GRADE CROSSINGS MUST GO! I THE WOOD BRIDGE LEADER AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED IN THE INTEREST OF WOODBRIDGE TOWNSHIP MAYOR ACTIVE Days of Hand Drawn Pump SAFE j e lls Committee of Iselin In- cident Which Points Ur- gent Need of Action. The growth of tKS WCodbHflge Fire .Company equipment rom a "hose-jumper" and hand pump, to its present equip- ment of two auto fire frucks, and a motoY hook-and-ladder, is reflected in the. various high lights of the company's history ,,f m o v e Htrpet, i.y<'iit niitoB ffom Woodbrldge, crossing the !,,i'ni and a sobeme to eliminate ',,.,. nf the- kftzards which M IM '.',, ,iu' creen street crossing, were 'i,-finitely promised In a communrc,a- , , vecclved by Mayor William A, v, ,,i and submitted to the Towhshlp ' at their meeting Monday iftiTirflon. II„• letter stated toftt plans for the Iselin crossing daa- Woodbridge, N. J. f Friday Afternoon, February 15, 1919 PRICE TWO CENTS KEEN CONTESTS as recalled by some of the firemen. Fred Mawbey. ,now a paid driver, the Woodbridge Fire Company, of remembers, nfes. which bers many >of the more recent' mp * thftt lhat company is building He has heard some of the old nnw ' ! lma « lIle - <Ui "lathat Uuck^atlll ayoond?," aaked '»« reporter. rr f UunM, pf, the old W were either 'sj^ctacular aused what w i d her sj^ctacular or »« rep which caused what was-considered a "No, it's been destroyed," lot or damage* fti those TOya. There MuwWey. ''When they had' arc « t bil hi k d gald tliat g se TOya. There MuwWey. When they had tliat arc s«verat buildings which are oc- truck they ttwd t6 Bound the ijlarm cupied it the present time wlileh for a fire on a steel hoop off a wagon have gone through two or three fires, wheel. That machine, I have been In the paqt twentyfive or thirty i tfald td i was street, opposite a building D.''l'. Ca On Carpen ' |,. ti O'Toole, passenger train m ,,i,,, (or the Pennsylvania pall- , ',,1 with whom Mayor Ryan and . ;i vn'nl members of the Committee i, uc held several" cuufetenees and ',,,, sent in the report of his flnd- in . s suld it would he-impossible for n,r Viuiroad to comply With the re ,,,i,^t of the local Woman'* Club to i' lW . one of two trains which now ,,'^a ibrougli here about nine o'clock I,', it,., morning-»*ke a Mop W pick I, passengers. Tlie mayor, in explaining the ...niimunication, »ald" that Me nTuciie had promised him recently itl ,,i he would wake evUry effort pos- ,I,I.. to hnve a train, put on the local „,„ wiiieh would mjdteLaJ ItttJT.lieie .,, ,,mo dotied, adding f th*t iV-it >nv« that some provision would ,, made In connection with the loom ,,,,,.•:.( in the i.*-. future, though ,i «,,ulil not be done as in the man- . , ; .specified. • ' * Muyor Kyan t,old the Commlttee- iii.n that while lie and Mr.'O'Toole »,i>- waiting at tHe iselln crossing im a train to pass which had stopped . :ii>. station that a small child piiiiinc it toy "#ispre*» wagon had ..ii.p.tl in front of the standing lo- niiiniilvi' and slowly crossed, the mn-kn. A. triUn,. pasging on any of in, utlK'i tracks would have killed in., child, the mayor said. ••Mr. O'Toole Jumped out .of uny ,.u and ran out t» meet the boy," siid Mayor Kyan. "He took the Hull! hy the hand and hurried hriuj ,,ut nf danger. What he said to the! I,,I, I don't know, but the child start-; cii'tcj cry. 1 think that incident will do more to secure immediate action ,,,i timi crowing. than anything 'rtsr \Miuiil have'done. I believe the! i.ulmad offdal realised that a spe- cial hazard existed and that .cntliin-n «ii i nut'section might bo, tlie victims uf an accident at any tiijie. 1 know i in- fact was brought home la me and I think Mr. O'Toole »Uo under- that In the paB.t twenty-five or thirty i tfald, years but which, bear no marks. ^I'tu^ D11CDl ., uuvun ,t u. •-. i^meu- ', Mawbey recounted the story of ter's building and near Concannons the founding 6f the .company to a Plumbing .styft, The flral chief w,aa ^ider reporter. - - ; j On p Thompson and he was, I think "The are which caused the form- elected, in 1898". Ing of the 8alan«nder » I'l"* ' k fl SCHOOL ELECTION RESULTS FRED ANNESS m:mmm Ballot Battle to be Bitter in First and Second Districts; Big Vote Expected. Election of Fire Commissioners will be held In the rnrtous districts' of the Township tomorrow night. Thi cdnleit WWv IMsTrM Nb.' t Is arousing, plenty of enthusiasm. TTiree candltfate«' n liave ehtere"d tW race. Fire Chief William Allgaiar, wboBeeks'the double'honor of chief and commissioner,; E. M. Saltier khd WJlliam lYeen, yw are both mem- bers'of the present board, running for re-election, elected flre chief dr. Aligater lout two months BAKER BRYANT . DUNIGAN MORAN Was Prominent Manufactur- er, Church Man and Politi- cal Leader in Township. 1531 ago. The of ,Plrp Commissioners ki d g yards are now. f company *as .the | .. The ^ lte . whe re the station now I in> Avenel are aBkin« dWrtct voters Brick Works blaze on. 9tandB was purchased from William for the approval'of.-a bondMeaiue e yH L 'f th tti t fire xace4 on the Fifth Dls- .est W. Nier and »TH h'i I " * ' "f Mawbey. Ha rned and tide building was put up 1 for. the construction -at a new tSVfflyffi' *r«S£&K£' SL.l^AiSL J*™ f.i i T ^ r ^ , ^ ffik '• Cbmpfiny Schooners used to George Kelly.'wa* the first person to I for the two place! live In the present gliding. Hejtrict Boafd: Erl 1 WUBacting as janitor arid had rooms' Rudolph Voelker | , , iconers usea 10 , , ve , the'prewnt bulldingV *Hej trict Boatu: Erl come up into what Is now Beard's ";,» „,!„„„",'"„, SA "I" 8 :,„."! I n,,rf n i n h Vnnlknr i 13 rook. water was, the cause of the i g in the back of the building." (Ire"••rVie"bwok"oV5rtow^d"ltt"banks ! tl "P°. ^' "member of any -par- and when the water hit the kilns It ^^l}} e 2r\J n J™J°.™ S }}!» cracked the "brick walls. The steel bands fell away and the hot coals tlon while Wllllajn H. Hancock, 'Colonia .and Jo^r It. La Bat candidates. ;. than-the., onq wliitli i organization of .the company?" Avenel, arc 'tbe n; Zullo are in the Hig District No...] re seeking re-ei«- ol ot i McOettkan and.Carmen '"' "' ' *ace "in Port dead- ly he re William D. were scattered in every direction. B8l<ed tne reporter, Tfie office -ana ractoi-y buildiogs '•There' haven't 'been rery- many," caught flre and were. totally de- anawtred the driver. "There was stvoyed. In those -days the men used one-whlch-was-write a Wa»e and-tht |g m f c t to form a bucket brigade. i building I? slitl Tn use, strange to lo aPl""™" » • •.-"The need for a ttj-r wmuaiiy was wy. H TO» 1R-4b» days when alec New Candidates Eifison's Menlo Park Laboratoriej Are Being , Reconstructed by Ford | SnOWed Under seen and it was organized1 soon after- triclty was first made available for ward In old John Weygand's Barber, home lighting. Some wires hau Shop on Main street. The flrBt flre been run through, the cellar of what hprfd;inarters were in the Zlmmer-is now the Humphreys and Hyan man plumbing shop at the rear of Hardware store. It was known as what is now 16-Green street. 'the \i. i\ Mooj^and Son store then. "The first piece of flre-nghtlng' $»nio wires were touching a pipe, I eiiuliunent the town had'was a hoB« jumper built of one and one-half- inch gal van lied iron pipe. We still have it in the 'gaiage' out back. penses. John Stanley Lockwood Dead i and there v^s a BJiort circuit. | itiere was very poor iijsulation on y ; were no laws or regulations regulat-, i iri h l d b d it in the gaiate out back, s g g Then we> pot the hand drawn ins how wiring should be done, k d Hook and Ladder. It was built by the Seasrave people at their factors fn Trenton, nnd H sure would took iiueer alongside of the big autumn- Word was received here at hoon' by August ,Greiner, that John Lockwood, of 16 Norcross avenu.6, Rockyille Center, Long is- land, brother of fcllss Muilon Lock- wood and Miss Margaret Lockwood, NEW C H A I N STORE FOR MA1NJTREET "One of the longest stretches of duty Hie locUl company has ever had j was: at the Barber Asphalt plant in' i:izu. The ifire at'arted, about • 12; o'clock Siitiirday. night and lasted, until Monday mornin g , 'AVe went^. gi jj ar| MarBareti , Mra . down there Sunday• tnornln K to help s . i ones 0 { K ahwtt y, and Miss'Idn out and we did not leave-until S u n - lLbokwo ^ 0 , 8ewirenv ll:l> n ' Bl "" v * i The late Mr. Lockwood was born "That American "La-France^ engine I i n .-Woodbrldge«t' the old Lookwood Woodbridge and Scwuren, had thlg m m m i after a brief 111- He wag , h i 8 3 5 h H , survived by his wife and Ttie OTiBinnl ijuildinRS of the Edison Laborntorles at Menlo l'ark, with wliloh Woodbrldge "old tlmei'D" were familiar a score and more of years ago, are being reconstructed at the Dearborn plnjit of the Kord Mo- •UH'.Company., it was announced Tuesday but John • W.' Lleb, senior vice-president of the New York Edison Company. Mr. Lleb's announcement wau made the' day after the inven- tor h&4 celebrated his Mghty- ...S9QO.D4 ..Mrth.dJi,.._Ther6_ i are many people in WaodbrliUtr Township and vicinity who re- call "The Wtoard of Menlo Park". The original Kite, fac- Int the Lincoln Highway, and , consisting of several acres of land, was purchased by Henry Kord from the Eumon Pioneers, lnc.,""5bout a year apo. Henry Ford Intends to con- vert the woodland acreage Into a iueiflorlal iiark to mark thej biruipiuce of the incandescent lump, tlie phonograpn, tlje com? luerdul ilynuinn iiml ()1 fiPy In-_ ventlons of America's greatest living genius. Ann..»n died this home. 216 Main XtdT H hrtff III- . ne«H. ' He w«s In his seventieth yfar. He tirsTirvlVrd'.fcy his wife, Mr». L. 'Aunt as. The funer- al will be held' from tbe lite home Sunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. The 1nter<hont, which wilt be"private, will ' be. In Alpine cemetrry, Perth Amboy. ' ' .•••''' Mr. Ahhes* has be«n a HTe*-^dni( member of the Woodbrlafu' M. t . cnurcli and has been proulnent in civic and fraternal circles here. He , «aa the 0rst president and sne ot the organjteri of the_ Wuodbrtdge Iiotary Club'anSa mertiber of Wood-" bridge Council, No. 1743, Iloyal Ar- I'Hiuiin, He is a past president ot tlie Jersey Clay Miners' Association and was president of tue Anwus riui- low Tlhe Corp., until he retired a Hhort time, ago, selling thu bualnns elected by Large Majority, j «"*»>«« ot "' K** 1 ^ an Hun - by Encumbents Mrs. Baker, Dunigan, Wil- ling and Anderson Re- TUo (our membei'8 of the Board of Education who sought re-election were returned to oillce by liu'Re ma- jorities -when the largest number of \otsn—5TOT buifotinR •• Mere' k~ H I school eleetton registered their choice 8t the Maurice Baket, £• Wednesday nvenlng. tUlnl^ati, Mis. B, B. WalUngs orary meuiDer of WoodbrlilKt Flre Company No. I, and was prominent (In poritical clrcrte; *s« leader in the Kepubllcan uwty, but had relin- quished his leadership in recent years. ' *' ot Mk AOIMM wU) b« mourned by maqy trlehds who have VO hi ltliy i i d him lMtlmM«iy in socia> and business lite, and have fpufht with* th liil b f t Annn r»itn on the political battieHeltf. Mr. were | Anness was known 'in his own politl- years andltoy elected' to B Ihis erm, twe i Thomas Moran and Edward as "a square shooter". A was unoDDOsed was, Blttl '"«n f' l8nd lo s members ot his remainder ol own » kn *- h e w " a r ^ n ^* «™W remainder of 1 1(> U ) 0 M w ho oppoBe< j lum Yet< Mr Rein- ] hnrdt were the unsuccessful caudl- for'the full term. The heaviest voting was in the Viral Dtatrtet pelllng »toee-,-ttw on the' ofb«r> aide, auu WM never grudging tn gtvfhg credit where It was due, Ha WM greatly interwted in civic. Tonl d j Th•• cotiiniun Corner Store in Bldg. Leased to Prown- . Cooper 5 and 10c. Stores. The l'rown-Coopfer Company, own- pumped about ten hours steady with out missing a single 'pop*. The per- formance of our machine wasJnstru- mental in the i'erth Amboy. fire tfom- | puitiea standardizing on that make Brewsteri o£e(lulpmeiIt ' 1 "Then there was the Anness Fac- tory tire on November 2l r 1924. The kilns at that time.were all covered with u single roof. One of the kilns BYfirJSeatsJLliayLJ-^ WIN HGHT homestead on Rahway avenue, and went to school here. Funeral Bervlcet. will be held at. the late'ljdfeie on' Sunday morning,! followed-by Interment at the l'res-1 byterlan cemetery, Woodbridge at! 12:30, ! thing'went up in (lames. ' ,_ _... now studying the alt- era of a novelty chain store system j started about 8:4.0 C J«* in . .mil.... and that preliminary meet-'now operating six stores In Mon- evening and lasted aljout four hours. inns have already been held. Mr. \ mouth County, have been given a five | "Then we had a'boat flre out in O'l'oole's iettar said that local of-! years lease on the corner store in the Sewaren on Thanksgiving night m-ials mlBht rtstasBined that the ;ni>w *bullBlng ejected by 0. I 1 '. Brew- matti'i- would S'e""[ollowed up dill- ster at the interBection of Main and viitly. »t Wlllium streets. Carpenters are al- Officials' Bonds Filed uhr col lector and for the Township Treas- urer for the present year are now on file with the County Clerk, according to a communication from Township Attorney Henry St. C. Lavin, which was received by the Township Cotn- ..„ of eastbound trains stop-j ready'at work and the store will be [pie from a flre. It was a • small f *^ rn 5""d a ^ZZ* Pi,. s lit the (ir B enstre«rro«sip K wlH ready for occupancy. In the near fu- -yauclit, the 'Mary h, owned, I.y * ^ ™™ ' he stopped before they reach theiture, The headquarters of the com-|.mi«n In Rahway. It caught fire near j»«' ? u! ,^.,.., 1923. That waH the only time I kqBw of that the Woodbridge Fire, Company used a boat to rescue p e o- im ' lt * e at their meeting Monday '-—----- *" Lavin foiind in form and accord- 'on tiie"south side~of"oret-ui panv arV'on'B^oad^U-eetrHerBrnk.fth'rsecond'VuoV arid There" were twoi 1 ""? tQ.his communication, which was ton Avenue High school, where 747: ^ al " or thTTfowninlp and gave ballots were caV The school .gym h la linancial support and his time was crowded during the short voting «MI ener t^eiy to any cau.« which Besslon, Oth«r.. ftteciucU registered '. mertle(i hl »,.?»»p»thles. about normal or slightly over the! Aggressive, rigorous, insiatmg on usual figure. Bewaren showeTft * full meaiure ot work from his em- ! marked increase which was probably IpioytB, trtd Anness was known to •due to tHe refefeTiaflKi »tt itJKSCIJWftt^P 1115 STK-ttnet boss; thote who (addition' to tha present school, to, worked loyally and well weie treated 17ADE 1 I IMITi coSt * 56 > u()0 - 'accordinaiyv lAKL LllYlll ' TlllJ voler " Gorged every pro-| ja r . Anmw was born at P9«1B posed appropriation and bond Issue Corners', Woodbttdge Townihlp, the on the-fphool Section ballots by B O n M f charl«« and Adellue (8t«gg> Nnw Stnn al f.ropn nr overwhelming majorities Wednesday A nn*us. He «as educated in the lo- H0W OIOP at ureen ori^,^^,,, t n t h a haavlM< balloting ca i schools, ajtd also at Pennlngton Main Street Without Addi- tional Charge. ^l^t^•t lo permit pussenKf 8 lu to board the train an.d to let who will not wall- for to pull out an opportunity to; g "• U1 arrangement, "'- 'The' Woodbridge "store "is" tT're- j wotu7n""anJ7no"ther"inan "aboard", j ordered received and llli-d. Fare limit changes which will benefit hundreds of residents using Public Service btmuB on the llahwuy- 1'erth Amboy lines, have been • ef- fected, according to an announce- ment made by Tuwiiship Committee- man Jacob Grausain, at the meeting of the Township Committee Monday afte'rmion. 'Passengers coming from Avenel will be able t6 ride to Malu c . u "' e " 1 e A'!. ense *' stroot. for a five-emit fare and pas-i"" ' No ' g C al schools, ajtd also at Pennlngton ever Been here (n a school election, j Seminary, near Princeton. He took 'Hie number vot;nn for every meaii-j^ vei . the management and presidency uie in nea>;lv every. dJstriot "w«> 0 ( the Anne»s V Potter flrua to early times kS-^<*^"tiio«^«tt»Jfe;t U i S ^ ^ S t agatnBt thu same propoaitioli. There o f the AnimuR Hohow Tile Corpora- were 1,531 votes cast in the .short ^lon, which has since been sold to session, large increase being noted other local interests. at the JJarron Avenue High School r and the Sewaren school-, polling placea. ' . The total votes on leach measure •were as follows: in recent years bis Bight had been failing, ' yet he bore that affliction with a cheerfully grim fortitude. It is expected that Governor Lar- To r«i'fie" by special district tax tor'* 0 ", and Congressman Harold^Hoff- place Hie Freehold branch which They Jumped when they found they J This, ; Mr. | truiu f I'OSS. 0 Ton in and it will be given a trial. In.- communication follows: li notable William A. Kyan, \ . or of Woodbridjje, N. 't. ii Mayor: \W have given very careful oon- •p.'i.tjiiuu lu the propositions that i. (lUcussed ou^Japuary 17th., ut i.n-li time Mr. Blevara and niyself •TOntiy'VbaB3on%r"W'Vor"|couidn U t"put the flrei out.and swam ! JQy J^J[)£ Jfj Q^R liinn ni»n«i *hc Htmpture there around until we sot there. That is, •»--•» . tctth:^or™^ted h for!ull ^V ? ne of the^en.^ecmubed , solve the prob-|* H tvertt"r^eara, but sold"thu building up on a blinked light and' tied Kim- it ih i H ea y upon you ut Woodbrldge. (continued on page eight) [To Trace DeKnqaent Taxpayers Who Failed to Reply to Notices recently and did not beek another site. Mr. UrewBter convinced Max was sitting there l'rown, manager ot the system, tlvat pulled alongside, the Woodbridge store which is thlr-1 "The bout we ty fett wide and sixty feet deep was an ideal location. g d self to. the top of it with wire. He it calmly when we UBed was Fred NOT THEIR OWN LEADS TO COURT Four WoodbriiUe youths who took Turner's 'Hummer'. The. little craft i an Iselin mans car to *o fur a Ueiigors from Perth Amboy may rlde| I to Green strett, without paying an additional nickel. j Tbe change was made- at the re- I quest, of Mayor William A, . Ilyan and the members of, the Township Committee after the matter waa threshed out at a recent "meeting, l'ublic Serice officials were asked to make the.change several months ago and conferences have been held was in good shape, except that we! r iUe were pluced on probation 111 The 1 price °rang« n of the merehan- 3 couldn't" nm 'the engine,.its therelaii indefinite period when arraigned die in the new store will be thelwas a hole in oneot the cylinders, im,police court here last evening on fame as the other branches in the I'Walt' Peterson came to the rescue | grind larceny charges. Lettter Kreba, •svstem The major portion of the jot the ttre company and plugged the 16, of 727 Ilajiway avenue, who waB •iVtlcles on display will be of the five!hole with waste and off we..went." {driving the car When Traffic Set joy 1 several (l)r ! without times during that period results; Prominent and ten cent store variety, with linuliy iteniB. selling for amounts up "'•' I f/i" An'A Antlfiri 7 *' XT? "TJi'nwiviinia Mr Vprie- Mf, Hrewstwr that custQmers would find d i The only high quality stock displayed in a most .attractive manner, The Brewster building fileted coni- "Any other thrilling rescues?' 1 [geant Ben Parsons picked them up, Ay asked the insatiable scribe. had charges of operating without a "Nat (hat I can - Temember now,; license or registration placed against but wp havo often been called oa Jor | him. street merchants urged the arrange- ment, which, they said, would'result in far better accommodations for their customers, especially during bad weather. y fcSi man, both Intimate friends of the late Mr. Anness, will attend the funeral. At bis bedside this mqrnin'g, when death came, wure Mrs. Belle Haight, of Yonkers, his sister, aud Arthur manual training, |5,p00: Yes, 571); Fuol «. of Long Island, a brother ol No, 188, • Mrs. Anness. To raise by special district tax-for i August F. Greiner, ol the Funeral two worn portable schools,'15,000: Home, 1B in charge of arrange- To ruiso by special district tax for and repairing, $20,000: ! 602; No, 181. To raise by special district tax for Yes, 581; No, 197. iioncl- issue to purchase lots ments for the funeral. 'a«l- jacent id' Sewar&n* School, $10,01)0: Yes, B54; No, 178. . , liond Issue to finance addition to t 'Sewaren School, <55,000: 'Yes, B44 i No, 180. . I Transfer of |20,fl'00 balance from I Current Expense fund to Repairing] and Mayor Ryan Bjiid that all drivers! would be instructed ot the change r and that -passengers forced to pay an uddltional fare should 1 lodge a coin- ol 1 the Refurnishing' School Yes, liuiKling j Im service and to rescue peo-i George Finn. 17, of Grove street;' plaint " with any member ureTnda.nuu.irin out of the way! John Bulekerood, li, of Malrj Township Committee. I places We have-pulled a man out'Btveet, and C.t»e Somers, 17. or Uie first of this, year. One: i rom un der a traqtor recently, .Here LTrlnlty Lane, were arraigned on administration committee wasjg tore WaB occupied, about two weeks4 no t long ago we used four cylinders grand larceny cllil W««. ili« power to conduct an in- j later by an A.'& P. Btorfe, the organ-' u f oxygen in reviving two women !•_ The car which tne pnattei Master Plumbers Celebrate Charter Night at Steve's iffent mark pt niul.jjr.oee. li. filiation to determine th« jiatnes! ( Za 'tft)n il uddre'sses of presehl oWHerB of! The •i* lmrctla of land which are nowl tll ^ i tlio a,»sessuient books ot the j a t O i eB in their eastern district here. Mnishlp and on which no twes | The Prown Company was started !»«• been paid for years, at tue j ^om ten years ago. They now have of the Township Committee | dtor< ,j, in Ked .Bank, Heightstown, Point Pleasant and Lakowood. a Ions time" lease. wll0 were overcome by .gas. We one ofjofien go out to get cats out of tttees :tln Monday afternoon. A commoirioa- tioti from Township Attorney Henry *•'• C Luvln, addressed to the full 'lioard was referred to Uie eub-coni- MiUft' for immediate action so that Township might Becure payment arrears or hold a tax sale. he property involved is Bcat- •'1 throughout all parts of the viisMp. it Is known that many tin- former owners have moved' of this section and are no longer 'ivBied In title to the lots. Bills !•• been sent out to many of the HTS ut record wbo Ignored them 1 In imuiv cases they hUve been as Garbage. Collection Bids to be Opened at Meeting Feb. 25. ]3id» for the collection and dis- posal of garbage in the -First District j will be received at the next regular! meeting of the Township Committee I iurnud by postal authorities iiiulelivt-iable. (Township Officials to Attend Conference! Members of the Township Com- uud Township officials the conference of will for a' spin was OwneS by Edward Daviea, of. Henry street, Iselin. It *-as returned to the owner this morn- ing. ' "We were called upon at one fire] to go into a home and get a bag of - mouey for the owner. He hud a!*j ee K to Vacate SffeetS heavy canvas bag which he kept.un- 1 der his bell and which was flllod with currency and silver coins, it so happened that we put the lire put before It could have done uny dam- age to the bag ur .Its contents. "We made a systematic search.of the ruins at tho home of former in Realty Development Nine streets, all laid out in a de« SEEK LEGAL AID TO COMPEL WATER CO. TO I.AY SEWAREN MAINS A committee of iliree men, all members of,tho Itmuil uf. Ifire Com- missioners of Fjru District No. 1, will seelc legal advice in an effort to compel the'Middlesex Water Com- pany t9 luy water mains on the _.. principal streets of Siwaren. Com- vel'opment known as BoulevardlmisBioners Fredeiick H. Turner, K. l'ark, Green street, ^odbridse,!W.. Peterson' ami William Tr^en Current Expense Fund to .purchase I Plumbti/s of Woodbridge Town- of Lund anil Erection of : Dullding ship took a prominent tart in the fund; Yes, 5'Ji»; No, 180. {Charter Night festivities of the new- ..IUSI; ut' seven ^IOIH adjacent ly- fortued Master Plumbers' local to Colonia School 'at cost of $2,1 (JO: which was held In, the Steven's Club al Avenel Monday night. Among' tho guests were Township Health | In- suector Peter Peterson. J. Walter was chairman, of the coramlt- were included in an >ordlntuVa; vfliieh seeks to vacate t lie rights of tbe ji d hih g on February 25th. To Prepare Plains for Avenel Improvements llMayor Neubere in Sewaren several'.lie to their use and which was years ago. We had previously res-(passed through its first loading in ' his mother-in-law when she [the meeting of the Township Com- , back iiito t> the burning house | uilttee Monday afternoon.- The to get hey fu.r-eo*L*iiij diamond ring. got the coat for her but wurrf Instructed at the meeting of the Board Wednesduy evening, to con- sult Township Attorney Lavtn .on the matter. Commissioner Turner said that there were several streets whicli streets included In the ordinance | were withotlt fire protection at tho Yes, 5M1; No, 171. le « Charge ot the arrungtiiueuts. Beu Jenael1 ' Pferident-ot.the assoda- FIRE CHIEF TO HAVE RIGHT OF WAY WHEN ANSWERING be'givenTlie" right-ofVa^hen an- brief talk the purpose of the organ- Bwering an ularm, according to action, »* a"»8 W f « » program for communication from Chief ot Police'the betterment of the members and Murphy, received by the .Board ot| the community an a wl(0le He 'Fire Commissioners of ^ire District praised Health Ittsflector Petertfon t I was prettily (^ecor^ted for the event. Flre Chief Willliim Allgaiur wilj! Tll » toasljiiaster explained In a h l * i ' l «lk t' urpo f th we could not rind the ring, the blaze was put out *we which- found {many pieces of jewelry, some of them melted into a solid nass. . "That coat nearly qost Mrs, Neu- pon motion of Commltteemali [berg's mother-iu-law her life a short Oil ofthe g Ward, time . She a hospital ioiiiclals to be held in the Stacy-"tre«t Wlotei hi Trenton otf. February 26th. In ml 27th. invitation was . re- «.'lvud at the meeting ot the Town- l>li) Committee at their meeting oi'duy afternoon, and accepted, on of Comniltteeman Graaeam. mute the cost of a storm sewer, curb, gutter, and cinder pavement on Commercial avenue, Avenel, and the coBt of curb, gutter and clrjder pave' went on Madison avenue,- Avenel, at -T. A. of School 1 and 11 to Meet on Tuesday The first meetlUK of the year of e Pttrent-Teaoherf Association of eacher s schools No. 1 wd U wlH b« d la the ayditorli^m of School No. next Tuesday afternooit, An' In- stlhg program m be given by e uupiu of both achooU under the get the coat and had to be rescued again," •..'.. "Speaking of returning property, It might be of interest to the people the meeting of tbe Township €om-" o 'f tiTe'Townshlp that^ this company mittee Monday afternoon. has a very hf tional Board C. D. A. CaUfor Court MercedeB, Catholic ters of Americai, will .roll qn the new Craftsmen's Club, alleys iiwrt Wednesday evening, Two of tbed- leys have beett reaerved and all meTm- bers who desire, to get a place on the [mm should be on Hand at 8 o->--" Mrs. Michael Tritfner will charge of. the arraijgeineatS' come up. for a public | present time. Pleas by home own- era,^he said, went unanswered. Wa- ter company QfHcialH, in other cases, he said, claimed that there weren't enough tiomes to make the expendl- After' hearing *aE the next mleetinB are: « 1 l a 1.™ ' „*—A* ll»i»« Atvaaf Vfittfl Szoke ' street, Butty street, street, Caryl avenue, Mann Yetta street, Fredstreet.'ReKiQft street from Ty- ^ ler avenue 1 northerly to its end, I tu res profitable. Nanette street from Tyler avenue | northerly r io IU end, Julius strijet,! from tUe'we?t r side of Tylw avenue | d to its end. Salmagundi Meet Flames B»i£« Bhed Fire, Of unknown origin, which O...U. Health .Inspector John Wodder, of Perth Aiilioy, for their interest in the orgartination.,,n ,, . Other Breakers wdre Ray Tyrrell, Elisabeth Hardware Company; I. T. Madsen, Perth Amboy Hardware Company; T. W. Elchler, National Radiator Corporation; h, V. Cohen, I Cohen and MahloWlU; Barney Av- cbeu, AAton Wodder, William S. Roe and Charles Bott, Boyntou Furnace. RirJ pMilitiff S t a t i n n Company; WlUUm Buehler, tho DirO reeaing StailOn HaJaca corporation; Johb K«arns, {.Behter and Company; William J. lamp Fire smith, ingvaard Grelsen'and Henry Valentine ; Madsen, United States. Radiator Cor- No. 1, at their meeting Monday eve-j IIIUK. Chief Allg&ler ha a had ' a' siren installed on hi» cur .to dititiii- guish jt from other vehicles. A re- quest to Police Chief Patrick Murphy that the chief's car be sent through whenever possible was im- mediately complied with. Campfire- Girlc Maintain The Iroquois Troop of, Girls were guegts at a Gis w g a party .given in, the home of their guardian, Mre. Herbert Silbertnann, oI Rowland place Monday afternoon. MlgB Maruerite SUbmann and poration., Amoug the guestB were: Charles ! Simkin, B. B. Walling, Walter Ther- was discovered about 11:65 oelock M)gB Mar|{UBr i te snbermann (Uid.Keleon, William J. Smith, William r morning deatroyed a shed M 1W E Qna p om bro»ki won prises. 1 Hoffner, I. T. Madsen, Iogvaard .76 New street, Woodbridge, | ^, ano BOlo8 were pUly9( j by Mary Gle |^ n Bea j en jen. J. Walter Dor- owned by aiawn Shoebouf, and dam- perruro am i Edna Dombroeki; Miss 8 ey, Michael Tuilk, iwm Garland, Mrs. William Krug, of Avenel and Miss Louise Brawater, o( Wood- bridge, were the hostesses to the Salmagundi Literary Bociety at a i'do"uot remember what tne technt-1 row tlnjt Wfl, ^U,*Craftsmen's ClUb cal rating is. but I know H is nearly Tuesday ^ eveijing; Miss Grace C. trie eaulvalent of a>paid ftre com- Huber arranged the entertainment q ' I program which was well received. y { \.?.;,™: ^J> 9 i; "i^^^i^a'^^rtoV^d^wtauSTg Marguerite Silbermann gave a mono- William Rodner, John^Voddur, John Bariey James WITH ILL TREATMENT ,, ,y.iro,»— .,— Hans Hunsen, 53, a carpenter, of It was my hobby to go to a flre," I "Happlneas", a Dinar by i> Hartley j fords, ^w wntenced to serve 90 »v nuB~j if; •• r !_!., ...»j I.,, uioa Huloiilrtnvo in tho nnnntv iall when *ld Prt? Pete^7jTtter IT-^'i.! Ma7wSr Was /^.M'ss Helen "p£te'the Tailor", wientaterylewed. Pfelffer, Letad RwnoWfc MM.1* "I«mber one U«e I ran out <?f land Eeynolds and Asher I . Ran- •^^ff^WA"^'** «HM Prwram eoa^ted of Sarft.Ftttger- merchandlpe. , llogue, "Mre. McQasey 1 .'.' Those prca- Dobtansky 1 : HWMC Ter^Jj,. represen' -""i lent were: Helen Ols«n, Ethel Hunt,-tatives of the Perth Ambny Supply fHARGES HUSBAND (Mary PetruFQ, Bdna JftflmbroBki, Company, H a J a c a Corporation, V I U U I U ^ i i v u u n j w fioj-ence Corfleld, Marguerite Silber- Woodward-Wafiwr' Company, Carl I ....^. and Mrs. Bberllnn, Qeorge Bttttwelr. '* ! Anton Wodder, JO. Jorgensen, Andrew Smith,..William Finn, Wil- Plerce-Tredinlck" ,._ v ... .„.„ ^ , v-",, V...-..V- F. Bath, John ' Florence Cordeld won prlseti. The'Schmidt, a representative of the by the charge. , s days in the county Jail when arraigned on a assault and buttery charge in police court here last eve- ning. The. complainant was bis wife, Ida Hansen. Poatpoued nertobe l Ryanto,tbe veniog. ru rnann, Marie Sllteermann Herbert ailbeniiann.' The gVorip -went on a roller skat- ing clke to Iselin Tuesday after- noon. Miss Irene Strieker and Miss [Company, Charles fid i Th'S troop vUlted and refilled a bird feed- ing station which they 1 are malntaln- UIK, MIB8 Strtofcer wab the hostess to tbe meuibersiOn their return. Re- freshiuents were served add games ford, Joseph were ptayed. Prttes were won by I Kelly, of KeU; Louise Slibermanji, Ruth Howell and I Peterson, U Marguerite Silbarmsnn. Miss HelenlMahlowlU, Olsen and Ha(ea 8o7oUkl |ave rwl- Duncan, J»me* tati,on»: /•"• > »\ I Burns and Aft4n estate of Robert A. UcOutre, B«r Tyrrell, 4aroee Wood, of Delawai 1 *) W. T. WUcdx, T. W. Elchler, Bebrer andCoinpauy, Cl?arle» Me&ertnott, J«TMI * MkAUndJiu; feter Coh*« ft


