- Attachment #1 200; j)) MAY1~ 2007 -~j\ II ~ Grey Sauble Conservation Authority Full Authority Minutes 1:15 p.m. Wednesday, March 21,2007 The Full Authority meeting was held at the Grey Sauble Conservation Authority Administration Centre located on Inglis Falls Road. 1. Call to Order Chairman Hibma called the meeting to order. Directors Present Dick Hibma Dave Clarke Judy Gay Ross Herron Peter Lemon Terry McKay Michael Martin Gunter Neumann Mark Wunderlich Staff Jim Manicom, Doug Hill, Chris Hachey, Marg Johnston, Krista McKee, and Doreen Robinson Media Bayshore Broadcasting 2. Approval of Ae:enda Motion No. FA-07-032 Moved by: Seconded by: Terry McKay Mark Wunderlich THAT the Grey Sauble Conservation Authority approve the agenda of March 21, 2007, with the addition of two items - 1) Auditor's financial statement and 2) Assigning of net surplus back to appropriate reserve accounts. Carried

Grey Sauble Conservation Authority - CivicWeb...Peter Lemon Ross Herron THAT the Grey Sauble Conservation Authority adopt a matching levy for the year 2007 of $71,779 as required by

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Page 1: Grey Sauble Conservation Authority - CivicWeb...Peter Lemon Ross Herron THAT the Grey Sauble Conservation Authority adopt a matching levy for the year 2007 of $71,779 as required by

- Attachment #1

200;j)) MAY1~ 2007-~j\ II


Grey Sauble Conservation Authority

Full Authority Minutes

1:15 p.m. Wednesday, March 21,2007

The Full Authority meeting was held at the Grey Sauble Conservation AuthorityAdministration Centre located on Inglis Falls Road.

1. Call to Order

Chairman Hibma called the meeting to order.

Directors PresentDick HibmaDave ClarkeJudy GayRoss HerronPeter LemonTerry McKayMichael MartinGunter NeumannMark Wunderlich

StaffJim Manicom, Doug Hill, Chris Hachey, Marg Johnston, Krista McKee, and DoreenRobinson

MediaBayshore Broadcasting

2. Approval of Ae:enda

Motion No.FA-07-032

Moved by:Seconded by:

Terry McKayMark Wunderlich

THAT the Grey Sauble Conservation Authority approve the agenda of March 21,2007, with the addition of two items - 1) Auditor's financial statement and 2)Assigning of net surplus back to appropriate reserve accounts.


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Full Authority MinutesMarch 21, 2007 Page 2

3. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest

None at this time.

4. Approval of minutes

Motion No.FA-07-033

Moved by:Seconded by:

Peter LemonJudy Gay

THAT the Grey Sauble Conservation Authority approve the Full Authority minutesof February 14, 2007, and the Arboretum Alliance minutes of February 13,2007.

Carried5. Dele2:ation/Deputations

There were no delegations or deputations at this time.

6. Correspondence

Motion No.FA -07 -034

Moved by:Seconded by:

Peter LemonGunter Neumann

THAT the correspondence from and to the Municipality of Arran-Elderslie withregards to the Grey Sauble Conservation 2007 Budget and the correspondence fromthe . Federal Government thanking Grey Sauble Conservation for theircorrespondence with regards to the Great Lakes be received.

Carried7. . . Business out of minutes

a) 2007 Budget

Motion No.FA -07 -035

Moved by:Seconded by:

Peter LemonRoss Herron

THAT the Grey Sauble Conservation Authority adopt a matching levy for the year2007 of $71,779 as required by Ontario Regulation 139/96 and 231/97.


Motion No.FA-07-036

Moved by:Seconded by:

Peter LemonJudy Gay

THAT the Grey Sauble Conservation Authority adopt a non-matching levy for the year2007 of $777,470 as required by Ontario Regulations 139/96 and 231/97.

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Full Authority MinutesMarch 21, 2007 Page 3

Discussion was held with regards to:

1) Properties which mayor may not be suitable for Forest Management. Anne Lennox-Brindle advised that all properties have been inventoried and that not all of them can becompleted in one year. The Authority averages between $300,000 and $400,000 revenue ayear. Looking at it from a sound forest management view, if most of the timber was cut now,there would be a substantial cash flow in the short term but levies would dramaticallyincrease in the long term if there were no forests left.

2) The assessment and the levy distribution is based on the 2005 Modified CurrentValue Assessment figures for Conservation Authorities provided by the Province of Ontario.The next re-evaluation will be in 2008. In 2009 municipalities will be dealing with newevaluations and in 20I0 Conservation Authorities will be dealing with new evaluations.

3) In the last edition of Municipal World an article outlined that the first action ofanyone who is appointed to a board or a committee is to support that board or committee.. .

4) The possibility was raised of using the $33,000 surplus to offset the levyrequirements. The following amendment was put forward.

Motion No.FA-07-037

Moved by:Seconded by:

Dave ClarkeTerry McKay

THAT the 2006 year-end surplus of $33,000 be used to offset the 2007 levyrequirements.

