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Page 1: GRAVY TRAIN GOES TO N.Z. Film• Rock




Performing Arts

Page 2: GRAVY TRAIN GOES TO N.Z. Film• Rock

FRONT ROW OFFERS •Prelerentialticketbookingsfor

pertormmgartsfromoperatorock •Exclustveseatmgunavaifabletolhe gene,alpublic

•Easeofbooking-ticketscanbe ma1leddirect toyourdoor·

How to use FRONT ROW Look in the FRONT ROW Guide to find theshowyouwishtobookthendialthe numberatthefootofthepage. Be ready to quote details of your Flight OeckorArtsCardandyourcreditcard

FRONT ROW operales in Sydney, Melbourne. Adelaide, Bnsbaneand Pertha11d New Zealand

Weareproudtoolferth1sexcluslve serviceinadditiontopri"Jilegesalready enjoyed 1hrough FLIGHT DECK and The Australian ElizabethanThealreTrusfs ARTS CARO. We encourage all memberstotakelulladvantageolthis exclusive association

Best Seats Guaranteed. You will be guaranteed the best seats availableatthetimeolbooking However, we need to remind you that theea11ieryoubook,thebetterthe seats

Phone linesforbookingsareopen business hours only. 'Pleaseal/owoneweeklorcollection anddeliveryott1ckets 'limitoftwodiscountlicketsper member.Fullpricetickelsunlimiled. • No retundorretumsaccepted.

Pleistclleckses.s,onindpe,1o,m~nredei,~~•n t,oot,ngwn,1ee,e,yeltorthast>eenm1Je1oens~1eltljl ,n'o1R'OMn111fRONTROIV•scorreet.no1~•,1yw,lbe accep1ed~y1heputil,she,s !or1ny,~urwes conta,fl!!l!!he,e .. 1

TRUST MEMBERSHIP PleasecontactyournearestTrustOfticei

NE\-'ISOUTHWALES CarolMartin-139Regen1S1Ch1ppendaetJSW2008 Telephone(02)69B1688

VICTORIA Charma;neHart-Level41'2KavanaghS1SouthMelbourneVIC320~ Telep00ne(03)6122777

SOUTH AUSTRALIA· Charm11neM~dnch-HerMa1esly"sThea1reGro1eS! Meli!1deSA5000Telephone(Ofl)2318256

WESTI:RNAUSTRAUA: PennySuther1and-HisMaiesly"sTheaueHayS!.PerthWA5000 Telepl\orre(09)3214953

OUEENSLAr-lD He!enRaysoo-Hill-SuncorpThea1reTurbo1S1BrisbaneQLD4-000 Teleohone:(07)2219528

NEV/ZEALAND CohnWrighl -t,bchaelfowlerCentre, POBo~2199, We1'1ngton. tjZ Telephone(04)7232:i8

Publisher Natalie Ching Edilor Peter Chmg AssiilDnt Edilor JustineReilly Adrertising (02) 361 5122



NATIONAL TOU 0 S AU AKBAR KHAN MELBOURIJE Pl.lyriotise l/it1011inArtsCen1,e


PERTH ConurtHall

SYO/JEY YortTlleaue

CANBERRA ea,titrraSChoolDIMus,c Ma,12 ARTSCARO S30 • S31

'ALLO 'ALLO h1J,,,m,.Um,i.D,mJ

g~:::,o, l't1trfa1a~o ~IQfJ GordrnKa." Cam,;oS,/•·,,a. H,cf.LJrJ Marn" SYDNEY S1.!1e 11"1ut,e

BRISBANE L~nc Thea1,e F1bZO-M1r10 MELBOURNE tttrMa1esty"sThe.1tra

ADELAIDE Fest,valThutre A,rl-18 ARTSCARO $35.90


BILLY CONNOLLY ADELAIDE Fe11iva1Cenlre Feb1J SYDNEY OpelllHOOie M11tl.25 CAflBERRA C1ntieuaTheatre A,,6 NEWCASTLE C11icTl>eatre A,,e

CAIRNS CMc:Theil:re Aptlfi DARWIN Ptrlorm.ngAflsCenlre Ap,20.21 OUEEUSLAND PERFORMING ARTS CEtHRE Apr2,,2s


PERTH .lal.lS<x1ety Milt19 CANBERRA Cantierllllhe11re

MELBOURNE Cooctr!Hil Marz, SYDNEY TownHall




ADELAIDE ElderHl'.I Mtrn SYDNEY ro,..nHall

CANBERRA CanberraSChoolo!Mus1c



ORANGE FromMu22 OUBBD From M1129 TAMWORTH f1omAprS NEWCASTLE Ffom/lj)r12 COfFSHARBOUR Ffom/lj)r20 LISMORE FromApr26



SESAME STREET PERTH EntertalnmentCen1,e FromApr16

AUCKLAND Aote.1Cen1re fromMJy7 CANBERRA Thea?ra Ro~al FromMay23 WOLLONGONG Performing Ans Centre FromMayln NEWCASTLE cw,crhewe F,omJun6


EnltrUinmt<l!Centre F,omJu118 AOELAIOE Fesllvallheaue FrornSep122 MELBOURNE Voc!omnAn~Cemre


LAUNCESTON PMcessTte,me flcmMa,8


''"~ PERTH Con&ertHII fromMu12 GERALOTON FfomMarl& MELBOURNE ConcertllaR FfomMu2D ADELAIDE resll\'lllTheotre FfomM•r28

COOLANGAnA JUl)1te~ FromAp,3


$YONEY VorkTheatre,Seymour Cernre Apr2•7

Sarod \ 'irt~oso/ro"' 1n,1;.,, Ali ,U~11,

l(h11n.Bl'la.,: RirhardMarn,r (l1ft)and


GRAVY TRAIN GOES TO N.Z. Titc Arts Australia Card is no more. Thanks to

insismice from ~ e,... Zealand. it ha,, been renamed ~imply the Arti. Card

"Through the efforts of The Trost in Au~!ralia and1hcM1chae!FowlcrCentreinWcllington N7~ 00th lhc Arts. Card and From Row. !he Pn:fen:mialHookingService.havcbeen fauochedinNcwZcaland.

Wilheventslilethcll1inlN~-wZealand l'e,nvalofthe Art~(March3 -24. 1990) <:n>unng1hcin1cmational rclevanccofthe~in NZ.thetran\-Ta,manco,uJCCuon,...as con.solidatcdatthecloseof\?!19.

ltwasallbu1aforegoncconclusiontha1this move would be a huge success. After all. New Zcalandershavcnc,·crbcforeenJOyedthe ben.,fii,,ofanationalprefercntialbooking scrviu:. TI11: ability to access the service from eithersidcoft/11:Tasmanisanaddedbonus Ad,·ancebookingsareflourishingforOff-Broadwa>·show., and"blockbusrer..·alike.and intercs1mthc:1?901n1emalionalr--es1ivalisas keenasonewouldcxpcc1forsuchahighcalibre prog,,m.

From the outset. bc11efi1s for NZ An.~ Card huld=arcunparwilhAuslr.lli:mcardholdcrs wilhdiscuunt,,galore.greatshowseatingand

mult,rudmous other Art.~ Carel perk~ For lhe comfort ol \IL Art.~ Carel member, anrl their guests. Art.~Cluh Rooms ha,eopened in WcllingtonCityArtsGalleiy.V"ic1oriaStrec1. Wcllington. Australi:mArtsCardholdcrsv,sitmg NZmaylllkcadvantagcofthisfacilityandof course.NZAnsCardholderscrossingthe Tasm:m are wckome to use Al1s Club Rooms in therclcv:irustatcsinAuslr.llia.

Hea!thynumbcrsareexpectedcosubscribe to lhcArts Cart.lw.thcycarprogrcsses.Otief Exccucivc uf1l1e Trus1, Adam Salzer. expects NZmemlxn.hiptos,...elltoabout20peiu:ntuf the ex1sung membership in A11$lr"J.lia (where the cardhasbeenestablishedforman)"ye.us) before the end of l'J90. A promotional campaign that willcnsuretheArtsCardmakes itsmark in NZ in 1990

·-n,eexpenco-operatmnof thc: M,chael Fowler Centre :md \\'e!lingt0n City Council ha.s beencrucialinthelawichoftheArtsCardand From Row services in New Zealand:· says Mr Salu:r.

Gt:1ier-JJManageroflheM1chaelFowler Centre. Gillian Hous.!r. wekvrned the 1mplcmcntationofprefcn:ntial anddiscowu ucke!ingbutJU>tlyinsistedonremovingtht:

• • • THE AUSTRALIAN EL12ABETIIAN THEATRE TRUST, •• , .•••.• ~. ll7-ll9Refel'II S,O.:pr,md>le >;SW 200ii

S1dn•1 (02)1>9~16118 ,\ldb(HJrne(Ol)612 2m 8ri,ban, {(17)2219528 Adtlaillo i08Jl31S™ l'mh IO'JU214~3

Vlcl~ria (lh,.,,,ih ,~, M•n•1'')f<>T1¥'4ml. ,,,,.,soulh ll~i,, !'h"'"Khl~rM1,t1J1')f<>Tth,Aml 11,.,,,,.,._ • .,,,,r.., (1fo,'<Rh oh, ~,1 D;r,,,rr.,.,"'''" '~<"Jim/


worel""Australian"·fromtl1eArbCanltag •11,e introduction of a pn:-femitial booking

servicewith anatiooalreachhasprovedtobc Jo<;1what New2.c.llandersnccded,""saysMr Sal1,er .. For1hefir,;i1ime.pcople inanypar1of New 71aland can dial a number and b~ve all thcircntcrtainmc:n1hookingshandledwithouta hitch

""Bookings from both New Lealand and Australiansoun:esshowthencedforan intem31ionalbookingsSCT'·iceandwc·rc1hrillcd to work a longside the Michael Fowler Centre m intmducingtheArbCardandthe Front Row Booking Service.

"Asidefrombookinglhebcstavailable seats at disi.:uum prices. Ans Card holders also receive FrofllRvw,thebookingserviceguide:mdlhc onlyrnagazinelhatcoversperlonningartsin Australia and New Zealand."" Mr Salz.er adds.

It i1 wiri, sorrow wt .,,.,w.,nr,: rM ,uJden pauin11 o/Ntal Pa/mu mr Dtumbtr 18. A lot1g llmt

mtnrhuofTM Tr1&JI, Nn,fsfriendly a11d ht/p/ul TMMtr tM~rrd him tool/ mtrnbtrs and M will

M sadly mll!td and rtmtmMrtd atfutuu mtmMrs· jwrt"timu.

PATIO;ONS0f T1tt:Tltt.,;r o .... s~•')·< CM,i,,r;J Aaow,t~IS. Jam;.11/u;rh, lnJ•:rrr~.< Ud, l.,,uu \wt1m1'4US1r<ll,a f'r;t.,J, IJw-.J. ojQuuni/u!ld L1d.C11>-.U'<<11S11Jf'/,u,n &Pan""'P,,.·L1d. Allr" Allrn & llm11l,y, C,,,.,,.,,,,.~-1,h 8~•t of A•malia. Hamw" a"'1 Com,,,,vhylld. p,.,.,.11;,,,,1wi,,.._ r,,.,,,,.R,,ss & Co. Hr(lm/JlrJManforJ.Sm/;,, 1/ow.,~.,,J

(: l'l'JO ~~Sl••~•n Eli<al><!han Th,aitt Tru,1 ,, .. ,.,. .. """I ,,.,r,..,. _ ...,._,,



f.:;;i~~" ~:~J;:: i;-::;s Se1in11bi,1rubar.officeworktrs let theirhairdownas drink loosens their tongues.NZ prem1ereofthisblockrnmedy FORTUNE THEATRE U~~rStuartS1.Dunedn Apr6·29 8pmWed-Sat, 4pmSun AATSCAA0$1650 + $22.50

BIG MACHINE 1·fcron l/"""'1n D,mwr: Pau/SrJru" Abrillianrfu,ionnfdance.film. 1hcatreandmu,ic.FrurnCanada UNIVERSITY MEMORIAL THEATAEwe11,no1on M•r13·17 Bpm AATSCARDS23 . BLOOD BROTHERS &,•W1ll)•Rus,;I/ D11rno,: £/nci/oop;, Aclnermu,ical wrinenby the au1horof Educam,J/ HIia nn.d


THE COURT THEATRE 20\VorcnterSt, Cnr,stthurch Mar 31•5May 8pm Mon-Wed. Fri. ~1: 6pm Thu: 2pm Sa1Apr7. ARTSC~RO S18


CONJUGAL RIGHTS l>)R,,gr,·1/ali /)otultlt,Col,nM.-Cnll S1ar1:C/n,,sU,·;,1a~1

Liv1ngtogc1hcrisfrJughtwi1h problcm,. A21·ycarold mnrriugc 1s1hcfocusofRogcrl!all",ncw play.l'rcm,crc CENTREPDIIHTHEATRE ANO RESTAURANT CnrChurch.'P,nSts PalmerstooNonh FebH·M1117 74SpmWe!l·S..1;630J)mMon.Tue lpmWtdMay2 AATSCARD CoftttondStiow $19 $21 ($.at) O.nnerandShow $39 S43 i5.J1.)

OON JUAN l>JMr,/i,,,. Grorg1<1nFi/,., A,111rs"I1•1lm D1ft'crM: M,lha1/T•m,,nish,·ili Thcdefin,uveVo,rJuan"'hcrc ourheroi,ajaded&ml Flynn. STATE OPERA THEATRE Wtlhng!on 815pm M1r20·2'. a1so2pm Mar24 ARTSCARDS35 (ARes)$30iBResJ

S40 (ARes) $30(BRes)

DOUBLE ACT l>) & rryC"'>'°" Drt~Nm: Camp/J,r/1 Thom,,, S•ar.1·1/ilury/',"mri,.J,mWai1e WiuylikcCnwar.t',P,fra1eli,·e, Ad1vurcedcouplelaunch intoa secondauemptattrnppmcs~. FORTUNE THEATRE Upper S1u~r1 St. Ouned,n Feb7-25 8DmWed-Si!, 4pmSl1rl ARTSCAROS16.50 + $2250

HAMLET l>J l\1//1amShi,i,,~,pror; Diru1or· 1/a)"''"'d 1/a»lhorne S,owPau/(;111/M,El,=al>nh z::~z;,.t;,,~p~;:,~~~:0;;,~.~~

Theprinceof Dnmark isdnvcn tos,·cngehisfathcr'srlemh.

MERCURY THEATRE 9Fmx::eSt.Aocl<.land

flla r3-31 81Spmlue Wed.F11. sat 6.JOpmMon. Thu.11,mTueMar13 ARTSCARD$15·525 + 518-$28

THE PHILADELPHIA STORY ~~;~:,: ~~.:,';, Du~n,~

Thcmusical.ll1,:hSMlr1).was bas(,don lhisplay.Ontheevcnf her ~ccom! m.,rriagc. Tr.1cy i~ unc~pe,:1cdly vi~i1ed by her CA-

hu, b.and. a gu»ip rnlumnis1. and hc1philan1kringfa1her. THE COURT THEATRE 20Won:ester S!Christcnuich

8pmMoo. Tu~. Wed Fn.Sa1. 6p11Thu 2omS..1Feb17 ARTSCAR0$18

~o THE SHADOW OF A GUNMAN ~ySNn o ·cau,· AMtyThro1" Ireland'~ naoooal theatre companyw,1haverylrishand ,·erypowcri11l p1cceofthca1rc STATE OPERA HOUSE Wel'ngton Mir14-17 8prn; Ma1 Mar14.172pm ARTSCAADS35(AR1.'S) $30(8Ae;)

S40 $30

SHIRLEY VALENTINE b, w;11, R,m,II 0 1r,c1,,, l'a~/Mm1fi; Stws: 1/ana Rt>d/(rrs DrearylifeforaL .. erpudllan hcUS<'w1fctums1oromantic advemure in1htCrccki<lcs. MERCURY THEATRE 9france S1, Aucklarid Apr7- May 5 8 \5prnTue.Wed.Fri.Sat.630Mon. Thu. 11am.lueA;lr17 Al'ITS CAROSlS-$25 +- $18 -$:!8



Comcdy wichabice. Within this 11lay, ktdsfromadeadendschoo! stagelheirown rc~cahngplay fORTUNETHEATRE UpperSl1131T S1.0unedin Ma,2-25 8pmWed· Sat. 4pmSun


SHOW STOPPERS Sc1in1h~1cnementsofUublmdunng1heB1arl and Tan "-'Jf ofin 1920. S~:m O"Ca;cy·, play TffE SIIAVOW OF A GI.JNM,IN trul) captures thclri,h,piri1. Amid tho.- v1olencc"agroupuf ~1mplc. suftcringpcnplc c,i11cingbu1h folly and bravado. bmvcry ;wl cnwardi(t,, Di,pla~ing i1s mdiv1dual ~pproach roact1ng anddr.ma.Ahhey Theam,.lrclanthna1,onal 1hca11ccon1p;Uly. prove, tha1 vve, the years. the !,Cripl h;is lost non~ofilscharmai,,J "u. Respectetl theworld over.t!ic ,\bbcyThcarrefir<tmoun1et11heplayin 1923anditsperfom1ancc,ru1heS1meOperJ huu,einWellingtonfromMarchl>l-17shouldhc unfnrgcnablc e~perienccs.

Another memorable c,perience for Wdling100 (March 19 at the Michael Fowler Cenue) will be a vmt fromJ(IZZp1anogrea1 Gf.ORGE SHE:AKING arid MEL TOR~1f.. whr>'o('.cffortlm ,ingu18camed him11lenicknamc. "llle¼:lvel l·og".Tormta,lllShearing:lnivcfrcshfrom1he rn:-~ugiou.sNcwpcmJa,.{Fe,u,al

Ba~s bariione l)onald Mdnr),e,..,11 r,,,~llybe perfonningafullopera,nh,~owncoumry.when he tal e, 1hc lcatl role in VII,: MEIST£H-S1NGEH . Thi,$ I million staging ofWagntr"i gre.1 work will ma~e ir tl,e largeSI and most grandoperacvcrtobestugcdinNewZealaud

Oneof1heworld"sforemo,1 Wagnerian mterpretcf>. Mclmyr~ will be accompanied by an 1ntematioa.1l l,ne·upofoperas1an,.among1hem lrenc Waugh.KayGriffel. Oeor~'rotlke1and William Ingle.

f)i, Meim:,.iin1t.fl' will be Staged a11he Michael

fo,,,.lerCentl\'on\fan:hJ. 6.9.12and 1<; GA RT H FAGAN is one of1he great rdnrmer

and inuv-,nu"in Americandancc. Hi< IJUCIU:T OANCE THEATRE: wa, founded ,n l970 wi1h1alcn1 l11cr.tlt)·dn,,..nfru111 thes1rec1; from inner Ne" Yorkt:,1y. Thccnmp,111) i, nu" n:gardedason.,of1hem0Mpowcrfuland dynarni,cumpanic,workini:1n1heUS1oday. TI1eBude1Dau,·eThea1n:.chun,ogrophedby Fagnn.will p,,rinrmnt1heS1hmc,,Theatre. WellingtononMnreh lJ -11.

TheRoyalNew:Z.:aland !Jallt1"·1Urecr<,a1t·1h world of Jean Baucn. New Zealand·~ famous aviam~ of the !9)0, wilh }f."AN: Tht Bal/ti Of J~at1/lattt11.ChQreogrJphedbyM.try-Jane O"ke,lly1omu,icbyJona1hanBc"er.1hi,lyrica balleiexptor~s1hem)>1Cryol1hi,oncc famou, ladrwhodisappear<,d,n l982nc,crtobeheanl from ag,,in. The Ballel will tour 1hrouglrout March and April See,cp:,ra1cl\a11onalTou~ p.1ncl formoremformarion

Re1umingfor thtlWO'lZArt,Fes1ov:ol .. ,;11 the !!JUUp that Nol/in.~ Sl<Jnr magume sa1d ·•. ha,ah.,Jd)· bcgun!otramcendir;cho.<;cngcnre. 1hc;amc"ay 1hc 8eJ1lnd1d"".TheSan Fronc,sco-bascd KROl\"OS QloARTET is a conven1ional m ingquane1mins1rumema1lon only.lneHryaspec1 i1~mcmbcrsbreaL1radir,on ir>lerm$of roppol"landrepenoireas"ellll.',style anddre« . With ,c,siunninglyconremporary approachtnblue<.roclantlchambermu<k.1hc Krono, Ouartel .... , II uppeu ai Wellingwn Town H~llon March4and5

ARTSCAADS18.e0,0'==== • snso WHALE NATION t~~.::-;:,~:i:::: S1~r.1: RoJll"1t i ,~, Award-wonning one man •huw fmmf.ngland-mc,mcri~ing re,·da1iun,abou1"halcs. NATIQtJAL LIBRARY AUOITORIUM1Veh1gton Marcll20·24 545p,n ARTS CAR0$\3

A CHILO OF OUR TIME Comro,rr,S,r \11<l,ar/Trpp,t1 f'/a"". E~[(tM-4/h-,/;scu Tippet·<,nJjor work rc~tahni:his ;nungfetlingsabou1 inJust1Ct, andinhumanit). WELLINGTON TOWN HALL Ma,14 8pm AATSCAR0$3J (ARts)S25t8Res) .._ $35 S25

AN EVENING WITH MEL TORME and GEORGE SHEARING Twnjaugreac,freshfromihe prcs1ig1ou,Newpo11Jaa Fc,,t1val MICHAEL FOWLER CENTRE Welhng!on Mat19 8pm ARISCAA0$70 fARes) S65(8Re!i) + !75 S65

ARCATA CHAMBER ORCHESTRA Co~duc1"r: P~,,,.~ S""h Violm. Uritr-Am111a 'lta1/,; Highly acdaimcd young German orchh1rnwi1houtstandingviohn 1akn1. linke-Amma Mathe MICHAEL FOWLER CENTRE Wcirr1gton Mare 8pm ARTSCAROS23 (ARes) 52D(8Aes) .... $25 $20

KRONOS QUARTET Sanl-rnne1~0-based,1uar1c1",ch ,1unningcon1cmp(11:ary ipprwch loblue,.ruckarid chambermusic WELLINGTOtJTOWll HALL MJr , 2pm:MarS8.15CJm ARTSCARDS3l(AR!!$)S25(8Res)

SJS $25

LINDSAY STRING QUARTET Au,trala.,iandebut fo, thi, lauded LKqua,1e1. WELLINGTON TOWN HALL Marl& 8pm AR1SCAR0S30 (A Ru)S25 (8Res) • S3S S25 OOO~IHGS BISS

MERCEDES SOSA rn,pinngwngstrc~, - ·"fh.tvoice ofLatmAmcrica· MICHAEL FOWLER CENTRE Wel!ing1on Ma121 8pm ARTSCARDS33 (ARes) S25(BRes)

S3S S25

MIOORI 17)ear,,oldandc•~flcd 1obe thcvinlinmae,cruofthe "90,;. MICHAEL FOWLER CENTRE Wel11ng1on Mario 8pm ARTSCAAOS28 (ARes) S20(8Res) + S30 $20 8~0K NGS 8ASS

MUSICA ANTIQUA kilLN Baroqt,echambNmusici, this award-winninggroup·s~pecialty. STATEOPERAHOUSEWt l ,noton Mar112pm, Ma,1213pm ARTS CARD S28 (A Res) S2D (8Res) .... SJ() S20 !OOKP'!GSBlSS

ARTSCARD (04)723238 FRONT ROW Page Three

NEW ZEALAND SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA and HEINZ WALLBERG Cm,duc/OT I/tin, \\Ollbcr1 l'ia•o. PnrrD,;n,,J,nr P1ogr1ml-M1rch17 LJUJURN AJ"rm, a/ OwTl~,r TCIUII/OVSKY:C,,,,,m Fantasoa

P1aoaConcmoNoJ HEET/10\' /!N 'Sp•Jf'~""JNc S Progr1mll•Ma,cn20 HEtT/10\'F.N. f·tmnnl 0,.,,,,,,.,.

S)mp/,m,>N,, 6 /0/AIKO\'SKY· 1'10~0 C oru:mcNo l l'fogn1mlll· M1rth23 8tl:.TIIUr1:.N·U ,,,:n,.,Q.,,,.,,. CRESSWELL. liucr>OfOa<1.,WmJ, 1ClfAIKO\'SKY· P101MCoru:1,ro,\ol MICHAELFOWLERCEtHRE Wellington 8~Mar17, 20.23 ARTSCARDS33 ... ~· BOO~l~GSUSS

PETER DONOHOE s ,,lo l',a"'·"

ConceM I-March 19 US'Cr Smui1f11n 8M,n,w Hl:fl)/0\ EN· D,ul..-11, \ur1at10nS COtlctrt ll- Marth22 RAC/1\fMi/NOFF

Prrludr OpJ.\,,l Prrludt~OplJ

Tll'f'ElT ~·,,,,a10 NoJ DEBUSSY M<1sq,,;s

D",m Cah,,rd"~.>4um ~s / "1,1,Jmn,r

Spm Mar19,815pm M.lr 22


STEPHANE GRAPPELU fazzvioliniste,rraordin:ure accompan,t,d by Mamn Ta)lm {gu11ar)and Jon Rurr(bas<). WELLINGTOtJTOWUHALL Ma,11 9pm ARf5CAAOS3S(AR!S)$30(8Al.'S) + S40 SJO !00KIHGS81.SS

STEVE REICH AND THE MUSICIANS Minimaliitcompo:.e, whu,e mu,ic i>trulyc~ptivaung. WELLINGTON TOWN HALL Mar20 8pm ARTSCARD$33(ARest S2S (6Res) + S3S S25 OOOKl'IGSUSS

OIE MEISTERSINGER 1" R"~arJl\AG.\ £11 frD1'1ft! , Dn"a/,J <fdn1>·r~. l,~M 11,.,,~h. ka.,•Crif/tl.G~,:,rJI 1;,../(,r. \\,Ilium /,.~/;

The large<t ;mdmo,c~rnnd upera ,,_~, 1obc,1aged mNZ. Fca1un:, topiruemat1onal ,1ar,;mcludmg DonaldMcln1yre.a torcmn,, Wagncrianm1crprc1cr MICHAEL FOWLER CENTRE Wtllngton Gata 1penlngMarJ 5pm Mar6, 9. 12.15 5J0pm ARTSCAAOS80 S50 S2S + 585 $55

NATIONAL T. 0 . u ,. ' R , ,. s

1Hf:R0tAl. lifWU~I..M"D B~un Ci,,,r,~~'~f>hr• : Mar-,··Joot o·t-,11_.. Mh>i<·: }MJU/han8~JStr Jcan BJllen, the famou< New 7..o::~landaviatnxofthe "JO,.my,tcri.ously d11alppcarcdm l982ncver tobeheardfromagam Recrealin~ che~raof Jean Baucn.lho<; lyncalbalkt c~plore;thc intngue that ,urround, her still. Bookmo~eiails. (114)843 668 AUCKLANDAOTEAWHRE Ma,24.26.27 llpm M1,2s. 28 6pm HASTINGS MUNICIPAL THEATRE MarJO 8pm; Mar31 6pm PALMERSTON NORTH OPERA HOUSE Ap,2 8pm Apr3 6pm NEW PLYMOUTH OPERA HOUSE Apr5 Bpm ROTORUACIVICTIIEATRE A,..7Bpm HAMtLTOIJFOUNDERS THEATRE Apr 10 8pm;Apr11 6pm CHRISTCHURCH THEATRE ROYAL ,\jlr19.218cm, Apr20 6pm DUNEOINAEGEtJTTHEATRE A,r24 8pm WElllNGTONSTATE OPERA HOUSE Apr28, M~1. 2 6pm Apr29. 30 6pm

A MATIER OF CHANCE Co,,1p,.,n,-. Th,Km~ :: :;:;,:,~'Z;:t!:"m" ,hnrr S'<•']

fu.hilar:mng1/Jtatre-dmccfrom Bnlam m, powerful <lmnM UNIVERSIT't'MEMOAIAL THEATREWel'wl!llOn 8pm Mar20-24. also2pm Mar24 ARTSCAROS23

.... ~· GARTH FAGAN BUCKET OANCE o,,,,,,..:rarhn-C.,11hFuwn Origmaland,peclaculardancc ST JAMESTHEATRE W!ll,ngton MarlJ, 14.15.17 8oor. Mar16 6pm ARTS CAAO $35 IA ReSI S30t~ Res) + $40 S30 SOO"~QS 9A~S

TANGOS ARGENTINOS Subtlc and-..:moou,danccfrom 1hehcartof8uc'no-Aires PLAZAlNTERtJATIONAL BALLROOM Weu,o~on 830om Mar20-24.11.30pm Ma,24 AATSCARD$23 ... "' e00<."Gse1is

Page 3: GRAVY TRAIN GOES TO N.Z. Film• Rock

FRONT ROW OFFERS •Prelerentialticketbookingsfor

pertormmgartsfromoperatorock •Exclustveseatmgunavaifabletolhe gene,alpublic

•Easeofbooking-ticketscanbe ma1leddirect toyourdoor·

How to use FRONT ROW Look in the FRONT ROW Guide to find theshowyouwishtobookthendialthe numberatthefootofthepage. Be ready to quote details of your Flight OeckorArtsCardandyourcreditcard

FRONT ROW operales in Sydney, Melbourne. Adelaide, Bnsbaneand Pertha11d New Zealand

Weareproudtoolferth1sexcluslve serviceinadditiontopri"Jilegesalready enjoyed 1hrough FLIGHT DECK and The Australian ElizabethanThealreTrusfs ARTS CARO. We encourage all memberstotakelulladvantageolthis exclusive association

Best Seats Guaranteed. You will be guaranteed the best seats availableatthetimeolbooking However, we need to remind you that theea11ieryoubook,thebetterthe seats

Phone linesforbookingsareopen business hours only. 'Pleaseal/owoneweeklorcollection anddeliveryott1ckets 'limitoftwodiscountlicketsper member.Fullpricetickelsunlimiled. • No retundorretumsaccepted.

Pleistclleckses.s,onindpe,1o,m~nredei,~~•n t,oot,ngwn,1ee,e,yeltorthast>eenm1Je1oens~1eltljl ,n'o1R'OMn111fRONTROIV•scorreet.no1~•,1yw,lbe accep1ed~y1heputil,she,s !or1ny,~urwes conta,fl!!l!!he,e .. 1

TRUST MEMBERSHIP PleasecontactyournearestTrustOfticei

NE\-'ISOUTHWALES CarolMartin-139Regen1S1Ch1ppendaetJSW2008 Telephone(02)69B1688

VICTORIA Charma;neHart-Level41'2KavanaghS1SouthMelbourneVIC320~ Telep00ne(03)6122777

SOUTH AUSTRALIA· Charm11neM~dnch-HerMa1esly"sThea1reGro1eS! Meli!1deSA5000Telephone(Ofl)2318256

WESTI:RNAUSTRAUA: PennySuther1and-HisMaiesly"sTheaueHayS!.PerthWA5000 Telepl\orre(09)3214953

OUEENSLAr-lD He!enRaysoo-Hill-SuncorpThea1reTurbo1S1BrisbaneQLD4-000 Teleohone:(07)2219528

NEV/ZEALAND CohnWrighl -t,bchaelfowlerCentre, POBo~2199, We1'1ngton. tjZ Telephone(04)7232:i8

Publisher Natalie Ching Edilor Peter Chmg AssiilDnt Edilor JustineReilly Adrertising (02) 361 5122



NATIONAL TOU 0 S AU AKBAR KHAN MELBOURIJE Pl.lyriotise l/it1011inArtsCen1,e


PERTH ConurtHall

SYO/JEY YortTlleaue

CANBERRA ea,titrraSChoolDIMus,c Ma,12 ARTSCARO S30 • S31

'ALLO 'ALLO h1J,,,m,.Um,i.D,mJ

g~:::,o, l't1trfa1a~o ~IQfJ GordrnKa." Cam,;oS,/•·,,a. H,cf.LJrJ Marn" SYDNEY S1.!1e 11"1ut,e

BRISBANE L~nc Thea1,e F1bZO-M1r10 MELBOURNE tttrMa1esty"sThe.1tra

ADELAIDE Fest,valThutre A,rl-18 ARTSCARO $35.90


BILLY CONNOLLY ADELAIDE Fe11iva1Cenlre Feb1J SYDNEY OpelllHOOie M11tl.25 CAflBERRA C1ntieuaTheatre A,,6 NEWCASTLE C11icTl>eatre A,,e

CAIRNS CMc:Theil:re Aptlfi DARWIN Ptrlorm.ngAflsCenlre Ap,20.21 OUEEUSLAND PERFORMING ARTS CEtHRE Apr2,,2s


PERTH .lal.lS<x1ety Milt19 CANBERRA Cantierllllhe11re

MELBOURNE Cooctr!Hil Marz, SYDNEY TownHall




ADELAIDE ElderHl'.I Mtrn SYDNEY ro,..nHall

CANBERRA CanberraSChoolo!Mus1c



ORANGE FromMu22 OUBBD From M1129 TAMWORTH f1omAprS NEWCASTLE Ffom/lj)r12 COfFSHARBOUR Ffom/lj)r20 LISMORE FromApr26



SESAME STREET PERTH EntertalnmentCen1,e FromApr16

AUCKLAND Aote.1Cen1re fromMJy7 CANBERRA Thea?ra Ro~al FromMay23 WOLLONGONG Performing Ans Centre FromMayln NEWCASTLE cw,crhewe F,omJun6


EnltrUinmt<l!Centre F,omJu118 AOELAIOE Fesllvallheaue FrornSep122 MELBOURNE Voc!omnAn~Cemre


LAUNCESTON PMcessTte,me flcmMa,8


''"~ PERTH Con&ertHII fromMu12 GERALOTON FfomMarl& MELBOURNE ConcertllaR FfomMu2D ADELAIDE resll\'lllTheotre FfomM•r28

COOLANGAnA JUl)1te~ FromAp,3


$YONEY VorkTheatre,Seymour Cernre Apr2•7

Sarod \ 'irt~oso/ro"' 1n,1;.,, Ali ,U~11,

l(h11n.Bl'la.,: RirhardMarn,r (l1ft)and


GRAVY TRAIN GOES TO N.Z. Titc Arts Australia Card is no more. Thanks to

insismice from ~ e,... Zealand. it ha,, been renamed ~imply the Arti. Card

"Through the efforts of The Trost in Au~!ralia and1hcM1chae!FowlcrCentreinWcllington N7~ 00th lhc Arts. Card and From Row. !he Pn:fen:mialHookingService.havcbeen fauochedinNcwZcaland.