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MAYOR ACTIVE Days of Hand Drawn Pump

SAFEj e l ls Committee of Iselin In-

cident Which Points Ur-gent Need of Action.

The growth of tKS WCodbHflge Fire .Company equipmentrom a "hose-jumper" and hand pump, to its present equip-

ment of two auto fire frucks, and a motoY hook-and-ladder, isreflected in the. various high lights of the company's history

,,f m o v e Htrpet,i.y<'iit niitoB ffom

Woodbrldge,crossing the

!,,i'ni and a sobeme to eliminate' , , . , . nf the- kftzards which M I M'.',, ,iu' creen street crossing, were'i,-finitely promised In a communrc,a-, , vecclved by Mayor William A,v, ,,i and submitted to the Towhshlp

' at their meeting Monday

iftiTirflon.II„• letter stated

toftt plans forthe Iselin crossing daa-

Woodbridge, N. J.f Friday Afternoon, February 15, 1919PRICE TWO CENTS


as recalled by some of the firemen.Fred Mawbey. ,now a paid driver,

the Woodbridge Fire Company,ofremembers,nfes.


bers many >of the more recent' mp* t h f t t l h a t company is buildingHe has heard some of the old n n w ' ! l m a« l I l e-< U i "lathat Uuck^atlll ayoond?," aaked

'»« reporter. r r

fU u n M , pf, the old Wwere either 'sj^ctacular

aused what w i dher sj^ctacular or »« rep

which caused what was-considered a "No, it's been destroyed,"lot or damage* fti those TOya. There MuwWey. ''When they had'arc « t bil hi k d

galdtliatg se TOya. There MuwWey. When they had tliat

arc s«verat buildings which are oc- truck they ttwd t6 Bound the ijlarmcupied it the present time wlileh for a fire on a steel hoop off a wagonhave gone through two or three fires, wheel. That machine, I have beenIn the paqt twentyfive or thirty i tfald td iwas

street, oppositea buildingD.''l'. Ca


' |,. ti O'Toole, passenger trainm , , i , , , (or the Pennsylvania pall-, ',,1 with whom Mayor Ryan and.;i vn'nl members of • the Committeei, uc held several" cuufetenees and

',,,, sent in the report of his flnd-i n . s suld it would he-impossible forn,r Viuiroad to comply With the re,,,i,^t of the local Woman'* Club toi'lW. one of two trains which now,,'^a ibrougli here about nine o'clockI,', it,., morning-»*ke a Mop W pick

I, passengers.Tlie mayor, in explaining the

...niimunication, »ald" that MenTuciie had promised him recentlyitl,,i he would wake evUry effort pos-,I,I.. to hnve a train, put on the local

„,„ wiiieh would mjdteLaJ ItttJT.lieie.,, ,,mo dotied, adding fth*t

iV-it >nv« that some provision would,, made In connection with the loom,,,,,.•:.( in the i.*-. future, though

,i «,,ulil not be done as in the man-. , ; .specified. • ' *

Muyor Kyan t,old the Commlttee-iii.n that while lie and Mr.'O'Toole»,i>- waiting at tHe iselln crossingim a train to pass which had stopped. :ii>. station that a small childpiiiiinc it toy "#ispre*» wagon had..ii.p.tl in front of the standing lo-niiiniilvi' and slowly crossed, themn-kn. A. triUn,. pasging on any ofin, utlK'i tracks would have killedin., child, the mayor said.

••Mr. O'Toole Jumped out .of uny,.u and ran out t» meet the boy,"siid Mayor Kyan. "He took theHull! hy the hand and hurried hriuj,,ut nf danger. What he said to the!I,,I, I don't know, but the child start-;cii'tcj cry. 1 think that incident willdo more to secure immediate action,,,i timi crowing. than anything 'rtsr\Miuiil have'done. I believe the!i.ulmad offdal realised that a spe-cial hazard existed and that .cntliin-n«ii i nut'section might bo, tlie victimsuf an accident at any tiijie. 1 knowi in- fact was brought home la me andI think Mr. O'Toole »Uo under-


In the paB.t twenty-five or thirty i tfald,years but which, bear no marks. ^ I ' tu^ D11CDl., u u v u n , t u. •-. i^meu-', Mawbey recounted the story of ter's building and near Concannonsthe founding 6f the .company to a Plumbing .styft, The flral chief w,aa• ider reporter. - - ;jOnp Thompson and he was, I think

"The are which caused the form- elected, in 1898".Ing of the8alan«nder

» I ' l " * 'k fl


m:mmmBallot Battle to be Bitter in

First and Second Districts;Big Vote Expected.

Election of Fire Commissionerswill be held In the rnrtous districts'of the Township tomorrow night.

Thi cdnleit WWv IMsTrM Nb.' tIs arousing, plenty of enthusiasm.TTiree candltfate«'nliave ehtere"d tWrace. Fire Chief William Allgaiar,wboBeeks'the double'honor of chiefand commissioner,; E. M. Saltier khdWJlliam lYeen, y w are both mem-bers'of the present board, runningfor re-election,elected flre chief

dr. Aligaterlout two months


Was Prominent Manufactur-er, Church Man and Politi-cal Leader in Township.


ago.The of ,Plrp Commissioners

ki d

gyards are now.

f company *as .the | . . T h e ^ l t e . w h e r e the station now I in> Avenel are aBkin« dWrtct votersBrick Works blaze on. 9 t a n d B w a s purchased from William for the approval'of.-a bondMeaiue

e y H L 'f th t t i t firexace4

on the Fifth Dls-.est W. Nier and

»TH h'i I " * ' "f Mawbey. Harned and tide building was put up1 for. the construction -at a new

tSVfflyffi' *r«S£&K£' SL.l AiSL .£ J*™ f.i i T ^ r ^ , ^ ffik'• CbmpfinySchooners used to

George Kelly.'wa* the first person to I for the two place!live In the present gliding. Hejtrict Boafd: Erl

1 WUB acting as janitor arid had rooms' Rudolph Voelker |, , iconers usea 10 , , v e , the'prewnt bulldingV *Hej trict Boatu: Erl

come up into what Is now Beard's ";,» „ , ! „ „ „ " , ' " „ , SA "I"8:,„."! I n,,rfninh Vnnlknr i13 rook.

water was, the cause of the ig

in the back of the building."(Ire"••rVie"bwok"oV5rtow^d"ltt"banks!

t l "P° . ' "member of any -par-and when the water hit the kilns It ^^l}}e2r\JnJ™J°.™S}}!»cracked the "brick walls. The steelbands fell away and the hot coals

tlon while Wllllajn H. Hancock,'Colonia .and Jo^r It. La Bat


;. than-the., onq wliitlii organization of .the company?"

Avenel, arc 'tbe n;

Zullo are in theHig District No...]

re seeking re-ei«-olot

i McOettkan and.Carmen'"' " ' ' *ace "in Port dead-

ly he re William D.were scattered in every direction. B 8 l < e d tne reporter,Tfie office -ana ractoi-y buildiogs '•There' haven't 'been rery- many,"caught flre and were. totally de- anawtred the driver. "There wasstvoyed. In those -days the men used one-whlch-was-write a Wa»e and-tht | g m f c t •to form a bucket brigade. i building I? slitl Tn use, strange to l o aPl""™" » ••.-"The need for a ttj-r wmuaiiy was wy. H TO» 1R-4b» days when alec

New CandidatesEifison's Menlo ParkLaboratoriej Are Being ,Reconstructed by Ford | SnOWed Under

seen and it was organized1 soon after- triclty was first made available forward In old John Weygand's Barber, home lighting. Some wires hauShop on Main street. The flrBt flre been run through, the cellar of whathprfd;inarters were in the Zlmmer-is now the Humphreys and Hyanman plumbing shop at the rear of Hardware store. It was known aswhat is now 16-Green street. 'the \i. i\ Mooj^and Son store then.

"The first piece of flre-nghtlng' $»nio wires were touching a pipe, Ieiiuliunent the town had'was a hoB«jumper built of one and one-half-inch gal van lied iron pipe. We stillhave it in the 'gaiage' out back.


John StanleyLockwood Dead

i and there v^s a BJiort circuit. |itiere was very poor iijsulation on

y ;were no laws or regulations regulat-,i iri h l d b d

it in the gaiate out back, s g gThen we> pot the hand drawn ins how wiring should be done,k dHook and Ladder. It was built by

the Seasrave people at their factorsfn Trenton, nnd H sure would tookiiueer alongside of the big autumn-

Word was received here at hoon'by August ,Greiner, that John

Lockwood, of 16 Norcrossavenu.6, Rockyille Center, Long is-land, brother of fcllss Muilon Lock-wood and Miss Margaret Lockwood,



"One of the longest stretches ofduty Hie locUl company has ever had jwas: at the Barber Asphalt plant in'i:izu. The ifire at'arted, about • 12;o'clock Siitiirday. night and lasted,until Monday morning, 'AVe w e n t ^ . gi j j a r | M a r B a r e t i , M r a .down there Sunday• tnornlnK to help s . i o n e s 0{ Kahwt ty, and Miss'Idnout and we did not leave-until S u n - l L b o k w o ^ 0 , 8 e w i r e n vll:l> n ' B l "" v* i The late Mr. Lockwood was born

"That American "La-France^ engine I in.-Woodbrldge«t' the old Lookwood

Woodbridge and Scwuren, hadt h l g m m m i a f t e r a brief 111-

H e w a g , h i 8 3 5 h

H , survived by his wife and

• Ttie OTiBinnl ijuildinRS of theEdison Laborntorles at Menlol'ark, with wliloh Woodbrldge"old tlmei'D" were familiar ascore and more of years ago,are being reconstructed at theDearborn plnjit of the Kord Mo-•UH'.Company., it was announcedTuesday but John • W.' Lleb,senior vice-president of the NewYork Edison Company.

Mr. Lleb's announcement waumade the' day after the inven-tor h&4 celebrated his Mghty-

...S9QO.D4 ..Mrth.dJi,.._Ther6_i aremany people in WaodbrliUtrTownship and vicinity who re-call "The Wtoard of MenloPark". The original Kite, fac-Int the Lincoln Highway, and ,consisting of several acres ofland, was purchased by HenryKord from the Eumon Pioneers,lnc.,""5bout a year apo.

Henry Ford Intends to con-vert the woodland acreage Intoa iueiflorlal iiark to mark thejbiruipiuce of the incandescentlump, tlie phonograpn, tlje com?luerdul ilynuinn iiml ()1 fiPy In-_ventlons of America's greatestliving genius.

Ann..»n died thishome. 216 Main

XtdT H hrtff III- .ne«H. ' He w«s In his seventieth yfar.He tirsTirvlVrd'.fcy his wife, Mr». L.

