Homes Collection

GREATNESS Homes Collection

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Homes Collection

Page 2: GREATNESS Homes Collection

A glimpse over the Spanish Hidden Treasures

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Back in January 2010 a dream started to come true: two cousins with similar backgrounds and

interests decided to join forces to start a new business focused on which we are really passionate:

Spain and its Cultural Heritage.

Greatness is the result of this common passion combined with the enthusiasm of our young

team and network of collaborators (experts, institutions, and private owners) that have believed and

supported our project whose leit-motif is “Unique experiences for the most sophisticated clients”.

Launching this first edition of the Greatness Homes Collection, we proudly share with you

some of the most exclusive, beautiful and unique private homes in Spain.

We invite you to unfold Greatness and join us in the journey of knowing Spain, its people and

cultural heritage from a different perspective and with a privileged and unique access that has not

been offered before.

Founders GreetingsEnjoying the world of Greatness is the ultimate

expression of exclusivity and luxury relies on having

a privileged access to it.

Isabel Benjumea, Founder and CEO

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Spain is the second greatest contributor of sites declared by UNESCO World Heritage Sites

though many remain unknown.

Greatness offers the possibility to follow in the footsteps of history, discovering places,

landscapes and works of art many of which are inaccessible or not well known. Experience the

feeling of being the first to discover them in a unique way.

Throughout History Spain has witnessed in its splendor and decadence important Christian

civilisation (Iberian, Phoenician, Roman, Jew, Christian, and Muslim) which have left as a legacy a

variety of artistic forms of expression: Painting, Architecture, Music and Literature thus makes Spain

a unique cultural destination.

Greatness is a journey into the past and present of Spanish Heritage, hand in hand with the

best experts, enjoying unique perspective, and offering exclusive access to private residences and Art


Discovering the Unknown

Greatness is a different experience,

a new approach to Spanish Heritage and History:

Exclusivity and excellence for the most sophisticated clients.

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Greatness Homes

We proudly present the first edition of the Greatness

Homes Collection and invite you to discover some of the

most Exclusive, Beautiful and Unique Spanish Private Homes.

Historic Houses, Palaces, Castles in the countryside or

in the city, many of them with magnificent art collections,

inaccessible to the general public open their doors for the first

time only for our clients.

Be a guest staying at any of these wonderful homes;

organize a reception for your friends or clients and enjoy the

opportunity to learn about the history of the most illustrious

Spanish families directly from their descendants.

All of our homes and their staff offer the best attention to

our clients following the highest standards of service.

We invite you to discover a selection of our

collection in this catalogue…

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The Palace is located in the well-known Sevillian

neighborhood of Santa Cruz. This magnificent

thirteenth century building was originally part

of the Alcazar (Royal Palace). Nowadays, it is an independent

residence which colorful patio it’s one of the most admired

sights in Seville.

The medieval façade shows a sculpture of the American

writer Washington Irving, who lived within these walls while he

wrote his most famous work “Tales from the Alhambra”.

From the different rooms and terraces of the palace, the

guests will enjoy the unequalled views of the Alcazar gardens,

full of soaring palm trees and the geometric parterres. Today,

the palace is one of the properties of the Marchioness of

Tenorio, granddaughter of Duke of Peñaranda, nephew of

Eugenie de Montijo, Empress of the French.

Marchioness of Tenorio PalaceSeville

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Marchioness of Tenorio Palace

Type of house: Historic

Availability for: Stays/Rentals

- Sleeps: 18 (9 rooms)

- Service: Fully Staffed / B&B

Celebrations: up to 50 people


The site of La Granjilla, is part and parcel of the

Fresneda, one of the big farms acquired in the

context of the creation of the Royal Domain

of El Escorial by King Philip II (1527-1598), who inherited

from his father the Emperor Charles V, the largest empire

known until that time, in a Spain at its height and splendor.

The site has significant natural, historical and artistic heritage.

A remarkable palatial mansion, a convent and the chapel of

St. John the Baptist, built in the sixteenth century by the best

technicians of the time by order of the King, for his personal

use, some of which are surrounded by various ponds and

Renaissance gardens.

