All rights reserved. No part of GUARANI NEWS may be reproduced without permission from the Publisher. Opinions expressed by named authors do not necessarily coincide with those of the Editor. The Editor will review any submission; however no res-ponsibility is assumed for materials submitted. If you  wish to be removed from our listing, s end E-mail to [email protected]  with the title REMOVE and accept our apologies. From the Publisher... Gnomes in computers... As a youngster, say fifty-five years ago, whilst fulfilling my duties as a cub reporter on “The Standard” –the Doyen of the Argentine Press at the time- but now long defunct, I was taught the meaning of finding “gnomes” as the newspaper hit the streets. Today, with modern technology “gnomes” should no longer be an excuse for letting an error through. Today I confess that the odd mistake (see Mail Bag) in my issues are strictly of my own doing much the same as sending out the last number of the Guaraní News as a Word attachment instead of our latest improvement through Acrobat reader. Dear readers, let’s face it. It is far too easy to blame the errors on the computer when in reality the machine can only produce as good as the man or woman hitting the keyboards. Which goes to prove that there are no longer any “gnomes”, just a wishy-  washy operator . That’s me.  Dealing with ou r local press…  Now this i s a subject far more akin to my liking. In your case I suggest you ignore them. In my case I find it rather amusing  when b roaching the subject. For it i s cer tainly a matter on which, after reading their latest tom-foolery, I can vent my loathing by dishing out some adjectives that may even bring a blush to a sailor’s face. Here are a few. Be my guest, take your pick: Unreliable, obnoxious, corrupt, calamitous, odious, profane, false as a three-dollar bill… Need I go on? In short, they are a species we could well live without and personally let me tell you I can well live without them insofar as G U A R A N I News Paraguay’ s Only English Weekly Magazine Founded on 21 October 1982 Sent FREE through E-Mail as a Bulletin since January 2001 Publisher/Editor: Norman M. Langer N° 304. Friday, November 3, 2006 Our Cellular Telep hone Number: for international calls +(595-991) 724-217 for local calls 0991-724-217 In this Issue From the Publisher People in the News - Coming Eve nts - Church Notices News from France – French Spa Towns (Part 2of 2) Japan Today – Festival Favourites The Humour Corner by Eduardo “Teddy” Abello & Donald Sym Smith MAIL BAG Guaraní News PICTURE GALLERY Coming very soon now, like perhaps next week www.strangers.com.py

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