'Aunt as. The funer-al will be held' from tbe lite homeSunday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.The 1nter<hont, which wilt be"private,will ' be. In Alpine cemetrry, PerthAmboy. ' ' • . • • • ' ' '

Mr. Ahhes* has be«n a HTe*- dni(member of the Woodbrlafu' M. t .cnurcli and has been proulnent incivic and fraternal circles here. He ,«aa the 0rst president and sne otthe organjteri of the_ WuodbrtdgeIiotary Club'anSa mertiber of Wood-"bridge Council, No. 1743, Iloyal Ar-I'Hiuiin, He is a past president ottlie Jersey Clay Miners' Associationand was president of tue Anwus riui-low Tlhe Corp., until he retired aHhort time, ago, selling thu bualnns

elected by Large Majority, j «"*»>«« ot"' K** 1 ^ ™'«an Hun-

by EncumbentsMrs. Baker, Dunigan, Wil-

ling and Anderson Re-

TUo (our membei'8 of the Boardof Education who sought re-electionwere returned to oillce by liu'Re ma-jorities -when the largest number of\otsn—5TOT buifotinR •• Mere' k~ H

I school eleetton registered their choice8t theMauriceBaket,

£•Wednesday nvenlng.

tUlnl^ati, Mis.B, B. WalUngs

orary meuiDer of WoodbrlilKt FlreCompany No. I, and was prominent •

(In poritical clrcrte; * s « leader in theKepubllcan uwty, but had relin-quished his leadership in recentyears. ' * '

ot Mk AOIMM wU) b«mourned by maqy trlehds who haveV O hi l t l i y i i dhim lMtlmM«iy in socia> andbusiness lite, and have fpufht with*

th l i i l b f tAnnn r»itn on the political battieHeltf. Mr.w e r e | Anness was known 'in his own politl-

years andltoy

elected' to BIhis erm, twei Thomas Moran and Edward

as "a square shooter". Awas unoDDOsed was,Blt t l '"«n f'l8nd los members ot his

remainder ol o w n »kn*- h e w " a r ^ n ^ * «™Wremainder of 11(> U ) 0 M w h o oppoBe<j l u m Y e t < M r

Rein-] hnrdt were the unsuccessful caudl-

for'the full term.The heaviest voting was in the

Viral Dtatrtet pelllng »toee-,-ttw

on the' ofb«r> aide, auu WM nevergrudging tn gtvfhg credit where Itwas due,

Ha WM greatly interwted in civic.T o n l d j

Th•• cotiiniun

Corner Store inBldg. Leased to Prown-

. Cooper 5 and 10c. Stores.The l'rown-Coopfer Company, own-

pumped about ten hours steady without missing a single 'pop*. The per-formance of our machine wasJnstru-mental in the i'erth Amboy. fire tfom-

| puitiea standardizing on that make

Brewsterio £ e ( l u l p m e i I t '1 "Then there was the Anness Fac-tory tire on November 2l r 1924. Thekilns at that time.were all coveredwith u single roof. One of the kilns


WIN HGHThomestead on Rahway avenue, andwent to school here.

Funeral Bervlcet. will be held at.the late'ljdfeie on' Sunday morning,!followed-by Interment at the l'res-1byterlan cemetery, Woodbridge at!12:30, !

thing'went up in (lames.', _ _... now studying the alt- era of a novelty chain store system j started about 8 : 4 . 0 CJ«* i n .

.mil.... and that preliminary meet-'now operating six stores In Mon- evening and lasted aljout four hours.inns have already been held. Mr. \ mouth County, have been given a five | "Then we had a'boat flre out inO'l'oole's iettar said that local of-! years lease on the corner store in the Sewaren on Thanksgiving nightm-ials mlBht rtstasBined that the ;ni>w *bullBlng ejected by 0. I1'. Brew-matti'i- would S'e""[ollowed up dill- ster at the interBection of Main andviitly. »t Wlllium streets. Carpenters are al-

Officials' Bonds Fileduhr col

lector and for the Township Treas-urer for the present year are now onfile with the County Clerk, accordingto a communication from TownshipAttorney Henry St. C. Lavin, whichwas received by the Township Cotn-

..„ of eastbound trains stop-j ready'at work and the store will be [pie from a flre. It was a • small f * ^ r n 5 " " d a ^ZZ*Pi,.s lit the (irBenstre«rro«sipKwlH ready for occupancy. In the near fu- -yauclit, the 'Mary h, owned, I.y * ^ ™™ 'he stopped before they reach theiture, The headquarters of the com-|.mi«n In Rahway. It caught fire near j»«' ? u ! , ^ . , . . ,

1923. That waH the only time IkqBw of that the Woodbridge Fire,Company used a boat to rescue p e o - i m ' l t * e at their meeting Monday

' - — - - - - - * " Lavin foiindin form and

accord-'on tiie"south side~of"oret-ui panv arV'on'B^oad^U-eetrHerBrnk.fth'rsecond'VuoV arid There" were twoi1""? tQ.his communication, which was

ton Avenue High school, where 747: a l " or thTTfowninlp and gaveballots were caV The school .gym h la linancial support and his timewas crowded during the short voting «MI e n e r „ t^eiy to any cau.« whichBesslon, Oth«r.. ftteciucU registered ' .mert le( i hl»,.?»»p»thles.about normal or slightly over the! Aggressive, rigorous, insiatmg onusual figure. Bewaren showeTft * full meaiure ot work from his em-

! marked increase which was probably IpioytB, t r td Anness was known to•due to tHe refefeTiaflKi »tt itJKSCIJWftt^P1115 STK-ttnet boss; thote who(addition' to tha present school, to, worked loyally and well weie treated

17ADE1 I I M I T i c o S t *56>u()0- 'accordinaiyvl A K L L l l Y l l l ' TlllJ vo l e r" Gorged every pro-| jar. Anmw was born at P9«1B

posed appropriation and bond Issue Corners', Woodbttdge Townihlp, theon the-fphool Section ballots by B O n Mf charl«« and Adellue (8t«gg>

Nnw Stnn a l f.ropn nr overwhelming majorities Wednesday Ann*us. He «as educated in the lo-H0W OIOP at u r e e n ori^,^^, , , t n t h a haavlM< balloting c a i schools, ajtd also at Pennlngton

Main Street Without Addi-tional Charge.

l t •t lo permit pussenKf8 l u 6°to board the train an.d to letwho will not wall- for

to pull out an opportunity t o ; g"•U1 arrangement, " ' -

' T h e ' Woodbr idge "store "is" t T ' r e - j w o t u 7 n " " a n J 7 n o " t h e r " i n a n " aboard", j ordered received and llli-d.

Fare limit changes which willbenefit hundreds of residents usingPublic Service btmuB on the llahwuy-1'erth Amboy lines, have been • ef-fected, according to an announce-ment made by Tuwiiship Committee-man Jacob Grausain, at the meetingof the Township Committee Mondayafte'rmion. 'Passengers coming fromAvenel will be able t6 ride to Malu c . u " ' e " 1 eA'!.ense*'stroot. for a five-emit fare and pas-i"" ' N o '

g Cal schools, ajtd also at Pennlngtonever Been here (n a school election, j Seminary, near Princeton. He took'Hie number vot;nn for every meaii-j^vei. the management and presidencyuie in nea>;lv every. dJstriot "w«> 0( the Anne»s V Potter flrua to early

times kS-^<*^"ti io«^«tt»Jfe;tU i S ^ ^ StagatnBt thu same propoaitioli. There of the AnimuR Hohow Tile Corpora-

were 1,531 votes cast in the .short ^lon, which has since been sold tosession, large increase being noted other local interests.at the JJarron Avenue High School rand the Sewaren school-, pollingplacea. ' . •

The total votes on leach measure•were as follows:

in recent years bis Bight had beenfailing, ' yet he bore that afflictionwith a cheerfully grim fortitude.

It is expected that Governor Lar-To r«i'fie" by special district tax tor '*0", and Congressman Harold^Hoff-

place Hie Freehold branch which They Jumped when they found they J


Mr. |t r u i uf I'OSS.0 Ton

in and it will be given a trial.In.- communication follows:

li notable William A. Kyan,\ . or of Woodbridjje, N. 't.

ii Mayor:\W have given very careful oon-

•p.'i.tjiiuu lu the propositions thati. (lUcussed ou^Japuary 17th., ut

i.n-li time Mr. Blevara and niyself

•TOntiy'VbaB3on%r"W'Vor"|couidnUt"put the flrei out.and swam ! J Q y J^J[)£ Jfj Q^Rliinn ni»n«i *hc Htmpture there around until we sot there. That is, •»--•» .t c t th :^o r™^ted h fo r !u l l ^ V ? n e of the^en.^ecmubed ,

solve the prob-|*Htvertt"r^eara, but sold"thu building up on a blinked light and' tied Kim-it i h i H

ea yupon you ut Woodbrldge.

(continued on page eight)

[To Trace DeKnqaentTaxpayers Who Failed

to Reply to Notices

recently and did not beek anothersite. Mr. UrewBter convinced Max was sitting therel'rown, manager ot the system, tlvat pulled alongside,the Woodbridge store which is thlr-1 "The bout wety fett wide and sixty feet deep was

an ideal location.

g dself to. the top of it with wire. He

it calmly when we

UBed was Fred


Four WoodbriiUe youths who tookTurner's 'Hummer'. The. little craft i a n Iselin mans car to *o fur a

Ueiigors from Perth Amboy may rlde|I to Green strett, without paying anadditional nickel.

j Tbe change was made- at the re-I quest, of Mayor William A, . Ilyanand the members of, the TownshipCommittee after the matter waathreshed out at a recent "meeting,l'ublic Serice officials were asked tomake the.change several months agoand conferences have been held

was in good shape, except that we! riUe were pluced on probation111 The1 price °rang«nof the merehan-3couldn't" nm 'the engine,.its therelaii indefinite period when arraigneddie in the new store will be thelwas a hole in oneo t the cylinders, im,police court here last evening onfame as the other branches in the I'Walt' Peterson came to the rescue | grind larceny charges. Lettter Kreba,•svstem The major portion of the jot the ttre company and plugged the 16, of 727 Ilajiway avenue, who waB•iVtlcles on display will be of the five!hole with waste and off we..went." {driving the car When Traffic Set

joy 1 several( l ) r ! without

times during that periodresults; Prominent

and ten cent store variety, withlinuliy iteniB. selling for amounts up

"'•' I f/i" An'A Antlfiri7*' XT? "TJi'nwiviinia MrVprie- Mf,Hrewstwr that custQmers would find

d i


only high quality stock displayed ina most .attractive manner,

The Brewster buildingfileted


"Any other thrilling rescues?'1 [geant Ben Parsons picked them up,A yasked the insatiable scribe. had charges of operating without a

"Nat (hat I can - Temember now,; license or registration placed againstbut wp havo often been called oa Jor | him.

street merchants urged the arrange-ment, which, they said, would'resultin far better accommodations fortheir customers, especially duringbad weather.

yfcSi man, both Intimate friends of thelate Mr. Anness, will attend thefuneral.

At bis bedside this mqrnin'g, whendeath came, wure Mrs. Belle Haight,of Yonkers, his sister, aud Arthur

manual training, |5,p00: Yes, 571); F u o l « . of Long Island, a brother olNo, 188, • Mrs. Anness.

To raise by special district tax-for i August F. Greiner, ol the Funeraltwo worn portable schools,'15,000: Home, 1B in charge of arrange-

To ruiso by special district tax forand repairing, $20,000: !

602; No, 181.To raise by special district tax for

Yes, 581; No, 197.iioncl- issue to purchase lots

ments for the funeral.'a«l-

jacent id' Sewar&n* School, $10,01)0:Yes, B54; No, 178. . ,

liond Issue to finance addition to t'Sewaren School, <55,000: 'Yes, B44 iNo, 180. . I

Transfer of |20,fl'00 balance from ICurrent Expense fund to Repairing]and

Mayor Ryan Bjiid that all drivers!would be instructed ot the change rand that -passengers forced to pay anuddltional fare should1 lodge a coin-

ol1 the

Refurnishing' SchoolYes,

liuiKling j


service and to rescue peo-i George Finn. 17, of Grove street;' plaint " with any memberureTnda.nuu.ir in out of the way! John Bulekerood, l i , of Malrj Township Committee.

I places We have-pulled a man out'Btveet, and C.t»e Somers, 17. orUie first of this, year. One: i r o m under a traqtor recently, .Here LTrlnlty Lane, were arraigned on

administration committee wasjg t o r e W a B occupied, about two weeks4not long ago we used four cylinders grand larceny cllilW««. •ili« power to conduct an in- j later by an A.'& P. Btorfe, the organ-'uf oxygen in reviving two women !•_ The car which tne pnattei

Master PlumbersCelebrate Charter

Night at Steve's

iffent mark pt niul.jjr.oee.

l i .

filiation to determine th« jiatnes! (Za'tft)nil uddre'sses of presehl oWHerB of! The•i* lmrctla of land which are nowl t l l^i tlio a,»sessuient books ot the j a t O i e B in their eastern district here.Mnishlp and on which no twes | The Prown Company was started!»«• been paid for years, at tue j om ten years ago. They now have

of the Township Committee | d t o r < , j , in Ked .Bank, Heightstown,Point Pleasant and Lakowood.

a Ions time" lease. w l l 0 • were overcome by .gas. Weone ofjofien go out to get cats out of tttees


Monday afternoon. A commoirioa-tioti from Township Attorney Henry*•'• C Luvln, addressed to the full'lioard was referred to Uie eub-coni-MiUft' for immediate action so that

Township might Becure paymentarrears or hold a tax sale.he property involved is Bcat-

•'1 throughout all parts of theviisMp. it Is known that manytin- former owners have moved'of this section and are no longer

'ivBied In title to the lots. Bills!•• been sent out to many of theHTS ut record wbo Ignored them1 In imuiv cases they hUve been


Garbage. CollectionBids to be Opened

at Meeting Feb. 25.]3id» for the collection and dis-

posal of garbage in the -First District jwill be received at the next regular!meeting of the Township Committee

I iurnud by postal authoritiesiiiulelivt-iable.

(Township Officials toAttend Conference!

Members of the Township Com-uud Township officials

the conference ofwill

for a' spin was OwneS by EdwardDaviea, of. Henry street, Iselin. It*-as returned to the owner this morn-ing. '"We were called upon at one fire]

to go into a home and get a bag of -mouey for the owner. He hud a!*jeeK to Vacate SffeetSheavy canvas bag which he kept.un-1

der his bell and which was flllodwith currency and silver coins, itso happened that we put the lire putbefore It could have done uny dam-age to the bag ur .Its contents.

"We made a systematic search.ofthe ruins at tho home of former

in Realty DevelopmentNine streets, all laid out in a de«


I.AY SEWAREN MAINSA committee of iliree men, all

members of,tho Itmuil uf. Ifire Com-missioners of Fjru District No. 1,will seelc legal advice in an effortto compel the'Middlesex Water Com-pany t9 luy water mains on the

_.. principal streets of Siwaren. Com-vel'opment known as BoulevardlmisBioners Fredeiick H. Turner, K.l'ark, Green street, ^odbridse,!W.. Peterson' ami William Tr^en

Current Expense Fund to .purchase I Plumbti/s of Woodbridge Town-of Lund anil Erection of: Dullding ship took a prominent tart in thefund; Yes, 5'Ji»; No, 180. {Charter Night festivities of the new-

..IUSI; ut' seven IOIH adjacent ly- fortued Master Plumbers' localto Colonia School 'at cost of $2,1 (JO: which was held In, the Steven's Club

al Avenel Monday night. Among' thoguests were Township Health | In-suector Peter Peterson. J. Walter

was chairman, of the coramlt-

were included in an >ordlntuVa; vfliiehseeks to vacate t lie rights of tbe ji

d h i h

gon February 25th.

To Prepare Plains forAvenel Improvements

llMayor Neubere in Sewaren several'.lie to their use and which wasyears ago. We had previously res-(passed through its first loading in

' his mother-in-law when she [the meeting of the Township Com-, back iiitot> the burning house | uilttee Monday afternoon.- The

to get hey fu.r-eo*L*iiij diamondring. got the coat for her but

wurrf Instructed at the meeting of theBoard Wednesduy evening, to con-sult Township Attorney Lavtn .onthe matter.

Commissioner Turner said thatthere were several streets whicli

streets included In the ordinance | were withotlt fire protection at tho

Yes, 5M1; No, 171.

l e« '» Charge ot the arrungtiiueuts.B e u J e n a e l 1 ' Pferident-ot.the assoda-



be'givenTlie" r ight -ofVa^hen an- brief talk the purpose of the organ-Bwering an ularm, according to a c t i o n , »* a"»8 W f « » program forcommunication from Chief ot Police'the betterment of the members andMurphy, received by the .Board ot | the community an a wl(0le He'Fire Commissioners of ^ire District praised • Health Ittsflector Petertfon

tI was prettily (^ecor^ted for the event.

Flre Chief Willliim Allgaiur wilj! T l l» toasljiiaster explained In ah l * i ' l«lk t' urpo f th

we could not rind the ring,the blaze was put out *we


found{many pieces of jewelry, some ofthem melted into a solid nass.

. "That coat nearly qost Mrs, Neu-pon motion of Commltteemali [berg's mother-iu-law her life a short

Oil of theg

Ward, time . She a hospital

ioiiiclals to be held in the Stacy-"tre«tWlotei hi Trenton otf. February 26th.In ml 27th. A» invitation was . re-

«.'lvud at the meeting ot the Town-l>li) Committee at their meetingoi'duy afternoon, and accepted, on

of Comniltteeman Graaeam.

mute the cost of a storm sewer, curb,gutter, and cinder pavement onCommercial avenue, Avenel, and thecoBt of curb, gutter and clrjder pave'went on Madison avenue,- Avenel, at

-T. A. of School 1 and 11to M e e t on Tuesday

The first meetlUK of the year ofe Pttrent-Teaoherf Association ofeacher s

schools No. 1 w d U wlH b«d la the ayditorli^m of School No.next Tuesday afternooit, An' In-stlhg program m be given by

e uupiu of both achooU under the

get the coat and had to be rescuedagain," • . . ' . .

"Speaking of returning property,It might be of interest to the people

the meeting of tbe Township €om-"o'f tiTe'Townshlp that this companymittee Monday afternoon. has a very hf

• tional Board

C. D. A. CaUforCourt MercedeB, Catholic

ters of Americai, will .roll qn the newCraftsmen's Club, alleys iiwrtWednesday evening, Two of t b e d -leys have beett reaerved and all meTm-bers who desire, to get a place on the[mm should be on Hand at 8 o->--"Mrs. Michael Tritfner willcharge of. the arraijgeineatS'

come up. for a public | present time. Pleas by home own-era,^he said, went unanswered. Wa-ter company QfHcialH, in other cases,he said, claimed that there weren'tenough tiomes to make the expendl-

After' hearing *aE the next mleetinB are:« 1 la — 1.™ ' „*—A* ll»i»« Atvaaf VfittflSzoke ' street, Butty street,

street, Caryl avenue, MannYetta

street,Fredstreet.'ReKiQft street from Ty- ^ler avenue1 northerly to its end, I tu res profitable.Nanette street from Tyler avenue |northerlyrio IU end, Julius strijet,!from tUe'we?trside of Tylw avenue |

dto its end.

Salmagundi Meet

Flames B»i£« Bhed

Fire, Of unknown origin, which

O...U. Health .Inspector John Wodder,of Perth Aiilioy, for their interestin the orgartination.,,n ,,. Other Breakers wdre Ray Tyrrell,Elisabeth Hardware Company; I. T.Madsen, Perth Amboy HardwareCompany; T. W. Elchler, NationalRadiator Corporation; h, V. Cohen,

I Cohen and MahloWlU; Barney Av-cbeu, AAton Wodder, William S. Roeand Charles Bott, Boyntou Furnace.

RirJ pMilitiff Statinn Company; WlUUm Buehler, thoDirO r e e a i n g StailOn H a J a c a corporation; Johb K«arns,{.Behter and Company; William J.

lamp Fire smith, ingvaard Grelsen'and HenryValentine ; Madsen, United States. Radiator Cor-

No. 1, at their meeting Monday eve-jIIIUK. Chief Allg&ler ha a had ' a'siren installed on hi» cur .to dititiii-guish jt from other vehicles. A re-quest to Police Chief PatrickMurphy that the chief's car be sentthrough whenever possible was im-mediately complied with.

Campfire- Girlc Maintain

The Iroquois Troop of,Girls were guegts at aG i s w g aparty .given in, the home of theirguardian, Mre. Herbert Silbertnann,o I Rowland place Monday afternoon.M l g B Maruerite SUbmann and

poration.,Amoug the guestB were: Charles

! Simkin, B. B. Walling, Walter Ther-was discovered about 11:65 oelock M ) g B M a r | { U B r i t e snbermann (Uid.Keleon, William J. Smith, William

r morning deatroyed a shed M 1 W EQ n a pombro»ki won prises. 1 Hoffner, I. T. Madsen, Iogvaard.76 New street, Woodbridge, | , a n o BOlo8 w e r e pUly9(j b y M a r y G l e | ^ n B e a je njen. J. Walter Dor-

owned by aiawn Shoebouf, and dam- perruro a m i Edna Dombroeki; Miss 8ey, Michael Tuilk, iwm Garland,

Mrs. William Krug, of Avenel andMiss Louise Brawater, o( Wood-bridge, were the hostesses to theSalmagundi Literary Bociety at a

i'do"uot remember what tne technt-1rowtlnjt Wfl, U,*Craftsmen's ClUbcal rating is. but I know H is nearly Tuesday ^ eveijing; Miss Grace C.trie eaulvalent of a>paid ftre com- Huber arranged the entertainment™ q ' I program which was well received.

y{\.?.;,™: ^J>9i; "i^^^i^a'^^rtoV^d^wtauSTgMarguerite Silbermann gave a mono- William Rodner, John^Voddur, John


WITH I L L TREATMENT, , ,y.iro,»— .,— Hans Hunsen, 53, a carpenter, ofIt was my hobby to go to a flre," I "Happlneas", a Dinar by i> Hartley j fords, ^ w wntenced to serve 90»v nuB~j if; •• r ! _ ! . , ...»j I.,, uioa Huloiilrtnvo in tho nnnntv iall when*ld Prt? Pete^7jTtter IT-^ ' i . ! Ma7wSr Was / ^ . M ' s s Helen

"p£te'the Tailor", wientaterylewed. Pfelffer, Letad RwnoWfc M M . 1 *" I « m b e r one U«e I ran out <?f land Eeynolds and Asher I. Ran-

• ^ ^ f f ^ W A " ^ ' * * «HM Prwram eoa ted of


merchandlpe. , llogue, "Mre. McQasey1.'.' Those prca- Dobtansky1: HWMC Ter^Jj,. represen'• -""i lent were: Helen Ols«n, Ethel Hunt,-tatives of the Perth Ambny Supply

fHARGES HUSBAND (Mary PetruFQ, Bdna JftflmbroBki, Company, H a J a c a Corporation,V I U U I U ^ i i v u u n j w fioj-ence Corfleld, Marguerite Silber- Woodward-Wafiwr' Company, Carl

I ....^. a n d Mrs. Bberllnn, Qeorge Bttttwelr. ' *! Anton Wodder, J O . Jorgensen,Andrew Smith,..William Finn, Wil-

Plerce-Tredinlck",._v... .„.„ ^ , v-",, V...-..V- F. Bath, John 'Florence Cordeld won prlseti. The'Schmidt, a representative of the

by the


, sdays in the county Jail whenarraigned on a assault and butterycharge in police court here last eve-ning. The. complainant was bis wife,Ida Hansen.

