Grey Street Casbah Recipes - June 2016

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  • 8/15/2019 Grey Street Casbah Recipes - June 2016


  • 8/15/2019 Grey Street Casbah Recipes - June 2016



     Leila Ally Eshana Suleman

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  • 8/15/2019 Grey Street Casbah Recipes - June 2016


    Anthony Green

    Hi my name is Anthony. I come from England. I have always loved

    cooking spicy foods and am self-taught. This is one of my

    favourite recipes...

    Ingredients :-

    Beef – 400 gOnion – 1 medium

    Ginger garlic paste – 3 teaspoon

    Tomato – 1 medium

    Green chilli – 1

    Red chilli powder – 2 teaspoon

    Coriander powder – 3 teaspoon

    Turmeric powder – 1/4 teaspoon

    Pepper powder – 1/2 teaspoon

    Garam masala powder – 1/4 tea spoon home-made

    Fennel seed powder 1/4 teaspoonCardamom – 1

    Cloves – 2

    Cinnamon stick- small piece

    Curry leaves

    Salt – to taste

    Coconut oil – 1 1/2 tablespoon

    Coriander leaves – to garnish

    Direction :-

    Heat oil in a pressure cooker or deep pan and put carda-

    mom, cloves and cinnamon stick and saute for a minute.

    Now add chopped onion and saute until it gets soft and

    changes the colour.

    Then add ginger garlic paste and saute for a minute to

    leave its raw smell.

    Then add chopped tomato and green chilli and saute until

    tomato becomes soft.Now add all the masala powders from 6 to 11 and mix well

    for a minute (Make sure to keep the ame to low, else ma-

    salas tend to burn. Add few drops of water, if it is too dry).

    Then add cleaned beef, salt, curry leaves and enough

    water to cook the beef. Mix everything well and cook the

    beef until it is soft (if you are using pressure cooker, 6 to

    7 whistles will do. If using pan, cook for about 40 to 45

    minutes on medium heat…time may vary as per the beef,

    adjust the time accordingly).

    Now garnish with coriander leaves and serve hot with

    spring onion and egg fry rice home-made enjoy.


  • 8/15/2019 Grey Street Casbah Recipes - June 2016


    Charmaine Pillay

    My husband Somers also shares my love of cooking especial-

    ly open re cooking.

    I am a mother of 3 young daughters from Durban .

    My pastimes are my love of baking & cooking. I also have an

    immense passion for crafts eg, mosaics etc.I am also a person who loves spoiling loved ones with experi-

    mental cooking & baking constantly trying new recipes &

    reviving old ones., 




    1 kg large prawn , cleaned & deveined

    500 gm tomatoes , grated

    1 large onion sliced thinly

    2 stems curry leaves

    10 – 12 fresh green chillies , slit openSalt to taste

    1 tsp kashmiri chilli powder

    ½ tsp tumeric powder

    2 tbspn peri peri oil

    1 tsp wet pickle masala

    2 cloves fresh garlic nely diced

    1 tsp sugar

    Coriander & shallot to garnish


    Marinate prawns in 1 tsp kashmiri chili pd , fresh diced

    garlic, wet pickle masala & peri peri oil.

    Set aside for ½ hour.

    Heat oil in thick bottom pan .

    Fry prawns off to achieve colour, drain & set aside.

    Using same oil prawns were fried in fry onion & chillies.When golden in colour add tumeric , chili pd & tomatoes

    to pot.

    Stir through.

    Add salt to taste & sugar , stir through.

    When chutney is amost cooked but not dried out, add

    prawns back to pot.

    Stir through to combine.

    Cook for a few more minutes till oil comes up .

    Chutney is now ready.

    Garnish with chopped coriander and shallot.

    Serve with savoury rice, crisp fried chicken & crumbed


  • 8/15/2019 Grey Street Casbah Recipes - June 2016


  • 8/15/2019 Grey Street Casbah Recipes - June 2016


    Faye Pramraj

    I am a wife and mom of three girls. After working over ten

    years in the Legal profession, I made the decision to leave

    and pursue my passion for food which resulted in the birth

    of Whisked Away. When I am not in the kitchen, I enjoy

    reading and blogging and of course, entertaining my kids.


    2 ¼ cup sifted cake our

    1 ¼ cup sugar

    3 tsp baking powder

    1 tsp salt

    ½ cup oil

    1 cup milk

    2 eggs

    1 vanilla pod

    Chocolate coated nuts (optional)


    Preheat oven to 180 deg

    Mix your dry ingredients in a large bowl

    Whisk together oil and milk. Add to dry ingredients and

    beat for 2 minutesAdd your eggs and vanilla. Beat again

    Pour batter into cups lling at least half way

    Place a few choc nuts in each cupcake

    Bake for 15-20mins

    Peanut butter buttercream


    125g butter

    1/4 cup peanut butter

    Pinch of salt

    3 cups icing sugar

    1 tsp milk1tsp vanilla extract


    Cream the butter until light and creamy.

    Add peanut butter and mix well.

    Sift in icing sugar.

    Add vanilla and milk.

    Mix well until smooth.