The overall project was one of the most ambitious of

“La Granjilla de la Fresneda” PalaceEl Escorial, Madrid

“Discover King Phillip II

Favourite Place…”

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all held in the Royal Site of San Lorenzo de El Escorial. To

this end, numerous and complex actions were executed, in

both architectural and urban domains. Natural environment,

artificially transformed to generate a new landscape in line

with Renaissance tastes of the moment, was supplemented

by significant engineering works. In this regard, there were

different water infrastructures, through a sophisticated system

of lakes, ponds, and pipelines. These Royal ponds are the most

remarkable renaissance dams that have survived.

With this context as a starting point, La Granjilla has been

used by the various royal houses that followed over time, for

different celebrations, hunting and general enjoyment of its

members, until its confiscation and auction, when it passed to

the family who currently owns the site.

La Granjilla de la Fresneda

Type of house: Historic

Availability for: Stays/Rentals

- Sleeps: 10 (5 rooms)

- Service: Fully Staffed / B&B

Celebrations: up to 150 people


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Oca is the most impressive and most famous of

Galician Pazos (Palaces). Usually referred to

as the “Generalife of the north” or “Galician

Versailles” it’s just 15 miles away from Santiago de Compostela,

final milestone of St. James´s way.

Originally a Fortress dating from the 12th century it is

during the 18th century when Fernando Gayoso, Marquis

of Camarasa transforms it into its current appearance being

the golden granite stones of the walls that evokes a forgotten

paradise full of romanticism. Through the House of Camarasa

it was inherited by its present owner The Casa Ducal de

Medinaceli Foundation who preserves it for future generations.

Above all the gardens from Oca are what astonish the

most. Recently restored to its 18th-century glory, the beauty

here is the fusion of formal garden with working farm. The

combination of the useful and the decorative here is a natural

phenomenon, and not an artificial creation in the mood of

Marie-Antoinette’s hameau at Versailles. This is a mossy,

misty melancholic garden, wonderful in early spring when the

legendary camellias come out.

The Marchioness de Casa Valdes, who was raised in a Pazo

and wrote the classic History of Spanish gardens, described a

pazo, and Oca was the best example:

Pazo de OcaPontevedra, Galicia

“The gardens of Galicia, however strange it may sound,

are winter gardens, best visited in the clouds and mists. That

is when they become scenes of extraordinary flowering, true

explosions of colour. In February the camellias and mimosas

start to bloom, acquiring exalted proportions. The pazos of

Galicia are extraordinarily beautiful and it is impossible to

speak of them without sounding nostalgic.”

“The Galician Versailles”

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Situated in the heart of Extremadura, Land of

the Spanish Conquistadores, this wonderful

countryside Home offers a unique experience to

the visitor. Owned by the Count of Guadalhorce, he and his

family have created a small paradise out of an old stable that

will allow the visitor to enjoy the authentic experience of the

Spanish countryside.

Its beautiful garden filled with colours and scents were

designed by the Countess and along with the pool is the best

place to relax while enjoying delicious appetizers from the local

gastronomy and the house farm. During the winter, all the fire

places of the house create a peaceful and relaxing ambiance

where the library becomes the most popular room of the house.

“El Vallejuelo” Country HouseTrujillo. Cáceres

“Discover the Treasures from

Extremadura staying at one

of the most exclusive private

properties in the area.”

Pazo de Oca

Type of house: Historic

Availability for: Stays/Rentals

- Sleeps: 10 (5 rooms)

- Service: B&B

Celebrations: up to 200 people


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The landscape that surrounds El Vallejuelo offers spectacular

seasonal views, a perfect scenery to enjoy and discover walking

or horse riding. The house service lead by María and Francisco

will always be ready to attend the needs of the guests.

El Vallejuelo

Type of house: Country House

Availability for: Stays/Rentals

- Sleeps: 18 (9 rooms)

- Service: Fully Staffed/B&B

Celebrations: up to 150 people


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Built in the 15th-century by the powerful Marquis

of Villena, Belmonte is one of the best preserved

medieval castles in Spain after the last important

restoration accomplished by their owners, the Ducal House

of Peñaranda and Montijo. It is located in the province of

Cuenca, birthplace for some of the oldest Castilian lineages,

ninety miles away from Madrid.