Poatpouednertobe l

Ryan to, tbe

veniog. ru

rnann, Marie SllteermannHerbert ailbeniiann.'

The gVorip -went on a roller skat-ing clke to Iselin Tuesday after-noon. Miss Irene Strieker and Miss [Company, Charles

fid i Th'Stroop vUlted and refilled a bird feed-ing station which they1 are malntaln-UIK, MIB8 Strtofcer wab the hostessto tbe meuibersiOn their return. Re-freshiuents were served add games ford, Josephwere ptayed. Prttes were won by I Kelly, of KeU;Louise Slibermanji, Ruth Howell and I Peterson, UMarguerite Silbarmsnn. Miss HelenlMahlowlU,Olsen and Ha(ea 8o7oUkl |ave rwl- Duncan, J»me*tati,on»: /•"• > » \ I B u r n s a n d A f t 4 n

estate of Robert A. UcOutre, B«rTyrrell, 4aroee Wood, of Delawai1*)W. T. WUcdx, T. W. Elchler, BebrerandCoinpauy, Cl?arle»

Me&ertnott, J«TMI* MkAUndJiu; feter

Coh*« ft


* • • • • ^r-^js.;


Fire Co. Bugleand Drum Corps

Is Organ izedComposed of Twenty Mem-^ i*»»"-«rf . Lews »C«r|»«'


shTwenty mf>*»|>i'i'» of the <Voo<l-

brldRp Tout, American Lotion KUKIPand Drum Corps, wore made honor-

"ary membern of WoodbrtdKe FireCompany No. 1 and a bugle anddrurri oorfia to be known at thoWoodbrldge Fire Comjwny /No. 1,Bu?l» and Drum Corp* waa nrRiw-twd at the Meeting, ot theJUre com-pany Mfcnattf Svttrtttg. •- I

Fifteen rri«tnW» or the flre com-pany *1>o. are membeWl.ot the WiWd-!bridfee Poet will bring the total1

meniberahit) in Jhe new, organizationto ,tMrty-nK^,men It It planned to ;

• further Increase the membership by irocrultlnR sortie of the me intern of

• thfe flre cobipany. iC. It, Brown, president of the fire

company WM elected president nfthe new corps. Commander Leon E*.McElrpy, oj the Woodbrld«e Post,waa elected vice-president. John E.'Hunt, secretary of the lire company'will act In toe u m e capacity for thecorps. |

First Assistant Chief Louis Zehrer!was elected chairman of the com- <jnlttee to secure equipment. Fundswhich are* avalltrble have already 1been used to purchase two large!drums. The group-"will w«ar theregulation firemen's uniform, to be |purchased all soon aa funds are avail-J

able. .

U ' i l r M n m I John Donnelly ElectedHospital brOUp to Uad Church Group

Votes $500 forE n d o w m e n t

Tim<[ the Hali«ay HoBpltsl

''voted an endowment of $R00 for arimm Bt the" honpiUI, at a nifetlnp

John Donnelly wan electeddent of the Yoimc "Men'sor tli* KirM Presbyterian <--'»""L-a meeting held In the home of wai-

Cfiaptor W a r r J r o f r.rove avenue, Mon-VonilhrldB^-Hewaren w « i ' - ' t ? r Warr, jr . , 01 'Mure " '" ' , 1 1 » _ J „Itali«-ay Hospital Auxiliary : | 1 a y e v e n | n f r . other officers elected n

for HIP year were: Henry Nelson,vlro-prpnldpnt; John Hlnkle, secre-tary; John Campbell, treasurer.Following the Bible study session adiscussion, wit*, hold In which Georgehappen spoke on "What Do You•Mean By Morals?"; Raymond Dem-arest-, on "Women Are. Not MoreMoral Than Men", and Norman Cole-man on "What Would Men Be With-

out Women'i, Example'cimon reached w<ts that women aremore moral thanimen. * j

John.Donnelly spoke on "Practl-cally Service the Fellowship Can|Give the Church". Humorous ?to-ri«s were told by JphJ c . f t I?.p n e ' 1 '

Hlnkle, on Freeman itreet. ''

Burns Re-appointedJ. Frank Burn*, of Woodhriii

Was r«at>pointed constable for r,year at thp meeting of the TownsiConunlt^e at their meeting Mom!afternoon. tfh« appointment *

notion of Towmhip (•„,out. *

fnnd» mippjlft by the local organiza-

! ""inn* were discussed for a nerlesor curd partie* to be held for thebonflit of tin1 tund.


Revised mlct and regulation?which de(lne ttf< duller of police of-

' ftcers and thflr cofiflUCr WBre ap-proved -by the Town#hlp Coinmltteeat their meetini! Monday afternoon.The ruler will be Uutorporated Into

' a pamphlet which Is to be printedi soon and wlitch will Include the.•amended police ordinance' passed' last .year.

Citizen* of uytr, ii-|in., h'avcbeen bewildered hy tho -reportedelopement of 1>'<:S. Richard U.Laden, wife of a wealthy mcr-chant, above; arvd the Rirv EdDawion, her pastor. Her hus-band told friends he (rave herf 160 when ihe told him she want-ed to go to Memphis with theminiiter. ,

- . .When.' the ptunjber died' tils wifetook no chances. She b'u'rled histools with him,—Life.

Wm. F. IMurphySHEET METAL WORKTin -• Copper -- Sheet IronItooflng t Hot Air Heating




, RESTAURANTRooms By Day Or Week

Wm. Haug, Proprietor\fi3S!j Airiboy Atenne

Phone 1168 • Woodbrldge




PianoNccd Tuning/Ju come in a hurry




JOHN J. FOLEYPublic Accountant


% Auditorpost OFFICE nox n


I XSUItE jour home, yourB«raKi', jour barn

afialnit (lecny. Don't letthe. frost get Into yourproperty for tnrk of a

coating of protective

We'll sell you the best.Wo'-li also supply the mento put It on, if you so de-sire.

Alt the best braudg atreasonable prices.

Kelly &McATmden Co.

Auto PartsTHE kind you want to

make driving whetherfor pleasure or business, asuccess. EverythlriK that'sgood at prices that areright.

Come in and let us fityou out.

MeIEODAuto Supply Co.

PROGRESS has been made, during the last fewyears, in the science of illumination. I t ie

importance of conserving eyesight has led toa better understanding of the way in whichcorrect home lighting guards against e-ye strainahdtts eetstting evils* ~

There is no reason why you should not havein your home lighting which meets all the"fequlrements of modern optical "sciencerr: :

There is ho reason why Vou should subject'•«.' yourself, or your children, to the risk of

' injuries to eyes which result from incorrectillumination.

••*?• • • - - ,

Tfeere is no reason why you should not^njov, when you read, when you performyour household duties and on every otheroccasion, good lighting. v

* • . . . • • . . • •

Correct wirthg of your home is one essential? another is the use oftne right size and Quality 5f electric lamp. In regard to both of thesematters, the advice of our trained experts is always at your'service;

ServiceElectric an110 Main St. Phtyie 60


No Trick GuaranteesOur one week exchange policy eliminates any gamble in buying a used car, because if (or any reason the car is not satisfac-

tory, you can exchange it without loss within one week after date of purchase.


• N I C E ; . . . . . ; . . ; . ; . . . . . . . . . .1926 CHEVROLET COUPE,

( 2 ) , . . . . . . < ;1926 FORD COUPE; : -•




192S Cadillac Victoria Coupe;A Real Bargain

Fords, We Have Plenty Many Others



| _.74 and 76 FAYETTE STREET, Between High and !V!f * *ERTH AMBOY

" < ! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


\ '

D. A. R. ChapterObserves 50th.Birthday Event

liftli ( H i n l v c r s n r y

I ' I , ; I I I I < T . I). A- R.

8 t i i f l ,

of Janetwas ob-

CastlesPajre Thnm

By Laird

' V. fi-



T i m : '



, iiic rounding regent,v i lent I no, preBlded and lntro-,1 il,,. Rprnkeri, Mrs. William A.,,., utiUo regent, and Mra.

itolil Banks, vice-presidentof New Jersey. More than

i','',',' ' "hundred guests were presentVontclalr, Morrtstown, Tren-

I'Viiiifield, Orange, New" Bruhs-Siinnnlt, Huhway, Metuchen,

i, island and Ellkabeth.-'ii,r .Mionts of honor,we're: Mrs.i, h. Blake,- president jtf: the,

of 1812; Miss Mildredtreasurer; Mtsi Agnes

unite registrar; Mrs. Harrisn'.,uiin smith, staj-e librarian;vMrB,M',,||,|.lK sK-flman, state chairman of, , i ,,„!!,• education; Mrs'. Charles

,taic olialrnum; Mrs, Williamlute correspdndlng secretary;

],".'"'<• K Murray, candidate for',.,,,. , , r , . | H i n 1 9 2 3 . * . • . t ,

Mis Mirin Rung Cook, Soprano,.,,,. 'several selections,, accompaniedi\ s is . !•'• K.' Valentine, pianist,,,,l MIS. i,ester White, , violinist..;instil 1'iitter also sang.-. ,

Tin- ovmt waa> In eharg«- of- Mr»..•,.„,.«( c. MofTett, chaiirraan of hos-'jiiilliy.. Shn was asslstM by Mrs.. ,iric' ostrom, Mra. Frank Varden,

It. Merrill and-\trs, L. Iteyn-Ti-ji was served' with Mn.•in Cutter and Mrs. M. I.•*L pourlntf."' "

, h i , , ,

\ i r ;•

Twat 'Km RtfughF, S H O T B Y • • • • ' :•

MATE IMNtOVF,9-Sun- Francisco Bulletin-.


It. ,1. O'tfarrell, pastor

Sunday Service*i at 7:30, 9:00 and 10:3V

y School after fr:0fl'«'elock

living and Levin*— >/PVWB4YlgOIHIAU.6 * U

Mischievous Gossiper Should beChastened at Whipping Post

" T R M T H O T T

totd. What mlKhl^r th#Ve things do! One thinks •fonclnuly of th«MOCKR and the whlpplnn post for people who KOMIP or repeat or wfttna'ta .Wle talei, ,

"Who st«als ainy purse. stealB traah," said .the poet, "hut he whoIllohei from me my f:nnd nnme talfes that wlilrh pot.enriches him. tindIt avps mt poor |«de<|(l.' • •



f all have our dreams, tnir Castles In Spain. Sometimes UH y dp , sui nutH. or to the open spaces of the went. Again, wetmiMni « . t t f tHr 0 0 t . , w , ; - i i , " n~ 'he-^oiifcUliwlUe and durU-aream of wandertns In the great sirence of the fi-oim mrtfrrtfatch*naneu schorilasi twanging the guitar. Sometimes, thoiiRli, one may -be Ofnothlhg more lordly than a wee roge-Bowered cottage In thecountry and cliildren plains in the grass while a sweet facedV?-n?*«^!S

tont* n n ( 1 smile's. „ Some dreams are ot wandering In fur-"llfiiVg-lands, of tropic, moonlit sea£ and the scent of Jungle (lowers,or starlight In the desert, . Again, we look to the hills and gain

the lights, of the aurora borealis.Whatever our Cnstles they make onduabls the dally grind, the

earns nnd worrlc* flt«a workaday world. Some day, wo feel, we willdrop this, grabbing exlstence'and fare forth Into our land of adven-ture and romancer—our Castle in Spain. •' *—W — -—- : : ,

t ' l ' I r icH.


nms at 3:00 P. M.ini; Devotions—V. 30 o'clock.•day Service*—Masses J:30.

v Day Service!—Masses-6:30•on o'cloeli. -; •

f'lrst rrldava—MBBB 7:30 o'clock.Confessions Ireard -on Saturday

moons and evenjngs 3 to 6 andI to 9 o'clock. Evsa of First Friday*nil nil Holy Day: of Obligations ai.Saturdays. *,

PnrUh SncleUet[Rosary Society: Communion FirstBmlay of month. . '(Holy Name:. Communion Secondpiiitav of month.ISixUllty of Blesxed Vlrgli Mary:pmniunlon Thlr^ Sunday of month, of the Parljfci},' Qafnmuntonburth sima»V of nutath.'

Methodist Ep'ucitpalA. Roylan Fill Qerald, Pastor


rMAKKS THE Sl'LIST-; level best to kick pieces right •out ofETIS FLY"' • !Ha hark! 'What'iti llie world wouia

^ t h e ' n a t t e r « l t h h ' m ; "UKnt the

"- l a r t r l d g e *

Infinitely Smart

[10 A. w.—Sunday School1 A. rfM. — Morning -Worship,noii toplr: "The Secrets of Cour-

P. M.~ «:pwortti League.7:4") V. M. -*- Evening Service.rmun topic: "Washington".

Congregational[Rev. Wrn. V. !>, Strong,

father strikeR me with thosegreat wine, of hl« r will not be

^ T l ° SOii?nW"hrntlnS'tS!Il0rrOW.vii B"1 Fear-No-Harm was so glad Itw,l8Pered little ear-No-Harm "I ; t h e Bt a n d n o t M g , m g u g e l f

wish, I hadnt made a,,y noiae. Run | t l l n t W M g e t [ l n g t h e drubbing that(he flapped fili Wlngl, and.If Pfiter-pi httd not clapped h|s hands over the [I blrdling's beak the youngster would! have cheeped out loud with delight.As it was lit; changed his chirpinginto a whisper'. , ^

"THat'a right, b.lff, bang, -trtng!Hit that old stump again. Whew!Just see the splinters fly. Say, boy,if getting mad makes one have suchfun I wish I was father. Ooh! Whatis he going to do next "

"If he wan a rooster I should saythat he was going to crow," said theboy, bending down and ipeaklng soonly thn tittle bird at his side couldhfar. "I have seen Pete, my petrooster, tiop on the end of a rail and

1 Hap Ills wings like that lots and lots| of times. • Now you know how youj looked when you stood on that flal| rock by the pool.! "Look — your father has trotteddown to.the otner end of the stump,and la actlftg In the same wayWat«h the angry glances he Is castingat hiH friends. He lodkB madenough to bite theft- heads, clean off

k. M—Sunday Reboot.ll A. M.—Morning Worship.! V. M;—Christian Bndearor.1:45 P. M.—Evening Worship.Vodnesday. S P. M. — Weekly

Idy of the bible. . .

. Trinity EpiscopalHey, J. B. Myew, Pastor

A. M.—Celebration ot Holy EuiriHt.10 A. M—Churcn School. -|1 A. M—First and third Sundayeach month, celebration of Holy

I'iHt and sermon; second andSundays, morning prayer and

K; fifth Sunday, morning. litany and sermon.

PresbyterianHiv. Krneat Abbott, Pastor

|:i.r, A M,-Sunday School.| 1 A. M.—Morning Service. , ""

I1. M. — Junior Christian; En-

-ChrUtlan Endeavor— Evening Service

vor.1:45 P. M.-1:45 1'. M.

Avenel Presbyterian:p. M. — Sunday School at the

•nel School every Sunday.* J"i:lB P. M—Junior Christian KniVor.

P. M.—Christian BntteatoiJVliea.

v. M. — Regular Evenln*Tloeg.

— — . (

Clirlstlan Science SocietySewaren

branch of The Mother ChurchKlrrt Church of Christ, Sciefa'In Doeton, MassachUBetts.

unday School.— &:30 A. M.Jinday Service *» 11:00 Ai» M"ti(li|«Hilav ToBtimnnw Ilvatin

M . . •

hursday — Reading Boom, 8:0'5:00 P. M_

666is a Prescription for

»» Grippe, Flu, Dengue,DUS Fever and Malaria

tsptiedy remedy know


way boy, (julck. Even if he beats gay, "Fear-No-Harm,\ what did he doue I will not tell him which way youjtnen; what is he doing now? Good

gracious me.! Your father Is mak-ing 'his wings go so fast that I can-not see when they are up nor when

was.that noise?"

ent." ,-"You're a dear little chap," said

'eler, under.his -breath, bendingiown and patting his faithful friend., they are down.ipon the back. 'Jlut don't you Wor-y, Father Partridge I'Sn't solng tomrt me or ybu, either^ See, he isn'tiven glancing TfcTs 'way. "WHateverias made him so angry It is not you.

don't believe that he even heardOir cheep. •

'If you' ask me, I think yourather' Is jealous of hisanclng

Ueewilllkens! What

Style WhimsiesMakers of handbags are vlelng

with each other in producing thefriend's most original models. Popular and

In good taste are the alligator bags. . 'lined with kidskin which are carried

Whatovef the reason there waa-no • atiiKatui- sports oxfords areloubtlng It—Papa Partridge was as• ™T

cross as could be. Run, hop, skip! 1w u f ' . • » > »

Down he canie-witljia thud on top j • h g , , r e m e t ^ t p a r l g pof the old gray .stump. And how he I e v e n g K o w 1 8 g 0 In-lid treat , the pou•• | hlnjj H • fluence S l u a l l j a c k e h , areUrlmmedstamped upon It and beat It with h s . ,n ^ ^ o l d . t l m e

wlng» and seemod to- be doing Ills



Slew or ItngoiitHer I Killnri with French

( uslanl Nuts l''nilt

a young, fir), 18 yra.ni old andmodern. Re«#ntly thje young manI'used to j fa wtU tailed me upahri.Mld IM-Lfcad better be care-ful where I Wai^wn. I asked himwhat )M waii refexrltiK to. He saidsomeone had told him thatel'hadbeen Been going. Into a '.bootleg- "(ilng' place with tdme man. 1 Wldhim it *«s a Jte. and trt«. li* told ]ms the name of the man tnat Iwas (supposed to haveyKone with,imd named the nlrcst hoy th»t 1have ever tnet, •'! Vate ""Known ••hlhi all nry life. '1 aaked this bhythat told mfe to plea.si- tell- me whohad told htm siich a tiling, hut lie !reruaed. tt hurt terribly. I Ithought I. had Just butler forgettt, as he war probably Jeal-ou* of«oniPthlng. 1 thought that per-haps he was making It up. Aboutthree week* I was at my girlmend's house. He called her upand, w.hen. Ue learned Hiat I was.there, he asked to speak to me.The first thing "he aald waa In re-«ar4 to tl»f4ubj6ctr, T-twi-lw toldme I had been seen going Intonret piacmnrt'ttmt-tire.iiiiirty thufsaw m» had se«n me go iiiwtairs.In one ot the bedrooms with theboy he . named before. I wasflppuchjftyf, • jft'fli "nil it Iliv 1 told.

him. That's "all I could *a>. 1could hardly Bpeak. If, I couldhave spoksn I wouldn't haveknown what to say 1 called myKirl friend Mlde and told hpreverything. • 3he said she had-heard that right after she startedgoing with. me. , I naked her Ifshe betteved tt and she aald thatif she believed It she wouldn't gowlih me. I ca^lW find words toexpress h.ow hurt' I was. and still

— ram. . & n yOuwhat to do?

The onl^thtn

pUtiu advice ma .JUST Vl."

I'd Hu about It, Vl,

1 let tM other' stortetThe Is capable

Ing to himknqw whflt vll* i ...... . _of retailing over the plionev If yourfather or brother should give h,lm' agood thrashing It might leach htmto raspftct girls, as no real'man —certainly n'o gentleman—would In-sult a girl friend by repeating sucha story if he had heard It. Don'tworry abo.Dt \\[ dear.' aA you c»n «e«from your girl friend's attitude; thatIt Is not believed.

Vanished. GlnryMohey talks, but none of us wduld

believe the old dollar. It It «tari«4telling us what It used to buy. —Doston Trahscrlpl.

"What sculpture Is to n block otmarble, education Is to the soul."—Addlson.

A pirct ol waxed paper loltlcd over the ,,edgeol thr knitc wilh-which you rut butlci .will prf-venf life butter sticking to'theWade


BOWS and Jabots are being rtserton all the Hiiuut daytime

frocks. Slniplicity of llive Is es-sential, but feminine details elab-orate this simplicity.

The way it works out Is Illus-trated in this infinitely smart lit-tle frock with its Jabot of self

What ia more delectable than awell made, properly seasoned- stew?It i« K»od for the well person, It iseasily digested and nourishing torthe person who id ill not too goodhealth. Three different1 recipes forus many different stews are Includedin this week's menu. -


lUgoutof Lamfc — One and onehalf (Uiiinds breaflt or shoulder lamb,three slices bacon, eight ' smaltonions, one onion stuck with cloves;

j sr,\ medium sised potatoes, one stalkceljlry, three sprigs paiBley, a bayleaf, a sprig of. thyme, tied together/four small carrots, four 'turnips,three tablespoons flour. Wipe themeat with a damp cloth, cut Intoinch cubes and dredge with fiour.Dice bacon and cook until crlBp.lirown onions In bacon drippings;remove them a-nd browh the .cubesof lamb. Pour off all fat exceptthree, tablespoons; add three table-spoon's flour and brown; add one

jpint hot water and stir until the{•gravy bolls. Add the meat, the sea.-I sonlnga and the onion stuck with| cloves. Cover and simmer for an(hour. Then add the turnips, pota-I toes, and carrots, cut into quarters,and tire browned onions, and-"con-tinue cooking for about an hourlonger. Remove" the bunch of sea-sonings before serving.



ff f gfinf onrf Caofcing Applianzz-.

Rand Automatic and Storage Water Heaters


Con*Den-Rlt Radiant Log*


Telephone 143 Perth Amboy



"Jhe Better Service"PHONE 788-J


mode.! » . * • • ' ,

Circular flares at 'the ,slde of aihemtse, or on French panties allowa smooth waistline with fullness attho htpa. . —

material and kick pleated skirt,

Words of Wisdom"Every one Is the


"Cheer up, Uu; worst Iseom.ft"-^-PhUanuVr Johnson.

(iernian Ve«l S tw — Sprinkle a

breast of veal with salt and ginger.Slice an onion and fry it in butterwith a little parsley and celery tips.WTfen hot put in the breast ol veal.Cover tightly and brown the v6al inthe same fat. Add half a cup ofcanned tomatoes anil-a very llttlahot water*.'r'C6Ve?''Snd cook slowlyfor two hours, turning the meat fre

son of his own quently: Thicken the gravy withHour, rubbjad smooth in a little coldwater. Season with minced parsley

yet to' or caraway seed, boil up onc^ andl.sunce. .'.- .-...„ -,


Av«, W«wdb>ldtf«B HU.RHTER

After the Dance


Stop In For A Bite



and we deliver the Thor Agitator

and Rotary Ironer mtime for next

wasbday, This laundjy equipment

is designed M occupy small space—

ist^iflt to last for years—fonstruct'

ed ^o wor c quickly,,to wash thor-

oughly and to press smoothly with-

out«inju"ry to fine materials.

Cash price 1» ^154.50 tod termsprice £162.50. Sold sfpAT««ely. thecash price of the wither is flO5and ternu price ^11^ The ironeris priced at 49.90 cash and ?32.3O


INCPhone 142

'Where QuaJlp Ruks'138-160 Smith Si Vknh Amboy.N.J.














