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Proficiency Level English

Hugh Gethin


Collins ELT London & Glasgow

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Collins ELT8 Grafton StreetLondon W1X 3LA

© Hugh Gethin 1983, 1990"

10 9 8 7 6 5 43 2 1

First edition published 1983

This revised edition first published 1990All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrievalsystem, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical,photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior . permission in writing of the Publisher.

Printed in Great Britain by Mackays of Chatham PLC

ISBN 0 00 370 333 9


I should like to thank the Directors of the Anglo-Continental Educational Group, Bournemouth,for facilities afforded me in the earlier stages of preparation of this book; and Arnunio Ciumei('Jimmy'), the Group's xeroxer, for his efficient and cheerful help. To my erstwhile colleague,David Marchesi, goes my warm gratitude for a fruitful partnership of several years, during whichhe shared with me the use of most of this book in draft form. The cooperation and comments of a person of his mature judgement did much to encourage me to proceed with the enterprise. This,in its later stages, came under the scrutiny of Rosalind Grant-Robertson, whose knowledge of EFL is wide and deep. Any improvements I have latterly been able to make in the text have inlarge measure been due to her careful and constructive criticism, for which I am indeed grateful.I should also like to thank Christian Kay for her stimulating comments, particularly those on theearlier sections; Caroline Egerton for her informed and penetrating reading and sensiblesuggestions, which have contributed so much to the text’s final form; and Gordon Jarvie, whoselively professional interest in the book has led to its publication. To my wife I am indebted asalways, both for sustaining me and helping to resolve the various problems of authorship.

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Introduction 5For the learner 5

For the teacher 81 Verb tenses 10

1A The past tense of certain verbs 101B Tense use for fact: review 121C Use of present for future tenses 201D Tense use for non-fact: supposition 251E Tense use for non-fact: wish 311F Fact and non-fact: summary of tense use 34

2 Adverbials 39

2A Adverbs against adjectives 392B Position 43

3 Linking: result, cause 50

3A Relation between result and cause 503B Result expressed with too or enough 54

4 Linking: purpose 60

4A Standard constructions 604B Shortened constructions 63

5 Linking: concession 66

6 Linking: cause, purpose, concession (alternative) 70

7 Linking: time 73

8 Linking: relatives 78

8A Links and clause types: review 788B Sentence building with relatives 848C Shortened constructions 89

9 Linking: similarity and comparison 94

10 The infinitive and -ing 100

10A The infinitive 10010B The -ing form as gerund 10310C Verbs taking a full infinitive or –ing (gerund) according to meaning 10910D Verbs taking the infinitive or –ing (participle) according to meaning 113

11 Auxiliary verbs: particular uses 117

11A Ability, permission, possibility 11811B Past activity, habit, refusal etc. 12211C Expectation, assumption, conclusion 12611D Obligation, absence of obligation 12911E Duty and arrangement, with non-fulfilment 132

11F Use of should for suggestions, opinions, feelings etc. 136

12 Reported speech 139

12A Tense and word changes: general review 139

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12B Possible changes in auxiliary verbs 14512C Suggestions, requests and commands 149

13 The passive 154

13A Subject formation from the active voice 154

13B Passive constructions with the infinitive 16114 Inversion of subject and verb 164

14A Types of lead word 16414B Established sentence patterns 168

15 Dependent prepositions 170

16 Phrasal verbs 178

16A Type, meaning and word order 17816B Meaning and use of selected verbs 181

17 Study lists 18717A The past tense of certain verbs (with past participle) 18717B Verbs and phrases followed by the plain infinitive 18817C Verbs followed by an object + full infinitive 18917D Verbs and phrases followed by –ing (gerund) 19017E Verbs used with two objects 19217F Dependent prepositions 19317G Phrasal verbs 196

Subject index 199

Word index 203

Key to Exercises 209

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Foreword to the revised edition

This edition of the book is in its scope and method the same as the first; the material and itsarrangement remain basically unchanged. But there were in the first edition some omissions

in the treatment of adverbs and links (conjunctions) which have been made good. Also alarge part of the section on reported speech has been rewritten with additional examples andexercises in order to make the approach to this aspect of English grammar both moreextensive and more flexible. Elsewhere in the book I have occasionally altered the wordingof the explanations where I have thought these could be made clearer, but on the whole havenot found it necessary to amend the exercises except to accommodate the extra adverbs andlinks.

What is entirely new to this edition is the introduction of style marking, that is to say, of adefinite indication in the text that certain words or constructions are associated with a formalstyle of English. Whereas in the first edition this association was mentioned only in theexplanations, in the present edition it is specifically pointed out wherever it occurs in

examples and exercises (see the relevant paragraph in the Introduction for the learner). Theintention is that in this way users of the book will be made more aware of the relationshipbetween grammatical usage and style.

It is of course gratifying that the book should have found enough favour amongst learnersand teachers of English to warrant a revised edition, and this approval, silent though it maybe, has been a very real encouragement in its preparation. I would welcome any comments,however critical, that the book's users might like to make through the publishers.

I should also like to record here my gratitude to Annette Capel, prime mover and promoterof this revised edition, and to Caroline Egerton, who returned to the book in the editorial rolewhich she undertook for the first edition and which she has again fulfilled so well.


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For the learner

If you are the kind of learner for whom this book has been written, you will have learntEnglish intensively for months or less intensively for years. You will now be in contact withthe language as it is used by British, American and other native speakers in conversation, onradio and television, in letters, books or newspapers. You yourself may be using the languagesocially or in your work; you may be studying it full- or part-time; you may be preparing foran examination such as the Cambridge Proficiency.

Whatever you are doing, you will have some academic background and some acquaintance,although it may be only slight, with grammatical concepts. With the help from time to timeof a good dictionary or a teacher, you will be able to read this and the rest of the book withadequate understanding. In short, you will have reached an advanced level in English butyou will still be learning it with a view to improving it as a means of communication, both

written and spoken.Apart from vocabulary, idiom and pronunciation, what you will still be learning is

grammar, which is the way the vocabulary organises itself or, in other words, how thelanguage works. A lot of grammar you will already know, such as the general order of words,basic tenses and verb forms, the making of questions and statements. Some of this, however,will have been imperfectly learnt, while there will be some grammar that you do not know atall. It is for this purpose, then, that the book has been written: to review the grammar thatyou may know imperfectly and to teach the grammar that you need to know but do not. (Youmay know it in the sense that you have heard or seen it used but not in the more importantsense that you can recognise it and can use it yourself.) How does the book set out toachieve this?


The way a language works is best shown by example, and so the introduction to any typicalsection of the book is followed first by examples of the grammar dealt with in that section.Since language is normally organised for intelligent communication, and is not a collectionof unconnected utterances, the examples in each section are as far as possible connected toform a discourse or 'story' to show grammar in use and not just as 'naked' grammar lyingabout doing nothing. From these examples you should be able to get quite a good idea of how the language works.


In order thoroughly to understand the examples, however, you will need some help; and tomake understanding and learning easier you will probably s need for rules. To answer theseneeds as far as possible, an explanation follows the examples. It is linked for referencepurposes to the examples by numbers and letters, so that you do not have to go through thewhole explanation to clarify a certain example. This should be of particular advantage inreview sections such as those on verb tenses (1B) and relatives (8A), where you may find thatyour existing knowledge makes some of the explanation unnecessary. In any explanation of grammar, descriptive terminology is unavoidable, and this is not introduced here for its ownsake. Sometimes you will recognise the terms used through your own language, but in any

case their meaning is illustrated in the examples and explained if necessary.


Having, through the examples and the explanation, understood the grammar involved, younow have to practise and test your knowledge. The exercises, like the examples, are as far as

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possible organised as discourse so that you can use the ,grammar you are learning in ameaningful context. It is important, therefore, to read out or to rewrite the whole text and not

 just the portion that needs changing. To help you prepare for some of the exercises, there arestudy lists towards the end of the book, placed there to make it easier for you not to refer tothem while actually doing the exercises. If you find the exercises too difficult, you should

return to examples, explanation or lists, and also if necessary to your dictionary, for betterpreparation.

Grammar and style

You will know already that English, like your own language, has differences of style. Suchdifferences can usefully be classed under the terms formal and informal.-This Introduction iswritten in a style somewhere between the two: it has not got the colloquial contraction(You'll know ... it's ... it hasn't) and shorter sentences of informal written English, whichapproaches and sometimes imitates the language of everyday speech; on the other hand, itaddresses you personally, avoiding a lot of impersonal or passive constructions; and preferswords like needs, order  and works rather than the more formal requirements, sequence and

 functions. The language of the ecamples and exercises is seldom more formal than this and isoften more informal; its stylistics range is wide enough for general communication inEnglish, written or spoken. There is some grammar, however, that is associated with a certainformality of style, either as single words or phrases (3A etc.) or in the way the grammar is used(8A,B etc.). Where this kind of language occurs in the examples and exercises it is labelled, orstyle-marked, in the way described in the introductory note to 3 (p. 50).

Order of contents 

The numbered sections of the book are in an order that can be followed to advantage, but aresufficiently independent of each other to be taken in the order that best answers your needs.

However, the subsections A, B etc. build upon each other, and should be done in the ordergiven.


There are grammatical and word indexes that refer you by section number and letter to therelevant explanations, which, as mentioned above, are themselves linked with the examples.

Key to exercises 

So that you can correct your answers to the exercises yourself, there is a key to them at theend of the book.

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For the teacher

It is through what I have already said to the learner that I can best introduce the book to ateacher. In continuation I should like to add the following.


This book has come into being, over many years of teaching and organising courses, inresponse to the need of post-intermediate students to feel bedrock beneath them. Learners atthis level may be superficially fluent and able to cope socially in the language, but oftenflounder in a slough of words when more exact communication, written or spoken, isrequired of them. Those who meet the challenge and make further progress are usually thosewho not only need but actively demand a fuller understanding of grammar. At the stage weare talking about, this demand can best be met through the medium of English itself.

Although there are several EFL books dealing with grammar at this level, they havenot all got exercises under the same cover. Also I have thought it to be very well worthwhileto try and put the grammar into more homogeneous contexts than are found in other books.The object thereby is not that learners should lose sight of the grammar as such (whichhappens in some books) but that they should see it used in examples in a contextual situation,and therefore in a more meaningful way, than they would in unconnected sentences. Wherepossible I have extended this treatment to the exercises. Thus the book, and thus its title.


As already pointed out to the learner, the order followed by the main sections of this book isa recommended one only. The extensive cross-referencing that is provided should allow youto integrate the book into the rest of your teaching programme in any order required.

Whichever section is selected for teaching, it is of course most important that you shouldthoroughly acquaint yourself beforehand with its examples, explanation and exercises.Most of the grammatical categories that I have used will be familiar to you. I have departedfrom the traditional ones only where, after experiment and discussion, it has been apparentthat there are better ways (at least at this level of teaching) of presenting the grammar of thelanguage. Instances are the division of verb use into the categories of 'fact' and 'non-fact' andthe incorporation into the passive of an auxiliary form. The examples and explanation of each section should soon put you in the picture regarding the categories used.

Depending on the time available and the depth of study required, the exercises may bedone in class, orally or in writing, or as homework for later checking and comment.


The book does not set out to be a comprehensive grammar of English. Some grammaticalfeatures, such as independent prepositions, have been considered familiar enough to the post-intermediate learner to be used in examples and exercises without grammatical comment.Others, such as verb tenses and relative pronouns, are not dealt with from scratch but areextensively reviewed and presented as a working unit.

The emphasis throughout is on the essential unit of discourse, which is the contextualisedsentence; the relation between grammar and meaning is never forgotten. The aim is thatserious learners should acquire, without the need for systematic structural analysis, aknowledge of the English sentence so that they can get its grammar and its meaning right not

only in exercises but in their own connected speech and writing.The grammar dealt with is that of British English. Some might argue that, since this is notalways the same as North American (including Canadian) grammar, I should draw attentionto the differences. The fact that I have not done so is because I do not consider them to beimportant enough to justify complicating the text on their account. Most of these differences

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concern prepositions (such as the use of than instead of from after different) or verb use (forexample do you have in the interrogative instead of have you with or without got). They arebeing continually moderated by the powerful influence upon the English language of the USmedia, so that Americanisms soon become known to the advanced learner and retain little, if any, of their mystery. It is as well, however, to be consistent in one's grammatical usage, and

it is to this end that the book's grammar has remained on this side of the Atlantic.

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1 Verb tenses

1A The past tense of certain verbs

Examples1 What time did the sun rise? → The sun rose just after five o ‘clock Just after five o'clock.

2 Did it shine into the room? → Yes, it shone into the room.Yes, it did.

Note: Under 17A you will find a study list of the forty verbs used in the following twoExercises. Although they are all quite common verbs their past tenses often cause difficulty, andyou are advised to familiarise yourself with them first, so that you can do the Exercises withlittle hesitation and with appreciation of their meaning.


Combine the question and the answer to make a complete statement as shown in the Examplesabove.


1  How far did the car skid?Nearly thirty metres.

2  Why did the driver tread on the accelerator?Because he thought it was the brake.

3  Did the accelerator stick wide open?Yes, it did.

4  What did the car hit?A lamp-post.

5  What did they bind the driver's wound with?A piece of shirt.

6  How long did the passenger's nose bleed for?Quite a long time.

7  Where did the passenger lie down?On the pavement.

8  Where did the driver wake up?In hospital.

Who did they lay the blame on?The other driver.10  How much did they sue him for?

Twenty thousand pounds.11  When did he quit his job ?

Straight after the accident.12  Why did he flee the country?

To escape the law.13  Did anyone shed any tears when he left?

No, no one.14  Where did he seek refuge?

In Australia.15  Did he dig for gold there ?

Yes, he did.16  Did he strike any gold?

Hardly any.

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17  Did he grow rich?No, grass.

18  Where did he sow grass?Wherever he could.

19  Why did he saw down trees?

To make a fence for sheep.20  What did he feed the sheep on?

Bananas, of course!


1  Why did Sheila's lip swell up?Because a wasp stung her.

2  How did Ken split his trousers?Climbing over a fence.

3  Did Toby bet that Ken could not sew them up himself?

Yes, he did.4  Did Ken sew them up himself?Yes, he did.

5  How did Helen slit the envelope open?With her enormously long fingernail.

6  How did Marilyn speed up her typing?By going to evening classes.

7  How much did Zena bid for the Chinese vase?A couple of hundred.

8  When did she fall?Going down the stairs.

9  How did she feel about breaking the vase?Terrible.

10  Did she hurt herself ?Yes, her wrist.

11  Where did all the water flow ?Downstairs.

12  Why did Helen fly out of the room in a rage?Because of what her father said.

13  What did her father forbid her to do?Go out with Denis.

14  How did her father deal with her?

By stopping her monthly allowance.15  Why did Denis stroke Helen's hand?

To try and calm her down.16  What rumour did Helen's friends spread?

That she was going to get married.17  What did Marilyn weave her rugs on?

The looms over there.18  How much did she raise her prices by?

Fifteen per cent.19  When did the question of a bank loan arise?

At the directors' meeting.

20  When did they broadcast the news?Just now, on the BBC.

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1B Tense use for fact: review

Introductory note: Verb tenses in English fall into two main categories: those used for factand those used for non-fact. By fact we mean what we treat1 as real or quite possible. Non-fact iswhat is supposed2 or wished for, which is either unreal or improbable. Here are some examples:

I became Managing Director five years ago. FACT I'll soon be sixty. FACT I wish I were Managing Director! NON-FACT:WISH Then I'd have an office on the top floor. NON-FACT: SUPPOSITION 

Fact is directly related to time, and so generally is the tense use. Non-fact has no directrelationship with time and neither has the tense use. Non-fact tense use is dealt with in sectionsID and IE. Tense use for fact is reviewed in this section and in 1C. In section IF both kinds of use are compared and summarised.

You should already be familiar with English tenses and to a large extent with their use, andso what follows immediately below is in the nature of revision so that you can refresh andexercise your knowledge. The Examples set out tenses for fact, together with their English

names, divided into the simple and the progressive form (called continuous in some books). TheExplanation draws attention to the more important points regarding their use. The threeExercises deal first with the present and past tenses, then with tenses relating to future time,and finally with all tenses.


I (1) became Managing Director five years ago. I (2) had been Personnel Manager for three yearsand (3) joined/had joined the firm in 1970, so I (4) have been here for fifteen years. I (5) work inan office on the top floor. I (6) retire in five years. I think I (7) will/shall go and live in thecountry. I (8) will/shall have been with the firm for twenty years by then.


1 PAST  a






7 FUTURE  f,r


I (9) was still working at eight o'clock yesterday evening. 1(10) had been working since earlymorning. We (11) have been working very hard at the office lately as we (12) are negotiating animportant contract. Tomorrow 1(13) am flying to Milan. (14) Will it still be raining like this whenI get back, I wonder? I hope not, because 1(15) am going to take a few days off as soon as I can. I(16) 'II have been working non-stop for over three weeks.




1 'Treat' as real, because fact in this sense includes fiction.2 Or HYPOTHETICAL, a term used in some grammar books together with HYPOTHESIS, which in thisbook is called SUPPOSITION. 

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14 FUTURE  n, r15 going to p



a  PAST SIMPLE refers (1,3) to a point of time in the past or 'then' (five years ago, 1970)which answers the question 'When?' The time-point may not always be mentioned withthe verb but can be supplied, with varying degrees of accuracy:

Thomas Edison invented the electric light bulb.' 'When?' 'In 1878/ Some time inthe last century.'

The past simple may also refer to a period of time completed in the past, answeringthe question 'How long ...?'

The Second World War lasted nearly six years. See also c below.

b  PAST PERFECT SIMPLE refers to time before or until 'then' (five years ago). It may answerthe question 'How long ...?' (2) or 'When?' (3).

c PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE refers to time before or (4) until 'now', which is the moment of writing or speaking. However, it can not refer to a time-point or 'then', and so cannotanswer the question 'When?' (not 'I've joined the firm in 1970'). But it may be usedwith several words (adverbs) in reference to time before 'now':

He has  just  told me that he has recently been made Managing Director and has 

already been busier than he has ever been before. Just now and only recently can answer the question 'When?' with the past tense:

He told me just now that he only recently became Managing Director.

d PRESENT SIMPLE refers principally (5) to what exists or occurs habitually (/ work) in ourpresent lives or nowadays. In this use it refers to repeated, not single, events:

When do you go to London? — (I go) On Fridays/Every Friday.

e PRESENT SIMPLE (future use) refers (6) to a future that is planned, usually throughregulations, programmes, timetables etc. (compare m below). In this use it may refer tosingle events:

When (according to your travel schedule) do you go to London? - (I go) OnFriday/Next Friday.

f   FUTURE SIMPLE is used for the future when there is no definite plan or intention (but see pbelow), or if there is a condition attached (1C). It often occurs with think (7), expect,

wonder, perhaps, probably etc. But it is used for a planned future when the verb has noprogressive form (see s below):

I'll have my new car next month (not 'I'm having ...').

g  FUTURE PERFECT SIMPLE refers to time before or (8) until 'then' in the future (in fiveyears). Like the past perfect, but unlike the present perfect, it may sometimes refer to atime-point:

I'll be tired when I arrive, because I'll have had an exam the day before.

h  PAST PROGRESSIVE refers to what was in progress in the past. When this was over aperiod of time, either the progressive or the simple form may be used with no essentialdifference in meaning:

Yesterday I was working/worked from eight in the morning until nine at night.But for what was in progress at a point in time (9) only the progressive form can beused. (See also 1 below.)

 j  PAST PERFECT PROGRESSIVE refers (10) to what was in progress until 'then' (eight o'clock).

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If the activity itself did not last until then, its effect did: I didn't get home until eighto'clock, because I'd been working late at the office.

k PRESENT PERFECT PROGRESSIVE refers (11) to what has been in progress until now. It maybe used with just, recently or already (see c above), but not with before (I've worked (nothave been working) here before).

1 PRESENT PROGRESSIVE refers to what is in progress now (12) or at repeated time-pointsnowadays:

They're always/often/never watching television when I visit them.Compare 'They always/often/never (= start to) watch television when I visit them.'Always or continually may be used with the present or past progressive withoutreference to time-points:

They're/They were always watching television.This is for repeated activity that, usually because it annoys us, claims our attention tosuch an extent that it seems to be always in progress.

m  PRESENT PROGRESSIVE (future use) refers (13) to a future that is planned, usually as aparticular arrangement rather than as part of a programme etc. (see e, n).

n  FUTURE PROGRESSIVE refers (14) to what will be in progress at a future time-point (when Iget back). It is also used when we anticipate something without actually arranging it.Compare the following (with reference to e, m):

(According to my travel schedule) I don't return until next week.I'm not returning until next week. (That's the particular arrangement.)I shan't be returning until next week. (That's what I anticipate.)

The distinction between these uses is not a strict one.

p  Going to is used for intention (15), before we have made a definite plan. For sudden

intention (when we make up our mind on the spur of the moment) it is usually replacedby the future simple. Compare with Example 15 the following:I'm taking a few days off next week. (I've already arranged it.)So you're going to Wales. What a good idea! I'll take a few days off and come too.(I've suddenly thought of it.)

(Again the distinction between the uses is not strict.) Going to is also used when we areconvinced something is going to happen, either (i) because it has already started tohappen or (ii) because of what we know of the circumstances. In the second use (ii), butnot in the first, going to can alternate with the future simple tense:i She's going to (not will) have a baby.ii She's going to find/will find it difficult to carry on working.

To express the future in the past, going to may be used with was/were:He was going to take a few days off; I hope he managed it.

q FUTURE PERFECT progressive is similar in principle to j and k above, but with reference towhat will have been in progress until 'then' [when I get back) in the future (16).

r  Will AGAINST shall in FUTURE TENSES: The general rule that either will or shall (7,8) maybe used with first persons (/, we) but that only will (14) is used with the other persons(he, she, it, you, they) means that there is little difficulty in deciding which to use.Apart from the fact that they are often contracted and therefore indistinguishable (16),it is seldom incorrect to use will with all persons. The important exception occurs withquestions (usually in the first persons) asking for instructions or advice and not just for

information. Then shall, not will, is used: 'Shall I tell her?' Compare: 'Will/Shall I beable to have a word with her?' The answer may be 'Yes/No' to both questions, but theanswer to the first instructs or advises, the answer to the second informs. (See 12Bb.)

s NON-USE OF PROGRESSIVE FORMS : When there is nothing in progress or happening, such as

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when we think (= believe) or have (= possess) something, progressive forms are notused:i I think Ken has two cars. Am I right?Compare:ii I'm having (= taking) a holiday next month. I'm thinking of (= contemplating) going

hang-gliding. Am I being rash?In general, verbs such as think/believe or have/possess which describe states of mind,ownership etc. (how things are) do not have progressive forms (i), while verbs (themajority) such as have/take or think/contemplate which describe some sort of activity orprocess do have them (ii). The verb be commonly refers to states like that of belief and sois most often used in a simple form (i), but it may occur in the progressive to relate tosomething in progress like contemplating (ii). Verbs of perception like see and heargenerally have no progressive forms either, but they too may have other meanings:

Sheila's seeing (= consulting) a doctor about her cough.I've been hearing a lot (= getting a lot of news) about her lately.

Exercise 1

For each verb in brackets, choose one of the following tenses: the PRESENT, PRESENT PERFECT, PAST or PAST PERFECT, in either the SIMPLE or PROGRESSIVE form. If, as well as the verb, there isanother word (an adverb) inside the brackets, its position in relation to the correct tense isshown either in the Examples or in the Explanation.

Brenda Pearl (1 join) our firm ten years ago. She (2 work) for the previous five years with anadvertising company and (3 acquire) much useful experience. For the first eight years with usshe (4 work) in the Sales Department, and (5 work) there when I (6 become) Managing Director.Since then she (7 work) as my personal assistant, and (8 prove) herself to be outstandinglycapable on many occasions. She (9 work) on the top floor, in an office next to mine, but at the

moment (10 work) in London on a special assignment.

When the North and South finally (11 lay) down their arms in 1865 at the end of the AmericanCivil War they (12 fight) for over four years and the South, which (13 win) several battles but(14 lose) the war, (15 be) economically exhausted. It (16 be) a tragedy that Abraham Lincoln,who (17 lead) the North to victory and (18 be) now ready to be generous to the South, (19not|survive) to make the peace. Five days after General Lee (20 surrender) at Appomattox,Lincoln (21 be) assassinated.

Denis (22 always |ring) me up when I am in the shower or washing my hair. The last time thephone (23 ring) with me in the shower I (24 not | answer) it. I (23^ learn) later that someone(26 ring) me up to offer me a job which they then (27 offer) to someone else. I (28 just|tell)

Denis that he (29 be) to blame for the fact that I (30 miss) a golden opportunity.

'What (31 do|you) with yourself lately? I (32 not|see) you for over a month.''1(33 be) in Stockholm since I last (34 see) you.''Really? How long (35 be|you) there and what (36 do|you)?''Nearly three weeks. I (37 do) some research at the Royal Library. I think I(38 already|tell) you that I (39 work) on a book about Scandinavia.''Yes. How (40 go|it)?''Not so bad. I (41 hope) to have it in the hands of the publisher by the end of the year.'

Peter (42 live) in Nodnol, the capital of Mercia. At least, that's where he (43 live) when he last(44 write). In his letter he (45 invite) me to visit him, but as I (46 have) no answer to my last

two letters I (47 wonder) whether I should go or not. I (48 also|have) no reply from theconsulate about the Mercian visa I (49 apply) for two weeks ago. Although I (50 be) born inMercia, I no longer (51 have) a Mercian passport.

(On the telephone): Yes, I'm at Georgina's house this evening. What (52 do|I) here? I (53

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babysit). She and her husband (54 go) to a party. Four - fou children. They (55 be) usuallyrather wild. I (56 babysit) here one they all (57 start) screaming. But they (58 be) very good atthe. I can' see the youngest now in the room next door: she (59 eat) a huge box of chocolatesthat Georgina (60 give) me before she (61 leave). The others (62 find) a tin of paint and happily(63 paint) the walls of the kitchen. They (64 assure) me that they (65 do) this before and that

their mother and father (66 have) no objection then. I only (67 hope) they (68 tell) me the truth.One of them (69 get) himself in a bit of a mess. I (70 try) to clean him up with paint remover,but so far without much success.

Exercise 2

This Exercise covers the tenses and forms used for future time, namely the SIMPLE orPROGRESSIVE FUTURE, FUTURE PERFECT and PRESENT TENSES, and the going to form. For each verbin brackets use one of these.

I hope Brenda (1 still|work) for me when I retire in six years' time. She (2 retire) herself a fewyears afterwards, because she (3 then | be) sixty. She (4 work) for the firm for twenty years by

then and (5 qualify) for the firm's full pension. She says that when she retires she (6 work) asa business consultant. Perhaps she (7 earn) a lot more money doing that than she does now.At the moment she is in London on a special assignment, but she (8 come) back tomorrow,so if you look in then I (9 introduce) you to her. (10 tell 11) her you may come?

I (11 see) Willie tomorrow at our weekly Japanese class, so I (12 tell) him what you have justtold meTJHe (13 be) very pleased to know that you have passed your music exam. What (14do|you) next? (15 prepare|you) for the higher grade?

According to this timetable for my business trip to Brazil for the firm, I (16 be) due in Rio onthe fourteenth and (17 leave) for Sao Paulo on the seventeenth. That (18 not|give) me enoughtime to visit the three factories that are listed: they (19 need) at least a day each. Incidentally,

when (20 meet|I) our representative in Sao Paulo? There's no mention of that here. And I seethat I (21 be) due back in Britain on the twenty-second, which (22 mean)'only forty-eight hoursin Brasilia, which in my opinion (23 not | be) enough. (24 be|you) free any time this afternoon?Three-thirty? Good. So (25 be|I). Could I discuss my Brazilian programme with you then?

'I hear that Marilyn (26 go) to the States shortly. What (27 do|she) there?''She (28 promote) her firm's products.''How (29 do|she) that?''She (30 demonstrate) them to selected retail outlets. I am sure she (31 do) extremely well.'

Sir James and Lady Blenkinsop (32 be) married for thirty years next March. They (33 celebrate)their wedding anniversary with a dinner party at Blenkinsop Hall on the seventeenth. I don't

think it (34 be) a particularly stylish affair, but I am sure a lot of good-food (35 be) served.Sheila, Ken and Willie have been invited and (36 go). Marilyn was invited too, but can't gobecause she (37 leave) for the States by then. Helen and Denis say they (38 go) - if they'reinvited! I haven't been invited yet, but I can't go anyway, as I (39 work) on a job in Glasgowat the time. (40 go|you)?

'Do you think there (41 be) an election next month?''Yes, there (42 be) one; they've just announced it on the radio. They haven'tgiven a date, but I expect it (43 be) on the last Thursday.'"Who do you think (44 win)?''I don't know who (45 win). But the Government (46 lose).'

'This time tomorrow I (47 take) my driving test. Wish me luck!' 'I (48 do) better than that; I(49 give) you some last-minute instruction.' 'Thank you, but I (50 not|go) out this evening. I(51 stay) in and (52 go) to bed early. That (53 be) the best way to prepare for the test.'

'I've just heard the weather forecast. It (54 snow). And that reminds me that Christmas soon

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(55 be) here. Have you any plans for a holiday?''I (56 fly) to Mercia to stay with a friend, but as I probably (57 not|get) a visa in time I'vedecided to cancel the trip. So it looks as if I (58 spend) Christmas at home as usual. (59 do|you)the same?''No, I (60 go) to Sweden.'

'Really? What (61 do|you) there?''I (62 do) some research for my book on Scandinavia. Then, if I have time, I (63 visit) friends inDalarna, about three hundred kilometers from Stockholm)''So when (64 be|you) back in England?''I (65 fly) back on the eighth of January.'

'Have you heard the latest? I expect it (66 surprise) you. Helen and Denis (67 get) married!''I (68 believe) that when it happens. I'm sure their engagement or whatever you like to call it(69 not | last) long; they (70 start) quarrelling again soon'

Exercise 3

This Exercise covers all the tenses dealt with in this section. Choose a suitable tense for eachverb in brackets.

Ken (1 drive) along yesterday when a stone (2 go) clean through the windscreen. As he (3pass) another car at the time it (4 be) lucky he (5 not|have) a nasty accident. He says that lorriesfrom the quarry still (6 use) that road and that stones often (7 fa1^$>Lf them. 1(8 not|drive)that way into town in future if I can possibly avoid it.

Next month I (9 be) married for ten,years. We (10 live) in this house for ten years too. We (11celebrate) the-two anniversaries with-a party to which we (12 invite) some friends andrreighbotttJS. Most of our neighbours (13 be) also our friends, and (14 already|say) they (15come). The family next door, however, (16 not|be) very friendly at the moment and (17

decline) the invitation, presumably because of a dispute about the fence between their gardenand ours. We (18 have) the fence repaired last week, since it (19 be) broken for several months,with the result that dogs (20 get) in on several occasions and (21 do) quite a lot of damage. It isour neighbours who (22 be) responsible for the maintenance of this particular fence, and so wenaturally (23 send) them the bill, which they (24 not|pay) yet.

'It (25 not|be) so very long ago that man first (26 land) on the moon. What an astonishingachievement that (27 be)! I remember how one evening at nine o'clock Armstrong and Aldrin(28 walk) about and (29 chat) 400,000 kilometers away, and you and I (30 watch) and (31listen) to them. Nothing like it (32 happen) before and I sometimes (33 think) that nothinglike it (34 happen) again.'

'Why (35 say | you) that nothing like it (36 happen) before? Astronauts from other planets (37visit) our solar system ever since it (38 begin). At this very moment spaceships (39 hover)overhead and (40 watch) what you and I (41 do). As I (42 walk) home the other evening I (43see) something in the sky which definitely (44 not|come) from anywhere on this planet. And if you (45 think) I (46 drink) you are wrong. That (47 not|be) the only time I (48 see) strangeobjects in the sky. I (49 see) quite a few over the years and (50 report) them all to the UFO club.One day I (51 write) a book about them. Tomorrow, though, I (52 go) to Manchester to buy thelatest UFO literature.'

'I (53 think) about our plans for next week. What (54 do|you) next Thursday evening? (55be|you) on duty at the hospital?''I (56 be) on duty, but I (57 change) with a friend who (58 want) Friday off. What (59

have|you)inmind?''How about going to see Macbeth! It (60 be) on for the whole of next week. (61 see|you) theplay?''I (62 see) a film of it once. But I (63 not|see) the play itself. Yes, that's a good idea: we (64 go)

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and see Macbeth,''I (65 book) the seats. (66 ask|l) Willie to come too?''He (67 work), I bet. He (68 always | work). He (69 work) too much. He (70 have) a nervousbreakdown if he's not careful.'

1C Use of present for future tenses

Introductory note: We have seen in section IB that, with the exception of the future uses of the present tense forms, tenses generally relate to time when they are used for fact. There is,however, another important exception: verbs that refer to future time are not used in the futureor future perfect tensesdirectly after conditional links or time links3; instead they are used in the present or presentperfect tenses:

I'll tell her more on Monday if she comes. (Compare: Perhaps she'll come onMonday; I'll tell her more then.)

When I've read the book I'll lend it to him. (Compare: I'll lend him the book nextweek; I'll have read it by then.

The principal conditional and time links are as follows:

CONDITIONAL LINKS  i f   providing, provided (that), as/so long as

even if 



whether ... or 

however, no matter how (late etc.J 

whoever, wherever, whenever etc.no matter who/where/when etc.

TIME LINKS  after while

before until, till

when as soon as, immediately

as by the time

There are one or two other instances of the use of present for future tenses which, although notso important as the above, should be mentioned. They are included in the Examples andExplanation below. (See also 4Ad.)


1  Providing you're back by eight o'clock you can go to the airport to welcome thegroup. a

2  You must come back then even if they haven't arrived. b, j3  They'll drive to the concert hall in an open car unless it's raining. c4  Whether the plane's late or not, they'll get a terrific welcome. d5  I'm not going to miss the chance of seeing them however late they are. e6  There'll be a lot of fans at the airport whenever the group arrives. f 7  What will the police do, supposing the crowd gets out of hand ? g8  Some of the fans will be pretty impatient by the time the plane lands, h9  Here they are! Don't worry — I'll give you your camera back when/afterfas soon

as/immediately I've taken a photo! J10  The police will stop people who try to get too close to them. K

3 Called unks because they link or join two parts of a sentence together. As you will see from

the Examples, either part may come first. 

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11  I don't care what the police do: I'm going to get their autographs. 112  It'll be the first time I've spoken to a pop star. m13  (Police officer): Now if you girls and boys will all stop pushing and shoving, we'll be

a lot more comfortable, won't we ? (Exception!) n

Explanationa  Providing (1),   provided (that), as/so long as are approximately equivalent. They are all

emphatic forms of if, emphasising a condition.

b   Even if (2) introduces an extreme condition. Emphasis is on even, not if .

c  Unless (3) can generally be replaced by if...not  (if it's not raining) or providing etc. ...not , but sometimes more suitably by except when:

I won't ever use the car for work unless/except when it's raining.

d  Whether...or  (4) used conditionally must be distinguished from the interrogative link used in indirect questions, after which the future tense may be used:

I wonder whether they'll come (or not).Unlike conditional whether , the interrogative link can usually be replaced by if (I 

wonder if.. .).4 Here again it is important to distinguish between this interrogative use of if and its conditional use.

e However (late etc.) (5) must be distinguished from the adverb however (2Bm, 5e). Onedifference is that it can be replaced by no matter how (late etc.). Another is that boththese conditional links include the use of adverbs or adjectives such as late exceptwhen they mean whatever way/ whichever way:

The disco will let you in however/no matter how (= whatever way) you'redressed.

f  Similarly, whenever (6) and other -ever forms can often be replaced by no matter when etc.But whenever can also mean (at) any time (that): 

Come whenever/(at) any time (that) you want.Here, although it is still followed by a present and not a future tense, it cannot bereplaced by no matter when. The other -ever forms may be used in a similar way:

The police will stop whoever/anyone who tries to get too close.The two different uses can occur in the same sentence:

Come any time (= whenever) you want, whenever (= no matter when) it is.The police will stop anyone who (= whoever) tries to get too close, whoever (=no matter who) it is.

g  Supposing (7) may, like other conditional links, be used at the beginning of a sentence.But then it often does not act as a link, and so one sentence is turned into two. In thisposition supposing can alternate with suppose:

Supposing/Suppose the crowd gets out of hand. What will the police do?

h   By the time (8) is used when we cannot give a definite time: by the time the plane lands

= some time not later than when it lands. Note that by eight o'clock (l) = not later thaneight o'clock.

 j When, after etc. (9) are followed by the present perfect to indicate completion of an action.Note also a similar use after even if' (2).

k A defining relative (8Ab) like who (10) is used with a present tense to refer to future time

when the relative itself follows a future tense (will stop).

4 It cannot be replaced by if when it is directly followed by an infinitive: 'I don't knowwhether to go or not.' 

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Compare:There's no one here who'll stop you.

1   Don't care (11) is always used with a present instead of a future tense. With hope we canuse either:

I hope the police won't/don't stop you.

m After it will/won't be the first/second etc. time (12) we always use the present perfect tense.Note carefully the corresponding uses for present and past t ime:

It's the first time I've spoken to a pop star.It was the first time I'd spoken to a pop star.

You will see that for future time we use the same tense (have spoken) as for present time;we do not use the tense one might expect, namely the future perfect ( lBg).

n The more important exceptions to the non-use of will after conditional links are asfollows:i When we request or hope that people will do something (13).ii When we use will not to mean refuse (llBf ): ' If Sheila won't do it, I'll ask Helen.'iii When a future condition can be satisfied (at least as far as we are concerned) in thepresent:

Shopper: Provided this sleeping bag will keep me warmer than the others I'll buyit, although it's the most expensive.Assistant: It definitely will.Shopper: OK, I'll buy it.