This castle has been the scenery of great historical moments

such as battles to conquer the Castilian crown, Royal Lodge to

the Catholic Monarchs, Ferdinand and Isabella, or the birth

of the renaissance poet Fray Luis de Leon. It has also been

the setting of the film “El Cid” with Charlon Heston and Sofia

Loren as main characters.

The Interiors are dominated by outstanding stucco works of

Gothic and Moorish style and by a Neo-Gothic courtyard built

during the 19th century in the restoration accomplished by its

former owner, The Empress Eugenie, who passed it on to his

nephew the Duke of Peñaranda de Duero.

Belmonte CastleCuenca

Belmonte Castle

Type of house: Historic

Celebrations: up to 200 people


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Residence of the Marquis of Santa Cruz,

descendant of the Spanish Admiral, Don Álvaro

de Bazán hero of the Battle of Lepanto. In this

palace you can certainly admire one of the finest private art

collections of Madrid. Largely unknown to the general public,

the palace holds art works of Vicente López, Madrazo and


Highlighting among all of them we find a Goya collection,

with a portrait of the Duke of San Carlos, the homeowner’s

ancestor and other paintings with scenes of San Francisco de

Borja. Goya was always closely related to the great families of

San Bernardino’s PalaceMadrid

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the Spanish Court, including the Santa Cruz family, where he

painted the famous portrait of the X Marchioness, property of

the Prado Museum.

The former Marquis and Marchioness of Santa Cruz,

who had always lived in this house, had a relevant role in the

Spanish foreign office as Ambassadors in London during

the sixties.

“Los Hornillos” Country HouseLas Fraguas, Santander

The Hornillos’ Country House was built by Ralph

Selden Wornam, a British architect, at the

beginning of the last century in an old property

of the Duke of Santo Mauro’s family.

Besides being one of the few examples of the Victorian

Architecture in Spain, this house is considered to be the

architectural precedent for the construction of the Magdalena’s

Royal Palace in Santander built for their majesties King

Alfonso XIII and his wife Victoria Eugenia. The Duke of

Santo Mauro held one of the most prominent positions within

the Royal House, as Lord Chamberlain and therefore the

King and Queen stayed at Las Fraguas many times during the

summer season.

San Bernardino’s Palace

Type of house: Historic

Celebrations: up to 50 people


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The house is surrounded by a stunning park and gardens

with a pond, rose garden and century trees beautifully

displayed over thirty hectares.

Nowadays “Los Hornillos” belongs to the Duke’s great-

grandson, the Marquis of Santa Cruz. This house has

recently attracted some film producers’, being the setting of

the famous movie “The others” with Nicole Kidman.

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Los Hornillos

Type of house: Historic/Country House

Availability for: Stays/Rentals

- Sleeps: 10 (5 rooms)

- Service: B&B

Celebrations: up to 150 people


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Property of the Marquis of Valdueza is located

outside of the fortified city of Ávila. This splendid

Palace has been owned by the same family for

centuries transmitted by inheritance from father to son. Today

it is held by the Alvarez de Toledo family.

The Palace was built by the Archdeacon Don Pedro Daza

at the end of the 15th century, and it was the birthplace of Don

Sancho Dávila y Daza, Commandant in chief of the Spanish

Army and the lieutenant of the Grand Duke of Alba, Don

Fernando Alvaréz de Toledo, during the battles of Flanders

and Portugal.

“El Pinar” Country HouseÁvila

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The palace is surrounded by an extensive garden and park.

It has also many magnificent oaks, many of which are more

than several centuries old. Inside the house there are many

painting and ornamental elements which have been kept over

generations to the present time.

The fortified city of Ávila, located nearby is worth a visit to

enjoy its cathedral and its many churches and palaces, as well

as for its gastronomy and its golf course.

El Pinar

Type of house: Historic

Availability for: Stays/Rentals

- Sleeps: 18 (9 rooms)

- Service: Fully Staffed/B&B

Celebrations: up to 100 people


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Palacio de Montarco is located in the midst of the

historic center of Ciudad Rodrigo (Salamanca).

It is a perfect combination of classic and modern

elements. The restrained and stately style of its elegant halls,

the galleries and the central cloister with its 500 years of

history, its romantic gardens, together with state-of-the-art

equipment and facilities and an extensive offer of haute cuisine,

allow events to become unique, unforgettable experiences.