Wilheventslilethcll1inlN~-wZealand l'e,nvalofthe Art~(March3 -24. 1990) <:n>unng1hcin1cmational rclevanccofthe~in NZ.thetran\-Ta,manco,uJCCuon,...as con.solidatcdatthecloseof\?!19.

ltwasallbu1aforegoncconclusiontha1this move would be a huge success. After all. New Zcalandershavcnc,·crbcforeenJOyedthe ben.,fii,,ofanationalprefercntialbooking scrviu:. TI11: ability to access the service from eithersidcoft/11:Tasmanisanaddedbonus Ad,·ancebookingsareflourishingforOff-Broadwa>·show., and"blockbusrer..·alike.and intercs1mthc:1?901n1emalionalr--es1ivalisas keenasonewouldcxpcc1forsuchahighcalibre prog,,m.

From the outset. bc11efi1s for NZ An.~ Card huld=arcunparwilhAuslr.lli:mcardholdcrs wilhdiscuunt,,galore.greatshowseatingand

mult,rudmous other Art.~ Carel perk~ For lhe comfort ol \IL Art.~ Carel member, anrl their guests. Art.~Cluh Rooms ha,eopened in WcllingtonCityArtsGalleiy.V"ic1oriaStrec1. Wcllington. Australi:mArtsCardholdcrsv,sitmg NZmaylllkcadvantagcofthisfacilityandof course.NZAnsCardholderscrossingthe Tasm:m are wckome to use Al1s Club Rooms in therclcv:irustatcsinAuslr.llia.

Hea!thynumbcrsareexpectedcosubscribe to lhcArts Cart.lw.thcycarprogrcsses.Otief Exccucivc uf1l1e Trus1, Adam Salzer. expects NZmemlxn.hiptos,...elltoabout20peiu:ntuf the ex1sung membership in A11$lr"J.lia (where the cardhasbeenestablishedforman)"ye.us) before the end of l'J90. A promotional campaign that willcnsuretheArtsCardmakes itsmark in NZ in 1990

·-n,eexpenco-operatmnof thc: M,chael Fowler Centre :md \\'e!lingt0n City Council ha.s beencrucialinthelawichoftheArtsCardand From Row services in New Zealand:· says Mr Salu:r.

Gt:1ier-JJManageroflheM1chaelFowler Centre. Gillian Hous.!r. wekvrned the 1mplcmcntationofprefcn:ntial anddiscowu ucke!ingbutJU>tlyinsistedonremovingtht:

• • • THE AUSTRALIAN EL12ABETIIAN THEATRE TRUST, •• , .•••.• ~. ll7-ll9Refel'II S,O.:pr,md>le >;SW 200ii

S1dn•1 (02)1>9~16118 ,\ldb(HJrne(Ol)612 2m 8ri,ban, {(17)2219528 Adtlaillo i08Jl31S™ l'mh IO'JU214~3

Vlcl~ria (lh,.,,,ih ,~, M•n•1'')f<>T1¥'4ml. ,,,,.,soulh ll~i,, !'h"'"Khl~rM1,t1J1')f<>Tth,Aml 11,.,,,,.,._ • .,,,,r.., (1fo,'<Rh oh, ~,1 D;r,,,rr.,.,"'''" '~<"Jim/


worel""Australian"·fromtl1eArbCanltag •11,e introduction of a pn:-femitial booking

servicewith anatiooalreachhasprovedtobc Jo<;1what New2.c.llandersnccded,""saysMr Sal1,er .. For1hefir,;i1ime.pcople inanypar1of New 71aland can dial a number and b~ve all thcircntcrtainmc:n1hookingshandledwithouta hitch

""Bookings from both New Lealand and Australiansoun:esshowthencedforan intem31ionalbookingsSCT'·iceandwc·rc1hrillcd to work a longside the Michael Fowler Centre m intmducingtheArbCardandthe Front Row Booking Service.

"Asidefrombookinglhebcstavailable seats at disi.:uum prices. Ans Card holders also receive FrofllRvw,thebookingserviceguide:mdlhc onlyrnagazinelhatcoversperlonningartsin Australia and New Zealand."" Mr Salz.er adds.

It i1 wiri, sorrow wt .,,.,w.,nr,: rM ,uJden pauin11 o/Ntal Pa/mu mr Dtumbtr 18. A lot1g llmt

mtnrhuofTM Tr1&JI, Nn,fsfriendly a11d ht/p/ul TMMtr tM~rrd him tool/ mtrnbtrs and M will

M sadly mll!td and rtmtmMrtd atfutuu mtmMrs· jwrt"timu.

PATIO;ONS0f T1tt:Tltt.,;r o .... s~•')·< CM,i,,r;J Aaow,t~IS. Jam;.11/u;rh, lnJ•:rrr~.< Ud, l.,,uu \wt1m1'4US1r<ll,a f'r;t.,J, IJw-.J. ojQuuni/u!ld L1d.C11>-.U'<<11S11Jf'/,u,n &Pan""'P,,.·L1d. Allr" Allrn & llm11l,y, C,,,.,,.,,,,.~-1,h 8~•t of A•malia. Hamw" a"'1 Com,,,,vhylld. p,.,.,.11;,,,,1wi,,.._ r,,.,,,,.R,,ss & Co. Hr(lm/JlrJManforJ.Sm/;,, 1/ow.,~.,,J

(: l'l'JO ~~Sl••~•n Eli<al><!han Th,aitt Tru,1 ,, .. ,.,. .. """I ,,.,r,..,. _ ...,._,,



f.:;;i~~" ~:~J;:: i;-::;s Se1in11bi,1rubar.officeworktrs let theirhairdownas drink loosens their tongues.NZ prem1ereofthisblockrnmedy FORTUNE THEATRE U~~rStuartS1.Dunedn Apr6·29 8pmWed-Sat, 4pmSun AATSCAA0$1650 + $22.50

BIG MACHINE 1·fcron l/"""'1n D,mwr: Pau/SrJru" Abrillianrfu,ionnfdance.film. 1hcatreandmu,ic.FrurnCanada UNIVERSITY MEMORIAL THEATAEwe11,no1on M•r13·17 Bpm AATSCARDS23 . BLOOD BROTHERS &,•W1ll)•Rus,;I/ D11rno,: £/nci/oop;, Aclnermu,ical wrinenby the au1horof Educam,J/ HIia nn.d


THE COURT THEATRE 20\VorcnterSt, Cnr,stthurch Mar 31•5May 8pm Mon-Wed. Fri. ~1: 6pm Thu: 2pm Sa1Apr7. ARTSC~RO S18


CONJUGAL RIGHTS l>)R,,gr,·1/ali /)otultlt,Col,nM.-Cnll S1ar1:C/n,,sU,·;,1a~1

Liv1ngtogc1hcrisfrJughtwi1h problcm,. A21·ycarold mnrriugc 1s1hcfocusofRogcrl!all",ncw play.l'rcm,crc CENTREPDIIHTHEATRE ANO RESTAURANT CnrChurch.'P,nSts PalmerstooNonh FebH·M1117 74SpmWe!l·S..1;630J)mMon.Tue lpmWtdMay2 AATSCARD CoftttondStiow $19 $21 ($.at) O.nnerandShow $39 S43 i5.J1.)

OON JUAN l>JMr,/i,,,. Grorg1<1nFi/,., A,111rs"I1•1lm D1ft'crM: M,lha1/T•m,,nish,·ili Thcdefin,uveVo,rJuan"'hcrc ourheroi,ajaded&ml Flynn. STATE OPERA THEATRE Wtlhng!on 815pm M1r20·2'. a1so2pm Mar24 ARTSCARDS35 (ARes)$30iBResJ

S40 (ARes) $30(BRes)

DOUBLE ACT l>) & rryC"'>'°" Drt~Nm: Camp/J,r/1 Thom,,, S•ar.1·1/ilury/',"mri,.J,mWai1e WiuylikcCnwar.t',P,fra1eli,·e, Ad1vurcedcouplelaunch intoa secondauemptattrnppmcs~. FORTUNE THEATRE Upper S1u~r1 St. Ouned,n Feb7-25 8DmWed-Si!, 4pmSl1rl ARTSCAROS16.50 + $2250

HAMLET l>J l\1//1amShi,i,,~,pror; Diru1or· 1/a)"''"'d 1/a»lhorne S,owPau/(;111/M,El,=al>nh z::~z;,.t;,,~p~;:,~~~:0;;,~.~~

Theprinceof Dnmark isdnvcn tos,·cngehisfathcr'srlemh.

MERCURY THEATRE 9Fmx::eSt.Aocl<.land

flla r3-31 81Spmlue Wed.F11. sat 6.JOpmMon. Thu.11,mTueMar13 ARTSCARD$15·525 + 518-$28

THE PHILADELPHIA STORY ~~;~:,: ~~.:,';, Du~n,~

Thcmusical.ll1,:hSMlr1).was bas(,don lhisplay.Ontheevcnf her ~ccom! m.,rriagc. Tr.1cy i~ unc~pe,:1cdly vi~i1ed by her CA-

hu, b.and. a gu»ip rnlumnis1. and hc1philan1kringfa1her. THE COURT THEATRE 20Won:ester S!Christcnuich

8pmMoo. Tu~. Wed Fn.Sa1. 6p11Thu 2omS..1Feb17 ARTSCAR0$18

~o THE SHADOW OF A GUNMAN ~ySNn o ·cau,· AMtyThro1" Ireland'~ naoooal theatre companyw,1haverylrishand ,·erypowcri11l p1cceofthca1rc STATE OPERA HOUSE Wel'ngton Mir14-17 8prn; Ma1 Mar14.172pm ARTSCAADS35(AR1.'S) $30(8Ae;)

S40 $30

SHIRLEY VALENTINE b, w;11, R,m,II 0 1r,c1,,, l'a~/Mm1fi; Stws: 1/ana Rt>d/(rrs DrearylifeforaL .. erpudllan hcUS<'w1fctums1oromantic advemure in1htCrccki<lcs. MERCURY THEATRE 9france S1, Aucklarid Apr7- May 5 8 \5prnTue.Wed.Fri.Sat.630Mon. Thu. 11am.lueA;lr17 Al'ITS CAROSlS-$25 +- $18 -$:!8



Comcdy wichabice. Within this 11lay, ktdsfromadeadendschoo! stagelheirown rc~cahngplay fORTUNETHEATRE UpperSl1131T S1.0unedin Ma,2-25 8pmWed· Sat. 4pmSun


SHOW STOPPERS Sc1in1h~1cnementsofUublmdunng1heB1arl and Tan "-'Jf ofin 1920. S~:m O"Ca;cy·, play TffE SIIAVOW OF A GI.JNM,IN trul) captures thclri,h,piri1. Amid tho.- v1olencc"agroupuf ~1mplc. suftcringpcnplc c,i11cingbu1h folly and bravado. bmvcry ;wl cnwardi(t,, Di,pla~ing i1s mdiv1dual ~pproach roact1ng anddr.ma.Ahhey Theam,.lrclanthna1,onal 1hca11ccon1p;Uly. prove, tha1 vve, the years. the !,Cripl h;is lost non~ofilscharmai,,J "u. Respectetl theworld over.t!ic ,\bbcyThcarrefir<tmoun1et11heplayin 1923anditsperfom1ancc,ru1heS1meOperJ huu,einWellingtonfromMarchl>l-17shouldhc unfnrgcnablc e~perienccs.

Another memorable c,perience for Wdling100 (March 19 at the Michael Fowler Cenue) will be a vmt fromJ(IZZp1anogrea1 Gf.ORGE SHE:AKING arid MEL TOR~1f.. whr>'o('.cffortlm ,ingu18camed him11lenicknamc. "llle¼:lvel l·og".Tormta,lllShearing:lnivcfrcshfrom1he rn:-~ugiou.sNcwpcmJa,.{Fe,u,al

Ba~s bariione l)onald Mdnr),e,..,11 r,,,~llybe perfonningafullopera,nh,~owncoumry.when he tal e, 1hc lcatl role in VII,: MEIST£H-S1NGEH . Thi,$ I million staging ofWagntr"i gre.1 work will ma~e ir tl,e largeSI and most grandoperacvcrtobestugcdinNewZealaud

Oneof1heworld"sforemo,1 Wagnerian mterpretcf>. Mclmyr~ will be accompanied by an 1ntematioa.1l l,ne·upofoperas1an,.among1hem lrenc Waugh.KayGriffel. Oeor~'rotlke1and William Ingle.

f)i, Meim:,.iin1t.fl' will be Staged a11he Michael

fo,,,.lerCentl\'on\fan:hJ. 6.9.12and 1<; GA RT H FAGAN is one of1he great rdnrmer

and inuv-,nu"in Americandancc. Hi< IJUCIU:T OANCE THEATRE: wa, founded ,n l970 wi1h1alcn1 l11cr.tlt)·dn,,..nfru111 thes1rec1; from inner Ne" Yorkt:,1y. Thccnmp,111) i, nu" n:gardedason.,of1hem0Mpowcrfuland dynarni,cumpanic,workini:1n1heUS1oday. TI1eBude1Dau,·eThea1n:.chun,ogrophedby Fagnn.will p,,rinrmnt1heS1hmc,,Theatre. WellingtononMnreh lJ -11.

TheRoyalNew:Z.:aland !Jallt1"·1Urecr<,a1t·1h world of Jean Baucn. New Zealand·~ famous aviam~ of the !9)0, wilh }f."AN: Tht Bal/ti Of J~at1/lattt11.ChQreogrJphedbyM.try-Jane O"ke,lly1omu,icbyJona1hanBc"er.1hi,lyrica balleiexptor~s1hem)>1Cryol1hi,oncc famou, ladrwhodisappear<,d,n l982nc,crtobeheanl from ag,,in. The Ballel will tour 1hrouglrout March and April See,cp:,ra1cl\a11onalTou~ p.1ncl formoremformarion

Re1umingfor thtlWO'lZArt,Fes1ov:ol .. ,;11 the !!JUUp that Nol/in.~ Sl<Jnr magume sa1d ·•. ha,ah.,Jd)· bcgun!otramcendir;cho.<;cngcnre. 1hc;amc"ay 1hc 8eJ1lnd1d"".TheSan Fronc,sco-bascd KROl\"OS QloARTET is a conven1ional m ingquane1mins1rumema1lon only.lneHryaspec1 i1~mcmbcrsbreaL1radir,on ir>lerm$of roppol"landrepenoireas"ellll.',style anddre« . With ,c,siunninglyconremporary approachtnblue<.roclantlchambermu<k.1hc Krono, Ouartel .... , II uppeu ai Wellingwn Town H~llon March4and5

ARTSCAADS18.e0,0'==== • snso WHALE NATION t~~.::-;:,~:i:::: S1~r.1: RoJll"1t i ,~, Award-wonning one man •huw fmmf.ngland-mc,mcri~ing re,·da1iun,abou1"halcs. NATIQtJAL LIBRARY AUOITORIUM1Veh1gton Marcll20·24 545p,n ARTS CAR0$\3

A CHILO OF OUR TIME Comro,rr,S,r \11<l,ar/Trpp,t1 f'/a"". E~[(tM-4/h-,/;scu Tippet·<,nJjor work rc~tahni:his ;nungfetlingsabou1 inJust1Ct, andinhumanit). WELLINGTON TOWN HALL Ma,14 8pm AATSCAR0$3J (ARts)S25t8Res) .._ $35 S25

AN EVENING WITH MEL TORME and GEORGE SHEARING Twnjaugreac,freshfromihe prcs1ig1ou,Newpo11Jaa Fc,,t1val MICHAEL FOWLER CENTRE Welhng!on Mat19 8pm ARISCAA0$70 fARes) S65(8Re!i) + !75 S65

ARCATA CHAMBER ORCHESTRA Co~duc1"r: P~,,,.~ S""h Violm. Uritr-Am111a 'lta1/,; Highly acdaimcd young German orchh1rnwi1houtstandingviohn 1akn1. linke-Amma Mathe MICHAEL FOWLER CENTRE Wcirr1gton Mare 8pm ARTSCAROS23 (ARes) 52D(8Aes) .... $25 $20

KRONOS QUARTET Sanl-rnne1~0-based,1uar1c1",ch ,1unningcon1cmp(11:ary ipprwch loblue,.ruckarid chambermusic WELLINGTOtJTOWll HALL MJr , 2pm:MarS8.15CJm ARTSCARDS3l(AR!!$)S25(8Res)

SJS $25

LINDSAY STRING QUARTET Au,trala.,iandebut fo, thi, lauded LKqua,1e1. WELLINGTON TOWN HALL Marl& 8pm AR1SCAR0S30 (A Ru)S25 (8Res) • S3S S25 OOO~IHGS BISS

MERCEDES SOSA rn,pinngwngstrc~, - ·"fh.tvoice ofLatmAmcrica· MICHAEL FOWLER CENTRE Wel!ing1on Ma121 8pm ARTSCARDS33 (ARes) S25(BRes)

S3S S25

MIOORI 17)ear,,oldandc•~flcd 1obe thcvinlinmae,cruofthe "90,;. MICHAEL FOWLER CENTRE Wel11ng1on Mario 8pm ARTSCAAOS28 (ARes) S20(8Res) + S30 $20 8~0K NGS 8ASS

MUSICA ANTIQUA kilLN Baroqt,echambNmusici, this award-winninggroup·s~pecialty. STATEOPERAHOUSEWt l ,noton Mar112pm, Ma,1213pm ARTS CARD S28 (A Res) S2D (8Res) .... SJ() S20 !OOKP'!GSBlSS

ARTSCARD (04)723238 FRONT ROW Page Three

NEW ZEALAND SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA and HEINZ WALLBERG Cm,duc/OT I/tin, \\Ollbcr1 l'ia•o. PnrrD,;n,,J,nr P1ogr1ml-M1rch17 LJUJURN AJ"rm, a/ OwTl~,r TCIUII/OVSKY:C,,,,,m Fantasoa

P1aoaConcmoNoJ HEET/10\' /!N 'Sp•Jf'~""JNc S Progr1mll•Ma,cn20 HEtT/10\'F.N. f·tmnnl 0,.,,,,,,.,.

S)mp/,m,>N,, 6 /0/AIKO\'SKY· 1'10~0 C oru:mcNo l l'fogn1mlll· M1rth23 8tl:.TIIUr1:.N·U ,,,:n,.,Q.,,,.,,. CRESSWELL. liucr>OfOa<1.,WmJ, 1ClfAIKO\'SKY· P101MCoru:1,ro,\ol MICHAELFOWLERCEtHRE Wellington 8~Mar17, 20.23 ARTSCARDS33 ... ~· BOO~l~GSUSS

PETER DONOHOE s ,,lo l',a"'·"

ConceM I-March 19 US'Cr Smui1f11n 8M,n,w Hl:fl)/0\ EN· D,ul..-11, \ur1at10nS COtlctrt ll- Marth22 RAC/1\fMi/NOFF

Prrludr OpJ.\,,l Prrludt~OplJ

Tll'f'ElT ~·,,,,a10 NoJ DEBUSSY M<1sq,,;s

D",m Cah,,rd"~.>4um ~s / "1,1,Jmn,r

Spm Mar19,815pm M.lr 22


STEPHANE GRAPPELU fazzvioliniste,rraordin:ure accompan,t,d by Mamn Ta)lm {gu11ar)and Jon Rurr(bas<). WELLINGTOtJTOWUHALL Ma,11 9pm ARf5CAAOS3S(AR!S)$30(8Al.'S) + S40 SJO !00KIHGS81.SS

STEVE REICH AND THE MUSICIANS Minimaliitcompo:.e, whu,e mu,ic i>trulyc~ptivaung. WELLINGTON TOWN HALL Mar20 8pm ARTSCARD$33(ARest S2S (6Res) + S3S S25 OOOKl'IGSUSS

OIE MEISTERSINGER 1" R"~arJl\AG.\ £11 frD1'1ft! , Dn"a/,J <fdn1>·r~. l,~M 11,.,,~h. ka.,•Crif/tl.G~,:,rJI 1;,../(,r. \\,Ilium /,.~/;

The large<t ;mdmo,c~rnnd upera ,,_~, 1obc,1aged mNZ. Fca1un:, topiruemat1onal ,1ar,;mcludmg DonaldMcln1yre.a torcmn,, Wagncrianm1crprc1cr MICHAEL FOWLER CENTRE Wtllngton Gata 1penlngMarJ 5pm Mar6, 9. 12.15 5J0pm ARTSCAAOS80 S50 S2S + 585 $55

NATIONAL T. 0 . u ,. ' R , ,. s

1Hf:R0tAl. lifWU~I..M"D B~un Ci,,,r,~~'~f>hr• : Mar-,··Joot o·t-,11_.. Mh>i<·: }MJU/han8~JStr Jcan BJllen, the famou< New 7..o::~landaviatnxofthe "JO,.my,tcri.ously d11alppcarcdm l982ncver tobeheardfromagam Recrealin~ che~raof Jean Baucn.lho<; lyncalbalkt c~plore;thc intngue that ,urround, her still. Bookmo~eiails. (114)843 668 AUCKLANDAOTEAWHRE Ma,24.26.27 llpm M1,2s. 28 6pm HASTINGS MUNICIPAL THEATRE MarJO 8pm; Mar31 6pm PALMERSTON NORTH OPERA HOUSE Ap,2 8pm Apr3 6pm NEW PLYMOUTH OPERA HOUSE Apr5 Bpm ROTORUACIVICTIIEATRE A,..7Bpm HAMtLTOIJFOUNDERS THEATRE Apr 10 8pm;Apr11 6pm CHRISTCHURCH THEATRE ROYAL ,\jlr19.218cm, Apr20 6pm DUNEOINAEGEtJTTHEATRE A,r24 8pm WElllNGTONSTATE OPERA HOUSE Apr28, M~1. 2 6pm Apr29. 30 6pm

A MATIER OF CHANCE Co,,1p,.,n,-. Th,Km~ :: :;:;,:,~'Z;:t!:"m" ,hnrr S'<•']

fu.hilar:mng1/Jtatre-dmccfrom Bnlam m, powerful <lmnM UNIVERSIT't'MEMOAIAL THEATREWel'wl!llOn 8pm Mar20-24. also2pm Mar24 ARTSCAROS23

.... ~· GARTH FAGAN BUCKET OANCE o,,,,,,..:rarhn-C.,11hFuwn Origmaland,peclaculardancc ST JAMESTHEATRE W!ll,ngton MarlJ, 14.15.17 8oor. Mar16 6pm ARTS CAAO $35 IA ReSI S30t~ Res) + $40 S30 SOO"~QS 9A~S

TANGOS ARGENTINOS Subtlc and-..:moou,danccfrom 1hehcartof8uc'no-Aires PLAZAlNTERtJATIONAL BALLROOM Weu,o~on 830om Mar20-24.11.30pm Ma,24 AATSCARD$23 ... "' e00<."Gse1is

Page 4: GRAVY TRAIN GOES TO N.Z. Film• Rock

!,au,,··l',/vai, /./.,,";,

,,, bt ,r1unud al rh

PUJJltOU1', S]dnq O,, na


/() Batt~o/o,,.,.., Joh. Anna Lrr, A"'onda ,11.,fl/t/M a•d

42ND STREET /11u<1('·Co/tPor1tr Drrtr10,:Mu,l.llr<1,..J,/,

f:::'.'"J;:~)h:~1:,::•nfj!;~(Ju,n TaRo/.amond Gl11zyboxofficcsen5at1on.'Gn:at 1or:·Tapping'l<lngsandm1n, r.e., HERM.GJESTY'STHEATRE OuaySt,Haymarh1 mats 2pmWoo&~I ARTS CARD $40(Mon·Thu) + M•

$46 (fn-S..t E~enl19)


SHOW STO~~~RS 1---DlfMI/X. l'hi/C,,.n,d C,:t,:,r,01,aph:,.K,,kP,u,so,, Sra,s-G~•a1Ju.,.1"M. "· s,,.,,,~ 8urU. Pt1c,1n,l[rmJ,Mat~"K"tp,,,,,cl<. G,aarD/Jdv.'t/1 Muhi-award ,..iflnmg B~dway hitwi1hColePoner's m05t memonbl~ mw ,c Ketum .season, STATE THEATRE 49Marli.e1Street,Syone-f J,mShann:111·sprodoctionofJrJi,sChns1

Supemar wa, ~..ndoubtcJly me ~c .ici;:onJing 1ol1mK1uwhotook1hc.1howtol.ondon"h;:rc

~;:~:~ ~';'~;i~~7 ~:711e8:.::::.:·~;1;~, R""()!forrorP1(/urrS!w~ m 1975,Forlhepast IS)~arshth:1sbeenknockmgbackoffer,10 "or\.onmusicals.

NowSharrnllrl ll.1'h~da ch.mgeofhom. H.: <au\ y~ 10 Chr". the mu,.,.J 1hJ1 bombed 1n '<cw Yo,l . "" ITKN recC11tproduc1100.0fthc Tim Rice, 8Jom ~nd Denny (the l"'O .. b"s lrom Abba)mu,icalco!llborat10n,Slurman111c~ly

~y~~·~5;1:: ~~;-;;,u,ical, 1\hdas lcanll'd ,hm,hr1,,.,1ht'roadw.thhisfather"ho,along ,.,lhhi;-fo1hcr.1"".111atr»cllmglxmng sho" . Hc ,u;,..,,toul!fanhv.ha1hecalb1hc"h1ddcnpla)' th.at conrem1 o few lh,ngs . good and c-. ,I, reawn anderoo11on. 1hcqucst-,11mmgtoruli"'lha1 h,d<ltnplaymtheaudicn<e".SoChtSJ a musical aboo1!0,c,.....-rificc andbc11""d)al",sn'tOOmg 100

b.id;~/~;~T:~~;iml opm Ftbruar.1 ] :11 S)dne} 's TheaucRoyal

Anothcrrnu,icailaln,:ul;Jo,ngpn,n)good1n all<1:,~c-.»lhe1fllliybo,officc><n~l,on.•U/\'f) STR/,.'1:.7."h,chiSu!crodui, 11> . .;c"501ldLaelO pubhcdemand. You"on't hc,arabcnrroollechorl oflul\C:; thaII Cole l'oncf•greal WA)!, 111 lh,. a"anlv,mn,ng<how ,\nd 1heto,:.1app1ng , ou11nc, ,p.:iAJe,.,,d,al11ti. ·,ho"b1L·tlpf)calll\a1 thc'-IO,.v,en,bc,1lno"nfor. GosttH'l/ldtoll thcmJohnY"'"'ntlOu.4J,,.J);1rre11s:11 llcr lsfaj<',ty"11katn,fora limiled:1tai.onool)

forh11 drnma11cbalk151'AllTAC1JS.l.a.zlo S.:reg1.turncdKh,;,1chaturia.i,',..:oreuP'idc do,,n. Thccoml'O"'ralmos1wal~cd01rlrn hom:o" " h,-n !>efiN\M:ard l!bl!t" 3> f)(r"SUadc,ltO,l:I) and"Jsflnall) ,el)'1mprt.,.ed.

Seregi,dntttoroflhc llungan4nS1:.1e 8all~1. ,.,11 be in Austral,~ for the n,IM:ar.al, andopemng ofSpan.xu;v.hich"•"l""1pcrformroby'The Au,m1hanRallc1ml9S3

GI...J,,uo".rtll<llinn,Romanorulcnc.:and deprJ, r1yfill1ht >1:1gev,11hcolourandm.'lrho ac11ontorthhoollttb.:l>OOon 1hc<ror)'oflhe <b,·e,· upns,ng again,1 anci,:111 Roman l)'nMy.

Swrn,w",!lhcpcrfoml<'da1\lclboumc", Su,1clneatrtFrbruaryB, Marc:h6and11 S)dne)\0perdTheatre Ma"'h l6 •April.f Gre~ H""m;an. Adam M:in:h:urc and S1e,ro Healhcoi:cW.e!hckadrok,,

Th•AustralianDalltt ""lwr"""'nunga TR/PU' BIU from Ma) J-2J fea1unng CatG/)JI plu,G,ad~lltirm 8GII plus My Namr h &J..,m!K,lly

Februari· and M an:h an,bus) Ml<:< at

ARTSC~~0(02) 6931688

Sydney Opera !loo..: for TIIE AUSTRAI.IAN OPERA which pu,,tcc~, Mo tan', Cmi Frm '.wre, G,lhcn and Sullivan's Th~GONJohtrs, Venli s UJ Tra,·ia1a.Wagne1·srmranllndlso!de:ind Maw:net's"<'nhrr

TIIE SECRET RAPTIJRI'. i; mc,po,w of contcmpora,ypoh1ioand ,uor..tny,cefllcnngon :.-..omJr1"hod1esforherpnncipte,1na"o,Jdof Tha1ehcrexpedicncyandborn·again Chm11.1mt)',

tn&\gland,ihepla)~abnlbant succc,, bcmgha1kdasauthor.OJvidHare\finc,t"orl,: yet. llo"cvtr."l"'"'r.,redirec1edTlteS«m llt1/Jfllrt011 Broodway :u lhe~M of '89,lhepl3)' rece1vedquitc a ditferenl~plion. Cmicfrank R1cligave1hcproducnonmt:b,glhumbsdown, So...,n.omouswa.sthcNcwYn,kT,me;;...,.,lo,', d,saPl""val, flan: was mow,J lo n:ul,a1e and a pub!ic,lani,:ini,:rnatchen1ued.

You'llge1yourchance 1o d«idehow )·oufed about ii "hen Rodney F1>hi:rd1n:.:1sSydncy Tlluln: Company's pr<Xluction . ..i.,,.;ng John Gadcn,Hea1he1MnchellandPame!aRabc.Tht Snmllaprurt'opcnsattheDramalllcatre:uthe Optr:iHou<aeonFebruar) l.f.(l'rtview, Februaiy l0!3)

ks11ca "a mrnt'm and 'UCce,..,fol woman, Jl )•ar..old and ri1ing. The~·s only ooe nbs1M:lcor,htrup"lrtll)mobil<palhand11 app,:.rs in 1he ool,~dy shapeof78·}1:aroldSaol Dr:ichm:in,Thcirencounter i, thc'llbp:1ofRnan Clark :md Kathy!..csm'< mmmgalldfunny play 1101'1'/,\'G TO H1'7.A/\'TIUM, 11:1mng Rachel Want andNomw,Ka)e.

TlicEn...,mblcTheatn:°lrroduccdClaJl·, rlay,"fhePt11111>~.and the r1ai· .. ngh,,..a,.., impn,>;td hepe1111oncdthccom1JJr1ytos1.1geh" lai:c-tdlort

So, u',wmcthmg ofacoupfor thcEn,cmble. <urn:n1lycelcbrmmg 11, 30!h AM"Cl"UI}'. 1h;,1 the pn:m,ertof//ppping"fo/Jy:amium.v,illo1""'a1 thefm.emhlc"fl,eatn: Morrh 7, oric,iepahc:ad of thellm,.

AplaJin<r1redv"uallyby1hcpainimg,of Ddgianan"1PaulDelvau,"asoneo1thchn~of the S[10leio Ftltival. 011\"ClOf r-.e,I Annfidd " "' >-() imrn:,sedthathc<.ug.g.c"cd lenn)· Kcmp', C,\LI. OF 1"111:.' \\'fl.I) a, the p.:r(ec1 play 10 l:wnch llch·o1r S1,..,1\l9901ubscnp11on,;c,al(ln. 0:herWorld,

Th:playabondoo1 the ,truetun:of1hc"-..-.,11. madc"plJyforaf10,.,,ngform1ha1m1ffl)r">lhe "-orl1ng,of11>cm1nd, lllcar1iona1cmw:,,m,uc, com,candd1S\orb,ng.,t,dc,gtlll.'.cfullyand l:in1ah"ngly fmm one11eali1ytoanotherThc piocc wa\ conce,ved a,,aoie~ptorauonofthr: fonalo\OUl alodds,.,ithama;eulinc -..ocicty.