S Whevfiuabtrtate156 160 Smith Si ftrth Amboy. N.J.

When the wring-er is r e m o v e dfrom the washer,the ironer is fast-e n e d on t h ewringer shaf t .




Woodbridge ConfectioneryLargett Asiortment of Flavori in Town



THE WOODBRIDGE LEADERPublished Errenr Friday by

THB W D BKINTDftr, MO,, • t • , .At 104 Main Street, Woodbridge, N. J.

i t th'. Poit Office «< Woodbndgt, N. J.. • • S«OOIMJ Cbtii M«il M«U«i

JbMtw tn thaw col-

topics ot Interest-are Invited, *ut nn »nonymou« lottera will be publlihed.

Woodbridge, N. J., Ffiday AfWnoon,. Febrijfciry 15, 1919

An Important Trifle. W<? note with siitisftwAion tho announcement by Ihu Town-

ship adrniniivUutioiithijt "it has succeeded in getting Hie Public-Service Transport \,o oyexvlap the .bus fare Wrrtit zone fietwecnGreen street and Main street. , ' , • v '.•

In doing so, the Towniship Committco and the PublicService nssented^to a plan suggested by-Wootlbiadge ,J'nr the convenience ot their customers.

Formerly a.bus passenger from Avenel to Woodbridge W»Bobltfed' to gefoit' at ("ireen street and walk the Jong block toMain, of else pay an-nriditiunnl nickel. A pasaen^'i-from Se-wureii wishing to get to Crt-en street, h«rd to get oft at Main'ami u-altethc.'sa'me distance. ' . - * ' * '

Under the new arrangement, ,trie Public Service bussesfrom -llalnvay and Aniboy will stop at either Main or Greenwithout charging an additiojial fare.


Inaccurate, Hasty, False!A front 'pjjtta "news" story in the Febnltfty 4th'.; issue"of

* -the 1 'erWAmSoy "Evehing;"'?f?ws' statSB'tNif^bixfr'Qtf?^^chairman of a "consolidation committee"^ of jPerfch Anibby realestate dealers, had claimed that at "conferences", with MayorWilliam A. Ryan, of Woodbridge Township, "the mayor andj.other leader* offthe Tawiuhip^.. had c^P!'e?6^ thejnselve'not being opposed" to consolidation with Perth Amboy.^

The alleged "news'! story also stated that,"because of the"similar political complexion of bottv ccwnvuaities", a consoli-dation might result in one'harmonious whole."

During quite a few years of reading the newspapers wehave never come across a story pore°palpably designed to fur-ther the monomania of its publishers, and to prop up" that weak-ness by a garbled .version of something that .never happened.!

" " " ' M r . Goldfarb, when interviewed by a "reporter of theLeader, stated that '''there have never been any conferences"and dismissed the Ariiboy News story witlvthe; potent ph-rase:"A lot of poppycock;"

Mayor ttyan, also interviewed, stated that, when infor-mally asked about "consolidation" he had jokingly, repliedthat, "Woodbridge is .ready at any time to a " n e x P e r t n

Amboy."On the flimsy basis of a casuaJ, jocular conversation, the

Perth Amboy "News tried to build up a false i-'news!' iten\.of."conferences", involving the namo of the Township's mayorand of reputable real estate brokers. . T*

Such practices are unbecoming and tend to lessen theprestige of a newspaper and the respect which its readersshould have for its honesty and accuracy.

. The Perth Amboy News may--consider itself severelyslapped on tfi«,wrist! • ^

B. D, Charles B, Driseoll

Beyond Nationalismdramatization uf the charBeter «t JLbraliaiu Lincoln was


MASTERPIECEDifficult Drama, Ably Di-

rected, Applauded by Ap-Ho helonKS to mankind. The nobility of his lite is,Kimimaiut-d in -JiiB executive ac t jg emancipating tti*»f_nreCl&tlVe AUOlCnCe.black Klavps nf America, and that %a* an act that was j •more than national. It affected the human- race, .anil | ,,^e passing of the Third FloorWIIB bwyond boundSites of time and space in its sl»ini- j Back", by Jerome K. Jerome, one oliiciince. I ti,e most difficult dramatUi pieces

1-lncoln's dramutlc life, tracing a pnlden threafl °f' e v e r attempted by a local cast of

What Price Publishing?"The value «f books," says Santayana, the

"liefi in what they help us to become." • .The value of a newspaper, likewise, lies in what it helps

its commtfJHty to become.If it fails to arouse in its readers .a I6ve of their home town-,

an intense interest in its affairs, and- intelligent participation ^ ^ C u r l k , a v e b e e n , ,ill its self-government, the newspaper, though successful j tion, though they worjted In France,linancially, is a journalistic failure. \ |

Some years Wo, we had some doubt as to th6 value of aweekly newspaper to its community. Our ftiind was beset withdoubts as to whether it was, worth whi/ie. . *"

Now we know—that it is very much wprth while. The bigdaily, with its vast circulation, its great-area of influence, itsmany and varied interests, loses character by reason of theijreat sphere it cdver«. .

The real "home-town pape'r", on the other K»nd, has areal purpose in life, beside the making of money.

, is a-challenge w humanity ot «u ages,ihai. a mure national eple. It is inspiration to the 'joyof ilin Congo, even aa it is to the youngster of Maine

t n k / L i l b l thumankind and his

Bettings, and the well?imany B. L,eonarao aa vinci puiniru i,. . .•_„«,,,... tnnprt llirlitiney in the Italian peninsula, and Edison, ' ^ ^ " ^ [ " ^ ^ e d l l g h U n g

aroused much ^avorpblMiss OUve SandhQlt's perfoimance

was generally conceded to be thebest of tlie evening t her work waanatural, sympathetic, \and o£ the art

^ i j r t c E s C h u r c h ofW o o d b r W ) ,- e a t the High School au-dltorlum l a s t ftfay evening.

,iroduction was directed by*"« fv i? stWnK whoVe K,tldt-

*"',*• tion to i IB«atly to l l e . ^ ! ,

Lincoln belongs to-humankind, and liiadeathless sentences, spokon before the American audiences, have echoed!around and around the earth, In every language and dialect under heaven.)

• | ' It is so with the supremely great of all nations. Their great service;philosopher, to their fellow men makes them the possession of all peoples. Beethoven,:

I Whose wonderful- music' has i.nstpired'' the men and women of all nations,is ours almost as much as lie 1B Germany's. Leonardo da Vinci paintedhis pictures and wrought his statuary in the Italian peninsula, and Edison, - -Invented the electric light in the-United States, but no boundary Hnes .ca« leLm

or should confine sucli genius. These great men are the common propertyand the* common pride o£ all peoples.

There is no national jealousy concerning genius. 1'aBteur and FabreCurils -have been hailed as kindred by all scientists of every na-

Fraiice, Their discoveries are as poteYit for . . _ . .good in Haiti as In Paris. Here is the true internationalism—the inter- lees'quality that approaches real art.nationalism of genuine human ereatnesa. i ' ; Mrs. Klsie Bam.t » acting wab up to

j . ! its usual high standard, well'.poised,presence and per-

the sensational, the lurid aiftf morbid of the trashy .tabloidsd th ll it d t it lu t " W t t V f i hand the yellow press, it devotes its columns

, i l l • rtn' ' .

terest to home-town folks. , 1If it develops an interest in its home town, if i^ points out

'its faults, its attractions, its traditions, its memories, &hd themany hqmeJV._bjt of jneighborly news/if its preserveW a stand-ard of intelligence1 of which its readers need not bei^sHamed,if it stands staunchly as the champion of good, thrifty govern-ment in all its branches, then we believe that it IS worthwhile.

with an easy

Automobile jStocks may jump, but they have nothing on acmaiity.p e d e s t r i a n s . - W i n s t o n - S a l p m J o u r n a l . ; . . . | reffi toL.»k«" &y S & s

' jatid revtaled real Ulenti bis make-And if the apes coul4 chatter in our lingo they might agree I " { J ^ *™\^ii™k™J"**i )o!

that man did plenty of descending while he was at it.—Dallas overdone to the final 'curtain, 'j s j e w g , . ' . | . Mrs. .Mac G. Bell, as Mrs. Sharpe,


I Play after play has failed in New York this season. P e o p l e e ^ ^ n t p IS-just can't get a thrill out of the same-old cuss words.—Nelson in its diiai role."


landlady who lives up to herK before she comes under the in-

^ -•• ig8r", gave anthat character

The largest piece of [ivory in tiie world has been fdundinAlaska and is on its way to Washington without being elected:

C. G. A. Zuckwf, of Elisabeth, pro-fessional actor, was "ihe Ufa of theparty" as Harry Larkcom, Jackal toJape Samuels, a jew, played by C.H. Ostrom.

Mrs. J. Fleming,!! as "the highlycolored MIBS Kite", was mast enter-talnlrig as the artfully Vivacious,i n n t t

We are anxious to have world peace, but see no reason for'ster ' *'10 ,ut tlie end j * ' t h e

r r comes a demure, intddle-agedj

lighting over it.—Dayton Journal.

Aconvict *rote a book of poems while in Sing j Sing. f A , a d y o n W a l ,n N e w J o r k s h e b n , n o t r e m ember

N d

lady., ntddleagedJ. U. Morris as the major who

turns from a cad into a husband,

lProbably he luid given up hope of parole for good) behlavior.—Jackson News,

shooting her husband in Noveimber.to November.—Detroit" News.

I ' • — iA nuipljL'i1 of earnest persons are urging tfhw spanking of! » 1 . , , , j ., . . .,, . ,,.,.„„ ,,f , I . *4. / ' i. t , / . , , Ancent tombs reveal furniture of bewidenng costliness,ten. We .knaw a whole raft of parents that need it, too.! h l l f n ,, - „ . . . , . . „ .„ , _ .. x, „. v * o, ,, „ '.childven

—Milwaukee Journal.

Not many keep a diary up » t he p*-in>»r-iover, Miss A. Peter-r v i sou as the rich aunt, and Basil Dav-

.enport, as "The Stranger" enteredInto the spirit of the play with a. sin-

cerity that accounted for the CIOBBinterest a«d Bjwpathetic response of

but nothing to rival in value a seat on the New York Stock Ex-• change.—Washington Star.

the audlehce.

About the time we thought the saxophones were gqingout, the movies began to talk.—Shoe and Leather Reporter.

Many students come to college just to £et atmosphere,says a dean at Columbia. Maybe that's*why,.so-many ge,t theair.—Schenectady .Union-Star. ,.

Nothing makes daughter more indignant than father'sbeftig able to make money enough so mothei1 can d,re»8 asjjhe-'""" -Cincinnati Enquirer, '.-'• . 'daes.-

In the temporary lull on Wall'Street the shorn lambs aregrowing another crop of wool.—Cincinnati Times-Star;

* . ' • , . . . - - • * » • • . • • - • • • • •

The objection to the inferiority complex is that it doesn'taffect the right people.—Muskogee Phoenix.

No man works harder against his own interests than theman who works for them exclusively .-^Boston

< It would seem that modern cities and modem youth arenueh alike,; thdy both nesd mor* h^me'

Our sition is that thereof a good flve-cent dfar. But.the retailer insists on getting two bdts.for it.—Dallas News,

v < - , ' • • • •


Celebrating Its First Anniversary- ' • . • * •

Thursday Ev'g, Feb. 21. .DINNER AND DANCE ^

Prince MakulaAnd His Gypsy Musicians Will Entertain


Mrs. Carolyn Wrightj Addresses Junior Clubj Mrs. Carolyn Wright was the1 Bpeakei- ut the regular niMtlng ofthe Junior Woman's Club held In

i the Crattsmen's Club last, evening.; Many of the girls signified their in-tention of attending the Woni n'B

!Clubi Guest Night this d¥e»ing. Mm.jI'VJJl..Valentine ulnyed several ulnnoi selections. < .

r — JOHN IlIiUMK —The funeral or J0»n Blume, 83,

wa« held from' hlu late home, B7flrBarron avenue, Woodtridge, yester-day morning, followed by a Bolemnhigh requiem maun in gt, James'chn«h.- Rev. Joseph Rya,h, pastorof at. Mary's church. Perth Amboy,was celebrant; Rev. A. D. Hassett,pastor of St. Pranks, church, Me-Vuchen, deacon Bev. Daniel Bfladycurate at St. Mary's church. Perth

[Amboy, subdeacon,; Rey. R. J. O'Far-rell, • pastor of St. James church,master of ceremonk*. Jntermeat

I was In St. Mary'* o«m«*wy, NewBrunswick,

The bearers* were: Charles P.IBlurae, Jr., William J.-ftrowney, Jr.,Harold Brath, Qeofg* A. Bl»me

^ Brath and Huold buhrt.

Mr. .Blume; whoyears superintendentBrick factory, con Monday after

* for nwnyol the Mfturerji t h '



1; id ay, February 15 2 — Features — 2

Harry Laudtr' I N •'




Esther Ralston— in . —The Sawdust Paradise


Sunday, Monday, February 17 & 18






Wednesday, Thursday, February 20 & 2J



^fflf DEVIL

Ladies Silver Night!^Starting Friday, February 22

Every Thursday Nightand Thereafter

C O M I N G , ,SUN., MON.FEB. 2 4 - 2 5 Interference"


" V : ; • ' • > ' •

MACK; . . - • » •»- * •

1 0 4


"SHEPHERD BOY At the State February 20 and 21OF GALILEE" TOLECTURE H E R E


n Haboush to SpeakPresbyterian Church

27th. _

, / , ,„,„

. .,„

iibww»vwho lwwe.ll Known a» a lec-

l in .iiTiiKalem and the Parivin speak at the Presbyterianl wcmdhrldge, on Wednesday•.;. I'Vbiuary 27th,iminimatlon records at Wash-show that only a. vei-v few

nis over com* to this country.,„„, ri-iison they prefer tfe sea

their native lands., But


TIIP following tn be voted upon: I fire CommlMioncr* to issue bonds)Current rxpenm-s for IWlff *l,740,00 | In the amount of $ IK,000 to cover j

The laws of New Jersey require (the coat of the ereetlon and con-;thnt iill eniidlilatrs flit petitions atistructton of a flre house for Klre'lPH«t fire days before annual flee- j District No. i, |ll(>n for "tnembcrft or a id Board of; Candidates may -secure application .Klr'o CommlSBlonf r». Tlie candidates petitions for candidacy from F.<nre requested to he protent at a sp»- Foereh. of 7/ Park Avenue, Avenel, Irial meeting at the above flre house or fcpm J. J. Lomax, ot 12 Durnett |

I February 11, 1929, so their names ;Street, Avenel, at any time.,F:^-t "I j ; . . 1 N : « 1 u " . 1 can be properly placed on ballots. ' Horned o( Fiw Commissioner*,I irSl LaQieS IMglu OI T h | o „„„,(„„ a,m !,„ h.irt hiieti .inin —*• —g

WoodbrUlge Club Held atThis meeting will be held open until

I1. M. February U, 1029.JOHN D. M.ATTBNSQN,

M.I- 4

v i.aud has ),.(,„.. attending


colleges and.,

ln:. before niahy groups of e'd-•^ mid.students. ' ' |; [,|,,vy has unusual color

nl lli<> Now'Jersey district rally of|Lions ciubH, to be.held on Wedoes-1day. February 27th., tit the Elks'IVrlli Amboy, Is planned bX, theJWotnihrldge LionS Cluf), Plans atealso nettie madts ,t<v ftfnd BJ- delegateto the National Lions Convention toIM> held nt JrfiuisviHe, Kentucky, on


NOTICS 18 HEREBY GIVEN thatthe following ordinance-pasafed sec-

I nl'I.IIK'1

has unusua o andII picture* the life of the

,„ n,,- Holy Lan* in »uch aand interesting manner that

Ililinusli has been.liivlted to

K aw 'Achieve BeautyBy MME. HELENA RUBfNSTLir* , • ^ /

IT ,1B impossible t« have a good, upward. This means,ribs tfp. but-pltahle wnlst and firm hips unleHB tocks in and do.wn In the back.

waB held on Monday evening, at theOtaftsirfen'B, Clttfc. Pinner*wran servedb'y nffilfffOIPHTOBWIJ™ "newatpwartt trt^ttre-ctnbr' Au, ti^ptdHiptti'tititr-byK."V. Hoffman, reeounjjn^ some'of hlBExperiences whllt city editor of theJuneau D a i l y , Cajrtlnl* of .hineau,Alaska, and a recitation of Lincoln'sGettysburg speech,' by MichaelOoulden, .constitute?!' t'he evenlng'BInformal prograni., t



thVlMi Ili'l'1''

n I"I decided to make; l hi

You Phould hav«>.no surplus fat atwhen you nip jetting about the waist. It Is a mistake to think!

a ,good .posture, that -the that a woman's body Is naturally'of his people his. lire ^ a l

n e°}?™* _1*nl

no,t '."I™'8?1' b£ S(>n a n d B a b by around this part.


S.. P.ctter, reported to police

Amend An l>nllA«n©e"An Onlltvince to

the Salaries of the Memhvrs oithe Police Department o( theT o W h l p of Woortbrtdit*-, Aboitvthe ' Grmln ' of Patrolman".Actopted DepeniNr 27, 102(1.

fBe It Ordained by, ttffi TownnlilpCommittee of the Towrijhift ofTfoodbr^dge, • iir the County ofMtddlesex; •1. Section 6 oT Hid ordinance. Is

hereby amended to read IIB follows;


t aecVetary.'A! ^

•Itn^-keroiwne and flro protec-tion pipe lines, 6-r«'(' gji»,itti andfllenel oil pipe lli eit, ifTpipl""lines varying >ln si*e from 2%"tn 4" for water, *lr, ntcam anddrain lines, under and acfouState. Rtnwt In the Township ofWoodbrldg*/ in »he,Count> ofMiddled**, at i pplQ,t (llnUh.t «p-ptoxiniately }40 /eet southMann the easterly Jld» of stateflfreet from the intersection oftlKveaM side of State Street andthe westerly tide of Old Road.

TAKE NOTICE (hat Shell Eastern £ 3•etroleum Praduets.'Lnr a (-nrnnTii- 1? .t'etroteum Proauots.'.Lnc. a corpora-

tion organlied under the lawa'of theState ot DelawaM, hHK pr<^Dt«d apetition to the 13oiird of .ChostfiKro^holdBrs of the County of ^lld-dl?sex, for t{h content of the Boarduf Choteiv-Preoholders tp the use nt

•maintain and operate Asphalt fluxI pipe lines, fuel oil pipe linos, gato-'

tfhe-hproiipne and • fire p'rotectlotipipe HnesjMlieiel oil pipe lines. w»£ter. air, steam and drain pipe, lines/ •and pipe Hnes for petroleum

products andpipe linen- to

b e


oh Innds toIts euc-on' the


Sajd t l i e


1 ',IK1 He albo securea a vai-"roll.'ctlon qf coBtumes and

. inim his home pepple. tot-

-Pl"»R"i are thrown forward, with ' 7 : ^ ~ " ^ This ordinance shall take erTect

in Galilee.!i Mr. Habouslj'will bo

"1"1 ,Hljd-f

talk on the supject of posture,n | B have noticed a tendency to go to ^

t e s Where, the small of the

^ : ^ r « [bT wide cj*!,. FINED FOR SPEEDINGstreet, Cartoret, paid a.


.swinging In an arc from-the waist- 2gl " n e . ' $5 line and court cosla when ar-

Another «ood-«««4U*-la as-lolc, raien.ed,lu,jioUco-.JM)iijt here,last evi;' or iVnttocka, out,' whirh'fa Called'tbe llows: JJie down on*.mat and slowly ; nlng on a speeding chanse. He was 1

old-fashion«d/'*way. baflk." ^Vbllel bring your body Upward, bending-j arrested

i 8 , ,prdina

hereby repealed.


Wm. A. RYAN,

, o ld fash ion«d , * w a y . bafl W | g y yIthl8 laduceij a m o r e oLlEBB.Btralglit.Hprward from the waist as far as j

,JeW BuSSeS tO DC BOUght abdomen, you rnupt remember that'possible. You maj-Defcin the exer-i n l_r C _,: . .* T » n i n n r f V011 a r e throwing tbe muacles out of ctBe by sitting upright on the floorby rUbHC jerVlCe 1 r a n s p o n p()(,|t1on T h e pBlviH h o n e Bhould;flrst, and bending far forward. Then

, not be thrown backward, but be Ini gradually, aa your muscles growblKlB4|r of Puftllc a forward position, IneHnlng slightly stronger, lie flat on t>e back.

i t d Tr

by TrafficParsons.

Servant Ben jB. J. UIJNIOAN,

Township Clerk.


lie 1!I2»Co-ordinated" Transport/ • •—

s ludvlslon Tor the purchaseih< xur or 267 juices, for Improvebient Assessments

ni.nlK. for extenslonB of ex- r

lines ;md for Increased busl-ui the new busses, it is the;intenttoB W- buy 161.ot the: mvff improvetaent assesanwnts.rlr drive type and 106 of -will come up for a public hearing

i,as-nieehanical type, all ulx and final approval at ihe next meet- •

Up (or Hearing Feb. 25th.Charged with Receiving


Hoard of Fire Cnninilssloiifi'gbnwuurr so. * i

Tmvnshlp of "



Coal Stolen from R. R. jnji»e

V. GitaTOtztdeev 38, a barber, <ttNew brunswlck avenue, Fords, was

The annual meet in u

N O T t C BI NOTICE IS •HEREBY GIVEN t»the legal voters'of Flre District No.

and election!6' t h a t a n e l e c t i o n w l U b e h e l d a t



• ll»!l!!9e.Pi- Ot **rc 1 0 6 - JnK of the "Township Committee Mon-lftned | 1 0 and cOurt co»t8 when arihrec wfillie'cTthe'high TOUT'3ayi February 2Blh. m e assessnieiftjratgneT"*Itt" p6Ttc"e"ctWrt'MteTr Mtm-nl thirteen low roof. No or- maps are on file at the office of the ,jay e v e n [ n g charged with receiving

have yet been placed. TowiiBhip Engineer and are open t o ^ B t o l e n g o odg. He wai arrested on]

J b tN

{February 16,. 1929.seven P.

at the Newark Shopsuniutely *130,000 will

Avenel Schoolhouse on AvenelAvenel, New Jersey, on Satur-

February 18th., 1929, between| the hours of 3 and 7 o'clock P. M.for the purpose of "electing two Fire

] Commissioners forr a term of threeThe following are to be elected: years each and to approve afi appro-

__ iKfl—CornmlHBtanera tulli. twiii, pfifttten- -ot i4,*fl^~-4or cun«nt ex-three years. , , jpe.nBes for the ensuing yeSr and

One Commissioner unexplred term j To approve the appropriation ofand„ K,di,s will be built by the the public. "Objectors may fll« •»rSS5i«tat"rf •Ar t t a^v i " Beed,"*1.1^ T«W* ^ ' _._. if 15,000 for the construction

i written complaint or may appear at, 3 h V a U e y Railroadfofflcer, who' O n e Commiasloner unexplred term erection of a new flre house.be the hearing a,nd speak.