The history of Palacio de Montarco dates back to 1499,

when Francisco Hernández de Ávila y Tiedra, the mayor of

Ciudad Rodrigo at the time, had this palace-home erected in

the gothic and plateresque styles. The Palace, alongside the

Casa de las Conchas in Salamanca, is one of the hallmarks

of renaissance civilian architecture in Salamanca, as well as a

reference point on a national scale.

Palace of MontarcoCiudad Rodrigo, Salamanca In the War of Independence against the troops of

Napoleon, General Pérez Herrasti used the Palace as his

headquarters, and it was also used by General Wellington,

Duke of Ciudad Rodrigo and a national hero.

In 2007, a new owner who loves the city and the palace

decided to restore it in order to use it publicly, opening it up

to the inhabitants of Ciudad Rodrigo and dedicating it to the

celebration of events. Two years were spent carefully restoring

it. In order to maintain the spirit of over five hundred years

of history, optimum respect for the key architectural and

decorative elements was combined with the incorporation of

new items required for present day usage.

Palace of Montarco

Type of house: Historic

Availability for: Stays/Rentals

- Sleeps: 6 (3 rooms)

- Service: Fully Staffed/B&B

Celebrations: up to 200 people


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Owned by the Viscount of Dos Fuentes,

descendant of the first conquerors of Seville,

This private house offers one of the best views

over Seville and its Cathedral.

This house and its stunning terrace form part of a

beautiful Andalusian neobaroque-building constructed by the

XII Marquis de las Torres de la Pressa to commemorate the

Universal Expo of 1929. In 1980 the Penthouse was rebuild

by the well-known architect Rafael Manzano, who is the first

Spanish architect in receiving the prestigious award “Richard

D. Driehaus” in 2010.

Strategically situated opposite the Cathedral and the

Giralda Tower, this house is without doubt the most privileged

view of Seville, an ideal place, unrivalled and exclusive for the

most selected people. Indeed, this is the unique place to fully

experience and appreciate the events of the Holy Week or any

other important event held in the beautiful City of Seville.

Viscount of “Dos Fuentes” HouseSeville

Viscount of Dos Fuentes House

Type of house: Historic

Celebrations: up to 50 people


“The most privileged

view of Seville”

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This unique Countryside Home is located

in the heart of the Occidental Hills (Montes

occidentales) inside an olive plantation from the

late nineteenth century, which maintains the original mill and

oil cellar.

Rebuilt on the ruins of an ancient Arabian fortress, it is

surrounded solely by an olive grove, a stream and an Arabian

garden in which water is the central theme running through its

many fountains and channels. It has an oil cellar in the old mill,

which is ready to hold small events.

“La Hoyabuela” Country HouseAlgarinejo, Granada.

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The Hospital of San Juan Bautista (St. John

the Baptist), of Tavera, is the most important

building of Renaissance Classicism in Toledo.

Conceived as a charity hospital and pantheon of its founder,

the philanthropist Cardinal Juan Pardo de Tavera, who in 1541

started the construction of this magnificent building, hand

by hand with one of the most famous Renaissance architects,

Alonso de Covarrubias. Since then it has remained in the hands

of the Ducal House of Medinaceli.

After the Spanish Civil War the Dowager Duchess of

Lerma, aunt of the current Duchess of Medinaceli, recovers

and restores most of the old hospital rooms assembling an

impressive collection of paintings including works by Ribera,

Zurbarán, Tintoretto, Sanchez Coello and Caravaggio. Among

all of these the most remarkable is the set of paintings by El

Greco, who lived in a house nearby and was commissioned

several works by the Hospital as the Baptism of Christ or The Tears

of San Pedro. With all this Tavera meant the recovery of the real

“Spanish style”. After visiting the hospital, an aesthete as Cecil

Beaton wrote: “Among the fine homes, I have been privileged

to see through my travels in Italy, France, Spain, India, China,

Germany and America, none is nobler in taste”. (The Glass of

Fashion, 1954).

“Hospital de Tavera”Toledo

La Hoyabuela

Type of house: Country House

Availability for: Stays/Rentals

- Sleeps: 9 (6 rooms)

- Service: Fully Staffed/B&B

Celebrations: up to 150 people


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Owned by Pilar González de Gregorio y Álvarez

de Toledo, member of the oldest Ducal House

in Spain, the Medinasidonia Ducal House.

