Grandma, Grandpa and Me! MONDAY, AUGUST 3, THROUGH THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 2009 At Camp Mountain Chai In The Beautiful San Bernardino National Forest It’s all about Connections.Together at Camp Mountain Chai’s Intergeneration Adventure, you and your grandchildren (ages 5 to 13) can experience specially-planned programs and activities that will lead to a lifetime of memories. We’ll do all the work and you’ll have all the fun! www.campmountainchai.com (858) 499-1330 CAMP FOR CHILDREN AND GRANDPARENTS! COST: $250 grandparents and $125 grandchild (includes roundtrip bus transportation from San Diego) Visit www.campmountainchai.com for more information and to register. For questions please call (858) 499-1330 or e-mail [email protected]. PLANNING COMMITTEE: Jean & Jack Bark, Helene Schlafman, Nadine Finkel, Gail & Jim Malkus, Howard Katz and Barbara Goldman-Katz.

Grandma, Grandpa and Me! - campmountainchai.com€¦ · Grandma, Grandpa and Me! Monday, august 3, through thursday, august 6, 2009 At Camp Mountain Chai In The Beautiful San Bernardino

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Page 1: Grandma, Grandpa and Me! - campmountainchai.com€¦ · Grandma, Grandpa and Me! Monday, august 3, through thursday, august 6, 2009 At Camp Mountain Chai In The Beautiful San Bernardino

Grandma, Grandpa and Me!

Monday, august 3, through thursday, august 6, 2009

At Camp Mountain Chai In The Beautiful San Bernardino National Forest

It’s all about Connections.Together at Camp

Mountain Chai’s Intergeneration Adventure,

you and your grandchildren (ages 5 to 13)

can experience specially-planned programs

and activities that will lead to a lifetime

of memories.

We’ll do all the workand you’ll have all the fun!

www.campmountainchai.com • (858) 499-1330

CaMP for Children and grandParents!

Cost:$250 grandparents and $125 grandchild (includes roundtrip bus transportation from San Diego)

Visit www.campmountainchai.com for more information and to register. For questions please call (858) 499-1330 or e-mail [email protected].

Planning CoMMittee:Jean & Jack Bark, Helene Schlafman, Nadine Finkel, Gail & Jim Malkus, Howard Katz and Barbara Goldman-Katz.

Page 2: Grandma, Grandpa and Me! - campmountainchai.com€¦ · Grandma, Grandpa and Me! Monday, august 3, through thursday, august 6, 2009 At Camp Mountain Chai In The Beautiful San Bernardino

Grandma, Grandpa and me... camp for children and Grandparents

Monday, august 3

12:30 pm Depart JCC La Jolla for Camp Mountain Chai

3:00 pm Arrive Camp Mountain Chai

3:15 pm Welcome, Orientation & Cabin Assignments

4:00 pm Tour of Camp

5:00 pm Ice Breakers Family Introductions & Group Games

5:45 pm Wash for Dinner

6:30 pm Dinner

7:30 pm Evening Activity & Opening Campfire

9:00 pm Snack

9:30 pm Lila Tov – Good Night

tuesday, august 4

7:30 am Boker Tov – Good Morning

8:15 am Breakfast

8:45 am Nikayon – Clean-up

9:15 am Activity 1

10:15 am Activity 2

11:15 am Activity 3

(campers & grandparents separate activities in the morning)

12:30 pm Lunch & Song Session

1:30 pm Menucha – Rest Time

2:30 pm Family Activity 1

3:30 pm Snack

3:45 pm Family Activity 2

4:45 pm Showers/Cabin Time

6:00 pm Dinner

7:00 pm T’Filla (evening service)

7:45 pm Evening Activity

9:00 pm Lila Tov – Good Night

Wednesday, august 5

7:30 am Boker Tov – Good Morning

8:15 am Breakfast

8:45 am Nikayon – Clean-up

9:15 am Activity 1

10:15 am Activity 2

11:15 am Activity 3

(campers & grandparents separate activities in the morning

12:30 pm Lunch & Song Session

1:30 pm Menucha – Rest Time

2:30 pm Family Activity 1

3:30 pm Snack

6:30 pm Dinner

3:45 pm Family Activity 2

4:45 pm Showers/Cabin Time

6:00 pm Dinner

7:00 pm T’Filla (evening service)

7:45 pm Evening Activity

9:00 pm Lila Tov – Good Night

thursday, august 6

7:30 am Boker Tov – Good Morning

Pack up your cabins

8:15 am Breakfast

9:15 am Board Buses

9:30 am Buses Depart for JCC in La Jolla

12:00 pm Buses arrive at JCC in La Jolla

Weekend Schedule:

This Memorable Experience Will Include:• Anamazing4-daysofcampfun

• Creativeservices

• Skilledcounselorsleadingattheactivities

• Specialactivitiesjustforcampersandgrandparents

• Outdooradventure,artsandcrafts,andmuch,muchmore

• Greatkoshercampfood

For more information, or to register, please call (858) 499-1330 or e-mail: [email protected]

Page 3: Grandma, Grandpa and Me! - campmountainchai.com€¦ · Grandma, Grandpa and Me! Monday, august 3, through thursday, august 6, 2009 At Camp Mountain Chai In The Beautiful San Bernardino

In a beautiful setting in the majestic mountains of the San Bernardino National Forest your family will cozy up in your very own rustic cabin (with carpeting, heat and indoor plumbing). Each day of your four-day adventure is packed with nature walks, sports and craft activities, ropes, archery, memorable campfires and the unique experience of sharing Jewish music, dance and tradition.

Long after camp is over, you’ll continue to remember and share the joyous and moving experience and the many ways meaningful Jewish content is woven into our daily activities.

Bond with your grandchild by sharing positive intergenerational camp experiences in a Jewish environment.

Space for this new Intergenerational Adventure for Children and Grandparents is limited.

Sorry...no parents allowed!

Cost: $250 per adult (lodging, meals, beverages, snacks and coach bus transportation)

$125 per child (lodging, meals, beverages,

snacks and coach bus transportation)

• Bus Transportation will be from the La Jolla JCC

• Jewish dietary laws observed at all times at camp

• Doctor/Nurse in Residence

Please remember: camp is rustic and located at an elevation of 7500 feet in the San Bernardino National Forest.

If you have any health concerns based on the altitude or terrain please consult with your physician. If you have any questions or need any further information please feel free to call the camp office.

For more information, or to register, please call (858) 499-1330 or e-mail: [email protected]

Grandma, Grandpa and me... camp for children and Grandparents

Page 4: Grandma, Grandpa and Me! - campmountainchai.com€¦ · Grandma, Grandpa and Me! Monday, august 3, through thursday, august 6, 2009 At Camp Mountain Chai In The Beautiful San Bernardino

Grandma, Grandpa and me... camp for children and Grandparents 2009 Registration Form

Grandparent’s Last Name Grandma’s First Name Grandpa’s First Name

Grandparent’s Address City State Zip Home Phone

Grandparent’s Email Grandma’s Bus. or Cell Phone Grandpa’s Bus. or Cell Phone

Child’s Full Name Birth Date Age at Camp r Boy r Girl

Child’s Full Name Birth Date Age at Camp r Boy r Girl

Child’s Full Name Birth Date Age at Camp r Boy r Girl

Child’s Full Name Birth Date Age at Camp r Boy r Girl

Family 1 - Child(ren)’s Address City State Zip Home Phone

Mother’s Name Mother’s Cell Phone Mother’s Email

Father’s Name Father’s Cell Phone Father’s Email

Family 2 - Child(ren)’s Address City State Zip Home Phone

Mother’s Name Mother’s Cell Phone Mother’s Email

Father’s Name Father’s Cell Phone Father’s Email

dietary needs: r We need vegetarian meals for _________ people. Jewish dietary laws observed at all times at camp.

r Other dietary concerns / allergies: _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Any concerns being at an elevation of 7500 feet? r Yes r No If yes please explain ________________________________________________

Conditions of enrollMent and Parent agreeMent

The camper, his/her parent/guardian and grandparents agree to abide by the rules of the camp as set forth by the Camp Director. Camp has permission to use any photograph, likeness or video image in which we may appear for future camp publicity. In case of emergency, I give permission to the Camp Director or his/her agent to authorize the administering of health care by a physician or other health care provider (hospital, paramedic, nurse etc.). I also give permission to the health care provider selected by the camp to administer any necessary treatment (please note that in such emergency every effort will be made to notify the parent in advance). I understand that the camp cannot assume responsibility for the adequacy or quality of services rendered by the health care provider selected in such an emergency.

Grandparent’s Name Grandparent’s Signature Date

r number of grandparents ______ x $250 = $_______________ r number of grandchildren _____ x $125 = $_______________

PayMent oPtions: r I have enclosed a check for the amount of $___________

r Please bill my credit card for the amount of $___________ r MasterCard r Visa r Amex r Discover

Credit Card Number ____________________________________________ Exp. Date _______________ 3or4DigitSec.Code _________________

Name on Credit Card ___________________________________________ Signature _____________________________________________________

Billing Address _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Please RetuRn to: Camp Mountain Chai, 4950 Murphy Canyon Road. san Diego, Ca 92123. If paying by credit card, you may fax to: (858) 499-1330