© UCL Crypto group, a member of EIDMA. November 2005 Cryptology Cryptology and Graph and Graph Theory Theory Jean-Jacques Quisquater [email protected] November 16, 2005 http://www.uclcrypto.org Mierlo, Netherlands Warning: Audience may be addicted by Powerpoint. Use with moderation.

Graphs and cryptography

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© UCL Crypto group, a member of EIDMA. November 2005

CryptologyCryptology and Graph and Graph TheoryTheory

Jean-Jacques [email protected]

November 16, 2005http://www.uclcrypto.org

Mierlo, Netherlands

Warning: Audience may be addicted by Powerpoint. Use with moderation.

© UCL Crypto group, a member of EIDMA. November 2005 2


• Cryptology• Large graphs and cryptology• Cayley graphs• Expanders (SL(2,p))• Hash function (Zémor-Tillich)• Generating Sm, Am

• Research• No conclusion

© UCL Crypto group, a member of EIDMA. November 2005 3

CryptologyCryptology• Confidentiality, integrity, identification

(design and attacks: cryptography and cryptanalysis)

• Integrity: send a message M with an addedinformation for detection of change

• Detection or correction codes if noise• Cryptographic hash function h(), value protected by

signature, if malicious context• Hash function: given h(M), difficult to find another

message with same value h(M): other definitions

© UCL Crypto group, a member of EIDMA. November 2005 4

• MD4, MD5, SHA-0, … « broken » (August 2004)

• See program codes in http://www.stachliu.com.nyud.net:8090/collisions.html

• SHA-1 (random collision in 263 computations)• State-of-the-art at


October 31-November 1st, 2005• Confidence in others?

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Large graphs and Large graphs and CryptologyCryptology• Protocols: graph isomorphism

(theoretical, pedagogical, not efficient)• Primitives for integrity: Zémor-Tillich

fonction (Eurocrypt’91, Crypto’94)• Attacks: use of expanders• Proofs of security: use of expanders• Physical distribution of secrets:

(delta-D)-graphs (Q., 1998), Cayley graphs

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CayleyCayley graphs (1)graphs (1)• Generator set A• Generated group G• Graph:

– group elements as vertices– edges defined by generators

1 a







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Cayley graphs (2)Cayley graphs (2)

© UCL Crypto group, a member of EIDMA. November 2005 8

ExpanderExpander (1)(1)

• Graph G with n vertices (often fixeddegree)

• All subsets of k nodes have at least βkneighboring vertices

• Expanding constant (isoperimetricconstant)

© UCL Crypto group, a member of EIDMA. November 2005 9

ExpanderExpander (2)(2)• (condensers, extractors,

(super)concentrators…),• Many applications:

– Circuit complexity, randoms, communications, cryptography, data structures …

• Pure mathematics: topology, group theory, measure theory, number theory, graph theory, …

© UCL Crypto group, a member of EIDMA. November 2005 10

RamanujanRamanujan graphgraph

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ComputingComputing the the expandingexpanding constantconstant

• Explicit: difficult but very interestingresults

• Specific: complete graphs, cycles, …• Cayley graphs• Eigenvalue computations: the best ones

today (related to random walks)

© UCL Crypto group, a member of EIDMA. November 2005 12

SL(2,p) SL(2,p) ((exampleexample))• Group of invertible matrices with determinant 1• Operations modulo p






⎛1201A = B =

A, B generate a group, described by a Cayley graph

© UCL Crypto group, a member of EIDMA. November 2005 13

Hash Hash functionfunction basedbased on SL(2,on SL(2,pp))((ZemorZemor--Tillich: 1994) Tillich: 1994)

• Group of invertible matrices with determinant 1• Operations modulo p






⎛1201A = B =

Cm0Cm1Cm2…Cml-2Cml-1 = h(M)

Ci = A or B if i = 0 or 1M = m0m1m2…ml-2ml-1

© UCL Crypto group, a member of EIDMA. November 2005 14

SecuritySecurity• NB: associativity (no other hash

functions like this)• (Close to cascades (Delsarte-Q., 1974))• Length of h(M) constant (independent of

M)• NP-complete problem (representation of

an element of a group given a set of generators)

• Cayley graph• p with 500 bits or more (large graphs!)