This Palatial House is a noble estate with origins in the 18th

Century and kept in use until today, in which both living zones,

gardens and service areas, as well as a hunting estate co-exist.

The Family Palace, known as El Palacio was built by the

end of XVIII century by Juan Baltasar Gonzalez de Gregorio,

remaining since then in the family.

In the beginning it was a wool laundry. In the early 20th

century the house was refurbished by one of the descendants in

to a more French style house with the current brick buildings as

well as the horse stables.

Palatial House of QuintanaSoria

Hospital de Tavera

Type of house: Historic

Celebrations: up to 300 people


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Inside the set of buildings, the main building used as

residence has three main wings. The surroundings of the

Palace form a perfect space for relaxing and enjoyment of

the visitors, being a wonderful complement to the Palace and

housing. Its gardens combine quiet and relaxing promenades

with various areas ideal for sports and exercise, such as tennis

court and swimming pool.

Palatial House of Quintana

Type of house: Historic/Country House

Availability for: Stays/Rentals

- Sleeps: 10 (5 rooms)

- Service: Fully Staffed/B&B

Celebrations: up to 150 people


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This wonderful Villa located in Llubí, heart of

Mallorca, combines in a unique and exquisite way

the peaceful and quite charm of the interior of

the Island along with the beauty from the Mediterranean Sea.

The house is surrounded by an extensive and beautiful

Italian-inspired garden full of fountains, arbors and many

Mediterranean plants and trees such as lemon and orange trees,

cypress and laurels. The view over the Sierra of Tramontana is

breathtaking and can be admire from each corner of the garden,

especially from the pool house during sunset.

The house is constructed around a main patio, with a

beautiful roman fountain, which distributes to the lovely

bedrooms. It has wonderful living rooms and a terrace

overlooking to the swimming pool and the garden.

The Villa is located at 15 minutes from the beach and has a

private boat-mooring at the harbor.

Villa XarbetSierra of Tramontana, Mallorca

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The Palace of the Duke of San Carlos is located

in Trujillo’s main square, next to the monument

of Francisco Pizarro, conqueror of Peru.

Extremadura is the birthplace of many of the most famous

Spanish Conquistadores of the New World. Starting with Pizarro

and followed by Hernán Cortés, conqueror of Mexico, Pedro

de Valdivia of Chile or Francisco de Orellana, the Amazon’s

discoverer and also born in Trujillo.

This Palace is part of the beautiful Monument complex

of de historic centre of Trujillo, which has been declared of

Historic-Artistic Interest, and one of the most representative of

Spain. Built in the XVI century stands out its cornered balcony

with the coat of arms of Carvajal y Vargas, house from where

the Dukes of San Carlos descended, the courtyard or cloister

and its impressive staircase. For the last decades this Palace has

been home for the nuns of the Jerónima’s order. Nowadays,

the palace is owned by Álvaro de Bazán’s Foundation, whose

president is the Marquis of Santa Cruz and Duke of San Carlos.

Duke of San Carlos PalaceTrujillo, Cáceres

Villa Xarbet

Type of house: Unique Home

Availability for: Stays/Rentals

- Sleeps: 16 (8 rooms)

- Service: Fully Staffed/B&B

Celebrations: up to 150 people

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“El Regajal” Family WineryAranjuez

The Regajal is a unique family winery in Spain.

Located in the outskirts of Madrid and only a

few miles from the Royal Palace of Aranjuez,

the summer Palace best known for its beautiful gardens by the

Tajo River.

The vineyards are located in a valley surrounded by hills

and slopes of olive trees, low oaks and thymes, a beautiful

landscape worth seeing.

Daniel Garcia-Pita and his son decided to make from their

passion their way of living. Their adventure began looking for

the perfect land and grape varieties and the result was El Regajal

Selección, a master wine appreciated by critics and wine lovers all

over the world.

Duke of San Carlos Palace

Type of house: Historic

Celebrations: up to 150 people


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El Regajal

Type of house: Unique Winery

Celebrations: up to 150 people


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Located in between two of the most charming

provinces of Andalucía at the foot of the Gibalbin

Mountains, home for the bandoleros in the XIX

century, the Cortijo de la Sierra is one of the best examples where

agriculture, pure blood horses and bulls harmoniously co-

exist ...bringing into life this unspoiled Andalusian paradise.