C1>IIO/Tht W1/dopernin1klvoi,S1ree1'1 U~1a,rsTheatrcon March 7

Mar3·Ma~26 8pm Wed·Sat, 6 3~m Toe, 1pm Wtd, 2pmSat:J(Hl1Sun FU Al HER DEmts PHO ME ! He l~JST

CHESS - The Musical f>yTimRie,,Bjcrall/Wt,rso,,, B,nn:, Ul,·u,~, Di"ct,>< l1mSh."""'" S1o,s:JodieC11/o,,,.O.,,·i<IM1fJod Robl>i,K'"p,t, Lavishproductionfrom,n-lonn J ,mSham,anptu~1op·li11cm11sic fmmAbha\8enn;·and8Jom, THEATRE ROYAL MLCCentreSyd1ey Op!11$FeD3 5 30pm&9pmf11,8pmMcn·lhu. S1l: m1l2pmS1! ARIS CARD S42(Mcn·Thu) + M9 lhEIRUST H•SMOO!!>"Sl\lUBlE FORSFECFICD~IESIMfEBSLIR'I r,,o~CH /\HO~FRIL PMO~EfORUUllS

CALL OF THE WILD h:,J~""JKemp z;:;;~r,:J,nnyK,,,,p Eli:abt1!>

S1u,1 · Ma'l(ur,,rumer,,,._V,c,~f/O Eati,er. \fa,;um \li/1,_\fm~ \11nchmrM. Rut'rScMrah,i"'" ""lcccicanderotLc.com,c and confronlJIIOnal.faplOK, the femrnme,oulrn«x.ie1y',male framcv,oA 1989Spoleto h,t. BELVOIRST THEATRE 2SBet,o,rStreet, Su,ryHlls Milr 7-Apr1 8pmlue-f"rl, 8JOpmSat Spm~t'Sut1,m112pmWeo AR1SCARDS20

"' DAYLIGHT SAVING h1 N,.·ff..,,R~I

Plcntyof laughs in1h,s prev,ou,ly11agedscU-0111 success. ltcoocems all 1ha1·, goodaboul summere,cning, WHARF THEATRE

FebH7 8pm Mon·S.t PREVIEWS S19!l0 ARISCAA0 S26.!l0(Mon·Thu) + $29.90(Mon-Tllu)

$3190 (F,i-$<1t)

THE FARAWAY LAND !>y M,c/,,i,//fu,I;>· f)!rroor:T.,,yRyo•i

Fun.mag1candadvcnturelor childn:naged 3 to9. MAR IAN ST.CHILDREN'S THEATRE 2 ~bnanSl, Killari Jan 6-lillr 3 10.30.!m,1pm Moo.fri(School Hols) 1pm ~ 1


THE FAX OF LIFE byPtltr Diml"~n, Pauf F/t1(h~r. c,atglltJSStJ/1, Wa,rr•Lu A frc~h ,..tiri~al critique ofll\c worldof the·upwordlymob,le '. THE PLAYHOUSE S)'llney Ooor.t House P1e-ne .. ~. !rom febB Open~ Feb In 8pmMon-Tllu:5.30pm,S 31)1)mm/Sat AATSC1lR0 $17.90 + $19.!E

HAY FEVER b ,·No,:ICm,ard Di<t(tor· Ptrtr\\'11/,ams Ca,,,.,,,,,: Clrjf,,,d£Ju11 Star,·. ca,.,,/Ho)~.Jo•Sid"'J· A,v.,,JN. Mm l&,

Uc l9250Ji,,hnu,ehol,l i,~ comicc,·oca1iunofEngli,h ttcemricnyandromant,cfe,·cr. PLAYHOUSE SydneyOper1flousc 10Apr·19M1y S30pmMon-Sat mats 1pmWed, 2pmSi1 ARTSCAR0$31.90 .._ $3390

HENCEFORWARD bJ Alan Ayc{b,>Jorn D,rrm,r , Roch~1JCmrr,II Ayckboum·.sncwestcomcdyis aboutthcfut1<re. Cornplc1cwi1h mbots~ndhigh.1cchgadgc1ry. NORTHSIDETHEATRECOMPANY 2 Mm1nS1teet~ilar;i Mar2Hllay12 815pmlue·Sat mu ~ 11, m Wea, 5pm ~USun ARISCARD $21(Tue·Tllu)

S23(Tue·Tllu) S26(Fri·Sat)

HOPPING TO BYZANTIUM b)/J,/a,, C:11t<, K111h1Uvin 11.,,~10, : Sw,J,a/Jatr< Sw,,. N,mrwn Kay,. Ruch,/ \Yard 1-unny.md,.,arrnpl;,y"hL'Te k " irnFo,,ahighlysuccessful modem woman, 3 1, meets 7~ yuroldSau! Drachman. EUSEMBLETHEATAE 78Me(),ougallSt.MllscnsPt M1r7·Apr29 ARTSCARD$21(1ue•lhul

S23. S25(mats S17)

LEGS OFF THE WALL n,..,.,,,, Ca,!Kdl,· /1~10nTh, W"I/ St~r, B, .,,n K, n8h. CtfiaWh1te Ka1hr..n Ni,.cllt'. Tlo.,, B/n,.,/itld Cootemporaryrclatioo,hip,are gwcntheonce nvcrwnha drama1ic an~ funny twi~t us ing

magic , 1rapelc, jugglongaod halaocingroulincs E,ubcnnt. THEPERFORMAllCESPACE 1ssc;..;;:o.-.-~~:. ~-··---M1r9·Aj:lr1 Prev,e1,sMar8 (Hillf PnceJ 8pmTue-~l,5pmSun; ~ts11,mTue.Wed + Sl5

LUNATIC SOUP ':J.:;;,r;/~\:::~a,itM·Plft<r!I S1a,1: Ab1ga1I. Too,l<1chafll> Afunnyan.dpasw.maic rnlcof k,vc amlmi;undeNanding OJ'I''" 1990',GknStscasonfor the new The:me Of Comedy co. THE GLEN STREET THEATRE GlenSl,FrencllSfoll!st

BpmT~e·Fn.8 JOpmSat mats 1pm Tu~. We~; S,:m Sat ARTSCARD$2390 + !2690

MRS KLEIN b>·Ni,h"111,· \\ri~h1 Dunw,.AJJw,,.M,llu, S1ar,· JtianS,Jnq. ll,ft11M,,r,r. M,ehtl,~,,,...i,,,, AFreudianchild analystis the sobJec1oflh1sbnlhan.tncwplay. Famou\forcnp1ngw11hort,cr pcopk'>d1ildrcn,Mr>Kleinhad liu!csucceswnhherown NORTHSIDETHEATRECOMPAfJY 2ua,iitnStree1, 11,·1ar.t

81SpmTue·Sat5pmSal, Sun Ham Wed ARTSCARD$21{Tue-Thu)

S23 (Tue·Thu) S26 (fri-~ 1)

A NIGHT WITH ROBINSON CRUSOE byL,r.dalln,nion Qi,t(/cr. SaMn>Batri Sl(lr,:NMlinr8ro,,,·n. l'iNari;, /V/('r,//s. DtnurROMfu S1xshopassi1an1sonagir111.only crui.sconSydneyha:bour.From thcwritcr ofDinkumAssm1,J ENSEMBLE THEATRE 78Mc1Jouga1St, MilsonsPoint J1n11,M113 SiimTue·Si1, 5pm S.,t, Sun:1 1am Thu AATSCARDS2t(Tue·Thu) + S23 S25 (mm$17)

THE ODD COUPLE bJ· N,dS,-,n D,rtaor:G,o,,,.e B/1t,,,1tll $,,,,. p,,,,.,,,, Srtplitn1on, Ao~, i,, p,,~,.~111,Cuso• Ne,1Simon'shiggc,1cu111edy h11 , cc,:i,e~J fomak interprern1ionin thecapablthandsofStephcnson and Punch McGregor. FOOTBRIDGE THEATRE ParramattaRoad, SydneyUnivers,ty feb 16·MU24 8pmTue-fo,8.3~mSat, SpmSJ1/Soo; 2pmWed ARTSCARD$29.90

S32.90 (Fri1Sa~Sun mat) $33.90 S23 90mat $36.90(fri/SJ1)

PERFECT MISMATCH byKa1~,&11e and BLACK COMEDY hyPeirrS/wfJu DOUBLE Bill Stat1.licta,i<1NictJ/b. 1<,," 8/<1nc"'1,d.MuartWa{S,"1f Jn Lette·saftcnna1htoTVgamc showf'e,t«1Ma1ch. iherr1mch. mak1ngJl(Uvcsfarfromperfec1. A<juickchange. then for"'.c~orm NicoU, and RonBlanchardJOm Stuan wag>1aff m /Jlack CnmeJ> M,ghrnme,lymm,pirc,"henthe hgh1>i;oou1ata cruc ia l timefor anupandcomingam sc GLEN STREET THEATRE GlenSt.F,enchsfores! A,r2• ·May2 8pm1ue•fo,830pm Sa1. 1pmlue. Wed, SpmSat ARTSCARD S2390 + S26.90

PRIVATE LIVES h, N,,,1C.,.,,,./ Uir«1a,. rc1,rWil/ia.,,, S1a,r:,lniar.d11,ll.,R8frtt,n. ,\nna/.e, Dtom<OI""· Bartho/u,,,,...Jo'"' Averypopularandsuccessful 'JOsplay.sc:1inruman11cFraocc PLAYHOUSE

1 4 (Of)~9B1432

SydaeyOperaHouse May23·Jtn23 B30pm Monsai ma1s 11JITT Wed, 2pm Sa1 ARTSCARD$3190 + $33.90

THE SECRET RAPTURE SydnqThra,uCompan, byDavid/h,r, Dl'tc/Or · il.cdMyhs~" Star,: JohnG~~n.lltath,.. .11,teh,II A cau.11ic comedy abou1 modem com.1p1ionandlifcm!he ·sos. DRAMA THEATRE S,'llneyDP!raHcuse P11vlew1:Febl0-13 feb14·Mat 17 8pm Mon-Sat: 2omSat 1pm ftb21, 8, Mar 5Wed ARTS CARO S27 (Mon-Thu)

S29 S20Mat

SIREN S)4ntyTMatrrConr:,any b)•Da,;dW,1/iam.<on Diftrl(l, R/charJWht m11 World pr~miert of Williamson 's la1es1comcdy. ln themiddleof a corruptioncn1rapmen1opera1ion 1ha1gocsw1ld lywmng isa dc1cnninedbutconfo,edwoman. WHARF THEATRE P,er4, W.alsh l3ly Prevlews:16·21Mar

8pm Mon·~I; 2pm Sat: 1pmMa,28,Aj)r4,11, 18 ARTSCARD S25 (Mon-lhu)


ANOTHER DUST T~Jtd,(2~muy A.olop,:rfonnanceanda highly personal obsc,.,a1,unofBu1oh's e.~pressiona!l\J form. Smee 'M\ deQumcc>· hasbecn amcmberof lcadingllu!ohd:mcc~ompany Mai-luluPefonnaoce THE PERFORMANCE SPACE 199C,eve1and St1eet, ftedtcrn 8pmJa•31·F~b11

+ S14

CAFE .~,,1~,y O.,a,.,conrp""' ~'.:';;;;•x1a111h'1; l'aa/ Mt""'il>, Km,

In$p1rcd lly ':°'-"SI Syducy\ <?f~ chuae1ersw,1hcatchymus1c by B,~n Caho! and Col in Newham.


7.30pm Won·Sat; 9. l5pm fri, S3l ARTSCARO S22 + m

AUSTRALIAN BALLET o~fon:sln{:ltperfor moncc

lickets go on sale 10th~ genera l public, Trus t me mbtni hne th~

011porhmit}, Oll<'tsubscr iber ne,edsh1wc bcen sali$flt'd,of n,!ot'nlng l leketsforthc l\l'JO Australianllalle1s~,...,o. 8u1 lnordtrtodothis.bookings

muitht>r«ehed atTheTrost bJ Tliesday February20th.


GraJ11a1in~Bal/ h1gh-spm1cd b~llct set to Johann Strauss' mclod1cs.Cat1Jl)·.,1-Stcphcn Ba)·nc.,· win11111~emrymThe AornllliunBa1kt's2S1h Anniversary Choreographic Co1npe111ionprcm,cre~ Thc thi,d worlc.nlwpremiering, bl>llsed on1helifeofNcJKclly -created byTimotbyGordon using mus,c by PeterScuhhorpc. OPERA THEATRE Syd~6Y Ooera Hou~e May ( .23 7.30pm l~on·S.t, 6.30pm, 1pm Sat AAISCARD $-t5 (ARcs)$39 i8Res) + S49(ARes)S43(BRts)

ARTS CARO (02) 69B 1686

ONEGIN Amtrol,an /lal/N

OPERA THEATRE Syd11eyDper1 H0use Ap, 1MO 730omMon·Sa1 lpm, 630j)mSat ARTSCARD$4S (AAes) $39 (BRes)

$49 (AResJ$43(BRes)

SPARTACUS ll1o,m,J;a"lfalln OP!:RATHEATRE S,'1lney0pe11 House Mar18·Apr 4 7.3Dpm Wo~·Sat 1pm,6.30pm Si1 AftTSCAR0$45 (ARes) $39(8Res) + $49 iARes)$43(BRes)

GREAT PERFORMERS SERIES MOZART RtqMit m llil.UCK,\ '£R. TtUtw11 O wi,. Htlffl<>Song,.,,,.,.

CONCERT HALL S)'doeyDper.t Kouse 8pmMar 12 ARTSCARDS22 (CRes) .... $3S iARes)

EPSON MASTER SERIES BRUCKNER.- S)'mplw,.y No 1$ Condurun:StuartChalltnder COIICERTHALL SydneyDper.tH:JUSI 8pm M1r 21, 22, 2', 26 ARTS CAR0 ! 28(ARes)S22 $19 + S32(ARes) S26 S20

COSI FAN TUITE "<Hfganglln\itdtus illOl,IR/ 0,r,ri,,r.Go,anJun·ef~I, l',a,o,rn h ·a,,,i~ Kt•nJ. /'10,i11ld1ttJ, Ro1a.,,11,,,Jlllmg. Da,·1dllobson SYONEVOPERAHOUSE TJOpm fn l , 6, 9

THE GONDOLIERS (;11/i,,t&Su/limn I),..,.,,. /Jr ian M al"f)o,,,,Jd fr,>1""' F;o.,,, Maco.,,,gh,r, Clt,i,r,,.,.o,,.K/a,. Ro:tt1,., llulop, Da,·JCoo'lm ,·" 'hr,,

SYDrJEYOPERAHOUSE 7.30pmftb B, 14,Zll,24, 28,Ma,2,5 matsfeb3

IL TROVATOAE r.;.,,,,,,, 1•e1w1 I).,,,,,., F.11jo~ \/()Jh1n;l:y ~· ,,,.,r, · Lu<1Co11r,n.J ' ta \ '<1Nai,l . " "'"' " Mr>llu . K~nn,1/t c .. 1/i,., SYONEVOPERAHOUSE f91t3, 7, 10.13,1G, 19, 22, Mar1

LA TRAVIATA Gu,~pflt'\ERl)I OtMNor: JohnCopl~y f ·ro11,u, · (;1tl,a•S•llnan Sal,·mo~ l<a~on,re. Nro1/lr ll'1/~i,

SYDrlEYDPERAHOUSE Fe,2, 5,12, 15,21, 27, Ma,3,6 m.us FeblD. 24

TRISTAN UNO ISDLDE R,<1,a,Jll~G.\'l,ll Qr,r('i,,,./\'t1/ Arm(1tld /1,t,gMr lln""a""''" " r,.,,,h.rtN s,..,,,1C1t11//,nder SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE LimdedSeilllng 6pmfeb 13, 20, 23 430pmFeb 10, 17

WERTHER l•lr, lla,.rnt/ (."a,,do,,:to, : MJtrfc,4man /)o,1nor. Ellph Mr,,Jun,icy Frat1trt1 Efi:a~t1/tCa"11)he// \ fm 'am Gorml,y. lln,"" /10,1/m

SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE ftb17,23, 2ti; M1r7mats Marl

H'illt IJPfra/11

1: .. , u,1t dui,,um,

Don R tid.ttpr It,', """4< ...,u .,.4 ,,.,i, 10 ltlmtt(/. 11,ut.., dtN"r C•,<n Ray, in P oc,11, f,om Not/

PlaJlrou,·~. -~1Mry Optra How, llpriJ Ill lo M<1J 19.

Page 5: GRAVY TRAIN GOES TO N.Z. Film• Rock

!,au,,··l',/vai, /./.,,";,

,,, bt ,r1unud al rh

PUJJltOU1', S]dnq O,, na


/() Batt~o/o,,.,.., Joh. Anna Lrr, A"'onda ,11.,fl/t/M a•d

42ND STREET /11u<1('·Co/tPor1tr Drrtr10,:Mu,l.llr<1,..J,/,

f:::'.'"J;:~)h:~1:,::•nfj!;~(Ju,n TaRo/.amond Gl11zyboxofficcsen5at1on.'Gn:at 1or:·Tapping'l<lngsandm1n, r.e., HERM.GJESTY'STHEATRE OuaySt,Haymarh1 mats 2pmWoo&~I ARTS CARD $40(Mon·Thu) + M•

$46 (fn-S..t E~enl19)


SHOW STO~~~RS 1---DlfMI/X. l'hi/C,,.n,d C,:t,:,r,01,aph:,.K,,kP,u,so,, Sra,s-G~•a1Ju.,.1"M. "· s,,.,,,~ 8urU. Pt1c,1n,l[rmJ,Mat~"K"tp,,,,,cl<. G,aarD/Jdv.'t/1 Muhi-award ,..iflnmg B~dway hitwi1hColePoner's m05t memonbl~ mw ,c Ketum .season, STATE THEATRE 49Marli.e1Street,Syone-f J,mShann:111·sprodoctionofJrJi,sChns1

Supemar wa, ~..ndoubtcJly me ~c .ici;:onJing 1ol1mK1uwhotook1hc.1howtol.ondon"h;:rc

~;:~:~ ~';'~;i~~7 ~:711e8:.::::.:·~;1;~, R""()!forrorP1(/urrS!w~ m 1975,Forlhepast IS)~arshth:1sbeenknockmgbackoffer,10 "or\.onmusicals.

NowSharrnllrl ll.1'h~da ch.mgeofhom. H.: <au\ y~ 10 Chr". the mu,.,.J 1hJ1 bombed 1n '<cw Yo,l . "" ITKN recC11tproduc1100.0fthc Tim Rice, 8Jom ~nd Denny (the l"'O .. b"s lrom Abba)mu,icalco!llborat10n,Slurman111c~ly

~y~~·~5;1:: ~~;-;;,u,ical, 1\hdas lcanll'd ,hm,hr1,,.,1ht'roadw.thhisfather"ho,along ,.,lhhi;-fo1hcr.1"".111atr»cllmglxmng sho" . Hc ,u;,..,,toul!fanhv.ha1hecalb1hc"h1ddcnpla)' th.at conrem1 o few lh,ngs . good and c-. ,I, reawn anderoo11on. 1hcqucst-,11mmgtoruli"'lha1 h,d<ltnplaymtheaudicn<e".SoChtSJ a musical aboo1!0,c,.....-rificc andbc11""d)al",sn'tOOmg 100

b.id;~/~;~T:~~;iml opm Ftbruar.1 ] :11 S)dne} 's TheaucRoyal

Anothcrrnu,icailaln,:ul;Jo,ngpn,n)good1n all<1:,~c-.»lhe1fllliybo,officc><n~l,on.•U/\'f) STR/,.'1:.7."h,chiSu!crodui, 11> . .;c"501ldLaelO pubhcdemand. You"on't hc,arabcnrroollechorl oflul\C:; thaII Cole l'oncf•greal WA)!, 111 lh,. a"anlv,mn,ng<how ,\nd 1heto,:.1app1ng , ou11nc, ,p.:iAJe,.,,d,al11ti. ·,ho"b1L·tlpf)calll\a1 thc'-IO,.v,en,bc,1lno"nfor. GosttH'l/ldtoll thcmJohnY"'"'ntlOu.4J,,.J);1rre11s:11 llcr lsfaj<',ty"11katn,fora limiled:1tai.onool)

forh11 drnma11cbalk151'AllTAC1JS.l.a.zlo S.:reg1.turncdKh,;,1chaturia.i,',..:oreuP'idc do,,n. Thccoml'O"'ralmos1wal~cd01rlrn hom:o" " h,-n !>efiN\M:ard l!bl!t" 3> f)(r"SUadc,ltO,l:I) and"Jsflnall) ,el)'1mprt.,.ed.

Seregi,dntttoroflhc llungan4nS1:.1e 8all~1. ,.,11 be in Austral,~ for the n,IM:ar.al, andopemng ofSpan.xu;v.hich"•"l""1pcrformroby'The Au,m1hanRallc1ml9S3

GI...J,,uo".rtll<llinn,Romanorulcnc.:and deprJ, r1yfill1ht >1:1gev,11hcolourandm.'lrho ac11ontorthhoollttb.:l>OOon 1hc<ror)'oflhe <b,·e,· upns,ng again,1 anci,:111 Roman l)'nMy.

Swrn,w",!lhcpcrfoml<'da1\lclboumc", Su,1clneatrtFrbruaryB, Marc:h6and11 S)dne)\0perdTheatre Ma"'h l6 •April.f Gre~ H""m;an. Adam M:in:h:urc and S1e,ro Healhcoi:cW.e!hckadrok,,

Th•AustralianDalltt ""lwr"""'nunga TR/PU' BIU from Ma) J-2J fea1unng CatG/)JI plu,G,ad~lltirm 8GII plus My Namr h &J..,m!K,lly

Februari· and M an:h an,bus) Ml<:< at

ARTSC~~0(02) 6931688

Sydney Opera !loo..: for TIIE AUSTRAI.IAN OPERA which pu,,tcc~, Mo tan', Cmi Frm '.wre, G,lhcn and Sullivan's Th~GONJohtrs, Venli s UJ Tra,·ia1a.Wagne1·srmranllndlso!de:ind Maw:net's"<'nhrr

TIIE SECRET RAPTIJRI'. i; mc,po,w of contcmpora,ypoh1ioand ,uor..tny,cefllcnngon :.-..omJr1"hod1esforherpnncipte,1na"o,Jdof Tha1ehcrexpedicncyandborn·again Chm11.1mt)',

tn&\gland,ihepla)~abnlbant succc,, bcmgha1kdasauthor.OJvidHare\finc,t"orl,: yet. llo"cvtr."l"'"'r.,redirec1edTlteS«m llt1/Jfllrt011 Broodway :u lhe~M of '89,lhepl3)' rece1vedquitc a ditferenl~plion. Cmicfrank R1cligave1hcproducnonmt:b,glhumbsdown, So...,n.omouswa.sthcNcwYn,kT,me;;...,.,lo,', d,saPl""val, flan: was mow,J lo n:ul,a1e and a pub!ic,lani,:ini,:rnatchen1ued.

You'llge1yourchance 1o d«idehow )·oufed about ii "hen Rodney F1>hi:rd1n:.:1sSydncy Tlluln: Company's pr<Xluction . ..i.,,.;ng John Gadcn,Hea1he1MnchellandPame!aRabc.Tht Snmllaprurt'opcnsattheDramalllcatre:uthe Optr:iHou<aeonFebruar) l.f.(l'rtview, Februaiy l0!3)

ks11ca "a mrnt'm and 'UCce,..,fol woman, Jl )•ar..old and ri1ing. The~·s only ooe nbs1M:lcor,htrup"lrtll)mobil<palhand11 app,:.rs in 1he ool,~dy shapeof78·}1:aroldSaol Dr:ichm:in,Thcirencounter i, thc'llbp:1ofRnan Clark :md Kathy!..csm'< mmmgalldfunny play 1101'1'/,\'G TO H1'7.A/\'TIUM, 11:1mng Rachel Want andNomw,Ka)e.

TlicEn...,mblcTheatn:°lrroduccdClaJl·, rlay,"fhePt11111>~.and the r1ai· .. ngh,,..a,.., impn,>;td hepe1111oncdthccom1JJr1ytos1.1geh" lai:c-tdlort

So, u',wmcthmg ofacoupfor thcEn,cmble. <urn:n1lycelcbrmmg 11, 30!h AM"Cl"UI}'. 1h;,1 the pn:m,ertof//ppping"fo/Jy:amium.v,illo1""'a1 thefm.emhlc"fl,eatn: Morrh 7, oric,iepahc:ad of thellm,.

AplaJin<r1redv"uallyby1hcpainimg,of Ddgianan"1PaulDelvau,"asoneo1thchn~of the S[10leio Ftltival. 011\"ClOf r-.e,I Annfidd " "' >-() imrn:,sedthathc<.ug.g.c"cd lenn)· Kcmp', C,\LI. OF 1"111:.' \\'fl.I) a, the p.:r(ec1 play 10 l:wnch llch·o1r S1,..,1\l9901ubscnp11on,;c,al(ln. 0:herWorld,

Th:playabondoo1 the ,truetun:of1hc"-..-.,11. madc"plJyforaf10,.,,ngform1ha1m1ffl)r">lhe "-orl1ng,of11>cm1nd, lllcar1iona1cmw:,,m,uc, com,candd1S\orb,ng.,t,dc,gtlll.'.cfullyand l:in1ah"ngly fmm one11eali1ytoanotherThc piocc wa\ conce,ved a,,aoie~ptorauonofthr: fonalo\OUl alodds,.,ithama;eulinc -..ocicty.

C1>IIO/Tht W1/dopernin1klvoi,S1ree1'1 U~1a,rsTheatrcon March 7

Mar3·Ma~26 8pm Wed·Sat, 6 3~m Toe, 1pm Wtd, 2pmSat:J(Hl1Sun FU Al HER DEmts PHO ME ! He l~JST

CHESS - The Musical f>yTimRie,,Bjcrall/Wt,rso,,, B,nn:, Ul,·u,~, Di"ct,>< l1mSh."""'" S1o,s:JodieC11/o,,,.O.,,·i<IM1fJod Robl>i,K'"p,t, Lavishproductionfrom,n-lonn J ,mSham,anptu~1op·li11cm11sic fmmAbha\8enn;·and8Jom, THEATRE ROYAL MLCCentreSyd1ey Op!11$FeD3 5 30pm&9pmf11,8pmMcn·lhu. S1l: m1l2pmS1! ARIS CARD S42(Mcn·Thu) + M9 lhEIRUST H•SMOO!!>"Sl\lUBlE FORSFECFICD~IESIMfEBSLIR'I r,,o~CH /\HO~FRIL PMO~EfORUUllS

CALL OF THE WILD h:,J~""JKemp z;:;;~r,:J,nnyK,,,,p Eli:abt1!>

S1u,1 · Ma'l(ur,,rumer,,,._V,c,~f/O Eati,er. \fa,;um \li/1,_\fm~ \11nchmrM. Rut'rScMrah,i"'" ""lcccicanderotLc.com,c and confronlJIIOnal.faplOK, the femrnme,oulrn«x.ie1y',male framcv,oA 1989Spoleto h,t. BELVOIRST THEATRE 2SBet,o,rStreet, Su,ryHlls Milr 7-Apr1 8pmlue-f"rl, 8JOpmSat Spm~t'Sut1,m112pmWeo AR1SCARDS20

"' DAYLIGHT SAVING h1 N,.·ff..,,R~I

Plcntyof laughs in1h,s prev,ou,ly11agedscU-0111 success. ltcoocems all 1ha1·, goodaboul summere,cning, WHARF THEATRE

FebH7 8pm Mon·S.t PREVIEWS S19!l0 ARISCAA0 S26.!l0(Mon·Thu) + $29.90(Mon-Tllu)

$3190 (F,i-$<1t)

THE FARAWAY LAND !>y M,c/,,i,//fu,I;>· f)!rroor:T.,,yRyo•i

Fun.mag1candadvcnturelor childn:naged 3 to9. MAR IAN ST.CHILDREN'S THEATRE 2 ~bnanSl, Killari Jan 6-lillr 3 10.30.!m,1pm Moo.fri(School Hols) 1pm ~ 1


THE FAX OF LIFE byPtltr Diml"~n, Pauf F/t1(h~r. c,atglltJSStJ/1, Wa,rr•Lu A frc~h ,..tiri~al critique ofll\c worldof the·upwordlymob,le '. THE PLAYHOUSE S)'llney Ooor.t House P1e-ne .. ~. !rom febB Open~ Feb In 8pmMon-Tllu:5.30pm,S 31)1)mm/Sat AATSC1lR0 $17.90 + $19.!E

HAY FEVER b ,·No,:ICm,ard Di<t(tor· Ptrtr\\'11/,ams Ca,,,.,,,,,: Clrjf,,,d£Ju11 Star,·. ca,.,,/Ho)~.Jo•Sid"'J· A,v.,,JN. Mm l&,

Uc l9250Ji,,hnu,ehol,l i,~ comicc,·oca1iunofEngli,h ttcemricnyandromant,cfe,·cr. PLAYHOUSE SydneyOper1flousc 10Apr·19M1y S30pmMon-Sat mats 1pmWed, 2pmSi1 ARTSCAR0$31.90 .._ $3390

HENCEFORWARD bJ Alan Ayc{b,>Jorn D,rrm,r , Roch~1JCmrr,II Ayckboum·.sncwestcomcdyis aboutthcfut1<re. Cornplc1cwi1h mbots~ndhigh.1cchgadgc1ry. NORTHSIDETHEATRECOMPANY 2 Mm1nS1teet~ilar;i Mar2Hllay12 815pmlue·Sat mu ~ 11, m Wea, 5pm ~USun ARISCARD $21(Tue·Tllu)

S23(Tue·Tllu) S26(Fri·Sat)

HOPPING TO BYZANTIUM b)/J,/a,, C:11t<, K111h1Uvin 11.,,~10, : Sw,J,a/Jatr< Sw,,. N,mrwn Kay,. Ruch,/ \Yard 1-unny.md,.,arrnpl;,y"hL'Te k " irnFo,,ahighlysuccessful modem woman, 3 1, meets 7~ yuroldSau! Drachman. EUSEMBLETHEATAE 78Me(),ougallSt.MllscnsPt M1r7·Apr29 ARTSCARD$21(1ue•lhul

S23. S25(mats S17)

LEGS OFF THE WALL n,..,.,,,, Ca,!Kdl,· /1~10nTh, W"I/ St~r, B, .,,n K, n8h. CtfiaWh1te Ka1hr..n Ni,.cllt'. Tlo.,, B/n,.,/itld Cootemporaryrclatioo,hip,are gwcntheonce nvcrwnha drama1ic an~ funny twi~t us ing

magic , 1rapelc, jugglongaod halaocingroulincs E,ubcnnt. THEPERFORMAllCESPACE 1ssc;..;;:o.-.-~~:. ~-··---M1r9·Aj:lr1 Prev,e1,sMar8 (Hillf PnceJ 8pmTue-~l,5pmSun; ~ts11,mTue.Wed + Sl5

LUNATIC SOUP ':J.:;;,r;/~\:::~a,itM·Plft<r!I S1a,1: Ab1ga1I. Too,l<1chafll> Afunnyan.dpasw.maic rnlcof k,vc amlmi;undeNanding OJ'I''" 1990',GknStscasonfor the new The:me Of Comedy co. THE GLEN STREET THEATRE GlenSl,FrencllSfoll!st

BpmT~e·Fn.8 JOpmSat mats 1pm Tu~. We~; S,:m Sat ARTSCARD$2390 + !2690

MRS KLEIN b>·Ni,h"111,· \\ri~h1 Dunw,.AJJw,,.M,llu, S1ar,· JtianS,Jnq. ll,ft11M,,r,r. M,ehtl,~,,,...i,,,, AFreudianchild analystis the sobJec1oflh1sbnlhan.tncwplay. Famou\forcnp1ngw11hort,cr pcopk'>d1ildrcn,Mr>Kleinhad liu!csucceswnhherown NORTHSIDETHEATRECOMPAfJY 2ua,iitnStree1, 11,·1ar.t

81SpmTue·Sat5pmSal, Sun Ham Wed ARTSCARD$21{Tue-Thu)

S23 (Tue·Thu) S26 (fri-~ 1)

A NIGHT WITH ROBINSON CRUSOE byL,r.dalln,nion Qi,t(/cr. SaMn>Batri Sl(lr,:NMlinr8ro,,,·n. l'iNari;, /V/('r,//s. DtnurROMfu S1xshopassi1an1sonagir111.only crui.sconSydneyha:bour.From thcwritcr ofDinkumAssm1,J ENSEMBLE THEATRE 78Mc1Jouga1St, MilsonsPoint J1n11,M113 SiimTue·Si1, 5pm S.,t, Sun:1 1am Thu AATSCARDS2t(Tue·Thu) + S23 S25 (mm$17)

THE ODD COUPLE bJ· N,dS,-,n D,rtaor:G,o,,,.e B/1t,,,1tll $,,,,. p,,,,.,,,, Srtplitn1on, Ao~, i,, p,,~,.~111,Cuso• Ne,1Simon'shiggc,1cu111edy h11 , cc,:i,e~J fomak interprern1ionin thecapablthandsofStephcnson and Punch McGregor. FOOTBRIDGE THEATRE ParramattaRoad, SydneyUnivers,ty feb 16·MU24 8pmTue-fo,8.3~mSat, SpmSJ1/Soo; 2pmWed ARTSCARD$29.90

S32.90 (Fri1Sa~Sun mat) $33.90 S23 90mat $36.90(fri/SJ1)

PERFECT MISMATCH byKa1~,&11e and BLACK COMEDY hyPeirrS/wfJu DOUBLE Bill Stat1.licta,i<1NictJ/b. 1<,," 8/<1nc"'1,d.MuartWa{S,"1f Jn Lette·saftcnna1htoTVgamc showf'e,t«1Ma1ch. iherr1mch. mak1ngJl(Uvcsfarfromperfec1. A<juickchange. then for"'.c~orm NicoU, and RonBlanchardJOm Stuan wag>1aff m /Jlack CnmeJ> M,ghrnme,lymm,pirc,"henthe hgh1>i;oou1ata cruc ia l timefor anupandcomingam sc GLEN STREET THEATRE GlenSt.F,enchsfores! A,r2• ·May2 8pm1ue•fo,830pm Sa1. 1pmlue. Wed, SpmSat ARTSCARD S2390 + S26.90

PRIVATE LIVES h, N,,,1C.,.,,,./ Uir«1a,. rc1,rWil/ia.,,, S1a,r:,lniar.d11,ll.,R8frtt,n. ,\nna/.e, Dtom<OI""· Bartho/u,,,,...Jo'"' Averypopularandsuccessful 'JOsplay.sc:1inruman11cFraocc PLAYHOUSE

1 4 (Of)~9B1432

SydaeyOperaHouse May23·Jtn23 B30pm Monsai ma1s 11JITT Wed, 2pm Sa1 ARTSCARD$3190 + $33.90

THE SECRET RAPTURE SydnqThra,uCompan, byDavid/h,r, Dl'tc/Or · il.cdMyhs~" Star,: JohnG~~n.lltath,.. .11,teh,II A cau.11ic comedy abou1 modem com.1p1ionandlifcm!he ·sos. DRAMA THEATRE S,'llneyDP!raHcuse P11vlew1:Febl0-13 feb14·Mat 17 8pm Mon-Sat: 2omSat 1pm ftb21, 8, Mar 5Wed ARTS CARO S27 (Mon-Thu)

S29 S20Mat

SIREN S)4ntyTMatrrConr:,any b)•Da,;dW,1/iam.<on Diftrl(l, R/charJWht m11 World pr~miert of Williamson 's la1es1comcdy. ln themiddleof a corruptioncn1rapmen1opera1ion 1ha1gocsw1ld lywmng isa dc1cnninedbutconfo,edwoman. WHARF THEATRE P,er4, W.alsh l3ly Prevlews:16·21Mar

8pm Mon·~I; 2pm Sat: 1pmMa,28,Aj)r4,11, 18 ARTSCARD S25 (Mon-lhu)


ANOTHER DUST T~Jtd,(2~muy A.olop,:rfonnanceanda highly personal obsc,.,a1,unofBu1oh's e.~pressiona!l\J form. Smee 'M\ deQumcc>· hasbecn amcmberof lcadingllu!ohd:mcc~ompany Mai-luluPefonnaoce THE PERFORMANCE SPACE 199C,eve1and St1eet, ftedtcrn 8pmJa•31·F~b11

+ S14

CAFE .~,,1~,y O.,a,.,conrp""' ~'.:';;;;•x1a111h'1; l'aa/ Mt""'il>, Km,

In$p1rcd lly ':°'-"SI Syducy\ <?f~ chuae1ersw,1hcatchymus1c by B,~n Caho! and Col in Newham.


7.30pm Won·Sat; 9. l5pm fri, S3l ARTSCARO S22 + m

AUSTRALIAN BALLET o~fon:sln{:ltperfor moncc

lickets go on sale 10th~ genera l public, Trus t me mbtni hne th~

011porhmit}, Oll<'tsubscr iber ne,edsh1wc bcen sali$flt'd,of n,!ot'nlng l leketsforthc l\l'JO Australianllalle1s~,...,o. 8u1 lnordtrtodothis.bookings

muitht>r«ehed atTheTrost bJ Tliesday February20th.