    Pipe on to cool cupcakes.

    Drizzle with chocolate sauce. I used Ice Caps.

    Sprinkle peanuts over


    butter and



  • 8/15/2019 Grey Street Casbah Recipes - June 2016


    Gloria Abrahams 

    I have been very passionate about cooking from a very

    young age having been taught by the best, my late mum.

    Today I am the proud owner of my own catering business

    based in Glenwood and you can be rest assured you will get

    the nest curries, saffron breyanis and great “hot” savoury

    platters.I am a mum of three grown boys all who are in Cape Town.

    A mum can make a plan and get her food to her children by

    cooking and sending it on Mango Airlines.

    All the best to Grey Street Casbah Recipe Site Admin, for

    your ongoing commitment to the cause.


    1kg good rm sh. I normally use Steenbrass,

    baracuda or salmon

    5 Ripe jam tomatoes

    1 big onion

    1/2 teaspoon methie seeds

    1 tablespoon seedless tamarind in half cup boiling

    water mixed properly

    About 10 baby brinjols8 cloves garlic, curry leaves

    6 chillies (chillies optional) you decide how hot

    you want your curry. I like it HOT

    250ml cooking oil

    5 tblspoon good masala

    (Add ur masala as to how hot you want your


    2 teaspoon tomato paste, salt to taste


    In a wide pot add your chopped onion, methie

    seeds curry leaves, garlic to oil.

    Saute, add masala, add brinjols. Add some of

    tamarind water and cook till brinjols are three

    quater soft, add your nely chopped tomatoes,

    tomato paste, add remaining tamarind water and

    cook tomatoes down for a good 10mins. Lastly

    place your sh and cook for 7 mins. turning shover gently without breaking up the sh once

    only. Turn off your heat and garnish with fresh

    chopped coriander(dhania)

    Enjoy with fresh thickly sliced white bread or


    Fish Curry with Baby brinjols

  • 8/15/2019 Grey Street Casbah Recipes - June 2016


    Henisha Annie Indurjeeth

    I’m Henisha Annie Indurjeeth from Richards bay.

    I work for dept of health (Forensic), married to



    1 kg mutton

    1 onion

    1 tomato

    Ginger & garlic

    4 potatoes cut in half 

    2 bay leaves1 teaspoon fennel seeds

    5/6 tablespoons kashmiri chilli powder

    3 tablespoons kashmiri masala

    1/2 teaspoon turmeric powder

    1/2 garum masala

    1/2 dhania powder

    Salt to taste .


    Heat oil, add sliced onion. When nice and brown add

    masala, chilli powder and turmeric powder. Fry for a

    few minutes on low heat. Now add washed meat, cook

    on low till all the water from the meat dries up and

    the bottom catches. Now add all the powders, ginger

    and garlic and some water. After half an hour add

    potatoes and tomatoes and salt cook until potatoesare soft. Garnish with dhania



  • 8/15/2019 Grey Street Casbah Recipes - June 2016


    Indira Maharaj

    I am a mum of 2 beautiful daughters, Sonam & Tamishka from

    Durban North. I am a Director of Tamson Financial Services

    where I specialise in bookkeeping, administration, projects and

    events. My hobbies are computers, baking, cooking and watching

    Hindi movies. I also love being a community person whereby Idonate food to special homes etc. I am a people’s person and am

    always assisting and advising people who are in need of it.

    Ingredients60g margarine

     ¾ cup white sugar

    2 eggs

    1 cup milk

    2 tspns vanilla essence

    2 cups our

    3 tspns baking powder

    ½ tspn salt

    ½ cup golden raisins

    ½ cup raisins1 tspn cinnamon

    ½ tspn nutmeg

    Method:Preheat oven to 160 degrees. Grease

    one 9x5x3 inch loaf pan. Place but-

    ter, sugar, and 1 egg in large bowl.

    Beat well. Beat in second egg. Stir

    in milk and vanilla. In another bowl

    measure in our, baking powder,

    and salt. Stir in raisins. Pour all

    at once into batter. Stir to moisten

    only. Spoon into greased pan. Bake

    in oven for 1 hour or until it testsdone. Cool 10 minutes. Turn out of

    pan and cool on rack. Enjoy !!!



    250g butter

    500g icing sugar

    500g Klim powder

    155g Nestlé dessert cream

    Sliced almonds (coloured)


    Cream the butter. Add icing sugar

    and beat until uffy. Add Klim

    powder and cream and mix until

    a pliable dough has been formed.

    Break off pieces and roll into golf

    ball size. Place into mini cupcake

    holders. Stud each one with the

    sliced almonds. All ready to eat.

    Taste is yummylicious. Enjoy!


  • 8/15/2019 Grey Street Casbah Recipes - June 2016


  • 8/15/2019 Grey Street Casbah Recipes - June 2016


    Jameela Sayed

    I live in the small town of Umzinto. I am a mother of 3 children and 2 grandchildren and also run

    a successful business in Winkelspruit. My favorite pass time involves wooden spoons, beaters, pots,

    pans and aprons. Cooking and baking is my passion and hobby as nothing beats the sheer enjoyment

    of serving homemade delicacies in style and bringing warmth to every heart and satisfaction to everypalate.