Its privileged location of the estate allows to easily go and

visit Seville or Jerez de la Frontera with its wonderful sherry

wineries. It is also very close to the beautiful beaches of Zahara

de los Atunes or Tarifa.

The current owner maintains its personality and flavour of

the Andalusian countryside following in the steps of the former

owner Fernando Villadón, Count of Miraflores de los Angeles,

an eccentric poet and bull breeder.

Behind a grand wooden gate, El Cortijo, hides a typical

Andalusian courtyard, full of colourful lemon and orange trees,

evoking old country landscapes and traditions.

The terrace, overlooking the extensive estate fields, is

the family’s most favourite place to share special moments

in the warm company of friends, whilst enjoying a pleasant

Mediterranean meal.

The granaries today refurbished, were originally used to

store the harvested crops. Annexed to the main house and

opened on to the beautifully kept gardens, this building encloses

today, the property´s main gathering and living rooms.

“Cortijo de la Sierra”Jerez de la Frontera

“Unspoiled Andalusian Paradise”

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The garden is a perfect place to relax and have a good

read. This Cortijo is not just a house but it embraces a whole

way of live. Always in touch with nature, this estate in its quiet

afternoons, invites you for long walks around the fields of wheat

and sunflower, making its guests enjoy and become part of

the landscape.

Countess of Teba Country HouseToledo

Located in one of the most beautiful landscapes

of Toledo, on the banks of the river Tajo and

with thousands of hectares forested, this Country

House is one of the most traditional and emblematic partridge

shooting estates in Spain.

The Duke of Santoña, grandfather to the present owners,

an Anglophile who entertained the Prince of Wales, was

the first to organize a drive shooting in Spain dating back to

1880 in honour of HM King Alfonso XII. This tradition was

continued in the same grand style by his son the late Count of

Teba, Bunting, a legend amongst Spanish shoots.

Cortijo de la Sierra

Type of house: Country House

Celebrations: up to 150 people


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The palace was built in the 16th century as a hunting

pavilion for the wealthy and powerful cardinals of Toledo. With

the passing of the centuries, it has been enlarged and improved

by succeeding generations of the Teba family. The beautiful

and impressive gardens were designed by the famous French

landscape designer Jean Claude Nicolas Forestier in the late

nineteenth century.

Countess of Teba

Country House

Type of house: Historic/Country House

Availability for: Stays/Rentals

- Sleeps: 20 (10 rooms)

- Service: Fully Staffed/B&B

Celebrations: up to 150 people


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Built in the XVII Century, this marvelous house

located in the historic centre of Granada,

belonged to an Irish General who during the

religious persecutions in Britain came to Granada becoming

the city’s Military Governor. He was related with the principal

families of Granada at the time, among which was the Montijo

family whose daughter Eugenia became the Empress of France.

During the XIX Century the house passes on to a very well-

known family from Granada in whose hands it still remains. At

the beginning of the XX Century the distinguished intellectual

“Conde de las Infantas”, Director of Fine Arts during the

kingdom of Alfonso XIII, lived in the house which became a

meeting point for painters, musicians, intellectuals and artists.

Among its notable collection highlights the furniture from

San Telmo’s Palace in Seville property of HRH the Duke of


The house is designed as a typical Andalusian manorial

house from the XVII-XVIII Century. Nowadays the house has

been declared of historical and architectural interest by the

City-Hall of Granada.

Marquis of Cartagena Palatial HouseGranada

Marquis of Cartagena

Palatial House

Type of house: Historic

Availability for: Stays

- Sleeps: 6 (3 rooms)

- Service: Fully Staffed/B&B

Celebrations: up to 150 people


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“Cortijo de Majaloba”Seville

Just a few minutes from the historic center of Seville,

we can find Majaloba’s Country House also known

as Hacienda de Lebrena, a great example of the Sevillian

architecture of the Haciendas Olivareras. These Haciendas are

one of the most characteristic agrarian architecture from this

area, as it has been part, since ancient times, of the landscape,

culture, economy and History of Andalucía.

Although there are reports since the Roman times, the older

elements from Majaloba’s house are from the late fifteenth

century. The main courtyard is clearly the most characteristic

part of the house where the main activity used to take place.

