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The 7 elements of Greek Culture

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Customs & Traditions.

Social Organization.

Economic System.

Art & Literature.

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In a parliamentary representative democratic republic, where by the Prime Minister of Greece is the head of government, and of a multi-party system. Between the restoration of democracy and the Greek government-debt crisis the party system was dominated by the liberal-conservative New Democracy.

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The Greeks had a polytheistic religion. Their gods were omnipotent, immortal and perfect in every way including the physical. Gods manifested the rights, through dreams, divination and natural phenomena. Temples were made for them and their belongings.

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About 1700 BC the Greeks already had a language That was already established as Greek, at the arrival of the finicios in 800 BC, they modified the Greek alphabet with expand. Together With The establishment of writing Began to Develop science, philosophy and literature. Beginning of This comes to stories like the Iliad and the Odyssey and writers Thales of Miletus.

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Customs and Traditions.

Greece was occupied for Persian, Roman and Turkish in different epochs, which left a brand in the culture of the country that they reflect in his customs of religion, national holidays, and one of the most famous things that have, the weddings that they do.

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- To throw plates to the soil to break them.

It consists of throwing the plates that are done of crockery and this show their happiness.

- Carnival.

The Greeks call to the carnival "Apokries", which they are two weeks of holiday that has his beginning on first Sunday, the two weeks before the beginning of the Lent, and it has his end in the Lent called also " clean Monday " or "Kathari Deutera". They dance and drink during the whole day and the night.

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1. In Greece, the Holy Week is the most important religious holiday, is because of it that have a very particular and a bit dangerous custom. Exactly in Chios's island, two churches rivals light thousands of fireworks them one to be sent to other one.

2. The women are in the habit of happening the evenings conversing in the doors of his houses, it happens that most of the Greek life happens in the street. The men go out to play cards in the nights and do it up to entry the dawn.

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Social Organization.

Ancient Greece society was divided in two groups: Citizens and Metics.

Citizens: Were those who were born in a home with both athenians parents.

Metics: Were those who had a foreign origin.

Slaves performed work as laborers and servants. They were bought from foreign slave traders or were received in exchange for payment of a debt.

Metics and slaves had no legal rights, they could not obtain property or speak in court. Only men were named in classes. Women also acquired the same position as their husbands. Women had no right to participate in public life.

Greek Society

Citicenz Noncitizens

Woman Metics Slaves

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Economic System.

The economy of Greece bases principally on the export of fish sword, Dolphins, antiquities, soldiers, paradisiac islands and philosophers.

The economy of the majority of the population is based on the culture of coca and pines, of which they extract the majority of his food and the remaining part of the population devotes itself to the hunt for giant squids and marine rich monsters in calcium and vitamin C.

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Arts and Literature.

Literature: The Greek language arose from the proto-Indo-European language, though roughly one-third of its words cannot be derived from various reconstructions of the tongue. A number of alphabets and syllabaries had been used to render Greek. The two major lyrical poets were Sappho and Pindar

Art: Large-scale ceramic vessels were produced as grave markers. As these were originally decorated with just repeated angular patterns, the style became known as "Geometric" art

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Isaac Aguilar.

Mariana Chaclan.

Diego Girón.

Laura Quiroa.

Marisol Solares.