    250 g butter

    ½ cup castor sugar

    ½ cup icing sugar

    ¼ cup oil

    1 cup cornour

    2 tsp vanilla essence

    2 cups our


    Beat butter, sugars and oil well. Add vanilla and cornour. Lastly add sifted our. Make soft into a greased baking tray. Prick surface with fork. Bake at 140’C for 1 hour. Cutwhile warm. Sprinkle with sugar when warm.


  • 8/15/2019 Grey Street Casbah Recipes - June 2016


    Katyayani Pillay

    Hi I’m Katyayani (Carmanie) from Durban S A, liv-

    ing in Ireland. I have had a great passion for cooking

    and baking from a very young age and have been

    fortunate to share this passion through teaching and

    running my restaurants.


    for the base 

    1 cup self raising our

    62,5 grams butter/ soya butter

    2 tablespoons sugar

    About 2 or 3 tablespoons cold water to make asoft dough.


    for the lling

    3 cups of fresh milk, or almond / hazlenut or

    soya milk

    2 tablespoons butter or soya butter

    1 cinnamon stick

    4 tablespoons sugar

    2 tablespoons plain cake our

    4 tablespoons corn our


    Method :for the lling 

    Bring to boil 2 cups of milk with the butter and

    cinnamon stick .

    Mix remaining milk with the our, cornour and

    sugar to get a smooth paste. As the milk starts

    to boil lower the heat, remove the pot from the

    stove add in our mixture to make a smooth

    paste like you would do if making custard, mix

    well to avoid any lumps return pot to the stoveand continue to stir until you have a smooth

    dropping consistency .

    Set aside to cool. When lling is cool mix well

    and ll prepared tin to the top and sprinkle ne-

    ly grated nutmeg over top.

    Bake in a preheated oven of 180 degrees for 20

    minutes. Cool well before serving, taste nicer if

    refrigerated before serving .

    Note: if heavy handed with our or cornourwhich would result in a thicker consistency for

    the lling, more milk can be added.

    Method :

    Rub the butter into the our add in the sugar mix

    well then using the cold water make a soft dough.

    Roll out dough to ll a 8 inch loose bottom but-

    tered tin . Prick the base of the pastry and set

    aside .

    Milk TartVegetarian / Vegan

  • 8/15/2019 Grey Street Casbah Recipes - June 2016


    May Venkatraman

    I am a mother of 3 from Hillary in Durban. Baking and be-

    ing a grade R Teacher are my passions.


    250g butter (softened)

    250ml sugar

    2 eggs

    800 - 1000 ml our

    10 ml baking powder

    20 ml vanilla essence

    METHOD:Cream butter and sugar until almost

    white. Add eggs and mix well. Add va-

    nilla, mix then add our and baking

    powder. Mix into a soft but not sticky

    dough. Cut and bake for 10-15 minutes

    at 180’C. Decorate as desired.

    I used royal icing to decorate these bis-


    Royal icing


    2 egg whites

    1 tsp lemon juiceApproximately 500g icing sugar.

    Royal icing


    Beat all ingredients together until you have a thick paste

    like mixture. Water can be added to this to get it to yourdesired consistency. Lastly add gel or powder colours.

    Basic Biscuits

  • 8/15/2019 Grey Street Casbah Recipes - June 2016



    600 g chicken breast

    1 carrot, cut in diagonal pieces

    ½ green, ½ red pepper

    1 cup of fresh pineapple chunks

    1 bottle of oil


    1 tsp sugar, 1 tsp salt, 2 tsp light soya sauce, 1 Tbslp

    shaoxing rice wine, ½ tsp 5 spice powder, 1 egg white


    1 cup our, ¼ cup corn our, ½ tsp salt, 1 tsp baking

    powder, 1 ml bicarbonate of soda, 1 tsp white vin-

    egar, 10 ml oil. Water for mixing into smooth batter

    (Mix to form a smooth batter and refrigerate till


    Sweet And Sour Sauce

    1 cup pineapple juice (can be from a can), ¼ cup

    vinegar, 3 Tblsp sugar, 3 Tblsp tomato sauce, (Add

    to a saucepan, bring to a boil, then add - 2 tsp corn

    starch mixed with ¼ cup water to form a paste, Set



    Dice chicken into a bite size chunks. Marinade

    and set aside. Prepare batter and sauce and set

    aside. Cut onions and pepper into large chunks.

    Heat 2 Tblsp oil in wok and add onions add a

    pinch of salt and stir for 1 minute. Add peppers

    with a pinch of salt and stir 2 minutes. Add

    pineapple chunks and stir for 1 minute and re-

    move and set aside. Add 2 cups oil to wok and

    heat. Dip chicken into batter, and coat thor-

    oughly. Using tongs shake off excess batter and

    drop chicken into hot oil and fry in batches

    careful not to overcrowd the wok till frying

    golden and crisp, then drain on paper towel

    and arrange on platter. Drain oil. Return veg-etables to wok and heat through, add sauce and

    allow to bubble. Pour over chicken. Serve with

    steamed rice.