Currently this property grows orange trees and other

fruit trees, due to its privileged location on the banks of the

Guadalquivir. Since mid-nineteenth century, this Cortijo has

belonged to the same family, the Marquis of Salvatierra and

Paradas who owns a large collection of vintage horse-drawn

carriages from the Dukes of Montpensier’s collection.

Cortijo de Majaloba

Type of house: Historic/Country House

Availability for: Stays

- Sleeps: 12 (6 rooms)

- Service: Fully Staffed/B&B

Celebrations: up to 200 people


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“El Santo” Country HouseAldea del Fresno, Madrid

This splendid historic Country House dates from

the reign of King Philip II and was built by Don

Juan de Herrera the court architect.

Located in Aldea del Fresno, only 45 minutes from Madrid,

the farm of “San Saturnino”, as it was known for its ancient

chapel dedicated to this saint and its surrounding lands, already

belonged to the Jerónimos from the Monastery of Guadalupe

from the fifteenth century. In sixteenth century the Crown

purchased it to provide oil, fodder and wine to the Jerónimos of

the Monastery of El Escorial.

Most of the buildings are from that time, such as the Palace,

the Hermitage of Herrerian style, the impressive oil press room

and the wine cellar. The property has a spectacular artistic,

historical and natural heritage.

Proof of this, is the remarkable collection of porcelain

with “El Santo” print, dating the XVI century, and the natural

contrast between mountains and sown fields that give life to an

extended fauna variety.

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“Celda nº5” HouseMallorca

The monumental complex of La Cartuja de

Valldemossa is located in the heart of the

Tramuntana Mountains.

This is an exceptional place chosen by King James II of

Mallorca to build his summer palace. Mallorca finished dynasty

in 1399, Martin I of Aragon ceded it to the Carthusian monks

who lived there until 1835, when it passed into private hands

with the seizure.

This home-cell is located in one of the monastery’s

corridors. It has exactly the real measure of a Carthusian monk

house, 400 square meters and 120 meters of orchard-garden,

which its neighbors were Frederic Chopin and George Sand in

the winter of 1838-1839. Rubén Darío, Azorin, Unamuno, and

Santiago Rusiñol Jovellanos spent time in La Cartuja.

“El Santo” Country House

Type of house: Historic

Celebrations: up to 150 people


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Celda nº5 House

Type of house: Historic

Availability for: Stays/Rentals

- Sleeps: 10 (5 rooms)

- Service: Fully Staffed/B&B

Celebrations: up to 150 people



House owned by Mr. Francisco Daurella,

businessman and art collector, who

rehabilitated and conditioned his house to

transform it into a House-Museum.

Located in Madrid this art collection represents of the best

private collections in Spain. The central theme of the collection

is to provide a dynamic vision of what occurred between

the late-19th century and mid-20th, getting an idea of the

Mediterranean influence, even incorporating in this the French

influence and that from other countries, with artists such as

Sorolla, Nonell, Casas, Mir, Renoir, Anglada Camarasa, Torres

García, Caputo etc. until completing a collection of more than

250 works.

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Type of house: House Museum/Culture

Celebrations: up to 150 people


“Casa de Pilatos”Seville

This palace dates from the 15th century, and

comes from the union of the Enríquez and

Ribera families. As a result of their most

conspicuous members’ intense relationship with Italy,

throughout the 16th century it underwent deep transformations

and became the filter through which the new Renaissance

forms and tastes were introduced into Seville.

Alterations carried out in the mid-19th century in

accordance with the romantic taste complete its picturesque

appearance, a harmonious blend of mudejar-Gothic,

Renaissance and romantic styles.

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Casa de Pilatos

Type of house: Historic

Celebrations: up to 300 people


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There is much more of

Greatness and its Homes

Collection to discover...

This selection does not end here...

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Photos Credits

“El Regajal” Winery: © Pía Gaytan de Ayala

©@magarcia,© Proyecto Soria Románico, ©Jaime Nuño

© Turismo de La Rioja, © Archivo de Turismo Reyno de Navarra

Texts written by Juan García Carranza Benjumea

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Email: [email protected]


Eduardo Dato 2 dupl, 1º A.Madrid, Spain