Choose a correct tense for each verb in brackets. Where there is no verb (_______), give thecorrect auxiliary such as does or has.

Zena (1 go) to Paris to work in a fashion show and (2 not|be) back until next week. When I (3see) her off at the airport this morning she (4 look) forward to it very much. Although she (5 go)there once as a very small girl she (6 not| remember) it, and so in a sense this (7 be) the firsttime she (8 be) there.

Denis (9 continually | urge) me to lend him money for a business venture which he says (10pay) his creditors back handsomely. I always (11 refuse) his request as politely as I can. He(12 not|show) any talent for business yet and until he (13 ) I (14 not|lend) him a penny.

Marilyn (15 go) to the States on business in a few days. I am told that while she (16 be) away,Georgina's brother (17 keep) an eye on her firm for her. He (18 help) Marilyn with her businessbefore, and she (19 trust) him implicitly. As long as she (20 not|be) away for too long, it shouldbe a satisfactory arrangement.

Robert (21 go) around recently saying that he (22 think) people who (23 go) to university (24have) a great advantage over those who (25 _________not). (26 mean|this) that he (27 think)of going to university himself? If it (28 __________) and if he actually (29 succeed) in gettingthere, he (30 do) what his father always (31 want) him to do, partly because he never (32 have)the chance of doing it himself. But I (33 doubt) if Robert (34 get) a university place all thateasily if he (35 ot|improve) his academic qualifications. He (36 leave) school over a year agowith poor grades, and unless he now (37 go) to a college and (38 work) hard to get better ones,few universities (39 accept) him. The trouble is that Robert is not the sort of person who (40find) it easy to start studying again.

Robert (41 prefer) sport to books, and since leaving school (42 continue) to play a lot of football. In fact the manager of the local team says he (43 consider) Robert for a place in itprovided he (44 train) hard. And here (45 lie) another of Robert's problems: he is a sociable,easy-going sort of chap with a strong streak of laziness in his character, whether we (46 talk) of 

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study or sport. Unless he (47 take) regular exercise — which he seldom (48 ________) he (49tend) to run to fat; even at his age. Until he (50 spend) less time eating and chatting idly withfriends, he (51 not|become) the professional footballer he sometimes (52 dream) of being.Whichever he (53 choose), university or football, he (54 have) to discipline himself. However,a self-disciplined Robert is someone I (55 find) hard to imagine; I (56 feel) that even if it (57

cost) him a career he (58 go) on being the same Robert, which (59 mean) that by the time he(60 be) thirty he (61 be) really fat!

My son (62 study) medicine for six years and (63 take) his final examinations in two months'time. Provided he (64 pass) them, he (65 specialise) in psychiatry, which (66 take) anothertwo years' study at least. So he (67 not|be) ready to practise full time until he (68 be) nearlythirty. By then he (69 study) for a total of eight or nine years and (70 earn) practicallynothing. Until now his wife (71 work) and (72 support) him, but she (73 expect) a baby infour months and so she (74 give up) her job soon. What on earth they (75 live) on when she(76 stop) working I do not know. But they (77 not | worry) about it. My daughter-in-law saysthat they (78 manage) somehow, while my son says simply that he (79 qualify) as a

psychiatrist however long it (80 take).When people retire they quite rightly think that if they (81 work) hard for most of theirlives they (82 earn) the right to a bit of comfort in their old age.Unfortunately, unless they (83 qualify) for pensions indexed to the cost of living, they willbe among those who (84 suffer) most if there (85 be) bad inflation in the future.

'So long as political leaders (86 keep) their heads a third world war (87 not|be) inevitable.''Whether they (88 keep) their heads or not, they (89 find) it almost impossible to preventworld war unless they (90 succeed) in abolishing the international arms trade.''My prediction is that providing a nuclear holocaust (91 not|occur) by the end of the century,mankind (92 pass) the danger point.'

'You're too complacent. Even if your prediction (93 prove) correct, there (94 always|be) a risk of man destroying himself.'

'I (95 come) with you only if you (96 drive) more slowly than you usually (97 _________).''I promise I (98 _______ ). Jump in! You can put the handbrake on immediately you (99 think)I (100 go) too fast.'

ID Tense use for non-fact: supposition

Introductory note: For supposition we use the same conditional links as in 1C and thesentences in which we use them are, like those in 1C, called conditional sentences. But tense

use for supposition is different, as the following examples show:She always waited for me if I was late. FACT: PAST TIME I'm sure she would always wait for me if I was late. SUPPOSITION: FUTURE REFERENCE 

The obvious difference, then, between conditional sentences for fact and for supposition is theuse in the latter of a CONDITIONAL tense. Conditional tenses are formed by the substitution of would/should for will/shall in the future tenses (1Bf, g, n, q), so that we get the following:


SIMPLE FORM would wait would have waited

PROGRESSIVE FORM would be waiting would have been waiting

In the rest of the sentence (that is to say, after a link such as if), we use one of the pasttenses already dealt with in 1B, with the important difference that for supposition a

past tense does not relate directly to time; as we see from the example above (was), it

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may have a future reference. Sometimes the subjunctive were is used instead of was;

and could or might may be used instead of a conditional tense. Possible combinations of 

these tenses and verbs are given below. Thus we see that conditional sentences consist of two parts. These are called

CLAUSES. The one beginning with the link is the CONDITIONAL CLAUSE (since it expresses

the condition), while the other is the MAIN CLAUSE5

. AS the Examples here and in 1Cshow, either clause may come first in a sentence, but under tense use (see below) the

main-clause tense is listed first. For clarity, the tenses are set out in full, without

colloquial contraction (she'd be working etc.). To remind you of the conditional links mentioned in 1C, these are as follows: 

if, providing, provided (that), as/so long as, unless, supposing, even if,

whether ...or, however (late etc.), no matter how, whoever etc., no matter 

who etc., any ... (that) 



1 If Brenda was/were here she

would be working in the

office next door. a


2 If she left her job tomorrow

she would get some pension.





3 However long Brenda had

stayed in her last job she

would not have got a pension.



4 But she would now bemaking a lot of money if she

had not left. d




5 Brenda would have told me

if she did not like her present

  job. d



6  She might now be adirector if she had stayed in herlast job. e



7 Brenda could have made asuccess of any career (that) she

had chosen. f,g




a Reference (1) is to a supposed or hypothetical present, that is to say, to one which doesnot exist. Note the tense use:

Main clause: CONDITIONAL(would be working)Conditional clause: PAST (was)

The use of the progressive form (would be working) corresponds to its use for FACT:Brenda is here; she is working in the office next door.

After if, even if  'or unless the subjunctive were is a common alternative to was, and in the


5 In some grammar books, what is called a dependent or subordinate clause (for example, aconditional clause) is defined as part of a main clause. In this book main and dependent clausesare separate parts of a sentence. 

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If I was/were you I would/should ...it is probably the more common of the two. However, were is seldom used after theother conditional links.

b Reference (2) is to a future that is supposed or hypothetical for one of several reasons:i We do not think it probable or do not consider it seriously (Example 2). Comparethe following, where the tense use (see 1C) shows that the same future possibility is eitherconsidered probable or, if improbable, is taken seriously as something that may happen:

If she leaves her job tomorrow she will get some pension.ii We consider future possibilities seriously, but have not yet made up our mindswhat to do:

Why not ask her now? She would still be at home if we phoned straight away.iii We want to be polite, and therefore approach the future cautiously, as suppositionrather than possible fact:Would it be all right if I used your phone?6*

This is more polite than 'Will it be all right if I use your phone?'

Tense use for the supposed future is the same as for the supposed present, except that asalternatives we can use was to/were to or should in the conditional clause after if, even if or unless. These alternative uses are generally more formal in style than the standarduse:

If she was to/were to leave her job tomorrow she would ...If she should leave her job tomorrow she would ...

Should can also be used in a conditional sentence like that in i above:If she should leave her job tomorrow she will...

The probable effect of should here is to make the sentence less 'factual' and more'suppositional' like Example 2. But whether it is used with will or would in the mainclause, should after if has nothing to do with ought or the conditional tense; it can not be

replaced by would (not 'If she would leave her job tomorrow she will/would ...') and itcan not be contracted to 'd (see llFe).

c Reference (3) is to a supposed or hypothetical past which never existed. Note the tenseuse:

Main clause: CONDITIONAL PERFECT[would have got)Conditional clause: PAST PERFECT (had stayed)

For the conditional link however long, see 1Ce.

d Mixed reference (4,5) occurs in many conditional sentences. The main clause may haveone reference, for example to the supposed present, and the conditional clause anotherreference, perhaps to the supposed past (4); or the references may be reversed (5).

Tenses are used accordingly. Here are mixed future-past references:I would come with you tomorrow if I hadn't already promised to go out withDenis.I would have accepted your invitation if I wasn't going out with Denis tomorrow.

Sometimes the conditional or past tense is 'shifted back' to the conditional perfect orpast perfect to give a sentence with uniform tense use:

I would have come with you tomorrow if I hadn't already promised ...I would have accepted your invitation if I hadn't been going out ... tomorrow.

e  Might  (6) is often used instead of would perhaps to express possibility (= She wouldperhaps now be a director if...). Might with a perfect infinitive (have been) is used

instead of the conditional perfect tense:She might have been (= would perhaps have been) a director by now if...

6 Note a variation using the infinitive instead of a clause: 'Would it be possible (for me etc.) touse your . phone?' (See lFd.) 

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If we (44 live) on grass we (45 need) a special stomach like a cow's and teeththat (46 chew) vegetable matter more efficiently than ours. In addition we(47 need) to spend a great deal more time eating than we (48 ___________) now.

'If we (49 fit) ourselves with an extra heart, (50 not|do|we) a lot more work?' 'I don't know. We(51 be|able) to do more physical work. But whether we (52 have) an extra heart or not, we (53not|do) more mental work without an extra brain. The trouble is that some people (54 use) anextra brain to avoid doing extra work.'

If it (55 not|be) for Napoleon Bonaparte, who (56 make) his cavalry ride on the right side of the road, the whole world (57 now | drive) on the left, as they (58 ____________) in Japan, India,Australia and Britain. The left, after all, (59 be) the right side to drive for right-handed people.

The entire history of the world, says French writer Pascal, (60 be) different if Queen Cleopatraof Egypt (61 have) a shorter nose. Presumably he means that Julius Caesar and Mark Antony(62 not | fall) in love with her, and so (63 spend) their energies on different conquests.

'Unless you (64 leave) by the time I (65 count) ten,' he shouted, 'I (66 call) • the police!'

'I (67 have) no intention of leaving, whatever you (68 count) and whoever you (69 call),' Ireplied. 'If you (70 know) anything about the law, which you clearly don't, you (71 realise) Ihave as much right here as you have. Why (72 not|mind|you) your own business? If you (73_________), the world (74 be) a better place.'

'I (75 take) some of my pupils to Oxford tomorrow on a sightseeing tour.'

'Really? (76 be|it) possible for my daughter to join the party? You (77 show) her so much morethan if she (78 go) with us, as we (79 not|know) Oxford very well.''Certainly. The coach (80 leave) at eight-thirty from outside the school. So if she (81 be) therein good time it (82 be) a pleasure to have her with us. There (83 be) several spare seats.''In that case, (84 mind|you) if we (85 come) too?'

'I'm very sorry, but this is strictly an outing for the children. If I (86 allow) you to come I (87have to) allow the other parents to come as well.'

'My colleague Brenda Pearl nearly (88 get) married a few years ago. I doubt whether she (89now | work) with me if she (90 ). I almost certainly (91 lose) a wonderful assistant.'

'You (92 __ ), but on the other hand you (93 |not). Even if she (94 get) married, Iam sure she (95 now|work) somewhere.' 

'Someone (96 damage) the photocopier.' 

'I (97 not|be) a bit surprised if it (98 be) Denis. It (99 not|be) the first time he (100 do)it.' 

1E Tense use for non-fact: wish

Introductory note: There are four different phrases8 that may be used to introduce afanciful or unfulfilled wish: 

 If only Brenda was/were here!  I wish (that) she was/were here.  It is time she was here.  I would rather she was/were here (than in London). 

The first three are in descending order of strength of feeling; if only, the strongest, is

often used with an exclamation mark. Would rather expresses a wish in the form of acomparison or preference, although the phrase introduced by than may be left out if 

8 In this book the word PHRASE is used loosely to mean a group of related words.  

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Compare 1Df, where we have seen that could and could have replace would be able to andwould have been able to respectively.

f  It is time is followed only by the PAST tense to express a wish. This may be a wishunfulfilled in the present (6) or that may or may not be fulfilled in the future (7).Compare the use of it is time with the infinitive to express a fact that is in the nature of acommand: It is time (for you) to come back.

g Would rather (6,7) is essentially similar regarding tense use to it is time. However,although uncommon, its use with the past perfect tense to express a wish unfulfilled inthe past can occur:

I would rather Brenda had gone to London last week (than this week).For the use of would rather with the plain infinitive, see 9g.


Choose a correct tense for the verbs in brackets. As well as tenses used to express wish, some of the tenses required are those used for fact (1B,C) or for supposition (ID). Where there is no

verb (_________), give the correct auxiliary, such as can or would.

Sheila, whose mother is ill, wishes she (I get) better so that they could go on holiday togethernext month. She says she (2 ____________) rather go with her than with anyone else.

'If only,' some people say, 'the world (3 be) a kinder place than it is!' It's time such people (4realise) that charity begins at home and (5 act) accordingly.

'If only,' thinks Georgina's husband, 'I (6 get) Georgina to sew or read a book! I wish she (7learn) to enjoy domestic life a bit more and (8 not|want) to go out every evening.'

I would always rather people (9 think) me a rogue than a fool. Rogues are quite popular atparties and other social gatherings, whereas if people (10 think) you are stupid they never (11

ask) you anywhere.

I wish I (12 call) round to see you tomorrow, but I don't think I (13 ____________). I (14 let)you know, though, if there is any change of plan.

'Don't you wish your late aunt (15 leave) you some money when she died?''Not really. If she (16 __________) I expect I (17 give) it away. I (18 __________) rather anymoney of mine (19 be) earned than inherited.'

'I wish I (20 be) as artistic as you. Then9 I (21 spend) all my time painting beautiful scenery.''If you think art is just painting beautiful scenery, it's time you (22 learn) something about it!'

'It's high time someone (23 tell) Denis how objectionable he is.'

'I wish you (24 not| criticise) Denis behind his back all the time.He's not so bad. I'd rather he (25 become) my son-in-law than Ken, for example.''What's wrong with Ken? If you (26 know) him as well as I do, you (27 realise) he's worth tenDenises.''Oh, I wish you (28 stop) weighing people up like lumps of meat!'

Sir James thinks it's time his son Toby (29 get) a proper job and (30 begin) to think seriouslyabout a career. Of course Sir James would rather Toby (31 work) in his own firm thananywhere else, but in any case he wishes he (32 adopt) a more positive attitude towards life.

People often wish they (33 choose) a different career when they were young. 'If only,' they say,'I (34 do) what I really wanted to do!' Or: 'I wish I (35 listen) to so-and-so's advice.' Well, thetruth of the matter often is that if they (36 have) their lives over again they (37 choose) thesame.

9 'See footnote on p. 34. 

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'I must say I wish I (38 be) born a bird and not a human. Then10 I (39 not|have to) come in towork this morning. And I (40 have) more freedom to go where I pleased when I pleased. I (41migrate) last autumn if I (42 want) to!' 'You do talk a lot of nonsense. It's time you (43 come) toterms with life as it is. If you (44 be) born a bird, you (45 be) dead at your age.'

IF Fact and non-fact: summary of tense useIntroductory note: The following Examples summarise in dialogue form tense use forsupposition (ID) and wish (IE) as non-fact and compare it with tense use for fact (1B,C). TheExamples show how use can vary between non-fact and fact, even within the same sentence (B3,A5, B5, A6). As this is a dialogue, colloquial abbreviations are used, had being distinguished as'(ha)d from would/should (= 'd). The small letters (a, b etc.) refer to the Explanation below.


A1 I'd like to learn to play the piano. I wishI knew a good teacher who lived  near

here and who'd give/could give melessons.

B1 Suppose I gave you lessons. What would  you say?

A2 Oh, if only you would/could ! I'd ratheryou taught me than any other teacher.

B2 I'd teach you only if you practised .


I'll never teach anyone who is notprepared to practise, no matter who sheis.


A3 I'd have asked  you before if I'(ha)d  thought you'd have the time. NON-FACT  a

B3 It sounds as if you're keen and as if you'd practise. 

FACT  b, c

A4 I'd practise as if it was/were a matter of life and death.

B4 Good. What would you pay me ? NON-FACT  a, c

A5 I'd pay you what you wanted , even if it was/were more thanyou are getting at the music school,however much that is.

FACT  b 

NON-FACT  a, f B5 It's time we started the first lesson, then.I'd be grateful if you'd put  what you've just said in writing! FACT  b


FACT  b, e

A6 I'd have liked  to start/to have startedtoday, but I can't . Also we'(ha)d better  settle the price before we start, hadn't  we? If I started  before we settled  it, itwouldn't be businesslike.



a The dialogue consists largely of wishes and suppositions (NON-FACT), since the speakersare feeling their way towards an agreement. Therefore most verbs are in conditional andpast tenses or the subjunctive (were).

10 The adverb then here replaces a missing conditional clause If... (see footnote on p. 30).

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b Sometimes, however, the speakers deal in FACT, and then tenses relate to time except: iafter conditional links like anyone who, no matter who in B2 or time links like before inA6 (see1C); ii in the case of the idiom had better in A6 (see e below).

c Note in particular how the tense varies in B3 and A4 after as if, which is not a trueconditional link (it may be followed by a future tense), but a link for condition (if) +similarity (as):

It sounds as if you're keen ( = I believe you are). FACT It sounds as if you'd practise (if I taught you, but I may not). NON-FACT I'd practise as if it was/were a matter of life and death (but it wouldn't actually be asserious as all that). NON-FACT 

Compare:It sounds as if you were keen (but I doubt if you are). NON-FACT It sounds as if you'II practise (when I teach you, which I've decided to do). FACT 

The past perfect tense may also be used after as if:The town looks as if it had been struck by a tornado (but I know it hasn't/wasn't).



 Compare:The town looks as if it has been/was struck by a tornado (= I believe it has/was).

 As though is an alternative to as if.

d Would/should like + infinitive may express a wish that is entirely fanciful (see 1E):I should like to be the most beautiful woman in the world (= I wish I were ...)!

Usually, however, it expresses a reasonable wish that we hope to realise (A 1). If wedecide we cannot or may not realise it (A6), we can use either would/should like + perfectinfinitive (to have started) or would/should have liked + infinitive/perfect infinitive (thechoice of infinitive is in this case not important). We then have what is in effect aconditional sentence with past reference (1Dc):

I should have liked (it if we had been able) to start today.This use of a conditional tense + infinitive as a replacement for a full conditional sentenceis common with adjectives {nice, better):

It would have been nice to start/to have started today (= if we had started today).It would be better to settle the price before we start (= if we settled the price beforewe start).

e The idiom had better (A6) + plain infinitive (settle) expresses fact rather than non-fact,although the past tense is used with a future reference. In strength and meaning it comesbetween would be better to (see d above) and should/ought to (11C, E).

f  Just as will is not normally used after conditional ox time links (1C), so would is notgenerally used after if etc. An important exception is the common formula (B5) for politerequests:

I (etc.) would/should be grateful if you (etc.) would/could ...Compare the use of will in lCn(i).


Put the verbs in brackets into a correct tense and fill any blanks (_____________) with asuitable auxiliary verb

'If only we (1 have) a car! Life (2 be) much more pleasant. Today, for instance, I (3 like) tohave driven into the country to see and hear the spring. Don't you think it's time you (4 buy) a

car and I (5 learn) to drive it?' 'It (6 be) nice to have a car if it (7 not|be) so expensive. Thetrouble is that I (8 have to) give up a lot of things I now (9 enjoy).'

Denis is only a junior employee in this firm, but he behaves as if he (10 run) it. It's timesomeone (11 put) him in his proper place. I (12 do) it myself, but the trouble is that he (13

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not|pay) any attention to what I (14 say).

If we stayed here until we (15 finish) all this work, we (16 be) here until midnight. Suppose wethen (17 discover) that we (18 be) all alone in this huge building. (19 _________n't) you befrightened? I (20 leave) before it (21 get) dark.

If only you (22 stop) worrying about what is going to happen! It's almost as if you (23 think)you (24 can) change things by worrying. But you (25 not|can). Suppose I (26 worry) like thatwhen my husband (27 be) so ill last year. It (28 not|do) any good, (29 __________) it?

Would you please pay a little more attention when I (30 speak)? You behave as if everything Isay (31 be) rubbish, which I can assure you it (32 not|be). I would rather you (33 leave) thelecture room altogether than (34 have) you sitting there yawning your head off.

It's about time Denis (35 learn) some table manners. I would never get up from the table beforeothers (36 finish), would you? And would you stick your finger in the soup to see if it (37 be)warm enough? And supposing we all (38 help) ourselves to everything we (39 want) withoutoffering it to others first. What (40 happen)? The table (41 become) a feeding trough.

It looks as if we (42 have) a long, difficult committee meeting tomorrow. I am sorry your boss(43 come). It (44 be) easier if he (45 __________n't). Then we (46 finish) by six o'clock, butas it is we (47 be) there until nine. I (48 give) a prize to anyone who managed to stop yourboss talking so much!

I wish you (49 not|laugh) about the accident. Suppose you (50 hit) the other car. You (51 notsit)here now. Even if you (52 not|be) killed, you (53 be) badly injured.

'(54 ____________) you rather I (55 take) my holiday in June next year instead of later? If I(56 ____________) you (57 have) your holiday in July or August, when your children always(58 have) their school holidays.''I (59 be) most grateful if you (60 ___________). It (61 be) very nice if the whole family (62spend) its holidays together for once. It (63 be) a long time since we (64 ___________)so.'

Listen, children! I (65 punish) whoever (66 be) late for class tomorrow, whatever excuse they(67 have). It's not as if I (68 not|warn) you many times before about unpunctuality, and so if anyone (69 be) late again they (70 know) what to expect.

'Good heavens! Is anything wrong? You look as though you (71 see) a ghost!''If I (72 _____________) to tell you that I have, (73 believe|you) me?''No, I (74 ____________n't). I (75 not|believe) in ghosts. If anyone told me he (76 see) a ghost,I (77 tell) him he only (78 think) he (79 see) one and that he (80 ) better pull himself together.'

'I wish you (81 warn) me about Helen before I (82 meet) her.''Even if I (83____ ), I doubt whether you (84 take) any notice of what I (85 say). She alwayslooks as if butter (86 not|melt) in her mouth.' 'Exactly! If only she (87 not|look) so innocent!'

"My friend Zena is a very hard-working model, but to hear her talk one (88 think) she (89 do)nothing but enjoy herself. I often think she (90 do) better to give herself a less pleasure-lovingimage.

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2 Adverbials

2A Adverbs against adjectives


NOUN WITH ADJECTIVE  VERB WITH ADJECTIVE 1 That cheese has a terrible smell.  → That cheese smells terrible. 

VERB WITH ADVERB 2 Take a cautious smell at it and see if 

you agree. → Smell it cautiously and see if you

agree. 3 Those men are pretty hard workers on

the whole. → Those men work  pretty hard  on the


4 One of them gave us a  friendly wave.  → One of them waved at us in a friendly



a  General rule: An ADJECTIVE is used with a VERB to describe the STATE (nature,

condition, appearance etc.) of someone or something (1).11


Otherwise verbs are used with ADVERBS (2). Words that are difficult to deal

with under this general rule are reserved for the explanations preceding

Exercise 2 on p.41-42 (f-h). 

b Adjectives normally form their corresponding adverbs by the addition of  -ly

(2). Exceptions are: 

i ---good *well ii-- adjectives ending in -ic, which add -ally: basic → basically iii- adjectives ending in -able/-ible, in which final -e becomes -y: comfortable →

comfortably; possible → possibly iv - adjectives with adverbs of the same form: fast →  fast; hard → hard (3). 

c Adjectives that themselves end in -ly do not form adverbs by the addition of a

further -ly. Some of them, such as early, monthly, have adverbs of the same form.Others, like friendly (4), have no corresponding adverbs and can be used with verbs onlyin an adverb phrase.

d Sometimes, although a corresponding adverb exists, an adverb phrase may be more

common: I pay a monthly rent → I pay rent every month/by the month (instead of 'I payrent monthly').

e The adjective sly [slai] does not end in -ly [lk], and so forms an adverb in the normal way(see b above).

Exercise 1

Transform the following sentences as shown in the Examples, namely by changing the nounswith adjectives into their corresponding verbs with adjectives, adverbs or adverb phrases, asrequired. In each sentence the adjective, adverb or adverb phrase will come last.

1  He gave a bitter smile.

11 Activity is sometimes needed to maintain a state; or a state may be in the process of change. Thereforeadjectives sometimes occur with verbs that themselves refer to activity in progress (IBs): 'The children arebeing naughty/The sky is getting lighter.'Adjectives ending in -y [i] have -i- in the adverb: clumsy:clumsily. 

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2  There has been a drastic fall in the dollar.3  The Stock Exchange's reaction was quite calm.4  To a European, Chinese has a strange sound.5  These almonds have a bitter taste.6  Why did she give me a stern look?

7  Try and give an intelligent answer.8  Your action was a cowardly one.9  The boy had a slight limp.10  The little girl had rather a sad look.11  Her mother had given her a hard slap.12  Her movements were clumsy.13  She has an ugly walk.14  But she's a good tennis player.15  The sports committee has monthly meetings.16  What they said had a deep effect upon me.17  The room had a nice, cosy look.

18  The flowers had a fragrant smell.19  I gave her a fatherly talk.20  I said that her behaviour had been extremely silly.21  She gave me a sly glance.22  An early start would be advisable. (Begin It  )23  I'm sure her parents will give me a warm welcome.24  Your argument isn't logical.

Examples and Explanation 

Sometimes verbs which we might expect to be used with adverbs according to the general rule

(2Aa) are apparently used with adjectives. Such phrases fall into three categories (seeunder f, g and h): 

f  Phrases like run deep (referring to a river), travel light, shut it tight, come closer 

are, if we think about them, not describing an action itself but the state (see 2Aa)

in which things are, either when they are happening (first two) or have finished

happening (last two). It is therefore not surprising that here in fact the verbs are

being used with adjectives. (Compare affect deeply, tread lightly, squeeze tightly,

examine more closely.) However, the adjectives come after the verb; before averb or participle an adverb is used: 'The windows have all been tightly

shut/shut tight.'  

g Adverbs which have the same form as their corresponding adjectives (see2Abiv) often have related forms in -ly with different meanings: direct  by the shortest way or without stopping:  fly direct to Moscow I to

 Moscow direct; without intermediary: I contacted the manager direct  directly  closely: the matter concerns us directly; exactly: directly opposite hard   adverb of hard (worker, blow etc.): work hard, hit hard  hardly  scarcely, barely: she hardly knew him high  to/at a high level/altitude:  prices have risen very high, the kite flew

higher and higher 

highly  very (much): a highly infectious disease, highly appreciated advice;

very favourably: think highly of someone 

(a)loud   not to oneself, openly: read aloud, laugh out loud  loudly  opposite of quietly, faintly: read loudly, laugh loudly right   correctly: do a sum right; completely: read a book right through,

turn right round; well (with go, come, turn out): things went right at 

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last  rightly  sensibly, wisely: she very rightly refused;   justly, rightfully: act 

rightly towards one's neighbours sharp  at right angles: turn sharp left/right sharply  quickly, abruptly:

turn sharply, speak sharply to someone 

short   without finishing: stop short, fall short of the target shortly  soon:she'll be arriving shortly 

wrong  incorrectly: do a sum wrong; badly (with go): things went wrong

wrongly mistakenly, unwisely: I think she decided wrongly; unjustly,

wrongfully: act wrongly towards one's neighbours 

As in f above, it is normally only the -ly forms that can come before a verb: 'It

directly concerns us.' A common exception is clean meaning completely: 'I cleanforgot about it.' (The adverb cleanly meaning in a clean way exists but is seldom used.)Wrongly as well as wrong is sometimes used for incorrectly: 'You've added the figuresup wrong/wrongly.' In 'He did wrong/right' we are using a verb not with an adjective

or adverb but with a noun, as in the phrase do harm/good. h  MISCELLANEOUS: There are one or two idioms such as go slow (= avoid strain or excess)

and going strong (=t hriving, flourishing) which do not fall into the above categories.In the pair bad/badly, bad is an adjective which may be used with a verb to describe astate (2Aa): 'The food went ( = became) bad.' (Compare 'The food tasted good.') Theadverb badly, as we have seen from the uses of right and wrong (g), is the opposite of the adverb12 well: 'Things went ( = progressed) badly.' (Compare 'Things went well.')Flat  is used with the verb  fall as an adjective (see f) in both literal and figurativesenses: 'He fell flat on his face./His jokes fell flat (= were unsuccessful).' The adverb

 flatly means absolutely: 'They flatly refused to pay-'

Exercise 2

With the above notes and examples in mind, read or write out the following, choosing fromeach pair of words the one you think should be used. Remember that before a verb or participleit is the -ly form that is used.

I remarked that it was better to approach Ken (1) direct/directly and not through his secretary.His secretary laughed out (2) loud/loudly at my remark. I think really she was (3) deep/deeply

offended by what I'd said.

Old Mr Elkins is still going (4) strong/strongly although he's over ninety. He says he'd like toreach a hundred, but admits he may be aiming a bit (5) high/ highly. However, there's a (6)

wide/widely held belief in the village that he'll get there.Georgina was about to say something but stopped (7) short/shortly, and her eyes opened (8)wide/widely with amazement. Somewhere in the house a horse had neighed (9) loud/loudly. 

'He told me to turn (10) sharp/sharply left just past the station.''If he told you that he told you (11) wrong/wrongly. But you got here in the endeven though you were (12) wrong/wrongly directed.'

(13) Faint/faintly in the distance we heard the noise of thunder. Then the radio went (14)  faint 

 /faintly and we could (15) hard/hardly hear the news. We shut all the windows (16) tight/tightly

and waited for the storm.

Marilyn's leaving (17) short/shortly for the United States on a business trip. As she (18)right/rightly says, there's nothing like personal contact for promoting one's products. Hersuitcase is so (19) tight/tightly packed with samples there's not even room for a toothbrush. She

12 The adjective well is the opposite of ill. 

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refuses to take two suitcases because she wants to travel (20) light/lightly. 

Ken was driving along at about eighty miles an hour when a stone went (21) clean/cleanly

through the windscreen and hit him in the face. Afterwards he talked (22) light/lightly of theaffair, but he was lucky to escape with his life.

There's a lot more to Willie than one would think: still waters run (23) deep/ deeply, as they say.I've been following his career (24) close/closely, and think (25)high/highly of his ability as an architect. But he's inclined to work too(26) hard/hardly, and the doctor has recently advised him to go (27) slow/slowly. 

When I took my driving test, the examiner said I had done everything (28) right/rightly exceptreversing, when I had turned too (29) sharp/sharply and mounted the pavement. He (30)strong/strongly recommended me to practise in a smaller car than the one I'd been using.

Denis thinks up the most ludicrous schemes, which all fall (31)   flat /flatly. Helen's parents are(32)  flat /flatly opposed to any idea of her marrying him. They say he was (33) direct/directly

involved in the recent financial scandal at the Town Hall.

The struggles my parents had in the early years of their marriage brought them (34) closer/more

closely together. Things often went (35) bad/badly for them in those days, but look at them now!Things turned out (36) right/rightly in the end.

2B Position

Introductory note: In the Examples below, the adverbials are in italics. You will see that theyconsist of both single-word adverbs like nearly, eagerly, yesterday, unfortunately and adverbphrases like with his new rod, in the Thames, the other day. Adverb phrases nearly alwayscome after the verb and (if it has one) its object [two dozen fish) in end position (1); or at thebeginning of a sentence in front position (9). Except possibly for their position in relation to

each other (see Explanation a,b), they should give you little or no difficulty. Single-wordadverbs, on the other hand, may occur in the above two positions or elsewhere in thesentence, and in particular before a verb (2) or after the verb to be (6) in mid position. Suchadverbs include two-word combinations like very quickly (3), involving an adverb of degree(see below). The following are the common positions of adverbs according to their meaningor function:MANNER (eagerly, rapidly, wisely) ENDor MID 

PLACE (there, indoors, outside) END POINT OF TIME (yesterday, today, now)

13  ENDor FRONT 

RELATIVE TIME (already, still, yet)  MID or END FREQUENCY (always, never, seldom) MID COMMENT (dearly, unfortunately, wisely)  FRONT or MID CONNECTOR (therefore, though, however) FRONT or MID DEGREE (nearly, very, entirely) directly before the words they qualify (but see

enough, 3Bh)ADDITION (too, also, as well) various 

RESTRICTION (only) various

Since there is some choice of position for most adverbs, and since they may have otherpositions besides their common ones, it is important to know where not to put adverbs, andthis, as well as their right positions, is what the Examples show.Examples

ADVERBIALS  Wrong (×) and right (√) positions

13 Answering the question ’When?’ (See 1Ba.)Many adverbs of comment are alternatives to introductory statements like ’It’s obvious that…’(=clearly) or ’I’m afraid that…’ (=unfortunately)

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1 with his new rod  a →  Charles’s cousin David caught (×) nearly two dozen fish()

in the Thames last week.

2 eagerly b →  He therefore (√) went (×) back (×) there yesterday.

3 very quickly c →  Unfortunately he fell in the river and (√) got (×) very wet

(√).4 rapidly d →  His uncle Harry, though, says that’s the best way of (√)

becoming (×) a true fisherman (√).

5 already f  →  Harry, an expert angler, (×) has (√) taken David under his

wing (√). 

6 clearly e →  (√) He (×) is (√) delighted at David's enthusiasm.

7 wisely h →  Fishermen, says Harry, are people who (×) spend their spare

time (√).

8 wisely h →  His wife Mary doesn't always agree, but (√) says nothing


9 too k  →  The other day Charles (√) went fishing (√).

10 only 1 →   However, he (√) fished (√) for an hour (√); his real

interest is his model railway and pop music.


a Do not (1) put an adverbial between a verb (caught) and its object (nearly two dozen

 fish) except to avoid ambiguity or double meaning:

David caught with his new rod nearly two dozen fish, which he returned to theriver (not David caught nearly two dozen fish with his new rod, which hereturned to the river or ... two dozen fish, which he returned to the river, withhis new rod).

The normal order for adverbials after a verb/object is mpt or manner (with his new rod),

place (in the Thames), time (last week). 

b  But do not (2) put an adverbial between a verb of motion (went) and commonadverbials of place like here, there, home, to work. Also, if it is a phrasal verb (16 Aa) likego back, do not put an adverbial between the verb itself and its particle (back). The ordermay therefore be v(there), m (eagerly), T (yesterday). 

c Do not (3), in the case of verbs used with adjectives (2Aa), put an adverbial between theverb and the adjective (very wet). 

d Do not (4) put an adverbial between become and a following noun (a true fisherman). 

e These rules (c, d) do not (6) apply to am, is, are, was, were. Mid-position adverbscome after these forms of the verb to be except when the verb is stressed, as inargument ('I disagree: Harry clearly is delighted'), or when commas are used (see n


f  Do not put a mid-position adverb in front of the whole verb. It should go after theauxiliary part of it: is, was etc. in progressive forms, will, have etc. in future and perfecttenses (5). In tenses with two auxiliaries such as the conditional perfect (ID), position

varies, although adverbs of manner usually come after the second auxiliary:I’d soon have/have soon

If I’d fallen inI’d have rapidly

lost my enthusiasm for fishing

In the passive, manner adverbs generally come after been, other mid-position adverbs

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before it:If Harry had fallen in he'd  probably have/have  probably been severely scolded byMary.

The position of adverbs is the same in relation to modal auxiliaries (11) like can/could.

Instead of the conditional perfect we might have (see 11Af): 

David could easily have/have easily been drowned.(Note that here easily is not an adverb of manner but of comment, like probably.) 

g The above rule (f) does not apply when auxiliaries are stressed ('Yes, I probably would

have lost my enthusiasm') or when they are on their own:'Do you think you would have lost your enthusiasm?' - 'Yes, I probably would have.'

h Do not (7) put an adverb of manner in front of a verb if it can also be an adverb of comment. Conversely, do not (8) mistake an adverb of comment for an adverb of manner and put it after the verb. In 7, wisely tells us how fishermen spend their time; in8, wisely is the writer's comment on Mary's behaviour. Here is another example: 'Shetreated me kindly' refers to someone's kind behaviour towards me; 'she kindly treated

me' is my favourable comment on a doctor or dentist who accepted me as her patient.

 j All the above rules do not apply to adverbs of degree like nearly (1) and very (3), whichcome directly before the words they qualify.

k The adverb of addition too (9) comes after the words it qualifies. Unless these wordsare at the end of the sentence, a position directly after them will avoid any ambiguity.However, in the context of the Examples there can be only one meaning in whicheverposition we put too: i Charles went fishing as well as David ( = Charles too went fishing).But in another context 'Charles went fishing too' might mean:ii Charles went fishing as well as wind-surfing.

In the spoken language, stress removes any possible ambiguity:i Charles went fishing too.

ii Charles went fishing too.

(For too as an adverb of degree, see 3B.)