    Melanie Kramar

    Melanie Kramar age 52, born in Johannes-

    burg. The rst 13 years I was in PE.

    My rst husband was Chinese and he inspired

    me to complete a professional course in Chinese

    cooking. From that marriage I have 2 children

    Shona and Brandon Lee Song They and cook-ing are my passion.

    My professional career was as a legal secretary,

    until I was medically boarded in 2013. This al-

    lowed me to focus more on my hobbies among

    which are cooking, music, crossword puzzles

    and a never ending quest to the meaning of life.

  • 8/15/2019 Grey Street Casbah Recipes - June 2016


    Mohsina Nosarka

    It’s evening. My three kids have just nished their

    homework and are chasing each other around

    the cluttered kitchen table. My husband arrives


    I shake my head trying to rid myself of all thethoughts and reminders racing through my

    brain. It’s been a long day. Mornings running the

    pre-school and afternoons decorating homes. It’s

    time to clear my mind. It’s time to focus on my

    family. It’s time to cook!

    The repetitive motion of chopping, rinsing, stir-

    ring or rolling calms my nerves. The colour of the

    spices revives my energy. The aromas from the

    pot awaken my senses and the taste of the food

    rejuvenates my body.

    There is nothing better than pouring your heart

    and soul into cooking a meal for the people you

    love. Their smiles and chatter at the dinner table

    make it all worth it. So why do I cook? Because it

    makes me feel like superwoman’


    500g lamb

    4 Baby Potatoes peeled

    1 large onion chopped

    2 tsp garlic

    1 tsp crushed green chilli

    1 tsp course black pepper

    1 tsp white pepper

    1/2 tsp mixed peppercorns crushed

    1 tsp salt

    2 tbl Mustard sauce (or 1 tsp mustard


    2 tbl mayonnaise

    2 tbl Fresh cream

    Few whole mixed colours peppercorns to


    Method* Rinse the meat in vinegar. Simmer lamb once in 2 whole star anise and 4 cloves. Brown muck will

    rise to the top. Scoop this out and rinse the meat. Set aside.

    (This step is optional but I nd that it prevents the meat from smelling)

    1. Marinate the meat in all the dry spices.

    2. Sauté onions in butter until soft

    3. Add the meat and braise on high heat.

    4. Add the sauces and potatoes and cook until done. Add 1/2 cup of water and cook it for 15 minutes

    in a pressure cooker.

    5. Garnish with whole peppercorns and some spring onion.

    * Serve with paratha

    Salt and Pepper Lamb

  • 8/15/2019 Grey Street Casbah Recipes - June 2016


    Nadia Daphne Moodley

    Hi my name is Nadia Daphne Moodley. Baking is one of my

    biggest passions in life and I run a small time cake business.

    The art of baking and perfecting dishes has been taught to

    me by mum.


    2 eggs

    125ml castor sugar125ml oil

    5ml peppermint essence (it's ne if you

    don't have it)

    about half tsp green food colour

    500ml cake our

    15ml baking powder

    2.5 ml salt

    200ml milk

    handful grated peppermint crisp.

    Ingredients for the peppermint

    butter cream:

    250g Margarine

    500g icing sugar

    1 tsp green food colouring

    1/2 cup grated peppermint crisp.

    Ingredients for the ganache:

    1 big tin nestle dessert cream and 1 x

    400g baking chocolate.


    *for 2 layers I baked 2 batches of cakes

    For the cake: Whisk eggs, castor sugar and oil until light

    and creamy. Add essence if using and colouring. Sift in the

    our, baking powder and salt and add with milk mixing

    well. Lastly stir in the chocolate. . Grease two x 24 cm cakepans and evenly spread the batter into them (since I have

    one I weighed the mixture). Bake at 180 degrees for 30 mins

    or until a toothpick inserted comes out clean.

    Peppermint Crisp Cake

  • 8/15/2019 Grey Street Casbah Recipes - June 2016


    Philip Reineke

    Philip Reineke, age 62.

    Having been born and bred in Durban I have over the years

    been an avid Bunny Chow consumer (sitting on the beach

    sand, eating a Bunny Chow, torn apart with the hands).

    In younger days it was always about heat, today I focus ontaste.

    My interest in cooking was stimulated around 1988 and I

    decided to purchase my rst cookery book called Indian De-

    lights from a shop at Oriental Plaza in Fordsburg.

    The rst recipe I tried was an aubergine dish called Bringal

    Chops. I was transformed from a taster to a wannabe chef in

    a matter of minutes.

    I make no talk of being the best cook, but watching profes-sionals do it makes me more wanting to be a devoted cook. It

    goes without saying what my favourite pastime is.


    1 tin condensed milk (398 ml)

    400 ml natural yoghurt

    20 – 25 seedless raisins (soaked in water)

    10 blanched almonds (cut into slivers)

    2 cardamom (seeds only, coarsely crushed)


    In a heatproof bowl mix the condensed milk and yoghurt together until smooth.

    Place the bowl on a double boiler and heat to a rolling boil. After 3 minutes add the raisins and stir

    them gently till they are not visible on the surface.