GraJ11a1in~Bal/ h1gh-spm1cd b~llct set to Johann Strauss' mclod1cs.Cat1Jl)·.,1-Stcphcn Ba)·nc.,· win11111~emrymThe AornllliunBa1kt's2S1h Anniversary Choreographic Co1npe111ionprcm,cre~ Thc thi,d worlc.nlwpremiering, bl>llsed on1helifeofNcJKclly -created byTimotbyGordon using mus,c by PeterScuhhorpc. OPERA THEATRE Syd~6Y Ooera Hou~e May ( .23 7.30pm l~on·S.t, 6.30pm, 1pm Sat AAISCARD $-t5 (ARcs)$39 i8Res) + S49(ARes)S43(BRts)

ARTS CARO (02) 69B 1686

ONEGIN Amtrol,an /lal/N

OPERA THEATRE Syd11eyDper1 H0use Ap, 1MO 730omMon·Sa1 lpm, 630j)mSat ARTSCARD$4S (AAes) $39 (BRes)

$49 (AResJ$43(BRes)

SPARTACUS ll1o,m,J;a"lfalln OP!:RATHEATRE S,'1lney0pe11 House Mar18·Apr 4 7.3Dpm Wo~·Sat 1pm,6.30pm Si1 AftTSCAR0$45 (ARes) $39(8Res) + $49 iARes)$43(BRes)

GREAT PERFORMERS SERIES MOZART RtqMit m llil.UCK,\ '£R. TtUtw11 O wi,. Htlffl<>Song,.,,,.,.

CONCERT HALL S)'doeyDper.t Kouse 8pmMar 12 ARTSCARDS22 (CRes) .... $3S iARes)

EPSON MASTER SERIES BRUCKNER.- S)'mplw,.y No 1$ Condurun:StuartChalltnder COIICERTHALL SydneyDper.tH:JUSI 8pm M1r 21, 22, 2', 26 ARTS CAR0 ! 28(ARes)S22 $19 + S32(ARes) S26 S20

COSI FAN TUITE "<Hfganglln\itdtus illOl,IR/ 0,r,ri,,r.Go,anJun·ef~I, l',a,o,rn h ·a,,,i~ Kt•nJ. /'10,i11ld1ttJ, Ro1a.,,11,,,Jlllmg. Da,·1dllobson SYONEVOPERAHOUSE TJOpm fn l , 6, 9

THE GONDOLIERS (;11/i,,t&Su/limn I),..,.,,. /Jr ian M al"f)o,,,,Jd fr,>1""' F;o.,,, Maco.,,,gh,r, Clt,i,r,,.,.o,,.K/a,. Ro:tt1,., llulop, Da,·JCoo'lm ,·" 'hr,,

SYDrJEYOPERAHOUSE 7.30pmftb B, 14,Zll,24, 28,Ma,2,5 matsfeb3

IL TROVATOAE r.;.,,,,,,, 1•e1w1 I).,,,,,., F.11jo~ \/()Jh1n;l:y ~· ,,,.,r, · Lu<1Co11r,n.J ' ta \ '<1Nai,l . " "'"' " Mr>llu . K~nn,1/t c .. 1/i,., SYONEVOPERAHOUSE f91t3, 7, 10.13,1G, 19, 22, Mar1

LA TRAVIATA Gu,~pflt'\ERl)I OtMNor: JohnCopl~y f ·ro11,u, · (;1tl,a•S•llnan Sal,·mo~ l<a~on,re. Nro1/lr ll'1/~i,

SYDrlEYDPERAHOUSE Fe,2, 5,12, 15,21, 27, Ma,3,6 m.us FeblD. 24

TRISTAN UNO ISDLDE R,<1,a,Jll~G.\'l,ll Qr,r('i,,,./\'t1/ Arm(1tld /1,t,gMr lln""a""''" " r,.,,,h.rtN s,..,,,1C1t11//,nder SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE LimdedSeilllng 6pmfeb 13, 20, 23 430pmFeb 10, 17

WERTHER l•lr, lla,.rnt/ (."a,,do,,:to, : MJtrfc,4man /)o,1nor. Ellph Mr,,Jun,icy Frat1trt1 Efi:a~t1/tCa"11)he// \ fm 'am Gorml,y. lln,"" /10,1/m

SYDNEY OPERA HOUSE ftb17,23, 2ti; M1r7mats Marl

H'illt IJPfra/11

1: .. , u,1t dui,,um,

Don R tid.ttpr It,', """4< ...,u .,.4 ,,.,i, 10 ltlmtt(/. 11,ut.., dtN"r C•,<n Ray, in P oc,11, f,om Not/

PlaJlrou,·~. -~1Mry Optra How, llpriJ Ill lo M<1J 19.

Page 6: GRAVY TRAIN GOES TO N.Z. Film• Rock

THE ARBOR b,·,1'111,,aDuobar !,la,pJtTNa1,,

Drl'('('lt),:S,,..,nf'"'11'p, }t,.,,· ~off">·R,..~.Jan, \l,,,do~, H.,;,/iuf#;t)', S)d8ru/.;,;; lnma1e,playnu1thcdcathof Marattothcd,rectionof notoriousMarqisdesade.Setm an11-1ylwnbathhouse PLAYHOUSE Adela1d~FestNalCentre

o,,,,,,,, "'•vlaC"4pl,n Compellmgialcofoyoung

Mar10-Apr7 8pmM1110,12,1417. 20-Apr7 63()pmMJ113,21, l30p'llrliir26, mil!S 1U'llMir14 28,2l)mlli1117,24 .... om;mcommscosnps,,.,than

unwamedp,cga;incyinthe ~1iletn,,ronmc111ofa hou,ins es1,1einnonhemEnsland THEATRE62

MUSCARO S25 S22(mlt)

... "' "' THE MEMORY ROOM t:::.:; ~~;::;T~=• 8uDridg1A:I

~rl;.23 8omMat6·10.16,17;2pmM1r7-913· 1~.20·23,11amMirll·15,2o.23 ARISCARD $9

s,a,s. 6ruc,K,l/,r,D,b,,.ahl1'n,r, Ka1ia/,1<,/u,,,,f',,,.-,n,.1>1,i,«qi,,

Usmg nannti,e voice. optrative ,ongandv1vid1mage,y.five r,,rfonnc1'e>plmemcmo,yand technology,perrep1ionand self-idenmy.dreamsand stnses UOtJTHEATRE

'" ELECTRIC byf'alf1<1~CoMd1..,,JoliwRom.mll Jwic11a,oTka,,,C-,.,ny Afa,mlydtcid<:s10Jea,ctheir s1nkc-1om.bla.kodou1s1a1e JUNCTION THEATRE lAfak;onA,e.t.'~ End

UvmgArl~Ctnire 945pmMar lM8,lpm Mar13·17 + $15


THE OLIVE TREE b7A••a•i'1ta /.lWE•f/,. {)OftpwTca/Jv


D"""'" {,rr,aCm1,111d,lnlon,ma Ma,g,11<> Abla.kandcomiclookailife, dcathandlllll1anfamilytradition1>. MIGRATION MUSEUM COURTYARD viaKintoreAl',nueMtLl.de byl>a,•,JCa,lo•

lltJS~,11C,,,..,,.,•1 ScriousfU11astheabsolu11:power ofthelcientistis q~lione<lin Jig:ll1ofV1ctooancmgn,,·~ ~~18for corpscsof )'estcr·Y=·

Mar4·17 7.30pm~,4.11,18, 8pmM,rM0,1M7 ARTSCARD S13


byMdrt~/J='S<>•.G<>11nHob,t1,an M,,,,,n,a1rth<>1, c1(l<>""°"I C ult hil =~al ion of "60s TV"s Thu!ldtr/J,rds. H1larious11stof mm11:anddana:1e.:hmques.


THE ADELAIDE FESTIVAL prugr,11n >pe.W for,1.>elf. TI11s Fcs11,·alcouldhm.llybcbcne~ any"h.eremthtwtJrld.

A~thcmllllyh1ghhs)Q, Y..nLyubunov·s andle1«'Slcr llaymwke1Tlica1n:"svcrs,on TIAMI.ET,s~nownedfori1.,orig,nal11yand power.Th,,prco:lurtiunf~atum.a~JlEnglish ,:-J.S,1 andL)·ub11oov·s inspirl:dconceJi11onof Sh:U:.cspe&nfsclas.,;icmade11aoompulSOJ)' mclusionmofoneofthcla:g~tartdlooi;c,110..-s c,'Cr<lagcrlbyan Engli>.hcompan)

Abo recommended i, M,kh~,1 Tu,mu11,h,·ili's ,hrec1irn,ufoheOeori;ianFilmAcmr..·STUd10 perfom,ancc of \1ohe~·s VON JUA,\. Ye!er Brool.descnbc,,~""'myandincvcn:nt pmdurnonasthebcs1D,mJ11a1'he\....,n

Se:ill O"C.1>t) \ ten..c dr.irna TIIE Slf1IDOII' Of' A {;UNMAN prumi..c, IV~ d n,·emns pie« IKhlnd", nJti,mal lhcatn: company. Thll Att,,:y w,11 be m Au,tr,1ha for till' fiN time 10;1agc o ·c=f; play.

11 ,s par, ot o ·ca._'<'y"~ l)ublin m tog)· . .ukl mcof thcCffltur)'',mo,ipowerful pla)'

!n191',4.Pt1c, Orool \1Wj!in11-ufPcter W01~·, M ,\RATISAOE caused asen,ation inlk Enir-1,.h-sp,:al.,ng ... orld. TheS.ATheam, Compan)·d1r0eted b)Simonf'h1lhp,.,1age,art o,.·enfoe retumofth1>e~traonlin,,ry1he;,tri,:al rcas1 ·~.s1oryofthcd<cJthnf M.,n11farnou< figW'CIXtheFn:ud,.R.c,·olution.i,:ictedoutl>) ,rt11~11,:,.under\hcd,rec1ionofthc001oooos Maniui~doSadc. Sctmthe ~throomofan as)·_lum, the: pla~ ~roed;a b111ng <Jtmca! 1,ftu on Cl\'lhlal1on.

ODCmatLC tc,;:hnnl~gy leud,a lw1d for11\c: perlonnancc,oflne,un:M.llldrJgorc'sTIIE 'iTRA,\ 'GE \IN 1'/1/IGIIT ond L'Ecran Huma,n·) UN/\'1,NSE. Hoth produc1ic,n.~ U'<' proJ«10r< and hghtmg blendini:hsethc~v,,thclcctron,can. Tht:1.1re MJJtdrugon: tromllels 1umn:,:n:a1.,,.11,.. S1ark1~ge;01·20s,ik:nthorrurmo,,i,:,.ar1d Canad:!"s l.'Ecran llumaon d.tLJ.lc,. 1hr: >e~ Wl\h amult,.med,•r,,po,scuuuunotarnpthr()Ugh ou:cr 'P""e

lk-n,·, actionaplentyformusic buffs tno. fau maes1n>. STt:PHANEGll.Al'l'1-'.1 u .. ,.,,.., IU , hann you. W1th a,mile 1h.:t1woul,lmelta hc:nchman"~hcart. the ,hmonuuve Fr,,nctvnan·~ ~wingingplayin!l 1Mll.Jgll0u1the1earshasfou'1d

favourwithmusicalgreacs,oonumerou,io mem,on

Dr,.wcard in 11\c: D,rector·sc~air. Ntil Armf11:ld, w,lld,rectlheAustr,!)1an()peraprodocuonof TH.I STAN UND ISOWI; a1 Fes11val Theao-e. Wagner's=w1llhe,ungbyBern.1deucCuUen, MalcolmOo,u.,lly.Don,ddShanband Wgory Tomliruon and play,:,:! by the S)'dney Symphony On:ht~ttaunderthebatonofSmanChallendcr.

As for the STATE Ul'EKA OF SA. Elder Parl< ,,.,u pros·idc the ,cc,,,c "'ning for TOSCA IN Tll/i f'AHI( Joan Carden, Brunu Sd••"ian and lolu,Sha"ai,dtheFesnv:iJCho,u,;,TlicAd<:laidc SymphooyOrcht,uacondoctedbyN1cholru Brai1h .... ai1e willtak.conl'uccm,·sm11ch losed

""" Ausirali.u, OanceThe-.ru-e w,11 ~m 81:.'l'ONO TIii, f'lJo.~11. a ma,or"orld premiere pmducMn by anisuc d1n.,,:tor LEIGH WAkREN. Th=)= m the malung. this dance 1nlogydi<.1,l, thrccdrx-4,ofOrll'JJlMl\htCanJhi,,ivid ,magm,moninloJsingle,J.,)

KATHAK,\U frum Sooth lndia brini;_sa h1ghly Sl}li-.edpantom1mied.uice-<lramaform10 AuSll".ll1a.Stonesan: pl~)·cd outmmc\meruU1g fashionfrum\hc~n,at ll,nduepic, . Thr Ru=_,a,wandTl1r MuJ,,,1,i,,,ra.•a

Aja<lcJErrulFlynn.1ype.doggedbyh1> n:p1.ua1ion.amorou,lad,esandaph1lo,q,h1smg """am, 1' Ille LnlCrprtlalLOO ' " '"" Molicre's (JON JUANbythcOeorgi.mhlmActo,-,; · S!lodio The;itn::.Thclll!emedUSSRCorn1o.u1)·',pcuduction ol/J1111.liu1•1ha,t«nJ..·,•:rilxdby f>c!erBrool. as "fa,1,i,.solt:nt,mOOemandbrilliJUtlypll)'td by )oungGwri;1ana.tors"h<r.lewr1und cncrg_)Uo,.,.-, thmughe'<,ry fibrc111thrnt:od.e> ... (u',)1htl"'-"1 l',-c<.«n"

J>~,"'"'"""·"''"-""'"''·"'"'- I CM1 hi:>ttna11hc Newfununel1ic~l1"on l'c:t,n,ary24,l5.28anJ \bn:h l. AroMl:r~1.1 11n,,.rn-1a1,on,stha1givenShakc.sp,,:an:\,mrnnrul IIAMU'Tby Yun L)trbtmo,. and Lcicc,1er lla)·mar1<otllw:aITT:.L)11bimov.oricufthi, a,nfury"<lcading dira:tor,,~;111,eda = noowith h1~prod. uc11<M1nfllamle1,1<." ,1 "·asfirs1 pn:!,c:,•al lnane~tra0r1hnarySi'ICOncc1vedb)' Dav,d8on;rw,k)1forl-l1,)..b_res1y"sll,oau,, (Man:h2.J.5 lU) L)11b1movw,H,ltrtt1thi, formid.l.l>lecompanyof r'.llgl"h ar!onill::lud1ng new sw. Dan,el Webb a,, Hamic:!.

,I ,.-,., fro"' /~, S/,,/t H,1>1r, (."~m//'(l'>J's pr<Hlucli<m of MMf,ITISADli. Tll/1


SPACE CABARET CLUB AdelaiOFestrvalCenue 830pmFtt, 14-17,20·2' 7pm&10pmfeb16.23 AAISCARO $17.90 • $19.90

ATRIP TO THE LIGHT FANTASTIC by RwayB,nr V.w/slmi,li.< Tlo«J"'C""'f"'"J Dir,c1.,,-:R(»J)•8tn1 Sevcnwomenar,:infurmur,: 1han 1heirregulargames nigh1 whtn they g~1herin an historic oldhnllw1tha sccn:1pas1. WATERS I OE 11 Nile St Po~Adtlaide Fttil4•MU 18 8pmToe·Sat AATSCARO $10 + $15

VICTOR SPINETTI· A VERY PRIVATE PARTY hy Vic,orSpanmi Showhi,anec~otesengagingly ddi,·cn:d by ~naturallygifted comic and mimic SPACE CABARET CLUB Adelaidefes!MIICent,e FebS·IO 830pm AATSCAAD S19 + S23

WHISPERS IN THE HEART 01'~(1"'· Don Mumo""'t ftow,n ''' '"'Tlwra,.C~ro,u,p~,r G1~d">.lmM,ll,nry• Anvcttmg fringeronrayaLof Ahoriginal/Euro11c:.u1rcbtion. ,hip,l>uth,hockinglycomic an.d painfully tragic TANDANYATHEATRE 253 Cr~nteU St. Atl<lla ~e 1pmMar 1, 2.1.a,1,, 15

• $16

THE 12TH MOOE P,i,rLuth. C/wdilli~,H,Ml . Ed ::~::.::::IJi/11/~~ht,,Afo,iw, Charnbt:r mus,c m«h blue5 and rockma perfom,ancc ol' worh by you~g Addaide compo"'" CHESSER ST GALLERY 21 Chesser $1 A~elallle 630pmMa,13·15 . "

SUMMER POPS A4t/4/dt$J"'(J,,,,.,)0rthtJICil CuNJuu'-" r,.,,,,,,.y7y.ho F"'"'"' Ro.,maryfl"}I, ll'sD,lo,·rly-thc mus,cofColc Poner(Feb17) ·~woNJ,ifMl- music ofGeo,ge Genhwin(Feb23).

FESTIVAL THEATRE Adelaide festiYa!Cemre 8pmfeb17,23 AATSCARD S25\ARes)S20S16 • $29.50 S25S20

STEPHANE GRAPPELLI Marfi~Taylor(g1"),lon8u.-r(lxm) Maestn">ofj.iuviolinin concen AOELAIDEFESTIVALCENTRE FesnvalCenlr! 8pmMar( AATSCARD $35 . '"


~::;.~;:~;:,:,.,~ Vfnicc 1923. is the!.etl ingfor Pau1Shennan'spresentati(1Jl of RichardWager"s lifethroughthe pe,wna of Italian wn1e, Uabriele D'Annun,jn SMALL PRICE THEATRE 96GroteSl,AdeLlide 61)mFe•25. 21, Z8,M111, 4, 5,J,8, 11 , 12, 1,,15 • $8

BEYONO THE FLESH ,1..,,ra/ianOaac,Thru"~ Cllo,roirapJ,,r UoRhWi>"~" l.eighWarren'sdmcctrilosy dislil~ thrtt decadesofoneman"s hk,moas,ngleday. Premiere THE PLAYHOUSE Adetaide Festov1ICen11e Feb21·MarJ 8pmFet128; 5.30pm, 930pmMar1 ,2; 2pm&8pm r,u3 ARTSCAAO S15SO S1250(Mat) + S25.SOS20


DON JUAN ROYALTY THEATRE MlrG-10, 12·15 8pm;Mar 102pm ARTS CAAOS23 (A Res) S20 Ill Re~) + $27 $23

HAMLET HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE M111U,1' 8pm;mat Mlr152pm AATSCAA0$30 (AREli)$26i8R8S)


TANGO! THEBARTON THEATRE Mlr4-7,12,13.1513j:m ARTSCAA0$25 ... .., AUSTRALIAN CHAMBER ORCHESTRA 4Co1an1S1rtnONLY ADELAIDE TOWN KALL M&r13-118.1Spm AATSCAR0$00 (A Res); S6B (8 fl~S) ... $97 $30 CLEMENCIC CONSORT TOWN KALL Mlrl 81Spm ARTSCAflOS21(ARq) S18 (BRe!l) ..... $25 $21 MERCEDES SOSA UNION HALL 1111114,15 8pm AATSCARDS23

'" ARTSCAR0(08J2318256 FRONT ROW Page Si~ .... (08)231 8303


Con,ar/ 1hr fru.,1,,jflufm·o u•py1>fth, frwm/f)JP,11h bu~ h"'' Ma;,., .>1100·, M·e,, kixhl,IlllrJ ,n 1/o,/al! T,,,., N,.,, TrMJ/ ,.,;,,, '"' •/igl;1(y nu"r 1/~1• p,,,n I""''- M/fh ""'" ,,.,.,-;.,/ .,,11cr»irm, /ploMr Tr11<t ~ffi,·r<>n J}I 495J/M ,/,iad,1. fl,H,I .m<info,· 1h, be>t """ ,r,11 a•·a,lablr 5~•1~1<1,yonJf~rohrrJ,,0,/s follOM'm Ja1rn,Je,

WALLFLOWERING 1,.1·1',,,./tl,,,,,, .. D,,c,,,,.. ,l.,mt ~' tmr St1V~: J11//'err.m.,n, Kt1·<>n lolrnua,o Ballroom dancing couple are finconthebo~n!sbutalluoond 1hem1hctime,an:a-d11u1ging HOLEINTHEWALLTHEATRE 1801iamersley Road.Sub,aco 8pm feb14-17.1!1--2(,26·28, Mar 1-3,6·8,m;.12pmflb24 ARTSCARDS18 -.. $21 OONJUAN l>} l lo/,,r,

g:,;fi:,"r" ~:~,,:,;1;.:;.:,:;:1.~~li DonJuani,aj.1detlF¥rolFlynn-typehere,doggffiby his n:puta1ion.amorou<womena ph,lo,oph,smsscrvant. NEW FORTUNE THEATRE Uni.ustyo!we~ternAustralla 830pmflbZ( ,2S, 28, Mar l ARTSCAAOS23 + m BACULA'S PIG b}· [)a«dKld1ashil, GMrf/ia•F•l"oM1.,,-S S1~dio Oir,tlt)(. Mi1"1101/Thmonl<~,"i//


NEW FORTUNE THEATRE Unil:usfyo1WesternAoi;t13lia 8.3apmFtbZ7, M11 2.3 AATSCAR0$23 + $25 HAMLET by11r,111.,m$h11lt.<P"'" U1i,Jtt11/~)'"'"'.if'hrmrr Oii,r,or.t'ur,l111b,mo1· Thisproduct1on1s1heylll'd:mek bywhichtomeasureother

HISMAJESTYSTHEATRE 7.30pm Mar2, 3, 5,6-10, mats 2pm AATSCAA0$31iARes)S24 (8Res) Ma!lnees S25 $19 ... .,., "' Matinees $28 $20 WHALE NATION ~;:;;:,.M;;~:;:::· S,u,, · Ro1H111<-lrin, A m~mcri,ing one man ,how fmmRoyH111chin, . PLAYHOUSE THEATRE Pier SI.Perth llOpmhbl!l--24. 7pm Feb za, Mar 1-3; 2pm Mar 2-l ARTSCAR0 $1S + $16 THE VISIT b}•Fri,,,rir~O""'"""'"

~~;::::,v;.;:,t:';::;,,, A,a,_agesaii,egivenan a,tnn"h,ng ,ntcrpreta1,nnhyan

i~~;~MS1 ~~it;~rm~'"Y· 830pmF1bZ7.28.Ma1J.J, mat2pmMar10 AATSCARD$23 • $26 UNIVERSE· DESTINATION WITHOUT LIMITS

Ei<'ctron,cwiardry !idp,crcc«c thi,mu lu-m,,diajoume)'into out~r space PERTH ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE 8Jlmfeb27.21, Mllr12 mits2prnMar1.2 ARTSCAR0$13 + $16 THE REDEMPTION Anenormou,ca,tprc,;.,m,1h" play31)nu1 1heht~nfChn, 1 OUARRYAMPH!THEATRE 8pmMar1·4, 6-10 AATSCARO S15 ,._ S16 THE NEWSPAPER OF CLAREMONT STREET l:hlabelhJollcy\ hi1.ame huuuurand dream-li~e land,cape,mehercrecreatedon <tagt OOLPHINTHEATRE Un1•,e1s1votwestcrnAus1r;il a 815pmfeb15,2G·l5.27, 21, Mllr1-3, &·10. 5pmfeb26. M114,11

mats2pmflbZ1,Z8,Mu7 AATSCARDhenm(ISS19

+ EvenmgsS21 MatioeesS14

THE PHILHARMONIA ORCHESTRA (Britain) Arareopporlun11ytoeutch1he ,..orJd'~mo<1reco1dodon:he,1ra

PERTH CONCERT HALL flb20·22 ARTSCAA0$S4(AResJS46 (BAesf + ssa S48 MUSICA ANTIQUA COLOGNE Baroquechambe,rnu>ic i,thi, award winninggrour·ssr,«ialty. PERTHCONCtRTHALL FtD23, M1r3 ARTSCAR0S23(ARes) S17(8Resi + $26 S19 KRONOS QUARTET v,,iuow performers wnh modem ,magc_~ !o accompany brave new a1ti1udesmwardchambermusic PERTH CONCERT HALL Feb27-Mu1 ARTSCAA0S18(AResJS15(8ResJ + S20 S17 STUTIGART ARCATA, VIENNA SINGVEREIN Oneoflheyoungest(An:a,a) with6neof1he rnos1esu,blished (SU1g>ercin)musiealgrouPli,n Europe PERTH CONCERT HALL flb21 ARTSCAR0S27!A ~s)S2l(8R!S) + S31 S25 VIENNA SINGVEREIN W.A. SYMPH ORCHESTRA !!~~~;:\;:,,~ s,-mp~ony

YvonneKenny(sop).Rosernary Gunn (oomr). Thomas Edmonds (len)andGf1'Ul1Dickson(bass) arcsoloistsforthiscvcn1 . l!O-.irong\'iennaSingvereinjoin WASOafteri;untswilhthe ViennaandBerlinPhilharmonies. PERTH CONCERT HALL M1r2 ARTSCARDS45(AAes)$37(BRes) • $47 $40 PETER SCHREIER Onr:ofthtg=iesiicnooofour age PERTH CONCERT HALL Mar4, & ARTSCAADS22{AAes)$18(BRes) + 525 $19 DUO CROMMELYNCK Pri,c-wiunu1gpia11oforfour harnls GOVERNMENT HOUSE BALLROOM Mar9 ARTSCAROS17 + S20 SIR MICHAEL TIPPETI ANO FRIENDS lippettis8Syear1otdand pnnc,pal gue<tol honour at The Fe,mal.Hi,musk wil lbt: performed by s,~,,hen Sa,·ai:~ {piano)andlhe Au<tralian Smng Qlll'rtl:(.

OCTAGONlHEATRE Univemtyor WestemALstral,a Plcn!c:5pmSunFebl8 ARTSCARD$19 ... $20 HELENE OELAVAULT Enccna1nini,:in1hefi1>t,1Eoropcan cabarettrad,uon PLAYHOUSElHEATRE Fob20.22.Z3.l4 AATSCARDS24 .... $28 CASTANET CLUB lan)clubact. Mu"cartdcomcd) m,xed incq..ally ~illy pn,1~M1iur" REGAL THEATRE Feb20-24. 27, 28. M•t 1·3, 6·10 AffTSCARDS20

All AKBAR KHAN Masterof tlle 2S-"ring""""


PERTH CONCERT HALL Mu8 AATSCAROS24 + S25 LEO KOTIKE 12-m,og gu,iar dynamo ,mpircd b> 1hemm.icof thc ~1,,~i>>ippi

~ ~i~a;,,~;~1~::~ and sing>

REGAL THEATRE Mu9 _. S26 KATE CEBERANO, JAMES MORRISON, OON BURROWS Whilc8um,".<ha,cnjoy,:d muchacclaimforhi~sa~and clarme1.1ti,>'90sbclong10 Ccbcrano 'svoiccandMoni,on's 1n,mpc1 PERTH CONCERT HALL Mar5 AATSCAAOS26 . "' STEPHANE GRAPELLI Hereaccornp.micdl>y~anin Taylor onguiwandJonBurr on bass. Grappclhsi,llplays pcerle_ss ja,.zviolin

PERTH CONCERT HALL M1rJ AATSCAROS35 .... S36.90 JOSEF NAOJ COMPANY Oancc 1hu"°" uit>m0>1 rebellious.Livefalconoos,a,e! HIS MAJESTY"S THEATRE Feb 14,1li,17.ZD,Z1,23, 24 + $20(AResJ S14 (8 Aes) KATHAKALI Apcrfonnanceof lndianep1cs andablending dance.opcra. panmm"mc. ma,b and mus" .

surJKENGARDEN Unille~ityof WutemAustrali.l .. ·~ FILM SEASON Felluresfilms bydirectors ClaudeChabrol.Woody Allen. 0Jv id Hare. John Duigan. Kon k hibwaandRichardLoncrainc Al,o L.A. Film Critics" 1988 3es1ric1u~chou:clur/,Oorru (Pansl and2) VILLAGE CINEMA, Dalkeith and S(i,re,villeAud1011\0'n, Unillmilyo1westemAus1ra1,1


VISUAL ARTS CONFERENCE ART AND VALUE Ae,thcticaOOcommcrcial"alue!i aren:iminedbya disunsuished pJnclincludingUeorgeMell> [Uldch~ire.t hy ChicfJu,ucc DJ, id Mallolm QC ALEXANDER LIBRARY LECTURE THEATRE

7pmfeb2l 10amlo630pmftb24. tOamto5pmfeb25

TELEVfSlmlFESTIVAL THE WORLO OF SOAP AND GLORY In-de pth on~l)Sis of the highly ,nnucnuaJ worldofSoaps. From 9amSacurJ~}" Feb2-land Sunday25 coniinoou, sc:reenlng ufori~inal Soapi~, from 1he la>l 30ycars. Fab22·25

'JRIHC~ ~"lS c;~ucr fR~S1

ART LECTURE GEORGE MELLY ON SALVAOOR DALI UK mu<ician andmcdia,rnic, GeorgcMelly ,hare,h1< kno .. ·lcdgc:v1dw11"·ithan ", llu<1ra1cd lc:c1ur~"on 1he " ·or\.,


REG~L THEATRE Bpm Jan 22 • Fe, 10 . mal ~pmSill ARISt:AllU S2090 ,._ S2690 THE SHADOW OF A GUNMAN hJSnmO'C,rn') !,~~,:;B~~~~;.~E (Dublin) An1n1cn1cdrarnaando11eof1ht bc,1 pld)'.S o1 th is century HISMA.JESrv'STHEATRE 8p11 M1r21·J1 ,mats2pm M3124, 31 AATSCARO S2790(Mon-Thu. mat)

S30 90(Ffl. 5at) + $2990(Man·Thu)

Sl290(fn. 5at)



s,u,·s Ka,·ul u/,fo::,11<> Apn,..c rful u plnrationofthe tcns,om bc1wecn v.ork. mamagc andself-fulfilmen1

For4S}ea"'.1h,.t,.,nd !1;" c11juyedlifea1 1hc:mpon EuroP<!'> poplu~, j ai:z c ircuits. PERTH CONCERT HALL SIGE?<irQe'sTerrace.Penh 8pmfeb3

OLD CUSTOMS HOUSE Pl1ilomoreSt, Ffemann1 Mar 15 · Apr7 Scm WOO Sill ARTSCARD $13 4 $16 BRAN NUE DAE h)/lmm1Ch,



"" /M,1;;;: ~Jh ,,,;~-:-;,:;,,i:: ~~1,,,,

Swrs. Er,ou Ointo , U~Jo /V"u" A celebratiooof Aboriginality. Rockmusic,comedy.song.d;mee and romance


Tn,uOff1u . G<>l~ryF<1)'tJ', lli, M"J"'J"1Th,a",. f',11h 57.JOJ,)1" ff,.y,,,mJG,,01,oUm,,,,_V,f,,r \\urJ,,,.-, N,~ Oif,,rd.andL,,""~" c ,..,,..,,(f,,rm,rly ru F,,mam/,! \.\,o,,),.,-sar,,,pr,,.,Joi,dond~11/h, ,.c1,o,.g,,Jpw,.,.1,1,a11M"n"'"" Rtprima"J <>PPfr Sa1ur-Ja1 ,..,,.,nR< <>l llnJIS<>,,,J G ,-01trU" u>n,o,.J1>n FdM y a,.JSor.mi<ly , ,ul#R<ul Lwo,;,.,-,c.,..,..,,.cw,a·nm,n< c,,,,.,_p,,,~ OCTAGON THEATRE

Un1vers1t1of WestemAosualia Som Fe,22-24.26-28 8Dnt M3r 1·l, 5·10, 12-17

M.-ABailttC...,,,~oa, Worldprem,cr~ ofanew,.ork.by Chrissie Pal'Tlltt, Bany Moreland and Andrew Caner. OUARRYAMPHITHEATRE Ouan,c01,~e.flo1e.it THE MUSIC TEACHER

AATSCA~O $18 . ~' THE 000 COUPLE ~.,:;;:,;-~::,,.,,B/unJ,11 S1an f'amdu S1,r1r,,..,,,,_ ,1.,i,tu P•nch M,G,-,-t or ll,e female ,mcrpretation of Neil S,mon"sbisgeuhnromedy.

131lmF01S·26 .,, D,m, ,,,,.:G,rardCorh1a" (Fr,ock!E"1/l,shS•hm!,.J Anag,ngoperasingercutsshorl h,scarecr to launch 1he careers of "'oyoungerlalents V/INOSORTWlNCINEMAS 98SMing fljglJwa~. Nedlanc:ts Aprll 1t90 ... $8

SHOW STOPPERS Bn1ishTV'sma;1farnousocwscaS1er.Gordon Hor,eyoomk. al,oan acrQmphshed author. playwrigJuanda,:;tor,isU1 ~nh1opresen1TI/£ HH)1'."MfYfffJN. llone)·rornhtis l'mducerand Direuur ofthhplayabouttht lifeofChri>1,"hich headap.1tcdfromthemcd,cval m)'Sl,:ry e)'clcsuf Yr,,-l, Towriley. <1>t:Na, 1he t1•lu, CMermi~~ Md the Cownt') Corpu,Oln<li pla}~-The Hrdemp1oo,,fe.i1urc<aca,,tof mon: thanl80 pcrforme" (rnmodcm dn:s,) ,nclurJiug6-I ,pe:iJ,:ing role, and many walk,<111 pan, {'>OTT\e tal,cnb) lcadm~St,tcper,on,al11ic,).l!ugccrow,I "'"'1c:, ,u1d , 1u,-,iug ligl11ing ,1p1oc:.u-,n1he spcctacula.r scn,ngpro, ,dedby1h<:Qu.ul)· Amph!!hcatn:.l<cabold lhll. \1an:hl-4andt,.IU

Also'<.l>ct!ul,:J fur ~,i,un,'l""'""""i,lhc "orld premiere of &IHTI/ ,\,\GEI.S tFebnwy 15.l&,1 7. 19-2-l)Om,,,el',vroo.BJII)' Moro,landandAndrc""Caner hd,·crn,ated!hi, dance spect;icle.,.,.hichcombinesmowment,voice. mu<ic.-.ound,de.S1gn thcplasuc a.ri.-anddanre A,1tk;frum "d 1~llcngingthept.T1.-..-p!100s.111d cxc111ng1t1esen>t's".1h1<product,001;"dedio:mffi tothe an~d, ,..ho,..atch o,crOUJeanh".

Thetropical luc:!lionofBruom,:" J,mm}O!i", ,eumgforh1<'"c.:ktnn,onof Abong,n;1l,1y,Jo,.·e and hope m oomcmpnr;U) Au~ual,~'". llHAN NUI:.' f)A£. Tiu,cnt<rLon11,g1••••:c fullo,,.,.u, Abotig,nal boy jomT"')'"g from l\,nh 10 hi< homelMld 01 DJalmJm m >CMl:h of,,Jcnmy. lo,·c and •.e<:un1y H,, Juumcy cl"' m anc.trdOrthn:.ry b!endofrockmu<ical. l'IXklmm·,es. comcdy.'<mg. danceandronu1ec. S..--c 1he"ot1dprcm,cn,olthc B,un Nue Dae al d1~ Uni,c:t'II) ufWA', O,;tag,.., The:11refromFcbrua,y2!.