1 As regards the adverbs of addition also and as well, the first usually occupies midposition, where it may refer to words before or after it, depending on the context orspoken stress. Thus:

Charles also went fishing/Charles also went fishingcorresponds respectively to ki and kii above. As well takes end position, where it canrefer back to various parts of the sentence, so that:

Charles went fishing as well/Charles went fishing as wellis the equivalent of ki or kii according, once again, to context or spoken stress. Theadverb even is also essentially an adverb of addition," but carries with it the notion of surprise we feel at such an addition being made:

Even Charles went fishing ( = Surprisingly, Charles too went fishing).It always directly precedes the words it qualifies, and so:

Charles even went fishingcorresponds to kii above.

m The adverb of restriction only comes before or, less commonly, after the words itqualifies, and if these words are at the end of the sentence a position directly beforethem or after them will avoid ambiguity. In 10 the context makes the meaning clear inwhichever of the three positions we put only. But look at the following:

Charles only listens to pop music.Out of context this may mean that Charles, unlike David, does not himself play music;or that he does not listen to any other sort of music (= 'Charles listens only to pop

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music/to pop music only'). Once again, it is the context or spoken stress that canremove the ambiguity: 'Charles only listens to pop music/Charles only listens to pop


n Connector and comment adverbs like therefore (2), unfortunately (3), clearly (6) orwisely (8) that are not in their common positions should be used with commas:

He went back there yesterday, therefore.He fell in the river, unfortunately.Harry, quite clearly, is delighted at David's enthusiasm.Mary says nothing, wisely enough.

 However (10) and though (4) are always used with commas. (For the links however andthough, which are not used with commas, see ICe and 5b.) 

Exercise 1 

Read or write out the sentences with the adverbials in suitable positions, of which there may bemore than one. (Some of the sentences do not make sense without the adverbials.)

1 by car  Ken goes to work on most days. 2 though Sometimes he leaves his car behind and goes by bus.3 never  He says he would drive to work if there was a better bus service. 4 also Sheila usually drives to work. 5 only She has to drive a few miles. 6 quicker 

14  In the rush hours she can get there and back by bicycle. 

7 seriously Are Sir James and Lady Blenkinsop still considering selling theHall? 

8 recently No, they have changed their minds. 9  probably Lady Blenkinsop will join her daughter in the USA in the spring. 10 then Blenkinsop Hall may be closed. 

11 only But it will be closed temporarily. 12 unfortunately Lady B's son Toby hasn't found a job yet. 13 no longer  Luckily she considers he's a genius. 14 slowly Actually Toby seems to be getting more sensible. 15 easily No doubt Sir James will win the by-electon at Doncaster in

October. 16 always I do not entirely agree with what he says in his speeches.17 however  I quite agree with what he said in his Manchester speech on

Friday.18 entirely Did Marilyn set up her business by herself last year?19 eventually No, she didn't because her father rather unwillingly lent her some

money.20 too Apparently Sheila invested a little money in Marilyn's business.21 already Marilyn is on good terms with her father again.22 in the beginning/in the end 

She nearly went bankrupt, but she succeeded.23 very sensibly Marilyn behaves in business matters.24 very sensibly She leaves her work behind in the office at weekends.25 quietly She spends some weekends with her parents in the country.26 even Marilyn would have succeeded without her father's help.27 clearly She has great strength of character.

28 at present  She is in the USA.29 very hospitably Marilyn is being treated over there.30 strangely enough She ran into Lady B's daughter in Dallas the other day.

14 Although grammatically irregular, this normally replaces more quickly in everyday English. 

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Exercise 2

In this Exercise, which is an extension of Exercise 1, you have more adverbials to deal with.1  The car skidded, missed a lamp-post, and came to a halt, (badly/finally/in the

butcher's/just/only) 2  My car was damaged, (also/badly/in an accident/the other day/ unfortunately) 3  It was not my fault, (definitely/in any way) 4  The other driver jammed on his brakes, (in front of me/right/stupidly/very) 5  He thought the traffic lights had changed, (fromgreen to red/just/possibly) 6  Willie was with me and confirmed everything I said, (at the time/enough/fully/luckily) 7  He had returned, (apparently/from an architects' conference/in the States/only/the day


8  Did you know that Willie can estimate the height of a building? (accurately/alone/by

eye/sometimes) 9  I had got home when it started to snow, (hardly/in my car/last night/suddenly) 10  It is snowing, (hard/quite/still/today) 


It is lying, (already/at least/twenty centimetres deep) 12  If it is snowing I shall stay, (at home/at six o'clock/by the

television/comfortably/probably/still/the whole evening) 13  Transport has been affected, (already/seriously/throughout the country) 14  The trains have been brought to a standstill, (almost/even/in fact) 15  The local authorities are not equipped to deal with heavy

falls.(adequately/dearly/efficiently/such) 16  It will snow, (as well/likely/tomorrow/very) 17  I have liked snow, (frankly/much/never) 18  Children adore it because they rush out. (evidently/however/immediately/into it) 19  You would rather stay, (at your age/indoors/presumably/snugly) 

20  I would prefer to run about, (energetically/enough/much/outside/surprisingly) 21  I want to do the things I couldn't do. (luckily/obviously/only/rarely) 22  My age prevents me from doing what I want to do. (exactly/in fact/seldom) 23  I go for long walks, (alone/occasionally/still/through the woods) 24  I like to row. (about the lake in the park/also/gently/in the early autumn/sometimes) 25  The leaves are turning and the grapes are ripe, (fully/just/then) 26  We used to take a trip, (at that time of year/in the old days/often/up intothe

mountains/very) 27  Things have changed, (of course/since then/a lot) 28  They have not changed, (for the worse/in this part of the world/on thewhole/though) 29  Tourists come but one can find peace and quiet, (here/in the mountains/in their 

thousands/now/still) 30  The old way of life has not disappeared because many of us have preserved the local

traditions, (carefully/completely/moreover/yet) 

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3 Linking: result, cause

Introductory note: linking has already been touched upon in relation to tense usewith conditional and time links (1C, D). Conditional sentences were shown (see ID,

Introductory note) to consist of two parts or clauses, joined by such words as if  toexpress their conditional relationship. Other sentences too are structured in this way,but with different methods of joining to express different relationships, for exampleresult or cause. 

The linking or joining used in these various relationships between clausesinvolves special link words like and, because, so ... thai, although, in spite of, as orwho; verb participles like being or warned; or the infinitive that expresses purpose.The following seven sections (3-9) deal with these links and also with adverbs liketherefore, then or however which, although they cannot link clauses within sentences,can indicate corresponding relationships between one sentence and another. 

It is important that as an advanced student of English you should becomefamiliar with these various links and their related adverbs and how to use them. Agood way of doing this is to learn how to express the same general meaning withdifferent links and adverbs, and the first five sections (3—7) have this end in view.The remaining sections (8,9) deal with two distinct forms of linking which for themost part have no adverbial equivalents. 

In this and later sections some of the grammar dealt with is associated with aformal style of English (see p. 6-7), and where this occurs it is style-marked Fml (=Formal), as in the following list and in Examples 6 and 7 below, where there is achange to formal English from result to cause. Also, where there is a choice of wording, the alternatives that are comparatively more formal are put in special

brackets < >. Thus the first entry on the list tells you that and  is an informal link with or without so, but that with therefore or consequently (marked as formal in thesame list) it is more formal; and in the next entry we see that so is a more informallink alone than when it is combined with that. The Exercise instructions on p. 53indicate those sentences which are in relatively formal English. 

3A Relation between result and cause

LINKS FOR RESULT  and (so <therefore/consequently>) so <so that>so ... that 

such ... that  




-ing (present)

Fml –ed etc. (past)verb participles

Fml aware etc. (adjectives)ADVERBS OF RESULT  so 

therefore consequently 



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Cyclists had such an advantage they…

e Note that so (7) may be a connector adverb (2B) like therefore and consequently as wellas a link (6).

f  Of the four causal links, as, since and because can act as links either at the beginning

(2,4) or in the middle (1,3) of sentences. For, on the other hand, can begin a sentenceonly if this can be linked to what goes before, as in 5:

Cyclists were moving faster than anyone else. For they had a tremendousadvantage in this sort of traffic.

Otherwise there is little difference between these four links except when we areresponding to the question Why ...? Then only because can be used:

He didn't marry her because she had money; he married her because he loved her.Here the question in our minds or actually asked is 'Why did he marry her?' Notethere are no commas, and no corresponding tone change, before because. Compare thefollowing, where there is an optional comma and always a tone change:

No, he didn't marry her(-) because/as/for/since she had no money.

Here we are answering the question 'Did he marry her?', not the question why he did not marry her (although we have given the answer to an unaskedquestion!). 

g For the causal link because of, see 6a. 


Transform the following by using the words in italics. Most of the transformationsrequired are as shown in the Examples, that is to say from result to cause and viceversa, but some are within either category (such ...that  → so, as → having etc.).Sentences 25—30 are more formal than the rest.

1 so…that   As the lecturer spoke very fast I found it difficult to make anynotes. 

2 as He also spoke with a strong accent, so that I didn't understand all hesaid. 

3 so  Since he's a very keen fisherman, Mr McArthur spends a lot of time by the river. 

4  knowing  Mrs McArthur knows that fishing is in his blood, and so doesn'ttry to stop him. 

5  because  There was a lot of rain last night and many of the roads are flooded. 6  so (adverb) As the weather forecast is for more rain, I think we should

postpone our trip. 

7  so that   Two years ago there was such a bad drought that the wells in ourvillage began to dry up. 

8  such ... that  Soon there was a great shortage of water and we had to ration it. 9  since  The next plane didn't leave until the evening, and so they decided

to spend the afternoon sightseeing. 10  so ... that   However, they soon returned to the airport, as there was very little

to see. 11   for   I'd never talked to a film star before, so felt rather nervous.  12 knowing  She knew how I felt and soon put me at my ease.13 and so  As my car wouldn't start I had to take a taxi.14 realising  I realised I'd be late for an appointment and phoned my secretary. 15  having  I was getting rather worried, as I had heard nothing from my

husband for over a week. 16 being Ken is a friend of his and was getting worried too.17 because Willie had sprained his ankle, so found walking painful.

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18 such ... that  However, being a very reticent sort of fellow he said nothing about it.19 so My father retired early because his health was poor.20  finding He found himself short of money, and so gave up smoking.21 such ... that  I kept my son home from school this morning as he had a very bad


22 so .. . that  Very few of the children are well enough to perform in the school concertand so they've cancelled it.

23 as I'll be out quite late tonight, so I'm going to take a frontdoor key withme.

24 so My father made such a fuss about my coming in late last night that I toldhim I'd go and look for somewhere else to live.

25 and therefore Many of the older children have very little leisure during the week because they are given a considerable amount of homework.

26 being Since this is the case, many families have to confine all their recreationalactivities to the weekend.

27  for  The city was a vital communications centre. Therefore the Reds were

determined to capture it.28 aware of  The Whites were equally determined not to surrender it. For they fully

realised its importance.29 deprived of  David received no parental love, and so naturally sought affection

elsewhere.30 consequently Mrs McArthur was able to provide that affection, with the result that

David became more attached to her than to his own mother.

3B Result expressed with too or enough 

Introductory note: When result involves degree (thin/thick etc.) or quantity (little/much) wecan often express it by the use of neat constructions with too or enough. These are dealt withbelow in separate Examples and Exercises. Exercise 3 deals with how they are related.

Use of too 



1 Sheila's a sensible driver and  doesn'ttake risks. 

→  Sheila's too sensible a driver to takerisks, a 

2 Helen's such a spendthrift (that) shenever saves a penny. 

→  Helen's too much of a spendthriftever to save a penny, b 

3 The ice is rather thin and one couldn'tskate on it.  →

  The ice is too thin to skate on/for 

skating, c, d, e 

4 Those logs are very heavy; one mancouldn't possibly lift them. 

→  Those logs are much too heavy forone man to lift, c, f, g 

5 There's an awful lot of violence in thisfilm; I don't like it. 

→  There's far too much violence in thisfilm for my liking/my taste, d, g 


a  Too, like so (3Ad), can be used with an adjective followed by a(n) + noun (1).Again, note the word order: not 'a too sensible driver'. This construction withtoo is more common than the corresponding one with so. 

b The equivalent of such with a(n) + noun (3Ad) is too much of with a(ri) + noun(2). 

c Otherwise too, like so (3Ac), is used with adjectives (3,4) when these are notfollowed directly by nouns (not 'It's too thin ice/Those are too heavy logs').

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The exceptions, as in the case of so, are the quantitative adjectives much, little,many, few-. 'There are too many logs for one man to carry.' 

d  Too expressing result is used either (1-4) with a full infinitive (to take, tosave etc.) or (3,5) with for + noun. Its use with for + verb-noun or gerund (10B)

should be avoided: not in 4 'too heavy for lifting'. The grammatical differencebetween a gerund such as lifting, which refers to an action, and a noun such asskating that in 3 refers to a particular activity, in this case a sport, is explainedin lOBj. 

e The infinitive is followed if necessary by a preposition (on) which relates itcorrectly to the noun at the beginning of the sentence (3): not 'The ice is too thinto skate' (compare 'He's too fat to skate'). 

f  When, as in 4 (but not in 3), there is a significant change of grammatical subject

(Those logs  →  one man), the second subject is introduced into the too

construction by for. 

g For emphasis (4, 5), either much or far can precede too. 

Use of enough 

Examples RESULT WITH and, such ETC. RESULT WITH enough 

1 Sheila's a sensible driver and doesn't takerisks.

→  Sheila's a sensible enough driver not to

take risks. h, j 2 Do you think Denis would be such a

fool/so foolish as to marry Helen? p→  Do you think Denis would be fool/foolish

enough to marry Helen? h, k 

3 The fruit isn't very ripe yet and  onecouldn't make jam from it

→  The fruit isn't ripe enough yet to make jam(rom/for  jam-making. h, 1, m,n 

4 Now there's quite a lot pf ripe fruit, so

my mother can start her jam-making,→  Now there's enough ripe fruit for my

mother to start her jam-making. h, n Explanation 

h  Enough can be either an adverb of degree (1, 2, 3) or an adjective of quantity (4). As anadverb it comes after the words it qualifies; as an adjective it comes before the words itqualifies.

 j As an adverb, enough (1) can, like too, be used with an adjective and a singularcountable noun (driver). But note the difference in word order: a sensible enough

driver against too sensible a driver. 

k The equivalent of such or too much of with a(n) + noun (3Bb) is sometimes enough of 

with a(n) + noun:He's enough of a realist (= realistic enough) not to marry her.

However, the equivalent is more commonly (2) noun + enough without a(ri), becausethe noun (fool) takes over the function of its corresponding adjective (foolish). If thereis no corresponding adjective, neither construction with a noun is normally used: not

'spendthrift enough' or 'enough of a spendthrift' as the equivalent of such/too much of 

a spendthrift. 

1 An adjective + enough (3) comes, like too/so + adjective, after uncountable or plural

nouns: not 'There isn't ripe enough fruit'.  Little]few+enough is an occasionalexception ('There's little enough sense in the man, so he may marry her') but cannotproperly be used to express result with an infinitive or  for (see m below).

m  Enough expressing result is followed like too either by a full infinitive (1-4) or by

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 for +noun (3). Once again (see d), gerunds must be distinguished from nouns endingin -ing. Thus we could say 'I don't think he's mature enough to marry/for marriage'but not'... mature enough for marrying.'  Marrying is here a gerund referring to anaction, unlike;'am-making (3,4), which is a noun referring to a particular activity.

n What is said above under too (e,f) applies equally to enough regarding a prepositionsuch as from (3) and the use of  for to introduce a second subject (4).

p Note (2) that in asking questions about people's intentions it is normal to usesuch/'so ... as + infinitive instead of so ... that  (3Ac) as a link for result. Its mostcommon use is in making a polite request: 'Would you be so kind as to (help me withmy luggage etc.)?' This often converts to: 'Would you be kind enough to ...?'

Exercise 1

Express the following using too as shown in the Examples.

1  The lecturer spoke so fast I couldn't take any notes.

2  My dictionaries are very heavy, so I don't bring them to class.3  It's a difficult subject, and we can't go into it now.4  He said that no one was so old that they couldn't work.5  Sir James is an intelligent politician and wouldn't have made a remark like that.6  The coffee Zena served at her party was rather strong. I can't say I liked it.7  The swimming-pool was so shallow you couldn't dive into it.8  Those are very valuable antique chairs and no one should sit on them.9  Do you mean they're so valuable they can't be used?10 If razors are blunt and you can't shave with them, they have to be thrown away.11 As an architect, Willie's such a perfectionist he couldn't possibly be - responsible for

the error on the plan.

12  It's a very important matter, so don't leave it to anyone but him.13  The lighting in the room was so dim you couldn't read by it.14  The woman was sitting rather a long way away and we couldn't see who it was. (Use far 

away.) 15  She looked quite plump, so could hardly have been Zena.16  There's a lot of difference in our ages, so I'm wondering whether our marriage will be a

success. (Begin I'm wondering....)17  It's a good opportunity; Marilyn shouldn't miss it.18  She's a smart businesswoman, and wouldn't miss a chance like that.19  Ken's a terrible Philistine and doesn't like classical music.20  Helen's very outspoken, and most people don't like that.

Exercise 2 

Express the following using enough as shown in the Examples.

1  He was quite old and could have been her father.2  She was very stupid and went and married him.3  He wasn't much of a man; he didn't speak up in his own defence.4  He didn't have much sense and didn't even realise what his rights were.5  She was honest, and did not try to deny all responsibility for the accident.6  She was also lucky, and had the services of a very good lawyer.7  Don't you think she sang very well? Couldn't she have become a professional?

8  Her husband was undoubtedly a good guitarist and could have become a professional.9  I was such an idiot that I threw away an opportunity of going to university.10 I had no patience and would not even consider staying at school for the extra study

required. I l l haven't much time so won't be able to make a hotel reservation before I

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4 Linking: purpose

4A Standard constructions

LINKS to <so as to/in order to>so as not to <in order not to>

so that <in order that>

in case 



Introductory note: The Examples will show that, just as there is a relation between result andcause (3A), so there is a relation between purpose on the one hand and result and cause on theother when links for the latter are used with verbs like want  and with may/might. (For anintroductory note on linkingand style marking, see 3.)


RESULT, CAUSE; then, otherwise  PURPOSE 1 We want to catch the seven o'clock bus,

and so we're getting up early tomorrow.→  We're getting up early tomorrow to <in

order to/so as, to> catch the seveno'clock bus. a 

2 We're leaving early because we don'twant to be late for work.

→  We're leaving early so as not to <in

order not to> be late for work. b 3 I'll lend you Sheila's alarm clock. Then

you can be sure of waking up in time.→  I'll lend you Sheila's alarm clock so that 

<in order that> you can be sure of 

waking up in time. c 4 Sheila may think someone has pinched

her clock, so I'll leave a note for her.→  I'll leave a note for Sheila

in case she thinksso that she won't think someone has pinched her clock. d 

5 I left her a note last time. Otherwise shemight have thought someone had pinchedher clock.

→  I left her a note last timein case she thoughtso that she wouldn't think someone had pinched her clock. d 

6 Personally I always use two alarmclocks, because one of them mightn't

go off. 

→  Personally I always use two alarmclocks in case one of them doesn't go

off. e 7 I shan't take Sheila's clock without

asking, because I might annoy her. I shan't take Sheila's clock withoutasking in case I annoy her. f  


a The full link for purpose in a sentence (1) where there is no change of grammatical subject (We) is so as to or in order to. However, this is usuallyshortened in informal English, so that purpose is then expressed only with thefull infinitive (to catch etc.). 

b The negative link in a sentence (2) where there is no change of subject is so as

not to or in order not to. Neither link can be shortened. 

c The link in a sentence (3) where there is a change of subject (I  →   you) is so

that or in order that. So that is normally distinguished from the similar link forresult (3Aa) by its use without comma or tone change and by its use with

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17  Why don't you put antifreeze in it? Then you wouldn't have to bother about such things.18  Please talk quietly. Otherwise you may wake the baby.19  Personally I always keep my baby up late. Then he's really tired by the time I put him to

bed.20  I'm sure Denis is marrying Helen only because he wants to have an influential father-in-

law.21  Yes, and Helen's trying to get a job as a teacher just because she wants to impress Denis.22  When I'm away I shall telephone my husband every evening. Otherwise he may think 

I'm having too good a time.23  Let me know when you're going. Then I can keep your husband company if he's lonely.24  Sir James tried to persuade his son Toby to enter the family business because he wanted

him eventually to take it over.25  He would also have liked him to learn Arabic and Chinese, for then he would have been

a real asset to the firm.26  Zena wanted me to feed her alligator while she was away, so she gave me the key to her


27  I shouldn't have gone near it if I'd been you, as I would have been afraid of its snappingmy hand off.

28  Where can I find Harry McArthur? I must give him an important message.29  You'd better go down to the river. He may be fishing.30  He sometimes goes straight there from work. He saves time that way.

4B Shortened constructions

Introductory note: It is common in some contexts to express purpose by means of constructions that are shorter than the standard ones (shown below in the left-hand Examples)

and which are exceptions to the rule (4Ac); that is to say, they use only the full infinitive in spiteof the fact that there is a change of grammatical subject (fromyou to /etc.). The Examples coverthe several forms these constructions take. They usually describe some sort of transaction orarrangement, and contain verbs like lend, give, leave or send. 


STANDARD CONSTRUCTION  SHORTENED CONSTRUCTION 1 Could you lend me that book  so that  I

could show it to my dad ? →  Could you lend me that book  to show

(to) my dad ? b

2 Yes, and I'll give you this paper so that 

you can wrap the book up (in it). 

→  Yes, and I'll give you this paper to wrap

the book up in. c 3 I'll leave the book here so that  you canpick it up on your way home. 

→  I'll leave the book here {for you) to pick 

up on your way home. d

4 Mary McArthur sent her son shopping so

that he would be out of the way. →  Mary Me Arthur sent her son shopping

to be out of the way. e

5 Yes, she sent him out so that she could getsome peace. 

→  Yes, she sent him out so as to get  somepeace. e


a You will see (1—5) that the main clauses [Couldyou lend me that book ? etc.) in bothstandard and shortened constructions are the same.

b If in the standard construction (1) the subject (I) and object (it) in the so that  clauseoccur as objects (me, that book) in the main clause, they are left out of the shortenedconstruction.

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c If in the standard construction (2) the object (the book) in the so that  clause does notoccur as an object in the main clause, it occurs in the shortened construction.Sometimes a preposition (in) is necessary to relate it to an object (the paper) in the mainclause (= 'so that you can wrap the book up in it' not 'so that it can wrap the book up').Compare 'I'll lend you my secretary to type your letters' and 'I'll lend you my

typewriter to type your letters with.'  d If in the standard construction (3) the subject (you) in the so that clause does not occur

as an object in the main clause, it is usually necessary to introduce it into the shortenedconstruction by the use of  for. It is not always necessary, since the context ('on  your 

way home') may make the meaning clear.

e Examples 4 and 5 show us that, since we may use only the full infinitive in theshortened construction when the subjects in the standard construction are different(Mary Me Arthur, he), we may have to add so as (or in order) to the full infinitive whenthe subjects are the same (she) in order to avoid being misunderstood. Without so as

the shortened construction in 5 might mean 'She sent him out so that he could get

some peace.'


Transform the following standard constructions with so that into shortened constructions withthe full infinitive, using so as (or in order) only where necessary, as shown in the Examples.

1  Please send me some samples of your firm's products so that I can show them to mycustomers.

2  When we go out we always leave our dog at home so that he can guard it for us.3  Sheila lent her sister a skirt so that she could wear it at Helen's party.4  Marilyn is bringing some magazines with her this afternoon so that I can take them to

my aunt in hospital.5  If you're going out, buy some postcards so that we can send them off before we leave

Rome tomorrow.6  I'll get you a basket so that you can carry all those things.7  Give me a nail so that I can hang this picture up.8  Put the salmon in the freezer so that we can eat it next weekend.9 I'm going to put this notice here so that everyone'll see it as they walk in.10  We're gathering our old toys together so that Sheila can give them to orphan children

next Christmas.11  As I'm arriving at the airport in the early hours of the morning, my wife's leaving our

car there so that I can drive home.

12  1 didn't put that book there so you could pinch it but so that Willie could have a look atit during lunch.

13  When we go to town we always leave our children in the municipal playground so thatthey can amuse themselves on the swings and roundabouts.

14  We also leave them there so that we can do the shopping undisturbed.15  I've asked my secretary to stay at the office so that she can cope with visitors while I see

to the arrangements for the banquet over here.16  I'll get her over here later so that she can help me with the arrangements.17  In the meanwhile I'm leaving her there so that I can be free to concentrate on things over

here.18  Our parents sent us all to Britain when we were quite young so that we could learn

English.19  They sent us so that they could learn English from us afterwards.20  Personally I think they sent us there so that we'd learn to stand on our own feet.

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5 Linking: concession

links but though <although> (and) yet even though 

much as(Fml) as/though (after adjectives etc.)

adverbs but   yet  though

all the same

even so


(Fml) nevertheless 

Introductory note: Links for concession such as although occur in sentences which expresscontradiction, often with an element of surprise. The same is true of their correspondingconnector adverbs (2B) like however. The important difference between them is that,whereas the adverbs introduce the contradiction itself, the links introduce the backgroundinformation against which the contradiction is made (see Examples). The exceptions are but 

and yet, which introduce the contradiction whether they are acting as links or adverbs.Thus you will see that, as with result and cause (3A), the transformation of one form of 

grammatical usage into the other generally involves changes in the relative position of linksand adverbs. This needs to be particularly noticed in the case of though, which can be link oradverb according to its position in a sentence.

Regarding the above lists, the links as/though (after adjectives) and the adverb

nevertheless may be associated with a formal style (see Introductory note to 3), but often occurin fairly informal English. The brackets around pmi are to indicate this.(For the concessional links in spite of and despite, see 6.)


ADVERBS, but, yet   LINKS 1 A strike of all transport workers

was called for today(,) but  the busdrivers didn't join it. a 

→ ← 

 Although a strike of all transportworkers was called for today, the busdrivers didn't join it. a 

2 There weren't any trains thismorning(,) (and) yet  most people

managed to get to work somehow. a 



 Even though there weren't anytrains this morning, most people

managed to get to work somehow. a,f,g 3 Quite a lot of commuters went in

by bus or taxi. Most of them,though,/But  most of them used theircars or walked. b,e 

→ ← 

Though quite a lot of commuterswent in by bus or taxi, most of themused their cars or walked. b 

4 We'd very much like to see anend to the strike. All the same(,) <Even

so(,)lHowever> we don't think theGovernment should give way to thestrikers. e 

→ ← 

 Much as we'd like to see an endto the strike, we don't think theGovernment should give way to thestrikers. c 

5 The train drivers' claims may be justified. However,

(Nevertheless(,)y they should not havetaken industrial action. e 




Justified as/though the traindrivers' claims may be, they should nothave taken industrial action. d 

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a   Although (1) and even though (2) are approximate equivalents, but even though ismore emphatic; that is to say, it is associated with a stronger element of contradictionor surprise (see Introductory note). Similarly,  yet  (2) is more emphatic than but  (1).Like but (3), it may be used as a connector adverb at the beginning of a sentence: 'Yetmost people managed to get to work somehow.' These uses of jet are of course quiteseparate from its use as an adverb of relative time (2B).

b  Though (3) as a Iink is a more informal equivalent of although (but see d below). Itmust be carefully distinguished from though (3) as adverb, which (i) cannot link clauses (see 3A Introductory note), (ii) cannot begin a clause or sentence, and (iii) isalways used with commas (2Bn). 

c    Much as (4) can be used only with verbs expressing one's inclinations, such as like,

dislike, admire, approve, disapprove, sympathise, enjoy. 

d   As or though (but not although) may be used (5) after an introductory adjective or past

participle {justified) in a special form of inversion (=Although the train drivers'claims may be justified ...).  As, but not though, also occurs in the formal phrase 'Tryas one (etc.) might ( = although one tries/tried very hard)':

Try as she might, she could not convince him of the truth.

e Of the adverbs (3,4,5), all the same, even so and nevertheless are the more emphatic(see a above) and would be unsuitable in 3. These three adverbs can be used on theirown (4,5) or to reinforce but: 

We'd very much like to see an end to the strike, but all the same we don't think the Government should give way to the strikers.

 However, like though, is always used with commas (2Bn), which help to

distinguish it from the conditional link (ICe). f    Even though and even if are sometimes given as equivalents in dictionaries and

elsewhere. However, it is better to keep them separate, the first for concession,the second as a conditional link (lCb). Thus 'He wouldn't15 give up motor-racingeven though his wife begged him to'.should refer to past fact, whereas 'Hewouldn't give up motor-racing even if his wife begged him to' is futuresupposition (lDb). 

g In the Examples the linked clauses have all been placed first but, like causalclauses (3A), often come second in a sentence: 'Most people managed to get towork somehow(,) even though there were no trains.' 

h For but in its use for contrast, see 91. 


Transform the following by the use of the words in italics. The (transformationsrequired are not only as shown in the Examples, that is to say from left to right andvice versa, but also within either category, for example from though to much as oreven so to yet. (Sentences 23 and 24 are formal.) although I've been without a car for most of my life, but I've always

managed to get about as much as I've wanted. and yet  Even though cars are highly dangerous to life and limb,

advertisers are allowed to boast about their speed andacceleration. . even though There's a lot of difference in my parents' ages, and yet it has

15 Wouldn't here means refused to (see 11BJ). 

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been a very good marriage.though (adverb) What you say may be true in your parents' case, but I think 

it's more the exception than the rule. though (link) Sheila's pupils have been learning Spanish for only a year.

Some of them are already up to examination standard, though. 

even so I don't think Sheila has spent more than three or four monthsin Spain, yet she has acquired a pretty sound knowledge of thelanguage. 

all the same Although I like Willie very much, I can't honestly say I'd back him in a business venture. 

but  Unbusinesslike though he may be, you must admit he's adamned good architect. 

however  We've never met Helen. We've heard a lot about her, though!though (adverb) Much as we'd have liked to go to her party, I'm afraid we can't,

because we'll be in London that day. yet  Ken has a rather light-hearted approach to life. Even so, he's no fool.

as Although he's fond of Sheila, he's not going to rush into marriage.though (adverb) I suppose that Sir James is hardly a brilliant politician, but he makes a

splendid country gentleman.nevertheless Though he has had financial difficulties for a long time now, he has

managed to avoid selling Blenkinsop Hall.even though Denis is only a junior employee, yet he has direct access to the boss.although Don't you realise that, junior as he is to you, he's engaged to the

boss's daughter Helen?however  Helen's father refused at one time to have anything to do with Denis,

but now they're as thick as thieves.though (link) Mr Elkins is ninety-three. But he is still going strong.as He still manages to enjoy life, although he's old.even so He's very quick on the uptake even though he is a little hard of 

hearing.much as I admire him very much, but I'd never want to be his age.nevertheless Much as you may dislike the idea of growing old, the chances are

that you will find yourself old one day.much as Anxious though Dr Topal was to include Cambridge in the itinerary

of his visit to Britain, his tight schedule unfortunately made thatimpossible. (Use the verb like.) 

but nevertheless More effort should have been made to enable Dr Topal to visit the

university where so much is being done in his own field of research,tight as his schedule may have been.

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6 Linking: cause, purpose, concession (alternative)



1 Because she believes in completefreedom of expressions(,) my cousinGeorgina lets her children doexactly as they like.

→    Because of her belief  in completefreedom of expression(,) my cousinGeorgina lets her children do exactly asthey like.

PURPOSE 2 Personally I think that some sort of 

discipline is absolutely necessaryso that  children won’t grow intohooligans.

→  Personally I think that some sort of discipline is absolutely necessary to stop

<to prevent>16 

 children (from) growinginto hooligans.

CONCESSION 3 I must admit they're quite nice

youngsters although they're soundisciplined.

→  I must admit they're quite nice youngsters in

spite of <despite> their indiscipline/(their)lack of  discipline/(their) being soundisciplined.


a For cause (1) we can often, when a suitable noun (belief) exists, use the preposition

because of as a link instead of because etc. (3A). Owing to and on account of are moreformal alternatives.   Due to is also used as an alternative to because of, but incorrectlyaccording to some authorities, who say that it is equivalent to caused by and thattherefore it should be used only in relation to a preceding noun,f such as lack  in thefollowing:

The children's lack of discipline is due to/caused by their mother's strange beliefs.On the basis of this argument the use in the following example of due to would be asincorrect as the use of caused by (which would definitely be wrong):

The children are completely undisciplined, -because of their mother's strangebeliefs.

You have been warned!

b For purpose (2) we can sometimes avoid a change of grammatical subject and use of so

that (4Ac) by substituting verbs such as stop (prevent} (17De), allow (enable} (17C),

let (17Be), make (17Be), or give (13Af). 

c For concession (3), instead of although etc. (5) we can often use in spite of or the lessinformal despite with:i a suitable noun (indiscipline) or pronounii  lack of+ noun (discipline) or pronouniii the -ing form or gerund (being). With pronouns like what  (8Am) or everything we can use in spite of <despite> whenthe use of although etc. would be difficult or impossible:

Georgina refuses to change her habits in spite of what people say. Notwithstanding is a more formal alternative to despite: 

I have to admit that, notwithstanding their lack of discipline, Georgina's children

16 For a note on style marking, see 3. +Or pronoun like this or which. 

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what had happened.  had happened. g 

7 She was waiting for someone to comeup when suddenly the man gave agroan. 

→  While she was waiting for someone tocome up, the man suddenly gave a groan.h 

8 She stood staring at him. He slowly

opened his eyes and stared back. 

→  While/As she stood staring at him, he

slowly opened his eyes and stared back. j 


a Examples 1 and 2: The first event is completed before the second begins, this cleardistinction between the two events often being indicated by the use after and of then.

When using time links we can, depending on the relative importance of the events,eitheri emphasise the first event by using before (1), orii emphasise the second event by using after or having (2).

If the subject of both verbs in the sentence is the same (she), we normally link with -ing

as shown (before receiving, after making, having made\ We should not do this, however,when the subject changes, because if we did we would have an unrelated participle(Having waited etc.):

After she (had) waited (not Having waited/After waiting) at the airport for over anhour, a message came through telling her to go direct to her hotel.

Grammar would conflict with meaning if we used -ing here, because grammatically thiswould relate to a message but in meaning it would relate to her. 

b When may be used instead of before (1) or after (2): She had waited at the airport for over an hour when she received a message.When she had made sure no one was waiting for her, she collected her key.

But note carefully that with when the past perfect tense must be used where, with before

or after, there is a choice of tenses. 18 This is to make clear that the first event iscompleted before the second begins; use of the past tense (she waited) would indicatethat she waited after receiving a message.

c  Once can replace after or when in Example 2 (see b above), because here someone (she)

regards the completion of the first event as a necessary condition for passing on to thesecond:

Once she had made sure no one was waiting for her, she collected her key.But not, in Example 4: 'Once she opened the door, she saw a man lying on the floor.'Compare 'Once she opened the door, she was able to escape.'

d  Example 3: The first event is an introduction to the second, into which it changes

without a break. In this kind of relationship between events, the subjects of the verbs arenormally the same (she), and the appropriate time link is introductory -ing (Taking). 

e  Example 4: The first event is not completed before the second begins, but overlaps it,so that the two events occur partly at the same time. Note that when is used here withthe past, not past perfect, tense (compare b above). Similar use of when may occur withpast states or repeated events: 'When Marilyn was at university she shared a room witha Lebanese girl/When Marilyn stayed at hotels strange things sometimes happened toher.'

18 You may come across the following tense use with before: 'Viegot to the airport before theplane had arrived.' The possible reason for this apparently illogical usage is that it echoes thelogical tense use of the corresponding interrogative or negative: 'Had the plane arrived before

 yougot to the airport? - No, we got there before it had arrived (=• It hadn't arrived before vtegot 


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f   Example 5: The first event is followed urgently by the second. As with when (see b, eabove), we use the past tense when there is overlapping (5), but the past perfect tensewhen the first event is completed before the second begins:

As soon as she'd phoned reception she returned to the injured man's side.

g  Example 6: The second event takes place only as part of the first event; that is to say,telling reception what she had seen was part of the act of telephoning. In this relationshipas well (see d above), the subjects are normally the same, and we can use -ing; but nowit is in second, not introductory, position.

h  Example 7: The first event is longer than the second, being in progress (lBh) when thesecond occurs. The tense forms are accordingly different (progressive against simple).

  Just as or when commonly replaces while if the first event, although longer.than thesecond, is of short duration:

Just as/When she was picking up the phone, she saw the man move.Both while and when, like after, before and (up)on, but unlike as, can be used directlywith -ing when subjects are the same:

She fell when/while going downstairs.(Note that when in the left-hand column is the equivalent of and (suddenly) during this

time; it does not have the same function as the time link  when that we have beendiscussing.)

  j Example 8: The two events are of approximately equal duration and in progress at thesame time. (The use of and to link the two events is impossible.) The tense forms areaccordingly the same, whether simple (8) or progressive:

While she was staring at him, he was staring at her.There is often little difference between as and while, although as rather than while cangive the idea of gradual, simultaneous change:

As she quietly approached him, he slowly opened his eyes.But we must be careful in our use of as for time because of its possible causal meaning(3A): 'As she stared at him, he stared back at her' (with spoken stress on she, him, he,

her) would probably mean that he stared at her because she stared at him.


Transform the following by using the time links shown above. Where possible give alternatives,as in Examples 2 and 4.4  I paid at the cash desk in the normal way and then left the supermarket.5  I checked my change outside and found I was a pound short.6  I checked it again very carefully and went back into the supermarket.