    Add the raisins and stir them in gently till they are submerged. Place the almond slivers on top.

    Steam for 30-40 minutes until set.

    Remove from the heat and leave to cool until ready to serve.


    Bengalis love their sweets and with good reason, this yoghurt dessert, Bhapa doi, has a delicious

    caramel-like note.



  • 8/15/2019 Grey Street Casbah Recipes - June 2016


    Rashida Habib

    Mother of 4 and 8 adoring grand children including a set of


    Assistant, to my husbands businesses, which includes bro-

    kerage, construction and property.Extremely passionate about household, cooking/ confection-

    ery and baking.


    2 cups our60 g butter

    Pinch of salt

    1/2 tsp.baking powder

    1/2 tsp lemon juice


    Boil :- 1 cup sugar

    1 cup water


    Mix our, salt and baking powder. Rub in butter till our is like bread crumbs. Add lemon juice to

    1 cup iced water., just enough to make a stiff dough. Leave to rest for at lease an hour. Divide into 8

    balls. Roll each one very thin. Brush with ghee/ oil and sprinkle maizena and brush second one and

    cover. Repeat to nish all 8 Balls. Roll all together slightly and brush the top of the last roti with ghee

     / oil and sprinkle maizena. Roll like swiss roll and cut 1cm Thick.

    Flatten each one slightly with layers showing on both sides.

    Roll to the length of a forenger.

    Fry in deep oil over slow heat till crispy.Drain on wire rack and pour about 1tblsp sugar syrup.

    Decorate with coloured almonds.



  • 8/15/2019 Grey Street Casbah Recipes - June 2016


    Samantha Naidoo

    I work as a Data Quality T/Leader @ UTI/DSV Durban, a

    Freight Forwarding Company. Not married but in a com-

    mitted relationship. My passion has always been baking

    and cake decorating. I’ve just, last year, started a cake

    page on FB and have embarked on a part-time cake busi-ness which I’m really enjoying.


    3/4 cup butter

    2 1/4 cup sugar

    3 large eggs at room temperature

    3 teaspoons cocoa powder

    red food colouring - I used crimson pink, I used the entire


    1 1/2 teaspoons vanilla essence

    1 1/2 teaspoons salt

    1 1/2 cups buttermilk

    1 1/2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar - do not substitute

    with vinegar

    1 1/2 teaspoons bicarb / baking soda

    cream cheese frosting150g butter (room temp)

    190g cream cheese

    4 1/2 cups icing sugar

    2 teaspoons lemon juice - do not omit, this adds the

    x-factor to this frosting

    preheat oven to 180 degrees, if using a fan assisted oven

    reduce temp by 20 degrees.


    Using a stand mixer, beat together butter and sugar for about 8 mins. Add each egg one at a time en-

    suring that it is well combined. Add the cocoa, vanilla and food colouring and mix well. In a separate

    bowl sift the our. Mix the salt and buttermilk together. I did this in the measuring cup.

    Add the sifted our and the buttermilk to the batter in 3 parts, mixing well. Do not overbeat. In

    a small bowl mix the vinegar and the bicarb. Add this right at the end and mix lightly. Pour into

    a prepared greased and lined 20 cm baking tin. Bake for +/- 45mins.. cooking times dependant on

    your oven.

    If using for cupcakes, bake for 20-25 mins.

    FOR THE FROSTINGBeat all the ingredients except the lemon juice together until combined, add the lemon juice right at

    the end. Do not overbeat.


  • 8/15/2019 Grey Street Casbah Recipes - June 2016


    Sita Reddy

    I am Sita Reddy mother of 2. I live in Phoenix, Durban.

    I do cake decorating on a part time basis, which I have a

    passion for. My hobbies are watching movies and walk-

    ing on the beach.


    4 eggs

    250ml sugar

    1¼ cup our

    15 ml baking powder

    Pinch salt

    150 milk

    125ml oil125ml klim

    1 tsp nutmeg

    1 tsp elachi


    Whisk eggs & sugar till creamy.

    Warm milk and add klim & oil and

    whisk in. Add dry ingredients to liq-

    uids ingredients and beat well. Pour

    in pans and bake till done @ 180 deg.



    125g butter

    125ml icing sugar

    125ml klim

    ½ tsp each nutmeg & elachi


    Beat butter then add icing

    sugar & klim with elachi &

    nutmeg till creamy

    Burfee Cake

  • 8/15/2019 Grey Street Casbah Recipes - June 2016



    1/2 cup castor sugar

    1/2 cup margarine

    1 and 1/2 cups our sifted with 1/4 teaspoon salt

    Mix together :

    1 teaspoon baking powder with 1 and a half tablespoons each oil and water


    Preheat oven to 170 deg

    Cream margarine and sugar. Add our and baking powder mixture and combine well. Rolldough into balls dip in milk and roll in coconut. Bake in a pre-heated oven on a greased baking

    sheet for approximately 20 minutes . When cool top with jam.

