for a little bit longer, did some very gentle stretches, breathed and meditated. I know that the ability to keep calm helped me during this period. At one time I would have been very stressed, frustrated and irritable at not being ‘in control’.

Meditation has taught me that being ‘in control’ of ‘stuff’ does not mean in control of one’s self or one’s life. The separation that mediation gives me opens up the option of letting ‘life’ run its own course, the ‘practise’ gives me the inner strength to deal with the outcome and not be scared of it.

After 3 weeks I was back with the surgeon, he signed me off for driving and said that I could attend yoga classes again, which I did a few days later. I have never looked back, Anne-Marie guided me through some transition exercises, got me back to a combination of Pilates and Yoga classes each week (to build up the core muscles and pelvic floor). I am now back to regular full classes, run a couple of times a week and feel better than ever.

I returned to work after 5 weeks at home, healthy and energetic. I now know that in learning to still my mind, focus my attention and listen to my body I was able to rest more calmly, get well more quickly and accept the need to ‘stop’ for a little while without

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getting stressed about it. A truly happy experience (and I plan to turn the blackberry off on holiday in future as well!!)."

Gwen Grove- head of Nothern division at Price Waterhouse Coopers

Professional Comments

Pilates/yoga and wellbeing - a medical perspective

I am 57 and have been a consultant anaesthetist for 20 years. Anaesthetists are one of the few generalist consultants in the hospital. We believe in holistic care. (The others are paediatricians and accident and emergency doctors). During my early years as a consultant I developed and ran a multidisciplinary pain clinic where patients were assessed by psychiatrist, physiotherapist and myself at their first visit to the clinic. Many of these patients had back pain which had not responded to normal medical measures. Through a variety of invasive and non invasive measures most of these people had a significant improvement to their life. I believe in using several different approaches at one time to get the best effect for my patients.

Over the last 10 years I have had intermittent back pain. I took the pain killers and kept active. During the last two years this pain has become constant and the dose of pain killers has gone up. I can’t’ walk my dog longer than half a mile without getting a numb leg. I can’t do the things that make me feel alive. It was as if someone with a sick sense of humour was saying “Physician heal yourself” I got down hearted, ate and drank too much an d put on weight.

With my background I was open to trying a variety of approaches. I went to my GP, an osteopath, a chiropractor, a physiotherapist. I was given exercises to do, but I failed to kept up with them and wasn’t sure I was doing them right. I was referred to a neurosurgeon who said there was nothing he could do to help.

Along the way Pilates and yoga had been mentioned. I had been pretty weak willed about this too. I couldn’t find a course that fitted in with my commitments. However shortly after the visit to the neurosurgeon I found out about the Yorkshire Centre for Wellbeing. I looked at the website and was impressed enough to e-mail, detailing my history and background because I wanted Anne-Marie to know what she was taking on. Within a few hours Anne- Marie was on the phone encouraging me and I came to the next beginner’s class. I was so impressed. We were gently and firmly taken through the exercises and given explanations why they were important. These explanations fitted with my medical knowledge and experience in the treatment of chronic pain. I used to encourage my patients to keep active. This is because I believe that it is important to keep the strength in the back by exercising. Unfortunately I now realise that I didn’t give them any guidance on what exercises to do, except to go to the “Back

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Class” I also think that back surgery has to be done for few very definite reasons because the first thing surgery does is to damage the muscular support mechanism in the back (less so with minimally invasive surgery). My medical knowledge tells me that backs can be strong but delicate at the same time. A little damage can produce such severe symptoms it is no wonder that conventional medicine has difficulty reaching a diagnosis. Pilates means that I can do focused exercise which doesn’t upset me or my back. I can improve the core muscles which really support my back. I wish I had had the knowledge to suggest Pilates to my patients, many years ago.. Anne- Marie has such an all round knowledge of many other disciplines that she is able to distil them and make sense of them for all of us in her classes. As a pain clinic doctor I believe that a holistic approach, such as this is needed for everyone in trouble. I do not believe in the single system approach that is on offer from many specialists.

The studio is modern, airy and light. During a season Anne- Marie changes the mood in the studio by gently changing the background music and light. There are always subtly arranged fresh flowers in the studio.It is a very calming space. It is also well equipped for Pilates and Yoga and has other options available. It is early days yet but I have been very impressed by everything and everyone. I am determined to give Pilates my best shot. Even if it meant my back problem remained the same I am sure I am going to benefit from the support and fun of the sessions. I have also bought enough equipment to practise at home. So instead of slumping in front of TV I am on the ball following the video and keeping things going between sessions.

I am beginning to feel much better and I am happier and more aware of myself and my posture.

Yesterday I walked my dog for further than I have done for 2 years. I am not taking as many pain killers. I forget because then pain isn’t there and I am getting on with what I really want to do. As far as I am concerned that is a major result.

Dr. Joy Stanton M.B., Ch.B. (Leeds) Basic medical qualification F.R.C.A (Fellow of Royal College of Anaesthetists of UK.), My post graduate qualification (Retired Sept 2010)

A Physiotherapists Perspective

"I was attending Anne-Marie retreat in the hope of quieting my mind and reducing my stress levels. Her gentle and caring approach worked wonders for my physical and mental state and I felt GREAT! Goal achieved! I would recommend a weekend retreat for anybody who needs to recover, refresh and find healing and invigoration.

I am a physiotherapist and specialise in musculoskeletal medicine and sports injuries. I have a passion for the physical and mental benefits Yoga brings to my my own life and to that of my clients. I integrate the principals of Yoga and Pilates to help my clients to achieve full health and use advanced manual therapy skills to improve tissue and joint form and function. Yoga breathing/pranayama has been an integral part of my treatment

for clients who suffer from chronic pain conditions.

Annelize Ferreira Harrogate Physiotherapy practice

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Auras and Colours, Paul Lambillion

"a wonderful retreat" - Paul author of " Auras & Colours" is a gifted healer and avatar in his field, we were all inspired by his wisdom and insight and we would like him invite him back again next year so more of us can benefit.

Just to give you a flavour of some of the amazement of the weekend. Paul led us in one meditation which involved visualising a rainbow, when we stopped for a break and we looked out of the window we all saw a beautiful double rainbow in the sky. Carl Jung referred to this as Synchronicity as does Deepak Chopra, the quote from Deepak below illustrates this beautifully.

My own life has been touched often by synchronicity, so much so that now I get on an airplane expecting the passenger in the next seat to be surprisingly important to me, either just the voice I need to hear to solve a problem or a missing link in a transaction that needs to come together.... ... I believe that all coincidences are messages from the unmanifest – they are like angels without wings, so to speak, sudden interruptions of life by a deeper level …. Deepak Chopra M.D