7  Harry was getting into bed the other night when his wife said she heard a strange noise.8  He put on his dressing gown and went downstairs.9  He went into every room and had a good look round, but could see nothing unusual.10  Sheila went through her handbag three times and finally found the key to her flat.11  She put the key in the lock and found it did not fit very well.12  She tried again and again to unlock the door. She thought she could hear voices inside

the flat.13  She chanced to look up at the door number and realised at once what she was trying to

do.14  I touched the handle of the fridge and got an electric shock.15  I called out to my husband in the garage and told him what had happened.16  He heard me and came into the house straight away.17  He made sure all the current was switched off and then carefully checked the wiring.18  He examined one of the connections and discovered that the insulation was faulty.19  He uttered a startled exclamation and rushed off to telephone the suppliers.

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8 Linking: relatives

8A Links and clause types: review

LINKS  RELATIVE PRONOUNS: who, whom, which, whose, that, what RELATIVE ADVERBS: where, when 






1 Sir James Blenkinsop, who is a RadicalMember of Parliament, is sometimesadvised by those of his fellow MPswho/that  are socialists to give up

Blenkinsop Hall, which was left him byhis father, and choose a dwellingwhich/that would create a less aristocraticimage. 




2 Sir James, whom I have discussedpolitics with several times, is a man(whom/that) I respect despite the apparentdiscrepancy between his life style and thesocial philosophy of the political party(which/that) he belongs to. Peoplecriticise him without knowing his views,

which is foolish.  CLAUSE TYPE AFTER STATEMENTS g 



3 Blenkinsop Hall, the garden of which isopen to the public in summer, is aconsiderable attraction to tourists, whose

money naturally finds its way into thepockets of the local shopkeepers. This is afact which/that  escapes many people'snotice and which Sir James pointed out.



4 He also referred to the manor house inthe neighbouring village, which is now acollege of education(,) with which thelocal people feel they have absolutely no'social or historical connection. The worstthing that  could befall the Hall is asimilar fate.


5 The advantage of a supermarket is that

you can buy what  you want at a placewhere you can park your car. Besides, it'soften open after six o'clock, when othershops are shut. It's then that I like to domy shopping. It's also at a supermarket

RELATIVE what  m RELATIVE where n 


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that you get the best value for money. 


a  NON-DEFINING CLAUSES (1) differ from defining clauses in that theyi follow words (Sir James Blenkinsop, Blenkinsop Hall) of precise meaning which need

no further definition;ii are additions to a sentence, which makes complete sense without them: 'Sir James

Blenkinsop ... is sometimes advised by those of his fellow MPs who are socialiststo give up Blenkinsop Hall... and choose a dwelling that would create a lessaristocratic image';

iii cannot be used with that; iv are between commas or a comma and a full stop;v are spoken after a pause and with a tone change;vi are less common in informal than in formal English, which is the style of 

Examples 1-4.

b  DEFINING CLAUSES (1) differ from non-defining clauses in that theyi follow words (those of his fellow MPs, something) of imprecise or general meaning

which need further definition;ii are essential parts of a sentence, which makes incomplete sense without them: 'Sir

James Blenkinsop, who is a Radical Member of Parliament, is sometimes advised bythose of his fellow MPs ... to give up Blenkinsop Hall, which was left him by hisfather, and choose a dwelling ...';

iii can be used with that;

iv are not used with commas;v are spoken without a pause or a tone change; vi are as common in informal

(Example 5) as in formal English.

c  OMISSION OF  whom ETC. : Relative pronouns, like the pronouns he/him, they/them etc.,may be grammatical subjects or grammatical objects. The form of either is the same{which, that) except in the case of who (subject)/ttf/!om (object). Relative pronouns (2)that are grammatical objects (whom, which, that) can be left out in defining clauses, butnot in non-defining (Sir James, whom ...). Relative pronouns (1) that are grammaticalsubjects (who, which, that) cannot be left out in either type of clause.

d  RELATIVE WITH PREPOSITION: Relatives may precede their prepositions even in formalEnglish (2), so that the preposition is left in the position it would occupy if followedby a noun: 'We have spoken to Sir James at length on the matter → Sir James, whomwe have spoken to at length on the matter....' Prepositions must remain in this

position if  that  is used or omitted (2): 'the political party (that) he belongs to.' However, a preposition at the end of a long clause becomes isolated from the relative,and to avoid this it is better to put it at the beginning with whom or which (4) than towrite 'a college of education (that) the local people ... with.' In the case of prepositional phrasal verbs (16Ab) such as look into (17Gii), meaning investigate,

verb and preposition must stay together as one unit: 'This is an important matter,which we must look into (not into which we must look).' Where, however, the twoelements of a prepositional verb each have their literal meaning it is quite possible toseparate them in a relative clause: 'A day's climb took the geologists to the lip of thecrater, into which they were now able to look.' With adverbial phrasal verbs (16Aa)such as  point out (3), there is of course never any question of placing the adverbialparticle (out) in front of a relative. (See also 8Bc and compare 13Ad.)

e  CLAUSE TYPE AFTER INDEFINITE ARTICLE a(n): When, by our use of a, we say somethinggeneral or obvious, such as 'Sir James ... is a man' (2) or 'This is a fact' (3), the clausethat follows limits our general use of a to something particular, and is defining. When

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our use of a is not so general but is limited to something of which there are not so verymany, like (4) 'a college of education', we are free to make the clause that followsdefining or non-defining as we wish, without altering the meaning.

f   CLAUSE TYPE AFTER DEFINITE ARTICLE  the: When the (2) refers to something of whichthere is more than one (we know that there is more than one political party in the world)the clause that follows tells us which one it is, namely 'the (one) ... he belongs to', andis defining. However, the (4) may refer to the only one ('the manor house in theneighbouring village'), and then the clause that follows is non-defining and with acomma. If we removed the comma we would imply that there is more than one'manor house in the neighbouring village', and that we are referring to the one thathas become a college of education.

g  CLAUSE TYPE AFTER STATEMENTS (2): Relative clauses ('which is foolish') may refer back not to nouns or pronouns but to statements ('People criticise him without knowing hisviews'). In this case they are always non-defining clauses introduced by which. 

h  THE POSSESSIVE RELATIVE  whose (3) is used for people, and corresponds to her, his ortheir ('... a considerable attraction to tourists. Their  money finds its way ...'). But it isalso used for things, especially when these are a collection of people like a country, afirm or an office: 'The United Nations Organisation, whose headquarters are in NewYork, is ' Here, of course, whose corresponds to its: 'Its headquarters are in NewYork.'

 j  THE POSSESSIVE RELATIVE  ofwhich (3), corresponding to its/their, is used for inanimatethings, for which whose is not normally suitable: not 'Blenkinsop Hall, whose garden…'Unlike whose, ofwhich comes after the noun: not 'of which the garden' (compareofwhich corresponding to of it/of them, 8Bb).


introduced by and or but (3) is generally a wh- relative and not that,in defining as well as in non-defining clauses.

1  DEFINING CLAUSES After superlatives such as worst (4) are introduced by that and not by awh- relative. The same is true after all, everything, nothing: 'All that glitters is not gold.'When that  is the grammatical object (see c above) it is, of course, often left out: 'All Icould see was a blank screen.'

m  THE RELATIVE what  (5) stands for 'the thing(s) that' and therefore, as it carries its ownnoun ('thing'), cannot follow a noun and always introduces a defining clause. This,unlike the other relative clauses so far considered, may come at the beginning of asentence: "What you say is quite true.'

n  THE RELATIVES  when and where (5) can be used in either non-defining or definingclauses. In the latter, the preceding noun may be left out, so that when and where, likewhat, can directly follow a verb: It's (the time) when I like to do my shopping/It's (theplace) where you get the best value for money.' Note that who, which and that, unlikeWhat, when and where, cannot carry their own nouns or pronouns in modern English,as shown by the proverb 'He who laughs last laughs longest (not Who laughs last...).'

p That  AFTER INTRODUCTORY  it (5): In the examples just given (n), it  is not introductorybut is a pronoun standing for something previously mentioned: 'It (= after six o'clock)is when .. ./It (= a supermarket) is where…’Introductory it, on the other hand, does not stand for anything but introduces or

reintroduces words that may or may not have been mentioned before, and in this waygives them emphasis: 'It's then (= after six o'clock)... It's at a supermarket ( =there) ...' When these emphasised words are adverbials of time or place (2B) like thoseshown here, they are followed not by when or where but by that. Although this is not atrue relative, it is always used without commas like relative that. 

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18  I'm told I could renew my passport _____________ is out of date at the nearestconsulate _____________ address I could get from the embassy.

19  My grandmother _____________ was Hungarian by birth was the youngest of threesisters _____________ might lead you to suppose that she was the last to marry.

20  Actually she was the one _____________ got married first _____________ is hardly

surprising when you consider her looks _____________ dazzled any man_____________ came near her.

21  It is three years ago today _____________ I first met my wife and so yesterday_____________ I had little to do at the office I left early to buy something_____________ I thought would please her.

22  I bought _____________ I wanted and hurried home _____________ who should Ifindf but the decorators _____________ I hadn't expected until the following week.These men had not only convinced my wife it was I _____________ had mistaken thedate but had reduced the apartment to chaos.

23  It was on 6th August 1945 _____________ man committed _____________ is still hismost destructive single act: he dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima _____________

is estimated to have killed 200,000 people. That _____________ fell on Nagasaki threedays later is estimated to have killed some 140,000 people.21 

24  The difference in the casualty figures between the two cities is partly explained by thenature of the terrain _____________ in Nagasaki is hilly and by the position of thebomb _____________ in Nagasaki was three kilometres from the city centre.

25  The atomic bombs _____________ were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki had apower of twenty kilotons _____________ is equal to that of 20,000 tons of TNT,whereas some of the bombs _____________ have been developed since then are said tohave a power as great as forty-five megatons _____________ equals that of 45,000,000tons of TNT.

26  These more powerful bombs _____________ are now included in the arsenals of allcountries _____________ call themselves nuclear powers are known as hydrogen orthermonuclear bombs.

27  A hydrogen bomb depends for its operation not only on the process of nuclear fission orsplitting _____________ is the basis of the atomic bomb, but on nuclear fusion_____________ two nuclei _____________ in this case are nuclei of 'heavy' hydrogencome together to form a larger nucleus.

28  Nuclear fission _____________ is the source of energy of atomic power stations resultsin the accumulation of harmful residues _____________ are difficult to dispose of,whereas nuclear fusion _____________ is the source of energy of the sun has no suchresidues.


The problem _____________ scientists are faced with in trying to harness nuclearfusion as a peaceful source of energy is that it requires for its operation the very hightemperatures _____________ are found in the sun but _____________ so far havebeen produced artificially only by the nuclear fission _____________ provides the'trigger'mechanism of the hydrogen bomb.

30  Our greatest benefit would come not from our ability to control nuclear fusion and otherprocesses of nature _____________ we seem increasingly able to do but to controlourselves _____________ we seem unable to do as witnessed by _____________occurred at Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945.

8B Sentence building with relatives

Introductory note: In written, and particularly in more formal, English the use of relative

21 These figures are from a Japanese report published in 1981, and include long-term causes

of death such as radiation sickness. The fairly formal style of 23-30 is clearly appropriate.  

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links to make sentences is common, and this section gives some practice in it. Of course it is notsuggested that you should try and build up all your sentences in this way, since your stylewould then become rather too formal and heavy. There should be a balance between thiskind of linking and that dealt with in other sections and also between linking in general andthe use of shorter sentences. (For a note on style marking, see 3.)


SEPARATE SENTENCES  SINGLE SENTENCE 1 Shakespeare was born in 1564 and died

in April 1616.  His name is universallyknown but most of  his life is lost inobscurity. Cervantes, Spain's greatestliterary figure, also died in April 1616.

This coincidence has often beenremarked on.



Shakespeare, whose name isuniversally known but most of whose

life is lost in obscurity, was born in1564 and died in April 1616, when

Cervantes, Spain's greatest literaryfigure, also died, a coincidence that 

has often been remarked on.




2 So far as we know, Shakespeare lived afairly uneventful life. During it  heapparently wrote thirty-three plays.Two of them consist of more than onepart, making thirty-six full-lengthstage plays in all. 'Hamlet' and 'KingLear' are generally considered thegreatest among these. 


So far as we know, Shakespeare liveda fairly uneventful life (,) duringwhich he apparently wrote thirty-three plays, two of which/of which twoconsist of more than one part, makingthirty-six full-length stage plays inall, among which 'Hamlet' and 'KingLear' are generally considered thegreatest.



3 The obscurity surroundingShakespeare's life led at one time to the

advancement of the Baconian theory.According to this the plays were notwritten by Shakespeare but by anobleman and philosopher, FrancisBacon. It was said that he would havehad the necessary erudition.Shakespeare, a merchant's son, musthave lacked it. And Bacon would havewished to disguise the fact that he was aplaywright.



The obscurity surroundingShakespeare's life led at one time to

the advancement of the Baconiantheory, according to which the playswere not written by Shakespeare butby a nobleman and philosopher,Francis Bacon, who, it was said, wouldhave had the necessary erudition that 

Shakespeare, a merchant's son, musthave lacked, and who would havewished to disguise the fact that he wasa playwright.



Explanationa Note the correspondence between the italicised words (pronouns etc.) in the left-hand

Examples with those on the right (relatives).

b You will see (2) that one can write either two of which or of which two to correspond withtwo of them. Similarly, one could write either most (many, part etc.) of which/whom or of 

which/whom most. However, with whose (1), the first, not the second, word order isnormal.

c There are a few prepositions which never follow relatives in the position referred to in8Ad but which always precede them. They include during (2) and some compoundprepositions such as according to (3) and as a result of (see 15 in the following

Exercise). Words like among (2) and after  (see Exercise), which are essentiallyprepositions of place and time, usually have a position in front of, rather than after,relatives.

d It is possible but not very common in modern English to use relative which as an

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adjective, in other words to turn This coincidence (1) into which coincidence. Instead wegenerally put the noun (a coincidence) into what is called apposition with what goes before(when Cervantes ... also died) and follow it with a defining relative as shown.

e When building sentences with relatives it is a good idea, for the sake of variety, to usethat instead of a wh- relative wherever possible. This may be not only where the relativeclause must be defining (1) but also where (3) it can be defining (see 8Af). 


By replacing the words in italics with relatives, combine each group of sentences into onesentence, as shown in the Examples. For the reasons given in 8Ad and in c above, put allprepositions in front of their relatives. The language of this exercise is fairly formal.

1  New Zealand consists principally of two islands. The southern is the larger of  these butthe northern is the more highly populated.  New Zealand is situated between latitudes34°S and 47°S.

2  The Maoris were the dominant inhabitants of New Zealand until the end of the

eighteenth century. The country began to be colonised by the British then. The Maorisresisted them fiercely at times. The Maoris'  valour and physique have been muchadmired.

3  The Maoris are now a peaceable people. At one time they were divided into many tribes.These were often at war with each other. The tribal system scarcely exists among them. 

4  The Maoris have a tradition. Their name means 'indigenous'. According to this tradition

they originally came from an island called Hawaiki. Some people have identified it withHawaii.

5  I fly to India on the twelfth and leave on the twenty-second. This will give me nine fulldays there. I fly to Singapore after that. I plan to spend four days there before going on

to Japan. I should reach Japan on the twenty-seventh.6  In India I shall be spending most of my time in New Delhi. The shade temperature there

can reach 45°C in June. It drops appreciably after that because of the monsoon.7  India has many wonderful buildings. The most famous of  them is undoubtedly the Taj

Mahal. The Emperor Shah Jehan built it for his favourite wife Mumtaz Mahal. Her bodylies there beside her husband's.

8  The Taj Mahal is one of the greatest buildings in the world.  It took twenty-two years tocomplete. And it  is built of white marble, exquisitely carved and inlaid in places withsemi-precious stones. (Many of these, incidentally, have been stolen.)

9  India's population may soon be approaching a billion. It is second only to China's. This

possibility weighs heavily on the country's regional and national governments. Their 

family planning projects meet with varying success.10  Singapore has grown from practically nothing in the early nineteenth century into an

independent Republic. Singapore is an island off the coast of Malaysia. It is linked by aroad and rail bridge to  Malaysia but seceded from Malaysia politically in 1965.   In the

early nineteenth century it was leased from the then owners by a British tradingcompany. The present prosperity of the Republic is proverbial.

11  Japan deliberately cut herself off from the outside world from the early 1600s until 1853.So many of our consumer goods are now made in Japan. In 1853 Commander Perry of the United States re-established communication. As a result of  this Japan has not onlycaught up industrially with the West but has overtaken it in some respects.

12  George Bernard Shaw was an Irish playwright. A photo of him smiles impishly at me

from the wall of my study. He audaciously set himself above Shakespeare. In oneoutrageous statement he said he despised Shakespeare as much as he despised Homer.

13  Shaw was, in fact, something of an intellectual clown. This did not prevent him fromhaving a brilliant mind, a flashing wit and a power over the English language. This

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 power is fully seen in the prefaces. He wrote prefaces to most of his plays.14  GBS, as he has come to be known, did not go to university but emigrated in his youth to

London. He spent a lot of time there educating himself in literature, music and politics.This led to his becoming a critic and socialist orator before becoming a playwright. Hedid not fully establish himself in this role until his forties.

15  In 1860 Abraham Lincoln and his supporters renounced slavery in the United States. Awar soon broke out between the North and South as a result of this. It cost half a millionlives. And it  ruined the South.  Its slaves had been the basis of much of the economy.They were set free.

16  The two best known generals on the Northern side were Grant and Sherman, while onthe Southern side the most famous military leaders were Lee and Jackson. Grant and 

Sherman have both had American army tanks named after them. To the best of mybelief, no military equipment has been named after   Lee and Jackson. Since Lee isusually held to be the greatest of the four, this is rather ironic.

17  The turning point of the American Civil War came in 1863 at Gettysburg. It went quitewell for the South at first. General Lee's troops were defeated in this battle. And after it 

Abraham Lincoln made a speech.  It  is perhaps the most famous speech in Americanhistory.

18  The best known book to come out of the American Civil War is, of course, 'Gone withthe Wind'. Its authoress, Margaret Mitchell, was herself brought up in the South. There

she heard first-hand accounts of the struggle. Many of  these she incorporated into herbook.

19  Powered flight began with the two Wright brothers.  It  is perhaps the most importantdevelopment of the twentieth century. They first achieved it on 17th December 1903.Then each of them made two short flights in North Carolina, USA, in the aeroplane 'KittyHawk'. This is now in the National Air Museum, Washington.

20  Their achievement would not have been possible without the work of Otto Lilienthal. He,

a German, designed and flew a series of gliders. He unfortunately met his death in oneof them in 1896 while experimenting with a new form of elevator control.

21  The next stage in the development of the aeroplane took place largely in France. It wasgreatly stimulated by the Wrights' achievements.   In France Bleriot made his epoch-making cross-Channel flight in 1909. Governments were forced after that  to take theflying machine seriously.

22  Unlike most of the aeroplanes of the time Bleriot's machine was a monoplane. Most of the

aeroplanes were biplanes. He was the pioneer of the monoplane type. And this type hassince proved itself by driving the biplane from the skies.

23  The problem of how to support a single wing was not fully solved until the 1930s.

Bleriot had overcome it with wires from a central post. In the 1930s the use of thin metalor plywood allowed the construction of stronger wings. These needed no externalsupport. This soon led to the building of such famous aeroplanes as the Spitfire and theMesserschmidt.

24  Another epoch-making flight took place in 1919. Then two Britons, Alcock and Whitten-Brown, flew non-stop across the Atlantic from Newfoundland to Ireland. They landedin a bog there after flying for over sixteen hours in an open plane of military type.  It 

had been only slightly modified for the occasion.

8C Shortened constructions

Introductory note: You will already know (8Ac) that in defining clauses the object relativeswhom, which or that can be left out, making the clause a little shorter. In this section we see howin most defining clauses not only the subject relatives who, which or that but also the verb canbe left out or replaced, giving a shorter construction. This can also be done in some non-defining clauses, but, as shown below, only when there is a special relationship between the

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clause and the rest of the sentence. These shortened constructions follow the same rulesregarding commas and tone change as their parent clauses (8Aa, b). 



Shortened constructions possible  Shortened constructions impossible 

1 The McArthurs live in a house (whichhas)/with green shutters.

They live in number twenty-two, which

has green shutters.

2 They have a large garden (thatruns)/running right down to a river.

They spend a lot of time in their garden,which runs right down to a river.

3 This is an advantage for any member of the family (who is) fond of fishing.

This is an advantage for Harry McArthur,who is fond of fishing.

4 The boy (who is) in the garden is Harry'sson Charles.

Charles, who is in the garden, is Harry'sson.

5 The boy (who is) going fishing with Harryis his nephew David.

David, who is going fishing with Harry, ishis nephew.

Shortened constructions impossible  Shortened constructions possible 

6 David, (who had)/with a look of expectancyon his face, stood fishing on the river bank.

7 People who fish have little time for otherhobbies.

David, (who was)  fishing a little wayupstream from Harry, caught nothing atfirst.

8 Those who know Harry soon find out howkeen he is on fishing.

Then Harry, (who knew)/  knowing howdisappointed David was, gave him somespecial bait.

9 Anyone who is a keen fisherman (= Anykeen fisherman) likes to encourage others

in the sport. 

Harry, (who is) a keen fisherman, likes toencourage others in the sport.

10 The boy who went  fishing with Harrycaught a sizeable fish. 


a defining clauses beginning with the subject relatives who, which or that can be shortenedby the use of (1) with or (2) -ing (present participle), or (3-5) by omitting the relative +verb to be, except when:i they refer to a repeated action, a habit, or a hobby (7);ii they contain verbs that describe mental states, and which are therefore without

progressive forms (IBs), such as know (8), believe or like (compare 'Anyone thinkingof calling on Harry had better not choose a weekend');22 

22 Verbs expressing desire such as want or wish, although not often occurring in the progressive form, may beused in a shortened construction after words of indefinite reference: 'People/Those/Anyone wishing to call onHarry ....'

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iii they contain (9) the verb to be + noun (a keen fisherman), although such clauses canoften be shortened by rewording as shown;

iv they refer (10) to an event completed before what is described in the rest of the

sentence (compare 'The boy who fished alongside Harry caught a sizeable fish → 

The boy fishing alongside Harry ...').

b non-defining clauses can not be shortened (1-5) except when:i they refer to something happening at the same time as what happens in the rest of the

sentence (6, 7);ii they refer to the cause (3Ab) of what happens in the rest of the sentence (8);iii they provide information that relates closely to the rest of the sentence (9). The

shortened construction is commonly in the form of a noun phrase (a keen fisherman)

placed in apposition (8Bd) to the subject (Harry), but may begin with an adjective orverb participle: 'Harry, married and with three children, is a keen family mandespite his passion for fishing.'

The test for (i) and (ii) is to see whether the shortened construction can be put

elsewhere in the sentence, usually at the beginning but sometimes at the end: 'Davidstood fishing on the river bank, (with) a look of expectancy on his face/Fishing a littleway upstream from Harry, David caught nothing at first/Then, knowing howdisappointed David was, Harry gave him some special bait.' (Compare the clauses in 1-5, none of which could be moved if they were shortened.) The same test can be appliedto (iii) when the phrase refers to the subject (Harry): 'A keen fisherman, Harrylikes . . ./Married and with three children, Harry is . . . .' Such phrases can, however,refer to theobject (three children) in a sentence, and then they cannot be moved: Harryhas three children, Christine being ( = of whom Christine is) the eldest, Charles theyoungest.

Exercise 1In some of the following sentences shortened constructions of the type shown in the Examplescan be used, while in others they cannot. Read out or rewrite the sentences accordingly.

1  Marilyn has lost a purse that contained fifty pounds and a return air ticket.2  Anyone who finds it should ring this number.3  The loss was rather a shock to Marilyn, who was planning to fly to Chicago next week.4  Marilyn, who is smiling all over her face, has just walked into the room waving her purse.5  Is there anyone here who understands Japanese?6  Willie, who is a young architect, has just got his first client.7  His client, who is a Japanese, cannot speak much English.

8  Willie, who is anxious not to lose his client, is looking for an interpreter.9  Lady Blenkinsop, who is a woman of considerable enterprise, is taking up farming.10  She's taking over from one of the tenants on the estate, who farms about forty hectares.11  Now Lady Blenkinsop, who is full of enthusiasm for her new life, gets up at five every

morning to milk the cows.12  1 tell those friends of mine who have sedentary jobs that they should take regular

exercise.13  After all, bank employees, who have sedentary jobs, are often first-rate athletes.14  Anyone who buys a second-hand car should be on his or her guard.15  A friend of mine who knows a lot about the used car trade has opened my eyes to some

of its tricks.

16  Several young mothers, who all had babies in their arms, waited patiently at the clinic.17  There are many people who are just not patient enough to wait like that to see a doctor.18  Anyone who is thinking of taking the exam should give his name to me.19  But I hope there's no one who thinks it'll be an easy exam.

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20  Isn't that the girl who's always saying she wants to be an actress?21  No, that's Zena, who is a fashion model and has a pet alligator.22  I live in the old rectory, which has a beautiful walled garden.23  It's one of the few houses which isn't up for sale.24  You're talking about the Red Lion Hotel, which is on the right of the road, not the left.

25  On the left there's an oak tree that has branches which stretch right across the road.26  Sir James, who has realised that his son Toby is a layabout, has told him he should get a

proper job.27  Toby, who had a note of sarcasm in his voice, asked his father if he thought his own job

was a proper one.28  I envy people who have no family ties and responsibilities.29  You mean you envy spinsters and bachelors, who very often have no such ties and

responsibilities.30  My cousin Georgina, who has four young children, goes out to work.31  A working mother who has four young children has her hands full.32  Has the person who came to see us yesterday about the vacant post left her name and

address ?33  I notice that some of those who've applied for the post have no qualifications at all.34  Any motorist who wishes to take advantage of our special offer should fill in the form

below.35  A handy map-case is an ideal present for someone who drives a lot.

Exercise 2

Here we repeat some of the sentences in 8A, B, since in each of them one or more of the relativeclauses can be shortened. Rewrite the sentences accordingly.

1 Our neighbours include Sir James and Lady Blenkinsop _____________ live at

Blenkinsop Hall _____________ stands in grounds _____________ are open to thepublic in summer.

2 Sir James _____________ is a Radical Member of Parliament is sometimes advised bythose of his fellow MPs _____________ are socialists to give up Blenkinsop Hall_____________ was left him by his father and live in something _____________would have a less aristocratic image.

3 Sheila is one of the few teachers _____________ is able to control their classes withoutever raising their voices _____________ is an ability _____________ childrenappreciate highly.

4 New Zealand _____________ is situated between latitudes 34°S and 47°S consistsprincipally of two islands of _____________ the southern is the larger but the northernthe more highly populated.

5 The Maoris _____________ at one time were divided into many tribes _____________were often at war with each other are now a peaceable people among _____________the tribal system scarcely exists.

6 The atomic bombs _____________ were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki had apower of twenty kilotons _____________ is equal to that of 20,000 tons of TNT,whereas some of the bombs _____________ have been developed since then are said tohave a power as great as forty-five megatons _____________ is equal to that of 45,000,000 tons of TNT.

7 These more powerful bombs _____________ are now included in the arsenals of all

countries _____________ call themselves nuclear powers are known as hydrogen orthermonuclear bombs.8 A hydrogen bomb depends for its operation not only on the process of nuclear fission or

splitting _____________ is the basis of the atomic bomb but on nuclear fusion_____________ two nuclei _____________ in this case are nuclei of 'heavy' hydrogen

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come together to form a larger nucleus.9 Nuclear fission _____________ is the source of energy of atomic power stations results

in the accumulation of harmful residues _____________ are difficult to dispose of,whereas nuclear fusion _____________ is the source of energy of the sun has no suchresidues.

10 The problem _____________ scientists are faced with in trying to harness nuclearfusion as a peaceful source of energy is that it requires for its operation the hightemperatures _____________ are found in the sun but _____________ so far havebeen produced artificially only by the nuclear fission provides the 'trigger' mechanism of the hydrogen bomb.

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9 Linking: similarity and comparison: review of as, like,

than etc.

Introductory note: This is a section of English grammar where there is more argumentamong English speakers about correct usage than anywhere else, and in the Explanationbelow you will accordingly find a good deal of advice about what to use and what not to use.The object of this is not that you should be a conservative speaker or writer of old-fashionedEnglish, but that your English should avoid criticism which, particularly in examinations,might be to your disadvantage. (For a note on style marking, see 3.)


'When I worked (1) as a waiter, I worked(2) like a slave. It was (3) like working in ashop, (4) as/(like) you said it would be. In a

restaurant, (5) as/(like) in a shop, you'reatthe mercy of both boss and customers.Although I worked (6) as hard as the otherwaiters (did), I did (7) not get as/so manytips (as they did/them).''If you did (8) the same job as they did/thembut got (9) less money (than they did/them),why didn't you leave (10) sooner  (than youdid)? After all, (11) the harder  you work,the more you should earn.' '1(12)  prefer 

working to doing nothing, and (13) I'd 

rather be a waiter than (be) a shop worker.It may be (14) as tiring a job but it's (15) not 

such a (great) strain on one's patience (asworking in a shop).' 'There are (16) other  things you could do besides/apart from working in a restaurant or shop.'

'What could I do (17) except/but  (other 

than) cook? And (18) I'd (just) as soon be awaiter as (be) a cook. There's littledifference between them (19) except in their

wages.'‘Nonsense! A cook is quite (20) different instatus  from  /(to) a waiter. He can keep thecustomers at a distance, (21) but<whereas/while> a waiter is at their beck and call.'

as AGAINST like as AGAINST like 


not as/so ... as



 prefer  AGAINST would rather  as.. .as

not such (a)... as


USES OF than would as soon...as

USES OF than 

USES OF than 























a   As  AGAINST  like  WITH NOUNS OR PRONOUNS : as indicates someone's or something'srole or function (1); like is for similarity only (2). Compare also 'He waved the stick about like a sword' with 'He used the stick as a lever to open the door.' With -ing(verb-noun or gerund), only like is used (3).

b   As  AGAINST  like  WITH CLAUSES AND PHRASES : except with nouns, pronouns and -ing(see a above), the standard link for similarity is as (4, 5), and you are advised to use it,at least in written English. Write 'You should do as I do' not 'You should do like I do.'

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Although the use of like, shown in the Examples in brackets, is quite common forclauses and phrases, it is considered wrong by many people.

c   As...as, the same... as are links for equality, used with adjectives or adverbs (6) andnouns (8) respectively; for inequality we use not as/so ...as (7). Note the use of as... aswith adjective + singular countable noun in Example 14 (compare 3 Ad) and of wouldas soon ... as with a verb in Example 18. Here is an example involving two differentverbs: 'I'd as soon stay in this evening as go to the cinema.'

d  'As.. .as' + CLAUSE OR (PRO)NOUN: after final as (6,1, 8) we can use a clause (the otherwaiters did/they did) or a noun or object pronoun (the other waiters/them). But wemust avoid ambiguity or double meaning: instead of writing 'He's as fond of the dog asGeorgina' we should make our meaning clear by writing either (i) 'He's as fond of thedog as Georgina is' or (ii) 'He's as fond of the dog as (he is) of Georgina.' In spokenEnglish, a difference in stress can make the distinction clear: (i) 'He's as fond of thedog as Georgina' or (ii) 'He's as fond of the dog as Georgina' (compare 2Bk, m).

e  Than  AFTER COMPARATIVES like less (9) or sooner (10) can also (see d above) befollowed either by a clause (they did/you did) or a noun or object pronoun " (them).Again, we must avoid ambiguity by writing either 'He likes the dog more thanGeorgina does' or 'He likes the dog more than he likes/does Georgina.'

f   The WITH PAIRED COMPARATIVES (11): this is not the common, everday definite article,but a link word. Note a similar use of the in contexts like the following: 'What bigteeth you have, grandmother!' said Little Red Riding Hood. 'All the better to eat youwith!' said the Wolf.

g  Prefer AGAINST would rather : when comparing what we like doing we generally use(12)prefer+-ing + to (preposition); when comparing what we would like to do we

generally use (13) would rather (sometimes would sooner) + plain infinitive + than(17Bg). This is because would prefer, like would like, is followed by the full infinitivewith to (lOCb), which means that, although we can say I'd prefer to be a waiter', wecannot complete a comparison with would prefer in good English: not 'I'd prefer to bea waiter to/(rather) than a shop worker.' (See k below.)

h   Not such ... as is used instead of not as/so ... as with uncountable or plural nouns ('It'snot such hard work/They're not such hard exercises as I thought'). It is also used with asingular countable noun (15), but not as/so great a strain or not as/so much of a strainis a possible alternative here. Not such a ... (as) can be transformed as follows: 'It's not

such a strain (as working in a shop) → It's less of a strain (than working in a shop) → 

Working in a shop is more of a strain (than being a waiter).' (Compare 3Ad, 3Bb.)

 j  UNCOMPLETED COMPARISONS after as (7,14), comparatives (9, 10) or such (15) arecommon where the context is established, that is to say, when we know what we aretalking about.

k  THE USES OF than are as follows:i after comparative adjectives or adverbs (see e);ii after rather (see g);iii after other (17), although, when words come in between, than is much less

common than besides or apart from (16). The phrase other than is itself lessfrequent than except (17, 19). But (17) in its meaning of except is also used infront of nouns or plain infinitives (cook), and is common in the phrase nothingbut: 'He does nothing but complain about his job.'

You are advised not to use than after any other words besides those in i, ii and iiiabove, whatever you may see or hear. Its use, for example, after prefer (see g above) orafter different (20) in place of from or the less accepted to is quite common, but there

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are people on both sides of the Atlantic who regard such use as an 'abominablepestilence' (to quote from H. L. Mencken's classic book The American Language). Sobeware!

1  COMPARISON BY CONTRAST (21) may be linked with whereas or while or, moreinformally, with but. Only whereas can introduce the contrast: 'Whereas a waiter is atthe customers' beck and call, a cook ' The adverbial (2B) that corresponds to theselinks for contrast is on the other hand: 'A cook can keep the customers at a distance. Awaiter, on the other hand, is at their beck and call.' The adverbial on the contrary alsoexpresses contrast but in a different manner, namely in the form of opposites: 'Helenwasn't angry at your remarks; on the contrary, she was delighted that you took somenotice of her.' Neither whereas nor while can replace this adverbial. But can replace itonly if the subject (Helen/she) is not repeated. Often the second verb is left out as well:'Helen wasn't angry at your remarks, but (was) delighted that you took some notice of her (not but she was delighted ...).'

m See also as if (1Fc) as a link for similarity.

Exercise 1

Replace each number by the appropriate link.

This year hasn't been a bit (1) last year. The summer hasn't been nearly (2) warm, and ourharvest is likely to be smaller (3) it's ever been. (4) this time last year we were cutting the corn,this year it's still green. However, other (5) give up farming altogether there's nothing we cando about it.

One of the difficulties of English is that it is not spelt (6) it is pronounced. Some letters, (7) inthough or know, might just (8) well not be there. Another slight difficulty is that American

spelling is different (9) some respects (10) British. Since it is a little nearer to Englishpronunciation, one could prefer it (11) British spelling.

Marilyn seems to regard me not (12) an adult (13) (14) a child. She doesn't talk to me in thesame way (15) she does to the rest of us who work with her, although I have a universitydegree (16) them and am (17) good with figures. Perhaps she treats me (18) this because I'myounger and not (19) experienced in business. But there's no real difference between us (20)our ages.

'Why is Ken dressed (21) a woman?''Because he's going to the Blenkinsops' fancy-dress party. What are you going (22)?''I'm going (23) I am. I've got nothing else to wear (24) a dinner-jacket, and I don't want to go

looking (25) a waiter.''Why not? If I went (26) a waitress we'd make a fine pair.''The Blenkinsops would probably put us both to work for the evening(27) unpaid servants. (28) less attention you draw to yourself at a fancy-dress party (29)better.'

'But you'll draw all (30) more attention to yourself by not going in fancy dress!'

Sheila and Helen are very different (31) appearance. Helen's tall and willowy (32) Sheila's onthe plump side and hasn't (33) a good figure. Helen's dark and green-eyed (34) Sheila's fairand blue-eyed. Sheila looks pleasant rather (35) pretty, (36) Helen looks (37) a film star. Inshort, Sheila's no beauty, but I'd prefer her (38) a friend (39) Helen. (40) my mother says,

there's more to life (41) appearances, and in character Sheila stands head and shoulders aboveHelen.

Crossing the rope bridge over the ravine was more (42) climbing (43) walking. There wereother people on it (44) myself, and they made it bob about (45) a clothesline. The leader went

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over (46) a man crossing the street, (47) all I could do (48) last in the queue was to hold on(49) grim death and inch my way across (50) a spider.

'Why don't you and your husband emigrate to the States (51) us? Wouldn't you rather livethere (52) in Britain?''No, I don't think so. I prefer smaller countries (53) larger ones. For one thing, I wouldn't wantto be any further from the sea (54) I am.''I'd (55) soon live near mountains (56) the sea. But California's got both, (57) the rest of theWest Coast. That's where we hope to be in three months' time. (58) sooner (59) better (60) far(61) I'm concerned.''Really? Well, I can see there's no more point in my trying to persuade you to stay (62) in yourtrying to persuade me to go. We might (63) well save our breaths. I'd only add that I don'tthink it's (64) important where you live (65) how you live.'

Exercise 2

Re-form the following using a comparative and than, in the way shown in the examples below.

If you can, do the Exercise orally, without the book and with someone saying the sentences toyou.

He's not so tall as she is. →---She's taller than he is.

Her car's not nearly so economical as mine. →---  My car's much more economicalthan hers.

The play isn't such a flop as I thought it would be.  →---  I thought the play would be more

of a flop than it is.