MM1:hS1>th.eda!eloraconccnfc3tunng KAT£ C1:BEkANO. J,\,\1£.S i\lORRIS0 ... and l>ON OUR ROWS at ~nh Coocen Hall

Don IJurruwsru,d Jame,. Mom,on arr ,,.-orld da,,rnul1i-ir,,tn.rr11r;111.d,"',. Bum,"'·a"m'"'° performeronclan1>tlandsa>.ophone 1<Austmha\

best kno"njau musician. Morrison has mum.I with D1uy Gillespie and 1he PhLlip Morri1

:~:::1~ ~s:;~,!!'._klJ:~; ;e:::~, n~ inooosider.1bl~populJri1y isdefinitelystillonthe mcaftcrrc«m,n1cll\Jl,onaJ roncertarn!chan "~="'-' Gl,-un Ht:mich 1vihc,,. pi.,oo,u"t s:uophooe;;J.Jon:ilhonZ"-artz(~J. Ste,e Bnen (gu1tar).Jc.Saan:lah! (Lc)boru'ds)anJl'<:1eJonc) (dnu1h),..ill,uA>0n 1he hcaJliuer.,

Keep 1hcni!!h1>of Fe1>rua,yW10 22free,fyou "".mt1orntchthc"orkl\lllO'otn:cortlooon:holm in a.;!lll!I Wurh by R,m,i}-Kor.al.ov. Muw>tg,,l). Str:w,mly. Tch.:t,lo,,ly, 1<.ichm .. 1m<wandShQ!.taknv1ch arc lhc fucu,otan all-Ru"1.u1u,r>...-..-n ..c,.;,.,-, frul!l TIIE PHIUIARJ\10 ... IA O RCH ESTRA. Founded in 19-15.ThePhilharmooia"ati,!ll.lblyBrita,n\ gre3te,1orche,,tra_Forth" ewlu,ive ,isitto Au, trJlia. n,.,Philh3'IDOll1a,,. illbe ledbr,?OCial ~ueS1conducror.Yun S1rnnnm.;mauthonty<K1 R=ianmu,,c hJ•mgbt...-nch1d,·uno.lU<.1orJtlh<, Bohoo;for16 )ear.

lnllollp,ooJla,,1)ear, aBclgianfilmabou1:in .igingopcrJ,ing<-rOo-.evan D:u11l"-huCur,,hun hi,c,tn.-ertohclptwoyoongulent,!allr\Chlh,ir,, wa, nom,n.,ted for lk,1 Fore,gn him. ('allctt 1"111:-; MUSIC T1'.'AClfl:."H. ,1·, a rumJ1111,· tak "'loc:n: wont., and plc,t IJ!c a bJc~ ><'al to mu,ic and im~e (lo,, h c.unen,v,orl;fromWallhcr \'anden En<le). D1m:1or. Ger.udCmt>,au·,~arti~r t~k,·i"on films c>i.:lm1nedlhehvesofcompo,;er lgor S1ra,·m,k) an<l.axJf>h00<:mv,:ruo,AdolphcS.nandh1> l'"-"iu11 fur mu,,s· i,d ~,.,-ly ~vir.k,u 1n dn, film. Worl.sby ~lahler, Vent,. Bellini and Mol:ln an, gi,-cn , uperbn:nJi1ionsb)thc,-o,ce,ofl)inah Bryarttand.leromePruen and Jo-.e,·artDam"ho ,;ng,andplay,the 1eachc:r. Tni.<im.:mhtrscan see the film dunng a TnN Gakl N,£h! nn Apnl I for uni) $.8. 1'h~Mum T,a,htr"1ll bt: sc:IN"!l<°d a11h<: WINDSOR TWIN, r-.edlands

ARTS CARO (09) 321 4953 FRONT ROW Page Seven -.(09)321 1148

Page 7: GRAVY TRAIN GOES TO N.Z. Film• Rock

THE ARBOR b,·,1'111,,aDuobar !,la,pJtTNa1,,

Drl'('('lt),:S,,..,nf'"'11'p, }t,.,,· ~off">·R,..~.Jan, \l,,,do~, H.,;,/iuf#;t)', S)d8ru/.;,;; lnma1e,playnu1thcdcathof Marattothcd,rectionof notoriousMarqisdesade.Setm an11-1ylwnbathhouse PLAYHOUSE Adela1d~FestNalCentre

o,,,,,,,, "'•vlaC"4pl,n Compellmgialcofoyoung

Mar10-Apr7 8pmM1110,12,1417. 20-Apr7 63()pmMJ113,21, l30p'llrliir26, mil!S 1U'llMir14 28,2l)mlli1117,24 .... om;mcommscosnps,,.,than

unwamedp,cga;incyinthe ~1iletn,,ronmc111ofa hou,ins es1,1einnonhemEnsland THEATRE62

MUSCARO S25 S22(mlt)

... "' "' THE MEMORY ROOM t:::.:; ~~;::;T~=• 8uDridg1A:I

~rl;.23 8omMat6·10.16,17;2pmM1r7-913· 1~.20·23,11amMirll·15,2o.23 ARISCARD $9

s,a,s. 6ruc,K,l/,r,D,b,,.ahl1'n,r, Ka1ia/,1<,/u,,,,f',,,.-,n,.1>1,i,«qi,,

Usmg nannti,e voice. optrative ,ongandv1vid1mage,y.five r,,rfonnc1'e>plmemcmo,yand technology,perrep1ionand self-idenmy.dreamsand stnses UOtJTHEATRE

'" ELECTRIC byf'alf1<1~CoMd1..,,JoliwRom.mll Jwic11a,oTka,,,C-,.,ny Afa,mlydtcid<:s10Jea,ctheir s1nkc-1om.bla.kodou1s1a1e JUNCTION THEATRE lAfak;onA,e.t.'~ End

UvmgArl~Ctnire 945pmMar lM8,lpm Mar13·17 + $15


THE OLIVE TREE b7A••a•i'1ta /.lWE•f/,. {)OftpwTca/Jv


D"""'" {,rr,aCm1,111d,lnlon,ma Ma,g,11<> Abla.kandcomiclookailife, dcathandlllll1anfamilytradition1>. MIGRATION MUSEUM COURTYARD viaKintoreAl',nueMtLl.de byl>a,•,JCa,lo•

lltJS~,11C,,,..,,.,•1 ScriousfU11astheabsolu11:power ofthelcientistis q~lione<lin Jig:ll1ofV1ctooancmgn,,·~ ~~18for corpscsof )'estcr·Y=·

Mar4·17 7.30pm~,4.11,18, 8pmM,rM0,1M7 ARTSCARD S13


byMdrt~/J='S<>•.G<>11nHob,t1,an M,,,,,n,a1rth<>1, c1(l<>""°"I C ult hil =~al ion of "60s TV"s Thu!ldtr/J,rds. H1larious11stof mm11:anddana:1e.:hmques.


THE ADELAIDE FESTIVAL prugr,11n >pe.W for,1.>elf. TI11s Fcs11,·alcouldhm.llybcbcne~ any"h.eremthtwtJrld.

A~thcmllllyh1ghhs)Q, Y..nLyubunov·s andle1«'Slcr llaymwke1Tlica1n:"svcrs,on TIAMI.ET,s~nownedfori1.,orig,nal11yand power.Th,,prco:lurtiunf~atum.a~JlEnglish ,:-J.S,1 andL)·ub11oov·s inspirl:dconceJi11onof Sh:U:.cspe&nfsclas.,;icmade11aoompulSOJ)' mclusionmofoneofthcla:g~tartdlooi;c,110..-s c,'Cr<lagcrlbyan Engli>.hcompan)

Abo recommended i, M,kh~,1 Tu,mu11,h,·ili's ,hrec1irn,ufoheOeori;ianFilmAcmr..·STUd10 perfom,ancc of \1ohe~·s VON JUA,\. Ye!er Brool.descnbc,,~""'myandincvcn:nt pmdurnonasthebcs1D,mJ11a1'he\....,n

Se:ill O"C.1>t) \ ten..c dr.irna TIIE Slf1IDOII' Of' A {;UNMAN prumi..c, IV~ d n,·emns pie« IKhlnd", nJti,mal lhcatn: company. Thll Att,,:y w,11 be m Au,tr,1ha for till' fiN time 10;1agc o ·c=f; play.

11 ,s par, ot o ·ca._'<'y"~ l)ublin m tog)· . .ukl mcof thcCffltur)'',mo,ipowerful pla)'

!n191',4.Pt1c, Orool \1Wj!in11-ufPcter W01~·, M ,\RATISAOE caused asen,ation inlk Enir-1,.h-sp,:al.,ng ... orld. TheS.ATheam, Compan)·d1r0eted b)Simonf'h1lhp,.,1age,art o,.·enfoe retumofth1>e~traonlin,,ry1he;,tri,:al rcas1 ·~.s1oryofthcd<cJthnf M.,n11farnou< figW'CIXtheFn:ud,.R.c,·olution.i,:ictedoutl>) ,rt11~11,:,.under\hcd,rec1ionofthc001oooos Maniui~doSadc. Sctmthe ~throomofan as)·_lum, the: pla~ ~roed;a b111ng <Jtmca! 1,ftu on Cl\'lhlal1on.

ODCmatLC tc,;:hnnl~gy leud,a lw1d for11\c: perlonnancc,oflne,un:M.llldrJgorc'sTIIE 'iTRA,\ 'GE \IN 1'/1/IGIIT ond L'Ecran Huma,n·) UN/\'1,NSE. Hoth produc1ic,n.~ U'<' proJ«10r< and hghtmg blendini:hsethc~v,,thclcctron,can. Tht:1.1re MJJtdrugon: tromllels 1umn:,:n:a1.,,.11,.. S1ark1~ge;01·20s,ik:nthorrurmo,,i,:,.ar1d Canad:!"s l.'Ecran llumaon d.tLJ.lc,. 1hr: >e~ Wl\h amult,.med,•r,,po,scuuuunotarnpthr()Ugh ou:cr 'P""e

lk-n,·, actionaplentyformusic buffs tno. fau maes1n>. STt:PHANEGll.Al'l'1-'.1 u .. ,.,,.., IU , hann you. W1th a,mile 1h.:t1woul,lmelta hc:nchman"~hcart. the ,hmonuuve Fr,,nctvnan·~ ~wingingplayin!l 1Mll.Jgll0u1the1earshasfou'1d

favourwithmusicalgreacs,oonumerou,io mem,on

Dr,.wcard in 11\c: D,rector·sc~air. Ntil Armf11:ld, w,lld,rectlheAustr,!)1an()peraprodocuonof TH.I STAN UND ISOWI; a1 Fes11val Theao-e. Wagner's=w1llhe,ungbyBern.1deucCuUen, MalcolmOo,u.,lly.Don,ddShanband Wgory Tomliruon and play,:,:! by the S)'dney Symphony On:ht~ttaunderthebatonofSmanChallendcr.

As for the STATE Ul'EKA OF SA. Elder Parl< ,,.,u pros·idc the ,cc,,,c "'ning for TOSCA IN Tll/i f'AHI( Joan Carden, Brunu Sd••"ian and lolu,Sha"ai,dtheFesnv:iJCho,u,;,TlicAd<:laidc SymphooyOrcht,uacondoctedbyN1cholru Brai1h .... ai1e willtak.conl'uccm,·sm11ch losed

""" Ausirali.u, OanceThe-.ru-e w,11 ~m 81:.'l'ONO TIii, f'lJo.~11. a ma,or"orld premiere pmducMn by anisuc d1n.,,:tor LEIGH WAkREN. Th=)= m the malung. this dance 1nlogydi<.1,l, thrccdrx-4,ofOrll'JJlMl\htCanJhi,,ivid ,magm,moninloJsingle,J.,)

KATHAK,\U frum Sooth lndia brini;_sa h1ghly Sl}li-.edpantom1mied.uice-<lramaform10 AuSll".ll1a.Stonesan: pl~)·cd outmmc\meruU1g fashionfrum\hc~n,at ll,nduepic, . Thr Ru=_,a,wandTl1r MuJ,,,1,i,,,ra.•a

Aja<lcJErrulFlynn.1ype.doggedbyh1> n:p1.ua1ion.amorou,lad,esandaph1lo,q,h1smg """am, 1' Ille LnlCrprtlalLOO ' " '"" Molicre's (JON JUANbythcOeorgi.mhlmActo,-,; · S!lodio The;itn::.Thclll!emedUSSRCorn1o.u1)·',pcuduction ol/J1111.liu1•1ha,t«nJ..·,•:rilxdby f>c!erBrool. as "fa,1,i,.solt:nt,mOOemandbrilliJUtlypll)'td by )oungGwri;1ana.tors"h<r.lewr1und cncrg_)Uo,.,.-, thmughe'<,ry fibrc111thrnt:od.e> ... (u',)1htl"'-"1 l',-c<.«n"

J>~,"'"'"""·"''"-""'"''·"'"'- I CM1 hi:>ttna11hc Newfununel1ic~l1"on l'c:t,n,ary24,l5.28anJ \bn:h l. AroMl:r~1.1 11n,,.rn-1a1,on,stha1givenShakc.sp,,:an:\,mrnnrul IIAMU'Tby Yun L)trbtmo,. and Lcicc,1er lla)·mar1<otllw:aITT:.L)11bimov.oricufthi, a,nfury"<lcading dira:tor,,~;111,eda = noowith h1~prod. uc11<M1nfllamle1,1<." ,1 "·asfirs1 pn:!,c:,•al lnane~tra0r1hnarySi'ICOncc1vedb)' Dav,d8on;rw,k)1forl-l1,)..b_res1y"sll,oau,, (Man:h2.J.5 lU) L)11b1movw,H,ltrtt1thi, formid.l.l>lecompanyof r'.llgl"h ar!onill::lud1ng new sw. Dan,el Webb a,, Hamic:!.

,I ,.-,., fro"' /~, S/,,/t H,1>1r, (."~m//'(l'>J's pr<Hlucli<m of MMf,ITISADli. Tll/1


SPACE CABARET CLUB AdelaiOFestrvalCenue 830pmFtt, 14-17,20·2' 7pm&10pmfeb16.23 AAISCARO $17.90 • $19.90

ATRIP TO THE LIGHT FANTASTIC by RwayB,nr V.w/slmi,li.< Tlo«J"'C""'f"'"J Dir,c1.,,-:R(»J)•8tn1 Sevcnwomenar,:infurmur,: 1han 1heirregulargames nigh1 whtn they g~1herin an historic oldhnllw1tha sccn:1pas1. WATERS I OE 11 Nile St Po~Adtlaide Fttil4•MU 18 8pmToe·Sat AATSCARO $10 + $15

VICTOR SPINETTI· A VERY PRIVATE PARTY hy Vic,orSpanmi Showhi,anec~otesengagingly ddi,·cn:d by ~naturallygifted comic and mimic SPACE CABARET CLUB Adelaidefes!MIICent,e FebS·IO 830pm AATSCAAD S19 + S23

WHISPERS IN THE HEART 01'~(1"'· Don Mumo""'t ftow,n ''' '"'Tlwra,.C~ro,u,p~,r G1~d">.lmM,ll,nry• Anvcttmg fringeronrayaLof Ahoriginal/Euro11c:.u1rcbtion. ,hip,l>uth,hockinglycomic an.d painfully tragic TANDANYATHEATRE 253 Cr~nteU St. Atl<lla ~e 1pmMar 1, 2.1.a,1,, 15

• $16

THE 12TH MOOE P,i,rLuth. C/wdilli~,H,Ml . Ed ::~::.::::IJi/11/~~ht,,Afo,iw, Charnbt:r mus,c m«h blue5 and rockma perfom,ancc ol' worh by you~g Addaide compo"'" CHESSER ST GALLERY 21 Chesser $1 A~elallle 630pmMa,13·15 . "

SUMMER POPS A4t/4/dt$J"'(J,,,,.,)0rthtJICil CuNJuu'-" r,.,,,,,,.y7y.ho F"'"'"' Ro.,maryfl"}I, ll'sD,lo,·rly-thc mus,cofColc Poner(Feb17) ·~woNJ,ifMl- music ofGeo,ge Genhwin(Feb23).

FESTIVAL THEATRE Adelaide festiYa!Cemre 8pmfeb17,23 AATSCARD S25\ARes)S20S16 • $29.50 S25S20

STEPHANE GRAPPELLI Marfi~Taylor(g1"),lon8u.-r(lxm) Maestn">ofj.iuviolinin concen AOELAIDEFESTIVALCENTRE FesnvalCenlr! 8pmMar( AATSCARD $35 . '"


~::;.~;:~;:,:,.,~ Vfnicc 1923. is the!.etl ingfor Pau1Shennan'spresentati(1Jl of RichardWager"s lifethroughthe pe,wna of Italian wn1e, Uabriele D'Annun,jn SMALL PRICE THEATRE 96GroteSl,AdeLlide 61)mFe•25. 21, Z8,M111, 4, 5,J,8, 11 , 12, 1,,15 • $8

BEYONO THE FLESH ,1..,,ra/ianOaac,Thru"~ Cllo,roirapJ,,r UoRhWi>"~" l.eighWarren'sdmcctrilosy dislil~ thrtt decadesofoneman"s hk,moas,ngleday. Premiere THE PLAYHOUSE Adetaide Festov1ICen11e Feb21·MarJ 8pmFet128; 5.30pm, 930pmMar1 ,2; 2pm&8pm r,u3 ARTSCAAO S15SO S1250(Mat) + S25.SOS20


DON JUAN ROYALTY THEATRE MlrG-10, 12·15 8pm;Mar 102pm ARTS CAAOS23 (A Res) S20 Ill Re~) + $27 $23

HAMLET HER MAJESTY'S THEATRE M111U,1' 8pm;mat Mlr152pm AATSCAA0$30 (AREli)$26i8R8S)


TANGO! THEBARTON THEATRE Mlr4-7,12,13.1513j:m ARTSCAA0$25 ... .., AUSTRALIAN CHAMBER ORCHESTRA 4Co1an1S1rtnONLY ADELAIDE TOWN KALL M&r13-118.1Spm AATSCAR0$00 (A Res); S6B (8 fl~S) ... $97 $30 CLEMENCIC CONSORT TOWN KALL Mlrl 81Spm ARTSCAflOS21(ARq) S18 (BRe!l) ..... $25 $21 MERCEDES SOSA UNION HALL 1111114,15 8pm AATSCARDS23

'" ARTSCAR0(08J2318256 FRONT ROW Page Si~ .... (08)231 8303


Con,ar/ 1hr fru.,1,,jflufm·o u•py1>fth, frwm/f)JP,11h bu~ h"'' Ma;,., .>1100·, M·e,, kixhl,IlllrJ ,n 1/o,/al! T,,,., N,.,, TrMJ/ ,.,;,,, '"' •/igl;1(y nu"r 1/~1• p,,,n I""''- M/fh ""'" ,,.,.,-;.,/ .,,11cr»irm, /ploMr Tr11<t ~ffi,·r<>n J}I 495J/M ,/,iad,1. fl,H,I .m<info,· 1h, be>t """ ,r,11 a•·a,lablr 5~•1~1<1,yonJf~rohrrJ,,0,/s follOM'm Ja1rn,Je,

WALLFLOWERING 1,.1·1',,,./tl,,,,,, .. D,,c,,,,.. ,l.,mt ~' tmr St1V~: J11//'err.m.,n, Kt1·<>n lolrnua,o Ballroom dancing couple are finconthebo~n!sbutalluoond 1hem1hctime,an:a-d11u1ging HOLEINTHEWALLTHEATRE 1801iamersley Road.Sub,aco 8pm feb14-17.1!1--2(,26·28, Mar 1-3,6·8,m;.12pmflb24 ARTSCARDS18 -.. $21 OONJUAN l>} l lo/,,r,

g:,;fi:,"r" ~:~,,:,;1;.:;.:,:;:1.~~li DonJuani,aj.1detlF¥rolFlynn-typehere,doggffiby his n:puta1ion.amorou<womena ph,lo,oph,smsscrvant. NEW FORTUNE THEATRE Uni.ustyo!we~ternAustralla 830pmflbZ( ,2S, 28, Mar l ARTSCAAOS23 + m BACULA'S PIG b}· [)a«dKld1ashil, GMrf/ia•F•l"oM1.,,-S S1~dio Oir,tlt)(. Mi1"1101/Thmonl<~,"i//


NEW FORTUNE THEATRE Unil:usfyo1WesternAoi;t13lia 8.3apmFtbZ7, M11 2.3 AATSCAR0$23 + $25 HAMLET by11r,111.,m$h11lt.<P"'" U1i,Jtt11/~)'"'"'.if'hrmrr Oii,r,or.t'ur,l111b,mo1· Thisproduct1on1s1heylll'd:mek bywhichtomeasureother

HISMAJESTYSTHEATRE 7.30pm Mar2, 3, 5,6-10, mats 2pm AATSCAA0$31iARes)S24 (8Res) Ma!lnees S25 $19 ... .,., "' Matinees $28 $20 WHALE NATION ~;:;;:,.M;;~:;:::· S,u,, · Ro1H111<-lrin, A m~mcri,ing one man ,how fmmRoyH111chin, . PLAYHOUSE THEATRE Pier SI.Perth llOpmhbl!l--24. 7pm Feb za, Mar 1-3; 2pm Mar 2-l ARTSCAR0 $1S + $16 THE VISIT b}•Fri,,,rir~O""'"""'"

~~;::::,v;.;:,t:';::;,,, A,a,_agesaii,egivenan a,tnn"h,ng ,ntcrpreta1,nnhyan

i~~;~MS1 ~~it;~rm~'"Y· 830pmF1bZ7.28.Ma1J.J, mat2pmMar10 AATSCARD$23 • $26 UNIVERSE· DESTINATION WITHOUT LIMITS

Ei<'ctron,cwiardry !idp,crcc«c thi,mu lu-m,,diajoume)'into out~r space PERTH ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE 8Jlmfeb27.21, Mllr12 mits2prnMar1.2 ARTSCAR0$13 + $16 THE REDEMPTION Anenormou,ca,tprc,;.,m,1h" play31)nu1 1heht~nfChn, 1 OUARRYAMPH!THEATRE 8pmMar1·4, 6-10 AATSCARO S15 ,._ S16 THE NEWSPAPER OF CLAREMONT STREET l:hlabelhJollcy\ hi1.ame huuuurand dream-li~e land,cape,mehercrecreatedon <tagt OOLPHINTHEATRE Un1•,e1s1votwestcrnAus1r;il a 815pmfeb15,2G·l5.27, 21, Mllr1-3, &·10. 5pmfeb26. M114,11

mats2pmflbZ1,Z8,Mu7 AATSCARDhenm(ISS19

+ EvenmgsS21 MatioeesS14

THE PHILHARMONIA ORCHESTRA (Britain) Arareopporlun11ytoeutch1he ,..orJd'~mo<1reco1dodon:he,1ra

PERTH CONCERT HALL flb20·22 ARTSCAA0$S4(AResJS46 (BAesf + ssa S48 MUSICA ANTIQUA COLOGNE Baroquechambe,rnu>ic i,thi, award winninggrour·ssr,«ialty. PERTHCONCtRTHALL FtD23, M1r3 ARTSCAR0S23(ARes) S17(8Resi + $26 S19 KRONOS QUARTET v,,iuow performers wnh modem ,magc_~ !o accompany brave new a1ti1udesmwardchambermusic PERTH CONCERT HALL Feb27-Mu1 ARTSCAA0S18(AResJS15(8ResJ + S20 S17 STUTIGART ARCATA, VIENNA SINGVEREIN Oneoflheyoungest(An:a,a) with6neof1he rnos1esu,blished (SU1g>ercin)musiealgrouPli,n Europe PERTH CONCERT HALL flb21 ARTSCAR0S27!A ~s)S2l(8R!S) + S31 S25 VIENNA SINGVEREIN W.A. SYMPH ORCHESTRA !!~~~;:\;:,,~ s,-mp~ony

YvonneKenny(sop).Rosernary Gunn (oomr). Thomas Edmonds (len)andGf1'Ul1Dickson(bass) arcsoloistsforthiscvcn1 . l!O-.irong\'iennaSingvereinjoin WASOafteri;untswilhthe ViennaandBerlinPhilharmonies. PERTH CONCERT HALL M1r2 ARTSCARDS45(AAes)$37(BRes) • $47 $40 PETER SCHREIER Onr:ofthtg=iesiicnooofour age PERTH CONCERT HALL Mar4, & ARTSCAADS22{AAes)$18(BRes) + 525 $19 DUO CROMMELYNCK Pri,c-wiunu1gpia11oforfour harnls GOVERNMENT HOUSE BALLROOM Mar9 ARTSCAROS17 + S20 SIR MICHAEL TIPPETI ANO FRIENDS lippettis8Syear1otdand pnnc,pal gue<tol honour at The Fe,mal.Hi,musk wil lbt: performed by s,~,,hen Sa,·ai:~ {piano)andlhe Au<tralian Smng Qlll'rtl:(.

OCTAGONlHEATRE Univemtyor WestemALstral,a Plcn!c:5pmSunFebl8 ARTSCARD$19 ... $20 HELENE OELAVAULT Enccna1nini,:in1hefi1>t,1Eoropcan cabarettrad,uon PLAYHOUSElHEATRE Fob20.22.Z3.l4 AATSCARDS24 .... $28 CASTANET CLUB lan)clubact. Mu"cartdcomcd) m,xed incq..ally ~illy pn,1~M1iur" REGAL THEATRE Feb20-24. 27, 28. M•t 1·3, 6·10 AffTSCARDS20

All AKBAR KHAN Masterof tlle 2S-"ring""""


PERTH CONCERT HALL Mu8 AATSCAROS24 + S25 LEO KOTIKE 12-m,og gu,iar dynamo ,mpircd b> 1hemm.icof thc ~1,,~i>>ippi

~ ~i~a;,,~;~1~::~ and sing>

REGAL THEATRE Mu9 _. S26 KATE CEBERANO, JAMES MORRISON, OON BURROWS Whilc8um,".<ha,cnjoy,:d muchacclaimforhi~sa~and clarme1.1ti,>'90sbclong10 Ccbcrano 'svoiccandMoni,on's 1n,mpc1 PERTH CONCERT HALL Mar5 AATSCAAOS26 . "' STEPHANE GRAPELLI Hereaccornp.micdl>y~anin Taylor onguiwandJonBurr on bass. Grappclhsi,llplays pcerle_ss ja,.zviolin

PERTH CONCERT HALL M1rJ AATSCAROS35 .... S36.90 JOSEF NAOJ COMPANY Oancc 1hu"°" uit>m0>1 rebellious.Livefalconoos,a,e! HIS MAJESTY"S THEATRE Feb 14,1li,17.ZD,Z1,23, 24 + $20(AResJ S14 (8 Aes) KATHAKALI Apcrfonnanceof lndianep1cs andablending dance.opcra. panmm"mc. ma,b and mus" .

surJKENGARDEN Unille~ityof WutemAustrali.l .. ·~ FILM SEASON Felluresfilms bydirectors ClaudeChabrol.Woody Allen. 0Jv id Hare. John Duigan. Kon k hibwaandRichardLoncrainc Al,o L.A. Film Critics" 1988 3es1ric1u~chou:clur/,Oorru (Pansl and2) VILLAGE CINEMA, Dalkeith and S(i,re,villeAud1011\0'n, Unillmilyo1westemAus1ra1,1


VISUAL ARTS CONFERENCE ART AND VALUE Ae,thcticaOOcommcrcial"alue!i aren:iminedbya disunsuished pJnclincludingUeorgeMell> [Uldch~ire.t hy ChicfJu,ucc DJ, id Mallolm QC ALEXANDER LIBRARY LECTURE THEATRE

7pmfeb2l 10amlo630pmftb24. tOamto5pmfeb25

TELEVfSlmlFESTIVAL THE WORLO OF SOAP AND GLORY In-de pth on~l)Sis of the highly ,nnucnuaJ worldofSoaps. From 9amSacurJ~}" Feb2-land Sunday25 coniinoou, sc:reenlng ufori~inal Soapi~, from 1he la>l 30ycars. Fab22·25

'JRIHC~ ~"lS c;~ucr fR~S1

ART LECTURE GEORGE MELLY ON SALVAOOR DALI UK mu<ician andmcdia,rnic, GeorgcMelly ,hare,h1< kno .. ·lcdgc:v1dw11"·ithan ", llu<1ra1cd lc:c1ur~"on 1he " ·or\.,


REG~L THEATRE Bpm Jan 22 • Fe, 10 . mal ~pmSill ARISt:AllU S2090 ,._ S2690 THE SHADOW OF A GUNMAN hJSnmO'C,rn') !,~~,:;B~~~~;.~E (Dublin) An1n1cn1cdrarnaando11eof1ht bc,1 pld)'.S o1 th is century HISMA.JESrv'STHEATRE 8p11 M1r21·J1 ,mats2pm M3124, 31 AATSCARO S2790(Mon-Thu. mat)

S30 90(Ffl. 5at) + $2990(Man·Thu)

Sl290(fn. 5at)



s,u,·s Ka,·ul u/,fo::,11<> Apn,..c rful u plnrationofthe tcns,om bc1wecn v.ork. mamagc andself-fulfilmen1

For4S}ea"'.1h,.t,.,nd !1;" c11juyedlifea1 1hc:mpon EuroP<!'> poplu~, j ai:z c ircuits. PERTH CONCERT HALL SIGE?<irQe'sTerrace.Penh 8pmfeb3

OLD CUSTOMS HOUSE Pl1ilomoreSt, Ffemann1 Mar 15 · Apr7 Scm WOO Sill ARTSCARD $13 4 $16 BRAN NUE DAE h)/lmm1Ch,



"" /M,1;;;: ~Jh ,,,;~-:-;,:;,,i:: ~~1,,,,

Swrs. Er,ou Ointo , U~Jo /V"u" A celebratiooof Aboriginality. Rockmusic,comedy.song.d;mee and romance


Tn,uOff1u . G<>l~ryF<1)'tJ', lli, M"J"'J"1Th,a",. f',11h 57.JOJ,)1" ff,.y,,,mJG,,01,oUm,,,,_V,f,,r \\urJ,,,.-, N,~ Oif,,rd.andL,,""~" c ,..,,..,,(f,,rm,rly ru F,,mam/,! \.\,o,,),.,-sar,,,pr,,.,Joi,dond~11/h, ,.c1,o,.g,,Jpw,.,.1,1,a11M"n"'"" Rtprima"J <>PPfr Sa1ur-Ja1 ,..,,.,nR< <>l llnJIS<>,,,J G ,-01trU" u>n,o,.J1>n FdM y a,.JSor.mi<ly , ,ul#R<ul Lwo,;,.,-,c.,..,..,,.cw,a·nm,n< c,,,,.,_p,,,~ OCTAGON THEATRE

Un1vers1t1of WestemAosualia Som Fe,22-24.26-28 8Dnt M3r 1·l, 5·10, 12-17

M.-ABailttC...,,,~oa, Worldprem,cr~ ofanew,.ork.by Chrissie Pal'Tlltt, Bany Moreland and Andrew Caner. OUARRYAMPHITHEATRE Ouan,c01,~e.flo1e.it THE MUSIC TEACHER

AATSCA~O $18 . ~' THE 000 COUPLE ~.,:;;:,;-~::,,.,,B/unJ,11 S1an f'amdu S1,r1r,,..,,,,_ ,1.,i,tu P•nch M,G,-,-t or ll,e female ,mcrpretation of Neil S,mon"sbisgeuhnromedy.

131lmF01S·26 .,, D,m, ,,,,.:G,rardCorh1a" (Fr,ock!E"1/l,shS•hm!,.J Anag,ngoperasingercutsshorl h,scarecr to launch 1he careers of "'oyoungerlalents V/INOSORTWlNCINEMAS 98SMing fljglJwa~. Nedlanc:ts Aprll 1t90 ... $8

SHOW STOPPERS Bn1ishTV'sma;1farnousocwscaS1er.Gordon Hor,eyoomk. al,oan acrQmphshed author. playwrigJuanda,:;tor,isU1 ~nh1opresen1TI/£ HH)1'."MfYfffJN. llone)·rornhtis l'mducerand Direuur ofthhplayabouttht lifeofChri>1,"hich headap.1tcdfromthemcd,cval m)'Sl,:ry e)'clcsuf Yr,,-l, Towriley. <1>t:Na, 1he t1•lu, CMermi~~ Md the Cownt') Corpu,Oln<li pla}~-The Hrdemp1oo,,fe.i1urc<aca,,tof mon: thanl80 pcrforme" (rnmodcm dn:s,) ,nclurJiug6-I ,pe:iJ,:ing role, and many walk,<111 pan, {'>OTT\e tal,cnb) lcadm~St,tcper,on,al11ic,).l!ugccrow,I "'"'1c:, ,u1d , 1u,-,iug ligl11ing ,1p1oc:.u-,n1he spcctacula.r scn,ngpro, ,dedby1h<:Qu.ul)· Amph!!hcatn:.l<cabold lhll. \1an:hl-4andt,.IU

Also'<.l>ct!ul,:J fur ~,i,un,'l""'""""i,lhc "orld premiere of &IHTI/ ,\,\GEI.S tFebnwy 15.l&,1 7. 19-2-l)Om,,,el',vroo.BJII)' Moro,landandAndrc""Caner hd,·crn,ated!hi, dance spect;icle.,.,.hichcombinesmowment,voice. mu<ic.-.ound,de.S1gn thcplasuc a.ri.-anddanre A,1tk;frum "d 1~llcngingthept.T1.-..-p!100s.111d cxc111ng1t1esen>t's".1h1<product,001;"dedio:mffi tothe an~d, ,..ho,..atch o,crOUJeanh".

Thetropical luc:!lionofBruom,:" J,mm}O!i", ,eumgforh1<'"c.:ktnn,onof Abong,n;1l,1y,Jo,.·e and hope m oomcmpnr;U) Au~ual,~'". llHAN NUI:.' f)A£. Tiu,cnt<rLon11,g1••••:c fullo,,.,.u, Abotig,nal boy jomT"')'"g from l\,nh 10 hi< homelMld 01 DJalmJm m >CMl:h of,,Jcnmy. lo,·c and •.e<:un1y H,, Juumcy cl"' m anc.trdOrthn:.ry b!endofrockmu<ical. l'IXklmm·,es. comcdy.'<mg. danceandronu1ec. S..--c 1he"ot1dprcm,cn,olthc B,un Nue Dae al d1~ Uni,c:t'II) ufWA', O,;tag,.., The:11refromFcbrua,y2!.

