Growth in the Clean Energy Economy Clean energy investment that comes from G-20 countries. Increase in global clean energy investment since 2004.* Billion

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Page 1: Growth in the Clean Energy Economy Clean energy investment that comes from G-20 countries. Increase in global clean energy investment since 2004.* Billion
Page 2: Growth in the Clean Energy Economy Clean energy investment that comes from G-20 countries. Increase in global clean energy investment since 2004.* Billion

Growth in the Clean Energy Economy

Clean energy investment that comes from G-20 countries.

Increase in global clean energy investment since 2004.*

Billion was invested in 2011 – a record.

Gigawatts of new renewable energy deployed in 2011 – a record.




*Excluding research and development

83.5Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance

Page 3: Growth in the Clean Energy Economy Clean energy investment that comes from G-20 countries. Increase in global clean energy investment since 2004.* Billion

Deployment Dominates Investment Priorities

Billion worth of nongovernment, non-research clean energy investments in 2011.

Billion worth of asset finance and small distributed capacity investments in 2011.



Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance

Page 4: Growth in the Clean Energy Economy Clean energy investment that comes from G-20 countries. Increase in global clean energy investment since 2004.* Billion

Solar Investment Soars

Billion worth of solar energy investments in 2011 – more than half of all clean energy investments in G-20.

Billion worth of wind energy investments in 2011.


$72.1Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance

Page 5: Growth in the Clean Energy Economy Clean energy investment that comes from G-20 countries. Increase in global clean energy investment since 2004.* Billion

Growth in the Clean Energy Economy

Total clean energy generating capacity at the end of 2011.


Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance

Page 6: Growth in the Clean Energy Economy Clean energy investment that comes from G-20 countries. Increase in global clean energy investment since 2004.* Billion

Measuring Competition


$30.6*In Billions

Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance

Page 7: Growth in the Clean Energy Economy Clean energy investment that comes from G-20 countries. Increase in global clean energy investment since 2004.* Billion

Measuring Competition

Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance

Page 8: Growth in the Clean Energy Economy Clean energy investment that comes from G-20 countries. Increase in global clean energy investment since 2004.* Billion

Measuring Competition

The United States is hard pressed to sustain 2011’s success as the leader in attracting clean energy investment.

United States Clean Energy Initiatives that Expired in 2011

Advanced Energy Manufacturing TaxCredit

Department of the Treasury Section1603 Grant Program

Department of Energy Section 1705Loan Guarantees

Energy Efficient Appliance Manufacturing

Energy Efficient Homes Tax Credit for Builders

Page 9: Growth in the Clean Energy Economy Clean energy investment that comes from G-20 countries. Increase in global clean energy investment since 2004.* Billion

Measuring Competition

Investment intensity: a measure of clean energy investment as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP).

Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance

Page 10: Growth in the Clean Energy Economy Clean energy investment that comes from G-20 countries. Increase in global clean energy investment since 2004.* Billion

Measuring Competition

Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance

Page 11: Growth in the Clean Energy Economy Clean energy investment that comes from G-20 countries. Increase in global clean energy investment since 2004.* Billion

Measuring Competition

China revised upward a national target for solar deployment in 2011. To help achieve this target, China adopted its first national feed-in tariff for solar projects.

50 GW BY 2020

Policy Matters:

Source: Bloomberg New Energy Finance

Page 12: Growth in the Clean Energy Economy Clean energy investment that comes from G-20 countries. Increase in global clean energy investment since 2004.* Billion

Big Opportunities for the U.S.

• Rising energy demand abroad presents export opportunity for the U.S.

• 80% of all future energy demand will come from developing nations.

• Investors need long-term market certainty.

Page 13: Growth in the Clean Energy Economy Clean energy investment that comes from G-20 countries. Increase in global clean energy investment since 2004.* Billion