1  The dining room hasn't as many chairs in it as the sitting room.2  Upstairs the ceilings aren't as high as they are downstairs.3  The house next door isn't so well built as this one.4  We didn't arrive as early as we expected to.5  It isn't nearly as noisy here as it was at the airport.6  We don't live as near the town as we'd like to.7  We haven't done as much homework as we should have.8  London isn't such a big city as Tokyo.9  The Atlantic isn't as salty as the Mediterranean.10  Russia's not so densely populated as India.11  Arabic isn't such a hard language as Chinese.12  We're not so good at judo as the Japanese are.13  Jupiter's not so far from the sun as Saturn.


Southerners are not so fair as northerners on the whole.15  People aren't so friendly here as they are in the north of England.16  There isn't as little petrol in the tank as you thought there was.17  Flies are not such a nuisance as mosquitoes.18  Salmon weren't nearly so scarce twenty years ago as they are now.19  Inflation's not so had this year as last.20  Being rich isn't such an advantage as people think.

Exercise 3

Re-form the following using a negative followed by as / so ... as or such .. .as, in the wayshown in the examples below. If you can, do the Exercise orally, without the book and with

someone saying the sentences to you.

My car's much more economical than hers. →  Her car's not nearly as/soeconomical as mine.

I thought the play would be more of a flop than it is. → The play isn't such a flop as I

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thought it would be.

1  Our grandparents worked harder than we do.2  We have a higher standard of living than they have.3  They live further from the town than we do.4  They have less money than we have.5  We have more confidence in the future than they have.6  Young people are a lot more active than old people.7  We have fewer responsibilities than they have.8  Children are more of a responsibility than pets.9  Dogs are more of a nuisance than cats.10 They used to greet us in a more friendly way than they do.I1 We see them more often than we used to.23 12  They speak the language better than we do.13  German has a more complicated grammar than English.14  She has less self-confidence than I expected.


He smokes more than he used to.


 16  We eat more than we should.17  We behaved worse in our youth than the present generation does.18  The house is better furnished than I thought it would be.19  This is a better table than ours.20  Inflation was a lot worse last year than this.

23 See 11Ba for negative forms of used [judst]. 24 See 11Ba for negative forms of used [judst]. 

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(19 get) married at all?' I heard her say, before her voice was drowned in the generalconversation.

Ken's a versatile athlete; I've known him (20 compete) in four events at a sports meeting and(21 win) two of them. It's a pity Willie can't find more time for sport; he seems always (22work).

When I called on the McArthurs, Harry chanced (23 garden) for once, not (24 fish), and so Iwas able to have a chat with him. He and Mary seem (25 have) a very happy marriage so far,don't they? But their son Charles played rather a nasty trick on them the other day, when hepretended (26 injure) in a cycle accident that had never taken place. When he told them thetruth he made matters worse by saying they'd been stupid (27 believe) his story. His motherwas so upset by his behaviour that she wants his pocket-money (28 stop) for six months.

Can you help me (29 find) better accommodation and a more understanding boss? When hecame back from a business meeting this afternoon he expected me (30 type) all the letters hehad given me and (31 have) them ready for him to sign. I was quick (32 let) him (33 know) I'dhad other things (34 do) besides typing his letters. I hope soon (35 work) in a new job and (36live) in a flat of my own.

1OB The -ing form as gerund


1 ' Winning is important,' says Ken, 'but breaking the localclub records is what really matters to me.'


2 When the athletic season approaches, Ken works hard atkeeping fit. His training programme includes running upand down stairs twenty times before breakfast.


3 I dislike him/his doing it, but it's no use (me/my) trying tostop him.


c, d

4 It was the duty of the police to prevent the President (from)being shot.


PASSIVE e, f g

5 A woman reported seeing <having seen>* an armed man inthe crowd before the shooting, but no one reported beingsearched <having been searched> for weapons by thepolice.


Explanationa The gerund or verb-noun can be a grammatical subject in a sentence (1), either by

standing alone {Winning) or heading a phrase (breaking the local club records). Foremphasis, the gerund may be introduced by it or by what:

It's breaking the local club records that really matters to me.What really matters to me is breaking the local club records.

(Compare the infinitive as subject, lOAc.)

b The gerund may be a grammatical object (2) like keeping or running, after:i any preposition (at), including those of prepositional phrasal verbs like set about,

get out of(17Gii)

ii verbs such as include (2), which are listed in 17D.c The gerund also occurs after a few phrases like it's no use (3), also listed in 17D.

d The gerund, instead of directly following a preposition, a verb or a phrase, may (3)have before it an object pronoun (him) or possessive (his) to indicate a change of 

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reference from the subject (I) to someone else (him). This construction is theequivalent of an object + infinitive (lOAb), as the following may help to show:

I dislike doing it and so GERUND I don't want to do it. INFINITIVE I dislike him/his doing it and so PRONOUN / POSSESSIVE + GERUND 

I don't want him to do it. OBJECT + INFINITIVE Where (3) the reference to the subject of the sentence (I) is clear, there is no point inusing the pronoun/possessive (me/my) before the gerund except for emphasis: 'Idislike him doing it but it's no use my trying to stop him. Perhaps you could have a go.'

e The gerund may (4) be preceded by a noun instead of a pronoun. The possessive of nouns, corresponding with his, my (3), is rarely used: not in 4 'the President's beingshot.' It is only at the beginning of sentences that it may be preferred to thecorresponding noun, but both are usually avoided:

The President's/(President) mixing with the crowd was obviously dangerous → Itwas obviously dangerous for the President to mix with the crowd as he did.

(Without the last three words it would not be absolutely clear that the President didmix with the crowd: 'It was obviously dangerous for the President to mix with thecrowd, and so he didn't.')

f  With one or two verbs such as prevent (4), the use of a preposition (from) before thegerund is optional (see 17D).

g Note (4) the passive gerund (being shot).

h The use of the perfect gerund (5), either active [having seen) or passive (having beensearched), is seldom necessary, since the time relationship of gerunds such as seeingand being searched is normally clear:

reported seeing = reported that they had seen

reported being searched = reported that they had been searchedOnly in contexts such as the following is a perfect gerund necessary:

He admitted having had the intention of shooting the President (= admitted he had(once) had the intention).He admitted having the intention of shooting the President (= admitted he (still)had the intention).

 j It is worth pointing out here that words ending in -ing are not all gerunds. Some (seeending in the previous sentence) are verb-adjectives or present participles (10D).Others (the shooting in Example 5) are true nouns. Unlike gerunds or verb-nouns, truenouns cannot of course take an object and require a preposition to relate them to

another noun. Compare:It is the duty of the police to stop the shooting of Presidents. NOUN It is the duty of the police to stop shooting Presidents. GERUND 

Note the difference in meaning! (See also 3Bd, m.)

Exercise 1

For the verbs in brackets, use the -ing form (gerund), either active or passive, as shown in theExamples. An object pronoun/possessive may be required (see Example 3).

1  Are you against children (watch) television?2  Of course not. I've got used to (do) all sorts of things we never did as children.

3  But I'm against television (watch) too often, either by children or adults.

4  Please forgive (be) so late; I was unavoidably detained.5  Most people detest (keep) waiting, and I'm sure you're no exception.

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6  Although Sheila looks quite like her younger sister, she's very different from her incharacter and dislikes (mistake) for her by strangers.

7  Sheila's kind but firm with the children in her classes, and doesn't tolerate anyone (foolabout).

8  'I haven't finished (talk) to your father yet,' said Mary McArthur to her son Charles, 'so

don't interrupt.'9  'Then I'd appreciate (tell) me when you've finished so that I can get a word in,' replied

Charles cheekily.10 Pardon (mention) it, but could I have the ten pounds back that I lent you last month?11 I grudge (lend) money to people who are less than meticulous about (pay) it back.

12  (Be) my boss doesn't excuse (treat) me the way you do.13  In fact I'm not going to stand (treat) like a slave any longer.

14  Pressure of work prevented (take) my usual summer holiday this year.15  Now I'm very much looking forward to (go) to Italy in the autumn.16  I can't foresee anything (happen) to stop (go) there.

17  Willie's contemplating (learn) Russian with a view to (read) Tolstoy in the original.18  (Learn) Russian does, of course, entail (learn) a new alphabet, but that's the least of 

6ne's difficulties.

19  1 escaped (have) to go into the army when I was young because the Governmentabolished conscription.

20  As I'm nearly forty I don't anticipate ever (call up) now.

21  Robert admits (have) too much to eat when he broke the chair he sat on.22  I don't recollect (apologise), which he certainly should have done.

23  Charles's sister's in the garden practising (stand) on one leg, as she's got the part of a

stork in her college pageant.24  I can't bear (stand) there all by herself looking so sad and lonely.

Exercise 2

Before doing this Exercise you are advised again to study lists 17C and 17D, as well as thefollowing examples. Any italicised verb in the Exercise that is not on those lists will bedirectly followed by the full infinitive, like seem below; and any adjective or phrase that is notlisted will be followed by the full infinitive, like it's wrong below. This and the previousExercise cover between them nearly all the verbs and phrases listed in 17D.

it's wrong I don't think we should eatsongbirds like thrushes orblackbirds.

I think it's wrong (for us) toeat songbirds like thrushes orblackbirds.

 justifies Surely hunger gives one theright to eat anything.

Surely hunger justifies eatinganything.

seem It looks as if most peoplearound here have given upthe habit.

Most people around hereseem to have given up thehabit.

continue I'm sure they won't stopdoing it unless there's a lawagainst it.

I'm sure they'll continuedoing/to do it unless there's alaw against it.

order  You're not going to demandthat I shouldn't do it, areyou?

You're not going to order menot to do it, are you?

Without altering the meaning, reword the following sentences by using the words on the left

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either with the -ing form (gerund) or with the full infinitive/object + full infinitive, as shownin the examples above. Do not change the italicised words in any way.

1.  suggests Helen proposes that we go to the Upper Crust disco.2.  necessary Do you have to be a member to get in?

3.  managed The last time I went I succeeded in getting in all right.4.  we're unlikely Ken's a member, and so I don't expect we'll have any difficulty.5.  infancy Do you want to go to the disco, Sheila?6.  put her off Don't say anything that will make her not want to go.7.  mind Will your mother object to your taking her car?8.  she allows She has said I can use it whenever I like.9.  worth There's no point in going all the way home to fetch mine.10.  risk You may be stopped by the police if you drive without seat belts.11.  caused Ken lost control of his car because there was a blowout in one of 

the front tyres.12.  avoid I never drive that way into town.

13.  given up I no longer count the times Denis has damaged the company car.14.  forbid Why don't you say he mustn't use it under any circumstances?15.  no use He can't possibly plead ignorance of the company rules, because

he was given a copy of them.16.  deserve It's not right that he should get away with things the way he does.17.  denies Denis says he didn't break your calculator.18.  can you imagine You don't think he'd ever admit it, do you?19.  impossible My secretaries can't possibly cope with the work in this office

without calculators.20.  enables With them they can do the work in a fraction of the time.21.  miss I find it a great disadvantage not to be able to use one whenever I

want.22.  the last... the first Denis usually arrives last in the office in the morning, but

seldom leaves first in the evening.23.  surprised I hear the boss thinks quite highly of him, which surprises me.24.  I dare I bet you'd never tell Denis to his face what you really think of 

him!25.  he's certain I'm sure he'll ask you your opinion of Helen.26.  rely on Yes, you can always be sure Denis will ask awkward questions!27.  can't afford It would be a bad thing if I made an enemy of Helen.28.  put off I've decided not to go to Tokyo till Monday.29.  involve Leaving tomorrow would mean that I missed the finals of the

Wimbledon tennis tournament.30.  arranged Ken and I are going to meet in London when I return from

Tokyo.31.  considering We think we might hire a boat for a week's cruise on the

Thames.32.  I enjoy Messing about in boats is fun.33.  intend My aim is to get a boat of my own one day.34.  resent I strongly object to paying excessive rents to profiteering boat-

hirers.35.  persuade I'm trying to convince Willie he should come with us.


keep I tell him repeatedly that he needs a holiday.37.  advised His own doctor has told him he should have one.38.  warned He has told him he should not overwork.39.  recommends My doctor says one should take shorter, more frequent holidays.40.  be made Someone must make Willie see sense.

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41.  expect How much longer do you think Marilyn will stay in the States?42.  plans Her idea is to return next month.43.  encouraging Her American friends are probably trying to make her stay

longer.44.  resist They're so hospitable that she may find it hard not to stay a little

longer.45.  foresee But I don't think she'll stay there over Christmas.46.  difficulty Some Americans find her Midlands English accent difficult to

understand.47.  mentioned By the way, she said she'd met Toby the other day.48.  she happened It so happened she was staying at the same hotel as he was.49.  necessitate To get to know Toby well, one would have to share his leisure

pursuits.25 50.  propose That's not something I'm thinking of doing.

1OC Verbs taking a full infinitive or -ing (gerund) according to meaningbegin d go on e mean e remember  a

cease d hate b need  e start  d

dread  c like b  prefer  b try e forget  a love b regret  c understand  e

want  e

These verbs fall into five groups, which are dealt with in turn below (a-e).

Examples and Explanation

a Remember, forget. If remember means not to forget beforehand to do something, it

takes the infinitive, but if it means to recall or recollect something afterwards it isfollowed by -ing:

I must remember to ask Zena if she remembers going to Paris as a child.Similarly, forget takes the infinitive if it means not to remember beforehand and -ing if it means not to remember afterwards:

I forgot to ask her whether she has completely forgotten ever going there.

b Like, love, prefer, hate take the infinitive when we have feelings beforehand aboutwhat may happen, f so that the meaning of these verbs is then (not) wish, (not) want orhope:

I didn't like to disturb her (= I didn't want to ...).

I don't like to disturb her (= I don't want to ...).I wouldn't like to disturb her (= I hope I won't...).I'd love to come skiing with you (= I very much want to ...).I'd prefer not to go out this evening (= I hope I won't have to ...).I'd hate him to suffer a lot of pain (= I very much hope he won't...).

When our feelings accompany or follow what happens (or what we know will happen)so that the meaning is (not) enjoy or (not) take pleasure in, these verbs take -ing or(when affirmative) the infinitive:

I didn't like disturbing her (which I did).I don't like disturbing her (which I've done/I do).I shan't like disturbing her (which I shall do).

25 Note that the infinitive To get is not acting here as subject (lOAc) but is an infinitive of purpose (= 'In order toget to know ...'). Avoid using it as the subject of necessitate (see lOBa).What does happen depends on circumstances: 'I don't like to disturb her, and so I'll call again later/but I'm afraid

I must.'

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I love skiing/to ski in the early spring (which I've done/I do).I prefer staying/to stay in on cold winter evenings (which I do when I can).I hate him suffering/to suffer so much pain (which he has done/does).

Note that for comparisons (9g) prefer should be used with -ing, not the infinitive:I prefer staying in to going out on cold winter evenings.

Note also that, like hate above, all these verbs may be used with an object + infinitive.In this construction the infinitive to be is often omitted before a past participle, anadjective or an adverbial, as it is with wish or want (10 Af):

I'd like my steak (to be) well done, please.I know you prefer yours (to be) nearly raw.She'd like us (to be) there by nine o'clock.I'd hate my hair (to be) as long as that.

c Dread, regret are used respectively with the infinitives to think and to say (also to tell,to inform etc.), but with the -ing of verbs that describe what almost certainly willhappen (dread) or what has happened (regret):

I dread to think what may happen (and so I'll try not to think about it).I dread going to the hospital (but I'm going).I regret to say your husband is seriously ill (= I don't like to say whatI'm going to say, but...).Do you regret telling her what you did?

d Begin, start, cease. Usage with begin and start can be shown in the following example:It begins to get/getting cold in early October, when the leaves are starting to turn.It's then that we begin to realise that the year is dying and that we start getting/toget ready for winter.

As the example shows, begin and start may be used with either the infinitive or -ing,but there is a tendency to use the infinitive for events that are impersonal (It begins to

get cold) or involuntary (I began to get cold) and -ing for voluntary actions (we startgetting ready). However, both begin and start are used with the infinitive when:i they are in the progressive form (are starting) andii the verb that follows (to realise) has no progressive form (1Bs).Cease, which is generally a formal alternative to stop (17Df), is like begin and start inpoints i and ii but otherwise usually takes -ing:i Our firm will shortly be ceasing to produce this particular model.ii Many people have ceased to believe in the efficacy of the nuclear deterrent.iii When shall we cease squabbling and fighting among ourselves ?

e Go on, mean, need, try, understand, want are used either with the infinitive or the

gerund according to their meaning, as follows:

goon = proceed + INFINITIVE = continue + -ing

mean = intend + INFINITIVE = entail + -ing

need  = have a need (people) + INFINITIVE = be in need of (things) + -ing or passive

INFINITIVE try = attempt, endeavour + INFINITIVE 

= experiment with + -ing

understand  = have the impression + INFINITIVE = understand why + -ing

want  = wish + INFINITIVE = be in need of + -ing

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The following examples should help to make these distinctions clear:After eating two dozen oysters, Robert went on to consume a huge steak withchips.He went on eating long after the others had finished.He meant to get up early but overslept.

Tell him that getting up earlier will mean going to bed earlier.We need to be sure we can afford the alterations.Most of the house will need rebuilding/will need to be rebuilt.Christine has tried to stop hiccuping for over an hour.Has she tried drinking salted water?I understood her to say she didn't like strawberries.I can't understand anyone not liking them.Except for the money, who'd want to be a lawyer?The whole matter of the inheritance wants looking into.


Choose the correct form, full infinitive or -ing, for each number. As well as the verbs dealtwith above there are the words good, help and stop, for which adequate preparation is given instudy lists 17C, D.

Helen should stop (1 criticise) people behind their backs. Has she, I wonder, ever stopped (2think) what people must be saying about her in return?

'If you say I sent Sheila and Ken an invitation to our party I suppose I must have, but Icompletely forget (3 do) so.''You certainly did, because here it is; you gave it to me to hand on to them, but I forgot (4 do)so.'

I regret (5 say) that Sheila didn't get the headmistress's post she applied for. She now regrets(6 apply) for it, because the application took up a lot of her time.Although I don't like (7 look after) Zena's alligator while she's away I do so because Iwouldn't like Zena (8 think) I was afraid of it.

The McArthurs' elder daughter simply loves (9 ski), and would clearly love nothing so muchas (10 turn) professional and (11 become) an instructor.

The world's political and social problems have, quite honestly, ceased(12 interest) me. I ceased (13 try) to put the world in order soon after leavinguniversity.

'Do you mean (14 tell) me that Willie's firm of architects didn't accept that wonderful contractwith the Town Hall?''Yes, I do, because if they had it would have meant (15 give up) an even better contract inNew York.'

It was getting dark and storm clouds were beginning (16 form) when we eventually arrived atthe mountain hut. We'd begun (17 think) we might have lost our way.

Robert is putting on weight. He says he can't help (18 eat) large meals however hard he tries.He hopes that the new football season may help him (19 take) off a few pounds.

You say you've tried (20 stop) (21 snore) but have failed. Have you tried (22 sleep) on yourstomach?

Although I generally prefer (23 be) frank to (24 be) secretive, on this particular occasion Iprefer (25 keep) my opinion of Denis to myself, if you don't mind.

My uncle started (26 smoke) heavily a couple of years ago and now his health is starting (27deteriorate).

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Lady Blenkinsop says she got my cheque. Well, I remember (28 write) it, but I don'tremember (29 post) it to her.

However good one may think it is (30 get) out into the fresh air at weekends, it's no good (31try) (32 convince) Toby of that; he prefers indoor pursuits like billiards.

'I see that Ken has arrived to play tennis with us. I understood him (33 say) yesterday that hewouldn't have time for a game today, didn't you?' 'Yes, I did, but I can understand him (34change) his mind when he heard Sheila was here.'

I dread (35 think) what my father's reaction will be when I tell him the news. That's why I'mdreading (36 go) home tomorrow for the weekend.

I hate him (37 criticise) me the way he does. But I'd hate him (38 think) his criticism had anyeffect upon me, and so I keep quiet.

My mother wants me (39 cut) the lawn. I know it wants (40 cut), but I really haven't time thisweekend.

You can't say Harry McArthur hasn't tried (41 interest) his son Charles in fishing. He has eventried (42 give) him a prize for every fish he catches, but all in vain.

You need (43 be) a little more careful in what you say to Sheila's mother. I know her ideasneed (44 modernise), but there it is; she strongly objects to risque stories.

If I've forgotten (45 lock) the car it's the last time I'll forget (46 do) so because it's sure to havebeen stolen!

After he'd talked about politics for a bit, Sir James went on (47 tell) us about his experiencesin Brazil. I must say this was a relief, because if he'd gone on (48 talk) about politics most of us would have got a bit bored.

I'd have very much liked (49 have) your advice yesterday on a financial matter, but I didn'tlike (50 ring) you in case you were busy.

10D Verbs taking the infinitive or -ing (participle) according to meaning

be d get  c leave c see acome b go b notice a send  b

 feel a have c observe a take b find  c hear  a overhear  a watch a

These verbs fall into four groups which are dealt with below (a-d), after the Introductory note.

Introductory note: The present participle or verb-adjective in -ing has already occurred inthis book as a causal link (3A), a time link (7) and in shortened relative constructions (8C). Itis important that you should be familiar with its use in these contexts and in those given belowrather than worry about the grammatical difference between it and the gerund or verb-noun(10B), a difference that sometimes disappears. However, there is an important practicaldifference, which is that the present participle, unlike the gerund (lOBd, e), can not bepreceded by a possessive:

We saw him (not his) leaving by the back stairs.The object of saw is him, which can become the subject in a corresponding passive:

He was seen leaving by the back stairs.Compare with these sentences the following, in which the respective object and subject is his

leaving (gerund) secretly like this:We saw (= regarded) his leaving secretly like this as something very suspicious.His leaving secretly like this was seen as something very suspicious.

Besides see, there are a number of verbs that can be followed by an object + -ing (participle),such as catch (a candidate cheating), keep (an applicant waiting), set (a clock going), smell

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(something burning). But most verbs, including see, that take -ing like this can also take anobject + infinitive (plain or full), depending on meaning, and it is these verbs, together with afew others that are used without an object, that are dealt with here.

Examples and Explanation

a Feel, hear, notice, observe, overhear, see, watch (verbs of three senses) are followedby an object + infinitive to refer to a complete event and by an object + -ing to refer topart only of an event: 'Yesterday I saw Robert eat a whole cake in twenty minutes.You often see him eating huge platefuls of food after a football game.' We see thecomplete action of eating the cake, because it is a short event in one place, but we donot see the whole of the 'eating huge platefuls....' When these verbs are in the passivethe principle is the same, but the full, not plain, infinitive is then used (see 17Be): 'Iwas overheard criticising my boss yesterday. But luckily I wasn't heard to say I didn'tlike him.'

b Come and go are verbs of movement which may be used with an infinitive of purpose(4Aa) or in a phrase with -ing to describe an activity (go swimming/fruit-picking etc.):'In the old days, when people were poorer, tramps used to come knocking on our doorto beg a crust of bread.' Take can be used as a verb of movement in the same sort of way, but is followed first by a personal object: 'I'm taking Christine skiing/to watch theski-jumping.' With the infinitive to mean, however, take signifies interpret: 'I take youto mean (= I interpret you as saying) you're also going skiing yourself.'Send with a personal object is, in the case of a few verbs, followed by -ing, but morecommonly by an infinitive of purpose: 'Mary McArthur sometimes sends Charles (out)shopping, but she never sends him to buy strawberries in case he eats them all.' (Seealso 4B, Examples 4 and 5.)

c Find, get, have, leave are used with an object + infinitive (full except after have) or -

ing according to meaning as follows:find (by investigation = find that...) + infinitive26 (by chance) + -ingget/have (causal) + infinitive(expressing result) + -ingleave (with a commitment) + infinitive(in a condition, position etc.) + -ing

The following examples should help to make these distinctions clear:The police, searching for the murderer, found a man hiding in a ditch (not Thepolice found that a man was hiding ...).They later found him to be unconnected with the crime (= They later found that he

was unconnected ...).I'll get him to repaint/have him repaint the whole room.I'll soon get/have the house looking nice and smart.Georgina often leaves her older children to look after the younger ones.One day they left the tap running and flooded the house.

Get is much more common than have when used causally with the infinitive (torepaint), but when these verbs are used causally with the past participle have isprobably more common than get:

I'll have/get the whole room repainted.Get expressing result cannot be used for present time except as a supplement (got) tohave:

I've got/I have the house looking nice and smart now.For have expressing obligation, see 11D; for its use in the auxiliary passive, see 13A1.

26 Usually to be or to have. 

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d The verb be is of course used with -ing to form the progressive infinitive (1OAd) andprogressive tenses (IB). It is also used with the full infinitive to mean can and must,and to express an arrangement (HE), including the 'arrangements' of fate. Some of these uses, like the first two below, are in questions that are rhetorical, that is to say,that do not really expect an answer.

What's to become of us? (= What will be our fate?)What am I to do? (= What can I possibly do?)You're to calm down and not get so excited. (= You must )I'm to phone Sir James at six, as he said he might be able to help us. (= Thearrangement is that I should phone….)27 


Choose the correct form, infinitive or -ing, for each number.

I'm glad Zena's learning to relax. I saw her yesterday evening quietly (1 read) a book. All I'dever seen her (2 do) before was (3 open) one to flip through the pages.

Marilyn called on her mother the other day and found her (4 lie) on the sofa scarcely able tomove. When they got her to hospital she was found (5 suffer) from pernicious anaemia.

When there is a bit of home decorating to be done the rest of the family are enthusiastic tobegin with, but usually leave me (6 finish) the job. Once, when their favourite televisionprogramme came on, I was left (7 stand) on the stepladder (8 hold) the end of a piece of wallpaper.

'How are you (9 get) to Amsterdam on Thursday, by rail or by air?''I haven't decided. Whichever way I go, the problem is to know how I'm (10 get) there in timefor the committee meeting at two.'

Marilyn got her father (11 lend) her some money to start her business with. I hear she's gother office (12 run) very smoothly now.

'You want to see Harry McArthur? I'm afraid he's gone (13 fish) and won't be back for sometime.''Really? I thought he'd gone (14 meet) Christine at the station and would be back quite soon.'

'The Managing Director says Denis isn't (15 use) the company cars without his personalpermission. Apparently he damaged one the other day.' 'He damaged mine once. I can assureyou he's hot (16 borrow) it again under any circumstances.'

The sound of gunfire sent us all (17 run) for cover. When silence reigned once more we sent

two of the platoon (18 find) out what had happened.'Sir James is very persuasive; I can see he'll soon have you (19 vote) for him if you listen tohim any longer.''What would you have me (20 do), then - not (21 go) to any more of his political meetings?'

Do you know what I've just heard Sheila (22 say)? She said she'd never speak to Helen again.Apparently Helen's been overheard (23 say) uncomplimentary things about Sheila's mother.Among other things, she was heard (24 say) she was practically illiterate.

Mary McArthur's taking Charles and Christine up to London tomorrow (25 see) the sights.While his wife takes his son and daughter (26 sightsee), Harry's taking his nephew David (27fish). I take this (28 mean) that he wants David to catch the fishing bug too.

I was watching Willie in his architect's office the other day (29 work) on the plan of a newbuilding when I saw him absent-mindedly (30 write) 'Sheila' in one of the rooms. He noticed

27 For the use here of should, see 11Fa. 

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me (31 watch) him and blushed.

First I heard the door (32 click). Then, as I lay there in the dark, I heard footsteps slowly (33approach). Then I heard them (34 stop). I could feel my heart (35 beat). The police hadobserved a man (36 loiter) outside the block of flats several days before, and had come (37tell) me about it. He had been seen (38 be) particularly interested in the first-floor flats. Couldthis be the person that had come (39 creep) into my flat in the middle of the night? I wasnever (40 know), because at that moment my corgi gave a sleepy growl - enough, apparently,to scare the intruder away.

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possibility/impossibility can/cannot, could/could not

ExamplesUSESI hear you're organising another walking tour in the

Highlands. Can/May I join it?


Certainly you can/may. Only nonagenarians and toddlerscan't join my walking tours.



I can (= I'm able to) carry a loaded rucksack thirty kilometreswithout getting terribly tired. And I'm sure I can (= I'll beable to) get the necessary time off from work.



Good. Bring warm clothing. It may/might/could snow whilewe're up there. It can snow there even in summer. You can't  rely on Scottish weather.



ef g

I've been able to/was able to borrow Ken's large rucksack forthis trip. Last year I wasn't (able to)/was unable to/couldn't. 





a In asking for permission (1), may is more polite than can. They are replaced by mightor could when the speaker is being cautious, tactful, timid or extra polite:

Might I perhaps/Could I possibly join it?(Might can also be used ironically: 'Might I be so bold as to ask why you never offer todo the washing-up?') Note that in asking about permission can, not may, is used:

Can you (= Are you allowed to) take your pet mice to school?

b In granting permission (2), we use can or may, not might (but see k below). Could isused for permission granted in the past:

At my school we could (= were allowed to) keep pet rabbits.

c For prohibition, the use of may not instead of cannot (2) is chiefly limited to quick responses to may: 'May I... ?' 'No, you may not!' Could not expresses past prohibition:

We couldn't (= weren't allowed to) keep pets at my school.

d Can expressing ability (3) is replaced by could as follows:i for past ability or potential, when no reference is made to an actual achievement or

success:'In my younger days I could (= was able to) walk for miles and miles withoutgetting tired.'

Note there is no reference to an actual achievement (compare h below).ii in a context of non-fact (see lDf, Eb):

'I could (= would be able to) get time off if I wanted.''I wish I could (= was/were able to) get time off.'

e May is replaced by might or could to express less possibility (4). All three coverpresent possibility with reference to the future, present or past as follows:

i It may/might/could snow (= It is possible that it will snow).ii It may/might/could be snowing (= It is possible that it is snowing).

iii It may/might/could have snowed (= It is possible that it (has) snowed).May not and might not express possibility negatively: 'Bring warm clothing; it may notbe as cold as it was last year, but you never know.' Could not, however, expressesimpossibility (see g below).

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f  Can covers general possibility without reference to past, present or future (4), andcould covers past possibility and possibility in a context of non-fact (see d above), asfollows:

i It can snow there even in summer (= It is possible for it to snow ... 30).ii I remember how it could snow there even in summer (= I remember how it was

possible for it to snow ...*).iii One could perhaps ski there even in summer (= It would perhaps be possible to

ski..).As an extension of iii, could is often used in polite requests:

Could you ( = Would it be possible for you to) give me her address?

g Cannot expresses general impossibility (4) and could not expresses past impossibilityand impossibility in a context of non-fact (see d above) as follows:i You can't rely on Scottish weather (= It is impossible to rely...).ii I remember how you couldn't rely on Scottish weather (= I remember how it was

impossible to rely...).

iii You couldn't grow maize up there however much you tried (= It would beimpossible to grow ...).As an extension of iii, couldn't can be used in not-so-polite requests (compare f above):

Couldn't you (= Wouldn't it be possible for you to) give me her address?

h For past ability which is realised in some actual achievement or success (compare dabove), could is replaced by the past or present perfect tense of be able (5). Note,therefore, that 'I could borrow Ken's large rucksack for this trip' can only besupposition about the future as in dii above; it can not be past fact.

 j Past inability, whether or not reference is made to an actual occasion, can be expressedby couldn't as well as by the past tense of not be able or be unable (5). However, like

could, couldn't cannot replace the present perfect tense: 'I haven't been able to (notcouldn't) do much walking since I broke my leg.'

k See 12Aj for the use of could and might in reported speech.


Replace the words in italics with a construction using one of the auxiliary verbs dealt withabove, except where the use of be able is required (see Explanation h, j). For impersonalconstructions, use one or you.It's possible that Robert will be kicked outof his football team.

→  Robert may be kicked out of his footballteam.

Is it possible to be kicked out for puttingon a bit of weight?→  Can you be kicked out for putting on a bitof weight?

I was able to speak Mercian quite well as achild.Now I've forgotten a lot, but I was able toask my way to Peter's house this morning.

→  I could speak Mercian quite well as achild.(No change)

1  I remember that it was possible for* our parents to be very strict with us at times, butthat on the whole they were able to control us through kindness and laughter.

2  We certainly weren't allowed to do exactly what we wanted like Georgina's children.Are your children allowed to do exactly what they want?

3  It's possible that mankind will have no future if it's unable to mend its ways.4  It's possible that what they said wasn't true, but it wasn't possible for us to ignore it.

30 These constructions in Examples and Exercises are for explanation only; although they are grammaticallycorrect, they are non-idiomatic.

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5  Would you allow me to use your phone for a moment? It's possible that I left my keysat home, and I'd like to ring and ask my wife about them.

6  It would be quite impossible for me to pay back what I owe you by Saturday. Wouldn'tit be possible for you to let me have a little more time?

7  Did you hear that noise? I think it's possible that the clock has fallen off the wall in the

room next door. Would it be possible for you to go and see?8  I'm unable to go myself because I'm unable to leave the baby.9  Mary and Harry McArthur have at last been able to do what they have always wanted

to do: visit Australia. Unfortunately it wasn't possible for Christine to go with them.10  I'm usually unable to get a seat on the bus in the morning and have to stand, but I was

able to get one this morning.11  When my grandfather was a young man it was possible to park your car almost

anywhere you liked without difficulty. But it's impossible to do that now.12  It's possible to spend hours looking for a parking place. The other day, when I was

able to find one after only twenty minutes, I was amazed.13  'Under no circumstances,' shouted Helen's father, 'will I allow my daughter to marry

Denis Chambers! I'll not let him go around calling himself her fiance any longer!'14  'It's impossible to adopt that sort of attitude,' said Helen's mother. 'You should know

you're unable to stop Denis calling himself whatever he wants.'15  'Would you allow me to make one small suggestion?' she went on. 'Wouldn't it at least

be possible for us to show some regard for Helen's feelings by asking him to supper?'16  'It's possible after all that he isn't so bad as you think. When you've been able to form a

considered opinion of him, we'll be able to think again.'17  Later, with her mother's help, Helen was able to convince her father that it would be

possible for them to ask Denis to supper without precipitating a marriage.18  'All right,' he said, 'I'll allow you to ask him to supper just so that 1'll be able to

confirm my low opinion of him.'19  It would be impossible to criticise Denis's behaviour on that first evening with Helen's

father. Denis turned on the charm - and he's certainly able to turn it on when he wantsto - and by the end of the evening he was able to say to himself: 'I've made a hit!'

20  It's possible to fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time,but it's impossible to fool all the people all of the time. (Abraham Lincoln in this, hisfamous saying, used you, not one.)

11B Past activity, habit, refusal, etc.


TYPICAL BEHAVIOURREFUSALCONCESSIONused [ju:st]will, wouldwouldwill not, would notmay (... but)ExamplesUSES

Harry McArthur used to be a cigarette smoker. PAST STATE a

He didn't use [juds]/usedn't[judsnt] to worry about his health orhis pocket.


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He'd sometimes get through a couple of packets a day. HABIT (PAST) b,c

Now he smokes a pipe, and 'II sit smoking it even when it's out— which is a cheap way of smoking.


The trouble is that he will empty the ashes into the nearest

flower vase.


'Harry would do a thing like that,' says his wife Mary, 'he's solazy.'


'He just won't be clean and tidy.' REFUSAL f 

'I haven't thrown him out of the house yet, though. He mayhave dirty habits, but I still love him.'


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14  Oh yes, at one time she was far more active. You should have seen her as a kitten,when she never kept still for an instant. But like everything else, cats insist on growingup, don't they?

15  People never stop leaving their litter about instead of putting it in litter baskets. Therewas a time when this picnic site looked quite tidy, but now it's a disgrace.

16  In the old days there wasn't anything here at all except a clearing in the forest where afew people were in the habit of coming for this wonderful view of the mountains.

17  When I told Christine that Robert had put on a lot of weight just before the start of thefootball season, she replied: 'That's just like Robert! Although he pretends to be thehealthy sporting type he's actually much more fond of his food than the rest of us.'

18  I agreed. Robert's one of those pleasant, genial people who habitually sits in cafes forhours and hours laughing and joking, and getting fatter and, fatter.

19  One might have expected him to go and spoil his chance of getting into the team.20  I remember when we were children Robert had a habit of saying with a little smile that

one day he would be famous. Although he said that, has he now the will to make itcome true?'

11C Expectation, assumption, conclusion

EXPECTATION should (have), ought to (have)ASSUMPTION will (have)CONCLUSION must (have), cannot (have), could not have


USESKen's taking his Advanced Motorists' test tomorrow.

He's a pretty good driver, so he should/ought to pass.


Christine has just taken her exams. She workedextremely hard for them, so she should have/ought tohave done well.