MM1:hS1>th.eda!eloraconccnfc3tunng KAT£ C1:BEkANO. J,\,\1£.S i\lORRIS0 ... and l>ON OUR ROWS at ~nh Coocen Hall

Don IJurruwsru,d Jame,. Mom,on arr ,,.-orld da,,rnul1i-ir,,tn.rr11r;111.d,"',. Bum,"'·a"m'"'° performeronclan1>tlandsa>.ophone 1<Austmha\

best kno"njau musician. Morrison has mum.I with D1uy Gillespie and 1he PhLlip Morri1

:~:::1~ ~s:;~,!!'._klJ:~; ;e:::~, n~ inooosider.1bl~populJri1y isdefinitelystillonthe mcaftcrrc«m,n1cll\Jl,onaJ roncertarn!chan "~="'-' Gl,-un Ht:mich 1vihc,,. pi.,oo,u"t s:uophooe;;J.Jon:ilhonZ"-artz(~J. Ste,e Bnen (gu1tar).Jc.Saan:lah! (Lc)boru'ds)anJl'<:1eJonc) (dnu1h),..ill,uA>0n 1he hcaJliuer.,

Keep 1hcni!!h1>of Fe1>rua,yW10 22free,fyou "".mt1orntchthc"orkl\lllO'otn:cortlooon:holm in a.;!lll!I Wurh by R,m,i}-Kor.al.ov. Muw>tg,,l). Str:w,mly. Tch.:t,lo,,ly, 1<.ichm .. 1m<wandShQ!.taknv1ch arc lhc fucu,otan all-Ru"1.u1u,r>...-..-n ..c,.;,.,-, frul!l TIIE PHIUIARJ\10 ... IA O RCH ESTRA. Founded in 19-15.ThePhilharmooia"ati,!ll.lblyBrita,n\ gre3te,1orche,,tra_Forth" ewlu,ive ,isitto Au, trJlia. n,.,Philh3'IDOll1a,,. illbe ledbr,?OCial ~ueS1conducror.Yun S1rnnnm. ;mauthonty<K1 R=ianmu,,c hJ•mgbt...-nch1d,·uno.lU<.1orJtlh<, Bohoo;for16 )ear.

lnllollp,ooJla,,1)ear, aBclgianfilmabou1:in .igingopcrJ,ing<-rOo-.evan D:u11l"-huCur,,hun hi,c,tn.-ertohclptwoyoongulent,!allr\Chlh,ir,, wa, nom,n.,ted for lk,1 Fore,gn him. ('allctt 1"111:-; MUSIC T1'.'AClfl:."H. ,1·, a rumJ1111,· tak "'loc:n: wont., and plc,t IJ!c a bJc~ ><'al to mu,ic and im~e (lo,, h c.unen,v,orl;fromWallhcr \'anden En<le). D1m:1or. Ger.udCmt>,au·,~arti~r t~k,·i"on films c>i.:lm1nedlhehvesofcompo,;er lgor S1ra,·m,k) an<l.axJf>h00<:mv,:ruo,AdolphcS.nandh1> l'"-"iu11 fur mu,,s· i,d ~,.,-ly ~vir.k,u 1n dn, film. Worl.sby ~lahler, Vent,. Bellini and Mol:ln an, gi,-cn , uperbn:nJi1ionsb)thc,-o,ce,ofl)inah Bryarttand.leromePruen and Jo-.e,·artDam"ho ,;ng,andplay,the 1eachc:r. Tni.<im.:mhtrscan see the film dunng a TnN Gakl N,£h! nn Apnl I for uni) $.8. 1'h~Mum T,a,htr"1ll bt: sc:IN"!l<°d a11h<: WINDSOR TWIN, r-.edlands

ARTS CARO (09) 321 4953 FRONT ROW Page Seven -.(09)321 1148

Page 8: GRAVY TRAIN GOES TO N.Z. Film• Rock

siagecoupleaadd.auglucr THEPLAVHOUSE Vidon.nArtsCer>U! f!~8·MH24 8pm Tue.S.t. lpm\\"ed. 2:J,mS,1!. 5j:mS...n AR1SCAROS2690{Tue-Fn)

l'ir<uml b,lo., i< /Jr. c,",...,rdldh~11u, a man ~ho gai11tdjinl ,lau h•,ran t ,,. Sotia/ il,r1h,opoW!iJ al

MMo,h {' nl>'rnit:;. Whit, h, ~·a, " udJiflJ/. lh, good /MKtor alM> fo.,n,J ,;,,.~/,;,,tab/Uh •·hu/ i, no..-

''"'"atia·, only ,,,.,J,wonal non,.nd1g,11ou, dhni< tlanu ,o.,,p,,111. Tkt Bhara1a111 Dan,, Compallf.

LES MISERABLES MMllr""'1 LJ•1<1.Ala1nBo"bhl Clai,d,·.\liW/Srlwlbug fnrallH Tma,N""" !:::.<'tuCo,,s,,u.An1M'Oy

ACameronMackinto1h produmonntra~asa.n1,31h:.1 co ntiflt!es m anrac1 b•w aut1,011co,. PRINCESS THEATRE Spnng St. Melbourne ~·c,r,·5at.mal5al . ...

ALICE IN WONDERLAND h7t..,,,,.irCa11r,II r,,,,,io,. GknnE:bw11 Areal"Wondcrland" scumgtor Carrolrsfantas)'forthcfamily. R0'fAL80TANICGAROEtlS unul fc,11 1D.amanll6pmMt111·Frt ARTSCARD$10 • $12

WIND IN THE WILLOWS b)K,nn~~G,,,J,,,,,,, Do,,-,10,. £1,.,,&m,.,n Toad ofToa.dHallwasacrowd ple=r longbefore hiscous,n Kcnnit.LO!Soffunforall BIRRARRUNGPARK 1trnp'ts10v.11Roa~

10amlueln;3pmg6pmSat SpmSu~ ARTSCARD$8 CAFE FLEDERMAUS b)Rob>nA,,.ker /),rul(,r /lam, Kolb Ea..l) :Olhccntury \"icnntsecaf~ /ifrfi11credduoughrhcralemed mmdofRobynArchcr. ln10,ica1111g. Early not1ce10, ad,anccboobng. THEMERLVU.CUBMALTHOUSE 117SiurtSt Sou\llMclDoo.,rne Mly25 ·JH16 615pm Mc,r,.8pmT,;Hhu:8 1Spm Fn.5pm,815pm5a1. ,ra11pmMayJO ARTSCARD$18 ... ~· THE COCKTAIL HOUR b, ~RG"'"'·' I)""'"' R,rl,,a,JComdl ~;~..,%'.:R,, llukm.M,n L1gh1familyaffaorfor1rli<vcteran

S17.90(mat.) + 529.90; $20 90

THE FORTY LOUNGE CAFE '%,,1:,:',;Y;s;::i(J,offi• S1<J,. . M"') Sit<Jrr..,..c,,,.,.,1.,,,, /),G•Rlttlmo PO$t•WMAumaha,c:entrln.>u¥h lhe youthful cye~ora newly am,edGm:kbnde. Moveo,·er W,:,gsOutOflfork . THEBECKffi.CUBMALTHOUSE 117S1UIIS1. South1Ael!l0urne Marl&·Apr17 6.15pmMc,r,: 8pmlue·lhu.815om ffl: 5oro. 8.15pmsa1:mi11pmApr4 ARTSCAA0$17 ... S22

THE IMAGINARY INVALIO B.1\11,/i,r, Di,«ror:J,.,,.p,,,,,M,in,~1 ~11,rs·Ju/i,f()rJ.'l~.Alt>.\lrn:lr1. RM, l<iil,.,OU f>laywrigh1Muhere:ruuk,tbla>1 a11Me,pen~of1hemcd1cJI profemon,n 1his.hi~ ll,1wm)' ,«~ UNIVERSAL THEATRE 19V,ctoriaSueei.r,uroY O~!nSJII



MELBOURNE IS GOOO THEATRE Acanoonuh1bmo nrefle<:1111g 1ticgoodhfe1nMclboumc THETRUST Lvl 4.2 K1varil ghSt.SoulhMelDourne Apr2·1& 9i!m·5pm

A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM 11,,,.,,,.,s,1i1n:SPEA/r£ Dorrctor·G/,00£/111:,.,

Comedy ,./.f,~s,·o. Bong the familya,.Jd,einscetr,,pellan, ROVALBOTANICGAROENS

830pmllon·S<U ARTSCAROS22.90 . NANA


h,·01~,,, 11.\rl<J,4 M"<i~ond/,>rl,(:J· ilo1~.,,,,,. ,ot!t Mtll>o•m, 111,~,,,c.,,,,r.,~1 W)m~rk ", d ramat1"'1tion of Emile Zola\novelcapmres"ellthc fluctuaun,moodsandero1ic,sm

SHOW STOPPERS Ooe,1hcnumchl" Un1cr-..,ndch,ll,upyom ,pH1e hleonlyehJll"lUC"Jhngonablarlbo.ml <;an"'Do)oun,~ntallyr,,..:hmg 1Nlh<>p;ipc, 10 ... cl<at1hc ,magcnf il\lhby,~...:a,1rr.O...:ar \IJ<MM,n'' Wl..,.,hcr 10 you Tfll-: 01)1) COUl'I.E mean1J..cl l...:mmonao,I\\J l!,,.. \lat1hauoo rh(-b,g...:ree,,orTV\Ton) R.,/10.lJ ll.u1t!JJ<"l Klup,~111. yuu"db..11erpr,:p;,n,)ou"<'Jl'causc 1h(1..;:1v.o ·buctd1~S(N.;arandFd .. h.»ehad~ <e~ change. In the .,, ,.c,1 '""'O<lof \ e,I Somon\ h,tpb). P.Jmcla S1,•phen,onma!c,thc "''"<and Angela Punch McGn,gor" Fd" ,n f,:,ml, fon,L 11-0olno" fo,rhi:C,onnlyS,ore"hc"'1h,,od,t O,Mc,, .. ,,1, oren,on March :?9

Rob)n ,\rthcr"a 'lom.on ofmao,y ,ak~,"· mos101v. luchromerigh1101hrtore,nhcrlatc<t offcnng. CAn : tl. EDERM,\ US She"''°'" the wonl,and1hcnm,,clo,1h"rc,"'' 10,hccaft andcaron:1.,,,._,cl)ofearly "W<Vienna Soog. -.u,n:.,110\cmcr11.ma,land,llu"onan,u-..,,l10 ~"'Cltea "orklontlw:lmn!ofm.,.",·cchan~ alkrWWI Optn,~IJ)':?SatThcPla)bo•Cl H \IJllhou>C'

~larch l6 "1!h Tc<, L)"'o11s" ncv. pl.•). T/110 l'OHn' U)U\'GECilf' I:.'. Ba<.ed on hermoiht.'f\ """n°'rencnce,. 1hcplJ) "amov,n~JCCOUnlof J)Ounglin:dbn<krnmmg10Au"raha L)""""""''Gre<l,mJEnit11,h"h,ch",lfm.lAc 1h<: plJ)' ac'ce,s,ble lo l.ui;crauo.hcnre, R<>ttn Oraffind,n.-ct,ac."1tha1inc.ludc,MM)S1ran:no-, md CJnnelme 0.Gugl,cfmo

Da,,JW,lloam•,:monceagampn""'l ln, " OOhJ, ,\m1rnha\leadingplay" nght.ln h"fi"1 ,tagelia.'°"" 'thcom,mcn:ialcnrrqire,,ou".T,'f' Si/J.d·dropbu"'"'"·Je,p,1c a lule,,.am, n,,:,er1,on1rr·mn:,.:""e"

for hi, law,, pl")· SIHE\ '. w,u,. m<.00 he<lge, hi,bo:,1,byr,,iummg to1he,ul,,,l(l,,ct1fold111 S)dnc) ~,.,.,. .. ,n~pre:scnrcdh)rhcSydncy ll,c,ur,, Comp;,ny a1 The \Vlmff,om M=ti 22

ln~t;llx•m oe.ho"e•er.1he plJ)op;n,on \1.in,h 1,,na com,rocrt,alprod,•,11'-"1roune,yof !h:lmr li,ll'uodandl<,mdJl'ro,J"'-1100, S1amn_e fhr 8,~ G,.~·, Jean K,n,un_ doe \le lhnunic 11fOOL,·11oo(comme,,c,ngu1n,c A1henaeumllteJ1n:).-.. ilL 1hme111h.nluna

oftheorig ,nal.Prem,e,e. RUSSELL STREET THEATRE f8b10·M1r17 6.30l)rnMon:8pmTue-fr~5pm1nd 8JOpmSa1.Mir~ 1pmfeb14 f«a21 ARTSCARD524 + $28-40

NOT WAVING 1>1·Cotl,t11otll,;i..-, D,r,m,r:Lo,stll" Smt, E,·tlJnKmp,

A hi1ing blJc~ comed¥>tauin11 1hed;namK: EvclynKr,q,c THEATREWORKS AprMB ARTSCAHD$19.40 ._ 52140 CO~T~Cl !Aus- FOR FURrHER DHns

THE ODO COUPLE h1N"I·~''""" Dir,cM, G,<Jtm, Bl~nd,11 Star;.Pa111r//.Si,/}N,uo".A,aµI., P"..rh-MrGr,gor NcilSimon·,biggt,i socces~is hcn:givtnaver)"funnyfemalc intcrpretat,on

COMEOVlHEATRE 240hhb:1,onS1. Mctbourne OpensN&r29 Bpm Mon·5al:2tlfflWet5a1 ARTSCAADS29 (Mon-Thu) + S33.9D(Mon·Thu)


SIREN ~)Da,·id Wi/1'<,"""" /)omw,. Gr,um,Rl•'IMII S1ar,: Jt<1nK11,~~ lnWilliamson":; la1cs1. h,s hero,oe(playcdby Th, n,i:Gii:1 K1rt:;on)can"1 l cep1hemenaw1y. ATHENAEUMTHEAlRE 188Co'lnsS1. Melbourne O~n~ "'•r15 8omTue·5atalso 5pm5a1.SJ1l COW•CITRUSTFORFlR'H[qOEJ~l(S

STEAMING h)Ntl/Duan D1<1uor: /;,ryu·conr.,/I

!~;,'/\~:,,:,:~:r?.~";:t;;:~/' /1011,/(lmr, NellDunn 'sall·G,rli,11cmp1tn re1,Cue lhe localpublicha1hhou<e retum5forann1hc,,c"<.on CONTlt! l RUSTfO~ FU~IHrnDETll(S

Loveh,morloo1fl<h,m.Johnl'lho1-.a,cd1hc da)"h<:nCarl1,01&un;,cJBn:"enc, donar«11hc Cl R Malthou"' on Soo1h Melbourne kl the 1'1a)OO,Theatrc.Follow,n, 1hcl9~1ar,;onaiiacl 1ha1 <k,1roycct,hhu11,o,nE,,.h,bmonSntt1. PIJ)bm finally moves HllO 1hc ronvcn«J ITT"'"')' w,lh lhc opemng of the lkd.c1t l;htarr,, (n""'M afterthc 1hca1re·,,1e"~•Jolinfk<:\;clflon

1990 BRUNSWICK nahooa11,,,,, "hith ,r,clude, n:g,on.al 1'SW !moc~ MUSIC FESTIVAL 1o rhe STC,d1,1i:.nn\ • Ftu'""' ,\/u,1inCa11h,·,C~11mn,

.~,m, co.,~crn._, a 11,om.,n long mi:. to hr ~ond a, c,11,,.,,. Cf.,·, Gr,1"'"· Da,·, <Ometh,ng. "h,lc all amund toe,. 11,on .ire loni:.mi:. J s~·a,oo,·*· T~mmy £mmd,url for hc-r Bu, "h,1.- "",...telini:. men sccru th" Pm pourri of arnus1,c muuc S;r,,n",for1c. ttoere·,linledouhl1h.tr,qurdle,iof on,olvn.•g a livebroadcasiof gendcra.•loer,ces wollfind hcrtquall) 1rrr<1,11hlc. !,:;~o ~·:~~;,Women lnJ<J::

ARTSCAR0(03)6.122777 FRONT ROW Pag"eE1ght

BRUNSWICKTOWNHALL Medlanics lns1,1u1e. SydneyRoad,

b,,,.k,art, .


CARMEN &org,Bllfl"

Bruns"·1ck Bi~et"s thrillingdramaucopera Mar 23·25 promises robe the cmenainmcnl VA~OUStlUESO\'ERTHi:WE(i(NO SpectacularnflQ90.


~i~~~,!~J,:(~!~!~~!~t-w) ::,,1A0~ !~~:5,AEUIUU TRUST mis The Jan ""rl,1", favuuri te ,...ONEFORO!TAILS !OOl!ING Fn:nd1mmandviolinmaestro.


, :~:,;~,"~~~~;.~,~-~PILLS c~.,,,"~"'I'''" Jmm~M,KQ) . . '"" ··~ ,,,, ___ ,. ,. '""

COSI FAN TUITE llo/j~QoRArndJrus MOURT Tiff; AUSIJM.LIAN On HA STATETHEATRE,VA.C 730pm Mar26, A,ir2·5, mat 1pm Mar31 ARTSCARDS!o:O IA.Rcs)S42(BRes) .... $6TiARes)S52(BRes)

IL TROVATORE r.,.,,rr,1"£RDI TIIEAUSTRAIJAN OPE/1.A STATETHEATRE, VAC 730pm Apr12, 18 ; ma11prnA~23 ARTS CARO $~5 (ARcs)$42(B AC!5) ¼ $67(A.Aes)S52(BAesJ

LUCIA DI LAMMERMDOR r.,""'"'' DDN/l£Trl tlll;AU.'iTRM.W"<Ol'FR,\ STATETHEATRE. VAC Nay8 7.30pm ARTSCARO $SS(ARes1S42 (BRes) + $67(ARes1S52(8Res)

THE GIPSY PRINCESS f,..,,,,.,ichKAI.MA.,\" rl/E,~USTRMIAIVOP£f/A Tru$1Party: Apr2!i Supperanosr.owsso STATETHEATRE,VAC 7 30pm Apr 21i, M1y14.15.17. 18 mat \pm Ma~12. 19 AATSCAADS42(ARu)S32(8Res) + 5.56 (ARes)Sl9(8Res)

TRISTAN UNO ISOLDE 11.,,.,,,,1u r.NrR lllfilUSTRlll/M,'OPf:N~ STAlETHEATRE, VAC 6pmo\jlrZ7 (5noutopera) ARTSCAR0$55(ARes)S42(B Alli)


WERTHER JU/'1 M~SS£/o/U lh,A• sr,a/ian Or,1u STATE THEATRE.VAC 7 l 0pm Mar30, mat 1pmApr 7 ARTS CARD $55 (AA11s)S42 (8Res)


Jw,1n.. M~Ka1

AnexuberantandlighHearted clanceconcoct1o n. COMEOVFESTIVAL ~fJ.8 CO!;lAct JR.JS! 'OR f URlHER DE;A,l S

THE EPIC Of THE ANKLET BharatamOanceComoany

Amagmficent.dramaticdance produciionofa2ndcenlul) literarydassicfromSouth lndia. 730pm ~ r 19·21.23, 24,26·28. mats2pmApr21. 2B


SPARTACUS Th<' Au,iro/1~nlfo/let CAnuogrnp~" Lis,foS.r~~, STATETHEATRE.VAC Ftb2J..M1re 7.30tlfflllon·Sit. ma1s 130pmrt b24, Mar3 CO~l~CT TFUSI fO~ fURT~ER DETAI.S

CINEMA PARADISO n"u10,·G11,s,pp, 1'nrn;,u,,, Atnuchingsmall 1<1wntaleofa )oung boy'~ ,J,:votion Charmin,i::lyp,mrayedin rOOrooghly Italian ~tylc VILLAGE RIVOLI TWIN 200C~m:ierwe11Junr;tlon

MY LEFT FOOT s,~,.. Dawi,JD,,,.·U~·i, Anac11ngtourdcforccforDamtl Day Lc-..;, .,.hoponray,1he handicappcd butgu" ylrisll wri1er/pam1crCh,i,1y Brown. LONGFORD CINEMA 59 !oorak Ad. Sout~ Vau a AATSCARDS7 + S950


THE GLASS MENAGERIE Ro:,alQ1<al<.llandThrnr,,C,""flan) byT<'Mr,,r~\\"if/o,ms Di=to,: /lubuy/,1,1/o, S1a,s:J~";1JuF/o~ers. Bi// Ha)(:«k

William "s classic of a Southern matnarch andherfamily CREMOANETHEATREQl'AC South Bank Orisb1ne Mar8· Apr7 6pmWed·5at.6?nJTue;mats 10 30w We~. 2pm Sat ARTSCARO S2J9S .,. m~o

JIGSAW hJl,nnif,rR,.,Jw,s Dii,c/o,· /1,/ary B,mnn Christmaslur,chscis1hesccne fo1ancngaginglook4lthc ,·llangingrelationshipsoffi~ women from the same family. LABOITETHEATRE HaleSt, Bnsbane Pre..,ew hb2l 8pm$6

8')m Wed.Thu. Sat.6.30pmfti ARTSCAAD $1 0 ... S1 5

HOW THE OTHER HALF LOVES byA/anllyrkb-ou,n Dirr,:10,, Pa,r\l.,lliams Mar, : /lo,,·,,..,Wal/ac~.8,/cnd~ G,bt,"

Th1i popular Ayckbourn comed y

~,~;;,~-~ .. ,::t:1:::r~1:%:n,. TVIELTH NIGHT cor~PLEX 4Clntr.iRO,BowenHllls

somMonsa1 mats11amweo:1, 2pm

"' ARTSCAAD $2650 $2950

ONCE A CATHOLIC by MaryO"\fa/1,y f111uu" Snm/,all'",,. Scand;,1011,, ~acrilcgiou,. di,gu,ung and therefore a ~ure. firebo~office,m, sh.

BRISBANE ARTS THEATRE 210f>ett,eleir,ce.Biisbane FOi·Mar 10 8pmWl!:d·S~t ARTSCARD S10 + 512

STEPPING OUT h)·N,,lwt1/l/a,,,, D,,,,.,,,.,r,,,,wiiliam, Srars:J,a,u"lml,. Pa1 .llc/)o""/d luYa~nt.Joanllrot"IMJ~"' The toc, 1 church h~n·s weekly 1apdancc da,:,es prov,~cas m uchlaughinga, , 1epprng.

TWELFTH NIGHT COMPLEX 4C•n1n1Rd,B0MnH1I$ Ma1 21-Ajl128 8pm Mon·S.1t ma1s 11am Wed, 2pm

"' ARTSCARO $26.50 $295D

THE TEMPEST ,,, ,~,11,,,,..s,,,,t,'1""" AmTheatrt Dl,u,or: />QJridMuch,11 Shake~pea,e"s las1, buc not least. playofjustkebymag,c.

LA801TETHEATRE H,1eS1. enstarie P1eviewF1b27 7.3Dpm$6

7 30pmWtd.Thu,S.1.630pmFri ARTSCARO $10

"' TWELFTH NIGHT b)Mll,amShiJA<'µ"'e ilnsThutr, Vi,~ru,, Patl¾lllu<"<' Stars: 11,1,11 HIZ)·um llll/as 4foria Ano1hcr popularclassicfrom 1he bardwliosc~tryownlhcatrc.Thc lilohci<ool)' nowbcinguneanh.:d BRISBANE ARTS THEATRE Pelr;efe,race MIi 16 · A~r21 spm we~ · Sat ARTSCARD SlO + $12

THE VENETIAN TWINS HO)vlQ•u,.,/undThro1,..CompilnJ byMckE..,,,~h1.r,,,nuC/a1{ /)11,cl(H· JnhnB,II s,a,. · Dr,,. f()rS)"lk,.lon~:~·ing An ainu,mg tale of two rwms whufinally mt:e1eachothe1 when 1hey lcas1e>.pe<:l i! SUNCORP THEATRE TutbotStrttt.Brisllane Feba-24 8pm Wtd - Sat. 6pm Tue 10 30am Wea: 2pmSat ARTSCARD $2395


STEPHANE GRAPPELLI IN CONCERT '>llh.\l,u11nTaylvra"'1Jan /Jurr Thi>viniage frer>eh JaZ.Zuplays violinlikc anangcl.Taylor providcs1hcOjangnc<queguirnr and Burr. tht walkingOO,~

CONCERT HALLOPAC Soulh B~nk, 8nsb1ne Feb 26 8pm ARTSCARD SJJ • SJ5

LYON OPERA BALLET OF FRANCE Cendrillon (Cinderella) Brilliant]~ innn,·aung and originaldance .Eurupe·,be,;1. LVRICTHEATREQPAC South Ban~. Brisbilne Trustnighl d,sco.ntM1124 $40 Mar23-28 7.30pm ARTSCARO $38 ~, ROMEO AND JULIET Queensland Ballet Company CM""l'"Ph,, Jar-q1«Ca,roll Thegr,,a1cs110,·cs1oryofall cckbrates theQuecn<land Flallc1",3DthAnni,·er'iaJ)' Year

surJ~ORPTHEATRE Tutbo1St.Brisw.ne Mar21· Apr 7 8pm Wed·5al: 630om Tue; 2pm Mar J 1. Apr7. ~t COOIACl'RtlSTFORFUUHROHl ltS

SHOW STOPPERS "•D;mcc at !he Opera will no lon~cr be a

: ~m!eu~;~~1::t~:~~i~::,~• :i: :~1:~:~~.~;N OPEkA HALU:T", objecti~e_,. ! I" comp,my ha.•ince hecnmconeofthe gre:ale>1European d :mcccompanie,.The present 29·member. 1ruupeisdireccedbyFran,o,seAdre1and,s commm,ued 10 1hc creation o t new worh. rhc re-in1erprciahonof ··c1as, ical""wo rband1hc enrnur.,gement of i,rnova1i,·c ani"s.11 has achie,·edm,mtc ma1io nalreputationfor 11S repenoire of1rJd1tion-b<!ndingbalf.ctsandfor prooidinga showcaS<)IOr<ome oflhcmo.11 ongmal rnlcn1 m Europe

TilColde.,1 e<1ahh, hedprofe",,.,alb;,llcl company in Au, 1r~l ia i~ the QUEENSI. AND IIALLET -..hichthiS )c;ir.celtllmtesJOycar,of dancingwi1h1hegrea1e.i lovc s1ory?l .thcmall. 1/omt'o Ami Jull(I. Acconhng 10 Anl\J1c D,rcctor. Harold Collin, M.11.E.: '"The Company ,~ dancing bcncr than ever. Each dar>eer i, a .wlo"1whuwil1hrillanddcligh1youw1th thc11 te<:hnicat ab,tityandart,stry.""Jacqu, Carrollwill choreogmph!™,:Shakespcnrcballctand ihc roman!icscorcw,llbc p layedh) 1heQu«n,lw1d Ph,lh:nmonicOrchestr.i

THE \'ENF:TIAN TWl l\'S ,ire back . both of 1hemplay,:db)' Drew for,ylhe"-·hocr,,atcd 1he roles IOyeari;agofor Nimrod. Thewhacky romplhrough 17rhcc n1ury Verorw1(or i,it

~~TS CAR_O (07) 221 9528

Goood1wind1".') coune1y of Nie~ fauigh1 and Terence Clarke s ia l ~lh ccmury pby"·right CarloGold ini.hada,·uhfo!lowing,.ayback tht:nand ha, " ncepassed,mo 1hcatrical folklor,,.Joh11Bellre·d1rcctc, a sparkhngncw produc1<on1hatosmor,:, than~ du,rcdoffver, iun And a fun ca, ! it i, too. indudm!' Jon Ewmg. TerryBadcr. Jona!han8ii;,gin;. Genc,·ie,c Lemon and Arky M ichael. Tht' \ 'i'n'11an foms play,a11heSuncorpThcatre asp.,nof1heRoyal Qoccn,laridlneatreCompJny'< , ea,nuFcbruary 8·24heforecmharl.ingonana,,'",Jl1Uur.

··1wan1tu , huwwomena, 1hcy reallyare:as funny.brigh1.imeresung.brJvehum:mbelog, whobrmg imme nse stre:nglh andcomP""'."n imocacho1hcr"shvc,."" ,a) <Wc,1Au,uali,u1 pla)"·ngh1Jennifc, ROl)er.. TI>ere,utrof her cffon,"JIGSAll'S. ad"tincm ·c and rnmpell,ngpiecc wh,chruns 11II February ll~l La B0i1~Thea1re:. Stamng Be v Langlord. Ela1nc Oow. Socl.:l"->On.S,monc Oc l laas.Ang1c Quock.this ricwplaybrong,anin>1gh1imo 1he li ,c,of five womenfromtlirec g,:ncra1ion,of :he,amcfamily. With!hcfamolygathered togctherforChristmas lunch. wcsechow

~~:;~n1t;,i;~~~~~:::i~ : :ii~ •;:ihc~~~t~~ After a long absence. Hibry Bnrnn. whose 1alems havefuunddemandinothcr St.atc~. retum> forLa Boi1e"s6.'i1hannivc1-nty)'Car 1odircc1J1f1•11~·J


m,mb,< •fNJP>J

r•i<a,i>t /Jj.,nro

Rh,inhard1'1 ll<ll Cl•b of Fron« Q"in,.,. No-·, 1urr l~ttr, G,app,lli i, ml/ hol. 1/u , • . , ., o~d

co~anfu/1 of i11t(1««1bly 1,;,1tful j,,u. al QPAI On~r,n Hall 011 f'tbn,a,y 16.

JtOIMt li11/, ,tar, io ··Supping Ou/"" al lht r.,,1J1h ,\ ",gh, Co,,.p/n: /Mar,~ 11 lo ,\pri/ 11). l"h,

+(07) 2217762

Page 9: GRAVY TRAIN GOES TO N.Z. Film• Rock

siagecoupleaadd.auglucr THEPLAVHOUSE Vidon.nArtsCer>U! f!~8·MH24 8pm Tue.S.t. lpm\\"ed. 2:J,mS,1!. 5j:mS...n AR1SCAROS2690{Tue-Fn)

l'ir<uml b,lo., i< /Jr. c,",...,rdldh~11u, a man ~ho gai11tdjinl ,lau h•,ran t ,,. Sotia/ il,r1h,opoW!iJ al

MMo,h {' nl>'rnit:;. Whit, h, ~·a, " udJiflJ/. lh, good /MKtor alM> fo.,n,J ,;,,.~/,;,,tab/Uh •·hu/ i, no..-

''"'"atia·, only ,,,.,J,wonal non,.nd1g,11ou, dhni< tlanu ,o.,,p,,111. Tkt Bhara1a111 Dan,, Compallf.

LES MISERABLES MMllr""'1 LJ•1<1.Ala1nBo"bhl Clai,d,·.\liW/Srlwlbug fnrallH Tma,N""" !:::.<'tuCo,,s,,u.An1M'Oy

ACameronMackinto1h produmonntra~asa.n1,31h:.1 co ntiflt!es m anrac1 b•w aut1,011co,. PRINCESS THEATRE Spnng St. Melbourne ~·c,r,·5at.mal5al . ...

