Greek/Roman Mythology (Group 1) “A picture of Marcos”

(Group 1) Greek/Roman Mythologyimages.pcmac.org/SiSFiles/Schools/CA/SMJUHSD/Santa...Pygmalion and Galatea Pygmalion is a really talented sculptor. He sculpted his dream woman and fell

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Page 1: (Group 1) Greek/Roman Mythologyimages.pcmac.org/SiSFiles/Schools/CA/SMJUHSD/Santa...Pygmalion and Galatea Pygmalion is a really talented sculptor. He sculpted his dream woman and fell

Greek/Roman Mythology (Group 1)

“A picture of Marcos”

Page 2: (Group 1) Greek/Roman Mythologyimages.pcmac.org/SiSFiles/Schools/CA/SMJUHSD/Santa...Pygmalion and Galatea Pygmalion is a really talented sculptor. He sculpted his dream woman and fell

Prometheus (and lo)Prometheus is a titan that had created mortals and loved them as well. He also introduced man to fire, which had aggravated Zeus. Zeus then chained Prometheus to a mountain. Everyday an eagle would always come to eat his liver and since he was immortal his liver would grow back. Io is a mortal maiden who had relations with Zeus. Hera, married to Zeus, was very suspicious upon Zeus’s activities. Zeus’s attempt to save Io was to turn her to a white cow. Hera sent argus to watch over Io (the cow) and Zeus sent Hermes to behead Argus. Io escapes and Hera sends a gadfly after her. Io stumbles upon a mountain and meets Prometheus. Prometheus says to go towards the Nile river and there she will find Zeus to change her back to a mortal maiden. Io replies that she will become the mother of a race of heroes and one her heroes will come back to free Prometheus. Eventually a hero named Hercules did.

Page 3: (Group 1) Greek/Roman Mythologyimages.pcmac.org/SiSFiles/Schools/CA/SMJUHSD/Santa...Pygmalion and Galatea Pygmalion is a really talented sculptor. He sculpted his dream woman and fell

NarcissusNarcissus, loved by many, loved no one. Echo, a nymph, who can only repeat the words that people say, loved him. She confronted Narcissus, but he shunned her away. The Gods decided to curse Narcissus due to his actions. Narcissus fell in love with his own reflection one day. Not being able to touch his reflection, whom he loved, Narcissus stayed at that very spot looking at himself until he died.

Page 4: (Group 1) Greek/Roman Mythologyimages.pcmac.org/SiSFiles/Schools/CA/SMJUHSD/Santa...Pygmalion and Galatea Pygmalion is a really talented sculptor. He sculpted his dream woman and fell

The Golden FleeceIn the Kingdom of Loklos, Jason’s uncle kills his father and claims the throne of Loklos. When Jason was 20 he confronted his uncle for the throne. His uncle replied that he wants the golden fleece to prove his worth. Jason sails aboard the Argo with his team in search of the Golden Fleece. He arrives in Collchis and asks King Aeites for the Fleece. Aeities replies that he must first do a series of trials. With the help of the kings’s daughter, Medea, he mangaes to succeed the trials, due to that Medea was a sorceress. Jason and Medea marry and they returned back to Loklos. Jason reclaims his throne. However, the town soon drive Jason and Medea out because Medea was a sorceress. Jason then cheats on Medea and Medea leaves him. Jason died from a decaying beam from his ship that fell on his head. The Golden Fleece is the symbol for power and authority.

Page 5: (Group 1) Greek/Roman Mythologyimages.pcmac.org/SiSFiles/Schools/CA/SMJUHSD/Santa...Pygmalion and Galatea Pygmalion is a really talented sculptor. He sculpted his dream woman and fell

Daedalus (and Icarus)Daedalus was a skilled craftsmen who built a labyrinth. He had upset a god and he and his son, Icarus, were thrown in the labyrinth. Daedalus had devised a plan for him and his son to escape since he knew they weren’t going to escape from foot. He made two pairs of wings from scraps from the labyrinth and wax. Daedalus told his son not to fly too high towards the sun because the wax from the wings would melt. They escaped and flew out of the labyrinth. Icarus, being naive and childish, got too excited and flew high up. He then saw the wax on his wings starting to melt. Icarus fell into the sea and drowned. The sea was named the Icarian Sea after his death.

Page 6: (Group 1) Greek/Roman Mythologyimages.pcmac.org/SiSFiles/Schools/CA/SMJUHSD/Santa...Pygmalion and Galatea Pygmalion is a really talented sculptor. He sculpted his dream woman and fell

Orpheus and EurydiceOrpheus is a talented musician. He married Eurydice and soon after the marriage, Eurydice gets bitten by a snake and dies. Orpheus marches towards the underworld, with the help of the gods, to get his love back by playing his lyre. He succeeds in finding in her, but is told not to look back at her when he exits the underworld. Orpheus could not hear Eurydice walking, and feared the gods tricked him. He looked back at the last second and watches Eurydice fade away back into Taratus. After losing his love for good, he played a song commanding the nearby animals to end his life, reuniting him with Eurydice.

Page 7: (Group 1) Greek/Roman Mythologyimages.pcmac.org/SiSFiles/Schools/CA/SMJUHSD/Santa...Pygmalion and Galatea Pygmalion is a really talented sculptor. He sculpted his dream woman and fell

Pygmalion and Galatea

Pygmalion is a really talented sculptor. He sculpted his dream woman and fell in love with it. He then pleaded to Aphrodite if he can change his marble woman to a real woman. He then went back and kissed the sculpture. Aphrodite gave life to a woman named Galatea. They soon got married.