It's no use ringing Harry at home now. It's past eighto'clock and he won't be there. He'll have left for theoffice.



b, c

b, c

His wife 'II probably be at home, though. ASSUMPTION (QUALIFIED) c

What a terrible draught! The front door must be open. CONCLUSION  dIt can't be. I shut it when I came in. CONCLUSION (NEGATIVE) d

You obviously can't have/couldn't have. Look, it's wide



d, e

I can assure you I did. The wind must have blown itopen.




a expectation, as the word is used here (1, 2), means believing that things are or will beas we wish them to be. We would not use should or ought if, for example, we expectedsomeone to fail a test — unless we wanted him or her to fail. We would normally say'I'm afraid he'll fail' or 'I'm afraid she may not have done very well.' Note that shouldas a modal auxiliary (see Introductory note, p. 117) is never contracted to 'd, unlike

conditional shouh (lDh).b An assumption (3) is based not upon our wishes but upon our knowledge of people

and things — their daily routine, character, qualities — and is therefore more realisticthan expectation. It can consequently be unfavourable: 'Christine didn't do much work 

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for her exams and won't have done very well, I'm afraid.'

c The assumption in Example 3, based perhaps on our knowledge of Harry's routine,could be nfade on any working day, ignoring the fact that Harry might be ill or takinga day off. Similarly, in b above, we may know Christine and that she is no exception tothe general rule that people have to prepare for examinations to do well in them; butwe may not know that special circumstance did not require her to work hard for theseexaminations. Sometimes we make allowance for this kind of ignorance by qualifyingour assumptions with adverbs like probably (4) or with an if etc. (1C) clause:

His wife'II be at home, though, as long as she hasn't already gone out shopping.There is little difference in realism or degree of certainty between a qualifiedassumption (4) and the use of should/ought: 'His wife should be at home, though.'

d conclusions (5-8) are based on particular experiences and occasions, and therefore,being more adapted to circumstances than assumptions, are generally more accurate.We would not normally say (see Example 3) 'It's past eight o'clock and Harry can't bethere'; we would investigate further: 'I've rung, but there's no answer, so Harry can't be

there; he must have left for the office.' Although our conclusions are sometimes wrong(6) we do not make allowance for this when using must or can't. On the contrary, if wequalify them at all we do so confidently with such adverbs as obviously (7).

e Note that can't with the infinitive may express inability, prohibition, impossibility(11A) or a negative conclusion, but that couldn't with the infinitive expresses only thefirst three. To express a conclusion with past reference, either can't or couldn't is usedwith a perfect infinitive. Compare the following:

She couldn't ring Harry, as the phone was out of order. INABILITY / IMPOSSIBILITY She can't have/couldn't have rung Harry, as the phone was out of order.  CONCLUSION 

f  In some contexts a choice of should/ought, will or must/cannot is possible, dependingon the degree of confidence we feel, since the three categories of expectancy,assumption and conclusion are in ascending order of certainty.Take, for example, a situation in which we want to contact Harry and already knowthat he has left home for work:

It's nine o'clock, so ring Harry's office; he should/'ll/must be there by now.


Use the verbs in brackets with the appropriate auxiliary to express expectation, assumption ora conclusion. Alternatives are sometimes possible. If no verb is given (_____________), then

only the auxiliary is needed (see Example 7).'My daughter works in Washington. They're five hours behind us over there. Just now, whilewe're having our lunch, she (1 go) to work.''You've forgotten one thing. It's the fourth of July, Independence Day in the States. So they (2not|go) to work over there. They (3 enjoy) a public holiday.''Oh, really? I suppose they taught me that at school, but I (4 forget) it. Look, there's thepostman. I wonder if he has brought anything for me. He certainly (5 _____________). There(6 be) at least one letter from my daughter.'

'You (7 be) very excited at the prospect of seeing your daughter again after so long.''Yes I am. And she (8 look forward) to seeing me again too. It's one o'clock, so her plane (9

take off) already if it's on schedule. Will we be at the airport in time to meet her?''We (10 be) in plenty of time. It's normally only a two-hour run from here by car.'

'I can't see my daughter among the passengers. She (11 miss) the flight.''Let's ask the airline. If she has missed the flight they (12 know).'

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'Poor dear! She (13 be) frightfully worried if she has missed it.''Your daughter, madam, (14 cancel) her booking, because her name does not appear on thepassenger list.'

'The light's not on in the office. Willie (15 go) home.''No, no. I'm sure he (16 not|go) home yet. He (17 sit) there in the dark, dreaming of his nextarchitectural creation.''Really? He (18 be) crazy.'

'Look in the fridge and see if there's enough milk in there for the weekend, will you? There(19 be).'(Holding up the bottle): 'You (20 drink) much milk if you think this is enough. Shall I get yousome? It's not eight yet, and so the supermarket down the road (21 still|be)open.'

'Is that the Red Lion Hotel?''I don't know. It (22 be) according to the map, but I don't see any sign.''I think we (23 pass) it back there in the dark.''We (24 _____________). We would have seen some lights. Let's ask-that man over there.''He (25 not|know). He looks as lost as we are.'

'Do you think Christine (26 get) the results of her exams by now?''She (27 _____________). They don't usually take more than a month to come through.''She (28 be) very disappointed if she hasn't passed.'

'Did you say that girl over there was your cousin Georgina? It (29 be)! She looks far tooyoung. If it is, then she (30 have) some beauty treatment.'

11D Obligation, absence of obligation

OBLIGATION (NECESSITY ETC.) have (got) toOBLIGATION (COMMAND ETC.) must (not)OBLIGATION (WEAK) need (to)ABSENCE OF OBLIGATION does not need to/have to, have not got to, need not



Harry McArthur has (got) to go to Hong Kong at shortnotice for his firm. He has (got) to get up very earlytomorrow to catch his plane.


b, j

b, j

(Mary, his wife): You must phone me as soon as you

get there. You mustn't forget.



a, e

a, e

Now I must/have (got) to/need to get your clothesready for packing.


f, j

I see you've got only three decent shirts; you must I'llhave to/'ll need to buy some more when you get there.


I remember you had to do that the last time you wentabroad.


(Harry): Relax! You needn 't get my clothes readynow; I'll do it later. I don't need to/don't haveto/haven't got to leave for another eight hours.





g, j

I hope the plane leaves on time and that I won't needto /won't have to wait at the airport.



(Mary): Did you go to the bank? ABSENCE OF OBLIGATION  h

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(Harry): No, I didn't need to/didn't have to; I gotenough money from the office to take with me.


(Mary): The last time you went you took Hong Kongdollars with you. (Harry): Yes, but I needn't have; it's

easy to change money when you get there.




a Must or mustn't [ms snt] expresses the 'internal' obligation that has its origin in thespeaker or writer. This may be a command, that is to say, obligation imposed by thespeaker on someone else (2); or it may be obligation imposed by the speaker on herself (3).

b Have to (1) expresses the 'external' obligation that has its origin in circumstance(necessity) or in a person other than the speaker or writer. The person in this case may

have been Harry's boss: 'Harry must go to Hong Kong.' This, in the writer's words,becomes 'Harry has to ....'

c Sometimes (3,4) the context allows the use of either must or have to, depending onwhether the speaker feels that the obligation comes from herself or from elsewhere.

d Must covers both present (3) and future (4) time. Have to has tenses for the present (3),the future (4) and also for the past (5), for which must cannot be used.

e Must and mustn't expressing a command (2) are similar in meaning to (i) thecorresponding imperative31 or (ii) the use of is/am etc. (not) to (lODd):i Phone me when you get there; don't forget,

ii You're to phone me when you get there; you're not to forget. These uses (andparticularly the second) are generally more abrupt and less polite than the use of must and mustn't.

f  Need to expresses a weaker sense of 'external' obligation than have to, to which itcorresponds in the present (3) and future (4) tenses. A past tense {needed to) is rarelyused except in the interrogative: 'Did you need to ...?' It is only in the interrogativepresent tense that need can be used as an auxiliary without do: 'Need you go/Do youneed to go?' It may be used in this way with the perfect infinitive for past reference,but now there is a difference in meaning between the auxiliary and non-auxiliaryforms:

Need you have gone (= Was your journey necessary)?

Did you need to go (or were you able to stay)?Compare need not have and did not need to in h below.

g To express the absence of obligation in the present (6) or future (7), we can use theauxiliary needn't or the non-auxiliary don't need to/have to or won't need to/have to.However, there is a strong tendency to use needn't for the absence of'internal'obligation (that is to say, as a counterpart of must) and don't need to etg. for theabsence of 'external' obligation (as a counterpart of have to).

h To express absence of obligation in the past, we use didn't need to/have to when wedid not do anything because it was not necessary (8) and needn't have when we did dosomething although it was not necessary (9).

 j Got is often used with has to/have to and may convey a sense of urgency. Usually

31 The imperative of a verb is basically similar in form to the plain infinitive (lOAa): 'Stop! Go! Don't slowdown.'

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(There is some doubt whether Denis and Helen willkeep their appointment with us) :

People should/ought to let one know before failingto keep an appointment.


I agree; people shouldn't I oughtn't to just fail to turnup without saying anything.


I think you should/ought to check to see if Denis andHelen are coming.


They could/might at least tell us if they're notcoming!


We were to meet at the cinema at half-past seven.(After half-past seven, when Denis and Helen fail to

turn up):


Denis and Helen should have/ought to have let usknow that they weren't coming.


Yes, I do think they could have/might have told usthey weren't coming.



We were to have met at the cinema at half-pastseven.




a Should/ought to, as well as being used for expectation (1 ICa), is used for duty (1, 2)and advisability (3). Should in these uses is not contracted to 'd, unlike conditional

should (lDh).b Could and might, as well as expressing possibility etc. (11 A), may also be used to

convey reproach if we consider that people are failing in their duty. They usually occurwith phrases like at least (4), I do think (7) or with an exclamation mark (4). In spokenEnglish this use of could and might can be distinguished from their use to expresspossibility etc. by the stress and intonation. Compare the following:

They could/might tell us if they're not coming! LEVEL TONE, DUTY WITH

REPROACH!They could/might tell us if they're not coming. FALLING TONE, POSSIBILITY


c We have already seen (lODd) that is/am etc. to, as well as being used instead of can ormust, is used to express an arrangement. The past tense is used in Example 5 becausethere was an arrangement which we now realise may not stand. 'We're to meet at thecinema at half-past seven' implies that the arrangement does stand. In such contexts,however, the present progressive tense (lBm) is more common: 'We're meeting '

d To express the non-fulfilment of a duty or arrangement we use the appropriate verbwith the perfect infinitive, as shown (6-8).

e If we drop the have with was/were (8) we do not know whether the arrangement wasfulfilled or not (compare Example 5) unless we add the necessary information: 'Wewere to meet at the cinema at half-past seven but they never turned up.' However, even

with this information, it is common to use the perfect infinitive (were to have met) toexpress non-fulfilment.

f  Note that should have/ought to have, in addition to expressing the non-fulfilment of duty or advisability, may also express, according to context, (i) expectation with past

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'There (29 be) a company board meeting yesterday. Was there?' 'Yes, there was. And I hearthere (30 be) another one quite soon.'

11F Use of should for suggestions, opinions, feelings etc.


WITHOUT should WITH should

There was to be a party at Lady Blenkinsop'sand Helen insisted on my being her partnerfor the evening.

There was to be a party at LadyBlenkinsop's and Helen insisted that Ishould be her partner for the evening.

I agreed to our going together. I agreed that we should go together.It was better (for me) to go with someonethan with no one at all.

It was better that I should go withsomeone than with no one at all.

Then, quite suddenly, she suggested asking

Willie to join us to make a group of three.

Then, quite suddenly, she suggested

that I should ask Willie to join us tomake a group of three.

5 I was put out. "Why/ I asked ^ myself, 'hasshe changed her mind?'

I was put out. 'Why,' I asked myself,'should she have changed her mind?'

'I'm sorry (that) she thinks I'm an inadequateescort.'

'I'm sorry (that) she should think I'm aninadequate escort.'

But I soon recovered my equilibrium. Afterall, why worry about a girl like Helen?

But I soon recovered my equilibrium.After all, why should I worry about agirl like Helen?


a In rather the same way as we use would or could for wishes (lEb, c) we can use shouldfor demands (1), consent (2), opinions expressed with it is/was. + adjective (3),suggestions or recommendations (4) and feelings such as surprise (5), regret (6) andindignation (7).

b The effect of using should is to keep what may happen (1-4) or what has happened (5-7) as non-fact (ID, E), rather than let it join the world of possible or past fact. When,for example, we ask ourselves (5) 'Why should she have changed her mind?' we arenot yet quite ready to accept the fact that she has changed it. Without the should, wehave accepted it.

c The Examples show that a common use of should in this way is in that clauses whichtake the place of an -ing construction (1, 2, 4) or the infinitive with or without for (3).When used for feelings (5, 6, 7), should is an addition.

d There are some forms of rhetorical question* expressing surprise or indignation inwhich should is always used:

She asked me where Denis was. How should I know?Who should walk in at that moment but Denis himself!

Further examples of these occur in the Exercise.

e Should used in the way shown in these Examples and also after in case (4Ad) and if (lDb) is called putative should. It can not be replaced by would or ought to, and can

not be contracted to 'd. It may be regarded as a substitute for the present subjunctive,which although not as common in British as in American English, does occur in fairlyformal language, particularly in demands and suggestions (compare Examples 1 and 4):

Helen insisted that I be her partner.She suggested that Willie be asked to join us.

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In verbs other than to be the present subjunctive is recognisable only in the thirdperson singular:

She suggested that Willie join us.


Rewrite the following groups of sentences using should where it is appropriate. As mentionedabove (d), should is already in use in one or two places in the Exercise.

1  Do you know what Denis's idea is? It is that we go into business with him in thehardware trade. I've told him it's essential for us to know exactly the extent of ourcommitment before we make up our minds. It's obviously better for us to be extremelycautious at this stage than to regret it later.

2  'Our stockbroker recommends that we buy as many Worthright shares as we canafford.'

'Really? It's odd that he has suddenly changed his mind about them.' 'Why is it odd? It's onlyright for a stockbroker to change his mind if the market itself changes. It seems that

you mistrust his motives. I'm sure he intends us to make money, not lose it.'

3  'I'm sorry there was no one at the airport to meet you. I told Denis it was essential forhim to be there by nine o'clock in case the plane was early.'

'Don't worry. I naturally thought it strange there was no one there to meet me. But why shouldyou take the blame?'

4  'I really don't see why some people get all the luck and others none at all. Why, afterall, did Helen get the job when it ought to have been Sheila?' 'The simple reason is thatHelen's mother insisted on her daughter getting it. And Helen's mother is a woman of considerable influence.'

'It makes my blood boil to think that she's able to influence things like that. I've alreadysuggested to the committee that we change the appointments procedure at once.'

'I don't see why you are so upset about it. Helen's a very competent girl in her way. Whyshouldn't she be up to the job?'

5  'I'm surprised that the railwaymen have gone on strike over the relatively small issueof overtime rates.'

'A small issue? Why is it a small issue? They're only suggesting that they be paid the samerate as people with comparable responsibilities. That you consider this a small issueastonishes me. I admit it's a pity they have to bring the matter to a head at a busy timeof year like this — but then, after all, why not? If I'd been in their shoes I'd have donethe same.'

6  Sir James was most anxious for the committee to give the matter its urgent attentionand publish its findings. He said in Parliament it was better for the public to know thetruth, however distasteful it might be. That he said this suggests to me that a politicalscandal is about to break.

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12 Reported speech

12A Tense and word changes: general review

Examples and Explanation

a What a person says, (or thinks) may, with the use of quotation marks, be written in theform in which it occurs, that is to say, as if it is being said now, in the present:

'I'm glad I went to the States,' said Marilyn/Marilyn said.This is known as direct speech. (Note the position of quotation marks relative tocommas in this and other examples of direct speech given below.)

b Alternatively, what a person says may be written without quotation marks assomething said in the past:

Marilyn said (that) she was glad she'd gone to the States.This is known as reported, or indirect, speech. The most important difference here

between this and the direct speech in a is in the tenses of the reported verbs {was, hadgone), which have undergone a 'backshift' in order to accord with the past tense (said)of the reporting verb. (Marilyn is not glad now that she went; she was glad then,namely at the time of speaking, that she had gone.)

c After a reporting verb in the past tense (said etc.), any backshift that occurs does so inthe way set out below, where the listed tenses comprise both single and progressiveforms (IB):TENSE in DIRECT SPEECH TENSE in REPORTED SPEECH

present (lBd,e,l,m) → past

present perfect (lBc,k) →  past perfect (lBb,j)

past (lBa,h) →  past perfect

future (lBf,n) →  conditional (ID)

future perfect (lBg,q) →  conditional perfect (ID)

d You will see from the above that the past perfect, the conditional or the conditionalperfect tense will always remain unchanged in a conversion from direct to reportedspeech, as in the following example:

'If I'd gone to the States I'd have stayed there longer than Marilyn,' said Christine.Christine said that if she had gone to the States she would have stayed there longerthan Marilyn.

All the remaining tenses undergo backshift except in the contexts discussed below (e-h).

e When direct speech is reported very soon afterwards, there is often no backshift in anyof the left-hand tenses (c). As one might expect, this lack of backshift is characteristicmore of the spoken than of the written language, in which it may take some time to'report'.

'I'm so glad I went to the States,' said Marilyn on her return. 'I'll tell you all aboutit this evening when I've got over my jet lag.'Marilyn said she's very glad she went to the States and that she'll tell us all about itthis evening when she has got over her jet lag.(Reported verbally and perhaps immediately, or in any case before 'this evening'.)

f  Sometimes the present tense is used as an alternative to the past tense in reportedspeech if the verb in question refers to what is (or was) believed to be a regularoccurrence or existing fact:

It was the astronomer Copernicus (1473-1543) who first stated that the planets

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revolve/revolved round the sun.Before his time people thought that the earth stays/stayed still while the sunmoves/moved.Marilyn said that the Americans are/were generally very hospitable people.He explained how television works/worked.

g The past tense does not undergo backshift when used to express non-fact (1D,E) andtherefore not directly related to time:

Christine said, 'I'd visit Disneyland if I went to the States.'Christine said (that) she'd visit Disneyland if she went to the States.''I wish I knew someone over there,' she sighed.She added with a sigh that she wished she knew someone over there.

The subjunctive were, used sometimes instead of was for non-fact (IDa), does notundergo backshift either:

'Ah, if only I were Marilyn!' cried Christine.Christine said with some feeling that she wished she were Marilyn.

h If the past tense is used with a time-point (IBa) which is the same for both the speakerand the reporter it is normal for there to be no backshift:

'There was an earthquake here yesterday/last Monday/on the 17th/a month ago/in1906.'Marilyn said (that) there was an earthquake here/there yesterday/last Monday/onthe 17th/a month ago/in 1906.

Compare:Marilyn said on the phone last week (that) there'd been an earthquake there theday before.There has been backshift because yesterday is now not the same time-point for thereporter as it is for Marilyn.

 j The auxiliary verbs can(not) and may (11 A) change to could and might when thecontext relates to a situation that is already over and in the past:

'I can't wait for Helen any longer,' said Denis, and drove off.Denis said he couldn't wait for Helen any longer and drove off.'I may phone you tomorrow at your office.'(Reported in the evening at home): She said she might phone me today at myoffice, but she didn't.

But when the situation is still unresolved or 'open', that is to say, when there is stillsome doubt about its outcome, the change in can{not) and may is optional:

Denis said he can't/couldn't wait for Helen any longer and that he's going.

(Reported at the office): She said she may/might phone me here today.(For other auxiliaries in reported speech, see 12B.)

k As already mentioned (b,c), backshift is something that occurs after a reporting verb inthe past tense. There is no need for it after a verb in the present tense (see a):

Marilyn says she's glad she went to the States.Although you may occasionally come across it in your reading, there is no need for iteither after the present perfect tense:

Ken has often said he's going to give up track sports, but he never does.I've just asked the garage when my car will be ready, but they don't know.


Ken said he was going to give up track sports last year but he didn't. (See lBp.)I asked the garage just now when my car would be ready, but they didn't know.(See lBb, 11Bf.)

1 In reported questions (see the last example above) ask is used with the same wh-

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words (interrogative pronouns and adverbs) as those used in direct questions:'When will my car be ready?'

But except in very formal English, interrogative whom, unlike relative whom (8Ac),rarely occurs:

'Who (not Whom/With whom) are you going with and how long are you staying?'

I asked her who she was going with and how long she was staying.If a direct question does not begin with a wh- word or how, the corresponding reportedquestion is introduced by if/whether (lCd):

'Are you going on business (or for a holiday)?'I asked her if/whether she was going on business (or for a holiday).

Remember that word order in a direct question (will my car be/are you going etc.)becomes that of a statement (my car would be/she was going) in a reported question,for which, of course, no question mark is used. For the reporting of questions that arein effect requests or suggestions, see p below and 12Ca,c.

m The basic way of reporting requests and commands (UDe) is to use (i) told with object

+ infinitive or (ii) told (with object) or said used with was/ were (not) to:i 'Be sure to send me a postcard from Los Angeles.'I told her to be sure to send me a postcard from Los Angeles.

ii 'Your business will be in good hands while you're away. Don't worry.'We told her /said (that) her business would be in good hands while she wasaway, so she wasn't to worry.

The first is the more common, but after a clause (her business ... away) only the secondcan be used (not so not to worry). There are, however, other reporting verbs forrequests and commands with a greater range of meaning, and these are dealt with in12C.

n Personal pronouns in direct speech such as 7, you (e) and possessives such as your (m)

may naturally have to be changed in reported speech according to context. The sameapplies to words relating to time and place (h).

p It is usually better not to try and report informal spoken English, with itscolloquialisms (question tags etc.), word for word. Try instead to use an appropriatereporting verb followed, if required, by a change in the wording to a more formal style:

'You won't forget to write, will you, Marilyn?'I reminded Marilyn not to forget to write.'How do you know she won't stay there?'I suggested she might (even) stay there.'She'll be away for at least three weeks, you know.'

I pointed out that she'd be away for at least three weeks.'Yes, she's certainly got her head screwed on.'I fully agreed that she had her head screwed on/that she was a very sensible person.'Of course I'll be at the airport to meet you!'I assured her I'd be at the airport to meet her.

There are more examples of the use of reporting verbs in the Exercises.

q Note that suitable links, such as so in m(ii), are often inserted in reported speech,where sentences tend to be longer than in direct speech.

Exercise 1

For each numbered verb in brackets choose a suitable tense, whether for reported speech(dependent upon the verbs in italics) or for direct speech (within quotation marks).

A spokesman for the environmental group Greenpeace said that fishing with drift-nets (1 kill)not only fish but also seals, dolphins and sea birds, which (2 not | can) see the plastic-fibre

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filaments and so (3 swim) into them, (4 become) entangled, and (5 drown). He pointed outthat this type of net (6 can) be up to 55 km. long and 15 m. deep, and added that a global banon its use (7 be) proposed and discussed at the United Nations the following week. Afishermen's representative replied that his organisation (8 oppose) any attempt to prohibitdrift-net fishing until scientific research (9 produce) evidence to show that it (10 be) definitely

harmful. 'I suppose,' commented the Greenpeace spokesman, 'that when the research (11 be)finished all the marine mammals and sea birds (12 vanish).'

The Mercian insurgents have announced that they (13 capture) Revod, the country's main port,from the government forces. Their leader General Mot told journalists that they (14 launch) anew offensive last Friday and (15 take) the town early on Sunday morning. The government,he said, (16 boast) that they (17 never|give up) Revod. 'But,' he continued in his excellentEnglish, 'they (18 have). So you (19 can) see now, if you (20 fail) to do so in the past, thatthey (21 make) only idle boasts and that their final defeat (22 be) certain.' General Motdeclared a month ago that the capture of Revod (23 be) a great propaganda coup for theinsurgents, and he was right.

At a recent symposium on renewable energy sources. Professor Warner was asked if windpower (24 can) compete commercially with conventional sources such as coal and oil. Hisreply was that if it (25 receive) comparative financial investment it (26 now | be) just ascompetitive. But, he said, the Government (27 so far/ invest) in wind power sums which (28be) quite ludicrous in comparison with its investments in coal and oil and, above all, innuclear power, which (29 be) shown to be the most expensive energy source of all. He said,too, that research into wave power (30 not only | be) grossly underfunded in the past butactually suppressed. 'Did32 you know,' he asked, 'that this country (31 be) at one time at theforefront of research in this field, but that the fruits of this work (32 since | be) reaped by othercountries? And that this (33 happen) because nuclear power (34 be) the altar upon which theDepartment of Energy (35 sacrifice) our future welfare?'

Lord Justice Cleaver, in pronouncing judgement at the Court of Appeal, said that Mrs Rudge,who (36 be) wrongfully accused of shop-lifting five years before, (37 since |live) with theterrible burden of having to clear her name. But, he now reminded the Court, Superstore'slegal counsel (38 say) that the company (39 no longer | insist) that there (40 be) some truth inits allegations against Mrs Rudge. 'Counsel makes it quite clear,' he went on, 'that Superstore(41 admit) that a very serious error (42 be) made.' The Judge stressed that the increase in thelibel award to L15,000 (43 be) not to be taken as setting a standard for such awards, which (44normally | be) left to the decision of juries. 'But in this case Mrs Rudge (45 be) entitled togreater damages than those the jury (46 award) her last year in the High Court.' After theAppeal Court hearing, Mrs Rudge said she (47 believe) in British justice again. 'It (48 not|be)

the money that (49 really|matter), but the fact that I (50 have) a public apology fromSuperstore.' She recalled how she (51 be) arrested by a store detective, searched, and lockedin a cell for several hours. When the case (52 come) to trial in 1987 no evidence (53 be)offered and she (54 be) acquitted. 'But I (55 live) under a cloud of suspicion until this veryday.'

Exercise 2

Report the following direct speech. If you can, make only one sentence for each number byusing links, including adding that  Suitable substitutes or additions to the verbs alreadygiven (said, asked etc.) in some of the sentences would be suggested, admitted, pointed out,

explained, was sure (all used, like said, with that), and wondered (used like ask). 1  'Are you doing anything this evening?' I asked Willie one day. 'Would

you like to go to a disco?'

32 The use of the past tense here is idiomatic; in meaning and in its influence as a reporting verb upon thefollowing tenses it is the equivalent of 'Do you know . . .?'

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2  'You may not believe this,' he replied, 'but I've never been to a discoin my life, as I'm afraid I just wouldn't be able to stand the noise.'

3  'It's clearly high time you went to one,' I told him. 'I'd take you whereyou'd be surprised at the gentle, civilised atmosphere.'

4  'Sounds idylhc,' said Willie, 'but if I go out this evening who's to do all

this work? It's got to be done by tomorrow morning.'5  'Who are you doing it for?' I asked. 'Can't it wait? I had a lot of work 

myself the other day, but I didn't let it spoil my evening, I can tell you.'6  'If my work spoilt my evenings,' retorted Willie, 'I wouldn't be an

architect. I often have to work in the evenings. Some of my clients don'tlike to be kept waiting, you know.'

7  'But I bet your clients take time off,' I said. 'If you did the same how doyou know you wouldn't find a new one? Some very moneyed people gowhere I propose taking you.'

8  'Sounds to me more like a night club than a disco. The only one of thoseplaces I ever went to was called the Upper Crust.* 33 I was asked to advise

on some architectural improvements.'9  'That's the very place I'm talking about!' I cried. 'So now you can come

and see how your ideas have worked out in practice, can't you?Combine business with pleasure. A perfect evening for you.' (Begin:  I 

was delighted to tell him ...) 10 'I'm afraid not,' said Willie. 'They didn't like my idea of making it look like a loaf of 

bread. Someone else got the contract. So you see it really would be wiser for me tostay in and work this evening.'

Exercise 3

Convert the following dialogue into a paragraph of reported speech, containing 10-15sentences. Suitable reporting verbs, all used with that, include indicated, warned,

emphasised, assured, considered, ventured to suggest. 

She (having just finished playing a piece on the piano): That was a Chopin Prelude. Difficultbut rewarding.

He: Marvellous! I can never hope to play like that. But it inspires me to go on learning. Doyou know a good teacher around here who'd give me lessons?

She: Well, suppose I offered to teach you. What would you say?He: Oh, if only you would! I'd rather you taught me than anyone else.She: I'll teach you only if you attend my lessons regularly and practise hard.

He: Yes, of course. You have such a good reputation as a teacher. But I didn't ask youbecause I didn't think you'd have time.

She: Remember, I never teach anyone who's not prepared to practise hard, no matter whoor what they are.

He: Don't worry. I'll practise as if it were a matter of life and death. And I won't cut yourlessons.

She: Good. It's time we started the first lesson, then. Come over to the piano. (Begin: Expressing her satisfaction, she ...)

He: Er - well - er - I'd have liked to start now but I'm afraid I can't. I've got someimportant business to attend to. Also, hadn't we better settle the price first? It wouldbe unbusinesslike if we didn't.

She: Hmm! If you don't mind my saying so I think you're in danger of starting off on thewrong note. Business may come before pleasure, but with me it doesn't come before

33 The literal meaning of crust is the outside of a loaf of bread; the upper crust is used figuratively to mean theprivileged or 'superior' section of society.

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music. You'll have to share that opinion with me if I'm to invite you to the pianoagain.

12B Possible changes in auxiliary verbs

will, shall, should could, might 

must, need not  

Introductory note: In the Examples that follow, the auxiliary verbs that change are in italics;

those that do not change are underlined; those that may and often do change if the speaker orwriter so wishes are in underlined italics. 



1  'What’ll you do,' I asked Helen, 'if Ken's too late to drive you to theairport?'

→  I asked Helen what she'd do if Ken wastoo late to drive her to the airport.

2  'Sheila,' said Helen, 'what shall I do if your friend Ken is late?'

Helen asked Sheila what sheshould/was to do if her friend Ken waslate.

3  'After all,' I said to Sheila, 'hemight/could have trouble with his car.'

I reminded Sheila that he might/couldhave trouble with his car.

4  'Ken should/ought to be here in goodtime,' replied Sheila. 'He's seldom late.'

Sheila replied that Ken should/ought tobe there in good time, as he was seldomlate.

5  'You must have strange ideas aboutKen to think that,' said Helen.

Helen told Sheila (that) she must havestrange ideas about Ken to think that.

6  'You mustn't think Ken's always late,' Iwhispered to Helen.

I whispered to Helen that she mustn'tthink Ken was always late.

7  'I must  catch that plane,' said • Helen,'whatever happens.'

Helen said (that) she had to catch theplane whatever happened.

8  'So if Ken's late,' she went on, 'I must 

order a taxi.'She went on to say that if Ken was lateshe would have to order a taxi.

9  'You must tell me first,' said Sheila. Sheila told Helen (that) she had to/was

to tell her first.

10  'Helen mustn't  order a taxi withouttelling me first,' she repeated to me.

She repeated to me that Helen wasn't to

order a taxi without telling her first.

11  'Helen needn't worry,' she added. 'Ken

won't be late.'

She added that Helen didn't need 

to/have to worry, as Ken wouldn't belate.

12  'You needn't  worry if Ken's late,' Iwhispered to Helen, 'because I can takeyou to the airport.'

I whispered to Helen that she wouldn't 

need to /have to worry if Ken was latebecause I could take her to the airport.

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13  'I didn't need to go back to my officeafter lunch, so I and my car are now atyour disposal,' I said.

I told her (that) I hadn't needed to goback to my office after lunch, so that Iand my car were now at her disposal.

14 'Well, 'thought Helen, 'I needn't haveworried after all.'

Helen then realised (that) she needn'thave worried after all.

15 1 couldn't tell you before,' I said. I told her (that) I hadn't been able to tellher before.

16 'You see, I didn't know whether I couldtake you or not.'

I pointed out that I hadn't knownwhether I could take her or not.


a As already noted in 12Ac, the future will/shall, which is commonly contracted to 'II 

(1), changes to the conditional would/should, which is commonly contracted to 'd. 

b  But in questions asking for instructions or advice (2) and not just for information (1),uncontracted shall is used (IBr), which changes to uncontracted should  or, lesscommonly, was/were to. This difference in usage allows us to distinguish between themeanings of sentences that are otherwise identical. Compare Example 2 with thefollowing:

Helen asked Sheila what she'd do if her friend Ken was late (= 'Sheila,' said Helen,'what'll you do if your friend Ken is late?').

c Might (11 Aa, e) does not change (3). Could or could not does not change when it is usedfor possibility (3) or impossibility (llAe—g).

d Should and ought to do not change (4) whether they are used for expectation (HCa) or

duty and advisability (llEa).

e Must used for conclusions (HCd) does not change (5).

f  Must (not) used weakly with the meaning of  should (not) to express advisability (6)rather than obligation does not change.

g    Must (not) aad need not, used respectively for obligation (llDa) and absence of obligation (HDg), do not always change but very often do so, especially when what isreported is all in the past, or 'history'. These possible changes are given in Examples7—12, where we may suppose that the conversation was reported when Helen hadcaught her plane, whereas 'Helen said she must catch her plane' is likely to carry the

idea that she has not yet caught it.h Since must  has no tenses (UDdj, it is its approximate equivalents have to and will

have to that, throughbackshift (12Ab), can provide the changes in reported speech(7,8).  Must  expressing a command (9) has the additional equivalent of  is (etc) to

(UDe), which in the negative is a substitute for mustn't  (10). Negatives include, of course, such words as no one or never: 

No one must order a taxi.She said no one was to (not had to) order a taxi.

 j Similarly, need not (1 lDg) may be the equivalent of does not need to/have to or will not 

need to/have to, which provide the basis for the changes in reported speech (11, 12).

k Whereas did riot need to changes to had not needed to (13), need not have does not change(14). (If you have forgotten the difference in use and meaning between these two pastforms of need not, see llDh.)

1  Could (not) often changes when it is the equivalent of the PAST tense meaning was (not)

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able to (15), but could (not) does not change when it expresses NON-FACT and is theequivalent of the conditional would (not) be able to (16) or of was/were (not) able to

(see llAd):'If I couldn't (= wasn't/weren't able to) take you to the airport I wouldn't tell you

I could (= was)'→ He told her that if he couldn't take her to the airport he

wouldn't tell her he could.

m Similarly, could (not) used for permission or prohibition does not change when it meanswould (not) be allowed to (HAa) but may change when it means was (not) allowed to

(HAb, c):

'At my school we couldn't keep pets'→ He said that at his school they hadn't beenallowed to keep pets.


Report the following, using if you can only one sentence for each number. Verbs such asinsist, inform and explain can be used both as reporting verbs and for direct speech as shown.

Others, such as continue, answer and lie cannot, and you will need to find alternative verbsor phrases.

1  It's sad but we'll have to get rid of Molly if she doesn't mend her ways,' said HarryMcArthur. 'After all, we can't afford to be too soft-hearted about our typists andsecretaries if we're to have an efficient firm.'

2  1 must,' he continued, 'have told her at least three times about using the office phones.She should listen when I tell her things. She must never call America without mypermission.'

3  'I think she may have done it again,' said Georgina. 'What shall I tell her if she has?'4  'You needn't tell her anything,' answered Harry, 'because I'll deal with the matter

myself.'5  'I couldn't ask Mr McArthur about the phone,' said Molly, 'because he'd gone out to

lunch. So I thought I could use my own discretion in the matter.'6  'She must be very stupid to say things like that,' said Georgina. 'Shall I tell her she's

got the sack?'7  'No one must tell her anything,' insisted Harry. 'Only that she must come and see me.

It looks very much as if she'll have to be told her services are no longer required.'8  'According to regulations,' he went on, 'she must have a minimum of two weeks'

notice or salary in lieu. She's quite a nice kid, so I'll be as generous as I can.'9  'Although I'm afraid you must go,' he informed her, 'you needn't worry too much

because I'll give you a good reference and three weeks' pay.'

10  'Could I have the reference now?' asked Molly. 'Then I could start looking for another job at once.'

11  'Perhaps your father could help you find a job,' I said when I heard of herpredicament. 'You should pay him a visit.' 'I might do just that,' she replied, 'althoughit would cost a lot.'

12  'I didn't need to pay the whole fare when I booked the flight,' she told me later, 'so Ineedn't have worried so much about money. But I couldn't get through to my fatherlast night to tell him of my plans. Could you possibly phone him from your office forme?'

13  'She couldn't have arranged to come at a worse time,' complained her father on thephone. 'I can't possibly meet her at the airport on Friday. I'll have just come back from Canada and there'll be several business matters I must see to before theweekend.'

14  'It's the only cheap flight Molly could get on,' I explained. 'She tried to contact youbut couldn't. So what shall I tell her to do?'

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15  'You shouldn't spoil the girl,' he retorted. 'She ought to be capable of coming to seeme without all this help from strangers. What's she coming for, anyway?'

16  'I haven't the least idea,' I lied. 'But isn't it just possible that your daughter might wishto see you again after a gap of several years?'

12C Suggestions, requests and commands

Introductory note: So far in this section, requests have been limited to the use of theimperative or must (not), and to their reporting with told or said  followed by the infinitive,was/were (not) to or had to (12Ab, Bg). However, there are other ways of getting people to door not to do things and of reporting them, varying from the gentle ask or suggest to the sternorder  or warn, and the more useful of these are given in the Examples and Explanationbelow. The words in italics in the Examples are those whose general sense and meaningcorrespond in direct and reported speech. 



1 'Could you,' said Sheila to a > Sheila asked a passing driver apassing driver, 'give me a lift to give her a lift into town, asinto town? My car has her car had broken down,broken down.'2 'Hop in,' said the driver. --- -» The driver told her to hop in. 3 ' What about stopping for a ---- > After a few moments, thecoffee?' said the man after a man suggested stopping/thatfew moments. they should stop for a coffee.4 'I very much hope,'said -----> Sheila urged the man to driveSheila, 'that you'll drive straight on so she could keepstraight on so I can keep an an important appointment,

important appointment.'5 But the man stopped the car.-- > Having nevertheless stopped'If I were you,' he said, 'I'd  the car, the man advised  hand over that bag of yours Sheila to hand over her bagwithout a struggle.' without a struggle.6 However, it was the man who > However, it was the man whowas soon struggling.'For  was soon struggling andGod's sake let me go!' he begging/imploring/entreating cried. 'You're breaking my Sheila to let him go, as shearm!' was breaking his arm.7 'Now,' snapped Sheila, 'you'll - > Sheila then ordered him todrive me first to a garage and drive her first to a garage andafterwards to my weekly afterwards to her weeklyappointment at the judo appointment at the judoschool.' school.

