Growth in commercial space program plans worldwide has introduced a variety of challenges: Unique space vehicle development and operationsUnique space

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Growth in commercial space program plans worldwide has Growth in commercial space program plans worldwide has introduced a variety of challenges:introduced a variety of challenges:

•Unique space vehicle development and operationsUnique space vehicle development and operations

•Commercial space flight program economic viabilityCommercial space flight program economic viability

•Public participation in space flightPublic participation in space flight

•Accommodating spacecraft in conventional aircraft Accommodating spacecraft in conventional aircraft airspace airspace

•Human factors concerns in non-federal programs Human factors concerns in non-federal programs

Challenges (cont.)

•Risk and liability

•Reasonable regulation

•Spaceport siting

•Weather, communications, and radar facilities at spaceports not collocated with airports

Space Programs (U.S.)



• DoD


• Launchers (United Launch Alliance, SpaceX, Orbital Sciences)

• ISS support vehicles (Boeing, SpaceX, Sierra Nevada, Orbital Sciences)

• Communications satellites


• Suborbital – Virgin Galactic, XCOR, Blue Origin

• Orbital – Boeing, Bigelow Aerospace, Sierra Nevada

Commercial Space Flight Programs (U.S.)

•Civil - NASA program support for the ISS under Commercial Orbital Transportation Services contracts (COTS)

• Launchers (Falcon 9, Antares, Atlas V, Delta IV)

• Crew & cargo vehicles to the International Space Station

• SpaceX Dragon (crew, up-down cargo)

• Orbital Sciences Cygnus (cargo)

• Boeing CST-100 (crew)

• Sierra Nevada Dream Chaser (crew)

• Bigelow Aerospace Beam (ISS orbital module - berthed)

Commercial Space Flight Programs (U.S.)

•Private (tourism, research)

• Suborbital

• Virgin Galactic SpaceShipTwo (horizontal launch)

• XCOR Lynx (horizontal launch)

• Blue Origin New Shepard (vertical launch)

• Orbital

• Sierra Nevada Dream Chaser (vertical launch)

• Boeing CST-100 capsule (vertical launch)

• Bigelow BA 330 orbital habitat

• Spacecraft operations include reentry for both flight vehicles and launchers

• All but SpaceShipTwo and Lynx travel at hypersonic speeds during departure and reentry

• Hypersonic = Mach 5 or above• White Knight Two is subsonic carrier that lifts

SpaceShipTwo to launch altitude• Lynx is single-stage rocket-powered glider

with horizontal launch & landing

• The U.S. National Airspace System (NAS) includes controlled airspace to 60,000’ (Flight Level 600, or FL 600)

• U.S. National Airspace System (NAS) is undergoing restructuring to accommodate civil aircraft, military aircraft, spacecraft launches and reentries, and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs)

• Spacecraft flights through the NAS have been infrequent• Until now, managed through airspace restrictions and

rerouting air traffic on the east/west coast for federal launches• Restricted airspace• Temporary flight restrictions

• Plans for commercial and private suborbital and orbital space flights introduce more complex airspace management techniques

NAS structure will have airspace regulation and technology advancements to accommodate traffic safely and efficiently by 2020•NextGen concepts• Performance-based navigation• ADS-B (surveillance & reporting)• FANS (future nav system)• Traffic Flow Management System• Network-enabled weather and weather processor• Trajectory-based operations• Trajectory negotiations (“automated” clearances

for conventional, hypersonic, and unmanned flights)

Future airspace capability and flexibility will depend on:

•Aircraft mix and density

•Space flight modes and operations

•Vehicle performance

•Spaceport location

Space flight modes and vehicles include:

• Orbital• Suborbital • Vertical launch• Horizontal launch• Reusable launchers (RLVs)• Expendable launchers (ELVs)

Commercial space applications(1) – near term

•Suborbital • Adventure travel (space tourism)• High-altitude, high-speed research• Hardware qualification

•Space-based utilities• Communications • Navigation• Power generation• Imagery

Commercial space applications(1) – within a decade

•Resource and threat management• Asteroid detection & navigation• Hazardous waste disposal• Space debris management• Natural resource acquisition

Commercial space applications(1) – beyond 2025

•Long-duration zero-g programs• Orbital & lunar space tourism• Zero-g medical care• Manufacturing

•Colonization and science• Near-space settlements• Solar system exploration• Evolved space science

Airspace adjustments for commercial space operations include:

•Next Generation Air Transportation System (NGATS)• Expected to be in place by 2025

• Static airspace → dynamic airspace• 4-D trajectory operations (time, space, weather,

traffic)• Automated traffic analysis capability

• Reserved Airspace(2)

• Spaceport operating volumes that exclude conventional air traffic during planned operations and/or unplanned emergencies

• Space Transition Corridors• Performance-based corridors that will

include flexibility and safety for commercial spacecraft

• Flexible Spaceways• Similar to airways and jet routes• Accommodation for contingencies

Spacecraft operations require much more than airspace accommodation and planning•Regulation and licensing (business, vehicle, crew, operations, etc.)•Vehicle match with business model, spaceport(s), and market•Emergency and contingency simulation and training•Launch, flight, and recovery operations•Program management•Crew and operations training •Accommodate evolution of commercial space industry •Space agency processes, adaptation, and interests (FAA, NASA, State)

Spacecraft developers and operators often begin with engineering expertise, but lack operations specialists

•New undergraduate degree in commercial space operations was developed to support the operational needs of many of the space program companies, commercial spacecraft operators, and spaceports

•Program development was aided by commercial space industry survey inputs

•Adapted as an interdisciplinary degree program

• Core of degree program includes human factors, policy and law, planning and analysis, statistics and management principles

• Industry recommendations for the non-engineering, technical degree included:• Orbits• Life support systems• Spacecraft systems

• Specializations augmented with either:• Accounting, management, human factors

or• Programming, simulation, production management

• Bachelor of Science degree developed at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) at the Daytona Beach, Florida campus(3)

• Approved by Board of Trustees in March, 2013 for implementation in the fall semester, 2013

• Industry + agency panel will help guide direction of the first-of-its-kind degree program

• ERAU is also on of the premiere educational institution in flight training, flight education, air traffic management, aerospace engineering, and aviation management

• Research areas include contract work for the FAA’s NextGen air traffic development project

• Air transportation focus of the university is now embracing the new age of commercial space transportation

• ERAU faculty have participated in the review and evaluation, as well as the recommendations for Florida’s first commercial spaceport – Cecil Field Spaceport (Jacksonville)

• Future research areas in the new CSO degree are expected to include spaceport evaluation and development within the region, and nationally

• “Air Transportation” is becoming “Aerospace Transportation” with the nearly dozen spaceports underway, or already developed in the United States

• ERAU faculty have participated in the review and evaluation, as well as the recommendations for Florida’s first commercial spaceport – Cecil Field Spaceport (Jacksonville)

• Future research areas in the new CSO degree are expected to include spaceport evaluation and development with the region, and nationally

• “Air Transportation” is becoming “Aerospace Transportation” with the nearly dozen spaceports underway, or already developed in the United States