Page 8: (Group 1) Greek/Roman Mythologyimages.pcmac.org/SiSFiles/Schools/CA/SMJUHSD/Santa...Pygmalion and Galatea Pygmalion is a really talented sculptor. He sculpted his dream woman and fell

Cupid and Psyche

Psyche, youngest of three is described as very beautiful. Aphrodite gets jealous and sends cupid to make her fall in love with a monster. Cupid falls in love with Psyche and stabs himself with one of his love arrows. Psyche gets a fortune that she is to marry a monster. Psyche flees and falls asleep. She wakes up in a very luxurious house with a man who does not show himself (he eventually makes psyche his wife). One day Psyche’s sisters confront Psyche and tells her that her man is a monster. Psyche decides to see her lover for the first time. She sneeks up on him and learns that he was cupid. She also falls in love with him and they live happily ever after

Page 9: (Group 1) Greek/Roman Mythologyimages.pcmac.org/SiSFiles/Schools/CA/SMJUHSD/Santa...Pygmalion and Galatea Pygmalion is a really talented sculptor. He sculpted his dream woman and fell

Theme: Desire vs RejectionSetting: some where in greeceCharacters: Daphne, Apollo, Cupid, Peneus

Apollo killed a gigantic snake and was cocky about it. he then found cupid playing with his arrows and began to tease him, making fun of his arrows. Cupid was irritated by apollos comments, cupid then fired to arrows one for love and the other one for hate. The love arrow hit apollo, the hate arrow struck Daphne. Instantly Apollo fell in love with Daphne and Daphne instantly disliked Apollo. Apollo chased Daphne for a long time while she ran for her life. Daphne then asks her father Peneus (River God) that she wishes to never marry and to stay a virgin. Peneus says no, that she owes him grandchildren, but Daphne insists until her dad gives up and agrees. Apollo catches up with daphne. She then cries for help to her father. Peneus reacts by transforming her daughter into a laurel tree. Apollo then makes the tree his sacred tree because the love for her was too much.

Daphne And Apollo

Page 10: (Group 1) Greek/Roman Mythologyimages.pcmac.org/SiSFiles/Schools/CA/SMJUHSD/Santa...Pygmalion and Galatea Pygmalion is a really talented sculptor. He sculpted his dream woman and fell

Grandson of Acrisius, son of Zeus and Danae.Acrisius banished daughter and grandson into sea because oracle of apollo said perseus would kill him.Arrived safely in island seriphos, ruled by Polydectes. Dictys fisherman brother of kings fished them out of the sea and saved them.Years later perseus grew strong. Polydectes wanted to marry DanaeKing knew perseus wouldn't permit it. Sets trap for perseus. He was told to get the head of Medusa. In journey he encountered Goddess Athena and Hermes. Both related to Perseus. Helped him. (Winged sandals, sickle, shield)Later in journey, he blackmailed Graeae(3 eyeless women with 1 eye to share) got information of invisible cab. Gets the cab. Later arrived in Medusas lair. Cut head off.On the way back home, many adventures. Came across titan atlas. Helpes out, making him to stone. Later encountered future wife Andromeda rescues her.Arrives home. First sees Dictys. He tells perseus his mom is slave of king Polydectes.Perseus avenges mother by making king and everyone in council into stone. Becomes king of Seriphos.


Page 11: (Group 1) Greek/Roman Mythologyimages.pcmac.org/SiSFiles/Schools/CA/SMJUHSD/Santa...Pygmalion and Galatea Pygmalion is a really talented sculptor. He sculpted his dream woman and fell




Page 12: (Group 1) Greek/Roman Mythologyimages.pcmac.org/SiSFiles/Schools/CA/SMJUHSD/Santa...Pygmalion and Galatea Pygmalion is a really talented sculptor. He sculpted his dream woman and fell


Theseus is a hero in Athens. He grows up in Southern Greece with his mother, when he is finally old enough to travel on his own he decides to go on a trip to meet his father Aegeus who is also king of Athens. When Aegeus finds out about Theseus’s journey and how he’s pretty much invincible he tries to poison him. Before he is able to do that Theseus tells him he is his son which he proves by showing him a sword which was left to him. Theseus is sent on a battle to kill the Minotaur, a creature with body of a human and head of a bull. Theseus defeats the beast and returns home but he forgot to put the white flag up so his father thinks he dies and jumps in the water and dies. Theseus becomes the leader of Athens and everyone lives a peaceful, happy, and fair life.

TheseusTheseus is a hero in Athens. He grows up in Southern Greece with his mother, when he is finally old enough to travel on his own he decides to go on a trip to meet his father Aegeus who is also king of Athens. When Aegeus finds out about Theseus’s journey and how he’s pretty much invincible he tries to poison him. Before he is able to do that Theseus tells him he is his son which he proves by showing him a sword which was left to him. Theseus is sent on a battle to kill the Minotaur, a creature with body of a human and head of a bull. Theseus defeats the beast and returns home but he forgot to put the white flag up so his father thinks he dies and jumps in the water and dies. Theseus becomes the leader of Athens and everyone lives a peaceful, happy, and fair life.


Page 13: (Group 1) Greek/Roman Mythologyimages.pcmac.org/SiSFiles/Schools/CA/SMJUHSD/Santa...Pygmalion and Galatea Pygmalion is a really talented sculptor. He sculpted his dream woman and fell










Shmoop Editorial Team. “Apollo and Daphne Summary.” Shmoop.com.shmoop Univeristy, inc., 11nov.. 2008.Web.14 Sep. 2015