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Grafton Recruitment Recent CSR Project

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Grafton Recruitment Recent CSR Project A unique employability clinic was developed and delivered by Grafton Employment Group especially for NICHE who aim to improve the quality of life for people living in Knocknaheeny/Hollyhill area of Cork’s Northside. The clinic was the first of its kind and was delivered to over 30 people seeking to improve their employability skills. The presentation “Marketing You” focused on building their brand, building confidence, understanding their transferable skills as well as practical skills for building a successful CV and providing interview tips. This unique employability training programme for targets first time applicants, those made redundant, seeking new challenges or self employment by providing a framework to develop employability skills. “Supporting NICHE in their work and helping to inspire, motivate and bring out their own individual talents is particularly important for the development and sustainability of this region,” comments Anne Gough, Grafton Employment Group, Cork. “The workshop was well received and allowed those in attendance to share experiences as well as gain up to date information on the current world of work. The most important element of the workshop was that everyone could take away constructive tips and guidance with regard to their CV's; what to expect in interviews; what assessment methodologies are current in the marketplace and how to prepare appropriately for this”, added Anne. Niche has placed itself within the community as a mechanism to support people with their immediate needs as well as working toward a long term vision for the area. This forum for learning has proven to be very successful and the formula developed by Grafton matches our goal of improving and enhancing the opportunities in the area”, commented NICHE Picture: L-R Mary Byrd and Paula Casey, community health workers, NICHE; Paul O'Keeffe and Linda Collins who attended the employability clinic and Anne Gough, Grafton Employment Group, Cork.