> — « . . . . . . J H T ^ -.--.--.-„v ! n : | f lit CeKPlete.'l ijniprovementB are:installation of the de luxe Avenel street curb, gutter and side-

si'atst on lines to be selected, walk; Church street curb and gut-itimi to reconditioning the^er; Jean Court curb "and gutterm tquipraent where neces- park avenue and Center slreet curb

and gutter; First street. Port Heafl-> JOUO.OOO will be spent on'ing curb, gutter and sidewalk.•s and reAl estate. This item ' " , ,

o\i(|i-H for new garages and ex-. Htnlen Car KoiincIn-inns to some others, already in' ,(.,,,,,. i- A car, owned by the H. and H.!

to 11,000,000 has been ap- Toscl Company, of Railway, reportedt)iui;it«il for tr«ek, »ee9f|MB*otlon stolen there, w»» found here Ulnpday

viirimiH lines throughout New afternoon by Motorcycle Officer(> ;iml $f,5 000 will be used for George Rallnt. The car was drlven[lore, merit of feeder" lines. 'by W. Hinsfins. when stolen. (,

'claimed the defendant hod received o n e y e a r-coal atolett IlSBBL tbfi railroad.

I And to authorize the Board o

Popular Culture - '

• I know a little History;Some Verses, too, by heart;

I know, a little Science;1 know a little Art.

I know a little Latin;I know a little Greek;

.He. rttn«.»..IUUe.rejtiiuranti _I eat there every weeK. •

a L ..—R_-C .P.'BAen I" Judge.

Dorsey MotorsI N C O R P O R A T E D


Maple & Fayette Sts. I'HONK

:; r> o »Perth Amboy

RADIORICHNESS*""! tone, fidelity of re-,

production, clarity, all in a surpris-ing measure are had in this Bosch-console model with its super-dynamicspeaker. Here you-will find new andbetter radio performance. Just pluginto your lighting socket-tune withthe single dial, the Model 28 Boschwill bring in programs as younever heard them before/ Thenfftsticcabihet8"wnrinieTert-th0se- -whe- ad^mire beautiful things for their home.

Jcl» o * o Radio MMA pow« tube, si.it

cabinet r

Volt A ' Scven AC tubr.M lJ iiuhog*..y

HI ,i n."nJ at »u|i »iM»Jrl 2VBCon»ol(, «'ih sliding doori,beautiful q/rftsmanship andselected woodswi ,h Super-Dynamic ipwker and1 . w c u l

Jrtlgh-power ipeaker wpply «ftd tat^oich Radio Model l\ Rweiver.

Erict §395.00 leu tubtl.

Model 2 |A , Contote, spedilly detuned, of(ineiei«ctedMdp»tternedwoodi,nchlyar¥*d,nd: bwudluUy finiihwl with Sundani BotchRadio Shaker««13«Model21 *o«*>R«KoReceiver. Price »i»7.50 leu tubet. Model2IC, »Mmil»r model with Dynamic Speaker

Price »237.J0 leM tubei.


There are many reasons

for the ease of steering

(the new Ford


! new Ford is exception-' ally easy tQ steer because uf

the well • proportioned""Weight of the car, the etcel-

spoke wheels, the co-ordi-nated design of springs and

< shock absorbers, the size' and design of the steering >

wheel, and the simple me-' ehanical construction of the

steering gear. tI

The Ford steering gear isof the worm and sectortype used on high-pricedears and is three-quarter

, irreversible.In simple, nontechnical

language, this means thatthe car responds easily andquickly to the steering wheel,yet there is no danger of thewheel being jerked from the

. hands of the driver by rutsor bunips in the road. Alight touch guides the car,yet you, always have thatnecessary feeUdf-the-road soessential to good driving.

Strength of material! andcareful workmanship giveunusual stability to the Fordatoaring gear and housing.


The steerjng woriri, forInstance, is »pUned to thesteering worm shaft and isstronger, of coarse,than If • tingle keywere tupd to hold

the shaft and wortn to-pilher. The steering wormsector is forged and mf>'chined~iir~thg"8arne piecewith its shaft.

« ,The housing of the steer- 4

ing gear mechanism is madeof three steel forging*, elec-trically welded together.This housing is then electri-cally welded to the steeringcolumn. Such a one-piecesteel unif is naturally muchsturdier than if several partswere used and bolted or riv-eted towrther.

Throughout, the new FordBteering mechanism is sosimple in design and so care-fully made that it requirespractically no attention,

The only thing for you todo is to have the front steer-ing spindles, spindle con-necting'rads, and drag linklubricated every 500 milesand the steering geur lubri-cated every 2000 miles,

, . For this work, you willfind it best to consult theFord dealer. He has beenspecially trained andequipped to help you getthe greatest possible usefrom your car over the .long-

est period of time ata minimum of trou-ble and expense.


.^ . . . petition will be considered ,^r t ' t{? l l <» r J)rivy* . ,by.thu Board ot-'Chosvn F.'reeholdsri ° ' U l e «<»r<r.of Cbos«vi Frpeholca( the County of Middlesex at the o f •"• County of Mlddlpsex. to th»County RecordBulldiim. Xe.w Bruns- U B e ol •»'* street at the. two pointswick. N. J,, on Tiiursday, the cev- Inalcated Tor.the purposes'aforeraen-I'htb day ot Mured. l!!£fl. at 2:30 t l o n e d by the petitioner, its sucees-V. M. a o r i 1 *n<1 assigns be Kranted. for a

Tin- said petition «•;,„ nied on Kelh- " e r l o d "t-Any years, and' that-anuary 7, 142k The i-hwracter of the eaHement tor the said <i«rU>d of flfty

use to wijlch laid s t ick 1B to be y e a r B tor t h e ' u 8 e of. said Street at^.,i tg> - thu Ivn .nhlntu tnHI#*ntnH*rnr IK» «.»w.

To_layT COMtiOd. nialnUlo amioperate 2 12" steam Jacketeda«phalt flux pine lines, 2 10"fuel ol\ pipe Une«, B 8" gaso-line-kerosene and flre protectionpipe lines, 6 6" gas, oil anddlesel oil pine lines, 10 pipe

to 4 Tor wafer, air, steam anddrain lines, under and acrossState Street, in the Township ofWoodbrlOga, ,ln Uie County otMiddlesex, at a point approxi-mately 1,155 fept north alongState Street' trom the intertec-tldh ortl l* easterly slffe 61 StateStreet and the northerly side of

the two point* Indicated'ror the »ur-pose.g aforesaid .apcurtenaut to landsabout to be acquired h y t l ^ petition-er, Us IHICWWOrg mill IIHHIKUP, iviflKon both side* of s'slrt stnte Street, bogranted.

MPLVIHILL,fd ot CAOesn!ie County of

TW0MAS J.Cl«k. of thePreet\ofdeTs~Middlesex.

- Advertised February 8th., I'Vbru-a;-y.l5Ui. and February iitid., 1939.

1VVoodbrldge Creek.To lay+.mm»truct, maintain andopiate 3'.12" steam jacketedasphalt, flux pipe lines, 2 16"fuel oil pipe lines. 6 8" gaso-

Frtd«tkkH, TurnerfiKNKUAt INStTHAXCE AND


Sewaren, N. J.Telephone Woodbrldpe 239



Woodbriflge, N. J.

TeU Wilbge lMT \ list. 1003


Upholstering «nd -Cabinet Milking

Slip Covers, MattressesOifental Rugs Cleaned atid

RepairedAntique Furniture Reflnlshlng

Ono Fifth Ave., Avenel, N. J.

We Carry A FullLine of p* ••^^•~" Gum Dipped

Tires and Tubes >

We Are Also Equipped to Give Yoa . (

Complete lubrication, Ignition andVulcanizing Service


MS Pearl S t - - Woodbridgefe OPPQ51TE PENN. R. R. STATION -



Arrests DecreaseDuring January

Th" police report (or Hie month


II u..,,,., of arrest* .„.....,«>vera]month* previously. Seventy-1

•tm-n and -four women were'„ in for VHJIOUH offense*. Twoof li.iin wYre nesrwa. "Drunhn'ili-d Ui<" lint with lw«nly-on« brought)In on. i hat cnatK<-, anil violation* of*the motor vehicle la*« «>t <>. respon-j

thlify-roiir ot ttm*' s i m i f d wore*filled and 'uronli-piailt«(•><

Tiit«l v»W« ol sfMen property--re-covered hy local pollb*1 end returned?,to r.tnlful owner* was' f3,W0.&5. •

Chiei's Salary Increase /Amendment Adopted

An unuvndmrnt to t,he(Hint ihf salarle" at allfire's, ahovf- the rank* <tl inwiilch »ii! increase thel'«i:.i«" Vlih't I'dlrifk Murphy from|3,0l>i) to $J\5ftO a year, •*•»».p»ss<dat Its third ;»nd final reading at thetiifri'iir^ of the Township Committee

Income Tat FilingPlaces Announced

To iifwlst Federal Income Taxpay*cr's in firing their 1928 Income I ' MH"tnrns M promptly as possible,John Ii. Rogers, Collector for the

New Jersey District, has ar-the following schedule for

" internal 'Rerecue

steamTandState Street



N O T I 0 1

NOTICE IB .IttfRftfiY OIVER thatthe Township Committee will bold ameeting at the Memorial MunicipalBuilding, Woodbridge, N. J., onFebruary 25th., 1919, at 3:30 In th«afternoon, to consider the final pas-

mX '"Sl^o^tors'w;,. noir,,nlv ,„,.?„ Lam « t a t . l h i£Snut' will take the.necessary aHiaatltt

^^ t , ed to n t akea-


of State Street f r o m . . t h e ' fn U ^ e i t a x p a y e r of the Township.

tion of the east »ld%° ,w» -1 - • • • - — ' -Street and the westerly UdeOld Boad.

to lay

J w t ) ( > n w l t n uie Township Cterkprior to that date,

con-' • TownshirClerk.

y , 0 T I f K

ri-ij^f^wS?^1^Ittaniiniitfe held on the eleventh day of Jeljruarj, 1W9. ^ . ^ ^. •* . " ' i_ * Li." nui .

^rt ink ' lo U. 'tf: fjord, manner of . ' . .


S»tu,d.y;March69th M / t o 5 p

New'oet omct,

ruary 15th., to March 15th. •^ ; P t uihco FebrHost ; u*w. February


oy the i.n.....__., . . .3 assigns, bn land* to be a .•.petitioner, its saefcessors" and as-:

' ine easterly and west--'eny HIM.O v- utate 8treet. Thepipe lines will be burlpd fn thebeneath the bed of, State Street at a

, . , — , . Are.„_.. Htrwt. Kreil Wreet.

-T^, Htreel- frwrn Tyler- Ave-nue jSortfwrly to tbv '(ermimi.H .

• Thereof, Nanette Ww«t fnmi• Tylfr'Avrnue ftoftberly to the

Tvrmhitm "(hereof, Juthi* Htiwifrom tHe Wertfrij Side of Tyler

-Arenrfe to tin? Termtnb* of Hal.lJulhM H t r r r t , WofldbrMui-tnwnahlp. . .'•'

by the

i.ii.nt I: adiiiiin-f manof i!i>- p'j*ic* comnilttee.

by Com-Hl

193 TownshipRelating *- T««ea for the Year Nineteen Hun-

There'shall 6eHundred

the sum

curacythe usuaj changes of

di i

Building Pennili Total$ 3 9 , 1 0 0 D i J

>y appear to a map entitled, "M,,,,anoui io IK • " ' " " • ^ p ; : ^ - - . lying'of Boulevard Park, on Green S L . H .

, W I i u H H W t r S ^ a f e Street bS'woodbrtdfce Township, Mld<ll.s,xon both sides oT saW State Street. °* £ o m y £ j „ , , £ May. 1925. i,>-

I Larson £ Pox; CMt-- | »i,! which said map has been

nif< tins: Monday afternoon. The .lal estimated COM of construction'for *l ich permits were granted dur-

I i c r dtotalled

was $30,100. Fees He

Its (irttlnir* to V r m ' S oilan Had Been Run Over by Two

Auioc,' »Tracks Show, Btlleve u °— _ Died a Saturul Deaih—Kane

The Needle; Watson -pai-ftr.A church bell neighing 1 H cwt. r—

has t>"e.B stolen at Hendon.' Evi- Orrai for Hmlni:dtntly Kohiebody in determined to at-. r'orJ*»|iorla wear woodentract Uie waitress's attevtiop Jn a have already

FOR Gi:RRENT,.LOCAL PfRPOSES (3THER THAN SCHOOLS.. . — . . . . ,_ o.._„)„„. u o v o n , l p Acrnnnt . $720.Surplus in Surplus • Revenue Account

H E S O I R C E 8Unappropriated


• Building Dept. Fees — _Flumbing ft Health Dept. Fees —

K i n " _ _ _ * y m = . , .


3,500.«03,000.00» i0000


x o. TAKE NOTICB.tiut fti.tll EasternPetroleum • Products, .Inc., a cor-!po rat Ion organized under tiie laws ofporation grgauuru ....-w - —Uie State of Delaware, has P«?ented

3,500.00 : a petHion..t6'fh* - * * M W P X "

g. AH o f the w<frkToTsaW

NOT.CE IS HWV Q.VEN i t a l K h ^ i S prSSthe fallowing ordinance passed se&rf^Up. S p o f w R^hway VH11«V Trunkon.1 ,and third reading and was ; S e x v e r glfta'tea in Woodbridge Ttrwn-adoi.toii at a meeting of the TowB-:g n l p Middlesex County, N. J., made(hip tommittee on rebruary Uth. , | b > . G e o r g e K Merrttt, Township En-1 < J 2 J

n , „ , . . . . „ . „ kineer, dated October. 1927, afid theB. 3. DlMCAN, specifications therefor, which are

Township Clerk . ] n o w o n fiie ivtth the Township Clerk.9. There sb.sU be taken by pur-

• - ' ~ - i i - - " — u ( B R frit*AX ORDI-NAXCK '

To Provide for a Trunk Sewerto be Known

Chase, condemnation or otherwise for

._ _. , as the bclin-<'«lonla Trutik Spur Sewer,Woodbriilne Timivlup, Togetherwith the SvcensnTf Appurte-namem, awl to 1'i-uvlde far. UieLtHUJinre of Temi»orary Xol** orlmiin>vement Bonds and to I'ro-

' \ttlv lor ihe Atw*M»mcnt There-of. . ". .

lit It Ordainfd byCommittee of the Township otWoodbridge, In the County otMiddlesex:

1. A sewer pygtem at hereinafter,get out shall be constructed ke a lo-cal improvement pursuant to Artl-,cle XX, Chapter 152 of the Laws of,1017, an amended1, to provide for the;i-anitary. disposal of .sewerage in that!I.art of Woodbridge known as iielln,and Colonia and to, be used e^entu-fally for connectmg the Iselin

the within ImpTOTement, s rieht-ol-way ten feet in width, over the 161-

. towing described lands and realI estate In the Township of Wood-bridge. County of Middlesex' andfitate. of New Jersey:

Through:/ o t 1, Block 430.n!ots 518 to 576 Inclusive in Block

.rarerMiscellaneous LicensesPoll Taxes.Trust Surplus .„„--Official.Tax,SearchCarteret Annexation Adjustment . —Interest on Assessments.__Ifus Tax ( 5 $ on Groas Receipts) —L——r-









fcts>ned. , v lieu. n « ^ -^Saia petition will be considered bymenta known as: ,

...e Township Committee ol the; Avenel Street Curb, Guttertownship of Woodbridge, in ihe' m.M»«ittire

n T uuNTOAN, Clerk* Ofnce, be and. the *uuw a™township Clerk, hereby vacated.

i— %t Said streets hereby vacated arrADVERTISEMENT-3- (shown on a map showing th<- lora

- tlons, bounda and dimensions tlrtr.nrX O T i ' u n . and filed with the Township Clerk

IS HPttEBY GIVEN that,On Introduction ot this ordinance,••thiu Committee of the | 3. The. public rlghU arising fromof Woodbridge, at a meet-,the dedication of said strwts ar«;

Memorial Municipal: hereby released from said dedicationelevenlB day qf Feb-| 4. Thja ordinance shall take effret

9 at 3"30 o'clock in TOe imnnWUiteiy npwtt « a adoption andwill consider the reports .advertisement as' required Dy l a w

and benefits Incurred, Dated February 11th,, 1929." • * Efibruary 15th.,

22nd., 192ft.


lownsnip ui »»««""••—>'-' : , , _ , . .C6unt>v at Middlesex, at the Mnntel-

—r5 O T I C E


..:._ 19J,3(M>.0e 200.20Q.OOt. "Thedar of February

O BE RAISED BY T A X E :praportion^to be levied on second

class Railroad ratablen and' ' olherproperty

1929, at 8:15 P .M. 'was filed onThe character

^ ^SWI^c^amstr^o263.621.03 282,394.921- To lay. construct, maintain and.

CMoRh Street Curb and CotterJ«in Court Curb and Gutter- | .

Turk A*«u« * Centre.fitree*..... N 0 T i c B 19 HEREBY OIVEN u>Curb « n d

I , G j t t < * . , l M t I the legal voters of Fire District N«Ji rsf Street, Port Reading, I a o f t n e Townahlp ofrs. Street, Port, R**

Curb, Gutter & SldewUkt u c h meeting

Curb, uuuer « " » ™ r - . , that on SaturdTlift-purpose otfluch meetlns »« t o [ p i a a >

431.' " . . ! Lot 1, Block 496,t l* Township, L o t j m o c k 422A.

Lot 1, Block 422IS. ,Lot 1. Block 423."Lots 65" to 659, Block ,424-1.



UEiNERAL TOWNSHIP PURPOSES:Salaries, exclusive ot other departmentsPrinting, Advertising & Supplies . _General —


...•,,..t.L.»icvi- a fWI.T.FPTir>\* OF TAXE

26S.621-.b3 282,394.92

4SS.921.08 482,594.92

Lots 663 to 6S6 inclusive. Block ASSESSMENT & COLLECTION'OF TAXES:Salaries . •.... '.General ^..,,.,.,... J ::•-'.:'. _1, block. 41'J.

1, Block 42u.1, Block 41S.17 Stock 417.

1, Block 415proxlmately 60

j POLICE: i -polnt ap-t Salaries i l v »

and Cally for connectmg the Iselln ^ r Pr . .already constructed and such other1 w*&',"1* ""® ,h» T ^ f S n I I » « I»ewer» or aewer system* as may b e ; " » 1 0 * n °» 'f* T o *"""f A t ^ Tmnnpri intn this «»w»f rn Mtinwt i m e n t Ma»,. revision of 192T, as saidwith a Rahwav vIliL%ewer^e•• r l « h » " - W «™ shown on the mapSystem V W"3 t*> S e W e r a s e lattached hereto and made part of

2 d hall be known a s | l h l * " ™ 1 1 * ' I

Salaries i lv . ^ M . . * , - - . . * * — - — —

Equipment, *Malntenance & Operation ~General - y- —Pension Fund -r—— — — ; '-J~


" 21,600.006,500.00 •





opeYate 2 12" steam

and fire

pipe lines, 10 pipe lines varying asi f m 2%" to 4" for wa- j T

the 16th. day m,, an election wiH i>

m a a u t i , »•»-=,! - — ,-=.. „ ! „ n # H i »t V\T» Headquarters, swhunt... . . .ohjoctlon or objeqttons that t n « °*»- ! s t r e e t ( Wqodbrldge. N. J.. Said el..,jacketed ers of property named in1 saw re- ^ Jg tQt t h e f o U o W i n g pUrpos«^-

2 10" ports may present against .tne con- T Q rfect t w Q ( 3 > commls^loii*-i..ue'ifirmation of such aBsessmentB, andi ^ t h e t e r m o f t l ^ e ( 3 ) y e a r g e a i ,plpeita-e such further action aa may oe o n ^ a pp r o p r t 8 t ion f,,r

A *"»U requ.referred to are:





4,ft GO.003.160.00

pipe lines, m |i|vt n u ^ . —,—„ — . . „„ .-in size from 2Vi" to 4" for wa-\The• reports above reierren 10 areiter. air, »t«am and drain lines, I now on file In the office of the Town- (and'will closo at 7under and acrosa State Street, inlsliip. Clerk for examination by par- Board of Firethe Township of Woodbridge, in . ties Interested therein. I •the County of Mlddlesei, at a j ' B. J. DUNIGAN,point approximately 1,155 feet . Township Clerk.north along State Street from the Advertised February .1st., 1929,intersection of the easterly side lard February 8th:, 1929.

Pofu "will be opened at 3 r. MITM.

mmpiBtrict No. l.

E, M. SATTLER,Cltnl.

AdverUsed February »th., 192',an4 February 15th., 192*.

m2. Said system shall be known

l Trunk Spur f


SalaryExpense & Care of Prisoners


, S9.52-0.00




^Thp <™i nf sM lmnrovement'"11*1 advertising as required by law.j

creaaed In value thereby, in prppor- . •. . . B• 'LIS^nfetk ! ' - 8 a l a r y

tlon to but not exceeding the extent,A U e s t . iownnnip LierK.B. j . DUNIGAN.

Equipment, Maintenance ii OperationGeneral — — r- -


1,500.00' 600.00

. 100.00



of the benefit.4. The bum -of One Hundred Ten

Thousand $110,000,00) Dollar!, orso much thereol as may be necea-sary, is hereby appropriated to meetthe cost of carrying out said im-provement.

h. Temporary notes or bonds arehereby authorized to be.Issued from;time to time, lit a n * * -"* "•'

the sum above




.Salary t :

Garbage Collection . —NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that.be.Issued froml « U ,"V» " " < • " • - • T-vrv- ,

•amount-ae*-to|-BS&te«l.\ wds will be received by the;exceed the sum above appropriated, Township Committee Of the Townjuursuant to the provisions of Section BhiP o f W.oodbridte in the County of!13 of Chapter 254^of the Laws-f*^lidi -<-•—!•

1016, as amended,

. General


Maintenance & Operation —

Jary., v , , u t E .« : Relief _ _the Memorial Municipal i Chlldren> 1

IJ rr,.....^ahin nn H«i-i AlmshouseGeneral

t t n e





f. aoo.oa ..7,000.00

300.00 .• 3,000.00-

In Appreciation1,900.00




bonds shall bea'rInterest at a Vate'da>- ""'«»•» * — - • - * - „;not ta exceed six per cent per an- I o r t n e rein»val- of garbage of all!num. All oilier matters in respect, d s , Including ashes, for a period jof «aid notoiior bttds shall be ie-\°l o n e > e a r f r o m March 15th., 1929, KOADS:termined by the Cbairman of the ' l B l h e following garbage .collection! « sjaiaryTownship Committee, the Township {'districts described in an Ordinance. Hepairs ...Lra»b »<i 'ri>wnBhio^T*«asur« whQ !eBtnled "An Ordinance to create

•- -•-.*.- *>.<!»„«„„ ritrtrtrt. adopted




Township Conimlttee, the T o pClerk and Township-Twaaurer. wMare h*r«hy authorized to execute and •*""«i>'« coUsction distnete, adop

said temporary notes or bon'ds. -February 18th., 1924, an* amendedh l l n i s t of a b 8

ie said temporary notes or bonds. - • . 1 9 2 5 , February. 8*6. Said system shall consist of a ' « J Veeember lJth.. 1926. | y

thirty incli vitrined or concrete, l3Z9n'..r: , „ . , , p o hni«rv«J


U.strlcl No. 1,aintsiuled Oecenil,^ . . .