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8 "Whateveryou do,' she said,---- > She warned him not to 'don't try any more monkey try /against trying any morebusiness.' monkey business.Explanation 

a A more forcible alternative to ask (1) is request, but it is too formal to be included among the

above Examples:'Please be sure to be punctual at all my lectures,' she told  her students.----------- * She requested her students to be punctual.. . .

b A more forcible alternative to tell (2) is order (7), or sometimes command. Although order  ismore common in military and similar contexts, it may be suitable in other contexts, such as thisone. Instead of order. .. not we generally use forbid (17A): 'No talking!' ordered the headmaster ----- » The headmaster forbade them to talk.

c We have already met suggest (3) and its use with or without should in 1 lFa and, when we areless positive and talking only about possibilities, its use with might  in 12Ap. When oursuggestions are based upon a possibility of choice we may use recommend (17Db): 

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"Why not try the Greek restaurant further up the street?'She recommended (us to try/trying/that we should try) the Greek restaurant....Note that recommend, unlike suggest but like all the other verbs in thissection, may be used with an object + infinitive (17C).

d For more serious matters, which may involve telling people not to do things, we normally useadvise (5) instead of suggest or recommend (but see 17Db).

e When we ask urgently, in order to try and persuade someone to do or not to do something, weuse urge (4). If this is not strong enough, and we wish to convey anguish, pain or tears, we usebeg, implore or entreat (6). Plead with (followed by object + infinitive) is also possible, butmore in the context of a highly emotional situation of some duration.

f When someone tells at advises us not to do something wrong, imprudent or dangerous^ theappropriate introductory verb is warn (8). This verb is also used with that to give us notice of possible danger or inconvenience:'Take care,' he said, 'the roads will be icy.' ----> He warned (us) thatthe roads would be icy.

'The trouble is,' 'she said, "the supermarket closes in half an hour.'----------- ► She warned (us) that the supermarket closed in half an hour.Exercise 1Report the following direct speech using the introductory verbs shown in the Examples ormentioned in the Explanation.

1  'Let's send away for this electric kettle advertised in the paper as a specialoffer,' said my wife.

2 It was about three weeks later that I said: 'Will you plug it in while I getthe cups?'3  'You mustn't,' I said, 'fill it with the switch on, whatever you do.'4  'Stand back,' I cried, 'while I disconnect it!'5  'Don't ever touch that kettle again,' I said. 'It's live.'

6  'Don't you think,' said my wife, 'we should get a lawn-mower the nexttime there's a special offer?'

7  'If I were you,' said the girl from next door, who'd just come in, 'I'd getthe whole house rewired.'8  'I do hope you'll follow such an excellent piece of advice,' said my wife.

9  'Mind your own business!' I snapped, still tense after the affair of thekettle.

10 'Don't ever speak to me like that again,' she said, 'if you want any more

meals cooked.'11  'I'm sorry, dearest,' I said. 'Please, please forgive me.'12 'How about eating out this evening?' I then said, by way of a peace

offering.13 'Oh, yes!' said our neighbour. "Why not go to the new Chinese restaurant?

'I've heard it's excellent.'14 'Mind you,' she went on, 'you'll have to reserve a table.'15 'And you'd better put on a tie,' she said, eyeing me disapprovingly.16 'Yes,' said my wife, 'go upstairs and change into something decent.'17 'You're not to come out with me looking like that,' she said.18 'If I were you,' said our neighbour, 'I'd telephone the restaurant first.'

19 'Hurry up,' said my wife, 'whichever you do first.'20 I suddenly felt a great need for peace and quiet. 'Look,' I said, 'why don't

you two go out instead of me?'Exercise 2 Oral practice (general revision): Without using the book yourself, get someone to

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say the following to you and then report, as if to a third person, what you have heard,beginning She/He as shown below. Since the reporting is immediate, do not changethe reference to time such as this morning or to place, such as here (see 12Ae). Excuse me for being late this -- > She asked me to excuse her for morning; I was held up by the  being late this morning; she said  

traffic.  she was held up by the traffic. I'd have got here quicker if I'd   > She said she'A have got here come on a bicycle.  quicker if she'A come on a bicycle. I should leave early this evening if  > She advised me to leave early this I were you.  evening. 1 Where do you come from? Are you staying here long?2 Is this the first time you've been here?3 I've been living here for over a year and quite like the place.4 But I'd rather live in London. Wouldn't you?5 You must find this place rather dull compared with your home town.6 What can we do this evening if we decide to go out?

7 We could go to the cinema if there are any good films on.8 How about going to a concert? Do you like music?9 You needn't decide now; you can let me know later*

10 Shall I come round to your house or wait for you here? I1  Will you be ready if I call for you at six o'clock? 12 Don't forget to bring an umbrella, as it may rain.13 1 wish my car was in order, so I could have given you a lift.14 It's being repaired, and won't be ready until the end of the week.15 1 wish I knew more about cars than I do.16 I could save a lot of money if I was able to do the maintenance myself.17 I had to come here by bus this morning, as I'm without my car.18 Did you walk or drive to work this morning?19 You mustn't drive on the right here whatever you do.20 If you've been to Japan, you'll know that they drive on the left there too.21 Do you think I'd like your country if I visited it?22 Tell me the things I should make a point of seeing.23 I must try and save some money so that I can visit you.24 I must go now, as I have to correct some homework.25 You mustn't forget that you have some homework to do for tomorrow.13 The passive13A Subject formation from the active voice

Introductory note: You should already be fairly well acquainted with the English passiveverb and should know how to form it from the corresponding active tenses, and this formation isnot discussed here, although passive tenses are well illustrated in the Examples below (for thepassive infinitive and gerund, see 10A, B). What is discussed is the formation of the passivesentence as a whole and in particular the relationship between its grammatical subject and thegrammatical object or objects in the active voice. An understanding of this relationship is thebest way of knowing when and how to use the passive, since there is a connection betweengrammatical subjects and the subjects we like to talk or write about. The grouping of Examplesand Explanations is as follows:Formation from a single object Formation from two objects Formation of the auxiliary

passive Non-formation of the passive from two objects 

Formation from a single object

ExamplesACTIVE  PASSIVE 1 They arrested Peter  two —> Peter was arrested two a 

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a o. a o.2 The Mercian ress has —> He has been declared a a cdeclared him to be a s . b the Mercian ress.3 The authorities had clearl —>  It  had clearl * been a bdecided to make an exam le b the authorities to makeo him. an exam le of him.

4 The 've announced that —> It has been announced a b '  '5 The 're not com l in —> The law is not bein a, d the law. com lied with.* For the position of adverbs in the passive, see 2Bf. Explanation

a The subject of a passive sentence can be formed from the single object of almost anyverb (1-5). The important exceptions are have and get in most of their meanings: They have (= are holding) a lot of people in jail.  NO PASSIVE The prisoners never get (= receive) our letters.  NO PASSIVE But: We all had (= experienced) a --> A good time was had by (us) 

good time.  all. Can they get (= make) the --► Can the room be got ready in room ready in time ?  time ? (See also t below.) 

b The single object may be not only a noun or a pronoun (1, 2); it may be an infinitivephrase or a that clause (3,4), which can become the subject of a passive sentence bythe use of introductory it  (8Ap). As already pointed out in lOAc, it is rare for aninfinitive itself to stand first in a sentence as subject, and the same is true of a that 

clause. c The single object may have a complement (2).* Although this may be a noun (a spy),

you can see that it is not another object because (i) it can be linked to him by to be and

(ii) it can be replaced by an adjective: 'The Mercian press has declared him insane.' Itcannot therefore become the subject of a corresponding passive. The same is true of all complements, which you should be able to recognise even if (i) and (ii) do notapply: They crowned him king. ----► He was crowned king (not The king was crowned). 

d The object (compare p below) of a verb used with a preposition (a prepositional verb)can usually become the subject in the passive (5). Exceptions occur with prepositionalverbs of movement: People very rarely enter/go--------> These rooms are very rarely into these rooms.  entered (not gone into). 

Amundsen reached/arrived at ---► The South Pole was reached  the South Pole on 14th (not arrived at) by December 1911.  Amundsen on 14th December 1911. When movement is not expressed, that is to say when these are phrasal verbs (16Ab)

and do not have their literal meaning, they can be used in the passive:  The matter has been gone into very thoroughly. No conclusion has yet been arrived at. * Complements can be defined as nouns or adjectives that complete the way a verb is used(that is to say, the verb pattern) without being that verb's object. In 'He is a spy', spy is a

complement, not an object, and of course this sentence has no corresponding passive.With regard to adverbial phrasal verbs (16Aa), those which take an object can as a generalrule be used in the passive:The police beat Peter up.-------- ► Peter was beaten up (by the police). (Compare 8Ad.)

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12 And they'lfcarefully ----> And he'W have the photos he p examine the photos he took,  took, including that one of  including that one of you.  you, carefully examined. Explanation 

1 With two-object verbs of the first or second group (see g, h, j above) there is a third

way of forming a passive, namely by the use of  have (8, 9). You will see that,although this is externally similar to causal have (lODc), it is being used in a passive,not an active (causal), sense. Compare these two sentences: Sheila has had her car repaired.  CAUSATION Sheila has had her car stolen.  AUXILIARY PASSIVE In the first, the subject Sheila is in an active (causal) role; in the second; she is in apassive role. Equivalent sentences could therefore be: Someone has repaired Sheila's car for her.Someone has stolen Sheila's car (not for her!).Sentences using have can be passive or active in sense according to context. Thus 'He had hishead shaved' can refer to a man in a passive role subjected to the indignities of prison life or to a

free man actively following the latest fashion.m Although the auxiliary passive is quite often used with verbs like give (8) and refuse (9), with

them it is no more than an alternative to the passive formed on object B (see f—j above), whichhas the advantage of being shorter than the auxiliary passive. With many verbs, however, suchas explain (10), there is no object B without a preposition, and therefore no corresponding Bpassive with persons as subject (not 'They never explainprisoners a citizen's rights-- * Prisoners are never explained a citizen'srights'). Consequently with these verbs the auxiliary passive is very useful, since in everydaycommunication we tend to make persons and not things our subject, both in a social and agrammatical sense.

n Note the difference between (10) the PREPOSITIONAL OBJECT (to prisoners) of a verb such asexplain and (5) the OBJECT (law) of a prepositional verb such as comply with. The first isdependent upon a verb with an object that can •become the subject of a (non-auxiliary) passive:

A citizen's legal rights are never explained to prisoners. The second, as we have seen, is anobject that can itself become the subject of a passive ('The law is not being complied with').

p In addition to a prepositional object (10), the word in the active that provides the subject of anauxiliary passive may be (11) a possessive (Peter's) or (12) a noun or a pronoun (he) in a relativeclause (8). Notice that the word, whichever it is, occurs twice in the passive in one form oranother:to prisoners --------- > Prisoners ... to them (10)Peter's ---- >■ Peter... his (11)

he ---- ► he.. . he (12)Non-formation of the passive from two objectsExamples

ACTIVE PASSIVE 13A Many people wish Peter luck. (none)B Many people wish Peter luck. (none)•14A His fearless stand has won > A lot of sympathy has been(for) him a lot of sympathy. won for him by his fearlessstand.B His fearless stand has won (none)(for) him a lot of sympathy.

15A Freeing Peter now would (none) s, tsave the authorities a lot of trouble. B Freeing Peter now would - > The authorities would besave the authorities a lot of saved a lot of trouble bytrouble. freeing Peter now.

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Explanationq Passives cannot be formed from either object of all double-object verbs. A list of the more

important of these exceptions appears under 17Eiii. It includes verbs like wish (13), labelled qon the list, neither object of which can normally become the subject of a passive, although B

objects can on

occasion: 'They wished us a pleasant journey ► We were wished a pleasant journey.'

r There are also verbs like win (14), labelled r in 17Eiii, where object A but not object B canbecome the subject of a passive. This requires the use of the preposition  for, optional in theactive.

s Thirdly, there are a few verbs like save (15), labelled s in 17Eiii, where the passive can beformed from object B but not from object A.t Note that it is possible (see a above) to form passives from the singleobjects of these verbs:Freeing Peter now would --------> A lot of trouble would besave a lot of trouble. saved by freeing Peter now.

An exception on list 17Eiii is cost (unless it means estimate the price). Thus'It cost a fortune' has no passive.Exercise tX '*^ <**«Transform the following into iffassives in which the grammatical subjects are "^formed from the words in4UuiLs. Where clauses are to become the subject-(see ) =^-afeeveJ, only that, and not the whole clause, is italicised. / 

1 I hadn't been with my firm for more than four months when they taughtme the elements of marketing and made me a sales representative.

2 They recently increased my salary by thirty per cent. The trouble is that atthe same time they reduced my expense allowance by nearly half.

3 Denis says his firm has offered him a job in Singapore, but that he won'ttake it because someone else has promised him a much better job in Japan.

4 Someone has lent me a book on computers and I now understand roughlyhow they work. No one had ever explained them to me before.5 Last year they overtaxed me and now owe me quite a lot of money. I think 

that until they refund it to me they should pay me interest on it, don'tyou?

6 They should do away with income tax altogether. If necessary, they couldput up value added tax by way of compensation. But unfortunately youcan always rely on this Government not to do the right thing.

^  y  f  7 From the way people are speaking about this Government, one might think  that they will not

vote it back into power at the next election. However, the proverb 'Better the devil you knowthan the devil you don't' will probably decide the result in the Government's favour.8 Over the years people have set up various small, friendly shops in this

town, but they seldom survive long because the supermarkets force their 

prices down and drive them out of business. People have suggested that 

shop owners should combine in an advertising campaign, but this wouldprobably lead to the supermarkets beating them yet again, this time in apropaganda war.

9 Have people ever stolen  your  washing when you've hung it out to dry?They have mine. In fact they've been stealing mine a bit at a time for thepast month. '

10 A couple of weeks ago they confiscated Peter's passport. They won'treturn it to him now he's been arrested.

11 The latest news is that they've charged him with conspiracy, refusedhim bail, and jailed him. They may forbid  you any contact with him before

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the trial.12 During the war they used to open our  letters and censor them. They told

us, of course, that the censors would never disclose or discuss our  personalaffairs.

-' 13 Publishers were always rejecting the pieces / wrote, but now I am glad to say they are

beginning to accept them. (Use two auxiliary passives, beginning /....)14 1 thought they refused children admission to horror films, but the other day they allowed my

twelve-year-old niece in to see that shocker at the Plaza.----15 Brenda Pearl's father left her a considerable sum of money but craftylawyers took quite a lot of it off her. 

16 They've endorsed Ken's driving licence again, I'm afraid. The next timethey catch him for speeding they'll probably disqualify him from drivingfor a year.

17 My car broke down yesterday and they had to tow it  to a local garage forrepair. They'll charge me for the repair, of course, but not for the tow, asmy membership of the Automobile Club covers me for that.

'f 18 Someone once# showed me the way to the railway station, but I have nowforgotten it, which is a pity, because people frequently ask  me it. 19 People used to drum into

me as a child that those were the best days of my life. (Begin /... and follow with introductoryit.) They told me wrong.20 They awarded the Nobel Peace Prize to Martin Luther King in 1964. In 1968 

someone assassinated him. \2h Someone once taught me a Finnish song withouttelling me what it really meant. In fact they played a nasty trick on me, because when I sang it in 

Finland everyone blushed. 22 They've known for sometime that  if you feedpenicillin to the young of  domestic animals you significantly increase their growth rate. 13B Passive constructions with the infinitiveExamplesACTIVE PASSIVE 

1 They say (that) the country'sM > The country is said to be on a, b

on the verge of civil war.  the verge of civil war.2 People thought at first (that)—^-> The President was at first

the President had been  thought to have been

murdered.  murdered. a, b 3 One can't see a soul in the -> There's not a soul to be seen c 

streets.  in the streets. 

Explanation a Instead of an active construction with say, thought etc. where they (1) or  people (2)refer to no one in particular, we sometimes use a more formal passive constructionwith the full infinitive (see 17Be). In these constructions the infinitive itself may (2)or may not be (1) in the passive. 

b Note (2) that the perfect infinitive {to have been murdered) is used only when we wishto refer to time before that of the introductory verb {thought). This time differenceshows in the active as a tense difference (see lOAg). 

c There is also a particular type of construction (3), using is/was etc. to correspond withcan/could in the active (see lODd), where the passive infinitive is always used. Exercise 1  . 

Complete the sentence introduced i» italics so that it has the same meaning as ^ thefirst sentence, as-shown in the Examples. (T/People have known Willie stay up working in his office all night./ Willie ... (%)They say Willie's father was a chronic work addict too. /Willie's father ... (^^Unfortunately we can't find his secretary anywhere. /Unfortunately his  

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examination questions.) It is introduced by certain lead words, which are classified and dealtwith in 14A. Section 14B dais' with some of the lead words that introduce established sentencepatterns (No sooner ... than etc.).

The Examples in 14A below are a well-meaning attempt at parodying the style of ArthurConan Doyle's tales of a hundred years ago. Inversion at the concentration shown is neither

normal nor recommended! But this is not to say that subject-verb inversion does not occurquite frequently in modern English, such as that used in the Exercise.14A Types of lead wordExamplesSTANDARD FORM 1 My friend Sherlock Holmes

(the famous detective) hasnever  been so intrepid as hewas in the case of the GreenFace.

2 His powers of deduction have

never been better used either. 3 I well remember the night we

lay in wait for the GreenFace.

INVERTED FORM  Never has my friend Sherlock Holmes (the* famousdetective) been so intrepid ashe was in the case of theGreen Face.

 Nor/Neither have his powersof deduction ever been betterused.Well do I remember the nightwe lay in wait for the GreenFace.4 I have had reason to be

grateful for my umbrellamany times, and so it wasthen.

5 For we had hardly hidden

ourselves among the busheswhen it began to rain.6 I have seldom known the

hours pass so slowly.7 It was only when a cold grey

dawn had begun to break inthe east that the fearfulspectre appeared.

8 I was so terrified/My terrorwas such that I tried to hideunder my umbrella.

9 Silently and mysteriously,and only a few yards away, aface of the most horribleappearance and ghastlycolour imaginable came into

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■ Were you to see the Green m Face, would you know what to do?- Had I known it was only a n balloon I would of course have used my umbrella.

Explanation LEAD WORDS, TYPE i (Examples 1-8):

a negative adverbials like never (1)*, nor or neither (2), not since (last March etc.), not for (ten years

etc.j, on no account and not only or no sooner (see 14Ba); b near-negative (= restrictive) adverbs such as scarcely or hardly (5), rarely or seldom (6), or only

when used with other words to complete a phrase like only by working hard or to introduce aclause (when ... break) as in Example7;

c so or such (8) used with fAat to express result (3Ac,d), and so meaning too as in 'So do I(= I dotoo)';

d a small number of adjectives and adverbs like well (3), many (4) and little fl4Ba), restricted tocertain expressions.

e After this type of lead word, inversion i always occurs; ii is of the same form as it is inquestions, involving only the verb to be 

and the auxiliaries do, have etc.; iii occurs in all tenses; iv involves both nouns (1, 2, 4, 7)and pronouns (3, 5, 6, 8).LEAD WORDS, TYPE II (Examples 9-12):f adverbs indicating position or movement like here (10), up (11); g phrases indicating position or movement like at our feet (12);

h the word there, which, as well as being used in the familiar then is/are, can combine with a fewverbs of position and movement in expressions like there stands a monument on a hill, there

came into view (9), but which unlike the adverb there is not stressed (compare 'there came intoview' with 'and there he goes' in Example 10);

 j one or two words, expressing noise like bang or pop (11), used generally with the verb go. k After this type of lead word, inversioni does not always occur (up sprang Holmes or up Holmes sprang); ii involves the main verb,which usually corresponds in meaning to the lead word, that is to say is a verb of position (12)or movement (9-11); iii normally occurs only in the simple present, past and future tenses; ivinvolves (see Example 10) nouns like/be but not pronouns like he (not 'and there goes he').* Note that  never is a lead word is used in an emphatic, total sense. As a non-emphatic

substitute for not in a sentence like 'We expected to see Willie at the party but he never

came' it could not be used as a lead word. There is an exception to the last rule when there or here is used with the verb to be: Here am I, slaving away, while there are you doing nothing!LEAD WORDS, TYPE in (Examples 13—15):

1 should (13), which, as we have seen (lDb), may be used in certain conditional sentences, can actas a lead word, eliminating if; m the subjunctive were (14), which may occur in certain conditional sentences (lDb), can act as a

lead word, eliminating if; n the auxiliary had (15), which occurs in certain conditional sentences (IDe), can act as a lead

word, eliminating if. ExerciseRewrite as many as possible of the following sentences using subject-verb inversion based uponthe lead words they may contain or (see Examples 2, 9, 13, 14) that may be added. Leave anysentences that you do not think can be rewritten in this way as they are.

1 The starter's gun went bang and the runners went off at a good pace.

2 They'd scarcely covered the first lap when the leading runner, RogerBaines by name, slipped and fell.

3 A runner called Plunger was behind him at the time.4 Although he tried hard, Roger Baines never made up the distance he had


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5 At the start of the last lap he was last; our friend.Ken was second from last.6 The time had come for Ken to make one of his famous sprints, so there we

were, cheering our heads off!7 The rest of the spectators sat around the track, silent but expectant.8 We had hardly started cheering when Ken responded: he shot forward,

like a bolt from the blue!9 I well remember Plunger's look when Ken passed him ten metres from the_^ tape!(lO il've rarely seen anyone judge his final sprint so well.,11 The thieves had hardly got round the corner when the engine of their car ^stalled.12/They jumped out and ran off up the street.

13 Just at that moment a couple of police cars drove up.14 Windows flew open all along the street and a lot of heads popped out to

watch the chase.15 A church stands at the top of the street; one of the fugitives darted into it.

 \ 1 j> '^Nothinfl like this haH ever happened in our street before.

(l7^tfl hadn't seen it with my own eyes I wouldn't have believed it.18 The Blenkinsops' thirtieth wedding anniversary was being celebrated at

Blenkinsop Hall, tady Blenkinsop sat at the head of the taj}le, Sir James at the foot. 20 'Ihaven't eaten a dinner as good as this since my wedding day,' said Sir

James to himself. In replying to the guests' toast, hesaid: 'A man begins truly to appreciate .--.the qualities of a wife like mine only after thirty years of marriage.' f22  Jjf I had anotherchance,' he said, eyeing his wife, 'I'd choose the same( 23 ) The said woman wa^scMjvjaxojne_with emotion that two large tears rolled v—'down hercheeks. ~~^^ 

24 A loud guffaw came from the middle of the table. 'There goes my son,'thought Sir James. 'Disorderly and disrespectful as usual. He mustn't beallowed to make a speech on any account!'

25 A vision of his son Toby in twenty years' time, idle and useless, presidingover the death of the Blenkinsop family, suddenly appeared before SirJames's eyes.

f26 j'The social pressures to make one smoke are so strong that few can resist27 'I've been made tragically aware of this fact many times.' \28)l was so amazed by what I'dheard that I stood there speechless.

29 I hadn't heard such nonsense for a long time.30 If you ever hear anyone say the same sort of thing, don't believe them for a


'I shall never, never trust a man again!' cried Helen. )'One can have peace in this life only by_ avoiding them altogether,' shed33^ 'A truer word has seldom_been spoken,' I said. 'But who wants peace?'14B Established sentence patterns

 Not only... but   No sooner... than  Little ... think/know/realise etc.Examples1  As soon as I was in the shower -- ► No sooner was I in the showersomeone must have entered my than someone must have

hotel bedroom. entered my hotel bedroom.2 I had no idea, as I dried myself,-- * Little did I know, as I driedwhat a shock was in store for myself, what a shock was inme. store for me.3 All my money had disappeared, ► Not only had all my money



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Sheila's noted (25) her success (26) young children. She cares (27) them as individuals, not asplaythings. They don't have to conform (28) some preconceived notion of what a child shouldbe. Sheila devotes a lot of her own time (29) the children at her school, especially (29) thosedeprived (30) parental affection.I'm usually in complete sympathy (1) Sir James's views, but you can't expect me to feel

sympathetic (2) him when he speaks (3) wishing to lead his party (4) an alliance with theDemocrats.I don't approve (5) his son's recent activities either. Do you know that Toby Blenkinsop'sdebts now amount (6) over twenty thousand pounds? I'm sorry I consented (7) his using myname in a job application.When I come home from the office I change (8) casual clothes. I then feel free (9) the restraints of my working life. My mood, in fact, changes (10) the clothes I wear.Ken's competing (11) sortie of our best local runners (12) the Athletic Club Trophy. I'vewarned him (13) the dangers involved (14) competing (15) this event, as some of the runnerswill resort (16) all sorts of dirty tricks in order to win. In particular I've warned him (17) afellow called Plunger who specialises (18) jabbing his opponents with his spiked shoes. I carry

a scar that resulted (19) that fellow's attentions.Zena says that if one is patient (20) alligators and doesn't interfere (21) them or their habitsthey behave very well. She says they're very sensitive (22) changes (23) the environment. Ishould have thought that Zena's alligator would find her flat a great change (24) the swamps of Florida.Willie is an architect. At present he's working (25) a town development scheme. He worksvery hard (26) his job and seems to find great pleasure (27) puzzling (28) the problems of hisprofession. Sometimes he's so occupied" (29) his work that he's scarcely conscious (30) thepassage of time.10Willie beat Ken (1) tennis the other day. Ken is now determined to have his revenge (2) Willie(3) his defeat, and says he will show no mercy (4) Willie in their next match. Willie, for his part,says he will have no mercy (5) Ken either. He says a good racket is essential (6) victory, andhas fitted his (7) a special grip.As a public figure, a Member of Parliament is responsible not only (8) his constituents but (8)the public at large (9) his conduct. I am glad to say that SirJames is an MP who has never been concerned (10) any scandal at all.Robert has now decided (11) university and football in favour of the latter. He says he can'tshare his time or his enthusiasm for football (12) anything else. It's impossible to reason (13)him (14) the subject, as he has clearly made up his mind (15) it. Robert's father, who untilrecently was ignorant (16) his son's decision, seethed (17) anger when informed (18) it.

A few people may criticise modern domestic gadgetry, but most of us are highly satisfied (19) it.Things like a washing machine give relief (20) drudgery, so that we can attend more (21) ourown interests, while television and hi-fi can provide the intellectual stimulation that is oftenmissing (22) the daily round.Since it is important (23) many parents that their children should be provided (24) after theirown deaths, a large part of their time is spent (25) finding ways round the inheritance laws.They do not see why they should not invest (26) their children's future if they want to.The firm that supplies us (27) nuts and bolts say that they are having production difficulties andthat we must allow (28) considerable delays (29) delivery when we order. Is there anypossibility (30) our getting them anywhere else?16 Phrasal verbs

Introductory note: Phrasal verbs are a vital, expressive part of the language, particularly of the informal, everyday sort. A good knowledge of them goes a long way towards being a goodknowledge of English itself. Their grammar is dealt with in 16A. The Exercises in 16B givefurther practice in this grammar while aiming principally to extend your vocabulary of phrasalverbs and of their more formal synonyms (which are mainly Latin-derived). The study lists in

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17G will help you to this end.16A Type, meaning and word order

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with relative pronouns (8), both types of phrasal verb behave in the same way, that is, theyfollow the relative as a composite unit (see 8Ad): 'Any further tax increase is something(that/which) they won't put up with (not with which they won't put up).'

k Many phrasal verbs have Latin-derived synonyms like the verbs deliver, revive, introduce,

evade, tolerate shown in the Examples, and a good way of increasing your knowledge of English

is to learn the correspondencebetween the informal phrasal verb and its more formal or literary counterpart (see 16B). Note,however, that this correspondence can depend on the context. Thus in the Examples (4, 5)introduce is bring in, but to introduce person X to person Y is not to bring in X to Y.ExercisesRead or write out each of the following sentences twice, first with the NOUN OBJECT, then withthe PRONOUN OBJECT, thus:Has your secretary fixed up (the  —■—+ \  Has your secretary fixed up theinterview/it) yet? interview/fixed the interviewup yet?

2 Has your secretary fixed it up yet?

I take back (all the rude things I — * 1 I take back all the rude things Isaid/them all). said.2 I take them all back.I wish I could get out of (going to * 1 I wish I could get out of going tohis wedding/it). his wedding.2 I wish I could get out of it.1 As an actor Zena's father looked down on (ordinary mortals/them).2 He put on (a superior air/one) to impress people.3 But it didn't take in (people/them).4 You must admit he was a marvellous mimic; he could take off  (some of our

public figures/them) brilliantly.5 His wife gave up (her own career/it) for his sake.6 He got through (all her money/it all) in no time.7 She had put by (quite a tidy sum/it) for a rainy day.8 Why on earth did she put up with (the man/him)?9 She was afraid of letting down (her husband/him) at the peak of his career.

10 She turned down (all offers of help/them all).11 She laughed off (one outrageous episode after another/them all).12 I can't make out (why she did so/it).13 He never owned up to (treating her badly/it).

14 Well, he certainly didn't get away with (the way he behaved/it) in the end.15 Why are you always running down (the man/him) ?

16 You don't expect me to stick up for (the man/him), do you?17 1 think you make up (most of these stories/them);18 Zena will bear out (what I've said/it).19 She takes after (her father/him) in many ways.20 I gently pointed out (the fact/it) to her.21They want to do away with (the British monarchy/it).22They look on (the monarchy/it) as outdated.23They aim also to bring down (the Government/it).24They'd like to hold up (this Government's legislative programme/it).

25They hope to win over (all the workers/them all).26They say that if they won power they'd let off  (the workers/them) their

taxes.27They'd wipe out (all opposition/it all).28They'd take over (all the mass media/them all).

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29They'd try out (their new social system/it) on us.

10 They don't realise how long it takes to build up (a social system/one).11 You can't just think out  (a social system/one) overnight and expect it to

work in the morning.

12 People should think more than twice before setting about  (the task of reforming society/it).

13 But they mean to carry out (their so-called reforms/them).14 They've drawn up (a political manifesto/one).15 Their stated aim is to set up (a republic/one).16 They say they've worked out (how to do it/it).17 Now, they say, they're getting down to (the practical details/them).18 They threaten in the next election to put up (a candidate/one) in each

constituency.19 If they do that, we can't rule out  (the possibility of their winning a seat or

two in Parliament/it).

20 Well, well! I don't believe a word you say! But as Home Secretary I'dbetter look into (the matter/it).

16B Meaning and use of selected verbsExercisesFor each number in brackets replace the words in italics by one of the phrasal verbs given atthe top in each Exercise. The same verb can sometimes be used more than once in an Exercise,and sometimes there is a choice of verbs. Follow 16 Ac-j in the matter of word order,remembering that the phrasal verbs you are asked to use are both adverbial (16Aa) andprepositional (16Ab). In making these substitutions you will be changing what is on thewhole a formal vocabulary into a more informal one that is better suited to the general styleof the passages (see Introductory note). If you have much difficulty with the Exercises it isadvisable to spend time on study lists 17G, aided by a dictionary, and to return to theExercises later.1 VERBS WITH about, after, at, away 

brin about   set about   l at   die awa  come about   take a ter   et at   do awa with han about   drive at   oat   et awa with 'Robert has been saying that exams are unfair and should be (1) abolished. Hewon't (2) avoid severe criticism for a remark like that in his family. I don'tknow what's (3) caused this sudden change of attitude.''His attitude hasn't changed; he's never liked hard work. He (4) resembles his

mother in that respect.''How do we (5) take steps towards reforming him, then?''Charles was on his way home from school yesterday when a dog (6) attacked  him and took a piece out of his trousers.''He was no doubt (7) loitering in some backstreet.'"What are you (8) implying! That it was Charles's fault?''Not necessarily. But I know from experience that man-against-dog situationsusually (9) arise because the man interferes with the dog and not vice versa.'The conductor raised his baton and conversation (10) became fainter and then ceased; there wassilence in the concert hall.2 VERBS WITH down 

bring down get down to let sb. down run down cut down go down look down on tone down die down hand down put down turndown get sb. down lay down put sth. down to 

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Toby Blenkinsop often (1) strongly criticises the aristocracy and appears to (2) despise the titledpeople he knows. Sir James Blenkinsop, who cherishes the title which has been (3) transmitted 

from father to son for many generations, feels that Toby has (4) failed the family.'There's a general air of gloom in this firm that is beginning to (5) depress me.''It shouldn't. The management's directive (6) stipulates quite clearly what we

should do.''I don't see how we can possibly (7) reduce our overhead expenses.'"We can if we (8) work really hard at the task. I (9) attribute our past failure to lack of real determination.'The railwaymen's strike could have (10) caused  the Government to fall. The TransportMinister's remark that their revolt should have been (11) suppressed at once (12) was not wellreceived  [change passive to active], with the result that they (13) rejected  the last wage offer.However, now that the Minister has (14) moderated  his criticism of the railwaymen, theexcitement has (15) abated and agreement may soon be reached.3 VERBS WITH by, in, into 

ut b   dro in at   oin in  take sb.stand b   dro in on  kee in with  come into brin in  all in with  let sb. in or   o into call in at   et in with  ut in  look into call in ive in  run sb. in  run into I don't think you (1) really understood all she said. Amongst other things she said that

you should (2) report your presence at the flight desk by six-thirty. Why don't you (3) submit your insurance claim at once? Otherwise you may (4) involve

yourself in extra expense. I shouldn't (5)yield  to the child's entreaties if I were you. If the other children are

playing games, she should be made to (6)  participate. If you take a firm line with her,

I'll (7) support you. I try as a matter of principle to (8) remain on good terms with my relatives, and so

sometimes I find myself (9) agreeing to the maddest of plans. The other day, for instance,

I (10) happened to meet my cousin Georgina, and have now accepted an invitation to go

pot-holing with her. Our solicitor is (11) investigating the matter of our late grandfather's will. His affluent

life style had led us to think that we would (12) inherit a fortune, but it's now clear that

we were (13) deceived, because by the time he died he'd (14) incurred  debts [use

singular debt]. He should have been able to (15) manage easily on his income, and even

to (16) save some of it, because his investments alone (n)yielded more than L15,000 a

year. However, in his middle age he unfortunately (18) became friendly with a pretty

wild set who (19) had as their hobbies fast cars and fast women. My parents told methat one Sunday they were expecting him to (20) visit them but that on the way he got

{2l)arrested for speeding and had to (22) visit the police station instead. 

4 VERBSbreak off   g<* off   let sb. off   show off  brin o   ive o   make o   strike o  call o   ° °   ut o   take o  come o   lau h o   ut sb. o   tell o  cut sb. o   la o   see sb. o   wear o  all o  

Trade between the two countries has (1) decreased drastically, and several of our firms

have had to (2) dismiss workers temporarily. Now diplomatic relations have been (3)suspended and the proposed meeting between the two Foreign Ministers has been (4)

 postponed indefinitely, in other words (5) cancelled. Our Government had the chance of (6) achieving a diplomatic victory there, but now nothing it plans ever seems to (7)

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succeed. A stink bomb (8) exploded  in the lecture theatre and (9) emitted  a most foul odour. Whendiscovered, the culprit tried to (10) make light of the episode, clearly expecting to (11) escape

with just a warning, but I see his name has been (12) deleted from the faculty list, which serveshim right, because he has (13) deterred a lot of people from going to lectures.

'Why does young Charles always (I4)go away quickly at the sight of hisheadmaster?''Because Charles used to (15) mimic him. One day the headmaster heard himand (16) reprimanded him. He told Charles that if he wanted to (17) demonstrate how clever he was in front of the other boys he needed more practice.'Our tutor has (18) excused us our weekly seminar so that we can (19) bid farewell to Christine atthe airport. I'm afraid she'll feel terribly (20) isolated from her friends once the novelty of beingin a strange country (21) passes away. 5 VERBS WITH oncarry on get on for keep on press on come on goon look on/upon put (it) on 

get on have sb. on pass on take on 'Your father told me he was (1) approaching eighty.''He was (2) deceiving you! He's only sixty-eight. He sometimes likes to (3) feign an air of venerable old age.''He's lucky! I don't need to (4) pretend. I'm younger than he is, but I feel oldage (5) beginning, I can tell you! And unlike your father, I (6) regard old age asa tragedy!'The Board chairman said that the firm would not (7) engage any more staff but would (8) proceed 

rapidly with automation. He asked me to (9) convey the information to my department so thateveryone would know what was (10) happening. He then (11)  proceeded  to deal with thequestion of redundancy. He (12) continued talking about it until the end of the meeting.Willie is (13) progressing well with his Japanese. He's now able to (14) conduct an everydayconversation in it, and says that he'll (15)  persevere with it until he reaches examinationstandard.

back out   get out of    pass out   think out  

be sth. out   ive out   oint out   tr out  bear out   row out o   ut sb. out   wear sb. out  carr out   have it out   rule out   wi e out  cut out   iron out   stand out   work out  all out   make out   stick out  

When we (1) calculated the weekly figures at the office yesterday we found we (2) were in

error by over three hundred pounds in our accounts. We just couldn't (3) understand whatwas wrong. You can imagine how (4) disconcerted we were when Denis (5) drew attention to asimple mistake in our calculations.Helen claims that it was Denis and not Brenda who (6)  planned in detail the new filing systemwhich has (7) eliminated so much unnecessary work at the office, and that several people areprepared to (8) corroborate what she says. She's apparently determined to (9) decide the issue

one way or another with Brenda herself sooner or later.Helen (10) exhausts people with her continual arguing. It's a childhood habit that she has never(11) left behind her. Adults should be able to (12) resolve their differences in a civilised way, butit looks as if Helen and I are going to (13) become enemies. 