© UCL Crypto group, a member of EIDMA. November 2005 15

• Girth (collision): partial proof of security(maille, tour de taille): other examples: VSH (Contini, A. Lenstra, Stenfield, based on factorization) and also expanders (Charles, Goren and Lauter, 2005)

• Diameter of the graph (not too large): and if expander good random walks

• Not very efficient (one bit as exponent)• Construction similar to expanders based on

Cayley graphs (Ramanujan graphs, …)

© UCL Crypto group, a member of EIDMA. November 2005 16

Secure Secure camcodercamcoder: : JoyeJoye--Q.:JCS, 1997Q.:JCS, 1997

• Integrity of forms (precomputation)• Signatures of sequences• Postprocessing of videos (authenticity)• Efficiency (?) and easy use thanks to


© UCL Crypto group, a member of EIDMA. November 2005 17

Better? (1)Better? (1)• Ci = A or B if i = 0 or 1• Binary -> n-ary• Cayley graphs generated by n

generators• (associativity)• Other groups: well known?• Symmetric groups, alternating groups

(all or all even permutations on melements)?

© UCL Crypto group, a member of EIDMA. November 2005 18

Better? (2)Better? (2)

• Generating symmetric groups Sm

• Easy?: « any » 2 random elements fromSm generate Sm with high probability(Dixon, 1969)

• Choice related to girth and diameter(security)

• BUT not so many results

© UCL Crypto group, a member of EIDMA. November 2005 19

Research (Q., 2004)Research (Q., 2004)

• Choice n generators generating Sm, Am, with good diameter and girth

• Expanders?• Done: family of n generators (n in 2

…log(m) ... m) with good diameter, withgood algorithm of representation (oops!)

• Girth?• Subgroups?

© UCL Crypto group, a member of EIDMA. November 2005 20

Group Group generationsgenerations

• Few results if optimal in complexity• Golunkov (1971)• Babai, Kantor (1988)• JJQ (1983, 1987, 2004, …)

© UCL Crypto group, a member of EIDMA. November 2005 21

Group Group generationsgenerations (applications)(applications)

• Gluskov automaton (1965):• Cellular logic (Elspas, Stone, 1968 …):• Cryptographic algos (modelling by finite lossless

automata): Huffman (1955), Kurmit (1974), • Analog scrambling: Wyner (1975), Sloane (1982),• Random access memory: Stone, Aho-Ullmann,• Access to databases (Klugge, 1977)• Bubble memories (aso),• Random generators (Luby-Rackoff, 1986),• Criteria for Feistel schemes (Even-Goldreich, 1981),• (Bill Gates) …

© UCL Crypto group, a member of EIDMA. November 2005 22

SymmetricSymmetric groups Sgroups Snn

• Pick at random an element (permutation): cycle structure? Goncharov(1942-1944), Knuth-Pardo (1976),

• Pick at random 2 or more elements: probaof generating S: Netto (1892), Dixon (1969),

• Diameter, girth?• Cayley graphs

© UCL Crypto group, a member of EIDMA. November 2005 23


• Easy and flexible constructions of sets of generators for Sm and Am

• Very diameter (close to lower bound)• 2, 3, …, log(log(m)), … log(m), …

generators (except few cases)• Hamiltonian paths• Bipartite graphs• (too) easy computation of paths from 0

© UCL Crypto group, a member of EIDMA. November 2005 24

ComingComing back to back to expandersexpanders

• Such graphs are « good » expanders• Need of a seed graph in an iterative

context (Wigderson et al, 2004)• …

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• Hash functions?• Interesting results anyway• Thanks for your interest• Questions, answers, comments?