District >o. % Kordii andHouelawn. •

Uktrlct Xo.' 4, avenel lVrk,a» .umenUed lebraar) Mb.,10*45.

Ubttrlct No. 5, Port Beading,as amended February »th.,

Hepairs .4 ,Equipment, Maintenance &. Operation





.. 11.700.00

• 4,000.0083,000.00






take this means of expressing ourq l appreciation -

for the ttetpful understanding and cooper*atioaof telephone users during the recent

vdi£n?ult days of wide-apfead illneji, and .-{ot the exceptional service rendered by our


Townighip Share New ImprovementsAlmsnouae —^. —- — - « , ,Public Improvement Bonds -.., —

DlHtrict No. 0, Inelln, n*amemlod Jauuitry )Hth., 1927.

Durtricl No. 7, (Awaren, a»mwiided FebViwiOn the following

gewer b^Tmiing"a"ra manhole now . ^ y V24th., 1927, and, Februaryconstructed al the lowest point of *'J*' namely:lselln sewer System situated appio\-1imately 50 feet easterly ot the eaBt-;erly line of a, hub4ly^lyd.lAtsict ofland known UHPIb.llu Park* at a point;approximately midway between Main'Street and Canal Street a« shown on |said map and from said beginningpoint running in a general easterly Ior northeasterly direction uppcoxl-'mately alon^ the South Branch of jKkhway ilivcr throug^: >

. Lot 1, Blook 430.Lots 548 tu 571; Inclusive In Block

431./ t o t 1. Hlork 426 to a point In

Mapiewobd Avenut-aud thence along i' .MupWvvoud Avtjuuf to the northeast-,

erly line of Colonia Boulevard, said Total and specifications' ror SBiwseijsMJSHtflwiu* n v i u i 9 i B • . ,., ..,.point being ,ln the wutherly line of, removal dated February IBtb-, 1929, HK8ERVK FOR BILLS NOT PRESENTED INLot 1, Illock-422A. |now on file In1 the ufflee of tne Town-j J927 u i _ • _ | a ^ t

Tbence through Lot 1, -"•^-"™~~i--1 •-'422A.

Lot 1, BidLot 1. mo









Bonds -—^ ,Current Loans, YFax Arrears Notes)Tax Anticipation' Notes __^l_cInterest Deficiency ,

. - • • • - • » ' , - '






Thp collection and removal Is to| |"made in accordant with the nro-!,,


accordanw with the p r o , INSURANCE ...specifications' for garbage 1 KMERQrJNCY NjQTES 1928ted February 15tb , 1929, HB8ERVK FOB &1LLS NOT P

. , Knglneer.B«parale bida tliall be submitted

for" each .district, lo be made onforma to be furnisheo by the Engin-eer. A certified check of 10% of the

A-l. • , I amount of tne bid tu the order of theLou litiS to 666 inclusive., Block Township to accompany each bid. A

i.niio«iivi> hirt for foll«2tlon from all

alack 422B.lock 423,

Lots 653 4« (J5'J lncltfaive, Block



424J.Lot 1, BJoek 419. ,Lot 1, Block 420.Lot 1, Block 41s. i.Lot 1, Block 417.Lot 1, Block 416 to » point, ap-

19281928 . .DEFICIT UNEXPENDED BALANCtt AC-, COUNT-1928 _™ r™^ • ,.,—,











collective bid for Collection from aklj . . .district* may be alw submitted and TOTAL APPROPRIATIONSa certified cb&k of 10% ot the total)bid: must accompany each collective!bid must aMonipany each. collectibid*. A collective bid mu»t noweverbe flU4d out by dUtrlfta: iBach bld-

%. Thla.budget shall alsoeffect ** proytdM by lawi


_»465,921.oi MIS,9»4.»2

i Tax "Ordinance, and it»U take

lanuaty igth., 19*9. , ; .- . -^ ^ , lk . HM««J*l|rwy.,|thl4|||4 with notiwof bearing February 11th., 192». ' . - ,

Passed s«»nd and third reaaiw and ftiopted Ftbmarjr Hth., l«|ft.

K. RVAN,i-*t-L«rge.INIOAN,


present operators andWKifltidTeWof formeroperators who volunteered their sarvices, .many of whom are still helping out.

Atone time 800 operators were incapacitated> by " less. Those remaining were faced with,'the task of handling many more thousandsof calls a day than normally, calls to phy-sicians, calls to friends, They carried on tothe best of their ability. More than 400 for-mer operators returned to help them. The

- telephone using public was considerate.

Such cooperation is essential tPj the render*ing of the best possible telephone service*It gives the telephone organization reneweddetermination to nuke the service <•&<•*tory to the full, extent of its ability, underwhatever oondWpn.may confront It

THE WCM5DBRIIX1E LEADER, FRIDAY, FE6. IS, „...:• , :~. .1 -.'. .. r...



Prelim to Somerville ContestFurnishes Plenty of Excite-ment for Students.

Tlii. Itiirron Avenue High School.,.,.,,11(1 li'iuii defeated * the senior,ims <|iilntrt by a 1 4 4 score In a..rVi'ini t" the Woodbrldge-rSomei-vlUe

,AII Monday afternoon. ' It was, the• the1 two teams tnet andplenty of excitement for the

siiiilcntK. though the game was cut', i,,,i t tn start the- main attraction.

Campbell starred for tbe wtantercUiii, three two-point and oneUj,mi.* point tallies. Ksten was highmtiivr for the losers, making one ofi.cii variety. The game lasted three,;.v,ii minute »erlwl«, '

Thi' scores:HeconU Team

G. F. 'f _ j o

Lf, ,..•- 0 0c 3 1r.g" _™c=. . : ; i^ * - r l —

r fi j . 0 01 0



YOUNG GRAUSAM HIGH AGAINT was an off night m the Carey's league at tjieCraftsmen's Club alleys Monday ev.ening. Severalfamiliar faces wertTafegtfht and the boys who were

, present seemed to miss their teammates, for theydidn't do so well without them.» High score for asingle string went to Grausani, who rolled a 224.DuhTfam was setond high, witjrra 203. High string

team total went to his quintet for 803 points.The five high men and their scores were:Grausam, 224;' bunham, 203; Dunham, 201;

194; B. Neder, 181. ,' • The scores:. , * •/

W. Gerity _..:...... 138 130J. Realty-„;..,. „ 1(56 TOH. Neder 152 138L. Gerity 164 173TutB Oerity


147 J. Kllleen ..138 W. Fenton181 ; Blind L:

........ 100

121194 ;*, Powers 184**9 E. Elnhorn _.. 102


A. GelsJ. Neder

— v . . . i


I'M t l i n o r o , r.f. ...Nulii is , l.fSi i i ' i ' iuan, cKai i ' i i , r . p . ...:;.......li. nn i i i n , l.B ;

O. P..; l o.. o- I.. o- l

••' 0 0

l i



Steel Men Bowto High Hatters

of Perth Amboy


. ^ U * -16416214JL,

585 829






133 D, Gerity .„...__ 121127 Blind :. 113A J- Keatlng^,...^ 5.

158 T. Dunham-.1 168

•7761 635

THE GIRLS ARE IMPROVINGT H E ladies who have been bowling regularly, at the. Crafts-* men's alleys have shown continual improvement, much to

the chagrin of the pin boya who used, to wait for Tuesday eve-ning to come around and then scrap over who would "setup" on one and two. Some of the weaker sex have become ac-customed, to the use of the. heavy ball and can now pile uppretty good scores. . ' j

Mrs" Cox rolled a 127 and Miss Clifford a 108 on the alleys |Tuesday evening. • ' * • •

When the ladies got tired, the men, who were anxious toget on the alleys,: any way, kindly consented to give their betterhalves a little help. /

OH A LOT Of Trtfc


Hope for Smashing -Wind-upof Cftart Season Is HeldBy touch Wte.

With the end or Womibrldjse High **"School basketball schedule In sightthe Bo nan Avenue basketms hopis -to wlnjl-up with a winning streak.Coach Rice's charge* have taken the .measure of two or thvie nood teamsIh recent game* and have shown ./continued Improvement In practice.Their performance for the rest ofthe- t#rm should be sopiethmg to -compensate the student body tor its •

of dishearteningearly In the season.

The locals will meet tne Northflel<^ tbweri on their court

gym Hits afternoon ana me stgnBpoint- to victory for the Red andBlack. With Toth and Handertiati

, back in ,the ltne-up the big end otC-* th« scor»: flhoBht-be on "the- shie <• ' .

•the home- team.Freehold will furnish the opposl-


Mrs. Cox ....,i | M i s . Jellymanm Miss Filer

Hi. \\mef Steel Equipmenti lr<i | i i»d a Kiii'iP t o *h<> P e r t h A m b o ;l l n i . i s on the Y. M. C A. courtl . i i i i Amboy lust t'riday gvenlnK.ljJJj™ Jtoyen '

' li> ;i ;u-;iO score. Kedderson starred I j j r j J *...•:[ini Hie winners with four field K«alB|'[ami thi-i-p free trys. Pomeioyl

for the- losers with five]nnd one s ingle tallies.

The scores:127




104 Mrs. Conrad50 Mrs. Schwenzer68,Mrs. McKeown .

•142 ! Miss C»lhoun t,.,' •137 Miss Clifford ..:::

*Buclt Levl.dM

316 .361 5Q1

The scores:






391 370 414*Mr. Brennan.•Mr. Jellyman.

A. Hat

ITIrklry, fiaktis, f

Jrlt'li, f.(Yuilcruon, c.invacs, t; '






13 5


1'iimerov, f.U'beda, fCorey, cBhwtfi, sBarslow1, K- •——:

Ji 'siok, K ,

MIXED MATCHES POPULAR7' MATCH games between the men and women who- have beenJj",*™ "tuning, up* W>n the Craftsmen's Club'alleys for the. past

ii week have now "become the vogue. The women, of course, get| a handicap. It seems like the men don't give them enough .so

1-1 they can come out on top, though. Maybe it's the method the31! sterner sex use to keep their managers in better trim.

Mrs. Michael Trainer bowled some excellent scores.• The-men trimmed the ladies in four games Tuesday eve-

ning.1 The scores, (women's^tetals include handicap):

SportraitsLUIS FlIU'O, <h«. Argentine

"bull," who nearly won theheavyweight title Irani .luck

9 2 20


*lr». Trainer*.Miss M. Jei lymanMihS F, JellyraanMrs. Hanson .......MIBS Conrad

LudubonsUse of Pole

in New Jersey

1 0 5 135 12177 J53 9494 , IK! «363 lift 1'1280 S2. U(j

1 9 6?59 716


McKeown , 123 1 3 2 1 3 3 98Roy Mundy 96 1 1 3 l l i i 8f>Walter Wurr 160 119 208 117J. 1'ayian : ,-• 133 179 ltfO 117C. Bolke 120,130 119 162

632 °6t3 736>680


TliDaw i,

' I n , .

' - d '

despised marsh

TmE. E. Raymond, of Avenel, a vetepAn"fisherman and

pardner of such fly-casing wizards as Jack Schwinn and ArtNeu, dropped in to see us the other day. .

"I've only got a minute," said Raymond, refusing the offerof a chair.

So he stood up for three-quarters of an hour talking abouttrout, bass, ;and fishing in general.

The angling editor's proud stories of giant small-mouthbass caught in the Province of Quebec, w.ere met with a chal-lenge by Raymond that he could produce bass just as big andscrappy right here in ihe Sawa?.eign state of New Jersey.

. "There's three and four pounders in some of the streamsand lakes in .Northern New Jersey," said Raymond". "And I'vecaught my share of them."

Raymond uses a bass bug with a cork body to lure,thebronze backs from their haunts, and he says here's nothinglike it. . .

;"But you've got to know what kind of a Tbug to. use," he slipped into the hoop in the last jivecontinued. "I've had fellows fishing alongside of me for ho,urs

THE first MloHbui'nament of ten match games to be rolled onthe Craftsmen's Club alleys will be staged next week when

Tony Barcellona, will meet Jack Keating. The date for the,.., session has not been definitely set, but the boys^af* talking

ti.»- gpoi-tsmen s-Trieirirac"; about putting it ori Washington's! Birthday if they can get the.ii.ii.ii to tlu' Joint discovery of i r , " ». MI. i.i spin tamen and United States . a l l e y s , - ^ ! ' ... „ . , u t,.i'.iM.irai Bun-ey exp»v.-in the\ 'Barcellona and Al Sintonsen, the Sewaren bowler, beat

o:;iVl"rSu!oind°VarlshS'hSwk!s6me of $i besftwo-men teajns in the section during the pastshowed only two quail eaten 1 . l ew y e a rs . S\monsen is now being kept busy in league games

ilrl.undh°thaBtntdheC tSnrrat gettj >n Perth Amboy and in training for the Chicago Bowling Con-it,,,1, ,,,.r cent of ail 4uan eggs.' gress and the team broke.np. . Barcelona decided recently that

L 'ersoTb rouleTof theIIR the (luestionalr* -sent out fne p a j r n a v e m e t several times recently in a game

a iirpuoBea ertort to re-!grind should prove interesting to both spectators and players.eal l;i»t year's Wow Jei'fifcy Anti-polo j • , k

lavs:' Kiiys:; "A «ood many pole' . . T D I M « l A T I fs were In use In this section j JONY TRIMS JACR.

^ V h ^ ^ e 1 a ^ S ' r t S S i T O N Y BARCELONA, the wizard of Main street, took on aimifd hawks were taken, the trarfe; f neavyweight bowler when he rolled Low Gerity, one of the

ma»y of .distinctly ^ ^ ^ R rf ^ a j ; g l .e g a t i O n & t h e (jraftsmen's Club alleys

Monday evening. Gerity trimmed the big shears-and-clippersexpert by twenty-one pins, in a single string. .

The Main,street tonsorial wonder fared better when hotrimmed Jack Keating by ten pins, without rolling off a sparein the last frame. ' * .

The scores: Gerity, 155; Barcellona, 134; Barcellona, 185;* .. . . Jfc' -%w" -

ell us many smaller birds. AsIhiteos are more inclined to

Bi'ch in oiien ulaces. while the 'dar-go more to friftfy trees, com-

Uvi'iy few ot the latter weretaken, while the red-tails, red-

hotililered and sparrow haWkg werewgist sufferers among the

Rwks." Mr. Stoddard disapproves

Dempsey in 1922, . when heknocked the climnpion from thering, is training (or another tripto this''country.

Flrpo Is planning to meet someheavyweight, probably RobertoRobert!, in limuios Aires, afterwhich he will tritvel to the UnitedStates.

Mentor Bice .expects his charges toadd another scalp to the few nowdangllnsjtrotjj the ridgepole of the

" Barron Avenue' wigwam.The locals will meet the Rahway

High School five In Railway on Fri-day eveniju, Mar9h 1. The Rahway-|tes trounced the llari-ona to thetone or a 40-18 score in a game herea few weeks ago, bUt the Wood-bndgltes have Improved a lot slncaturn massacre. Wm-uiei- or nut ttieycon turn the tables is un open ques-tion. Their performance in the next

i two games will help to indicate the ,t probable" outcome. '

The annual classic with the an-cient rival, St. Mary's five, at PerthXmtop-ba. March 8th., will be thelas); game on tt\e court calendar.Rice is pinning his hope for victoryon the added strength of Toth andHanderhan. The score of the firstSt. Mary's game was 28-20.

WoodbridgeWins Overtime

Game 27 - 26Beat* Somerville in Scrap-, piest Contest of Season.'

Handy's Goal Breaks Tie.The-Woodbridge Hl^h School bas-

keteers downed the Somerville Highquintet by a 27-26 score Mondayafternoon on the local court. The

went five minutes overtime togbreak a'tie BCDIO ot 20-20. It wasone of the scrappiest ttlts ,'averstaged here, 21 fouls being chargedagainst local players and 18 againstthe visitors, the * majority beingcluilked up in the second half.,

H<iiid<!rh'ai>, hlpsh scorer for th»Barrons, caged lour field goals and

itinee toula. his last two field goals

ffi tSI l g g e me for ho.u ! ffi tS iSTSMusing, sonae lriha of a fancy bug With all kinds of pretty tinsel | to break what would, have been atied to them. They looked good in a showcase,, but t h l ^ J ^ J 1 ^ ^ ^didn't tKink so much of them. ' ^

"Aa for bass rods, I find that for a man of verage staturefield goals and two fouls.

Walther starred for the loserswUh three,field- goals and a single

an eight and a half or nine foot rod is just about right, and tally.easier tn hanrilp than a rod Innwr than that ' i T h e aQ?re a t h a l f t l m e w a B iB"4'easier xo nanaie tnan a roa lorrger tnan mat. i n f a v o r ^of Woodhrldge." The Bar,-

"A bass rod must have plenty of backbone. When you' rona couldn't hold their lead in-apiterun into anything over two Bounds you need every

. 6f the fact that . they had several"l 1 subs hi. Mentor Rice pulled the

Strength it has. A four ounce rod may be O. K» fer trout, but new crew out and shoved the first

ended' with

it isn't sturdy enough for bass. Very' often a light bass rod * g [ j»em

np ^ ^ T h f n K

Will break on the back cast; after whipping a baas bug for d,ays, but the scoring went, on, with jtiiebecause thatls the moment when the greatest strain is. put on.i ""g^1"" '"""' """ """" "' " m "the s,plit bamboo." ' " 'j ' • ' *' . • score ao"2o.

E'a'yhibrid, who' livesiat'8 Fifth Avenue, Avenol, is well. low^e {

.^fllts" t'jliknow jWi %lt'ani"ln*H"*\y'ero j known among local folloWjers of the. rod and reel sport. .He is j SoWrviile, 3; secoid quarter, lyood-iput In siiinacfi and coiRFver oiMn^L ^ac,\r]a ov-noW- niirflT HpnlerliTffipTipVtprVinrl n¥ nruxfM^r^irn^bridge,—13; gomorvllio, -4;—thitd--Btead of In cake and candy.—Boston | a »CKle experj,,,a;}a a Oeaier in ttte Detter Kino 01 anglers sup-lquart fer ( W o o d b r M g e i 1 ; somerville,'

plies. Because he is a fisherman himself, he knows the value .7; fourth quarter, woodbridge, 4;of good tackle,' and carries only tbe best, in rods, lines, reels, K " i . £ C l r S 6,DerlOd'

Life h Mfce ThatA little fellow i)£*our' acquaintance |


Present Arms!He-r"You are the breath of my


1ho3he—^et's see you hold your

breath."—-Dally Oklahoman.

• Pass Uie Lather 1Teacher—"Whut do they call the

Instrument the Vneuch use for be-heading people? " , •

Bobby—"The Gillette, I think."—Life. '

Vtn there says many'in be caught unions

Bpetul birdsthe gmateat Independents Beat K. C. Quartet

"Independents," a troop of four unattached bawling en-_iaatg U&A aom'ething to be enthusiastic about, when

-Bhtnned hawks sufBctentfr sia&m^mm *™ » fli]evmen of the Middlesexas to warrant control on!theyvtrimm«d a grqup of K. Of t . aiieymen 01 ine miuuieacA

i picacrves while all other spe- r . , i n L | ftn the Craftsmen's Club alleysWedneaday evenmg-mw i l l b e c l a s s i f i e d .<w b e n e f l c l a } j W 3 1 1 . O B TO V / r a i H « * fhe adds that th«y even consider I two'Ollt of thjreB games . N o n e 0 I U 1 6 DOysmeat horned owl beneficial - la | »a a c c o r d i n H t o their o w n admiss ion, but the p i n s t o p p l e d

propagation: He concludes; ,•»?*•» o v v f ' * • ^ . r , - . • . . . r • ,e yout pole t^ap law will re^'clown p l e n t y a n o often. . . .on trio books #nd- that other w l ] * jagiek chalked u p h i g h score f o r a s ingle -string w i t h

wl" SBe at t0 faU ln UM 23d p i t S d high wenVto Truck Dunham with 218, None

Maurton win ciassifr only Cooperfed ahnrp-Bhtnned hawks sufBctentfrImurul t l


up to U+

KS are not apt t(i u^ '.skeff In • T h e sftOWii• traps whUe beneficial spud't^and that their "use should be

phltoted." Prof, yracy Irwln fltorer Lee[.University Firm, .Dayls, Q\Uot-

corroborate* Ute tefMnjony of Naylor'" that it la mainly b»a«ftolal

pies that am taken in pol« trap*.considers their use. "" " "

on pa'ke


704 888(



198 dsbom«16t IrfB8»»lit Dunham . - .—166 Boxy Elahorn



_.. , 187

'09V< t£


?701 805

•: v,

lies, lures and other paraphernalia so dear to the heart of theA'altonian.l

The scores:Woodbrldee

Raymond is always glad to meet fishermen and talk about j Toth, r.f,...: -.... als favorite recreation. He has fished hundreds of streams in |jjfennaij

Sfew York, New Jersey, and New England, and1 has promised Clark, c.o give us some good tips on "where to get 'em." " *"'

W. H. S. Basketball ScheduleDateJan.Jan.Jan.Jan.Jan.Jan.Feb.Feb.

Opponents9 Roselle Park

Where ' Score.Played W, H. S. Opp.

Campbell, cr......J. Brennan, r.f.SUllman, r.f. ....WukoveU, l.f. _Cacciola, l.f,

G. P.230110000


...... 1

Z |i

" , 00



10 7 27

Here11 Port Richmond18 Long Branch22 linden25 Rahway29 ^oH Richmond

1 St. Mary's* ......4 Roselle ....-—

Febv ,6 South AmboyFeb. v i l SomervilleFeb. ife" North plainfleldFeb. 19 freehold _...-.»..-MAr.Mwr. 8' ifTotal Point* to Date

Curolan, r.f, >... —Waltherr l.f ~Oamerlck,, l.f.Gulick, c .-Liisurdl, cReynolds, r-g1. ~Norton, l,g - -

a... 1. 3.. 0.., 2_ 0... i... 1



8--10 26

Tough KidsMilitary brushes for boys with

genuine bristle and ebony backs.—Ad In the Buffalo Courier.

Be&i Brnmm»rChicago Gunman (to 'vaUt),—

"Which gun shall I Tear to (he ban-quet tonight. Hawkins? ' W U f e '

Ltnlrlng gut pThe new«de+l«e automatical

couples air ana »Wam hose between ,passengers and freight cars. ' Lo«

^ Ttoe». .