    Sureka Jaichund

    Educator, Mother of two

    Eggless jam buttons

  • 8/15/2019 Grey Street Casbah Recipes - June 2016


    Sherri Moodley

     I'm a home executive. Married to a wonderful hubby

    Rajah and have two gorgeous boys, Damayne Darneland Talon Tai.


    500g semolina

    1L milk

    500g butter/margarine

    3/4 - 1cup sugar

    3 eggs

    4-6 cinnamon sticks

    4-6 elachi

    Cinnamon powder

    Elachi powder

    1/2 - 1 cup desiccated coconut


    Egg yellow colouring

    Coloured almonds Nestle dessert cream


    Place butter/margarine in a heavy based pot on medium heat to melt. Add cinnamon sticks and whole

    elachi. Add semolina and fry on low heat until it turns slight pink in colour. I normally cook it for at

    least 20 mins. Beat eggs, milk, and egg yellow colouring together. Add liquid ingredients to the braised

    semolina and continue stirring. Add sugar a little at a time until you reach the sweetness you desire.

    Add desiccated coconut, sultanas, cinnamon powder, elachi powder and almonds. Continue stirring.

    Place in a mould. Pack in tightly and turn over onto desired platter. Pour cream over and decorate

    with coloured almonds. Enjoy!


  • 8/15/2019 Grey Street Casbah Recipes - June 2016


    Tracy-Lee Karod

    My name is Tracy-Lee Karod. I am a mother of two awe-

    some kids and 2 fur babies. I love relaxing at home with

    good company and good food. I enjoy experimenting in the

    kitchen and trying out new things. I believe that good food

    is home food and that it doesnt have to take longer than 30

    minutes make!


    4 chicken breast (attened slightly)

    Salt, pepper, cajun spice (marinate

    the chicken)

    Pasta (ribbon fettucine)

    Cherry tomatoes (half punnet)

    1 green pepper sliced

    4 tbspoon ghee

    250ml coconut cream/double thick

    cream1/2 tspoon thai curry paste

    1/2 tspoon ground jeeru

    1 tsp our (to thicken)

    Salt to taste


    Fry the marinated chicken in ghee for about 5min each side .. set aside.

    In same pan fry the sliced green peppers and whole cherry tomoto +- 3min. Set aside.

    Then add cream,thai curry paste, our,ground jeeru and salt .. simmer till cooked.Add chicken, green pepper and cherry tomatoes cook for 5min

    Spoon the thai chicken curry over your pasta.

    Thai currychicken


  • 8/15/2019 Grey Street Casbah Recipes - June 2016


    Waheeda Sayed

    I am a mother of two from Durban. I work at Expandasign

    International & love my job. I also LOVE baking though

    I’m not creative at all, (LOL). I used to HATE cooking until

    I became inspired by the AMAZING GSCR family & now

    I love spending the day busy in my kitchen cooking/bakingup a storm (can never thank admin enough for this group).

    I am a HUGE Manchester United soccer fan & enjoy watch-

    ing sports with my sons. When I’m done in my kitchen I also

    enjoy curling up with a good book or watching a romcom



    250g Choice Butter (I have never used margarine

    for this biscuit so I don't know how it tastes with


    1/2 cup castor sugar

    2 eggs

    1/2 cup Maizena/Cornour

    3 Teaspoon baking powder1 Teaspoon almond essence

    2 & 1/2 cup Flour


    Mix butter & eggs well

    Add castor sugar & mix until light & creamy Add baking powder & almond essence & mix well

    Add maizena & mix well Add our to form a soft pliable but not a sticky dough. If dough is stickyadd a little more our.

    Pipe into desired shapes

    Bake in preheated oven, if thermofan oven bake on 160 degrees for 12 mins. If "normal" oven bake

    on 180 degrees for 12 mins.


    120g choice butter

    2 cup icing sugar

    2 teaspoons almond essence

    Mix all ingredients together until smooth &


    Sandwich biscuits together. Enjoy.

    Royal Cream Biscuits

  • 8/15/2019 Grey Street Casbah Recipes - June 2016


    Kiran Singh: What can all 100 000 of us say? You guys are superstars for having the guts to start this group and the resolveto follow it through up to this point. Kudos to all the members for their support and contributions.Major team effort. Well

    done all!

    Bernie Lawson: Outstanding team! You work so well together bringing happiness and delicious recipes into our homes! I

    salute you and so proud to be a durbanite, cos I'm so proud of you guys!

    Shabnum Ally: Thank you to an amazing team u've not only brought us great recipes but great friendships along the way

    so hats off to u guys

    Rintha Ranjit: U guys are doing such a great job! You are turning home cooks who had begun dreading the thought of

    "What do I cook today?" into Masterchefs! Keep up the excellent work. I have started a recipe book of Grey Street Casbah


    Deborah Naidoo: Thank you so much guys for your hard work and dedication to this site. You guys are doing a Fantastic

     job. Keep up the good work.

    Roshana Jaykaran: Thank you we have all become good cooks and perfected our imperfections also learnt many more

    wonderful recipes bless you all.