There were three votes in favour of this motion.

. Motion DefeatedThe vote on the original motion was taken.

Weiehted Recorded VoteArran-Elderslie YesBlue Mountains YesChatsworth NoGrey Highlands NoGeorgian Bluffs NoMeaford YesOwen Sound YesOwen Sound YesSouth Bruce Peninsula No


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Full Authority MinutesMarch 21, 2007 Page 4


Motion No.FA-07-038

Moved by:Seconded by:

Peter LemonRoss Herron

THAT the Grey Sauble Conservation Authority adopt the budget as presented for the.year 2007 in the amount of $2,376,057.

Weiehted Recorded VoteArran-Elderslie YesBlue Mountains YesChatsworth NoGrey Highlands NoGeorgian Bluffs NoMeaford YesOwen Sound YesOwen Sound YesSouth Bruce Peninsula No

CarriedWeighted Vote -in favour 62.29%

-opposed 37.71%

-..........- ...,...............----...-- --... -,-. -,...-.

2007 Proposed

Modified CVA 2007 Recorded

Watershed Present CVA. Apportion General Vote

Municipalities in Waterhsed % Levv YES NO

Arran - Elderslie x 216,038,280 2.5828% 21,934.43 2.5828 2.5828

Blue Mountains x 2,047,054,325 24.4732% 207,838.04 24.4732 24.4732

Township ofChatsworth x 234,982,040 2.8093% 23857.80 2.8093 2.8093Georq. Bluffs x 1,051,225,912 12.5677% 106,731.28 12.5677 12.5677

Grey Hiqhlands x 662,299,633 7.9180% 67,243.48 7.9180 7.9180

Meaford x 1,144,561,890 13.6836% 116,207.71 13.6836 13.6836

Owen Sound x 1,802.394,907 21.5482% 182,997.70 21.5482 21.5482South BrucePeninsula x 1,205,929,680 14.4173% 122.438.40 14.4173 14.4173

8 364 486 667 100% 849 248.84 62.29 37.71 100

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Motion No.FA-07-039

Moved by:Seconded by:

Peter LemonMichael Martin

WHEREAS the Conservation Authorities Act provides that an Authority shall havethe power to determine the portion of total benefit afforded to each municipality inestablishing the annual levy, the Grey Sauble Conservation Authority resolves asfollows, subject to such regulations under the Act as may be approved by theLieutenant-Governor-in-Council:

i) That all participating municipalities be designated as benefiting for allprojects included in the 2007 Operating Budget including administrationand maintenance and the 2007 Capital Budget unless otherwise specifiedin the budget;

ii) That the Authority's share of the cost of the program and projectsincluded in the 2007 Budget shall be raised from all participatingmunicipalities as part of the General Levy, unless otherwise specified inthe budget;

iii) That the 2007 General Levy be apportioned to the participatingmunicipalities in the proportion that the modified current valueassessment of the whole is under the jurisdiction of the Authority, unless.otherwise provided in the levy or a project;

iv) That the appropriate Authority officials be directed to advise theparticipating municipalities pursuant to the Conservation Authorities Actand the regulations made thereunder; to levy the said municipalities theamount of the General Levy set forth in the 2007 Operating Budget, tolevy the said municipalities the amount of the General Levy set forth in.the 2007 Capital Budget and in the approved projects of the Authority,and any special levy attributable to any project which has been deemed tobe of specific benefit to any particular municipality;


Mark Wunderlich and Terry McKay were.opposed.

b) Signing of bank transfers

Motion No.FA-07-040

Moved by:Seconded by:

Terry McKayMark Wunderlich

THAT the signing authorities for the General Account be changed to read "Any two ofthe four (the four consisting of the Chair, Vice Chair, C.A.O. and Director ofOperations", AND THAT Section 43 Signing Officers of the Authority in theAdministration Regulations of the Grey Sauble Conservation Authority be changed tothe following:

"The signing officers of the Authority shall be the Authority Chair and the AuthorityChief Administrative Officer. The third signing officer shall be the Authority Vice

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Full Authority MinutesMarch 21, 2007 Page 6

Chair who shall act in the absence of the Authority Chair. The fourth signing officershall be the Director of Operations who shall act in the absence of the ChiefAdministrative Officer. Payroll cheques shall require the signature of only one of thefour signing officers, usually the Chief Administrative Officer or the Director ofOperations. Payroll transfers shall be signed by any two of the four signing officers."

Carriedc) Transferring monies to reserves

Motion No.FA-07-041

Moved by:Seconded by:

Dave ClarkeMark Wunderlich

THAT the $118,135 net surplus from 2006 be reassigned to the appropriate reserveaccounts.


d) Auditors report for 2006

Motion No.FA-07-042

Moved by:Seconded by:

Dave ClarkePeter Lemon

THAT the 2006 Auditors Report be received.