ALICE IN WONDERLAND h7t..,,,,.irCa11r,II r,,,,,io,. GknnE:bw11 Areal"Wondcrland" scumgtor Carrolrsfantas)'forthcfamily. R0'fAL80TANICGAROEtlS unul fc,11 1D.amanll6pmMt111·Frt ARTSCARD$10 • $12

WIND IN THE WILLOWS b)K,nn~~G,,,J,,,,,,, Do,,-,10,. £1,.,,&m,.,n Toad ofToa.dHallwasacrowd ple=r longbefore hiscous,n Kcnnit.LO!Soffunforall BIRRARRUNGPARK 1trnp'ts10v.11Roa~

10amlueln;3pmg6pmSat SpmSu~ ARTSCARD$8 CAFE FLEDERMAUS b)Rob>nA,,.ker /),rul(,r /lam, Kolb Ea..l) :Olhccntury \"icnntsecaf~ /ifrfi11credduoughrhcralemed mmdofRobynArchcr. ln10,ica1111g. Early not1ce10, ad,anccboobng. THEMERLVU.CUBMALTHOUSE 117SiurtSt Sou\llMclDoo.,rne Mly25 ·JH16 615pm Mc,r,.8pmT,;Hhu:8 1Spm Fn.5pm,815pm5a1. ,ra11pmMayJO ARTSCARD$18 ... ~· THE COCKTAIL HOUR b, ~RG"'"'·' I)""'"' R,rl,,a,JComdl ~;~..,%'.:R,, llukm.M,n L1gh1familyaffaorfor1rli<vcteran

S17.90(mat.) + 529.90; $20 90

THE FORTY LOUNGE CAFE '%,,1:,:',;Y;s;::i(J,offi• S1<J,. . M"') Sit<Jrr..,..c,,,.,.,1.,,,, /),G•Rlttlmo PO$t•WMAumaha,c:entrln.>u¥h lhe youthful cye~ora newly am,edGm:kbnde. Moveo,·er W,:,gsOutOflfork . THEBECKffi.CUBMALTHOUSE 117S1UIIS1. South1Ael!l0urne Marl&·Apr17 6.15pmMc,r,: 8pmlue·lhu.815om ffl: 5oro. 8.15pmsa1:mi11pmApr4 ARTSCAA0$17 ... S22

THE IMAGINARY INVALIO B.1\11,/i,r, Di,«ror:J,.,,.p,,,,,M,in,~1 ~11,rs·Ju/i,f()rJ.'l~.Alt>.\lrn:lr1. RM, l<iil,.,OU f>laywrigh1Muhere:ruuk,tbla>1 a11Me,pen~of1hemcd1cJI profemon,n 1his.hi~ ll,1wm)' ,«~ UNIVERSAL THEATRE 19V,ctoriaSueei.r,uroY O~!nSJII



MELBOURNE IS GOOO THEATRE Acanoonuh1bmo nrefle<:1111g 1ticgoodhfe1nMclboumc THETRUST Lvl 4.2 K1varil ghSt.SoulhMelDourne Apr2·1& 9i!m·5pm

A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM 11,,,.,,,.,s,1i1n:SPEA/r£ Dorrctor·G/,00£/111:,.,

Comedy ,./.f,~s,·o. Bong the familya,.Jd,einscetr,,pellan, ROVALBOTANICGAROENS

830pmllon·S<U ARTSCAROS22.90 . NANA


h,·01~,,, 11.\rl<J,4 M"<i~ond/,>rl,(:J· ilo1~.,,,,,. ,ot!t Mtll>o•m, 111,~,,,c.,,,,r.,~1 W)m~rk ", d ramat1"'1tion of Emile Zola\novelcapmres"ellthc fluctuaun,moodsandero1ic,sm

SHOW STOPPERS Ooe,1hcnumchl" Un1cr-..,ndch,ll,upyom ,pH1e hleonlyehJll"lUC"Jhngonablarlbo.ml <;an"'Do)oun,~ntallyr,,..:hmg 1Nlh<>p;ipc, 10 ... cl<at1hc ,magcnf il\lhby,~...:a,1rr.O...:ar \IJ<MM,n'' Wl..,.,hcr 10 you Tfll-: 01)1) COUl'I.E mean1J..cl l...:mmonao,I\\J l!,,.. \lat1hauoo rh(-b,g...:ree,,orTV\Ton) R.,/10.lJ ll.u1t!JJ<"l Klup,~111. yuu"db..11erpr,:p;,n,)ou"<'Jl'causc 1h(1..;:1v.o ·buctd1~S(N.;arandFd .. h.»ehad~ <e~ change. In the .,, ,.c,1 '""'O<lof \ e,I Somon\ h,tpb). P.Jmcla S1,•phen,onma!c,thc "''"<and Angela Punch McGn,gor" Fd" ,n f,:,ml, fon,L 11-0olno" fo,rhi:C,onnlyS,ore"hc"'1h,,od,t O,Mc,, .. ,,1, oren,on March :?9

Rob)n ,\rthcr"a 'lom.on ofmao,y ,ak~,"· mos101v. luchromerigh1101hrtore,nhcrlatc<t offcnng. CAn : tl. EDERM,\ US She"''°'" the wonl,and1hcnm,,clo,1h"rc,"'' 10,hccaft andcaron:1.,,,._,cl)ofearly "W<Vienna Soog. -.u,n:.,110\cmcr11.ma,land,llu"onan,u-..,,l10 ~"'Cltea "orklontlw:lmn!ofm.,.",·cchan~ alkrWWI Optn,~IJ)':?SatThcPla)bo•Cl H \IJllhou>C'

~larch l6 "1!h Tc<, L)"'o11s" ncv. pl.•). T/110 l'OHn' U)U\'GECilf' I:.'. Ba<.ed on hermoiht.'f\ """n°'rencnce,. 1hcplJ) "amov,n~JCCOUnlof J)Ounglin:dbn<krnmmg10Au"raha L)""""""''Gre<l,mJEnit11,h"h,ch",lfm.lAc 1h<: plJ)' ac'ce,s,ble lo l.ui;crauo.hcnre, R<>ttn Oraffind,n.-ct,ac."1tha1inc.ludc,MM)S1ran:no-, md CJnnelme 0.Gugl,cfmo

Da,,JW,lloam•,:monceagampn""'l ln, " OOhJ, ,\m1rnha\leadingplay" nght.ln h"fi"1 ,tagelia.'°"" 'thcom,mcn:ialcnrrqire,,ou".T,'f' Si/J.d·dropbu"'"'"·Je,p,1c a lule,,.am, n,,:,er1,on1rr·mn:,.:""e"

for hi, law,, pl")· SIHE\ '. w,u,. m<.00 he<lge, hi,bo:,1,byr,,iummg to1he,ul,,,l(l,,ct1fold111 S)dnc) ~,.,.,. .. ,n~pre:scnrcdh)rhcSydncy ll,c,ur,, Comp;,ny a1 The \Vlmff,om M=ti 22

ln~t;llx•m oe.ho"e•er.1he plJ)op;n,on \1.in,h 1,,na com,rocrt,alprod,•,11'-"1roune,yof !h:lmr li,ll'uodandl<,mdJl'ro,J"'-1100, S1amn_e fhr 8,~ G,.~·, Jean K,n,un_ doe \le lhnunic 11fOOL,·11oo(comme,,c,ngu1n,c A1henaeumllteJ1n:).-.. ilL 1hme111h.nluna

oftheorig ,nal.Prem,e,e. RUSSELL STREET THEATRE f8b10·M1r17 6.30l)rnMon:8pmTue-fr~5pm1nd 8JOpmSa1.Mir~ 1pmfeb14 f«a21 ARTSCARD524 + $28-40

NOT WAVING 1>1·Cotl,t11otll,;i..-, D,r,m,r:Lo,stll" Smt, E,·tlJnKmp,

A hi1ing blJc~ comed¥>tauin11 1hed;namK: EvclynKr,q,c THEATREWORKS AprMB ARTSCAHD$19.40 ._ 52140 CO~T~Cl !Aus- FOR FURrHER DHns

THE ODO COUPLE h1N"I·~''""" Dir,cM, G,<Jtm, Bl~nd,11 Star;.Pa111r//.Si,/}N,uo".A,aµI., P"..rh-MrGr,gor NcilSimon·,biggt,i socces~is hcn:givtnaver)"funnyfemalc intcrpretat,on

COMEOVlHEATRE 240hhb:1,onS1. Mctbourne OpensN&r29 Bpm Mon·5al:2tlfflWet5a1 ARTSCAADS29 (Mon-Thu) + S33.9D(Mon·Thu)


SIREN ~)Da,·id Wi/1'<,"""" /)omw,. Gr,um,Rl•'IMII S1ar,: Jt<1nK11,~~ lnWilliamson":; la1cs1. h,s hero,oe(playcdby Th, n,i:Gii:1 K1rt:;on)can"1 l cep1hemenaw1y. ATHENAEUMTHEAlRE 188Co'lnsS1. Melbourne O~n~ "'•r15 8omTue·5atalso 5pm5a1.SJ1l COW•CITRUSTFORFlR'H[qOEJ~l(S

STEAMING h)Ntl/Duan D1<1uor: /;,ryu·conr.,/I

!~;,'/\~:,,:,:~:r?.~";:t;;:~/' /1011,/(lmr, NellDunn 'sall·G,rli,11cmp1tn re1,Cue lhe localpublicha1hhou<e retum5forann1hc,,c"<.on CONTlt! l RUSTfO~ FU~IHrnDETll(S

Loveh,morloo1fl<h,m.Johnl'lho1-.a,cd1hc da)"h<:nCarl1,01&un;,cJBn:"enc, donar«11hc Cl R Malthou"' on Soo1h Melbourne kl the 1'1a)OO,Theatrc.Follow,n, 1hcl9~1ar,;onaiiacl 1ha1 <k,1roycct,hhu11,o,nE,,.h,bmonSntt1. PIJ)bm finally moves HllO 1hc ronvcn«J ITT"'"')' w,lh lhc opemng of the lkd.c1t l;htarr,, (n""'M afterthc 1hca1re·,,1e"~•Jolinfk<:\;clflon

1990 BRUNSWICK nahooa11,,,,, "hith ,r,clude, n:g,on.al 1'SW !moc~ MUSIC FESTIVAL 1o rhe STC,d1,1i:.nn\ • Ftu'""' ,\/u,1inCa11h,·,C~11mn,

.~,m, co.,~crn._, a 11,om.,n long mi:. to hr ~ond a, c,11,,.,,. Cf.,·, Gr,1"'"· Da,·, <Ometh,ng. "h,lc all amund toe,. 11,on .ire loni:.mi:. J s~·a,oo,·*· T~mmy £mmd,url for hc-r Bu, "h,1.- "",...telini:. men sccru th" Pm pourri of arnus1,c muuc S;r,,n",for1c. ttoere·,linledouhl1h.tr,qurdle,iof on,olvn.•g a livebroadcasiof gendcra.•loer,ces wollfind hcrtquall) 1rrr<1,11hlc. !,:;~o ~·:~~;,Women lnJ<J::

ARTSCAR0(03)6.122777 FRONT ROW Pag"eE1ght

BRUNSWICKTOWNHALL Medlanics lns1,1u1e. SydneyRoad,

b,,,.k,art, .


CARMEN &org,Bllfl"

Bruns"·1ck Bi~et"s thrillingdramaucopera Mar 23·25 promises robe the cmenainmcnl VA~OUStlUESO\'ERTHi:WE(i(NO SpectacularnflQ90.


~i~~~,!~J,:(~!~!~~!~t-w) ::,,1A0~ !~~:5,AEUIUU TRUST mis The Jan ""rl,1", favuuri te ,...ONEFORO!TAILS !OOl!ING Fn:nd1mmandviolinmaestro.


, :~:,;~,"~~~~;.~,~-~PILLS c~.,,,"~"'I'''" Jmm~M,KQ) . . '"" ··~ ,,,, ___ ,. ,. '""

COSI FAN TUITE llo/j~QoRArndJrus MOURT Tiff; AUSIJM.LIAN On HA STATETHEATRE,VA.C 730pm Mar26, A,ir2·5, mat 1pm Mar31 ARTSCARDS!o:O IA.Rcs)S42(BRes) .... $6TiARes)S52(BRes)

IL TROVATORE r.,.,,rr,1"£RDI TIIEAUSTRAIJAN OPE/1.A STATETHEATRE, VAC 730pm Apr12, 18 ; ma11prnA~23 ARTS CARO $~5 (ARcs)$42(B AC!5) ¼ $67(A.Aes)S52(BAesJ

LUCIA DI LAMMERMDOR r.,""'"'' DDN/l£Trl tlll;AU.'iTRM.W"<Ol'FR,\ STATETHEATRE. VAC Nay8 7.30pm ARTSCARO $SS(ARes1S42 (BRes) + $67(ARes1S52(8Res)

THE GIPSY PRINCESS f,..,,,,.,ichKAI.MA.,\" rl/E,~USTRMIAIVOP£f/A Tru$1Party: Apr2!i Supperanosr.owsso STATETHEATRE,VAC 7 30pm Apr 21i, M1y14.15.17. 18 mat \pm Ma~12. 19 AATSCAADS42(ARu)S32(8Res) + 5.56 (ARes)Sl9(8Res)

TRISTAN UNO ISOLDE 11.,,.,,,,1u r.NrR lllfilUSTRlll/M,'OPf:N~ STAlETHEATRE, VAC 6pmo\jlrZ7 (5noutopera) ARTSCAR0$55(ARes)S42(B Alli)


WERTHER JU/'1 M~SS£/o/U lh,A• sr,a/ian Or,1u STATE THEATRE.VAC 7 l 0pm Mar30, mat 1pmApr 7 ARTS CARD $55 (AA11s)S42 (8Res)


Jw,1n.. M~Ka1

AnexuberantandlighHearted clanceconcoct1o n. COMEOVFESTIVAL ~fJ.8 CO!;lAct JR.JS! 'OR f URlHER DE;A,l S

THE EPIC Of THE ANKLET BharatamOanceComoany

Amagmficent.dramaticdance produciionofa2ndcenlul) literarydassicfromSouth lndia. 730pm ~ r 19·21.23, 24,26·28. mats2pmApr21. 2B


SPARTACUS Th<' Au,iro/1~nlfo/let CAnuogrnp~" Lis,foS.r~~, STATETHEATRE.VAC Ftb2J..M1re 7.30tlfflllon·Sit. ma1s 130pmrt b24, Mar3 CO~l~CT TFUSI fO~ fURT~ER DETAI.S

CINEMA PARADISO n"u10,·G11,s,pp, 1'nrn;,u,,, Atnuchingsmall 1<1wntaleofa )oung boy'~ ,J,:votion Charmin,i::lyp,mrayedin rOOrooghly Italian ~tylc VILLAGE RIVOLI TWIN 200C~m:ierwe11Junr;tlon

MY LEFT FOOT s,~,.. Dawi,JD,,,.·U~·i, Anac11ngtourdcforccforDamtl Day Lc-..;, .,.hoponray,1he handicappcd butgu" ylrisll wri1er/pam1crCh,i,1y Brown. LONGFORD CINEMA 59 !oorak Ad. Sout~ Vau a AATSCARDS7 + S950


THE GLASS MENAGERIE Ro:,alQ1<al<.llandThrnr,,C,""flan) byT<'Mr,,r~\\"if/o,ms Di=to,: /lubuy/,1,1/o, S1a,s:J~";1JuF/o~ers. Bi// Ha)(:«k

William "s classic of a Southern matnarch andherfamily CREMOANETHEATREQl'AC South Bank Orisb1ne Mar8· Apr7 6pmWed·5at.6?nJTue;mats 10 30w We~. 2pm Sat ARTSCARO S2J9S .,. m~o

JIGSAW hJl,nnif,rR,.,Jw,s Dii,c/o,· /1,/ary B,mnn Christmaslur,chscis1hesccne fo1ancngaginglook4lthc ,·llangingrelationshipsoffi~ women from the same family. LABOITETHEATRE HaleSt, Bnsbane Pre..,ew hb2l 8pm$6

8')m Wed.Thu. Sat.6.30pmfti ARTSCAAD $1 0 ... S1 5

HOW THE OTHER HALF LOVES byA/anllyrkb-ou,n Dirr,:10,, Pa,r\l.,lliams Mar, : /lo,,·,,..,Wal/ac~.8,/cnd~ G,bt,"

Th1i popular Ayckbourn comed y

~,~;;,~-~ .. ,::t:1:::r~1:%:n,. TVIELTH NIGHT cor~PLEX 4Clntr.iRO,BowenHllls

somMonsa1 mats11amweo:1, 2pm

"' ARTSCAAD $2650 $2950

ONCE A CATHOLIC by MaryO"\fa/1,y f111uu" Snm/,all'",,. Scand;,1011,, ~acrilcgiou,. di,gu,ung and therefore a ~ure. firebo~office,m, sh.

BRISBANE ARTS THEATRE 210f>ett,eleir,ce.Biisbane FOi·Mar 10 8pmWl!:d·S~t ARTSCARD S10 + 512

STEPPING OUT h)·N,,lwt1/l/a,,,, D,,,,.,,,.,r,,,,wiiliam, Srars:J,a,u"lml,. Pa1 .llc/)o""/d luYa~nt.Joanllrot"IMJ~"' The toc, 1 church h~n·s weekly 1apdancc da,:,es prov,~cas m uchlaughinga, , 1epprng.

TWELFTH NIGHT COMPLEX 4C•n1n1Rd,B0MnH1I$ Ma1 21-Ajl128 8pm Mon·S.1t ma1s 11am Wed, 2pm

"' ARTSCARO $26.50 $295D

THE TEMPEST ,,, ,~,11,,,,..s,,,,t,'1""" AmTheatrt Dl,u,or: />QJridMuch,11 Shake~pea,e"s las1, buc not least. playofjustkebymag,c.

LA801TETHEATRE H,1eS1. enstarie P1eviewF1b27 7.3Dpm$6

7 30pmWtd.Thu,S.1.630pmFri ARTSCARO $10

"' TWELFTH NIGHT b)Mll,amShiJA<'µ"'e ilnsThutr, Vi,~ru,, Patl¾lllu<"<' Stars: 11,1,11 HIZ)·um llll/as 4foria Ano1hcr popularclassicfrom 1he bardwliosc~tryownlhcatrc.Thc lilohci<ool)' nowbcinguneanh.:d BRISBANE ARTS THEATRE Pelr;efe,race MIi 16 · A~r21 spm we~ · Sat ARTSCARD SlO + $12

THE VENETIAN TWINS HO)vlQ•u,.,/undThro1,..CompilnJ byMckE..,,,~h1.r,,,nuC/a1{ /)11,cl(H· JnhnB,II s,a,. · Dr,,. f()rS)"lk,.lon~:~·ing An ainu,mg tale of two rwms whufinally mt:e1eachothe1 when 1hey lcas1e>.pe<:l i! SUNCORP THEATRE TutbotStrttt.Brisllane Feba-24 8pm Wtd - Sat. 6pm Tue 10 30am Wea: 2pmSat ARTSCARD $2395


STEPHANE GRAPPELLI IN CONCERT '>llh.\l,u11nTaylvra"'1Jan /Jurr Thi>viniage frer>eh JaZ.Zuplays violinlikc anangcl.Taylor providcs1hcOjangnc<queguirnr and Burr. tht walkingOO,~

CONCERT HALLOPAC Soulh B~nk, 8nsb1ne Feb 26 8pm ARTSCARD SJJ • SJ5

LYON OPERA BALLET OF FRANCE Cendrillon (Cinderella) Brilliant]~ innn,·aung and originaldance .Eurupe·,be,;1. LVRICTHEATREQPAC South Ban~. Brisbilne Trustnighl d,sco.ntM1124 $40 Mar23-28 7.30pm ARTSCARO $38 ~, ROMEO AND JULIET Queensland Ballet Company CM""l'"Ph,, Jar-q1«Ca,roll Thegr,,a1cs110,·cs1oryofall cckbrates theQuecn<land Flallc1",3DthAnni,·er'iaJ)' Year

surJ~ORPTHEATRE Tutbo1St.Brisw.ne Mar21· Apr 7 8pm Wed·5al: 630om Tue; 2pm Mar J 1. Apr7. ~t COOIACl'RtlSTFORFUUHROHl ltS

SHOW STOPPERS "•D;mcc at !he Opera will no lon~cr be a

: ~m!eu~;~~1::t~:~~i~::,~• :i: :~1:~:~~.~;N OPEkA HALU:T", objecti~e_,. ! I" comp,my ha.•ince hecnmconeofthe gre:ale>1European d :mcccompanie,.The present 29·member. 1ruupeisdireccedbyFran,o,seAdre1and,s commm,ued 10 1hc creation o t new worh. rhc re-in1erprciahonof ··c1as, ical""wo rband1hc enrnur.,gement of i,rnova1i,·c ani"s.11 has achie,·edm,mtc ma1io nalreputationfor 11S repenoire of1rJd1tion-b<!ndingbalf.ctsandfor prooidinga showcaS<)IOr<ome oflhcmo.11 ongmal rnlcn1 m Europe

TilColde.,1 e<1ahh, hedprofe",,.,alb;,llcl company in Au, 1r~l ia i~ the QUEENSI. AND IIALLET -..hichthiS )c;ir.celtllmtesJOycar,of dancingwi1h1hegrea1e.i lovc s1ory?l .thcmall. 1/omt'o Ami Jull(I. Acconhng 10 Anl\J1c D,rcctor. Harold Collin, M.11.E.: '"The Company ,~ dancing bcncr than ever. Each dar>eer i, a .wlo"1whuwil1hrillanddcligh1youw1th thc11 te<:hnicat ab,tityandart,stry.""Jacqu, Carrollwill choreogmph!™,:Shakespcnrcballctand ihc roman!icscorcw,llbc p layedh) 1heQu«n,lw1d Ph,lh:nmonicOrchestr.i

THE \'ENF:TIAN TWl l\'S ,ire back . both of 1hemplay,:db)' Drew for,ylhe"-·hocr,,atcd 1he roles IOyeari;agofor Nimrod. Thewhacky romplhrough 17rhcc n1ury Verorw1(or i,it

~~TS CAR_O (07) 221 9528

Goood1wind1".') coune1y of Nie~ fauigh1 and Terence Clarke s ia l ~lh ccmury pby"·right CarloGold ini.hada,·uhfo!lowing,.ayback tht:nand ha, " ncepassed,mo 1hcatrical folklor,,.Joh11Bellre·d1rcctc, a sparkhngncw produc1<on1hatosmor,:, than~ du,rcdoffver, iun And a fun ca, ! it i, too. indudm!' Jon Ewmg. TerryBadcr. Jona!han8ii;,gin;. Genc,·ie,c Lemon and Arky M ichael. Tht' \ 'i'n'11an foms play,a11heSuncorpThcatre asp.,nof1heRoyal Qoccn,laridlneatreCompJny'< , ea,nuFcbruary 8·24heforecmharl.ingonana,,'",Jl1Uur.

··1wan1tu , huwwomena, 1hcy reallyare:as funny.brigh1.imeresung.brJvehum:mbelog, whobrmg imme nse stre:nglh andcomP""'."n imocacho1hcr"shvc,."" ,a) <Wc,1Au,uali,u1 pla)"·ngh1Jennifc, ROl)er.. TI>ere,utrof her cffon,"JIGSAll'S. ad"tincm ·c and rnmpell,ngpiecc wh,chruns 11II February ll~l La B0i1~Thea1re:. Stamng Be v Langlord. Ela1nc Oow. Socl.:l"->On.S,monc Oc l laas.Ang1c Quock.this ricwplaybrong,anin>1gh1imo 1he li ,c,of five womenfromtlirec g,:ncra1ion,of :he,amcfamily. With!hcfamolygathered togctherforChristmas lunch. wcsechow

~~:;~n1t;,i;~~~~~:::i~ : :ii~ •;:ihc~~~t~~ After a long absence. Hibry Bnrnn. whose 1alems havefuunddemandinothcr St.atc~. retum> forLa Boi1e"s6.'i1hannivc1-nty)'Car 1odircc1J1f1•11~·J


m,mb,< •fNJP>J

r•i<a,i>t /Jj.,nro

Rh,inhard1'1 ll<ll Cl•b of Fron« Q"in,.,. No-·, 1urr l~ttr, G,app,lli i, ml/ hol. 1/u , • . , ., o~d

co~anfu/1 of i11t(1««1bly 1,;,1tful j,,u. al QPAI On~r,n Hall 011 f'tbn,a,y 16.

JtOIMt li11/, ,tar, io ··Supping Ou/"" al lht r.,,1J1h ,\ ",gh, Co,,.p/n: /Mar,~ 11 lo ,\pri/ 11). l"h,

+(07) 2217762

Page 10: GRAVY TRAIN GOES TO N.Z. Film• Rock

Opera Housc: Mar23.25,28. 29,31. N• .. .,..1tt Cl' kThc.11rt> Aprl:Can bt,r ra Thcar.rcApr6: l>ano·i11: Ptrform111g An ,Ccnu-eAJ)r l 8. 19: Brisl,~ne: Lyric Tlleaire Pnfomuni; Aru Complex Apr24, 25.

DAVID CSSEX Porth: Bur,,,.UIJIJRown Feb22,23.24: Adelaidc:

pu/arm,ng Ii•• in No, Zr alud <>nd A.u,i, ,.ri,. in

f'EIIRUA RY A1''DM,\RCII bMga "ode selea,onofpopulara,;1>10Austr:1!,a.vidNc" Z.:aland.

M:wist=mani,t,hke [l1011.F1....,h..,x >d ,\lac andC/iffRk hard.=J'"nc,:Jbyb,..-rl..r1ownbu1 "-eUn:ce1vedcu!tac1Sl1keSlttpJ l,..alltt( ll,c: l>ullybur=o!ent(hrnccthc.....,.,)rocluibilly fanatic "ho woo a 101 of fam lasi umc w,lh hi'i lhrechour ,1,o,..,,.illdm" "'ell agam

ClilfRi<-hardi,oneof1hefewma;orsto,ocltde 1hcl)'"""'"'""r•llo:a1tton1hes..htdu~.lllcam.11.ii 2Tt!hcQne,m,"iflgo," r ~wQ,ffperformcliere Ofl3rA:v1oo;rour.On,,ho1 nonl..-mnighrthe amph11heatrehJ,a;p,;:c,:iJam10,pl><re

Although1heA:":.S50mcdoohoarfiN,r\goo,J rokeDl-bun,h lla r r}h.L>kep1goodlier rro,m1<: ofanAu,1ralia:rTour. Wi1hBLOM)IE1hc performed ,howc:,sc ~,gs in The U.S. w>d U.K. t,,.11 Au,irahawa;rheplai:c"herelherondbrok through.somJ)be,hcfttlsasenmnental dehl.ln anycasc.onthcs1reng1hoftho:hn,mg)e/ ll<lm Tht;1Man.thei;,gsw,llhr:pack~,1

Bob Hughas 800c;,atJ/Je/reJrl1SJturd,JyandSundi1y Alomings arour,d Auslr;i/ia on ABC RADIO 2BL 102

M,uOR TOURS - f:E llll! IAR\ ' M,\IICII

Herearetourdatesconl1rmec1arpres,s11me Pfedsecheckw,/frlo<:ill~nuesforext,asho.vs.or f}OSSJtJ/ecllanges TR,\CY CHAP\1AN

Adeb lde: Thc:b..noo 11,caire M~l 9. Pu1h: F..n1onamm.n1 Con1n: reb 13 RILLYCONI\OLLY: M oll>ourne:COJ1t:et1 Ha11 Feb9.10. 17.Apr8. 12; Adel,oicle: Fe,1ivalCen1re Feb 13. 14, 15: S) d nt) :


BORN ON THE FOURTH OF JULY SlamnoTomCru,se 011ectedbyOlr11erSrone Wut1enbyOllverS!c,neandRonKov,c

THE VIETNAM WAR /,a, 'l'•"·ncd a numhr:r of fi tm,m·eriheyears.mcludmg Ol,verStone·,

~~:~::;~':',:,1s::~11:·n: :,:~e~:~:i:.d::::~~; of

OldLion Feb26;Adelaide8ridge"a) Hotel Feb 27: l'.folbourno:Tramforme,,. Feb28:Manha1tan Hoitl Mar 1: ' lhe PJ!ace Mar 2. Village Gittn Mar 3; M~lboume 2 1~1Cemury M.lr 4 Qutan!wnm Lca~i,es Mau 6: Gosford: CcntD.I Coa,,t ,...,;guo, Club Ma< 7: Ne .. castlt: ,·enuc·rac M.ir B: Syd ney: Rc•oby Wori,:ers Mar 9: SI Grorj:c Lc~guc., Mar 10, 11: IJrisb:int:Tran,fonnos Mar 15: {;old Cm , 1:1l«nleogh llo111:J Mar 16:Surfe1·s Parat!,,c PJay,oomMar 17. Mud,cec,: En1en:un mem Ce11tn: Mar 20: S) dno,-: P.ur.unaHa Logue; Club Mar 21; Cronulb League, Out, Mar 22: Rooty H,11 RSL Mar 23: Shellti.vbow \\'oriors Ma1 24:PennlhJ..e.,gue5 Mar25


Sydnoy: EnmoreTheatreMar1: Brisbano· Fe<uv.111fa11Mar10: Mclbour ne: f'alao;1~11re Mar12: l\>rth: Coocen H:iJIMar l 7: Adtlaide: l"hcbanon TI,eJtr,,Mar20

A.EETWOOD MA(• llrisb.1ne: Ctlten,11.-.,tfrnCmu-eMar23: Melbourne: Nal,on~J Tenni, Comn: Mal 26; Adclaidt : MemonaJ Ori,.., Apr 4. P~rth: Enttnam 111cn1Ccmn,AprB;SJdney:Emen.a,n,no•mCencre Apr 12. Other dales an: l,kclytobc"'klnl. DEBORAH HARRY:

Auckland: l'u"erSt11ion /t,ar9: IJri.shaM: rransforme~ Mar 12: Gold C0051: The Pairh Mar 13: S)·dney: Enmore Thtau-eMarlS: M elbourne: Metro Mar 19; Add aide: Old Lioo Mar 22: l'• rth: ConccnHalt Mar25


Adt la lde: Memorial Dnve Feb 10. 11; Drisbaroc: Emona,nmentCentrcFeb14.15:S}'dnty: Emertainm.mCcntrcFeb17.18,20.21,23. 24.25: C hrlstchull:h.N.t..Feb28

CHRISTY MOORE: Adelaid.: Tiiebanonllicaire Mar17, Pt.Tth: Conccn l!;,11Mar 19: Rou~ ttill:V,ncga, tti!J \\'ool.hedMa121; 8 risbane: Ma,nc ~fallMar22; M,!bourno: Dalla.,Brooks Mar23:Sydney:To"n Hall Mar 24.

CLIFF RICH,\RD: Penh: Eottrtu.inrrl<"nl Centre Mar 2; Adela Ide: Apollo Centre Mar 7. 8; M elbour roc: TeMis Cemn, Mar 13. 14. llob,an n.,.,.,,,,.rn Cenue Mar 17; S}·dney: Em,,.na.rnmenrC'enrn-Mar22: C,rnbt,rra:BruccStadn.-nMar24: llrlsbane: l:iumainm.m Cenue Mar27: 0 an,in: Ampl,ido:atrc Mar31.

SI.LEPY I.A BEEF (Rocbb,lly/Bl~e.~ legend) .\teLhourne: Comer Hotel Richmond Feb 9. Bell :itrcc1RockPn:.-ionFetl lO.Spnngv.ileHotelfeb 11; S)'dnty:Bridgc Hotel ROHllefebl4and16 Paddington RSL Feb 15; Batntarnleaguc,,Feb17; Paddmgton ltSL feb 18

•ndu<ll).andStoncfoundh,m..::lfir1,hepo.,lmnot bemgablcrocall thc , h01,

S1oneha1 u-,,:d 1hclifcofRon Kovic...,a me,arhorror theAniericJnnpern:nce.Thcfilrn

OfJu, 1howwrongana1ioncaro1>e. L,kc,\mcric;, '" e lf.KO\·icmu:;1facchi,o"npan,cutardcmnn, bcfnre hecan bcreJccmed

lheaweS<lmehrllufthtactualcombJle, p,:ncnce. He"a~dctermrned,u tcllho" uteltretumrngio h"homcJanda,aw.-..,nJed Yeter::rn 0n,..,ad,ng Ron Kov,c·~ s1ory. fl,.,,. o~ Thr F()lm/i Of JIiiy he dec1ded1ofilm1halmsie.,d

·in,. rrnjtti i, a lon~·lcnn "lll"for S1one. Ten )·e= 3i;o.fourdaysbefor,,1hc,tanofaciuJ!

::;::;;;-p~~~:~~·::~I :::t~!I~~:::: ::~ 10

;:~~10:f ~:~;7nn1~:::cd~;~-~~1t: ::~~5r: n,. cdcbiJ11onbya na11onsurcoru,de,1iny,nihe "orld. for Kovic(TomCn"'e).u.,.aiadouble celcbn1oon. 11 "as al,o h ,; hmhJJ)·. He " >Sa lrtae >00 of Uncle Sam. There " ·c,e 110 doubi_, m Ko,·,c·) m,nd3bou1,.herc lo,,loyal1its!ay.w"hcnafa,,. u ii,ni; _Mai me m:ru,1ri1<m offoccr (f01n Berenger)

'"~~~~::~::/~~~~:~o7i~'.," ::. ,r 'Our>

Ol" "1S!oJ1le hasga1nedpm.-er J>afilmmaler o,·cr Ifie )UN not ju~t l>ecdusc he\ ,ucce~;ful al 1hebo, officc,bu1be<;au)Co1.,.,ha1 l,epre5cmsto u5 onth,csc,..,cu.8ornOn1'11rFoimhOfJ,,/y ,sa s1an1ofafilm.cncompas"ngihemor.,I devclopmemnfacoumryoHr20)Ur<lhroughthc c,11Cnenceso1oncpw,otk)"oungman.

cm:~1:,~~u~::c:;~:~:,~;~:;:r:;::.:~:, lhe filmi 3bou1 o.,;pcc1sofA1nericanhfcarntrnhu"' th~srccdof w.,11s1r,n. 1hc viciou,ncssoflJl~-bad rad,oin Ta/kllad,,,_ 8 ut hi1determination,o 1cJI Ror, Ko\'ic"s 11oryr,,m~med

Succtss bru ds power ,n rhe American film

h1> , oul. ran1cuJarlywhcnhcmumstoanallon !ha1ha,sianedtodoubl,1>,le>1iny. The udchas

:::~::: i;~_o,~i:Y~~ 8~::::~:.~~;~:;~

,mageof"tecn idol".Thc firruis ,mmeasurably cnhancedby JohnW,lliams",co,eandRobcn

:,~,c~S:::o~~-;~:::~os~::;;g:•,~: :~;',;~~.~ for be~ film. ,fnn1 1heOscar. m lhe Acadom) Awards ne.r momh.


----, M,,,.,:h. G<1 yo11,

l frh lJao"'und

/indaut "'ha/

LOUISIANA RED (shde g1J11arplJ)~•): S~ dney: Bndgc Hotel.Ro,.e11~ Feb 28, Mar 1, 2: Ro,.e Shamrock and Tlu;1le I IOfcJ. Roi.lie Mor 3; Paddiug'.on RSL Mar 4: M elbounw: Ro)·aJ Delby Hoicl. f 1taoy Mar 6. 7: Comer l lo1d. Richmond Ma18,9, 10: Ptrth: Shemon l'arkH01eJMar 11, 12. JOE SATR[ANI:

Perth:CuocettH3.lJFeb1B. 19: M elhourne: FestinlHaJIFeb22; Adelaidr:Thchart01111,~atre Feb 24: llrisba11~: Frni,al Hall Fcb25;Sydney: Enmon:Theau-e feb21. 27.2B.


Mm:h tour datcsmhr:confinned

\\'illun f),ifqr /f), 1,,.,,,,.


"H,,,n o~ Th, l'ai,,1h Of

July"". 0/i,·n $11,M"r

, ha1r, ri l r · ,,.,al" un< ,

;. "'" /~,,.,,,.,, f",h,~a'J 8

THE MAN WHO WOULD BE k lNG SIR LAUREi/CE OLll/!ER"s ie<[acy to the.ictng p1otession wa> il largep,11rot s hces 101i:1.Sut ,tseems1heh'/y· whre reel or an Lpstart by the 11ameo1 ~enneth Branagh ilre dc~med wMhy ol 1, 11ng the grea1 man·s s,I< Socks

an,Much 22. Australiil wtlloeJtosee ·e,,nilghifta Great :!-tltingnott1ie stagebur 1hesereenallgl'l1 ln tne newmoooeof S~;ir.u peareS NENRYV

Tna li1m lnwh1ctl 28·yearords.wghnolonl~S1ars butis 11spons,ble rorrhesc,unadap1ationandth; d~eci,oo. ~as earned !~p ma,M lrom oversea.s ievlewe,i;

Sranagh promises hrs Nerwy Vcin~ma allll,ence "His specal!uslonof go'du wor<1s.naira!ivepower, vlsual ~Pectaele and emo11onal punch will d,amatieallv re-mterp•et th>>. lhe most ali,u of S~ h;tSl)earO works. II wlll _rede11n9 m an en!er!ainngandihoughl pro,,ok.ng 1aShion. lh,s ml)Stam~iouousindcom,,li,,;dcbi teabout

;;01:,~:"; ~~:: 1~:: _f~e in a wond where wa r ;!l

IN SYDNEY 1he members he ld cheir regular celebri1y. luncheons (4th f-riday of lhe month) at the Waratah Inn. G uests of Honour Googie Withers and John MacCallum gave a very amusing talk about their theatrical experiences and spoke about their very successful play The Cock/ail Hour.

Thiswasfollowedby a special Christmas lunch with the stars of Whni We All' Married. h was great fun with Har.cl Phillips singing lots of the songs -also 1hcre were cast members Doreen Warbunon. Lyn James (from A Co11111ry Practice). Veronica Neave. Liz Newman. Jack Webster. Eric Metcalf. John Larking.and Gill ian Axtell.

IN PERTH the Cable Beach Club Sales aud Marketing office hosted a reception for members in their new premises and a viewing of Lord Mc/\lpinc's very imponant collection of aboriginal motive carvets and furnishings as well as the magnificent collection of Sidney Nolan paintings - ~aid to be one of the best in the world.

