TF-CSIRT London – 27 Jan 2004 - 1 Grids and Security Ian Neilson Grid Deployment Group CERN

Grids and Security - TERENA · Grids and Security Ian Neilson Grid Deployment Group CERN. ... (hence the term virtual). An organization like an HEP experiment can be regarded as one

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TF-CSIRT London – 27 Jan 2004 - 1

Grids and Security

Ian NeilsonGrid Deployment Group


TF-CSIRT London – 27 Jan 2004 - 2


• Background• Grids• Grid Projects

• Some Technical Aspects• The three or four A’s

• Some Operational Aspects• Security Coordination and Incident Response

• Other stuff

TF-CSIRT London – 27 Jan 2004 - 3


“[Grids] enable the sharing, exchange, discovery, and aggregation of resources distributed across multiple

administrative domains ...”- Sun Microsystems

Virtual Organisations

“A [VO is a] participating organization in a grid to which grid end users must be registered and authenticated in order to gain access to the grid's resources. A VO must establish resource-usage agreements with grid resource providers. Members of a VO may come from many different home institutions, may have in common only a general interest or goal (e.g., CMS physics analysis), and may communicate and coordinate

their work solely through information technology (hence the term virtual). An organization like an HEP experiment can be regarded as one VO. A more

comprehensive definition can be found at ….” Glossary -http://www.opensciencegrid.org/home/terminology.html

Middleware Job Managers

Computing Elements

Resource Brokers

Proxy Servers

Storage Resource Manager

LCG – LHC Computing GridEGEE – Enabling Grids for e-Science in Europe

OSG – Open Science Grid

GridPP – Grid Particle Physics

PPDG – Particle Physics Data Grid

Globus ToolkitVirtual Data Toolkit


TF-CSIRT London – 27 Jan 2004 - 4

LCG in one slide

• Computing fabric for the Large HadronColliderexperiments

• Operating 2007+

• 95 sites• 31 countries• 9000 CPUs• 6 TB storage


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EGEE in one slide

• 70 institutions in 28 countries,federated in regional clusters

• 32MEUR for first 2 years(plans for another 2 years)

• Deployment andreengineering project

• 50% operations & support,25% training & appl. support,25% reengineering

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Scaling up, surely...

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LCG/EGEE Security environment

• The players

Users VOs


Personal dataRoles

Usage patterns…

Experiment dataAccess patternsMembership …




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The Risks

• Top risks from Security Risk Analysis• http://proj-lcg-security.web.cern.ch/proj-lcg-security/RiskAnalysis/risk.html

• Launch attacks on other sites• Large distributed farms of machines

• Illegal or inappropriate distribution or sharing of data• Massive distributed storage capacity

• Disruption by exploit of security holes• Complex, heterogeneous and dynamic environment

• Damage caused by viruses, worms etc.• Highly connected and novel infrastructure

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Policy – the Joint Security Group

Security & Availability Policy


Certification Authorities



Incident Response

User Registration Application Development& Network Admin Guide


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The goal

Key Material

Group of unique names Organizational role







Authorization PolicyArchitecture

Local SiteKerberosIdentity








Policy andattributes. Allow or






Process actingon user’s behalf




Delegation Policy

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Authentication Infrastructure

• Users and Services own long-lived (1yr) credentials• Digital certificates (X.509 PKI)• European Grid Policy Management Authority

• “… is a body to establish requirements and best practices for grid identity providers to enable a common trust domain applicable to authentication of end-entities in inter-organisational access to distributed resources. …”

• www.eugridpma.org covers EU (+ USA + Asia)• Shared infrastructure between all EU FP6 Grid projects (and others)• Establish and “audit” common minimum operational requirement

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Authentication Issues

• Do trust mechanisms scale up ?• Lots of CAs…..

• Can users keep the secret ?• “On-line” certification authorities & Certificate Stores

• Kerberized CA• MyProxy certificate store• Virtual SmartCard

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AAA : Authorization 1: VO-based

• User Registers• Accepts Usage Rules• Provides personal/contact data• Request to join VO

• VO managers add to VO database• Certificate Identity (DN) captured

• Submits job…• Creates short-lived proxy using long-lived certificate• Proxy ‘travels’ with the job

• …jobs arrive at resource• Checks certificate validity

• Trusted CAs and revocation lists• Checks user is authorized – ‘whitelist’

• Downloaded from Registration/VO database• Maps certificate DN to a local account• Runs job

• Currently in use by Nordugrid ARC, LCG/EGEE

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AAA : Authorization 2 : VO/Role-based

• User Registers• …. As above but may be assigned a role by VO

• Creates proxy• Contacts VO server to sign user’s attributes into proxy

• Submits jobs• Proxy ‘travels’ with the job

• Resources authorize access• Checks certificate validity

• Trusted CAs and revocation lists• Checks user authorization – from attibutes in the proxy

• Allows for one user, multiple VOs, and multiple roles• Maps to a local account• Runs job

• Being deployed by LCG/EGEE

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AAA : Accounting

• Accountability• Little thought given here • Retention of logs at sites

• Dispersed information• No standard formatting• ‘Debug’ information

• Usual concerns of privacy

• Billing• By user, by VO, per site, aggregated?

• Need to sort out local from grid usage

TF-CSIRT London – 27 Jan 2004 - 16

So, ... but scaling up securely?

• Diverse audience• Operations, Middleware, Applications, End users• Regional differences

• Impossible and Contradicting requirements• Traceability and Anonymity tradeoffs• Performance and Security tradeoffs

• Lucky nothing has happened so far• Grid is on the hackers radar

• User certificates and keys are spread all over• Private key file scrambled - password?• File protections?• Similar to the SSH key problem

• Proxy certs way too unrestricted• Too many services operate as root• VERY hard to audit what’s going on.

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Global Grid Forum activities

• Information exchange• Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI)• Proxy certificates (now RFC3820)• CA operations recommendations• Site operations recommendations• Authorization• Firewall issues• Application domain interests• ...• Workshop on Operational Security

• http://grid.ncsa.uiuc.edu/ggf12-sec-wkshp/

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Security Coordination Activities in LCG/EGEE

• Updates to Incident Response Agreement• In collaboration with Open Science Grid

• “To guide the development and maintenance of a common capability for handling and response to cyber security incidents on Grids.”

– http://computing.fnal.gov/cgi-bin/docdb/osg_public/ShowDocument?docid=19&version=2

• The capability will be established through • common policies and processes, organizational structures, • cross-organizational relationships, • common communications methods, and• a modicum of centrally-provided services and processes.

• Managed contacts lists• Links with policy, development and deployment activities

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Security Coordination Activities in LCG/EGEE

• Security Service Challenges• Exercise response procedures in controlled manner

• Non-intrusive• Compute resource usage trace to owner

– E.g. Run a job to send an email• Storage resource trace to owner

– E.g. Run a job to store a file• Disruptive

– Disrupt a service and map the effects on the service and grid

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Operational Security Coordination Team






Media/Press“PR” •EGEE operational channels

still being established.•Does not have central authority over sites

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Other issues

• Software and standards immaturity• “Production quality” by academia standards• 80/20 rule often applied• Standards either far ahead or far behind

• Firewalls• Need to regard network connectivity as another resource

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Thank You

• Thanks to UK PPARC for my funding in LCG• Acknowledgement to

• Olle Mullmo who took several slides stolen from older presentations made by Steve Tuecke, Von Welch, Frank Siebenlist, and others

• Dave Kelsey