After saying they would all support the scheme, some of them (14) withdrew their support, soit's now going to be difficult to (15) put the scheme into effect. However, one shouldn't (16)exclude the possibility of its eventually being (17) given a trial at least on a small scale.Her son's infantry platoon was (18) killed to a man. They (19) announced the news on the radio.When she heard it she (20) fainted. Apparently he could have (21) avoided serving overseas if 

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he had wanted to.He (22) was conspicuous everywhere by reason of his height. I'm afraid I'm conspicuous onlybecause my stomach (23) protrudes. 7 VERBS WITH over, through 

blow over   talk over   be throu h  o throu h et over   think over   with  with et sth. over   throw over   all throu h  run throu h 

make over   tide sb. over   et throu h  see throu h take over   win over   o throu h  see sth. throu h He (1) spent an awful lot of money in his youth. He was engaged to the local heiress, but (2)rejected  her for a cabaret singer, whereupon his father demanded to see him. The son, whonaturally wanted to (3) have done with the interview as soon as possible, pretended to repent,but the father (4) was not deceived by [change passive to active] his little game. He had (5)suffered a lot because of his son and (6) had had enough of him; so he (7) transferred the propertyin his will to a nephew. The scandal (8) was soon  forgotten [change passive to active]. Theheiress (9) recovered from the shock and married a hotel owner.

The bank has offered us a million-pound loan to (10) keep us going until business recovers. After(11) carefully considering the offer and (12) discussing it amongst ourselves, we've decided toaccept it. We should be able to(13)gain the support of the shareholders, since they won't want our plans to(14)come to nothing and another firm to (I5)gain control of  us any more thanwe do. We're sure that, like us, they'll think that once you start somethingyou should (16) persevere and complete it.

8 VERBSbe up to  give up  make up for   setup 

beat u   have sb. u   own u to  size u  

blow u   hold u   icku   sna u  brin u   land u   ull u   stand u or  build u   look u   ut u   stick u or  do u   look u to  ut u with  take u  draw u   makeu   runu   et worked endu   make it u  He (1) developed  the business himself from scratch, (2) acquiring the necessary technicalknowledge as he went along. Now he is (3) establishing a branch in Manchester. The localauthorities are (4) providing some of the capital. Negotiations were (5) delayed for a long timeby red tape, but the contract has been (6) prepared at last.If these business premises are for sale, our firm should (7) buy them at once. We could (8)redecorate them quite cheaply. Our offices would not (9) occupy all the available space and we

could let the rest. I'll (10) raise the matter at the directors' meeting tomorrow.We've (11) accumulated a lot of debts in the last few years, but now business seems to be (12)improving, and so we may not (13)  find ourselves in the bankruptcy court after all. Let's hopethat good times are coming to (14) compensate for times past.'My boss can get terribly (15) excited over very little. Once, when he was speeding, a police carordered him to (16) stop at the kerb. He jumped out of the car and started to (17) assault one of the policemen. Of course he was then (18)  prosecuted for assault and battery and for resistingarrest as well as for exceeding the speed limit.''How can you (19) tolerate that sort of thing? I can only work for people I can (20) respect. Ithink it (21) behoves a person in your boss's position to set a good example. When he is criticised,why do you (22) defend him?' 'He's not as bad as you think. Although he and his wife often

quarrel, they always (23) become reconciled. And in the office he soon (24) abandoned trying tobully me because he saw I could (25) defend myself. When he (26) severely reprimanded me forbeing late once, I gave him as good as I got. It didn't take me long to (27) form an opinion about 

him and to realise I (28) was more than capable of the job of being his secretary.'

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'I'm not (29) inventing these stories, you know.' 'You wouldn't (30) admit it if you were.'(13)gain the support of the shareholders, since they won't want our plans to(14)come to nothing and another firm to (15) gain control of  us any more thanwe do. We're sure that, like us, they'll think that once you start somethingyou should (16) persevere and complete it.

8 VERBSbe up to  give up  make up for   setup beat u   have sb. u   own u to  si e u  blow u   hold u   icku   sna u  brin u   land u   ull u   stand u or  build u   look u   ut u   stick u or  do u   look u to  ut u with  take u  draw u   make u   runu   et worked endu   make it u  He (1) developed  the business himself from scratch, (2) acquiring the necessary technicalknowledge as he went along. Now he is (3) establishing a branch in Manchester. The localauthorities are (4) providing some of the capital. Negotiations were (5) delayed for a long timeby red tape, but the contract has been (6) prepared at last.If these business premises are for sale, our firm should (7) buy them at once. We could (8)redecorate them quite cheaply. Our offices would not (9) occupy all the available space and wecould let the rest. I'll (10) raise the matter at the directors' meeting tomorrow.We've (11) accumulated a lot of debts in the last few years, but now business seems to be (12)improving, and so we may not (13)  find ourselves in the bankruptcy court after all. Let's hopethat good times are coming to (14) compensate for times past.'My boss can get terribly (15) excited over very little. Once, when he was speeding, a police carordered him to (16) stop at the kerb. He jumped out of the car and started to (17) assault one of the policemen. Of course he was then (18)  prosecuted for assault and battery and for resisting

arrest as well as for exceeding the speed limit.''How can you (19) tolerate that sort of thing? I can only work for people I can (20) respect. Ithink it (21) behoves a person in your boss's position to set a good example. When he is criticised,why do you (22) defend him?' 'He's not as bad as you think. Although he and his wife oftenquarrel, they always (23) become reconciled. And in the office he soon (24) abandoned trying tobully me because he saw I could (25) defend myself. When he (26) severely reprimanded me forbeing late once, I gave him as good as I got. It didn't take me long to (27) form an opinion about 

him and to realise I (28) was more than capable of the job of being his secretary.''I'm not (29) inventing these stories, you know.' 'You wouldn't (30) admit it if you were.'

17B Verbs and phrases followed by the plain infinitive (see lOAa)


Notesa In sentences beginning with how that do not expect an answer (rhetorical questions), dare is

always used as an auxiliary verb like can, will etc., that is to say, without auxiliary do andwithout the third person ending in -x:

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How dare she say that about me!In negative sentences or in true questions, dare may be used either as an auxiliary verb or as amain (non-auxiliary) verb with a plain or a full infinitive:Dare he ask/Will he dare (to) ask?No, he daren't ask/doesn't dare (to) ask/won't dare (to) ask.

Dared he do it/Did he dare (to) do it, I wonder?No, he dared not do it/didn't dare (to) do it.In affirmative constructions, which are less common than the above, dare is normally usedwith a full infinitive (lOAb): 

One day he may dare to ask  her. The -ing form of dare is always followed by the fullinfinitive:

He stared at her, not daring to say a word. For dare meaning challenge, see 17C. b For the use in context of had better, see lFe. c  Help may also be used with a full infinitive, either alone or after an object:

I helped (them) (to) carry the injured outside the building. For can't help meaning can't 

stop, see 17D. 

d Know may be used with the plain infinitive (after an object) only in the present perfect tense,meaning 'have had the experience of:I have known Willie (to) stay up all night working.In its usual meaning of 'have the knowledge of  know is used with a that  clause or a fullinfinitive:I know (that) Willie sometimes stays up working all night. I know Willie to be/(that) Willie isa chronic work addict.e  Let and make are most often used with the plain infinitive after an object:I'll let you know in good time.

You made me realise how foolish I'd been. However, they are both used with theinfinitive alone in one or two special phrases:

 Let go (of) the rope!We'll have to make do(= manage) with the money we've got. In the passive, however,

make, like all verbs except let, takes a full infinitive:I was made to realise how foolish I'd been. Let, in one of its rare uses in the passive, takes

a plain infinitive:A remark was let slip at the meeting that made everyone sit up.

f   Need, like dare (see a above), can be used interrogatively or negatively either as an auxiliarywith the plain infinitive or as a non-auxiliarv:Need slie leave/Does she need to leave straightaway?She needn't worry/She doesn't need to worry about being late.

But unlike dare, need as a non-auxiliary or main verb (i) always takes the full infinitive, as theabove examples show, (Ii) is not always used interrogatively or negatively in the same contextsas auxiliary need/need not (see llDf, g, h) and (iii) is often used affirmatively (see lOCe). g With would rather/sooner... than, there may be two plain infinitives:I'd rather fly than^o by train.But since it is not necessary to repeat a verb, than may be followed by other words besides aninfinitive:

I'd sooner go by car than (by) train. For the use of would rather with the past tense orsubjunctive to express wish, see lEg.

h Why (not) + plain infinitive is used in suggestions and invitations. It has an equivalent longerform only when used with not :

Why not come/Why don't you come by car with us?Why waste (not Why do you waste) money on a train ticket?

  j For those verbs followed by the plain infinitive or -ing (present participle) according to useor meaning, see 10D. 17C Verbs followed by an object + full infinitive (see lOAb)

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dare = ins ire rel on bNotes

a Ask, beg, expect, wish can also be followed directly by a full infinitive, as in 'We asked to seethe director/He begged to be allowed to stay/She wishes to leave.' Alternative active/passiveconstructions are often possible:I'm expecting a friend to meet roe at the airport.I'm expecting to be met at the airport by a friend. 

b Depend on and rely on are prepositional verbs and (see IOC) can also be followed by -ing

(gerund):She relies on me to wake her every morning. She relies on me/my waking her every morning.c For wish used with a past or conditional tense for non-fact, see IE.

d There are a number of verbs like believe, consider, know, prove, show, think  that may befollowed by an object + to be but which have not been included in this list because (i) they aremore commonly used with a that clause and (ii) after most of them to be can be omitted:i They knew/showed etc. the theory to be wrong ► They knew/showed etc. (that)the theory was wrong.ii They believed/considered/proved/thought the theory (to be) wrong. For the use of some of these verbs in the passive, see 13B.

e For verbs that may take an object + full infinitive or -ing depending on use or meaning, see

lOCb, e and lODb, c.17D Verbs and phrases followed by -ing (gerund) (see lOBb)admit c forgive dadvise b give up (= stop)anticipate c grudgeappreciate have difficulty (in)avoid imagine cbegrudge includecannot bear (= cannot tolerate) a intend a, b cannot help (= cannot stop) involve (= entail)carry on (= continue) it is no goodconsider (= contemplate) it is no/little etc. usecontemplate it is (not) worthcontinue a justifydelay keep (on) (= persist in) 'deny mention cdetest mind (= object to)dislike missendure (= tolerate) necessitateenjoy pardonentail postpone

envisage practiseescape (= avoid) prevent eexcuse (= forgive) d propose (= intend) afancy propose (= suggest) cfinish put somebody off (= deter)

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foresee c put off (= postpone)recall c risk recollect c stand (= tolerate)recommendb stop (= prevent) ereport c stop (= cease) f 

require (= be in need of)suggest cresent there is no gresist tolerateNotes

a Cannot bear, continue, intend, propose (= intend) can also be followed by an infinitivewithout any change of meaning:

She clearly intends marrying/to marry the man. For verbs that take the gerund or infinitivewith a change of meaning, see IOC. 

b  Advise, recommend, intend are normally used with a (pro)noun + infinitive (17C) instead of a(projnoun/possessive + -ing (lOBd, e):

She clearly intends him to marry her (instead of  him/his marrying her). This can be

replaced by a that clause after recommend and intend: She clearly intends (that) he should marry her.*

 Advise used with that means inform (formal English): 'Our agent has advised us that the goodshave already been despatched.'

c   Admit, anticipate, foresee, imagine, mention, propose (= suggest), recall, recollect,

report, suggest can all be used directly with a that clause:The girl admitted fteing/(that) she was the smuggler's accomplice.This usually replaces a (projnoun/possessive + -ing after admit, propose (= suggest), report,

suggest: The smuggler admitted (that) she was his accomplice (instead of her being hisaccomplice).

d  Excuse, forgive can take a (pro)noun/possessive + -ing or a (pro)noun + for +-ing: Please excuse me/my being late.Please forgive me for being late. 'In the meaning of let off or exempt, excuse is used with a (pro)noun+ from: The Government excuses foreign students from paying taxes.

e Prevent, stop can take a (pro)noun/possessive + -ing or a (pro)noun + from +-ing: What is there to prevent him/his marrying her? What is there to stop him from marrying her?

f  Stop meaning cease also takes -ing, but this may be left out as something understood, so thatstop can be directly followed by an infinitive of purpose (4Aa):Has he stopped (going ahead with his plans) to think what the consequences might be?

g There is no + -ing occurs in a few common phrases such as: There's no knowing what he may do.There's no accounting for tastes. * For the use hereof should, see UFa.17E Verbs used with two objects*

i Verbs where either object can become a subject in a corresponding passive, italicised 

verbs being those that are used alternatively with to in both active and passive (see

13Af-h): award sb. a prize  °ff 




*h- bring sb. sth. (used also with for) owe sb. moneydeal sb. a card  pay sb. moneydeny sb. sth. play sb. a trick (used alternat ively with on) 

do sb. good, harm  promise sb. sth.find sb. a job, accommodation quote sb. a share price(used alternatively with  for) recommend sb. a hotelforbid sb. alcohol, use of a car refuse sb. a requestforgive sb. his bad behaviour repay sb. money

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to sb./sth. true of sb./sth.to sb./sth. (= faithful) typical of victory over views on

ii Prepositions dependent on verbs accuse sb. of agree on a plan etc. (jointly)*

to a proposal etc. (= consent) with sb./sb.'s views etc. (= concur) allow for amount to appealfor sth.

tosb. apply for sth. (= ask)to sb./sth. (= concern) approve of attend to avenge oneself on bargain for sth.

withsb.be in sympathy with beat sb. at a game etc. benefit from blame sb. for sth. sth. on sb. boastabout/of care for change for the better/the worseinto sb./sth.

with time etc. charge (sb.) for sth. (commercial)sb. with sth. (legal) cheat sb. out of compete against/with sb. for a prize etc. in a race etc.compliment sb. on concentrate on condemn sb. to confess to confide in confine sb./sth. to

conform to congratulate sb. on consent to contribute to( wards) convince sb. of cure sb. of deal with decide between

on sb./sth. declare war on depend on deprive sb. of devote oneself/time etc. to die for one's beliefs etc.from injuries etc. (= external cause) of a disease etc. (= internal cause) differ from sb./sth.in sth.disapprove of discourage sb. from end insth. withenter into an agreement etc. equip sb./sth. with excuse sb. for sth. (done)

sb. from (doing) sth. feed (sb./sth.) on fish forfit sb./sth. with fool sb. into force sb. into gain in sth.

onsb. grow in strength etc.into sb./sth. guard against have mercy on have pity on have sympathy for help oneself to

sth. hint athold sth. against sb. impress sb. with inform sb. of/about insist on insure against interfere insth.

with sb./sth. invest in involve sb. in keep sth. to oneself know of lead sb. into listen forlive by sth. (means)for sb./sth. (purpose)on sth. (food, salary)

up to one's reputation etc. look to (= seem) make sb./sth.into make up one's mind about

* In this meaning, agree is being increasingly used without a preposition as a transitive verb.mean sth. by mistake sb./sth. for object to part with plant sth. with plead guilty to prejudicesb. against prevent sb./sth. from profit from protest to provide for sb./sth.

sb./sth. with puzzle over reason with sb. on sth. reduce sth. bysb./sth. to resort to restrict sth. to result from (= be caused by)

in (= lead to) rob sb. of sacrifice sb./sth. for/to see sth. in sb./sth. seethe with share sb./sth. with show mercy tofwards)speak of specialise in spend time in -ing struggle against/with succeed in sth./-ing 

to the throne etc. suffer for one's beliefs etc.from a disease etc. supply sb. with surrender to suspect sb. of swarm with take advantage

of take sb. into one's confidence think of 

threaten sb. with trust sb. with turn (sb./sth.) into warn sb. about sb./sth.sb. against -ing/sb. 

sb. of the dangers etc. wait on watch for win (sth.) by work at a job etc.on a project etc.17G Phrasal verbs

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Listed below are the 165 phrasal verbs that occur in 16, Examples and Exercises. They havebeen chosen, from the many hundreds that exist, as a useful selection for the advanced learner(some of the more common ones being omitted). They are divided into (i) adverbial phrasalverbs (16Aa) and (ii) prepositional phrasal verbs (16Ab). i Adverbial phrasal verbs 

For the majority of the verbs below, in which the adverbial particle can either precede or followan object (16Ac), a typical object in italics similar to that used in the Exercises is given after theparticle. For verbs that take no object like back out or for split verbs (16Ah) like cut sb. off  'theapproximate meaning or a typical phrase is given in brackets. Verbs like check in, which can beused with or without an object, are given with a possible object in brackets. (Sb. = somebody;sth. = something.)back out (= withdraw one's support) be sth. out {= be in error by 3 cms etc.) bear out what sb.

says beat up sb. one dislikes blow over (= be soon forgotten) blow up an employee (for being late) break off relations bringabout a change bring down a government  

bring in new regulations bring in L.15,000 a year  bring off a victory bring round our newspapers bring sb. round (= revive sb.)bring up a matter  build up a business call off a meeting carry on a conversation carry out a scheme check in (one's baggage) come about (= arise, happen)come on (= begin)come off (= succeed)cut down expenses cut sb. off (from her friends) cut out unnecessary work  die away (= become fainter and then cease)die down (= abate)do up premises draw up a contract  

end up (in court) fall off (= decrease)fall out (= become enemies)fall through (= come to nothing)fix up an interview get by (= manage)get sb. down (= depress sb.)get off (with a warning) get on (= progress)get sth. over {= have done with sth.)give in (= yield)

give off a smell give out the news give up trying go down (well or badly) gooff (= explode)

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go on (= continue, happen, proceed)hand down a hereditary title hang about (= loiter)have sb. on (= deceive sb.)have it out (with Brenda) 

have sb. up (= prosecute sb.)hold up negotiations iron out one's differences 

 join in (the games) keep on (with one's studies) land up (in court) laugh off the episode lay down what one should do layoff workers let sb. down (= fail or disappoint sb.)let sb. off (= excuse sb.)

look up (= improve)make off (= go away quickly)make out what is wrong make over one's property make up stories make it up ( = become reconciled)pass on information pass out (= faint)pick up knowledge point out a mistake press on (= proceed rapidly)pull up (= stop)put by some money put down a revolt  put in a claim put off a meeting putsb. off(= deter)put on an air  put it on (= pretend)put sb. out (= disconcert)put up the capital 

rule out the possibility run down the aristocracy - run sb. in (= arrest sb.)run up a lot of debts see sb. off (= bid farewell to sb.)see sth. through (= persevere with sth.)set up a business show off (= show how clever etc. one is)size up one's boss snap up an opportunity stand out (= be conspicuous)

stick out ( = project)strike off a name (or strike a name off a list) take back what one said  take in all she said  take sb. in (= deceive sb.)

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take off the headmaster  take on more staff  take over a firm take up space talk sth. over (= discuss sth.)

tell off young Charles think out a new filing system think sth. over (= consider sth.)throw over one's fiancee tide sb. over (a difficult period) tone down one's criticism try out a scheme turn down an offer  wear off (= pass away)wear sb. out (= exhaust sb.)win over the shareholders 

wipe out a platoon of soldiers work out figures (get) worked up (= become excited)ii Prepositional phrasal verbs Unlike adverbial phrasal verbs, prepositional phrasal verbs must by definition always beused with a grammatical object, and this directly follows the preposition except in the case of relative pronouns (see 16Aj). Typical examples of such objects, similar or identical to thoseused in the Exercises in 16, are given below in italics (sb. = somebody, sth. = something).be through with his son be up to sb. (to do sth.) be up to a job call (in) at the police station call (in) on my parents come into a fortune do away with exams driving at {What are you ...? Used only in

progressive question form.) drop in at the police station drop in on my parents fall in withher plans fall in with a wild set  fly at sb. (= attack sb.) get away with a remark like that getdown to a task get in with a wild set get out of serving overseas get over a shock get round the

regulations get through a lot of money getting at (What are you ... ? Used only inprogressive question form.) getting on for eighty (Used

only in progressive form.) go at sb/sth.(*L attack sb./sth.)go in for fast cars go into the matter  go through alot(= suffer)go through a lot of money go through with a project  grow out of a habit  keep in with one's relatives let sb. in for extra expense look down on si.look into the matter  

look (up)on old age as ... look up to sb. make up for times past  own up to a misdeed  put sth. down to lack of... 

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put up with that sort of thing run into sb. (= happen to meet sb.)run into debt  run through a lot of money see through his little game 

set about reforming him stand by sb. (= support sb.)stand up for oneself  stick up for sb. else take after one's father  Subject indexReferences are similar to those used in the text, namely to numbered (1 etc.) and lettered (A etc.)sections and to entries (a etc.) under their respective Explanations.ability with can/could 11 AdhEg active-passive relationship 13A activity: against stateIBs; andprogressive tense form IBs; in

progress 1B1,2Aa; past HBac;repeated 1B1, 8Ca, HBb: see also HABIT adjectives: and prepositions 17Fi; as

causal link 3Ab; formation of adverbsfrom 2A; in -able/-ible and -ic 2Ab;quantitative 3AcBc; use with verbs2Aa: see also COMPARATIVES ;SUPERLATIVES adverb: formation 2A; phrases

2 Acd: see also ADVEKBIALS adverbial particle: see PHRASAL VERBS adverbials: andinversion 14Aa—k, 14B;and reported speech 12An; negative14AaB; of concession 5; of movement 14Afh; of position 14Af;of purpose 4A; of result 3A; of time 7; position of 2AfgB;restrictive 14AbBb; types of 2B;

use with verbs 2Aa: see also RELATIVES adverbs: see ADVERBIALS advisability withshould/ought  1 lEa agent in passive 13Ae ambiguity 2Bkl, 9de anticipation with futureprogressive tenselBnapposition 8BdCb

arrangement with is (etc.) to lODd, llEc-e assumption with will HCbcf auxiliary passive13AI—p auxiliary verbs 11,17Baf; and inversion14Ae; and reported speech 12AJB;modal 11causation lODc, 13A1cause: in relative clauses 8Cb; kinds

of 3Ab; links for 3Abfg, 6a characteristics with will/would  HBbclauses ID; sequence of 5g, 7j;shortened 4B, 8C; that  HFc, 13Ab, 17BdCdDbc: see also CONDITIONAL SENTENCES; LINKS; RELATIVES colloquialisms and reported speech 12Ap

comma 2Bm, 3Aaf, 4Ac, 5be; with relatives 8AabpCcommands: in reported speech 12AmBghCbf; with must (not) HDae; with is (etc.) to

lODd, UDecomparatives 9efhcomparison: links for 9c—1;

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intonation: see TONE CHANGE introductory it 8Apq; with gerundlOBa; with infinitive lOAc; withpassive 13Ab; with relatives 8Aq;

with that  8Ap introductory what: with gerund lOBa;with infinitive lOAc inversion: of subject and verb 14; with

as/though 5dlinking 3 (Introductory note) links: causal 3Abfg, 6a; conditional lCDFb; forcomparison 9c—1; for concession 5,6c; for purpose 4ABe; for result 3Aac—e;for similarity lFc, 9a-d; for time lCFb, 7; in reported speech 12Aq: see alsoRELATIVES 

meaning: and use of verb contraction 12Bb; with infinitive or gerund IOC; with infinitiveor present participle 10Dmodal verbs 2Bf, 11necessity with have to 1 lDbjnegative adverbials 14AaB

non-fact IB (Introductory note); against fact IF; and reported speech 12Ag;

supposition IDF; tense use for 1DEF; 'witbshould  llFb; wish 1EF: see alsoSUPPOSITION; WISH 

non-fulfilment with perfect infinitive llEd-gnoun: or gerund lOBj; with gerund lOBenouns: and inversion 14Aek; and prepositions 17Fi; countable 3AdBa, 9h; plural

3Bc, 9h; singular 3AdBa, 9h; uncountable 3Bcl, 9hobject: and adverbials 2Ba; and for + gerund 17Dd; and from + gerund 17Dde;

and infinit ive lOAbBdD, 17CDb; and infinitive or that  clause 17Db; and presentparticiple 10D; double 13Af-kq-s, 17E; of prepositional verb 13Adn; prepositional13An; relation to subject in passive 13A; single 13Aa-dtobligation 11D, absence of HDg-jopinions with should  UFaopposites 91orders: see COMMANDS participles: see PAST PARTICIPLE; PRESENT 

PARTICIPLE partitive 8Bb passive: adverb position in 2Bf; auxiliary 13A1—p; formation from active 13A;

gerund lOBg; infinitive lOAf-h, 13B; non-formation from active 13Aadq—t;

relationship with active 13A; useofAave 13A1—p; use with infinitive lODa, 13B,

17Be past participle 17A; as causal link 3Ab 

perception: verbs of IBs permission with can/could, may/might llAab phrasal verbs: adverbial 16Aac—fh—k, 17Gi; meaning 16AkB; position of adverbs

2Bb; position of pronouns 16Adegh; prepositional 16Abgjk, 17Gii; split 16Ah;

use in passive 13Ad; use with relatives 8Ad, 16Aj; word order 16Ac-h phrase IE (footnote to Introductory note) 

planned future: with present tense IBem; with future tense lBf  plural nouns 3Bc, 9h 

possessives: and auxiliary passive 13Ap; and reported speech 12An; followed by

gerund lOBde, 17Db-e; relative 8AhjBb possibility with may/might, could  HAefEg 

prepositions: utter enough 3Bn; after too 3Bd; dependent 15,17F; obligatory13Ajr; optional 13Ahjr; use for purpose 4Bcd; with gerund lOBbf; with relatives


present participle 10BJD; as causal link 3Ab; as time link 7adgh; instead of 

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with should  1 lFa;' with Why not...? 17Bhsuperlatives 8A1 supposition: links for ID: tense usefor IDF; with future time reference1 Db; with mixed time reference 1 Dd;

with past time reference IDe; • withpresent time reference IDa surprise with should  1 lFa 

tenses: after as if'/as though lFc; after first etc. time lCm; after if etc. lCDFb; aftertime links lCFb; changes in reported speech I2A; conditional IDEcFad-f; for factlBFbce; for non-fact IDEFacdf; for fact against non-fact IF; for suppositionlDFad; for wish lEFad; future lBfgnqrCdk-n; future perfect lBgq&n; future useof going to lBp; future use of present IBemC; future use of present perfect lCjm; pastIBahDabEafgFace, 7bf, 17A; past perfect lBbjDcdEdg, 7bef;present lBdelmC; present perfect lBckCjm; relationship with time lBCDFb, 7,lOAgBh, 13Bb: see also PROGRESSIVE TENSE FORM; SIMPLE TENSE FORM; SUBJUNCTIVE 

time: adverbials 2B, 7; and gerund lOBh; and infinitive lOAg, 13Bb; and relatives

8Cb; and tenses lBCDFb, 7, lOAgBh, 13Bb; future in the past lBp, HBf; links for1C, 7; period of IBah; point of  IBabcghin, 12Ah 

tone change: for cause 3Af; for result 3Aa; with might  UEb; with relatives8AabCtypical behaviour with would  1 IBeunrelated participle 7aunwillingness with will not/would not  1 lBf verb-noun: see GERUND 

verbs: and gerund lOBb, 17D; and gerund or infinitive IOC, 17CbDa; and infinitiveor present participle 10D; and object + infinitive lOAb, 17C; and plain infinitive lOAa,

17B; and prepositions 17Fii; irregular 17A; ofperception IBs; prepositional13Adn; referring to activity IBs, HBc; referring to state IBs, 2Aa; regular 17A;with adjectives or adverbs 2Aa; with two objects 13Af-kq-t, 17E: see also PHRASAL

VERBS; TENSES will, willingness 1 lBf wish: tense use for 1EFword order: with phrasal verbs16Ac—h; with enougA 3Bh—1; with too 3Ba—c: see also INVERSION Word indexReferences are similar to those used in the text, namely to numbered (1 etc.) and lettered (Aetc.) sections and to entries (a etc.) under their respective Explanations. Words in study lists

17B-G are indexed here only if they are referred to elsewhere in the book or in the notes thatare attached to some oi the lists. References marked * are to footnotes on the pages indicated.a(n) 8Ae a . . . who lDg able HAhj according to 8Bc admit 17Dc advise 12Cd, 17Db after lCj, 7abh, 8Bc all 8A1 all (of) 16Ae 

all the (better etc.) 9f  all the same 5e allow 6b aloud 2Ag already IBek, 2B (Introductory note) 

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also 2B1 although 5, HBg always 1B1, 2B (Introductory note) among 8Bc and 3A, 7 

anticipate 17Dc any . . . (that) lCf, lDg anyone ... who lCfFb apart from 9k arise 17A arrive at 13Ad as (CAUSAL)  3Af, 7j; (CONCESSION)  5d; (ROLE)  9a; 

(SIMILARITY)  9b; (TIME)  1C, 7hj as . . . as 9cd as a result of 8Bc as if lFc as long as

ICa as soon as lCj, 7f as though lFc as well 2B1 as well as 2Bk ask 12Ca, 17Ca

aware (LINK)  3Ab 

bad, badly 2Ah bang 14Aj be IBs, lODd, llEc-e; 

(SUBJUNCTIVE)  lXFe be able HAhj be going to lBp be unable HAj be used to

HBa because 3Af because of 6a become 2Bd before IBekFb, 7abh beg 12Ce, 17Ca

begin lOCd being (LINK)  3Ab believe IBs, 8Ca, 17Cd besides 9k bet 17A better

lFd bid 17A bind 17A bleed 17A bring in 16Aacd bring round 16Aacdh broadcast

17A build 13Aj but (CONCESSION)  5, HBg; (CONTRAST)  91; (=except) 9k by the time ICh 

can/could 4Ac, HAabdf, 12Aj, 13Bc; se( also could cannot HCd-f cannot/could not HAcg, 12Aj; see also 

 could not cannot bear 17Da cannot help 17Bc cease lOCd clean, cleanly 2Agclearly 2Bncloser, more closely 2Af clumsy, clumsily p. 39*command I2Cbcome lODbcomply with 13Anconsequently 3Ae

consider 17Cdcontinually IB!continue 17Dacost 13Atcould lDfEbe, HAeh, HEbdg, 12Bclm;

see also can/could could not HAeh, HCde; see also cannot/  could not  dare 17Badeal 17Adeep, deeply 2Af deliver 16Ak 

depend on 17Cbdespite 6cdid not have to HDhdid not need to HDh, 12Bk did you know that? p. 143*

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dig 17Adirect, directly 2Agdo not care 1C1do not need to/have to HDg—jdread lOCc

due to 6aduring 8Bceagerly 2B (Introductory note)easily 2Bf enable 6benough 3Bh—pentirely 2B (Introductory note)entreat 12Ceevade 16Ak even 2B1even if lCbDa, 5f 

even so 5even though 5everything 8A1except 9k excuse 17Ddexpect lBf, 17Caexplain 13Amnfall 17A far too 3Bg fast 2Ab feed 13Aj, 17Afeel lODa, 17Afew 3AcBclfinally 7find lODcfirst (etc.) time lCmflat, flatly 2Ahflee 17Aflow 17Afly 17Afor (LINK)  3Af; (PREPOSITION)

3ALBdfmn, lOAc, HFc for fear that 4Ag forbid 12Cb, 17A foresee 17Dc forgetlOCa forgive 17Ddget 2Bc, lODc, 13Aa get round 16Abg get used to IlBa give 6b, UAghm go lODb

go back 2Bb go home 2Bb go into 13Ad go on lOCe go slow 2Ah go to work 2Bbgoing strong 2Ah going to lBp good 2Ab got HDj grow 17Ahad 14Anhad better lFe, 17Bbhard, hardly 2Abghardly ... when 14AbBbhate lOCbhave IBs, lODc, 13Aalhave (got) to HDb-dg-jhaving (LINK)  3Abhear IBs, lODa

help 17Bchere 14Afk high, highly 2Aghit 17Ahope 1CI

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however (ADVERB)  2Bn, 5e; (LINK)ICeDc hurt 17A

if ICa-dnDa-eFf, 4Ah; (=whether) lCd, 12A1if only lEa-e imagine 17Dc immediately lCj, 7f  

implore 12Ce in case 4Ad—h in case of 4Ah in order (not) to 4Aab in spite of 6c indoors 2B (Introductory note) intend 17Dab introduce 16Ak is (etc.) to lODd, UDeEc-e it 8Apq, lOAcBa it is no use lOBc, HBa 

it is time lEf  its 8Ahj 

  just IBek just as 7h just now IBe know 8Ca, 17BdCd lack of 6c lay 17A leave lODc less 9e less of a . . . than 9h lest 4Ag let 6b, 17Be lie 17A light, lightly 2Af  like (LINK)  9ab; (VERB)  8Ca, lOCb little 3AcBcl, 14Ba look into 8Ad loud, loudly 2Ag love lOCb make 6b, 17Be many 3AcBc, 14Ad may HAb 

may/might 4Ac, HAaBe, 12Aj; see also  might may . . . but HBg may not 11 Ac may not/might not HAe mean lOCe mention

17Dc might IDe, 2Bf, HAabEbd, 12Bc; see also may/might more of a . . . than 9h much 3AcBc much as 5c much too 3Bg must

HCdf, 12Be must (not) HDa-e, 12Bf-h nearly 2Bj need lOCe, HDf, 17Bf  need not HDgh, 12Bgjk neither 14Aa never 2B (Introductory note), 14Aa 

nevertheless 5e nice lFd no matter how ICe no matter who/where/when etc. lCfDgFb no sooner ... than 14AaBa 

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scarcely ... when 14AbBb see IBs, lODa seek 17A seldom 2B (Introductory note), 14Ab send lODb 

sew 17A shaU IBr, 12Bb; see also will/shall  shall/should 4Ac, 12Bb sharp, sharply 2Ah shed 17A shine 17A short, shortly 2Ag should lDb, 4Adg, 11F, 14A1; (=ought) lFe, HCacfEadf, 12Bd; 

see also shall/should, would/should should like lFd show 17Cd since 3Af skid 17A

slit 17A 

so 3AaeBb, 14Ac, p. 227* so as (not) to 4AabBde so . . . as 9c so . . . as to 3Bp so that3Aa, 4AcdB so . . . that 3AcdBb, 14Ac so long as ICa sow 17A speed up 17A split I7A spread 17A stand I7D start lOCd stick 17A still 2B (Introductory note) stop 6b, 17Def  strike 17A stroke 17A such 3Bb such . . . as to 3Bp such ... that 3AdBb, 14Ac sue 17A suggest 12Cc, 17Dc suppose, supposing lCg swell 17A take lODb teU 12AmCb 

than 9eg-k, 17Bg that (RELATIVE)  8Aa-dk-pBeCa; (after VERB)  HFc, I7BdCdDbc the 8Af the other day 2B the . . . the 9f then p. 34*, 4A,

7a, 8Ap there (ADVERB)  2Bb, 8Ap, 14Ahk; (with is, came etc.) 14Ah therefore 2Bn, 3Ae there is no 17Dg think lBfs, 17Cd though

2Bn, 5b-e thus p. 227* tight, tightly 2Af today 2B (Introductory note) tolerate 16Ak

too 2Bk, 3B too much of a 3Bb tread 17A try lOCe unable llAj understand lOCe unfortunately 2Bn unless ICeDa up 14Af upon

7eh urge 12Ce used [julst] IlBac very 2Bj wake up 17A want lEc, p. 90*, lOAfCe

warn 12Cf was/were to HEc-e, 12AmBbwatch lODaweave 17Awell 2Abh, 14Ad

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27  offered/had 48  have also had 24  Are you 47  will/shall bethen offered 49  applied 25  ami  taking

28  have just told 50  was 26  is going 48  wUl/shall do29  is/was 51  have 27  is she going to 49  will/shall give30  (have) missed 52  am I doing do/is she doing 50  am not going

31  have you been 53  am babysitting 28  is going to 51  am staying/amdoing 54  have gone promote/is going to stay

32  have not seen 55  are promoting 52  (am) going/go33  have been 56  was babysitting 29  is she going to 53  will be34  saw 57  started do/is she doing 54  is going to snow35  were you 58  are being 30  is going to 55  will soon be36  did you do/  59  is eating demonstrate/is 56  was going to fly

were you doing 60  gave demonstrating 57  will not get37  did/was doing 61  left 31  will do 58  will/shall38  have already 62  have found 32  will have been be spending/ 

told 63  are happily married am going to

39  am working painting 33  are celebrating/ spend40  is it going/has it 64  assure/have are going to 59  will you be/are

been going assured celebrate you doing41  hope/am 65  have done 34  will be 60  am going42  lives 66  had 35 will be 61  are you going to43  was living/  67  hope 36  are going (to go) do

lived* 68  are telling/have 37  will have left 62  am going to do44  wrote told 38  will go 63  will/shall visit45  invited 69  has got 39  will/shall be 64  will you be46  have had 70  have been working/am 65  am flying

47  am wondering/ trying working 66  will surprise wonder 40

41 Are you goingwill h*> 

67  are going to


Exercise 2  42  Will DC is going to be

68  are getting

will/shall 1  will still be 13  will be 43  will be believe 

working 14  are you going to 44  will win 69  will not last 

2  retires/will be do/will ou do/  45  will win 70  will start retiring are you doing 46  is going to/will

3  will then be 15  Are you going lose4  will have been  to/Will you

working/   Exercise 3 

will have  16  am 1  was driving living worked  17  leave/am 2  went 11  are oin to 

5  will have  leaving 3  was passing celebrate/are qualified  18  does/will not 4  was celebrating 

6  is going to give 5  did not have 12  (have) invited/  will work  19  will need 6  are still using/  are inviting 

7  will earn  20  do I meet/am I still use 13  are 8  is coming  meeting 7  fall 14  have already 9  will/shall  21  am 8  will/shall not said 

introduce  22  means/will drive 15  are/will be 10  Shall I tell  mean 9  will/shall have  coming/are11  will/shall be  23  is not/will not been  going to/will

seeing/see be ia will/shall have  . come12  will/shall tell lived/been 

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