#?&•„.) t ^




a m%n walksout of here with a suit*we'fc confident thatWe've waited on himin a, Way that will makehim glad to call again.We're courtesy head-quarter* as well a#Blue-quarters forMiddishade BlueS-.-e Suits.

, *;:..-

C. GHRlSTENSEN &; BRO.Woodbridge, N. J.96 Main Street

'TV Safe Place to &i>y"

Mayor Activein Move f o r

Safe Crossings(Continued from Page 1)

Rottry Society,Holds •Successful Card Party

church held a .«•:<•«•». ftil caril oarlj-(in the St. June* srhool audimrlumMonday evenltn. Tliirty-thn'- ta-.blf*. were In i>Ur Non-players

d.-<l to Mr.. J Iv.._-w.._,ll Mr. V

TightUse of Pole Traps

in New Jersey(continued from pagr seven)

1 Tort Heading, W. aloni?' same J22. .7 t wf. Lota 18. Bl' ft fr S. ... cor Ida Sewaren Rty ft Bertha H. _}ojmlon,, Inv Co. Twp Woodbrldge. bridge. - „ ,i Wager, Alexander t wf to Mollli *M»ple Realty Co to Jacob KiS. Karkus. Lot 9 Bl 290E Map Kar- !Lots 119- to n « 7 Sec 2

ikun Heltfits, Twp Woodbrtdge. 11481 1486-1487 Sec 3 MapJaeoBsen, Jatquen to Nail H,,Park, Twp Woodbrldge.

Duffy. Lot 614 Map Avsnel Park I Rarltan T/uat Co to FrankS.r 1, Twp Woodbrldg*. jcak ft wf. LoU 61-62 B] 8<;o u

1 Township Dev Co to Pasqtiale Arewl Gardens, Twp Woodbrld,Palo & wf. Lots 37 to*fl l .Bt 278C Bogan, Fred M 4 wf to Goo

Of the Map Brldgeirrere Terrace, Twp Merrill et als. at cor Id lately »,

663E-1 MTwp v;,,,,


,„-to be driven In the ground at the endof Grove av.tnie. to prevent peopleffom drlVini;OYI r the bank onrailroad. ^ • > ' Donahue, MM. Walter Kelly, Miriam i^Vr/there formerlv used pole traps, j ]

With rega.d to your, suggestion M o ] ( - ^ W f w Connor, Eleanor fetching malply red - shouldered • yj,,*.* - _ u « . _ ._^_-(r l__l a n 11 n r i o r - t l f l ftlUISrP- ' _ . . ' I . - _ . _ _ _ ' » ' i _ / _ 4 l n _ l n n _ 1 - T i n 1*11 n ' T

east of'

X r |0 U_ £ f . W fn"r '."urtou" hawks.- Arcorflln* to | f f i l t hy J o B k w f to The State of

I A r e t u s A Saunfl.t.. of airfield. ^ N . j . P a r 1 0 3 M.p N. J. 8 u t , High-+ l h fc d i d

of w«y R. n. CoC Blair, •Tirn w ( ),

Moll. Hel*nl C o n n w t |cBt /Ibe wirrden of. the sane- w a y ]> p t , Twp Woodbrldge.Miriam ; , , ,_ r v ^ h p r e formerlv used pole traps,] Moran, Sarah Devisee et als to

..)e State of N. J, Par 40 Matf N. . -th»t we provld. an nnder-paiMjit- • — • - i r a ^ W r r e d W a i l e d «"» m a r B h J State Highway Dept, Twp Wood-|T*p Woodbrid|t.way at Wobdhrldge station in order t « ^ h t o . w . , , , , . r o.rmy, T. J.: Hl^ 6 n e ,pa r r Ow h.wk, crowa, b r l d B e . - | J>auvela, Erol i«( 0 Maria Pain,that paa-enpert can get from l » « I j e l h ) : Mrt. Henry Slater, Mr. H:> g r a c V l e t ( fllckerw, blue jays, bagrtd; »T n f t p v kW» B1<U A I m * t

C o . . ti 2 ' 5?fi" i l - - L * _ w l l « T _ M k P Col*

weatbound to tire ea»tb»un<l aide, we, G a ! l a g h e r | Ktt Martin Kath.. Mr».j*n - lonft-ear*d owls, but no Cooper,, T h e state, •< ,N. J. Part • »kA-_»rt |H»H«.fwl tFi.ft #jttt(-t __- win nc ' ^ ;Th©iiMrt C^UP-**1 . Mr3,, i^^^*Vsharp-Bhll_n£jS^^r pigeon hawka ®r,j^p.^j_ j t gc&tc.Highway lJ*pi;MtMatcpry way bf having our en- R h 0 ( j e j^fB.-.Arthur Hunt.Mrs' W*.-!gO(,hawk. The only TVafffifnt si>w4e*{WttMUTWfcr.' - '•• -«•glhgp- of eaatboufld trams >t«nd. we«. ^ Oray, StM. K. McBlhenny, H. J. j caught-was three great horned trwwj- • ffOe, 'S idney P.Pf*tBlll3'<y_it»toiyyW*.am.*rrai»twK,pa^t^)^ Tt-Oww <_guplaiMt»«&,M?".jfo ga^ewU-ytHMnaJte.c°W_!i_'rgJP?{£.,iJMp-H. bridge. E. s<td try 'this scheme to see bow it, ^ l h e n n y Ruth oi.ilagt.er, S. Tiesr-i<rap4 a_«blu.e]y u_ elew for '*Wtt . : .TNT _ 1... ' „works. -., /.••. . . ; nav. HeorT Kath, Janiea Harding.,, n g garae or bird klHlng hawk* and | a s >ip, B_t,, T * y WoodbiidKe. ;

1, Mrs. John Hunt. ! h a ^ discontinued their use. Pole! Nielsen, At)4en Sown to John A

H»nson, Johri to Louis Hrai4-5 Map Fords Park Sec

to? e n r y

A wf to TwpAre, at

* to ?p.Woodhri,!,,

to John


Otmy k wf.Careful thought has been given t o . ^ M t D o u g 5 f Mrs. johh Hunt, ihas discontinued their use. Pole! Nielsen, At)4en Sown to John A. OrOasman, -Divld k wf to

your r,eque«t that we make Wood-:>T g ^ ^ j t : Kelly. Margaret | , „ w e r e J u n j o n the Connecticut i Delaney. " .LoU 6 to 9 Bl 27SB 17- UtaMy * wr. Lo(» 15,-H D,,,,,(|bridge a stop for either train 710 onHoiohan Mr». T H: Gallagher JUrs. | ' ,tTm , h i c n ],ad been untendftd| jg jjl 278A l j ' t o 26 Bl 4.78C 17 tO"]P*> tbr Hilltop*, Twp WoodbrirtL,712. To stop U_e formtr traini. ., Calrtfleld) A u C P sandihl, Mrs. EdH^ ,' U m e > containing two dcad:i3 Bl 278D 26 to 33 Bl I78D 29 to 8chat-r, Fred P. Jr k wf m •

-would react on the performance of . a r t o i u h e r MT8 K a j - O t i e r r Mr»! f l | < > f c ? r t fetate Oarae Warden A. H. J 2 B 1 J78C Mftp Bildgerneret Ter-! Holland Co. Intersectionthe lattef, since the> ar*ouly three minutu apart.

U ld t b touly three m i n t u apa The lat-

Uer train could not be .stopped with-out reeultlng '» Interference withtrain No. 66, The American" from9t, Louis. I flilght «ay In thlg^cou-nectton that we, have received re-xpsetx* from £Uz«b«ih and other.sta-tion* for service on these trains, buton account of the schedule Inter-ference-we have been'»orced to de- M f gcllne simlla.r .requests from these''

H.E. R, Romond. Mrs.N. Langan. '. Whlat: Helen


Fan-TwiV Anna Carlmer,

of Kaiffleld .County,I t l

Hafrigan, , [told Mr. Sirandera that In nts

Campion, James) l o n o n , v U i e tu l f Jiaw*« wer*

WnuamsQti, of Kaiffleld .County,told Mr. Sirandera that In nts opln-l , e tul Jiaw*« wer* erfrerfr

race, Twp WoodbrldRfl.litaaa)-. Jos 4 wf to David CrcfcB-

^r, . . . ^ ...LoU 21 to 24 Bl 7 Map Demo-

i l in* between ids Mary

Jardon, ThomaaSheriff to Leonard Zaremba. Lot


or formerly Margaret M i , . ,With a. E. id. line Ho,

Woodbrldge Rd, Twp Woodbn.8<Shafer. Fred P. J r A wf i.

Holland* Co. Intersection ,cline between Ids Margarot \

* l d B now or foYmerlyd R


i Campion. Mrs. Clar- JcominiMlon to use such traps; PeXF'jjf y a p Ellj'j-"C. Brewster, «t a_s |Bat»Mrs. Chris Witting,' , e X e t a n o t | O n from that .batjyj. 8 j High St. Twp Woodbrldge. [bridge Rd, Twp Woodbrldg

Pred Kath. Jr., Mrs. August ! { h e r e j s go m e virtue In the pole trap: Nielsen. Anders S * wf to JohnBaumann, Edward Kath, Mrs. B. J-1 that ta-ey are deprived of using. I Johnson. LoU

' D u n | 8 » n . Mr»- Tl.omas Somers. Anna;i S Mi 01The eHminaUon of

baA is a'very Jive . « « » « . >•-; llnjlnary meetings have been Heldand nudles are being madechief engineer toward •eliminating'\vnilam

our peotile met wiin tbe Board M . J a m e g C o i i ( , a n bo n ; Mit:Freeholders at New Brunswick very *. ^ „ E ) , C o n n o | i y ,

em_y*-.e--4-»«_ia. Utla... BiUti«£t..'

cy »r« UVpn J JOnuSUQ. l Ut h a t ,f. l h e Game CommlMlon | T e r r m c e , Twp

h th Wuld


K£JJ» R I t a . B a u , , , U n , Florence gulll- \ e a n d lese rats.-Jamea Ryun, Marie Bttimv | g T d b S

Q r a u i s . i m M a r y

Nielsen, Anders SorenLund. Lots 66-87

wf to373H

Ryan, Josephine Somen, Marie 01- Stopped iising such traps they wouldbrmnB. Dunigiin,, L. Oerity, Helen | ftn(, that It would result In more. . . . „._ _ _ . . . „ . .„ t*"1"! gatne and leas rats." Map Berkley Terrace, Twp Wood-

i The Audubon Society calls atten-1 b ^ g e - ~ 'Trainer,; | l o n t 0 t h e t a c t t n a t e v e n In England1,1 The Holland Co to Public Servlee

tL-plluMi o{ 'Vermin control"!glee tt Oas Co. Lota 16-17 Bl 641of pole traps

g , p gSorenson. JeM M A wf to

Map Berkley jPetruska. LoU J43-244 Mui" 'Park, Twpt Woodbrldge * i

N i l A &Nielsen. Anders SorenWaiter Kroyer. Lota 3-4 mUap Berkley Terrbridge.

M a r y

;What transpired at that meeting nodoubt Is already known to you, and C T l T r rtCAITUyou may reqt asBttced that the m a t - ; M A l t H t A L l Hter will hft followed up diligently.

I regret very much operating con-ditions .prevent us from granting cer-tain concessions you desire for.Woodbrldge but trust you will not| Dr.' Carey Smith, of the btatehesitate to call upon us at any time Board of Health will be the speakerthat you feel we can be of assistance at the meeting of the Avenel Parent-to you Teachers1 Association this-aftyrnoon'.


prohibited by law.

Township RealtyTransfers Fifed

at tounty Seat

I tax Map Lof-flO-_T*«-»-*-t«- H'to 6 1 to 8 Map Thos H. Lee. Twp

I Woodbridge. -.The HoUWTtrp t o PubHe-fiewlee

lElec k Oas Oo, Intersection dlvld-,lng line belwwen ids The HollandCo ft ids no*i»r fonwerly Wm H.BroWh with E. * t Blair Rd fr 8e-


Hagsjnan, Jos to Jos Nagy i10-11 Bl W Map Hagamau H"ki.;

— Mr*. Keade Norak —

to youg

Teachers1 Association this-aftyrnoon'.b

The funeral of MrB Bessie i wvraren to Rahiray, Twp Wo«lbridge. ;»on). Novak, t l , of Paul . u -

Hadio Aaaociatu to Henry Kuntt. j Por^fc wai b«14 from the late !„„Lots 10-11 21 to 23 Bl 51C 9-10 Bl Wednesday afternoon. Rev R Sd,;.51D 11-12 B l i l F 26-27 Bl 5lG 15- !ter, paatw^of the Grace L,ut..r,IS Bl 5lK 8 t» 10 Bt Bltrf ter Map church e_Nttt«L Interment

kind personal regards-, I am, The association willVery tru^yourg, - ;"FmindW« Bay ' with.. appropriate

celebrate I NEW BRUNSWICK, FEB. 14,-1929 Radio Associates. Lou 9 to 11-11A tbe

pMore Attractive Ckseb

Most housewivo9 keep their clos- °<et. scrupulously elearTbut the num- ^

t l " ^

> e r a l appHcatTon" 6! a go63 quality^indoor, wul-.ablc oil paint of a sunny

^ y , yF. H. O'TOOLE, exercises. The meeting will start at

Paaeeager Train Master. Z o'clock.

'Have you ever noticed theold Ivory

PaternaJ, GkHrernment.The' CiJuple wanted to take their Suite of two front rooms. Excel-

ehlldren along .to. Jail, but Federal lent location. Second floor. Suit-" 1- able

!' & wf to ' HarylBl 50 55'56 Bl 94 Map Radio Awo-{Mrs. Novak died In the Fair... A mKm-'vnr-ffHtc-T,' Btm>- Meiuehen. •• •--— [aanUatium, la Kew LUboi

Davis, Raymond k * t to White * ( after aAmelia Manton. E- 8d hm&ay~£ve,|"Ststtcs, Burn- HeluehenN. 60.84 ft along same fr N. B. cor

Presbyterian cemetery- t,.( died In theia Hex JUebon

iub-dlvlded tract Noe Eat, Twp" "WrodtJTtdge. —

Iselln Chemical & Hook LadderCo te CommUsloners Fire Dlst 2.

Hess. Inc. Lots 4-B Map Wedge-. She la aurrired by ber hWoodbridge. (Andrew, a, tiro year old da

ft wf to J o f •KRrTttnriDTd tie. tktlim, Alfred

use on

1.-17 Bl 437C Map R«dlo As-:dren are being c a r « by fiends. — agent or insurance broker. Inquire soclates, Twp Woodbridge.

cj.Spencer, Ira T.

Ewen. Lqts 3 to& wf to J s

8 Bl *K Map J,Brooks Lee N, W. cor B k E. Stt,

i Twp

Ventura (Cal.) paper. Wooijjpidge Delicatessen.

are darkMrs. farv on t h e s i s H theyC. Bell, New Jersey, exten- J" eo^- . ^ " " T 5 l lnJJ

allst in home management, 'ore ^plying the second coat.4t l fe ."Painting th« «dg«« of ttfe

in a contrasting color adds a decorh

voiced byMarional.n ap g ,is,4n,t^b4,to apply to most eiotfets,

v>lresardleas of whether they are used n a c gfor clothes, r»d supplies, dishes, or ative touch to the closet. Use thekitchen utensils. paint brush Instead of. depending;

•Closets should be attractive as upon deoorated edpes which hang,well as clean, Brie believes, and there down from the shelf. These becomeIs no better way to provide tlje de- ioited and reaulre frequent chang-isired attractlveneBfi than by the lib- ing."

(continued from page seven)

Mutual Home Bldrs Corp to Miri-am & Timothy Saunders. LoU 23-ifBTWBC'Hap Lincoln Manor, TWP

all of Forda.

Temporary • wpalrt willMcEwen, Jos'-ft wf to C. Thornp- as soon as polalble (if

son Christensen. S. part Lots 5, to pairs • - - - -8 Bl K Map J. Brooks Lee. Twp,Woodbrldge.

Jensen! Up-To-The-Mlnute B. L. Ass'n to

cannot be made in tin- :to Juliette street, Iselu.

Stone avetme, Clifford Helt.li'order o£ the Township Conn

Woodbridge.Crouse, Ira R'«& wf to


Simpson, Annie W Wra J. Jordank wf. Lota 21-22 Bl 2 Map Demo-'Rahway Imp Co, Twp Woodbridge. ITownBhlp Committee Mondayrest on Hilltops, Twp Woodbridge.. I Kean. Julian H., to The Holland Inoon.

• - - Lot 9 Bl 666 Tax Map. at cori George WagenBteln, of 1st!

Bldra. Inc. Lota 50-51 Bl I Jacob Sift. Lots 11-12 Bl 442R Map! The improvement committee w:,Mitp Berkley Terfkce, Twp Iselln. Twp Woodbrldg«?>; [•tmot«d to take teamed int. M .,.

Massit, Haxry J ft wf to Victor j comply wlthtHe request of r«-- s-;.: •Franklin ManM. Lois 795-796 Map tor botti streets, at tbe

WANTEDGood Operators on Silk Dresses


VOGEL BROTHERS149 Irving St., Rahway, N. J.

Chapman, Anna L., to Michael'S. Co.


The opening of our new funeral home, at.the in-

tersection of Green Street and Barron

We have every facility which mortuary science• ' 1 . • * . • •

has provided for the interment of your beloved one's.


Phone Woodbridge 264

HOT DOG IOT dogs and soda pop for two rounds were

paid for by a< giwip of Lions bowlers and aguest who lost to a team of the same organiza-tion at the Craftsmen's alleys last night.

Hansen, Duff, Eord, Wyld, Hoffman,Boughton, and Charles Bohlkp,.a guest bowler,munched the weenies* and guzzled the fizzpaid for by Tiny Stillwell, Ed Hardiman, MikeTrainer, Steve Hruska, Al Hagen, and Nick

Brown, The wurst-and-pop winners won the first garrie by .87pins and the second by 93. • Harry Ford made high score with151, a remarkable feat, considering,the horse play indulgedin during the rtiatches. Henry Hansen bowled 150. '

Steve Hrjjska came very near breaking his wrist whensonje kind brother lion threw his' derby on the alleys, just astiteve waslgoing to send the ball toward the pins.

Harry Food stood at the deadline, waved a necktie acrossthe mark, just as bowlers of the opposing teani were about to

jlaunch the bakelite sphere. •Al Hagen, amid all the excitement, slipped and fell full

length down the alleys, just as he let goi of the ball. , j. Ed Hardiman made a practice or hop-8-.-P-and-jumping

alongside bowlers ,of the opposing team ;as they' took the runpreparatory to launching the heavy pills: , i

At one time, when Steve Wyld was bowling, three menran along side of. him, shouting advice, A bunch of Crafts-men bowling on the other two alleys got stitches watching the

jivions gambol. -

Arway & wf. Lots 222 to 226 Map j common to Ids Julian H. Kean; Id'a communication to the Boar;jFords Terrace. TwO WoodbtiAse. ] now or formerly Carolina

Reyder, Harry A & wf to Jens Twp Woodbrldge.Miller. S. sd Rd fr Woodbridge to I Morris, Harveta to

DeVito, Ihat. Juliette street was In an•imiiassable conation at tim<

Otto Rudolph requested prompt action.

Specially Designed for Sunshine Land


Do You Know About

Credit Relief andInstalment Financing System?

We can help you convert your old .accountsinto immediate cash and finance new ones.

Come In and let us explain our service, or stnd In forfull Information ' v


-___.__ WIMSETTT e l e p h o n e 1 2 0 T H It l F T C O M P A N Y

The sad story:First Game

"Tiny" Stillweli •— _"Pavlova" Hardiman"Mike" Trainer -_."Tarzun Hhiaka _."ritiike" Hagen '

i -! Total !_

"U. Henry" Hanseu".Nate" Uuft"MoiM -T'" Ford•'Clion-Choo'1 Wyld•'Hoii' Hoflman _


"Midget" StillwejlGtune

"Hudnut"' .Hardiman __, -~~"Mickey" Trainer — ~

li514"Attaboy" Hruska. .-_

119;"Faw Down" HagenBrown ,





646 Total •___."Ha-Ha" Han.en

„ 1B0! ''Lawyer" Duft «.—___ 18.0 "Brud" Boughton

151 "Locomotive" Wyld113 "Hooktjm" Hoffman

__. 106 "Chollle" Boliike ^


... 120— 128— 128.„ 124_ 123

Total 638 Total ~«»__ - . , 729

Mrs. Wayne T. Cox, rollefl a new high ladies' score on thenew Craftsmen's Club alleys Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. C6xrolled five strings for air average of 120. : *

INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE RESULTST H E Woodbridge Ceramics dropped three ganies to the U. S.* Oable bowfers of Perth Amboy and the P«th Amhoy Fed-eral Terra Cotta outfit downed the Keasbey Ceramics, in asn.aay clashes on the Recreation alleys in Perth Amboy Tues-day evening. Both Woodbridge organizations piled up goodtotals but they were not good «nougbfpr the .Amboy men whowere "doing their stuff" in excellent'style.

The scores: .* • . . ,

Clayton .

BaggerNielBOnMesick _:,

199 D»vls166 Hnatt199 Holup230 H Ul t l Bucko


121'Swat 2^.,181 Wagenboterm o.lni» —_1BI Pa/ne : ,

\n AJ T«P


Federal Terra Cott«.. \Tl 158

- - H»--, - .164- _ 178-._ m





806 |0t

- • M l- 1 4 1




OWUNG-winds and bitter cold weather dow arrangement is a ^unmtefi of TO.:-stant cheerfulness.

The broad fropt pcrth fa a feature ci-tato to be rtuch appreciate* Firom it m. •enters the living room, almost square, wi!

ample wall

are [not pleasant conditions for anyone1 ving in thip little cottage, which

was fiiver intended! to be built in any-see.tion where they are encountered. It has nobasement and no heat-ing system, being de-signed for the South orSouthwest where sum-mer temperature rulesalmost the year 'round.But of course it could bebuilt to provide bothand then would be al-together satisfactoryanywhere. JJuilt accord-ing to- the plan, how-ever, its only use inNortherh climates wouldbe a» a summer cottage,and one wouldn't wantit too far North at that,considering some sum-mer temperatures. Builtof common brick,Economy wall construe-tion, "its cost would besurprisingly low"; al lowas frarrje in fact.

Essentially it 18 atage for two. Andfbe-ipg only 22 feet in widthit could b« but upon thenarrowest, ot city lots.In' f/_et if was plannedtJbs about the last word


spacepictures. To the leftthe sieep-Qgtroom, whconnects with the !>:ilU.1% 1»ar, % featrffldom encojjrrteFtdso small a home. Tliis no dining room s;the breakfast nookt)ie kitchen, but thisl»rge enough for istant use by a familytwo. Directly backthe -nook . is "alarge enough tomodate theThe kitchen is ttnusularge and wen equip'There is no rear p"but the extended e >offer a n , ...for such additionsmall outlay,

Something of . t

deTOratWiT bydleictti* aw of pivine* it suggested.inli:

Hlustwtion. The ^tafft of U»ta type n i