    Maureen Engelbrecht: It's amazing that this group is mentioned in all and any circles. Well done and thank you to Admin

    and all those amazing Chefs who tirelessly post delicious recipes that I believe has saved many marriages. God bless

    Janet Hammond: Hip Hip Hooray. I'm part of the greatest group on Face Book. Thank you Admin and fellow members.

    We Rock Lets Party. Ishaan Blunden, Eshana Suleman, Leila Ally and Buddy Govender, Thank You for starting this fabu-

    lous group.

    Barben Maistry: We Have Rewritten The meaning Of UNITY IN DIVERSITY.

    Gregory Redlinghys: hooray well deserved mile stone. all because of the great stuff shared on this site. and we salute the

    founder / founders for having the insight to start this group.

    Joan Rusteberg: This is a wonderful group to be part of. Such sharing and caring women. Thank you for allowing me to

    be part of the group.

    Jamilla Essop: Wow Outstanding achievement. N (drum roll plse) the Oscar goes to GREY STREET CASBAH RECIPES

    DURBAN. Keep up the excellent work

    Dean Pillay: Thank you Admin and congratulations for creating this wonderful group and reaching your milestone, we all

    are becoming great chefs/cooks with good hearted members who share their receipes.

    Barben Maistry: This Group feeds our hearts and minds not forgetting our TASTEBUDS.

    Rita Ramnath: N the membership is denitely goin to grow much more. After all GSCR is a site that we refer to everyday

    of our lives since its inception.

    Angela Singh: GSCR the newest member to MY family im inspired everyday a million thanks to admin a job well done


    Shabbir Ahmed Haffejee: Congrats to the best group ever. May we all grow from strength to strength.

    Larry P. H. Naidoo: Congratulations to the Casbah team - Ishaan, Leila, Buddy and Eshana. What an achievement in so

    short a time. I remember like it was yesterday when we started - We all knew one another personally then and i made many

    good friends. And congratulations to Casbah members too. WITHOUT YOU THIS COULD HAVE NEVER HAPPENED!

    Comments from our FaceBook PageGrey Street Casbah Recipes (Durban)

    Admin would like to thank all members for their dedicated and outstanding support,

    and for making this group such a sucess.

  • 8/15/2019 Grey Street Casbah Recipes - June 2016


    Radha Naicker: Well done to the most wonderful n helpful group, u certainly have made us great cooks n bakers xxxx.

    Prema Govender: A very big thank u 2 Al Working Behind The Scene. U Guys made this possible. Nd made us One Big

    Family from Far and Wide.

    Katyayani Pillay: Eshana just had a late nite thought. When you do something and its done with good intentions the suc-

    cess is yours. You and the Admin team have done the recipe forum with such good intentions that today you all are success-

    ful. God love you all and the 100000 members.

    Twinkle Sookdew: Congrats guys...i been inspired by many of your delicious recipes. Even attempted many of them.Thank you so much for making me a better cook n baker

    Rita Munsamy: Thank you to the great admin team, also to all the brilliant bakers and cooks who inspire us daily..hats off

    to you guys..god bless.

    Maureen Engelbrecht: Praise God!! Now for the next big one 500000 and we will do it by Gods Grace. Well done folks.

    Faye Pramraj: to Grey Street Casbah Recipes (Durban)

    A hearty congratulations to the Admin of GSCR for reaching this wonderful milestone. The Casbah groups which were

    started for the sake of posterity have become a huge part of many of our lives. Ishaan Blunden, Buddy Govender and the

    lovely ladies Eshana Suleman Leila Ally and Heather...thank you all many times over, you have reunited a nation.

    Fiona Dada: Thanks to all the members for making it possible and thanks for all the lovely warm people on this group.

    Pranitha Singh: Thank you admin great job we appreciate all your efforts help and tips enjoy cooking and baking every-


    Katyayani Pillay: James you said it all . Thank you Admin I am Estatic for all of you . God love you and all the members

    on the Grey street Durban casbah forum, 

    Daleén Gerber: Awesome people, fantastic delicious recipes . Well done and congrats to Admin.

    Negeshni Jinoy: Thank you for doing such an amazing job, I love being in this group of sharing and caring!!! It's just

    awesum, I have learnt so much too, 

    Vanitha Rigatos: Thank you so much for sharing so many of our South African memories and recipes with us. Congratula-

    tions on the success of this amazing group and wishing administration of Grey Street Casbah continued success, 

    Marchelle DeBraine: Thank you to the admin staff and everyone else that is behind the scenes to make this possible for all

    of us. To all the wonderful individuals that share your recipes and talent with us thank you, thank you, thank you.

    Renuka Harilal: Congrats team,,well have made a huge difference in evry1s cooking, baking, etc...I have learnt

    a lot, ,tnx to YOU.

    Taiba Pandy Smith: Congratulations to the admin team for achieving their goal to all that make it possible for us to become

    better cooks. Thank you to all that share their awesome recipes with us.

    Laurien Emily Moos: Congratulations. Totally best thing I've done on Friday is join this amazing group. Thank you to all

    the members that have made my life easier. No more recipe books for me.

    Nirmala Laxman: Congratulations! This is a new chapter that has opened in our lives regardless of us being members or

    not. Everyone is sharing whole heartedly. Bless the starters of this cooking project.