8. Business ReQuirin!! Action

Motion No.FA -07 -043

Moved by:Seconded by:

Peter LemonMichael Martin

THAT the following staff be appointed as officers for the purpose of enforcing theprovisions of Ontario Regulation 151/06

Director of Operations, Environmental Planner, Environmental Planning Technician,Water Resources Technician, Lands Management Co-Ordinator

AND FURTHER, THAT the following staff be appointed as signing officers for thepurpose of issuing permits under Ontario Regulation 151/06

Chief Administrative Officer, Director of Operations.


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Full Authority MinutesMarch 21, 2007 Page 7

b) Environmental Planning

None at this time.

c) Property Management

1) Lands Watch Program

Chris Hachey reviewed with the Directors "The Lands Watch Program" which willencourage everyone to work together to help protect Conservation Lands for futuregenerations. The programfocuseson three main themes- Education- to promotepermitted recreation activities which are compatible with safeguarding ConservationLands; Protection - to prevent prohibited activities which compromise the protectionof Conservation Lands; and Community - to encourage individuals and organizationsto work together to help protect Conservation Lands and to provide opportunities toreport unlawful activities on Conservation Lands. It is modeled after aNeighbourhoodWatchProgram: .

Chris Hachey, Terry Belton and Jason Traynor carry out enforcement as well as thepolice. Chris will take this information to the police.

Motion No.FA -07 -044

Moved by:Seconded by:

Mark WunderlichJudy Gay

THAT the "Lands Watch Program" to protect Conservation Lands be approved.


d) Forestry, Fish and Wildlife - None at this time.

None at this time.

e) Communications/Public Relations - None at this time.

None at this time.

f) Administration

1) Receipts and Expenses

Motion No.FA -07 -045

Moved by:Seconded by:

Ross HerronJudy Gay

THAT the Grey Sauble Conservation Authority approve the receipts and expendituresfor February 2007. Carried

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Full Authority MinutesMarch 21, 2007 Page 8

9. Business For Information

a) Water Management

I) Program Presentation

Doug Hill, Director of Operations and John Bittorf, Water Resources Technician, made apresentation which outlined their responsibilities with the Conservation Authority as well astheir qualifications and experience.

Peter Lemon left the meeting at 3:I0 p.m.

b) Environmental Planning

None at this time.

c) Property Management

I) Entrance Sign

Chris Hachey presented a diagram of the sign for the entrance sign to the ConservationAdministration Centre which will be installed by Bloodworth Masonry. The cost is $20,000,including lighting for the sign, and is still within budget.

d) Forestry, Fish, and Wildlife

1) Program Presentation

Anne Lennox-Brindle - Forestry and Wildlife Co-Ordinator, Carl Sadler - ForestryTechnician (Grey County), and Cam Bennett - Forestry Technician made a presentation tothe Authority on their duties .with the Conservation Authority and their qualifications andexpenence.

Terry McKay left meeting at 3:30 p.m.

e) Communications/Public Relations

1) Donations from Book Sales

Paula Tymchuk from the Flesherton Area has written a book entitled "Freedom in the Skies"and wants to donate a portion of the sale of her book to Grey Sauble Conservation. The bookincludes photos from Grey and Bruce Counties.

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2) Council Presentations

Dick Hibma, Jim Manicom, and Krista McKee have attended Council meetings at Meaford,South Bruce Peninsula and Georgian Bluffs and on March 26 they will attend Council at theTown of The Blue Mountains with regards to the Authority's 2007 budget. They hadattended Grey Highlands Council on an earlier date.

3) Wildwater Program

Krista McKee, Allyson Hibma, and a co-op student attended 15 schools in the watershedpromoting wildwater safety to a total of 1,100 children.

f) Administration

None at this time

g) : Source Water Protection

A program report had been submitted from Don Smith, Project Manager, Source WaterProtection

10. In-Camera

None at this time

11. Chairman's Report

As Chair of Conservation Ontario, Dick has attended annual general meetings in GrandRiver, in Long Point for Simcoe, and for Upper Thames in Stratford. He also attended theConservation Ontario meeting on March 5 and various Council meetings with regards to the2007 budget. The Annual General Meeting for the Foundation held on March 18 was wellattended.

12. Other Business

a) Foundation Minutes - None at this time.

b) Staff Minutes - None at this time.

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c) Joint Health and Safety Committee

Motion No.FA-07-046

Moved by:Seconded by:

Mark WunderlichDave Clarke

THAT the Grey Sauble Conservation Authority approve the Health and SafetyCommittee minutes of March 6,2007.

Carriedd) Next meeting -April 11 at 1:15p.m.

The Province is donating $2,000 towards the Grey Sauble Conservation 50thAnniversarybeing held on June 9. Confinnation has also been received that the Town of The BlueMountains will be reimbursed $10,000 towards the ice removal in Clarksburg.

13. Adjournment

Adjourned at 4:45 p.m. by Ross Herron

Dick HibmaChainnan

Doreen RobinsonAdministrative Assistant