IN ME LBOUR NE we had a very enjoyable chamber music concen in our Club rooms. with the Como Quan et playing and this was also an opponunicy for members to hear our new piano

, ·1X l ' " ,_,;';:'

l"IMkwi« fro,n U,p /,fl: I. (L 10 R): L)'II JQmro. Ila;:,,/ l'~,11,p,, S~irl,y /lay. Vtro•U"O

a,:c,ps, pla,j~, ~·81/, J(}h M,Col/wn a"4 "r'"'" ,x,r,,s. Collun Clifford /,wk on al

STEEL MAGNOLIAS StamngSally Field, Oolly Parton, ShirleyMaclaine. OarylHannah. Olympi.!Oukakis . J uhaRoberts OirectedbyHerbertAoss. Scree nplay by Robert Harland,tromhisplayStee/Magno/ias

In contrast to Born On Tlv Four/Ir Of Jul), " irh i1s one intense ccmral performance. Steel Marno/iQsha.snoless1hansixac10JScompctingfor a11entionin1hisscreenudaptat,onof Robcn ~larland'spopularstageplay. Butthar"s not theonly comparison 10 be dmwn. Where Qhvcr S1onc·s m m ex!rJpolu1csfromone person"se,pc,rienccsto enwmpassana1ion·s.di1ec1orHcrbcn Ross·s,ghes aresetfinnl)· ou ,rn~lltown Amcrica,oo the idio<yncm"esofcharactcrandon ind1vidual trai;edy.

Central 10 this ,101y of ,trong So~lhcm w1Jmcn, thc ··s1ccl M.1gnolia,•·ofth~tilk.i, 1he relationship bc1"ecnM"LynnEa1en10n(Sall) F1dd )andher dml>eucdaui;htcrShclby(JuliaRobcn,).Thefilm opensonShelby"swcddmgdJ)·,and opulentaffoi, coloor·Coded pin~. or "'blush nnJ Dashful""as

" ' '

Shelbyp,..,ferstodescribe ,1. D<:$pncthed~or.thc c,cr1C1>fullufponent:themaniagcmuscl>e ch,tdles..accordingtoShelb}""sdoccon.a prugnosi~ M ' Lynn lries to mess wuh bo!h bride andgroom.uhi111aldytonoavall.

A,c~'Lynnbrnvcly , uppons hr:rdaugh1er through1hecon>c<Juencesof hcr ac1ions.she's supponcdbyfourfricnds . .. ho,ifnothingcl"'· have a beauty parlour in common. Truvy (Dully Panon)runs i1. "'1he,..,·,no,uch thing u na1ural bcauty'", a1dedhyancrvou<nc.,.,'Comer 10 10 .,.,·n. Anne II (l)aryl J lannah). lkr be.11 cu.1tomcr i.s Clu,rcc (Olymp,a Duknk,\). a " callh)" widow who ha~someoflhcbc,tlmcsm1hcfi!m ··,fyoucan·r sayanythingmceabou1anyonc.comeands,tnex1 1ome"". Herbcs1fricndischc 1owogrouch.Ou,s,cr (ShirlcyMaclaine),andchcdoubleactbcl"·ccn 1hese1wooldfriendsprovides asurpnsmf-lyfunny clima» I<.> on~ of the film", mo11 moving scene1

Thisisabfc.afformmgfilm.verymuchin1he s,yle ofTnms O/£nd~a,-,,,nu. (an econom> pack of ti,sue, is ~-.cruial for vi~wmg). U1t,m, 1ely i,"s a "'mimcu1al fllCCc. , ,ned from ignommy hy some def1 one-liners in the hand~ of \lurdy profe»io11ab.

.. . 'JI"'%' -

FRONT ROW Pa~e Eleven

Mar nolia, is r,1,aud in


M.11i;,~Pome.>n,pf1UJ<U • n<l

r.o.1, rrw11"',.Sn0wonS8S

Page 11: GRAVY TRAIN GOES TO N.Z. Film• Rock

Opera Housc: Mar23.25,28. 29,31. N• .. .,..1tt Cl' kThc.11rt> Aprl:Can bt,r ra Thcar.rcApr6: l>ano·i11: Ptrform111g An ,Ccnu-eAJ)r l 8. 19: Brisl,~ne: Lyric Tlleaire Pnfomuni; Aru Complex Apr24, 25.

DAVID CSSEX Porth: Bur,,,.UIJIJRown Feb22,23.24: Adelaidc:

pu/arm,ng Ii•• in No, Zr alud <>nd A.u,i, ,.ri,. in

f'EIIRUA RY A1''DM,\RCII bMga "ode selea,onofpopulara,;1>10Austr:1!,a.vidNc" Z.:aland.

M:wist=mani,t,hke [l1011.F1....,h..,x >d ,\lac andC/iffRk hard.=J'"nc,:Jbyb,..-rl..r1ownbu1 "-eUn:ce1vedcu!tac1Sl1keSlttpJ l,..alltt( ll,c: l>ullybur=o!ent(hrnccthc.....,.,)rocluibilly fanatic "ho woo a 101 of fam lasi umc w,lh hi'i lhrechour ,1,o,..,,.illdm" "'ell agam

ClilfRi<-hardi,oneof1hefewma;orsto,ocltde 1hcl)'"""'"'""r•llo:a1tton1hes..htdu~.lllcam.11.ii 2Tt!hcQne,m,"iflgo," r ~wQ,ffperformcliere Ofl3rA:v1oo;rour.On,,ho1 nonl..-mnighrthe amph11heatrehJ,a;p,;:c,:iJam10,pl><re

Although1heA:":.S50mcdoohoarfiN,r\goo,J rokeDl-bun,h lla r r}h.L>kep1goodlier rro,m1<: ofanAu,1ralia:rTour. Wi1hBLOM)IE1hc performed ,howc:,sc ~,gs in The U.S. w>d U.K. t,,.11 Au,irahawa;rheplai:c"herelherondbrok through.somJ)be,hcfttlsasenmnental dehl.ln anycasc.onthcs1reng1hoftho:hn,mg)e/ ll<lm Tht;1Man.thei;,gsw,llhr:pack~,1

Bob Hughas 800c;,atJ/Je/reJrl1SJturd,JyandSundi1y Alomings arour,d Auslr;i/ia on ABC RADIO 2BL 102

M,uOR TOURS - f:E llll! IAR\ ' M,\IICII

Herearetourdatesconl1rmec1arpres,s11me Pfedsecheckw,/frlo<:ill~nuesforext,asho.vs.or f}OSSJtJ/ecllanges TR,\CY CHAP\1AN

Adeb lde: Thc:b..noo 11,caire M~l 9. Pu1h: F..n1onamm.n1 Con1n: reb 13 RILLYCONI\OLLY: M oll>ourne:COJ1t:et1 Ha11 Feb9.10. 17.Apr8. 12; Adel,oicle: Fe,1ivalCen1re Feb 13. 14, 15: S) d nt) :


BORN ON THE FOURTH OF JULY SlamnoTomCru,se 011ectedbyOlr11erSrone Wut1enbyOllverS!c,neandRonKov,c

THE VIETNAM WAR /,a, 'l'•"·ncd a numhr:r of fi tm,m·eriheyears.mcludmg Ol,verStone·,

~~:~::;~':',:,1s::~11:·n: :,:~e~:~:i:.d::::~~; of

OldLion Feb26;Adelaide8ridge"a) Hotel Feb 27: l'.folbourno:Tramforme,,. Feb28:Manha1tan Hoitl Mar 1: ' lhe PJ!ace Mar 2. Village Gittn Mar 3; M~lboume 2 1~1Cemury M.lr 4 Qutan!wnm Lca~i,es Mau 6: Gosford: CcntD.I Coa,,t ,...,;guo, Club Ma< 7: Ne .. castlt: ,·enuc·rac M.ir B: Syd ney: Rc•oby Wori,:ers Mar 9: SI Grorj:c Lc~guc., Mar 10, 11: IJrisb:int:Tran,fonnos Mar 15: {;old Cm , 1:1l«nleogh llo111:J Mar 16:Surfe1·s Parat!,,c PJay,oomMar 17. Mud,cec,: En1en:un mem Ce11tn: Mar 20: S) dno,-: P.ur.unaHa Logue; Club Mar 21; Cronulb League, Out, Mar 22: Rooty H,11 RSL Mar 23: Shellti.vbow \\'oriors Ma1 24:PennlhJ..e.,gue5 Mar25


Sydnoy: EnmoreTheatreMar1: Brisbano· Fe<uv.111fa11Mar10: Mclbour ne: f'alao;1~11re Mar12: l\>rth: Coocen H:iJIMar l 7: Adtlaide: l"hcbanon TI,eJtr,,Mar20

A.EETWOOD MA(• llrisb.1ne: Ctlten,11.-.,tfrnCmu-eMar23: Melbourne: Nal,on~J Tenni, Comn: Mal 26; Adclaidt : MemonaJ Ori,.., Apr 4. P~rth: Enttnam 111cn1Ccmn,AprB;SJdney:Emen.a,n,no•mCencre Apr 12. Other dales an: l,kclytobc"'klnl. DEBORAH HARRY:

Auckland: l'u"erSt11ion /t,ar9: IJri.shaM: rransforme~ Mar 12: Gold C0051: The Pairh Mar 13: S)·dney: Enmore Thtau-eMarlS: M elbourne: Metro Mar 19; Add aide: Old Lioo Mar 22: l'• rth: ConccnHalt Mar25


Adt la lde: Memorial Dnve Feb 10. 11; Drisbaroc: Emona,nmentCentrcFeb14.15:S}'dnty: Emertainm.mCcntrcFeb17.18,20.21,23. 24.25: C hrlstchull:h.N.t..Feb28

CHRISTY MOORE: Adelaid.: Tiiebanonllicaire Mar17, Pt.Tth: Conccn l!;,11Mar 19: Rou~ ttill:V,ncga, tti!J \\'ool.hedMa121; 8 risbane: Ma,nc ~fallMar22; M,!bourno: Dalla.,Brooks Mar23:Sydney:To"n Hall Mar 24.

CLIFF RICH,\RD: Penh: Eottrtu.inrrl<"nl Centre Mar 2; Adela Ide: Apollo Centre Mar 7. 8; M elbour roc: TeMis Cemn, Mar 13. 14. llob,an n.,.,.,,,,.rn Cenue Mar 17; S}·dney: Em,,.na.rnmenrC'enrn-Mar22: C,rnbt,rra:BruccStadn.-nMar24: llrlsbane: l:iumainm.m Cenue Mar27: 0 an,in: Ampl,ido:atrc Mar31.

SI.LEPY I.A BEEF (Rocbb,lly/Bl~e.~ legend) .\teLhourne: Comer Hotel Richmond Feb 9. Bell :itrcc1RockPn:.-ionFetl lO.Spnngv.ileHotelfeb 11; S)'dnty:Bridgc Hotel ROHllefebl4and16 Paddington RSL Feb 15; Batntarnleaguc,,Feb17; Paddmgton ltSL feb 18

•ndu<ll).andStoncfoundh,m..::lfir1,hepo.,lmnot bemgablcrocall thc , h01,

S1oneha1 u-,,:d 1hclifcofRon Kovic...,a me,arhorror theAniericJnnpern:nce.Thcfilrn

OfJu, 1howwrongana1ioncaro1>e. L,kc,\mcric;, '" e lf.KO\·icmu:;1facchi,o"npan,cutardcmnn, bcfnre hecan bcreJccmed

lheaweS<lmehrllufthtactualcombJle, p,:ncnce. He"a~dctermrned,u tcllho" uteltretumrngio h"homcJanda,aw.-..,nJed Yeter::rn 0n,..,ad,ng Ron Kov,c·~ s1ory. fl,.,,. o~ Thr F()lm/i Of JIiiy he dec1ded1ofilm1halmsie.,d

·in,. rrnjtti i, a lon~·lcnn "lll"for S1one. Ten )·e= 3i;o.fourdaysbefor,,1hc,tanofaciuJ!

::;::;;;-p~~~:~~·::~I :::t~!I~~:::: ::~ 10

;:~~10:f ~:~;7nn1~:::cd~;~-~~1t: ::~~5r: n,. cdcbiJ11onbya na11onsurcoru,de,1iny,nihe "orld. for Kovic(TomCn"'e).u.,.aiadouble celcbn1oon. 11 "as al,o h ,; hmhJJ)·. He " >Sa lrtae >00 of Uncle Sam. There " ·c,e 110 doubi_, m Ko,·,c·) m,nd3bou1,.herc lo,,loyal1its!ay.w"hcnafa,,. u ii,ni; _Mai me m:ru,1ri1<m offoccr (f01n Berenger)

'"~~~~::~::/~~~~:~o7i~'.," ::. ,r 'Our>

Ol" "1S!oJ1le hasga1nedpm.-er J>afilmmaler o,·cr Ifie )UN not ju~t l>ecdusc he\ ,ucce~;ful al 1hebo, officc,bu1be<;au)Co1.,.,ha1 l,epre5cmsto u5 onth,csc,..,cu.8ornOn1'11rFoimhOfJ,,/y ,sa s1an1ofafilm.cncompas"ngihemor.,I devclopmemnfacoumryoHr20)Ur<lhroughthc c,11Cnenceso1oncpw,otk)"oungman.

cm:~1:,~~u~::c:;~:~:,~;~:;:r:;::.:~:, lhe filmi 3bou1 o.,;pcc1sofA1nericanhfcarntrnhu"' th~srccdof w.,11s1r,n. 1hc viciou,ncssoflJl~-bad rad,oin Ta/kllad,,,_ 8 ut hi1determination,o 1cJI Ror, Ko\'ic"s 11oryr,,m~med

Succtss bru ds power ,n rhe American film

h1> , oul. ran1cuJarlywhcnhcmumstoanallon !ha1ha,sianedtodoubl,1>,le>1iny. The udchas

:::~::: i;~_o,~i:Y~~ 8~::::~:.~~;~:;~

,mageof"tecn idol".Thc firruis ,mmeasurably cnhancedby JohnW,lliams",co,eandRobcn

:,~,c~S:::o~~-;~:::~os~::;;g:•,~: :~;',;~~.~ for be~ film. ,fnn1 1heOscar. m lhe Acadom) Awards ne.r momh.


----, M,,,.,:h. G<1 yo11,

l frh lJao"'und

/indaut "'ha/

LOUISIANA RED (shde g1J11arplJ)~•): S~ dney: Bndgc Hotel.Ro,.e11~ Feb 28, Mar 1, 2: Ro,.e Shamrock and Tlu;1le I IOfcJ. Roi.lie Mor 3; Paddiug'.on RSL Mar 4: M elbounw: Ro)·aJ Delby Hoicl. f 1taoy Mar 6. 7: Comer l lo1d. Richmond Ma18,9, 10: Ptrth: Shemon l'arkH01eJMar 11, 12. JOE SATR[ANI:

Perth:CuocettH3.lJFeb1B. 19: M elhourne: FestinlHaJIFeb22; Adelaidr:Thchart01111,~atre Feb 24: llrisba11~: Frni,al Hall Fcb25;Sydney: Enmon:Theau-e feb21. 27.2B.


Mm:h tour datcsmhr:confinned

\\'illun f),ifqr /f), 1,,.,,,,.


"H,,,n o~ Th, l'ai,,1h Of

July"". 0/i,·n $11,M"r

, ha1r, ri l r · ,,.,al" un< ,

;. "'" /~,,.,,,.,, f",h,~a'J 8

THE MAN WHO WOULD BE k lNG SIR LAUREi/CE OLll/!ER"s ie<[acy to the.ictng p1otession wa> il largep,11rot s hces 101i:1.Sut ,tseems1heh'/y· whre reel or an Lpstart by the 11ameo1 ~enneth Branagh ilre dc~med wMhy ol 1, 11ng the grea1 man·s s,I< Socks

an,Much 22. Australiil wtlloeJtosee ·e,,nilghifta Great :!-tltingnott1ie stagebur 1hesereenallgl'l1 ln tne newmoooeof S~;ir.u peareS NENRYV

Tna li1m lnwh1ctl 28·yearords.wghnolonl~S1ars butis 11spons,ble rorrhesc,unadap1ationandth; d~eci,oo. ~as earned !~p ma,M lrom oversea.s ievlewe,i;

Sranagh promises hrs Nerwy Vcin~ma allll,ence "His specal!uslonof go'du wor<1s.naira!ivepower, vlsual ~Pectaele and emo11onal punch will d,amatieallv re-mterp•et th>>. lhe most ali,u of S~ h;tSl)earO works. II wlll _rede11n9 m an en!er!ainngandihoughl pro,,ok.ng 1aShion. lh,s ml)Stam~iouousindcom,,li,,;dcbi teabout

;;01:,~:"; ~~:: 1~:: _f~e in a wond where wa r ;!l

IN SYDNEY 1he members he ld cheir regular celebri1y. luncheons (4th f-riday of lhe month) at the Waratah Inn. G uests of Honour Googie Withers and John MacCallum gave a very amusing talk about their theatrical experiences and spoke about their very successful play The Cock/ail Hour.

Thiswasfollowedby a special Christmas lunch with the stars of Whni We All' Married. h was great fun with Har.cl Phillips singing lots of the songs -also 1hcre were cast members Doreen Warbunon. Lyn James (from A Co11111ry Practice). Veronica Neave. Liz Newman. Jack Webster. Eric Metcalf. John Larking.and Gill ian Axtell.

IN PERTH the Cable Beach Club Sales aud Marketing office hosted a reception for members in their new premises and a viewing of Lord Mc/\lpinc's very imponant collection of aboriginal motive carvets and furnishings as well as the magnificent collection of Sidney Nolan paintings - ~aid to be one of the best in the world.

IN ME LBOUR NE we had a very enjoyable chamber music concen in our Club rooms. with the Como Quan et playing and this was also an opponunicy for members to hear our new piano

, ·1X l ' " ,_,;';:'

l"IMkwi« fro,n U,p /,fl: I. (L 10 R): L)'II JQmro. Ila;:,,/ l'~,11,p,, S~irl,y /lay. Vtro•U"O

a,:c,ps, pla,j~, ~·81/, J(}h M,Col/wn a"4 "r'"'" ,x,r,,s. Collun Clifford /,wk on al

STEEL MAGNOLIAS StamngSally Field, Oolly Parton, ShirleyMaclaine. OarylHannah. Olympi.!Oukakis . J uhaRoberts OirectedbyHerbertAoss. Scree nplay by Robert Harland,tromhisplayStee/Magno/ias

In contrast to Born On Tlv Four/Ir Of Jul), " irh i1s one intense ccmral performance. Steel Marno/iQsha.snoless1hansixac10JScompctingfor a11entionin1hisscreenudaptat,onof Robcn ~larland'spopularstageplay. Butthar"s not theonly comparison 10 be dmwn. Where Qhvcr S1onc·s m m ex!rJpolu1csfromone person"se,pc,rienccsto enwmpassana1ion·s.di1ec1orHcrbcn Ross·s,ghes aresetfinnl)· ou ,rn~lltown Amcrica,oo the idio<yncm"esofcharactcrandon ind1vidual trai;edy.

Central 10 this ,101y of ,trong So~lhcm w1Jmcn, thc ··s1ccl M.1gnolia,•·ofth~tilk.i, 1he relationship bc1"ecnM"LynnEa1en10n(Sall) F1dd )andher dml>eucdaui;htcrShclby(JuliaRobcn,).Thefilm opensonShelby"swcddmgdJ)·,and opulentaffoi, coloor·Coded pin~. or "'blush nnJ Dashful""as

" ' '

Shelbyp,..,ferstodescribe ,1. D<:$pncthed~or.thc c,cr1C1>fullufponent:themaniagcmuscl>e ch,tdles..accordingtoShelb}""sdoccon.a prugnosi~ M ' Lynn lries to mess wuh bo!h bride andgroom.uhi111aldytonoavall.

A,c~'Lynnbrnvcly , uppons hr:rdaugh1er through1hecon>c<Juencesof hcr ac1ions.she's supponcdbyfourfricnds . .. ho,ifnothingcl"'· have a beauty parlour in common. Truvy (Dully Panon)runs i1. "'1he,..,·,no,uch thing u na1ural bcauty'", a1dedhyancrvou<nc.,.,'Comer 10 10 .,.,·n. Anne II (l)aryl J lannah). lkr be.11 cu.1tomcr i.s Clu,rcc (Olymp,a Duknk,\). a " callh)" widow who ha~someoflhcbc,tlmcsm1hcfi!m ··,fyoucan·r sayanythingmceabou1anyonc.comeands,tnex1 1ome"". Herbcs1fricndischc 1owogrouch.Ou,s,cr (ShirlcyMaclaine),andchcdoubleactbcl"·ccn 1hese1wooldfriendsprovides asurpnsmf-lyfunny clima» I<.> on~ of the film", mo11 moving scene1

Thisisabfc.afformmgfilm.verymuchin1he s,yle ofTnms O/£nd~a,-,,,nu. (an econom> pack of ti,sue, is ~-.cruial for vi~wmg). U1t,m, 1ely i,"s a "'mimcu1al fllCCc. , ,ned from ignommy hy some def1 one-liners in the hand~ of \lurdy profe»io11ab.

.. . 'JI"'%' -

FRONT ROW Pa~e Eleven

Mar nolia, is r,1,aud in


M.11i;,~Pome.>n,pf1UJ<U • n<l

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Page 12: GRAVY TRAIN GOES TO N.Z. Film• Rock

WESTERN AUSTRALIA Agreat starttothedecadeformembersofTheTrustin WesternAustralla ... Feb 16 MEETTHE ARTS LUNCHEON. Guest speaker Gordon Honeycombe, directorofFestivalof Perth community theatre epic The Redemption. 12.30pm, BalconyBarofHisMajesty'sTheatre, $25 Feb 23 THE ARTS AUSTRALIA CLUB · Drop in · $1 a drink! 5-7pmGalleryFoyer, His Majesty's Theatre. Mar 14 SUNDOWNER AND BARBECUE Entertainment from Academy of Performing Arts 6pm, 12YorkTerrace, MosmanPark, $25. Apr 1 GALA PREVIEW of The Music Teacher Oscar-nominated foreign film, Windsor Theatre, $15.

VICTORIA BEYOND THE FOOTLIGHTS TheTrust, inconjunctionwiththeCouncil ofAdult Education, is nowofferinga new servicetomembers, titled Beyond The Footlights. These courses have been designed for your appreciation of the Arts and with Trust members in mind. lt's quitesimple, just selectthecoursesyouwould liketo attend, fillin theenrolmentform andsendwith your payment to: AETI, GPO Box 438C, Melbourne, Vic 3001 . And.of course, Trustmembers receivead iscount.

GOING TO BACH ST MATTHEW PASSION Class CodeHW2149 Thiscourseoffers adetailed study of Bach's setting of St. Matthew'saccountoftheevents surroundingEaster. Atthe endofthecourse, participants attendaperformanceof Bach's StMatthew's Passion. (Ticket included ). With Peter Larsen. CITY from Mar 7 Six weeks - Wednesdays 5.30-7pm ARTS CARD $84


MTC'S NANA · AN EXPERIENCE IN VISUAL AND POLITICAL THEATRE ClassCodeHW2147 Examinethe linkbetweentheEmileZolanovelandthe20th century play , written by Olwyn Wymark. The text, design, andcostumesso integraltothisperformance, willbe brought to lifethroughtheeffortsofdesigner, Amanda Johnson. After exploring literary and visual sources, participants willgainafullerappreciationoftheproduction. (Ticketforaperformance included.) fromFeb20 Fiveweeks- Tuesdays 7-8.30pm MELBOURNE THEATRE COMPANY 129Ferrars St, South Melbourne ARTS CARD $78


BEYOND THE CURTAIN WITH THE AUSTRALIAN OPERA Class CodeHW2144 Exclusiveopporunityto attendtwo introductoryeveningsto the 1990 season: Cosi Fan Tulle and Werther - Marl 3 and Tristan Und Isolde - Aprl 1. Hear singers lrom the Company anddirectors, conductors anddesignersspeakabouttheir rolesand approachestothesesuperbproductions. Enliven yourappreciation and understandingofOpera . STATE THEATRE 100 StKildaRd, Melbourne Mar13, Apr11 - Two2hour sessions ARTS CARD $34


ClassCodeHW2145 Tour The Australian Ballet Centre's Rehearsal Studios and Production Department and view the video film of The Merry Widow, a production conceived for the Australian Ballet by Robert Helpmann and Ronald Hynd. Observe the Australian BalletCompany "behindthescenes" rehearsing andimprovisingatdailyclass. TheAustralianBallet'sartistic sta:twillassistyourunderstandingby answeringany questionsyouhaveabouttheactivity. WithPamVroland. THE AUSTRALIAN BALLET CENTRE 2KavanaghSt, SouthMelbourne Apr19, Jun21 ARTS CARD $49


GOING TO THE BALLET · DELUXE PROGRAMME ClassCodeHW2146 lnconjunctionwiththeAustral ianBalletattendapre-performancelectureofthe3-Actclassicalballet, Spartacus and a performance of two new works - Stephen Baynes' My Name Is Edward Kelly, and The Australian Ballet's showpiece Suite En Blanc. After the performance enjoy a lightsupperandmeetwithsomeofthedancers. WithEdwardPask. STATE THEATRE 100StKildaRd, Melbourne Feb24, Jun16 - two3hoursessions ARTS CARD $41 (A Res) $36 (B Res)

$44 (A Res) $39 (B Res)

ARTS CLUB ROOMS' HAPPY HOUR NOW third Wednesday of every month, ie. Wed Feb 21 , Mar 21 , Apr18etc. Makeanoteinyourdiaryandbringafriend or two. See you February 21 . Time: 6-7pm. Venue: The Trust Arts Club Room. Music, wine, snacks. Cost: $3 members, $5 non-members.

LES MIS PARTY WearevaliantlytryingtoarrangeaspecialnightouttoLES MIS with a supper party at the Princess afterwards. It would be a mid-week evening some time in March/April. Please giveusaringandletusknowifyouwouldliketojoinusfor whatshouldbeasensationalnightatLesMis//

CARMEN The entertainment spectacular of 1990willbeGeorgeBizet's thrilling dramatic opera at the National Tennis Centre, May 10,12,15. Your premium Trust seats are waiting to be confirmed. Ring now.

SOUTH AUSTRALIA LITERARY LUNCHEONS PETER GOLDSWORTHY (Adelaide author of Maestro) 12.00 - 2.00pm Friday,Feb9 Tickets $25.00 members $30.00 non-member. lncludes3-coursemealpiuswines.

DAVID MALOUF 12.00-2.00pm Monday, MarS Tickets$25.00members$30.00non-members. lncludes3-coursemealpluswines. THEA ASTLEY 12.00-2.00pmFriday, Mar 9 Tickets $25.00 members $30.00 non-members. lncludes3-course mealpluswines VENUEFORALL LITERARYUNCHEONS:


P L E A S E PRINT YOUR D E TAIL S Class Title Start Date Surname .

Class Code Given Names .

Date Of Birth : Day . Month . Year . First GAE Course Yes / No

Sex MI F Pension Card No.

Address Suburb or Town Telephone: (Home) Occupation


Concession Documentation Enclosed Y/N

Tick one box only D Cash D Cheque D Bankcard D Visa

Card No 0000000000000000


Amount $ Signature

D Money Order D Mastercard

Mail with payment to : The Trust, GPO Box 438C, Melbourne, Vic 3001 .


AIDA DINNER SPECTACULAR On Saturday, May 5, five nights priortotheopeningof AIDA, the Great Hall of the Masonic Building on North Terrace will simulate the Valley of the Nile, and the ancient Egypt of Aida, Radames and Amneris. TherewillbeaMediterraneanstyledinner, afashionshow bya leading South Australian fashion house. a troupe of .. wait for it ... BELLY DANCERS, a spectacular triumphal procession with music from the finale of ACT II of AIDA play bythe4thMilitaryDistrictBandaccompaniedbythe Adelaide University Choral Society ... and more! The Adelaide Committee of The Trust , in conjunction with the State Opera of South Australia, is presenting this exciting andnovelfundraisingevent. So mark the date - 5 May 1990 in your new diary. Bookings slipsandfurtherdetailswillbesenttoyou.

WE NEED YOUR HELP IN A VERY SIMPLE WAY: There is an urgent need to increase our fund raising efforts, becauseofescalatingcostsanddecreasingsubsidies. in the three months prior to the AIDA Dinner Spectacular we are conducting a major raffle . Tickets to win some incredible prizes -listed below-areoniy$1 each! FIRST PRIZE Returnairticketsfor2toSingaporeflyingwith Qantas. Value$2400. SECOND PRIZE Return air tickets for 2 to Melbourne flying with Ansett plus 2ticketsto PeachMelbaatPlayboxonJune9plus2nights staying at the Melbourne Hilton. Value$1000. THIRD PRIZE DesignergarmentbyDianaBonythonof Fleur-de-lis. Value$800 FOURTH PRIZE TwoopeningnightticketstoA/DA. Value$100.

Many thanks go to the two hard-working committees involved. And, ofcourse, ourgratitudeisextendedtothe donorswhosogenerously providedthefollowing wonderful prizes. 10,000ticketswillbeprintedinbooksof10@$1each. Prizes will be drawn on May 5 at the AIDA Dinner Spectacular . Show that you are indeed a worthy member of The Trust by applying for at least one book. Sellticketstoyourfriends or leaveabookwithyourlocalbutcher, baker, greengrocer, bank, library, hospitaietc. Orifyou'refeelingabitweary, or justplainlucky, youmightliketobuyalltheticketsyourself. Please fill out the enclosed form and we will forward the bookstoyou-limit100booksperperson!


OVERSEAS THEATRE LOVERS TOUR: JULY 28 · SEPTEMBER 7, 1990 America! Great Britain! Europe! Singapore! MeetfilmcelebritiesinLosAngeiesandtheatrical personalititesirr-NewYork. EnjoysupperafteraBroadway showatfamousSardi's. A tour of Ireland will include a visit to Dublin's Druid Theatre. The tour of Britain and Scotland takes in the Edinburgh Tattoo, Glynebourne and Stratford. Guess who'll beplayingpoloatWindsorwhenyoustopbyGatcombe Park, the home of the Princess Royalforthehorsetriais. There'llbeplentyoftimefortheatresinLondon, whereyou will be seeing The Phantom Of The Opera, Miss Saigon and meeting stars of stageandscreen. ThentoEurope-Paris,



To: AETI GPO Box 1702 Adelaide SA 5001

Please send ... . . . . . books of 1 O one dollar tickets for the AIDA DINNER SPECTACULAR RAFFLE. M2808

Name: ____ __ ___ __ _____ ______ _

Address: ____ ___ _____________ _ _

___ ______ ___ __ __ Postcode _ _ __ _

Telephone: ___ ___ _____ ____ _ (work} ___ ________ ___ _ ____ ___ (home)

Allmonle1, buttaol soldllckets and allun1oldtlckels 1obereturnedtoAmSecretaryno11a1ar1han

Wednesday261hAprllor sooner llposslble.

Rome, Salzburg, Vienna and finally a two day stopover in Singapore for shopping and theatre! Shirley Hay will be your escort and Kevin Sadlier, well knowntheatrecriticandradiocommentator, willbeyour Entertainment Guide.

THE ODD COUPLE Feb15 - FootbridgeTheatre - ShowandSupper Come and join the cast of The Odd Couple - Pamela Stephenson, Angela Punch McGregor, Mariette Rups-Donnelly, Anna Volska, Benjamin Franklin, for supper in the theatrefoyeraftertheperformance. Showandsupper$39. Fordinner, joinmembersandfriendsat6pmatthehistoric Glebe Terrace Restaurant before the show. $30 per head. Plentyofparkingandeasywalktotheatre.

THE SECRET RAPTURE Feb 20 - Drama Theatre, Opera House - Dinner and show RodneyFisherdirectsthisshow starringJohn Gaden and Heather Mitchell. Dinner at 6pm at the Benelong Restaurant. Dinnerandshow$66.

CELEBRITY LUNCH WITH MRS KLEIN CAST Feb25 - 12.30pmWaratahlnn, UpperGouiburn St. Darlinghurst Join the cast of Mrs Klein for lunch - Joan Sydney (A Country Practice), Helen Morse (Caddie, Picnic At Hanging RocK') , Michele Fawdon (Cathy's Child) . The Sydney CommitteehasdecidedtoholdCelebrityLuncheonsonthe fourthFridayofeachmonth-somakeitareguiardate. lt's greatvalue,enjoyaCarverylunchandmeetthecelebrities. Free parking. Tickets$22, includeslunch, wineandjuice.

DRINKS & EATS at TRUST COSTUME DEPT. Mar 5 - 72 Cooper St, Surry Hills (off Elizabeth St) Come and meet fellow members and enjoy the fantasy world of the Costume Department. This is a get together for Trust members and friends organised by the Sydney Committee. Tickets $10.

LUNATIC SOUP Mar7 - GlenStTheatre, Belrose This is a hilarious comedy starring Abigail and Tom Richards. Dinner at adjoining Sorlies Restaurant - 6pm. Dinnerandshow$46.

CELEBRITY LUNCH Mar 23 - Waratah Inn, Upper Gou I burn St. Dariinghurst.

HENCEFORWARD Mar 24 - Northside Theatre, Killara - 2 for 1 Ticket Offer Special offer to Trust members (no limit): TwoticketsforthepriceofoneatNorthsidetosee Henceforward. Tickets $26 for two. Dinner $22 each including wine and juice. Dinner 6-6.30pm. Show 8.15pm.

HOPPING TO BYZANTIUM Apr 3 - Ensemble Theatre - Dinner and Show A warm and funny show starring celebrated performers Rachel Ward and Norman Kaye. Dinner and show $44.

TERRIGAL CENTRAL COAST, DAY TOUR March 4. Come and see the exciting Peppers-on-Sea Hotel atTerrigal-enjoyiunchwithfabulousviewstothe Pacific. Afterlunchwewillshowyouthebeautyspotsofthis scenic area. $65includes lunch. coach & morning tea. Coach pickup at Eddy Avenue, Central; North Sydney, Chatswood, Pymbleand Hornsby Stations.


Peter Goldsworthy 0 tick

David Malouf ch~~;e 0 Thea Astley 0 To: AETI Literary Luncheons Committee GPO Box 1702 Adelaide SA 5001 Please send me . . ... tickets@ $25 / $30 I have enclosed a cheque for $

payable 10 AETT LITERARY LUNCHEONS together with an addressed envelope so the tickets may be sent back without delay.

Name ................................................................... .

Address .................................. ............................ .

P/Code ................. : Phone ................................ .. Names of guests (useseparatesheet olpaper wherenecessary)

l ! a: t: 0 z

! ............... ..... ........................... .............................. .. ] L- - - - _._ - - ::::.:·.:::.::::::.:·.::·.::::::.:·:.:·.:::.::::::.:·.::·.:::::::: :.:·.:. .J

NSW Carol Martin· (02) 6981688 VIC Charmaine Hart· (03) 612 2777 WA Penny Sutherland - (09) 321 4953 SA Charmaine Moldrich - (08) 231 8256

Page 13: GRAVY TRAIN GOES TO N.Z. Film• Rock


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, . " ... vigorous Sydney Sun

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