    Thigamberie Reddy: Congratulations GSCR on reaching this brilliant milestone. Exceptional creative age old recipes and

    advice shared and a platform to inspire all.

    Shon Thaver: Wow. amazing . congrats n thank u to the guys who initiated this group n to all the members who share open

    heartedly their delightful recipes.

    Sylvester Augustine: Congratulations on reaching this milestone and also for a putting together fantastic initiative.

    Desiree Hutchison: They say the best way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. .. I say the best way to a person’s heart

    is through their stomach. ... I’m very impressed with the group. I added some family members and they are blown away

    and hooked on the page. ...well done members and admin.

  • 8/15/2019 Grey Street Casbah Recipes - June 2016


    Nuwaira Suleman: Happy rst bday grey streets casbah recipes. Thank u so much for all the beautiful recipes and may

    we have many many more happy ones sharing those beautiful recipes and great food together. Mmmmmwahhhh.

    Lynda Naidoo: Woohooooo!! Congrats!!... Most of my family and friends are on here.. Everytime I get asked for a recipe

    that I have tried.. I send them right here for it!! Thank you wonderful people for sharing!!.. Will keep tagging..

    Navika Behari: Great will source out my friends n families esp younger ones - and on the 29th I celebrate my 60 th birth-

    day. Congrats Eshana n team for your sterling work and to you and the members for lovely recipes ideas, etc.

    Zaitoon Barbie: Congratulations when I joined this group it was just over 5000 now we are almost on 100 000 that's soAwesome...We know its possible.. happy birthday.... Counting the days!!!!

    Vigie Carim: Wow awesome best food group ever, congrats admin and keep up excellent work.

    Anil Mangal: I grew up in Durban, I ate at most of the the restaurants in Grey Street, small and large, the food was sec-

    ond to none, I've been away from South Africa for 35years and just looking at the pictures makes me yearn to be back.

    Katyayani Pillay: Anil I had the same feeling but since I became part of the greystreet durban casbah family i have over-

    ome that yearning to some extent because of the caring and sharing. The yearning never goes away but the sharing of

    music pictures of durban Food and our culture etc has indeed helped. Big Thanks to Eshana Buddy Ishaan Leila Ally

    And the rest of the admin group .

    Aroona Naidoo: The rst group I have become addicted to! It is just wonderful reading the encouraging, supportive and

    inspirational posts. What a credit to a group of women from my old home town. So proud of your rules. Stick to them.

    Noeleen Clark Pijoos: Wow!!1 aready !!and we have learnt sooo much from each other and made our families healthy

    and happy and massive savings for delicious foods, esp in these hard times#Thankstoallthumbsupforallofus#G0D bless

    us from strenght to strenght and For Admin and staff for doing such outstanding works for reaching out to 80 000 ppl its

    no joke!thanks again mhaw.

    Cogie Bingham: I havnt posted any recipes yet, but you are an incredible bunch of people who have enhanced my cook-

    ing skills and taught me a lot. I appreciate you all and many thanks for educating my palette, which goes to prove you

    CAN teach an old dog new tricks. Thank you.

    Ganthie Samuel: Thank you Admin for laying this solid foundation, n to the members who unselshly share their recipes

    and most of all, for all the new friendships forged.

    Waheeda Sayed: Best FB page EVER. Let alone the new amazing dishes dat we have been able to make & spoil our

    families wid, by being part of the Casbah family we have also forged amazing frendships all over the world. Just simply

    AMAZING. Denitely a humungous THANK U to all admin members & also every single member who selessly takes

    the time to share their "secret" recipes. Also THANK U to those who encourage with positive comments. So proud to be

    part of this family. :):)

    Fatgiah Wagiet Naidoo: Thanx so much from me too. I have nally come home to foodies that are so comfy and home

    grown. And thus far all the recipes I have tried have been successful. Happy happy one yr. And keep going from strength

    to strength. love

    Sheila Muruvan: This group is the best thing since sliced bread. Keep up the good Work. Lotsa love

    Ishara Harishun: Waiting in anticipation, for the next Casbah bring and share get together. Also, a huge thank you to

    admin and all the regular posters for sharing awesome tips and recipes. We have learnt so much from you. God bless


    Magesh Pillay: Wow. Congrats on a year full of the most delicious recipes ever. All that very best in aiming for 500 000

    members by the end of 2016. grin emoticon.

    Benaud Singh: Well done to the administrators for creating such a vibrant group, and to all the members for their valu-

    able contributions wrt recipes and general cooking advice !

    Trishana Singh: to Grey Street Casbah Recipes (Durban). Massive congratulations to GSCR for achieving a staggering

    80 000 members. Simply mind-blowing! Being a huge GSCR fan for about a year now has brought back some wonderful

    childhood memories of traditional dishes lovingly prepared by my late mum and late dhaadhi ranging from the thitha

    pali chutney to the simply mouthwatering fresh chicken curry cooked on open re. You name it, GSCR's got it, smile

    emoticon. A huge thank you for sharing!

  • 8/15/2019 Grey Street Casbah Recipes - June 2016
